Vocrehab Perspective, 2011
Issue 1, 2011 VocRehab Perspective Winter 2011 AbilityAbility WoWorksrks AAwardward winnwinnersers honoredhonored atat ceremonyceremony In celebrationbi off Nationali li Disabilitybili Afterf a devastatingd i fallfll damagedd d Inside Employment Awareness Month, the his spine and left him unable to walk, this issue Division of Rehabilitation Services Cowie learned that DRS had resources DRSDRS participatesparticipates honored six Ability Works Award that could help him return to work. in MultiFestMultiFest winners on Oct. 13 at the West Later he met with his DRS vocational p.p. 3 Virginia Culture Center Theater at the rehabilitation counselor to discuss DDRSRS honors EmployersEmployers State Capitol Complex, Charleston. employment options, available resources ooff the Year Department of Education and the and his goals. With help from DRS, he pp.. 4 Arts Cabinet Secretary Kay Goodwin had hand controls installed in his truck, ThirThirdd annualannual summsummerer campcamp delivered keynote remarks. so that he could get to and from work. pp.. 6 "We come together to recognize the Cowie is happily and successfully CConsumeronsumer Affairs accomplishments of six individuals who employed at ALCO Manufacturing CConferenceonference 20120100 have achieved their employment goals," pp.. 7 that makes products to assist people, said Cabinet Secretary Kay Goodwin. including those with disabilities. His DDRSRS annannualual "We honor them for their abilities and trainintrainingg conference supervisor describes him as a great their tremendous determination to pp.. 8 employee with a strong work ethic succeed. They represent the thousands NNationalational ppublicublic and a positive attitude. aawarenesswareness campaicampaigngn of West Virginians served by the division pp.. 8 each year." Michael Carothers, Clarksburg District DDRSRS ememployeesployees receive James Cowie III, Charleston District, ichael SSA awarawardsds pp.
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