58e WTC Minutes - 13th July 2021 2 62c WTC Internal Audit Report - June 2021 12 63 WTC Budgets Minutes - 13th July 2021 35 64 WTC Draft Markets Minutes - 30th April 2021 36 65a WTC Property Minutes - 14th April 2021 37 65b WTC Property Minutes - Draft 30th June 2021 40 66a WTC DRAFT Planning Minutes - 19th July 2021 45 66b Petrol Station Planning Application 47 66c Local Plan Update Statement of Representation Final 48 66d NY Minerals & Waste Plan 50 67a i WTC Climate Minutes - 18th May 2021 52 67a ii WTC Climate Minutes - 20th July 2021 54 68a i WTC Bonfire Working Group - Mins 30 June 20210. 56 68a ii WTC Bonfire Working Group - Mins 02 Aug 2021 - Draft 58 69a Issue Log 98 - August 2021 60 70a Crime Figures 61 71 Correspondence List 62 71a Cleaner Neighbourhood Statistics 64 71b in Bloom Newsletter 65 72 Asset Register 67 WETHERBY TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES OF AN ADVISORY MEETING HELD AT 7PM ON TUESDAY 13TH JULY 2021 ONLINE AT ZOOM VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS, MEETING ID: 876 8683 8402

Present: North Ward Cllr H Chapman Cllr N Harrington Cllr R V Hawkins Cllr C Mulhall Cllr N O’Byrne (Mayor)

West Ward Cllr D Buckle Cllr D Frame Cllr G Moss Cllr P Rowden Cllr T Smith

East Ward Cllr S Bennett Cllr P Bradley Cllr A Lamb Cllr D Payne (Deputy Mayor)

In Attendance: Iona Taylor (Town Clerk) 1 member of the public until after item 41 21-22. 1 member of the public throughout.

41 21-22 Questions or comments from members of the public. a) Bath House The Mayor, Councillor Neil O’Byrne, responded to concerns raised by the Civic Society about proposals for the Bath House in Jubilee Gardens. It was noted that Listed Building consent is being sought for all elements of the project, but that the Council is not necessarily committed to carrying out all the proposals. Replacement glazing for the windows remains the Council’s priority, with the Clerk confirming that funding has recently been received to allow this element to be undertaken as soon as permission is received.

b) Raby Park The Council, Clerk and Project Administrator were thanked for their efforts in securing permission, funding and then implementing new gates and fence repairs at Raby Park. 42 21-22 Declarations of interests – none.

43 21-22 Apologies. Apologies were received from Councillor Maltby.

44 21-22 Minutes. a) 27th April 2021 It was AGREED that the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 27th April 2021 be recommended for approval at the next Council meeting in August.

b) 8th June 2021 It was AGREED that the notes from the meeting of Town Councillors held on 8th June 2021 were an accurate record.

3216 Wetherby Town Council Minutes – 13th July 2021 Chair’s Initials:_____

45 21-22 Matters arising from the minutes – none.

46 21-22 Financial reports. Town Council a) Payments. A list of 46 payments, totalling £37,659.53, as detailed in appendix 1 from page **** were considered. It was noted that Members of the Budgets & Governance Committee have already reviewed the list and carried out spot checks on accompanying documentation. The Clerk was INSTRUCTED to make payments by internet banking as required on 14th July 2021.

b) Wetherby Bandstand It was AGREED that the Clerk should arrange sponsorship of a concert during the 2021 season at a cost of £170.

c) , Wetherby & Villages Green Group It was AGREED that the Clerk should be instructed to make a grant funding payment of £250 to the Boston Spa, Wetherby & Villages Green Group to assist with the cost of putting on their ‘Going Green Weekend’ and eco-fair event which will be held on the 2nd and 3rd October 2021.

Town Hall d) Payments. A list of 9 payments, totalling £813.78, as detailed in appendix 2 from page 3222 were considered. It was noted that Members of the Budgets & Governance Committee have already reviewed the list and carried out spot checks on accompanying documentation. The Clerk was INSTRUCTED to make payments by internet banking as required on 14th July 2021.

