Pecenl Pecenl Bland Statements About Supporting the Freedom of Namibia and Conth African Aggression Against the Front Line State
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PECEnl PECEnl bland statements about supporting the freedom of Namibia and conth African aggression against the front line states, the real face of oration with apartheid was exposed last month in a conference aimed ade with the South African regime. ,in the Uited States, the Reagan administration took its support for partheid to new heights with the disclosure that the resumption of US niched uranium, for South Africa's nuclear power plant at Koeberg in nminent. Sof the publication of new Britain's ambassador in Pretoria, who had flown t Group proposals for a settle- to London to participate. Of evea greater ia, thet Confederationof British sigaificance, heading the Foreign Office delegswith the Uhited Kingdom i ton to t conference was SirLeonard Afnso, Trade Assciation (UKSATA), Asaistant tnder Secretary of State, who flew si propagandaorganiation in off immediately frn the conference to join dug a trade conference at the Chester Crcker as Britain's representative in 'oint headquarters in London. the Coatact Group, whose team was touriag Africaa vital muket for UK Africa asAA Newswent o pres. vestment', it involved not only Coming as it did on 20 October, just a few ritish industry but also represen- days before the start of the Anti-ApartheI ritish government. (See story on Movement's Trade Union Week of Action suefordetailu of who attended.) against Apartheid, the conference underwrites programme was Sir John Leahy, the argency of concerted action in the trade union and labour movement to implement TUC policy- on Southern Africa and impose sanctions now. All trade unionists employed by the many firms and companies represented at the CBI/ UKSATA conference must take the matter up with their magements and make sure that they will never dare to attend such a gathering of collsborators again. Already, many laoal authorities throughout Britain have taken the initiative and shown that sanctions can be made a reality. The. decision by Sheffield City Council to break all links with apartheid, together with the anti-apartheid actions taken by local authorities in London, Glasgow, Leeds, Derby and elsewhere (see page 3 of this Jsrue). point the way ahead for all supporters of freedom in Southern Africa-and all who understand that the long-term interests of the British people lie, not with the South African racists, but with the people of the whole of independent Africa. branch in the centre of Cambridge., anyone over 20 felt old! ares, with pla to bring three local aimedparticularlyat studentsand HighgateAA have also ben AA- Groups - Watford, Hemet others thinking of opening accounts holding a well-attended series of Hempstead and St Albians-together with apartheid's biggest bank. The workshops on 'Southern Africa for in a federation of South West f- letprotests were organisd by Cambridge Beginners', and plan to organise more fordshire Anti-Apartheid. AA Group to coincide with Barclays' on campaigning. The involvementof Watford -AA has anranged an own showing of a promotional ft-im theatre and art in the fight against exhibition of photographs at the to attract new customers. apartheid was discussed at a meeting local central libraryand organised a Cambridge AA also held a at the JacksonsLane Community stall at treWatford Multi-Cultural Techltin on Apartheid last month, Centre at the end of October. Festival. The Watford Borough with speakers Mike Terry and Chris Contact: Gloria (341 0144) or Ian Council has been asked to investigateChildfronstheAAMOffice. (2721683). itssuppliesandto supportthe Contact: Brian Huesite, Cam- boycott of South African goods. bridge242944. LutonLHemelHempsteadAAwasdueto ....i launch activities on 28 October with Old friends meetup - Stuart Weavng (left) welcomed the South African aeach-in for nes e-bers, followed ambassdor to Britain, Dawie de Villem, ant his wife to his Charnel nL T n c byajumblesaletoratiefusidsand Islands home in 1979. With them at the Bailiff's Chambesm is Sir FrankLtON Trades Union Coi l Ma contacts with local firms, the library Erut. the Bailiff of Jersey. Read more abont Jersey's collaboration with i . written to John Carlisle, MP for c tloafimheibry apartedonpage10ofthisisu. S1TUDENT- I l) ateingc Edinburgh Luton West, to protest at his pro and collage Torok, on p University Debatsng Society vote , apartheid stance in the local and Contact:MaryTurok,Tel alt 90-35 on a motion that 'The Was - nat rdnal media. has75d Wales: kick out Stuart W eaving !I nT Tnal sCu THE NEW Chairperson of the UN involved i67the campaign. shud mepose sanctions, against trade -"- st London SoothAfrica'. Th debatewaswon unioniststo register their pt agains'racism mnSoultSpecialCommitteeagainstApartheid, Meanwhile, businessman