Nepali-English Dictionary compiled by Karl-Heinz Kraemer South Asia Institute University of Heidelberg, Germany

(under construction; several entries may be incomplete) aba ca abhipret clek|]t (adv.) now, from now on (adj.) planned abaddha cfa4 abhiram cle/fd (n./adj.) bound, tied up confined (adj.) extremely beautiful, sublime abela ca]nf abhiruci cle?lr (n./adj.) lateness, late (n.) inclination, earnest desire, liking aber ca]/ abhivriddhi clej[l4 (adj.) late (n.) development aber bhayo ca]/ eof] abhiyan cleofg (comp.) it is late (n.) expedition, march, exploration abhas cfef; abhiyog cleof]u (n.) glimpse, shadow, reflection, vision, (n.) accusation, allegation, charge faint memory, inkling abhiyukta cleo'Qm abhav cefj (adj.) accused (n.) non-existence, absence, lack, scarcity abhrak ce|s abhaya ceo (n.) mica, talco (a soft mineral) (n.) lacj of fear abhyas cEof; abhibhavak cleefjs (n.) practice (n.) guardian abrak ce|v abhilekh clen]v (n.) mica, talco (a soft mineral) (n.) inscription acamma crDd abhinaya clego (n.) surprise, wonder, amazement (n.) mimicry, imitation acamma lagnu crDd nfUg' abhiprerit clek|]l/t (v.i.) to be surprised, to be amazed, to be (adj.) motivated astonished

02.10.2002 1 acamma parnu crDd kg'{ adalat cbfnt (v.i.) to be surprised, to be amazed, to be (n.) law court astonished adambar cf8Da/ acamma parnu crDd kg'{ (n.) conceit, ostentation (v.t.) to surprise, to amaze, to astonish adan-pradan cfbfg–k|bfg acanak crfgs (n.) giving and taking of things, exchange, (adv.) suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly social communication, give and take acano crfgf] adarniya cfb/0fLo (n.) cutting board for meat (adj.) respectable, deserving honour acanu crfg' adarniya sadasya cfb/0fLo ;b:o (n.) cutting board for meat (n.) honorary member acar crf/ adarsh cfbz{ (n.) hot and sour pickle, pickles, chutney, (n.) ideal, value salsa adarvaci cfb/jfrL acar cfrf/ (adj.) polite (n.) conduct, behaviour adaunu c8fpg' acaran crf/0f (v.t.) to support, to hold up, to stop (n.) conduct, behaviour, practice adda c•f accer cRr]/ (n.) office; court of law (n.) letter [of the alphabet], [written] character, [except numerals], alphabet, adesh syllable cfb]z (n.) order, instruction, command acel cr]n adha (adv.) these days, nowadays, recently, cfwf presently (adj.) half achut c5't adhai baje c9fO ah] (adj.) untouchable, of lowest caste (adv.) half past two achuti c5'tL adhaini c9fOgL (n.) untouchable, lowest caste (n.) the senior woman in a palace harem achutoddhar c5'tf]4f/ adham cwd (n.) reformation of untouchables (adj.) , low, wretched, base, vile ad cf8 adhar cfwf/ (n.) support, prop (n.) foundation, basis, support

02.10.2002 2 adharat cfwf/ft adhyaksha cWoIf (n.) midnight (n.) chief, master, director, chairman, superintendent, supervisor adharbhut cfwf/e"6 adhyay cWofo (adj.) basic, fundamental (n.) chapter, section, canto adharit cfwfl/t adhyayan (adj.) based upon cWoog (n.) study, learning, tuition, perusal adharit cha cfwfl/t 5 adi cflb based upon (n./adj.) beginning, primary, origin, first, basic; etcetera, etc. adharma cwd{ (n.) sinfulness, irreligiousness adijati cflbhflt (n.) tribe, tribal, autoethon adhi cfwL (adj.) almost a half adikal cflbsfn (n.) primeval time adhikar clwsf/ (n.) right, authority, procession, adikaran cflbsf/g proprietorship (n.) first cause, fundamental cause adhikari clwsf/L adikavi (n.) officer, one having authority, cflbslj magistrate, proprietor (n.) first poet, pioneer poet adhikrit clws[t adikavya cflbsfJo (adj.) authorised, vested with authority (n.) first epic, adhiraj clw/fh adinu cl8g' (n.) supreme ruler, sovereign, overlord (v.i.) to stop adhirajkumar clw/fhs'df/ adityavar cflbtojf/ (n.) prince (n.) Sunday adhirajya clw/fHo cflbjfl; (n.) sovereignty, empire, kingdom (n.) aborigine, original inhabitant adhiveshan clwa]zg adkalnu c8\sNg' (n.) session, meeting, sitting (v.t.) to guess adhogati cwf]ult adkanu c8\sg' (n.) fall, downfall, degradation (v.i.) to get stuck, to be stopped, to be halted adhunik cfw'lgs (adj.) modern, recent, current

02.10.2002 3 adkaunu c8\sfpg' aghat cf3ft (v.t.) to cause to stick (n.) blow, assault adnu c8\g' aghaun cf3f}+ (v.i.) to stop, to cease moving (adv.) next year aduva cb'jf aghaunu c3fpg' (n.) ginger (v.i.) to be satisfied with eating advittiya clålQo aghi cl3 (adj.) unparalleled, second-to-none already, before, previously, formerly, facing, in front of, ago, agadha cufw aghi lagnu cl3 nfUg' (adj.) unfathomable, bottomless, deep (v.t.) to go first, to go ahead, to lead, to guide agadi cufl8 (postp.) in front of, before, ahead, toward aghi nai cl3 g} the front, first (adv.) already, long ago agadi badhaunu cufl8 a9fpg' aghi sarnu cl3 ;g'[{ (v.t.) to lead forward (v.i.) to advance, to volunteer, to incite, to instigate agadi badhnu cufl8 a9\g' (v.i.) to advance, to move forward aghi-aghi cl3–cl3 a long time ago, in times gone by agal-bagal cun–aun (adv.) from left to right, on both sides aghillo cl3Nnf] (adj.) first, former, front, anterior, last, agami cfufdL previous (adj.) coming, forthcoming, ensuing aghiltira cl3lNt/ agati cult (adv.) in front of, facing (n.) decline, lack of progress aghi-pachi cl3–kl5 age cfu] some other time, before, on other (adj.) before, future, in furute occasions, generally, usually, in single file, one after another, sequentially, surrounded by agena cu]gf (n.) fireplace, hearth aghisamma cl3;Dd (adv.) until recently ageno cu]gf] (n.) fireplace aglo cUnf] (adj.) tall, high aghadi c3fl8 in front of, before, toward the front, first

02.10.2002 4 aglo cfUnf] ahara cfxf/f (n.) latch, bolt (n.) food, diet aglyaunu cUNofpg' ahat cfxt (v.t.) to lock, to pull to [a door] (adj.) struck, beaten clUg ahile clxn] (n.) fire (adv.) now, this time agnikand clUgsf08 aimai cfOdfO{ (n.) fire, conflagration (n.) woman ago cfuf] ain P]g (n.) fire (n.) law, legal code, rule agraha cfu|x aina P]gf (n.) desire, longing, craving, zeal, urging, (n.) mirror, looking glass, pane of glass insistence aincatana P]+rftfgf agulto cu'N6f] (adj.) out of control, controlled by (n.) piece of burning wood outsideforces aguva cu'jf ainselu P]“;]]n' (n./adv.) leader, leading (n.) yellow raspberry agya cf1f aipugnu cfOk'Ug' (n.) order, command, instruction, permission (v.i.) to arrive agyakari cf1fsf/L aitavar cfOtjf/ (adj.) obedient (n.) Sunday agyan v1fg aitihasik P]ltxfl;s (n./adj.) ignorance; ignorant (adj.) historical agyat c1ft aja cfh (adj.) unknown, secret, obscure (adv.) today ahan cx“ aja bihana cfh laxfgf (int.) no (comp.) this morning ahangkar cxÍf/ ajabholi cfhef]ln (n.) arrogance, conceit (adv.) nowadays ahar cfxf/ ajakal cfhsfn (n.) food, diet (adv.) nowadays

02.10.2002 5 ajan chfg akamakka parnu csdSs kfg{ (adj.) ignorant (v.t.) to be confused, to be baffled, to be in a quandary, to be taken aback, to be disconcerted, to be rattled, to hesitate, to ajang chª pause (adj.) huge, very big, enormous, formidable akangksha cfsfª\Iff ajat chft (n.) aspiration (adj.) outcaste, low caste, not born akanksha cfsf+Iff ajatshatru chftzq' (n.) wish, desire, intention (adj.) having no enemy akantak cs06s ajha c´ (adj.) free from trouble, unobstructed, (adv.) still, yet, moreover, now thornless ajhai c´} akapat csk6 (conj.) even then, even now (adj.) guiltless, frank, open ajivan cfhLjg akar cfsf/ (adj.) throughout life, for a whole life-time (n.) size, shape, form, outline akad cs8 akaraniya cs/0fLo (n.) insistence, obstinacy, stubbornness, (adj.) improper, unfit to be performed persistence akarma csd{ akado cs8f] (n.) unnecessary act, wicked act (adj.) obstinate, stubborn akarmak csd{s akal csn (adj.) intransitive wisdom, intelligence, cleverness, knowledge, skilful, clever, wise akarmanya csd{0o (adj.) idle, useless, good for nothing akalpaniya csNkgLo (adj.) unimaginable, unthinkable, akarmi csdL{ inconceivable (n.) a do nothing, sinner, evil-doer, rogue, villain akamakaunu csdsfpg' (v.i.) to hesitate, to pause akarna cs0f{ deaf, having no ear akamakka csdSs (adj.) confused, baffled, disconcerted, akarna csg{ dumbfounded, perplexed (n.) official record, document, list of official records

akarsan cfsif{0f (n.) attraction

02.10.2002 6 akartavya cst{Jo akhabar cvaf/ (adj.) improper, unfit to be done (n.) newspaper akartha csfy{ akhir cflv/ (adj.) without cause, pointlessly, in vain (adv.) at last, eventually akash cfsfz akkal cSsn (n.) sky, space (n.) knowledge, cleverness, thought akashe tara-marg cfsfz] akkali cSsnL tf/–dfu{ (adj.) clever, intelligent (n.) cable railway akkase cSsf;] akashvani cfsfZjf0fL (adj.) sky-blue (n.) radio broadcast akkasinu cSsfl;g' akasmat cs:dft (v.i.) to fly up (adv.) suddenly, accidentally, unexpectedly, all of a sudden akraman cfqmd0f (n.) attack, invasion akasmik cfsl:ds (adj.) sudden, abrupt, accidental, casual akrista cfs[i6 (adj.) attracted, drawn, charmed akathaniya csygLo (adj.) inexpressible, indescribable, akriti cfs[lt inexpressible, obscene, indecent (n.) size, shape, form, outline akathya csYo aksar cS;/ (adj.) inexpressible, indescribable, inexpressible, obscene, indecent, filthy, (adv.) often, frequently, usually, many, a lot unutterable akshansh cIff+z akavat csjt (n.) latitude (n.) duty, God akshar cIf/ akbar csa/ (n.) letter [of the alphabet], [written] (n.) name of the third Indian Moghul character, [except numerals], alphabet, Emperor syllable akbare csa/] aksijan clS;hg (adj.) pungent chilli, extraordinary hot (n.) oxygen akbari csa/L alag cnu (adj.) related to Akbar, pure, unadulterated separate, different akelo cs]nf] alainci cn}+rL (adj.) alone (n.) cardamom

02.10.2002 7 alangkar cnÍf/ almalinu cndlng' (n.) embellishment (v.i.) to be bewildered, to be amazed, to be confused alasya cfn:o almari cfNdf/L (n.) laziness, idleness (n.) shelves, cupboard alchi cN5L alocana (adj.) lazy, idle cfnf]rgf (n.) criticism, critique alekha cfn]v alocanatmak cfnf]rgfTds (n.) writing, script, anything written (adj.) critical algyaunu cNUofpg' alok cfnf]s (v.t.) tho lift, to raise, to release, to set free (n.) enlightenment, light, brightness alhad cfNxfb alpamat (n.) delight, fulfilment cNkdt (n.) minority cln alsi (adj.) a bit, a little, few cN;L (adj.) lazy, idle ali cfnL alu cfn' (n.) ridge at the edge of a field-terrace (n.) potato alikati clnslt alu tachnu cfn' tf5\g' (adj.) a little, a small quantity (v.t.) to peel off potatoes alilo clnnf] alubakhada (adj.) lacking salt, tasteless cfn'av8f (n.) plum-tree aljhanu cN´g' am (v.i.) to get caught up in cfd (adj.) common, general aljhaunu cN´fpg' ama cfdf (v.t.) to entangle (n.) mother alkatra cnsqf amai cfd} (n.) asphalt (n.) grandmother [rural] allare cNnf/] amaju (n.) rover cfdfh" (n.) husband's elder sister almalaunu cNdnfpg' amala (v.t.) to confuse, to lead astray cdnf (n.) a kind of fruit [sour-sweet]

02.10.2002 8 amanav cdfgj amurta cd"t{ (adj.) inhuman (adj.) formless amanya cdfGo an c“ (adj.) unaccepted, unobeyed (int.) yes amar cd/ anadarvaci cgfb/jfrL (adj.) immortal, undying (adj.) non-honorific [ling.] amarkosh cd/sf]z anadi cgflb (n.) (a dictionary compiled by (adj.) having no beginning, self-born Amar Singh) analamaya cgndo amba cDaf (adj.) fiery (n.) guava anand cfgGb amdani cfDbfgL (n.) happiness (n.) income anandi cfgGbL amdani badhaune cfdbfgL (adj.) happy a9fpg] (n.) income generating ananta cgGt (adj.) infinite, endless amilo cldnf] (adj.) sour anar cgf/ (n.) pomegranate amir cdL/ (adj.) wealthy, rich anarsa cg;f{ (n.) a kind if sweet bread made of rice flour, amiri cdL/L sugar and butter (adj.) wealthy, rich anashan cgzg amkhora cDvf]/f (n.) fasting (n.) brass pot for drinking from, tumbler anatha cgfy amnirvacan cfdlgjf{rg (adj.) uncared for, orphaned (n.) general elections anautha cgf}7f amol cdf]n (adj.) queer, unusual, extraordinary (adj.) priceless, invaluable anautho cgf}7f] amrit cd[t (adj.) queer, unusual, extraordinary, (n./adj.) elixir, nectar; immortal strange, peculiar amulya cd"No anautikta cgf}ltQmf (adj.) priceless, invaluable (n.) immorality

02.10.2002 9 anavarat cgj/t andhakar cGwsf/ (adj.) unceasing, constant (n.) darkness anbhaunu cGefpg' andheri c“w]/L (v.t.) to say good-bye to the couple in (adj.) dark, gloomy marriage, to send away a bride andhi cf“lw ancal c~rn (n.) storm, strong wind (n.) zone [eine Verwaltungseinheit] andhiyar cf“lwof/ ancal adalat c~rn cbfnt (n.) sharer of half the land or crop (n.) zonal court andhopan cGwf]kg ancal nyayadhish c~rn GofofwLif (n.) blindness (n.) zonal judge andhyaro c“Wof/f] (n./adj.) dark, gloomy, sad, darkness, ancal prashasan c~rn k|zf;g ignorance, gloom (n.) zonal administration andolan cfGbf]ng ancal sabha c~rn ;ef (n.) agitation, riot, movement (n.) zonal assembly andra cfGb|f ancaladhish c~rnfwLz (n.) entrails (n.) zonal commissioner anduva c“8'jf ancetnu c“r]6\g' (n.) not castrated animal (v.t.) to discipline, to impress, to press, to push with force aneka cg]s (adj.) several, many anda cG8f (n.) egg ang cfª (n.) part, body, portion, limb, procedure andaji cGbfhL (adv.) appropriately, about anga pugnu c¨ k'Ug' to be the procedure complete anderi c“8]/L (n.) castor-oil plant anga-bhanga c¨–e|¨ (n.) mutilation of a limb andha cGwf (adj.) blind anga-bhanga garnu c¨–e|¨ ug'{ (v.t.) to amputate, to dismember, to mutilate andhabhakta cGw3Qm (n.) blind follower, superstitious person angacched c¨R5]b (n.) amputation

02.10.2002 10 angalnu c“uNg' anginti cglulGt (v.t.) to adopt, to accept, to follow, to (adj.) countless embrace, to hug angka cÍ angalo c“ufnf] (n.) numeral, digit, issue, number [of a (n.) hug, embrace, armful, the bent arm periodical], mark [in an examination], score, points [in a game], act [in a drama] angan cf“ug angka ra akshar cÍ / cIf/ (n.) yard, courtyard, house, home figure and letter angar c“uf/ angka ra aksharle (n.) cinder, ember, the black substance of cÍ / cIf/n] bolaunu charcoal af]nfpg' to call by figure and word anga-raksha c¨–/Iff (n.) protection of body angka-ganit cÍ–ul0ft (n.) arithmetic, mathematics anga-rakshak c¨–/Ifs (n.) body guard angkamal cÍdfn (n.) embrace angethi c“u]7L (n.) iron or clay vessel to carry fire, portable angkapatra c+skq fireplace (n.) label, fillet anggur c“u"/ angkit c+lst (n.) grape (adj.) marked, written, endorsed, encounted anghi cf“3L angkuran c+s'/0f (n.) storm, whirlwind, hurricane (n.) germination, beginning angikar c¨Lsf/ angocha cuf]5f (n.) acceptance (n.) towel, napkin angikar garnu c¨Lsf/ ug'{ angrej c+u|]h (v.t.) to accept, to follow (n.) Englishman, Westerner, white man angikrit c+uLs[t angreji c+u|]hL (adj.) adopted, agreed, promised (n./adj.) English, British, English language angikrit nagarikta c+uLs[t angsha c+z gful/stf (n.) share, division, fragment, ingredient, (n.) adopted citizenship contribution, element, portion, clause, sub- clause angikrit nepali c+uLs[t g]kfnL nagarikta gful/stf angshadan c+zbfg (n.) adopted Nepali citizenship (n.) contribution, donation

02.10.2002 11 angshadhar c+zw/ anka c+s (n.) share-holder, heir (n.) numeral, digit, issue, number [of a periodical], mark [in an examination], score, points [in a game], act [in a drama] angshako hak c+zsf] xs (n.) heirship, right to the paternal property ankai c“sfO{ (n.) estimate, evaluation angshiyar c+lzof/ (n.) co-heir, sharer, partner ankanaunu cGsgfpg' (v.i.) to hesitate angul c+u'n (n.) finger, a finger's breadth ankha cf“vf (n.) eye anguli mudra c+u'nL d'b|f (n.) fingerprint, nameprinted ring ankhako nani cf“vfsf] gfgL (n.) pupil anguli pratimudra c+u'nL k|ltd'b|f (n.) finger impression ankhibhuin cf“vfLe"O“ (n.) eyebrow angur c+u'/ (n.) grape ankuro c“s'/f] (n.) shoot, seedling, bud, fresh shoot of a ani clg plant (conj.) and, then, and then ankush c+s'z anicchit clglR5t (n.) hook (adj.) undesired, unwished for anmaunu cGdfpg' anikal clgsfn (v.t.) to say good-bye to the couple in (n.) famine marriage, to send away a bride anil clgn anna cGg (n.) wind (n.) grain, food anivarya clgjfo{ anna-bhandar cGg–e08f/ (adj.) inevitable (n.) granary anjali c~hnL anp cf“k (n.) the open palms of the hands held (n.) mango together and slightly cupped, a double handful, offering in worship, tribute anshu cf“z' (n.) tear, teardrop anjuli c~h'nL (n.) the open palms of the hands held ant cf“6 together and slightly cupped, a double handful, offering in worship, tribute (n.) courage, boldness

02.10.2002 12 anta cf“6f antariksha cGt/LIf (n.) wheat flour (n.) space, universe anta cGt antarmukhi cGtd'{lv (n.) end, conclusion (adj.) introvert, inward-looking anta garnu cGt ug'{ antarrastriya cGt/f{li6[o (v.t.) to end, to finisch [in Verbindung mit (adj.) international Postposition -lai] antarrastriya kanun cGt/f{li6[o antai cGt} sfg"g (adv.) elsewhere (n.) international law antar cGt/ antarrastriya mudrakos cGt/f{li6[o (n./adj.) difference, interval; inner, inter- d'b|sf]if (n.) International Monetary Fund [IMF] antaral rajya cGt/fn /fHof (n.) buffer state antarvarta cGtjf{tf{ (n.) interview antardeshiya c+tb]{zLo (adj.) inland, domestic antarvasan c+tjf{;g (n.) internship, confinement within antardeshiya jalpath c+tb]{zLo prescribed limits hnky (n.) inland waterways antarvasi c+tjf{;L (n.) internee antardeshiya patra c+tb]{zLo kq (n.) inland letter antarvasit c+tjf{l;t (adj.) interned antardeshiya vanijya c+tb]{zLo jfl0fHo antarvasit garnu c+tjf{l;t ug'{ (n.) internal trade (v.t.) to intern antardhvans c+tWj{; antarvirodh cGt/lj/f]w (n.) sabotage (n.) self-contradiction, inner contradiction antargat cGtu{t antastha desh cGt:y b]z (adj.) included, comprised (n.) buffer state antargrasta c+tu|{:t anthanabbe cG7fgAa] (adj.) involved (num.) ninety-eight, 98 antarik cfGtl/s anthaunna cG7fpGg (adj.) interior, inner, internal (num.) fifty-eight, 58

02.10.2002 13 anthyaunu c“7Øfpg' anuman cg'dfg (v.t.) to catch firmly, to seize, to clutch, to (n.) inference, guess, presumption grasp firmly anumati cg'dlt anti c+lt (n.) permission, consent, assent (n.) ultimatum anupasthit cg'kl:yt antim clGtd (adj.) absent (adj.) last, final, conclusive, ultimate anupras cg'k|f; antis clGt; (n.) alliteration (adj.) last anurodh cg'/f]w antnu cf“6\g' (n.) request, entreaty, prayer (v.i.) to dare, to take the risk anurodh garnu cg'/f]w ug'{ antya cGTo (v.t.) to request, to ask for, to pray (n./adj.) end, last run anurup cg'¿k cGTo]lit (adj.) resembling, corresponding, similar, (n.) the last rites after death, funeral analogous, congruous ceremony, obsequies anusandhan cg';Gwfg anubhav cg'ej (n.) research, investigation (n.) experience, feeling, sensation anusar cg';f/ anubhavi cg'elj (postp.) according to, in accordance with, (adj.) experienced equivalent to, in conformity with anubhuti cg'e"lt anusaran cg';/0f (n.) real knowledge, experience, sensation (n.) compliance, accordance anudan cg'bfg anushasan cg'zf;g (n.) grant (n.) discipline, instruction anugaman cg'udg anuvad cg'jfb (n.) follow-up (n.) translation, immitation anuhar ag'xf/ anuvakta cg'jQmf (n.) face, countenance (n.) translator anukramnika cg'qmdl0fsf anuvar cg'jf/ (n.) contents, list of contents (n.) face, countenance anukul cg's"n anveshan cGj]z0f (adj.) favourable, agreeable, friendly (n.) exploration

02.10.2002 14 anya cGo aphisar clkm;/ (adj.) other (n.) officer anyatra cGoq aphno cfºGff] (adj.) elsewhere, somewhere else, in some (adj.) one's own other place aphnu cfºGf' anyaya cGofo (adj.) one's own (n.) injustice apil ckLn apaci ckrL (n.) appeal, contradiction, objection (adj.) undigested, undigestible aprakashit ck|sflzt apadha ck9 (adj.) unpublished (adj.) illiterate, unlettered apratyashik ck|Toflzs apaharan ckx/0f (adj.) unexpected, sudden (n.) abduction, kidnapping, usurpation apravasi cfk|jf;L apanaunu ckgfpg' (n.) immigrant (v.t.) to adopt, to make use of, to apply cK;/f aparadh ck/fw (n.) nymph, fairy, spirit (n.) crime, offence, guilt, fault, sin apurva ck"j{ aparadhi ck/fwL (adj.) new, strange (n./adj.) criminal, wrongdoer arab c/a aparicit ckl/lrt (num.) one billion, (adj.) unknown, unfamiliar arajakta c/fhstf aparjhat ck/´6 (n.) anarchy (adv.) suddenly, surprisingly, all of a sudden arakshan cf/If0f apas cfk; (n.) reservation (n.) those close to oneself, relatives aram cf/fd apashoc ckzf]r (n.) comfort, rest (n.) regret, sorrow arambha cf/De apasma cfk;df (n.) beginning, start (adj.) among each other, among themselves are c/] aphai cfkm} (reported speech marker) (adv.) self, personally

02.10.2002 15 arini cC0fL aru cf¿ (adj.) free from debt (n.) peach arje cfh]{ aru c¿ (n.) prophecy, prediction, forecast (adj.) another, more, either, further arko csf]{ aru kohi c¿ sf]xL (adj.) another, next, second someone else arop cf/f]k arubakhada cf¿av8f (n.) imputation, allegation, insinuation, (n.) plum accusation asabhya c;Eo arpanu ck{g' (adj.) uncivilised, uncultured (v.t.) to offer up, to dedicate asadh c;f9 cy{ (n.) Asadh or Asar, third month of the (n.) finance, wealth, nmeaning, Nepali year [June-July] significance, import, interpretation, explanation asadharan c;fwf/0f (adj.) unusual, uncommon arthadanda cy{b08 (n.) fine asadhya c;fWo (adj.) very, extremely artha-mantri cy{–dGqL (n.) minister of finance asahamati c;xdlt (n.) disagreement, dissent, discordance cy{zf:q (n.) economics, political economy asahaya c;xfo (adj.) helpless arthat cyf{t (adv.) that is to say, in other words, i.e. asal c;n (adj.) real, true, pure, unadulterated, arthik cfly{s morally good (adj.) economic, financial asali c;nL arthik matava cfly{s dxTj (adj.) real, genuine (n.) economic importance asam cf;fd arthyaunu cYof{pg' (n.) Assam (v.t.) to make sense of, to understand asaman cf;dfg ctL{ (n.) sky (n.) advice, counsel, lesson, instruction, precept, moral lesson, admonition asamanta c;dfGtf (n.) inequality

02.10.2002 16 asamaya c;do ash cfz (n.) untimeliness, bad or unfitting time (n.) hope asamayik c;fdlos asha cfzf (adj.) inopportune, untimely, inconvenient (n.) hope asambhava c;Dej ashangka cfz+sf (adj.) impossible (n.) suspicion, doubt, fear, dread asan cf;g ashanti czflGt (n.) seat, stool, office, post, posture, throne (n.) lack of peace, unrest asanggati c;+ult ashaya cfzo (n.) incoherence, irrelevance, absurdity, (n.) meaning, aim, intention, purport irrationality, incompatibility, anomaly ashcarya cfZro{ asankhya c;+Vo (n.) wonder, surprise, astonishment (adj.) innumerable, countless, beyond number ashcaryalagdo cfZro{nfUbf] (adj.) surprising asanna cf;Gg (adj.) imminent, impencing, near, close ashiksha clzIff (n.) illiteracy asantusta c;Gt'i6 (adj.) dissatisfied, discontented, displeased, ashikshit reluctant clzlIft (adj.) uneducated, unlettered, illiterate asantusti c;Gt'li6 ashirvacan (n.) dissatisfaction cfzLj{rg (n.) blessing, benediction asapas cf;kf; ashirvacan (adv.) nearabout, nearby cfzLj{rg (n.) blessing asaphal c;kmn ashirvad (adj.) unsuccessful, failure cfzLjf{b (n.) blessing, benediction asar c;f/ ashirvad (n.) Asadh or Asar, third month of the cfzLjf{b Nepali year [June-July] (n.) blessing asar c;/ ashis cflzif (n.) effect, influence, mark, authority (n.) blessing, benediction asat c;t\ ashis dinu cflzif lbg' (adj.) evil, bad, non-existent, illusory (v.t.) to bless

