Original Finnish text "- kaavarunko" translated into English. See illustrations (blue text) in the Finnish version "Aviapolis - kaavarunko"

052200 A V I A P O L I S – Frame plan I came. I saw. I stayed.


City of Land Use Building and Environmental Department Kielotie 28 01300 Vantaa

Authors Mari Siivola Merja Häsänen Sakari Jäppinen Anne Mäkynen Joni Heikkola Ritva-Leena Kujala

Aviapolis Frame Plan 1-2


1 Introduction ...... 1-5 2 Background ...... 2-6 3 Planning area currently ...... 3-7 3.1 General description of the area ...... 3-7 3.2 Landscape structure and nature ...... 3-8 3.3 Open spaces and recreation ...... 3-9 3.4 Built environment and land use ...... 3-10 3.4.1 Built cultural environment ...... 3-11 3.5 Landowning ...... 3-12 3.6 Traffic ...... 3-12 3.6.1 Air traffic ...... 3-12 3.6.2 Road traffic ...... 3-12 3.6.3 Parking ...... 3-13 3.6.4 Public transport ...... 3-13 3.6.5 Walking and cycling ...... 3-14 3.7 Water supply and urban runoffs ...... 3-14 3.7.1 Water supply chain ...... 3-14 3.7.2 Urban runoff network ...... 3-14 3.8 Environmental disturbances ...... 3-15 3.8.1 Air and road traffic noise ...... 3-15 3.8.2 Air quality ...... 3-16 3.8.3 Stations dealing with hazardous substances ...... 3-17 3.8.4 Contaminated lands ...... 3-17 4 Plans and strategies ...... 4-18 4.1 National land use guidelines ...... 4-18 4.2 Regional programmes and plans ...... 4-18 4.2.1 Regional programme and regional land use planning ...... 4-18 4.2.2 regional land use plan and traffic system plan ...... 4-19 4.3 City strategies and programmes ...... 4-20 4.4 Local master plan ...... 4-20 4.5 Position on detailed plan and building ban ...... 4-21 5 Vision and objectives ...... 5-22 6 The Plan ...... 6-23 6.1 Walkable urban neighbourhoods ...... 6-23 6.2 Dimensioning and scaling change ...... 6-23 6.3 City of circles ...... 6-25 Aviapolis Frame Plan 1-3

6.3.1 Circle of livelihoods surround the mixed centre ...... 6-25 6.3.2 Parks and paths will connect in circle of parks ...... 6-28 6.3.3 Managing urban stormwater ...... 6-31 6.3.4 New circles of the transportation ...... 6-32 6.3.5 The circle of interest connects the trade, service and quality places ...... 6-37 7 Frame plan map, markings and regulations ...... 7-40 7.1 Frame plan map ...... 7-40 7.2 Markings and regulations ...... 7-40 8 Forming the frame plan ...... 8-45 9 Impact assessment ...... 9-47 9.1 Impact on regional and community structure ...... 9-47 9.2 Impact on traffic and movement ...... 9-47 9.3 Impact in the nature and refreshment areas ...... 9-48 9.4 Effects on the urban landscape and cultural environment ...... 9-52 9.5 Effects on the residents, environment and services ...... 9-52 9.6 Effects on trade and the economy ...... 9-55 9.7 Effects on climate ...... 9-56 10 Realisation ...... 10-60 11 Sources ...... 11-61

Aviapolis Frame Plan 1-4


In this Aviapolis frame plan we present the new developing principles for the use of area, the area south of the Helsinki-Vantaa airport. This current business and industrial area will be developed to become a diverse city of work, living, services and recreation. The first comfortable urban quarters will be completed by 2020. The whole development will take decades.

The local master plan guiding the usage of land in Vantaa allows for development of a mixed city structure in the east of Lentoasemantie road. This frame plan suggests housing and efficient business opportunities also to the west of Lentoasemantie, right by the new railway The .

The central guiding effect of the frame plan is to shape the city. The existing large-scale block structure is transformed into a smaller, walkable urban neighbourhood. The quarter efficiency needs to be quite high and the street landscapes urban. As a contrast to the efficiency and dense street network, there will be urban open spaces, which consist of small gardens, green courtyards, trees and a few larger park areas. The whole area leans on the public-transport trunk routes and street environment is designed for the pedestrian scale. Parking will be guided to parking facilities.

The main functions of the area will be tied to the so-called ‘circle of interest’. Therefore they will be centrally located and easily accessible. The main services, main businesses and the stops for public- transport trunk will all be along the circle of interest. The crucial visual and functional centres of the area require execution of high standard.

The frame plan guides the development of the local detailed plan, defining the development trend of the area and setting the general features of the land use. The frame plan will be expanded in the more detailed planning.

Aviapolismixer (kaavarunko page 5) Aviapolis Frame Plan 1-5


Aviapolis is the fastest growing international business area of the region, which City of Vantaa has committed to develop. Centre of Aviapolis will be built in the coming decades next to the Airport: to Veromies, connected to the new Aviapolis Train Station and the centre of .

To ensure the growth and development, the frame plan has been created to give more detail on the local master plan and to guide the detailed plans and schemes. The Aviapolis frame plan will be approved by the city council.

The vision of the frame plan is “tempting and sustainable airport city of opportunities, that is alive round the clock”. This, and the six objectives to guide the work were approved by the city planning committee in 18.8.2015. Walkable urban neighbourhood has become the most significant goal in the planning. Aviapolis will enable 60 000 jobs to be located on the area, and the building of a district of living and housing for 20 000 residents.

The frame plan guides the future, but also gives leeway for new ideas, which we may not even guess yet. The area is large and will be developing for long time. New and rugged will fit side by side, giving Aviapolis its very own look. In Aviapolis breaking out of the old habits and making things in new ways is allowed. At the same time, it is important to build good quality environment right from the beginning, as the impression of the area will be created from the first plans and schemes. Let’s not waste this unique opportunity! Aviapolis Frame Plan 2-6


Development of the Aviapolis is connected to the globally known Aerotropolis phenomenon. This means a diverse airport city developing around the airport and using the airport, as it’s financial engine. According to John D. Kasarda, who invented the Aerotropolis term, the urban centres of the future will develop around busy airports the same way the current centres have developed around busy railways. Globally, it is notable that for example financing and insurance companies are likely to move to the vicinity of the airports.

Kasarda has categorised Helsinki-Vantaa Airport among the world’s 80 Airport Cities and Aerotropolises. Of the Nordic airports, also Stockholm Arlanda and Oslo Gardermoen are included. Kasarda argues that cities, which have the most efficient airports within good local transport routes as well as emphasized use of land for business close to the airports, will be globally most competitive. Chart of how the features are located in Aerotropolis. The heart of the Aerotropolis is an

airport city, with the passages leading from it and the operators and residential districts benefitting from the airports vicinity. (kaavarunko page 7) Aviapolis Frame Plan 3-7


3.1 General description of the area

The planning area includes the Ring III highway (Kehä III), in the east by Osumapuisto (park) and in the north by the Airport area. The planning area is about 3,5 km2 which compares with a wide centre, quarter of Helsinki inner city or almost whole Leppävaara area.

Station area

The constructions are fully on going in the quarters by the southern and northern entrances to the Aviapolis station, even though the landscape looks still partly like straight from the Moon, and partly like dark woods. There are hotels, offices, apartments, services and parks being built. The centre of the public transportation, the bus terminal, will become next to the southern entrance. In the station area there is also an aviation .


West of the Lentoasemantie road is mostly a landscape dominated by big industrial, logistic and storage halls and large concrete surfaces. Closest to the Aviapolis station is also the forestry open space of the Plootukallio. West and northwest end of Virkamies have over 55 dB aircraft noise. The planning area. (kaavarunko page 8)

Pyttisberget Forest

The highest hill of the area is Pyttisberget and there is a forest around it. West of Pyttisberget, along the Lentoasemantie road, there is a Technopolis office building and a boardwalk to the station. On the south border of the forest area are located the only residential buildings of Veromies, which the most famous of were designed by Alvar Aalto.

Along Ring III

In the 21st century some office buildings for international companies have been built on the side of Ring III highway. The office area is located on a very visible place and is easily accessible by car.

Along Tuusulanväylä

On the west side of Tuusulanväylä highway there are mostly industrial and storage activity. Culturally most elegant buildings are the old red tiled Auramo buildings, and buildings of Wihuri and Wiima. Car stores bring a new level of construction to the area.

Aviapolis Frame Plan 3-8

Vicinity of the Airport

The area closest to the Airport includes such as the central office of Finnair. There are parking areas of the Airport in the area. Partly the area is unbuilt and forestry.

Inner Veromies

Mid parts of Veromies are some of the quietest areas when considering the traffic noise, and neither does the aviation noise disturb. South of the Tikkurilantie there are the identity buildings of the area, these so called Huber’s Halls, as well as some newer hall buildings. On the both sides of Tikkurilantie there are also large unbuilt areas. Vocational school Varia’s campus is located north of the Tikkurilantie and an aviation educational centre in the Pyhtäänkorventie.

Functional Centres are situated currently in vicinity of and the

offices of Ring III, as well as around the station. Different types of ensembles are found

within the drafting area.

The planning area consists of many different ensembles. (kaavarunko page 9)

Planning area is large, about 3,5km2. The size of the drafting area (1.) has been illustrated

in comparison to Tikkurila (2.), Helsinki Centre (3.) and Leppävaara (4.). (kaavarunko page 10)

3.2 Landscape structure and nature

The area of the Aviapolis frame plan is situated to the seam of an extensive ridge edge formation and a wide clay-loam plane. The Airport and the north of the planning area are located on the ridge. The streams crossing the Aviapolis area and flowing to the Vantaa River and River begin from the groundwater of this ridge. South of the planning area is located on a low-lying clay field, scattered with small moraine mounds.

The extensive ridge is a good location for large-scale construction, as it is relatively flat and has good foundation conditions. Therefore it has been a good choice of location for the airport.

Also large industrial and logistic premises and with them large asphalt fields have been built in the ridge. Anyhow, it needs to be remembered that the ridge is a major groundwater area, where the absorption capacity has to be maintained and the groundwater protected.

The clay-loam planes of the area were still widely used for farming in the 1930s. The transportation efficient location has brought heavy constructions to the former fields. Because the foundation conditions are poor, there have been lots of site fillings.

Absorption of the rainwater is slow on the clay grounds and as the ground is flat the streams flow slowly. Aviapolis Frame Plan 3-9

Landscape structure. The vagueness of the landscape can be seen from the terrain model. (kaavarunko page 11, left)

Soil on the planning area. (kaavarunko page 11, right)

As the construction in the area increases, all the means for levelling the flooding peaks are needed, to avoid urban runoff floods in the ridge and on the clay-loam plane. These include such as: green roofs, permeable coating, and dwelling pools for urban runoffs.

Large passages and large buildings dominate the landscape of the planning area. Between these there is still unbuilt ridge forest and patched young birch forests grown into the former fields. 46% of the areas are buildings, roads or waterproof surfaces. Additional 10% of the ground surface is bare ground, which might be impenetrable, and therefor has been included in the built environment. Between Tikkurilantie and Ilmakehä, there is lot of forests and among buildings and asphalt grounds there are former fields becoming forested and fallow. In all, 23% of the surface is forest, 20% has low vegetation and 1% outcrops. So 44% of the surface is vegetative. Vegetative and constructed land 2015 (kaavarunko page 12, left)

There are no found endangered animal or plant species in the area. Environmental centre of Vantaa has made in 2014 a research on dragonflies and water insects. From the planning area the Pytinoja’s species were researched and found modest.

The paucity of dragonflies and the lack of current water species demonstrate the weak ecological state of the stream, such as paucity of the benthic fauna.

3.3 Open spaces and recreation

From monotonous business area to diverse neighbourhood of housing, businesses and services, the change of city structure requires a new take to the open spaces.

