Church of the Epiphany, Parish & Village News

October 2015 Price 60p Church Services October 2015 Church of the Epiphany Tockwith A member Church of the Parish of Marston Moor Reading Reader

4th 10.00am United Parish Communion Service at Tockwith Preacher Rev Roy Shaw Speaker Andrea Robinson from the Bible Society

Job 1.1; 2. 1-10 Jo Coggrave Hebrews 1. 1-4; 2.5-12 Sarah McBride Gospel Mark 10 2-16 Rev. Roy Shaw

Sides person: Susan and John McKernan 4.00pm Messy Church 11th 2.00pm Stirling Air crash Memorial Service and 2 Corinthians 4: 16-5:9 Sqn Leader David Hicks Dedication of memorial

Sides person: Angela Jenkins, Peter, Barbara Harris, Ian Williams and Karen Stobert 18th 6.00pm Job 38. 1-7, 34-41 Janet Marriner Holy Communion Hebrews 5. 1-10 Deryck Wilson (1662) Mark 10. 35-45 Imogen Woods Sides person: Deryck Wilson

25th 11.00am Harvest Festival John 5.36-47 John Adams Sides person Rachel Kelly

TOCKWITH ROTA - October 2015 4th 11th 18th 25th

Sides person Susan and Angela Jenkins Deryck Wilson Rachel Kelly John Peter Harris Mckernan Barbara Harris Ian Williams Karen Stobert Coffee Marion Diane Wakelin Karen Stobert Hainsworth Margaret McBride n/a Audrey Gough Jenn Waller Pam Williams Jenn Waller Chalice Neil Stobert n/a Janet Marriner n/a Church Bev & Charles Jenn Waller Rachel Kelly Angela Jenkins Opening Greaves Intercessions Deryck Wilson n/a n/a Mary Shaw Grass Cutting Ian Williams Peter Harris Deryck Wilson Neil Stobert David Jackson Keith Simmonds Rob Wilson Peter Brecknock

The Marston Moor Parish Prayer God our father help us to  Live for you  Love each other  Light the way ahead So that all our villages, and the world at large, may know you In Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen The Revd. Roy Shaw writes...... October already! Time flies when you’re having fun/busy/growing older/add your own reason here. Whatever, instead of the measured ticking of the clock in a regular and changeless way, time seems to have a flexible quality about it where most often, for me at any rate, it seems to go far too fast, and yet at other times to drag. I confess I don’t have a clue as to how these two states of regularity and flexibility can exist side by side.

The whole notion of time- measured in aeons and light years- is enough to give me a headache; I crumble under the weight of the numbers, and realise how microscopically small is my own place in the scheme of things. But this doesn’t mean I’m without significance! The whole thrust of Christianity is about the honoured place of humanity in creation, through the goodness and love of God. So I try to live in thankfulness, and I guess you do too. Honouring the other person, and giving significance to them.

I hope that’s how it is, when there is a marked tendency at the moment, led by some of our media, to marginalise refugees, disabled people, and others. Before that it was hoodies, and before that it was unmarried mothers, and before that it was…..- the story is as old as time. But if we live fully in the goodness and love of God, recognising our own small but significant place in the scheme of things, recognising that all our short life is a gift, then these prejudices should fall away. I hope that’s true of me. And of you.

These last months for me have been marked by the funerals of a fifteen year old and a seventeen year old, a lad at primary school, and a lady dead from cancer before her time. Time for us is limited, in spite of our thinking and acting otherwise. Let’s use it with a wise generosity of heart.

Meanwhile, I must get on- there’s a thousand things to do……………

God Bless Your vicar, Roy 01423 359003/ [email protected].


This month is an exceptionally busy month in church. On Sunday 4th October we welcome parishioners from churches throughout the Parish of Marston Moor for a united parish service when the speaker will be Andrea Robinson from the Bible Society.

On 10th October between 10am and 4pm there will be an exhibition in church regarding the Stirling Bomber Air Crash on 9th October 1945. Lots of previously unpublished information will be on show and some very interesting personal stories have been uncovered. Whilst entry to the exhibition is free we are asking for contributions to the Memorial fund.

The following day will be the Memorial Service and unveiling of the Memorial in Marston Road in memory of those so tragically killed on that fateful night. Many people including the Bishop of Selby, Deputy Lord Lieutenant Sir Robin Cooke, our MP Nigel Adams and Mayors’ of Harrogate and are attending. This is bound to be one the largest official occasions held in Tockwith Church for many a year and there will a spectacular display of colour as the Royal British Legion represented by several local branches will present their standards. There will also be representatives from the Air Training Corp and Scouts. All are being led by the Royal British Legion Brass Band.

Volunteers are needed to provide refreshments and serve them during the Stirling Air Crash Exhibition on Saturday 10th October between 10am and 4pm. Please contact Angela Jenkins on 01423 358067 if you can help.

Tickets for the Elvis Tribute night on Saturday 24th October are being snapped up so book now to avoid disappointment. Please contact Angela on 01423 358067 or Karen on 01423 358979. The last time Steve Caprice came along he quite literally did have people dancing in the aisles.

Hopefully you won’t be too exhausted to enjoy our Harvest Festival at 11.00am on Sunday 25th October. We live in a very affluent community and sometimes it is hard to comprehend the despair that some people have. Donations will be split between Archlight and the York Foodbank.

Following most services there is an opportunity to join other attendees for a tea or coffee and a chat. WAIT AWHILE If after Church, you wait awhile, Someone may greet you with a smile But, if you quickly rise and flee, We‟ll all seem cold and stiff, maybe The one beside you in the pew Is, perhaps a stranger too. All here, like you, have fears and cares, All of us need each other‟s prayers. In fellowship we bid you meet, With us around God‟s Mercy Seat.

READINGS and PSALMS for October 2015

Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity 4 October. Job 1:1, 2:1-10; Psalm 26 Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12; Green Mark 10:2-16

11 October. Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Job 23:1-9, 16-17; Psalm 22:1-15 Green Hebrews 4: 12-16 Mark 10: 17-31

18 October. Twentieth Sunday after Trinity Job 38: 1-7, 34-41; Psalm 104: 1-9, 25, 37b Green Hebrews 5: 1-10; Mark 10: 35-45

25 October. Bible Sunday Isaiah 55 1-11; Psalm 19.7-14 Green 2 Timothy 3.14-4 5; John 5.36b-47


Messy Church returned with the biggest party ever, Jesus said "Gods kingdom is like a party and everyone is invited" so that's exactly what we did! Balloon smiley faces, party games, party food and to finish with a very messy game of Doughnut bobbing. Hope you can join us for the next Messy Church on Sunday 4th October "Everyone is invited"


I am calling out to anyone, who like me, is capable of putting flowers in a vase. I am the most unskilled of our flower arrangers, you can tell when I have done them as they look just like they did in the supermarket bucket, minus the wrapping!

Our church looks lovely, due to the team of hard working flower arrangers that do a two week slot. In that time, it is normal to put flowers in two vases, refreshing them for the second week. The church can get hot, so it is a good plan to go in and water mid-week. If you can’t manage that you can let me know and I will go in to top up the vases.

Financially, we are provided with £10 to pay for the flowers.

I would really like more volunteers as I put together the rota for next year as some arrangers are doing double duty. You can let me know dates that would be good for you, and dates to avoid, and if nearer the time you find you have a problem with the date there is some flexibility to swap dates.

Please let me know if you can help.

You can email me : [email protected] or phone 01423 358100 Thanks Sara

Marston Moor Youth Club

What an exciting evening we had on the evening of 11th September when a good number that had been with us from last year‟s Year Six returned. At total of 36 which is a record. Perhaps they had heard we were having a „T‟ shirt design evening. As you can see there were lots of great ideas and designs. The Youth Club is so popular we now have a waiting list of young people wishing to join.