02.10.2002 17 ashlil cZnLn aspatal c:ktfn (adj.) indecent, vulgar (n.) hospital ashram cf>d astaunu c:tfpg' (n.) hermitage, residential institute (v.i.) to set [sun, moon or star] ashraya cf>o astha cf:yf (n.) dependence, resort, reliance, retreat (n.) faith, reverence, veneration ashrit cfl>t asthipanjar cl:ykGh/ (postp.) depending on, relying on (n.) skeleton ashu cfz' asti cl:t (adj.) quick, speedily, immediate, swift (adv.) the day before yesterday, recently, the other day ashuddha cz'4 astiko bihibar (adj.) impure cl:tsf] laxLaf/ last Thursday ashutos cfz'tf]if astitva (adj.) contended, easily pleased cl:tTj (n.) existence, being, entity ashvin cflZjg astrashastra a:qz:q (n.) Ashvin or Asoj, fifth month of the Nepali year [September-October] (n.) weaponry, armament, arms, weapons asi c;L astreliya c:6«]lnof eighty, 80 (n.) Australien asima c;Ld asuvidha c;'ljwf (adj.) boundless, unlimited (n.) inconvenience asimit c;Lldt asvabhavik c:jefljs (adj.) boundless, unlimited (adj.) unnatural asoj c;f]h asvasth c:j:y (n.) Ashvin or Asoj, fifth month of the Nepali (adj.) unhealthy.morbid year [September-October] asvikar c:jLsf/ aspast c:ki6 (n.) non-acceptance, rejection, refusal, (adj.) not clear, indistinct, vague, dim, denial obscure, blurred, ambiguous atah ctM aspastata c:ki6tf (conj.) hence, therefore, thus (n.) lack of clarity, uncertainty, haziness atainu c6fOg' (v.i.) to fit into, to be contained

02.10.2002 18 atal c6n atikraman cltqmd0f (adj.) firm, irrevocable, resolute, (n.) infringement, contravention, violation unwavering, steadfast, still, unmoving atirikta cltl/Qm atangka cftÍ (adv.) extra, additional, excessive (n.) fear, terror, panic, phobea, suffering atit ctLt atangkit cftlÍt (n./adv.) past, gone (adj.) terrified atithighar cltly3/ ataunu c6fpg' (n.) guest house, guest chamber (v.i.) to fit into, to be contained atithishala cltlyzfnf ateri c6]/L (n.) guest house, guest chamber (adj.) headstrong, obstinate atma cfTdf ath cf7 (n.) mind, heart, intellect, soul (num.) eight, 8 atmabhiman cfTdfledfg athara c7f/ (n.) self-respect, self-esteem (adj.) eighteen, 18 atmabodhak cfTdfaf]ws athasi c7f;L (adj.) reflexive [linguistics] (adj.) eighty-eight, 88 atmahatya cfTdxTof athaun cf7f}+ (n.) suicide, self-murder, self-killing (adj.) eighth atmanirbhar cfTdlge{/ athava cyjf (n.) self-dependence, self-support (conj.) or atmasamman cfTd;Ddfg athcalis c7rfnL; (n.) self-respect, self-regard (adj.) forty-eight, 48 atmavibhorta cfTdljef]/tf athhattar c7xQ/ (n.) fascination (adj.) seventy-eight, 78 atmavishvas cfTdljZjf; athsatthi c7;6\7L (n.) self-confidence (adj.) sixty-eight, 68 atripti ct[lKt athtis c7tL; (n.) insatiability, lack of appeasement (adj.) thirty-eight, 38 attalika c§flnsf ati clt (n.) balcony, verandah (adj.) very much, exceeding, extremely, beyond

02.10.2002 19 attar cQ/ aunsi cf}+;L (n.) scent, fragrance (n.) new moon, last day of the dark half of the month atthais a67fO{; aunu cfpg' (adj.) twenty-eight, 28 (v.i.) to come attinu cflQg' aupacarik (v.i.) to be frightened, to be nerveous cf}krfl/s (adj.) formal, ceremonial atur cft'/ aupacarik adarvaci cf}krfl/s (adj.) sick, wounded, impatient, anxious cfb/jfrL atut c6"6 (adj.) formally polite [linguistics] (adj.) unbroken, continuous, continual ausadhipasal cf}iflwk;n atuva c6'jf (n.) chemist's (shop), pharmacy, drugstore (n.) ginger avadhi cjlw atyacar cTofrf/ (n.) periode, time, limit, term, duration (n.) atrocity, tyranny, excess, outrage, oppression avahela cjx]nf (n.) neglect, disdain, contempt atyanta cToGt (adj.) a lot, much, very much, exceedingly, avahelna cjx]ngf utterly, extremely (n.) neglect, disdain, contempt atyavashyak cTofjZos avaj cfjfh (adj.) very necessary, essential (n.) voice, sound, report, uproar atyukti cTo'lQm avakash cjsfz (n.) hyperbole, exaggeration (n.) free time au cf} avalamban cjnDag (conj.) and (n.) support, reliance aucitya cf}lrTo avalokan cjnf]sg (n.) propriety, appropriateness, validity (n.) look, gaze audyogik cf}Bf]lus avanati cjglt (adj.) industrial (n.) decline, downfall aunlo cf}+nf] avarodh cj/f]w (n.) finger (n.) obstruction, hindrance, impediment, restraint, taboo aunlyaunu cf}+Nofpg' (v.t.) to point at

02.10.2002 20 avas cfjf; avyavastha cJoj:yf (n.) dwelling, place of residence (n.) disorder avasar cj;/ ayaram gayaram cfof/fd (n.) opportunity, chance, occasion, scope uof/fd (n.) frequent defectionist avasar paunu cj;/ kfpg' (v.t.) to take a chance ayarlaind cfo/n}08 (n.) Ireland avashya cjZo (adv.) certainly ayog cfof]u (n.) commission avashyak cfjZos (adj.) necessary, needful, inevitable ayojana cfof]hgf (n.) project avashyakta cfjZostf (n.) necessity, need, requirement ba af (n.) father [colloquially] avastha cj:yf (n.) condition, state, age, phase, babu afa' despondency (n.) father [auch benutzt als Respektbezeugung gegenüber nicht avasyakta cfj:oQm verwandten männlichen Personen sowie als Kosewort für Jungen] (n.) need, necessity, requirement bacaunu arfpg' avat-javat cfjt–hfjt (v.t.) to save, to defend, to spare (n.) coming and going, connection, transmigration bada a8f avicchinna cljlRrGg (adj.) big, large, gigantic, og great size (adj.) uninterrupted, continuous bada hakim a8f xflsd avikasit cljsl;t (n.) district officer (adj.) undeveloped badal afbn avishvas cljZjf; (n.) cloud (n.) distrust, disbelief, non-confidence, suspicion, doubt badam abfd (n.) peanut aviskar cfljisf/ (n.) discovery, invention badamash abdfz (adj.) wicked, immoral, mischievous avivekpurna cljj]sk"0f{ (adj.) without reason, for no reason, badanam abgfd unfounded (adj.) caluminated, infamous

02.10.2002 21 badha afwf bagnu aUg' (n.) hinderance, obstacle, obstruction (v.i.) to flow, to glide badhak afws bagvani afujfgL (adj.) hindering, obstructing (n.) horticulture badharnu a9fg'{ bahadur axfb'/ (v.t.) sweep (adj.) brave, bold, courageous, defiant badhaunu a9fpg' bahas ax; (v.t.) to increase, to make bigger, to enlarge (n.) discussion, argumentation, debate badhi a9L bahattar axQ/ (adj.) more, larger, higher (num.) seventy-two, 72 badhiya al9of bahek afx]s (adj.) fine, nice, superior, excellent, of good (postp.) except, besides quality bahini alxgL badhnu a9\g' (n.) younger sister (v.i.) to increase, to grow, to advance, to go forward, to flourish bahinijvain alxgLHjfO“ (n.) younger sister's husband badi abL (n.) the dark half of a lunar month; evil, bahira wickedness aflx/ (postp.) outside, at another place bado a8f] bahira samet (adj.) big, large, gigantic aflx/ ;d]t even outside bagainca au}+rf bahirapatti (n.) garden, orchard aflx/kl§ (n.) outside bagbani afuafgL bahiro (n.) gardening, horticulture alx/f] (adj.) deaf baggi aUuL bahiskar (n.) horse carriage alxifsf/ (n.) expulsion, removal, exclusion, ex- bagh af3 communication (n.) tiger bahra afx| (num.) twelve, 12 bagha af3f (n.) obstacle bahraun afx|f}+ (adj.) twelfth

02.10.2002 22 bahudaliya ax'blno bajet ah]6 (adj.) multiparty (n.) budget bahudaliya vyavastha ax'blno bajhnu af‰g' joj:yf (v.i.) to quarrel, to wrangle (n.) multiparty system bajnu aHg' bahumat ax'dt (v.i.) to sound, to chime (n.) majority bajyai aHo} bahumulya ax'd"No (n.) grandmother [lower class], woman's (adj.) valuable, expensive, very costly mother-in-law [lower class], a woman, an old woman bahun afx'g bakas afs; (n.) Brahmin (n.) box baijani a}hgL bakas as; (adj.) purple (n.) present, gift, reward baink a}Í bakhat avt (n.) bank (n.) time, period, moment, opportunity bais afO{; bakhri afv|L (num.) twenty-two, 22 (n.) she-goat baisatthi a};6\7L bakhro afv|f] (num.) sixty-two, 62 (n.) goat baishakh a}zfv bakkulo aSs'nf] (n.) first month of the Nepali calendar [April/May] (n.) crane baithak a}7s baklo afSnf] (n.) meeting, session, living room, sitting (adj.) thick room, reception room baksanu aS;g' baj afh (v.t.) to give, to present [as a present or (n.) hawk reward by a high standing personality like the king] baje ah] bal an o'clock (n.) strength, power, force, might baje afh] bal afn (n.) grandfather [auch zur Anrede eines Brahmanen oder eines alten Mannes sowie (n.) child, boy des Schwiegervaters einer Frau [letzteres nur untere Schichten]]

02.10.2002 23 balatkar anfTsf/ banaunu agfpg' (n.) rape (v.t.) to make, to build, to repair bali anL bancaro aGr/f] (adj.) strong, powerful (n.) axe bali afnL bancnu af“Rg' (n.) standig crops, harvest (v.i.) to survive balika afLnsf banda bhayo aGb eof] (n.) young girl (comp.) it is closed, it is shut balistha aln:7 banda garnu aGb ug'{ (adj.) strong, powerful, stout (v.t.) to close, to shut baliyo alnof] bandakopi aGbfsf]kL (adj.) strong, powerful, stout (n.) cabbage balkrishna sama afns[i0f ;d bandar af“b/ (n.) Bal Sama [a famous Nepali (n.) monkey poet] bandel a“b]n balnu aNg' (n.) wild pig (v.i.) to burn, to blaze, to catch fire bandhan aGwg balnu afNg' (n.) imprisonment (v.t.) to kindle, to light, to burn bandhnu af“Wg' balti afN6L (v.t.) to bind, to tie up, to fasten (n.) bucket bandi aGbL balun afn'g (n.) hostage, prisoner (n.) a kind of folk song bandighar aGbL3/ balyakal afNosfn (n.) prison, jail (n.) childhood bandigriha aGbLu[x bamojim adf]lhd (n.) prison, jail (adv.) according to, in accordance with, accordingly bandikhana aGbLvfgf (n.) prison, jail bamojit adf]lht (adj.) according to, in accordance with, bandnu accordingly af“8\g' (v.t.) to part, to divide, to share, to partition

02.10.2002 24 banel ag]n barkha av{f (n.) wild pig (n.) rains, rainy season, monsoon bango af¨f] barnu afg'{ (adj.) crooked, bent, twisted (v.t.) to observe, to abstain from bangur a+u"/ baru a? (n.) pig better, rather, or bani afgL barulo af?nf] (n.) habit, disposition, character (n.) wasp banki af“sL basai sarai a;fO{ ;/fO{ (n.) remainder, left over, residue (n.) migration bannu aGg' basalnu a;fNg' (v.i.) to be ready, to be made (v.t.) to cause to sit, to make someone sit bans af“; basanta a;Gt (n.) bamboo (n.) spring bansko purda af“:sf] k"bf{ basaunu a;fpg' (n.) bamboo curtain (v.t.) to cause to sit, to make someone sit bar af/ basinda afl;Gbf (n.) fence, temporary wall (n.) inhabitant, resident bar af/ basnu a:g' (n.) weekday [of the Nepali calendar] (v.i.) to sit, to settle, to remain bara a/f basobas a;f]af; (n.) great-grandfather (n.) residence, place of residence barbar aa{/ basovas a;f]jf; (n./adj.) barbarian, savage, barbarisch, wild (n.) residence, place of residence barbarta aa{/tf bata af6 (n.) barbarity (postp.) from, by bare af/] bata marnu aft dfg'{ (postp.) about, realting to, concerning (v.i.) ro talk bari af/L batas atf; (n.) dry field, garden (n.) wind, air

02.10.2002 25 batho af7f] beglo a]Unf] (adj.) intelligent, clever (adj.) separated bato af6f] behornu a]xf]g'{ (n.) road, path, way (v.i.) to bear, to make use of, to look after, to afford bato lagnu af6f] nfUg' bela (v.t.) to set off a]nf (n.) time, occasion battai a§fO{ beluka a]n'sf (n.) quail (n./adj.) evening, in the evening, after sunset batti aQL (n.) bemajja a]dHhf (adj.) not pleasing battis aQL; (num.) thirty-two, 32 benci a]GrL (n.) bench batuko a6'sf] (n.) cup, bowl bensi a]+;L (n.) valley, lowland, lower portion of a hill baulaha af}nfxf (adj.) mad, lunatic bepar a]kf/ (n.) trade, commerce baunna afpGg (num.) fifty-two, 52 bepar garnu a]kf/ ug'{ (v.t.) to trade, to sell bayalis aofnL; (num.) forty-two, 42 bepari a]kf/L (n.) trader, merchant bayan aofg (n.) description, narration, account ber a]/ (n.) time, delay, late bayan afof“ (adj.) left berojgar a]/f]huf/ (n.) unemployment bayanabbe aofgAa] (num.) ninety-two, 92 bes a]; (adj.) good, very good bayasi aof;L (num.) eighty-two, 82 besar a];f/ (n.) turmeric becnu a]Rg' (v.t.) to sell, to dispose off

02.10.2002 26 besari a];/L bhain eO“ (adv.) nicely, abundantly, profusely, (n.) ground, earth, floor plentifully, excessively bhainsi e}+;L bevasta a]jf:tf (n.) water buffalo [female] (adj.) indifferent, unmindful, unconcerned, careless efhg (n.) receptacle, object, dividing bhada ef8f (n.) rent, hire, fare, freight bhaka efsf (n.) promise bhadai eb} (n.) woman's brother's daughter bhakta eQm (n./adj.) devotee; devoted, pious bhadau ebf} (n.) fifth month of the Nepali year [August- bhaktapur eQmk'/ September] (n.) Bhaktapur, Bhadgaon [an ancient town east of ] bhadgaun efbufp“ (n.) Bhaktapur, Bhadgaon [an ancient town east of Kathmandu] elQm (n.) devotion, worship, veneration bhadkinu e8\lsg' bhaktiman (v.i.) to be frightened, to feel shy, to go elQmdfg astray (n./adj.) devotee; devoted, pious bhado ebf] bhakundo khelnu es'08f] v]Ng' (n.) woman's brother's son (v.t.) to play football bhadra eb| bhala efnf (n.) fifth month of the Nepali year [August- (n.) spear, lance, pike September] bhalai enfO{ bhagnu efUg' (n.) welfare, well-being, goodness, (v.i.) to flee, to run away gentleness bhai efO bhale mujur efn] d'h'/ (n.) younger brother (n.) peacock bhai-bharadar efO–ef/fbf/ bhalu efn" (n.) king's address towards his royal (n.) bear relatives bhanda eGbf bhaibuhari efOa'xf/L (postp.) compared to [used for construction (n.) younger brother's wife of comparative]

02.10.2002 27 bhandakunda ef“8fs'“8f bhansar eG;f/ (n.) pots and pans (n.) customs, customs duties, office of the customs department bhandaphor e08fkmf]]/ bhanubhakta acarya efg'eQm cfrfo{ (n.) unmasking, unveiling, disclosure, revelation, betrayal (n.) Bhanubhakta [a famous Nepali poet] bhandar e08f/ bhar e/ (n.) store room (n.) trust, faith, fullness bhandnu ef“8\g' bhar parnu (v.t.) to spoil, to ruin (morally) e/ kg'{ (v.t.) to trust bhando ef“8f] bharadar (n.) cooking pot, vessel, pot ef/fbf/ (n.) a high official bhane eg] bharadari sabha ef/fbf/L ;ef (conj.) if, on the other hand (n.) assembly of high officials or nobility in early Shah and Rana times bhangero e“u]/f] (n.) sparrow bharat ef/t (n.) India bhanij eflgh (n.) sister's son bharatiya ef/tLo (adj.) Indian bhanje buhari efGh] a'xf/L (n.) sister's son's wife bhare e/] (postp.) later in the day, afterwards bhanje jvain efGh] HjfO{+ (n.) sister's daughter's husband bhari ef/L (adj.) heavy, weighty bhanji efGhL (n.) sister's daughter bhari el/ (adj.) full to the brim, full bhanjo efGhf] (n.) sister's son bharibharau el/e/fp (adj.) full to the brim, full bhanjyang e~Hofª (n.) narrow valley, defile, mountain pass bharipurna el/k"0f{ (adj.) full to the brim, full bhanne eGg] (adj.) called, named bharkar ev{/ (adv.) right now bhansa efG;f (n.) kitchen

02.10.2002 28 bharopeli ef/f]k]nL bhau efp (adj.) indoeuropean (n.) price, value, rate bharopiya ef/f]kLo bhaugolik ef}uf]lns (adj.) indoeuropean (adj.) geographic, geographical bharosa e/f];f bhaugolik mahatva ef}uf]lns dxTj (n.) hope, trust, reliance (n.) geographical importance bhartsana eT;{gf bhauju efph" (n.) reproach, abuse (n.) elder brother's wife bharya efof{ bhava efj (n.) wife, female consort (n.) thought, mental state, feeling, sentiment, musing bharyang e¥ofª bhavan (n.) stairs ejg (n.) house, mansion, palace bhasa efiff bhavan nirman kala (n.) language ejfg lgdf{0f snf bhasan efif0f architecture (n.) speech, lecture bhavana efjgf bhasan dinu efif0f lbg' (n.) thought, mental state, feeling, sentiment, musing (v.t.) to give a lecture bhavavacak nam efjjfrs gfd bhasavigyan efifflj1fg (n.) abstract [linguistics] (n.) linguistics, philosophy bhavya eJo bhat eft (adj.) grand, pompous, splendorous (n.) boiled rice bhedo e]8f] bhatamas e6df; (n.) sheep (n.) soyabean bhek e]s bhatiji elthL (n.) neighbourhood, locality, area (n.) man's brother's daughter bhela e]nf bhatijo elthf] (n.) gathering (of people) (n.) man's brother's son bhet e]6 bhattarak e§f/s (n.) meeting, visit, interview (adj.) revered, respectable

02.10.2002 29 bhet hunu e]6 x'g' bhok ef]s (v.t.) to meet, to bump into someone (n.) hunger bhetnu e]6\g' bhok lagnu ef]s nfug' (v.i./v.t.) to meet, to get, to find, to come to be hungry across bhokaunu ef]sfpg' bhijnu leHg' (v.i.) to be hungry (v.i.) to get wet bholi ef]ln bhiksha leIff (adv.) tomorrow (n.) begging, alm, charity bhote ef]6] bhinaju legfh' (n.) Tibetan, Bhote (n.) elder sister's husband bhraman e|d0f bhinnata leGgtf (n.) travel, travelling, roaming (n.) difference bhrasta e|i6 bhitra leq (adj.) fallen, spoilt, polluted, defiled (postp.) inside, within, in bhrastacar e|i6frf/ bhitrinu lelqg' (n.) corruption, corrupt practice (v.i.) to enter, to penetrate bhrastacari e|i6frf/L bhitriya lelqof (n.) corrupt person (adj.) counted as a member of the family or group bhugarbha vigyan e"ue{ lj1fg (n.) geology bhitte leQ] wall bhugolko anusandhan e"uf]nsf] karya cg';Gwfg sfo{ bhitto leQf] (n.) geological survey (n.) side of the wall bhuin e'O“ bhogate ef]u6] (n.) ground, floor, surface of the earth (n.) grapefruit bhuin e"O“ bhogdan ef]ubfg (n.) ground, floor, surface of the earth (n.) help, assistance bhuincalo e"O“rfnf] bhojan ef]hg (n.) earthquake (n.) food bhuinkatahar e"O“s6x/ bhojnalaya ef]hgfno (n.) pineapple (n.) kitchen, cafe, canteen, dining room

02.10.2002 30 bhuja e'hf bhutpurva e"tk"j{ (n.) boild rice [upper class] (adj.) past, former, previous bhuknu e'Sg' bhutuva e'6'jf (v.i.) to bark (n.) fried meat bhu-ksharan e"–If/0f bhyaguto Eofu'tf] (n.) soil erosion (n.) frog bhulnu e'Ng' bhyaunu Eofpg' (v.i./v.t.) to forget, to make a mistake, to be (v.i.) to find time attached bic aLr e"ld (n./postp.) middle, centre, during, among (n.) ground, floor, surface of the earth bicar larf/ bhumigat e"ldut (n.) thought, consideration, idea (n.) underground bicchi laR5L bhumika e"ldsf (n.) scorpion (n.) preface, introduction, foreword bigauti lauf}tL bhundi e"“8L (n.) beestings, the milk of the animal after (n.) stomach bearing a calf bhu-parivestit desh e"–kl/j]li6t b]z biha laxf (n.) land-locked country (n.) marriage, wedding, matrimony bhusuno e';'gf] bihaite laxfOt] (n.) gnat (adj.) married, wedded bhutang e"6fª bihana laxfg (n.) Bhutan (n./adv.) morning; in the morning bhuteko makai e'6]sf] ds} bihivar lalxjf/ (n.) popcorn (n.) Thursday bhuteko masu e'6]sf] df;' bij aLh (n.) fried meat (n.) seed bhutla e'Tn bijaropan aLhf/f]k0f (n.) fur, hair (n.) laying of the foundation stone, cornerstone ceremony bhutnu e'6\g' bijuli lah'nL (v.t.) to fry (n.) electricity, lightening

02.10.2002 31 bikha lav bolaunu af]nfpg' (n.) poison, venom (v.t.) to call, to invite bilkul lans'n bolbala af]nafnf (adj.) entirely, fully, completely (n.) all in all, all powerful binti laGtL bolcal af]nrfn (n.) request, prayer (n.) conversation, talk bintipatra lalGtkq bolcalma af]nrfndf (n.) application, petition in everyday language biralo la/fnf] bolinu af]lng' (n.) cat (v.i.) to be spoken birami la/fdL bolivacan af]nLjrg (n./adj.) patient, illness, ill (n.) conversation, talk birta latf{ bolnu af]Ng' (n.) free-hold land (v.i.) to speak birtaval latf{jfn brihaspatibar a[x:kltaf/ (n.) owner of free-hold land (n.) Thursday bis aL; brihat a[xt (num.) twenty, 20 (adj.) big, large, huge bitaunu latfpg' buddhi a'l4 (v.t.) to spend (n.) knowledge, intellect, mental power, wisdom biu aLp buddhical (n.) seed a'l4rfn (n.) chess biunjhanu lap“´g' buddhijivi a'l4hLjL (v.t.) to wake up (adj.) intelligent, learned bodi af]8L ba a"9f af (n.) a kind of bean, blackeye bean (n.) grandfather [lower class] boknu af]Sg' budhavar (v.t.) to carry, to lift, to conceive a'wjf/ (n.) Wednesday boko af]sf] budhi ama (n.) he-goat a"9L cfdf (n.) grandmother [lower class]

02.10.2002 32 budhi aunlo a"9L cf}+nf] caharnu rxfg'{ (n.) thumb (v.t.) to loiter, to linger, to walk about, to spend time idly by moving about budho a"9f] cahinu rflxg' (adj.) old [person] (v.i.) to be necessary, to be required buhari a'xf/L cait (n.) son's wife, daughter-in-law r}t (n.) twelfth month of the Nepali year [March- April] buingal a'O“un (n.) upper storey of a house, attic, garret caitra r}q (n.) twelfth month of the Nepali year [March- bujhaunu a'´fpg' April] (v.t.) to explain, to make over cakhaunu rvfpg' bunda a'“bf (v.t.) to cause to taste (n.) main point, main issue cakhnu rfVg' burundi a'?08L (v.t.) to taste (n.) Burundi cakku rSs' butta a'§f (n.) knife, cutting knife (n.) design cakramarg rqmdfu{ buva a'jf (n.) ringroad (n.) father, papa cal rfn bvanso Ajf“;f] (n.) movement (n.) wolf calak rnfs byadmintan Aof8ldG6g (adj.) clever, sly, cunning, shrewd (n.) badminton calakh rnfv cabaunu rafpg' (adj.) clever, sly, cunning, shrewd (v.t.) to chew calan rng cadhaunu r9fpg' (n.) custom, habit, style, conduct (v.t.) to cause to ride, to offer [to superiors] calan rnfg cadhnu r9\g' (n.) despatch, consignment (v.t.) to climb, to mount, to ride calan garnu rng ug'{ cadnu r8\g' (v.t.) to use (v.t.) to mount, to go up, to ascend, to ride, to improve

02.10.2002 33 calaunu rnfpg' cancun rfgr'g (v.t.) to cause to move, to put to use, to (adj.) about, a little, miscellaneous move, to despatch canda rGbf calis rfln; (n.) donation (num.) forty, 40 candai rf“8} callo rNnf] (adv.) soon (n.) young chicken candi rf“bL calnu rNg' (n.) silver (v.i.) to move, to be current, to be in use, to work, to flirt cando rf“8f] (adj.) quick, fast, soon, immediately caltika rNtLsf (adj.) common, normal, in circulation candrama rGb|df (n.) moon camada rd8f (n.) skin, hide cangunarayan rf“u'gf/fo0f (n.) Changunarayan [an ancient site in the camal rfdn eastern part of the Kathmandu valley] (n.) husked but uncooked rice cap rfk camca rDrf (n.) arc, segment of a circle, semi-circle, (n.) spoon rainbow camero rd]/f] car rf/ (n.) bat, vampire (num.) four, 4 camkanu rDsg' caraitira rf/}lt/ (v.i.) to glitter, to shine (adv.) on all (four) sides camkaunu rDsfpg' caran r/0f (v.t.) to polish, to cause to shine (n.) foot, leg, a quarter of a stanza camkilo rlDsnf] caraunu r/fpg' (adj.) bright (v.t.) to make graze camsur rD;'/ carca rrf{ (n.) [a kind of pungent vegetable eaten raw (n.) talk, enquiry, query, praise, remark, as herbal medicine] commendation canakya rf0fSo carit rl/t (n.) [name of Kautilya, the author of the (n.) character, conduct, manners, ancient Arthashastra] behaviour, work, occupation

02.10.2002 34 caritra rl/q caudha rf}w (n.) character, conduct, manners, (num.) fourteen, 14 behaviour, work, occupation cauhattar rf}xQ/ carkanu rs{g' (num.) seventy-four, 74 (v.t.) to crack, to split, to break cauka rf}sf carkaunu rsf{pg' (n.) eating place surrounding the store (v.t.) to cause to crack, to cause to split cauntis rf}+tL; carkha rvf{ (num.) thirty-four, 34 (n.) spinning wheel caupattai rf}k§} carko rsf]{ (adj.) exceedingly, exceptionally (adj.) hard, bitter, heavy, difficult, loud, piquant. lively, excessive, high cauranabbe rf}/fgAa] (num.) ninety-four, 94 carnu rg'{ (v.i.) to graze caurasi rf}/f;L (num.) eighty-four, 84 caro r/f] (n.) bird causatthi rf};6\7L (num.) sicty-four, 64 cartarph rf/tkm{ (adv.) on all (four) sides cautara rf}tf/f (n.) sincere and benevolent member of the cartira rf/lt/ royal family (adv.) on all (four) sides cautariya rf}tl/of cataunu r6fpg' (n.) member of the royal family (v.t.) to cause to lick cautarph rf}tkm{ catnu rf6\g' (adv.) on all (four) sides (v.i.) to lick cautho rf}yf] caubar rf}a/ (adj.) fourth (adj.) four times cavalis rjfnL; caubis rf}aL; (num.) forty-four, 44 (num.) twenty-four, 24 cavanna rjGg cauda rf}8f (num.) fifty-four, 54 (n./adj.) width, breadth; wide cavaunu rjfpg' caudai rf}8fO (v.t.) to chew (n./adj.) width, breadth; wide

