2017 Summer / Fall Update


As we near the end of my first year as and InterPipline’s IPPL job by Scotford). up winning the Mayors Trophy for best Business Manager I have a lot to reflect Complicating issues a little with the lack float! Great job brothers and sisters!! on and a lot to look forward to. Let of work fronts, some of our members So far this fall, most of our signatory me share some of the highlights and thought it is ok to source their own work contractors on maintenance have been challenges we have had in the last year. as Independent Contractors and help picking up work over and above their our competition get their jobs finished Right off the hop we had some changes original scope. We must ensure that and help them secure more work. This to the NMA agreement that ultimately we go out each and every day and do kind of action is extremely dangerous for leeched into the GPMA (or GPC) what we do best to help them secure the Local and cannot be tolerated. Agreement, which had been very good more work for all of us and our families. for our membership for a great many Enough of the challenges, let’s look at The slowdown in manhours has had years. These changes were quite drastic some of the positives that happened an effect on our day to day operations and hard to swallow, but some felt it over the last year. The reinforcing sector, as well. We have had to downsize on was necessary to keep a competitive although it started slowly this year, is staffing and even reduce hours for edge on our competition. Soon after that turning out to be the shining star for administration as well as agents. No one was the realization that our 2 biggest the local. As we are always looking for likes cutbacks or concessions but these jobs at the time (NWR and Ft Hills) were Rodmen, Scott and Dean have done are unfortunate realities we are forced both coming to an end at some point a great job with our Reinforcing Pre- to deal with presently. Our goal is to this calendar year and there were no Apprentice Courses as well as our persevere through the most challenging replacement projects of this size on the Transition 101 classes for some of our times that I have seen as a member horizon. At this point I realized we were Structural folks looking to expand their of our great Local, and to position going to have more people on the books employability options. We have a lot of ourselves to be successful in all our than I had seen as dispatcher over the work on the current LRT project (which sectors when the industry and economy last 4 years. is fairly long term and there is potentially pick up again. In closing I would just more if all goes well). The current like to say that although this has been a Next up was the CLRA and our Government has made some substantial very challenging year for all of us there contractors asking for concessions changes to the Labour Code through are brighter days ahead. I wish all the to help capture some work in a very bill C-17 which will help us better serve members and their families happiness depressed economy. I made some the members in access, organizing, and and prosperity in the coming year. decisions through the SPNA portion of securing work from a more level playing our Collective Agreement to help get our field. Through some dedicated members members working and unfortunately the we took a shot at putting a float in for Sincerely Yours, BTA as a group was unsuccessful on K-Days, to get more exposure and let a couple of the larger jobs (IOL Cogen Keith Stevenson people know who we are, and we ended Children’ Christma s Part s y December 16, 2017 , West Mall

Registration forms will be available on the website ironworkers720.com

Mayor’s Award for Best Float K-Days 2017 Show and Shine 2017 Funds Coffee Club Administration retired members Client Portal A special thanks from Business Manager Keith Stevenson and staff to all those retired Members who have joined us for our monthly coffee and doughnut day held on the fourth Wednesday of every month.

The New Funds Administration Client Portal is now available for all members to access their information online. Please visit www.fasadmin.com or www.ironworkers720.com for information on how to log in.