The Marston Moor Youth Club Tockwith Church Every Friday – during term time 7.00pm – 8.30pm Year 6 to Year 9 Have Fun Make Friends Get Involved

Sunday 4th October

Tell us what you're doing...

Purely by chance we heard of a recent fundraising event in the village but it wasn't included in Parish and Village News as we'd not been sent the details. If you want us to advertise your event (for free! ), please let us know in good time and we'll gladly include a mention for you.

Do you know anyone that has just moved into the village? Our aim is to make contact with them as soon as possible and tell them what we have to offer as a Church family. Our introducon is by way of delivering a Village and Parish News free of charge. Contact any member of the Church Council if you think someone may not have been seen.

The next “Let’s Do Lunch” is at the Spoed Ox on Thursday 8th October at 12.30. Please contact Mary Shaw on 359003 by Tuesday October 6th if you would like to book a place.

From the Church of the Epiphany Parish Register

13th September - Baptism of Nicholas George Alan Stubbs

Please note ALL items for the November magazine need to be with the Editor no later than Friday 16th October Open the Book

‘Open the Book began in Bedford in 1999, when a group of Christians started presenting Bible stories in school assemblies. It was so popular it grew and grew, becoming a national charity. In 2013 Open the Book became part of Bible Society.

Now members of local churches go into schools and tell stories in a 10-15 minute presentation. This can be incorporated into a wider school assembly, or stand alone. Open the Book presents the Bible in primary schools in an accessible and enjoyable way, which helps schools meet their statutory collective worship obligations. We equip, encourage and enable volunteers from churches to deliver good quality assemblies.’

We have teams delivering Open the Book in three out of four of our local primary schools and we are hoping to find another team to set this up in Tockwith. If you feel you could help with this please let Roy or Ann know.

Dressing up stuff needed And……. We need your stripy tea towels and any other dressing up stuff you might be able to donate. Just think about what we might need to create a well-loved Bible story and let us know what you have. We would like to build up a local bank of resources, so that they are available to all the teams.

Stop working so hard! – our children tell us

If your offspring has ever asked you to spend more time at home with them, instead of working down at the office, then you are not alone. It seems that one in three parents has been asked by a child to work a bit less.

And many parents agree: 38 per cent worry that too much time at work and not enough time with their children will indeed have a negative effect on their relationship. A recent survey by the jobs website Career Builder found that many parents would be willing to quit their job and stay at home if their spouse could earn enough to make it possible.

Meanwhile, a recent report from the Family and Childcare Trust has found that the cost of full- time nursery care has risen by a third in the last five years, and now stands at £11,000.

Tockwith Church on the web

Let us know the things you would like on the site. Email [email protected] or telephone 01423 358588



We have a scheme that allows families to donate a Bible to the Church dedicated to their children to recognize the date of their Baptisms.

We would like to extend the scheme to anyone who might wish to donate a Bible and dedicate it in memory of a loved one.

If anyone would like to dedicate a Bible they are £15 each and we put the name inside the Bible cover. Please contact Angela Jenkins on 01423 358067.


Did you know that Tockwith Church has a Facebook page?

It is an excellent way to keep in touch with the local community regarding what is happening in church. It’s a great way to keep in touch with busy mums and dads and remind them of events that are coming to church.

We pop lots of photos on of various events at church - even Elvis is on our page. And don’t forget he will be in the building on 24th October

Classical Reflection return to Tockwith Church to perform a Christmas concert as part of a national tour.

Naomi and Hannah will be singing some songs with guest performers. Classical Reflection made their name on the BBC programme ‘The Voice’. Those who came to see them earlier this year will know they are just magical to listen to. Their concert will be on the 12th December at 7.30pm. When Tockwith Methodist Church was sold in 2007 many of us were very sad about its demise as it was one of the biggest country Methodist chapels in the County. All of its contents were disposed of and very few items were retained within the community. Fortunately although the former chapel has been converted in to private dwellings, because it is a listed building very little of the exterior could be changed. The organ was of particular good quality and it was known that it was purchased by a dealer from Holland. Fantastic news was received recently that the organ has a new home in a very grand place – Here is the story:

From Tockwith to the Rhineland – the remarkable journey of a very fine instrument (by Rolf Pentzlin, Germany)

Knechtsteden in the Rhineland is a former Premonstratensian (Norbertine) monastery, like Easby and Coverham Abbeys in North . And like the latter two, it was dissolved (albeit in the early 19th century) but not gutted, so the monastery buildings and the 12th century basilica could be restored to their former glory at the end of the 19th century.

The Spiritans or Holy Ghost Fathers (a Roman Catholic missionary congregation founded in Paris in 1703) took possession of Knechtsteden in 1895 and have been ministering to the local people half way between Cologne and Neuss (twin city of Duesseldorf) ever since. In 2010 they decided to buy a new organ that would not be too intrusive (the basilica does not have an organ loft) but at the same time would be sufficient for a congregation of between 200 and up to 500 at one service.

They decided on a 'used' instrument – a doubtful choice, some people thought. However, sample recordings provided by the Dutch organ company Feenstra, which buys and sells organs after renovating them, convinced us that this would be a good choice. The organ was first used at the midnight mass on Christmas 2009 and dedicated in January 2010.

We are a team of six organists at Knechtsteden, two senior and four junior ones, this being a busy place of worship with up to ten services a week requiring music accompaniment (eg weddings on Saturdays). I am one of the senior organists and I teach English at the Norbert-Gymnasium (a Catholic grammar school on the monastery grounds). It was never quite clear to me where the organ I have played on for the last five years actually came from. The only information we had was that it had once stood in a 'nonconformist' chapel near Leeds.

It was not before July 2015 that I found out (more by accident) that Feenstra had purchased the organ from the Methodists in a village in Yorkshire called Tockwith. And when I googled "Tockwith" and "Methodist chapel", I came across the website of a real estate agent in .

My email to the agent was quickly answered – but the answer was not what I had wanted: "... we are sorry to tell you the Methodist chapel does not exist anymore", which I took to mean 'it has been demolished'. I had hoped for the answer to be in the positive because I had already planned a visit to and Yorkshire in my summer holidays.

But then serendipity: I had talked about my venture with people in London before I emailed the estate agent. One of them said she knew a lady in Harrogate who might know the village. This lady, a teacher like me, was actually kind enough to drive to Tockwith and see for herself, and, lo and behold, there was a message from her in my in-box two days after the devastating news from the estate agent in Knaresborough. Lots of photos were attached to it, all of them showing the Methodist Chapel off the Marston road!

So on July 18th I drove up to Manchester, from where I went on a lovely day out to Tockwith and York on July 23rd. I found the village – and the people there – absolutely charming. The chapel has been beautifully converted into a house for two families, both of which I met. One of the owners, Kate Holdsworth, actually sent me more photos of the place. At this stage I should mention that the chapel, and the organ inside it, were miraculously spared destruction when the aircraft came down in October 1945, a sad event to be commemorated this month! It appears that the plane hit the road, then "bounced over the chapel" and went up in flames in the field behind it.

This organ, built in 1849, is of historic interest, being one of the finest (and actually one of a few left) that were made by an organ builder called William Holt of Leeds. It was a small company, and the workshop was in Woodhouse Lane in Leeds where today you have the Merrion shopping centre. People at the Leeds Library were most helpful when I did some research there the day before I went to Tockwith. The British Institute of Organ Studies (BIOS) has described this organ "as being an instrument of importance to the national heritage and one deserving careful preservation for the benefit of future generations."

So people in Tockwith will be pleased to learn that this organ is in good hands – not only that: a CD with German and English organ music (Bach, Mendelssohn, Stanley, Wesley et al.), played by an English organist friend of mine on 'our' William-Holt-organ, will be released this October! And parishioners of the Church of the Epiphany in Tockwith may be delighted to learn that the organ of their Methodist brothers and sisters did not end up in a scrap yard, but is in use every Sunday in a magnificent 12th century basilica within the encompass of Cologne Cathedral, which houses the shrine with the relics of the wise men from the East who visited Jesus and Mary shortly after his birth. "The Epiphany" (January 6) is a major feast day in my diocese.

