ND Campaign Raises Funds to Fight Ebola Smc Dining Hall Adds To-Go
THE INDEPENDENT TO UNCOVER NEWSPAPER SERVING THE TRUTH NOTRE DAME AND AND REPORT SAINT Mary’s IT ACCURATELY VOLUME 48, ISSUE 38 | WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM ND campaign raises funds to fight Ebola Eck Institute initiative focuses on raising awareness, supporting African hospitals and aid workers By CATHERINE OWERS The University-wide cam- News Writer paign, which continues on cam- pus through Oct. 17, focuses The ND Unite to Fight Ebola on two main goals, Taylor said. campaign is raising funds After that date, the campaign to send medical supplies to will still accept donations online West Africa, according to Dr. from the broader Notre Dame Katherine Taylor, director of op- community. erations of the Eck Institute for “The first goal is education and Global Health. awareness, and the second one is “First of all, our role is compas- to raise funds to purchase and sion,” Taylor said. “When we see ship supplies directly to West this happening somewhere, and Africa,” she said. “… We decid- the devastating impact on the ed that we wanted to do a short communities in West Africa, we burst of activity because of the feel compelled to do something. I urgency, just because we’d like to think we were all here looking at get the supplies there as quickly each other, saying ‘What can we as possible. We are intending to do? How can we help?’ This is the extend the campaign, Photo courtesy of Yassah Lavelah transformation of that concern Yassah Lavelah, a Liberian health worker, educates people about the Ebola virus.
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