Labor Boost, Week In
/ , PAGE EIGHTEEN f - TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1957 I r iJIaitrlT^Hfrr iEui^ittug H^ralib Avemge Daily Prera*Run For the Lyeitk Ended- eather D ecem ber 7, 1957 ^ M erabcri of the rummage tale Ferecnat 8. W anthar B a r i y committee of the \Yoman’i Society Correct ion extension of Love Lane and for About Town of the Community Baptist Churcii TPC Studies Street Plans^- several streets in the northeastern will have a work niffht' tomorrow section of town. 12,683 wave warning for tonight, ‘Manchester Golden A g t C l u b In some copies of ye.sterday's The Planning Commission also member! will meet Thursday at at|,the church al 7:30. The sale will ; Herald, it was incorrectly Member *( the Audit w l|k6r. Lm* 19 te IS. dondy, cold be held Thursdav at the church JSo Decisions Made on, Bids postponed decisions on applica Bureau ot Circulation 2 p.m. in 9range Hall for their stated that Robeit Bradley, 26. tions heard at the Nov. 20 public er Thursday. High near SB. annuU Chiiatmaa party and Worlfera are needed at both times Rockville; Leonaid ,Goetz. 3<. i f m t r hearing until complete minutes of Manchester^A City of Village Charm chajift of 90-cent glfU. A fancv I . .7, , ^ Tolland: and Mrs. Joan Rem- The Town Planning Commission »>;ngs. on street plans ^metlme a/- the meeting are available. The Ub,. m,. b, ..b tb .v -.7 kiewicz, 27. Ellington, pleaded (TPCi last night began considera ter the beginning of the year.
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