Annual Report 2006-2007: Part 4 – Summary Reports
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110 Gunners from the ‘Rats of Tobruk’ record messages for home with the ABC’s war correspondent in 1941 reporting then... Each night, precisely at 7.50, men wearing The onset of World War II propelled the ABC dinner suits opened their microphones to to increase the frequency of news bulletins present the news on ABC Radio. Management and to assign reporters Chester Wilmot and reasoned the ABC could take advantage of Lawrence Cecil with a mobile broadcasting this mid-evening slot to catch listeners unit to cover the Greek and Middle Eastern “before they leave for the theatre”. theatres. Soon other correspondents reported from locations such as London and the Pacific. At first the news presenters read stories directly from commercial newspapers in Despite this escalation in commitment, only in an arrangement that reflected, in part, the 1946 did Parliament pass legislation enabling dominance of print as a mass medium of the ABC to establish its own independent news the 1930s. By 1936, when Frank Dixon service, which commenced the following year. became the ABC’s first News Editor, Ever since, a core function of the national sources expanded to include cable services broadcaster has been to provide daily news Australian Associated Press (AAP) and and current affairs programming that is the British Overseas Wireless Service. accurate and impartial. section 4 111 Thereafter the rate of change in technology the first time. In 1961 it launched the iconic and audience expectations of the ABC investigative program Four Corners and, escalated with each decade. In 1956 in 1967, daily current affairs programs on James Dibble presented the first television television This Day Tonight and the radio news bulletin. Initially the ABC governing perennials of AM and PM. Commissioners permitted only two minutes of film to be used in each 15-minute bulletin Today the ABC provides more than 15 000 lest viewers become distracted by the images. hours of first-run news and current affairs programs per year—And an increasingly rich Two years later, ABC News provided special menu of multimedia content (audio, text, video coverage of the 1958 Federal Election, for and still pictures) on ABC News Online. Within the hour of breaking ABC audiences can be viewing and reading what is happening in their city or across the world via online ... and now ABC News at 112 Performance Against the Corporate Plan 2004–07 The Corporate Plan 2004–07 includes three Number of unduplicated television levels of performance measurement. broadcast hours that comprise state and national programming. The first level measures the effectiveness or Of the 10 890 total television transmission outcome of ABC services in providing benefit hours there were: to the Australian community. These measures • 2 231 hours (20.5%) unduplicated, state- and the ABC’s performance against them in based, first-run television broadcast hours 2006–07 are set out in the Corporate Plan (35 hours more than 2005–06) Summary (page 13). • 3 922 hours (36%) unduplicated, national, first-run television broadcast hours (658 The second measures how well the ABC hours less than on 2005–06). delivers its output across Radio, Television and Online Services. These performance Number of full-time equivalent staff assigned measures encompass seven key result areas to New Media and Digital Services producing relating to programs and services, audience local and state, and national content. reach by media platform and network, The latest statistics for this measure were at innovation and efficiency. 30 November 2006 when 16% of content staff produced local and state content and 84% The third level of evaluation relates to the produced national content. As a result of the actions and performance targets set for each re-alignment of the Corporation in February of 15 strategic priorities. In this, the last year 2007, the former New Media and Digital of this Corporate Plan, these targets are Services staff were split across five divisions assessed as “Achieved” or “Not Achieved” and data is no longer collected in this way. against agreed performance criteria. Percentage of Australian content on ABC Key Results Areas Television between 6 am and midnight Measuring how well the ABC delivers its compared with 2003–04. programs and services across radio, television, National transmission, 6 am – midnight: online and new media—measured twice yearly. 