02.10.2002 35 cehara r]x/f chahattar 5xQ/ (n.) face, appearance, countenance (num.) seventy-six, 76 celi r]nL chaisatthi 5};6\7L (n.) female disciple, female pupil (num.) sixty-six, 66 celibeti becvikhat r]lna]6L chaitaun 5}6f}+ a]rljvt (adj.) sixth (n.) girls trafficking chakkinu 5lSsg' cepang r]kfª (v.i.) to be deceived, to be astonished (n.) Chepang [a Nepalese nationality] chakyaunu 5sØfpg' cetana r]tgf (v.t.) to tell lies, to deceive (n.) intelligence, consciousness, animation, rationality, spirit chala 5fnf (n.) skin cetauni r]tfpgL (n.) to warn chalnu 5Ng' (v.t.) to deceive, to trick cetavani r]tfjgL (n.) warning chalphal 5nkmn (n.) discussion, debate cetnu r]Tg' (v.i.) to be conscious, to recover the chalphal garnu 5nkmn ug'{ senses, to be on the alert (v.t.) to discuss cha 5 chamnu 5fDg' (num.) six, 6 (v.t.) to touch, to feel cha patra 5 kq chana 5fgf (adj.) sixfold (n.) roof chabbis 5AaL; chanavin 5fgjLg (num.) twenty-six, 26 (n.) selection, search, scrutiny, choice chadnu 5fb\g' chand 5Gb (v.i./v.t.) to throw up, to vomit (n.) meter, prosody, intention chadnu 5f8\g' channe 5fGg] (v.t.) to leave, to leave out (n.) filter, strainer chahari 5xf/L channu 5fGg' shade, shelter, protection (v.t.) to choose, to select, to sieve

02.10.2002 36 chantyal 5GYofn chayan 5fof“ (n.) Chantyal [a Nepali nationality] (n.) shade, shadow, reflection chapakhana 5fkfvfgf chayanabbe 5ofgaA] (n.) press, printing press (num.) ninety-six, 96 chapanna 5kGg chayasi 5of;L (num.) fifty-six, 56 (num.) eighty-six, 86 chapinu 5flkg' cheknu 5]Sg' (v.i.) to be published (v.t.) to stop, to hinder chapnu 5fKg' chetri 5]qL (v.t.) to print, to publish (n.) Chetri, [the second highest class () of the Hindu social hierarchy] charnu 5g'{ chimeki (v.t.) to scatter, to disperse l5d]sL (n.) neighbour chata 5ftf chindi (n.) umbrella l5+8L (n.) cellar, basement chati 5ftL chiraunu l5/fpg' (n.) chest, breast, bravery, courage (v.t.) to cause to go through chatra 5fq chirkemirke l5s]{lds]{ (n.) scholar, disciple, pupil (adj.) spotted chatravas 5fqfjf; chirnu (n.) hostel, boarding house, lodging l5g'{ (v.i.) to go through, to bore through chattis 5QL; chito (num.) thirty-six, 36 l56f] (adj.) quick, smart chaunu 5fpg' chodnu 5f]8\g' (v.t.) to cover, to roof (v.t.) to leave, to leave out, to abandon, to relinquish, to give up chauro 5fp/f] (n.) cub, puppy, kitten chopnu 5f]Kg' (v.t.) to cover, to hide chaya 5fof (n.) shade, shadow, reflection chori 5f]/L (n.) daughter chayalis 5ofnL; (num.) forty-six, 46 choro 5f]/f] (n.) son

02.10.2002 37 choto 5f]6f] cinaunu lrgfpg' (adj.) short, small, condensed (v.t.) to introduce, to cause to recognize chunu 5'g' ciniyan lrglof“ (v.t.) to touch (adj.) Chinese churavaji 5'/fjfhL cinnu lrGg' (n.) exchange of dagger-blows (v.t.) to recognize, to know, to identify, to distinguish chuskar 5':s/ cinta lrGtf (n.) tell-tale, backbiter (n.) woory, anxiety, care, concern, reflection chutkara 5'6sf/f cintan lrGtg (n.) release, freedom, rescue (n.) thinking, study, reflection, contemplation, meditation chutnu 5'6\g' (v.i.) to be left, to separate cintit lrlGtt (adj.) sad chuvachut 5'jf5"t (n.) untouchability, contamination ciplo lrKnf] (adj.) slippery cihan lrxfg (n.) grave, graveyard, cemetry, tomb, burial cirnu lrg'{ ground (v.t.) to split, to rip up cijbij lrhlah ciso (n.) goods, furniture, wares lr;f] (adj.) cold, wet, moistened, damp cikitsa lrlsT;f ciso pani lr;f] kfgL (n.) treatment, remedy, medication, therapy (n.) cold water cikitsalaya lrlsT;fno cithi lr7L (n.) hospital, dispensary (n.) letter, written message cil rLn citra (n.) eagle lrq (n.) picture, painting, illustration, image cimotnu lrdf]6\g' citta (v.t.) to pinch, to nip lrQ (n.) mind, feeling, spirit, heart, attention, memory, thought cin rLg (n.) China cittha lr6\7f (n.) lottery, game of chance cinari lrgf/L (n.) identity, acquaintance, intimacy, familiarity

02.10.2002 38 citthi lr6\7L cuhunu r'x'g' (n.) letter, written message (v.i.) to drip, to leak cituva lrt'jf culensi r'n]+;L (n.) leopard, panther (n.) a curved instrument for cutting and preparing vegetables for cooking ciundo lrp“8f] culo (n.) chin r'nf] (n.) cooking place, stove ciura lrp/f cultho r'N7f] (n.) flattened rice, beaten rice (n.) plaited hair, interwoven hair ciya lrof cumnu r'Dg' (n.) tea (v.t.) to kiss, to caress cod-patra rf]8–kq cuna (n.) written consent of divorce, quitclaim r'gf (n.) lime cok rf]s cunauti (n.) courtyard r'gf}tL (n.) challenge cokhinu rf]lvg' cunav r'gfj (v.i.) to be pure (n.) election, selection cor rf]/ cunavi r'gfjL (n.) thief, robber, swindler (adj.) electoral cornu rf]g'{ cup lagnu (v.t.) to steal r"k nfUg' (v.i.) to be quiet cot rf]6 curot (n.) wound, bruise, hurt, mental agony r'/f]6 (n.) cigarette cucuro r'r'/f] cusnu r':g' (n.) peak, summit, highest point (v.t.) to suck cuda r"8f cutai r'6fO (n.) crown, crest (n.) beating, thrashing cudamani r"8fdl0f cutnu (n.) a kind of valuable ornament or jewel r'6\g' worn on the head (v.t.) to thrash, to beat cuhinu r'lxg' cyankhla Rof“Vnf (v.i.) to drip, to leak (n.) ground corn

02.10.2002 39 cyatnu RofTg' dajyu bfHo" (v.t.) to tear (n.) elder brother cyau Rofp daknu 8fSg' (n.) mushroom (v.t.) to call, to invite dabau bafp daksha bIf (n.) pressure (adj.) dexterous, able, astute dabi bfaL dakshin koriya blIf0f sf]l/of (n.) claim, demand (n.) Südkorea dadhnu 89\g' dal bfn (v.i.) to burn, to be burnt up (n.) different kinds of lentils dadu 8f8' dal bn (n.) ladle (n.) party, group, crowd daguraunu bu'/fpg' dalal bnfn (v.t.) to cause to run (n.) broker, tout, middleman dagurnu bu'g'{ dalbal bnan (v.i.) to run, to hasten, to race (n.) the whole party, army, strenght daha bx dalbandi bnaGbL (n.) pond, lake (n.) party politics, group politics dahi bxL dalcini bfnrLgL (n.) yoghurt (n.) cinnamon dahine bflxg] blnt (adj.) right (n.) Dalit, untouchable (as seen by the ) dahri bfx|L dallo 8Nnf] (n.) beard (n.) round thing, cloth, lump dai bfO dalo 8fnf] (n.) elder brother (n.) basket dailo b}nf] dalpati (n.) door, gate, passage, entrance bnklt (n.) party leader, chief, commander daju bfh' dalvihinata (n.) elder brother bnljxLgtf (n.) independence from party, non-party

02.10.2002 40 daman bdg dantmanjan bGtdGhg (n.) suppression, oppression (n.) tooth paste dampati bDklt danuvar bg'jf/ (n.) husband and wife (n.) Dhanuwar [a Nepali nationality] damphu 8Dkm" dapha bkmf (n.) a kind of drum (n.) section of a law dan bfg dar 8/ (n.) donation, gift, religious gift, contribution (n.) fear, dread, alarm, risk, danger danda 8f“8f daraj b/fh (n.) hill, hillock, pole of a roof (n.) cupboard danda 8f“8 daraunu 8/fpg' (n.) fine, penalty, punishment (v.i.) to frighten, to be frightened dandalnu 8“8fNg' darbar b/af/ (n.) back (n.) palace, royal court dandi 8f“8L dari bf/L (n.) pole, staff (of a palanquin) (n.) beard dando 8f“8f] dari b/L (n.) hill, hillock, the pole of a roof (n.) cotton rug danphe 8f“km] daridra bl/b| (n.) the nine-coloured Himalayan pheasant (adj.) poor, needy, penurious [the National Bird of ] darim bfl/d dant bf“t (n.) pomegranate (n.) tooth darja bhf{ dant majhnu bf“t df‰g' (n.) class, standard, position, rank (v.t.) to clean teeth darjan bh{g dant malnu bf“t dNg' (n.) dozen (v.t.) to clean teeth darjiling nfhL{lnª dant maskaunu bf“t d:sfpg' (n.) Darjeeling (v.t.) to clean teeth darlagdo 8/nfUbf] dantko burus bf“tsf] a'?; (adj.) dreadful, terrible, dangerous (n.) tooth brush

02.10.2002 41 darle 8/n] daya bof out of fear (n.) kindness, favour, mercy, pity, sympathy darshan bz{g daya aunu bof cfpg' (n.) audience, appearance, vision to pity, to feel pity das b; dayan bfof“ (num.) ten, 10 (adj.) right das bf; dayaniya bogLo (n.) slave, servant, dependent (adj.) pitiable, arousing pity dasana 8;gf debre b]a]| (n.) cotton rug for lying on, mattress (adj.) left, reverse, opposite dasaun b;f}+ dedh baje 8]9 ah] (adj.) tenth (adv.) half past one dashak sarvanam bzs ;j{gfd dekhaunu b]vfpg' (n.) demonstrative pronoun (v.t.) to show dasi b;L dekhi b]lv (n.) proof, evidence (postp.) from, after, owing to dasta bf;tf dekhinu b]lvg' (n.) slavery, servitude, bondage (v.i.) to be seen, to appear dastavej b:tj]h dekhnu b]Vg' (n.) document, deed (v.t.) to see data bftf dera 8]/f giver, donor, benefactor (n.) residence, booth, camp datri sanstha bft[ ;+:yf desh b]z (n.) donor agency (n.) land, country, region daudaha bf}8fxf deshantar b]zGt/ (n.) touring, travelling, inspection (n.) terrestrial longitude; foreign country daura bfp/f deshbhakta b]zeQm (n.) firewood, fuel, dried wood (n.) patriot dava bfjf deshbhakti b]zelQm (n.) claim, demand (n.) patriotism

02.10.2002 42 deshraksha b]z/Iff dhandhali wf“wnL (n.) national defence (n.) chaos, chaotic state devar b]j/ dhani wfgL (n.) husband's younger brother (adj.) golden devarani b]j/fgL dhani wgL (n.) husband's younger brother's wife (adj.) rich devata b]j6f dhaniyan wlgof“ (n.) god (n.) coriander dhadas 9f8; dhaniyanko sag wlgof“sf] ;fu (n.) encouragement, hope, assurance (n.) coriander green dhago wfuf] dhantnu 9f“6\g' (n.) thread (v.i.) to tell a lie, to deceive dhakane 9sg] dhapaunu wkfpg' (n.) rice fried in butter and cooked in milk (v.t.) to drive away, to chase dhakdhakyaunu 9s9sØfpg' dhara wf/f (v.t.) to push down, to tap (n.) water tap, torrent, current of water dhaknu 9fSg' dharahara w/x/f (v.t.) to hide, to cover, to conceal (n.) tower dhamilo wldnf] dharan wf/0f (adj.) dim, not clear, dirty, muddy (n.) holding, wielding dhamki wDsL dharana wf/0ff (n.) threatening, threat, reproof (n.) determination, thought, memory dhan wg dharatal w/ftn (n.) wealth, property, riches (n.) surface (of the earth) dhan wfg dharke ws]{ (n.) unhusked Reis (adj.) striped dhanca 9f“rf wd{ (n.) design, way, method, make up, manner (n.) religion, duty, creed, faith dhandha wGwf dharmadeva wdb]j (n.) occupation, business, profession (n.) Dharmadeva [a Licchavi king, father of Manadeva I]

02.10.2002 43 dharmadhikari wdf{lwsf/L dheraijaso w]/}h;f] (n.) an official responsible for jurisdiction (adj.) many, a lot dharmagranth wd{u|Gy dhiki l9sL (n.) religious text (n.) a machine for husking rice dharmashala wd{zfnf lwdfn (n.) resthouse [for religious puposes] (n.) Dhimal [a Nepali nationality] dharmavacak nam wd{jfrs gfd dhindo l9+8f] (n.) abstract noun [ling.] (n.) boiled flour paste dharmik wld{s dhoka 9f]sf (adj.) religious, related to dharma (n.) door, gate, gateway dharmik sthan wld{s :yfg dhukka 9'Ss (n.) religious centre (adj.) free from axiety, secure dharna wgf{ dhukur 9's'/ (n.) the act of waiting for something (n.) dove dharo wf/f] dhukuti 9's'6L (n.) spring of water, current of water, (n.) barn, storehouse, treasury stream of people dhunga 9'+uf dhatu wft' (n.) stone (n.) metal dhup w"k dhau wfp (n.) sun, sunshine, incence (n.) ore dhusro w';|f] dherai w]/} (adj.) ash-coloured, grey (adj.) much, many, a lot dhvanse Wjf“;] dherai aghi w]/} cl3 (adj.) dark-brown, soot-coloured (adv.) long time ago dhyan Wofg dherai logne hunu w]/} nf]Ug] x'g' (n.) meditation, contemplation (comp.) to practice polyandry didi lbbL dherai vivaha w]/} ljjfx (n.) elder sister (n.) polgamy digo bLuf] dherai vivaha garnu w]/} ljjfx ug'{ (adj.) sustainable (comp.) to practice polygamy

02.10.2002 44 din lbg dosi bf]ifL (n.) day (adj.) defective, faulty, guilty, sinful dinahun lbgx'“ dosro bf];|f] (adj.) daily (adj.) second dinbhari lbgel/ dravyavacak nam b|Jojfrs gfd for the whole day (n.) material noun dinu lbg' dristi b[l:6 (v.t.) to give (n.) sight, vision, looking dirgha bL3{ dristikon b[l:6sf]0f (adj.) large, wide, tall, huge, deep (n.) viewpoint, visual angle dirghakalin bL3{sfnLg dublaunu b'Anfpg' (adj.) sustained, chronic, long term (v.i.) to get thin, to be weak disha lbzf dublo b'Anf] (n.) direction (adj.) weak, thin, lean, skiny diunso lbp“;f] dubnu 8'Ag' (adv.) at the day time (v.i.) to drown, to sink divas lbj; dubulki marnu 8'a'NsL dfg'{ (n.) day (v.t.) to take the plunge dobar bf]a/ dudh b"w (adj.) double, twice, twofold (n.) milk dohori bf]xf]/L dugdha b'Uw (adj.) pertaining to both sides (n.) milk doklo bf]Snf] dugdhasar b'Uw;f/ (adj.) double (n.) cheese doko 8f]sf] dugurnu b'u'g'{ (n.) a big basket carried on the back (v.i.) to run doreto 8f]/]6f] duhkhi b'MvL (n.) footpath, way to walk (adj.) sad dori 8f]/L duhunu b'x'g' (n.) cord, rope (v.t.) to milk

02.10.2002 45 dui b'O{ dyotak Bf]ts (num.) two, 2 (adj.) making clear, showing, manifesting, enlightening, indicating dura b'/f e P (n.) Dura [a Nepali nationality] (int.) hey! listen! duragraha b'/fu|x eghara (n.) prejudice, improper attempt P3f/ (num.) eleven, 11 durdarshita b"/blz{tf egharaun P3f/f}+ (n.) far-sightedness, prudence, sagacity (adj.) eleventh durgam b'u{d ejan Phg (adj.) remote ditto, loc cit. dursancar b"/;“rf/ ek (n.) telecommunication Ps (num.) one, 1 durvavahar b'j{jxf/ ek baji (n.) misconduct, misbehaviour Ps aflh (adv.) once dusti b"l:t ek chin Ps l5g (adj.) defective, corrupted, defiled, contaminated, polluted (adv.) for a moment, for a short time dut b"t ek coti Ps rf]l6 (n.) ambassador, massenger, courier (adv.) once dvandva åFb ek khep Ps v]k (n.) couple, duel, quarrel (adv.) once dvara åf/f ek na ek Ps g Ps (postp.) from, by one or other låh ek palta Ps kN6 (n.) twice-born, , oviparous (adv.) once dvitiya purus vacak låtLo k'?if ek saya dui Ps ;o b'O{ jfrs (num.) one hundred and two, 102 (n.) second person [ling.] ek saya ek Ps ;o Ps dvitiyardha låtLofw{ (num.) one hundred and one, 101 (n.) second half ekaarkalai Psfcsf{nfO{ (adv.) each other

02.10.2002 46 ekabihana Psflaxfg ekkais PSsfO{; (adv.) very early in the morning (num.) twenty-one, 21 ekadeshma Psfb]zdf ekkasi PSsfl; in any country (adv.) suddenly, at once, all at once ekaki PsfsL eklai Psn} (adj.) alone, solitary (adv.) alone, only ekanabbe PsfgAa] eklauti Psnf}6L (num.) ninety-one, 91 (adj.) monopolistic ekanta PsfGt eklo PSnf] (n./adj.) solitude, loneliness; alone, lonely (adj.) lone, solitary, alone, single ekanunna PsfpGg eknas Psgf; (num.) fifty-one, 51 (adj.) similar, in the same way, monotonous, uniform, all the same ekasi Psf;L ekohorinu (num.) eighty-one, 81 Psf]xf]l/g' (v.i.) to concentrate on one thing only ekatira Psflt/ eksaro Ps;/f] (adv.) to one side, on the one hand (adj.) single, without cover, once ekcalis PsrfnL; eksatthi Ps;6\7L (num.) forty-one, 41 (num.) sixty-one, 61 ekdam Psbd ekta (adv.) very Pstf (n.) oneness, unity, union, sameness, solidarity ekedami Ps]8dL (n.) academy ektak Ps6s (adv.) incessant, continuous ekhattar PsxQm/ (num.) seventy-one, 71 ektis PstL; (num.) thirty-one, 31 ekikaran PsLs/0f (n.) integration, amalgamation, unification ektrit Pslqt (adj.) united, gathered ekikrit PsLs[t integrated, united, unified eproc Pk|f]r (n.) approach ekkai coti PSs} rf]l6 (adv.) at the same time, at once eshiyali PlzofnL (adj.) Asian

02.10.2002 47 esiyayi Pl;ofoL gadgad ub\ub\ (adj.) Asian thick mud or any thick substance, muddy, swampy euta Pp6f gadha uwf (adj.) one [non-human] (n.) donkey, ass euta tukra jagga Pp6f 6'qmf hUuf gadhapaccisi uwfklRr;L a small plot of land (n.) adolescence, an unexperienced age evamastu Pjd:t' gadinarasing u•Lg/l;ª (adv.) so be it; Amen (adj.) enthroned, installed as king evan Pj+ gadnu uf8\g' (conj.) and, as also (v.t.) to bury gada ubf gadryak-gudruk ub\¥ofs–u'b|'s (n.) club, mace, bludgeon (n.) sound produced by the trampling of feet or hoofs gadagad ubub gadryamma ub\¥ofDd (adj.) glad, happy, pleased, joyful (n.) terrible sound produced by the fall of heavy things gadar ub/ (n.) mutiny, rebellion, revolt gadya uB (n.) prose, ordinary writing gadda u2f (n.) soft and thick bed, mattress gadya-kavita uB–sljtf (n.) prose poetry gaddar u2f/ (adj.) revolutionary gadya-kavya uB–sfJo (n.) prose, belles lettres gaddar u2/ (n.) mud, dirt, swamp gagri ufu|L (n.) a metal water-vessel gaddar-posh u2/–kf]z (n.) door mat for rubbing off mud gagro ufu|f] (n.) a large earthenware or metal jar for gaddi u2L water (n.) throne, saddle cloth, cushion gahak ufxs gaddu u2' (n.) buyer, customer, purchaser (n./adv.) a bear's cub; useless, good for nothing, worthless gahaki ufxsL (n.) buyer, customer, purchaser

02.10.2002 48 gahat uxt galat unt (n.) lentils (adj.) wrong gahiro ulx/f] gali ufnL (adj.) deep, profound, solemn (n.) rebuke, abuse, reproof gahraun ux|f}+ gali ufln (adj.) heavy, weighty (n.) rebuke, abuse, reproof gahro ufx|f] gali garnu ufnL ug'{ (adj.) difficult, arduous, hard (v.t.) to tell off, to insult gahrungo ux|'+uf] galli uNnL (adj.) heavy, weighty (n.) lane, by-lane gahun ux'“ gamarkyaunu udSØf{pg' (n.) wheat (v.t.) to clutch, to seize gai ufO{ gambhir uDeL/ (n.) cow (adj.) deep, grave, far down gaibastu ufO{j:t' ganagan ugug (n.) cattle (n.) grumbling, murmuring, prattling gaihra u}x| ganaganahat ugugfx6 (adj.) all, whole (n.) grumbling, murmuring, prattling gainda u}+8f ganaganaunu ugugfpg' (n.) rhinoceros (v.i.) to grumble, to mumur gair sarkari sanstha u}/ ;/sf/L ganatantra u0ftGq ;+:yf (n.) republic, republican system of (n.) Non Government Organization, NGO government gairaprajatantrik u}/k|hftflGqs ganathan ugyg (adj.) undemocratic, non-democratic (n.) idle talk, gossip, a long tale gajar ufh/ ganathanaunu ugygfpg' (n.) carrot (v.t.) to talk nonsense, to gossip gala ufnf gandagi uGbuL (n.) cheeks (n.) filth, dirt, impurity galainca un}+rf gandha uGw (n.) carpet (n.) smell, odour, stink, scent, perfume

02.10.2002 49 gandhadravya uGwb|Jo ganjipha uGhLkmf a sweet scented substance (n.) a kind of playing cards or ist game gandhak uGws gannu uGg' (n.) sulphur, brim-stone (v.t.) to count, to reckon, to deem gandhakshat uGwfIft gans uf“; (n.) sandal-wood, tice, etc. for (n.) mouthful, morsel uGwj{ gansnu uf“:g' (n.) a celestian or heavenly musician, a (v.t.) to join together class of demi-god ganti uGtL gandharva-ved uGwj{–j]b (n.) number, reckoning, attendance (n.) science of Music gapashap ukzk gandharva-vidya uGwj{–ljBf (n.) prattle, tittle-tattle (n.) music, the science of music gapphad uKkm8 gandharva-vivaha uGwj{–ljjfx prattler, braggart, tattler (n.) a kind of marriage by mutual agreement, love marriage garaunu u/fpg' (v.t.) to cause to do gandhi uGwL a perfumer, one who sells essences or garbha scented oils, scented, perfumed, having a ue{ sweet smell (n.) womb, foetus, embryo gandhik ulGws garerai chadnu u/]/} 5f8\g' (n.) the scent of perfumery merchant (v.t.) to perform at all cost gandyaulo u“8Øfnf] garib u/La (n.) earthworm (n./adj.) poor, penniless, humble, needy gangato u“u6f] garibi u/LaL (n.) crab (n.) poverty, penury, humility ganja uf“hf garjan-tarjan uh{g–th{g (n.) marijuana (n.) threat, intimidation ganjagol uGhuf]n garjanu uh{g' (n.) confusion, topsy-turvey, chaos (v.i.) to thunder, to roar, to bluster ganji uGhL garmi udL{ (n.) sweater, vest, jacket, undershirt (n.) heat, warmth

02.10.2002 50 garna chodnu ug{ 5f]8\g' gatividhi ultljlw (v.t.) to stop to do something (n.) activity, movements, frequentation, state of things, position of progress garna dinu ug{ lbg' gatta uQ (v.t.) ro allow to do something, to cause to do something (adj.) hopeless, having nothing garna thalnu ug{ yfNg' gattam uQd (v.t.) to start to do something (adj.) hopeless, having nothing garnu ug'{ gatvar uTj/ (v.t.) to do (adj.) transitory, perishable, mortal garo uf/f] gaun ufp“ (n.) wall (n.) village gate ut] gaun uf}0f (n.) date [according to the Nepali calendar] (adj.) secondary, subordinate, indirect, inferior, expressing associate quality gatha ufyf gaun vikas samiti ufp“ ljsf; (n.) story, tale, verse, song, lay ;ldlt gathakar ufyfsf/ (n.) Village Development Committee, VDC (n.) author of a narrative tale gaunghar ufp“3/ gathan u7g (n.) neighbour, villager (n.) formation, construction; act of building,modelling or shaping gaunnivasi ufp“lgjf;L (n.) villager gathaso uyf;f] (n.) long tale of oneself, nonsense gaunthali uf}+ynL (n.) swallow gati ult (n.) speed, motion, movement, condition, gayab ufoa circumstance, position (adj.) missing, vanished, dissappeared gatihara ultxf/f geru u]? (adj.) lazy, sedentary, idle, stagnant (adj.) ochre, red-brown gatiman ultdfg ghadi 38L (n.) speed, movement, full motion (n.) clock, watch gatishil ultzLn ghailo 3}nf] (n.) speed, movement, full motion (n.) a large water-vessel, a huge pitcher

02.10.2002 51 ghaite 3fOt] ghatnu 36\g' (adj.) hurt (v.i.) to decrease, to lesson, to decline gham 3fd ghatta 3§ (n.) sunshine, heat of the sun (n.) corn mill, water mill ghan 3g ghatu 3f6' (n.) large hammer, cloud, solidity (n.) a Gurung dance ghana 3gf ghau 3fp (adj.) thik, dense, solid, grumous (n.) wound, sore, hurt, injury, ulcer ghanta 306 ghiu l3p (n.) clock, watch (n.) melted butter ghantaghar 3063/ ghoda 3f]8f (n.) clocktower (n.) horse, pony, hammer of a gun ghanti 3f“6L ghoral 3f]/n (n.) throat, mountain pass, vale (n.) Himalayan wild goat ghar 3/ ghosana 3F]if0ff (n.) house (n.) declaration, proclamation, announcement ghar hernu 3/ x]g'{ ghosanapatra 3F]if0ffkq to run the household, to do the housework (n.) manifesto gharelu udyog 3/]n' pBf]u ghosit (n.) cottage industry 3f]lift (adj.) declared, proclaimed ghatak 36s ghumnu (n.) factor, component, constitutent, 3'Dg' ingredient (v.i.) to move about, to roam, to turn round, to go around ghatana 36gf ghunda (n.) incident, event, accident, episode 3'“8f (n.) knee ghataunu 36fpg' ghus (v.t.) to cause to decrease, to subtract 3"; (n.) bribe, emolument, graft ghati 3f6L ghyampo £ofDkf] (n.) throat, mountain pass, vale (n.) a large clay jar, a store-jar ghati 36L giddha lu4 (adj.) less, few, little (n.) vulture