47 21-22 Budgets & Governance Committee Members of this Committee AGREED that the notes from the meeting held on 8th June 2021 represent an accurate record and should be recommended for approval at the next Full Council meeting. The note can be viewed as appendix 3 from page 3223.

48 21-22 Planning Committee Members of this Committee AGREED that the notes from the meeting held on 28th June 2021 represent an accurate record and should be recommended for approval at the next Full Council meeting. The notes can be viewed as appendix 4 from page 3224.

49 21-22 Climate Emergency Councillor Mulhall reported that the next meeting of the Climate Emergency Working Group is scheduled for Tuesday 20th July. Councillor Mulhall expressed thanks to the Property Committee for approving the purchase of new bins and giving approval for a tree planting scheme on Walton Road. The Council’s grant to support the eco-fair later in the year is welcomed as plans are coming together well for this event.

3217 Wetherby Town Council Notes – 13th July 2021 Chair’s Initials:_____

50 21-22 Highways a) Issue Log. Councillor Harrington reported that most items are ongoing, with the following specific updates:

i. Parking at junction of Lane and York Road, also junction of Deighton Road and Northfield approach. It was agreed that this item is complete and can be removed from the issue log.

ii. Roundabout – junction of Deighton Road and Sandbeck Lane. It was noted that the proposed improvements at this location include a pedestrian refuge in the centre of the road, which will force motorists to go around the roundabout. The roundabout marking will be moved so that it is central in the junction.

iii. Pollution of River Wharfe. It was agreed that this item should be removed from the issue log as it is ongoing and will require national, legislative change to resolve. The Outer North East Community Committee is working to involve all local parishes, including Wetherby Town Council, in this matter and more information is expected shortly.

b) Speed Indicator Devices Councillor Harrington confirmed that she will report any progress on repairs to these devices when received.

c) Bridleway 15. It was noted that this route, which runs parallel to the A1(M), has been made to enable upgrade and repair works to take place. The order came in to effect on 21st June 2021 and will run between 07:30 and 18:00 on weekdays for a maximum of 6 months.

d) City Council’s Highway Maintenance Forward Works Programme 2022 to 2025 Members received and noted this information.

52 21-22 Police Matters Councillors Harrington and Chapman reported on the Police & Communities Together (PACT) meeting held on 6th July 2021. Issues raised included: • An increase in hate / race crimes and public order offences. • A reminder to look after keys and keep windows secure to prevent burglaries. • A reminder that all incidents, especially anti-social behaviour, must be reported to the police so that they have an accurate picture of issues. • An incident involving a knife remains under investigation.

53 21-22 Correspondence The Clerk REPORTED on items received, including: a) Flowerbed sponsorship. Members supported the Clerk’s proposal that investigations be made in to a scheme whereby local businesses sponsor town centre flowerbeds in return for advertising.

b) – survey on Public Spaces Protection Orders. Members noted this item, although it’s expected to have little impact on Wetherby areas.

3218 Wetherby Town Council Notes – 13th July 2021 Chair’s Initials:_____

54 21-22 Items for information. a) ‘Off to a Flying Start’ training. Councillor Rowden reported that the session he’d attended on 18th May had been interesting and worthwhile and he’d learned a lot.

b) Wetherby Business Association. It was noted that Jamie Hullah, who works at Touch Telecom (the Council’s internet and telephone supplier) has recently been appointed as Chair of Wetherby Business Association. The Clerk was asked to send a letter of congratulations and support from the Town Council.

c) Bus Times. Changes to the 174 bus from 26th July were noted. The new timetable will be circulated to Councillors and has been displayed on the Council’s website and social media channels.

d) Bin survey. It was noted that Councillors O’Byrne and Bradley have agreed to survey Leeds City Council bins and feed information on their current location and condition back to Ward Councillor Richards.

e) Bonfire and fireworks event. Councillor O’Byrne reminded the meeting that support and involvement will be required from all Members in order to deliver a successful event on 6th November 2021. Councillor involvement at the first Working Group meeting had been poor, with only Councillor Moss in attendance and two other apologies having been received.