2 | 2017 summer/fall update Peter London PRESIDENT’S

MESSAGE Roxanne Bernard women’s column climb winner

Brothers and Sisters, As our summer days are shorter and 8 tying the winner for the men was Chad shorter and our fall season approaches, Porter and for the sisters Tina Pete. Next I hope you enjoyed some family time up will be the children’s Christmas party together with your loved ones. Since at which will be held there are no monthly meetings during the on Saturday December 16. summer, the executive and examining If you are not working please utilize the board both meet monthly and continue resources that the training center has. dealing with the ongoing issues pertaining Keep your tickets up to date, so when a to the local. call comes in you are ready to go. Contact This year has been very different than Scott at the training center or go on the the past years when the local had full website to see when the next courses that employment and no one on the out of you need are available. work list. The local has had meetings with When you take a dispatch slip from the our commercial contractors as well as our hall it is your job as a union member to industrial ones to see where we can help stay on the job until its complete, if you to secure more jobs for our members. have any issues please see your job We know that all contractors are actively steward who should be trained in helping bidding on work and trying to put our you. Work safe, be accountable and members to work. quitting never solves anything because Since our last report, 18 members have it affects us all. Mentor apprentices and passed away. There have been 7 transfers stand up for what’s right when you see in to the hall, with 25 going out to other something wrong on the job. locals. Also 13 withdraws from the local, We will again be holding our monthly Devon Rowe - men’s column climb winner 14 members have gone honorary and 13 meetings, that is where you can ask lifetime. We had 50 reinstatements and 35 questions and hear from the agents what members initiated into the hall either as is going on in the city and Fort McMurray, apprentices or journeymen. up and coming commercial and industrial This summer we had another successful work along with our reinforcing sectors. golf tournament and raised $12,080 I wish you all a safe a productive season. for the Stollery children’s hospital. The See you at the meetings! local also entered a float into the K-days parade and won the Mayors trophy as the best float! Thank you to everyone Fraternally, who volunteered their time to make it a great success. Another wonderful time Pete London was at the zoo, we had 600 people attend. Our yearly Show and Shine at the hall was fun for the whole family. The column climb winner for the men was Devon Rowe and for the women Roxanne Bernard, and for the rod figure Chad Porter and Tina Pete - Show and Shine 2017 rebar tying winners

SAFETY PRODUCTIVITY QUALITY | 3 sector has seen numerous calls unfilled and continue to seek more experienced rodbusters for several jobs in and around Edmonton. A demand we are working very hard to fulfill and will continue to support Dean Murray and his efforts in Chris Aparicio holding that market share. As we move into the Fall season, Maintenance shutdowns have begun. DISPATCHER Numerous calls are coming in for outages at CNRL Horizon, CNRL Albian, Kearl and Syncrude Aurora. These open Hello Brothers and Sisters, calls have been a bit difficult to fill, and are still ongoing. We’ve extended these Let me first start off by saying, what in and around the city and capital region, calls to Travel cards within and outside an honour it is to work for you as your this made our members very nervous of and to Probationary members. Dispatcher for our great Local. When about the uncertainly and the future Maintenance will play a vital role for our asked by FST/Business Manager Keith scope of work in this province. In August, membership in the coming months and Stevenson if I was interested in the we saw 580 journeymen structural into early 2018. position of Dispatcher, it was a decision ironworkers peak on the out-of-work list. that didn’t take me very long to make. 365 of those were journeymen welders. In closing, thank you to all those that After spending close to 10 years as Between the 6 different lists (Jry/App IW, helped me in the preliminary stages of an Instructor/Associate Chair of the Jry/App Welders, Jry/App Reinforcing), this transition. I will continue to work Ironworker Program at NAIT, I felt that it we had over 1100 members out of very hard in this new role and to forge was time to move on to a new chapter work. That’s close to 47% of our total new partnerships to regain our market and this was an opportunity to give back membership not working! share. And we will continue to help build to what this Local has given me. It is a Edmonton and the rest of Alberta as the The summer months have historically position that I will take very seriously and workforce of choice. been slow for us as many people are work diligently to uphold the Dispatch enjoying summer vacations and taking Be involved. Be passionate. rules not only for our members, but to time off to spend with family. We have Be 720 proud! our contractors and owners. been able to send a few of our members In the early months of 2017, our Local to other Locals such as the Boilermakers Fraternally yours, was experiencing the first initial waves of Lodge 146 to various sites in Northern layoffs and major projects such as NWR Alberta and to I.A.T.S.E. Local 210 Chris Aparicio (North West Refinery) and the Suncor for concert stage set-ups/rigging. Fort Hills Project slowly coming to an Maintenance calls have trickled in and end. We were seeing figures grow on the odd calls for in-town work popped the “out of work list” to numbers that we up periodically (Clearwater Mod Yard, BFI have not seen in the history of this Local. at Gilead/Stonefell, Waiward Library and Although we still have ongoing projects Supreme Steel) However, the Reinforcing