Housing requires pairing with recreational areas, which were not needed in the current business area. It is possible to utilise the starting points of the landscape structure for creation of new recreational network. Such are streams and wetlands, major topographic features and the border zone of the ridge that should be combined to form the skeleton of the landscape network.

Starting points for open spaces (kaavarunko page 12, right)

Stream zones are a natural part of open spaces, which have a potential for both natural diversity and aesthetic quality. Unobstructed flow of water needs to be guaranteed regardless, so respecting streams is a common interest. Also piped channels should be returned to open channels where possible. Aviapolis Frame Plan 3-10

There are only few significant intact terrain shapes, as large-scale constructions and roads have been made largely fragmenting the landscape. Pyttisberget is intact forest area, and its protection should be a basis for development also in future. The rocky hill can be made into an aesthetically gorgeous, natural rocky garden, with techniques of subtle building. This could allow it to become an identity attraction of the whole area.

The border zone of the ridge is moist and has special potential for growth as open space. The zone is already mostly fragmented with site filling and constructions, but intact hillside zones could be utilised as open spaces. Even fragmented areas could possibly be restored.

In the image can be seen the most important green connection needs, which connect the landscape themes into a network. The locations of the green connections and city gardens will be specified as the planning goes ahead.

3.4 Built environment and land use

Aviapolis is one of the most rapid growing business areas of the region. Job rate of the planning area has increased within the decade by over 5000 jobs, and now there are around 10 000 employees working in the area. Including the Airport and the south side of the Ring III, there are almost 30 000 employees. The employees commute from all around the Helsinki region. In the area, and imminent vicinity, there are 30 000 job opportunities. Largest amount of

employees is commuting from Helsinki or Vantaa. The area is significant in terms of creating jobs especially for Keski- region. (kaavarunko page 13)

The jobs in the area are mainly from the fields of manufacturing, logistics and warehousing. Due that the quarter districts are large, even 300 m x 300 m. And individual buildings are often as large as traditional city blocks. Recent years the land use has become more efficient and especially by Ring III there have been lot of office space been built. Current activities on the area by function and field. (kaavarunko page 14)

Only 500 people live currently in the planning area. All apartments are situated along Pyhtäänkorventie and Pyhtäänkorvenkuja, north of Varia vocational school. Most residents live in blocks of flats, which were built in 1970’s and 2010’s. Also Aerola, a residential area, designed by Alvar Aalto is located on this area.

There is not much retail trade in the area. Trade is located south of Ring III, except for few stores, which require lot of space. Residents of the area purchase their groceries outside the area. South of the planning area, ‘Jumbo’ shopping centre is the largest selling shopping centre of the country and the “shopping street” of Valimotie is one of the largest centres of special trade in . These centres of trade draw customers widely around the Helsinki area. Aviapolis Frame Plan 3-11

Due to the small population, the area does not have any public services. Close to the airport there are several hotels and the hospitality capacity is still growing due to the hotel that is currently being built next to the Aviapolis station.

3.4.1 Built cultural environment

In the area of the Aviapolis frame plan, there are 43 heritage sites inventoried by the Vantaa City Museum. Aviapolis mainly consists of industrial buildings. Most have been inventoried in the Inventory of whole Vantaa modern industrial construction in 2006. On top of this there are two sites included in the inventory of old buildings in Vantaa. Among the inventoried buildings there are a few residential buildings. The cultural heritage significance of the sites is measured by their rarity, typicality, presentability, originality, historical probativeness and their historical layers.

The City Museum has made in association with the Aviapolis frame plan (2014 - 2015) a control inventory, to make more detailed inspection on the previous inventories. There are nine very prominent (R1) and four prominent (R2) culturally and historically significant heritage sites. The other sites included in previous inventories were found modest. (V)

The buildings of Aerola are protected by local detailed plan. Other inventoried buildings are not protected, and their possible protection will be considered along the changes to the local detailed plan. Possible renovations and alterations to the inventoried buildings must be appealed from the City Museum. The heritage sites of the planning area. Numbers refer to the text. (kaavarunko page 15)

Aerola (1) is connected to the history of the and is a culturohistorically highly prominent (R1). The apartments near the airport were built for the repair employees of Aero Oy. Aerola has been built in Alvar Aalto’s typical way of using the existing landscape as the starting point. The residential buildings (1953-55) are built gradually into the ridge and the heating centre is located in the middle.

Huber’s halls (2) are located on the two adjacent plots. There are three large arch roofed storage halls. The halls were built 1964 - 66, and they are culturohistorically highly prominent (R1). These industrial halls designed by Kurt Simberg are unusually “architectonic”. The columns of arch roofs also have impressive impact on the city landscape.

The Wihuri ensemble (3) contains three highly prominent (R1) buildings, which are designed by the engineering office O. Salminen in 1950 - 60’s. Two red brick buildings form a gateway to Kiitoradantie. The impressive facades are substantive part of the city landscape of Kiitoradantie. The fourth building belonging to the ensemble of the red brick buildings is culturohistorically prominent (R2). Aviapolis Frame Plan 3-12

The Auramo (4) Headquarters is a culturohistorically highly prominent building (R1). The building designed by Hannu Auramo tells a story of the glory of the 1960’s, when factories and offices were built with good taste and good quality. The newer Auramo building is from 1970 and is culturohistorically prominent (R2).

Kiitoradantie 3 (5) is an example of a past world between the industrial buildings. The property has two culturohistorically prominent buildings (R2). Residential building is from 1927 and a barn from 1922.

There are no known prehistoric relics found in the area.

3.5 Landowning

Over 100 different owners share the ownership of the land in the planning area. Biggest owners of the area are City of Vantaa, Finavia Oyj (state’s public utility) and the State of Finland. The state ownership consists mainly of road areas. The city owns large areas close to Tikkurinlantie, east of Lentoasemantie, as well as road areas. Landownership in the planning area. Largest landowners are City of Vantaa and Finavia Oyj. (kaavarunko page 16, left)

3.6 Traffic 3.6.1 Air traffic

Helsinki Airport is the main airport in Finland and a gateway to the world. The strategic location of the airport is excellent for the traffic between Europe and Asia, as the fastest connection between the continents is via Helsinki Airport. The number of passengers has grown steadily over several decades. In 2014 the number of passengers was almost 16 million. The airport prepares to serve 20 million passengers by the start of next decade.

There are three runways for air traffic. There is emphasis of the traffic on the southwest-northeast oriented runways. Runway 2 has a lot less use. Due to the closeness of the airport, all the building of the planning area have limited height due to the flight barrier heights, which are mainly +96 meters above the sea level. Near the south end of the runway 2, the flight barrier height is only +50 meters above sea level. More about the environmental hazards related to the air traffic, in chapter 3.7.1. Use of the runways in percentages of full 24 hours operations (Finavia 2013). (kaavarunko page 16, right)

3.6.2 Road traffic

The planning area is bordered by large high ways, Ring III and Tuusulanväylä, which forward mainly national and local traffic. Ring III is part of European E18 highway which stretches from Belfast through Oslo, Stockholm and Helsinki metropolitan area to the St. Petersburg. Aviapolis Frame Plan 3-13

The main passages of the planning area are Ilmakehä, a road joining the Tuusulanväylä and the airport, as well as the north south oriented Lentoasemantie, which splits the area. The new interchanges of Lentoasemantie have just been completed on Ring III and Tikkurilantie. Tikkurilantie is a city road connecting east and west Vantaa. In Aviapolis area it is part of the oversized transport route. The oversize transport route requires 7 meters of space in width and height.

Ilmakehä is the busiest traffic passage of the area, with more than 25 000 vehicles a day passing (on weekdays). Next are Lentoasemantie and Ilmailutie, with an average of 10 000 vehicles a day. Tikkurinlantie has a slightly under 10 000 vehicles passing a day. The heavy load traffic percentage is at some places high. In Pakkalantie, up to one fifth of the traffic is heavy load traffic and even in the Tikkurinlantie the proportion is high.

Ring III and Tuusulanväylä pass right by the area, and the traffic on them is respectively over 90 000 and over 80 000 vehicles a day (2013).

3.6.3 Parking

The office buildings along Ring III have mostly parking halls by the Äyritie. Elsewhere parking is usually arranged on large ground level parking lots. Most of the parking is for lorries, related to logistics. There is also parking arranged to serve the air travellers. There is not much of roadside parking.

3.6.4 Public transport

The Ring Rail Line connects the planning area to the rail network of the region. Entrances to the Aviapolis station are located on the west side of the planning area, along Tikkurilantie and Aviabulevardi. The Aviapolis station serves well the central areas of the local planning area and the Airport station serves the north of the planning area. From southeast of the area the accessibility to the stations is weaker in many places.

From Aviapolis station, there is a direct connection to 23 stations across the region. The train operate both directions on peak hours every 10 minutes. The travel time to Tikkurila is less than 10 minutes, to Myyrmäki 15 min, and to central Helsinki around 30 minutes. The Ring Rail Line connects the main rail line and the rail lines and creates a direct connection from Aviapolis to 23 station areas (HSL 2015). (kaavarunko page 17)

The central bus connection of the area from August 2015 is the route 562, which operates between Mellunmäki and Aviapolis station every 10 minutes both weekdays and weekends. The route will be developed in the coming years into a main bus route for the area between Aviapolis, Pakkala, Tikkurila, and Mellunmäki. In addition in the area there are routes operating to the Helsinki Aviapolis Frame Plan 3-14 centre and to west Vantaa and Itäkeskus. These routes are lot less frequent, especially outside the peak hours. The best bus service will be developed in Rälssitie and the station area. The amount of the bus services within hour in peak-times, Autumn 2015. Wider the red line, the more services there are on the road. (kaavarunko page 18)

3.6.5 Walking and cycling

The current pedestrian network on the area is scarce, and consequently the actual walking distances are long compared to the bird-view distances. The good transport connections have been the base for locations of the current functions on the area, so the need for dense pedestrian network has been slim. As part of improving the Lentoasemantie, two new important pedestrian passages were built across the Lentoasemantie. Between Virkamies and Veromies two underpasses were built one in further north to Karhumäki and another to Virkatie-Äyritie in further south. Walking and cycling routes into the surrounding city structures are by average every 500 meters.

The main cycling network is inclusive but the cycling paths are narrow and often the cycling and walking path are not separated. Narrowness of cycling paths makes it challenging to perceive the main network.

3.7 Water supply and urban runoffs 3.7.1 Water supply chain

The water supply chain is quite inclusive in the frame plan area, and serves well the current functions of the area. Additionally, two important water distribution networks cross the area to the Airport area. There is also a reservation for a major water main across the frame plan area, between Pitkäkoski power plant and Tikkurila.

The area belongs in the pressure zone of Tikkurila. North of the frame plan area belongs into the minor pressure zone, which is being designed on the area of the Airport. Water is supplied from the Pitkäkoski Water Treatment Plant through Ylästö pump station. The current pressure levels of the water pipe are: lowest +66.00 and highest +83.00.

Waste water are collected into the Veromies trunk sewer along Manttaalitie. The sewage water goes through Köyhämäki control station to the sewage tunnel of Keski-Uusimaa water protection public utility, and finally into Viikinmäki central purification plant.

3.7.2 Urban runoff network

The urban runoff system of the frame plan area is divided into open channels and piped channels. Based on the functional inspection and simulation of Central Vantaa area’s urban runoff (2009), the most problematic parts of the frame plan would be in the open channels along Manttaalitie and urban runoff sewers of Virkatie. Flooding problems of urban runoffs cannot be solved by just Aviapolis Frame Plan 3-15 increasing the network capacity, as this would mean for the flooding problems to move into lower parts of the channel. The current urban runoff network in the Aviapolis area. Blue lines are open channels and green piped channels. Black lines border the drainage basins. (kaavarunko page 19, left)

3.8 Environmental disturbances 3.8.1 Air and road traffic noise

The planning area is located by the airport, next to the runways 1 and 2 and is not flown over. Within most of the area, the noise level predictions fall below Lden 55 dB during day and by night below 46 dB, which is the requirement for eg. residential development.

