
Physics & 2º ESO Practicals

 to separate a heterogeneous mixture made up with oil and water.

Separating stand Retort ring

Olive oil water beaker Conical funnel

Decanting is a process to separate mixtures. Decanting is allowing a mixture of solid and liquid or two immiscible liquids to settle and separate by gravity. Liquids that do not mix with each other are said to be immiscible.

1) Attach the retort ring to the . 2) Place the separating funnel in the ring. Physics & Chemistry 2º ESO Practicals

3) Remove the from the separating funnel and put the stopcock in the closed position. Look at the figures 1, 2 and 3. 4) Place the Erlenmeyer flask under the separating funnel. 5) Pour the mixture “oil and water” from a beaker into the separating funnel. 6) Allow to stand for several minutes until the liquids have fully separated into distinct layers. 7) Open the stopcock and drain the first layer into a clean flask. 8) Close the tap when you can no longer see the separation between the two layers. 9) Put that flask to one side. 10) Place a new clean flask under the separating funnel and open the stopcock again to collect the remaining layer. 11) Once the funnel is empty, close the stopcock. You have already oil and water in two different flasks.


Fig. 2

Separating funnel body

Fig. 3 stopcock

valve Fig. 1: parts of a separating funnel

Physics & Chemistry 2º ESO Practicals

1) Why does the oil float on top of the water?

2) What will happen if we pour a mixture of water and CCl4 into the separating

3 funnel? Hint: the density of CCl4 is 1,59g/cm and the density of water is 1,0 g/cm3.

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