H 11836 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 8, 1995 Mr. PAYNE of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- General Rabin also distinguished we had an election in Virginia yester- resentatives concurring), That the Congress— himself in his service to his country as day, and the Republicans in this House (1) condemns the heinous assassination of Ambassador to the United States for 5 ought to sit up and take notice. Prime Minister in the strong- est possible terms; years. He contributed significantly to Our Republican Governor tried to (2) extends its deepest sympathy and con- the close United States- partner- make the election a referendum on his dolences to the family of Prime Minister ship that persists today. His commit- program of tax cuts. Under the Gov- Yitzhak Rabin and to all the people of Israel ment to that relationship, as well as ernor’s plan, tax cuts would be paid for in this moment of tragedy; his personal and unstinting commit- by slashing spending for colleges and (3) expresses its admiration for the historic ment to peace with security, were evi- universities, law enforcement, and im- contributions made by Yitzhak Rabin over dent throughout the remainder of his portant social services. In Virginia, the his long and distinguished career of public service; political career, both as Minister of De- Republicans’ tax cuts would take effect (4) expresses its support for the govern- fense and as Prime Minister of Israel. right away, but painful spending cuts ment of Acting Prime Minister Shimon Just 2 weeks ago Congress celebrated would be put off for the future. Peres; and the 3,000th anniversary of as Does that sound familiar? (5) reaffirms its commitment to the proc- Israel’s capital. As Jerusalem’s most The people of Virginia got a good ess of building a just and lasting peace be- famous native son, Prime Minister look at the Allen plan, and despite the tween Israel and its neighbors. Rabin participated with us in the ro- Governor’s tireless campaigning, they SEC. 2. When the Senate completes its busi- ness today, it stand adjourned as a further tunda delivering deeply moving re- rejected his program by a big margin. marks. His presence still echoes in our They defied the odds and kept the Vir- mark of respect in honor of the late Yitzhak Rabin. hallway. It is with a sense of utter dis- ginia General Assembly in Democratic SEC. 3. The Secretary of the Senate is di- belief that we consider this legislation hands. rected to transmit an enrolled copy of this today. Mr. Speaker, the message from yes- resolution to the family of the deceased. Prime Minister Rabin will forever be terday is clear: People do want tax re- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. BE- remembered as a man who not only led lief, but not if it means gutting pro- REUTER). Pursuant to the order of the Israel to victory in war, but who also grams that help our children and help House of Tuesday, November 7, 1995, led her citizens in pursuit of peace. At make our communities strong, and not the gentleman from New York [Mr. this troubled time in Israel’s history, if it means putting balancing the budg- GILMAN] and the gentleman from Indi- we express our support for Israel’s et at risk. It is a lesson that we ought ana [Mr. HAMILTON] each will be recog- transition government, and reaffirm to learn here in Washington. nized for 45 minutes. the congressional commitment to a f The Chair recognizes the gentleman lasting peace between Israel and her HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY from New York [Mr. GILMAN]. neighbors. Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield OF YITZHAK RABIN Our thoughts and prayers are with myself such time as I may consume. the Rabin family, for Acting Prime Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, pursuant Mr. Speaker, it is with deep sorrow Minister , and for all the to the order of the House of yesterday, and a sense of personal loss that today people of Israel at this time. I call up the Senate concurrent resolu- we consider legislation that memorial- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of tion (S. Con. Res. 31) honoring the life izes the life and legacy of Israel’s slain my time. and legacy of Yitzhak Rabin, and ask Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin. Prime for its immediate consideration. Minister Rabin, who was gunned down b 1145 The Clerk read the title of the Senate on Saturday night by a lone assassin, Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield concurrent resolution. was attacked by an extremist who was 3 minutes to the distinguished gen- The Clerk read the Senate concur- opposed to his efforts at reconciliation tleman from Missouri [Mr. GEPHARDT], rent resolution, as follows: and peace with the PLO, initiated 2 the distinguished minority leader. S. CON. RES. 31 years ago with the signing of the Dec- (Mr. GEPHARDT asked and was Whereas Yitzhak Rabin, a true hero of Is- laration of Principles. given permission to revise and extend rael, was born in Jerusalem on March 1, 1922; Whereas Yitzhak Rabin served in the Israel The shocking circumstances of Prime his remarks.) Defense Forces for more than two decades, Minister Rabin’s death magnify the Mr. GEPHARDT. Mr. Speaker, I rise and fought in three wars including service as tragedy of his loss. I was honored to today to urge all of my colleagues to Chief of Staff of the participate in the Presidential delega- support this resolution—to pay tribute during the Six Day War of June 1967; tion that attended Prime Minister to one of the greatest soldiers of peace Whereas Yitzhak Rabin served the people Rabin’s state funeral in