36 Yearbook of the United Nations

NETHERLANDS: W. Office of the United Nations High Representative: P. C. Visser; Deputy: Coert Binnerts. Commissioner for Refugees : High Commissioner: G. J. van Heuven Goedhart Representative: Ali Haider Abbasi. (Netherlands); Deputy High Commissioner: James Read (United : States).54 Representative: W. L. C. Knight; Deputy: G. A. United Nations High Commissioner's Advisory Crossley. Committee on Refugees55 : AUSTRALIA: Representative: Jefferson Patterson. Delegates: N. St. Deschamps, Miss R. L. Dobson. AUSTRIA: R. Standing Committee on Repatriation of Delegate: K. Fritzer. Greek Children PERU: BELGIUM: Representative: Carlos Holguín de Lavalle. Delegate: A. Herment. BRAZIL: PHILIPPINES: Delegate: B. Rocque da Motta. Representative: Salvador P. López. DENMARK: SWEDEN: Delegate: Finn T. B. Friis (Chairman). Representative: Sven Grafström (Chairman). GERMANY: 5. United Nations Commissioner in Libya; Delegates: Mr. Middlemann, Mr. Bottler, Mr. Bues, United Nations Council for Libya Mr. Mühlenhöfer. United Nations Commissioner: Adrian Pelt (Nether- FRANCE: lands) Delegates: Bernard Toussaint, Miss Anne Lissac. United Nations Council HOLY SEE: EGYPT: Delegates: Reverend E. J. Killion, Reverend R. Braun. Representative: Kamel Bey Selim. ISRAEL: FRANCE: Delegate: Shabtai Rosenne. Representative: George J. Balay. ITALY: PAKISTAN: Delegates: G. Silimbani, G. Archidiacono. Representative: Abdur Rahim Khan. SWITZERLAND: UNITED KINGDOM: Delegates: Philippe Zutter (Vice-Chairman), Oskar Representative: J. C. Penney. Schurch. UNITED STATES: TURKEY: Representative: Lewis Clark. Delegate: Orhan Eralp. ITALY: X. Ad Hoc Commission on Prisoners of War Representative: Baron G. V. Confalonieri. Countess Bernadotte (Sweden); José Gustavo Guerrero (El Salvador), Vice-President of the International Court CYRENAICA: of Justice; Aung Khine (Burma), Judge of the High Representative: Ali Essad Bey Jerbi. Court of Burma. TRIPOLITANIA: Y. Committee on the Draft Convention on Representative: Mustapha Bey Mizran. Freedom of Information THE FEZZAN: CUBA: Representative: Mohamed Usman. Representative: Manuel Brana. MINORITIES IN LIBYA: ECUADOR: Representative: Giacomo Marchino. Representative: Jorge Mantilla. EGYPT: T. United Nations Tribunal in Libya Representative: Abdel Hamid Abdel Ghani. Vicente Sánchez Gavito (Mexico), Hugo Wickstrom FRANCE: (Sweden), Faiz Yorukoglu (Turkey) (President). Representative: Jacques Kayser. U. United Nations Commissioner for Eritrea : Eduardo Anze Matienzo (Bolivia). Representative: P. L. Bhandari. LEBANON: V. Special Committee on the Representation Representative: Karim Azkoul (Rapporteur). of CANADA MEXICO 54 Took office on 1 July 1951. ECUADOR PHILIPPINES 55 Established by Economic and Social Council resolu- INDIA POLAND tion 393 B (XIII). The members were designated by IRAQ the Council at its 562nd meeting on 21 September 1951.