02.10.2002 52 gija luhf golidvara mrityudanda uf]nLåf/f (n.) gum d[To'b08 (n.) death penalty by shooting gilo uLnf] (adj.) soft, overripe, overcooked goman sarp uf]dg ;k{ (n.) cobra girnu lug'{ (v.i.) to fall, to drop, to come down, to be gopalprasad rimal uf]kfnk|;fb degraded l/dfn (n.) Gopal Prasad Rimal [ a famous Nepali glas Unf; poet] (n.) glass gopya uf]Ko gobar uf]a/ (adj.) confidential, secret, private (n.) cowdung [used as plaster on the floor of the house] goro uf]/f] (adj.) fair-complexioned, white [skin] godam uf]bfd (n.) godown, storehouse, granery goru uf]? (n.) ox [castrated] godamel uf]8d]n (n.) weeding, removal of weeds gosthi uf]i7L (n.) symposium, small assembly, discourse godavari uf]bfj/L (n.) Godavari [a village in Kathmandu goth uf]7 valley] (n.) cowshed, byre godnu uf]b\g' graha u|x (v.t.) to beat severely (n.) planet, evil star, eclipse godnu uf]8\g' grahan u|x0f (v.t.) to weed, to remove weeds (n.) acceptance, reception, act of receiving or holding gohi uf]xL (n.) crocodile gram u|fd (n.) village golbhinda uf]lNe+8f (n.) tomato grenait u|]gfO6 (n.) granite goli uf]nL (n.) a small ball, bullet griha u[x (n.) house, abode, residence, dwelling goli gantho uf]nL uf“7f] (n.) ankle bone gulaphi u'nfkmL (adj.) pink, rose-coloured

02.10.2002 53 guliyo u'lnof] gyani 1fgL (adj.) sweet, sugary (n./adj.) learned, intelligent, informed, erudite gumaraha u'd/fx gyapan 1fkg (adj.) misled, astray (n.) memorandum gumaunu u'dfpg' habba (v.t.) to lose, to forfeit xAaf (n.) might, power, capacity, strength gun u'0f habbe xAa] (n.) quality, virtue, merit, attainment (n.) might, power, capacity, strength gunabodhak u'0faf]ws hackanu xRsg' (adj.) qualitative [gram.] (v.i.) to get frightened, to hesitate, to be scared gundri u'Gb|L (n.) mat made of rice, wheat or corn-straw had xf8 (n.) bone gundruk u'Gb|'s (n.) fermented and dried vegetables hade badam xf8] abfd (n.) almond gupta u'Kt (adj.) obscure, hidden, secret, private hadpa x8\k (n.) confiscation, taking one's property guptacar u'Ktr/ illegally, misappropriation (n.) spy, emissary hadtal x8tfn gupti u'KtL (n.) strike, picket (n.) spy, detective haisiyat x}l;ot guru u'? (n.) ability, status, merit, capacity (n.) spiritual teacher, master, guide hajar xhf/ gurung u'?ª (num.) one thousand, 1,000 (n.) Tamu, Gurung [a Nepali nationality] hajurama xh'/cfdf guruvar u'?jf/ (n.) grandmother (n.) Thursday hajurba xh'/af guthi u"7L (n.) grandfather [rural] (n.) a religious or benevolent society, trust, pledge hajurbuva xh'/a'jf (n.) grandfather gyan 1fg (n.) knowledge, intelligence, understanding, wisdom

02.10.2002 54 hajurmuma xh'/d'df hanknu xf“Sg' (n.) grandmother [upper class] (v.t.) to drive, to challenge, to exaggerate hak xs hannu xfGg' (n.) right, authority, claim (v.t.) to strike, to shoot, to jump hal xfn hans xf“; (n./adj.) present time, present condition, (n.) duck, goose, swan description hansa x+; halkhabar xfnva/ (n.) soul, vital air, life; duck, swan, goose (n.) news current affair hansaunu x+;fpg' halla xNnf (v.t.) to cause to laugh (n.) noise, turmoil, uproar, tumult hanseuli x“;]pnL halnu xfNg' (n.) laughter, joke, jest, fun, spott (v.t.) to put, to serve hansilo x“l;nf] haluka xn'sf (adj.) humerous, cheerful, frolicsome, jolly, (adj.) light (in weight) jovial, gay, merry haluko xn'sf] hans-kukhura palan xf“;–s'v'/f (adj.) light [weight] kfng (n.) poultry farming halungo xn'¨f] (adj.) light [weight] hanso xf“;f] (n.) laughter, laugh haluva xn'jf (n.) flour boiled in water and mixed with hanssi x“:;L butter and sugar (n.) laughter, joke, fun haluvabed xn'jfa]b hara x/ (n.) a kind of sweet fruit (adj.) every, everyone hamala xdnf haraunu x/fpg' (n.) attack, invasion, assault (v.i.) to lose, to defeat hamro xfd|f] harayo x/fof] (pron.) our (m.) it has got lost hango xf“uf] harbakhat x/avt (n.) branch, offspring (adv.) always, ever haninu xflgg' hardam x/bd (v.i.) to run very fast, to fly very fast (adv.) always, ever

02.10.2002 55 hariya makai xl/of ds} hatti xfQL (n.) corn on the cob (n.) elephant hariyo xl/of] hatya xTof (adj.) green (n.) murder, killing, slaughter hartakarta xtf{stf{ hava xjf (n.) one who is all in all, the Almighty (n.) air, wind, breeze hasil xfl;n hava xfjf (adj.) obtained, acquired (n.) air, wind, breeze hastagat x:tut havai xjfO{ (adj.) received, obtained (adj.) airy, relating to air hastakala x:tsnf havai jahaj xjfO{ hxfh (n.) handicraft, hand-work (n.) airplane hastakshar x:tfIf/ havai marg xjfO{ dfu{ (n.) signature, one's own handwriting (n.) air route hastakshep x:tIf]k havai-dank xjfO{–8f“s (n.) interference, interruption (n.) air letter, aerograph hat xft havajahaj xfjfhxfh (n.) hand (n.) aeroplane, airplane hat aunu xft cfpg' havan xjg (comp.) to fall into someone's hands (n.) fire sacrifice hat halnu xft xfNg' havapani xfjfkfgL to lend a hand (n.) climate, weather hatiyar xltof/ havas xj;\ (n.) weapon o.k. [a word to indicate obedience] hatkelo xTs]nf] hemanta x]dGt (n.) palm (n.) late autumn, beginning of the cold season hatnu x6\g' hernu (v.i.) to retreat, to go away, to get out of the x]g'{ way (v.t.) to see, to look at, to watch hatteri xQ]/L herpher x]/km]/ (adv.) word used for expressing surprise or (n.) change, exchange, alteration, transfer sorrow

02.10.2002 56 hijo lxhf] hodabaji xf]8afhL (adv.) yesterday (n.) contest, gambling, betting hijo lxhf] /ftL hosh xf]z (adv.) last night (n.) sense, sensibility, intelligence hijoaja lxhf]cfh hosh garnu xf]z ug'{ (adv.) nowadays (v.t.) to be cautious himalaya pradesh lxdfno k|b]z hoshiyar xf]lzof/ (n.) Himalayan region (adj.) cautious, careful himarekha lxd/]vf hoshiyari xf]lzof/L (n.) snowline (n.) cautiousness, carefulness, prudence himasrot bhaeko nadi lxd;|f]t ePsf] hotel xf]6]n gbL (n.) hotel (n.) meltwater river hridaya x[bo him-marubhumi lxd–d?e"ld (n.) heart, mind, will (n.) tundra hukka x'Ssf hina xLg (n.) water pipe, Hookka (adj.) low, vile, inferior, degraded, base, humble hulak adda x'nfs c• (n.) post office lxGbL (n.) Hindi hundi x'“lb (postp.) during hindnu lx+8\g' (v.i.) to walk, to go, to move, to start, to set huri x'/L off (n.) strong wind, storm hira xL/f huri calnu x'/L rNg' (n.) diamond to be stormy hit lxt hyolmo xØf]ndf] (n.) gain, benefit (n.) Hyolmo [a Nepalese nationality] hiun lxp“ iccha OR5f (n.) snow (n.) wish, desire hoco xf]rf] icchit OlR5t (adj.) short, low (adj.) desired, wished for

02.10.2002 57 icchuk OR5's irada O/fbf (adj.) interested (n.) wish, desire, will, plan, intention ijjat OHht irsya O{iof{ (n.) honour, status (n.) jealousy, envy ikh O{v irsyalu O{iof{n' (n.) jealousy, envy, vengeance (adj.) jealous, envious ikh phernu O{v km]g{' ishara Ozf/f (v.t.) to take revenge (n.) gesture, sign, indication, wink ilaka Onfsf ishvar O{Zj/ (n.) jurisdiction, possession, limit, area (n.) God, the Lord under control iskus O:s'; ilam Onfd (n.) a kind of vegetable (n.) Ilam (a district in Eastern Nepal) ispat O:kft ilame Onfd] (n.) steel (n.) inhabitant of Ilam ista Oi6 iman O{dfg (adj.) wished, desired (n.) truth, belief, faith, honesty itar Ot/ imandar O{dfgbf/ (adj.) other (adj.) honest, trustworthy, faithful itihas Oltxf; imandar Odfgbf/ (n.) history (adj.) honest, faithful itihasik Oltxfl;s imandari O{dfgbf/L (adj.) historical (n.) honesty, faithfulness, integrity itihaskar Oltxf;sf/ indonesia OG8f]g]l;of (n.) historian (n.) Indonesien itrinu Olqg' indriya OlGb|o (v.i.) to be mischievous, to talk (n.) sense, sense organ mischievously about sex inklab OGSnfa ityadi OTofbL (n.) revolution (conj.) etcetera, etc. int O+{6 iyarphon Oo/kmf{g (n.) brick (n.) earphone, hearing-aid

02.10.2002 58 jado hf8f] jalvayu hnjfo' (n./adj.) coolness, winter, chill, cold (n.) jaga hu jalvayuko prabhav hnjfo'sf] k|efj (n.) foundation, ground work (n.) climatical influence jagaran hfu/0f jal-vibhajak hn–ljefhs (n.) awakening, wakefulness (n.) watershed jagat jut jam hfd (n.) universe, the world (n.) jagga hUUff jama hdf (n.) landland, field, estate (adv.) tol, in sum, altogether jagir hfuL/ jamaunu hdfpg' (n.) employment, Job, service, monthly (v.t.) to make solid, to freeze salary, wages jamin hdLg jagnu hfUg' (n.) land, field (v.i.) to wake up, to be alert, to be angry jamma hDdf jahaj hxfh (adv.) tol, in sum, altogether (n.) ship, vessel jamnu hDg' jahan hxf“ (v.i.) to be frozen (pron.) where jana hgf jahan hxfg (n.) (counting word for persons) (n.) family, members of the family jana-andolan hg–cf+bf]ng jal hn (n.) popular movement, people's movement (n.) water janacetana hgr]tgf jalaunu hnfpg' (n.) (v.t.) to set fire to janaganana hgu0fgf jali hfnL (n.) census (n./adj.) 1. forgerer, netting, web, film 2. imitated, forged janai hg} (n.) sacred thread of a Brahman jalnu hNg' (v.i.) to burn, to be kindled jana-jagaran hg–hfu/0f (n.) popular awakening, renaissance jal- hn–zlQm (n.) water power

02.10.2002 59 janajati hghflt janc hf“r (n.) ethnic group, nationality (n.) exam, test janajivan hghLjg jancnu hf“Rg' (n.) public life, public living (v.t.) to test, to examine janakari hfgsf/L jand hf“8 (n.) knowledge, information (n.) beer janapakshiya hgkIfLo jangal jamaune kam h+un hdfpg] (adj.) related to the people sfd (n.) afforestation, reafforestation janapravad hgk|jfb (n.) jangal tayar parne h+un tof/ kfg]{ (n.) afforestation, reafforestation jana-sahabhagita hg;xeflutf (n.) popular participation jangali h¨nL (adj.) savage, wild, beastly janasamaksha hg;dIf (comp.) in public janieko hflgPsf] (adj.) known janasankhya hg;+Vof (n.) population janjal h~hfn (n.) janashruti hg>'lt (n.) rumour, hearsay, common talk janma hGd (n.) birth, life, nativity, production janasvasthya hg:jf:Yo (n.) public health janmabhumi hGde"ld (n.) birthplace janata hgtf (n.) people, public, mass, mankind janmadar hGdb/ (n.) birth rate janatantravad hgtGqjfb (n.) democracy janmadata hGdbftf (n.) father, progenitor, producer janatantrik hgtlGqs (adj.) democratic, democratical janmanu hGdg' (v.i.) to be born janavad hgjfb (n.) janmat hgdt (n.) public opinion janavar hgfj/ (n.) janmathalo hGdynf] (n.) birth-place, place where born

02.10.2002 60 janmaunu hGdfpg' jasto h:tf] (v.t.) to give birth to (conj.) as for example, i.e., like janmeko hGd]sf] jasto dekhincha h:tf] b]lvG5 (adj.) born (comp.) it looks like jannu hfGg' jasto sunincha h:tf] ;'lgG5 (v.t.) to know, to understand (comp.) it sounds like jantantra hgtGq jat hft (n.) people's democracy (n.) class, caste, kind, sort janto hf“tf] jati hlt (n.) handmill for grinding corn etc. (adv.) that much, about janu hfg' jativacak nam hfltjfrs gfd (v.i.) to go (n.) generic term japan hfkfg jatiya hftLo (n.) Japan (adj.) national, pertaining to the nation japnu hKg' jatpat hftkft (v.t.) to mutter prayers, to repeat mantra or (n.) caste system prayer, to tell beads jau hf} jarayo h/fof] (n.) barley (n.) a kind of deer javab hjfa jari hf/L (n.) answer (adj.) javan hjfg jarimana h/Ldfgf (n.) young man, youth (n.) fine, punishment, money penalty javaph hjfkm jarivana h/Ljfgf (n.) answer (n.) fine, punishment, money penalty javaphdehi hjfkmb]xL jaruri h?/L (n.) responsibility, accountability, obligation (adj.) urgent, immediate jaya ho jasta h:tf (n.) (n.) tin jayaprakash malla hok|sfz dNn jastai h:t} (n.) (conj.) as for example, i.e., like

02.10.2002 61 jehendar h]x]Gbf/ jhangad ´f“u8 (adj.) (n.) Jhangad [a Nepalese nationality] jel h]n jhantnu ´f“6\g' (n.) jail, prison (v.t.) to thresh (paddy), to rebuke jeth h]7 jharnu ´g'{ (n.) second month of the Nepali year [May- (v.i.) to fall, to descend, to go down June] jhaskanu ´:sg' jethaju h]7fh' (v.i.) to be startled, to get frightened all of a (n.) husband's elder brother sudden, to feel sudden alarm jethan h]7fg jhiknu l´Sg' (n.) elder brother' wife (v.t.) to take out, to take off jethani didi h]7fgL lbbL jhinge macha l´+u] df5f (n.) husband's elder brother's wife (n.) shrimp jethi sasu h]7L ;f;' jhingo k´+uf] (n.) wife's elder sister (n.) fly, housefly jetho h]7f] jhol ´f]n (n.) eldest [of brothers] (n.) broth, soup jhagada ´u8f jhuknu ´'Sg' (n.) quarrel, dispute, squabble (v.i.) to bow down, to stoop jhalkanu ´Nsg' jhunda ´'08f (v.i.) to mshine, to glitter, to glisten (n.) jhalmal ´ndn jhutho ´"7f] (adj.) bright, resplendent, brilliant (adj.) untrue, false jhamtanu ´D6g' jhuto ´"6f] (v.t.) to spring upon, to assault (adj.) untrue, false jhan ´g jhyal ¤ofn (adv.) more (n.) window jhan jhan ´g ´g jhyalkhana ¤ofnvfgf more and more (n.) jail, prison jhanda ´08f jibro lha|f] (n.) flag, banner (n.) tongue

02.10.2002 62 jilla lhNnf jivani hLjgL (n.) district (n.) life-story, biography jilla pramukh adhikari lhNnf k|d'v jivanshaili hLjgz}nL clwsf/L (n.) (n.) Chief District Officer, CDO jivjantu hLjhGt' jilla vikas samiti lhNnf ljsf; (n.) animal, living being ;ldlt (n.) District Development Committee, DDC joban hf]ag (n.) youth, puberty, flower of youth jimma lhDdf (n.) responsibility, care, custody jod hf]8 (n.) jimmevari lhDd]jf/L (n.) responsibility jodi hf]8L (n.) couple jindagi lhGbuL (n.) life jodnu hf]8\g' (v.t.) to add, to join jira hL/f (n.) cumin joi hf]O{ (n.) wife [rural] jirel lh/]n (n.) Jirel [a Nepalese nationality] jokhnu hf]Vg' (v.t.) to weigh jit hLt (n.) victory, triumph, success jotnu hf]Tg' (v.t.) to plow, to harness jitnu lhTg' to win juhar h'xf/ (n.) jewel, jewellery, gem jiu hLp (n.) body, person, frame juka h'sf (n.) leeches, tapeworms jiundo lhp“bf] (adj.) juktanu h'Qmg' (v.i.) jiunu lhpg' (v.i.) to live julus h'n'; (n.) procession, marching jivajantu hLjhGt' (n.) jumra h'd|f (n.) lice jivan hLjg (n.) life, existence, animation

02.10.2002 63 jun h"g juva khelnu h'jf v]Ng' (n.) to gamble jun h'g jvain HjfO“ (pron.) which, whichever (n.) daughter's husband, son-in-law junaph h'gfkm jyada Hofbf (n.) presence (adj.) too much, in excess, excessive junar h'gf/ jyadai Hjfb} (n.) orange (adj.) extremely junelo h'g]nf] jyestha Ho]i7 (n.) large millet (n.) second month of the Nepali year (May- June) junga h'“uf jyotirvidya (n.) moustache Hof]ltlj{B (n.) astronomy, astrology junkiri h"gsL/L jyotis (n.) firefly Hof]ltif (n.) astronomy, astrology junsukai h'g;'s} jyotisi Hof]ltifL (pron.) whichever, whatsoever (n.) astrologer, astronomer juramuraunu h'/d'/fpg' kabja sAhf (v.i.) (n.) possession, occupation jut h'6 kacauro (adj.) group, party srf}/f] (n.) cup jutaunu h'6fpg' kachuva (v.t.) to collect, to gather s5'jf (n.) turtle, tortoise juthyaunu h'7Øfpg' kacinggal slr+un (v.t.) to get dirty, so soil (n.) quarrel jutnu j'6\g' kada s8f (v.i.) (adj.) hard, harsh, cruel, unkind jutta h'Qf kadam (n.) shoe, slipper, boot sbd (n.) step, footstep juva h'jf kadar (n.) game, gamble sb/ (n.) respect, value, appreciation

02.10.2002 64 kag sfu kailo s}nf] (n.) crow, raven (adj.) light-brown [hair] kagati sfutL kainyo sfO“of] (n.) lime (n.) comb kahalaunu sxnfpg' kaiphat s}kmt (v.i.) to be called, to be famous (n.) statement, remark, description kahan sxf“ kaiphiyat s}lkmot (pron.) (n.) statement, remark, description kahan pani sxf“ klg kaiyaun s}of}+ (adv.) (adj.) kahani sxfgL kaiyun s}o"“ (n.) (adj.) kahile slxn] kaj sfh (pron.) when? at what time? (n.) work, duty, job, occupation kahile kahin slxn] sxL+ kaju sfh" (adv.) sometimes, from time to time (n.) cashew nut kahin sxL+ kaka sfsf (adv.) wherever (n.) father's brother kahin kahin sxL+ sxL+ kakh sfv (adv.) at some places, in many a place (n.) kahinlo sflx+nf] kakhi sfvL (n.) fourth eldest [of brothers] (n.) arm-pit kaid s}b kaki sfsL (n.) imprisonment, jail (n.) father's brother's wife kaid garnu s}b ug'{ kakrinu slqmg' (v.t.) to arrest (v.i.) to become stiff by cold, to be numbed kaidi s}bL kakryaunu sqmØfpg' (n.) prisoner, captive, convict (v.t.) to make numbed kaidkhana s}bvfgf kal sfn (n.) (n.) time, period, era, age, season, death

02.10.2002 65 kala snf kalpanashakti sNkgfzlQm (n.) art, craft, technics (n.) powers of imagination kalaha snx kalyan sNof0f (n.) quarrel, scramble, dispute, fray (n.) welfare, good kalakar snfsf/ kalyanakari sNof0fsf/L (n.) artist, technician (adj.) propitious, auspicious, beneficial, good kalakaushal snfsf}zn kam sfd (n.) (n.) work, duty, job, occupation kale sfn] kam sd (n.) a dark skinned human being (adj.) little, less, small kaleji sn]hL kam garnu (adj.) dark-red sfd ug'{ (v.t.) to work kalejo sn]hf] kamai (n.) liver sdfO (n.) income, returns, mode of earning kaligad sflnu8 kamaunu sdfpg' (n.) artisan (v.t.) to earn, to acquire wealth, to cultivate kalij sflnh kamdar sfdbf/ (n.) pheasant (n.) kalilo slnnf] kamej (adj.) ender, soft, delicate, young sd]h (n.) shirt kalo sfnf] kamero (adj.) black sd]/f] (n.) white clay used in painting walls kalo dal sfnf] bfn kamilo sldnf] (n.) black lentils (n.) ant kalo mas sfnf] df; kamjori sdhf]/L (n.) black lentils (n.) sNk kamkaj (n.) era sfdsfh (n.) business, occupation, work kalpana sNkgf kammal (n.) imagination, fiction, supposition, sDdn assumption (n.) blanket

02.10.2002 66 kammar sDd/ kankro sf“qmf] (n.) waist (n.) cucumber kamnu sfdg' kano sfgf] (v.i.) to tremble, to shiver (adj.) kamta sDtf kanparo sGkf/f] (adj.) less, insufficient, short (n.) temple kamti sDtL kanso sf“;f] (adj.) less, insufficient, short (n.) bronze kan sfg kanta sf“6f (n.) ear (n.) fork kancat sGr6 kantipur sflGtk'/ (n.) temple kanun sfg"g kanchi sfG5L (n.) law, regulation (n.) last born female child, nice young girl kanun bamojit sfg"g adf]lht kancho sfG5f] (n.) youngest [of brothers] kapada sk8f (n.) cloth, clothing, apparel, wear kanco sf“rf] (adj.) raw, unripe, immature kapal skfn (n.) hair of the head, head kand sf08 (n.) chapter, branch, incident kapal kornu skfn sf]g'{ (v.t.) to comb the hair kandha sf“w shoulder kapal nuhaunu skfn g'xfpg' (v.t.) rinse hair kandhinu sf“lwg' (v.i.) to be fatt [with eating] kaphal sfkmn (n.) a fruit like strawberry but with a hard pit kando sf“8f] (n.) thorn kaphi skmL (n.) coffee kanggal s¨fn (adj.) poor, penniless, penurious kapnu sKg' (v.t.) to carve, to chisel kanka loti sfGsf nf]tL (n.) ear lobes kar sf/ (n.) car

02.10.2002 67 kar s/ sd{ (n.) tax (n.) deed, act, work kara sf/f karmacari sdf{rf/L (n.) (n.) employee, officer karadanda sf/fb08 karod s/f]8 (n.) prison sentence (num.) karagar sf/fuf/ kartavya st{Jo (n.) (n.) duty, task karagriha sf/fu[x kartik sflt{s (n.) (n.) seventh month of the Nepali year (October-November) karai s/fO{ karuva (n.) cooking pot [with a wide mouth] s?jf (n.) brass pot with a spout karamat s/fdt karya (n.) miracle sfo{ (n.) karan sf/0f karya samiti sfo{ ;ldlt (n.) cause, motive, purpose, reason, occasion, origin (n.) working committee karaunu s/fpg' karyakarini sfo{sfl/0fL (v.i.) to shout (adj.) executive karavas sf/fjf; karyakram sfo{qmd (n.) prison sentence (n.) programme, schedule kardata s/bftf karyalaya sfof{no (n.) tributory, tax-paying, tax-payer (n.) karelo s/]nf] karyanvayan sfof{Gjog (n.) a bitter vegetable, bitter gourd (n.) execution, implementation karib s/La karyapalika sfo{kflnsf (adv.) almost, aproximately (n.) executive karigar sf/Lu/ karyashala sfo{zfnf (n.) artisan (n.) workshop karkhana sf/vfgf kasari s;/L (n.) workshop, factory, manufactory (pron.) how? in what way?

02.10.2002 68 kasaundi s;f}+8L kati slt (n.) cooking pot [with a narrow mouth] (pron.) how much? how many? kasle lagyo? s:n] nfUof] < kati baje ? slt ah] < (comp.) who has taken it? (comp.) at which time? kasnu s:g' kati bajyo? slt aHof] < (v.t.) to tighten, to pull firmly (comp.) what's the time? kast si6 kati bhayo? slt eof] < (n.) pain, distress, trouble, hardship (comp.) how much is it? kasturi s:t"/L katima? sltdf < (n.) muskdeer (comp.) for how much? katahar s6x/ katinu sfl6g' (n.) jack fruit (v.i.) to be cut kataunu s6fpg' katipaya sltko (v.t.) to cause to be cut, to cause to be (adj.) beheaded katnu sf6\g' katauro s6f}/f] (v.t.) to cut, to chop, to cancel (n.) cup kattar s§/ katha syf (adj.) diehard, orthodox (n.) story, tale, fable, narrative kauli sfpnL katha halnu syf xfNg' (n.) cauliflower (comp.) to tell a story kavi slj kathan syg (n.) poet (n.) utterance, narration, statement kavita sljtf kathin sl7g' (n.) poem (adj.) difficult, hard, arduous, not easy kayam sfod kathinai sl7gfO{ (adj.) fixed, settled, firm, steady (n.) difficulty kayam garnu sfod ug'{ kathit slyt (comp.) to fix a date (adj.) said, narrated, told ke s] < kathor s7f]/ (pron.) what? (adj.) hard, harsh, rigid, unkind, cruel

02.10.2002 69 kehi s]xL keval s]jn (adj.) something (adv.) only, mere, all, whole kehi kurako anurodh s]xL s'/fsf] khabar va/ garnu cg'/f]w ug'{ (n.) message (comp.) to ask for, to request khabarkagat va/sfut kehi kurako mato s]xL s'/fsf] (n.) newspaper milnu dtf] ldNg' (comp.) to agree upon, to arrange khacar vRr/ (n.) mule kehi kurama anurodh s]xL s'/fdf garnu cg'/f]w ug'{ khada v8f (comp.) to ask for, to request (adj.) kehi kurama mato s]xL s'/fdf khadkundu \s'“8f] milnu dtf] ldNg' (n.) a very large cooking vessel with rings (comp.) to agree upon, to arrange on two sides to hold kelaunu s]nfpg' khadukunlo v8's'“nf] (v.t.) to sift, to remove impurities (n.) a very large cooking vessel with rings on two sides to hold kendrit s]Gb|Lt (adj.) khadyanna vfBfGg (n.) food grains kera s]/f (n.) banana khagat vfut (n.) paper kerau s]/fp (n.) pea khairo v}/f] (adj.) brown kesari s];/L (adj.) saffron-coloured khaja vfhf (n.) snack kesh s]z (n.) hair of the head khajasaja vfhf;fhf (n.) snack ketaketima s]6fs]6Ldf (comp.) in childhood khajur vh'/ (n.) date keti s]6L (n.) girl khala vfnf (n.) keto s]6f] (n.) boy khaldo vfN8f] (n.) valley, ditch, trench, pit, hole

02.10.2002 70 khali vfnL khanyaunu vGofpg' (adj.) only, mere, merely, alone (v.t.) to pour out khamba vDaf khapat vkt (n.) (n.) consumption, sale, demand khanaunu vgfpg' khappar vKk/ (v.t.) to cause to be dug (n.) skull khanci vf“rL kharab v/fa (n.) (adj.) bad, wicked, spoiled, naughty khanco vf“rf] kharab v/a (n.) (num.) 100 billion, khand v08 kharani v/fgL (n.) part, section, chapter, division, piece, ashes, ash-coloured canto kharau v/fp khandan v08g (n.) wooden sandal, wooden slipper (n.) refutation, rebuttal, repudiation, denial kharaunu v/fpg' khandit vl08t (v.t.) to fry hard to overparch (adj.) kharayo v/fof] khanekura vfg] s'/f (n.) hare (n.) food kharca vr{ khani vflg (n.) expense, expenditure, disbursement, (n.) mine oulay khanij vlgh kharidnu vl/8\g' (n.) (v.t.) khanij padartha vlgh kbfy{ kharij vfl/h (n.) mineral product (adj.) khaninu vlgg' khas vf; (v.i.) to be poured out (adj.) real, true, particular, proper khannu vGg' khasaunu v;fpg' (v.t.) to dig (v.t.) to cause to fall khanu vfg' khasi v;L (v.t.) to eat (n.) castrated he-goat

