Present: North Ward Cllr H Chapman Cllr N Harrington Cllr R V Hawkins Cllr C Mulhall Cllr N O’Byrne (Mayor)

West Ward Cllr D Buckle Cllr D Frame Cllr G Moss Cllr P Rowden Cllr T Smith

East Ward Cllr S Bennett Cllr P Bradley Cllr J Maltby Cllr D Payne (Deputy Mayor)

In Attendance: Iona Taylor (Town Clerk)

28 21-22 Questions or comments from members of the public – none.

29 21-22 Declarations of interests - none.

30 21-22 Apologies. Apologies were received from Councillor Alan Lamb.

31 21-22 Notes of the last meeting. It was AGREED that the notes of the last advisory meeting, held on 2nd June 2021, were a true record and should be recommended for approval at a future meeting when the Council can meet face-to-face.

32 21-22 Matters arising. a) Provision of training on Far Rights issues. The Clerk reported that unfortunately, due to the cost, bespoke training sessions by Small Steps can’t be put on, however if Leeds Prevent commission their services again then Wetherby Town Councillors would be invited. More information is available online at and Members are encouraged to research Far Right issues here.

b) Repairs to Town Hall. The Clerk reported on a site meeting held on 3rd June 2021 with the Council’s preferred contractor, Bullen Conservation Ltd. It was also attended by the Council’s Project Administrator and Richard Maddison of Maddison James Associates. The purpose of the meeting had been to discuss alterations to the specification to reduce the cost. A revised quotation is expected within the next two weeks and will include roof repairs, stone repairs to head height around the building, repairs to rainwater goods and stone repairs to the front elevation of the building. A preliminary discussion took place about the project logistics.

3207 Wetherby Town Council Minutes – 8th June 2021 Chair’s Initials:_____

33 21-22 Financial reports. Town Council a) Payments. A list of 63 payments, totalling £64,163.90, as detailed in appendix 1 from page 3211 were considered. It was noted that Members of the Budgets Committee have already reviewed the list and carried out spot checks on accompanying documentation. Those payments which had already been made were NOTED AND RECORDED. The Clerk was INSTRUCTED to make payments by internet banking as required on 9th June 2021.

b) Wetherby Arts Festival – Grant It was AGREED that the Clerk should be instructed to make a grant funding payment of £250 to Wetherby Arts Festival to assist with the cost of putting on their 2021 event which will be held on the 3rd to 5th September.

Town Hall c) Payments. A list of 10 payments, totalling £1,799.58, as detailed in appendix 2 on page 3213 were considered. It was noted that Members of the Budgets Committee have already reviewed the list and carried out spot checks on accompanying documentation. Those payments which had already been made were NOTED AND RECORDED. The Clerk was INSTRUCTED to make payments by internet banking as required on 9th June 2021.

34 21-22 Planning & Development a) Planning Committee Members of the Planning Committee AGREED that the minutes of the advisory meeting held on 7th June 2021 are a true record and should be recommended for approval in due course. The draft minutes can be found as appendix 3 from page 3214.

b) Swinnow Park Development Members AGREED that it is their preference that chimney pots should not be included in the design for new homes on this development.

c) Leeds SAP Remittal Submission for Examination in Public and Consultation on Proposed Main Modification MM39 (EG2-37 Barrowby Lane, Manston). This document was NOTED.

d) Better Wetherby Partnership newsletter. The contents of the June 2021 newsletter, which has been circulated to all Members, were NOTED.

35 20-21 Climate Emergency Councillor Mulhall REPORTED that a second meeting of the Climate Emergency Working Group had been held on 18th May 2021 to discuss the Group’s ongoing work. Several members of the public have dropped out from the group, but potential replacements have been identified.

Councillors Mulhall and Harrington have also been working on waste management issues, including the procurement of new bins, bin collection issues and initiatives to reduce food waste from businesses.

3208 Wetherby Town Council Minutes – 8TH June 2021 Chair’s Initials:_____

36 20-21 Highways a) Issue Log Councillor Harrington REPORTED on the following points:

• HGV Traffic / Directions to Coach Park Signage is currently being erected around the town, including directional signs at the Mercure roundabout indicating where the coach drop off point it.

• Parking at junction of Lane and York Road, also junction of Deighton Road and Northfield Approach. These lines are in the process of being installed.

