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EXTENSIONS of REMARKS October 10, 1972 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS FRANCES G 34728 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 10, 1972 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS FRANCES G. KNIGHT-EXCELLENT passports are listed as additional workloads address this afternoon before the National ADMINISTRATOR performed by the Domestic Operations Di­ Federation of Republican Women, I ac­ vision since they are handled as a special cepted with alacrity and with much pleas­ service for other Government agencies. Other ure. Some years ago John Foster Dulles told HON. JEROME R. WALDIE services handled by this division are as fol­ me that in a free society, public attitudes lows: post adjudication of Insular applica­ OF CALIFORNIA could be crucMtl in forming public policy. He tions, review of Post Office applications went on to say that those of us who have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (Washington Only), filing of Locater and lived with foreign affairs should speak out Tuesday, October 10, 1972 Status Cards, and other services. and tell the story of our own experiences. During FY 1972 the Foreign Operations Di­ So I am doubly pleased and honored to be :Mr. WALDIE. Mr. Speaker, I commend vision received a total of 46,844 cases from here because I .am. well aware of the wide in­ Frances G. Knight, Director of the Pass­ the Foreign Service Posts and other areas fluence that you have in America. I also port Office, on that Agency's highly s~c­ throughout the world which required action know that you are hardworking and dedi­ cessful year. I think few people reallze or advisory opinion. This represents an in­ cated Republioons. the extent of the service offered by the crease of 12.4% over the 41,689 oe.ses received I am very pleased to note in your calendar from the same sources during FY 1971. In of events that you are having an opportunity Passport Office. This Office is responsible FY 1972, 45,965 cases were completed as com­ to visit some of the historic places in and for many activities other than accepting pared to 40,208 in FY 1971, an increase of around Boston. After your Boston Tea Party passport applications and issuing pass­ 14.3%. is over Saturday, if your weekend remains ports. I was informed, and impressed by The Foreign Operations Division performs open, I urge you to visit one or all three of Mrs. Knight that once again the colle?­ a multitude of services and support activi­ the northern New England states, Maine, New tions made by the Passport Office were 1n ties which are both directly and indirectly Hampshire, and Vermont, and witness the excess of direct operating funds, this year involved in the processing and production of opening of the fall foliage season. If you do, passports issued overseas. you will see the forests coming alive in bril­ by $14,570,000. The casework category of Foreign Opera­ liant color. It could be an experience tha.t The following is a summary of the year­ tions Division consists of fraudulent natural you will never forget. Then you can return end report of the Passport Office for the iZa.tion. oertific~tes of los3 of nationality, home refreshed and ready to rededicate your­ fiscal year 1972: registration application, passport application, selves to bring about an overwhelming Re­ In Fiscal Year 1972 the Passport Office is­ consular reports of birth, correspondence and publican victory in November. sued a total of 2,605,321 passports. This vol­ consular letters, advisory opinions, and lost Since January 1969, President Nixon's for­ ume of passports issued represents an in­ and found. eign policy initiatives have electrified people crease in workload of 12.7 % over the pass­ The fourth division is the Legal Division all over the world. His critics, including cer­ ports issued the previous year. Personnel which performs mainly service oriented work tain members of the Democratic Party, have utilization increased by 12.0% in FY 1972 of a legal and quasi-legal nature. These ac­ been mystified and confused. As a former from 702 man-years utilized in FY 1971 to tivities and services are not directly related Ambassador to four countries, who began in 786 man-years utilized in FY 1972. to the processing and issuance of passports. the Foreign Service as a Vice Consul in India During FY 1972 the Passport Office col­ During the FY 1972 the legal division com­ many years ago, I have followed the Pres­ lected an estimated $25,955,783 in passport pleted 34,788 cases ranging from travel con­ ident's initiatives with more than casual fees, an increase of 14.2% over FY 1971. Di­ trol cases to civil action. This represents a interest. rect operating funds for FY 1972, including 16.3% increase over the 29,919 cases that were This morning I heard on NBC's Today Show pay for permanent personnel for which