Jerusalem. It the world has ever known. of Israel with great distinction in a number was gratifying to see an extensive list Like all Americans, I was shocked of government positions, including Ambas- sador to the United States from 1968 to 1973, of Heads of State and international and saddened at the senseless murder Minister of Defense from 1984 to 1988, and dignitaries in attendance, including of Prime Minister Rabin this past Sun- twice as Prime Minister from 1974 to 1977 and representatives of nations with which day. And the great irony is that he died from June 1992 until his assassination; Israel does not have diplomatic rela- as he lived—celebrating and advocating Whereas under the leadership of Yitzhak tions, and to hear many eloquent the cause of peace in the Middle East. Rabin, a framework for peace between Israel speakers reiterate their commitment To me, Yitzhak Rabin was the very and the Palestinians was established with to a lasting peace throughout the re- essence of leadership, because up until the signing of the Declaration of Principles gion. on September 13, 1993, continued with the the last moments of his life, he did not conclusion of a peace treaty between Israel This distinguished gathering do what was easy; he did not do what and Jordan on October 26, 1994, and continues mourned the life and legacy of Yitzhak was popular—he did what was right. today; Rabin, a soldier-statesman who became He not only brought his nation to the Whereas on December 10, 1994, Yitzhak his nation’s first native born Prime brink of a real and lasting peace—he Rabin was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace Minister. Born in Jerusalem in 1922, as rallied millions of Israelis, and mil- for his vision and accomplishments as a a young man, Yitzhak Rabin fought for lions of people all over the world, in peacemaker; Whereas shortly before his assassination, Israel’s independence by defending the support of that crusade. Yitzhak Rabin said, ‘‘I have always believed Tel-Aviv-Jerusalem highway. He dis- Many of us in this Chamber had the that the majority of the people want peace tinguished himself on numerous occa- opportunity to travel to Israel on Mon- and are ready to take a chance for peace. sions, none more so than when, as day—to grieve along with the people of . . . Peace is not only in prayers . . . but it Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Israel. And for me, as for so many of is in the desire of the Jewish people.’’; Forces, he led Israel’s troops through us, the loss was as personal as it was Whereas Yitzhak Rabin’s entire life was the Old City to the Wailing Wall during political. dedicated to the cause of peace and security the Six-Day war of 1967. This memo- For I know Yitzhak Rabin as a kind for Israel and its people; and Whereas on November 4, 1995, Prime Min- rable event brought about the reunifi- and caring man—as someone who car- ister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated in Tel cation of all Jerusalem, and Rabin’s ried a love for his people, and an abid- Aviv, Israel: Now, therefore, be it birthplace, an Israel’s capital. ing belief in peace, deep inside him. To November 8, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H 11837 talk with him—even to stand in the Yitzhak Rabin was indeed a giant. MacLeish, and used it in reference to same room with him—was to feel his Among his last comments at the peace Israel’s young dead soldiers: ‘‘Their generosity of spirit, and his profound rally before his assassination he said, tombstones say, ‘We leave you our humanity. ‘‘People really want peace.’’ This was deaths. Give them their meaning.’ ’’ Yitzhak Rabin may be irreplace- the idea that guided the last few years Last week God said to us, ‘‘I give you able—and his kind of leadership may of his life. Because Rabin was both a his death. Give it its meaning.’’ come once in a generation, perhaps realist and a visionary, he understood Throughout the course of human his- once in a century. But there is one that the use of force alone would not tory, when the mortal lives of our thing that each Member of this House solve the problems of the Middle East. great leaders have been sacrificed to can do to honor his name, and that is He also understood that the road to the cause of peace, brotherhood, and to keep his dream alive, to put into peace would be long and difficult. He progress, the moral force of their mes- practice the peace agreement he has al- understood that a political solution sage takes on an immortal life of its ready secured, and to keep waging his would require consideration of politi- own within the human character. battle for a comprehensive peace cally unpopular terms, and direct talks Yitzhak Rabin takes his place along- throughout the Middle East. If we can with people he often believed were di- side those responsible for the evolution do that, if we can give meaning to the rectly responsible for the deaths of of the human spirit: Rabbi Akiba, who dream that sustained Yitzhak Rabin hundreds of Israeli citizens. He under- recited the Shema as he was being tor- both in life and in his work, then we stood that it is sometimes necessary to tured to death for having preached dur- will know that the did not die in vain. do that which is unpleasant for the ing his life that ‘‘Thou shalt love thy Mr. Speaker, I urge Members to sup- sake of a greater good. neighbor as thyself,’’ through Jesus port this resolution to honor the name I believe this led him to shake hands Christ, Mahatma Ghandi, Anwar Sadat, and the work and the commitment of a with former adversary PLO leader Yas- Martin Luther King, and so many oth- great human being, Yitzhak Rabin. ser Arafat on the White House lawn for ers whose shoulders we stand upon. Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am the sake of peace. He leaves us a legacy Today, our task, our responsibility, pleased to yield 2 minutes to the gen- that should not die. A giant has died. for which future generations will hold tleman from Ohio [Mr. HOKE]. Let his legacy of peace live on. us accountable, is to be true to their Mr. HOKE. Mr. Speaker, I thank the Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am memory, to give the life of Yitzhak gentleman for yielding time to me. pleased to yield 2 minutes to the gen- Rabin its deserved, its lasting, and its Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay tribute to tleman from Massachusetts [Mr. great meaning. and speak words on behalf of Yitzhak TORKILDSEN]. Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am Rabin. I had the privilege of meeting Mr. TORKILDSEN. Mr. Speaker, I pleased to yield 2 minutes to the dis- Prime Minister Rabin in August 1995 thank the distinguished chairman of tinguished gentleman form New Jersey with a very small delegation which was the committee for yielding time to me. [Mr. ZIMMER]. hosted in his office in Jerusalem. We Mr. Speaker, the United States and Mr. ZIMMER. Mr. Speaker, I thank spent about an hour, an hour and a Israel share many ideals, beliefs, and the gentleman for yielding time to me. quarter, with the Prime Minister. I rec- goals. We both cherish peace, but will Mr. Speaker, I had the great honor of ognized immediately that this was a gladly fight to maintain democracy meeting with Yitzhak Rabin, both be- man who was a giant, because he put and freedom. Now, sadly, regretfully, fore he was Prime Minister and when ahead of his own personal ambition, we also share the martyrdom of a na- he was Prime Minister, in two visits to ahead of his party’s political ambi- tional hero. Israel, being impressed by this tions, ahead of any personal thought, Like our Nation’s first martyr, Abra- strength, the understanding, and the obviously even of personal welfare and ham Lincoln, Yitzhak Rabin dedicated strategic vision of the man, and his safety, he put first and foremost his his life to building a whole and free na- love for his nation and for his people. love for the state of Israel and his com- tion. Both men were shaped by the As one of thousands of New Jerseyans mitment to the long-term preservation tragic necessity of war, though war did who attended a memorial service for and viability and existence of the na- not take them from us. Instead, assas- slain Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak tion of Israel, and he was, in that sins stole these men of peace with Rabin, I was moved by the outpouring sense, utterly unique in that he senseless acts of vengeance. of emotion for one of the world’s great brought these qualities of genuine self- We both know the tragedy of mind- leaders. lessness to the work that he did and to less violence. America has learned to As a Jew, I was stunned and sickened the Israeli people. recover, and, you, too will heal as to learn that Rabin was killed by an- It is a tremendous sense of loss, not America has healed. While that healing other Jew in an act of despicable cow- just with respect to the leadership that will always be darkened by the mem- ardice. We must not allow Rabin’s he- is gone, this man who was in fact both ory of this tragedy, the life cut down roic efforts to be tarnished by those the George Washington and ultimately while leading Israel, the memory who would seek to exploit his tragic the Abraham Lincoln of his people, but should also be brightened by Yitzhak death as an opportunity to further di- it is also a sense of personal loss that Rabin’s life, and leading Israel and the vide the Israeli people. In the words of makes me very sad about the events of world to peace in the Mideast. Rabin himself, before a joint meeting this past weekend, the falling of this Following Abraham Lincoln’s assas- of Congress last year: extraordinary figure, a figure who, first sination, Herman Melville wrote ‘‘The I have come from Jerusalem in the name of and foremost, put love of nation, and Martyr,’’ and spoke of the endurance of our children, who began their lives with who set an example for leadership ev- great hope and are now names on graves and the American spirit, a spirit that Israel memorial stones, old pictures in albums, fad- erywhere. I support this resolution. shares: Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield ing clothes in closets. Each year as I stand He lieth in his blood, before the parents whose lips are chanting 11⁄2 minutes to the gentleman from The father in his face, ‘‘Kaddish,’’ the Jewish Memorial Prayer, Maryland [Mr. WYNN]. They have killed him, the Forgiver, ringing in my ears are the words of Archi- Mr. WYNN. Mr. Speaker, I thank the The Avenger takes his place. bald MacLeish who echoes the pleas of the gentleman for yielding time to me. There is a sobbing of the strong, young dead soldiers: Mr. Speaker, I rise today to support And a pall upon the land ‘‘They say: We leave you our deaths. Give this resolution. In our times, we have But the people in their weeping, them their meaning.’’ found out that giants do not get to die Bare the iron hand. He continued: in bed: John F. Kennedy, Martin Lu- Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield Let us give them their meaning. Let us ther King, Anwar Sadat, and now 11⁄2 minutes to the gentleman from Vir- make them an end to bloodshed. Let us make Yitzhak Rabin. Because these giants ginia [Mr. MORAN]. true peace. Let us today be victorious in end- have the courage to stand up and speak Mr. MORAN. Mr. Speaker, the last ing war. out on controversial issues and take time that Yitzhak Rabin spoke to us The loss of Yitzhak Rabin casts a risks, all too often they are the victims right here in the U.S. Congress, he in- darkness on the world, but I believe his of the assassin’s bullet. voked a phrase from Archibald light will continue to shine. H 11838 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 8, 1995 Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield the world and acknowledged its efforts The United States and Israel are 1 minute to the gentleman from Massa- on behalf of Middle East peace. He was partner in world affairs. As partners, chusetts [Mr. KENNEDY]. a close friend of every President since we have built a foundation based on Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. Mr. Lyndon Johnson, and those friendships years of mutual respect and trust. To- Speaker, it is very difficult for me to helped create a unique bond between gether, we share risks, rewards, and come on the House floor today to talk Israel and the United States. It is fair losses as we strive to make this world about the loss that the world has felt to say that no single leader in either a better and safer place. as a result of the death of Yitzhak country contributed more to this close One of the rewards came just a Rabin. With my children, I learned of and vital relationship. month ago when Israel and the Pal- the news on Saturday evening, and it Most of us will remember Yitzhak estinians signed the second phase of brought back such a flood of memories Rabin for what he achieved in the last the Oslo accord. That document was of other times in our family’s history years of his life. We will remember the result of hard work and dedication and in this country’s history. him, and we honor him today, for his to peace that was the hallmark of Our hearts go out to the Rabin fam- dedication and his courage in the Prime Minister Rabin. Now, sadly we ily and to the people of Israel, and to search for peace. must share the loss of having him peace-loving people throughout the Yitzhak Rabin had a vision of Israel taken from us so prematurely and so world, to recognize that yes, Yitzhak as both a Jewish state and a demo- violently. But sharing that loss makes Rabin was a man who was a soldier for cratic nation. His policy toward the the burden for both Israelis and Ameri- peace, who fought for his country, but peace process grew directly out of that cans easier. nevertheless, who gave his life to pre- vision. He led his people toward an his- In the long run, I believe that those serve a peace for his country. toric compromise with the Palestinians who resort to violence will find that it to share the land. He favored a policy accomplishes little. Often, it spurs peo- b 1200 of negotiation, including direct talks ple on to completion of the task at And all of us that commit ourselves with the PLO and territorial conces- hand, in this case peace in the Middle to trying to find peace for Israel find sions in exchange for real peace. East. the inspiration in his life and what he Yitzhak Rabin understood that mili- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., once stood for and for the caring that he tary rule over the territories meant said: continues to provide this world endless war and that subjugation of a The ultimate weakness of violence is that through his life and its meaning. people was contrary to Jewish tradi- it is a descending spiral, begetting the very Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I reserve tion. He understood that annexing the thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of dimin- the balance of my time. territories would dilute the Jewish ishing evil, it multiplies it. * * * Returning Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield violence multiplies violence and adds a deep- character of the State of Israel. He un- er darkness to a night also devoid of stars. myself 4 minutes. derstood that a negotiated peace was Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only Mr. Speaker, I rise to join my col- the only solution. light can do that. Hate cannot drive out leagues in paying tribute to Israeli Some of those who lavish praise on hate; only love can do that. Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who Yitzhak Rabin today are the same Mr. Speaker, I first met Prime Min- was gunned down in Jerusalem, No- voices who, just days ago, sought to ister Rabin when he hosted a congres- vember 4. undermine the peace process. sional delegation in Israel. I found him Prime Minister Rabin was an ex- We must be clear about what he to be someone very special, someone traordinary leader. The story of his life stood for, and what he gave his life for: who cared deeply about his country, is the story of the State of Israel: He To honor Yitzhak Rabin is to support cared deeply about world peace and served his people for more than 50 the peace process. making a difference. years: as a soldier, a diplomat, a politi- Let me quote from his final remarks, I think what we can say about Prime cian, and finally a statesman. He was delivered at a peace rally in Jerusalem Minister Rabin, while his work is not at the center of every major event in just four days ago: completed, it is up to those of us who his country’s brief history. He dedi- I waged war as long as there was no chance are living to carry on his dream of cated his life to Israel’s security, sur- for peace. I believe there is now a chance for making sure there is peace in the Mid- vival and freedom: peace, a great chance, and we must take ad- dle East and making sure that we do As commander of the Harel