
1. Description of the proposed programme (max. 6 pages)

1.1 Scientific Goals: The primary aim of this proposal is to produce a data set crucial to a full and detailed understanding of key phases in evolution. It specifically addresses questions concerning mass of the neutral (ISM), formation rates, stellar dust return and interstellar dust properties. These are all closely related to the large-scale process of galaxy chemical evolution. The Magellanic Clouds provide the unique opportunity to study such questions simultaneously galaxy-wide and in detail, as a function of both metallicity and radiative environment (Fig. 1). Herschel SPIRE and PACS instruments are essential to provide key insights into the life cycle of because the far- (FIR) and submillimeter (submm) emission from dust grains is an effective tracer of the coldest dust of the ISM, the most deeply embedded young stellar objects (YSOs), and the dust ejected over the entire lifetime of massive . The ISM is imprinted by the astrophysical processes central to galaxy evolution. Mass, density, and temper- ature produce a range of ISM phases: cold molecular clouds, cold and warm neutral medium, warm and hot ionized medium. The ISM gas cools from the warm to cold phases via atomic fine-structure line emission in a manner governed by metallicity. The formation of new stars consumes cold molecular gas. By their radiant energy, the massive stars also convert this molecular phase into the warm neutral and ionized gas of photodis- sociation regions (PDRs) and HII regions. As the massive stars age, their winds blow bubbles and inject dust and chemically-enriched gas into the ISM. When they die, supernova blast waves inject tremendous energy into the ISM mixing the nucleosynthetic products of stellar interiors with ambient gas. They disrupt and heat the ISM while increasing its metallicity. This constant recycling and continuous enrichment drives the evolution of a galaxy’s baryonic matter and changes its emission characteristics. Thus, to understand galaxy evolution, we must study the physics of the ISM and its dynamic interaction with massive stars over entire galaxies. Why the Magellanic Clouds? The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and the (SMC) are the best astrophysical laboratories to study the lifecycle of the ISM, because their proximity (50 kpc, Feast 1999; 61 kpc, Keller & Wood 2006) permits detailed studies of resolved ISM clouds and their relation to stellar populations on global scales, in an unambiguous manner, and as a controlled function of environment. In the (MW), which is difficult to study in its entirety, all ISM studies suffer from confusion caused by line- of-sight crowding and distance ambiguity but in the LMC and the SMC, all features are at a similar distance, rendering masses and luminosities directly comparable. The thin-disk morphology and favorable viewing angle of the LMC in particular (35o, van der Marel & Cioni 2001) place only a single cloud along any line of sight. The LMC, SMC and differ substantially in many global properties, which allows us to study how the processes governing galaxy evolution depend on these properties. The LMC has a Z∼ 0.25×Z (Dufour 9 et al. 1984), a mass of ∼ 8.7 × 10 M (van der Marel et al. 2002), a size of ∼8 kpc (Kim et al. 1998) and a −1 current rate of 0.1 M y (Whitney et al. 2007). The SMC has a Z∼ 0.1×Z (Dufour et al. 9 1984), a mass of ∼ 2.4 × 10 M , a size of ∼3 kpc (Stanimirovi´cet al. 2004) and a current star formation rate −1 of 0.05 M y (Wilke et al. 2003). The Magellanic Bridge is a filament of neutral hydrogen, which joins the SMC and LMC over some 15 kpc (Muller et al. 2004), is characterized by a lower metallicity than the main SMC body (Z∼ 0.05×Z ) and has evidence of recent star formation adjacent to the SMC (Harris 2007). The metallicity of the LMC is similar to the metallicity of galaxies at the epoch of peak star formation in the Universe (Madau et al. 1996; Pei et al. 1999). The metallicity of the SMC is similar to star forming galaxies at redshift ∼2 (Erb et al. 2006). In the LMC and SMC, dust-to-gas mass ratios are respectively ∼2 and ∼10 times lower than in the MW according to UV extinction (Gordon et al. 2003); however, the infrared measurements indicate lower values of ∼6 and ∼30 times (Bernard et al. 2007; Bot et al. 2004) which suggests that current infrared measurements are missing some of the dust. The lower dust content in both galaxies increases the ambient UV radiation fields higher than in the Solar Neighborhood. The SMC and LMC have been surveyed at many wavelengths revealing structures on all scales thereby providing a rich context for our proposed study (Fig. 1). Historically, the Magellanic Clouds have played a key role in bridging the gap between the detailed study of astrophysical processes in the MW and the global study of these processes in nearby galaxies. They have also been used as template galaxies for the more distant Universe. In terms of galaxy evolution, the LMC-SMC pair is uniquely suited to study how the agents of evolution, the ISM and stars, operate as a whole in two galaxies that are tidally interacting with each other and the MW (e.g. Zaritsky & Harris 2004; Bekki & Chiba 2005; Besla et al. 2007; Gardiner et al. 1996). Why the Herschel ? We propose a uniform photometric survey (338 hrs) of the LMC (8 × 8.5 degrees), SMC and the Magellanic bridge (5 × 5 degrees; 4 × 3 degrees) in all SPIRE bands (250, 350, 500 µm) and the 100 and 160 µm PACS bands in order to produce a HERschel inventory of The Agents of Galaxy Evolution (HERITAGE), the ISM and massive stars. Full and uniform photometric coverage is necessary to understand these galaxies as complete systems, to understand the effects of metallicity, star formation rate, and stellar feedback on the ISM, to develop templates for more distant galaxies, and to create an archival data set that promises a lasting legacy to match current LMC and SMC surveys at other wavelengths (Fig. 1). Herschel provides the crucial long-wavelength complement to our team’s Spitzer observatory studies of the LMC, SMC and Magellanic Bridge (Fig. 2). With the Spitzer IRAC and MIPS cameras, we have invested ∼> 1000

