WDCAG 2018 ANNUAL MEETING SCAVENGER HUNT Created by The King’s University Students: Sean Adams, Forrest Battjes, Claire Brandenbarg, Cacey Cottrill and Karambir Singh Please hand in your numbered list with corresponding, legible answers on a separate piece of paper to Sean Adams or Forrest Battjes at the registration table on Saturday 10th March 2018 before 4pm. Be sure to put your group name/associated university/college at the top! Hand in your photos by emailing them in a folder to
[email protected] by 4pm as well. We may display them in a slideshow at the Banquet. Be sure to indicate in the email which questions you answered that correspond with your photos! Also, please specify your appropriate institution’s acronym in the subject line of the email, along with “WDCAG 2018 Scavenger Hunt Photos”. A detailed list of your institution and its acronym is on the last page of this document, make sure to use the right one! 2 Point Questions: 1. What is the name of the first commercially brewed beer in Edmonton? 2. What is the name of the cafe on 109th St. and 88th Ave? (Hint: It’s A Sweet Name) 3. Name three U of A campus bars 4. In what year did Edmonton’s Princess Theatre, first open? 5. Name 5 festivals that are home to the City of Edmonton. 6. This U of A district theater airs Tommy Wiseau’s cult classic “The Room” on the first Friday of every month, what is its name? 7. Name 3 concert venues that are home to Edmonton.