Settling-in services in the region

Asettautumispalvelut pääkaupunkiseudulla

Services for individuals Services for companies Electronic services and networks Service descriptions Contents

Introduction and service offering 3

Tausta ja tarkoitus 4

Services for companies 5 PROMOTION – Helsinki Business Hub 6 MARKETING – Otaniemi.Fi – Soft Landing services 7 INNOVATION INSTITUTE – Vantaa International HUB 8 AALTO START-UP CENTER – Soft landing on Finnish Markets 9 YRITYSHELSINKI – ENTERPRISEHELSINKI Information sessions and start-up counselling 10 Evening info courses for immigrant entrepreneurs 11 Entrepreneur course for immigrant entrepreneurs 12

Services for individuals 13 CITY OF HELSINKI – Virka Info public information service 14 CITY OF – In Espoo – Advice for persons moving from abroad 15 CITY OF VANTAA – Citizen’s Offices 16 HERA INTERNATIONAL – Study in Helsinki and Student Guide 17 and – International Staff Services, Töölö Towers 18 KELA and VEROHALLINTO – In To 19

Electronic services and networks 20 CITY OF HELSINKI – Infopankki – 21 OTANIEMI MARKETING – Otaniemi International Network OIN 22 UNFAIR ADVANTAGE – Jolly Dragon and JD Games 23

Service offering for regional settling-in services 24

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region 2 Introduction and service offering

The Helsinki needs talented people, thriving businesses and international in- vestments to succeed in global competition and to create a prosperous metropolis. Settling-in services in the Helsinki region serves as a user-friendly manual for all advisers and organisations serving foreign companies and individuals settling in the Helsinki region.

It is important for all advisers in different organisations to know their own service as part of the service offering and to work closely with other service providers to be able to serve customers according their needs. This brochure contains brief service descriptions of the main services of- fered to international companies, individuals and professionals in the Helsinki region. The service descriptions have been compiled with the actors and are presented using the same structure for all. The aim is to describe who the services are intended for, what the service content is, who the service provider is and where the service is available.

Service offering for regional settling-in services

Services for Individuals Regional cooperation in counselling services City Service University State joint Services for points counselling services and Intnl talents Helsinki, services for activities Intnl Staff Service Espoo, Vantaa students (Vero, Kela) TalentMatch network

Networks International Services for Companies Helsinki region Soft Landing services for and tools for Company or companies & entrepreneurs Activation of Professional Greater Otaniemi Vantaa Aalto YritysHelsinki Helsinki Marketing Innovation Start-Up for starting Communities Promotion Institute Center entrepreneurs

Electronic services and networks Electronic NETWORKS Other service New services services • Otaniemi providers and for companies, Intnl Network networks immigrants • Jolly Dragon and students • JD Games

The service offering as a whole aims at helping all advisers to guide the customer to the right service provider in the Helsinki region. The joint operation of the service offering as a whole requires customer-oriented operation, co-operation of services for companies and individu- als, synchronised services, joint contact persons and information, utilisation of special serv- ices and social networks, and a presentation of the big picture and overall service offering in different service points, guides, electronic services and networks. The regional settling-in service offering has been compiled in cooperation with several actors as part of the NoWrongDoor project within the COCO-GHA programme.

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region 3 Tausta ja tarkoitus

Helsingin metropolialue tarvitsee osaavia ihmisiä, menestyviä yrityksiä ja kansainvälisiä inves- tointeja menestyäkseen globaalissa kilpailussa ja luodakseen alueelleen hyvinvointia. Metropo- lialueelle tuleville ulkomaalaisille osaajille ja yrityksille on tarjolla lukuisia neuvontapalveluja, mutta sekä neuvontapalvelutahojen tietoisuus toisistaan että asiakkaiden tietoisuus tarjolla ole- vista palveluista vaihtelee paljon.