• Roundabout at junction of Deighton Road and Sandbeck Lane. A revised design for this junction has been put forward by officers and reviewed at a recent meeting with Town Council representatives. There will be a further, formal consultation, with the Town Council in due course.

• Street Lighting, The Ginnel It was agreed that this item can be removed from the issue log as it is now completed after some delays due to excavations to install the electricity supply to the new light.

• 30mph zone signage. No progress to be reported, yellow backs for signs are still awaited.

b) Speed Indicator Devices (SID) Councillor Hawkins expressed his frustration that many of the SIDs are still not working at all, whilst others give spurious results which would suggest that they are not working properly. Councillor Harrington is continuing to correspond with Leeds City Council officers to secure a resolution to the problem. At the moment data is not being collected from the devices.

37 21-22 Police Matters Councillors Harrington and Chapman REPORTED after attending the Police & Communities Together (PACT) Meeting held on 1st June 2021. Issues discussed included an increase in shop lifting because of the lifting of restrictions on retail units. Anti-social behaviour relating to ongoing covid restrictions (e.g. house parties) has also been reported.

38 21-22 Correspondence The Clerk REPORTED on items received as detailed on the list circulated to Members prior to the meeting.

39 21-22 York Road Depot Members considered an electrical installation condition report in respect of Units 12-13 on the York Road Industrial Estate which is rented by the Town Council. The report shows that the electrics are in a poor condition, with several ‘C1’ faults having been identified which indicates that danger is present with a risk of injury and immediate remedial action is required. It was agreed to INSTRUCT the Clerk to undertake the following course of action: • Determine whether it is the Town Council’s responsibility to undertake the remedial works that are required, to include taking legal advice up to a cost of £750+VAT. • Proceed to have the required works carried out, to ensure that the building is safe to be used by staff, contractors and volunteers, up to the cost of an initial quote of £4,058.63.

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40 21-22 Next meeting. It was AGREED that, subject to the lifting of covid restrictions on social contact and distancing, the next meeting of Wetherby Town Council should take place in person on 13th July 2021 at 7pm in Wetherby Methodist Church.

41 21-22 Items for information. a) Bonfire Event It was NOTED that five people from the Town Council and Welcome to Wetherby have volunteered to help organise the bonfire and fireworks event. A first meeting of the Working Group will be convened.

b) School Governor - St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Councillor Payne expressed an interest in taking on this role.

The meeting closed at 7.55pm. These minutes were recorded and prepared by Iona Taylor, Town Clerk.

SIGNED: ...... (Chair)

DATE: ......