Retired Members We are looking for great pictures to use Christmas for our 2018 calendar! Dinner If you got some, please include the site the picture Notices will was taken and email to: November 22 be mailed out [email protected]

4 | 2017 summer/fall update Government to advise it on the best way to upgrade and refine our energy Gary Savard resources. This report is due to be out this fall and I with others in Labour organizations are very interested to hear BUSINESS what is in it. The NDP government is also reviewing government procurement policies when AGENT it comes to the billions of dollars that is and will be spent on infrastructure work MESSAGE around the province. We lobbied for this review last year and there should be a report out over the next couple months. Autumn is upon us and as I said in last In the foreseeable future, this is the work Bill 17, The Fair and Family Workplace year’s report the work picture has slowed that will keep us moving forward and Act was passed in June and this brought significantly throughout the year. There is although there are no multibillion dollar some major changes to the Alberta work out there but these projects do not projects starting immediately there is Labour Relations Code to even the playing have the big manpower numbers like we some hope coming down the pipeline field for organized labour. We never got have seen in the past. so to speak. everything we wanted, for example an At the Northwest Refinery, we still have Next summer, the Federal Government end to double breasting of companies, small crews with Fluor in Unit 20 and has stated that marijuana will be legal to but changes were made to our ability to with PCL in Unit 40. Hopefully they could use and that the Provincial governments organize non-union contractors such as be there for a couple more months. On are bringing forth the regulations for 65% +1 for card certification. the bright side BFI has been reactivated its sale and consumption when that In the next few months we will see on site and are working in Units 50 & 60 happens. The Canadian Model has limits changes to the Occupational Health & doing repairs and deficiencies that were that an individual can have in their system Safety Act as well as to the Workers left by our non-union competitors. They and still be able to work just like alcohol. Compensation Board. are doing an excellent job of representing This will not change next year. a Building Trades company and this could I have not seen this type of year with the In November of 2016, The Liberal lead to more work on site for us. work slowdown and all the changes to Federal Government signed off on the Alberta Labour Relations Code, WCB Across the road at Agrium, JLG Ltd (a two major pipelines, Kinder Morgan’s and OH&S Act since back in the eighties. company started by a couple of members Trans Mountain pipeline and Enbridge’s What we do with it depends on us! of Local 720) has a dayshift crew and Line 3 which will help get Alberta’s oil nightshift crew for the shutdown and have to International markets. There is still I wish all the members and your families been on site for a good month already. opposition to the Trans Mountain pipeline good fortune in these trying times and if in BC from the new government there, we stick together we will come through it! Infrastructure projects such as the LRT but in the last 2 weeks Kinder Morgan line from Millwoods to Downtown have has announced the contractors who will started and the structural calls will start construct the different portions in BC. Fraternally, to come later this fall for the Davis Station stop. This is a large elevated station that In December 2016, the NDP Provincial Gary Savard will required roughly 15 Ironworkers on it Government announced that through for a few months. their Petrochemical Diversification Program Pembina Pipeline Corp ($300 Melloy has been working at Joffre million royalty credit) & Inter Pipeline Ltd throughout the year with a small crew of ($200 million royalty credit) will build two Ironworkers and are now waiting to hear new propylene- polypropylene facilities if they have secured the next furnaces to to produce materials for products be done. There will be a few months off if including plastics, detergents and textiles. they do acquire the next phase. Construction more than likely will not start There are also Ironworkers scattered until late 2018 or early 2019 for civil work. all over the Edmonton area on many These are projects that we will need to locations. This includes Commercial/ watch closely. Institutional/Maintenance contractors An Energy Diversification Committee such as Alstom, Superior Steel, Rampart, was formed by direction of the Provincial RKM and many others. Unstack the deck Rally