Eri neuvontapalveluissa työskentelevien neuvojien on tärkeä tunnistaa oma palvelunsa osana alueen neuvontapalvelukokonaisuutta. Lisäksi tarvitaan aiempaa tiiviimpää yhteistyötä eri pal- veluntarjoajien kesken asiakkaiden ohjaamisessa oikean palvelun äärelle sekä entistä käyt- täjälähtöisempien palvelujen ja palvelukokonaisuuksien kehittämisessä. Tähän ”Asettautumispal- velut pääkaupunkiseudulla” -esitteeseen on koottu palvelukuvaukset keskeisimmistä yrityksille ja yksilöille suunnatuista asettautumispalvelusta metropolialueella. Seudun neuvontapalvelut on jaettavissa kolmeen segmenttiin ja palvelukokonaisuutta voi hahmottaa alla olevan kuvan pohjalta.

Asettautumispalvelut pääkaupunkiseudulla

Yksilöpalvelut Seudullinen yhteistyö neuvontapalveluissa Neuvonta- Yliopistojen ja Valtion Intnl Staff Service palvelut korkeakoulujen yhteis- ja TalentMatch Helsinki, neuvonta- palvelut -uraverkosto Espoo, Vantaa palvelut (Vero, Kela) kv. osaajille

Verkostoja Kansain- Yrityspalvelut ja välinen työkaluja yritys tai Metropolialueen Soft Landing-palvelut yrityksille ja yrittäjille Greater Otaniemi Vantaa Aalto YritysHelsinki yhteisöjen osaaja Helsinki Marketing Innovation Start-Up aloittaville Promotion Institute Center yrittäjille aktivointiin

Sähköiset ja verkostopalvelut Sähköiset Verkostot Muut palvelun- Uudistuvat palvelut • Otaniemi tuottajat ja palvelut yrityksille, Intnl Network sähköiset maahanmuuttajille • Jolly Dragon palvelut ja opiskelijoille • JD Games yksilöille

Tässä esitteessä kuvataan keskeisimpien neuvontapalvelujen sisällöt ja kohderyhmät sekä palve- luntarjoajien yhteystiedot. Esite on tarkoitettu käsikirjaksi sekä asettautumispalveluja antaville neuvojille että ulkomaalaisille yrityksille ja henkilöille, jotka tarvitsevat asettautumispalveluja.

Esite on laadittu englannin kielellä soveltuakseen mahdollisimman monelle käyttäjälle. Palve- lukuvaukset on koottu NoWrongDoor-hankkeen toimesta yhteistyössä alueen neuvontatahojen kanssa. NoWrongDoor-hanketta on toteutettu osana pääkaupunkiseudun koheesio- ja kilpailu- kykyohjelmaa (PKS-KOKO), jota ovat rahoittaneet pääkaupunkiseudun kaupungit, Kirkkonummen kunta, Uudenmaan liitto ja työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö.

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region 4 Services for companies

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region | Services for companies 5 Greater Helsinki Promotion Helsinki Business Hub

Target group Helsinki Business Hub’s target group is international companies seeking to relocate to or invest in the Greater Helsinki region. The Greater Helsinki region attracts dozens of strategic investments each year.

Service description Greater Helsinki Promotion (GHP) offers professional consultative services for companies looking to invest and/or start a business in Helsinki. The main activities consist of con- sultancy work about the business potential the Greater Helsinki region offers to new and existing companies, gathering and distributing business intelligence about the region and supporting the international brand awareness of the Greater Helsinki region. GHP enables dynamic international companies to create success within the heart of business in Finland, Russia and the Baltics.

Keywords: services for international companies, FDI, soft landing, investments, consulting

About service / organisation GHP’s most important job is to promote investment, to identify the right kinds of interna- tional companies, understand their needs and to convey the potential of the Greater Hel- sinki region to them in a way that will make new investments a reality.

GHP has a dynamic team of ten people in Helsinki, working to ensure that international companies thrive in the Finnish business environment and the Greater Helsinki region. GHP is a non-profit organisation, established by the cities forming the capital region.