More pictures next month. Marston Moor Walkers

Three of us set off from the Spotted Ox making for Kendal Lane. Deryck had a perfect excuse for not starting as he was busy setting up the new memorial on Marston Road. Nevertheless he managed to join us on the last half mile.

This was an out and back trip across the vast expanse of the battlefield. Locally there is nowhere more remote than the middle of Marston Moor, the nearest habitation being more than half a mile away. The perfect place to spot roe deer, we were just saying, when, there they were; two of them bounding through the corn like antelope on the Serengeti.

As we walked along the side of Wilstrop Wood, which is half a mile long and a third of a mile wide, we spotted a stoat, a kestrel, a rabbit and a buzzard; just one of each! It was a still damp day but you can always do, and see, something.

We only had time to reach the new housing development at Wilstrop Lodge Farm before turning round, but it was a worthwhile way to spend the afternoon. Five miles exactly.

The next walk, will be on 12th October (the second Monday of the month). Meet at 2.00pm for a 5 mile walk starting from the cul-de- sac where the entrance to Knaresborough lido caravan park is - take exit from roundabout opposite to entry to St James's retail park; SE364560, park opposite houses. All welcome. Please come along. Pete Pozman 01423 359731 07854313112

Tockwith C.E. Primary School

We have only been back at school for a few weeks and it has been very busy already!

We would like to welcome all the children new to the school as well welcoming back all our other students and teachers,

We have already started the Year with plenty of WOW‟s! Years 5 & 6 visited Eden Camp and Years 3 & 4 were lucky enough to visit the Magna science museum.

We would also like to thank all the parents for making the „Meet the Teacher‟ evenings such a success.

Our Year 6 children will be taking part in the Bikeability scheme between 5-7th October, you may see them around the village.

On Friday 17 October the children will be having their photographs taken at school, and the pre-school children and siblings will have an opportunity to join them before the school day starts.

On 20th October the children will be going to church at 2pm for the Harvest Festival service.

The school will be holding an „Open Evening‟ on Wednesday 21st October and we look forward to seeing so many of you there. More details of this will follow.

We break up for the half-term on Friday 23rd October and return on Tuesday 3 November.

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE  Give me a sense of humour, Lord. Give me the grace to see a joke, To get some humour out of life, and pass it on to other folk

Signs of our times? When you know what they meant, but…!

Toilet out of order. Please use floor below.

In a Laundromat: Automatic Washing Machines. Please remove all your clothes when the light goes out.

In a London department store: Bargain Basement upstairs.

In an office: Would the person who took the step ladder yesterday please bring it back, or further steps will be taken.

In an office: After the tea break, staff should empty the teapot and stand upside down on the draining board.

Notice in health food shop window: Closed due to illness.

Spotted in a safari park: Elephants, please stay in your car.

Growing up

Your child has started growing up when he stops asking you where he came from and starts refusing to tell you where he's going.

THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH Happiness is like jam - you can’t spread it without getting some of it on yourself! Do you have information or a concern about something or someone that you think the police should know about then contact us on [email protected] alternatively call 101. For those callers who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, the service can be accessed via text phone on 18001 101.

The Parish Council has a permanent agenda item for Police Matters at every Parish Council meeting so if you have any matters to raise with the police you can also contact a Parish Councillor. eCrime team warns against iPhone trap

The National Trading Standards eCrimeTeam based in Northallerton is urging consumers to be on the lookout for criminals trying to exploit publicity around the launch of Apple's new iPhone.

The fraudsters are flooding popular social media platforms and the Citizens Advice consumer helpline has already received complaints from members of the public about misleading offers for the new phone. One advert in particular targets UK consumers, leading them to a mocked-up BBC News story announcing a "flash sale" on the new phone.

In reality, consumers trying to take up this offer will be entered into a prize draw with little chance of winning, and would end up unwittingly signing up to a recurring monthly payment of £74, because of stipulations buried in the small print.

"This attempt to capitalise on the iPhone launch is a type of 'subscription trap', where consumers are enticed to make a small payment to access an offer before becoming trapped into making costly monthly payments which can be difficult to stop," said Councillor Chris Metcalfe, County Council's Executive Member for Trading Standards.

"Subscription traps often misuse online advertising and continuous payment authorities (CPAs) to take money from people's accounts without their informed consent. Whilst the 'iPhone for £1' offer differs significantly from 'free' trial offers normally associated with subscription traps, the National Trading Standards eCrime Team is rightly worried the offer will lure many technology enthusiasts into subscription schemes."

Mike Andrews, national coordinator for the National Trading Standards eCrime Team, said: "We are worried that criminals are using social media advertising more and more, and the popular appeal of products such as iPhones and iPads could lure victims into subscription traps. We don't want people swept up by the launch of this product to be caught out in in this way.

"Always be suspicious of any offer that looks extremely cheap, particularly if you see it in social media or in an advert online. And if you do get caught out by one of these offers, remember you have the right to cancel a continuous payment authority. You can do this by getting in touch with your bank or credit card company as soon as you can and asking them to cancel the payments immediately. Make sure you do it quickly, because you may not be able to recover payments made before you become aware of them.

"I would also urge people to report possible subscription traps to Citizens Advice via the consumer helpline on 03454 04 05 06. Complaints from consumers are crucial in helping enforcement teams clamp down on the criminals behind these scams." TOCKWITH WITH WILSTROP PARISH COUNCIL

Parish Council meetings are, as a rule, held on the third Wednesday of the month. Meetings are not normally held in August or December. Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings and they start at 7.30pm and are held in Tockwith Church. The minutes of previous Parish Council meetings can be found on its own web site at The Clerk Dawn Dyason can be contacted on 01423 358009 or email [email protected].

The Parish Council is happy to provide links to local organisations, clubs or charitable bodies so that they can share information to the wider community. Please contact [email protected] if you would like a link. It would be a good time to update your contact telephone numbers and give details of your meeting times etc.

We use the web site to distribute important information about matters that effect the Tockwith with Wilstrop Parish area.

Included on the website is information about the services offered by both North Yorkshire County Council and Harrogate Borough Council. This includes advice regarding anti-social behaviour.

Despite concerns raised by the Parish Council and many residents who wrote to oppose the planning application for 80 homes submitted by Lonsdale Developments and 131 dwellings by Linden Homes and a request for both applications be considered together so that the cumulative effect of the developments can be considered, it appears legal advice has been that they should be considered as separate entities. More than 30 planning conditions have been agreed by the developments with improved parking facilities near the school, parking restrictions and the provision of two additional passing places along Southfield Lane. Because of all the undertakings agreed by Lonsdale Developments it seems that it will be difficult for the planning committee to reject the application. We still await a decision regarding the Linden Homes site although it is understood that here too the developers have agreed to a number of planning conditions.

Southfiled Lane access – councillors remain concerned based on local knowledge that the single track (3m wide) lane, even with the proposed additional passing places is totally unsuitable to accommodate the extra traffic from both developments. No other developments in the district with this number of houses and the potential of over 400 extra vehicles has access via what is effectively a single track road. We believe that the bare minimum standard is to make the road a two way road throughout its entire length.

Should both developments get approval we would anticipate that it will be four to five years before completion. The Parish Council will be looking for the best deal possible in respect of the allocation of commuted sums and would be looking at substantial money being made available for the Village Hall and Sports field. nrw

We’re listening for your ideas for the Parish Magazine

The Editor would really like to hear your views on the Parish Magazine and particularly your ideas for themes each month. If you have any comments or suggestions please tell Norman Waller: [email protected]


Baptisms take place within our normal services – usually a service which will be a Holy Communion plus Baptism. This is because Baptism signifies a welcome into the church, and the beginning of a Christian journey. It only makes sense therefore, if this sacrament takes place within the worshipping community, who along with the family, welcome the child into God‟s great family.