Aircraft noise is been described and estimated in land use planning usually by L den -levels emphasized by the time of the day. Only the most northern border of the planning area is in the aircraft noise area 2 (L den 55 – 60 dB), which means no new housing or activities sensitive to noise are allowed to be located there. Predictions by Finavia for 2025 will not change the aircraft noise areas within the planning area. The aircraft noise envelopes in the planning area. Despite the imminent vicinity of the airport, most of the area falls outside 55dB envelope, which is a requirement for building new residential areas. (kaavarunko page 19, right)

Currently the runway 1 to southwest direction (22L) is used for takeoffs with quiet turboprop- and jet planes on flights towards south and east. These make only 9% of all takeoffs within past 10 years. Runway 2’s takeoffs to southeast (15) are made with prop planes on northeast/east winds, or with any planes in the bad visibility conditions, which only happen for few hours at a time for few days a year. The percentage of takeoffs in this direction were around 3% between 2006 and 2015. Majority of landings (around 80%) come from north. Runways 1 and 2 take only 9% of landings directed from south.

It can be predicted that in 2025, the amount of takeoffs on Runway 1 towards southwest (22L) will increase. Other that that, the usage of Runways 1 and 2 is predicted to remain similar as now. The volume of traffic will increase, but the takeoff and landing routes will not be directed over the area in the future either.

Takeoffs in December 2015, presented as a route frequency and the routes of

individual takeoffs over five days on runways 15 and 22L. Picture demonstrates how the takeoff routes from runways 15 and 22L do not cross the Aviapolis frame plan

area. (kaavarunko page 20)

There is also helicopter activity in the airport. The existing terminal of medical helicopters and the future terminal of the Finnish Border Guard will be situated in the southeast corner of the airport. The planned routes of the helicopters will be set out to cause as little noise disturbance for the Aviapolis Frame Plan 3-16 residential areas as possible. The routes will be located as much as possible over traffic lanes and areas of low habitation. The emergency flights will be made directly to their destination.

The Finnish Border Guard will move to Helsinki Airport after its operation in Malmi Airport terminates. Finavia has made a calculation of noise caused by the future helicopter activity from Finnish Border Guard. According to this estimate, the noise will not be significant for the land use planning of Aviapolis area. The maximum noise level can be around 80dB under the heaviest Finnish Border Guard helicopter. A momentary noise level can be spotted when a helicopter takes off for an emergency flight to southwest over the Aviapolis area. Same momentary noise level will be observed within the full route to the destination. These events occur rarely. Other helicopters operating in the area are distinctively lighter and quieter. Planned, non-emergency flights will not be operated over Aviapolis area.

Service test use of planes is moved in Autumn 2016 from current location north of Aviapolis station to further into the Airport area. Finavia has commissioned several noise reports as part of preparations for the moving of the test area. The latest noise report is on occasion where the test area is on its future location, but the infrastructure measurements were not confirmed yet. After that a supplier was chosen, whose wall structures are taller and longer than what was used as the base information for the report. Therefore it can be expected that the noise levels will be lower on the final structures of the test area. Regional Governing Office has given a directive in their environmental permission verdict to make the noise report two years after the new test area has been introduced.

Road noise is worst along Ring III and Tuusulanväylä. The existing buildings protect the inner area. Where the buildings do not offer protection, the road noise spreads on wide areas. The most sheltered areas are in the middle of the area, where the road noise levels during day are often less than 50dB.

The frame plan defines generally the suitability of different areas for different land uses. The effects of road traffic and aircraft noise, and the ways of limiting the spreading of the noise will be further expanded on the context of the detailed plan and construction plans. Building of the area in stages is partly due to the noise, some of the block for example work as noise protection for housing construction. Road noise zones during day 2011. Road noise rises high close to Ring III and Tuusulanväylä. The noise spreads far if there are no buildings to offer protection.

(kaavarunko page 21)

3.8.2 Air quality

Road and street traffic is the crucial cause of the pollutants in the air quality. Living by busy roads has been found to have connection to many health problems, and especially the particulates are known to be a health hazard already on small amounts. Within the planning area there are no air Aviapolis Frame Plan 3-17 quality measuring stations. Nearest stations have been located by Ring III in Varisto (2013) and In Helsinki Airport (2007). Concentration of the particulates (PM2.5 and PM10) has been in both measuring stations below the limit and guiding values in both years. Concentrations of Nitrogen (NO2) have been elevated but stay below the limits.

In addition, in the airport surroundings the concentration of nitrogen dioxide has been researched with help of passive collection filter . The measuring points by the airport entrances and in the crossroads of Ilmakehä have crossed the limits occasionally, but the yearly average is below the limit. There is lots of road traffic close to the measuring points. Also the air traffic increases the NO2 concentration. The effect of air traffic emissions to the air quality reaches to the northern border of the planning area, to the north part of Ilmakehä.

There are no other major nitrogen dioxide or particulates emission sources on the area apart from the traffic. Therefore it can be expected that further that farther than 200 m from busy roads, the pollution should be within normal urban area levels. Excluding the northern most part, where the nitrogen dioxide levels can be higher. Close to the busiest roads the pollutants form a potential health hazard, and therefore residential buildings and sensitive activities need to be located far enough from the main roads.

3.8.3 Stations dealing with hazardous substances

There are no stations dealing with hazardous substances located on the planning area. Within the vicinity of the planning area there are several institutes with Tukes monitored operational principles and plans.

According to the report made for this planning framework, the institutions monitored by Tukes, do not significantly affect the land use possibilities within the planning area. HKScan stations zone reaches slightly the southern border of the areas traffic noise zone, where there could be no housing or other sensitive activities situated anyhow. Zoning land for significantly different activities, close to the fuel maintenance of the airport by Ilmakehä, might require further modelling of puddling of the fuel and overflow situation.

3.8.4 Contaminated lands

Due to the industrial history, the area has contaminated land at some places. Some of these are already retrieved. Need for purifying the possibly contaminated land areas, should be investigated further in the stage of local detailed planning. Aviapolis Frame Plan 4-18


4.1 National land use guidelines

The frame plan is to support the realisation of the national land use guidelines. In Aviapolis especially the questions of a more coherent community structure and the quality of the living environment and the characteristics of Helsinki region need to be considered.

Aviapolis needs to be developed with the principles of more coherent community structure, so that the services and jobs will be easily accessible for different demographics, and near the residential neighbourhoods where possible, so the need for cars will be reduced. Traffic safety and public transport, and opportunities for walking and cycling need to be improved. Central areas should be developed into diverse areas of services, housing, jobs and recreation. Businesses need enough opportunities to be located using the existing infrastructure.

As Aviapolis is located in the vicinity of the Helsinki Airport, the safety measures of air traffic should be taken into account in the land use. Such as the air traffic height restrictions and aircraft noise.

The development of the Helsinki region as an internationally competitive national centre should be enhanced in Aviapolis, by creating the basis for sufficient and versatile housing- and business construction, working traffic system and good living environment. In the Helsinki region especially a coherent infrastructure leaning on the rail lines is promoted.

In the characteristics of the region, it is planned that all major construction in the land use has to be located on the service area of public transport and especially rail traffic. With the sizing of the land use the prequisites for operation and ways of utilisation of public transport must be improved. The commission and supplementary construction on areas of housing, business and services, should be times so that the possibilities for utilising the public transport are considered.

4.2 Regional programmes and plans 4.2.1 Regional programme and regional land use planning

The goal of the regional programme of Uusimaa, is to be an international, attractive metropolitan region for healthy citizens. The societal structures will be developed in sustainable ways, primarily utilising the existing infrastructures.

Uusimaa region has the best opportunities in Finland to benefit from creative economies and knowledge. The Ring Rail Line (2015) and West Metro currently being built, are very significant transport solutions, which have an effect on the traffic, housing being built and how business are locating in the metropolitan area. These, nationally significant infrastructures need to be utilised with full intention to create economic growth in the area. Aviapolis Frame Plan 4-19

Aviapolis is one of three peaks of development in Uusimaa. The strength of the future of Aviapolis is based on developing the airport area into a centre of logistics, business and living. The other two peaks are T3 (talous=economy, taide=art, tiede=science) and Helsinki hubs (Forum Virium, Viikki, Arabianranta, Biomedicum, Kumpula). Together these will form a strong and internationally significant innovation centre. Triangles of growth and cooperation according to the Uusimaa programme. (kaavarunko page 24 up)

This frame plan takes into account the existing regional land use plans: Uusimaa regional land use plan approved 8.11.2006 and Uusimaa 2nd periodic regional land use plan, approved 30.10.2014.

The area of the frame plan is in its entirety a population area, where especially the east side of Lentoasemantie, has been defined as an area, which should be compressed. The development principle marking in question includes a planning order which roughly translates as: The area needs to be designed to lean on public transport, walking and cycling and to become more efficiently built than the surrounding area. When building denser infrastructure, the characteristics of the area and the cultural environment, as well as quality of the environment, the ecological efficiency and the adequate amount of recreational areas nearby need to be considered. A take from a combination of Uusimaa regional land use plans (kaavarunko page 24 down)

A large retail unit has been appointed by the Tuusulanväylä, which will enable regional, special retail, which requires lot of space. Over half of the 100 000km2 that the regional land use plan allows have been built. It allows expanding of the current car stores and building of new regional large-scale special stores. Local business spaces are allowed to be built without any limitations on the retail quality.

A public transport connection crosses the southern part of the planning area, and there has been a transport connection planned for the Tuusulanväylä. The tunnel of the airport is guided to pass the west border of the area. To the intersection of Ring Rail Line and Airport Rail Line, near the Aviapolis, a public transport intersection is planned.

In the 4th periodic regional land use plan, which is currently being prepared, the airport area has been expanded all the way until the Lentoasemantie and Ilmakehä. City of Vantaa is against this proposal, as the area of Aviapolis Station has no relation to the airport activities. City also demands a change for the ruling on retail in the airport area, to be able to build services for the employees and customers of the airport in the expansion of the airport and in the new public transport station.

4.2.2 Helsinki regional land use plan and traffic system plan

In the land use plan of the Helsinki region, the area of this frame plan is primarily developmental area where a significant percentage of the new land use of the region will be targeted. In the traffic system plan, two new trunk routes have been allocated already for 2025. A regional connection to Aviapolis Frame Plan 4-20

Aviapolis is planned from Hyrylä, Kerava and Nikkilä. The development of the Airport Rail Line () has been timed between 2026 and 2040.

The Airport Rail Line from Pasila to Helsinki Airport to the main rail line is a rail line meant mainly for long distance rail travel. In 2010 a rail connection report was drafted by the The Finnish Transport Agency, with two options for the rail lines – one from the Airport to Pasila underneath Aviapolis, and other through the reserved Viinikkala terminal. The initial cost estimate of the project is a billion euros. The Airport Rail Line could possibly work as a part of international rail line between St. Petersburg, Helsinki Airport, Helsinki City centre and Tallinn.

4.3 City strategies and programmes

2013 - 2016 City strategy (KV 17.6.2013) includes a continuation of creating coherent city structures and the centres will be developed as versatile areas of living and services, which lean on sustainable movement. To implement the strategy as a binding objective for 2015, for example the zoning and actualising the area centres and public transport zones were prioritised.

The Vitality Program of City of Vantaa for 2014 - 2016 aims to strengthen the City’s trade policies. The objective is to strengthen the international competitivity of the area by supporting the evolution of the airport surroundings and utilising the excellent accessibility of Aviapolis. Workplaces of Vantaa by city district. Fifth of jobs in Vantaa are located in districts of Veromies and the Airport. (kavarunko page 25)

‘Vantaa - city of public transport’ is a strategy plan that aims to establish sustainable movement for the city. Area of this frame plan has been recognised as an excellent development area for effective land use.

4.4 Local master plan

Local master plan for the area exists, and was approved by the city council in 17.12.2007, and was made lawful for the area of planning in 25.2.2009.