Contacts, information and updates Greater Helsinki Promotion Ltd Oy Address: Mechelininkatu 1 a (TDC building), FI-00180 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 9 562 6677, Fax. +358 9 562 6688 Email: [email protected]

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region | Services for companies 6 Otaniemi Marketing Otaniemi.Fi – Soft Landing Services

Target group Soft Landing’s target group is companies and organisations seeking to operate in Finnish mar- kets. The aim is to serve 10 – 20 companies a year.

Service description Otaniemi Marketing - Otaniemi.Fi offers international companies exploring Research & De- velopment or investment opportunities a customised visit package, free of charge, with office space for 1-5 days, matchmaking services & key Business Intelligence. Potential com- panies are asked to submit a company profile as the basis to serve companies according to their needs. Otaniemi.Fi will send the customer a suggestion for key people, companies and organisations to meet and business intelligence in their business field.

Soft Landing services provided by Otaniemi.Fi and partners include Setting Up Your Business & Staff, Expanding Your Business and assistance for individuals.

Keywords: soft landing, matchmaking, suggestion, services for companies

About service / organisation Otaniemi Marketing’s mission is to optimise the recognition of Otaniemi, support its- dy namic innovation ecosystem and to generate foreign direct investment in the area via in- tensively networked collaboration inside and outside the community. This service is an ex- ample of our active offering and continuous development in response to customer needs.

Otaniemi Marketing has a team of six members; four Account Managers, an OIN manager and director. Otaniemi Marketing is mainly financed by the City of Espoo.

Contacts, information and updates Otaniemi Marketing Ltd Address: Innopoli 2, Tekniikantie 14 FI-02150 Espoo, Finland Tel: +358 (0)9 2517 7440 Fax: +358 (0)9 2517 7441 Email: [email protected]

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region | Services for companies 7 Vantaa Innovation Institute Vantaa International HUB

Target group Vantaa International HUB services’ target group is companies seeking to establish opera- tions in the Helsinki region and especially in , Vantaa Airport City area.

Service description Vantaa International HUB offers a first-class business environment and diverse services for successful business operations. Vantaa International HUB smooths the establishment of business operations in the airport city Aviapolis area, in Vantaa and beyond. It also acts as a gateway to east and west for companies setting up global business. Furthermore, it offers support services for companies starting their internationalisation process in Finland.

The international service range comprises all the assets, contacts and partnerships that companies need when setting up international business or operations, including: • Market Access • Set-Up Services • Business Development • Location Services

Keywords: services for international companies, FDI, soft landing, investments, consulting

About service / organisation Vantaa Innovation Institute facilitates the growth and development of the City of Vantaa as a world-class business environment. Its versatile business development services promote companies’ business competitiveness by providing tools and networks for internationalisa- tion when creating new business and innovations.

Vantaa Innovation Institute Ltd is a non-profit development company fully owned by the City of Vantaa. The team of 14 people supports growth and smooths the internationalisation process of companies operating or establishing business in Vantaa.

Contacts, information and updates Vantaa Innovation Institute Ltd. Address: Äyritie 18, FI-01510 Vantaa, Finland Tel. +358 400 883 436 Email: [email protected]

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region | Services for companies 8 Aalto Start-Up Center Soft landing on Finnish Markets

Target group Aalto Start-Up Center Soft Landing services’ target group is foreign companies exploring Fin- land. The aim is to serve 5 – 10 companies a year.

Service description Aalto Start-Up Center offers foreign companies an easy entry into the Finnish marketplace. There are services for two stages. The web-based 1st stage international entry services in- clude a free exploring Finland service for up to 3 hours and Virtual Package consisting of a maximum of 4 hours’ consultation and assistance per month at a fixed monthly price. The 2nd stage international entry services include a Premium Package with a furnished room (priced €/m2/month) and advice from an assigned business advisor at a fixed monthly price.

Services and operational principles are presented in the Soft landing Finnish Markets bro- chure. The Exploring Finland service is free, the Virtual Package costs €60 /month and the Premium Package is €36 /m2/month.

Keywords: soft landing, start-up, virtual, package

About service / organisation The soft landing concept has been developed as international cooperation programme with- in the SMEDGE project. The service will be developed according customer need s in con- junction with Aalto Start-Up Center’s incubator services .