02.10.2002 71 khasnu v:g' khicadi lvr8L (v.i.) to fall, to die (n.) khasro v;|f] khicalo lvrnf] (adj.) (n.) khat vf6 khicolo lvrf]nf] (n.) bed stead (n.) meddling, quarrel, interference khatam vtd khir vL/ (n.) end, finish, conclusion, death (n.) rice pudding khednu v]b\g' khoi vf]O (v.t.) to chase (pron.) where (is it) ? khel v]n khoj vf]h (n.) play, game (n.) kheladi v]nf8L khoji vf]hL (n.) player (n.) khelaunu v]nfpg' khojkhabar vf]hva/ (v.t.) to cause to play (n.) trace, quest, search, enquiry khelnu v]Ng' khojnu vf]Hg' (v.t.) (v.t.) to search kher v]/ kholnu vf]Ng' (n.) time, length of time, destruction, loss, (v.i./v.t.) to open, to unfasten, to explain, to waste annotate kheri v]l/ kholo vf]nf] (postp.) during (n.) small river kheti v]tL khopo vf]kf] (n.) (n.) a small hole in the wall for keeping things kheti garnu v]tL ug'{ khoriya (v.t.) to till the ground, to carry out vf]l/of agriculture (n.) uncultivated land, nature reserve khetikamai v]tLsdfO khorsani vf];f{gL (n.) agricultural income (n.) chilli, hot pepper kheti-pati v]tL–kftL khosuva vf];'jf (n.) (n.) thieve, one who snatches

02.10.2002 72 khudkila v'8\lsnf kinnu lsGg' (n.) steps (v.t.) to buy khukuri v's'/L kintu lsGt' (n.) a Nepalesed curved knife (conj.) but, only, without khumcinu v'lDrg' kinvadanti ls+jbGtL (v.i.) to shrink (n.) rumour, hearsay, false report, popular talk, vague talk, tradition khunda v'“8f kira sL/f (n.) a kind of sword, a kind of scimitar (n.) worm khushi v'zL kiraya ls/fof pleasure, delight, cheerfulness, glad, happy (n.) hire, rent khusi v';L kiro (adj.) sL/f] (n.) insect, worm khutrukka v'q'Ss kirtiman (n.) the sound produced by little articles sLlt{dfg when dropped (adj.) renowned, famous, celebrated khutto v'§f] kisam ls;d (n.) leg (n.) khuvaunu v'jfpg' kisan ls;fg (v.t.) to feed (n.) farmer, peasant ki ls kisim lsl;d (conj.) (n.) kind, sort, class, species kilakile lsnlsn] kismis ls;ld; (n.) uvula (n.) raisins kimbu lsDa' kisti ls:tL (n.) mulberry (n.) tray kina lsg kitli lsTnL (pron.) why? (n.) kettle kinabhane lsgeg] kitnu ls6\g' (conj.) because (v.t.) to grind teeth, to gnash, to decide, to fix, to specify, to resolve kinamel garnu lsgd]n ug'{ kodali sf]bfnL (v.t.) to go shopping, to buy (n.) spade (with short handle)

02.10.2002 73 kodalo sf]bfnf] kotparva sf]tkj{ (n.) spade (with long handle) (n.) kodo sf]bf] kotparva pashcat sf]tkj{ kZrft (n.) a kind of millet kotyaunu sf]6Øfpg' kohi sf]xL (v.t.) to prick, to scratch (adj.) anybody, anyone, someone kram qmd koila sf]Onf (n.) series, chain, order, method (n.) coal kramashah qmdzM koili sf]OnL (adj.) step by step, by degree, serially, (n.) cuckoo successively kop sf]k krambodhak qmdaf]ws (n.) anger, wrath (n.) ordinal number kop-bhajan sf]k–efhg kramjor qmdhf]/ (n.) (adj.) kopila sf]lknf kranti qmflGt (n.) (n.) revolution, pace, movement, declination, invading, surpassing koriya sf]l/of krishna paksha s[i0f kIf (n.) Korea (comp.) dark fortnight, the phase of the waning moon kornu sf]g'{ (v.t.) to scratch krisi s[lif (n.) agriculture kos sf]; (n.) a measure of length (distance of about krisi utpadan s[lif pTkfbg 2 miles) (n.) agricultural production koshish sf]lzz kritagya s[t1 (n.) endeavour, attempt, exertion, effort (adj.) koshish garnu sf]lzz ug'{ kriyakalap lqmofsnfk (v.t.) to try (n.) functions, rites, ceremonies kot sf]6 kriyapad lqmofkb (n.) coat (n.) verb kotha sf]7f kriyayogi lqmofof]uL (n.) room (n.) adverb

02.10.2002 74 kshamata Ifdtf kul s"n (n.) ability, capacity, might, power (n.) seashore kshetra If]q kul s'n (n.) file, plot of land, area (n.) kshetraphal If]qkmn kumari s'df/L (n.) products of the land, field crops, area (n.) princess, unmarried women kucakra s'rqm kun s'g (n.) (adj.) which, what kuco s'rf] kuncahin s'grflx+ (n.) broom (adj.) which one? kucyaunu s'Rofpg' kund s'08 (v.t.) to crush (n.) kudnu s'b\g' kundnu s'“b\g' (v.i.) to run (v.t.) to hew, to carve kuhino s'lxgf] kunni s'lGg (n.) elbow (adv.) I don't know, perhaps, maybe kuhuno s'x'gf] kuposan s'kf]if0f (n.) elbow (n.) malnutrition kuhunu s'x'g' kura s'/f (v.i.) to rot (n.) word, matter, affair, talk kukhurako bhale s'v'/fsf] efn] kurakani s'/fsfgL (n.) cock, rooster (n.) conversation, talk, chat kukhurako pothi s'v'/fsf] kf]yL kurauni s'/fpgL (n.) hen (n.) milk boiled down till nearly solid kukhuri s'v'/L kurnu s'g'{ (n.) hen (v.t.) to wait,to attend kukhuro s'v'/f] kursi s';L{ (n.) chicken (n.) chair kukur s's'/ kushal s'zn (n.) dog (n./adj.)

02.10.2002 75 kushasan s'zf;g lagani nufgL (n.) (n.) investment kusti s':tL lagaunu nufpg' (n.) wrestling (v.t.) to use, to put on, to wear, to set up, to cause to work kusti khelnu s':tL v]Ng' lagayat to wrestle nufot (postp.) including, together with kutapita s'6lk6 laghukatha n3'syf (n.) (n.) short story kutnaitik kshetra s'6g}lts If]q laghu-katha n3'–syf (n.) strategical area (n.) short story kutnu s'6\g' lagnu (v.t.) to beat, to hit nfUg' (v.i.) to appear, to begin, to start, to join kuva s'jf lagu (n.) well nfu' (adj.) intoxicating, exciting kvartj Sjf6\{h lahad nx8 (n.) quartz (n.) entertainment, diversion of mind, amusement, joke kyare Sof/] I suppose lahad aunu nx8 cfpg' to wish labh nfe (n.) value, profit, gain, earning, advantage lahar nx/ (n.) ripple, small wave, surge, undulation lacar nfrf/ (adj.) unable, helpless, obliged lahari nx/fL (n.) ripple, small wave, surge, undulation ladain n8fO{+ (n.) war, battle, fighting, strife laihernu nfOx]g'{ (v.t.) to try on [clothes] ladnu n8\g' (v.i./v.t.) to fight, to struggle, to fall down laijanu n}hfg' (v.t.) to carry, to take away lagabhaga nueu (adv.) about, nearly, approximately, almost laj nfh (n.) shame, shyness, modesty lagaeko nufPsf] (adj.) used

02.10.2002 76 lajja nHhf lamtann ndtGg (n.) shame, shyness, dishonour, ignominy, (adj.) prostrate, stretched out scandal, disgrace lanchana nfG5gf lakh nfv (n.) stigma, blame, slander (num.) one hundred thousand, 1.00.000 lanu nfg' lakkhan nSvg (v.t.) to take away, to remove (adj.) one hundred thousand, 1.00.000 lapakka nkSs laksha nIf (adv.) adhering, attaching, stricking (adj.) one hundred thousand, 1.00.000 lapsi nK;L lakshmiprasad nIdfLk|;fb devkota b]jsf]6f (n.) a kind of sour fruit (n.) Prasad Devkota [a famous larbarinu na{l/g' Nepali poet] (v.i.) to reel, to stagger, to sway lakshya nIo lash nfz (n.) aim, target, goal (n.) carcass, dead body lalitpur nlntk'/ lasun n;'g (n.) Lalitpur, Patan [a neighbouring town of Kathmandu] (n.) garlic lam nfd latan-patan n6g–k6g (n.) a long line, a queue (n.) lamai ndfO lataramma n6/Dd (n.) length (adj.) in bunches, in clusters lamba nDaf lato nf6f] (adj.) long (adj.) dumb lamkanu nDsg' latti nfQL (v.i.) to walk with long steps, to stride (n.) kick lamkhutte nfDv'§] launu nfpg' (n.) mosquito (v.t.) to put on (clothes), to ware lamo nfdf] lauro nf}/f] (adj.) long (n.) stick lampasar nDk;f/ lek n]s (adj.) prostrate, stretched out (n.) hilly region, the higher slope of a mountain

02.10.2002 77 lekha n]v ling ln¨ (n.) prose composition, writing, essay, (n.) gender [gram.] article linu lng' lekhak n]vs (v.t.) to take, to acquire, to accept (n.) author, writer lipi lnlk lekhinu n]lvg' (n.) script, writing, handwriting (v.i.) to be written lobh nf]e lekhnath paudyal n]vgfy kf}8Øfn (n.) greed, covetousness, temptation (n.) Lekh Nath Paudyal [a famous Nepali lobhi nf]eL poet] (adj.) lekhpadh n]vk9 logne nf]Ug] (n.) reading and writing, study (n.) husband [common] leninvad n]lggjfb lognemanche nf]Ug]dfG5] (n.) Leninism (n.) man, male person licchavi lnR5lj lognemanis nf]Ug]dflg; (n.) Licchavi [an early ruling dynasty of the Kathmandu valley] (n.) man, male person licchavikal lnR5ljsfn lohota nf]xf]6f (n.) Licchavi era (n.) a small metal water-pot ligalige lnulnu] lok nf]s (n.) uvula (n.) world, the three worlds [heaven, earth, hell], people likhat lnvt loktantra nf]stGq (adj.) written (n.) democracy likhit lnlvt luga n'uf (adj.) written (n.) clothes, clothing lila nLnf luga dhunu n'uf w'g' (n.) (v.t.) wash clothes lilam lnnd luga lagaunu n'uf nufpg' (n.) auction (v.t.) put on clothes limbu lnDa" luga launu n'uf nfpg' (n.) Limbu [a Nepali nationality] (v.t.) put on clothes

02.10.2002 78 luga phernu n'uf km]g'{ madhyam dfWod (v.t.) change clothes (n.) medium luga phukalnu n'uf km'sfNg' madhyamik yug dfWolds o'u (v.t.) take off clothes (n.) middle ages luga phukaunu n'uf km'sfpg' madhyanha dWofGx (v.t.) take off clothes (n.) noon luknu n'Sg' madhyarat dWo/ft (v.i.) to hide (n.) midnight lvang Njfª madhyavadhi nirvacan dWofjlw (n.) clove lgjf{rg (n.) mid-term elections lyaunu Nofpg' (v.t.) to bring, to fetch madhye dWo] (postp.) amongin the middle, at the centre, ma df in between, within, inside (postp.) in, at, on, among mag dfu macan drfg (n.) demand, claim (n.) stage magaj duh maccinu dlRrg' (n.) brain (v.i.) to swing magar du/ macha df5f (n.) Magar [a Nepali nationality] (n.) fish magh df3 macha marnu df5f dfg'{ (n.) tenth month of the Nepali year [January/February] (v.t.) to fish magne dfUg] madat dinu dbt lbg' (n.) beggar (v.t.) to help, to assist magnu dfUg' madhes dw]; (v.t.) to ask for (n.) the Tarai (the southern flat land along the Indian border) maha dx madhya-din dWo–lbg (n.) honey (n.) noon mahadhiveshan dxflwj]zg madhyakalin dWosfnLg (n.) general assembly, general meeting (adj.) mediaeval

02.10.2002 79 mahajan dxfhg mahina dxLgf (n.) moneylender, rich man, virtuous man (n.) month mahakavi dxfslj mahina dlxgf (n.) great poet [a title for Bhanubhakta (n.) month Acharya] maida d}bf mahal dxn (n.) fine flour (n.) palace maidan d}bfg mahango dx“uf] (n.) an open field (adj.) expensive maiju dfOh" mahasul dx;"n (n.) mother's brother's wife (n.) cess, tax, rate, custom, octroi mailo d}nf] mahasus dx;"; (adj.) dirty (n./adj.) mailo dfOnf] mahatta dxQf (n.) second eldest [of brothers] (n.) greatness, magnitude, gravity, glory, importance main batti d}g aQL (n.) candle mahatva dxTj (n.) greatness, magnitude, gravity, glory, maina importance d}gf (n.) a name applied to several different mahatvakanksha dxTjsf+Iff sturnoid passerine birds of India and countries further east, belonging to the (n.) genera Acridotheres and Eulabes mahatvakankshi dxTjsf+IfL maiyan d}of“ (adj.) ambitious (n.) mahatvapurna dxTjk"0f{ maja dhf (adj.) superb, royal, regal, palmy, (n.) happiness, enjoyment, rejoicing magnanimous, generous majako dhfsf] mahila dlxnf (adj.) pleased, funny (n.) woman majha df´ mahilo dflxnf] (n.) (n.) second eldest [of brothers] majhi df´L mahima dlxdf (n.) Majhi [a Nepali nationality] (n.) exaltation

02.10.2002 80 majhnu df‰g' manai dgfO{ (v.t.) to clean (n.) prohibition, control makai ds} mananiya dfggLo (n.) corn, maize (adj.) honorable, respectable, venerable makal dsn manasib dgfl;a (n.) a small moveable earthenware stove (adj.) used for heating manaunu dgfpg' malai man parcha dnfO{ dg k5{ (v.t.) to celebrate (comp.) I like manav dfgj malai man pardaina dnfO{ dg kb{}g (n.) (comp.) I don't like manavshastra dfgjzf:q malai thah chaina dnfO{ yfxf 5}g (n.) anthropology (comp.) I don't know manbodhak dfgaf]ws malesiya dn]l;of (adj.) honorific [grammar] (n.) Malaysia manc d~r malilo dlnnf] (n.) (adj.) mancari d~r/L maltal dfntfn (n.) (n.) article, goods manche dfG5] mama dfdf (n.) man, person (n.) mother's brother mandro dfGb|f] man dg (n.) large bamboo or cane mat (n.) mind, thought, mental state, heart, feeling mangal d+un (n.) the planet Mars man aunu dg cfpg' to long, to wish mangalvar d+unjf/ (n.) Tuesday manadeva dfgb]j (n.) Manadeva [name of several kings of mangga df“u the Licchavi era] (n.) demand, requirement, requisition manahi dgfxL manglavar (n.) prohibition, control d+Unjf/ (n.) Tuesday

02.10.2002 81 mangoliya d+uf]lnof maramar df/fdf/ Mongolei (n.) fight mangsir d+u;L/ marathi d/f7L (n.) eighth month of the Nepali year (n.) Marathi [November/December] marg dfu{ mani dfgL (n.) eighth month of the Nepali year (adj.) respectable, respectful [November/December] manis dflg; maric dl/r (n.) man, person (n.) black pepper mannu dfGg' marka dsf{ (v.t.) to respect, to worship, to accept, to (n.) loss, harm, damage observe marnu dfg'{ manoranjan dgf]/~hg (v.t.) to kill, to slaughter (n.) amusement, entertainment, recreation masala d;nf manovigyan dgf]lj1fg (n.) spices (n.) psychology masauda d;f}bf manovigyanik dgf]lj1flgs (n.) draft, rough copy (adj.) psychological masi d;L manparaunu dgk/fpg' (n.) ink (v.t.) to like, to approve, to prefer masino dl;gf] mansthiti dgl:ylt (adj.) (n.) mental state mast d:t mantavya dGtJo (adj.) (n.) view, opinion, remark, note, comment mastira dfl:t/ mantralaya dGqfno (n./adv.) (n.) ministery masu df;' mantri dGqL (n.) meat (n.) minister mat dt manyata dfGotf (n.) vote, opinion, voice, dogma, belief (n.) recognition, validity, accredition matabhed dte]b mapdanda dfkb08 (n.) difference of opinion (n.) touchstone, standard

02.10.2002 82 matako df6fsf] mausimi df}l;dL (adj.) earthen (adj.) seasonal matganana dtu0fgf mausuph df};"km (n.) counting of votes (pron.) personal address towards the king [royal honorific pronoun] mathi dfly (postp.) above dfof (n.) love mathlo tala dfYnf] tnf maya garnu dfof ug'{ (n.) upper floor (v.t.) to love matnu dfTg' mece d]r] (v.i.) to get drunk (n.) Meche [a Nepali nationality] mato dtf] meghalaya (n.) consultation, counsel, opinion d]3fno (n.) Meghalaya [a Northeast Indian state] mato df6f] mehanat (n.) earth, clay, soil d]xgt (n.) industry, labour, hard work matoko sarvekshan df6f]sf] ;j]{If0f mehel d]x]n (n.) soil survey (n.) a fruit matribhakta dfq[eQm mel d]n (n.) (n.) matribhasa dfq[efiff meva (n.) mother tongue d]jf (n.) melon matriprem dfq[k|]d midiya (n.) mother love ldl8of (n.) media maulik df}lns mihi ldxL (adj.) original (adj.) mauna df}g mihinet ldlxg]t (n.) silence, taciturnity, mum (n.) labour, industry, work, toil mauri df}/L mihineti (n.) bee, honeybee ldlxg]tL (adj.) industrious, hardworking, busy, active mausam df};d (n.) weather, season, monsoon

02.10.2002 83 milaunu ldnfpg' moren df]/]g (v.t.) to reconcile, to resolve, to arbitrate, to (n.) moraine bring about an agreement, to cause to join, to mix, to adjust, to solve, to balance mosam df];d milnu ldNg' (n.) orange (v.i.) to agree, to fit in, to mingle to mix up, motamoti to befit df]6fdf]6L (adj.) mirg ldu{ motar (n.) deer df]6/ (n.) car misaunu ld;fpg' motar haknu (v.t.) to mingle, to mix up together df]t/ xfSg' (v.t.) to drive a car misri ld;|L motaunu (n.) sugar candy, rockcandy df]6fpg' (v.i.) to get fat mit dLt moto (n.) friend (ritually concluded) df]6f] (adj.) fat mit lagaunu dLt nufpg' mrig (v.t.) to make friends (ritually) d[u (n.) deer mithai ld7fO{ mrityu (n.) sweets d[To' (n.) death mitho dL7f] mrityuko danda (adj.) delicious, tasteful, tasty d[To'sf] b08 (n.) death penalty miti ldlt mudda (n.) date, day, limit, time d'2f (n.) law-suite, case mohani df]xgL mudki (n.) charm, enchantment d'8\sL (n.) blow of a fist mohi df]xL mudra (n.) buttermilk d'b|f (n.) seal, coin, gesture mohi parnu df]xL kfg'{ mudrak (v.t.) to make buttermilk d'b|s (n.) printer moja df]hf mudrakshar (n.) socks, stocking, hose d'b|fIf/ (n.)

02.10.2002 84 mudralaya d'b|fno mulayat d'nfot (n.) (adj.) soft mudran d'b|0f mulsadak d"n;8s (n.) (n.) main road muhan d'xfg muluk d'n's (n.) source of a river or an irrigation canal (n.) country, realm, kingdom muhar d'xf/ mulvasi d"njf;L (n.) facade (n.) native, original inhabitant muhurta d'x't{ mulya d"No (n.) (n.) cost, price, worth, value mukam d'sfd mulyangkan d"NofÍg (n.) (n.) valuation, estimation mukh d'v muma d'df (n.) mouth, face (n.) mother [used by upper class only] mukh dhunu d'v w'g' munal d'gfn (v.t.) wash and clean the face (n.) a kind of bird from the mountains mukhyat d'Vot mung d'ª (adv.) (n.) a kind of Lentils, mung bean mukta d'Qm muni d'lg (adj.) liberated, released (postp.) below, under mukta garnu d'Qm ug'{ muntira d'lGt/ (v.t.) to free (postp.) downwards, below, under mul d"n musaldhare s';nwf/] (n.) root, source, origin (adj.) torrential, heavy d"nf muskaunu d':sfpg' (n.) radish (v.i.) to smile mulak d"ns muskuraunu d':s'/fpg' (postp.) based on, depending on, growing (v.t.) from, emanating from, originating from muso d";f] mulatah d"ntM (n.) mouse, rat (adv.) basically, fundamentally, primarily, essentially

02.10.2002 85 musoko dulo d";f]sf] b'nf] nagarpalika gu/kflnsf (n.) mousehole (n.) municipality, municipal committee musuro d';'/f] nai g} (n.) a kind of lentils (part.) muthi d'7L nain gfO{+ (n.) fist naitikta g}ltstf mutu d'6' (n.) morals, morality, ethics (n.) heart naito gfO6f] mvain DjfO“ (n.) navel (n.) kiss najar gh/ mvain khanu DjfO“ vfg' (n.) eye, vision, sight, look, glance to kiss najarana gh/fgf myaun garnu dofp“ ug'{ (n.) gift, present (v.t.) to mew najarana gh/fgf na g (n.) gift, present, presentation (conj.) neither, nor najayaj gfhfoh nabbe gAa] (adj.) improper (num.) najik ghLs nac gfr (adj.) near, close to, next to (n.) dance najitnu glhTg' nacnu gfRg' (v.t.) not to win (v.i.) to dance nak gfs nadi gbL (n.) nose (n.) river nakka pora gfssf kf]/f nagar gu/ (n.) nostrils (n.) town, city nakkal gSsn nagarik gful/s (n.) copy, fashion (adj.) civil, urban, metropolitan naksha gSzf nagarik gful/s zf:q (n.) pattern, map, plan, chart (n.) civics, civic studies

02.10.2002 86 nalikhutto glnv'§f] nani gfgL (n.) shin-bone (n.) baby nam gfd napunsakling gk'+;slnª (n.) name, noun (n.) neuter [grammar] namak gfds nara gf/f (adj.) named, bearing the name of (n.) slogan, striking word, phrase namasthanik gfd:yflgs naram g/d (adj.) independent from a noun (adj.) soft, delicate, kind, gentle namdar gfdbf/ naramro g/fd|f] (adj.) (adj.) bad, not good namkaran gfds/0f nardan gb{g (n.) naming ceremony, baptism (n.) neck namkarma gfdsd{ narendra g/]Gb| (n.) (n.) king nam-namasi gfd–gfdf;L naresh g/]z (n.) (n.) king namnishan gfdlgzfg nari gf/L (adj.) (n.) wrist, pulse namyogi gfdof]uL narival gl/jn (n.) postposition (n.) coconut nanda gGb naso g;f] (n.) husband's younger sister (n.) vein nandebhai gGb]efO naspati g:kftL (n.) husband's younger sister's husband (n.) pear nang gª nata gftf (n.) nail (n.) relationship, alliance nangge gf¨] natadar gftfbf/ (adj.) naked, uncovered (n.) relative nanggo gf¨f] nati gflt (adj.) naked, uncovered (n.) grandson

02.10.2002 87 natija glthf netritva g]t[Tj (n.) result, consequence (n.) leadership, guidance, lead natini gfltgL nevar g]jf/ (n.) granddaughter (n.) Newar [a Nepali nationality] natishitosna gfltzLtf]i0f nibandha lgaGw (adj.) temperate, moderate (n.) article, essay, dissertation, thesis, bond, fixation nau g} nibhnu lgEg' (num.) nine, 9 (v.i.) to go out, to be extinguished naun gfp“ nibuva lga'jf (n.) name (n.) lemon naun caleka gfp“ rn]sf nico (adj.) well known, famous gLrf] (adj.) nauni gf}gL nidaunu (n.) butter lgbfpg' (v.i.) to go to sleep, to become numb navaun gjf}+ nidhan lgwfg (adj.) ninth (n./adj.) destruction, death, poor nayakatva gfosTj nidhar lgwf/ (n.) leadership, hegemony (n.) forehead nayan gof“ nidho (adj.) new lgwf] (n.) nebharo g]ef/f] nihsantan (n.) fig lgM;Gtfg (adj.) childless, without offspring nepalganj g]kfnuGh nihun lgx'“ (n.) Nepalganj [a town in the western Tarai] (n.) excuse, pretence, pretext nera g]/ niji kshetra lghL If]q (adj.) near, near by, close by, not far (n.) private sector neri g]l/ nikai (adj.) near, near by, close by, not far lgs} (adj.) much neta g]tf nikat (n.) leader, guide, chief lgs6 (adj.) near, near by, close by, not far

02.10.2002 88 nikaya lgsfo nirantar lg/Gt/ (n.) body, system (adj.) continuous, constant, incessant, ceaseless niko lgsf] nirantarta lg/Gt/tf (adj.) cured, well (n.) continuity, continuation nilo gLnf] niraparadh (adj.) blue lg/k/fw (adj.) innocent, faultless, guiltless nimitta lgldQ nirarthak lg/y{s (n./postp.) for, for the sake of, for the cause of, cause, motive, account, reason (n.) meaningless, vain, useless, fruitless, insignificant, worthless, futile nimnalikhit lgDglnlvt nirdaya (adj.) undermentioned, following, lgb{o mentioned below (adj.) nimti lglDt nirdayata lgb{otf (postp.) [In Verbindung mit der (n.) Possessivform des Bezugswortes] nirdesh lgb]{z ninda lgGbf (n.) instruction, order, indication (n.) reflection, condemnation, slander, calumny, vilification, censure, blame nirdeshak lgb]{zs (n.) director (of an institute or center) nindan lgGbg (n.) vilification nirdeshan lgb]{zg (n.) instruction, order, indication niptara lgk6f/f (n.) disposal, settlement, reconciliation, nirman lgdf{0f conclusion (n.) construction, creation, manufacture, formation, framing, act of building or making nipun lgk'0f (adj.) dexterous, skilful, clever nirmata lgdf{tf nir gL/ (n.) (adj.) indigo nirmit lgld{t (adj.) nira lg/ (adj.) near, near by, close by, not far nirnaya lg0f{o (n.) decision, resolution, discernment, nirakaran lg/fs/0f ascertainment, determination (n.) abrogation, annulment, removal nirogi lg/f]uL nirakshar lg/If/ (adj.) (adj.) illiterate

02.10.2002 89 nirvacan lgjf{rg nivas lgjf; (n.) election (n.) home, residence, abode, dwelling nis lg; nivasi lgjf;L (n.) gneiss (n.) inhabitant, resident, inmate, native nisedh bhumi lgif]w e"ld niyam lgod (n.) forbidden land (n.) rule, usage, regulation, practice nishcal lgZrn niyantran lgoGq0f (adj.) (n.) control, restraint nishcaya lgZro niyati lgolt (n.) sure knowledge, resolution, (n.) determination, confidence niyukta lgo'Qm nishcit lglZrt (adj.) appointed, wmployed, posted (adj.) sure, unfailing, without doubt niyukti lgo'lQm nishcit sankhyabodhak lglZrt (n.) appointment, employment ;+Vofaf]ws (n.) definitive numeral niyutta lgo'Q (adj.) niskantak lgis06s (adj.) thornless, free from troubles nokar gf]s/ (n.) servant niskanu lg:sg' (v.i.) to come out, to appear nuhaune kotha g'xfpg] sf]7f (n.) bathroom nisto lg:tf] (adj.) plain, bland nuhaunu g'xfpg' (v.t.) take a bath nitamba lgtDa (n.) hip nun g"g (n.) salt niti gLlt (n.) policy, morality, manners nunilo g'lgnf] (adj.) salty niun lgp“ (n.) pretext, excuse nyauri Gofp/L (n.) mongoose nivaran lgjf/0f (n.) prevention, preclusion, redress, Gofo deterrence, determent (n.) justice, equity, logic, reason

02.10.2002 90 nyayadhish GofofwLz ohralnu cf]x|fNg' (n.) judge, justice (v.t.) to cause to descend nyayadhish GofofwLz oilaunu cf]Onfpg' (n.) judge, justice (v.i.) to wither, to fade nyayalaya Gofofno oilinu cf]Olng' (n.) court of justice (v.t.) to be withered nyayapalika Gofokflnsf oiranu cf]O/g' (n.) judiciary (v.i.) nyuntam Go"gtd oiraunu cf]O/fpg' (adj.) minimum, minimal (v.t.) to cause to drop, to cause to fall [in large quantity] ochyan cf]5Øfg oirini (n.) bed, bedding,sleeping-mat, quilt cf]Ol/g' (v.i.) to drop, to fall [in large quantity] ochyaunu cf]5\Øfpg' oirinu (v.t.) to spread bedding, to spread a rug,to cf]Ol/g' spread a mat (v.i.) to flow continually odhan cf]wfg ojhel cf]´]n (n.) three-legged iron stand for putting a (adj.) hidden, screened off cooking vessel over a fire okatnu cf]s6\g' odhaunu cf]9fpg' (v.t.) to occupy, to reserve, to hinder (v.t.) to cover up sombody else okhar cf]v/ odhne cf]9\g] (n.) walnut (n.) blanket, bedcover, bedroll okhati cf]vtL odhnu cf]9\g' (n.) medicine (v.i./v.t.) to cover oneself up; to wrap, to cover orlanu cf]n{g' (v.i.) to comedown, to descend ogatnu cf]u6\g' (v.t.) to occupy, to reserve, to hinder orlinu cf]ln{g' (v.i.) to comedown, to descend ohar dohar cf]x/ bf]x/ (n.) the act of coming and going osarinu cf];fl/g' (v.i.) to be moved from one place to another ohor dohor cf]xf]/ bf]xf]/ (n.) the act of coming and going osarnu cf];fg'{ (v.t.) to move something from one place to another

02.10.2002 91 oth cf]7 pachipachi kl5kl5 (n.) lip, lips (adv.) pacadi krfl8 pacpanna kRkGg (postp.) behind (num.) fifty-five, 55 pacarnu krfg'{ pad kb (v.t.) (n.) foot, step, foot-step, word pacas krf; padadhikari kbflwsf/L (num.) fifty, 50 (n.) pacasi krf;L padartha kbfy{ (num.) eighty-five, 85 (n.) meaning of a word, matter pacchim klR5d padarthavacak nam kbfy{jfrs gfd (n.) west (n.) objective term paccis kRrL; padavi kbjL (num.) twenty-five, 25 (n.) pachadi k5fl8 padhai k9fO (postp.) behind, later, in the back (n.) pachattar krxQ/ padhaunu k9fpg' (num.) seventy-five, 75 (v.t.) to teach pachaute k5f}6] padhelekheka k9]n]v]sf (adj.) late, hinder, backward (adj.) educated, able to read and write pachi kl5 padhnu k9\g' (postp.) behind, later, in the back (v.t.) to lear, to read, to study pachi hatnu kl5 x6\g' padina klbgf (v.i.) (n.) mint pachi janu kl5 hfg' pagal kfun (v.i.) (n.) a mad man pachi sarnu kl5 ;g'{ pagalkhana kfunvfgf (v.i.) (n.) mad-house pachillo kl5Nnf] pagalnu kufNg' (adj.) last, hindermost, back, rear (v.t.)

