Parish and Village News Church of the Epiphany, Tockwith

March 2017 Price 70p Church of the Epiphany, Tockwith Rota

5th 12th 19th 26th March 10am 11am 4pm 11am Parish Holy Communion Holy Communion Informal Communion 1662 Service Barbara Harris (1) Deryck Wilson (1) Reading Mary Shaw (G) Sarah McBride (2) Janet Marriner (2) Sarah McBride (G) Peter Harris (G) Imogen Woods (G) n/a Intercessions Karen Stobert Deryck Wilson Mary Shaw

n/a Chalice Neil Stobert Janet Marriner Janet Marriner

Sides John McKernan Barbara Harris Ian Williams Deryck Wilson person Susan McKernan Peter Harris Joanna Worth n/a Tea & Diane Wakelin Jenn Waller Bev Greaves coffee Margaret McBride Marion Hainsworth Pam Williams n/a Audio Angela Jenkins Neil Stobert Deryck Wilson

Church Bev & John McKernan John McKernan Janet Marriner opening Charles Greaves The Revd. Roy Shaw writes......

:HOOZHJRWWKURXJK)HEUXDU\)RUPDQ\IRONLW¶VWKHORZ point of the year- all the festivities of Christmas and New Year are over; the bills to pay for all that have come in; and the horizon seems a bit empty till the promise of Spring appears in warmer days and daffodils by the wayside. Yes, the holiday brochures have been pored over, but still, that remains a promise, not yet real. But we got through. In spite of cold and grey weather, and WKHQRWLRQRIµ)HEUXDU\ILll-G\NH¶ZH¶UHRQWKHHGJHRIVSULQJ again. Snowdrops have been out for a month, setting us up for that parade of late winter/early spring flowers- aconites, grape hyacinths, primulas, daffodils, tulips and others. These hopes and dreams sustain us. They get most of us through low times. The hope, the promise, even, of something better to come, even though the corners of our minds and hearts acknowledge that for many in the world today- our news programmes remind us of this constantly- there is little hope for a better world. The best they can hope for is WKDWµZHJHWWKURXJKDOLYH¶6D\\RXUSUD\HUVIRUVXFKDVWKHVHDQGJLYHDV\RXFDQ On the subject of giving, thank you to those who have responded to the needs of our churches outlined in a previous maJD]LQH DQG VSRQVRUHG D GD\¶V FRVWV- £30- to keep it open. And to those who have given other amounts, too- DµWKDQN\RX¶WR\RX Individual churches will be acknowledging your gifts with a letter of thanks. In the end, thankfulness is an important component of that which gets us through. I ILQGDQHFKRRI6W3DXO¶VVHQWLPHQW- µ7KDQNVEHWR*RGIRUKLVLQGHVFULEDEOHJLIW¶ RI our saviour, Jesus)- a great corrective to the misery times in life. In the grey clouds, what are you thankful for? Have a wonderful and thankful March- God bless you deeply, widely, richly. Your vicar,

Roy 01423 359003/ [email protected].


Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (1st March), a day when we should all try and be at Communion service if we can. The Parish Service this year will be at Askham Richard at 7.30pm

Preparing for Easter is what Lent is all about. It is intended to have us spiritually fit and fine-tuned to celebrate RQFH DJDLQ WKH µVDYLQJ HYHQWV¶ RI WKH passion, death and resurrection of the Lord that are at the heart of our life and faith. Preparing properly for Easter helps us to Experience Easter in all its fullness, and sharing the journey of preparation together can be an enormous encouragement. Each Wednesday during Lent there will be presentations at Long Marston church discussing how Jesus is seen by others of different faiths. Full details of these talks can be found in this magazine.

The Church and School have been working very hard together and that collaborative working came to fruition with the first Tockwith School Goes to Church. We are all used to the school visiting the church to celebrate particular Christian festivals but this was special because the service was conceived by the pupils themselves. The service was centred around the theme Creativity which is one of the core values of the school. The others being Perseverance and Friendship. 174 children and parents and friends came along to the service. There are some pictures in the centre pages of this service showing what a great afternoon it was.

This is your church, if you want it to be a living, thriving community in the years to come then you need to support it. Were you EDSWLVHG RU PDUULHG LQ WKH FKXUFK" +DYH \RX FHOHEUDWHG D ORYHG RQH¶V life? Do you know that one day you will need the services the Church of Epiphany? We have a very loyal congregation who give very generously to pay for the ministry offered by the church, However, they are not the only people who want a parish church in the village. As we embark on the season of Lent please think about what \RXFDQRIIHU*RG¶VFKXUFK7KLQNDERXWZKDW\RXKDYHWREHJUDWHIXOIRUUHPHPEHU that Jesus walks your journey with you, He stretched out His arms on the cross and died for you. Lent is a time of challenge ± what is God challenging you to do?

:HKDYHDUDQJHRIVHUYLFHVDQGDFWLYLWLHVUHIOHFWLQJWKHGLYHUVHQHHGVRI7RFNZLWK¶V community. Whether you are looking for a traditional communion service, a family SUDLVHVHUYLFHZLWKDPXVLFJURXSRUDKDOIKRXU¶VUHIOHFWLRQWKHUHLVVRPHWKLQJIRU you. Join us for coffee after our services, which is a great opportunity to meet up and chat with people. Children are catered for by the ever popular Messy Church. Give us a try!!!

Why we call the Fourth Sunday of Lent µ0RWKHULQJ6XQGD\¶DQGQRWµ0RWKHU¶V'D\¶

The Fourth Sunday in Lent was traditionally called ‘Mid-Lent’ or ‘Refreshment Sunday’, because it was a day on which the rigours of Lent were relaxed.

This feast day was also called Mothering Sunday as a reference to the Epistle reading for the day (Galatians 4:21-31). This is the name that the Church uses today. The Lent Epistles teach about our life as Christians and how we follow Christ. On Mid-Lent Sunday the Epistle talks of bondage to the Law and the old covenant as compared with the freedom LQ&KULVWµWKHSURPLVHGRQH¶DQGWKHQHZFRYHQDQW Verse 26 says: But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother. We gain our freedom through Christ and, as it was seen before the Reformation, the Church.

Thus Mothering Sunday is about the freedom we gain through the promise of -HVXV &KULVW GHOLYHUHG WKURXJK RXU µ0RWKHU &KXUFK¶ 3HRSOH were encouraged to go WR WKHLU µ0RWKHU &KXUFK¶ WKHLU KRPH FKXUFK  WR worship and give thanks. Hence apprentices, and others, went home for the weekend and often took with them gifts, or their accumulated pay. Their main reason for going home was to be with their family when they ZHQWWRWKHLUµ0RWKHU&KXUFK¶WRJLYHWKDQNVWR*RG

0RWKHU¶V 'D\ LV D VHFXODU HYHQW LQYHQWHG LQ . In recent years Mothering Sunday has been hijacked to take the place of the secular day to give thanks for our mothers so, as well as giving thanks to God for our church, we now also give thanks to God for our own mothers, but do so on Mothering Sunday!

Why not come along to our special Mothering Sunday Family Praise Service on Sunday 26th March at 11.00am ± in praise of mothers.

Tockwith School goes to Church Thank you to all who attended our first Tockwith School Sunday service which took place on Sunday 29th January. Our talented children wrote our service which was based around our current Christian value “creativity.” With superb singing from our young voices choir, fabulous prayers read by our children and who could forget our Creative session in the middle of our service where we all were crafting with recycling! A super way to spend a Sunday afternoon so thank you to all 174 who attended! Our next service will be “Octoberfest”…official date to be confirmed. If any parents would like to help out with this service please don’t hesitate to talk to myself or Mark. Thanks again Sarah McBride and Mark Wharfedale

The glow sticks went down a treat (see the centre page for more pictures) This greater connection between Church and School undoubtedly led to the latest Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodists School (SIAMS) inspection at the school as being judged as OUTSTANDING. Well done to all those involved. The report can be viewed on the school’s web site.