In the local master plan commentary it is stated that the city structure of the area sets many challenges for the development work. Some of which are scattered housing and business areas, segregation of functions, big elements, which break the city structure, such as large, traffic routes and power lines. On the other hand, the Ring Rail Line, the trunk routes and possible future fast rail line, tie the area to the effective public transport realm and connect the Central Vantaa into the network of centres. In a K2-vision (2002), designed for the foundation of the local master plan, Aviapolis and Tikkurila will be joined with Tikkurilantie city boulevard and effective public transport, and therefore become one connected city structure. Aviapolis Frame Plan 4-21

The objective of the local master plan is to secure the functions of, and those directly related to, the airport’s ground traffic connections. The connections currently and in the future go through the frame plan area.

The Aviapolis area is designated for mainly business construction and especially for business areas of high need for manpower (TP). East of Lentoasemantie, there are housing- and employment areas (A/TP), which have areas reserved for residential areas, and office, production and service businesses, which create jobs but do not cause environmental disturbance. Industrial and storage areas are located on the west and northeast sides of the frame plan area. Pyttisberget is local recreational area. Local Master plan on the planning area. (kaavarunko page 26)

Two sub-centres of central functions have been designated for local services. One large area of services enables settling of regionally significant project.

The frame plan area is mostly on aircraft noise zone 3 (L den 50 – 55 dB), which does not limit housing or other functions sensitive to noise. The structures on the area still need to be soundproofed. Aircraft noise zone 2 cuts through the frame plan area, parallel to the runways, on the northwest and northeast edges. Building of any functions sensitive to noise is not allowed there.

4.5 Position on detailed plan and building ban

In Veromies since beginning 21st century, areas originally planned as industrial areas have been converted into office dominant areas, especially along Ring III. The frame plan mark on the Airport area has subsided to give way for office and hotel buildings and for the extension of Aerola residential area.

The detailed plans of Veromies are mostly from the 1980’s and have outdated content. They do not for example take into any consideration the preservation of architectural heritage or for example the management of urban runoffs. The water supply chains from the 1970’s and 80’s are mostly outdated and the management of urban runoffs in the area is not up-to-date, which causes occasional city floods. The advanced business ideas and objectives of both the operators and city structure require inspection on the principles of design for support of detailed planning.

The city council set on 7.10.2013, part of Veromies into building ban till 29.10.2015. On 16.11.2015 the city council decided to extend the building ban partly till 29.10.2017.

Aviapolis Frame Plan 5-22


The city planning committee approved the “Aviapolis frame plan - starting points and objectives” on 18.8.2014. The vision of the frame plan is a tempting and sustainable city of possibilities. With great city planning Aviapolis will become an airport city, alive 24/7.

There were six objectives set for the planning:

1. Let us turn the motoring city into a walkable city neighbourhood where one can stay and enjoy.

2. Let's build ecologically and culturally sustainable city.

3. Let's make sustainable transport choices competitive and let's create innovative travel solutions.

4. Let's enable settlement of 60 000 jobs in the area.

5. Let's make a city district of living and housing for 20 000 Vantaa residents.

6. Let's make Aviapolis an airport city where people come from near and far. Aviapolis Frame Plan 6-23


6.1 Walkable urban neighbourhoods

City is a living organism, which changes constantly to the changes in the society: new processes are born, when others disappear. The area of Veromies is under its third infrastructural construction when one area, known as the office area, became popular and is now turned into a versatile urban area. The biggest changes are happening in the block infrastructure and its quarter efficiency as well as rapid increase in the apartments. Veromies will develop between the airport and the Ring Rail Line and become substantial part of the city where people live, work and enjoy good service. The change will be radical and requires determination as well as that different operatives need to be committed to the mutual target.

The implementation of frame plan aims for a walkable city. Primary it happens by changing the areas previous scale principles. The urban blocks are transformed into smaller paths and parks. Whole city model will be reformed to more ’humane’, thus the meaning of the street level as an experience environment will enhance. It means that the traffic will need to accustom to favour cycling and walking, that storefront spaces will be built and opened to the streets, as well as all avenue planting and fixtures have to be fine quality.

In a walkable city it is possible for a child to move around safely. (kaavarunko page 28, left)

Even one tree can remarkably enhance the green environment of the city. (kaavarunko page 28, right) 6.2 Dimensioning and scaling change

Block size will get smaller

The blocs of the area are now big, even 300 m x 300 m. The main idea of the frame plan is to construct delicate block structures to guide the infrastructure of the new blocks. In the plan it is estimated that the median for the block street side dimensions are between 100 to 150 meters. In the busy streets the longest approved block side dimension is 150 meters. There should be a public walking path in every block: A street, walking path, avenue or street like parking space.

Efficiency will grow

Area efficiency of Aviapolis is ranked low (e a = 0.19). Even when the area is multiple times bigger than the center of Tikkurila the count of how many citizens are living there is only about 500. There are 10 000 jobs. To create urban block that is diverse, enjoyable and living 24 hours a day will require increase in operatives and notably raising the area efficiency. Aviapolis Frame Plan 6-24

Whilst assessing the area, it was shown to be possible to build 2,5 to 3 million floor square meters, thus the area efficiency (e a) will increase to 0,7 – 0.85. This would quadruple the area efficiency and make Veromies most efficiently built district of Vantaa. The amount of floor area people are living could be around third of the total floor area.

With the frame plan it is possible to guide the efficiency of the area by the lowest directive of quarter efficiency (e k), which will vary from 1 to 1,5. Solution will help to create a district for 20 000 residents and 40 000 jobs. Effective building of the working areas and increase in the workplace density can create significantly more jobs in the area.

Dimensioning in sections

Design sections are guiding. It is calculated that the blocks that have mixed functions by default will be build primarily for the quarter efficiencies of 1,5 to 2,5 e k. Areas that are intensive working areas

will be based on the quarter efficiency of 2 e k and the other working area quarter efficiency should 2. be 1 e k. The median that was used for living space per person is 45k-m Working space per person that has been used has varied between 30k-m2 to over 100k-m2.

Dimensioning in sections. (kaavarunko page 29)

Area nr. Residents Jobs 1 2000 10000 2 3000 5000

3 1500 2000 4 6000 4000 5 1500 2000 6 3500 7000 7 3000 3000 8 0 9000 Overall 20500 42000

Need for retail premises increases

New residents allow increase in the purchasing power of the area by bringing new shops and commercial services to the area. Commercial supply of the area also affects the employees working in the territory, especially when it comes to other commercial services, such as restaurant services. Grocery store purchasing power has to attain an appropriate threshold, before the area is economically viable to set up shop. This means about 2 000 - 3 000 local inhabitants Aviapolis Frame Plan 6-25

With the population of the area increasing the need for retail premises continues to grow. The table shows the demand for retail premise area between now and the years 2025, 2040 and 2050.The data in this table have been produced with annual growth of 1% of the purchasing power of the grocery business and the 2 % growth of purchasing power of specialty retail in mind. In addition, the retail premise sales efficiency is expected to grow 15% over the period and e-commerce is expected to reduce the need for retail premises by 10%. The population is expected to grow at an annually of 500 inhabitants, starting in 2018.

Calculations have not been overestimated by zoning, so the figures represent the real need, which is composed of local residents. This need however, may not be concretised because of the neighbouring areas appealing trades. In particular, other special trade services will be sought from a large shopping center Jumbo. The products of large-scale retail are primarily bought elsewhere. In contrast the consumers appreciate good accessibility on the grocery stores. Grocery retail services will probably be realized in the planning area according to the calculations of the table.

The block structure of Aviapolis will complete and tighten. The blue areas represent

the buildings and the orange areas represent exemplary new urban structure. (kaavarunko page 30)

Retail space needs of the planning area in 2025, 2040 and 2050 .

Business space Business space Business space needs needs needs (km2) (km2) (km2) 2015-2025 2015-2040 2015-2050 Every day grocery retail 1 800 5 800 9 300 Other speciality store 4 100 15 900 27 600 Store acquiring a lot of space 4 600 17 900 31 300 Other retail business 2 100 7 900 13 600 Overall 12 600 47 500 81 800

6.3 City of circles

6.3.1 Circle of livelihoods surround the mixed centre

Living, working and services overlap

Versatile and vibrant urban environment is formed, above all from the effectiveness of construction, the mixing of different activities, interesting urban spaces, temporal layers, as well as opportunities Aviapolis Frame Plan 6-26 for competitive sustainable mobility. A large part of the planning area has been marked as mixed urban areas where the operations of the area are not imposed as one or another. Instead, the effectiveness of land use and street space is controlled by the formation of strong growth.

Area with mixed urban functions can have workplaces, services and other centre activities as well as living. Because of this there is life in neighbourhoods around the clock. Approximately one-fifth of planning region is marked as mixed urban areas.

In the frame plan the mixed urban function neighbourhoods are placed in central parts of the region, because living and so-called sensitive operations require a sufficiently low aircraft and road traffic noise levels. Normative lowest quarter efficiency in the areas is e k = 1.5. The most efficient construction will be located in places with high accessibility like near station region and bus stops of public transport trunk route, where the diversity of activities is at its highest. This way it is possible to advance the forming of downtown like places where they differentiate from their surroundings by their physical and operational structure.

The mixed urban function areas have been placed in the centre of the area.

(kaavarunko page 31, left)

Blocks on both sides of the airport and Aviapolis station are marked as mixed urban activity neighbourhoods. The station side and Aerola’s side areas link together with bridges, but the natural continuum for the centre would be covering the Lentoasemantie. The coverage would improve the accessibility of the Aerola area, but this is not included as frame plan mark in the frame plan. Local detailed plans and projects that are limited to the Lentoasemantie road are worth to explore further for the feasibility of the proposal.

In mixed urban areas the buildings should be placed near the streets so they will define the street space. One of the goals is to create an urban street space and the other is to limit a private or semi- public space in the inner parts of the blocks.

Best areas for living are the areas of mixed urban functions dominated by apartments. Blocks dominated by apartment have surface area of about one tenth of the whole area . Those areas will be improved for living and local services and recreational areas that support normal living, but also interference-free working operations are possible .

Cul-de-sac style of structure would make it possible to have a peaceful inner courts for the blocks. (kaavarunko page 31, right)

Parts from Aerola, between Ilmakehä and Tikkurilantie, as well as from the west side of Toinen Savu areas have been selected for mixed urban function areas. For lowest indicative of quarter efficiency in block apartment areas have been set to 1,0 e k. The aim is to diversify the high-rise apartment buildings dominant structure with small urban residential houses in the areas that remain away of the public transport trunk routes. Aviapolis Frame Plan 6-27

Mixed urban function areas are concentrated to west side of Aerola and Toinen Savu. (kaavarunko page 32 left)

The areas suitable for housing are located in the mid-parts of the planning area. Exemplary demonstration of the city structure depicted from east. (kaavarunko page 32, right)

Two kinds of working areas

To enable desirable number of workplaces in the planning area the construction of workplaces must efficient. Jobs are placed in areas of mixed urban functions. In addition, the framework for the whole planning area is the zone of workplaces, which is easily accessible and has excellent visibility to the plots.

Areas of intensive job functions will be developed as retail, office, service, production and storage facilities areas. Construction will be effective and the quarter efficiency substantially more than the ek = 1.5. The surrounding areas of the Aviapolis and Airport stations have an opportunity to develop a distinctive business area, which can operate to take advantage of the proximity to the airport. Construction of the Airport Rail Line and the accessibility of it from Aviapolis contribute to the development of the region as a national and international business area.

Intensive working area has been addressed in particular areas near the Ring III and the Airport. Ring III’s peripheral areas and its buildings help to create the region image and identity. The buildings form a tight coalition against the traffic noise and fine particles protecting central parts of the mixed urban activity areas, and the noise-sensitive functions. At the same time companies are offered so- called ‘waterfront properties’, with an excellent view to high-density routes.