02.10.2002 92 paglanu kUng' pakaunu ksfpg' (v.i.) (v.t.) to cook pahad kxf8 pakeko kfs]sf] (n.) mountain, hill (adj.) ripe, cooked, mature pahadi pradesh kxf8L k|b]z paket ks]6 (n.) hilly region (n.) pocket pahasan kx;g pakhala kvfnf (n.) (n.) diarrhoea pahenlo kx]+nf] pakhalnu kvfNg' (adj.) yellow (v.t.) to rinse pahican klxrfg pakheta kv]6f (n.) recognition, acquaintance, identity (n.) wing pahilo klxnf] pakhura kfv'/f (adj.) first (n.) arm pahiran klx/g pakka kSsf (n.) (adj.) 1. certain, sure, true 2. durable, strong 3. careful, experienced pahuna kfx'gf (n.) visitor, guest pakka garnu kSsf ug'{ (v.t.) to confirm to make sure painsatthi k}+;6\7L (num.) sixty-five, 65 pakku kSs' (n.) meat fried in butter paintalis k}+tfnL; (num.) forty-five, 45 paknu kfSg' (v.i.) to be ripe, to ripen, to be cooked paintis k}+tL; (num.) thirty-five, 35 pako kfsf] (adj.) aged, experienced paitalo k}tfnf] (n.) sole pakranu kqmg' (v.t.) to catch, to hold, to arrest, to capture, pajani khgL to seize, to catch on, to understand (n.) arrangement, setting in order, overhauling [the annual festival during pakrau which appointments of government officials kqmfp were renewed for the ensuing year] (n.) capture, arrest, seizure

02.10.2002 93 paksha kIf pancayat kGrfot (n.) wing, part, party (n.) palnu kfNg' panchaunu kG5fpg' (v.t.) to take care of, to raise, to bring up, to (v.t.) to evade, to push aside nourish, to keep, to tame pandhra kG„ palpa kfNkf (num.) (n.) Palpa [former mini-state, currently a district of Nepal] pani klg (adv.) also, too, even paltan kN6g (n.) regiment, batallion pani kfgL (n.) water, rain palunggo kfn'¨f] (n.) spinach pani ... pani klg ¬ klg (adv.) pan kfg (n.) the leaf of the betal nut eaten with pani pareka vela areca nut and lime kfgL k/]sf] j]nf (comp.) when it rains pana kfgf pani parnu (n.) leaf (of a book) kfgL kg'{ (v.t.) to rain panati kgftL paniun (n.) klgp“ (n.) a flat spoon used for ladling out rice panati kgflt (n.) kGhf (n.) panc kf“r panjika (num.) five, 5 kl~hsf (n.) panc patra kf“r kq pankha (adj.) k+vf (n.) fan pancanabbe kGrfgAa] pantha (num.) ninety-five, 95 kGy (n.) pancangga k~rf¨ panthi (n.) kGyL (n.) pancaun kf“rf}+ pap (adj.) fifth kfk (n.) sin

02.10.2002 94 papi kfkL paramparik kf/Dkfl/s (adj.) sinful, profligate, criminal (adj.) traditional, hereditary par kf/ parampita k/dlktf (n.) (n.) para k/ parantu k/Gt' (adv.) aside, separate, beyond, further (n./adv.) but, inspite, however, still, the remaining life, end paraghaun k/f3f}+ parapacuke kf/kfr's] (adv.) after two years (n.) divorce, dissolution of marriage parajaya k/fho parar k/f/ (n.) defeat (adv.) two years ago parajit k/flht pararastra (adj.) defeated, vanquished, overthrown k//fi6« (n.) parajit k/flht pararastra mantralaya (adj.) defeated, overthrown k//fi6« dGqfno (n.) foreign ministry parakram k/fqmd pararastra mantri k//fi6« dGqL (n.) power, strength, valour, prowess (n.) foreign minister parakrami k/fqmdL pararastriya k//fi6«Lo (adj.) heroic, gallant, valiant, brave (adj.) param k/d paraspar (adj.) k/:k/ (adj.) mutually, reciprocal, one another paramdham k/dwfd parca (n.) krf{ (n.) leaflet, settlement record paramgati k/dult parda kbf{ (n.) (n.) curtain, screen, veil, partition parampad k/dkb pardabhitrai kbf{leq} (n.) (comp.) secretly parampara k/Dk/f pardesh (n.) sequence, succession, order k/b]z (adv.) abroad paramparagat k/Dk/fut pardesh lagnu (adj.) tradional k/b]z nfUg' to go abroad

02.10.2002 95 parela k/]nf paripurti kl/k"lt{ (n.) eyelash (n.) perfection, completion pareva k/]jf parisad kl/ifb (n.) pigeon, young dove (n.) assembly, council, senate, committee pari kfl/ parishist kl/lzi6 (n.) the other side [of the shore or boundary] (n.) pari kf/L parishrami kl/>dL (n.) the other side [of the shore or boundary] (adj.) laborious, industrious, painstaking, hardworking, diligent paribhasa kl/efiff paristhiti kl/l:ylt (n.) (n.) paricalan kl/rfng parit (n.) mobilization kfl/t (adj.) paricaya kl/ro parityag (n.) acquaintance, intimacy, familiarity kl/Tofu (n.) paricched kl/R5]b parivar kl/jf/ (n.) (n.) family pariksha k/LIff parivartan kl/jt{g (n.) examination, investigation (n.) change, exchange parikshan k/LIf0f pariyojana (n.) examination, investigation kl/of]hgf (n.) project parimanbodhak kl/df0faf]ws parkhal (adj.) quantitative [grammar] kvf{n (n.) wall parinam kl/0ffd parkhanu kv{g' (n.) result, consequence (v.t.) to wait, to have patience parinamsvarup kl/0ffd:j¿k parkhinu klv{g' (conj.) (v.t.) to wait, to have patience parinati kl/0flt parnu (n.) transformation, culmination, form kg'{ (v.i.) to happen, to occur, to fall, to ignite paripati kl/kf6L parnu (n.) tradition, method, mode, arrangement, kfg'{ order (v.t.) to put in, to lay, to ignite, to cause, to make

02.10.2002 96 paro kf/f] pasina k;Lgf (n.) mercury (n.) sweat parsi kl;{ paskanu k:sg' (adv.) the day after tomorrow (v.t.) to serve [food] parti kf6L{ pasnu k:g' (n.) party (v.t.) to enter, to go in, to come in parti kendriya kamiti kf6L{ s]Gb|Lo pat kf6 sldlt (n.) (n.) patak kts parva kj{ (n.) (n.) festival, holiday, fête, chapter, section, portion, canto patalo kf6nf] (adj.) thin parvat kj{t (n.) patan k6g (n.) paryanta ko{Gt (postp.) till, until, unto, up to patan ktg (n.) fall, downfall, degradation paryatak ko{6s (n.) traveller, wanderer, tourist patan kf6g (n.) Lalitpur, Patan [a neighbouring town of paryatakharuko svarg ko{6s¿sf] :ju{ Kathmandu] (n.) tourist paradise patani k6gL paryatan ko{6g (n.) irrigation (n.) touring, tourism path kf7 pasal k;n (n.) lesson, reading, recital (n.) shop, warehouse, booth path ky pasale k;n] (n.) path, course (n.) shopkeeper, merchant, vendor pathaunu k7fpg' pashcim klZrd (v.t.) (n.) west pathi kf7L pashupalan kz'kfng (n.) lamb [female] (n.) animal husbandry patho kf7f] pashupati kz'klt (n.) lamb [male] (n.) Pashupati

02.10.2002 97 pathshala kf7zfnf paune kf}g] (n.) school, seminary (adj.) a quarter to pathshalaya kf7zfnfof paunu kfpg' (n.) (v.t.) to get, to obtain, to receive, to bear, to beget, to produce pati klt pauranik (n.) husband kf}/flgs (adj.) legendary patit kltt pauranu kf}/g' (adj.) fallen, degraded, outcaste (v.i.) swim patni kTgL pauri kf}/L (n.) wife, better half, married woman (n.) swimming patra kq pauri khelnu (n.) page kf}/L v]Ng' (v.t.) swim patrakar kqsf/ pauroti (n.) journalist kfp/f]6L (n.) bread patre cattan kq] r§fg paus kf}if (n.) sedimentary rock (n.) ninth month of the Nepali year (December/January) patrika klqsf (n.) magazine, journal paustik kf}li6s (n.) nutrition patta kQf (n.) leaf, foliage, address pesh k]z (postp.) in front of, before patthar kTy/ (n.) stone pesha k]zf (n.) occupation patti k§L (n.) bandage pesta k]:tf (n.) pestachio nut patti kl§ (n.) side pet k]6 (n.) stomach pattyaunu k§\ofpg' (v.t.) peti k]6L (n.) belt, casket, small box, small chest, pau kfp girdle (n.) a quarter

02.10.2002 98 phagun kmfu'g pharak km/s (n.) eleventh month of the Nepali year (n.) difference, separation, being apart (February/March) pharakilo km/flsnf] phaida kmfO{bf (adj.) spacious, roomy, extensive (n.) advantage pharar km/f/ phailanu km}ng' (n.) (v.i.) to spread, to be scattered pharkanu kms{g' phailanu km}ng' (v.i.) to return, to come back (v.i.) to spread, to be scattered pharsi km;L{ phailinu km}lng' (n.) large yellow pumpkin (v.i.) to spread, to be scattered phastaunu km:6fpg' phaisala km};nf (v.t.) to develop, to become fat (n.) phatyangro km6Øf¨f] phalam kmnfd (n.) cricket, grasshopper (n.) iron pherabadal km]/abn phalgun kmNu'0f (n.) change, modification (n.) eleventh month of the Nepali year (February/March) pheri km]l/ (adv.) again, once more, once again phalnu kmfNg' (v.t.) to throw away phesan km];g (n.) facion phalnu kmNg' (v.i.) to bear fruits; to cleanse, to husk phijinu lkmlhg' (v.i.) phalphul kmnkm"n (n.) fruits and flowers phikri garnu lkmqmL ug'{ (v.t.) to be worried phalphul kheti kmnkm"n v]tL (n.) horticulture phila lkmnf (n.) thigh phalsvarup kmn:j¿k (postp.) as a result of philipins lkmlnlkG; (n.) Philippinen phansi kmf“;L (n.) execution by hanging, noose phohor kmf]xf]/ (adj.) dirty, foul, filthy, obscene phapar kmfk/ (n.)

02.10.2002 99 phokso kmf]S;f] pindalu lk+8fn' (n.) lungs (n.) a kind of root phranseli k|mfG;]nL pindulo lk+8'nf] (adj.) French (n.) calf of the leg phul km"n ping kLª (n.) flower (n.) swing phul km'n pir kL/ (n.) egg (n.) worry, anxiety, distress, mental trouble, punishment phulbari km"naf/L pira lk/f (n.) flower garden (n.) floor seat [of straw or wood] phuleko kesh km'n]sf] s]z piralnu grey hair lk/Ng' (v.i./v.t.) phulkopi km"nsf]kL piro (n.) cauliflower lk/f] (adj.) hot [in taste] phupaju km'kfh' pirolnu lk/f]Ng' (n.) father's sister's husband (v.t.) phupu km'k" pita lktf (n.) father's sister (n.) father [Sanskritized] phurtilo km'lt{nf] pithiun (adj.) smart lkl7p“ (n.) back phusro km';|f] pitho (adj.) grey, grizzled kL7f] (n.) flour, powder phutbal khelnu km"6an v]Ng' pitho kL7f] (v.t.) to play football (n.) flour phyanknu Îof“Sg' pittal lkQn (v.t.) to throw away (n.) brass phyauro Îofp/f] pohor (n.) fox kf]xf]/ (adv.) last year pidit kLl8t poi (adj.) kf]O (n.) husband [rural]

02.10.2002 100 poila kf]On pracarit k|rfl/t (n.) running away with a man without (adj.) propagated, publicised, circulated, formal marriage made current, made prevalent, given currency poila janu kf]On hfg' pracin k|frLg (comp.) run away with a man (adj.) ancient, old, antique, aged pokhari kf]v/L pracinta k|frLgtf (n.) pond, lake, reservoir (n.) antiquity, ancientness poleko masu kf]n]sf] df;' pradarbhav (n.) barbecued meat k|fbef{j (n.) pothi mujur kf]yL d'h'/ pradesh (n.) peahen k|b]z (n.) province, region, realm, country, territory, state potnu kf]Tg' (v.t.) smear with red clay, paint the floor pradeshik kf|b]lzs wall, whitewash (adj.) regional poto kf]tf] pradhanmantri (n.) k|wfgdGqL (n.) Prime Minister prabandhak k|aGws pradhannyayadhish k|wfgGofofwLz (n.) manager, writer of an essay (n.) Chief Justice prabhat k|eft pradhyapak k|fWofks (n.) (n.) prabhav k|efj pradusan (n.) influence, effect, power, strength, kb"if0f authority, dominance (n.) pollution prabhavashali k|efjzfnL pragati k|ult (adj.) powerful, strong, radiant (n.) progress, advancement pracalan k|rng pragatishil k|ultzLn (n.) prevalence, custom, usage, currency, (adj.) progressive, modern movement prahari k|x/L pracalit k|rlnt (n.) police (adj.) praja k|hf pracar k|rf/ (n.) subject, tenant, people, progeny (n.) publicity, publication, usage, advertisement, announcement

02.10.2002 101 prajatantra k|hftGq pramanik k|dfl0fs (n.) democracy (adj.) prajatantrik k|hftflGqs pramanik k|fdfl0fs (adj.) democratic (adj.) prakar k|sf/ pramanit k|dfl0ft (n.) kind, way, sort (adj.) prakash k|sfz pramanpatra k|df0fkq (n.) light, manifestation, publication (n.) certificate, testimonial, permit prakashak k|sfzs pramukh k|d'v (n.) publisher (n.) principal, chief, head prakashan k|sfzg pranali k|0ffnL (n.) publication, publishing (n.) method, mode, way prakashit k|sflzt pranta k|fGt (adj.) published (n.) border, end, extremity, province prakashkiya k|sfzsLo prapta k|fKt (adj.) related to the publisher (adj.) obtained, received, acquired prakhyat k|Voft prapti k|flKt (adj.) (n.) receipt, procuration, acquisition, income, profit prakriti k|fs[lt prarambha (n.) nature, talent k|f/De (n.) beginning, commencement, inception, initiation, starting point prakritik k|fs[lts (adj.) natural, physical, material prarthana k|fy{gf (n.) prayer, petition, request prakritik gyas k|fs[lts Uof; (n.) natural gas prarthana garnu k|fy{gf ug'{ (v.t.) tp pray, to request prakritik vanaspati k|fs[lts jg:klt prasanga k|;¨ (n.) natural vegetation (n.) relation, connection, association, discussion, narration, context prakriya k|lqmof (n.) prasar k|;f/ (n.) praman k|df0f (n.)

02.10.2002 102 prashangsa k|z+;f prathamikta k|fyldstf (n.) praise, appreciation, applause, (n.) priority, precedence laudation, eulogy prati k|lt prashasan k|zf;g (postp.) towards, near to, against, in (n.) administration opposition to prashasta k|z:t pratibaddha k|lta4 (adj.) abundant, sufficient, enough (adj.) restricted, banned, conditioned, committed prashna k|Zg pratibaddhata (n.) question k|lta4tf (n.) commitment prashnarthak k|Zgfy{s sarvanam ;j{gfd pratibandhit k|ltalGwt (n.) interrogative pronoun (adj.) restricted, banned, conditioned prashnavali k|ZgfjnL pratibha k|ltef (n.) questionnaire (n.) prasiddha k|l;4 pratibimba k|ltlaDa (adj.) (n.) reflection, image, shadow prastav k|:tfj pratibimbit k|ltlalDat (n.) (adj.) reflected prastavana k|:tfjgf pratigama k|ltufdf (n.) (adj.) retrogressive prastut k|:t't pratik k|tLs (adj.) presented, submitted (n.) symbol, fetish pratam purusvacak k|td k'?ifjfrs pratikar k|ltsf/ (n.) first person [grammar] (n.) retaliation, revenge pratha k|yf pratikatmak k|tLsfTds (n.) usage, practice, custom, rule, fashion, (adj.) symbolic, allegorical method, system pratikriya k|ltlqmof pratham k|yd (n.) reaction (adj.) first, best, primitive pratiksha k|tLIff pratham purus k|yd k'?if (n.) expectation (n.) first person [ling.] pratinidhi k|ltlglw (n.) representative, substitute

02.10.2002 103 pratinidhitva k|ltlglwTj prayah k|foM (n.) representation, deputation, delegacy (adv.) almost, nearly, often, generally pratipaksha k|ltkIf prayas k|of; (n.) opposition, rival side, hostile camp, (n.) effort, attempt, endeavour contesting party prayatna k|oTg pratipakshi k|ltkIfL (n.) effort, attempt, endeavour (n.) opponent, rival, contestant, contralateral prayog k|oF]u pratishat k|ltzft (n.) use, application, action, effort, usage, (n.) example, performance pratishodh k|ltzf]w pret k|]t (n.) (n.) pratisparddha k|lt:k4{ pristhabhumi k[i7e"ld (n.) rivalry, contest, competition (n.) basis prativedan k|ltj]bg prithvi k[YjL (n.) report, representation (n.) earth pratiyogita k|ltof]lutf priya lk|o (n.) rivalry, competition, hostility (adj.) dear, lovely, beloved pratyek k|To]s pucchar k'R5/ (adj.) every, everyone (n.) tail pravacan k|jrg pugnu k'Ug' (n.) commentary, elucidation, explanation (v.i.) to arrive at, to reach, to be fulfilled, to be sufficient pravesh k|j]z puja garnu k"hf ug'{ (n.) entry, admission, access, entrance (v.t.) pravidhi k|ljlw puja kotha (n.) technique k"hf sf]7f (n.) prayer room, worshipping room pravidhigya k|ljlw1 punargathan (n.) technician k'gu{7g (n.) reorganization, recasting pravriti k|j[lt punarjivit k'ghL{ljt (n.) trend (adj.) pravritti k|j[lQ punarnirman k'glg{df{0f (n.) inclination of mind, tendency reconstruction

02.10.2002 104 punarvalikan k'g/jnLsg purohit k'/f]lxt (n.) revision, retrospect, review (n.) family priest punarvas k'gjf{; purusartha k'?iffy{ (n.) rehabilitation (n.) puniun k'lgp“ purusvacak sarvanam k'?ijfrs (n.) a flat spoon used for ladling out rice ;j{gfd (n.) personal pronoun punling k'+ln¨ (n.) male [grammar] purvadhar k"jf{wf/ (n.) infrastructure pura k"/f (adj.) purvagraha k"jf{u|x (n.) prejudice purano k'/fgf] (adj.) old, ancient purvak k"j{s (suff.) purashcaran k'/Zr/0f (n.) purvi k"jL{ (adj.) Eastern, eastern quarter purashcarya k'/Zrof{ (n.) purviya k"jL{of (adj.) puratatva k'/ftTj (n.) archaeology purviya k"jL{o (adj.) puri k'/L (n.) bread cooked in butter puryaunu k'of{pg' (v.t.) to exort, to lead, to fulfil a wish purkha k'v{f (n.) ancestor, forefather pus k'; (n.) ninth month of the Nepali year purna k"0f{ (December/January) (adj.) pusta k':tf purnatah k"0f{tM (n.) generation, succession (adj.) pustakalaya k':tsfno purnataya k"0f{tof (n.) library (adj.) pusti k'li6 purnima k"l0f{df (n.) nourishment, nutrition (n.) putali k'tnL (n.) butterfly

02.10.2002 105 pval Kjfn rahasyamaya /x:odo 9¨af6 dhangabata (n.) hole, opening (adv.) pyaj Kofh rahat /fxt (n.) onion (n.) comfort, relief pyaro Kof/f] rai /fO{ (adj.) (n.) Rai [a Nepali nationality] pyau Kofp raithane /}yfg] (n.) mushroom (n.) local inhabitant, aboriginee racak /rs raiti /}tL (n.) (n.) tenant, leaseholder, farmer racana /rgf /fhf (n.) composition, production, creation, formation (n.) king, ruler, sovereign racanatmak /rgfTds rajaharuma /fhfx¿df (adj.) (comp.) among kings racayita /rlotf rajasva /fh:j (n.) (n.) revenue, royalty racit /lrt rajdarbar /fhb/af/ (adj.) (n.) the king's palace radhi /f9L rajdhani /fhwfgL (n.) coarse wollen rug (n.) capital ragat /ut rajdut /fhb"t (n.) blood (n.) ambassador ragat aunu /ut cfpg' rajdutavas /fhb"tfjf; (n.) embassy rahanu /xg' rajhans /hxf“; (v.i.) to remain, to dwell, to inhabit (n.) swan rahar /x/ rajhans /fhxf“; (n.) a kind of lentils (n.) swan rahasyamaya /x:odo raji /fhL (adj.) (adj.)

02.10.2002 106 rajikhushi /fhLv'zL rajprasad /fhk|;fb (n.) willingness, acceptance with much (n.) palace pleasure rajtantra /fhtGq rajinama /fhLgfdf (n.) monarchy, monarchical system of (n.) agreement, compromise government rajkaj /fhsfh rajvanshi /fhj+zL (n.) government work, administration (n.) Rajvanshi [a Nepali nationality] rajkaji /fhsfhL rajya /fHo (adj.) relating to government, relating to (n.) kingdom, state, territory administration rajyadhikar /fHolwsf/ rajkanya /fhsGof (n.) power of the state, jura regia (n.) rajyavati /fHojtL rajkumar /fhs'df/ (n.) (n.) prince rakarya /fhsfo{ rajkumari /fhs'df/L (n.) (n.) rakhnu /fVg' rajnaitik /fhg}lts (v.t.) to keep, to protect, to hold (adj.) political raksha /Iff rajnaitik gatividhi /fhg}lts (n.) defence, protection, guard ultljlw political movement raksi /S;L (n.) alcoholic drink rajniti /fhgLlt (n.) politics, political science raktapatpurna /Stkftk"0f{ (adj.) bloody rajnitigya /fhgLlt1 (n.) politician rakumari /fhs'df/L (n.) princess rajnitik /fhgLlts (adj.) political ramailo /dfOnf] (adj.) pleasant rajnitik labh /fhgLlts nfe (n.) political importance ramaunu /dfpg' (v.i.) to be pleased, to feel happy, to feel rajparisad /fhkl/ifb delighted, to be glad (n.)