Here is a message from the Head Teacher Justin Reeve On Friday 3rd February, we had our Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). We were inspected against three judgments and then awarded the overall judgement of OUTSTANDING. Our previous judgement was Good and the next inspection will be in 5 years. We are extremely pleased to share the outcomes and some quotes from the final report as follows: • The school's ethos, based on the clearly stated Christian values of perseverance, creativity and friendship, enables children to develop excellent personal skills and to make good progress in their studies. • Excellent partnership with the church through the local incumbent, the diocese and lay members of the local community enriches children's education both academically and more widely. • Standards are rising steadily because innovative and inspiring leadership by the school's headteacher is based on robust evaluation of all aspects of the children's education. The inspector was blown away by our children and remarked: "Their spiritual and moral growth thrives in the open atmosphere where ideas are valued and creativity flourishes." "They are exceptionally tolerant and feel secure expressing their ideas, even when different from their friends." "Excellent relationships and friendship are promoted from the earliest age." I hope you enjoy reading the report as much as I did. I am very proud of Team Tockwith. Justin Reeve Headteacher ST DORCAS ORPHANAGE HERE WE COME...... Towards the end of March we shall be heading off again to go to the St Dorcas Orphanage in Kenya. The Orphanage is in the west near to the Ugandan border so a long journey to get there beckons. We have visited a few times since the new Orphanage building was erected. It is now home to over 30 children, one of whom is away most of the time at university in Nairobi. The situation is quite difficult there at the moment as there has been no rain for a few weeks and we have needed to send money to hire a water tractor which has gone to the nearest river to bring water back. It is currently a challenging situation as the temperature is averaging 33-35 degrees.

The children are given 3 meals a day and, albeit the food is basic, they are well fed. Children also go to school and education is viewed as very important; they do not take this for granted and they work well into the evening when they have finished supper. As always we are taking a number of things out for them and we have already received donations of summer clothing. We have also been asked what we need for them. Tockwith School children are donating toothbrushes/tennis balls and socks. If you would like to support our mission we would be grateful to receive donations so we can purchase school books during our stay - regrettably we cannot take them with us due to weight restrictions and it is best we seek advice on which books are suitable. We know the book shop owners well as we try and purchase some each time we visit. Donations can be given to either of us or left with Rev Roy at The Vicarage (opposite church). MAKING A DIFFERENCE



Thank you on behalf of these special children for all your support.

Angela Jenkins - Churchwarden Karen Stobert - Children and youth leader Tockwith Church A great musical evening in Tockwith Church with Andrew Clegg playing Spanish guitar including tracks from his new album and actor Sean Chriscole singing songs from film & theatre.

Spring Flowers at Easter 2017 Once again we would like to decorate the church with Spring flowers at Easter. The church will be open for you to bring your flowers on Easter Saturday April 15th from 10 – 12. For those unable to purchase flowers but who wish to contribute please contact Sara on 01423 358100. Please bring your flowers to the table in the kitchen area inside church and we will place them on the windowsills later. If you have time for a cuppa the kettle will be on. We hope to make this year’s display even more colourful. N.B. If you would like to bring your flowers in a vase, you are welcome to remove your flowers at the end of the Service. Thank you from the Flower Team Baking biscuits, creating works of art on pillowcases, making and flipping pancakes were some of the activities at Youth Club.

Marston Moor Youth Club is held every Friday night 7-8:30pm, during term time in Tockwith Church and is open to Year 6 to Year 9. HAVEFUN ƒ MAKEFRIENDS ƒ GETINVOLVED READINGS and PSALMS MARCH 2017

1 Ash Wednesday 1st Reading Isaiah 58. 1-12 (Purple) Psalm: 51. 1-18 2nd Reading 2 Corinthians 5. 20b- 6.10 Gospel: John 8. 1-11

5 The First Sunday of 1st Reading: Genesis 2. 15-17, 3.1-7 Lent (Purple) Psalm: 32 2nd Reading: Romans 5. 12-19 Gospel: Matthew 4. 1-11

12 The Second Sunday 1st Reading: Genesis 12. 1-4a of Lent (Purple) Psalm: 121 2nd Reading: Romans 4. 1-5, 13-17 Gospel: John 3. 1-17

19 The Third Sunday 1st Reading: Exodus 17. 1-7 of Lent (Purple) Psalm: 95 2nd Reading: Romans 5. 1-11 Gospel: John 4. 5-42

26 The Fourth Sunday 1st Reading: 1 Samuel 16. 1-13 of Lent (Purple) Psalm: 23 2nd Reading: Ephesians 5. 8-14 Gospel: John 9. 1-41 or Mothering Sunday 1st Reading: 1 Samuel 1. 20-28 Psalm: 34. 11-20 2nd Reading: 2 Corinthians 1. 3-7 Gospel: Luke 2. 33-35

Note ± Use of Readings a) Holy Communion Services and Morning Worship: Both readings and Gospel b) Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer: Old Testament Reading (First reading) New Testament (The Gospel) c) Services requiring only one reading: The Gospel is used

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Do you know anyone that has just moved into the village? Our aim is to make contact with them as soon as possible and tell them what we have to offer as a Church family. Our introducon is by way of delivering a Village and Parish News free of charge. Contact any member of the Church Council if you think someone may not have been seen.

The next “Let’s Do Lunch” is on Thursday 9th March at 12.30. Please contact Mary Shaw on 359003 by Tuesday 7th March if you would like to book a place.

From the Church of the Epiphany Parish Register 18th February - The Marriage of James Gray and Hannah Harrison

Tell us what you're doing... If you want us to adverƟse your event (for free!), please let us know in good Ɵme and we'll gladly include a menƟon for you.

Please note ALL items for the April 2017 magazine need to be with the Editor no later than Friday 17th March. Tockwith C.E. Primary School

$VPHQWLRQHGLQODVWPRQWK¶VHGLWLRQWKH&KLOGUHQLQ.H\6WDJHKDYHVWDUWHGDQ exhausting challenge for the New Year, they are going to walk the 686 miles from -RKQ2¶*URDWVWR/DQGV(QGWKLVWHUP7RFHOHEUDWHWKLVWKH\KDYHDOVRKHOGWZR theme days. The first day was a Burns Day where they had traditional Scottish dancing and Haggis (minus the tot of whisky of course). The second day was a Cornish day to celebrate arriving in Lands End.

As you can see the children made some superb pasties which were enjoyed by everyone.

Year 6 visited Sherburn High school before half term where they had an exciting opportunity to work with other Y6 children from other schools to experience French lessons taught by secondary school staff and other children in the languages department.

We have also held a Saints day this term where all the children looked at the stories behind some of our more familiar Saints.

KS1 are really looking forward to their visit to the Wildlife Park in Doncaster which links to their topic on Africa. We hope to get some great photographs for next month’s edition.

Children from Year 3 will also be visiting Robinwood Outdoor Education Centre for a very exciting few days in early March. Hopefully we will have a few photographs to show soon. We will also be taking part in Comic Relief which this year is being held on 24th March, so who knows yet again at this time of year you may see some strangely dressed pupils and staff. Tockwith Church on the web

Let us know the things you would like on the site. Email [email protected] or telephone 01423 358588

DONATE A BIBLE We have a scheme that allows families to donate a Bible to the Church dedicated to their children to recognize the date of their Baptisms. We would like to extend the scheme to anyone who might wish to donate a Bible and dedicate it in memory of a loved one. If anyone would like to dedicate a Bible they are £15 each and we put the name inside the Bible cover. Please contact Angela Jenkins on 01423 358067

Did you know that Tockwith Church has a Facebook page? It is an excellent way to keep in touch with the local community regarding what is happening in church. It’s a great way to keep in touch with busy mums and dads and remind them of events that are coming to church. We pop lots of photos on of various events at church.