Heavy load traffic of the intensive working areas must not interfere or bother the residential areas. The flight barrier height limits the building heights to 96 m above sea level. In the frame plan the ground level height varies from 22 m - 56 m above sea level.

The areas that are only suitable for job functions have been selected as the working areas where there is no pressure for increasing the efficiency yet. Job function areas are developed in manufacturing, service and storage facilities, as well as the related office and retail space areas. The indicative quarter efficiency has not been determined. Areas are more commonplace than the intensive business areas, but also the more efficient workplace construction is possible. These areas are close to Tuusulanväylä, Pakkalantie road, as well as the atmosphere and they are partially under aircraft noise area. The buildings in these areas have to be formed to protect against the road noise and fine particles in the central areas of the mixed structures as the noise-sensitive functions develop further.

Aviapolis Frame Plan 6-28

Circle of livelihoods surround the mixed centre. In the picture the intensive working areas are shown in dark blue and the working areas are shown light blue. (kaavarunko page 33, left)

The station area of Aviapolis will become significant working region. (kaavarunko page 33, right)

6.3.2 Parks and paths will connect in circle of parks

Changes in the land use and the growing population of the area will cause more demand for parks and for the use of parks. Frame plan aims to perceive the green network of the renewing district and how it is connected to the large recreational areas outside the region.

The designed open spaces chain will be based on the landscape structure as well as already established local detailed plan. Most remarkable hills of the region are Pyttisberget (1) and Plootukallio (2), which are natural starting point for the recreational areas. The stream corridors shape another area, linked to the landscape design of the green infrastructure. The ensemble of Rälssipuisto and Manttaalinpuisto (3) are linked to the stream corridors as well as the parks of Pytinoja (4), which form an important part of the water management. In the frame plan there is a park area that will be kept as forest like area (5), which would be good starting point for park areas, where large part of the land has been built.

Block parks are addressed as areas, which illustrate the size and location of the area reservations. The block parks that have already been located in the local detailed plan are Karhumäki (6) and Gull Park (7), and also block park that will locate to the north side of Aerola (8). Other block parks can be located differently from the plan and more block parks may occur when the local detailed plan is formed. Inner parts of block areas have been marked with dotted line and their location will be refined in the local detailed plan. The brook corridor areas will be improved as recreational and cityscape areas.

Increasing population emits needs for open spaces beyond the frame plan area. Because there is no large-scale recreational area, there is a need for good walking and cycling connections towards east along the Kylmäoja parks and to Keravanjokiranta and to west along Krakanoja parks and to the Vantaajoki beach. Koivuhaka area will need green connections near the working and retail areas. Traverse connection will be needed from Ring II to Kartanonkoski, which has access to the River Vantaa and the River Kerava directions and even further.

The frame plan area’s green network and connection needs outside the area. The numbers indicate to the text. (kaavarunko page 34)

Circle of parks will connect the block gardens to local and regional recreational network. (kaavarunko page 34)

Aviapolis Frame Plan 6-29

Pyttisberget is a towering rocky hill (1) that is 10 meters higher than the surrounding terrain, (+55 m above sea level), where beautiful rocky pine trees and mosses are growing that are still spared from the wear and tear. The hillsides are more luxuriant and on the south side of the hill there is a swamp, where there is also a small fresh water area. The starting point for the creation of fine rock the park is excellent. Pyttisberget has all the prerequisites to develop into Aviapolis attraction, that residents are proud of and people from afar come to see it. Increase of the residents in the environment will bring the park a lot more consumption, so it got the flow of control of the park corridors of importance and urgency. The town plan is out of date: Pyttisberget is an airport area.

Crown of Pyttisberget. Photo by Markku Immonen 18.10.2014 (kaavarunko page 35, left up)

The south slope of Pyttisberget has beautiful rock terraces and on the slope below good conditions for the forest park of species diversification. Photo by Markku Immonen 18.10.2014 (kaavarunko page 35, left down))

Frame plan has reserved park area from Pyttisberget (5.9 ha) and from Laajavuori (5.8 ha) Martinlaakso are almost the same sizes. (kaavarunko page 35, right)

Plootukallio (2) is zoned for leisure use. In the frame plan the downsizing of the park is planned, because the intensification of the urban fabric in this case justifies the position of Aviapolis. Leisure areas are still in the rocky moraine hill with a gentle slope to the south that provides a good starting point for a versatile use of the park establishment.

Plootukallio and Antaksenpuisto in Pakkala are the same surface area size, 2.2 ha. in

the frame plan. (kaavarunko page 36, left)

Rälssipuisto and Manttaalipuisto (3) are detailed in the local plan with parks along Kirkonkylänoja on both sides of Rälssitie. The soil is clay and a stream that runs through both parks. Plans have been made where the central idea of the parks is the water. Kirkonkylänoja has high-flow fluctuations that have been designed to be equalized by booking alluvial grasslands. The frame plan has the aim to expand the Manttaalipuisto (park) as flood meadows occupy such a large portion of the park that the area of other use remains low, and there will be more inhabitants on the local area than has been assumed.

Local master plan of Rälssipuisto and Manttaalipuisto. Open space unit of city of Vantaa. (kaavarunko page 36, right up)

Rälssipuisto and Manttaalipuisto and their extensions are a total of 4.4 ha.

(kaavarunko page 36, right down)

Along Pytinoja (4 ) the frame plan shows a park area, where the central theme of would be the creek. Pytinoja parks have an area of 4.3 ha. Pytinoja is one Kirkonkylänojas top arms. A Study of Helsinki airport (Helsinki–Vantaan lentoaseman laskupurojen kunnostustarpeiden selvitystyössä (syksy Aviapolis Frame Plan 6-30

2015)) has confirmed the need to mitigate the large flow rate variation of Pytinoja and water quality improvement. The brook is proposed to be built in equalization basin, wetland treatment as well as flood pool, when the water flow would slow down and the water quality would improve.

The starting point for the design of the park is good. The soil is sand and clay and mixed forest grows. The creek will striate in some parts to be a wide riverbed and along the banks it has collapsed and there is erosion. Construction of water treatment structures requires a lot of land cuts (estimate of 26,000 m3). Reservoirs and wetlands have the primary purpose of technical improvements i.e. controlling the urban runoff of the airport and pools are expected to be enclosed. They won’t be the same type of park ponds as in Ristisiltapuisto. However, the increase in population in the surrounding areas also set the aesthetic requirements of the pool design. Although the water beach is off the limits, the reservoirs should be beautiful to look at.

The detailed plan is outdated: the area of parks is mainly in the airport area. To create the chain of parks, the local master plan, has to change old industrial plots to park areas. Creek rapids are placed in industrial property in the detailed plan.

Creek rapid is a great natural detail that can be reached by anyone. (kaavarunko

page 37, left)

Due to the increase in population parks shall also create housing plots from major, well-reachable places. " Wihurinpuisto " (5) is zoned for a plot land, but forestry parts of the undeveloped areas also have the potential for the establishment of park. Soil conditions vary: clay, sand, moraine and earth fill.

”Wihurinpuisto” has the total area of 1,6 ha. (kaavarunko page 37, right up)

Block parks are needed for the residents as the local parks on different parts of the planning area. A block park has space for hanging, playing and games. The minimum size can be considered half hectares, but the goal is equal to approximately one-acre park. Especially in area, which are not close to a larger recreation area, will be put down to areas at least the size of acre block parks.

Sinirikonpuisto in Tikkurila is an example of block park. The park is 90x90 m, that is, an area of 0.8 ha. (kaavarunko page 37, right down)

Karhumäenkallio in Aviapolis is 60x130 m. Open space unit of the City of Vantaa .

(kaavarunko page 37, right down)

Landscapes, walking paths and yards

For landscapes it is it is necessary to make sure there are sufficient and permanent space reservations for street trees, when planning further, so they can grow tall and live long. A proposition of ways to work was made while creating the plan, that a small city space with quality will be implemented in every block. They would be privately owned (plot land), but in public use, for example front lawns that are connected to entrances, pocket parks or passageways. This approach Aviapolis Frame Plan 6-31 would help the city transformation from the first projects onwards and it would immediately affect the street landscape quality. The approach could be defined similarly to other areas that have required that certain amount of money from a project budget would be taken up by arts. For remarkable ensembles that will be created piece by piece could also be included in temporary green infrastructure. Frame plan does not answer to these questions, but they should be defined by the implementation of the plan area, which has further been discussed in chapter 10.

Small pocket parks and front gardens will make the outdoor environment interesting. (kaavarunko page 38, up)

Temporary open spaces can be used to increase comfort in unfinished areas. (kaavarunko page 38, down)

The decision that living will mainly be built in culs-de-sac without cover yards was reasoned in the frame plan so that it will give a change to create green, protective and versatilely functioning outdoor spaces. The house gardens can open up to the street to liven up the street landscape or connect straight to a park, where everyone’s own theme can continue to private garden areas. Especially in the early stages of the area change the meaning of house gardens will be important quality question when the neighbouring areas are still under construction. The public path that will go through the block can in example be different level than the private house gardens.

The most important comfort factor is the quality of the streets and the work places are important imago creator as well. The entrance will give first impression of the business and will be landmark of the location. Garden opening up to the street can be a part of the areas public route, lunch picnic space for workers and at the same time be beautiful view opening from an office room.

6.3.3 Managing urban stormwater

The urban stormwater program of City of Vantaa must be carried out in the frame plan area. The aim is to improve the quality of the receiving waters as well as reduce the flooding problems.

In the first place the urban runoff should be dealt at the starting point. In the areas of plan alteration, a management plan for urban runoff must be done. The delaying capacity on the plots should be as a rule of thumb 1m3/100m2 of impervious surface areas and vegetative surfaces should be favoured in the areas. Brooks and streams must be kept open and enough space for them has to be reserved in the land use plan. Current urban runoff network forms the trunk routes for the urban runoff of the frame plan area and the network will be improved as the area is constructed. Regional urban runoff management structures have been planned in the frame plan area. Equalisation pools will be built in Manttaali- and Rälssipuisto and alluvial meadows in Kirkonkylänoja. Delaying and purifying structures will be built on the top of Kirkonkylänoja and Krakanoja as the management dilutions for the quality and quantity of the urban runoff in the Lentoasema area. The Aviapolis Frame Plan 6-32 capacity of the current network provokes need for regional management of urban runoff in Virkamies area and it may provoke need for regional management in northeast side corner of Tikkurilantie road and Lentoasemantie road as well.

Aviapolis frame plan area management principles of urban runoff. (kaavarunko page 39, left)

6.3.4 New circles of the transportation

Connection to the surrounding city structure.

Ilmakehä and Lentoasemantie will connect the area to the main passages, Ring III and Tuusulanväylä. They will transmit the traffic in the frame plan area and towards the airport. The idea behind the frame plan is to secure good connections to the airport.

Tikkurilantie connects the area to Tikkurila and Kivistö with every transportation mode. According to the K2-vision Tikkurilantie will be changed to a boulevard, which will function as comfortable stage for city life.

The connection of the planning area to the surrounding urban structure, and new connection

needs. (kaavarunko page 39, right)

Current underpasses and overpasses on Ring III and Tuusulanväylä are located 350 – 600 m intervals. Most of them are street where there are walking and cycling roads as well. Current connections for drivers are adequate, but walkers and cyclers will need more of them. The fluent continuum of the current under and overpasses must also be taken into account. New connections are suggested across Ring III between the Virkatie and Antaksentie roads as well as between Äyritie and Jumbo and the current connections must be continued in the area from the west side of Tuusulanväylä.