02.10.2002 107 ramnu /Dg' rastranayak /fi6«gfos (v.i.) to be pleased, to feel happy, to feel (n.) head of state delighted, to be glad rastravad /fi6«jfb ramro /fd|f] (n.) nationalism (adj.) good, beautiful rastravadi /fi6«jfbL rang /¨ (n./adj.) a nationalist, nationalistic (n.) colour rastriya /fli6«o rangamanc /¨d~r (adj.) national (n.) rastriya jagaran /fli6«o hfu/0f rangaunu /+ufpg' national awakening (v.t.) rastriya rastra /fli6«o /fi6« rangicangi /+uLr+uL nation-state (adj.) multi-coloured rastriyata /fli6«otf rangin /+uLg (n.) nationality, nationalism (adj.) coloured rat /t rango /f“uf] (postp.) (n.) water buffalo [male] rat /ft rani /fgL (n.) night (n.) queen rat parcha /ft k5{ ranniti /0fgLlt it's getting dark (n.) strategy rati /flt rap /fk (adv.) at night (n.) heat of the sun, heat of the fire rato /ftf] ras /; (adj.) red (n.) juice, broth rato mato /ftf] df6f] rasiya /;Lof (n.) red clay to paint the wall (n.) Russia raun /f}+ rastra /fi6« (n.) hair of the body (n.) nation ravivar /ljjf/ rastrabhasa /fi6«efiff (n.) Sunday (n.) national language, language of the nation

02.10.2002 108 rayako sag /fofsf] ;fu rodh /f]w (n.) mustard greens [large] (n.) onbstruction, obstacle, hindrance rel /]n rog /f]u (n.) rail (n.) sickness, disease, illness, ailment rica Crf rogi /f]uL (n.) verse, hymn (n.) sick person rihai l/xfO{ rojgar /f]huf/ (n.) (n.) business, trade, employment, profession, occupation rijha l/´ rok /f]s (n.) gladness, happiness, contentment (n.) prohibition, restriction, interdict rina C0f rokinu (n.) debt, loan, due, obligation /f]lsg' (v.i.) to be stopped, to be hindered rini C0fL roknu (n./adj.) debtor, indebted /f]Sg' (v.t.) to prohibit, to obstruct, to hinder, to prevent, to stop ris l/; (n.) anger, wrath, irritation roti /f]6L (n.) bread [made of flour and water without risaeko l/;fPsf] yeast] (adj.) ruci ¿lr risaunu l/;fpg' (n.) interest, liking, taste (v.i.) to be angry, to get irritated rugha ?3f risi Clif (n.) cold, catarrh, chill (n.) sage, saint, wise ascetic rugna ?U0f riti-thiti /Llt–lylt (adj.) ill, sick, unwell, indisposed, motbid, (n.) social customs diseased rittinu l/lQg' runa man lagnu ?g dg nfUg' (v.i.) runu ?g' ritto l/Qf] (v.i.) (adj.) rup ¿k ritu Ct' (n.) countenance, look, form, shape, (n.) season of the year aspect, beauty, guise, semblance, appearance

02.10.2002 109 rupantar ¿kfGt/ sabun ;fa'g (n.) transformation, transition, change of (n.) soap form, metamorphosis, translation, conversion sabunko gaj ;fa'gsf] ufh rupi ¿kL (n.) soap foam (postp.) having the form of, having the sabunko phinja shape of ;fa'gsf] lkm+h (n.) soap foam rupiyan ?lkof“ sabut (n.) Rupee ;a"t (n.) ruvanda ?jf08f sacetak (n.) Ruanda ;r]ts (n.) whip ruvaunu ?jfpg' saciv (v.i.) to cause to weep ;rLj (n.) secretary, advisor, companion saba ;a sacivalaya (adj.) all, everything ;lrjfno (n.) secretariat sabai bhanda ;a} eGbf sadak of all ;8s (n.) road [metalled] sabaijaso ;a}h;f] sadan (pron.) almost all ;bg (n.) residence, house, assembly hall saber ;a]/ sadar (adj.) early ;b/ (n.) saberai ;a]/} sadar upatyaka (adv.) early ;b/ pkTosf (n.) central valley sabha ;ef sadashya (n.) assembly, meeting, gathering ;bZo (n.) member sabhapati ;efklt sadashyaharuprati (n.) chairman [of a meeting, organization or ;bZox¿k|lt daman-niti party] bdg–gLlt sabhyata ;Eotf sadasya ;b:o (n.) civilization, civility, politeness, courtesy, (n.) member good manner sadasyata ;b:otf sabik ;flas (n.) (adj.) former, previous

02.10.2002 110 sadbhavana ;b\efjgf sagaunu ;ufpg' (n.) friendship (v.t.) to help, to assist, to aid sadhain ;w}+ saghaunu ;3fpg' (adv.) always (v.t.) to help, to assist, to aid sadhan ;fwg saglo ;Unf] (n.) material, resource, medium, means, (adj.) whole, complete, undivided equipment sagsabji ;fu;AjL ;fwgf (n.) vegetables (n.) sahabhagi ;xefuL sadharan ;fwf/0f (n.) partner, accomplice (adj.) common, simple, general sahabhagita ;xeflutf sadharan sabha ;fwf/0f ;ef (n.) participation (n.) sahalekhak ;xn]vs sadhe ;f9] (n.) (adj.) half past sahamat ;xdt sadiccha ;lbR5f (n./adv.) agreement, of one and the same (n.) good wishes, good will mind or opinion sadupayog ;b'kof]u sahamati ;xdlt (n.) utilization (n.) agreement, concurrence, content sadyantra if8\oGq sahan ;xg (n.) conspiracy, plot, intrigue (n.) endurance, enduring, bearing sagapat ;fukft sahanu ;xg' (n.) (leafy) vegetables (v.t.) to forbear, to endure, to brook, to sustain, to withstand sagar ;fu/ sahara (n.) ;xf/f (n.) help, assistance, support sagar ;u/ sahasrabdi (n.) sky, heaven ;x;|fAbL (n.) millennium sagarkhand ;u/vG8 sahaya ;xfo (n.) sweet potato (n.) help, assistance, support sagarmatha ;u/dfyf sahaya ;xfo (n.) Sagarmatha, Chomolungma, Mount Everest (n.) help, assistance, support

02.10.2002 111 sahayak ;xfos sainik ;}lgs (n.) (adj.) military sahayak nadi ;xfos gbL sainik viman ;}lgs ljdfg (n.) (n.) sahayata ;xfotf saintis ;}+tL; (n.) help, assistance, support (num.) sahayog ;xof]u saja ;hf (n.) cooperation (n.) punishment, confinement, penalty sahayog samiti ;xof]u ;ldlt sajaya ;hfo (n.) cooperative society (n.) punishment, confinement, penalty sahayogi ;xof]uL sajha ;f´f (n.) colleague, supporter, assistant, friend (n.) cooperative, joint enterprise sahinlo ;flx+nf] sajilo ;lhnf] (n.) third eldest [of brothers] (adj.) easy, simple sahitya ;flxTo sakali ;snL (n.) literature (adj.) original, true, pure, good, genuine sahityakar ;flxTosf/ sakbhar ;se/ (n.) writer, author (adv.) as much as possible sahityashastra ;flxTozf:q sakesamma cando ;s];Dd rf“8f] (n.) poetics, rhetoric, literature (comp.) as fast as possible, as soon as possible sahityik ;flxlTos saknu (adj.) literary ;Sg' (v.t.) to be able; to finish, to complete sahu ;fx' saksham ;Ifd (n.) merchant, trader, money-lender, banker (adj.) sahu ;fx" sakshar ;fIf/ (n.) shopkeeper, merchant, trader, businessman, moneylender (adj.) literate sahuni ;fx'gL saksharta ;fIf/tf (n.) shop keeper (n.) literacy saiddhantik ;}4flGts sal ;fn (adj.) according top principle, theoretical (n.) year [of vikram samvat]

02.10.2002 112 salah ;nx samagra ;du| (n.) locust (adj.) whole, all, entire, complete salai ;nfO{ samaj ;dfh (n.) matches (n.) society salaiko batta ;nfO{ a§f samaj shastra ;dfh zf:q (n.) match-box (n.) sociology salakhala ;fnfvfnf samajik ;fdflhs (adj.) on the average (adj.) social salana ;fnfgf samajvad ;fdfHjfb (adj.) (n.) socialism sali ;fnL samajvadi ;fdfHjfbL (n.) wife's younger sister (n./adj.) socialist salig ;flnu samajvadi rajya ;fdfHjfbL /fHo (n.) statue, effigy, idol, image (n.) salik ;flns samaksha ;dIf (n.) statue, effigy, idol, image (postp.) before, in front of, salinda ;flnGbf samalocana ;dfnf]rgf (adj.) (n.) review sallaha ;Nnfx saman ;fdfg (n.) consultation, advice, counsel, (n.) things, materials, apparatus, tools, conference, deliberation belongings, appliances sallahakar ;Nnfxsf/ saman ;dfg advisor, consultant (adj.) similar, equal, alike, uniform, equivalent, identical, tantamount salo ;fnf] samanta (n.) wif's younger brother ;dfgtf (n.) equality, equivalence, parity, similarity, likeness salvalaunu ;njnfpg' (v.i.) samanti ;fdGtL (adj.) feudal, feudatory samacar ;dfrf/ (n.) news, information samanvaya ;dGjo (n.) combination, union, uniformity, samadhan ;dfwfg harmony, natural succession (n.) solving the problem, cracking the nuts, removel of doubts

02.10.2002 113 samanya ;fdfGo samatal ;dtn (adj.) ordinary, general, common, usual, (adj.) trivial, insignificant samay ;do samanya ling ;fdfGo ln¨ (n.) time, period, season, opportunity, (n.) double gender leisure, occasion samanya nam ;fdfGo gfd sambal ;Dan (n.) generic term (n.) support samapta ;dfKt sambandha ;DaGw (adj.) finished, completed, accomplished (n.) relation, relationship, connection, association, affinity samarpan ;dk{0f sambandhi (n.) offering, dedication, surrender, ;DaGwL deliverynce, disposal, assignment (suff.) related with, pertaining to samartha ;dy{ sambandhi sarvanam ;DaGwL ;j{gfd (adj.) mighty, powerful, strong, able (n.) relative pronoun samarthak ;dy{s sambhavana ;Defjgf (n./adj.) supporter, vindicator; supporting (n.) possibility, probability samarthan ;dy{g sambhavatah ;DejtM (n.) support, ratification, corroboration (adv.) possible, in all probability samarthata ;dy{tf sambhranta ;De|fGt (n.) (adj.) perplexed, confused, bewildered samasta ;d:t sambodhan ;Daf]wg (adj.) (n.) address, calling aloud; vocative case samasti ;dli6 samcar ;Drf/ (n.) collectiveness, totality, aggregate (n.) news, information samastigat ;dli6ut samdhi ;DwL (adv.) collectively (n.) son's father-in-law, daughter's father-in- law samasya ;d:o samdhini ;lDwgL (n.) problem, dilemma (n.) son's mother-in-law, daughter's mother- in-law samasyagrasta ;d:ofu|:t (adj.) problematic samet ;d]t (postp.) with, together with, including, samata ;dtf included (n.) equalness, similarity, evenness

02.10.2002 114 saminya ;fdLGo samparka ;Dks{ (adj.) simple, common (n.) company, association, union samiti ;ldlt sampradaya ;Dk|fbfo (n.) committee (n.) samjhana ;D´gf sampurna ;Dk"0f{ (n.) remembrance, reminiscence, memory (adj.) samma ;Dd samrat ;d|f6\ (postp.) upto, as far as (n.) emperor, sovereign, king of the kings sammat ;Ddt samriddha ;d[4 (adv.) (adj.) important sammati ;Ddlt samu ;fd' (n.) opinion, consent, approval, permission, (postp.) acceptance, assent samuccaya ;d'Rro sammelan ;Dd]ng (n.) (n.) meating, conference samudaya ;d'bfo sammilit ;DdLlnt (n.) collection, assemblage, group (adj.) with eyes shut, with eyes closed, covered samudayavacak nam ;d'bfojfrs gfd sammyaunu ;DDofpg' (n.) collective noun, generic term (v.t.) to level, to make plain samudayik ;fd'bflos sampadak ;Dkfbs (adj.) collective, pertaining to community (n.) editor samudra ;d'b| sampadakiya ;DkfbsLo (n.) sea, ocean (adj.) editorial samudra sataha ;d'b|–;tx sampadakiya sahayak ;DkfbsLo ;xfos (n.) sea level (n.) assistant editor samuha ;d"x (n.) collection, assemblage, group sampadakiya vibhag ;DkfbsLo ljefu samuhik ;d"lxs (n.) editorial department (adj.) collective sampanna ;DkGg samunnati ;d'Gglt (adj.) rich, well-off, prosperous, wealthy, well-to-do (n.) progress, development, elevation, rise

02.10.2002 115 samyatantra ;fDotGq sanga ;ª (n.) communism (postp.) with, along with samyavad ;fDojfb sangai lanu ;ª} nfg' (n.) communism (v.t.) to take along, to take away samyavadi ;fDojfbL sangasangai ;ª;ª} (n./adj.) communist (adj.) together san ;g sanggathan ;¨7g (n.) jute (n.) organization, union, league sana buva ;fgf a'jf sanggathanatmak ;+u7gfTds (n.) mother's younger sister's husband (adj.) sancalan ;+rfng sanggathanik ;¨7lgs (n.) (adj.) sancalan ;~rng sanggharsa ;+3if{ (n.) movement (n.) struggle, conflict, strife, friction sancalit ;~rflnt sangh ;+3 (adj.) (n.) assembly, association, multitude, monastery sancar ;~rf/ sanghu ;f“3' (n.) movement, motion (n.) sancaran ;~r/0f sangkalan (n.) movement, motion ;Íng (n.) collection, compilation sanco ;f“rf] sangkalpa (n./adj.) 1. key ;ÍNk 2. true, sincere, genuine, real (n.) solemn promise, resolve, solution, determination sandarbha ;Gbe{ sangkat (n.) ;+s6 (n.) distress, peril, caöamity, agony sandarbha-suci ;Gbe{–;"rL sangkat (n.) ;Í6 (n.) hint, symbol, gesture, sign sandesh ;Gb]z sangketik ;fª\s]lts (n.) (adj.) token, nominal, symbolic, indicative sandhe ;f“9] sanglo ;fª\nf] (n.) bull (n.) roach

02.10.2002 116 sanguro ;f“u'/f] sanrakshan ;+/If0f (adj.) (n.) guardianship, patronage, protection, conservation, tutelage sangyojik ;+of]lhs sansad ;+;b (n.) conjunction (n.) parliament sangyukta rastra ;+o'Qm /fi6« ;+3 sangh sansadiya ;“;bLo United Nations Organization (adj.) parliamentary sani ama ;fgL cfdf sansadiya vyavastha ;“;bLo Joj:yf (n.) mother's younger sister (n.) parliamentary affairs sanishcavar ;lgZrjf/ sanshodhan ;+zf]wg (n.) Saturday (n.) correction, purification, refinement, revision, amendment sanivar ;lgjf/ (n.) Saturday sanshodhit ;+zf]lwt (adj.) sanjha ;f“´ (adv.) in the evening sanskar ;+:sf/ (n.) reformation, initiation, purification sanjha paryo ;f“´ k¥oF] it became evening sanskaran ;+:s/0f (n.) sankhyabodhak ;+Voaf]ws (adj.) numerical [grammar] sanskrit ;+:s[t (n.) Sanskrit sankhyamatrabodhak ;+Vofdfqaf]ws (n.) cardinal number sanskriti ;+:s[lt (n.) culture, cuatoms, tradition sankramankal ;+qmd0fsfn (n.) sanskritik ;+:s[lts (adj.) cultural sano ;fgf] (adj.) small, little, inferior sanskritmaya ;+:s[tdo (adj.) sanskritized, full of Sanskrit sanp ;f“k (n.) snake sansmaran ;+:d/0f (n.) sanracana ;+/rgf (n.) structure, composition, anatomy sanstha ;+:yf (n.) institution, establishment sanrakshak ;+/Ifs (n.) keeper, preserver, guardian sansthagat ;+:yfut (adj.) institutional

02.10.2002 117 sansthan ;+:yfg sanvedanshil ;+j]bgzLn (n.) (adj.) sensitive, sensible, feeling sansthapan ;+:yfkg sanvidhan ;+ljwfg (n.) establishment, founding, initiation, (n.) constitution inauguration, foundation saph ;fkm santa ;Gt (adj.) (n.) mendicant, ascetic, pious person, devotee sapha ;kmf (adj.) clean, clear, pure, transparent santa-mahanta ;Gt–dxGt (n.) holy men saphal ;kmn (adj.) successful, effective, fruitful santan ;Gtfg (n.) family, extended family, lineage, saphalibhut ;kmnLe"t genealogy, offsoring, children, breeding (adj.) santanabbe ;GtfgAa] saphalta (num.) ninety-seven, 97 ;kmntf (n.) success, achievement santan-nigraha ;Gtfg–lgu|x sar (n.) ;f/ (n.) santan-nirodh ;Gtfg–lg/f]w sara (n.) ;f/f (adj.) all, whole, entire, complete santaunna ;GtfpGg saraha (num.) fifty-seven, 57 ;/x (adj.) santulan ;Gt'ng saral (n.) equalization, making equal ;/n (adj.) easy, simple, plain, straightforward, upright, sincere sanu ;fg' (adj.) small, little, inferior saranggi ;f/¨L (n.) sanu ;fg" (adj.) small, little, inferior sarapnu ;/fKg' (v.t.) to curse sanvaidhanik ;+j]wflgs (adj.) constitutional saripha ;l/kmf (n.) custard-apple sanvarddhan ;+j4{g (n.) sarkar ;/sf/ (n.) government, administration

02.10.2002 118 sarkari ;/sf/L sarvekshan ;j]{If0f (adj.) governmental, public, official, (n.) survey administrative sarvesarva ;j]{;jf{ sarkari bhasa ;/sf/L efiff (adj.) (n.) official language sasana ;f;gf sarnu ;fg'{ (n.) punishment, suppression (v.t.) to move, to remove, to shift, to copy, to infect sashakta ;zQm (adj.) potential, powerful, strong, forceful sarnu ;g'{ (v.i.) to move, to spread sashastra ;z:q (adj.) armed, equipped with arms sarp ;k{ (n.) snake sasto ;:tf] (adj.) cheap sarva ;j{ (adj.) all, entire, whole, complete sasu ;f;" (n.) mother-in-law sarvahara ;j{xf/f (n.) proletariat sasura ;;'/f (n.) father-in-law sarvajan ;j{hg (pron.) sasuro ;;'/f] (n.) father-in-law sarvajanik ;fj{hlgs (adj.) public sat ;t\ (n.) sarvanam ;j{gfd (n.) pronoun sat ;ft (num.) seven sarvanamik ;fj{gflds (adj.) pronominal sata ;ftf (n.) week, period of seven days sarvapracin ;j{k|frLg (adj.) sataha ;tx (n.) sarvashrestha ;j{>]i7 (adj.) satahi ;6xL (n.) sarvasva ;j{:j (n.) entire property, everything satani ;6gL (n.) change, exhange, interchange sarvatomukhi ;j{tf]d'lv (adj.) universal, all pervading

02.10.2002 119 satasi ;tf;L sattarudh ;Qf?9 (num.) eighty-seven, 87 (adj.) ruling, wielding power sataun ;ftf}+ satu ;ft' (adj.) seventh (n.) flour of dryfried corn satcalis ;TrfnL; ;To (num.) forty-seven (adj.) true, real, right, veritable, correct, honest sath ;fy saun ;fpg (postp.) with, including (n.) fourth month of the Nepali year [July- August] sathattar ;txQ/ (num.) seventy-seven, 77 saundarya ;f}Gbo{ beauty, charm, pretiness sathi ;fyL (n.) friend, companion saunvar ;fp“jf/ (n.) Monday sathi ;f7L (num.) sixty, 60 saurya ;f}o{ (adj.) solar ;tL (n.) Sati, virtuous wife, chaste woman, sauta ;f}tf faithful woman (n.) co-wife satopuglo ;ftf]k'Unf] sava (n.) spirit, presence of mind ;jf (adj.) a quarter past satra ;q saval ;jfn (num.) seventeen, 17 (n.) question, plumb, a laden weight on a line satsatthi ;T;6\7L (num.) sixty-seven, 67 saya ;o (num.) hundred, 100 satta ;§f (n.) change, exhange, interchange sekaunu ;]sfpg' (v.t.) to roast, to warm up satta ;§f (n.) speculation sekuva ;]s'jf (n.) roasted meat sattais ;QfO{; (num.) twenty-seven, 27 selaunu ;]nfpg' (v.t.) to cool sattari ;Q/L (num.) seventy, 70

02.10.2002 120 selroti ;\n/f]6L shaktiparikshan zlQmk/LIf0f (n.) Nepalese doughnut made of rice flour (n.) sepilo ;]lknf] shaktishali zlQmzfnL (adj.) shaded, dark (adj.) powerful, strong seto ;]tf] shamel zfd]n (adj.) white (adj.) assembled, gathered together, united together ;]jf shamil zfldn (n.) service, attendance, worship (adj.) assembled, gathered together, united together sevan ;]jg (n.) service, attendance, worship shangka zÍf (n.) doubt, suspicion, apprehension zAb (n.) word shankalu z+sfn' (adj.) suspicious, questionable, prone to shabdakos zAbsf]if suspicion, vague (n.) dictionary shankaradeva z+s/b]j shahar zx/ (n.) (n.) town shanta zfGt shaharikaran zx/Ls/0f (adj.) calm, quiet, mild, serene, pacific, (n.) urbanization grave, silent shahi zfxL sharad z/b (adj.) royal (n.) early autumn shahid zfxLb sharan z/0f (n.) martyr (n.) protection, shelter shakta zQm sharanarthi z/0ffyL{ (adj.) (n.) refugee, shelter-seeker shakti zlQm sharat z/t (n.) strength, power, prowess, capability, (n.) early autumn calibre, vigour, energy sharir z/L/ shaktihina zlQmxLg (n.) body (adj.) shasak zf;s shaktiman zlQmdfg (n.) administrator, ruler, governor (adj.)

02.10.2002 121 shasakiya zf;sLo shatruta zq'tf (adj.) governmental, administrative, public (n.) enmity, hostility shasan zf;g shaucalaya zf}rfno (n.) command, authority, governance, reign (n.) rest room, toilet shasan parivartan zf;g kl/jt{g shav zj (n.) coup, putsch (n.) corpse shasana zf;gf shayad zfob (n.) punishment, suppression (adv.) perhaps, maybe shasankal zf;gsfn sherpa z]kf{ (n.) (n.) Sherpa [a Nepali nationality] shasankarta zf;gstf{ shikariko svarg lzsf/Lsf] :ju{ (n.) administrator, ruler, governor (n.) hunting paradise shasanpaddhati zf;gk4lt lzIff (n.) (n.) education shasan-pranali zf;g–k|0ffnL shikshak lzIfs (n.) government, constitution (n.) teacher shasantantra zf;gktGq shikshan lzIf0f (n.) government, constituion (n.) shasit zfl;t shir lz/ (adj.) (n.) head, crest, noddle, summit, top of anything shastra z:q Shista (n.) weapon, arms, tool, instrument lzi6 (adj.) gentle, polite, mannerly, civil, wellbred, refined, trained shatabda ztfAb (n.) century shisya lzio (n.) shatabdi ztfAbL (n.) century shitilta lzltntf (n.) shatak zts (adj.) hundred, 100 shlok Zn]]s (n.) verse, stanza, poetry, couplet shatru zq' (n.) enemy

02.10.2002 122 shobha zf]ef shukravar z'qmjf/ (n.) beauty, handsomeness, magnificence, (n.) Friday elegance, lustre, replendence shunya z"Go shos zf]if (n./adj.) empty, nill, zero (n.) suction, drying up, withering, dryness, absorption, sucking shura z"/ (adj.) shosak zf]ifs (adj.) absorbent, withering shuru z'¿ (n.) start, beginning shosan zf]if0f (n.) suction, drying up, withering, dryness, shuru garnu absorption, sucking, exploitation z'¿ ug'{ to start, to begin shosit zf]lift shyarpa (adj.) exploited Zofkf{ (n.) Sherpa [a Nepali nationality] shram >d siddhanta (n.) hard labour, toil, exertion l;4fGt (n.) doctrine, tenet, established truth shravan >fj0f siddhi (n.) fourth month of the Nepali year [July- l;l4 August] (n.) perfection, accomplishment, maturity, fulfilment, victory shri >L siddhyaunu (n.) Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss l;4Øfpg' (v.t.) to finish, to complete, to kill shrilangka >LnÍf sikkim (n.) Sri Lanka l;lSsd (n.) Sikkim shriman >Ldfg siknu (n.) husband l;Sg' (v.t.) to learn shrimati >LdtL silbar (n.) wife l;Na/ (n.) aluminium shuddha z'4 siling (adj.) l;lnª (n.) ceiling shukavar z'sjf/ sima (n.) Friday ;Ldf (n.) boundary, border, limit, landmark shukla paksha z'Sn kIf simana (comp.) the moonlit half of a lunar month l;dfgf (n.) boundary, border, limit, landmark

02.10.2002 123 simi l;dL sirak l;/s (n.) bean (n.) quilt simit ;Lldt sirani l;/fgL (adj.) (n.) pillow sinbi l;+aL sirjana l;h{gf (n.) bean (n.) creation, formation, construction sincai l;+rfO sisa ;L;f (n.) (n.) lead sincit l;l~rt l;t (adj.) irrigated, drenched (postp.) with, along with sindur l;+b"/ siune kal l;pg] sn (n.) (n.) sewing machine sindure l;+b"/] siunu l;pg' (adj.) scarlet, vermilion-coloured (v.i.) to sew, to stitch singgapur l;+ufk'/ siyo l;of] Singapur (n.) needle sinha l;+x skulma padhnu :s"ndf k9\g' (n.) lion (comp.) to go to school sinhasan l;+xf;g smaran-patra :d/0f–kq (n.) (n.) reminder, memorandum sinki l;GsL smarika :dfl/sf (n.) soured raddish, fermented raddish (n.) sip ;Lk :d[lt (n.) handicraft, handiwork, art, craft, arts (n.) memory, remembrance, memento and crafts, skill smriti-patra :d[lt–kq sipahi l;kfxL (n.) reminder, memorandum (n.) soldier snan :gfg sipalu l;kfn' (n.) bath (adj.) skilful, experienced, clever, skilled snankotha :gfgsf]7f sipharish l;kmfl/z (n.) bathroom (n.)

02.10.2002 124 so ;f] steshan :6]zg (adj.) that, that one, he, she (n.) station sobhita ;f]letf sthagit :ylut (n.) cobalt (adj.) postpones, adjourned socnu ;f]Rg' sthan :yfg (v.t.) to think, to ponder, to consider (n.) place, spot, site, position, house sodhakhoj ;f]wvf]h sthaniya :yfgLo (n.) research program, research project (adj.) local, territorial, regional, topical sohra ;f]x| sthapan :yfkg (num.) sixteen, 16 (n.) establishment, foundation, setting up, creation, planting, placing sojho ;f]´f] sthapana (adj.) straigt, straigtforward, honest :yfkgf (n.) establishment, foundation, setting up, creation, planting, placing somvar ;f]djf/ (n.) Monday sthapi :yflk (adv.) sopan ;f]kfg (n.) steps, ladder, staircase sthapit :yflkt (adj.) propounded, founded, established, spast :ki6 instituted, set up, fixed, placed, erected, (adj.) distinct, clear, intelligible, lucid, installed apparent, evident sthayi :yfoL sresta ;|:tf (adj.) pßermanent, stationary, fast, durable, (n.) lasting, stable, steady srot ;|f]t sthayitva :yfloTj (n.) current, stream, channel, water course, (n.) permanence, durability, sustainment source of income sthira l:y/ srot ra sadhan >f]t / ;fwg (adj.) (n.) resources sthirata l:y/tf stambha :tDe (n.) (n.) column sthiratva l:y/Tjf stan :tg (n.) (n.) breast sthiti l:ylt stava :tj (n.) place, position, circumstance, (n.) condition, phase, equilibrium

02.10.2002 125 striling :qLln¨ sukhiya ;'lvof (n.) female [grammar] (adj.) stuti :t'lt sukti ;"lQm (n.) (n.) good saying, beautiful sentence subista ;'la:tf sukul ;'s'n (n.) easiness, comfort (n.) a kind of straw mat, a person of high or respectable family subistako ;'la:tfsf] sukumvasi ;'s'djf;L (adj.) (n./adj.) a homeless person, homeless sucana ;"rgf sukuti ;'s'6L (n.) notice, notification, information, advertisement, indication, hint (n.) dried meat, jerk sucanapatra ;"rgfkq sun ;'g (n.) advertisement, notice (n.) gold suci ;"rL sunaulo ;'gf}nf] (n.) (adj.) golden sudhar ;'wf/ sunaunu ;'gfpg' (n.) improvement, reform, reformation, (v.t.) to make others hear, to tell correction, amendment, renovationr sundar ;'Gb/ sudharak ;'wf/s (adj.) beautiful, nice, pretty, charming (n.) sundha ;'“9 sudharnu ;'wfg'{ (n.) (v.t.) sungur ;'“u'/ sudridha ;'b[9 (n.) pig, hog (adv.) very strong, very firm, very rigid suntala ;'Gtnf suga ;'uf (n.) tangerine (n.) parrot suntale ;'Gtn] sujhau ;'´fp (adj.) orange-coloured (n.) suggestion, advice, counsel sunuvar ;'g'jf/ sujhav ;'´fj (n.) Sunuwar [a Nepali nationality] (n.) suggestion, advice, counsel supari ;'kf/L sukhi ;'vL (n.) areca nut (adj.)

02.10.2002 126 suraksha ;'/Iff sutne kotha ;'Tg] sf]7f protection, security (n.) bed room surakshit ;'/lIft sutnu ;'Tg' (adj.) well protected, in safety (v.i.) to sleep, to go to sleep, to go to bed, to lie down surti ;'tL{ sutrapat (n.) tobacco ;"qkft (n.) suruva ;'?jf suvidha ;'ljwf (n.) meat broth, meat soup (n.) facility, convenience ;"o{ suvista ;'lj:tf (n.) sun (n.) easiness, comfort surya ;"o{ svabhav (n.) sun :jefj (n.) habit, nature, temperament, character susajjit ;';lHht svabhavatah (adj.) :jefjtM (adv.) naturally, by nature susangat ;';+ut svabhavik :jefljs susangata ;';+utf (adj.) (n.) svaccha :jR5 susangati ;';+ult (adj.) clean, clear, pure, transparent (n.) svad :jfb suselnu ;';]Ng' (n.) taste (v.t.) to whistle svadhin :jfwLg suselo ;';]nf] (adj.) (n.) svadhinta :jfwLgtf sushasan ;'zf;g (n.) (n.) good government, good rule, good svami administration :jfdL (n.) master, owner, lord, proprietor, husband sushri ;'>L (n.) Miss svar :j/ (n.) voice, sound, tune, tone, vowel susta ;':t (adj.) lazy, slow, idle, tardy, inactive svarg :ju{ (n.)

