1994, for Presentation to Parliament
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I t/111'1, \'\ \1 Ill£ Ill/\ I and Ha[f hen plc a\ttl t IT/ 1/u nlon' I o\ or rlltHall 11 w d tlltfl tdu JIIO\Icitc//illli1Uill/ Cl\\1\lllf/ll /1/f}(ll/ltllftlt, I • ould ilk£ If cu lwm le I •e th 1 11/0 \ llf'JUII lt I\. State Bank of NSW limited r Oflll tll/ltot' to tlu /1 <lltl 1 \/( 1ttl1 £ \l'lll r it {otmd,1 1 , Akubra Hats Pty Ltd Bank of New Zealand Alcan Australia ltd BHP Company Ltd Apollo Sports Company Ltd Blue Circle Southern Cement Limited Esso Australia Ltd Grace Bros Government of the Federal Republic of Germany James Hardie Industries Ltd The Japan Foundauon The James N. Kirby Foundation IBM Australia Ltd Henry and jacqueline loomis Ken and Yasuko Myer lord Catto of Cairncatto The Australian Museum Society Madingly VIctorian Charitable Trust NQEA Australia Sir John Proud BHP Community Trust Raymond E. Purves Foundation David and Naomi Block The Queensland Government Caltex Oil (Australia) Pty Ltd Readers D1gest (Australia) Pty ltd Commonwealth Bank of Australia Dick and Phillipa Smith CS First Boston Australia (Holdings) Ltd Suntory Ltd CSR Ltd Mr Charles Warman Hilton International Westpac Banking Corporation National Mutual Mr Brian Wiesener SC Johnson and Son Pty Ltd Telstra Corporation (formerly OTC) 11 l Ill/){ I\ l th 1 re lt TNT Fre1ght Services 1j 1 at 11 I /1 \I ' Qantas Airways AAP Information Services Pty ltd Unilever Australia Ltd American Express International Inc. Water Board AT & T Global Information Solution Westpac Banking Corporation Australian Geographic Pty ltd B & C Print and Pos t Pty Ltd Banque Nationale de Paris Apple Computer (Australia) Pty Ltd Mrs Hazel Bisley Bayer Australia Ltd Boral Limited William Bowmore BP Australia Limited Peter Bridge Sir Ronald Brlerley Mr and Mrs Cudl1pp Cadillac Plastics Pacific Croup Pty ltd Esso Australia Ltd Caltex Oil (Aust) Pty ltd Mr S. Morlarty Or Peter and Mrs lucy Chubb Readers Digest (Australia) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil limited Mr Dick Smith The Commonwealth Industrial Cases ltd Soil Conservation Service Mrs Cretchen Dechert Vittel Mineral Water Fuji Xerox (Aust) Pty ltd Western Mining Corporation Ceorge Weston Foods L1mlted Hunter Valley Cranes Pty Ltd ICI Australia Operations Pty ltd Mr John lrvme Key Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd Nutri·Metics Australia Pty ltd leica Instruments Pty Ltd Paddy Pallin Pty Ltd Mrs Ann Macmtosh Sir John Proud Macquane Bank lim1ted Readers Digest ServiCes Pty ltd Metal Manufactures Llm1ted The Regent of Sydney Mr R. Mole and Ms Monique O'Donnell The Shell Company of Australia ltd Siemens l1mited Nell Hermon Slade Trust Sleeman Whitaker Heckendorf & Potter Stratagem: Crea11ve Services Tooheys Um1ted Wellcome Australia L1mited To the Hon Peter Co ll1 ns QC MP Sir In accordance w1th the provisions of the Annual Reports (Statutory Bodies) Act 1984. and the Publtc Fmance and Audit Act 1983, we have pleasure m submittmg th1s report of the activities of the Australian Museum Trust for the financial year ended June 30, 1994, for presentatiOn to Parliament. On behalf of the Australian Museum Trust, I AUSTRALIA l MUSEUM I J H Tnm Pr~s ulcm Patricia Watson Dm!c wr Des Griffin AM, MSc, PhD DPput\ I>m·om Hal Cogger MSc, PhD /(I I! £11111\ \lUll $1 0 families, $5 adults, $2.00 children $3 concessions. Free entry after 4pm daily Open 7 days, 9.30am · Spm, except Christmas Day • • '& .. .... .. I I I ~ ~ I I I • •••~". • • • . ,. .. I!' • • & Th 1s has been another actiVe year for the Australian Museum, w hich continues to make an Important contribution to the arts in th1s state. The Museum has presented a number of exciting and mnovauve programs throughout the year, 1ncluding the popular Shark' and Great Russian Otnosaurs exhibitions. The opening of Our Place, a space devoted to exploring Australia's cultural diversity, further enhanced the Museum's role in increasing understanding of our cultural hentage. Our Place continues to attract strong interest from visitors and from the many community groups who are involved 1n associated programs. Visitor experiences and enjoyment have been further enhanced with the introduction of an Interpretive Theatre program. A number of theatre pieces were commissioned throughout the year, bringmg an innovative dimens1on to existing galleries and new exhibitions. Each year, the Museum is active in its role as ambassador for our natural environment. As well as providing top1cal exhibits such as Wasteland to Wet/and and Oil Spills, the research and scholarship of Museum sc1ent1sts continues to be of world standard, providing greater understandmg of the Australian environment. The expertise of Museum staff has proven to be a valuable resource. enabling the Museum to generate funds through a number of commercial ventures, in scientific consulting and exhibition design, and