Baptism can only take place when a priest is present at a service, and if you are thinking of having your child baptized, you need to give a long „lead time‟ to the clergy. It may not be possible for a priest to be available on the Sunday you have in mind, and you may need to be flexible over the date, although every effort will be made to meet your wishes. In the first instance, please contact one of the Wardens to arrange a date.

Please note:

Allocated Baptism dates for 2016 - 10th January, 10th April, 10th July and 11th September


Are you a not for profit organisation in the Tockwith Area ? Would you like a link to the Tockwith with Wilstrop Parish Council website - contact [email protected]

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Day and half-day workshops: I can help! rag rugs, patchwork, quilting, vintage, I can look after cats, rabbits, gerbils, kimonos, crochet, knitting, retro, hamsters, guinea pigs, tortoises and upcycling, cushions, and more. ish either in your home or in mine.

Bespoke courses can be arranged. £1.00 per day* or £2.50 per weekend* (Fri night – Sun night) Contact Heather Lamborn 01904 738317 Telephone 01423 358951 [email protected] *Food, straw and hay not included


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It’s time to play & learn in Tockwith If your child is aged between 2-4 years old and you have been thinking about their social development and education, then we would love to hear from you and welcome you to our setting. We have a wide range of quality activities and learning experiences on offer in a safe and stimulating environment. The team of highly qualified and experienced staff will care for and nurture your child’s development that is individual to their needs, learning styles and interests. For more information go to our website - or to discuss how we can meet your child’s needs please contact - Angela Sweet or Emma Hill on 01423 359188 or email [email protected] Bookkeeping Services Do you need help? Carpet & Upholstery • Invoicing • VAT returns Cleaning Solutions • Tax returns • PAYE • HMRC Office in Tockwith high street DTE Cleaning Offers... Please contact Julie Wilks Any 3 Carpets Cleaned £60 Mobile: 07891003618 Arm Chair Cleaning £20 Office: 01423 359660 Two Seater Sofa Cleaning £30 Three Seater Sofa Cleaning £35

Mobile: 07832 994 660 Office: 01423 359 843 [email protected]

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MOT’s while you wait. Class 4 MOTs (No Re-Test Fee) £35

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Great British Care Awards

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DRS TV and ELECTRICAL YOUR LOCAL SPECIALISTS Since 1978 AERIAL INSTALLATIONS RECEPTION PROBLEMS NEW WASHERS IN STOCK generally delivered and installed sameday CALL 01347 878717 FOR YOUR FREE QUOTATION Dyson Repair Service HOUSE DOCTOR PETE DOBSON Ask about our 3 DAY TRIAL PROPRIETOR For over 30 years Herbalife ALL ASPECTS OF distributors have been helping to change people's PROPERTY MAINTENANCE, lives forever. Helping them reach financial RENOVATION & CONSTRUCTION freedom and offering them the most cherished of gifts, health and wellness. For more information NO JOB TO SMALL please call Catherine Wakelin on 01423 358230 or mobile 07742 905436 All work is carried out by fully qualified tradesmen All estimates are competitively priced & free A great introduction to Herbalife’s phone: 01423 358102 or 07960924424 healthy nutrition email: [email protected] web: Tockwith MotorMotor Services All makes and models serviced & repaired

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Tockwith 01423 358934 SUNDAY SERVICES

4th 11th 18th Sunday after 19th Sunday after Trinity Trinity


BILBROUGH - 9.00am Holy Communion (RS)

LONG MARSTON 3.30pm 3.00pm Messy Church Harvest Festival 6.30pm (LT) Evening Prayer (LT)

RUFFORTH - 9.15am JaM Club 11.00am Holy Communion (AD)

TOCKWITH 4.00pm 2.00pm Messy Church Memorial Service (Bishop of Selby & RS)

PARISH COMMUNION 10.00am at TOCKWITH (RS & Andrea Robinson - Bible Society) OCTOBER

18th 25th 20th Sunday after Bible Sunday Trinity

10.00am 9.00am Family Praise Harvest Holy Communion (LT) (RS)

9.00am 9.00am Holy Communion At Askham Richard (RS)

11.00am 11.00am Holy Communion Morning Praise (RS) (LT)

11.00am 11.00am All Age Worship Family Holy Communion (USM) & Baptism (RS)

6.00pm 11.00am Holy Communion Harvest Festival 1662 (RS) (LT)

RS The Revd Roy Shaw AD The Revd Canon Alastair Dunn LT Local Team BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS for all occasions Angie Walker

Hand Tied Bouquets & Quality Fresh Flowers WEDDINGS & FUNERALS

Telephone 01423 358471 Mobile 07803 596625

BACKHOUSE OF Oakfield House, Tofts Lane, Follifoot

1 Chapman Yard, Tockwith, York YO26 7PR Local deliveries including York & Wetherby etc Will Writing Service • Wills • Trusts • Lasting Power of Attorney • Living Wills • Severance of Joint Tenancy Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning • Pre-Paid Funeral Plans

Providing affordable peace of mind for you and your family From only £95.00

Contact us today to arrange a free, no obligation consultation 07932 449572 Prices Every Tuesday from 9.30 - 12pm Babies at Tockwith Village Hall Birth -1 year We offer an inviting, inclusive & accessible £1.50 environment to all Children under Five. Toddlers 1-5 Refreshments available, with free healthy £3.00 snacks and juice for children (the £3 covers families/ carers multiple children) First Visit is FREE! For more info contact


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Building, extending or altering your home or business - we can help with professional advice and solutions. Ecological design and conservation accredited

Call Mark Kennett [email protected] home 01423 358404 work 01423 531183

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Swedish, Aromatherapy and NO Hands® Massage Dermalogica® Facials Manicures & Pedicures Shellac, Waxing, Threading Eyebrow Shaping & Tinting Thermal Body Therapies Salon Based NOW WITHIN TOCKLOCKS, TOCKWITH

For Further Information Contact Michelle on 01423 359689 or 07813 724516

Good Food Available

Lunch 12pm - 2pm every day and Tuesday - Saturday 6pm - 9pm, Sunday 6pm - 8pm, Monday 5pm - 8pm Full menu served every day of the week

Open Mic Night every First Wednesday of the month, starts 8pm and Quiz Night every First Monday of the month, starts 8.30pm

tel: 01423 358387 Shutter AnimalAnimal CrackersCrackers Pet Sitting ‘‘The stylishDesign solution’’ Dog Walking Small Animal Boarding Interior plantation shutters Cat Care and conservatory blinds. Equine Care

Contact Chris Kevane Established 8 years Insured Police checked Tel: 01423 359230 or Mobile: 07891 578142 Contact Fran 01423 358605/ 07799588374 [email protected] NEIL GARDNER WILKS

BUILDERS & JOINERS • TOCKWITH YORK Covering all Aspects of Building Work

Extensions • Loft Conversions • Refurbishments • Renovations • Plastering • Driveways • Plumbing & Electrical • New House Builds • Planning to final completion Call Kev on 07966829001 or office 01423 359660


We are now a

Thorner Flooring has recently been endorsed onto the Which? Trusted Traders Scheme!!! This prestigious award recognises our commitment to 5 star customer service, value and quality of workmanship. We are the only flooring company within a 50 mile radius of Leeds to be endorsed by Which? We have 35 years experience in supplying and fitting carpets & flooring throughout Yorkshire. We stock all major brands of carpets and flooring. Along with domestic flooring, we also stock all types of flooring suitable for schools, offices, shops, hotels, restau- rants and public houses. We work together with interior designers, house builders and developers to create the perfect flooring solution. The ultimate in proof of the quality of our service is the fact that over 80% of our work is from customer recom- mendations! We are also members of both The FairTrades & Trustmark register of approved companies. Call us today on 07774 171 744 to discuss your requirements and we will bring our MOBILE SHOWROOM to you. Views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editors, the Clergy, the Village Church Council, or of any authoritative body of the Church of England

Lois-z-Art Art Workshops Thursdays 10:00 – 12:00 Beginner’s Watercolour starting 8th October Themed weeks for those with more experience. For more information tel. 01423 358264 Or email [email protected]

New Activity – Tockwith Village Hall Wiggle n Giggle Dance Fitness.