SAFETY PRODUCTIVITY QUALITY | 5 Dean Murray buildings with parkades as well as the retail developments and stores that BUSINESS come with it. The forward movement of the Edmonton AGENT / transit Valley line project is a large amount of work including another Bridge across the North Saskatchewan river which Organizer several of our contractors are involved in. This transit line work is just the start MESSAGE of several different lines that the city has proposed, it is a very good amount of work for Reinforcing members. The other commercial work in and Greetings Brothers and Sisters around the City has also been very busy of Local 720, this year. Our contractors consistently There have been some tremendous medical, educational, government have had the need to hire more Rodmen changes in the economy over the buildings, water treatment plants and and as such the need for our Reinforcing last year with the big plant industrial water reservoirs as well as the continued pre-apprentice classes, developed by worksites slowing down with new infrastructure work have kept everyone the training department. They have construction. As I have mentioned busy. These projects will continue put out five very successful classes of in other reports we are very lucky in with many new projects about to start Reinforcing apprentices this year, I would our jurisdiction regarding Reinforcing, including the new 400,000-square like to thank Scott and Arden for their our companies and members have foot Ford parts warehouse, the excellent work with these reinforcing been holding market share by far with 500,000-square foot Champion Pet classes. It has been an immense help to Reinforcing projects wherever they may foods production plant and the Nisku the local and our contractors. be. The commercial work picture has Discovery Business Park. We have also tried to do some extra been very strong in the Edmonton area. The new Blatchford site is just about training for some of our out-of-work The downtown is still very ready to start construction at the old structural members with a one week busy with several projects and many city airport area, the city plans for this course to give them some reinforcing new high-rise towers starting up soon. Blatchford site to have housing for knowledge. There were also some Also new condos, apartment buildings, 30,000 thousand. With that there will members that just needed some practice shopping centers, office buildings, be a lot more condos and apartments time in the shop with some pliers and a little instruction, who are now able to take a Reinforcing call and keep paying their bills. We have continued to bring in non- union experienced Rodmen to help fill the contractors needs and build up our Reinforcing membership. Having never worked through a union, they are not scabs, they are reinforcing ironworkers that need a union. Our ability to bring these workers in has effectively helped to keep the percentage of market share that we still have, as this hurts the non- union contractor. I have continued to ramp up Organizing efforts with several currently ongoing Campaigns. The combination of the changes to the Labour Relations code brought into place with our current NDP government, Bill 17 and the help we have been getting from our members,

Goldbar Reinforcing, 10th floor of Symphony tower , 38 tonnes in 2 days

6 | 2017 summer/fall update will be moving us into position to get more companies signed up as signatory contractors this year and even better in 2018 when the rest of the Labour code changes come into effect. The Hall sent me for some training in Michigan this summer and I was privileged enough to take the History of the Ironworker’s course and COMET’s Train the Trainer. These courses were very good and I hope to utilize what I learned to help with their implementation here at Local 720 in the future. It is very important to pass this information on to the membership to make sure they all understand and remember what the Union movement has done for workers in the past and what the Union advantages are for us in the future. The work forecast looks very good for the Local 720 Rodmen, along with the successful pre-apprentice class participants and the new workers recruited that were given a chance to get a start with our contractors without any experience. I will continue to recruit as we know that when we have the good Rodmen members, we continue to get the work. In closing I would like to wish all our members and their families good health and prosperity in the coming year.

Sincerely, Dean Murray

SAFETY PRODUCTIVITY QUALITY | 7 Scott Papineau Alberta Ironworkers Apprenticeship & Training Plan COORDINATOR’S MESSAGE

