Del Norte Fire Safe Plan Was Stimulated by a National Effort to Enhance Fire Safety for All Communities Threatened by Wildfire
DDDeeelll NNNooorrrttteee FFFiiirrreee SSSaaafffeee PPPlllaaannn Community Wildfire Protection Plan September, 2005 This plan is a project of the: Del Norte Fire Safe Council POB 1564, Crescent City, CA 95531 707-951-5437, Produced by: Tracy Katelman, Registered Professional Forester, ForEverGreen Forestry POB 1276, Eureka, CA 95502, 707-443-2400, FAX: 707-443-5597, ©2005, ForEverGreen Forestry and Del Norte Fire Safe Council DDDEEELLL NNNOOORRRTTTEEE FFFIIIRRREEE SSSAAAFFFEEE PPPLLLAAANNN EEEXXXEEECCCUUUTTTIIIVVVEEE SSSUUUMMMMMMAAARRRYYY The creation of the Del Norte Fire Safe Plan was stimulated by a national effort to enhance fire safety for all communities threatened by wildfire. The Del Norte Fire Safe Council volunteered for the task of coordinating the local effort to develop a fire safe plan. The Council received a grant from the US Forest Service Economic Action Program in 2003. The specific purpose of the grant was to fund the creation of a plan to identify and prioritize projects to reduce wildfire risk through the implementation of fuel hazard reduction, community education, and pre-fire suppression in Del Norte County. ForEverGreen Forestry was contracted to develop the plan through the collection of appropriate and necessary information regarding fire safety in Del Norte County (e.g. research, stakeholder input, etc.) using a collaborative process, and to document these efforts in a comprehensive fire safe plan. The Plan, in short, identifies risks and mitigations to reduce risks from wildfire in Del Norte County. It also provides residents with a step-by-step guide on how to fire-safe their homes, structures, and community, and how to best deal with an impending wildfire.
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