You don’t need a partner to dance the Cha Cha, Salsa, Jive and much more at this new fun friendly class. All routines are easy to follow, even if you think you’ve got two left feet. (Just dance like nobody’s watching). No need to book just come along and join in. Every Wednesday from 7 to 8pm starting 14th October 2015.

Over 50’s especially welcome. Only £4 per class. Details from Viv Bolton 07931 508 444

The Marston Moor Scout group will be forming a guard of honour along with British Legion Standard Bearers at the Memorial Service Sunday 11th October.

We were very sad to close the doors on our old premises on the 31st July as we have had a fantastic eleven years. We have had the pleasure to have welcomed and worked closely with many lovely children and their families over the years. We now look forward

to welcoming many more into our new premises which opened on 1st September.

We now provide full time education and care from 7.45-6pm for children aged 3 months to 11 years. Our approach to early education promotes creativity, individuality and self-confidence. If you would like further information please contact Emma or Angela


01423 359188 or email [email protected]


Commissioned by the Parish Council

Many of you will have seen the base column already in situ. Rather surprisingly whilst it was being built quite a few people approached the builder and asked what was being built. This has been an on-going project for over two years with publicity in this magazine and the local newspapers so it is disappointing that some residents even after all this time seemed to be unaware of the project.

Those of you who receive BBC Look North from the Bilsdale transmitter will have seen a feature about the memorial. You can check it out on Iplayer - Ruth Gosley approaching her 90th birthday and whose father Harry Sagar was the village policeman gave a graphic account of how the crash affected the village. One of the properties the plane crashed into was the police house and PC Sagar took command of affairs immediately after the crash dressed only in his pyjamas and dressing gown. You can find out a lot more about the crash by visiting the exhibition in church on Saturday 10th October between 10am and 4pm when a lot of previously unpublished material will be on display.

The service of commemoration will be held in Tockwith Church on Sunday 11th October at 2.00pm. This will be followed by a parade to the memorial site where there will a short dedication by the Bishop of Selby, unveiling by the Deputy Lord Lieutenant Sir Ronald Cooke and will conclude with the playing of the Last Post and a minutes silence before returning to the Church for refreshments.

As mentioned previously the memorial is NOT a war memorial as it marks an event that occurred after the war ended The memorial takes shape almost ready for the and therefore does not qualify for the skeleton of the Stirling bomber usual War Memorial grants that are available. This is why it has to be funded within the community. Responses for donations have not been brilliant and there remains a shortfall of over £1,000 in its funding. If you can help with a donation please contact Norman Waller 01423 358588. Exhibition to Commemorate the Stirling Bomber Plane Crash in this Village in the early hours of the 9th October 1945 Tockwith Church Saturday 10th October 2015 10am to 4pm

Memorial Service and Memorial unveiling Tockwith Church Sunday 11th October 2015 2pm Service and dedication led by the Bishop of Selby Music by Thirsk Royal British Legion Band Unveiling of memorial performed by the Deputy Lord Lieutenant for North Yorkshire Sir Ronald Cooke

Tockwith Village Hall October 2015

The village hall lies at the centre of the village. It belongs to the community and is managed by a group of volunteers whose aim is to provide a village hall which is open to, and meets the needs of, all the surrounding community regardless of age, gender, colour or creed, encouraging a wide range of user opportunities and activities at an affordable rate for all. If you think you can help contribute to this vital village commodity please contact Audrey on 01423 359 378 or [email protected] Regular Groups Party Hire There are a number of regular clubs, groups Are you thinking of having a and classes meeting on a weekly basis. These party or celebration then why include, for example; not book the village hall. One-off Monday - Craft Club & Art Group hire rates are very affordable and Tuesday - Under 5’s, Pilates & Tockwith the hall can hold up to 100 Singers people. Wednesday - Dance classes There is a lovely garden to the Thursday – Yoga & Tockwith Players Friday – rear for those special Pilates photographs. For more information and contact details, For details contact Audrey. phone Audrey on 359378

Dates for your diary Wellbeing Survey Saturday 21st November 2015 Many thanks to those members of our local ‘Irish Folk Night’ with Roisin Ban’ community who have returned their completed survey Róisín Bán is a 5 piece traditional Irish forms. The number of forms returned to date is approximately 10% of the total distributed. All forms band based in Yorkshire playing a received will be analysed and a report on the findings variety of traditional Irish tunes, songs will be included in a future edition of the Parish from Ireland & the UK. Look forward to Magazine and uploaded to the Parish Council website. a night of lively Celtic folk music, song Early indications are that a third of all respondents & dance. The ‘craic’ is an important want more in the way of evening educational talks and concept for the band and no toe is left guest speakers; more than a third of people said they wanted exercise classes in the evenings and at untapped in a Róisín Bán show. weekends; and about a third of people wanted more This is an exciting opportunity to see one-off events in the way of visiting bands and theatre an international band performing on groups. Most significant was the majority interest our doorstep. shown in more weekend evening activities. Ticket only licenced event. We would urge everyone who has not yet returned All tickets £10 available from Fiona their survey forms to do so as we really do want to know how best the village hall can serve its local Steed: telephone 01423 358 808. community. So please keep those forms coming in. New Activity – Wiggle n Giggle Dance Post them in the black collection box in Cost Cutter. th Fitness. Commencing 14 October In the meantime the committee is working to facilitate Over 50’s especially welcome. Only £4 the activities our respondents have shown interest in. per class. Details from Viv Bolton We’ll be in touch when we have more to report.

07931 508 444

October 2015 – Autumn

Registered charity no: 1115563 Free Baby Massage

Who’s Who: We’re pleased to announce that on

Tuesday 3rd November we are offering Chairman a free one off baby massage session. Kathryn Bye The session will last for around 40 07919 222751 minutes and will be led by a qualified practitioner. Secretary Lisa Robinson Places are limited so if your baby is aged between birth and 8 months book Treasurer your slot at your next visit to Under 5’s or by emailing Emily Penn [email protected]

Fundraisers Kate Pratt Helena Gill Clare Simpson New Playgroup Leader Emma Bird We are delighted to welcome our new playgroup Playgroup Leader leader Claire Greenwood who joined us in September and is already settling in well and Claire Greenwood doing a great job! Claire says “I am very much

enjoying the role at under 5’s. Everyone has Opening Times been very welcoming, friendly and helpful. I am We meet once a week on looking forward to all the activities and events Tuesday mornings 09.30- planned over the coming weeks and months.” October Craft 11.30 at the Village Hall Committee Members Events We’re always looking for new committee th Prices members to help us come up with new and 6 - Texture Board th Babies Birth -1 year exciting ideas for our little ones to enjoy! So 13 - Crown £2.00 if you fancy joining our friendly team then making th Toddlers 1-5 £3.50 (the we would love to have you. Please get in 20 - Sensory £3.50 covers touch with one of us on your next visit to bottles th Under 5s. 27 - Closed for half term

Tockwith Children’s Partnership Your community working together: Tockwith Under 5s, TickTock Daycare and Tockwith School



We meet every Tuesday in Tockwith Village Hall from 7.45 - 9.30pm No experience of choir singing needed. Come and have some fun and meet some friends along the way.

