Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2018-01-17 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2018). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 3049. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/3049 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. XAVIER Published by the students of Volume CIII Issue 17 Xavier University since 1915 January 17, 2018 NEWSWIRE Fiat justitia, ruat caelum xaviernewswire.com In this issue... Police chief search ends Campus News, Page 2 New chief sites building community as main goal Introducing Kanopy, a new li- brary resource known as “the BY HEATHER GAST Netix of education” Staff Writer Xavier’s new Chief of Police has more than the tradition- al experience of serving in the military and other police depart- ments. Daniel Hect has made a career out of connecting to his communities. Hect believes that a job as a police officer isn’t confined to formalities, but efforts need to be made to engage with those you are sworn to protect. He isn’t all talk, either. Hect came to Xavier to hang out and talk to students Op-Ed, Page 7 at Coffee Emporium about their feelings toward the police de- The controversy caused by vlog- partment (XUPD) three times before he accepted the position. ger Logan Paul highlights a need What surprised Hect most about these caffeine-fueled vis- for mental health awareness its and what ultimately led him to take the job at Xavier? He was surprised that when he asked students about the perception of their police force, “There were all Photo courtesy of LinkedIn good things to say!” Daniel Hect accepted the Chief of Police position in December and comes to With Hect’s last gig at Den- Xavier from Denison University. He aims to build bonds with the community. ison University, a liberal arts In one of his past positions at dilemma; removing the blue lights college near Columbus, Hect had University of Southern Califor- was considered but ultimately re- to start building the police/com- nia in Los Angeles, his depart- jected at his last position at Deni- munity bond that he was aiming ment patrolled nearby commu- son. No decision has been reached for from the ground up. nities and took emergency calls for Xavier. At Xavier, Hect will add on to from residents, as they were able Prior to former Chief Joseph the work started by former po- to provide a quicker response Milek’s departure there were Sports, Page 8 lice chiefs. To build this bond, than the LAPD. With the proper questions involving a registry Hect plans to sit in on club meet- time and resources, Hect hopes of off-campus students’ address- The men’s basketball team ings and get to know students, as to replicate this system here in es. The idea behind the registry well as have various officers at- Cincinnati. was for XUPD to be able to alert bounced back from losing two tend campus events to maintain XUPD was put in the spotlight off-campus residents of near- high visibility. earlier this year with the crime by crime as it currently does games to beat Creighton at Hect has big dreams for XUPD. spike involving robberies at local with XU Alert Me. Additionally, home Besides maintaining a transparent, UDFs, an assault of a Xavier stu- XUPD would be more prepared visible department, he aims for dent and a homicide. As a result, to respond to calls to the ad- XUPD to be accredited by three safety was on each of the SGA dresses in the registry. organizations at the state, national Executive tickets during elections Students criticized the regis- and international levels within the in November. try, fearing that the police force next five years. Despite this sig- A highly discussed topic during would abuse the information and nificant undertaking, Hect is con- the SGA debate was the blue lights target the residences during par- fident in his new department and around campus. These blue lights ties. Hect was not familiar with hopes that these accredidations function as emergency call boxes the registry but was not averse will make XUPD an exemplary that immediately alert XUPD of- to the proposition. When he first model as a police department. ficers who can respond in less than arrived at Denison, officers would Hect maintains that XUPD a minute. Though they bring com- hide in bushes to catch students data demonstrates that Xavier fort to some, the blue lights are with open container violations, and the surrounding communi- seldom used and are staggeringly but such practices ceased under ties of Evanston and Norwood expensive. Hect is familiar with the his leadership. Overall, Hect fa- Features, Page 12 are safe. Even so, he intends to vors a more laissez-faire have dialogue with residents approach to After enjoying Monday o, about regularly