Aalto Start-Up Center is a business incubator of Aalto University with a core team of 6 advis- ers and business experts inside and outside Aalto University according the needs of com- panies.

Contacts, information and updates Aalto Start-Up Center Address: Hiilikatu 3, FI-00180 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 (0)10 2178 634 Email: [email protected]

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region | Services for companies 9 YritysHelsinki – EnterpriseHelsinki Information sessions and startup counselling

Target group EnterpriseHelsinki’s counselling is available in different languages for immigrant people considering starting their own business.

Service description EnterpriseHelsinki arranges Info sessions for anyone planning to start their own business in the Helsinki region and who wants to know more about entrepreneurship. Info sessions are held both during the day and evening, also in Arabic, English, Swedish, Russian, Finnish and Estonian. See detailed timetables for the sessions on the different info pages. The topics In english include: Entrepreneurship, Business idea, Business plan, Financing and profitabil- ity calculation, Forms of enterprise, Taxation: VAT and Prepayment of taxes, Start up –grant, Insurances. Start-up counselling focuses on the business concept and personal guidance.

A guide Becoming an Entrepreneur in Finland is available at EnterpriseHelsinki. Consulta- tions with a personal business adviser are strictly confidential and the counselling session takes approximately 1-2 hours.

Keywords: Entrepreneur, information, sessions, immigrant, start-up, counselling

About service / organisation Start-up counselling and Info sessions are free of charge, but seats are limited. Immigrants can sign up for an information session – call, email or online:

EnterpriseHelsinki is the Helsinki region’s joint service centre for start-ups and acting entre- preneurs. The EnterpriseHelsinki team consists of 13 business advisers.

Contacts, information and updates YritysHelsinki – EnterpriseHelsinki Address: Kaisaniemenkatu 6 A, PL 37, FI-00099 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 (0)9 310 36360 Email: [email protected]

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region | Services for companies 10 YritysHelsinki – EnterpriseHelsinki Evening info courses for immigrant entrepreneurs

Target group EnterpriseHelsinki’s evening courses in English are tailored for active immigrant entrepre- neurs who are new to running a business or who want to update their business know-how.

Service description As part of the Regional Business Services for Immigrants –project, EnterpriseHelsinki or- ganises short evening business courses in English. These are tailored for active immigrant entrepreneurs who are new to running a business or who would like to update their busi- ness know-how. Courses are held on Monday or Wednesday evenings, starting at 16.15 and last about 3 hours.

A Guide Becoming an Entrepreneur in Finland is available at EnterpriseHelsinki. Topics of the one evening courses have included marketing, legislation, business economics, how to find customers, foreign trade to and from outside the EU, negotiation skills and sales, etc.

Keywords: Entrepreneur, course, immigrant, start-up, teaching

About service / organisation Evening info courses are free of charge. Immigrants can sign up for the courses by email [email protected] or by phone 09 310 36360. The company’s name or Business ID-number (Y-tunnus) are needed.

EnterpriseHelsinki is the Helsinki region’s joint service centre for start-ups and acting en- trepreneurs offering all the services needed about how to become an entrepreneur. The EnterpriseHelsinki team consists of 13 business advisers.

Contacts, information and updates YritysHelsinki – EnterpriseHelsinki Address: Kaisaniemenkatu 6 A, PL 37, FI-00099 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 (0)9 310 36360 Email: [email protected]

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region | Services for companies 11 YritysHelsinki – EnterpriseHelsinki Entrepreneur course for immigrant entrepreneurs

Target group EnterpriseHelsinki’s entrepreneurship courses in English target group is unemployed im- migrants or immigrants under threat of unemployment. Each course is for 20 students. The aim is to serve 80 immigrants a year.

Service description The entrepreneur course is held in Finnish, but key terms can be explained also in English and Russian if needed. Training will take place on weekdays from 9 to 16 and the course includes 35 teaching days in total. There will be lectures, group work, group discussions and written/spoken exercises. Course topics will include a business plan, production of a business plan, marketing and sales, business economics, cost accounting, legal matters of a small company and establishment of a company.

