Whalley Avenue Corridor Study

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Whalley Avenue Corridor Study CITY OF NEW HAVEN WWhhaalllleeyy AAvveennuuee CCoorrrriiddoorr SSttuuddyy Prepared for: South Central Regional Council of Governments December 2010 Prepared by: Parsons Brinckerhoff with Fitzgerald & Halliday, Inc. Whalley Avenue Corridor Study TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1-1 STUDY OVERVIEW.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 WHALLEY AVENUE CORRIDOR AND STUDY AREA ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 STUDY PROCESS AND ORGANIZATION ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1-1 CHAPTER 2: EXISTING CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 2-1 CORRIDOR SETTING – LAND USES AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT ........................................................................................................................................................... 2-1 RELEVANT PLANS AND STUDIES ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-5 ROADWAY NETWORK ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-7 TRAFFIC VOLUMES AND OPERATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-10 SAFETY ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-12 PEDESTRIANS .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2-14 BICYCLES ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-16 TRANSIT SERVICE ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-17 CHAPTER 3: CORRIDOR RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3-1 OVERVIEW OF RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-1 WEST CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-4 CENTRAL CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-12 EAST CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-15 MOVING FORWARD ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-20 APPENDIX A: PUBLIC OUTREACH SUMMARY Exhibit 1-1: Study Corridor · City of New Haven - City Plan CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Dept; Dept of Transportation, Traffic, STUDY OVERVIEW and Parking; Public Works Dept; Engineering Dept; and Office of The Whalley Avenue Corridor Study was initiated by the South Central Economic Development. Regional Council of Governments (SCRCOG) on behalf of the City of New Haven in 2009-10. The study presents recommendations for improving · Connecticut Department of the corridor with respect to both transportation functions and the Transportation (CTDOT) contextual relationship with adjoining neighborhoods. The study was · prepared in partnership with key stakeholders from the Westville Village New Haven Economic Development Corporation (EDC) Renaissance Alliance (WVRA), Whalley Avenue Special Services District (WASSD) and New Haven Economic Development Corporation (EDC), all of · Whalley Avenue Special Services whom are working to revitalize this important corridor. The study assesses District (WASSD) current transportation and land use conditions, identifies issues and · Westville Village Renaissance opportunities along the corridor, and recommends actions and strategies Alliance (WVRA) for future development of the corridor. · The Consultant Team WHALLEY AVENUE CORRIDOR AND STUDY AREA Whalley Avenue is a principal arterial linking downtown and Consultant Team neighborhoods to the west/northwest, including Dwight, Dixwell, Beaver The Whalley Avenue Corridor Study Hills, Edgewood, Westville, West Rock and Amity. In Amity, Whalley was conducted by Parsons Avenue divides to Amity Rd (CT 63) and Litchfield Ave (CT 69), which Brinckerhoff, with assistance from connects to the Wilber Cross Parkway (CT 15). Fitzgerald & Halliday, Inc. This study focuses on a 2-mile segment of Whalley Avenue between Public Outreach Emerson St at the western edge of Westville and Howe St, which is just Two public meetings were held during east of Broadway, Yale University and downtown (Exhibit 1-1). Three the study. The first meeting, held distinct corridor segments were identified to help organize corridor Transportation and land use conditions in the study area are detailed April 8, 2010 at the Beecher Street assessment and recommendations: further in Chapter 2, Existing Conditions. School in New Haven, included a presentation of existing conditions and a · West segment: This segment spans Emerson Street to Fitch Street, workshop to engage attendees in identifying corridor issues and potential and is largely located in Westville. Here, Whalley Avenue is STUDY PROCESS AND ORGANIZATION solutions. The second meeting was held on June 28, 2010 at the Village designated as a state highway, CT 63, and connects to CT 243 at The recommendations of the study were developed to respond to issues Café at Marrakesh on Whalley Avenue. Preliminary recommendations Fountain Street. identified through an assessment of existing conditions, consultation with were presented, followed by a discussion period with meeting attendees. staff from the City of New Haven and community organizations, and the Comments received at the second meeting and from the public following · Central segment: Whalley Avenue is designated CT 10 between Fitch community outreach process. Current corridor conditions and identified review of the draft report were considered in finalizing the corridor study. Street and Ella Grasso Blvd, which is designated the central segment in issues are summarized in Chapter 2, Existing Conditions, and study this study. CT 10 turns and continues north on Fitch St and south on findings are presented in Chapter 3, Recommendations. Ella Grasso Blvd at either end of this segment. Study Team · East segment: From Ella Grasso Blvd to Howe Street, Whalley Avenue A study team was convened, meeting four times from December, 2009 is a local principal arterial. through June, 2010 to review study progress, provide information, and In addition to neighborhoods and commercial districts, the corridor is a discuss next steps in the study process. Team members also assisted with key access route to Southern Connecticut State University (north of organizing, publicizing and presenting information at the two public Whalley Avenue on Fitch St) and Yale University (just east of the study workshops. The team comprised participants from: area). · South Central Regional Council of Government (SCRCOG) WWhhaalllleeyy AAvveennuuee CCoorrrriiddoorr SSttuuddyy 1-1 CHAPTER 2: EXISTING CONDITIONS Exhibit 2-1: Current Land Uses, West Segment CORRIDOR SETTING – LAND USES AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT Open Spaces and Natural Features The project study area extends along Whalley Avenue between Emerson Street and Howe Street. These areas are largely developed and urban in character. The two primary open spaces are Beecher Park, a neighborhood park located on Whalley Avenue at Harrison Street, and Edgewood Park, located just east of Westville
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