SPRINGBANK ULTRASOUND SCANNER APPEAL There is only £5,000 needed to reach the target of £18,000 so that the scanner can be purchased. There is to be a Valentine event in February at Green Hammerton Social Club and then a further fund raising event at Tockwith in March so check for details in the surgeries at Green Hammerton and Tockwith. Patient Participant Group Chairman Arnold Warneken said “The support for the appeal has been phenomenal and it is fantastic to have almost reached our target after only a few months.” Thank you to all that who have supported the appeal. You can still make donations towards the scanner by sending them to Springbank Surgery. ON THE LIGHTER SIDE ------Give me a sense of humour, Lord. Give me the grace to see a joke, To get some humour out of life, and pass it on to other folk

We celebrate mothering Sunday on 26th March so here are a few things relating to mothers :KR¶GEHDPRWKHU" Constant nagging didn't seem to provide any relief from having to clean up the bathroom after each of my three teenage children. After I cleaned it one day, I resorted to posting a sign that read: "Please leave the bathroom as you found it."

I noticed the bathroom was in the usual mess after my son used it, so I called, "Brian, how did you find the bathroom?" After a brief pause, he replied, "Straight down the hall, first door on the right."

Naughty mummy A mother asked her young son, as they waited for the bus, to tell the driver he was five years old, because then he would ride for free. As they got into the bus the driver asked him how old he was. "I am five years old," said the little boy proudly.

The driver had a son of his own that age, and smiled. "And when will you be six years old?" he asked.


What is Love - My mummy loves me more than anybody. You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.

Love is when my Mummy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.


Thoughts of a thoughtful mother

“If I had a flower for every time I thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever.” Alfred Tennyson

Do you have information or a concern about something or someone that you think the police should know about then contact us on [email protected] alternatively call 101. For those callers who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, the service can be accessed via text phone on 18001 101.

Donating to Charities online

The work carried out by charities and voluntary organisations is invaluable to society, helping people in the greatest need both in the and abroad. Charities rely on donations from the general public and businesses to carry out their work, especially in tough economic times. Most collections and appeals DUH DXWKHQWLF DQG OHJLWLPDWH EXW XQIRUWXQDWHO\ IUDXGVWHUV FDQ H[SORLW SHRSOH¶V charitable nature and steal money which the donor thinks is going the help the charity. One of the most common ways of doing this is online. Do not stop donating money to the good cause of your choice. Instead, take a few simple precautions to protect yourself ± and your chosen charity ± against online fraud. The Risks

x Bogus charity sites ± fake websites for charities that do not exist, such as temporary fraudulent websites set up during well publicised disasters (for example famines and earthquakes). x Phishing emails ± emails sent to you attempting to trick you into disclosing your bank details and passwords. x Fraud resulting from making payments over unsecured web pages. x Identity theft caused by viruses or spyware, giving criminals access to your bank account and other personal information stored on your computer.

Donating Safely

To ensure you are donating safely:

x 9LVLWWKHFKDULW\¶VRZQZHEVLWHby typing the website address into the browser yourself, rather than clicking on a hyperlink embedded in an email. Check the web address online with the relevant charity regulator or by calling the charity itself. x Before you donate any money, check that the website you are on is secure. There should be a padlock symbol in the browser window frame, which appears when you attempt to log in or register. Be sure that the padlock is not on the page itself ± this is a sign that the site could be fraudulent.. The web DGGUHVVVKRXOGEHJLQZLWKµKWWSV¶7KHµV¶VWDQGVIRUµVHFXUH¶ x If you receive unsolicited emails from charities you have never heard of or have no association with, do not respond and do not click on links contained in them. Report them to Action Fraud and then delete them. x Do not respond to requests to donate through a money transfer company such as Western Union or MoneyGram, as this is a tactic commonly used in scams. x Ensure that the charity is genuine before divulging personal details, or debit/credit card or online banking information. The Verified by Visa, MasterCard SecureCode and American Express SafeKey schemes all offer additional safeguards for debit/credit card payments. x You could consider supporting individual fundraisers by donating through websites such as JustGiving, Virgin Money Giving and MyDonate. x When supporting disaster relief abroad, you could consider donating via the Disasters Emergency Committee website. x If you are still in any doubt, a legitimate charity will happily advise you on other ways to give on their website or via a phone call. x If you think you may have given your account details to an impostor or bogus charity, contact your bank immediately.

Do check the authenticity of a registered charity, visit the online register of your national charity regulator:

Charity Commission for and Wales

In England and Wales, most charities with an annual income of £5,000 or more must be registered with the Commission. The Commission maintains an online register.

Crime update

10/01/2017 TUMV, Tockwith ± vehicle entered, nothing taken, no evidence to follow 14/01/2017 Burg Other, Tockwith ± garage entered and cycle stolen, no further action 19/01/2017, Burg Other, Tockwith ± power tools taken, no lines of enquiry 20/01/2017, Criminal Damage, Tockwith ± fencing damaged and animal interference 23/01/2017 Burglary, ± Land Rover stolen, no lines of enquiries


Parish Council meetings are, as a rule, held on the third Wednesday of the month. Meetings are not normally held in August or December. Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings and they start at 7.30pm and are held in Tockwith Church. The minutes of previous Parish Council meetings can be found on its own web site at

The Parish Council is happy to provide links to local organisations, clubs or charitable bodies so that they can share information to the wider community. Please contact the Clerk ± [email protected] if you would like a link. It would be a good time to update your contact telephone numbers and give details of your meeting times etc.

We use the web site to distribute important information about matters that affect the Tockwith with Wilstrop Parish area.

Included on the website is information about the services offered by both County Council and Harrogate Borough Council. This includes advice regarding anti-social behaviour.

Councillor Angela Wilson has resigned from the council and notice of this vacancy will be posted on public notice boards. There remains a further vacancy for a councillor to represent either Tockwith or Wilstrop Ward respectively. These aforementioned positions can be co-opted so we do not need to have an election. If you are interested, then please contact the Parish Clerk and forward an explanation as to why you are interested. It is important to fill these positions as not having them filled creates an unnecessary burden on existing councillors who are already busy people.

The Parish Council Chairman along with our District Councillor Tim Myatt spoke at a recent planning meeting against the proposal by Linden Homes to remove one of the conditions regarding foul water drainage as we felt that this condition had not been complied with. Unfortunately the Committee deemed that condition 34 had been met and they also agreed that compliance of the other conditions regarding drainage should be delegated to the planning officer. This being the case it is anticipated that work on the site will commence very soon. It is worth noting that both Linden Homes and Yorkshire Water were heavily criticised by the Committee for not liaising with the community so that they could better understand action that has been taken to resolve foul drainage issues and how they are being resolved.

Permission has been sought by the Parish Council to remove the dead ash tree on the public open space in Westfield Green. The tree subject of a Tree Preservation Order had been killed by a person unknown last year which is a criminal offence. This has meant already scarce Parish Council finances have had to be spent making this tree safe (£500) when the money could have been better spent elsewhere. Any information you may have which might indicated the person(s) responsible should be communicated to the Clerk.

Marston Moor District Councillor ± Tim Myatt Tim can be contacted either by telephone on 07956 043370 or by email at [email protected]."

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Wednesday 15th March 2017 at 7.30pm in Tockwith Church.

Volunteers needed to help with Community Speed Watch

It is widely acknowledged that speeding vehicles on our village roads is becoming socially unacceptable but there is still a lot to be done to educate the few that seem to think that speed limits do not apply to them. The highest recorded speed of a vehicle passing through the checks has been 45 mph. which is bordering on dangerous.

More volunteers to help keep our roads safe are needed. If you would like to get involved then please contact the Parish Clerk at [email protected] and a volunteer will get in touch with you.

The Parish Council are exploring the possibility of providing some outdoor adult gym equipment which will be located on the sports field. It is hoped that this can be funded through obtaining various grants. A application for a grant has already been made to Tescos.