Brigade, vantage of it for those who are standing the best as Americans and members of he helped to win Israel’s 1948 war of here, and for those who are not here—and the world body to make sure that the there are many. I have always believed that independence; world is a better place for our having As Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense the majority of the people want peace and are ready to take a chance for peace. made a mark in furtherance of his Forces, he planned and executed a Violence erodes the basis of Israeli democ- dreams and those that we all share. quick victory over Arab armies that racy. It should be condemned and wisely ex- Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield threatened Israel in 1967; punged and isolated. It is not the way of the 2 minutes to the gentleman from New As Defense Minister, he worked to state of Israel. . . Jersey [Mr. TORRICELLI]. strengthen Israel’s ability to defend Peace is not only in prayers . . . but it is Mr. TORRICELLI. Mr. Speaker, as against outside threats; the desire of the Jewish people. we mourn the death of Yitzhak Rabin, As Prime Minister, he pursued peace This remarkable man led his country we need as well to celebrate his life. with Israel’s former enemies, with the in war and in peace. His legacy stands Born of a Jewish family in a neighbor- same fervor, dedication, and courage he for all of us to reflect on: A firm com- hood of Palestine, he lived to see that had exhibited in war. mitment, in the face of adversity, to neighborhood become a nation and Yitzhak Rabin was a patriot. He was security, democracy, and peace. The those neighbors a people. As a young also a person of extraordinary strength best tribute we can offer today to man, he was a common soldier. He and character. I was impressed by his Yitzhak Rabin is to rededicate our- lived to become a leader of one of the honesty and his realism. He was not an selves to a just, lasting and comprehen- world’s foremost fighting forces. ideologue or a romantic. He was direct. sive peace in the Middle East. His life is woven through the fabric There was about him no pretense, no Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 of what became a modern democracy, deception, no subterfuge. minutes to the gentleman from Penn- but mostly he achieved in his life what Though a successful politician, he sylvania [Mr. FOX] who also accom- no Jewish family had been able to was also a nonpolitician: he had no use panied the Presidential delegation to achieve in 2,000 years, because most for the pomp and pretensions of high Jerusalem. certainly he once heard his mother office. He did not do things just to stay Mr. FOX of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speak- pray, ‘‘Next year in Jerusalem.’’ Jews in power. He did them because he was er, the death of Israeli Prime Minister have returned to Jerusalem, not simply trying to build a peace. Yitzhak Rabin is a tragedy, not only during his life but because of his life. Prime Minister Rabin developed for Israelis and Jews, but indeed for He lived to see that prayer achieved. close ties with the United States. He Americans and all those who strive for As the generations pass, many re- respected America’s leadership role in peace throughout the world. member that as a soldier he made that November 8, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H 11839 return possible. They need to recall as those who live in the world’s democ- Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield well that as a statesman, he made that racies: Terrible dangers lurk at the ex- 11⁄2 minutes to the gentlewoman from return to Jerusalem permanent. tremes of politics. New York [Mrs. LOWEY]. Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I reserve As we pray for Yitzhak Rabin, his b 1215 the balance of my time. family, and the country of Israel that Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield we all so love, we must also keep our Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, just 11 2 minutes to the distinguished gen- own country in our prayers. The voices days ago I joined with Yitzhak Rabin tleman from Florida [Mr. HASTINGS]. of reason must speak out louder. The at the U.S. Capitol to celebrate Jerusa- Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. lovers of peace must step forward to lem’s 3,000 anniversary. As I shook Speaker, Israeli Prime Minister continue his great work, in the Middle Prime Minister Rabin’s hand to say Yitzhak Rabin was one of the few peo- and here at home. goodbye, I said the words we all know ple who do not just pass through this Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 so well: ‘‘Next year in Jerusalem.’’ world, but enhance it. He was a bril- minute to the distinguished gentleman Next year has come too soon. On liant strategist, a great thinker, a from Texas [Mr. DE LA GARZA]. Sunday I traveled to Jerusalem with a fierce warrior, a reluctant politician, a Mr. DE LA GARZA. Mr. Speaker, I pain in my heart—a pain I know we all good diplomat, a pragmatist, and a vi- thank the gentleman from New York share. Today we join with the Israeli people sionary who spent his entire life work- [Mr. GILMAN] for his kindness. ing for the betterment of his country. Mr. Speaker, I join all of my col- to commemorate the life of a great I am outraged that he was taken leagues in extending our sympathies to man. Yitzhak Rabin lived the life of from us by a coward, by a pisher, by a the family of Prime Minister Rabin. the State of Israel. He fought for its hatred for his politics. I am heart- Mr. Speaker, I wanted to inform my independence, and he fought to keep it broken that he was murdered