51.8% (3.9 percentage points up on 2003–04). Total transmission (including local break-outs), Objective One—Contribute to 6 am – midnight: 65.4% (4 percentage points a sense of national identity. up on 2003–04). Percentage and number of unduplicated Percentage of Australian music radio broadcast hours that comprise local performance for each Radio network and state/territory programming. which broadcasts music. ABC Local Radio broadcast approximately • triple j: 39.6% against target of 40% 109 040 hours of unduplicated programming • ABC Classic FM: 34.8% of Australian music in 2006–07 of which, approximately 55% was performance against target of 30%, 10% local and 18% state-based programming. of Australian music composition against The total unduplicated hours and the total target of 12% number of hours of local programming has Comment: ABC Classic FM adopted an remained steady since 2005–06. aspirational target for music composition. section 4 113 While it has not achieved the target it Objective Two—Engage continues to strive to achieve this level audiences with relevant and of Australian music composition. innovative programs and • ABC Radio National: 33.9% against target services. of 25% • ABC Local Radio: 30.8% against target Radio audience reach by network and of 25% combined five-city reach. • dig: 42.2% against target of 40% Overall five-city average weekly reach, surveys • dig jazz: 25.3% against target of 25% 5–8 2006 and 1–4 2007, people aged 10+: • dig country: 25.9% against a target of 25% • ABC Local Radio: 2 175 000 (58 000 down • Radio Australia: 60% against a target of 60%. on equivalent period in 2005–06) Comment: the overall decline in ABC Local Percentage of people who believe the ABC: Radio’s reach was a result of marginal • encourages and promotes Australian declines in Melbourne, Adelaide and performing arts such as music and drama Perth—these three cities achieved record 2006 79% results in 2005–06. 2007 80% • triple j: 1 024 000 (56 000 up on equivalent Source: ABC Appreciation Survey, Newspoll period in 2005–06) 2006 and 2007 • ABC Classic FM: 640 000 (24 000 down • provides programs of an educational on equivalent period in 2005–06) nature • ABC Radio National: 659 000 (6 000 up 2006 86% on equivalent period in 2005–06) 2007 85% • ABC NewsRadio: 620 000 (23 000 down Source: ABC Appreciation Survey, Newspoll on equivalent period in 2005–06) 2006 and 2007 • Combined five-city average weekly reach: • provides an appropriate mix of news and 3 687 000 (17 000 down on equivalent current affairs reportage period in 2005–06) Based on people who use the ABC for Comment: The movements in audience news and current affairs at least once per reach for ABC Radio combined and individual fortnight: on 20 out of 22 issues listed in networks are not statistically significant. the 2007 ABC Appreciation Survey, 50% or • dig: 64 877 average weekly views (92 up more believed the ABC had about the right on 2005–06); 2 725 average weekly live amount of coverage. This same result was streams (comparative data not available) achieved in 2005–06. The two issues in • dig jazz: 9 100 average weekly page views relation to which less than 50% believed (sub-site of dig radio and included in the amount of coverage to be about right dig total page view figure) (200 down were: local politics/government and issues on 2005–06); 1 654 average weekly live 06–07 affecting youth. streams (comparative data not available) • achieves a good balance between • dig country: 4 100 average weekly page programs of wide appeal and specialised views (sub-site of dig radio and included interest. in dig total page view figure) (300 down on 2006 84% 2005–06); 884 average weekly live streams 2007 85% (comparative data not available). Source: ABC Appreciation Survey, Newspoll Comment: Note additional information 2006 and 2007 provided for streaming. ABC ANNUAL REPORT 20 114 Performance Against the Corporate Plan 2004–07 continued Television audience reach. Evidence of innovative activities. • Average weekly metropolitan: 8 455 000 or The ABC’s commitment to innovation resulted 60.4% of the population. Down by 84 000 in the development of a wide range of on 2005–06. technology-based projects using media Comment: ABC Television’s decline in platforms such as WAP, SMS, podcasting, reach reflects the overall decline in the vodcasting and participation in digital radio reach of free-to-air television since 2002. broadcasting trials. Other innovations resulted • Average weekly regional: 4 103 000 or in engaging and content-rich programs. Details 64.2% of the population. Down by 19 000 are provided in the Radio, Television, News, on 2005–06. Innovation International and Commercial Comment: The drop in regional reach sections of this report (see pages 70–95). represents minimal decline. Critical review. New Media and Digital Services Awards won by the ABC during 2006–07 are audience reach. listed in Appendix 22 (page 210). • Reach in active Australian internet population, aged 2+, monthly average: Industry feedback. 18.4%, 1.3 percentage points up on 2005–06. Awards won by the ABC during 2006–07 are • Reach among total Australian population, listed in Appendix 22 (page 210). aged 2+, monthly average: 10.6%, 0.9 percentage points up on 2005–06.