H 11836 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE November 8, 1995 Mr. PAYNE of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- General Rabin also distinguished we had an election in Virginia yester- resentatives concurring), That the CongressÐ himself in his service to his country as day, and the Republicans in this House (1) condemns the heinous assassination of Ambassador to the United States for 5 ought to sit up and take notice. Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in the strong- est possible terms; years. He contributed significantly to Our Republican Governor tried to (2) extends its deepest sympathy and con- the close United States-Israel partner- make the election a referendum on his dolences to the family of Prime Minister ship that persists today. His commit- program of tax cuts. Under the Gov- Yitzhak Rabin and to all the people of Israel ment to that relationship, as well as ernor's plan, tax cuts would be paid for in this moment of tragedy; his personal and unstinting commit- by slashing spending for colleges and (3) expresses its admiration for the historic ment to peace with security, were evi- universities, law enforcement, and im- contributions made by Yitzhak Rabin over dent throughout the remainder of his portant social services. In Virginia, the his long and distinguished career of public service; political career, both as Minister of De- Republicans' tax cuts would take effect (4) expresses its support for the govern- fense and as Prime Minister of Israel. right away, but painful spending cuts ment of Acting Prime Minister Shimon Just 2 weeks ago Congress celebrated would be put off for the future. Peres; and the 3,000th anniversary of Jerusalem as Does that sound familiar? (5) reaffirms its commitment to the proc- Israel's capital. As Jerusalem's most The people of Virginia got a good ess of building a just and lasting peace be- famous native son, Prime Minister look at the Allen plan, and despite the tween Israel and its neighbors. Rabin participated with us in the ro- Governor's tireless campaigning, they SEC. 2. When the Senate completes its busi- ness today, it stand adjourned as a further tunda delivering deeply moving re- rejected his program by a big margin. marks. His presence still echoes in our They defied the odds and kept the Vir- mark of respect in honor of the late Yitzhak Rabin. hallway. It is with a sense of utter dis- ginia General Assembly in Democratic SEC. 3. The Secretary of the Senate is di- belief that we consider this legislation hands. rected to transmit an enrolled copy of this today. Mr. Speaker, the message from yes- resolution to the family of the deceased. Prime Minister Rabin will forever be terday is clear: People do want tax re- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. BE- remembered as a man who not only led lief, but not if it means gutting pro- REUTER). Pursuant to the order of the Israel to victory in war, but who also grams that help our children and help House of Tuesday, November 7, 1995, led her citizens in pursuit of peace. At make our communities strong, and not the gentleman from New York [Mr. this troubled time in Israel's history, if it means putting balancing the budg- GILMAN] and the gentleman from Indi- we express our support for Israel's et at risk. It is a lesson that we ought ana [Mr. HAMILTON] each will be recog- transition government, and reaffirm to learn here in Washington. nized for 45 minutes. the congressional commitment to a f The Chair recognizes the gentleman lasting peace between Israel and her HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY from New York [Mr. GILMAN]. neighbors. Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield OF YITZHAK RABIN Our thoughts and prayers are with myself such time as I may consume. the Rabin family, for Acting Prime Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, pursuant Mr. Speaker, it is with deep sorrow Minister Shimon Peres, and for all the to the order of the House of yesterday, and a sense of personal loss that today people of Israel at this time. I call up the Senate concurrent resolu- we consider legislation that memorial- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of tion (S. Con. Res. 31) honoring the life izes the life and legacy of Israel's slain my time. and legacy of Yitzhak Rabin, and ask Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin. Prime for its immediate consideration. Minister Rabin, who was gunned down b 1145 The Clerk read the title of the Senate on Saturday night by a lone assassin, Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield concurrent resolution. was attacked by an extremist who was 3 minutes to the distinguished gen- The Clerk read the Senate concur- opposed to his efforts at reconciliation tleman from Missouri [Mr. GEPHARDT], rent