Functionally Aviapolis and Pakkala areas should develop as mutually supportive areas. In addition to walking and cycling access needs the area should be viewed as public transport operating area as well. Central services of Pakkala, like Jumbo, are important to the residents and workers in Aviapolis- area. Aviapolis relies on the Ring Rail Line status, but Pakkala is developed towards south as bus transport area due to the tariff zones realized in 2017, which separates different areas to different zones at Ring III. This boarder does not limit what services the residents of Aviapolis will get from Pakkala, but for Pakkala residents travelling the Ring Rail Line towards Helsinki city center will pay different prize for the busses (Tariff area). The frame plan has been prepared over a long period, so changes in this respect are possible later. However, they have an impact on the development of the region at an early stage. The workplaces in Aviapolis remain favourable in terms of employment as Pakkala stays as reasonably prised (Near vicinity zone tariff barrier), public transport reachable area. Also, some potential road pricing implementation methods may affect in the same direction as the tariff barriers. Ring III thus form physical and other transport barrier between the regions .

Aviapolis Frame Plan 6-33


For forming and perceiving the walkable city structure in the frame plan the dense directive movement connection network has been suggested dense directive movement connection network, which will determine the shape of the walking network in the future. An essential feature of the pedestrian network, in addition to the density of the network, is to be walk-through: ending routes and wandering routes will be avoided. The walking routes must be fluent and short.

The quality of the city environment affects the walkability of the area as much as the connections. Because of this the city space will stay interesting and versality of the area has to be taken in to account in the future plans by creating interesting details in the ground floor level of the buildings, avoiding long uniform facades, by placing balconies and yards along the street, by limiting the street place with buildings as well as placing street side trees and street side parking for the safety of a pedestrian. The entrances of the buildings with their environments are important parts in the milieu.


Cycler isn’t a walker or a driver. Bikes need their own passageways, parking and storage spaces. Aviapolis areas speciality is the need for cycling from the station to workplaces, which requires variants for the usual solutions like bike parking and bike storages among other things in the detail plan and the implementation plan. Like car traffic, also bike traffic needs two types of passages: slower lanes for short travel cycling and faster lanes for long distance travel.

Fast cycling routes will go in east-west direction along in Ring III, Tikkurilantie and Ilmakehä. In north-south direction they will go along Lentoasemantie or Toinen Savu for south until Tikkurilantie and after it will go along Tietotie and Turbiinitie towards airport. Slower cycling routes will either be on their own passageways, either on bike lanes or bike paths.

Cycling network of the area. (kaavarunko page 40)

Public transport

Most important node of the public transportation is the Aviapolis station and public transport terminal that will be built in connection with the station. Two public transport trunk lines, that can also be executed as light rails, have been planned to support the traffic of the area. Another trunk route would serve in east-west direction and another one would go towards south from Aviapolis Station area. Making of the trunk route from Aviapolis station to airport has to be included in the future plans.

In the frame plan has been presented also the possible entrance of the Lentorata station; which would serve the airport and the planning area.

Trunk routes will guarantee the excellent service quality of the area. In Ring Rail Line stations and the five trunk route stops solution, 95% of the planned land use will be located under a kilometre Aviapolis Frame Plan 6-34 distance from the rail way station or under 600 meters from the trunk route stops. Along with the trunk routes on the area there will be complementary bus routes.

The public transport of the area is based on the Aviapolis station and two public transport trunk routes. (kaavarunko page 41. left)

Accessibility of Aviapolis station and other stops for public transport trunk routes. Almost 95% of the land use in the area will be located in the trunk route service areas. (kaavarunko page 41. right)

Vehicle traffic

Ilmakehä and Lentoasemantie will act as regional terminals, which connect the area to the national passageways. Valimotie, Kiitoradantie, Turbiinitie, Junkersintie and Tikkurilantie will act as regional main streets and passages. Other street network is part of the slower traffic streets, which can have street side parking.

The places where major passageways and city streets meet have to be planned carefully, because the driving speed, detection rate and environment type change. Good example is new oval crossing in Lentoasematie, which works as a gateway from high speeds to slower city traffic speeds.

Tikkurilantie is part of oversized traffic route, which has been dimensioned for large transport. The oversized traffic routes need free space size of 7m x 7m cross-section, which must be taken in account when planting street trees among other things. While the nature of Tikkurilantie is changing to boulevard so the oversized traffic route is not justified anymore. The City of Vantaa will do a report of the special delivery route in the city area when the frame plan will be ready. In the report draft the compensatory route has been proposed to go through Niittytie to Ilmakehä and even further to Turbiinitie and from there back to Tikkurilantie. The current route will stay until the new route can be used.

Functions causing the heavy load traffic will gradually have to move from the centre parts elsewhere. Heavy load traffic route in the Aviapolis area will go through Ring III – Pakkalantie – Tikkurilantie – Turbiinitie – Ilmakehä – Junkersintie, which will serve the industrial, storage and airport freight traffic needs.

Street typology of the region. (kaavarunko page 42, left)

Indicative street cross-sections:

Collector street, a width of 25.5 m. Aviapolis Frame Plan 6-35

Plot street, along which there are parking, a width of 19.5 m.

Aviapolis Frame Plan 6-36

Plot street, along which there is not parking, a width of 12.5 m.


Frame plan area parking solution in based on a centralized parking in car parks and underground facilities. Car parks are placed into the blocks. Their role in the cityscape is significant, so the architecture must be of high quality. At best, they could be the identity of the features on the site, which is known throughout the region. The use of parking facilities must be optimized with intelligent parking system, in where the mixed areas blended structure provides a good opportunity.

The lower street network will allow for wide-scale on-street parking, transactions, and guest parking. Tenant parking will be held mainly in plots. Ground level parking will also be placed in street like parking areas between the blocks so that on both sides of the parking area are pavements and street trees.

Car park at the housing fair area in Kivistö. (kaavarunko page 43, left)

Parking width is substantially equal to the height of neighbouring buildings. (kaavarunko page 43, right up)

Aviapolis Frame Plan 6-37

Chart of parking arrangements in respect of two blocks. Most of the parking structure will be placed in second quarter in the park house, as well as the street sides. (kaavarunko page 43, right middle)

Street parking in the new area in Stockholm. Street-side parking and street trees to protect walkers. (kaavarunko page 43, right down)

The design of the Ring Rail Line, in early 2000s, did not have commuter-parking set for Aviapolis because commuter parking related to the airport was considered a problem, and any need for parking was not significant at the Aviapolis working area. Now when housing is also planned, it will change the situation in the area. While making the detailed plan it is possible to plan small-scale parking in a facility, like parking in shifts in functions that have been planned as crowd magnet.

6.3.5 The circle of interest connects the trade, service and quality places

Circle of interest

The two poles of functionality in Aviapolis are the station as well as the shopping centre Jumbo and the entertainment centre Flamingo. They will be connected together with a circle of interest, along with it the most intensive urban blocks. The circle will connect private services, like grocery stores and public services like schools and the most relevant recreational centres all along on route. Public transports frame line routes and bus stops will increase the functionality of the ensemble.

The circle of interest will go from Aviaboulevardi to Toinen Savu and through Osuustie to Väinö Tannerin tie and further from Jumbo through Rälssitie to Tikkurilantie and so on to Aviapolis station. The length of the route is around 5 kilometres and it will go through the places that already exist. Constructing new will create new interesting cityscape to the circle and bring quality in the picture. Later it is possible to check that the routes go towards the south side of Technopolis. Bus stops of trunk line commercial centres will be defined on their permanent places.

Two central places must be reserved for crowd magnets. In those places it is possible to locate amusement and entertainment services, places that support sports or cultural activities, exhibition halls and remarkable public service places. One of the crowd magnets will be located in the southwest corner of Tikkurilantie and Lentoasemantie in the south side of Aviapolis station, which will easily be available from the station as well as from the major passages. And the other will be placed in connection to the so-called Huber Halls that are architecturally valuable. The place is central, especially to the residents and workers on the area. At a later state, cultural services or a learning centre could be placed in the old industrial environment, for example.

The circle of interest will connect the functional hubs of the area. The circle of interest is shown in yellow in the picture. (kaavarunko page 44, right up) Aviapolis Frame Plan 6-38

Some of the commercial areas in the clusters, public transport, services and recreational areas will be placed along the circle of interest. (kaavarunko page 44, right down)

Trade in regional hubs

The stores will be integrated as part of the city structure, that it is easy for any customer to shop in a store whether they walk, drive or cycle. The retail stores will be placed in central and visible locations of the city structure to the foundation or separate commercial buildings. Especially the road to Tikkurila and its intersecting streets are interest in the terms of trade, as well as environments of the stops of public transport

Strong commercial facades are configured in the frame plan, where the ground floor of the building to the street-side facade will be a significant part of commercial activities. Thus the circle of interest is formed with the commercial centres that have central like atmosphere.

The mixed urban function areas and the housing-dominated regions mainly locate the grocery stores and the central-oriented specialty stores. In the mixed urban function areas it is allowed to have large local retail units as long as they will integrate to the other functions and will open up to the street space. Workplace areas will have stores that have needs for larger space than the stores in central areas. These types of stores that need a lot of space can also be large retail units. Along Tuusulantie there will be regionally important large retail units.

In the service network report and plan for the frame plan area that the City of Vantaa made, it is implied that numeral grocery stores and local service locations will be needed in the area. In the report expanding the central function expands have been addressed from shopping centre Jumbo along Rälssitie to Tikkurilantie and Aviaboulevard. In addition, the report proposes expansion of the Pakkala Centre commercial core. This could happen, for example, with a covered and a pleasant shopping alley that connects the Jumbo shopping center Ring III's more than Äyritie. Along Tuusulanväylä there is addressed trade area and its extension, which can be built a lot of space demanding retail unit. Vantaa’s trade service network report and plan, as well as the frame plan are consistent with how the trade should be controlled.

The circle of interest guidelines and the strong commercial facades were utilized, in the Space Syntax analysis among other things. The red area that is shown in the picture shows

the central places of the frame plan. (kaavarunko page 45)

Achievable services

Along the circle of interest, or near it, public services such as schools, day care centres and parks are placed in the area. Based on preliminary reviews of the area, it is necessary to reserve space for 3-4 schools and 8-10 for six or seven group day care center.

In connection with schools and parks there will be sports facilities reserved for the city, which ensures versatile use of space. Each school will have multi-purpose field next to them. A regional Aviapolis Frame Plan 6-39 sports hall is reserved for one school, which can be used as advantage in variety of competitive activities. A big artificial turf field is placed in the area. (with safety zones of 115 m x 75 m).

There are three major blocks reserved from the frame plan area for services that are intended for both public and private. In addition to this a versatile service assemble has been planned in the place of Huber halls. The service areas are located in connection with refreshment areas and in range of good public transport connections. Apart from these, the frame plan has defined a set of smaller service packages, which location is indicated and will be specified in the further planning. Services in construction must be urban and their land use effective. Buildings may be executed, as hybrid buildings for example, where the other function will be placed in the upper levels.

Trade service network report and plan of Vantaa will be taken in control in the Frame plan and Center-Vantaa areas. (kaavarunko page 46)

Quality places

The frame plan shows a number of quality places where the building must be architectural and urban space must be particularly high standard, as well as aesthetic and comfort enhancing. The aim is to create a distinctive Aviapolis cityscape where the area is known and remembered. The quality of the environment and personal expression will enhance the comfort and a sense of the community in the area.

The quality places are ideally located so that they are important visual and functional hubs, landmarks or scenery endings that help to orientate in an unfamiliar neighbourhood. On the other hand, they remain in the minds of the wanderers and they are attracted to come back.

The quality place can have variety in their scale and impact. It can be a dominant point in the cityscape, the uproarious different, even whimsical building or lighting ensemble on the main street. They may be in the smaller, perhaps calmer stopping places, such as building entrances and in front of houses or important street environment places. The facade may have different style of treatment or the building may have a different shape, or some other fascinating special feature that is distinctive look from the rest. Unexpected and funny things elevate mood and promote comfort.

Determination of the quality of places does not eliminate the overall objective of the fascinating walking through a city block. Places where you want to travel and also to stop must be built in Aviapolis: front of the shop window, under a tree, front of an artwork, a park bench. Underpasses will be built in the major passages that have been designed with comfortable dimensions, materials, colours and pleasant views.