3210 Wetherby Town Council Minutes – 8TH June 2021 Chair’s Initials:_____


Date Payee Purpose Amount 30/04/2021 ABC digital Print contract £108.00 30/04/2021 ELAS Business Support HR and H&S Support Contract (April) £333.60 04/05/2021 Leeds City Council Rates - York Road Depot £454.00 04/05/2021 Leeds City Council Rates - Cemetery £269.00 04/05/2021 Leeds City Council Rates - Market £337.00 10/05/2021 Public Works Loan Board Loan Repayment £11,395.59 12/05/2021 Prudential Pension Contribution Payment £35.00 12/05/2021 Pension Fund Pension Contribution Payment £1,996.88 12/05/2021 Salaries Wage Payments - May £8,307.33 12/05/2021 B. Riley (Rocco Industries) Project Administrator £1,409.10 12/05/2021 Hootsuite (Paid to I.Taylor) Subscription £360.00 12/05/2021 Opus Energy York Road Gas £13.02 12/05/2021 Wetherby Skip Services 709847, York Rd Depot Skip £270.00 12/05/2021 Streetscape 5301, Parts S'ham Park Eqpt £132.00 12/05/2021 J.M. Kay Electrical Ltd 2020/760 Church on Corner Works £718.73 12/05/2021 J. Hudson Stall Erection - April £1,800.00 12/05/2021 Wetherby Tool Hire 40016, Compactor Hire £24.00 12/05/2021 Addplant T/69541 Cemetery Portaloo £102.96 12/05/2021 HMRC PAYE & NI £2,466.62 17/05/2021 PCM Systems Ltd 27974, IT Support £140.40 17/05/2021 Opus Energy 70520922, Cemetery Electricity £21.30 17/05/2021 Opus Energy 70523381, OMP Electricity £6.12 17/05/2021 Opus Energy 70520923, Weir Lights Electricity £16.76 17/05/2021 Opus Energy 70520920, York Rd Depot Electricity £8.11 17/05/2021 Business Stream Water - Garden of Rest £2.50 17/05/2021 Business Stream Water - Cemetery £16.40 17/05/2021 Trustees of Wetherby Town Hall Office Rent & Grant £2,466.67 17/05/2002 Member of Staff Salary Underpayment £220.88 26/05/2021 Touch Telecomm 179209, Telephone & Internet £181.86 24/05/2021 Leeds City Council Replacement Bridge Lights £840.00 25/05/2021 Sage Global Services 1037097, Payroll £20.40 26/05/2021 ABC digital 177193, Print Contract £134.84 01/06/2021 Leeds City Council Rates - York Road Depot £454.00 01/06/2021 Leeds City Council Rates - Cemetery £269.00 01/06/2021 Leeds City Council Rates - Market £337.00 01/06/2021 ELAS Business Support HR and H&S Support Contract (May) £333.60 09/06/2021 Pullan Landscape, Construction etc 6709, Grounds Maintenance April £1,038.82 09/06/2021 HMRC PAYE & NI £2,324.52 09/06/2021 B. Riley (Rocco Industries) Project Administrator (May) £492.77 09/06/2021 Farm & Land Services Ltd 5891, Maintenance £614.40 09/06/2021 Farm & Land Services Ltd 5913, Maintenance & Misc. Works £798.60 09/06/2021 Farm & Land Services Ltd 5927, Maintenance £864.52 09/06/2021 Farm & Land Services Ltd 5914, Maintenance & Misc. Works £880.21 09/06/2021 Farm & Land Services Ltd 5890, Maintenance & Misc. Works £1,005.00 09/06/2021 Farm & Land Services Ltd 5886, Grasscutting £3,048.44 3211 Wetherby Town Council Minutes – 8th June 2021 Chair’s Initials:_____

09/06/2021 I. Taylor Expenses - Zoom £14.39 09/06/2021 Wetherby Skip Services 711327, Skip & Waste Removal £840.00 09/06/2021 J. Hudson Stall Erection - May £1,800.00 09/06/2021 J. Hudson Trailer Repairs £30.00 09/06/2021 Pullan Landscape, Construction etc 6752, Grounds Maintenance (May) £1,038.82 09/06/2021 Wetherby Skip Services 714219, York Road Depot Skip £270.00 09/06/2021 The Barrier People Ltd 1326, Mason Field Barrier £303.60 09/06/2021 Yorkshire Local Councils Assoc. 133-2122, Events Training £337.50 09/06/2021 A1 Press Ltd 26759, Market Receipt Books £288.00 09/06/2021 J.M. Kay Electrical Ltd 2020/828, PAT Testing £216.00 09/06/2021 Wetherby Tool Hire 40548, Compactor Hire £24.00 09/06/2021 Yorkshire Local Councils Assoc. 167-2122, P. Rowden Training £48.00 09/06/2021 Marsland Timber & Building Supplies I0056425, Nails & Wood £90.12 09/06/2021 Johnsons Heating & Plumbing 1178420, Sandringham Park Tap £118.20 09/06/2021 PPS Ltd 618366, Waste Sacks £114.84 09/06/2021 Staff Salaries Wage Payments - June £9,476.52 09/06/2021 Prudential Pension Contribution Payment £35.00 09/06/2021 West Yorkshire Pension Fund Pension Contribution Payment £2,048.96 TOTAL £64,163.90

3212 Wetherby Town Council Minutes – 8TH June 2021 Chair’s Initials:_____


Date Payee Purpose Amount 06/05/2021 Opus Energy 70469441, Town Hall electricity £108.77 10/05/2021 Opus Energy 26346064, Town Hall Gas £342.14 24/05/2021 Touch Telecomm 179197, Lift Telephone Line £17.41 07/06/2021 Opus Energy Town Hall electricity £142.52 09/06/2021 Wetherby Town Council Hootsuite Reimbursement £150.00 09/06/2021 Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation 1130463, Cleaning Products £23.56 09/06/2021 Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation 1135049, Cleaning Products £38.14 08/06/2021 Curti Lifts 26989, Door Shoes for Lift £507.60 08/06/2021 BHIB Ltd Engineering Insurance £606.21 09/06/2021 SecuriPlex 1007636, Alarm remote assistance £57.00 09/06/2021 J. M. Kay Electrical Ltd 2020/856, PAT Testing £48.00 09/06/2021 G. Hainsworth Expenses - Lock £35.00 09/06/2021 A. Waterfield Expenses - Lock & Keys £191.55 TOTAL £1,799.58