Each participant will be assigned a personal business adviser to help by guiding sessions. Participants have to be capable to understand, read and write Finnish, level A2.2.

Keywords: Entrepreneur, course, immigrant, start-up, teaching

About service / organisation Training is free of charge. Immigrants can apply to the course through their own Employ- ment and Economic Development Office - TE-toimisto.

EnterpriseHelsinki is the Helsinki region’s joint service centre for start-ups and acting entre- preneurs offering all the services needed about how to become an entrepreneur. The EnterpriseHelsinki team consists of 13 business advisers.

Contacts, information and updates YritysHelsinki – EnterpriseHelsinki Address: Kaisaniemenkatu 6 A, PL 37, FI-00099 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 (0)9 310 36360 Email: [email protected]

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region | Services for companies 12 Services for individuals

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region | Services for individuals 13 City of Helsinki Virka Info public information service

Target group Virka Info is a public information service for all Helsinki residents and for immigrants mov- ing to Helsinki. Virka Info serves Info customers and thousands of immigrants who receive personal advice.

Service description Virka Info serves as a Citizens’ Office – a shared services centre of the Finnish Immigration Service, the Helsinki Local Register Office and the Police – and offers general information and advice on living and working in the Helsinki area, as well as special advice and guid- ance on immigration matters. Immigrants can book a personal appointment with a service adviser.

The centre gives practical guidance and advice for people moving to Helsinki from abroad on such matters as residence permits, citizenship and Finnish social security. Virka Info offers service and guidance in Finnish, Swedish, English, French, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Somali, Kurdish, Turkish and Bulgarian. Virka Info services are free of change.

Keywords: Virka Info, Helsinki City Hall, public information service, citizens’ advice, immigrants, guidance

About service / organisation Virka Info is a public information service for Helsinki residents, located in Helsinki City Hall. Virka Info stocks a full selection of brochures, maps, guides and ‘what’s on’ information cov- ering the Helsinki area. The centre also has six computers and free wireless internet which its customers are free to use. There is also a comfy reading corner with a good selection of newspapers and science, art and entertainment. Virka Info is the public information service operated by a team of 10 people, 6 service advisers offering guidance in 11 languages.

Contacts, information and updates Virka info / Citizen services Address: P. O. Box 1, FI-00099 City of Helsinki,Finland. Tel. +358 (0)9 310 11 111 (Mon-Fri 9-15) E-mail: [email protected]

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region | Services for individuals 14 City of Espoo In Espoo – Advice for persons moving from abroad

Target group In Espoo provides advice concerning everyday and official matters for persons who have moved to Espoo from abroad. In Espoo serves more than 1000 customers annually.

Service description Persons moving to Espoo from abroad can obtain counselling on day-to-day matters and on dealing with the authorities from the In Espoo counselling centre at the library in the Sello Shopping Centre in Leppävaara, next to the Citizen’s Office. The counselling centre and the Citizen’s office provide information on the service system, the available forms of support and the various authorities, and steers customers towards the appropriate services. Cus- tomers are given guidance on the use of electronic services and the centre also has termi- nals available for customers. In Espoo provides services in Finnish, Swedish, English, Arabic, Turkish and Russian. In Espoo services are free of charge.

Keywords: In Espoo, Sello Shopping Centre, Library, public information service, advice, counselling, immigrants, guidance

About service / organisation In Espoo is the public service of the City of Espoo, operating in cooperation with the Citi- zen’s service point. The counselling centre provides brochures, guides and ‘what’s on’ in- formation covering the Capital area.

Contacts, information and updates In Espoo with Citizen Services Address: Leppävaarankatu 9, P.O. Box 3611, FI-02070 Espoon kaupunki, Finland Tel. +358 9 8168 2689 and +358 9 8165 0304 (Mon-Wed, Fri 10-16, Thu 10-18) Email: [email protected].

