MSCA project 789672 [FHNR] – Research Data: Book Auction and Sale Catalogues

This data set captures publications by my protagonists (Johannes Braun, 1628–1708; Thomas Gale, 1636– 1702; Adriaan Reland, 1676–1718; Eusèbe Renaudot, 1646–1720) listed in 18th century English auction catalogueP. The data are taken from catalogues digitially available via Eighteenth Century Collections Online, starting in the year 1701 (first actual listing dates from 1707) and ending in 1801. All of these catalogues are given with their Gale Document Number as unique identifier. In some cases, other digitized catalogue copies have been taken into account to complete the data set. Those catalogues are given with their respective platform ID.

The data have been found by performing full text searches on the complete ECCO corpus using the following formula: “Braun* OR Reland* OR Renaudot*”, broken down into portions of between 1 to 5 years per search, depending on the number of results for the respective search. These results have manually been filtered then to exclude any non-catalogue items. For each item in the resulting selection, an additional in-text search for “Gale*” was performed afterwards, as searches for “Gale*” returned too many false positives to be meaningfully processed. All results returned were manually checked for false positives, and all true positives transcribed.

For each catalogue with at least one true positive, the following data were recorded:

Serial number, Seller. Title [transcribed as fully as possible from the source, while leaving out book advertisements on the title page]. Place of Sale, year of print. Gale Document Number [Unique Identifier]. True positives [Page, “transcribed record”]. Any emendations are indicated by square brackets and either taken directly from ECCO or result of personal research. Manuscript additions to the printed source text are always given in square brackets like this: [ms. “transcribed addition”]. The box below presents an example. 007-A-006, Childe, Timothy. Catalogus librorum, venalium apud Timoth. Childe Ad insigne albi cervi in Comiterio D. Pauli. [] [1720?]. Gale Document Number: CB129819760

 P. 2: „Anciennes Relationes des Indes, de la Chine, &c, traduit de l'Arabe par l'Abbé Renaudot, 8.“  P. 5: „Epicteti Manuale & Cebetis Tabula cum Notis Salmasii & Relandi, 4.“  P. 7: „Herodoti Historia cum Notis Galei & Gronovii Gr. Lat. fol.“ 342 catalogues in total have been taken into account this way, divided into three series:

A Series: Multiple Collections Catalogues, i.e. catalogues advertising books as stemming from more than one collection of origin, place of sale being London: 254 items.

B Series: Single Collection Catalogues, i.e. catalogues advertising books as stemming from one single source collection, place of sale being London: 46 items.

C Series: Multiple and Single Collections Catalogues, place of sale being not London: 42 items.

Each item is tagged with a serial number followed by the series indicator and a second serial number for the place within the respective serieP. 007-A-006 thus is the seventh catalogue on the list, and the sixth catalogue in series A, that is, the sixth multiple collections catalogue with London as the place of sale.

Tobias Winnerling, 20 September 2019.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 789762.

MSCA project 789672 [FHNR] – Research Data: Book Auction and Sale Catalogues 1

Content 1700s ...... 15 1707 ...... 15 001-A-001, Mortier, David...... 15 1710s ...... 15 1713 ...... 15 002-A-002, Ballard, Thomas...... 15 1715 ...... 15 003-A-003, Darby, John...... 15 004-B-01, Levi, James...... 16 1717 ...... 16 005-A-004, Darby, John...... 16 006-A-005, Darby, John...... 16 1720 ...... 16 007-A-006, Childe, Timothy...... 16 1720s ...... 17 1723 ...... 17 008-A-007, Clay, Francis...... 17 009-A-008, Davis, Charles...... 17 010-A-009, Gyles, Fletcher...... 17 011-A-010, McEuen, James...... 18 012-A-011, Mears, William...... 18 013-B-02, Woodman, James...... 19 1724 ...... 19 014-A-012, Ballard, Thomas...... 19 015-B-03, Clay, Francis...... 19 016-A-013, Davis, Charles...... 20 017-A-014, Groenewegen, J. & van der Hoeck, A...... 20 1725 ...... 21 018-A-015, Browne, Daniel...... 21 019-A-016, Gyles, Fletcher...... 21 1726 ...... 21 020-B-04, Cock, Christopher...... 21 021-C-01, McEuen, James...... 22 022-B-04, Anon...... 22

