BRIEFING What Think Tanks are Thinking 9 March 2020

The European Green Deal

The European Green Deal is a key policy plank of the new European Commission led by President Ursula von der Leyen. It is a package of measures that aims to radically cut emissions of greenhouse gases while creating jobs in clean industries. Its main objectives are for the EU to become climate neutral by 2050, radically reduce other types of pollution, help European companies to become world leaders in green products, and offer aid to regions affected by this economic transition.

This note offers links to recent commentaries, studies and reports from international think tanks on the Green Deal and climate issues. More studies on the topics can be found in a previous item from these series, published in early December 2019.

Europe’s Green Deal must reach beyond its borders Bruegel, February 2020

Digging the trenches: The EU and the Green Deal European Council on Foreign Relations, February 2020

Five things to look for in the Green New Deal World Resources Institute, February 2020

The EU Green Deal can go global, but ‘climate diplomacy’ won’t be easy Friends of , February 2020

The European Green Deal: Winning the climate change Centre international de formation européenne, February 2020

Berlin will make or break the European Green Deal Bruegel, February 2020

There is no Green Deal without a just transition Istituto Affari Internazionali, February 2020

Low carbon energy transition as a driver and solution to energy poverty and injustice Centre international de formation européenne, February 2020

Are financial markets aligned with climate action? New evidence from the Agreement LSE, Grantham Institute on Climate Change, Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy February 2020

How to implement a WTO-compatible full border carbon adjustment as an important part of the European Green Deal Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik, January 2020

EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service Author: Marcin Grajewski Strategy and Coordination Unit PE 649.328 EN EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service

European green finance is expanding, a discount on bank capital would discredit it Bruegel, January 2020

What businesses can do for the European Green Deal Institute, January 2020

The just transition fund: 4 benchmarks for success E3G, January 2020

Climat: l'Europe a brûlé ses vaisseaux Terra Nova, January 2020

The colour of money: Green deals, cohesion funds, and the populist challenge European Council on Foreign Relations, January 2020

Climate laws in Europe Ecologic Institute, January 2020

A trillion reasons to scrutinise the Green Deal Investment Plan Bruegel, January 2020

How the European Green Deal will succeed or fail E3G, December 2019

The Green Deal will make or break Europe European Council on Foreign Relations, December 2019

Can Europe offer a Green Deal to the world? Centre for European Policy Studies, December 2019

EU trade policy: Global enforcer for the European Green Deal , December 2019

Making the political weather to combat climate change Centre for European Policy Studies, December 2019

Ein flexibler Kompromiss: Der Europäische Rat trägt den European Green Deal mit Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, December 2019

The European Green Deal needs a reformed fiscal framework Bruegel, December 2019

The European Green Deal: A promising start and a long road ahead European Policy Centre, December 2019

Delivering climate neutrality: Accelerating EU decarbonisation with research and innovation funding E3G, December 2019

Boosting EU climate finance: Mitigate more without neglecting adaptation in poorer countries European Centre for Development Policy Management, December 2019

2 The European Green Deal

European Green Deal: Bring in the Western Balkans European Council on Foreign Relations, December 2019

Five pillars for a CO2-free industry in Europe and Italy Istituto Affari Internazionali, December 2019

EU climate policy as a challenge for Central Europe E3G, December 2019

A budget to address the climate emergency Heinrich Böll Stiftung, December 2019

Raising the game on Paris Alignment: Six memos on the multilateral development banks’ Paris alignment approach New Climate Institute, December 2019

National laws and policies on climate change Adaptation: A global review Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy, December 2019

Social consequences of climate change: Building climate friendly and resilient communities via transition from planned to market economies Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, December 2019

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