I commend t hem on their fundraising efforts. I congratulate the Museum's Trustees, Director and staff on a very successful year, and for their commitment to programs of innovation and excellence. • We provide opportunities for staff to contnbute to the development of the Museum, realise the1r own potential Our mission is to increase understanding of and co-operate with others to ach1eve those ends. lt is our natural environment and cultural heritage intended that staff continue to contribute to a range of and to be a catalyst In changing public Museum programs beyond the discipline in which they attitudes and actions. work. We will seek new ways to advance the Museum's goals, rather than emphasise traditional roles and Research and the maintenance and procedures. Equality of opportunity in employment, improvement of collections are central to the health and safety and staff development will continue to achievement of the mission. be emphasised. Resources are focused on specific programs and projects, especially those which we are in a unique position to We intend to grow and develop In Sydney as undertake and in which we can achieve results of superior one of the world's leading museums quality. Authority to manage resources is delegated to specialising in natural history and human those in charge of programs. Evaluation of the success of studies. We want visitors and the wider programs, and of staff conducting them, will be a central community to have easy access to our feature of management. accumulated knowledge and opportunities for enjoyable learning experiences. We will account for the way in which we use the support gained from the community to achieve our objectives. We will be effective financial managers. We We use exhibitions, education programs, will introduce new technology where it publications and other effective media to will help to achieve the Museum's goals. communicate with people throughout New South Wales, other parts of Australia and tounsts. We intend to be market responsive without compromising the integrity of our miss1on. We want the Museum's public environment to be pleasant m all ways, our staff to be friendly and reliable and to show respect for the interests and needs of those who visit, those with whom we do business and our wider audience. We want the information we create, manage and communicate to be accurate and our activities and services to be, and be seen to be, of high quality, supportive of our mission and relevant to the community. Our research activities concentrate on Australia and nearby regions. Collections and associated Information are managed for the purposes of research and communication to the public and are being preserved for the benefit of future generations. The future of our natural environment and cultural heritage is of central concern: we intend to JOin m public debate and give advice to government, the community and business where we have special knowledge. We will respect the rights and wishes of the peoples whose knowledge and material culture form the basis of our human studies programs. We will consciously abide by legislation and conventions protecting the natural environment, wildlife and cultural heritage. We believe support for the Museum to be the responsibility of the community, the private sector and government: the Trust and staff will be active in gaining that support. We will seek increased financial 9 support from the community, ma1nly by effective merchand1s1ng and donations, and especially sponsorship of programs. 11 ... ... I •I .. 'The time has come' the Walrus said, 'To talk of many things: Of shoes - and ships - and sealing wax - Of cabbages - and kings - And why the sea is boiling hot - And whether pigs have wings." Lewis Carrell I ft,,.ugh 1/u I r~oJ...IIIl..' C:fu,' There is no doubt that as President of such a wonderful and diverse institution as the Australian Museum, in presenting my Annual Report I should talk of many things - startmg w1th shoes. In taking over as Trust President I have also been fortunate to have the support of many other people. First and foremost among these The shoes to wh1ch I refer are those of is our Minister. the Hon Peter Collins. As Arts Minister Peter has Robyn Wilhams. Filling those shoes is an been outstanding in his support not only for the Museum but for exceptional challenge. Robyn has the arts in general. At the Museum we have been beneficiaries of a become almost synonymous with the number of grants from the Mimster to support our exhibitions and Australian Museum and his contribution of a major injection of capital funds which are allowing us to to the Museum cannot be easily put into redevelop our foyer and make various other important words nor too h1ghly praised. As an improvements to the Museum itself. Visitors will see these as they ind ividual as well as Trust President come on stream over the next few months.