An example of quality place from Manchester: architecture of the place fascinates and attracts to stop for a while. (kaavarunko page 47) Aviapolis Frame Plan 7-40


7.1 Frame plan map

Frame plan map

7.2 Markings and regulations

Mixed urban function areas (Sekoittuneiden kaupunkitoimintojen alue) Aviapolis Frame Plan 7-41

The area will be optimized for central living, as well as office, business, service and operation areas that are suitable for centre environments. In the mixed urban function areas at least 20% of the built floor area has to be other than living. The observed area can then be used as larger unit than limited as the public areas of the blocks. Grocery stores are only limited to 2 500 k-m2. Commercial, service and residential facilities must be integrated with other functions and they will open to the street.

Quarter-effectiveness should generally be at least 1.5, and the height of buildings around five to six levels.

The blocks that will be built in the area should primary have sidelines limited to 150 meters. There should be public space between the blocks. Buildings should limit the street space.

Residential blocks should mainly be enclosed blocks. Unbuilt, vegetative ground-based portion of the courtyard housing quarters will be at least 1/3 of the block courtyard area. Courtyards will be limited with planting.

Facade of the quarter must be designed in such a way that gives the impression of several buildings next to each other, possibly attached together. Buildings must have arranged entrances to the street, even from the courtyard. Street level must be sufficiently vented with frequent doors, windows and patio doorways leading to the gateways that the pedestrian landscape will be varied. The rooftop landscape should be varied.

The blocks along the Lentoasemantie and Tikkurilantie road will form a dense, protective structure from the traffic noise. Parking should be arranged in car parks, underground parking facilities along the street and the street-parking areas. Parking house architecture should be high quality.

Mostly residential mixed urban function areas (Asuntovaltainen, sekoituneiden kaupunkitoimintojen alue)

The region is being developed primarily as housing, local services and recreation areas. The area may be allowed for office, retail, and service facilities use as well as environmental perturbing production facilities. The area is allowed a maximum of 2 000 k-m2 sized to grocery stores. Business, service facilities and residential facilities must be integrated with other functions and they should open up to the street.

Quarter efficiency of the high rise building dominated areas, as a rule, should be at least 1.0, and the height of the buildings should mainly be from five to six levels.

The blocks that will be built in the area should primary have sidelines limited to 150 meters. There should be public space between the blocks. Buildings should limit the street space.

Residential blocks should mainly be enclosed blocks. Unbuilt, vegetative ground-based portion of the courtyard housing quarters will be at least 1/3 of the block courtyard area. Courtyards will be limited with planting. Aviapolis Frame Plan 7-42

Facade of the blocks must be designed in such a way that it gives the impression of several buildings next to each other, possibly attached together. Buildings must have arranged entrances to the street, even from the courtyard. Street level must be sufficiently vented with frequent doors, windows and patio doorways leading to the gateways so that the pedestrian landscape will be varied. The rooftop landscape should be varied.

The blocks along the Lentoasemantie and Tikkurilantie road should form a dense, protective structure from the traffic noise. Parking should be arranged in car parks, underground parking facilities along the street and the street-parking areas. Parking house architecture should be high quality.

Intensive working area (Intensiivinen työpaikka-alue)

The area is being developed as retail, office, service, production and storage facilities areas. It is possible to invest significant local large retail units in the area. It is not possible to place grocery and centre-oriented specialty stores. Retail stores may form ensemble of regional importance along Tuusulanväylä.

Quarter efficiency of the high-rise building dominated areas, as a rule, should be at least 1.5. There should be public space between the blocks. Buildings should limit the street space.

The blocks along the Ring III and Tuusulantie road should form a dense, protective structure from the traffic noise. Parking should be arranged in car parks, underground parking facilities along the street and the street-parking areas. Parking house architecture should be high quality.

Working area (Työpaikka-alue)

The area is being developed for environmental perturbing premises areas to create a production and storage facilities, as well as office and retail spaces areas. The area may invest in significance of local large retail units. Grocery and centre focused specialty stores cannot be placed in this area. Along Tuusulanväylä retail may form an importance of regional ensemble along Tuusulanväylä the blocks of will form a dense, protective structure against the traffic noise.

Area of service (Palveluiden alue)

The area is primarily developed as an area of public and private services. Usage should relate to the adjacent recreational areas. Buildings should by a general rule be built multiple storeys high. Services can be located in buildings with other functions.

The crowd magnet (Yleisömagneetti)

This area will be developed as an area of international and regional services. Aviapolis Frame Plan 7-43

Local retail premises can be located in the area if they support the main interest of the area. Architecture must be of particularly high standard and have personal look.

The area of recreation (Virkistysalue)

The area will be developed in urban recreation area. The area should be part of a network of recreation, public urban spaces and outdoor exercise routes. The areas more accurate size and functions will be decided in the detailed plan.

Strong commercial façade (Vahva, kaupallinen julkisivu)

Street: the areas commercial local centre. Street level facade approximately 50% has to be retail and office spaces. The spaces must have doors to the streets or public pedestrian route.

Circle of importance (Kiinnostavuuden kehä)

Ground levels of the buildings must open up to the circle of importance with doors and windows. The circle of importance may also open up to a residential yard.

Block gardens (Korttelipuisto)

The area reserved for the urban park space. More accurate location and size, as well as a continuous range of operations are settled in connection with town planning.

Green connection (Viheryhteys)

The so-called green connection is a chain of small parks and walking and cycling paths that connects the block gardens and recreational areas. The green connection can be formed to make its way through the residential blocks.

Movement connections (Liikkumisen yhteys)

Indicative movement connections, location and mode of transport of which will be revised in the local detailed plan. Connections can be streets, paths or squares. Tikkurilatie should be developed as a boulevard.

Interchanges (Eritasoliittymä) Aviapolis Frame Plan 7-44

Current interchanges remain. Intersection should fade in the landscape, especially from the perspective of a pedestrian city structure means.

Connection needs (Yhteystarve)

New routes and connections are especially important to pedestrians and cyclers, because it will lessen the major routes from creating barrier effect and a fragmented city image.

Developing stream environment (Kehitettävä puroympäristö)

Streams should be stored as open channels and they can build the necessary management urban runoff structures. The stream environments need to be developed in higher quality network of recreation and urban parts of the image.

Reservation for services (Varaus palveluille)

The area space is reserved for local services, with a more accurate location, quantity and quality counts-in the framework of town planning.

Culturohistorically significant building (Kulttuurihistoriallisesti merkittävä rakennus)

Culturohistorically significant building, which protection the local detailed plan determines in the context of the city plan. Buildings and their environment will be developed as part of the live image and structure of the city.

Quality place (Laadun paikka)

Quality places are visual nodes or other significant places where the environment and architectural quality should be put special notice. The building ground level, architectural massing and / or treatment of the facade must be something special.

Aircraft noise zone 2 (Lentomeluvyöhyke 2)

Limit of the aircraft noise zone of the general formula 2 (L den 55 – 60 dB).

Aviapolis Frame Plan 8-45


To define the common goals for the Aviapolis area, it was decided that a general frame plan would be a right tool, as the Local Master plan is mostly up-to-date, and local detailed plans do not cover the big picture.

The first stage was to define the vision, the starting points and the goals, which the city planning committee approved 18.8.2014. The frame plan draft was discussed in the city planning committee in 17.8.2015 and in the city council in 24.8.2015. The frame plan has then been developed based on statements given on the draft and more reports have been commissioned on things such as the traffic noise and the transportation network.

The finished frame plan will guide local detailed planning and project development where the local master plan and local detailed plan do not conflict. Where they do conflict, the local master plan should be changed according to the aims of the frame plan. Uusimaa Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment has given an statement on 30.10.2015 that they consider the frame plan to function as a local master plan level report and analysis to guide the creation of detailed plans or if making changes to the local master plan.

The Frame plan has been created in cooperation with local landowners, Aviapolis- development team and different city branches. This interactive process has enabled finding common ground and committing into it. The common ground with the landowners is crucial for the development of the area.

Due to the exceptional nature of the area, the opinions of those working and studying in the area have been emphasized. For example youngsters have been taken along to the process. They will be in their thirties in 2030, and in their fifties in 2050, so Aviapolis will be built expressly for their generation.

The starting points, objectives and plan have been perfected in interaction in the following occasions:

Aviapolis Workshop 9/2013

• In the workshop, the objectives and the “roadmap” of progress were developed together with Aviapolis -development team and city representatives.

Aviapolis Objectives seminar 1/2014

• In the objectives seminar, the goals and objectives of the area were developed together with different city functions. Aviapolis Frame Plan 8-46

Breakfast events for landowners 4/2014 and 5/2015

• The objectives and solutions of the frame plan have been discusses with the landowners in the Breakfast events. • After these events, online feedback has been requested on the plan drafts from the landowners.

The first breakfast event for landowners gathered almost 50 participants.

Hearing the youngsters Spring/2015

• Workshop for 8th graders in the international POINT school 3/2015. • Workshop for the students of Varia 3/2015. • Presentation of the objectives and the frame plan for the Youth Council 4/2015.

Opening ceremony of the Ring Rail Line 7/2015

• Planning drafts were exhibited and hopes for the future were gathered in the Aviapolis Station.

Frame plan draft 8/2015

• Area committee and a resident event • Two events for the area employees

Vantaa city planning has the main responsibility of creating the frame plan. To the core team belong Local master plan manager Mari Siivola, architect Merja Häsänen, Local master plan designer Sakari Jäppinen, landscape architect Anne Mäkynen, local master plan designer Joni Heikkola and a communications designer Ritva-Leena Kujala. Meanwhile also a service network report and Aviapolis City -project, which concentrates on practical solutions for trade, have been in development. Aviapolis Frame Plan 9-47


9.1 Impact on regional and community structure

The planning area is located in development corridor between Tikkurila and Pakkala. The frame plan area is mainly regional land that requires tightening urban areas, as well as areas fully prioritized for improvement in the Helsinki region land use plan (MASU). The regional city network is strengthened by development of Aviapolis as a new significant and functionally versatile centre. Vantaa city structure balances as Central-Vantaa grows into an intact unity in the north side of Ring III.

The planned use of this land area is situated in its entirety to area, where the supply of public transport has been defined to be excellent and competitive transport system plan in Helsinki. Land use leans on rail traffic and sub-regional trunk routes. Significant diversification of the land usage and intensification of the areas assigned for densening in the frame plan area will unite the regional and community structure.

Significant increase of land use and planned small-scale block structure case a huge need for built infrastructure in the area. However, the main infrastructural investments have already been made (rail lines, highways and interchanges). Because of the growth of water consumption in the frame plan area; an overall water supply plan will be made as consultant work. The plan task includes the evaluation of current needs of the water supply and sewage network, analysis of the network capacity and the development assessment needs of the frame plan land usage. The water supply chain will expand as zoning areas and new roads actualise. Due the construction of the area old water pipes are renovated to have larger capacity and moved when needed.

The efficiency requirement of the land use and increase in living will increase the existing pressure of logistics and storage functions to move further out from the region structure, which contribute to for example, the development of the work place areas of Tuusula in the northern side of the airport. The ineffective land-use situated near the newly opened Ring Rail Line is not justified.

Construction of the area strengthens the importance of Central Vantaa for the regional structure. The dependency of Mid-Vantaa from West and East Vantaa decreases, which helps the vitality of the local businesses. A new diverse centre area will be developed in Central Vantaa.

9.2 Impact on traffic and movement

Frame plan area is in an excellent traffic provider area, where the sustainable modes of transport have great competitiveness. In addition to Ring Rail Line there are two other frame lines of public transportation as well as the Airport Rail Line, which all will significantly improve the standard of public transport further. Based on reviews over 90% of the planned land use will be located around the trunk route service area. Aviapolis Frame Plan 9-48

In the frame plan, there is directive for the mode of transport especially in the shorter journeys. Frequent mode of transport requires significant investments in the street network.