We support both and Wetherby Food Banks. Any surplus food is passed on to other Food Banks in less fortunate locations. There are concerns that rural residents may not realize that they are just as eligible for aid. Where appropriate, please spread the word. All donations are very gratefully received. Thank you. Barbara and Peter Harris

We’re listening for your ideas for the Parish Magazine

The Editor would really like to hear your views on the Parish Magazine and parƟcularly your ideas for themes each month. If you have any comments or suggesƟons please tell Norman Waller: nr.waller@bƟ

For many parents, the birth of a child is a deeply spiritual event. The Church recognises this, and provides a Service of Thanksgiving for the Birth of a Child for those who would prefer this to a ‘christening’ (now more commonly called ‘Baptism’). It includes prayers for the child and family, and a recognition of all the hopes invested in the child, and is a great way to start a little life.

Please contact your churchwardens for more details, or contact the vicar, Rev.Roy Shaw 01423 359003 or via [email protected] Please note: Allocated Baptism dates for 2017 are - 9th April / 9th July / 10th September

Craft Club Craft club meets in the village hall, every Monday afternoon during school term time from 1pm until 3pm. We enjoy a wide range of crafting activities (whilst having a good natter), learning new skills in a friendly atmosphere.

Everyone is welcome and you don’t need to be an experienced crafter to join. Come and have a go. Just £2 per week, including tea/coffee and biscuits. (First week free). For more information telephone Fiona on 358808.


Meets in the village hall most Friday evenings from 7pm until 9.00pm for fun and social activity. No previous experience needed. First week free, then £3 per week. Rackets available to borrow.ow. For further details contact Bob and Fionaiona 358808

TOCKWITH SINGERS There are currently 15 members of the Tockwith Singers. We meet in the village hall every Tuesday evening during school term time from 7.30pm until 9.30pm. We sing a wide range of popular songs from WKH¶VULJKWXSWRODWHVWUHOHDVHV:HKDYHDORWRI fun trying new songs and choosing our favourites to perform. We are currently deciding on our Spring repertoire to perform in local care homes and at the May Fair. Come and join us. We would love it! No previous experience necessary. Just £2 per week. For details phone Fiona on 01423 358808 MARSTON MOOR WALKERS On a fine February afternoon we went out the back of Marton cum Grafton’s Punch Bowl pub car park towards the White Water Tower. Mounting some very steep earth steps we attained a triangulation (trig) point. These concrete obelisks are a feature walkers are more used to encountering on the tops of fells, but they are all over the country and were used by surveyors to make our superb Ordnance Survey maps before the age of satellite navigation. The Harrogate Ramblers have adopted the Marton Trig Point. The panorama north from this eminence is spectacular when there is no haze, but we were not so lucky and our views stretched only over nearby treetops over which three buzzards performed an aerobatic mating display (we think). There is a splendid children’s playground at the foot of the mound and this would make a good family destination for a short trip in warm weather. We strolled around the charming village of Grafton and found a little path to cross paddocks and come back to our starting point. Then, passing the village school, we struck off southwards across fields to Grassgills Farm. A big hare started right in front of us to provide an exhilarating show of speed; a harbinger of Spring perhaps, along with the banks of delightful snowdrops. We trudged over a vast ploughed field to Moor Lane which joins Boroughbridge Road to the A168. A burst of speed for half a mile was required, then, to skirt a vast array of old skips, scrap buggies and machine parts until we were able to turn once more onto a pleasant rural path which took us past Marton Cottage and Ives Farms. The track became tarmac and brought us to the village cemetery. Some of the headstones were almost 300 years old and we puzzled over why the graves lie almost half a mile south of the village in this lonely spot. Carrying on we reached the Parish Church and tried the door. It was open! Whilst Deryck and John examined the church’s sound system, a study of various pamphlets by the door revealed that the church was built in 1875 to replace a Norman edifice. We surmised that this building had once been situated by the existing cemetery. (The village History Group website has a map dated 1852 which confirms this!) All that lost history… Perhaps an archaeological project for the future? A very interesting 4.5 miles. Our next walk will be on Monday 13th March at 2:00 pm by Nether Poppleton Church (Not Upper Poppleton) All welcome. Please come along. Need a lift? Ring: Pete Pozman 01423 359731 07854313112 Viennese whirls, mini eggs, green tagliatelle and sand all helped to recreate the Parable of the Pearl which was the theme of February's Messy Church. Hope you can join us for the next Messy Church on Sunday 5th March 4-5:30pm. Tockwith School goes to Church “THE SOUND OF CINEMA” St. HELEN’S CHURCH BILTON-IN- 7.30PM FRIDAY 17TH MARCH £10 INCLUDING REFRESHMENTS TICKETS 01423 358538 Liz Schmidt 01423 358967 [email protected] Linda Thornber COMMUNITY POTHOLE WATCH

We are all aware of the massive job North Yorkshire Highways has maintaining the vast road network in our County for the travelling public. They aim to manage the condition of the highway and carry out routine inspections which they regard as ³IXQGDPHQWDOWRVDIHW\DQGWKLUGSDUW\LQVXUDQFHFODLPV´ We all know how quickly road surfaces can deteriorate, particularly in adverse weather and it may be between routine inspections. Can we help? x How many of us regularly moan about the potholes and probably the money wasted with quick fixes? x How many of us take positive steps to report them and in doing so help make the inspection programme more efficient? Within our communities, it may not be easy to influence how North Yorkshire Highways decide how best to allocate the resources to specific aspects of highway maintenance, but we can all engage with them to let them know about the potholes or other highways issues that are of significant concern to us and others. North Yorkshire has an online service to allow individuals to report a non-emergency pothole or other road condition issues. There are criteria to meet for potholes to be added to the maintenance programme. The location on the carriageway, the speed limit are two factors but if the defect is causing you concern you should report it. It is a quick and easy process. You just register or log in. You can also see updates of the progress on your report. During the reporting, you will need to pinpoint the issue on a map and will be given the opportunity to provide additional information.

These potholes had previously been repaired but the right hand one had recently re-emerged and was getting deeper. The online service was activated on Monday 7th February 17. feedback provided on the inspection by 10th February and all work completed by 11th )HEUXDU\¶ Other potholes notified were categorised as not as urgent but were added to the maintenance programme. They should be filled within 90days. Not perfect but a deadline to be monitored.


Tockwith Village Hall March 2017 Charity Number 508673 To book contact Audrey on 01423 359 378 or [email protected]

Dates for your diary Party Hire µ0D\)DLU¶- Sat. 6th May. 11am to 4pm /DVW\HDU¶VHYHQWZDVEOHVVHGZLWK super weather and a good turnout of visitors who enjoyed loads of fun Are you planning a celebration and activities and entertainment. Planning of looking for a venue that will hold up to WKLV\HDU¶VHYHQWLVXQGHUZD\DQGZH 100 people? Then look no further. The hope it will be bigger and even better. village hall could be your ideal venue. Entrance will be free so come along and For more information and to book enjoy this lovely community event. phone Audrey on 01423 359 378. There will be dancing round the Maypole, the crowning of the May King Polling Day ± Thursday 4th May and Queen, games, stalls, plants for Please note that the village hall will not sale, entertainment and more. For be available for our regular users on more details phone Fiona on 358808 this date.

µ(YHQLQJRI(QWHUWDLQPHQW¶ Village Hall Annual General Meeting Saturday 16th September. 7.30pm Wednesday 10th May. 8pm As always it will be packed with 3 hours The annual general meeting is open to of the best local musical and comedy all. Please come along and find out entertainment from some of your old what the committee has been up to, on favourite acts and some new acts not your behalf, for the preceding 12 previously seen at the village hall. The months and tell us what you would like search is on for new acts to be included including in future plans for the village in the programme. If you would like to hall. be included please phone Fiona on 358808.

