Dream Come True
SPORTS WEEKLY Nashville Volume 6 Number 38 The Home of Hometown Heroes! October 16, 2019 Dream Come True Pearl-Cohn QB Owens Dreamed of Job at Nine Years Old By Vince Troia the horizon, Owens was sacked by NSW Contributor his coach for failing with school-re- lated responsibilities. Two weeks without football has “When I heard the decision, I was quarterback Martino Owens “hun- heartbroken. It was a rivalry,” Ow- gry” and he’s hoping the Pearl- ens said, but quickly noted that if he Cohn Firebirds will get to feast on was upset, it was at himself, not his their opponent, Whites Creek High, coach. “Whatever decision (Coach this Friday night. Brunetti) makes I won’t get angry However, half of Owens’ two- with him, because I see him as a fa- week fast was unplanned. ther figure.” Although the Firebirds had a Brunetti, who along with winning bye last week, Owens, the start- games, sees his role coaching play- ing junior quarterback, was given ers as “teaching them to make good the previous week off in the form choices.” He knew the suspensions of a one-game suspension by head would upset some people, but said coach Tony Brunetti. Owens and it was “an easy decision.” several teammates watched from “I think it sent a message to the the sidelines as Pearl-Cohn pulled rest of the team. We have been very out a 14-0 victory over rival East successful as a program but some- Nashville to remain undefeated on times mistakes are made,” Brunet- the season.
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