as he colleagues that in the city of McAllen, free and secure. He dedicated his life to stood on the apex of his greatest suc- TX, Sunday evening there was a memo- the cause of creating and defending a cess, gazing into the promised land of rial service conducted by Rabbi Lipper homeland for the Jewish people. To everything there is a season, peace. I am saddened beyond words at of the Temple Emmanuel. I was hon- Yitzhak Rabin said on the White House his passing. ored and privileged to have been asked lawn. And when it was time for war, I am convinced that the escalation of to give a part of the eulogy, since I Yitzhak Rabin was the greatest of war- violent rhetoric, the disintegration of knew the Prime Minister for many riors. And when it was time for peace, civil political discourse, contributed to years. Mr. Speaker, I would like for my Yitzhak Rabin was the greatest of his death. I was recently viciously at- colleagues to know, the passing of peacemakers. With his own hands we tacked for being critical of those who Prime Minister Rabin is a loss to the waged war, and then, with his own spew this kind of venom. But the assas- world. hands, outstretched, he waged peace. sination of Yitzhak Rabin has only re- Mr. Speaker, it is a loss to all of Of course Yitzhak Rabin did not inforced my belief in what I said weeks those that honor and love peace. I choose peace because he loved Israel’s ago. Words do matter. Disagreements think that we should continue, and his former enemies. He chose peace be- with political leaders must be ex- legacy should be that there shall be pressed at home in the voting booths, cause he loved Israel—as we all do. peace throughout the Middle East, and And so today, let us rededicate our- not by violence, effigies, and guns. And that there should be the recognition certainly not by manipulating the good selves to Yitzhak Rabin vision. Let us that Israel is a land and a people and a heed the words of one of Yitzhak intentions of the diaspora and well- democracy, and that we instill in all of meaning politicians across the ocean. Rabin’s partners in peace, ‘‘Let us not the people in that area that this should keep silent. We are not ashamed, not Yitzhak Rabin’s sacrifices were not continue and that we truly achieve a in vain. His goals, first to protect his are we afraid. Let our voices rise high peace where all can live as equals to speak of our commitment to peace land through war, and then maintain it under one God who made us all, and through peace, are supported by the for all times to come.’’ that we make this the legacy of Noa Ben-Artzi Philosof called her majority of Israelis and will be ful- Yitzhak Rabin. filled. En route to the funeral I saw a grandfather a pillar or fire, and so he Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield was. May his spirit always shine sign held by a young girl. It said, ‘‘We 1 minute to the distinguished gen- knew war. Let’s learn peace.’’ brightly to show us the way. tleman from Texas, Mr. GENE GREEN. Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I con- Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. 2 minutes to the distinguished gen- tinue to reserve the balance of my Speaker, I join with all the Members tleman from California [Mr. BERMAN]. time. and rise strongly to support Senate Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, the Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield Concurrent Resolution 31 honoring shock that has a paralyzing effect on 1 minute to the distinguished gentle- slain Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. all of us and the sadness that envelopes woman from Connecticut [Mrs. KEN- As an Israeli war hero, both during the us on learning of the assassination of NELLY]. war of independence in 1948 and also Yitzhak Rabin makes it difficult to ex- Mrs. KENNELLY. Mr. Speaker, we the 1967 war to unite the historic Is- press as eloquently as we would like have a resolution before us that does raeli nation, he served his nation and our feelings at this particular time. not address the loss of an idea, but the was an inspiration to people all over This man, who was such an integral death of a man. the world. part of the reestablishment of a Jewish Two years ago, the world echoed the Mr. Speaker, I met Prime Minister homeland after 2,000 years and fighting words of Yitzhak Rabin: ‘‘Enough of Rabin several times and I was im- for its survival and security and whose blood and tears. Enough.’’ But a mad- pressed not only with his commitment commitment, as the gentleman from man decided there would be more blood and dedication to his nation’s security, Indiana mentioned earlier, to a demo- and tears. So today, we mourn Yitzhak. but also to the realization that peace cratic society in this Jewish homeland Another soldier has given his life for was not only in the interest of the Pal- was so strong, he was the personifica- peace; another leader has given his life estinians, but also in the interest of tion of the State of Israel. for his country. the Israelis. I think it is interesting, if my col- We trusted Prime Minister Rabin’s He, more than any person I think I leagues would remember when he and strength to guide the peace process. We have ever met, Mr. Speaker, exempli- King Hussein came here to speak to a knew that he, as a soldier, understood fies a verse in the Old Testament, Isa- joint session of Congress, his words at the costs and risks of war. We were in- iah 2:4: that time. spired that this man of courage could become one of the greatest peace- He will judge between nations and will set- I have come from Jerusalem in the name of tle disputes for many peoples. They will beat our