TOCKWITH FESTIVALS The Beer & Burger Bash A good night was had by all at the recent Beer n Burger Bash organised by Tockwith Festival Committee on 12th September. The Beer flowed, Awesome Burgers served and Excellent Music from our very own Chance to Shine winner Will Hancock, Duets from Helen Algar & Amanda Gee and dancing the night away to the Raisers.

Save the date: Tockwith Festival Saturday 14th May 2016


Tockwith Show 2015‟s charity of choice this year was Macmillan Cancer Support. The amazing sum of £3,085 was raised (£955 at Tockwith Show held on 2nd August 2015 plus £180 collected by Macmillan at the event, added to a previous donation of £1,950 from the Tockwith Open Garden Event). This donation will allow Macmillan to be there for people affected by cancer and their families, and help them feel more in control of their lives.

Stuart Coggrave, Tockwith Show‟s President, recently presented Carole Scullion from Macmillan York Office Fundraising Committee with the donation. (Photo courtesy of Ed Bird)

The Show Society have been busy after this year‟s Show. The have lined the newly built storage shed with a concrete flooring and made it completely vermin proof.

Due to ill health Treasurer Malcolm Slinger has had to tender his resignation, so we are looking for someone with book keeping skills to take over as Treasurer. If you are interested in joining a hard working enthusiastic team proud of their achievements, either as Treasurer or Committee member then please contact Steve Ross on 07976 268012.

TOCKWITH & DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY LTD Registered Charity 1105149 Thursday 5th November

Come and enjoy our SEVENTH ANNUAL BONFIRE AND FIREWORK DISPLAY to raise funds towards the staging of the 2016 Show. Held at the Show field MOOR LANE


gate opens at 6pm, bonfire lit at 6.30pm, fireworks from 7pm. Refreshments available – local sausage and hot pork sandwiches, homemade soup and cakes, drinks etc. ADMISSION :-Adults £4.00

children under 12 FREE.


Please note NO personal fireworks or sparklers will be allowed on the show field For more information please contact Sally Anne 01423 359248. Everyone welcome.



Tuesday 6th October 3-5pm

TOCKWITH Friday 9th October 9-12 noon

No appointments will be made just turn up.

Craft Club

The Craft Club meets in Tockwith village hall every Monday afternoon during term time, between 1pm and 3pm. We enjoy a wide range of crafting activities, learning new skills, making beautiful things whilst having a good natter. Everyone is welcome. You don’t need to be an experienced crafter to join. Come along and have a go – £2 per week including refreshments. (Your first week is free.) Crafts planned for the next 6 weeks are: 5th October – Advent Calendar 12th October – Triple layer greetings cards 19th October – Catch up week 26th October – No club – hall used for Panto 2nd November – Christmas tree table decoration 9th November – Christmas Cards For more information contact Fiona on 358808.

Who killed Wally West – The Flash? ’s annual Treasure Hunt, competed for the Jimmy Reddall (1908-2002) Memorial Trophy, took on a new twist this year. It was a Murder Mystery based at a Superhero Convention and Beer Festival in Tadcaster where eight competing teams used their investigative skills to find the identity of the murderer, the murder weapon and other significant evidence. They also took the opportunity, on the lovely sunny Sunday on 6th September ’15, to explore parts of Tadcaster previously unknown, before returning to Cowthorpe to the ‘one night only’ Gastropub at Highfield Villa. Last year’s winners Team Gee Mars were ready to serve 50 hungry residents with a choice of homemade steak and ale pie, bangers and mash or the gluten free option of chicken with mushrooms and onions and an extensive array of puddings. Our worthy winners with their attention to detail were :- “The Cowthorpe Clouseaus” (Emma, Alex, Isabelle and Freddie Colclough).

The Winners - The Colclough Family We would like to thank our sporting residents who were unaware of how the photographs they submitted were to be transformed, thanks to clever artwork by our resident photographer, into the suspects of this murder mystery. They became Superman, Captain America, Captain Britain, Hawkeye, Catwoman, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, The Scarlet Witch, Aquaman, The Joker, Iron Man, Loki, The Green Lantern, Valkyrie, MVP, Batman and Storm. Sincere thanks to our Superhero Thor (Arnold Goosemoor Organics) for donating vegetables which contributed to the huge success of the event which raised £300 towards our CCF Community Project Fund. Also to Tancred Farm Shop for the super quality of the meat they provided. Article submitted by Team GeeMars Christine & Mick Gee, Jacqui & Roger Marsden


On Tuesday 25th August 2015 Mr Alan Gott introduced Mr Roy Cressey who gave his talk “Yorkshire Shipping”. He started with a picture of King‟s Staithe in York with the last warship, an inland waters mine sweeper, to come up the river as far as York. The picture was taken on 20th May 1969. Mr Cressey then showed a range of slides of barges in York, barges, ships and ship building in Selby and ships of various types in the Humber. Launching ships in Selby was an event, as they had to be launched sideways due to the Ouse being quite narrow. Some of the Selby built ships became ferry ships in places like the Isle of Wight, Isle of Man and the Orkneys and some of the ships he showed finished up in the Caribbean. Many of the ships shown finished up at New Holland to be scrapped. The Ouse and the Humber are both difficult rivers for shipping because of the variable currents, mud banks and the need to catch the tide and Pilots are needed but even so, bridges have been damaged, especially a swing railway bridge! Much of the shipping now docks in Hull. Mr Cressley was thanked in the usual way after answering some questions.

The Club normally meets on the morning of the last Tuesday of the month in Long Marston Village Hall at 10.30 am. New members and guests are welcome, contact the Secretary, Mr Bob Ellis on 01423 358 393.

Do you enjoy painting or drawing? Perhaps you like the idea but have never got round to it. Whether you are a beginner or more experienced you will be most welcome at Tockwith Art Group.

Join us for two free (taster) evening sessions.

We meet on Monday evenings (term time) from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at Tockwith Village Hall.

We also host occasional demonstrations and workshops by professional artists.

£65 for the period 7th September to the end of July 2016.

For more information contact: Janet tel: 01423 358253 or Donna 07532 461501

 When is £1 worth £1.25?

When you visit Church and you put some money in the collection – why not put it in a Gift Aid Envelope. It won‟t cost you anything extra but it will benefit the Church 25p extra for every £1 you donate.


The next “Let’s Do Lunch” is at the Spotted Ox on Thursday 8th October at 12.30. Please contact Mary Shaw on 359003 by Tuesday 6th October if you would like to book a place.

 Conservation Society

The society continues to have work days on the second and fourth Tuesday mornings of most months at which all comers are welcome.

A dedicated band of volunteers also check local footpaths and assist in keeping them clear. ACS is a local organisation dedicated to nature conservation and is a registered charity No 1000038



You may already know that Make It York is the city’s new Destination Management Organisation; our aim being to market and help develop York as a world-class vibrant destination to live, visit, study and do business.

Part of our new remit is to assist in communicating the breadth of activities, events, exhibitions and festivals that are available for local residents to take part in. Currently we don’t have a mailing list of local residents and so we’re seeking your help and advice in distributing York’s newest e-newsletter to its residents to make sure this also reaches the villages around York.

Here’s a brief synopsis of the newsletter, which could be copied and pasted into emails, newsletters, added online to websites and the PDF of this week’s newsletter is also attached:

7 Days In York

York’s new weekly guide to some of the best things happening in York

The following link can be forwarded, uploaded to your website or staff intranet, or embedded within any of your own e-communications.

A PDF edition, can be printed as a hard copy to be placed in reception areas, pinned to noticeboards in village halls, handed out or distributed in any other way.

York offers many brilliant events, exhibitions and much more. Thank you for helping us spread the word! If you’d like to share your top tips for the week please tweet us @visityork using #7DaysinYork.

Many thanks again The Make It York Team

From the Ed - Take a look at the site there are lots of discoust offers either for visitor attraction or eating places. If you check the site at the right time them you might also find discount offers for train journeys to Edinburgh or London often saving you £££’s.