As everyone is aware 2017 has been testing. These new changes have allowed The slow down in work has allowed a slow year for projects throughout the us to attract exciting new participants us to explore additional training and province but training and apprenticeship into the Reinforcing sector of our trade. upgrading classes to help our members has continued to grow. As work has So far this year we have conducted pursue new employment options with an slowed many of our members and 5 Reinforcing Pre-apprentice classes example being the Rope Access class. contractors are taking advantage of with some of those participants already We have recently formed a partnership this time to update their certifications achieving membership in our local. The between TEAM industrial and CICT and training, this has allowed us to success of the Reinforcing Pre-apprentice training to offer Rope Access training to reconnect with many of our members class allowed us to develop a similar our members. The Rope access course and contractors and re-establish our class aimed at providing training for is organized through CICT and allows our relationships. The slow down in work has existing members who are interested in members to book this training through the also allowed us to update and rework working in the Reinforcing sector. This apprenticeship coordinator. The course some of our training courses to help offer class was dubbed the Rebar 101 class is taught at a facility owned and operated a better experience to our participants. and followed the same progression as the by TEAM industrial as they provide the One of the courses that has undergone existing Reinforcing Pre-apprentice class instructor, equipment and assessment some restructuring is our Pre-apprentice providing theory and hands on training of the participants. Currently we have (reinforcing), this class has changed from designed so that the participant can hit participated in two of these 5 day classes a two week class to a one week class the ground running when dispatched to and more have been scheduled in the that is much more focused on the hands a signatory contractor. So far we have coming months, check the training centre on aspects of the trade. Participants who had 5 members participate in this class calendar for upcoming course dates and are interested in this class are selected and successfully gain employment, these read the course description document through a rigorous process involving classes will continue as the need for on our website for more info. In addition interviews, written and pre-access D&A Reinforcing Ironworkers continues.

Reinforcing Pre-Apprentice Class

8 | 2017 summer/fall update to Rope access we have also added OSSA Confined Space and H2S alive as regularly scheduled courses at our training centre. These courses are in demand as E-BOARD our work scope changes from industrial construction to maintenance activities, MESSAGE I would recommend that all members take advantage of these new courses Greetings from your E-Board! Receive an to increase their employability with our Additional It is that time of the year again, signatory contractors. summer has come to an end and $300 ON TOP OF YOUR INSURANCE The training department has always we hope you had a great time with PREMIUM* utilized social media to communicate family and loved ones. Your new with our members and contractors E-Board members, some who have Exclusive Promotion To All enthusiastically joined the board for and we have recently started to make Iron Workers Local 720 and upload promotional videos to help their first term, are extremely proud and honored to represent Local 720 Employees & Family Members** promote our trade and union. Check *This $300 promotion is split as such: $150 towards prescription eye glasses, and $ 150 towards safety eyewear going into the future. ** Immediate family members that are covered under your existing insurance out our series of Rebar videos on the Alberta Ironworkers Apprenticeship and We ask you now more than ever For Your Training Plan Facebook page. We have to be a responsible union member, 11303 -104 Ave, 5005 - 50 Ave Edmonton, AB T5K 2S1 Cold Lake, AB T9M 1X6 also participated in numerous trade and please support our local by coming Phone: 780 - 425 - 5367 Complete Phone: 780 - 594 - 0002 Eyecare Needs employment expos aimed at promoting to union meetings and getting Valid at any of our four locations listed here. involved in the different committees 9499 - 137 Ave, Edmonton, AB T5E 5R8, 148,15277 Castle Downs Road trades to students and other looking , Lower Level, Across from Walmart Edmonton, AB T5X 3N5 Phone: 780 - 472 - 7740 Phone: 780 - 457 - 5150 for a rewarding career. Our ability to and events available. Take the calls effectively advertise has also spread to that are on the tape and remember to proudly represent our Standards our training centre truck that has recently of Excellence. been wrapped with a full vehicle graphic designed to grab the attention of everyone Please do not hesitate to speak 720 Members! who sees it. with your E-Board members and we wish you all a safe and positive year! The Welding shop continues to offer CWB testing and practice to our members under the direction of Christianne Hall. Fraternally, We continue to offer various CWB test E-board: procedures including SMAW, FCAW, Stainless and Deck testing during all of Pete London – President our testing days. I remind all welders to Rick Hart check their expiry dates on their welding Colin Kerik certifications to ensure that they book their Gary Parr Please make sure your practice and test dates appropriately. Cory Anderson beneficiary is up to date. As work continues to increase I want to remind everyone to update their Chad Wegenast Inquire at 780-482-0720 or email: training, tickets, contact information, Lee Donecz [email protected] email address and other trade related information in our system so we can accurately advertise and dispatch our members. Please continue to check the training calendar for upcoming courses and training opportunities as new classes and dates are added frequently. In closing I would like to thank our members and contractors for an exciting summer and I look forward to continued success in the coming months.