- 1 - 1. Description of the proposed programme (cont.) hours fully surveying the LMC and SMC over the full wavelength range (3.5-160 µm) and the IRS in targeted regions to study the lifecycle of galaxies (Fig. 1). These Spitzer studies were very successful in providing galaxy-wide overviews of the emission of warm dust in the ISM, discovery of ∼>1000 YSOs, and a census of the mass injected by ∼>10,000 dusty evolved stars (Meixner et al 2006; Bolatto et al 2007). However, the total inventory of the ISM is incomplete because Spitzer lacks the ability to trace the coldest components of the ISM, the earliest and coldest stages of star formation, the cold dust associated with evolved massive stars, and the interaction of SNRs with the ISM (Fig. 2). Our analysis of the HERITAGE survey will provide a quantum leap in our knowledge of the ISM, current star formation, and evolved star mass-loss that will fundamentally constrain galaxy evolution theories (Figs. 1, 2, 3). In particular, we will address the following questions. Where is the mass located in the ISM? Submm emission from (cold) dust is an excellent tracer of the total mass of interstellar material, since the (Rayleigh-Jeans) emission is only moderately sensitive to dust characteristics such as temperature and emissivity which affect the Spitzer estimates. The HERITAGE photometric study with SPIRE and PACS directly measures the amount of (cold) dust on the scale of individual regions (∼ 10pc) in the LMC and SMC. At the distance of the Magellanic Clouds, we will detect (per beam, 5σ) the emission from ∼ 0.1 M of 25 K dust and ∼ 5 M of 10 K at the shortest and longest wavelengths, respectively. This sensitivity corresponds to the equivalent of 0.85 × 1021 and 6 × 1021 H-atoms cm−2 for the LMC and SMC (T=20 K dust, Fig. 2). This map of the dust mass over the LMC, SMC and bridge in combination with the existing HI (Kim et al. 2003, Stanimirov´ıcet al. 2000; Mueller et al. 2004) and CO maps (Fukui et al. 1999) will provide the dust-to-gas ratios for individual atomic and molecular clouds and, thus, an independent check on the X-factor, the “constant” conversion factor between CO flux and H2 column density. Our analysis of this dust mass will elucidate the nature of the “very cold” emission observed in galaxies. Most estimates of the cold, dense-gas mass available for star formation rely on CO emission as a tracer for the H2 content of galaxies by assuming a constant X-factor that is locally ‘calibrated’ in the MW. However, at low + metallicity molecular clouds may consist of thick surface layers of H2 and C , “covering” small H2 and CO cores and estimates of the molecular mass from the CO flux underestimate the total gas mass available for star formation (Israel et al., 1986, Poglitsch et al. 1995; Maloney & Black 1988; Pak et al. 1998; Roellig et al. 2006; Bolatto et al. 1999). Indeed, our Spitzer studies provide indirect evidence for cold hidden molecular gas in the LMC and SMC through the presence of a FIR-excess emission component which is above and beyond that expected from HI and yet does not correlate with CO emission (Bernard et al. 2007; Leroy et al. 2007). Our analysis of HERITAGE data will reveal the dependence of the X-factor on environmental conditions such as metallicity and local heating sources (Israel, 1997) that will have implications for the molecular mass estimates from CO line fluxes in low metallicity galaxies at high redshift. Various lines of evidence indicate that the present accounting of the ISM of galaxies is incomplete, missing a very cold-dust-component and a substantial fraction of the molecular gas, particularly in regions of low metallicity (dwarf galaxies, outer parts of spirals, early universe). Recent studies have found ‘very cold’ dust emission (color temperature 4-7 K) in galaxies as varied as NGC 4631 (Dumke et al. 2004), NGC1569, a low-metallicity dwarf starburst galaxy (Galliano et al. 2003, Lisenfeld et al. 2002); blue compact dwarf galaxies in the Virgo Cluster (Popescu et al. 2002) and the MW (Reach et al. 1995; Finkbeiner et al. 1999). The nature of the ‘very cold’ emission remains very uncertain. Suggested explanations include classical grains in shielded dense clouds (Galliano et al. 2003), fractal dust aggregates (e.g. Wright et al. 1993; Bernard et al. 1999; Stepnik et al. 2003; Lehtinen et al. 2004; Rawlings et al. 2005), the cold tail of a population of stochastically heated very small grains (Lisenfeld et al. 2002), and diffuse nonionizing UV radiation (Popescu et al. 2002). The difficulty in interpreting the ‘very cold’ emission from Galactic studies lies in our inability to make absolute measurements in the submm from within the MW. The difficulty in most extragalactic studies is the lack of spatial resolution and hence wide range of temperatures within any given beam. HERITAGE will have the right combination of submm sensitivity, resolution, and wavelength coverage, to map and measure the absolute brightness of the very cold dust emission and thereby clarify its origin. What is the star formation rate in the Magellanic Clouds? The HERITAGE survey of the LMC, SMC and Magellanic Bridge will complete the census of star formation started with Spitzer. HERITAGE will be able to detect the youngest and hence coldest objects – the starless prestellar cores and deeply embedded, cold class 0 YSOs – in regions of star formation in the LMC and SMC. Herschel will be sensitive to YSOs more massive than 4 M in the Magellanic Clouds (Fig. 3). Moreover, the HERITAGE point source data will constrain the models of ∼>200 YSOs detected by Spitzer (Whitney et al. 2007) and thereby improve the estimates of such parameters as the total luminosity of YSOs, stellar mass, and total mass of dust (Robitaille et al. 2007). Approximately one quarter of the GMCS in the LMC have no active star formation based on Spitzer observations (Onishi et al., in prep) and the HERITAGE data will determine whether they contain class 0 sources or are truly starless GMCs. By completing the inventory of massive protostars and characterizing their environment, we can address key scientific questions such as the total star formation rate and link this to the total local reservoir of cold material detected by Herschel (see above). In that way, we will quantify the star formation efficiency and determine the gas depletion timescale on a galaxy-wide scale, and determine the veracity of the Kennicutt-Schmidt law on a local scale. Comparison of LMC, SMC and Magellanic Bridge results with star formation in the MW will

- 2 - 1. Description of the proposed programme (cont.) allow us to assess the importance of environmental parameters such as metallicity on these key aspects of star formation. What is the dust return by massive stars to the ISM? Massive stars could be important factories of interstellar dust either through their stellar winds or in the supernova ejecta. The significant dust observed in high redshift galaxies and (Dwek, Galliano & Jones 2007 ; Bertoldi et al 2002) has been ascribed to injection by massive stars, because low mass stars evolve too slowly. HERITAGE will complete the census of dust injected into the ISM by massive evolved stars by measuring the colder dust associated with Red Supergiants (RSGs), Luminous Blue Variable (LBV), Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars and supernova remnants (SNRs) over a range of ages in the LMC/SMC (Fig. 3). Direct observations of newly formed dust in supernova ejecta in the MW are very controversial differing by a factor 10 in some cases (Morgan et al 2003; Blair et al 2007) because studies of dust in Galactic SN ejecta are confused along the line of sight with foreground or background material. In the LMC and SMC, the line of sight confusion is minimal and HERITAGE will be sensitive to dust masses ∼0.02 M of 25 K dust for a ∼10 pc diameter SNR in the LMC. By comparing the dust mass contributions of the different massive evolved stars and SNRs, we can assess the relative importance of the stages and if the SNR stage destroys the dust produced by the evolved massive winds. What causes the variation in dust properties in the Magellanic Clouds? The variation in abundance and properties of dust are of critical importance for understanding the thermodynamics of the gas, when photoelectric heating by PAHs and very small grains dominates. Ultraviolet studies have measured significant variations in the extinction curve from sightline to sightline in the Magellanic Clouds (Gordon et al. 2003). Mid-infrared spectra show that the abundance of PAHs varies within the SMC from very low to nearly Galactic (Reach et al. 2000; Li & Draine 2002). In neutral diffuse regions of the LMC, the abundance of PAHs with respect to total dust is similar to Galactic (Bernard et al. 2007) whereas PAHs are deficient in massive star formation regions such as 30 Doradus (Sakon et al. 2006). Herschel’s submm observations are crucial for these measurements, since observations on the Rayleigh-Jeans portion of the spectrum are only mildly sensitive to the dust temperature, while the shorter-wavelength Spitzer observations are very sensitive to the temperature as well as dominated (even out to 100 µm) by non-equilibrium emission from grains transiently heated by photons with energy greater than the grain’s heat capacity (Fig. 2). HERITAGE, when combined with the Spitzer data, will provide a complete map of dust properties in the Magellanic Clouds. Comparison of this map with tracers of the ISM gas phases and stellar populations will clarify how variations in dust properties correlate with other processes in the Magellanic Clouds. Bernard et al. (2007) created a spatial map of 70 µm excess emission which reveals giant arcs near the 30 Doradus region, the most active massive star formation region in the LMC, supporting the claim that this excess may be attributed to dust processing by massive star feedback, particularly, supernova blast waves. The shattering of dust grains has been theoretically predicted (Jones et al 1996; Tielens et al. 1994). The destruction of small grains behind the shock has been recently measured in some LMC SNRs by Borkowski et al. (2006). On a galaxy-wide scale, the cumulative effect of supernova shocks theoretically controls the interstellar grain size distribution; and HERITAGE will be able to measure dust property variations quantitatively.

1.2 Exploitation Plan: The intensity of infrared emission from dust depends on the temperature and opacity/mass of the dust. We will derive dust temperature and opacity maps from the Herschel multi-wavelength images assuming an emissivity ∝ να, with α = 2 initially and then determining whether variations in the emissivity index are required by studying residuals. These maps can be used to understand trends in dust properties across the LMC and SMC ISM (e.g. as in Bernard et al. 2007). Moreover, we will combine the Herschel SPIRE and PACS photometric bands with the Spitzer data at 3.6, 4.5, 5.6, 8.0, 24, 70, and 160 µm to completely constrain the SEDs of the individual ISM dust regions for comparison with dust radiative transfer model calculations using models by D´esert, Boulanger & Puget (1990), Galliano et al. (2003) or Gordon et al. (2001) (Fig. 2). For the YSOs, we will compare the measured SEDS from combined Herschel and Spitzer bands with theoretical models of YSOs by Robitaille et al. (2007) and Whitney et al. (2004) to derive ranges for five physical parameters: stellar mass, stellar temperature, stellar luminosity, envelope infall rate, disk mass. New models will be developed that include small clusters of YSOs in cloud cores. This will address both the issues of confusion at the LMC distance, and the contribution from the molecular cloud to the observed flux. The Herschel bands provide critical long wavelength constraints for the models; in particular the cold envelope characteristics. For the evolved massive stars, dusty RSGs, WRs and LBVs, we will fit dust radiative transfer codes such as 2Dust (Ueta & Meixner 2003) to estimate the dust mass-loss and total dust mass of these circumstellar shells into which supernovae will explode. 1.3 Other Facilities: Herschel HERITAGE observations would fill a gaping hole in our understanding of the Magellanic Clouds; however, its interpretation will be done in the rich context of currently available surveys, many carried out by team members. The ISM gas which fuels star formation has been traced in HI 21 cm (e.g. Kim et al. 2003; Stanimirovi´c2000) and CO (e.g. NANTEN, Fukui et al. 1999; Mizuno et al. 2001). The stellar populations from which dust extinction can be derived have been measured in the optical (e.g. MCPS, Zaritsky et al. 2004) and near-IR (2MASS, SIRIUS, Kato et al. 2007). The warm dust emission has been

- 3 - 1. Description of the proposed programme (cont.) observed extensively in over 1000 hours of Spitzer observations in programs such as SAGE (LMC;Meixner et al. 2006), S3MC (Bolatto et al. 2006), S4MC (PI: Bolatto), SAGE-SMC (PI: Gordon) and SAGE-Spec (PIs: Markwick-Kemper & Tielens), as well as the recent Akari satellite’s survey of the Magellanic Clouds. The SAGE team has released a ∼>4 million point source catalog and final catalogs and processed images will be released in 2008. The S3MC catalogued 400,000 mid and far-IR sources, and SAGE-SMC is expected to increase this number by an order of magnitude. In 2006, members of our team started conducting a survey of CI (609 µm) and higher rotational transitions of CO with the NANTEN2 telescope that will be very useful for interpreting the PACS spectroscopy. We have recently submitted a LaBoca proposal to measure a number of regions at 870 µm (PI: Hony). Members of our team are obtaining pointed observations of the Magellanic Clouds with Planck, that will provide even longer wavelength coverage. In the future, our Herschel program will provide essential ground work for future followup with Herschel, ALMA and JWST. We have no duplications with GTOs.