The Irish Music Ban - Roisin Ban Saturday 18th November. 7.30pm By popular demand we are very pleased to be welcoming back this lively EDQGZKRKDGHYHU\ERG\¶VWRHVWDSSLQJ LQ1RYHPEHU¶$JUHDWVHOHFWLRQRI ,ULVKIRONPXVLFDQGZLW'RQ¶WPLVVLW Tickets will go on sale in September. To reserve yours phone Fiona on 358808. Dance & Laughter = Wiggle n Giggle


Wiggle n Giggle may seem a strange name for a dance class so let me tell you how it came about. Several years ago, I was teaching at Yorkshire Dance Studios in /HHGVZKHQDYHU\MROO\ODG\GLVVROYHGLQDILWRIODXJKWHUGHFODULQJ³,FDQ¶WZLJJOH for giggling!´$QGORWKHQDPHZDVERUQ

So what happens in a Wiggle n Giggle class? On Wednesday nights I teach dance fitness, which is a bit like Zumba EXWQRWDVKHFWLFWKRXJKZH¶UHDOOKRWDQGDELW breathless after an hour. I walk through all the routines which are easy to follow and incorporate lots of different dance styles like cha cha, salsa, disco, jive, Charleston and even Bollywood if the mood takes me. The music is as varied as the routines as I do my best to appeal to all tastes and ages. You may find yourself bopping along to Ed Sheeran, the Bee Gees and Meghan Trainor, to name but a few.

Thursday is Line Dance night, which is more structured. I teach every dance thoroughly, walking it through several times till HYHU\RQH¶VJRWLW$JDLQWKHPXVLFLV very varied. Line dance has a reputation for being all yeehaw, cowboy hats and FRXQWU\PXVLFEXWWLPHVKDYHFKDQJHGDQG\RX¶UHMXVWDVOLNHO\WRVWUXW\RXUVWXIIWR Elvis, Irish folk, Latin and waltz along with traditional good old country songs.


The price for each class is £4 with a discount of £2 if you come to both classes in WKHVDPHZHHN

Come and join us.

Viv Bolton

Class details at Tockwith Village Hall: Dance Fitness, Wednesday 7-8pm Line Dance, Thursday, 6.30-7.30pm Over 50s especially welcome at all classes

Call me on 07931 508444 or email me [email protected] EVENTS COMING TO MARSTON MOOR 2017 If you have ever stood at the Marston Moor memorial monument facing North then you may have noticed an old farm house built on the ditch line which divided the two armies on 2nd July 1644. This is the place that I came to call home as of seven years ago when I married. Since I arrived we have been able to run numerous charity events with the support of many of the local and national history groups and in 2013 we also became an NGS Open Garden. The need to provide refreshments and talks led to us converting the old pig sty into an adult education space so that we can now offer talks and walks for groups of up to 30 people. ,Q  ZH DUH DLPLQJ WR RIIHU HGXFDWLRQDO DFFHVV XQGHU WKH EDQQHU RI µ)LQGLQJ VSDFH IRU FUHDWLYLW\¶ FRYHULQJ D EURDG UDQJH RI VXEMHFWV from history, gardening, wildlife and the environment, to crafts and literature. For the history buffs we have set up evening talks with the Battlefields Trust and 2 days of talks with a broad range of speakers, but for those who prefer a lighter touch we have also commissioned a play about the battle, which will premiere on the anniversary weekend at the beginning of July. Our events for April will ‘kick off’ on Friday 7th April with a talk on Hedgehogs by Dr Toni Bunnell, and this will be followed with an RSPB bird walk, a Willow Weaving Workshop, a talk on Gardening for Wildlife and a talk on Japanese gardening with a VSHFLDOµKDQDPL¶FHOHEUDWLRQRIVSULQJEORVVRPDWWKHHQGRIWKHPRQWKWRUDLVHIXQGV for MIND.

We hope to tell you more in the coming months but you can follow developments or contact us on our website

By Jo Smakman Marston Grange, Tockwith Road 01423 358283

I have attached a few photos from sessions we have had over the last half term. As ever, we have been learning whilst having lots of fun in the Soupachefs Kitchen. Dishes all made by the children and taken home to share with their families have included, Meatball with a Tomato Sauce with Garlic Baguettes, Rainbow Fruit Kebabs, Sausage Plait, Winter Spiced Crumbles, Puff Pastry Pizzas and Cheese Pesto Stars.

The range of learning is so very wide whilst we are in the kitchen. It ranges from Geography through to Maths and Science through to History. As ever the children arrive all very keen and it is a delight to share with them my passion for teaching children these essential life skills.

After half term we welcome back the Year 3's and 4's. Sarah Newsome.

Community First Responders ± New volunteers required Yorkshire Ambulance Service operates a Community First Responder (CFR) scheme ( where volunteers are trained to use life-VDYLQJVNLOOVLQWKHLUORFDODUHD7RFNZLWK¶V&)5JURXSVWDUWHGLQ April 2015 and has recently expanded to include Long Marston. CFR volunteers are trained in patient assessment, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR), defibrillation and oxygen therapy. They are equipped with an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), oxygen and a first aid kit. When a 999 call is received by the Yorkshire Ambulance Service, an ambulance is dispatched. If required, a CFR volunteer is alerted and asked to assist at the incident to ensure trained assistance reaches the patient as quickly as possible. All the volunteers are based within the community so could be only be a few minutes away from a medical emergency. Often their role is to simply provide reassurance to patients and their families until the ambulance clinicians arrive. However, in more serious cases where the first few minutes can be critical, they can provide basic life support and oxygen therapy. CFR volunteers come from all different walks of life and volunteer for different reasons. No previous medical experience or training is necessary although you will need a caring attitude and be able to cope with potentially distressing situations. To volunteer you need to:

x Be aged 18 or older x Hold a valid, full UK driving licence for at least 12 months with no more than three penalty points x Have access to a car x Be prepared to undertake a Disclosure and Barring Service check x Be prepared to undertake occupational health screening x Be prepared to attend the Yorkshire Ambulance Service CFR course Currently the Tockwith and Long Marston scheme is endeavouring to provide cover daily between the hours of 9am and 9pm but there are not enough volunteers to provide this level of cover consistently. If you are interested in training as a CFR volunteer or would like more information, please contact the Community Responder Resilience Team ([email protected]) or the Tockwith CFR Coordinator, Fiona Steed at [email protected] BITTER HARVEST Stephen Brown reflects on the spiritual relevance of a Soviet atrocity

Bitter Harvest (Certificate 15) is an 6KDULI´ 7KH VFHQH ZKHre a pair of English-language film set at the time of spectacles is crushed underfoot is WKH +RORGRPRU 6WDOLQ¶V JHQRFLGDO straight out of that movie. In equal starvation policy resulting in the death measure, though, Mendeluk was of 7-10m Ukrainian peasants. Life may LQVSLUHG E\ 7DUNRYVN\¶V  ILOP have been hard under the Tsar but Andrei Rublev in which the artist acts ZH¶UHWROGLWZDVSOHDVXUDEOH6RYLHW@ UHDOLW\ LV WKH URDPV WKH HDUWK´ &RPH WKH HQHP\´)DLWKEDWWOHVLWRXWDWTXLWHD Revolution, draconian collectivisation price, with Marxist-Leninist wreaks suffering of epic proportions on materialism. Sword in hand, Terence the people. As an aspiring artist Yuri 6WDPS LV

Are you a not for profit organisation in the Tockwith Area ? Would you like a link to the Tockwith with Wilstrop Parish Council website ± [email protected]

Views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editors, the Clergy, the Village Church Council, or of any authoritative body of the Church of England


There are currently 15 members of the Tockwith Singers. We meet in the village hall every Tuesday evening during school term time from 7.30pm until 9.30pm. :HVLQJDZLGHUDQJHRISRSXODUVRQJVIURPWKH¶VULJKWXSWRODWHVWUHOHDVHV WWe have a lot of fun trying new songs and choosing our favourite to perform. Come and join us. We would love it! NoN previous experience necessary. Just £2 per week.