funds completed in FY 1971. The workload con­ that for the first time in seven long years are not allocated to the Passport Office, sisted of: discretionary actions, fraud cases, seven days have gone by without a single amounted to approximately $11,389,000, re­ criminal prosecution, child custody cases, American death in Vietnam. I hope the sulting in a surplus of collections in excess of and circular outlooks. Democratic Party has taken note of this direct operating funds amounting to ap­ wonderful news. proximately $14,570,000. What President in your memory has ever In addition to the basic workload of proc­ inherited such a mess as our President did essing and issuing passports, the Passport Of­ THE NATIONAL CAMPAIGN AND THE in January, 1969? I am sick and tired, as fice also furnished numerous other services CANDIDATES-ADDRESS BY HON. I am sure you are, of the baleful hounds that and performed many other significant and ROBERT C. HILL try to sicken the minds of the people around important work functions, studies and proj­ the world by saying that our President has ects not directly related to the processing no plan to end the war. I do not like to use and issuance of passports. The Passport Of­ HON. NORRIS COTTON statistics to prove a point, but they are so fice is composed of four divisions which carry impressive in this case. 547 thousand Ameri­ out the various work function. OF NEW HAMPSHIRE cans were in Vietnam in 1969 and there are First, the Administrative Division is pri­ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES only 37 thousand there today. I recognize marily responsible for providing personnel Tuesday, October 10, 1972 that there are several thousand Inilitary per­ and administrative support, technical serv­ sonnel in the surrounding area, helping to ices, equipment and supplies to all the oper­ Mr. COTTON. Mr. President, the make it possible for the President to phase ating areas of the Passport Office. The Divi­ Honorable Robert C. Hill hails from the the United States out of the war, but all sion's work functions are generally service State of New Hampshire and has had a the same, what an accomplishment in four oriented and, in the main, are not directly distinguished career in the diplomatic years? related to passport processing. In several I wish the entrepreneurs of doom, such as significant functions, however, such as mail service, having served as Ambassador to the candidate of the opposition party and processing, filing of applications, accounting, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, and his talkative seventh man, Mr. Shriver, and and name clearances the workloads per­ more recently, Spain. the self appointed Diplomatic Representa­ formed in this Division are closely associated Ambassador Hill recently delivered a tive to the Paris Peace Talks, Mr. Salinger, with passport processing. speech before the National Federation would let the President, Secretary of State, During Fiscal Yetar 1972 the Administra­ of Republican Women Executive and Secretary of Defense, and Dr. Kissinger con­ tive Division experienced increases in all Board Directors meeting in Boston, in tinue to work ourselves out of this mess that categories of support work, as well as in­ which he expressed his views of the na­ we inherited from the Democratic Adminis­ creases in nonmeasured workloads involving tration. Unfortunately, this is expecting too budget submissions, data for other agencies tional campaign and of the candidates. much in a political year. of government, special studies, projects and By request, I ask unanimous consent No well informed person in foreign a1fairs services. that his remarks be printed in the thinks for a moment that the rest of the Secondly, the Domestic Operations Divi­ RECORD. long road out of Vietnam is not without sion 1s primarily responsible for the issuance There being no objection, the address problems and years of resolve on the part of of passports in the United States and for the was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, the people of South Vietnam, if they are to operations of the ten Passport Field Agencies as follows: remain free and survive as a nation, but there and the National Office in Washington, D.C. is another ingredient in Southeast Asia that In addition to its normal workload of issu­ ADDRESS BY FORMER U.S. AMBASSADOR ROBERT should not be forgotten. The United States ing passports to the general public, the Divi­ C. Hn.L BEFORE THE NATIONAL FEDERATION did not cut and run and leave this area to sion is also involved in numerous services and OF REPUBLICAN WOMEN EXECUTIVE AND be overrun by the Communists to the north. work functions, as well as sta1f and manage­ BOARD OF DmECTORS MEETING Don't think other nations in the world have ment duties which are not directly related to When your president, Mrs.
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