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023-B-06, Woodman, James & Lyon, David ...... 22 1727 ...... 23 024-A-017, Gyles, Fletcher...... 23 1728 ...... 23 025-B-07, Cooper, John...... 23 026-A-018, Corbett, Thomas...... 24 027-A-019, Davis, Charles...... 24 028-C-02, Thurlbourn, William...... 24 029-C-03, Thurlbourn, William ...... 25 1729 ...... 25 030-B-08, Ballard, Thomas...... 25 031-A-020, Prevost, Nicolas & Co...... 25 032-C-04, Anon...... 26 033-A-021, Vandenhoeck, Abraham...... 26 1730 ...... 27 034-B-09, Clay, Francis...... 27 035-A-022, Prevost, Nicolas & Co...... 27 036-A-023, Noorthouck, Harman...... 27 037-A-024, Vandenhoeck, Abraham...... 28 038-B-10, Wilcox, John...... 28 1730s ...... 28 1731 ...... 28 039-B-11, Ballard, Thomas...... 28 040-A-025, Gyles, Fletcher...... 29 041-A-026, Payne, Olive...... 29 042-A-027, Vandenhoeck, Abraham...... 30 1732 ...... 30 043-C-05, Freebairn, Robert...... 30 044-A-028, Prevost, Nicolas & Co ...... 30 045-A-029, Osborne, Thomas...... 31 1733 ...... 31 046-A-030, Gyles, Fletcher...... 31 047-A-031, Osborne, Thomas...... 32 1734 ...... 32 048-A-032, Osborne, Thomas...... 32

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1735 ...... 33 049-A-033, Innys, William & Manby, Richard ...... 33 050-A-034, Payne, Olive...... 33 051-B-12, Payne, Olive...... 33 052-A-035, Osborne, Thomas...... 33 053-A-036, Vaillant, Paul...... 34 1736 ...... 34 054-A-037, Browne, Daniel...... 34 055-A-038, Gyles, Fletcher...... 34 056-A-039, Levi, James...... 35 057-A-040, Osborne, Thomas...... 35 058-A-041, Osborne, Thomas...... 35 059-A-042, Payne, Olive...... 36 060-B-13, Payne, Olive ...... 36 1737 ...... 36 061-A-043, Payne, Olive...... 36 062-B-14, Wilcox, John...... 37 1738 ...... 37 063-A-044, Gyles, Fletcher...... 37 064-A-045, Torbuck, John...... 37 1739 ...... 38 065-B-15, Gyles, Fletcher ...... 38 066-A-046, Gyles, Fletcher ...... 38 067-A-047, Osborne, Thomas...... 39 068-A-048, Osborne, Thomas...... 39 069-A-049, Osborne, Thomas...... 39 070-A-050, Oswald, John...... 40 1740 ...... 40 071-C-06, Hickey, Benjamin...... 40 072-A-051, Osborne, Thomas...... 41 1740s ...... 41 1741 ...... 41 073-A-052, Osborne, Thomas...... 41 1742 ...... 42 074-B-16, Anon...... 42

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075-A-053, Osborne, Thomas...... 42 1743 ...... 43 076-B-17, Cock, Christopher...... 43 077-B-18, Osborne, Thomas...... 43 1744 ...... 43 078-A-054, Brigstock, Joseph...... 43 079-B-19, Corbett, Charles...... 44 080-B-20, Osborne, Thomas...... 44 1745 ...... 44 081-B-21, Brigstock, Joseph...... 44 082-C-07, [Cuthbert, W.] ...... 45 083-B-22, Osborne, Thomas...... 45 084-A-055, Vaillant, Paul...... 46 1746 ...... 46 085-B-23, Whiston, John, & Baker, Samuel...... 46 1747 ...... 46 086-A-056, Osborne, Thomas...... 46 1748 ...... 47 087-A-057, Baker, Samuel...... 47 088-A-058, Payne, Thomas...... 47 089-B-24, Payne, Thomas...... 48 1749 ...... 48 090-B-25, Baker, Samuel...... 48 091-A-059, Bathoe, William ...... 49 092-A-060, Davis, Lockyer ...... 49 093-A-061, Payne, Thomas...... 49 094-C-08, Wilson, Joseph...... 50 1750s ...... 50 1751 ...... 50 095-B-26, Baker, Samuel...... 50 096-A-062, Whiston, John & White, Benjamin...... 50 1752 ...... 51 097-A-063, Marsh, Charles...... 51 098-B-27, Osborne, Thomas...... 51 1753 ...... 52