children who began their lives with great makers the world has ever known. their swords into plowshares and their spears hope and are now names on graves and me- So, this event shakes to its founda- into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up morial stones, old pictures in albums, fading tion our faith in reason and in human- sword against nation, nor will they train for clothes in closets. Each year as I stand be- ity. And it contains a lesson for all war anymore. fore the parents whose lips are chanting H 11840 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 8, 1995 ‘‘Kaddish,’’ the Jewish memorial prayer, ple lining the streets, filled with profound sad- stood for: a free and secure Israel, at ringing in my ears are the words of Archi- ness and respect. Many told me that they felt peace with itself and the world. bald MacLeish who echoes the plea of the comfort at seeing the outpouring of support The Bible has an appropriate verse young dead soldiers: ‘‘They say we leave you which describes our memory of Prime our deaths, give them their meaning.’’ from around the world. Let us give them meaning. Let us make an But the greatest tribute is still to come. That Minister Rabin and with which I would end to bloodshed. Let us make true peace. tribute will be in Israel's continued commitment like to conclude, ‘‘Blessed are the Let us today be victorious in ending war. to the peace process and in our Nation's un- peacemakers, for they shall be called We all join in saluting the great life wavering partnership and support. the children of God.’’ We should all re- of Prime Minister Rabin and mourn his My heartfelt wishes to Mrs. Rabin. member Mr. Rabin; a warrior when passage. May she and the family be comforted necessary and a peacemaker when pos- Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 among the mourners of Zion. sible for his people and for all of Israel. minute to the distinguished gentleman Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 4 Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield from Missouri [Mr. EMERSON]. minutes to the gentleman from Florida 1 minute to the distinguished gen- (Mr. EMERSON asked and was given [Mr. STEARNS]. tleman from West Virginia [Mr. RA- permission to revise and extend his re- (Mr. STEARNS asked and was given HALL]. marks.) permission to revise and extend his re- Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, a man of Mr. EMERSON. Mr. Speaker, I thank marks.) war, a man of peace, I think that most the distinguished chairman for yield- Mr. STEARNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise succinctly describes Yitzhak Rabin, ing time to me. today to honor a man who always the man we eulogize today. Only a man I want to rise in strong support of the fought when necessary, but only so of his background and commitment resolution before the House and to join that peace could be attained. could bring Israel to make the bold and my colleagues in expressing my pro- No one can claim that Yitzhak Rabin courageous steps for peace so necessary found sense of loss on the death, the was not a warrior. Upon his graduation in recent years. tragic death of Prime Minister Rabin. from high school he postponed his I recall meeting with Yitzak Rabin in He was a man of great vision and for- plans to study agriculture in the Unit- his office in Jerusalem the early part titude and character and leadership ed States and instead joined the Jewish of this past June in which he gave gra- and peace. We do not see his likes too underground, which was then fighting ciously of his time and patience, I often. And that makes it all the more for the very idea of independence and might add, for spirited discussion of tragic when someone of his magnitude the existence of a Jewish homeland. the peace process, especially as it re- leaves us. Yitzhak Rabin spent the rest of his lates to Israel’s northern neighbor and But I have every confidence that the life as a soldier, leading the men and the land of my grandfathers, Lebanon. kind of example that he set is going to women of the resistance, and eventu- I recall watching both he and the be an inspiration to others and, not- ally the Israeli military. Through bat- king of Jordan light each other’s ciga- withstanding the tragedy of this event, tle after battle with the Arab countries rettes just off the floor of this body fol- I am hopeful that great good may come of the region and molding the Israeli lowing their speeches to a historic from it by virtue of the fact that other Defense Forces into one of the best joint session of Congress. people in leadership positions will emu- trained and most motivated forces in These two soldiers of war and sol- late what he has done. the world; first as Israel’s Army Chief diers of peace had it right when they I want to extend my sympathy to his of Staff, later as the Minister of De- said, The peace process must survive. family, to his wife, his children, and fense, and finally as Prime Minister. It is now time for all religious fanatics his grandchildren. Along the way he saw his friends and on all sides to stop the killing in the Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield allies die. In one battle during the Middle East and to realize that the 1 minute to the distinguished gen- Arab-Israeli war of 1968, the Brigade he peace process must now be strength- tleman from California [Mr. WAXMAN]. commanded lost close to 70 percent of ened. Those who fuel the flames by Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to its membership while fighting to re- their hotheaded rhetoric to satisfy pay tribute to Yitzhak Rabin, a great lieve Jerusalem, the city of his