If you want to make sure that you don’t want to miss out on bargains contact : [email protected] and you can be put on their mailing list.

Tockwith Players

It’s that time of year again…….oh yes it is!!! Rehearsals are well under way for our annual pantomime which this year is


Six performances - 27th - 31st October 7.30pm with our popular matinee on Saturday at 2.00pm

Tickets £7.50 for Grow ups £6.00 Children and Concession (No Concessions on Saturday night) £25 for a Family Ticket Why not book your ticket today with Lois 01423 358603 or Sue 01423 358 063 or [email protected]

Tickets sell fast so don’t miss your chance to enjoy and support theatre on your doorstep.

We are always on the look out for new members to join us either on or off stage. Just come along to the Village Hall on any Thursday between 8.00 - 10.00pm You can also follow us on Facebook or look for details on our website


“Acts 435 is a fantastic initiative ... It is a very simple idea but a very exciting one! I am

proud that the Church is taking practical steps to help those facing practical difficulties.” Archbishop of York, Dr. John Sentamu

Acts 435 – What is it? Acts 435 is the Archbishop of York’s online giving charity that directly links those wanting to give with those needing their help. It recognises that people want to give, often a little, sometimes more, to people with genuine need. It puts people who can give in touch with people who are in need, with the Church as the physical, face-to-face forum to enable virtual, online giving. Of particular appeal to donors, 100% of what is donated to Acts 435 goes directly to those in need.

Acts 435 works through a four step process: 1. Person in need applies to the local church for help 2. Local church receives and verifies the request 3. Request for help is posted on the Acts 435 website 4. Donor chooses from a list of requests and makes a payment via a secure system online.

Find out more at: WWW.ACTS435.ORG.UK


Covering the villages of Askham Richard, Bilbrough, Long Marston, Rufforth and Tockwith.

THE PARISH OFFICE - Parish Administrator Miss Laura Nulty

The PARISH OFFICE is usually open on Tuesday from 12.15pm to 4.15pm and on Thursday from 1.00pm to 3.00pm. The telephone number is 01904 738262 (only during opening hours please) and the email is [email protected].

The United Parish services are every first Sunday and, when there is one, every fifth Sunday at 10.00am. These services are an ideal opportunity for the parishes to get to know one another and to worship together in a larger congregation.


Rev. Roy thanks all those who sponsored him on his ‘Ride and Stride’ walk from Bilbrough church, via Askham Richard, Rufforth and Long Marston churches, to Tockwith church, on Saturday 12th September- a very soggy day indeed! But enlivened by the good company of Malcolm Coward (Rufforth) and Mick Illingworth ( Askham Richard) and refreshment stops ( which were difficult to move from…… in Askham Richard and Long Marston). Over £300 was raised for Yorkshire Historic Churches Trust, a fine institution which gives grants for the repair of our church buildings. The bonus is that half the money will come back to the parish immediately- that’s the deal they do.

UNITED PARISH SERVICE 4th October 10.00am at Tockwith Speaking at the service will be Andrea Robinson from the Bible Society All welcome

I do enjoy a cuppa! Yes, he really does!

This is our opportunity to meet each other, and for me to hear about you and yours! I’d like to come and meet you, so why not invite me round for a cuppa? I’m setting aside Wednesdays from 4 till 5, and hope you’ll phone me and fix a date- 01423 359003

Roy (the vicar)

Tickets for York Minster The parish has an allocated number of free passes to York Minster for the use of parishioners. They may be borrowed for a day, and then returned to your local church. Details from the church secretary, or one of the churchwardens.

Acts 435 celebrates five years of financial support

This year is the fifth anniversary of the launch of Acts 435, the Archbishop of York‟s online giving charity. Acts 435 was launched in July 2010 at General Synod by the Archbishop of York and over five years has helped over 5,000 people with specific items they needed such as a cooker, clothes and a bed. £500,000 has gone directly to those in need. More info at:

October Fixtures

Date KO Opponents

3rd Oct 14.00 1st Team v Rawcliffe Away

14.00 2nd Team v Hemingbrough United Res Home

10th Oct 14.00 1st Team v York St Johns University Home

14.00 2nd Team v Bishopthorpe United Away

17th Oct 14.00 1st Team v Cliffe Home

31st Oct 14.00 1st Team v Cliffe (Cup Match) Home

14.00 2nd Team v Wilberfoss Res Away

7th Nov 14.00 1st Team v Malton & Norton FC Home

IRRATIONAL MAN Woody Allen’s latest film continues his search for God, says Stephen Brown

Woody Allen and Seeking the Meaning of Life nearer an uplifting of spirits. Or does it? are as inseparable as Christmas dinner and Before you know it Abe is committing an indigestion. He simply cannot resist it no existential act rather in the manner of matter how painful. At the end of one of his Raskolnikov in Crime and Punishment. early films, Manhattan (1979) a despondent Murdering an evil man is the key to Abe‟s Allen lies on his bed recording into his happiness. To do is to be. Of course, Allen dictaphone reasons for living which include has been here before with Match Point Louis Armstrong‟s Potato Head Blues. Things (2005), his modern day version of the haven‟t changed that much over the years as Dostoevsky classic, which was equally as Irrational Man (Certificate 12A) makes clear. turgid as his latest offering. Abe hasn‟t really Nowadays, the Allen character gets portrayed done his philosophy homework properly. by somebody else. In this case it‟s Joaquin Dostoyevsky (Brothers Karamazov) doesn‟t Phoenix minus all those Allen tics playing Abe actually say that if God does not exist then (short for Abraham or is it Abel?), a professor everything is permitted. Quite the opposite. of philosophy newly arrived on Rhode Island. Only faith truly assists us to know right from You might say Abe almost has a wrong. Murder as a solution to a depersonalised disorder as he sleepwalks his meaningless, godless life is to be found in way through life. Nothing awakens him to its several other of the director‟s films from riches - not God, not love, not even Louis Crimes and Misdemeanours (1989) to Armstrong until (you‟ve guessed it) a pretty Cassandra’s Dream (2007) but usually they young woman crosses his radar. Jill (Emma are funny as well as serious. Abe discovers Stone) is an impressionable student with moral purpose but fails to find appropriate whom Abe forms a close friendship. direction for it. Woody‟s alter ego is all too much in his head. If only he‟d read and Abe‟s diet of Nietzsche and Kierkegaard has heeded Pascal‟s words on the subject: "Take convinced him that if God isn‟t dead then he‟s comfort, you would not be looking for me if certainly playing hide and seek with the you had not already found me." But, there universe. His head talk with fellow professor again, if he had then maybe we wouldn‟t have Rita (Parker Posey) and her take on got all those marvellous movies from Woody. Dostoevsky doesn‟t appear to get Abe any

Thought for Today Personal reflections by Henry Woods

The world seems full of violence on the one hand and on the other prayers for peace. We are faced with fanatical terrorists who are plotting to plant bombs where they will cause the maximum casualties and publicity at the cost if necessary of their own lives. The alternative path to their concept of paradise is the taking and killing of hostages or, as in the case of Bandsman Rigby, the slaughter of a member of the Armed Forces.

We as Christians cannot reach them via any steps to deradicalise them nor it seems can we prevent families taking young children to a war zone or young women to join the ISIL fighters who in some cases are husbands and fathers. The range of violence is wide and crosses boundaries in society which makes the task of defending us more complex and difficult. For example a convert to Islam may become a fanatic unknown to family or mosque and it is only when they decamp to the Middle East or commit an act of terrorism that the truth will out.

Meanwhile the security services, observant members of the public and Muslims who abhor violence can provide the essential intelligence needed to foil terrorism and give early warning of fanaticism in action. As Christians we pray regularly for peace in the world, and we should do so more fervently, linking the Muslim community with those tasked to defend us. The list of these is not short - police, special branch, intelligence services, local government, armed forces, members of the public, central government, security agencies, all have a part to play and the spectrum would be severely weakened if anyone of these dropped out of the fight for any reason.