Stuart f Anti-Apsrthirperson protests against rac ,HE Alaji Maitama-Sule, has written Weaving, who acts as a front man for fo he nti-Aparthe ovefbyiawt MsTacer uo B dbughes NP, Cirn AfricawithSMrsNThatcherdLatccess- to the Welsh Anti-Apartheid Move- the South African government and AAM, andthe Nigedin HighC .n- MPs.thepress,theSouthAfrican WE LnOa h0aucIss- meat to congratulate them on their scraped together a substitute uloir isione Opposing aerr Teddy goh successfuleffortsto persuade tile last month with the help of liberal TaylorMp andMihaelIvensof Q uths~ halllstmonth.Notonlydid it raise Rhos Orpheus and Cwmbach Mate bribes and fringe benefits, has gone Airnit(formerlyArmsofIndustry). £50fortheMovementbutitproved Voice Choirsto callofftheirproposed further to set up a 'Friends of the um mi 2w n tobeaveryenjoyableaffairt.spe- tripstoSouthAfrica. Springbok JFoundation' in Johannes. eayapprc w h soisgof Hadthevisittakenplace,itwould burg.TheFoundationisintended to THIRTY aliti-apartheid supporters -aXmy Gilder, who brought t an guitar have contravened the UN's culturalwin favourablepublicityforapartpicketedtheParkHotelinSoth o ethe t a Ercords boycott policy and given confort to held abroad by distributing written StutGruprai' on the re rdt player. Evryone the apartheid regime, Mr Maitama- and audio- isual material, enrourag HE NW glit AA Grourased on recentlywhen British cnopayseered to enjoy both the chicke Sole said. He asked the WAAM to ing tourism to South Africa, and £5 1 a fund-raising gig i t October P&O Trave joined with South Africn and vegetale curries, no dubt convey his Commiittee's appreciation arranging family, cultural, sporting - a totaI refleting careful prepare- Airways in arranging a promoioeil helped by the hostler of wine on to all the organisationis and individuals and other exchanges. lion, includig research into which film show. The show was designed to sale. But the bottle of whisky and new groups were currently eing- introduce the 'Sooth Africn bo ofchocolateswerebothw y S otand stopby n opoly. discussed in the music scene fiollw Reunion Cli', for those with friends the same person, in spite of the S up by ask ing them to contribute or relatives living in South Africa, raffle ticket numbers drawn being THE Scottish Committee of the over of the Royal Bank of Scotland their talents. Tickets were low-priced and to encourage emigration and 57 and 76. We made several new Anti-Apartheid Movement hasjoined Group would not be in the public atL2,and Cty Limits,North tourism, contactstoo. with Scottish War on Want, End interest because of Standard's London and leftist papers responded Contact: David Hsdley, See- Contact: Betty Northedge, Tel Loans to Southern Africa (ELTSA) massive support for apartheid. It magnificently to being urged to plug tary, Tel Southampton 29363. 01-9953171. and the campaigning wing of rges the Mnopolies Comisin the event. The Highgate Group could Scottish Education and Action for not to grant approval to the- deal. educational events to increase aware- met committed itself to increasing Development (SEADCAT) in a sub- Anumberofotherorgausitionas.tiJuU nessoftheisland'splaceintheinter- political and economic pressure on mission to the Monopolies and including the Scottish Labour Party natidnal cison of support for apart- South Africa, in particular through Mergers Commission against Standard and the Church of Scotland, have crid. the application of the oil embargo, Chartered, apartheid's second largest raised Standard's apartheid links in THtEAntigu CaribbeanLiberation theintroductionofinvestmentlegis- bank, submissions to the Commission Movement(ACLM)hascailedon lationasinSweden,thelintationof The submission argues that opposing the takeover. supporters of the SouthernAfrican certainimportssuchas.coal,and Standard Chartered's proposed take-reedomstruggletocondemnmoves effortstoteriinate the en richment ILabour & Liberal conferences to ttablith"aSouthAtlanticTraty THE Federation ofConstractionofN ibnurambyD n Organisation (SATO) based on an Workers and Allied Trades of Greece Almelo, Netherlands. OVLR Io prople attended a fringe paigning for local authority boycotts alliancebetween apartheid S th hascalledonallitscomponentuni meetingogased byheAAMatte ofSoth fricngoodsandBarlays m rin rotest at the imprisomentond A LabourPartyConference,following and for the release of Nelson countries, trialofveteranSouthAfricantrade theunanimousadoption of a resol- Mandela TheACLMplayedaleadingrole omiorstOscarpetl ,b , andthcaln fothe imposiiti on A in big footgdten on TChrsan Movement or Peae is comprehensive mandatory United AN ediergeney retoutio n Angol tsd a stagig post forillegalhi freedom fighter of the African helpin to organie at intetational Nations snctins, the next Labour was unanimously adopted at tis mts of armsandprojectileato South