3213 Wetherby Town Council Minutes – 8th June 2021 Chair’s Initials:_____


Date: Monday 7th June 2021 Time: 4pm

Location: Online at Zoom Video Communications Meeting ID: 815 6514 2984 Passcode: 326363

Present: Cllr Paul Bradley Cllr Norma Harrington Cllr Victor Hawkins (Chair) Cllr Galan Moss Cllr Dawn Payne

In attendance: Alison Waterfield, Administrator

1. Apologies Apologies were received from Cllr H Chapman.

2. Declarations of interests and requests for dispensations - none.

3. Consultations on applications. The Committee delegated the Clerk to report to Leeds City Council Planning Department that there are no objections to the following applications subject to the proposals meeting or exceeding the requirements and guidance in the ‘Building for Tomorrow Today, Sustainable Design and Construction SPD to ensure that the highest standards of eco-efficiency are achieved. a) 21/03671/FU | Single storey rear extension | 3 Ings Walk Wetherby LS22 5FE b) 21/03855/FU | Installation of 2no. air source heat pumps | Wetherby Leisure Centre Lodge Lane Wetherby LS22 5FN c) 21/04009/FU | Extension to first floor at side, extension to front at second floor; three box dormers to the rear and rooflights to front | 82 Aire Road Wetherby LS22 7FJV d) 21/04033/FU | Demolition of existing outbuilding and construction of a single storey rear extension; dormer windows to front and rear | 9 Northgates Wetherby LS22 6NX e) 21/04162/FU | Single storey rear extension | 61 Glenfield Avenue Wetherby LS22 6RN f) 21/04207/FU | Single storey rear extension. | 6 Templar Gardens Wetherby LS22 7TG h) 21/04332/FU | Single storey side extension; alterations including ramps to side and rear elevations | 11 Priory Close Wetherby LS22 7TH

i) 21/04088/FU | Single storey side and rear extensions | 12 Ambleside Walk Wetherby LS22 6DP The Committee delegated the Clerk to report to Leeds City Council Planning Department that Wetherby Town Council queries this application because of over development. If Leeds City Council's Planning Dept deems it acceptable, there are no objections to this application subject to the proposals meeting or exceeding the requirements and guidance in the ‘Building for Tomorrow Today, Sustainable Design and Construction SPD to ensure that the highest standards of eco- efficiency are achieved.

4. Works to protected trees. The Committee delegated the Clerk to report to Leeds City Council Planning Department that there are no objections to the following applications for works to protected trees:

3214 Wetherby Town Council Minutes – 8th June 2021 Chair’s Initials:_____

a) T1 Cherry - To reduce by 3m in height because of shading to other shrubs T2 Oak - To crown reduce epicormic growth by 4m because of excessive shading to rear garden and to allow planting of more mixed shrubbery to garden. | 2 Overdale Close Wetherby LS22 6WW

b) 21/04388/TR | T1 (possibly Beech) - Trim four branches approx 3-4 metres overhanging very low into my garden. | 26 Grasmere Drive Wetherby LS22 6GP The Committee delegated the Clerk to report to Leeds City Council Planning Department that there are no objections to the following application for works to protected trees subject to Landscape Planning's confirmation that the applicant has responsibility for the subject of the application.

5. Updates and decisions on applications, appeals and enforcement investigations received from planning authorities since the last meeting (for information only). It was NOTED that a record of Planning Decisions to 2 June was circulated to members.

6. Items for information. It was NOTED that Cllr Chapman had sent his apologies for the next meeting on 28 June 2021.

7. Next meeting. The date of next Planning Committee meeting was AGREED as being on 28th June 2021.

The meeting closed at 4.28 pm. These minutes were recorded and prepared by Alison Waterfield, Administrator.

3215 Wetherby Town Council Minutes – 8th June 2021 Chair’s Initials:_____