Fraternally, Scott Papineau

K-Days Crew, 2017


Hello Brothers and Sisters, I hope everyone had a great summer one of the most dangerous jobs in with family and friends. the world. The dangers we face doing New Construction is different than I would like to take this opportunity to doing Maintenance or Shutdowns. Our Union is here thank all the Job Stewards who do their Which is why we must be aware of best to make sure everyone is taken today only because our surroundings as well as what other care of. Over the past year some of the trades are doing around us. of the dedication and Job Stewards have gone above and beyond to ensure the Ironworkers issues Forthills is almost completed and determination of the get fixed. Sometimes it is an easy fix, the workforce is starting to go from Members who went sometimes much more complicated. I construction to commissioning and understand that a job steward’s job can then into start-up. Start-up is expected before us. be a thankless one, but for the people to be by the end of 2017. The Forthills who step up to take on that role and project had approximately 1200 In memory of our departed responsibility, I thank you for all the hard ironworkers from across Canada Brothers and Sisters. work that you do. working for PCL, Waiward, Fluor and Let us not forget them. BFI (just to name a few) and I would like It is amazing how much can change to thank everyone who has helped start in a year. Last year in Fort McMurray In Memory of the deceased and finish this project. everyone was worried about the wildfires Members 2016 – Present and rebuilding Fort McMurray. Well the I have had the privilege of having rebuilding has started and as I write my numerous conversations with Syncrude 2016 report there are still approximately 9000 and Suncor and they speak very highly Lloyd Cochrane, November 5 people who have not returned to the of the 720 Ironworkers on their sites. The Steve Savage, December 10 Wood Buffalo area. tasks of doing everything from routine maintenance to shut down work shows 2017 While Fort McMurray suffered through them and the rest of the clients and Brendon Saunders, January 26 the wild fire known as “the Beast” last contractors that the safety, productivity Matt Beauchamp, February 16 year we have also seen some problems and quality from the Ironworkers at 720 David Drescher, March 4 on our sites. In May 2017, Syncrude had are why we are the best at what we William Strain, May 4 a fire and an explosion on site with one do. And that is how we continue to get Elmer Smith, May 6 person injured. I am happy to say that work, maintain the work we have and Mike Ogloff, May 8 the Syncrude employee has recovered also to take the work away from the Rick Nimmo, May 14 and is back to work. While I was on site Non-Union. Rocky Neill, May 27 visiting night shift on September 11, Robert Fitzgerald, June 16 2017, CNRL had a building explode. Rod Stacey, June 26 Luckily, people working 20 feet away Sincerely, Danny Dan, July 21 had moved about 15 minutes before Dylan Bradley, July 30 the explosion. With a very loud bang Rob Letendre Todd Manning, July 30 that shook the lunch trailers, woke James Hennessy, August 11 people up at camp and along with the Daniel Stevenson, August 15 flare stack flaming way bigger than it Murray Horne, Sept 26 normally is, it puts a lot of things into perspective. We as Ironworkers have

10 | 2017 summer/fall update IRONWORKERS LOCAL UNION 720 Dispatch Rec. Ph: 780-482-1637 Sign-In Ph: 780-666-4724 Office Ph: 780-482-0720 Fax: 780-482-0874 10512 - 122 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1M6

Apprenticeship: (780) 482-0908 Website: www.ironworkers720.com Fort McMurray Sub Office: (780) 743-2023 Dispatch Rec.: (780) 791-5866 Pension, Health & Welfare: (780) 452-5161 Plan Website: www.fasadmin.com Toll Free: AB, SASK, BC: 1-800-770-2998

Show and Shine 2017 Building Trades Monument

11 | 2017 summer/fall update