
Proper , Proper , , and Prepositions October 16, 2017

Proper : Names, titles, and specific places; always begins with a capital letter, even in the middle of a sentence I live in Manhasset. Alexa and Dave walked home. English is my favorite subject.

1 Proper Nouns, Proper Adjectives, Pronouns, and Prepositions October 16, 2017

Proper Noun: Names, titles, and specific places; always begins with a capital letter, even in the middle of a sentence I live in Manhasset. Alexa and Dave walked home. English is my favorite subject.

Proper : A name, title, or specific place that makes a noun more specific; always begins with a capital letter, even in the middle of a sentence

The Manhasset team won. I love Mexican food. The English test was easy. She bought Nike sneakers.

2 Proper Nouns, Proper Adjectives, Pronouns, and Prepositions October 16, 2017

Imagine how confusing and annoyingly repetitive the world would be without pronouns!

Bill took Bill's hat off in Bill's house.

Pronoun: a word that takes the place of a noun

Common examples: he, him, she, her, we, you, their, they, our, I, its...

Pronouns show gender and quantity Mike = him, he, his, me, I Betty = her, she, hers, me, I Kids = their, they, them The kid took ____ pencil out.

3 Proper Nouns, Proper Adjectives, Pronouns, and Prepositions October 16, 2017

Antecedent: Not a , but a way to refer to the noun or proper noun that the replaces; pronouns and antecedents must agree; only a singular pronoun can take the place of a singular antecedent; only a masculine pronoun can take the place of a masculine antecedent.

Who do I really mean?

4 Proper Nouns, Proper Adjectives, Pronouns, and Prepositions October 16, 2017

Antecedent: Not a part of speech, but a way to refer to the noun or proper noun that the pronoun replaces; pronouns and antecedents must agree; only a singular pronoun can take the place of a singular antecedent; only a masculine pronoun can take the place of a masculine antecedent.

Example 1: The kids brought their favorite toys to school.

Example 2: Tom took his kite to the park to fly with Dan.

Example 3: The Manhasset team won their game.

5 Proper Nouns, Proper Adjectives, Pronouns, and Prepositions October 16, 2017


A preposition is a word which shows the noun's (or the pronoun's) relationship to another word in the sentence. The word "preposition" comes from the idea of being positioned before. While it is not true to say that a preposition always comes before a noun or a pronoun, it does most of the time.

All prepositions will appear in parentheses during grammar practices.

For example: Mike ran (onto) the field.

6 Proper Nouns, Proper Adjectives, Pronouns, and Prepositions October 16, 2017

Grammar Practice 2

Directions: label all parts of speech (except the prepositions in parentheses); find and fix the one pronoun­antecedent disagreement.

(In) the Vermont courthouse, an impatient jury quickly

delivered their verdict (to) a silent audience.