For further details phone Fiona on 01423 358 808

Take out a subscription today ± contact Susan McKernan on 01423 358831

Facebook -5s Email [email protected]


Chair ''D\FDUHDQG7RFNZLWK3ULPDU\6FKRRO(YHU\ Kate Pratt \\HDUZHRUJDQLVHMRLQWHYHQWVDQGDFWLYLWLHV ZKLFKDUHDIDQWDVWLFZD\IRUWKHFKLOGUHQWRZ Secretary IHHOSDUWRIWKHZLGHUYLOODJHFRPPXQLW\DVI Helen Curry ZHOODVDLGLQJWKHLUWUDQVLWLRQIURPSOD\JURXS WRSUHVFKRRODQGWKURXJKLQWR5HFHSWLRQ WK Treasurer FODVV2Q0DUFKWKH ZHZLOOEH Victoria Gallagher FHOHEUDWLQJ:RUOG%RRN'D\GXULQJRXU8QGHU VVHVVLRQZKHUHZHZLOOEHMRLQHGE\RXU Fundraisers IULHQGVLQWKH7&32XUWKHPHLVµ5RRPRQ Emma Bird WKH%URRP¶7KHUHZLOOEHVRPHJUHDWFUDIW Fiona Bulmer DFWLYLWLHVDVZHOODVHQMR\LQJWKLVIDYRXULWH Fiona Ogden VWRU\:HFDQ WZDLW Eve Myers Activities Playgroup Leaders We are looking forward to some spring crafts this Victoria, Kate and month, and whatever the weather we have been March Helen enjoying pretending we are outside, by playing 7th ± celebrating inside with the slide, tunnel, seesaw and football World Book Day goal!! Our little people have really enjoyed Opening Times with the TCP playing with some of the summer toys in the cold th We meet once a 14 ± planting beans months. 21st ± 0RWKHU¶V'D\ week on Tuesday We are delighted that we have been joined by lots mornings 09.30- crafts of babies and very young children over the last th 11.30 few weeks ± there is a big play area especially for 28 ± toilet roll our very smallest people. We also have lots of chicks and rabbits Prices areas for our toddlers to play; dolls, cars, kitchen, IDUP\DUG« Events coming up Babies Birth -1 th year £2.00 April 4 ± Easter Egg Toddlers 1-5 Hunt at Tockwith Primary School (TCP £3.50 (the joint event). This is £3.50 covers one of our favourite families/carers events so keep it on multiple children) your calendars and in First visit is your diaries! free. Tockwith Sportsfield





The Ainsty Conservation Society is a local group that encourages the appreciation and conservation of our wildlife and the environment. We are looking to engage with people in the area that may not be aware of our presence. We manage two small local nature conservation areas. An area of species-rich hay meadow near to the river Nidd and the restored former Tockwith Village tip site at Sandholes (near the allotments off the bridleway between Tockwith and Bilton). Our activities include regular work days at these sites to manage the vegetation and maintain access etc.

Anticipated activity this month will focus on inspecting the bat and bird boxes, cleaning them, re-attaching and taking away any that need repair.

If you are interested in becoming a member we are offering free membership for the first year, after which the subscription will be £5 per household/ address. Please contact Barry Wright at 130 Prince Rupert Drive, Tockwith: email [email protected]: Tel 01423 358791 (Mob. 07817 564954).

ACS is a local organisation dedicated to nature conservation and is a registered charity No 1000038


Whether you are a beginner or more experienced new members are very welcome to join us.

Meet Tockwith Village Hall every Monday during term time between 7.30pm and 9.30pm. Join us for 2 free taster sessions.

For more information contact: Janet tel: 01423 358253 or Donna 07532 461501 TOCKWITH & DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY LTD Registered Charity 1105149 The Show President Richard Search has chosen two specific charities to support during his year of office.

Saint Michael's Hospice is here to help people affected by terminal illness to live as full a life as possible. They do this by providing hospice care to people in the Harrogate district living with terminal illness. It also helps others to offer hospice standard care to local people.

Follifoot Park Disabled Riders Group was originally formed in 1986 and became an independent Charity in 1994. The Group is entirely self-supporting and for us to continue providing riding and carriage driving, we always need more volunteers. We do not incur salary costs but we still need to raise about £3,000 a month to cover our riding and carriage driving costs. Can you help us by volunteering or giving us a donation?

A MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT RICHARD SEARCH A group of between 12 and 20 walkers plan to take on the Yorkshire 3 peaks challenge on Saturday May 6th. Some will be taking on the whole route and others will be doing a relay sharing the peaks between themselves. ,IDQ\RQHIURPWKH6RFLHW\ZRXOGOLNHWRMRLQXVWKH\¶GEHYHU\ZHOFRPHHLWKHUMXVWIRU the FKDOOHQJHRUWRUDLVHIXQGVIRUHLWKHUWKHLURZQRUP\DQQXDOFKDULWLHV,¶OOEH DUUDQJLQJUHIUHVKPHQWVWRSVRQURXWHDQGLIDQ\RQHZRXOGOLNHWRMRLQLQ,¶GORYHWR hear from them via my email address. ,¶OOWDNHVRPHVQDSVRIWKHFUHZRQURXWHDQGZLOOOHt you know how we all get on

S.O.S. We are always on the lookout for people to join our Committee. You do not need to have a background in agriculture or horticulture as many skills are required in staging what is the largest community event in the area.

We are particularly looking for someone to be involved in running the Horticultural 6HFWLRQ DQG WKH &KLOGUHQ¶V 6HFWLRQ ,I \RX WKLQN \RX PLJKW EH LQWHUHVWHG ZK\ QRW come along to one of our Committee meetings.

You will see that we are an enthusiastic bunch with great ideas and always looking to try new ideas whilst maintaining the charitable aims of the Show Society. Contact Show Secretary Steve Ross 01423 339863 he will be delighted to hear from you. THOUGHT4TOMORROW Personal reflections by Henry Woods

Soon we shall be well and truly into Lent and thinking about its implications for us as Christians. I am aware that it is fashionable in some quarters to play down the existence of Sin, and ascribe sinfulness to human interpretations of the works of Freud and others in the field of psychoanalysis. I prefer a simpler approach which will encompass not only that we are sinful, but that there is hope of redemption via the mercy of our risen Lord, Jesus Christ. Sin is real; no one who saw newsreels or actually entered concentration camps in the last century could doubt the presence of evil and wickedness on an epic scale in the Holocaust. The same applies to the massacres in the former Yugoslavia and Ruanda. More recently the destruction of Aleppo in Syria and the dreadful civilian casualties in both Syria and Yemen over the last few years should convince most doubters of the existence of original sin. Though we may accept the doctrine of original sin in general terms, it is more difficult to apply to oneself, even though we may feel exactly like the publican who hung back fearful that his sins could not be overlooked and forgiven. Lent gives us the opportunity to asses our sinfulness and determine what we need to do in terms of penitence and renewal. Perhaps the least difficult for readers of this column is for me to share with you my own approach to Lent. The underlying sin is selfishness which takes a wide variety of forms, ranging from putting oneself first whilst ignoring the needs and wishes of others, to allegations of irresponsible attitudes to expenditure of public or charitable funds and to those who wield the pen or strive to remedy wrongs through trial by the media. I can only pray that by the end of Lent I will achieve a better understanding of my own sinful nature and how best to overcome its weakness. There is scope in such an endeavour for the individual effort and the support of the Church. I wonder if I am making full use of all the available material starting with the Bible to guide my thinking. I wonder if my self-examination is rigorous enough to take me towards my goal I wonder if I can resist the more mundane temptations of my life, which do not bear comparison with those which our Lord faced during His time in the desert. These are questions not answers. Each of us should try to set aside some part of each day to think about our answers. May I suggest as a starting point that Evening Prayer and the Catechism in the Book of Common Prayer (1662) can be a helpful catalyst and stimulus to thought. In this context the Prayer Book Society are growing apace, nationally (individually and corporately ie Parishes), and internationally. Anyone who wishes to become a member will be most welcome – ring me on (01423) 358735. See you in Church. HGW


At their meeting on Tuesday 31st January 2017 Mr Ashley Watson introduced Mr Stewart Smith to give his talk “The Yorkshire Ripper Hoaxer”. This was a fast moving narrative of the activities and the investigation leading to the eventual arrest of Peter Sutcliffe but paralleled with an account of the Ripper Hoaxer. The first murder by Peter Sutcliffe was in 1975 in Leeds but the Hoaxer did not enter the story until 1978 when he sent a taunting letter to the leading investigator, George Oldfield. The Hoaxer followed this up a week later with a letter to the Daily Mirror. A third letter was sent by the Hoaxer in 1979 followed a few months later by the infamous ³5LSSHU 7DSH´  7KH +RD[HU XVHG D *HRUGLH DFFHQW DQG SRVWHG KLV OHWWHUV LQ WKH North East. Much police time and energy was wasted considering the North East as well as Yorkshire and Lancashire, the Counties where the murders took place. Meanwhile the Ripper claimed more victims. Sutcliffe was arrested 2nd January 1981 in Sheffield. The Hoaxer, nicknamed Wearside Jack, was not arrested until 2006 when he was jailed for 8 years, his real name is John Humble.