Citizen Services joint customer service number: Tel. +358 9 816 57070

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region | Services for individuals 15 City of Vantaa Citizen’s Offices

Target group The City of Vantaa Citizen’s Offices provide information about municipal and state services and serve almost 100,000 customers annually on site.

Service description The Citizen’s Offices provide information about the City of Vantaa services and partners. They serve in three locations (Myyrmäki, , ) and have brochures about leisure time activities and the City’s services. In the Citizen’s Offices you can e.g. send faxes, take copies, send mail to City, pay City invoices, obtain a travel card for Helsinki Region Transport. In the nearest Citizen’s Office you can view public notices, changes in zoning regulations, land allocations and street plans. They can be viewed for a set time. Computers are avail- able for customers to access eServices. Vantaa Citizen’s Offices provide services in Finnish, Swedish and English.

Keywords: Vantaa Citizen’s Offices, Myyrmäki, Tikkurila, Korso, Yhteispalvelu, Citizen Services, information, immigrants, guidance

About service / organisation Vantaa Citizen’s Offices are the public service of City of Vantaa and work together with Employment and Economic Development Offices (TE-offices), the Local Register Office, Tax Administration, Police issued permit services, Helsinki Region Transport, Vantaa Parish Un- ion, Seure Personnel Services and Kela (The Social Insurance Institution of Finland). Vantaa Citizen’s Offices provide brochures, information, forms and services of the City of Vantaa.

Contacts, information and updates Vantaa Citizen’s Offices have three locations: • Myyrmäki House, Kilterinraitti 6, Myyrmäki (Mon-Thu 8-18, Fri 8-13), Tel. +358 9 83935455 email: [email protected] • Ratatie 7, Tikkurila (Mon-Thu 8-18, Fri 8-13), Tel. +358 9 8392 2133 or +358 9 8392 3086 email: [email protected] • Urpiaisentie 14, Korso (Mon-Thu 10-17, Fri 8-13), Tel. +358 9 8393 2575 email: [email protected]

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region | Services for individuals 16 HERA International Study in Helsinki and Student Guide

Target group Study in Helsinki and Student Guide are aimed at international university students coming to Finland and the personnel working with them.

Service description A variety of services are available for international students provided by educational institu- tions, the public sector and several foundations. Students themselves need to be active in finding out how to obtain these services. The Study in Helsinki and Student Guide provide information on where and how to find services available for international students living in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The aim is to provide useful information and advice for all international students to help them integrate into Finnish society.

The website provides information about universities and universi- ties of applied sciences in the Helsinki region, as well as student accounts and is linked to the Student Guide provided by Helsinki Education and Research Area (HERA). The guide covers subjects such as immigration, housing, healthcare and getting around. NOTE; In May 2012 the current website and student guide will merge into a new and mod- ern web service,, designed to serve international students even better than before.

Keywords: International, students, guide, services, Helsinki Metropolitan Area

About service / organisation HERA is a consortium of tertiary educational institutions, consisting of seven universities and eight universities of applied sciences in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. HERA Interna- tional focuses on supporting the internationalisation of higher educational institutions, as well as on developing services for international students and personnel.

Contacts, information and updates HERA International, contact person Mikko Toivonen Tel: +358 50 531 6788 Email: [email protected] (summer 2012)

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region | Services for individuals 17 University of Helsinki and Aalto University International Staff Services – Töölö Towers

Target group International Staff services serve international researchers and guests of University of Hel- sinki and Aalto University. The aim is to serve 1,000 customers each year.

Service description Entry residency Töölö Towers is a joint residence of the University of Helsinki and Aalto University providing accommodation and services for international researchers and other guests. Töölö Towers offer centrally located entry residency, accommodation and guidance for entry, residence and settling in Finland by International Staff Services. All apartments are fully furnished with basic amenities and equipped with en-suite facilities. Breakfast is -in cluded in the rent. The dwelling period is a minimum of one week to six months. Töölö Tow- ers and International Staff Services are located at Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 23 A, Helsinki. Töölö Towers have 66 single rooms and 33 apartments, with another unit offering 77 apart- ments and joint service facilities scheduled for completion in 2012.

