LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS Brown Bros, need the money you mix-up allowed the others to pass her. A TOP-NOTCH AFFAIR Little Ned wlonlng the heat, Frank Michigan (Tentrai^ owe them. *1 B. second, Norma third, Mlna fourth. Call and see the beautiful $2.00 huts See the hammocks at "The Leader, "Tht Niagara Falls Route; In the fourth heat "VanEtten sent For everything that SOUTHWAUO, at Mrs. Croman's. W. B. KBTClIUJt & Co. LARGE CROWD AND GOOD RAC­ Little Ned right to the front, winning is new in jAuoa ...„ i):,yia,m. i:40p, m.9:B9p.m •A number of Mnsonltes spent the Brown Bros; always carry, the best ING AT LAST FRIDAY'S Jackiou 10:« 2:30 10 :M from Mina in a whipping finish, Frank day at Pleasant lake last Sunday. selected stock of line foot wear found MATINEE. B. third and Norma fourth. William Detroit ,. E:sup fi:3up. in.TtlSa.iQ. New Chamber setsat "TheLeader. In Ingham county. • *^ ston stock Immediately went way ,. 6:05 p, IU. St&u p, la, 0:30a, m. Obleago,...,.. . . W. B. KBTcriUii & Co. Who Is your druggist? .May we not Bad Spill In the Mile Open Bicycle above par and Mason couldn't unload NOBrilWAHl), The Ilawloy L. A. S. win meet at serve you ? We strive to please. Race. her shares at any price. Notwlth FBI 7:Hia. IU. 12:21 p. m.S:33p.m. the home Of Mrs, Geo. Sliattuck on *tf H. H. BUADLKY & Co. standing this big "slump," Mina went lADtlDg ., 8:12 12:4: p, III. 0:00 The fourth matinee of the Mason Tliursday afternoon, Aug. 3d. The L. A. S.of Eden will meet at on and trimmed Hub. Dakin's pacer ,, 9:00 1:50 7;1S Driving Club was a top-notcher In The price of furniture is going up Saelnttw. ,. 10:33 3:12 SM Those 81.00 and 81.25 Oxfords are the home