But what about the Church, you may ask? We all know or have read of the power of prayer in other contexts. I believe very strongly that prayer is a powerful influence on people and events, as our Lord demonstrated time and time again. Whilst we should pray for peace, we should also pray that terrorists turn from their evil ways and seek a democratic path rather than the path of destruction and death. At the same time we should also pray for all those seeking to foil terrorism or to bring the perpetrators of terrorism to justice. Forgiveness comes later and when remorse is evident.

Lastly we should understand that the objective of ISIS is a Muslim world and that no other faiths are tolerated. The last time they tried to achieve this they got as far as besieging Vienna and the rest of Europe quaked. Let us pray that they are defeated well to the East.


The Village Diary Are you planning an event? Then why not use this page to give advance notice of it. All that is required is the name of the organisation, date and time and type of event and contact number for more information. Please forward your information to the editor by email [email protected], telephone 01423 358588 or write to him at Holmsdale, 3 Kendal Gardens, Tockwith, York. Don’t forget you can also supply more details of your event nearer to the time.

Location Contact OCTOBER 2015 Saturday 10th 10am- Stirling Air Crash Commemorative Norman Waller 01423 358588 4pm Exhibition Tockwith Church

Sunday 11th 2.00pm Stirling Air crash Memorial Service Norman Waller 01423 358588 and Unveiling of Memorial

Saturday 24th The return of Steve Caprice as Tickets £12 with refreshments 7.30pm ‘Elvis’ Angela Jenkins 01423 358067 Tockwith Church Or Karen Stobert 01423 358979 Tues 27th to Tockwith Players Pantomime – Lois 01423 358603 Saturday 31st Aladdin October Tockwith Village Hall Sue 01423 358063

Friday 30th October Tockwith and District Show – 70th 7.30pm Anniversary Celebrations – Big Tickets £15 in advance only Band Night …..includes suppe. The Engine Shed Wetherby – Contact Sally Ann Hannington featuring Big Band - Echo 42. 07702 624817 Or Maureen 01937 845638 Ticket hotline

NOVEMBER 2015 Thurs 5th November Tockwith Show Firework Display £4 admission children under 12 and Bonfire free. The Show Ground Contact Sally Ann 01423 359248

Saturday 21st Irish Folk Night - the Róisín Bán Tickets £10 Internationally acclaimed folk band Contact Fiona Tockwith Village Hall 01423 358 808

Saturday 28th Tockwith Players Annual Race and Details to follow Curry Night DECEMBER 2015 Sunday 13th Cyclists Carol Service 12.45pm Sunday 13th 6.00pm Village Carol Service

A reminder if you are planning events please notify me as soon as possible so that it can be included in the Village Diary this will hopefully prevent duplication of events which benefits no-one……..Ed  

Kirk Hammerton Methodist Chapel Serving the villages from Great Ouseburn to Tockwith Minister Rev Gail Hunt - Tel 01423 863298 Worship every Sunday at 10am unless otherwise stated.

Sunday 4th October – Harvest Songs of Praise led by Gracious Street worship leaders. Sunday 11th October – Rev Gail Hunt ( Service to include Holy Communion ) Sunday 18th October - Mrs Ann Jackson Sunday 27th September – Rev Paul Spurgeon and Rev Gail Hunt (United Harvest service at St Johns.)

Tockwith Fellowship group - Meets on the 1st Thursday of the month September > April at various homes. Thursday 1st October 2:30pm – Rev Gillian Robertson “ The clay in my hands” At 108 Prince Rupert Drive

Please telephone Rev Gail Hunt - 01423 863298 for further details

Jottings from the Methodist Manse …… From the Methodist Minister Gail Hunt

As I stood by the photocopier and pressed the button it miraculously produced the 20 full colour copies I asked for in just a few seconds, all exactly the same. I remember when I was younger my best friend and I helped her father regularly produce the Church monthly news sheet with an old “Roneo” copier which stood in the corner of the office. It worked by forcing ink through a stencil onto paper, you can imagine the mess! What a difference to our modern machines. However whatever copying machine we are using, the one thing that any of them are unable to do is to give individuality to what it produces – what comes out is an exact copy of what goes in.

This is the season of harvest and as we look at the world around us with its abundance of colour, shape, texture and smell we rejoice that God, who made one hundred thousand different species of butterflies, millions of varieties of flowers and the unique individual features of every human face, didn‟t use a photocopier when he made the world!

So as we give thanks at this harvest time for the wonder of nature and the incredible abundance that comes from our food chain, let‟s also remember that all of us have a unique contribution to make to sustain the unique world we live in.

Just a thought... Blessings, Gail



Vicar Revd Roy Shaw 01423 359003 [email protected] Roy blogs at

http:/ As far as possible, Roy keeps Friday as his day off.

Reader Ann Watson 01904 738786 Email: [email protected]

Church of the Epiphany, Tockwith Village Church Council Members (VCC)

Church Warden Angela Jenkins - 358067 Deryck Wilson - 358364 VCC Secretary Marion Hainsworth VCC Treasurer Peter Harris - 358416 VCC Members Don Hale / Susan McKernan / Neil Stobert / Jenn Waller/ Major General Henry Woods / Imogen Woods /Joanna Worth.

Tockwith Church Groups

Weddings and Baptisms Angela Jenkins / or 358067 Deryck Wilson 358364 Funerals Deryck Wilson 358364 Church Flowers Sara Sonley 358100 Gift/Aid Donations Peter Harris 358416 Companions Drama Group Don Hale 358251 Messy Church Karen Stobert 358979 Church Music Group Angela Jenkins 358067 Children and Youth Leader Karen Stobert 358979 Remembrance Book Angela Jenkins 358067

Parish and Village News

Magazine Editor: contact Norman Waller 358588 – [email protected] Parish News Advertising at very reasonable rates: contact Susan McKernan – 358831 or [email protected]

Distribution Lists All magazines are distributed by a team of eager volunteers, who are located around the parishes, appropriately.

Please find a list of current distributors to whom you may contact with regards your Subscription, but also to “drop off” your copy and advertisement requirements!

Tockwith Janet Marriner, 212 Prince Rupert Drive Audrey Gough, Bluecoats, Fleet Lane Diane Wakelin, 50 Prince Rupert Drive Susan McKernan, 32 Kendal Gardens Chris Leggott 8 Farfax Crescent Jean Birchill 7 Fairfax Crescent John Wardle, School Bungalow, Southfield Lane Bev Greaves Fleet Lane Tockwith (delivers Kirk Lane) Sue Bird 36 Westfield Road

Bickerton & Bilton Julie Davies – 9 Westlands Bilton-in-Ainsty

This magazine is NOT just for Church News. We want to include information about events and

organisations within our community, so if you want any news put in next months Parish and Village News then

forward it to the editor Norman Waller Holmsdale 3 Kendal Gardens

Tockwith Tel 01423 358588 Before Friday 16th October or

email [email protected]

Tockwith Church Notice Board

Saturday 10th October 10am to 4pm Stirling Air Crash Exhibition

Sunday 11th October 2pm Stirling Air Crash Memorial Service and Unveiling of Memorial

Saturday 24th October 7.30pm Elvis Night

Thursday 29th October 10am to 4pm St Crux York

Thursday 3rd December 8am to 4pm Fund Raiser Wetherby Town-Hall

Saturday 12th December 7.30pm Classical Reflection Christmas Concert

Sunday 13th December 6.00pm Village Carol Service

Book swop – Books are available in the entrance to Church to swop or buy for 50p.

'Don't forget the Food Bank' FOOD BANK DONATIONS can also be left in the entrance of the Church

Tockwith Church is open every Sunday 12 to 4pm