02.10.2002 127 svargavas :ju{jf; svayatta :jfoQ (n.) death, passing away (adj.) autonomous, under one's control svarup :j¿k svayatta shasan :jfoQ zf;g (n.) shape, form, apperarance (n.) autonomy, self-government svasni :jf:gL svayattashasi :jfoQzf;L (n.) wife [common] (adj.) svasnimanche :jf:gLdfG5] svayattata :jfoQtf (n.) woman (n.) svasth :j:y svikar :jLsf/ (adj.) healthy (n.) acceptance, confession, assent, agreement svasthya :jf:Yo svikrit (n.) health :jLs[t (adj.) accepted, agreed, consented, conferred svatah :jtM (adj.) voluntarily, spontaneous, of one's svikriti :jLs[lt own accord (n.) acceptance, sanction, approbation, acknowledgement, consent svatantra :jtGq (adj.) free syal :ofn (n.) jackal svatantrata :jtGqtf (n.) freedom, independence syau :ofp (n.) apple svatantrata divas :jtGqtf lbj; (n.) independence day tadha 6f9f (adj.) far (away) svayam :jod (adv.) personally, self tadkanu t8\sg' (v.i.) to walk speedily, to shout, to cry svayambhunath :jfoDe"gfy (n.) Swayambhunath tadkinu t8\lsg' (v.i.) to walk speedily, to shout, to cry svayamev :jod]j (adv.) personally, self tai tfO{ (n.) flat iron pan svayamsevak :jod;]js (n.) volunteer taipani t}klg (conj.) though, notwithstanding svayang :jo+ (adj.)

02.10.2002 128 taja tfhf talkinu 6lNsg' (adj.) (v.i.) to shine, to glitter, to sparkle tak tfs talmel tfnd]n (n.) time, hour, opportunity, chance (n.) co-ordination, concordance, harmony, agreement tak 6s talu (n.) tfn' (n.) palate takaliph tsnLkm tama tfdf (n.) trouble, pain, affliction (n.) copper takiya tlsof tamakhu tdfv' (n.) pillow (n.) tobacco takuro 6fs'/f] tamang (n.) tfdfª (n.) Tamang [a Nepali nationality] tal tfn tamsanu (n.) lake tD;g' (v.i.) to be forward, to be active tala tfnf tamu td' (n.) lock (n.) Tamu, Gurung [a Nepali nationality] tala tn tanahun tgx'“ (postp.) down, below (n.) tala tnf tanav (n.) floor tgfj (n.) tension, tenseness, strain, tautness talak tns tanba (postp.) upto, as long as tf“af (n.) copper talca tfNrf tanda tGbf (n.) lock (n.) bed-sheet talika tflnsf tannu tfGg' (n.) list, key, table, schedule (v.t.) to draw, to pull, to drag talim tfnLd tansnu (n.) training, teaching 6f“:g' (v.t.) to stick, to fasten, to join talkanu 6Nsg' tap (v.i.) to shine, to glitter, to sparkle tk (n.) penance, practice, heat, warmth

02.10.2002 129 tap tfk tark ts{ (n.) (n.) debate, discussion, argument tapani tfklg tarkari tsf{gL (conj.) although, nevertheless (n.) vegetable curry tapari 6k/L tarnu tfg'{ (n.) (v.t.) to deep fry tapke tfKs] tarph tkm{ (n.) frying pan (conj.) towards tar t/ tarph tkm{ (n.) cream (n.) direction, side tara tf/f tarphbata tkm{af6 (n.) star (postp.) on the part of, from tara t/ tarul t?n (conj.) but (n.) yam taranga t/¨ tarun t?0f (n.) (n.) young man, youth, juvenile taraph t/km taruno t?gf] (n.) direction, side (n.) young man, youth, juvenile taraph t/km tasartha t;y{ (conj.) towards (int.) on account of that, from that reason, therefore tarbuja ta'{hf taskar (n.) watermelon t:s/ (n.) smuggler tari khet 6f/L v]t taskari t:s/L (n.) terraced field (n.) smuggling tarika t/Lsf tat t6 (n.) method, manner, way, means (n.) shore, bank, beach, coast tarikh tf/Lv tatastha (n.) date [according to the western calendar] t6:y (adj.) neutral, objective, indifferent tariko sag tf/Lsf] ;fu tataunu (n.) mustard greens [small] ttfpg' (v.t.) to heat, to warm up

02.10.2002 130 tatha tyf tebbar t]Aa/ (conj.) and (adj.) tathya tYo tehra t]x| (n.) truth, reality, substance (num.) thirteen, 13 tato 6f6f] teis t]O{; (n.) mark, spot, scar, stain (num.) twenty-three, 23 tato tftf] tekne lauro 6]Sg] nf}/f] (adj.) warm, hot (n.) staff, walking stick tato pani tftf] kfgL telbij t]naLh (n.) hot water, warm water (n.) oilseed tQj telhan t]nxg (n.) (n.) tau tfp tenis 6]lg; (n.) sheet of paper (n.) tennis tauko 6fpsf] ternu 6]g'{ (n.) head (v.t.) taulanu tf}ng' tesro t];|f] (v.t.) to weigh, to compare (adj.) third tauliya tf}lnof tesro dhrava t];|f] „j (n.) towel (n.) third pole tavar tj/ tettis t]QL; (n.) manner, way, mode, method (num.) thirty-three, 33 tayar tof/ thag 7u (adv.) ready (n.) cheat, knave, swindler tayar garnu tof/ ug'{ thagaha 7ufxf (v.t.) to make ready (n.) cheat, knave, swindler tayar hunu tof/ x'g' thagnu 7Ug' (v.i.) to be ready, to make ready (v.i.) to cheat, to deceive tayarima tof/Ldf thaha yfxf (adv.) (n.)

02.10.2002 131 thakai ysfO thannu 7fGg' (n.) fatigue, weariness, exhaustion (v.t.) to think, to determine thakali ysfnL thapnu yfKg' (n.) Thakali [a Nepali nationality] (v.t.) to establish, to erect, to place thaknu yfSg' thar y/ (v.i.) to get tired, to become tired, to be (n.) clan, tribe, subcaste exhausted tharkaunu ysf{pg' thal yfn (v.t.) to frighten, to shake (n.) plate tharu yf? thali yfnL (n.) Tharu [a Nepali nationality] (n.) small plate thati yfgL thalni yfNgL (n.) pawn, stake, postponement (n.) thaun 7fp“ thalnu yfNg' (n.) place, spot, opportunity (v.t.) to begin, to start, to commence thegnu y]Ug' thalo ynf] (v.i.) (n.) theknu 7]Sg' thamaunu 7dfpg' (v.t.) (v.t.) thicnu lyRg' thami yfdL (v.t.) to press, to crush, to squeeze (n.) Thami [a Nepali nationality] thik 7Ls thamyaunu 7Dofpg' (adj.) right, correct (v.t.) to recognise, to know thiti l76L thana yfgf (n.) (n.) police station. police post thiti lylt thana 7fgf (n.) (n.) police station. police post thiti-riti lylt–l/lt thanda 708f (n.) (adj.) thito l66f] thanda marubhumi 708f d?e"ld (n.) (n.) tundra

02.10.2002 132 thople yf]Kn] tighra lt3|f (adj.) spotted (n.) thigh thopo yf]kf] tihun ltx'g (n.) (n.) vegetable stew thor yf]/ tikho tLvf] (adj.) (adj.) thorai yf]/} tiknu l6Sg' (adj.) a little, few (v.i.) to last, to remain, to endure thuli ama 7"nL cfdf til tLn (n.) father's elder brother's wife, mother's (n.) sesame elder sister tin l6g thulo 7"nf] (n.) tin (adj.) big tin tLg thulo ba 7"nf] af (num.) three, 3 (n.) father's elder brother, mother's elder sister's husband tinma ltgdf under it, under them, under there thulo buva 7"nf] a'jf (n.) father's elder brother, mother's elder tinma adhi bhanda sister's husband ltgdf cf3L kehi badhi eGbf s]xL a9L thunse y'G;] a little bit more than half of them (n.) a large close-meshed basket tippani l6Kk0fL thunuva y'g'jf (n.) note, annotation, comment, observation, critical remark (adj.) tippani l6Kk0fL thuprai aunu y'k|} cfpg' (n.) note, annotation, commentary (v.i.) to pour in, to swarm in tippanikar l6Kk0fLsf/ thupro y'k|f] (n.) commentator (n.) heap, mound, pile, crowd tira lt/ ti tL (postp.) towards, in direction to (pron.) those tirnu ltg'{ tibbat ltAat (v.t.) tp pay (n.) Tibet tirsana lt;{gf (n.)

02.10.2002 133 tis tL; tritiyapurusvacak t[tLo (num.) thirty, 30 k'?ifjfrs (n.) third person [grammar] ltly (n.) date [according to the astrological triyakalap lqofsnfk calendar] (n.) titri ltqL triyanabbe lqofgAa] (n.) a sour fruit [relished for pickle], tamarind (num.) ninety-three, 93 toknu tf]Sg' triyasi lqof;L (v.t.) (num.) eighty-three, 83 toli 6f]nL tukra 6'qmf (n.) small group, btch, party, team (n.) a small piece, topalnu 6f]kNg' tukrinu 6'lqmg' (v.t.) to pretend, to make a pretext (v.i.) to be divided to pieces tori tf]/L tulana t'ngf (n.) mustard (n.) torika phul dekhnu tf]/Lsf kmn tunginu 6'+lug' b]Vg' (v.i.) to come to an end, to be finished, to to be astonished be completed tran qf0f tupi 6'kL (n.) protection, defence, safety (n.) pig-tail tribhuj lqe'h turunta t'?Gt (n.) (adj.) immediate tricalis lqrfnL; tyag Tofu (num.) forty-three, 43 (n.) desertion, abandonment trihattar lqxQ/ tyahan Toxf“ (num.) seventy-three, 73 (adv.) there tripanna lqkGg tyas tak To; tfs (num.) fifty-three, 53 (adv.) at that time trisatthi lq;6\7L tyasai To;} (num.) sixty-three, 63 (adv.) tritiya purus t[tLo k'?if tyasaile To;}n] (n.) third person [ling.] (conj.) therefore, so

02.10.2002 134 tyaso hunale To;f] x'gfn] udaharaniya pbfx/0fLo (conj.) so, thus (adj.) tyasprati To;k|lt udan p8fg (adv.) in this connection, concerning this (n.) flight, act of flying or fleeing tyasto To:tf] udar pbf/ (pron.) such, that kind of, like that (adj.) high minded, munificent, generous, open-hearted, noble-minded tyatiko Toltsf] udarashaya pbf/fzo (adj.) that much, that big (adj.) ubhayaling peoln¨ udarta pbf/tf (n.) double gender (n.) ubhinu pleg' udarvad (v.i.) to stand up, to stand, to get up pbf/jfb (n.) ubhyaunu pEofpg' udarvadi (v.t.) to cause to stand, to raise up pbf/jfbL (n.) ubjani pAhgL udas pbf; (n.) production, productivity (adj.) sad ubjanu pAhg' udasi pbf;L (v.i.) to grow, to grow up, to be produced (adj.) sad ubjaunu pAhfpg' udaunu (v.t.) to produce, to cause to grow p8fpg' (v.t.) to cause to fly; to waste, to squander, to gobble ubranu pa|g' (v.i.) to be left over udaunu pbfpg' (v.i.) to rise (sun or moon) ucalnu prfNg' (v.t.) to lift up udaya pbo (n.) rising, ascent, dawning ucca pRr (adj.) uddesh p2]z (n.) desire, wish, intention, purpose ucca parvatiya pRr kj{tLo (adj.) alpine uddeshya p2]Zo (n.) aim, objective udaharan pbfx/0f (n.) instance, example, illustration uddhar p4f/ (n.) kindness, charity

02.10.2002 135 udgar pb\uf/ ujyalo pHofnf] (n.) exclamation, emotional statement (adj.) light udharnu pwfg{ ukali psfnL (v.t.) to rip up (n.) upward gradient udhinnu plwÌ' ukalnu psfNg' (v.t.) to dig up, to pick out, to find out, to (v.t.) to lift search, to select ukalo psfnf] udnu p8\g' (n./adj.) steepness, upward gradient; steep (v.i.) to fly ukasnu psf:g' udus p8'; (v.t.) ro raise, to rouse (n.) bedbug ukelnu ps]Ng' udyamashil pBdzLn (v.t.) to vomit, to spew out (adj.) industrial ukhan pvfg udyat pBt (n.) proverb, saying, aphorism (adj.) ready, prepared, raised, brought up ukhelnu pv]Ng' udyog pBf]u (v.t.) to uproot, to remove (n.) industry, enterprise, effort, diligence ukhu pv' udyogi pBf]uL (n.) sugar cane (adj.) industrious ukkaunu pSsfpg' ugharnu p3fg'{ (v.t.) to break open, to initiate (v.t.) to open, to unlock ukkinu plSsg' ughranu p3|g' (v.i.) to be selected, to be picked out (v.i.) to be opened uklanu pSng' ugra pu| (v.t.) to climb up, to ascend (adj.) wrathful, angry, fierce ukta pQm uhan pxf“ (adj.) (pron.) he, she [very polite] ukti plQm uhile plxn] (n.) statement, remark, a saying (adv.) then, at that time, many years ago, long ago ukusmukusaunu ps';d's';fpg' (v.t.) to stifle, to cause claustrophobia ujad phfb (adj.)

02.10.2002 136 ullangghan pNn+3g unancas pgGrf; (n.) violation, contravention (num.) forty-nine, 49 ullas pNnf; unannabbe pgfGgAa] (n.) joy, delight (num.) eighty-nine ullekh pNn]v unansattari pgfG;Q/L (n.) mention, reference, description (num.) sixty-nine, 69 ullekhniya pNn]vgLo unansaya pgfG;o (adj.) remarkable, worthy of being (num.) ninety-nine, 99 mentioned unasi pgf;L ullikhit pNn]lvt (num.) seventy-nine, 79 (adj.) written, mentioned unca pm“rf ulto pN6f] (adj.) high, lofty (adj.) opposite, upside-down uncai pm“rfO umalnu pdfNg' (n.) height, tallness, summit (v.t.) to cause to boil uncalis pGrfnL; umarnu pdfg'{ (num.) thirty-nine, 39 (v.t.) to cause to sprout unco pm“rf] umedvar pd]bjf/ (adj.) (n.) candidate unco p“rf] umer pd]/ (adj.) (n.) age, length of life uni kammal pmgL sDdn umkanu pDsg' (n.) wollen blanket (v.i.) to escape, to get free, to slip out unmulan pGd"ng umlanu pDng' (n.) uprooting, destruction, eradication (v.i.) to boil, to bubble up, to simmer unnais pGgfO{; ummedvar pDd]bjf/ (num.) nineteen, 19 (n.) candidate unnat pGgt umranu pd|g' (adj.) risen, progressed, improved (v.i.) to sprout, to spring up, to grow up unnati pGglt un pmg (n.) progress, rise, advancement, (n.) wool improvement, prosperity, elevation

02.10.2002 137 unnatishil pGgltzLn upakram pkqmd (adj.) progressive (n.) plan, programme, preparations, beginning, preamble, preface unnayak pGgfos upalabdha pknAw (n.) (adj.) gained, felt, acquired, attained, available unnayan pGgog (n.) upalabdhi pknAwL (n.) achievement, accomplishment unnu pÌ' (v.t.) to wreath, to thread, to string, to pass upalakshya pknIo a thread through a needle (n.) unsathi pG;f7L upama (num.) fifty-nine, 59 pkdf (n.) comparison, simile, likeness unta pm“6 upanisad pklgifb\ (n.) camel (n.) (the theological part of the ) untis pGtL; (num.) twenty-nine, 29 upanisadvadi pklgifb\jfnL (n.) (someone who is following the upabhog pkef]u teachings of the Upanishads) (n.) enjoyment upansanhar pk;+xf/ upabhokta pkef]Qm (n.) (n.) consumer, user upanyas pkGof; upacar pkrf/ (n.) novel (n.) remedy, medical treatment, care upar pk/ upadesh pkb]z (postp.) above, over, for (n.) instruction, counsel, lesson uparastrapati pk/fi6«klt upadhi pkflw (n.) (n.) title, attribute, designation, status uparna pkgf{ upahar pkxf/ (n.) scarf, shawl (n.) present, gift upasabhapati pk;efklt upaj pkh (n.) vice-chairman [of a meeting, (n.) organization or party] upakhyan pkfVofg upasthiti pkl:ylt (n.) (n.) presence, attendance

02.10.2002 138 upatya pkTo uta ptf (n.) valley (adv.) there, thither upa-usnakatibandhi pk–pi0fsl6aG utarnu ptfg'{ wL (v.t.) to cause to get off, to cause to (adj.) subtropical descend, to help to descend, to take off (clothes) upayog pkof]u uthal-puthal pyn–k'yn (n.) use, utilization, application (n.) overturning, change upayogita pkof]lutf uthaunu p7fpg' (n.) usefulness, utility (v.t.) to wake up, to rouse, to cause to rise upayukta pko'Qm uthnu p7\g' (adj.) proper, suitable, appropriate (v.i.) to get up, to stand up, to stand upeksha pk]Iff uti plt (n.) slight, indignity, neglect, disregard, contempt, scorn (adv.) that much upekshit pk]lIft utnikher plTgv]/ (adj.) neglected, ignored, discarded, (adv.) meanwhile, at that time disregarded utpadan pTkfbg uphranu pk|mg' (n.) production (v.i.) to jump, to leap utpatti pTklQ upiyan plkof“ (n.) origin, production (n.) flea utpidak pTkL8s uralnu p/fNg' (n.) oppressor (v.t.) to instigate, to incite utpidit pTkLl8t urlanu pn{g' (n.) oppression, persecution, harassment (v.i.) to surge up, to rise up, to come in waves; to become angry utpidit varga pTkLl8t ju{ (n.) oppressed class usa piff (n.) dawn, daybreak utranu pqg' (v.i.) to get off, to descend, to float, to rise usinnu pl;Ì' out of, to rise above (v.t.) to boil while cooking utrinu plqg' uso p;f] (v.i.) to get off, to come down, to descend (adj.) like that, such

02.10.2002 139 utsaha pT;fx vaishakh j}zfv (n.) enthusiasm, excitement (n.) first month of the Nepali year [April-May] utsav pT;j vajracarya jh|frfo{ (n.) entertainment, festival, celebration, (n.) festivity vaktavya jQmJo utsukta pT;'stf (n.) (n.) enthusiasm, excitement vampanthi jfdkGyL uttam pQd (n./adj.) leftist (adj.) supreme, best van biralo jg la/fnf] uttano pQfgf] (n.) wild cat (adj.) flat on one's back van upabhokta jg pkef]Qmf uttar pQ/ samuha ;d"x (n.) answer, reply; north (n.) forest users group uttaradhikari pQ/flwsf/L vanbhoja jfef]h (n.) heir, successor, inheritor (n.) picknick uttardayi pQ/bfoL vanijya jfl0fHo (adj.) responsible, answerable, accountable (n.) trade, commerce, business uttejit pQ]lht vanko dhan jgsf] wfg (adj.) excited, quickened (n.) forest resources utthan pTofg vansha j+z (n.) upliftment (n.) clan, pedigree, dynasty, lineage, birth, family, tribe, generation utthan p6\7fg (n.) progress, emancipation vardan j/bfg (n.) boon vacan jrg (n.) speech, utterance, talk varga ju{ (n.) class, kind, series, row vad jfb (n.) theory, dispute, controversy varga mil ju{ dLn (n.) square mile vaicarik j}rfl/s (adj.) vargahin ju{xLg (adj.) vaidhanik j}wflgs (adj.) constitutional, according to the vargahin samaj ju{xLg ;dfh constitution (n.)

02.10.2002 140 varipari jl/kl/ vela j]nf (adv.) (n.) time varnan j0f{g veshya j]Zof (n.) description, narration, encomium (n.) prostitute, whore, harlot varsa jif{ vibhag ljefu (n.) year (n.) section, part, department varsa jiff{ vibhagiya ljefuLo (n.) rains, rainy season, monsoon (adj.) departmental, related to the department varta jftf{ vibhajan ljefhg (n.) (n.) section, part, department vartalap jftf{nfk vibhinna (n.) ljleÌ (adj.) various, diverse, different kinds of vartaman jt{dfg vicalan (adj.) ljrng (n.) vasanta j;Gt vicar ljrf/ (n.) spring (n.) consideration, observation, notion, idea, judgement vasi jf;L (n.) inhabitant, dweller videsh ljb]z (n.) foreign country vastavik jf:tljs (adj.) in reality, essential, genuine, true, videshi ljb]zL virtual (n.) foreigner vastavikta jf:tljstf videshi sahayata ljb]zL ;xfotf (n.) reality, truth (n.) foreign aid vastu j:t' vidhan (n.) ljwfg (n.) vastutah j:t'tM vidheyak (adv.) ljw]os (n.) bill [in a legislature] vatavaran jftfj/0f vidhi ljlw (n.) condition, surrounding, environment, circumstances, situation (n.) veda j]b vidhipurvak ljlwk"j{s (n.) Veda (adv.)

02.10.2002 141 vidhivat ljlwjt vihina ljxLg (adv.) (postp.) vidit ljlbt vihinata ljxLgtf (adj.) (n.) missing, non-existence vidroha ljb|f]x vijaya ljho (n.) revolt, rebellion, mutiny, treason (n.) vidvan ljåfg vijaya ljhof (n./adj.) scholar; learned, wise (n.) vidya ljBf vijaya dashami ljhof bzdL (n.) (n.) vidyabhyas ljBfEof; vijayi ljhoL (n.) (n./adj.) vidyalaya ljBfno vijeta ljh]tf (n.) school, college, academy, seminary (n.) conqueror, victor, one who has achieved victory vidyarambha ljBf/De vikas ljsf; (n.) (n.) development, expansion, evolution vidyarthi ljBfyL{ vikasit ljsfl;t (n.) student (adj.) developed vidyarthi gatividhi ljBfyL{ ultljlw vikasit (n.) student movement ljsl;t (adj.) developed vidyashram ljBf>d vikat (n.) ljs6 (adj.) dreadful, difficult, hideous vidyut ljB't vikendrikaran ljs]Gb|Ls/0f (n.) electricity (n.) decentralization vigat ljut vikhandan ljv08g (adj.) past, gone away (n.) fission, breaking up, splitting up, fragmentation vighatan lj36g (n.) break up, dissolution, destruction vikhandit ljvl08t (adj.) divided, separated, split up, cut off, vigyan lj1fg broken (n.)

02.10.2002 142 vikriti ljs[lt visakta ljiffQm (n.) deformation, defilement, mutilation, (adj.) toxic, poisonous, venomous, defect vituperative vilas ljnf; visalu ljiffn' (n.) (adj.) toxic, poisonous, venomous, vituperative vilayat ljnfot visaya ljifo (n.) foreign land, foreign country, Europe, England (n.) subject, topic, article viman ljdfg visaya-kram ljifo–qmd (n.) airplane, airship (n.) contents, table of contents vimansthal ljdfg:yn visayantar ljifofGt/ (n.) airfield, airstrip (n.) an outside subject, another topic vinash ljgfz visayapravesh ljifok|j]z (n.) destruction, ruin, disaster, loss (n.) introduction, preface, foreword, preliminary vipanna ljkÌ visaya-pravesh (adj.) distressed, afflicted, fallen into ljifo–k|j]z calamity, in a critical state (n.) viparit ljk/Lt visayavastu ljifoj:t' (adj.) opposit, contrary, reverse, adverse, (n.) subject matter, something discussed hostile vishal ljzfn viphal ljkmn (adj.) big, very big, gigantic, extensive, (adj.) fruitless, useless, unsuccessful large, palatiol, huge, great vir jL/ vishes ljz]if (adj.) (adv.) extraordinary, unusual, special, distinguished, famous viraha lj/x vishes adalat ljz]if cbfnt (n.) (n.) special court virodh lj/f]w vishes nam ljz]if gfd (n.) dissension, discrepancy, hostility, discord, objection, antagonism (n.) proper name viruddha lj?4 vishesagya ljz]if1 (postp.) against, opposed, opposite, (n.) expert contrary, adverse, hostile vishesan ljz]if0f (n.) adjective

02.10.2002 143 vishesya ljz]io vivad ljjfb (n.) (n.) discussion, debate, dispute, altercation, quarrel, controvercy vishista ljlzi6 vivaha ljjfx (adj.) (n.) marriage, wedding, matrimony vishva ljZj vivaran (n.) universe, the whole world ljj/0f (n.) description, account, statement vishvas ljZjf; vivash ljjz (n.) belief, trust, faith, reliance, confidence, assurance (adj.) dependent, helpless, subjected vishvasniya ljZj;gLo vividh ljljw (adj.) (adj.) different, diverse, various, miscellaneous vishvasniyata ljZj;gLotf vividhta ljljwtf (n.) (n.) diversity, variety, variation vishvaspatra ljZjf;kfq vriddha j[4 (n.) (adj.) vishvavidyalaya ljZjljBfno vriddhavastha (n.) university j[4fj:yf (n.) vishvayuddha ljZjo'4 vriddhi (n.) world war j[l4 (n.) progress, increase, increment, rise, growth, enlargement viskambhak ljisDes (n.) vrihaspativar j[x:kltjf/ (n.) Thursday vismayadibodhak lj:doflbaf]ws (n.) interjection vriksha j[If (n.) tree visphot lj:kmf]6 (n.) vriksharopan j[Iff/f]k0f (n.) tree plantation visphotak lj:kmf]6s (adj.) explosive vrisadeva j[ifb]j (n.) vistar lj:tf/ (n.) vyakhya JofVof (n.) explanation vistarit lj:tfl/t (adj.) expanded, enlarged

02.10.2002 144 vyakhyan JofVofg vyavastha Joj:yf (n.) speech, lecture, explanation, exposition (n.) system, method, regulation, management, settlement, systematization, form vyakta JoQm (adj.) clear, discernible, expressed, stated, vyavasthapan Joj:yfkg mentioned (n.) organizing, systematizing vyakti JolQm vyavasthapika Joj:yflksf (n.) person, individual, manifestation (n.) legislative vyaktigat JolQmut vyavasthapit (adj.) Joj:yflkt (adj.) vyaktitva JolQmTj vyavasthit (n.) Jojl:yt (adj.) systematic, methodical, in order vyaktivacak nam JolQmjfrs gfd yadyapi oBlk (n.) proper name, proper noun (conj.) although, though, even, if, however, notwithstanding vyangya Jo¨Ø yagya o1 (n.) sarcasm, irony, innuendo (n.) vyangya-citra Jo¨Ø–lrq yahan oxf“ (n.) cartoon (adv.) here, at this place, hither vyapar Jofkf/ yahi oxL (n.) business, trade, profession, occupation, industry (pron.) this very vyapta JofKt yahi nai oxL g} (adj.) diffused, pervaded, occupied, (pron.) this and no other overcast, scattered, flush yas karan o; sf/0f vyatha Joyf so, because of this (n.) pain, suffering, misery, distress, injury, ache yas kramma o; qmDdf vyavahar Jojxf/ yasaigari o;}u/L (n.) (adv.) vyavasay Joj;fo yashasvi oz:jL (n.) (adj.) renowned, reputed, glorious

yashogan ozf]ufg (n.) eulogy, singing of praises

02.10.2002 145 yasmadhye o;dWo] yayavar ofofj/ (adv.) (n.) nomad, wanderer yaso o;f] yog of]u (adj.) like this, such (n.) yasogari o;f]u/L yogadan of]ubfg (adv.) (n.) cooperation, help, assistance, contribution yasto o:tf] yogaphal of]ukmn (pron.) like this, of the same kind (n.) yasto andhyaroma o:tf] c“Wo/f]df yogyata Of]Uotf (comp.) in such darkness (n.) power, strength, talent yata otf yojana (adv.) here, at this place, hither of]hgf (n.) planning yatauta otfptf yug (adv.) o'u (n.) epoch, era, age yatayat oftfoft yugoslabhiya o'uf]:nfeLof (n.) transportation, traffic (n.) Yugoslavia yathavat oyfjt yurop o"/f]k (adv.) in situ, intact, as before (n.) Europe yati olt yuropeli (adv.) this much, thus much, so much o"/f]k]nL (adj.) European yatiko oltsf] yuva (adv.) o'jf (n.) youth yatra ofqf yuvati o'jtL (n.) trip, voyage (n.) young woman, youthful woman yatri ofqL (n.) traveller, pilgrim, tourist yatro oqf] (pron.) yauvan of}jg (n.)

02.10.2002 146