After a number of questions Mr Smith was thanked for his excellent power point presentation.

7KH &OXE¶V 13th Annual General Meeting then followed. The existing Officers, being willing to continue, were re-elected. The subscription was discussed in the light of the rising speaker fees and a new membership fee agreed.

The Club normally meets on the morning of the last Tuesday of the month in Long Marston Village Hall, which has a good car park. New members and guests are welcome, contact the Secretary, Mr Bob Ellis on 01423 358 393

We would love to welcome you in Tockwith Village Hall on any Thursday between 8.00 - 10.00pm You can also follow us on Facebook or check out our lovely new website at

We’re going back to our roots! Saturday 13th May is the date for your diaries.

Tockwith Festivals are going back to where it all began back in 2009 and will be returning to the Tockwith Village Hall with a traditional beer festival this year. With limited capacity in this smaller setting the event is sure to be a sell-out. We plan to return to our usual location at the Sport's Field in 2018 even bigger and better than ever!

So if you’re looking for a great day out sampling some fantastic local beers, listening to talented local bands, including the winner of our current Chance to Shine competition showcasing young talent from the surrounding area, all whilst raising money for your local community then the beer festival is the place to be.

Tickets are £5 per person and will be available on the door.

Tockwith Festival events are organised, and run, by volunteers – and extra pairs of hands are always needed. If you’d like to get involved please message us we’ll be in touch.

See you in May The PARISH OFFICE is usually open on Tuesday from 12.15pm to 4.15pm and on Thursday from 1.00pm to 3.00pm. The telephone number is 01904 738262 (only during opening hours please) and the email is [email protected].

The United Parish services are every first Sunday and, when there is one, every fifth Sunday at 10.00am. These services are an ideal opportunity for the parishes to get to know one another and to worship together in a larger congregation.

I do enjoy a cuppa! Yes, he really does!

This is our opportunity to meet each other, and for me to hear about you and yours! I’d like to come and meet you, so why not invite me round for a cuppa? I’m setting aside Wednesdays from 4 till 5, and hope you’ll phone me and fix a date- 01423 359003

Roy (the vicar)

Tickets for York Minster The parish has an allocated number of free passes to York Minster for the use of parishioners. They may be borrowed for a day, and then returned to your local church. Details from the church secretary, or one of the churchwardens.

Advance Notice of a concert by The Elysian Singers (Wetherby) Date : Saturday 13th May, 2017 Time : 7.30pm at : All Saints Church, Long Marston

We are a 30 strong mixed voice choir based in the Wetherby area. Most of our singing is unaccompanied. Our repertoire stretches from 16th to 21st centuries, and includes VDFUHG VHFXODUPXVLFVHULRXVDQGSRSXODUµ6RPHWKLQJIRU(YHU\RQH¶ Take a look at our website: and make a note in your diaries. More details to follow in the April and May editions

Archdeaconry of York Prayer

Generous God, you look upon us with love and mercy.

Build up your people in this Archdeaconry of York, we pray, and make your churches places of generosity and welcome, that we might nurture disciples of your Son.

May we seek to work as partners in mission, desiring the guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit, as we live out your Gospel in our parishes.

This we ask in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.



Culture change for seven days a week faith welcomed by General Synod

The Church of England is to undergo a major "culture shift" to mobilise lay members to spread the gospel in their everyday lives. General Synod has given its support to the report, "Setting God's People Free", which calls for Christians to be equipped to live out their faith in every sphere - from the factory or office, to the gym or shop - to help increase numbers of Christians and their influence in all areas of life.

The paper is a key element of Renewal and Reform, an initiative from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, to help grow the Church. It asks a key question of how to empower around 1 million Christians who are not ordained to live out their faith in all aspects of life Monday to Saturday as well as Sunday.

Introducing the report, Canon Mark Russell, CEO of Church Army, said:


6HWWLQJ*RG¶V3HRSOH)UHHFDOOVIRUDVKLIWLQFXOWXUHORRNVEH\RQGWKHLQVWLWXWLRQDO Church, seeks to affirm and enable the complementary roles of clergy and of lay people, and proposes steps to nourish, illuminate and connect what is working already in parishes.

Calling on the Church to be more confident of the difference it makes to the good of WKHQDWLRQ&DQRQ5XVVHOOVDLGµ7KHUHDUHDPLOOLRQSHRSOHRXt there, in every village, every town and every city. People working in every profession, young and old, in rural areas and inner cities, and they give over 23 million hours of voluntary VHUYLFH¶ The report follows research that shows lay people lack confidence in applying their faith into their Monday to Saturday lives. An implementation plan will be rolled out to introduce new learning communities in pilot dioceses. A bid will be made this year for financial support from the Church Commissioners which through the $UFKELVKRSV¶&RXQFLOZKLFKLVUHVRXUFLQJNH\HOHPHQWVRI5HQHZDODQG5HIRUP This will be used to resource the changes called for in the report.

The debate heard from a wide range of speakers from Newcastle to Winchester, Essex to Bath and Wells and included people working in diverse contexts from the Armed Forces to the NHS as well as parish priests, Archdeacons, Bishops and the Archbishop of York.

Renewal & Reform is an ambitious programme of work, which seeks to provide a narrative of hope to the Church of England in the 21st century. It is rooted in a sense of Biblical hope and an understanding of Christ's call to us to pray that the Lord of the harvest will send out workers into the harvest field. Renewal & Reform aims to build on the 3 goals to:

x Contribute as the national church to the common good

x Facilitate the growth of the church in numbers and depth of discipleship

x Re-imagine the church's ministry


The Marston Moor Parish Prayer God our father help us to x Live for you x Love each other x Light the way ahead So that all our villages, and the world at large, may know you In Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Covering the villages of Askham Richard, Bilbrough, Long Marston, Rufforth and Tockwith.

THE PARISH OFFICE - Parish Administrator Geraldine Barker


VCC meetings will be held on:

x 6th Tockwith x 15th Bilbrough x 27th Rufforth

x 25th Rufforth at Wetherby Town Hall

For more information on events contact:

Chris Ross 01904 738460 (Rufforth) John Visser 01904 738488 (Long Marston) Angela Jenkins 01423 358067 (Tockwith) Glynis Ashford 01937 833134 (Bilbrough)


Tockwith has some of the best outdoor sporting facilities in the county and is home to the Bowls Club, Tennis Club and both adult and junior football teams. Why not come along and take part?

Hiring The Sportsfield building comprises of changing rooms, showers, toilets and upstairs there is a large function room with a fully fitted kitchen. It is available for hire at competitive rates by regular users or occasional visitors for parties. All hire fees and donations are used for the upkeep of the building.