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099-A-064, Osborne, Thomas...... 52 1754 ...... 52 100-A-065, Baker, Samuel...... 52 101-B-28, Langford, Abraham...... 53 102-A-066, Payne, Thomas...... 53 103-A-067, Whiston, John, & White, Benjamin...... 54 1755 ...... 54 104-C-09, Baker, Edmund...... 54 105-B-29, Baker, Samuel...... 55 106-C-10, Anon...... 55 107-C-11, Ross, William...... 56 1756 ...... 56 108-B-30, Baker, Samuel...... 56 109-A-068, Osborne, Thomas & Shipton, John...... 56 110-A-069, Osborne, Thomas & Shipton, John...... 57 111-A-070, Payne, Thomas...... 57 112-B-31, Wilcox, Thomas...... 58 1757 ...... 58 113-A-071, Osborne, Thomas & Shipton, John...... 58 114-A-072, Payne, Thomas...... 60 115-A-073, Payne, Thomas...... 60 1758 ...... 61 116-C-12, Flin, Laurence...... 61 117-A-074, Osborne, Thomas & Shipton, John...... 61 118-A-075, Osborne, Thomas & Shipton, John...... 62 119-A-076, Payne, Thomas...... 62 120-A-077, Whiston, John & White, Benjamin...... 63 121-A-078, Whiston, John, & White, Benjamin...... 63 122-C-13, Ross, William...... 64 1759 ...... 64 123-C-14, Hinxman, John...... 64 124-B-32, Anon...... 65 125-A-079, Payne, Thomas...... 65 126-A-080, Payne, Thomas...... 65 127-A-081, Whiston, John, & White, Benjamin...... 66

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128-A-082, Whiston, John, & White, Benjamin...... 66 1760 ...... 67 129-A-083, Davis, L., & Reymers, C...... 67 129-A-084, Osborne, Thomas...... 67 130-A-085, Payne, Thomas...... 68 131-A-086, Payne, Thomas...... 69 132-A-087, Whiston, John & White, Benjamin...... 69 133-A-088, Whiston, John & White, Benjamin...... 70 135-A-089, Wilcox, Thomas...... 70 1760s ...... 71 1761 ...... 71 136-A-090, Whiston, John & White, Benjamin...... 71 137-A-091, Payne, Thomas...... 71 138-A-092, Payne, Thomas...... 72 139-A-093, Osborne, Thomas...... 72 1762 ...... 73 140-A-094, Osborne, Thomas...... 73 141-A-095, Whiston, John & White, Benjamin...... 73 142-A-096, Payne, Thomas...... 74 143-A-097, Vaillant, Paul ...... 74 1763 ...... 75 144-A-098, Whiston, John & White, Benjamin ...... 75 145-A-099, Whiston, John & White, Benjamin...... 75 1764 ...... 76 146-B-33, Baker, Samuel...... 76 147-B-34, Paterson, Samuel & Bristow, W...... 76 148-A-100, Payne, Thomas...... 76 149-A-101, Whiston, John & White, Benjamin...... 77 150-A-102, Whiston, John & White, Benjamin...... 77 151-C-15, Hamilton & Balfour...... 78 152-C-16, Flin, Laurence...... 78 1765 ...... 78 153-C-17, Flin, Laurence...... 78 154-A-103, Payne, Thomas...... 79 155-A-104, Payne, Thomas...... 79

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1766 ...... 79 156-A-105, Baker, Samuel...... 79 157-A-106, Osborne, Thomas...... 80 158-A-107, Robson, James...... 81 159-A-108, White, Benjamin...... 81 1767 ...... 81 160-A-109, Baker, S[amuel]. & Leigh, G...... 81 161-A-110, Fletcher, James...... 82 162-C-18, Flin, Laurence...... 82 163-A-111, Payne, Thomas...... 82 164-A-112, White, Benjamin...... 83 1768 ...... 83 165-B-34, Paterson & Eve...... 83 166-A-113, Payne, Thomas...... 84 1769 ...... 84 167-A-114, Cater, William...... 84 168-C-19, Flin, Laurence...... 85 169-C-20, Flin, Laurence...... 85 170-A-115, Payne, Thomas...... 85 171-A-116, Payne, Thomas...... 86 173-A-118, Snelling, Thomas...... 87 174-A-119, White, Benjamin...... 87 1770 ...... 87 175-A-120, Davis, Lockyer...... 87 176-A-121, Payne, Thomas...... 88 177-A-122, Robson, James...... 88 178-A-123, White, Benjamin...... 89 179-A-124, White, Benjamin...... 89 1770s ...... 90 1771 ...... 90 180-A-125, Parker, Charles...... 90 181-A-126, Parker, Charles...... 90 182-A-127, Payne, Thomas...... 91 1772 ...... 91 183-C-21, Anon...... 91

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184-C-22, Prince, Daniel...... 91 185-A-128, White, Benjamin...... 91 186-A-129, White, Benjamin...... 92 1773 ...... 92 187-C-23, Marfitt...... 92 188-A-130, Payne, Thomas...... 93 189-A-131, White, Benjamin...... 93 1774 ...... 94 19