pa- campus trolling surrounding polic- discover unsung Cincinnati civil neighborhoods. ing. rights hero Marian A. Spencer Newswire photo by Sydney Sanders 2 January 17, 2018 Campus News xaviernewswire.com XU library unveils Kanopy system On-demand video resource gives millions of students access to 26,000 lms Photo courtesy of epls.org ;DYLHULVQRZRIIHULQJDFFHVVWRWKHRQGHPDQGYLGHRVHUYLFH.DQRS\GXEEHGWKH´1HWÁL[IRUHGXFDWLRQµ7KHVHUYLFHRIIHUVWKRXVDQGVRIÀOPVWRPLOOLRQVRIVWXGHQWVDFURVVWKHJOREH BY HYEHYUN HWANG Patty Greco, the acqui- Green mentioned Patron topics include education, glob- within the Xavier community. Staff Writer sitions librarian, and James Driver Acquisition (PDA), al studies, languages, health Students can access Kano- Xavier’s library recently in- Green, the user experience/ calling it the “trigger” system. and more. py by searching it online and troduced an online streaming assessment librarian, gave Green said the university will Greco said the top viewed selecting Xavier University as system, Kanopy, to students. some information about the automatically purchase any videos include State of Fear, the institution of affiliation, Known as “Netflix for educa- service. Greco explained that resource that is “played” four Freedom on my Mind, New searching @XU or through tion,” Kanopy offers 26,000 the demand for a more diverse times in Kanopy, granting un- Mindset about Stress, Who is the university library’s catalog. on-demand video resources collection of films was one limited viewing of the materi- Dayani Cristal? , Don’t Shout The library has received for educational institutions of the reasons Xavier decid- al for the entire year. Too Soon, Praying with Lior positive feedback from facul- around the world. The service ed to implement Kanopy this The library currently has a and Slavery by Another Name. ty and hopes to continue to has been featured in publica- spring, not only in the num- budget of $5,000 for the edu From Oct. 1, 2017, to Jan. use Kanopy as a supplement tions like The New York Times, ber of films but the genres as service. The films range from 15, 2018, there have been for educational, entertainment Business Insider and Indiewire. well. movies to documentaries, and 1,455 visits and 575 plays and lecture purposes at Xavier. Ho oers “Teaching Kitchen” cooking classes BY BRITTANY WELLS Staff Writer Hoff Dining Commons hosted two Teaching Kitchen sessions in which chefs from the caf taught students how to make “Super Bowls” on Tuesday night. The dish was a healthy grain bowl that in- cluded ingredients like lentils and roasted vegetables. “We’re trying to edu- cate people a little bit more into their food choices,” Tim Beltin, the Production Man- ager for the caf, said. He also mentioned that grain bowls are “something that we offer a lot in the vegan and veg- etarian station, but as much as it’s gaining traction, we’re still trying to push it just to open people’s eyes to what is Newswire photo by Brittany Wells 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RI&RQQH[,QVWDJUDP possible.” 7KHFDIKRVWHGWZRVHVVLRQVRIFODVVHVRQ7XHVGD\WRWHDFKVWXGHQWVKRZWRPDNHD´6XSHU%RZOµZKLFKZDVDKHDOWK\JUDLQERZOZLWKYHJHWDEOHV For first-year Daniel it. It actually tastes and feels dressing in a bowl after listen- “I absolutely love grain mons plans on having another Woods, it did just that. fresh, and you know the effort ing to a short lecture on the bowls,” first-year Maddie event at the end of this month, “Usually when I go to the that goes into it.” nutrition of the dish. Weiland said, reminiscing of as well as weekly events come vegetarian area I don’t typi- The “Super Bowl” hearty “I actually liked how he home. “A few times a week my February. cally get anything from there grain bowl recipe students got was explaining all the ingre- mom will make a grain bowl Haas said she looks forward because I don’t typically know to assemble was a corporate dients and what went into and she’ll do different kinds to future events where stu- exactly what’s in the stuff recipe from Chartwells. Stu- the bowl because I think that of rices with meats or chick- dents will have the opportuni- they make,” Woods said. “So dents mixed up ½ cup cooked helps you recreate it later on en or fish or whatever and will ty to make the ingredients. when I went to this it was nice whole grain, ½ cup cooked and I think that I would defi- just toss veggies and stuff to- For more information on to see exactly how they made lentils or beans, ½ cup sauteed nitely make this myself in my gether for a bowl and it’s de- upcoming events check out it and to hear them explain vegetables, 1 tablespoon of kitchen,” first-year Sam Haas licious.” https://www.dineoncampus.
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