birth, these enemies of peace, including in soldier, a great leader, a great man. and to reopen supply lines with the Is- this body, should pay the real tribute I was honored to be in Jerusalem on raeli forces in Tel Aviv. Today you can to Yitzhak Rabin and his family by Monday and humbled by the outpour- see the remains of this battalion as a supporting the peacemakers. ing of affection and respect for the memorial to the men who lost their Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 Prime Minister. It was not long ago lives in this struggle. But eventual vic- minutes to the gentleman from Indiana that Israel was unfairly treated by tory was assured, as long as men like [Mr. ROEMER]. some as an outcast among nations; yet Yitzhak Rabin fought on. (Mr. ROEMER asked and was given on Monday, delegations from around These were the actions of a man who permission to revise and extend his re- the world embraced Israel and joined knew the value of a free and secure Is- marks.) her in mourning the terrible tragedy, rael. To further this dream, he knew a Mr. ROEMER. Mr. Speaker, it is a the loss of Yitzhak Rabin. The commu- lasting peace would eventually have to very difficult job to try to console nity of nations did this in part because be reached with Israel’s Arab commu- someone like Mrs. Leah Rabin in this Prime Minister Rabin made it impos- nity as well as with the surrounding difficult hour. It is very difficult to sible not to. Arab nations. In 1992, while serving his match the eloquence of President Clin- When I think of the Prime Minister’s first term as Prime Minister, he began ton with his words eulogizing this contributions, I think of his vision, his the steady progress toward peace that great leader. resolve, his love of Israel, and his earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in It is difficult to match King Hus- steadfast dedication to her secure fu- 1994. It was in a speech here in Wash- sein’s strength and commitment to the ture. Most of all I think of his courage, ington, DC, in 1993 that Mr. Rabin said, peace process and his words in Jerusa- as a young man fighting for Israel’s ‘‘We are destined to live together on lem. And it is impossible to better ar- survival and, in later years, fighting the same soil in the same land. We, the ticulate what Noa Ben-Artzi Philosof, for a just peace. soldiers who have returned from bat- the granddaughter of Mr. Rabin, said in He understood that doing what is tles stained with blood; we who have such moving words about her love for right would bring contempt from some seen our relatives and friends killed be- the leadership of her grandfather. and considerable risk. But he thought fore our eyes; * * * We who have fought I would say that two of the things of the generations yet to come. against you, the Palestinian’s, we say that I will just humbly attempt to cite, He knew that unless he gave leadership, his to you in a loud and clear voice: which were inspirational about Mr. grandchildren, and all childrenÐArab and Is- Enough of blood and tears. Enough!’’ Rabin that we will miss in Israel, in raeliÐfaced a future fraught with peril. Last weekend’s tragedy, the first as- the Middle East, and America is that It wasn't possible not to be moved by the sassination of an Israeli Prime Min- right now in politics there is a vacuum words of those who spoke at his funeral. And ister, ended one life. But it cannot end for leadership and courage. Mr. Rabin I will always remember the thousands of peo- the dream that Yitzhak Rabin’s life would never think of licking his fingers November 8, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H 11841 to the wind and testing where public We have all lost a great leader, a the world that when he murdered the attitudes were on issues. He was a wind great man * * * a man of peace. Bless Prime Minister he not only killed a tunnel of strength for looking at where him. great statesman, a great leader, but a in a visionary sense his country should Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield grandfather. go for the best interests of later gen- 2 minutes to the distinguished gen- What is there left for us to do? To erations. And in this peace process, he tleman from Wisconsin [Mr. OBEY]. grieve and to recommit ourselves to was willing to risk everything to lead Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, over the last peace and the battle against extre- his people toward this vision of cour- 21 years I came to have a tremendous mism. age. amount of professional respect and per- Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Second, I think he teaches us in sonal affection for Yitzhak Rabin. I re- Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the distin- death that in a democracy, whether it member after Camp David having a guished gentlewoman from California be Israel or the United States, that the conversation with Anwar Sadat, and I [Ms. HARMAN]. people in a democracy have a commit- asked him whether or not Camp David (Ms. HARMAN asked and was given ment to speak up for a policy that they in his view represented a separate permission to revise and extend her re- believe in or that they disagree with, peace between and Israel or marks.) that they cannot afford to remain si- whether it would represent the first Ms. HARMAN. Mr. Speaker, I was lent or on the sidelines. step in a comprehensive settlement. He proud to know Yitzhak Rabin, who Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield said to me, ‘‘Well, it had better be the served his country superbly and simul- 1 minute to the distinguished gen- latter because, if it isn’t, I’ll be dead taneously in dual roles as Prime Min- tleman f