Keywords: International, researchers, guests, accommodation, apartments, entry residency

About service / organisation Töölö Towers are owned and financed by the University of Helsinki and Aalto University. The operational principles and brochure can be viewed online. Reservations and inquiries are only made by the receiving units of the University of Helsinki and Aalto University. Töölö Towers has a team of five members and International Staff Services have a staff of four.

Contacts, information and updates Töölö Towers Töölön Tornit Address: Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 23, Helsinki Töölö Towers Tel. +358 (0)9 191 24727 Email: [email protected] Töölön Tornit Töölön Tornit Töölö Towers Töölön Tornit

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region | Services for individuals 18 Kela and Verohallinto In To Finland

Target group In To is the service point operated by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) and the Finnish Tax Administration (Verohallinto) for persons coming to Finland to work.

Service description In To offers advice and guidance during the preliminary stages for foreigners moving to Finland. In addition to those coming to Finland for employment reasons, In To serves self- employed persons and students coming to Finland and companies hiring and recruiting for- eign labour on questions involving social security and taxation.

In To’s multi-lingual officials offer counselling to immigrants, assist with completing forms and direct customers to the appropriate authorities. The service languages are Finnish, Swedish, English and Russian.

Keywords: International, In To, service point, social security, taxation, counselling, immigrant

About service / organisation In To is a single-window approach to provide government services by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) and the Finnish Tax Administration (Verohallinto). In To service point does not have a telephone service. Customers can visit the service point without an appointment, but if necessary, booking an appointment is also possible by email info@

Contacts, information and updates In To Finland Address: Salomonkatu 17, Entrance A, 2nd floor, Helsinki (Mon-Fri 9-12, 13-16)

The In To service point does not provide a telephone service.

Email: [email protected]

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region | Services for individuals 19 Electronic services and networkss

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region | Electronic services and networks 20 City of Helsinki Infopankki –

Target group Infopankki - Info Bank web services are for immigrants considering immigration to Finland or who already are resident in Finland. The web service is also a tool for public servants involved with immigrants and immigration affairs.

Service description The Infopankki website ( contains important basic information in 15 lan- guages for immigrants on the functioning of society and opportunities in Finland, from the perspective of the immigrant user. The information covers permits needed by those settling in Finland, housing, studying Finnish, finding employment and starting a business, educa- tion, healthcare, social services, getting help in a crisis, cultural and leisure services, and NGOs and associations, as well as links to additional information.

Infopankki’s Helsinki Region section contains useful infor- mation on joint services in the Helsinki region. Information on the services provided by the individual cities is available on their own “Welcome to…” websites.

The course search service gathers together information on Finnish courses for immigrants in the Helsinki Region at

Keywords: Info Bank, Infopankki, online service, tool, information, immigrants, Finnish courses

About service / organisation Infopankki - Info Bank is based on networking, cooperation and information exchange among the authorities, the third sector, immigrants and other partners. Info Bank’s Helsinki editorial team is responsible for general information regarding the online service, as well as for the Helsinki region section. The editorial team has seven staff members. The Info Bank online service will in the near future be restructured technically and in terms of content.

Contacts, information and updates Contact person: Editor-in-Chief, operational management, Ahmed Akar Tel. +358 9 310 37507, +358 50 5051713 Email: ahmed.akar(at)

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region | Electronic services and networks 21 Otaniemi Marketing Otaniemi International Network OIN

Target group Otaniemi International Network’s (OIN) target group is international professionals - both Finnish and foreign nationals - interested in multicultural networking, looking for informa- tion and guidance about relocation or passionate about developing innovations to enhance the quality of life among family, friends and colleagues.

Service description Otaniemi International Network (OIN) is a network of international professionals associated with Otaniemi. In addition to linking people to social and professional networks, OIN is also a value-adding entry point to information, services and events related to handling residence & work permit application processes, setting up daily life routines in Finland, building a ca- reer in Finland and to Finnish language and culture.

The service is presented on a website and a brochure is available in Otaniemi Marketing. People wishing to join OIN can register on website.

