
Chapter 11: Parts of Speech Part I

Nouns – A person, place thing or idea. Persons Thomas Bradley, teacher, chef Places Poland, city, kitchen Things lamp, granite, Nobel Prize Ideas happiness, freedom, liberty, bravery

Compound Noun – A single noun made up of two or more words. One Word grandmother, football Hyphenated Word mother -in-law, light-year Two Words grand piano, jumping jack

Proper Noun – A particular person, place, thing or idea. Common Noun – A general person place, thing or idea. Common Proper Nouns Girl Ann Marie Country Germany Religion Buddhism Song Smells like Teen Spirit

Concrete Noun – A noun you can perceive with one of your senses. Abstract Noun – A noun you can only perceive with the mind. Concrete Nouns Abstract Nouns photograph love Music fun Pears freedom Food liberty

Collective Noun – A word that names a group. audience committee herd team batch crew jury Family

Pronouns – A word that can replace a noun or another pronoun.

Personal – Refers to: The person speaking (1st) The one spoken to (2nd) The one spoken about (3rd)

Personal Pronouns Singular Plural

First Person I, me, my, mine we, us, our, ours Second Person you, your, yours you, your, yours

Third Person he, him, his, she they, them, their her, hers, it, its theirs

Reflexive Pronoun – Refers to the subject *IS NEEDED IN THE SENTENCE* – Emphasizes another noun or pronoun *CAN BE TAKEN OUT OF THE SENTENCE* Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns First Person myself, ourselves Second Person yourself, yourselves himself, herself, itself, Third Person themselves

Demonstrative Pronoun – Points to a particular noun. *If these words appear next to the word they are describing they are .* Demonstrative Pronouns this that these those

Interrogative Pronoun – Introduces/begins a question Interrogative Pronouns what which who whom whose

Indefinite Pronoun – Refers to a non-particular noun. Indefinite Pronouns all each many nobody other any either more none several anyone everything most no one some both few much one somebody

Relative Pronoun – Begins a subordinate clause. *Forms a “chunk” (clause) of words that describes AND can be removed from the sentence.* Relative Pronouns that which who whom whose

Adjectives – A word that is used to describe/modify a noun or pronoun. Which One or How Much or What Kind? Ones? How Many? Chinese children seventh grade several days busy dentist these countries five dollars braided hair any book no marbles

Articles – Three particular words that are ALWAYS adjectives. Articles Definite the Indefinite an, a

Demonstrative Adjectives – Words that look like pronouns but act as adjectives. Demonstrative Adjectives this that these those *If these words appear next to the word they are describing then they are adjectives.* *If these words appear next to a linking then they are usually pronouns.*

Proper Adjective – Adjective made from a proper noun. Proper Nouns Proper Adjectives Thanksgiving Thanksgiving dinner Catholicism Catholic priest Middle East Middle Eastern county Africa African continent