Fig 1: The HERITAGE survey of the Magellanic Clouds will use Herschel SPIRE 250, 350 and 500 µm and PACS 100 and 160 µm to map the mass of the ISM, particularly the cold dust component, with sufficient angular resolution (∼10 pc) to distinguish individual clouds. Top: The LMC showing the neutral atomic gas traced by HI (Kim et al. 2003) correlates well with the MIPS 160 µm (Bernard et al. 2007), the [CII] BICE map shows [CII] emission outside of the molecular gas as traced by the NANTEN CO survey and the IRAC 8 µm emission (SAGE; Meixner et al. 2006) is anti-correlated with the ionized gas traced by Hα (SHASSA, Gaustad et al. 2001). Bottom: The SMC and Magellanic Bridge at MIPS 160 µm (SAGE-SMC, PI: Gordon) is less well correlated with the HI (Stanimirovi´cet al. 2000). Right bottom: a blowup region showing the MIPS 160 µm (SAGE-SMC + S3MC; Bolatto et al. 2007) emission detected by Spitzer and the anticipated PACS 160 µm image which will have significantly better angular resolution. In fact, all of the Herschel SPIRE and PACS images will have comparable (500µm) or better (all the rest) angular resolution than MIPS 160µm.

- 4 - 1. Description of the proposed programme (cont.)

Fig 2: SPIRE (250, 350 and 500 µm) and PACS (100 and 160 µm) on Herchel are the premier instruments to measure the presence of very cold dust missed by Spitzer and warm gas in the ISM of the LMC and SMC. The SEDs of the entire LMC, based on data from Spitzer, IRAS and FIRAS (Bernard et al. 2007), and SMC, based on data from Spitzer, IRAS (Leroy et al. 2007)and DIRBE (Stanimirovic et al. 2000). SEDS are fitted with the dusty PDR model of Galliano et al. (2008, in prep). The Herschel SPIRE/PACS sensitivity corresponds to the equivalent of 0.85 × 1021 and 6 × 1021 H-atoms cm−2 for the LMC and SMC, respectively, assuming 20 K dust.

Fig. 3 Spitzer/MIPS/SAGE and predicted Herschel/HERITAGE fluxes vs. ratios of these fluxes for LMC sources (SMC sources will be ∼ 1.5× fainter). Templates based on SAGE MIPS 24, 70 and 160 µm data with fluxes extrapolated to SPIRE/PACS bands using source models. HERITAGE will detect at least 2000 point or compact sources based on the source extraction statistics of the SAGE MIPS bands. Its critical long wavelength will constrain at least 300 YSO Class I-II candidates, possibly clusters (blue circles) discovered in the SAGE survey and modeled by Whitney et al. (2007). Moreover, it will be sensitive to ∼>4 M Class 0 YSOs candidates (cyan circles), the templates of which are model predictions by Robitaille et al. (2006). HERITAGE will detect all HII regions (pink squares) and constrain the dust mass of ∼>30 SNRs (red diamonds; templates extrapolated from Spitzer measurements of Williams et al. 2006, 2007). Its long wavelength will constrain dust masses from the massive evolved stars such as WR/LBVs (green triangles), and dusty RSGs (light brown circles; Srinivasan et al. in prep). Predicted point source sensitivity limits and confusion limits (which dominate and are estimated from the MC diffuse emission) for the Herschel/HERITAGE survey are a significant improvement over the SAGE limits in the overlapping bands.

- 5 - 2. Technical Implementation (max. 3 pages)

2.1 Observations Strategy:

Fig. 4: The proposed HERITAGE PACS/SPIRE coverage is shown for the LMC (left) and SMC (right). Each rectangle shows the coverage of a single AOR over the SAGE MIPS 160 µm images (full SAGE-LMC and preliminary, single epoch SAGE-SMC) and HI contours. The locations of the proposed PACS spectroscopic observations are designated with white boxes. The lowest HI contour corresponds to a column density of 8.5 × 1020 (LMC) and 1 × 1021 HI atoms cm−2 (SMC; see table and text). Only AORs for a single epoch are shown, the 2nd epoch AORs are very similar except rotated by 90o. This figure illustrates the HERITAGE goal of mapping the total (warm and cold) dust emission over the entire LMC & SMC.

Table 1 SPIRE and PACS Continuum Mapping Characteristic SPIRE Value PACS value survey area 8◦× 8.5◦(LMC); 5◦× 5◦+ 4◦× 3◦(SMC) Total time (hrs) 212.5 (LMC), 125.5 (SMC) λ (µm) 250, 350, 500 100, 160 angular resolution 1800, 2500, 3600 7.700, 1200 physical scale for LMC (pc) 4.4, 6.1, 8.7 1.9, 2.9 physical scale for SMC (pc) 5.4, 7.4, 10.6 2.3, 3.5 5σ at λ (mJy) 26, 36, 30.5 38.5, 55 5σ at λ (MJy/sr) 6, 4, 2 39.5, 18 point sensitivity (LMC) ∼7 M for T=10 K ∼0.35 M for T=20 K point sensitivity (SMC) ∼11 M for T=10 K ∼0.53 M for T=20 K extended sensitivity (LMC) ∼ 9.2 × 1021 H cm−2 for T=10 K ∼ 8.5 × 1020 H cm−2 for T=20 K extended sensitivity (SMC) ∼ 6.5 × 1022 H cm−2 for T=10 K ∼ 6.0 × 1021 H cm−2 for T=20 K

SPIRE and PACS Photometric Mapping in Parallel (238 hrs): For the full SPIRE/PACS imaging of the LMC & SMC, our science goals are primarily driven by the need to spatially map the cold (T < 15 K) dust which requires SPIRE. The ability to acquire high quality PACS images at 100 and 160 µm for a minimum of extra time using the SPIRE/PACS Parallel mode fulfills the secondary science driver of getting better wavelength coverage (100 µm) and spatial resolution (160 µm) of the large, warm (25 K < T < 15 K) grains. The LMC and SMC will be efficiently and fully mapped for the regions shown in Fig. 4 at 100, 160, 250, 350, and 500 µm using SPIRE/PACS Parallel mode at low scanning speed (20”/sec). The low scanning speed mode was picked as it will allow us to reach our sensitivity goals as well as produce minimally smeared PACS PSFs. The AORs are designed to scan over each galaxy in long strips to ensure that background measurements are made at the beginning and end of each scan leg which will allow for removal of the 1/f noise with timescales longer than the time to take a single scan leg. To further suppress the 1/f noise, each map will be repeated with the scan angle rotated 90◦ which naturally happens in about 3 months at the positions of the LMC & SMC. Due to the large size of the LMC, we cannot obtain the 90◦ scan angle difference using the orthogonal mode as this mode is limited to a width of 2320. Waiting 3 months to perform the 90◦ observations is necessary in order to get the background measurements at the beginning and end of each scan leg. The map sizes for the LMC and SMC were chosen to fully encompass each galaxy as observed at 160 µm (Spitzer/MIPS) and in HI (see Fig. 4). In general, the proposed SPIRE/PACS observations are as large or larger than the existing MIPS 160 µm observations as we found the MIPS 160 µm maps were slightly undersized for optimal background subtraction of the detected IR emission.

- 6 - 2. Technical Implementation (cont.) 2.2 Observation Time Requirements: Our time request for SPIRE/PACS Parallel mode results in a high sensitivity to dust emission at a wide range of temperatures. The point source sensitivities translated to dust masses (assuming the standard 0.1 µm astronomical silicate dust grain) results in HERITAGE being able to detect dust emission at 5σ per beam in the LMC of 0.1, 0.35, 1, 7, and 265 M at temperatures of 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 K, respectively. The SMC sensitivities are a factor of 1.5 higher (a larger distance). For extended sources, the sensitivities given in Table 1 are translated to equivalent HI column density sensitivities using a gas-to-dust ratio 2x that of the MW for the LMC. The corresponding sensitivities for the SMC are 7x higher (larger distance and a gas-to-dust ratio 10x higher than the MW). We expect to smooth 6x6 resolution elements to achieve the a 5σ sensitivity of 1021 HI atoms cm2 which is necessary to detect the majority of the SMC bridge region.

2.3 Time Constraints: PACS spectroscopy has no timing constraints. The SPIRE/PACS Parallel imaging AORs include both sequence and timing constraints. The sequence constraints are required due to the need to efficiently map large regions using multiple AORs without introducing gaps between separate AORs. For the LMC & SMC, the scan angle rotates by 1◦/day. The timing constraints are used to most efficiently map the LMC & SMC given that they are not circular.

2.4 Robustness: In the event of a modestly decreased sensitivity in the SPIRE/PACS Parallel imaging mode would require us to smooth the observations to achieve our sensitivity requirements. References: Bekki, K., & Chiba, M., 2005, MNRAS, 356, 680 Bennett, C.L.,et al., 1994, ApJ, 434, 587 Bernard, J.-P., et al, 2007, A & A, 347, 640 Bernard, J.-P., et al, 2007, submitted to A & A Bertoldi, F, Cox,P, 2002, A & A, 384, L11 Besla et al. 2007, ApJ, 668, 949 Blair, W.P., et al., 2007, ApJ, 662, 998 Bock, J.J., et al., 1993, ApJ, 410, L115 Bolatto, A.D., et al, 2007, ApJ, 655, 212 Borkowski, K., et al, 2006, ApJ, 642, L141 Bot, C., et al., 2004, A & A, 423, 567 Dale, D.A.; Helou, G. 2002, ApJ, 576, 159 Dalgarno, A., McCray, R.A, 1972, ARAA, 10, 375 Desert, F.-X., et al, 1990, A & A, 237, 215 Dickman, R.L., et al, 1986, ApJ, 309, 326 Draine, B.T., Bertoldi, F., 1996, ApJ, 468, 269 Dufour, R., et al, 1982, ApJ, 252, 461 Dumke, M., et al, 2004, A & A, 414, 475 Dwek, E., Galliano, F., & Jones, A. 2007, ApJ, 662, 927 Erb et al. 2006, ApJ, 644, 813 Feast, M., 1999, PASP, 111, 775 Finkbeiner, D.P., et al., 1999, ApJ, 524, 867 Fukui, Y., et al, 1999, PASJ, 51, 751 Galliano, F., et al., 2003, A & A, 407, 159 Gardiner, L. T. & Noguchi, M. 1996, MNRAS, 278, 191 Gordon, K., et al., 2003, ApJ, 594, 279 Gordon, K., et al., 2001, ApJ, 551, 269 Harris, J. 2007, ApJ, 658, 345 Heiles, C., 1994, ApJ, 436, 720 Hinz, et al, 2006, ApJ, 651, 874 Hollenbach, D, Tielens, A.G.G.M., 1997, RvMP, 71, 173 Hollenbach, D, McKee, 1989, ApJ, 342, 306 Isaak, K, et al, 2002, MNRAS, 348, 1035 Israel et al., 1986 ApJ 303, 186 Israel, F., et al., 1996, ApJ, 475, 738 Israel, 1997 A&A 328, 471 Jones, A, et al, 1996, ApJ, 469, 740 Kato, D, et al., 2007, PASJ, 59, 615 Kaufman, M, et al, 2006, ApJ, 644, 283 Keller, S.C., & Wood, P. R. 2006, ApJ, 642, 834 Kim, S., et al., 1998, ApJ, 503, 674 Kim S., et al, 2003, ApJS, 148, 473 Lehtinen, K., et al., 2004, A & A, 423, 975 Lequeux, J., Allen, R. J., & Guilloteau, S. 1993, A & A, 280, L23 Li, A, Draine, B.T., 2002, ApJ, 576, 762 Madden, S., 2000, NewAR, 44, 249 Maiolino, R, et al., 2005, A & A, 440, L51 Maloney, P, Black, J, 1988, ApJ, 325, 389 Madau, P., et al, 1996, MNRAS, 283, 1388 Meixner, M, Tielens, AGGM, 1993, ApJ, 405, 216 Meixner, M. et al. 2006, AJ, 132, 2268 Mizuno et al. 2001, PASJ, 53, L45 Mochizuki, K., et al, 1994, ApJ, 430, L37 Morgan, H.L., et al., 2003, ApJ, 597, L33 Muller, E. et al. 2003, MNRAS, 339, 105 Onishi, et al., 2007, in prep Pak, S., et al., 1998, ApJ, 498, 735 Pei, Y. C. et al. 1999, ApJ, 522, 604 Poglitsch, A., et al., 1995, ApJ,454, 293 Popescu, C.C., et al, 2002, ApJ, 567, 221 Popescu, C.C., et al, 2002, A & A, 361, 138 Rawlings, M.G., et al., 2005, MNRAS, 356, 810 Robitaille, T, et al, 2007, ApJS, 169, 328 Roellig, M., et al., 2006, A & A, 451, 917 Reach, W.T., et al., 1995, ApJ, 451, 188 Reach, W.T., et al., 2000, A & A, 361, 895 Sakon, I., et al, 2006, ApJ, 651, 174 Stacey, G., et al, 1991, ApJ, 373, 423 Stanimirovic, S., et al, 2000, MNRAS, 315, 791 Stanimirovic, S. et al. 2004, ApJ, 604, 176 Stepnik, B., et al, 2003, A & A, 398, 551 Tielens, A.G.G.M., 2005, Physics and Chemistry of the ISM, Cambridge University Press Ueta, Meixner, M, 2003, ApJ, 586, 1338 van der Marel, R., & Cioni, M.-R., 2001, AJ, 122, 1807 van der Marel, R. et al. 2002, AJ, 124, 2639 Whitney, B., et al., 2004, ApJ, 617, 1177 Whitney, B., et al., 2007, ApJ, in press Wilke, C.O., et al, 2003, A & A, 401, 873 Wolfire, M., et al. 2003, ApJ, 587, 278 Wright, E.L., 1991, ApJ, 375, 608 Zaritsky, D. & Harris, J. 2004, ApJ, 604, 167 Zaritsky, D., et al, 2004, AJ, 128, 1606

- 7 - 3. Data Processing Plans (max. 2 pages)

3.1 Data Processing Plans: Processing Plan in state of revision.

3.2 Product generation justification:

3.3 Archival Value:

- 8 - 4. Management and Outreach Plans (max. 2 pages)

4.1 Management Remarks: Management Plan is confidential to the team.

4.2 Outreach: Outreach plan will consist of a website

- 9 - 5. List of Consortium Members

Margaret Meixner Space Telescope Science Institute, Full Astronomer/Webb Instrument Team Lead, PhD 1993 from UC Berkeley Role: Principal Investigator of HERITAGE proposal. PI of the Spitzer SAGE survey of the LMC. 20 years experience in ground-based, airborne and spaceborne IR astronomy; 68 refereed journal publications. PI of numerous projects involving: circumstellar dust, dust radiative transfer, evolved stars, star formation, circumstellar molecular and atomic gas, photodissociation regions. 17 years experience in ground based IR instrumentation, PI of WHIRC camera, NIRIM camera. 20 year experience in millimeter interferometry. JWST/Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) Science Team, Chair of National Herschel Science Center Users Panel. “Spitzer Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud, Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy’s Evolution (SAGE) I: Overview and Initial Results,” Meixner, M.,; Gordon, K.; Indebetouw, R.; and SAGE Team 2006, AJ, 132, 2268; “Spitzer SAGE survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud II: Evolved Stars and Infrared Color Magnitude Diagrams,” Blum, R.D., and SAGE Team 2006, AJ, 132, 2034 “Models of Clumpy Photodissociation Regions” Meixner, M. and Tielens, A.G.G.M., 1993, ApJ, 405, 216-228 Suzanne Madden CEA Saclay, Service d’Astrophysique Role: science Co-I. PACS and SPIRE instrument team. Will advise in data processing. 20 years experience in ground-based, airborne and spaceborne IR and submm observations. Expertise in the physics of the ISM of galaxies, especially gas and dust in low metallicity dwarf galaxies. co-PI of pointed Planck Guaranteed Time proposal to map all of the SMC and LMC. “ ISM properties in low-metallicity environments”, Madden, S.C., Galliano, F., Jones, A.P. Sauvage, M. 2006, Astronomy & Astrophysics; “Tracing the [FeII]/[NeII] ratio and its relationship with other ISM indicators within dwarf galaxies” O’Halloran, B., Madden, S., Abel, N.P. 2007, A&A, submitted Sacha Hony Service d’Astrophysique, Research Scientist SAGE project, PhD 2002 from University of Amsterdam Role: science Co-I and observation planning lead; Expert in IR spectroscopy with particular application to interstellar and circumstellar matter. “The CH out-of-plane bending modes of PAH molecules in astrophysical environments” Hony, S.; Van Kerckhoven, C.; Peeters, E.; Tielens, A. G. G. M.; Hudgins, D. M.; Allamandola, L. J. 2001, A& A, 370, 1030 Alexander Tielens NASA Ames Research Center, Research Scientist/HIFI-Herschel project scientist, PhD 1982 from University of Leiden Role: science Co-I, PDR and dust theory. 25 years experience in ground-based, airborne and spaceborne IR astronomy. 250+ refereed journal publications. PI of numerous projects involving PhotoDissociation Regions, interstellar Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon molecules, interstellar and circumstellar dust, gas and dust in regions of star formation, interstellar molecular and atomic gas “Physics and chemistry of the interstellar medium,” Tielens, A.G.G.M., 2005, University of Cambridge Press. Karl Gordon Space Telescope Science Institute, Assistant Astronomer, PhD 1997 from University of Toledo Role: PACS image processing lead, ISM dust and star formation. 10+ years of experience in interstellar dust related research in the MW and nearby galaxies. 140+ refereed publications. PI of SAGE-SMC, the Spitzer Legacy Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud. member of the MIPS Instrument Team (8+ years). “The DIRTY Model. I. Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Through Dust” Gordon, K. D. et al. 2001, ApJ, 551, 269 “A Quantitative Comparison of SMC, LMC, and MW UV to NIR Extinction Curves” Gordon, K. D. et al. 2003, ApJ, 594, 279 “Reduction Algorithms for the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer” Gordon, K. D. et al. 2005, PASP, 117, 503 Alberto Bolatto University of Maryland, College Park, Assistant Professor, PhD 2001 Boston University, Role: PACS Spectroscopy lead, ISM gas research interest. 41 refereed publications. Over 10 years of experience in millimeter, submil- limeter, and far- and instrumentation, not only as a user but also as an instrument builder (AST/RO; SPIFI, BIMA, CARMA). PI of the Spitzer Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud (S3MC) and its spectroscopic follow up (S4MC). “The Spitzer Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud: FIR Emission and Cold Gas in the SMC”, Adam K. Leroy, Alberto D. Bolatto, Snezana Stanimirovic, Norikazu Mizuno, Frank P. Israel, & Caroline Bot, 2007, The Astrophysical Journal, 658, 1027 “The Spitzer Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud: S3MC Imaging and Photometry in the Mid- and Far-Infrared Wavebands”, Alberto D. Bolatto, Joshua D. Simon, Snezana Stanimirovic, Jacco Th. van Loon, et al. 2007, The Astrophysical Journal, 655, 212 Charles Engelbracht University of Arizona, Assistant Astronomer PhD 1997, University of Arizona. Role: SPIRE image processing lead and science Co-I on ISM. The instrument scientist for MIPS and is the technical contact for the SINGS and LVL Spitzer legacy programs. He supervised the postdoc (Bendo) and the data analyst (Block) who performed the SINGS, LVL, LMC (SAGE), SMC (SAGE-SMC) and MIPS guaranteed time data reductions. He is an expert on MIPS calibration (Engelbracht et al. 2007) and in extended infrared emission from galaxies (Engelbracht et al. 2006). Ed Churchwell Albert E. Whitford Prof. Emeritus, University of Wisconsin-Madison; PhD, Indiana University 1970, Role: lead of source extraction group; PI of Spitzer GLIMPSE and GLIMPSE II projects; More than 35 years experience in ground-based, airborne, and spaceborne IR astronomy and ground-based radio astronomy. Expertise in physics of the interstellar medium and star formation, particularly HII regions, molecular clouds, and the interaction of newly formed stars with the ambient interstellar medium. “The Bubbling Galactic Disk,” Churchwell, E. et al. 2006, ApJ, 649, 759; “RCW49 at Mid-IR Wavelengths: A GLIMPSE from the ,” Churchwell, E. et al. 2004, ApJS, 154, 322; “GLIMPSE: A SIRTF Legacy Project to Map the Inner Galaxy,” Benjamin, R. A., Churchwell, E. et al. 2003, PASP, 115, PASP, 115, 953-964 Brian Babler Associate Researcher, University of Wisconsin; Role: develop point source extraction algorithms; over 15 years experience processing space-based data; developed photometry routines for GLIMPSE IRAC pipeline. Tracy Beck Space Telescope Science Institute, Assistant Scientist, PhD 2001 from SUNY Stony Brook Role: PACS spectroscopy team, Integral Field Spectroscopy and IFU Reduction Specialist 9 years experience in ground-based optical/IR/mid-IR astronomy, 5 years experience as Near-Infrared integral field spectroscopic (NIFS) lead instrument scientist; 19 refereed journal publications; JWST Instrument Team. Science interest formation of young massive stars and their feedback and impact on their environment. ”Investigating the Nature of Variable Class I and Flat-Spectrum Protostars Using 2-4 ?m Spectroscopy,” Beck, T. 2007, AJ, 133, 1673

- 10 - 5. List of Consortium Members (cont.) Jean-Philippe Bernard Centre d’Etude Spatiale du Rayonnement, Toulouse, France, Charg´ede recherches, Planck Scientist, PhD 1991 from Universit´eParis XI Role: science Co-I 15 years experience in ground-based, balloon and space- borne FIR astronomy; 60+ refereed journal publications; PI of the PILOT balloon-borne experiment. Specializes into the study of ISM dust properties, an observational cosmology. ”Spitzer Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud, Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy’s Evolution (SAGE) IV: Dust properties in the Interstellar medium” Bernard J.P., Reach W.T., Paradis D. et al 2007, submitted. ”Far-Infrared to millimeter astrophysical dust emission. I A model based on physical properties of amorphous solids”Meny C., Gromov V., Boudet N., Bernard J.-Ph., Paradis D., Nayral C. 2007, A&A 468, 171 Caroline Bot California Institute of Technology, Post-doc, Co-Investigator Role: analyze the spectral energy distri- bution of dust emission in the far infrared-millimeter. 3 year thesis on the interstellar medium and the dust cycle in the Small Magellanic Cloud. 2 years of post-doc on the ISM conditions in nearby galaxies (inside the SINGS project) ”Multi-Wavelength analysis of the dust emission in the SMall Magellanic Cloud” 2004, A&A 423, 567 ”Millimeter dust continuum emission unveiling the true mass of giant molecular clouds in the Small Magellanic Cloud”, 2007, A&A, 471, 103 Francois Boulanger Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, Research Scientist, PhD 1988 from University of Paris Pierre and Marie Curie Role: science Co-I. 25 years experience in infrared space missions IRAS, COBE, ISO and Spitzer. Herschel/HIFI co-I, member of the Planck consortium; 120 refereed journal publications; leader on numerous projects on dust, interstellar medium and star formation based on multiwavelength ground based and space observations and data modeling; PI of the H2EX space mission proposed to ESA Cosmic Vision call. “Statistical properties of dust far-infrared emission, Miville Deschenes, M.A., Lagache, G., Boulanger, F., Puget, J.L. 2007, A& A 469, 595 “The first detection of dust emission in a high velocity cloud, Miville Deschenes, M.A., Boulanger, F., Reach, W.T., Noriega-Crespo, A. , 2005 ApJ 631, L57 Steve Bracker retired, University of Wisconsin; Role: quality control on catalogs, diffuse source extraction; over 40 years experience analyzing data in high-energy physics and infrared astronomy; performed quality control checks on the GLIMPSE and SAGE data Geoffrey C. Clayton Louisiana State University, Professor, PhD 1983 from University of Toronto Role: Science Co-I ISM dust. Over 25 years experience in ground- and space-based astrophysics; 116 refereed publications; PI of numerous projects on HST, Spitzer, ISO, IUE as well as Gemini, VLT, and other large ground-based telescopes, studying circum- stellar and interstellar dust in Galactic, extragalactic, and the Magellanic Clouds “The Relationship Between Infrared, Optical, and Ultraviolet Extinction. Cardelli,” J.A., Clayton, G.C., and Mathis, J.S. 1989, Ap.J., 345, 245 Martin Cohen Astronomer Step VIII, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA. Role: ISM science; point source and diffuse calibration. 34 years of work on PNe; 17 years on absolute IR calibration; 242 papers in refereed journals, 32 on IR calibration; “SPITZER SAGE Observations of Large Magellanic Cloud Planetary Nebulae”, J. L. Hora, M. Cohen & SAGE Team,2007, ApJ (revised) Kazuhito Dobashi Tokyo Gakugei University, Associate Professor, PhD 1994 from Nagoya University. Role: Compar- ison with extinction maps of LMC and SMC; 18 years experience in millimeter-submillimeter wave observations and dark clouds with extinction maps, 27 refereed journal publications “Atlas and Catalog of Dark Clouds Based on Digitized Sky Survey I”, K. Dobashi, H. Uehara, R. Kandori, T. Sakurai, M. Kaiden, T. Umemoto, S. Sato, 2005, PASJ, 57,S1-S386 Yasuo Fukui Nagoya University, Professor, PhD 1979 from University of Tokyo Role: Star formation and ISM studies Started radio astronomy group and developed two 4m telescopes at Nagoya University. 162 refereed journal publications. Director of NANTEN sub-millimeter observatory situated in . PI of numerous projects involving: star formation, Galactic structure, and Galactic center. Vice chair of ASAC in 2000-2001 and chair of ALMA commitee of NAOJ from 1997 to 2005. Currently a member of EASAC. Fr´ed´eric Galliano University of Maryland, Post Doc, PhD 2004 from University of Paris XI. Role: will participate in the analysis and modeling of the interstellar medium, especially the combined gas and dust diagnostics. Experi- ence: interstellar dust modeling and radiative transfer; photoionization, photodissociation; elemental and dust evolution, low-metallicity environments; stellar population synthesis. Select publications: (1) “Stellar Evolutionary Effects on the Abundances of PAH and SN-Condensed Dust in Galaxies”, Galliano, F.; Dwek ,E.; Chanial, P. 2007, ApJ, ac- cepted, Astro-ph/0708.0790. (3) “ISM properties in low-metallicity environments. I. The spectral energy distribution of NGC 1569”, Galliano, F.; Madden, S. C.; Jones, A. P.; Wilson, C. D.; Bernard, J.-P.; Le Peintre, F. 2003, A&A, 407, 159-176. Jason Harris Associate Scientist, National Optical Astronomy Observatory, PhD 2000 from University of California Santa Cruz Role: Science Co-I Research interests: star formation history of the Magellanic Clouds; physical processes governing star formation in galaxies; feedback to the interstellar medium from evolved stars (supernovae and asymptotic giant branch stars). Joseph L. Hora Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Astronomer/IRAC Project Scientist, PhD 1991 from Univ. of Arizona. Role: Co-I interested in ISM and evolved objects/PNe. Experienced in ground- and space-based IR instrumentation and astronomy; 66 refereed journal publications, 31 SPIE and technical papers; Project scientist for Gemini NIRI camera, Spitzer/IRAC instrument; PI of Spitzer Legacy survey of the Cygnus-X region “The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) For The Spitzer Space Telescope”, G.G. Fazio , J.L. Hora, et al. 2004, ApJS, 154, 10 Annie Hughes PhD student at Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn VIC 3122, Australia. Thesis submission: 2008. Role: science co-Investigator Experience: PI of high-resolution mapping survey of molecular gas in the LMC with the ATNF Mopra telescope. Local radio-FIR correlation in nearby galaxies. Imaging techniques for wide-field radio continuum observations. “An ATCA 20cm Radio Continuum Study of the Large Magellanic Cloud”, Hughes, A. et al. 2007, MNRAS, accepted. “Sub-Millimeter Observations of Giant Molecular Clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud: Temperature and Density as Determined from J = 3-2 and J = 1-0 Transitions of CO”, Minamidani, T. et al. 2007, ApJS, accepted. “A multiresolution analysis of the radio-FIR correlation

- 11 - 5. List of Consortium Members (cont.) in the Large Magellanic Cloud”, Hughes, A. et al. 2006, MNRAS, 370, 363. Remy Indebetouw and National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Research Scientist, previously Spitzer Fellow. Experience with multiwavelength star formation studies in particular infrared through submm, as well as infrared to radio data pipelines and software development. “The LMC’s Largest Molecular Cloud Complex: Spitzer Analysis of Embedded Star Formation”, Indebetouw et al 2008 ApJ submitted “The protostellar population of the Eagle : Characterization using Spitzer/GLIMPSE”, Indebetouw et al 2007 in press Frank Israel Full professor of Astronomy at Leiden University in the Netherlands (PH.D in Astronomy Leiden 1976). His main research interests are gas and dust in galaxy centers, and ISM and star formation in nearby galaxies, in partic- ular the Magellanic clouds. He is a recognised expert on the Magellanic Clouds and an experienced user of ground-based facilities (SEST, JCMT., IRAM, APEX) as well as airborne and space-based (KAO, IRAS, Spitzer). He was one of the original proposers of FIRST, the precursor to Herschel. He has authored or co-authored over 200 papers, half of them in refereed journals. Akiko Kawamura Nagoya University, Post-doc, working for NANTEN and NANTEN2 radio telescopes. Role: star formation and ISM studies. Follow-up observations with submm ground based telescopes on MCs. “Giant molecular clouds in Local Group Galaxies,” Blitz, L, Fukui, Y., Kawamura, A., Leroy A., Mizuno, N., Rosolowsky, E., in Pro- tostars and planet V, 2007 “Detection of Molecular Clouds in the Magellanic Bridge: Candidate Star Formation Sites in a Nearby Low-Metallicity System,” Mizuno, N., Muller, E., Maeda, H., Kawamura, A., Minamidani, T., Onishi, T., Mizuno, A., and Fukui, Y. 2006, 643, L107 Sungeun Kim Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea, Professor, PhD 1999 from the Australian National University. Role: Co-Investigator interested in the ISM and Star formation studies. Experience in radio, millimeter, submillime- ter, infrared, and optical observations and studies of the ISM/star formation in the LMC, Galaxy, and Submillimeter Galaxies. “A Catalog of HI Clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud” Kim, S. et al. 2007, ApJS, 171, 419. “CO J=4-3 High-Velocity Cloud in the Large Magellanic Cloud” Kim, S. et al. 2005, AJ, 130, 1635. ”A Neutral Hydrogen Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Aperture Synthesis and Multibeam Data Combined” Kim, S. et al. 2003, ApJS, 148, 473. Carsten Kramer (I. Physikalisches Institut, Universitaet zu Koeln, Germany), Assistant Professor. PhD 1992. Role: Life cycle of the ISM as it forms molecular clouds from the atomic phases, then forms stars which disperse the clouds again. Interested in particular in studying the contribution of [CII] from the different environments using models of PDRs and of the ionized gas. Complementary observations with NANTEN2 and APEX. Co-I on the Herschel HEXGAL (galactic nuclei) and WADI (warm and dense Galactic ISM) guaranteed time key projects. Aigen Li Assistant Professor, University of Missouri-Columbia. Role: Science Co-I physics of interstellar dust, and the infrared emission properties of galaxies. Li, A., & Draine, B.T. 2002, “Infrared Emission from Interstellar Dust. III. The Small Magellanic Cloud”, The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 576, pp. 762–772; Draine, B.T., & Li, A. 2007, “Infrared Emission from Interstellar Dust. IV. The Silicate-Graphite-PAH Model in the Post-Spitzer Era”, The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 657, pp. 810–837 Knox S. Long Space Telescope Science Instiute, Astronomer/Webb MIssion Scientist. PhD - California Institute of Technology, 1976. Role: Co-Investigator. Science focus: Supernova Remnants and their interaction with the ISM. Experience: 30 years experience in studies of SNRs at UV, optical, X-ray and infrared wavelengths. More than 180 refereed publications including initial X-ray survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud (Long, Helfand & Grabelsky 1979 ApJ, 234, L77), optical identifications of SNRs in nearby Galaxies (Long, et al. 1990, ApJS 72, 61; Blair & Long, K. S. 2004, ApJS, 155, 101) and Spitzer observations of Magellanic Cloud SNRs (Borkowski, et al. ApJ, 642, L141, Williams et al, ApJ, 652, L33) Massimo Marengo Harvard-Smithsonian CfA, Astrophysicist. Spitzer/IRAC GTO team. He is leading several Spitzer and HST GO and GTO projects in the field of mass loss from evolved stars, star formation and YSO jets, low mass stars and the study of young planetary systems/debris disks, with over 33 papers on refereed journals on these subjects. Ciska Markwick-Kemper Lecturer, Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester, PhD 2002 from University of Amsterdam Role: science Co-I, PI of the Spitzer SAGE Spectroscopic Survey (SAGE-Spec) infrared and submm observations of dust and molecular gas, the astrophysics of dust, chemical composition, physical proper- ties, formation and evolution of dust grains “Dust in the Wind: Crystalline Silicates, Corundum, and Periclase in PG 2112+059”, Markwick-Kemper, F. et al., 2007, ApJL 668, 107 “The Absence of Crystalline Silicates in the Diffuse In- terstellar Medium”, Kemper, F. et al. 2004, ApJ 609, 826 Mikako Matsuura NAOJ/UCL, post-doc; scientific exploitation of evolved stars. Working on infrared astronomy of evolved stars in our galaxy and galaxies in the Local Group. Extensive experience of the data analysis obtained with ground (e.g. VLT, Subaru, JCMT) and space telescopes (e.g Spitzer, ISO). Modelling dust emission, molecular lines, as well as atomic lines. Marilyn Meade Researcher, University of Wisconsin; Role: process data to produce point source catalogs; over 30 years experience processing space-based data; processed over one million IRAC frames through the GLIMPSE pipeline. Karl Misselt University of Arizona, associate staff scientist PhD. 2000, Louisiana State University Role: science Co-I, and SPIRE team. Provides software and computer support for the SAGE and LVL Spitzer legacy programs. He is an expert on MIPS calibration (Engelbracht et al. 2007; Gordon et al. 2007; Stansberry et al. 2007), extended emission from cold dust in galaxies (Hinz et al. 2007), and modeling of emission from dust grains (Misselt et al. 2001). Erik Muller Australia Telescope National Facility, Bolton Fellow. Role: Co-Investigator researching the structure of the turbulent ISM in the MCs, as well as the relationships between the molecular and neutral ISM. PhD: 2004 from University of Wollongong, focusing on the neutral Hydrogen in the Magellanic Bridge. Current research focuses: the molecular component in the Magellanic Clouds, and it’s role in Star formation; ISM turbulence - the small-scale Neutral Hydrogen of the SMC; Energy feedbacks and balance in the ISM. ”The origin of large-scale HI structures in the Magel- lanic Bridge” Muller, E., Bekki, K., 2007,MNRAS,381,11 ”Detection of carbon monoxide within the Magellanic Bridge”, Muller, E., Staveley-Smith, L., Zealey, W. J., 2003,MNRAS,338,609