Walking, cycling and public transport links are improved, while the services will be located closer. This will improve accessibility of commercial and public services as well as workplaces, especially with the sustainable modes of transport. The change of the land use drives some of the bulky functions even further away, which will deteriorate the accessibility of these workplaces and services. Accessibility to the open spaces will not deteriorate from the point of view of a resident.

Increase in the use of land will also increase the use of transport. Functionality of the areas transportation network will still stay good or moderate. Part of the reason is that the vehicle traffic modal shares will be reduces significantly from the current while the sustainable traffics modal shares will grow to almost 60% of the traffic. Ilmakehä and Lentoasematie will still be the busiest and most loaded passageways.

A light rail line that is planned in the area will improve the areas public transportation connections. This will also slightly deteriorate the transportation network, especially in Tikkurilantie, but the functionality of the transportation network will stay good on the other areas.

9.3 Impact in the nature and refreshment areas

Realisation of the frame plan will reduce and shatter the current forest areas. Forest species habitats will lessen, but the effect from the point of view of the city is minor, because the area does not form significant ecological connection and the species habituating the area are common. Most significant hills have been selected as open spaces in the frame plan. Current structure renewal will change some already built land back to open spaces, that will with time and with a good plan produce new culture ground and versatile cultural environment. Aviapolis Frame Plan 9-49

Productive land will be utilized in recreational park network, but parks must also be created

in the previously built land.

The proportion of vegetative land is expected to decrease as the proper land use is realised according to the frame plan. The changes have been estimated by defining the street network an indicative buildings as built land, where as residential gardens and parks from built land have been defined as vegetative land. Lentoasemantie road has been calculated as it is now, but open spaces on other street areas have not been taken in account. It is not calculated what importance the green connections have. In this rough review the area of vegetative land would drop to 38% from 44%. Aviapolis Frame Plan 9-50

If the frame plan will be realized it is estimated that vegetative land will be 38% and the

built land will be 62%.

Maintaining the vegetative and forming the new (ground-based) vegetative land is important for the future, so that large trees will grow in the yards later as well. It is not possible to grow trees on the cover yards.

There are no known endangered animals or plants in the frame plan area. In 2014 there was a report made of the dragonflies and other water insects in the Aviapolis area. The area from the frame plan was examined and the species of the Pytinoja were stated simple. Only one type of dragonfly species, Brown hawker (Aeshna grandis), was noticed there in three visits. Brown hawker in common and is present in wide range of water areas, and other commonly observed dragonfly species were not noticed. The missing of dragonflies and current water species tells that the stream has weak ecological situation like paucity of the benthic fauna.

The creek corridors on the frame plan are reserved for recreational areas and their status will improve with the management of the quantity and quality of urban runoff (The airport landing streams report and urban stormwater management measures, Finavia; Rälssi- and Manttaalipuistojen urban runoff management measures, the City of Vantaa). Urban stormwater management principles will be implemented and regional urban runoff management solutions will be used, as well as a plot specific urban runoff management can be used to limit floods caused by Aviapolis Frame Plan 9-51 urban runoff and to keep the already existing and receiving water status remaining the same or getting better. At the same time a comfort-enhancing water themes can be built in parks and yards. The change in the land use of the area can, in theory, reduce the risk of pollution of the water system because of the heavy traffic in the area will be reduced.

The recreational use of the frame plan area is currently limited, since the area is only partly habitated, and any recreational trails do not pass it. With population increase the use of recreational areas will increase, which has been prepared for in the frame plan with recreational area reservation and demonstrating green connection needs.

25 hectares have been reserved as park and recreational areas in the frame plan, which will form from few larger areas and some smaller block gardens. The frame plan does not define locations of green connections, which connect these recreational areas. Recreational areas will form generous 10% of the frame plan. Per capita (of 20 000 residents) there will be 20 m2 of recreational areas and this can be compared to Tikkurila. The planned green network areas will be easily accessible: all residential blocks will be within 300-metre range.

The frame plan aims also for "pocket garden" located on private grounds, but in public use, which therefore improve the overall quality of the residential environment for everyone.

Aviapolis Frame Plan 9-52

Accessibility of refreshment areas is good. The 300 meters criteria for the refreshment area network will cover all the blocks, which are designed for housing.

9.4 Effects on the urban landscape and cultural environment


Aviapolis frame plan will completely change the cityscape and structure of Veromies. The area is characterized by the logistics and warehousing will change to housing, services and the office like environment. The current block structure is going to get smaller as the pedestrian traffic connections get denser, and the building size will change when the use of the buildings change. The environment becomes urban, comfortable and interesting, as several different buildings and building types are interlaced. Current wasteland, undeveloped land and large asphalt fields give way to residential and office blocks, planted yards and parks. The frame plan allows for a variety of neighbourhoods, urban spaces and varied cityscape be constructed.

Large major passageways form the main facade of the whole region. The internal traffic environment changes the cityscape. Changing Tikkurilantie road to boulevard and the relocation of heavy traffic to Ilmakehä will lower the traffic speed of Tikkurilantie. This pedestrian milieu becomes more safe and comfortable. Cars will not be highlighted in the cityscape, because the region does not allow large-scale ground-level parking fields.

Cultural heritage and built cultural environment

The frame plan supports the preservation of architectural heritage. When the urban and transport network will change and intensify, it is easier to make the architectural heritage accessible. Valuable buildings may be visible to users in the area, for example through the creation of the landscape axes.

The value of buildings and their environments are developed as part of a living urban landscape and urban structure. Old industrial milieus are possible to build further and complete. The danger is that too many of the old industrial buildings will be demolished and they will not tell any history of the area.

9.5 Effects on the residents, environment and services


With the frame plan the resident, workplace, and traffic amounts of the area will increase significantly, which may have effect on the current inhabitants of the area. Change in the familiar environment can be experienced as negative change. On the other hand as the urban environment improves and the scales change the impact goes to positive direction. The diversification of the housing stock makes quality of live better in the same residential area in the various stages of life. Aviapolis Frame Plan 9-53

Increased land use will change the character of the area from office and green bit area to versatile urban environment forever.

New housing construction scale will be humane. The residential sector mainly has five to six levels, which means that even from the top levels it is still possible to identify the people on the ground. The blocks will be built as culs-de-sac to get center like environment, including gardens protected from traffic noise. Pyttisberget area and especially the parks close by will be mixed urban function areas that are very suitable for family housing. The quantity, quality and functional possibilities (sports, playing etc.) in the built-up open spaces will be improved.

Public and private services

Aviapolis public services will significantly improve. The frame plan has addressed three large area reservation services for education and early childhood education. They are near easily accessible services and versatile movement. The area reservations are large, thereby contributing to the formation of complex service packages, and they are located away from passages that cause traffic noise and fine particles causing. In addition, in the immediate vicinity of the service blocks there is always open space.

The frame plan shows the five services entry needs for the public services that do not need that much space. This will ensure regional accessibility service network. The two "crowd magnet reservation" supports the construction of both private and public services in the area. The area it is possible to implement new and innovative solutions, in which private and public services to benefit from each other. This will ensure regional accessibility service network. The two "crowd magnet reservation" will support the construction of both private and public services in the area. It is possible to implement new and innovative solutions in the area, in which private and public services will benefit from each other.

Population increase of nearly 20 000 residents, will cause the service needs for other public services as well. It is not necessary to fit all functions into the frame plan area, if the service needs of the wider region, i.e. the whole Aviapolis sub-area will be taken into account. The main analysis items are the social and health services, secondary education, as well as cultural and sporting services.

The Aviapolis private services will significantly be improved. The private services (e.g. shops and restaurants) are placed in different positions in the key parts of the frame plan in a walkable city, which will support the accessibility of trade and services. Private services need to have sufficient resident potential. Wider scale of trade and services in the region will require 5 000 - 10 000 net migration of residents. A large number of jobs in the area will support the conditions of smaller local services, in a few years. Especially the restaurant and convenience stores will cater the need for jobs in the area and one of the first jobs for the new residents.

The frame plan guides the functions of the mixed urban area of the storefront business premises and the formation of retail solutions suitable for the urban environment. In addition, marking a strong commercial facade to ensure a sufficient number of commercial premises. The area probably does not have the proper conditions for the attractive specialty retailing concentration due to the proximity of the shopping center Aviapolis Frame Plan 9-54

Jumbo. This is not even desirable. On the other hand, it is likely that local populations and jobs serving service clusters will form in the area, at least near the Aviapolis station. Jumbo's commercial service can be utilized with easy connections to Jumbo.

Only large retail units of the size of 2 500 km2 can be located on the mixed urban function area. The directive controls the size of the stores, but it will still be loose enough to allowing large retail units, but so, that with shaping of the store so the stores will be constructed on a human scale.

Grocery and central driven speciality stores will not be placed on the intensive working areas, and working areas. Thus this type of stores will be placed near the residential areas in the mixed urban areas and near the residents. Along Tuusulanväylä the retail trade can form important regional ensemble. This supports the development of trade in the Koivuhaka area as the car sales center. Detailed trade effects have been assessed in the marketing service network report and plan of Vantaa (2015).

Effects on the living environment


A noise report was made for the whole frame plan area about the estimates for the years 2040 and 2050. The main purpose of the survey was to identify the most challenging areas in terms of traffic noise at this stage. The report does not affect the frame plan for the regular solution, but will continue as a design tool, when the area will be realised. The noise study will be completed in mid-March 2016.

Air quality

Development of Aviapolis area upon sustainable modes of transport will support the healthy and safe air qualities, as it will cause harmful car traffic modal share decreases. However, since the density of population and employment figures show a significant increase, also the traffic levels increase from the current. The volume of traffic that causes air quality problems is essential in terms of air quality. Increase in the traffic also increases emissions. As the vehicle technology advances, the carbon emissions from the exhaust gases will reduce, but the car fleet is renewed slowly and particulates occur from the wear and tear of roads and the brakes.

Locating the housing and sensitive functions far enough from busy routes can reduce traffic caused air pollution exposure. In an open environment, an adequate distance is achieved by following the air quality zones based on traffic volume. In a more closed street structure ventilation of the streets must be secured, because in the poorly ventilated street canyon structures air pollution levels will rise. Fragmented and diversified street structure, as well as the street width to height ratio of the surrounding buildings will mix and dilute the pollutants. However, the uniform building masses will protect areas and courtyards located behind air pollution.

Changing the Tikkurilantie to boulevard can cause challenges for the air quality. Speeds slowing down will create more emissions and the traffic jams getting worse will increase the air pollution levels. On the other Aviapolis Frame Plan 9-55 hand, reducing the traffic speed can move traffic flows to other routes, and also moving heavy load traffic on the larger passages will move the air quality damage caused by the heavy traffic to less sensitive areas away from the residential areas and from the mixed urban function areas. It should be taken into account in the further planning that the air quality issues should be observed in more detailed level.

9.6 Effects on trade and the economy


The frame plan targets the business jobs mostly to intensive working areas, the working areas as well as the mixed urban function areas. These areas are large. Frame plan promotes comprehensive and effective formation of the job structure on the differently profiled working areas. Minimum efficiency figures and maximum lengths of the block sides, guide the change of structure of the logistics and warehouse operations to more efficient job structure in accordance with frame plan targets. The solution will promote the entry of new companies and jobs in the area, but at the same time it will result in a larger-scale challenge in the future prospects of logistics and warehouse operations. However, Vantaa has large-scale areas that are better for logistics in good locations close to the main routes.

Most office buildings are located close to the Aviapolis station area and the airport (Sky City), as well as along major passages. Office and service jobs are located to a large extent in the intensive work areas, and the production and warehouse jobs in working areas. The construction of offices will also be allowed in residential, mixed urban function areas. Its not expected that any substantial new jobs would be placed in residential areas. In addition, the market for real estate development supports – at leas at the moment - the construction of a residential construction job instead. Both housing and jobs are sought in the mixed urban function areas. It is difficult to estimate the number of jobs, since it cannot