

Hayatnagar CLASS-VII TOPIC-& Dt: 16-4-2020 SUB: ENGLISHWorksheet-4

Definition of : A Pronoun is a word that replaces a in a sentence. Pronouns are used to avoid repeating the same over and over again. For example, "Jeremy ran so fast, you'd think his life was in danger." The pronoun "his" saved us from repeating the name Jeremy again. Common pronouns include I, me, mine, she, he, it, we, and us.There are many different types of pronouns, each serving a different purpose.

Types of Pronouns: Personal Pronouns: Personal pronouns are used as a substitute for a person's name. There are two kinds: subjective and objective pronouns. That is, they either act as the subject of the sentence or the object of the sentence. As the subject of a sentence, they are:

 I

 you

 he

 she

 it

 we

 they

Possessive Pronouns: pronouns show ownership or possession of a noun. They are:

 my

 our

 your

 his

 her

 its (note there is no apostrophe)

 their Reflexive Pronouns:

 Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and the object of a sentence refer to the same person or thing. These pronouns end in -self or -selves. They are:

 myself

 yourself

 himself

 herself

 itself

 ourselves

 yourselves

 themselves Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the pronoun given in the brackets. One has been done for you.

We are waiting for ……her…… (she)

1. Why are you shouting at ………………..? (I)

2. We are waiting for …………………. (they)

3. He shouldn’t have done this to ………………. (you)

4. He loves ……………….. parents more than anyone else. (he)

5. We didn’t expect this from …………………. (he)

6. ……………. parents live abroad. (I)

7. The dog is happy. It has had ………………….. breakfast. (it)

8. We are moving to ………………… new home next month. (we) 9. Between you and ………………. I don’t trust him. (I)

10. We are waiting for ………………… (she)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate possessive pronouns. One has beendone for you:

Once I lent him a book of ………mine………and never got it back. (my/ mine)

1. They never invite us to ……………. parties. (their / theirs)

2. Rani has had …………….. lunch. (her / hers)

3. This is not ……………. (my / mine). It must be …………… (her / hers)

4. Where is ……………….. coat? (your / yours)

5. ……………. (They / Their) dog is a black Doberman. …………………. (our / ours) is a white Pomeranian.

6. Sujatha has never invited me to …………… home. (her / hers)

7. ……………… (Our / Ours) parents are visiting us next month.

8. He was arrested for treating …………….. servants badly (his / him).

9. This is …………… house (my / mine). It is smaller than ………………. (your / yours)

10. You must listen to …………….. parents. (your / yours) Fill in the blanks with appropriate reflexive pronouns. One has been done for you:

They cannot look after themselves. (ourselves/themselves) 1. Make sure to remind yourself of the things you need to do. (herself/yourself) 2. I saw myself in the mirror. (herself/myself) 3. We blamed ourselves for the mistake. (ourselves/yourselves) 4. Lisa did her homework herself.(herself/himself) 5. Emma, did you take the photo by yourself?(yourselves/yourself) 6. I wrote this poem myself.(herself/myself) 7. He cut himself with the knife while he was doing the dishes. (herself/himself) 8. The lion can defend itself. (itself/himself) 9. Tim and Gerry, if you want more milk, help yourselves. (Ourselves/yourselves) 10. Alice and Doris collected the stickers themselves.(Themselves/ourselves) Definition of Adjectives: Adjectives are words that are used to describe or modify nouns or pronouns. For example, red, quick, happy, and obnoxious are adjectives because they can describe things-a red hat, the quick rabbit, a happy duck, and an obnoxious person.

Kinds of Adjectives: Proper Adjectives: Proper Adjectives are the form of proper nouns. When proper nouns modify or describe othernouns/pronouns, they become proper adjectives. A proper adjective allows us to summarize a concept in just one word. Instead of writing/saying ‘a food cooked in Chinese recipe’ you can write/say ‘Chinese food’. Quantitative Adjectives: A Quantitative Adjective provides information about the quantity of the nouns/pronouns. This type belongs to the question category of ‘how much’ and ‘how many’. I have 20 bucks in my wallet. (How much) They have three children. (How many) Adjectives: A Demonstrative Adjective directly refers to something or someone. Demonstrative adjectives include the words: this, that, these, those. That building is so gorgeously decorated These cats are cute. Numeral adjective: Numeral Adjectives can be numbers or numerical orders, describing the number of nouns or the order of the noun being described. He bought three eggs atthe supermarket. Interrogative Adjectives: An Interrogative Adjective asks a question. An interrogative adjective must be followed by a noun or a pronoun. The interrogative adjectives are: which, what, whose. These words will not be considered as adjectives if a noun does not follow right after them. ‘Whose’ also belongs to the possessive adjective type? Which song will you play on your wedding day? Which phone do you use? Order of Adjective:

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate adjectives. I love KFC burgers. (Proper Adjective) 1. There isn’t _____ sugar in my coffee. 2. I’ve packed _____ bottles of water. 3. ____ game do you want to play? 4. ______building is so gorgeously decorated. 5. I only have ____daughter. 6. I adore ____food. 7. I loved ______red car. 8. You should have completed the _____task. 9. ______cars are very strong.

10. I have _____candies in my pocket.