Tockwith Sportsfield

For Hire

Clubhouse & Grounds

Parties / Picnics Meetings / Events

Large Function Room, Fully Fitted Kitchen

Come Rain Or Shine Have a Great Time

Contact Dave 01423 358 210

Contact General: Deryck Wilson 01423 358364 Sports clubs: See contact details on relevant club sites

More information can be found at the Sportsfield website

Lent Talks

Do join us for all or some of the Lent Talks

Same God? Differing Faiths. Perspectives on Jesus: Understanding Christianity

-HVXV««ZKDWGRHVKHPHDQWR\RX"«ZDVKHDQLQWHUHVWLQJSHUVRQZKROLYHG  \HDUV DJR DQG ZDV D µJRRG¶ PDQ«RU ZDV KH PRUH WKDQ WKDW WKH UDQJH RI YLHZV DERXW KLP DUH YDVW DFURVV WKH PDMRU IDLWKV DQG WKHLU PDQ\µVXE-JURXSLQJV¶ This Lent period we are offering a series of talks and discussions about how differing faiths view Jesus for those of all faiths and none.

8th March Jesus as Teacher A Jewish Perspective 15th March Jesus as Prophet An Islamic perspective 22nd March Jesus as Human A Free Church perspective 29th March Jesus as Divine An Orthodox perspective 5th $SULO-HVXVDVµ2XUV¶ Our distinctiveness and our common ground

Beginning at 7 pm with refreshments and finishing 8:30 pm

Sessions will be led by Gillian Georgiou (RE Adviser for the Diocese of Lincoln)

There will be no charge for attending though donations towards costs will be welcomed.

For further information contact John Visser (01904 738488) e-mail [email protected] Jottings from the Methodists «« From The Methodist Manse Knaresborough

We sometimes sing a hymn by Timothy Dudley Smith which says “Past put behind us for the future take us.” The past often has a great influence on forming the future but perhaps its useful to take a lesson from driving a car, occasionally glancing back, but essentially the need is on focusing forward.

March this year starts the beginning of Lent. For many it is a period of giving things up, and there is nothing wrong with that. However I find it helpful to use this time also for self reflection and to look afresh at my motives and purposes as I travel forward to Easter day. Lent lasts for 40 days, reflecting the length of time Jesus spent fasting and being tested in the wilderness, but it also takes us, on a Journey to Jerusalem, to the Garden of Gethsemane and XOWLPDWHO\WRWKHFURVV,QVRPDQ\ZD\VOLNH-HVXV¶ days in the wilderness, this was a period of testing for the disciples. As life moved on it got more challenging for them, they feared the same fate as Jesus as they were taken RXWRIWKHLUFRPIRUW]RQHV³,W¶VWRRKDUG´WKH\VDLG

In this season of Lent let me encourage you to use this time to glance back, but focus on moving forward as we set out on our annual pilgrimage. A journey which will take us on many and varied roads. And on the way we will too will face a variety of people and situations till finally having paused by a cross we finish as dawn breaks in a garden.



The Village Diary Are you planning an event? Then why not use this page to give advance notice of it. All that is required is the name of the organisation, date and time and type of event and contact number for more information. Please forward your information to the editor by email [email protected], telephone 01423 358588 or write to him at Holmsdale, 3 Kendal Gardens, Tockwith, York. 'RQ¶WIRUJHW\RXFDQDOVRVXSSO\PRUHGHWDLOVRI\RXUHYHQWQHDUHUWRWKHWLPH

Location Contact APRIL 2017 Monday 3rd Village Church Committee AGM 7.30pm

MAY 2017 Monday 1st Provisional Tockwith Show Steve Ross 07976 268012 Car boot sale.

Saturday 6th May Fair ± Tockwith Village Fiona Steed 358808 Hall

Saturday 13th Tockwith Festival Tockwith Village Hall JUNE 2017 Saturday 17th Open Gardens Charity Event In aid of Leeds Centre for TBA Leukaemia and Myeloma Bickerton Grange

JULY 2017 Saturday 1st ****please note date Angela Jenkins 358067 change**** The return of Elvis Tockwith Church 7.30pm

Monday 31st to Tockwith Church Holiday Club Wednesday 2nd August

AUGUST 2017 Saturday 5th Tockwith and District Show Sally-Ann Hannington ± Dressage Competition 01423 359248 8.30am

Sunday 6th Tockwith and District Steve Ross 07976 268012 Agricultural and Horticultural Show 8.30am ± 6.00pm

SEPTEMBER 2017 Saturday 17th Evening of Entertainment Fiona Tockwith Village Hall 01423 358806 November 2017 Sunday 5th Tockwith and District Show Steve Ross 07976 268012 Annual Bonfire and Firework Display

Saturday 18th Roisin Ban ± Irish Folk Band Fiona Steed Tockwith Village Hall 358808 7.30PM

A reminder if you are planning events please notify me as soon as possible so that it can be included in the Village Diary this will hopefully prevent duplication of events which benefits no-one…Ed

Kirk Hammerton Methodist Chapel Serving the villages from Great Ouseburn To Tockwith Minister Rev Gail Hunt - Tel 01423 863298 Worship every Sunday at 10am unless otherwise stated. Sunday 5th March ± Rev Gail Hunt Sunday 12th March ± Rev Keith Page (Communion.) Sunday 19th March ± Gracious Street worship leaders Sunday 26th March ± Rev Gail Hunt and Rev Paul Spurgeon (United service at the Methodist Chapel

Tockwith Fellowship group - Meets on the 1st Thursday of the month at various homes. Thursday 2nd March 2:30pm ± Mr Peter Raisbeck Film afternoon CHURCH OFFICERS AND CONTACT PERSONS

Vicar Revd Roy Shaw 01423 359003 [email protected] Roy blogs at http:/ As far as possible, Roy keeps Friday as his day off. Reader Ann Watson 01904 738786 Email: [email protected]

Church of the Epiphany, Tockwith Village Church Council Members (VCC)

Church Warden Angela Jenkins - 358067 Deryck Wilson - 358364 VCC Secretary Marion Hainsworth VCC Treasurer Joanna Worth - 358825 VCC Members Peter Harris / Janet Marriner / Susan McKernan / Neil Stobert / Major General Henry Woods / Imogen Woods Tockwith Church Groups

Weddings and Baptisms Angela Jenkins / or 358067 Deryck Wilson 358364 Funerals Deryck Wilson 358364 Church Flowers Sara Sonley 358100 Gift/Aid Donations Joanna Worth 358825 Companions Drama Group Don Hale 358251 Messy Church Karen Stobert 358979 Church Music Group Angela Jenkins 358067 Children and Youth Leader Karen Stobert 358979 Remembrance Book Angela Jenkins 358067

Sunday Services in March

Askham Long Bilbrough Rufforth Tockwith Richard Marston

5th 4.00pm 1st Messy Church Sunday of Lent 10.00am Parish Communion at Tockwith (RS)

12th 9.00am 11.00am 9.00am 11.00am 2nd Holy Morning JaM Club Holy Sunday Communion Service Communion of (RS) (LT) 11.00am (RS/AW) Lent Holy 3.30pm Communion Messy Church (AD) 19th 10.00am 9.00am 11.00am 11.00am 4.00pm 3rd Family Morning Holy AAW Holy Sunday Praise Service Communion (USM) Communion of (LT) (AW) (RS/AW) BCP Lent (RS)

26th 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am 11.00am 11.00am 4th Holy Family Mothering Mothering Mothering Sunday Communion Praise Sunday Sunday Sunday of (RS) (LT) Service Family Holy Family Praise Lent (LT) Communion (LT) (RS)

(RS) The Revd Roy Shaw (AD) The Revd Canon Alastair Dunn (AW) Mrs Ann Watson (LT) Local Team (USM) United Service Methodist 4OCKWITH#HURCH.OTICE"OARD

Wednesday 31st May 8am to 4pm St Crux

Saturday 1st July 7.30pm The return of Elvis

Sunday 2nd July Messy Family Event - Details to follow

Monday 31st July to Wednesday 2nd August Holiday Club

Tockwith Church is open every Sunday 12 to 4pm

'Don't forget the Food Bank' FOOD BANK DONATIONS can also be left in the entrance of the Church

Book swop – Books are available in the entrance to Church to swop or buy for 50p.

tockwith church