For those looking for career opportunities, TalentMatch is a social career network provided by Otaniemi Marketing and Technopolis on JobGo. TalentMatch combines matching in so- cial media and networking events with easy access to add-on services to create a market- place where internationally qualified, right talent is in the right place at the right time.

Keywords: International, network, networking, information, guidance, professionals, talent

About service / organisation Otaniemi Marketing’s mission is to optimise the recognition of Otaniemi, support its dy- namic innovation ecosystem and to generate foreign direct investment in the area via inten- sively networked collaboration inside and outside the community.

Otaniemi Marketing has a team of six members; four Account Managers, an OIN-manager and director. Otaniemi Marketing is mainly financed by the City of Espoo.

Contacts, information and updates Contact person: Program Director Melissa Arni-Hardén Tel. +358 (0)9 2517 7440, Fax: +358 (0)9 2517 7441 Email: [email protected], [email protected]

22 Settling-in services in the Helsinki region | Electronic services and networks Unfair Advantage Jolly Dragon JD Games

Target group Jolly Dragon and JD Games (JDs) social networking and web services are both for locals and newcomers to Finland. Social networking and web services are tools to bring people in Helsinki region together and get to know each other using sports and social events as the bridge. Jolly Dragon and JD Games events link over 5,000 participants and the web services have more than 100,000 visitors annually.

Service description Jolly Dragon and JD Games form an English-language leisure time community to meet peo- ple and to find out information on topical events. Everyone is free to organise activities. The Jolly Dragon and JD Games events community serves to smooth integration into Helsinki life and aims to help Finnish and international people get to understand each other by meeting and playing together. The JDs create events to help create social cohesion. With dozens of events a week, the number of events runs into thousands a year. The advisers of individuals and companies are encouraged to guide their customers to JD’s services. Social networks help both when entering Finland and when living in Finland and staying in the international community.

Keywords: Jolly Dragon, JD Games, social networking, events, web, online service, community, tool, information, immigrants

About service / organisation Jolly Dragon and JD Games are run through Unfair Advantage Ltd Oy, with a team varying 5-10 depending on the activities, as well as extended students and volunteer coaches of nearly 70 people with weekly team meets. People interested are encouraged to sit in on the meets to see if they would like to join a JD project for Fun, Jolly Dragon or JD Games.

Contacts, information and updates Unfair Advantage Ltd Oy Address: Kaisaniemenkatu 6, 00100 Helsinki Contact person: Paul J Brennan Tel: +358 50 469 4696, Email: [email protected]

Settling-in services in the Helsinki region | Electronic services and networks 23 Service offering for regional settling-in services

Services for Individuals Regional cooperation in counselling services City Service University State joint Services for points counselling services and Intnl talents Helsinki, services for activities Intnl Staff Service Espoo, Vantaa students (Vero, Kela) TalentMatch network

Networks International Services for Companies Networks Helsinki region Soft Landing services for and tools for Company or and tools for companies & entrepreneurs Activation of Professional Greater Otaniemi Vantaa Aalto YritysHelsinki Activation of Helsinki Marketing Innovation Start-Up for starting Communities Promotion Institute Center entrepreneurs Communities

Electronic services and networks Electronic NETWORKS Other service New services services • Otaniemi providers and for companies, Intnl Network networks immigrants • Jolly Dragon and students • JD Games

Pääkaupunkiseudun asettautumispalveluista on kerätty kehitysehdotuksia eri tahoilta. Tämä esite ja kehittämisehdotukset sekä muut NoWrongDoor-hankkeen aineistot löytyvät sivuilta: Palvelut esitetään helmikuun 2012 tilanteen mukaan.

The proposals for improvement of the service offering for Helsinki region are compiled together by the NoWrongDoor-project. This brochure, the development proposals and other documents you can find on the pages: The services are presented as per February 2012.

More information • Lisätietoja • > NoWrongDoor Valokuvat: Helsingin kaupungin aineistopankki, Karstium Oy Karstium aineistopankki, Helsingin kaupungin Valokuvat: