History of the Colony of New Haven
KJ5W H AVEN and its VICINITY Con. HISTORY COLONYF O NEW HAVEN, BEFOREND A AFTF.R THE U NION WITH CONNECTICUT. CONTAINING A P ARTICULAR DESCRIPTION OFHE T TOWNS WHICH COMPOSED THAT GOVERNMENT, VIZ., WEW H AVEN, / B RADFORD, ts iTIILFOKD, , STA n roiti», A CUILFORD, SOUTHOLD, I ,. I. WITH A N OTICE OF TIIE TOWNS WHICH HAVE BEEN SET OFF FROM "HE T ORIGINAL SIX." fillustrateb 6 n .fffttn NEW H AVEN: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY HITCHCOCK & STAFFORD. 1838. ENTERED, A ccording to Act of Congress, in the year 1838, BY E DWARD R. LAMBERT, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Connecticut. PREFACE. AUTHENTIC h istory is of high importance. It exhibits the juris prudence, science, morals, and religion of nations, and while it •warns to shun their errors, holds forth their virtues for imitation in bold relief. But where is the history more interesting and important than that of our own, "our much loved native land," that abounds in incidents more romantic, or narrative more thrilling? Buta little more than two centuries have elapsed since the first band of the " Puritan Fathers" left their native home, crossed the wild Atlantic, landed on the snow-clad rock of Plymouth, and laid the first foundation stone of New England. Within this period a change has here taken place, and in our common counfry unparalleled in the history of mankind. A great and powerful nation has arisen. The desert has been made " to bud and blossom as the rose." And •what but the sword of civil discord can arrest the giant march of improvement, (yet advancing with accelerating rapidity,) till " the noblest empire iu the reign of time" shall extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific wave.
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