resolution, as follows: and peace with the PLO, initiated 2 the distinguished minority leader. S. CON. RES. 31 years ago with the signing of the Dec- (Mr. GEPHARDT asked and was Whereas Yitzhak Rabin, a true hero of Is- laration of Principles. given permission to revise and extend rael, was born in Jerusalem on March 1, 1922; Whereas Yitzhak Rabin served in the Israel The shocking circumstances of Prime his remarks.) Defense Forces for more than two decades, Minister Rabin's death magnify the Mr. GEPHARDT. Mr. Speaker, I rise and fought in three wars including service as tragedy of his loss. I was honored to today to urge all of my colleagues to Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces participate in the Presidential delega- support this resolutionÐto pay tribute during the Six Day War of June 1967; tion that attended Prime Minister to one of the greatest soldiers of peace Whereas Yitzhak Rabin served the people Rabin's state funeral in Jerusalem. It the world has ever known. of Israel with great distinction in a number was gratifying to see an extensive list Like all Americans, I was shocked of government positions, including Ambas- sador to the United States from 1968 to 1973, of Heads of State and international and saddened at the senseless murder Minister of Defense from 1984 to 1988, and dignitaries in attendance, including of Prime Minister Rabin this past Sun- twice as Prime Minister from 1974 to 1977 and representatives of nations with which day. And the great irony is that he died from June 1992 until his assassination; Israel does not have diplomatic rela- as he livedÐcelebrating and advocating Whereas under the leadership of Yitzhak tions, and to hear many eloquent the cause of peace in the Middle East. Rabin, a framework for peace between Israel speakers reiterate their commitment To me, Yitzhak Rabin was the very and the Palestinians was established with to a lasting peace throughout the re- essence of leadership, because up until the signing of the Declaration of Principles gion. on September 13, 1993, continued with the the last moments of his life, he did not conclusion of a peace treaty between Israel This distinguished gathering do what was easy; he did not do what and Jordan on October 26, 1994, and continues mourned the life and legacy of Yitzhak was popularÐhe did what was right. today; Rabin, a soldier-statesman who became He not only brought his nation to the Whereas on December 10, 1994, Yitzhak his nation's first native born Prime brink of a real and lasting peaceÐhe Rabin was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace Minister. Born in Jerusalem in 1922, as rallied millions of Israelis, and mil- for his vision and accomplishments as a a young man, Yitzhak Rabin fought for lions of people all over the world, in peacemaker; Whereas shortly before his assassination, Israel's independence by defending the support of that crusade. Yitzhak Rabin said, ``I have always believed Tel-Aviv-Jerusalem highway. He dis- Many of us in this Chamber had the that the majority of the people want peace tinguished himself on numerous occa- opportunity to travel to Israel on Mon- and are ready to take a chance for peace. sions, none more so than when, as dayÐto grieve along with the people of . Peace is not only in prayers . but it Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Israel. And for me, as for so many of is in the desire of the Jewish people.''; Forces, he led Israel's troops through us, the loss was as personal as it was Whereas Yitzhak Rabin's entire life was the Old City to the Wailing Wall during political. dedicated to the cause of peace and security the Six-Day war of 1967. This memo- For I know Yitzhak Rabin as a kind for Israel and its people; and Whereas on November 4, 1995, Prime Min- rable event brought about the reunifi- and caring manÐas someone who car- ister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated in Tel cation of all Jerusalem, and Rabin's ried a love for his people, and an abid- Aviv, Israel: Now, therefore, be it birthplace, an Israel's capital. ing belief in peace, deep inside him. To November 8, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H 11837 talk with himÐeven to stand in the Yitzhak Rabin was indeed a giant. MacLeish, and used it in reference to same room with himÐwas to feel his Among his last comments at the peace Israel's young dead soldiers: ``Their generosity of spirit, and his profound rally before his assassination he said, tombstones say, `We leave you our humanity. ``People really want peace.'' This was deaths. Give them their meaning.' '' Yitzhak Rabin may be irreplace- the idea that guided the last few years Last week God said to us, ``I give you ableÐand his kind of leadership may of his life.
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