HAVE MYNDE 92 the Queen's School Chester
HAVE MYNDE 92 The Queen's School Chester Governing Body Chairman: J A Bruce, MA Deputy Chairman: Miss C M Baxter, JP The Right Reverend The Lord Bishop of Chester D T Doxat-Pratt, ARIBA W C Dutton, MBE, FRICS Mrs G Jones, BSc Mrs J Lea, LLB BAG King, TD Mrs D M McConnell, CC C N Ribbeck, OBE, BSc, DL PAW Roberts, MA, FCA The Reverend Canon J C Sladden, MA, BD, Oxon Miss K M Wood Clerk to the Governors: B Dutton, FCA 10 White Friars, Chester Headmistress: Miss D M Skilbeck, BA Deputy Headmistress: Miss M L Walters, BA Foreword Can high academic achievements, successes in sport, music and many other fields manage to co-exist with thought for others, excit• ing educational opportunities and development of the individual? The answer is YES at The Queen's School. The examination results achieved by Upper Sixth and Upper Fifth in 1991 placed the school fifth in the country and third out of girls' schools, in the Financial Times ranking. League Tables cer• tainly have their weaknesses but nevertheless they are one mea• sure of success. This high academic achievement is maintained along with the wide variety of activities detailed in the magazine. The fact that high standards exist in so many areas in school reflects the commitment of a very dedicated team of staff who give time and inspiration to the girls. At the head of this team I would put Miss Walters and it there• fore came as no surprise when she was appointed to the Headship of Durham High School.
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