- 12 - 5. List of Consortium Members (cont.) David Neufeld Professor of physics and astronomy at Johns Hopkins University. Role: science co-I, especially model support of SNRs. His research interests are astrochemistry, interstellar medium, molecular astrophysics and infrared and submillimeter astronomy. He has experience both in theoretical modeling of astrophysical environments and in observational studies that made use of the SWAS, ISO, HST, Spitzer, Arecibo and IRAM observatories Antonella Nota ESA HST Mission Manager at STScI, Head of Science Mission at STScI. Role: science co-I, massive evolved stars and young clusters, experience with major ground based observatories (ESO NTT and VLT), and space observatories (ISO, HST). 100+ papers in astronomical journals and conference proceedings. Carlson, L. et al. 2007, “Progressive Star Formation in the Young SMC Cluster NGC 602” ApJ 665L, 109 Nota, A. et al. 2006, “Discovery of a Population of Pre-Main-Sequence Stars in NGC 346 from Deep ACS Images ApJ 640L, 29 Sally Oey University of Michigan, Department of Astronomy, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. 1995 from University of Arizona. Role: Co-Investigator, Science focus on how ISM and dust properties compare in regions of active feedback (SNR’s, superbubbles) vs in the diffuse ISM Experience: 15 years experience in multiwavelength studies of massive stars and feedback processes, including mechanical, radiative, and chemical feedback, as applied to galaxy evolution. Member, Board of Directors, International Gemini Observatory; 52 refereed publications. “A Reexamination of Observed and Predicted Stellar Ionizing Fluxes in the Large Magellanic Cloud,” Voges, E. S., Oey, M. S., Walterbos, R. A. M., & Wilkinson, T. M. 2007, AJ submitted Koryo Okumura Service d’Astrophysique of Commissariat `al’Energie Atomique, PhD in astrophysics 1993 from Uni- versit´eParis XI, Role: PACS bolometer instrument specialist, PhD on the SMC with IRAS data, ISOCAM Instrument Dedicated team. Herschel PACS bolometer including the calibration through ground tests and the participation to the PACS science data simulator coding. The Herschel/PACS 2560 bolometers imaging camera, Billot, Nicolas; Agn`ese, Patrick; Augu`eres, Jean-Louis; B´eguin,Alain; Bou`ere,Andr´e;Boulade, Olivier; Cara, Christophe; Clou´e,Christelle; Doumayrou, Eric; Duband, Lionel; Horeau, Benoˆıt; le Mer, Isabelle; Lepennec, Jean; Martignac, J´erome;Okumura, Koryo; Rev´eret, Vincent; Sauvage, Marc; Simoens, Fran¸cois; Vigroux, Laurent, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation I: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter. Edited by Mather, John C.; MacEwen, Howard A.; de Graauw, Mattheus W. M. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 6265, pp. 62650D (2006) Joana Oliveira Keele University, Postdoctoral Research Assistant, PhD Keele University, Postdoctoral Research As- sistant, PhD 2001, Role: Science Co-I: study of the physical and chemical properties of the early stages of star formation. Oliveira J.M., van Loon J.Th., Stanimirovi S., Zijlstra A.A., “Massive young stellar objects in the Large Magellanic Cloud: water masers and ESO-VLT 3-4 um spectroscopy”, 2006, MNRAS, 372, 1509 van Loon J.Th., Oliveira J.M. et al., “ESO-VLT and Spitzer spectroscopy of IRAS05328-6827: a massive in the Large Magellanic Cloud”, 2005, MNRAS, 364, L71 Toshikazu Onishi Nagoya University, Associate Professor, PhD 1996 from Nagoya University. Role: Star formation and molecular clouds; Follow-up observation on Magellanic Clouds in sub-millimeter wavelength with ground based telescopes. 16-year experience in millimeter-submillimeter wave observations and studies of low-mass star formation,55 refereed journal publications. A Complete Search for Dense Cloud Cores in Taurus Onishi, T., Mizuno, A., Kawamura, A., Tachihara, K., & Fukui, Y. 2002, ApJ, 575, 950 D´eborah Paradis Ph.D October 2007, with Jean- Philippe Bernard at CESR in Toulouse, France. Post-doc next year at the Science Space Center (Pasadena). Role: science co-I ISM dust. My scientific interest are the interstellar medium, dust emission (IR to millimeter), essentially studies of the variations of dust properties in the various phases of the ISM, combining data analysis and modelling. Albrecht Poglitsch MPE Garching, Senior Scientist and PI of PACS. 20 years experience in airborne and space- borne FIR instrumentation and astronomy; authored/coauthored 130+ publications; “A Multiwavelength Study of 30 Doradus: The Interstellar Medium in a Low-Metallicity Galaxy”, Poglitsch, A., Krabbe, A., Madden, S. C., Nikola, T., Geis, N., Johansson, L. E. B., Stacey, G. J., Sternberg, A., ApJ 454, 293 (1995). “The Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) for the Herschel Space Observatory”, Poglitsch, A., Waelkens, C., Bauer, O. H., Cepa, J., Feuchtgruber, H., Henning, T., van Hoof, C., Kerschbaum, F., Lemke, D., Renotte, E., Rodriguez, L., Saraceno, P., Vandenbussche, B., SPIE 6265, 62650B (2006). William T. Reach Caltech; IPAC Senior Research Scientist; PhD 1991 U.C.Berkeley Role: science and technical Co-I Currently leading IPAC/Planck group to generate the Planck Early Release Source Catalog and US Planck data archive. Spitzer/IRAC instrument team leader 1999-2006. Performed absolute calibration of Spitzer/IRAC and COBE/DIRBE. Research interests include infrared emission from the ISM, diffuse clouds, supernova remnants. Over 100 refereed publi- cations. First-authored papers include: “A Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Survey of Supernova Remnants in the Inner Galaxy”, 2006, AJ, 131, 1479 “Absolute Calibration of the Infrared Array Camera on the Spitzer Space Telescope”, 2005, PASP, 117, 978 “Shockingly bright [OI] 63 µm lines from the supernova remnants W 44 and 3C 391”, 1996, A& A, 315, L277 “Atomic and molecular gas in interstellar cirrus clouds”, 1994, ApJ, 429, 672 Thomas Robitaille Graduate student at the University of St Andrews, UK Role: science Co-I on YSOs. Developed a large grid of models SEDs for Young Stellar Objects which has been used to analyze point sources in Spitzer surveys, and will be used to analyze the combined Hershel and Spitzer data of the Magellanic clouds. “Interpreting SEDs from YSOs. I. A grid of 200,000 YSO model SEDs”, T. P. Robitaille, B. A. Whitney, R. Indebetouw, K. Wood, P. Denzmore ApJS, 2006 (167, 256) “Interpreting SEDs from YSOs. II. Fitting observed SEDs using a large grid of pre-computed models”, T. P. Robitaille, B. A. Whitney, R. Indebetouw, K. Wood., ApJS, 2007 (169, 328) Douglas Rubin Service d’Astrophysique of Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique, student. Role: Science co-I, ISM. Expertise in FIR spectroscopy of the ISM. Currently using the SAGE data and [CII] data to study photoelectric heating and [CII] emission from the ISM of the LMC M´onica Rubio Full Professor, Departamento de Astronomia, Universidad de Chile Role: science Co-I 15 years ex- perience in ground-based mm and IR astronomy; 50+ refereed journal publications; PI of several projects involving studies of the interstellar medium, molecular gas and massive star formation in the Magellanic Clouds “Millimeter dust

- 13 - 5. List of Consortium Members (cont.) emission from an SMC cold molecular cloud”, Rubio, M., Boulanger, F., Rantakyro, F., Contursi, A. 2004, Astronomy and Astrophysics 425, L1. Marc Sauvage CEA/DSM/DAPNIA/Service d’Astrophysique, Saclay, France. PACS Co-I, SPIRE Asssociate Scien- tist, member of the PACS ICC. PhD in 1991 on the far infrared properties of the Magellanic Clouds and z=0 galaxies. Role: Science and technical co-I. Has extensive experience in space-based infrared astronomy (IRAS, ISOCAM, Spitzer). Principal science interests are: energy sources for the different dust phases of the ISM, infrared properties of metal-poor galaxies, and embedded star formation in starburst galaxies. “ISOCAM mid-infrared spectroscopy and NIR photometry of the HII complex N4 in the Large Magellanic Cloud.” Contursi, A., M. Rubio, M. Sauvage, D. Cesarsky, R. Barba and F. Boulanger (2007). aap 469: 539-551. “The Spitzer view of low-metallicity star formation. I. Haro 3.” Hunt, L. K., T. X. Thuan, M. Sauvage and Y. I. Izotov (2006). apj 653: 222-239. “Stellar clusters in dwarf galaxies.” Vanzi, L. and M. Sauvage (2006). aap 448: 471-478. Marta Sewilo: STScI, Post-doctoral Research Associate, Ph.D. 2006 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Role: science Co-I; general interest in the area of massive star formation; UC and compact H II regions in the LMC based on the Spitzer/SAGE data, co-leading the extensive study of the YSOs population in the LMC discovered by the SAGE survey. Joshua Simon Caltech, Millikan Postdoctoral Fellow, PhD 2005 from UC Berkeley Role: science Co-I 2 years experi- ence with Spitzer observations of the SMC studying young stars and the ISM; further experience studying all aspects of nearby galaxies, ranging from dark matter to chemical evolution. “The Spitzer Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud: Discovery of Embedded Protostars in the H II region NGC 346” Simon, J. D., et al. 2007, ApJ, 669, 327 Linda J. Smith Reader in Astronomy at University College London and ESA Astronomer at STScI. Role: : science co-I, massive evolved stars, ISM interactions and young clusters Scientific interests include massive evolved stars and their interactions with their environments, young massive clusters. PI on many space and ground-based proposals.Published over 100 papers in astronomical journals and conference proceedings. “Ejected nebulae as probes of the evolution of mas- sive stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud” Smith, L.J., Nota, A., Pasquali, A., Leitherer, C., Clampin, M. & Crowther, P.A., 1998. ApJ, 503, 278–296. “Realistic ionizing fluxes for young stellar populations from 0.05 to 2× Z ” Smith, L.J., Norris, R.P.F. & Crowther, P.A., 2002. MNRAS, 337, 1309–1328. “Quantitative spectroscopy of O stars at low metallicity. O dwarfs in NGC 346” Bouret, J.-C., Lanz, T., Hillier, D.J., Heap, S.R., Hubeny, I., Lennon, D.J., Smith, L.J. & Evans, C.J., 2003. ApJ, 595, 1182–1205. Sundar Srinivasan Graduate student at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA Role: science Co-I interested in mass loss and circumstellar dust emission from evolved stars. Working on radiative transfer modeling of LMC asymp- totic giant branch (AGB) stars in the SAGE database ”The mass-loss return from evolved stars to the LMC: empirical relations for excess emission at 8 and 24 µm, Srinivasan, S., Meixner, M., Vijh, U. et al. (in preparation) Snezana Stanimirovic University of Wisconsin Madison, Assistant Professor, PhD 2000 from University of Western Sydney Role: science Co-I 11 years of experience in IR/radio observations and studies of the diffuse ISM in the SMC and the Galaxy; 30+ refereed journal publications. Co-I on the Spitzer Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud. ”Spitzer Space Telescope detection of the young supernova remnant 1E 0102.2-7219”, Stanimirovic, S., Bolatto, Alberto D., Sandstrom, Karin, Leroy, Adam K., Simon, Joshua D., Gaensler, B. M., Shah, Ronak Y., Jackson, James M., 2005, ApJ, 632, L103 “Cool Dust and Gas in the Small Magellanic Cloud”, Stanimirovic, S., Staveley-Smith, L., van der Hulst, J.M., Bontekoe, Tj.R., Kester, D.J.M., 2000, MNRAS, 315, 791 Jacco van Loon Keele University, Lecturer/Leverhulme Research Fellow, PhD 1999. Role: science co-I, interested in cold dust masses in evolved stars from PACS photometry. 12 years experience in IR/radio observations and studies of mass loss from cool evolved stars. 69 refereed journal publications. “Dust-enshrouded giants in clusters in the Magellanic Clouds”, van Loon J.Th., Marshall J.R., Zijlstra A.A., 2005, A&A 442, 597 “An empirical formula for the mass-loss rates of dust-enshrouded red supergiants and oxygen-rich Asymptotic Giant Branch stars”, van Loon J.Th., Cioni M.-R.L., Zijlstra A.A., Loup C., 2005, A&A 438, 273 Barbara Whitney Senior Research Scientist, Space Science Institute; PhD 1989, University of Wisconsin; Role: Co-develop point source extraction pipeline and model YSOs. 106 refereed journal publications. Co-I on the Spitzer GLIMPSE and SAGE Legacy surveys; helped develop the GLIMPSE and SAGE IRAC processing pipelines; 25 years experience in multidimensional radiation transfer. “Spitzer SAGE Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud: III. Star For- mation and 1000 Newly Discovered Young Stellar Objects,” B. A. Whitney et al. 2007, AJ, submitted; “A GLIMPSE of Star Formation in the Giant H II Region RCW 49,” B. A. Whitney et al. 2004, ApJS, 154, 315-321; “2-Dimensional Radiative Transfer in Protostellar Envelopes: II. An Evolutionary Sequence,” B. A. Whitney, K. Wood, J. E. Bjorkman, & M. Cohen 2003, ApJ, 598, 1079-1099. M. Wolfire University of Maryland, Astronomy Department, Associate Research Scientist, Role: Co-I adds significant theoretical expertise to the proposed investigation. A leader in modeling the chemistry, thermal structure and dynamics of interstellar gas, particularly in the diffuse ISM, starforming regions and galaxies. “ [Si II], [Fe II], [C II], and H2 Emission from Massive Star-forming Regions,” M. J. Kaufman, M. G. Wolfire, D. J. Hollenbach, ApJ, 644, 283 (2006) “Neutral Atomic Phases of the ISM in the Galaxy,” M. G. Wolfire, C. F. McKee, D. J. Hollenbach,& A. G. G. M. Tielens ApJ, 587, 278 (2003) “Far Infrared Submillimeter Emission from Galactic and Extragalactic Photo-Dissociation Regions: Models,” M. J. Kaufman, M. G. Wolfire, D. J. Hollenbach, & M. L. Luhman, ApJ, 527, 795 (1999) “The Neutral Atomic Phases of the ISM,” M. G. Wolfire, D. Hollenbach, C. F. McKee, A.G.G.M. Tielens, & E.L.O. Bakes, ApJ, 443, 152 (1995)

- 14 - 6. Observations Summary List

AOT Time (hr) SSOs Timings Groupings Follow-up

SPParallel 338.0 6 22 PSpecL 166.5

Notes (if applicable): AORs are grouped to ensure that the full survey area is covered by the separate strips.

- 15 - 7. Alternative Observations Summary List

AOT Time (hr) SSOs Timings Groupings Follow-up

- 16 -