The meeting closed at 7.58pm. These minutes were recorded and prepared by Iona Taylor, Town Clerk.

SIGNED: ...... (Chair)

DATE: ......

3219 Wetherby Town Council Notes – 13th July 2021 Chair’s Initials:_____


Date Payee Purpose Amount 15/06/2021 PCM Systems Ltd INV-28124, IT Support Contract £140.40 15/06/2021 Opus Energy Ltd 70685058, Cemetery Electricity £12.95 15/06/2021 Opus Energy Ltd 70685057, OMP Electricity £6.68 15/06/2021 Opus Energy Ltd 70685059, Weir Lights £18.76 15/06/2021 Opus Energy Ltd 70685055, Depot Electricity £10.13 15/06/2021 Business Stream Water - Garden of Rest £2.50 15/06/2021 Business Stream Water - Cemetery £16.40 15/06/2021 Trustees of Office Rent & Grant £2,466.67 21/06/2021 A1 Insurance Van Motor Insurance £424.44 22/06/2021 Touch Telecom 180987, Telephone & Internet £175.07 24/06/2021 Sage Global Services Ltd 01094778, Payroll £20.40 28/06/2021 ABC Digital Services 177812, Print Contract £116.23 30/06/2021 ELAS Business Support HR and H&S Support £333.60 30/06/2021 Unity Trust Bank Manual Handling (Cash) Charge £20.60 30/06/2021 Unity Trust Bank Service Charge £49.20 01/07/2021 Leeds City Council York Road Depot Rates £454.00 01/07/2021 Leeds City Council Cemetery Rates £269.00 01/07/2021 Leeds City Council Market Rates £337.00 05/07/2021 Grenkeleasing Ltd Printer / Copier Rental £362.38 08/07/2021 Business Stream Water - Sandringham Park £7.73 14/07/2021 Falon Nameplates Ltd 2211031, Cemetery Plaques £220.49 14/07/2021 Pullan Landscape Contstruction etc 6794, Grounds Maintenance £1,038.82 14/07/2021 Angle CDS ITA0621.2, 20/21 Internal Audits £495.00 14/07/2021 J.M.Kay Electrical Ltd 2020/914 PAT Testing £324.00 14/07/2021 Addplant T/73555, Cemetery Portaloo £17.16 14/07/2021 Screwfix Work Gloves £23.94 14/07/2021 J. Hudson Stall Erection - June 2021 £1,800.00 14/07/2021 Cllr N Harrington Litter Pickers (Reimbursed) £60.00 14/07/2021 SLCC Clerk's Subscription £289.00 14/07/2021 Montwhelan York Road Depot, Rent £3,000.00 14/07/2021 Professional Paper Supplies 621416, Waste Bags £155.52 14/07/2021 Professional Paper Supplies 620567, Waste Bags £155.52 14/07/2021 Trustees of Wetherby Town Hall VAT, 4th Quarter Refund £1,991.28 14/07/2021 Helping Hand 411766, Litterpickers £245.16 14/07/2021 Fire Protection Supplies Ltd 42918, Fire Extinguisher Supplies £492.00 14/07/2021 Copeland Fencing Ltd 1582, Raby Park Fencing Works £1,303.20 14/07/2021 Rocco Industries Ltd Project Administration, June £1,001.83 14/07/2021 Farm & Land Services ltd 5957, Path Works £684.00 14/07/2021 Farm & Land Services ltd 5955, Maintenance Works £743.20 14/07/2021 Farm & Land Services ltd 5944, Grasscutting £3,120.00 14/07/2021 Farm & Land Services ltd 5956, Maintenance Works £1,021.20 14/07/2021 I. Taylor Expenses £15.38 14/07/2021 Staff Salaries Wages - July £9,582.95 14/07/2021 HMRC NI and PAYE £2,617.73 14/07/2021 Prudential Pension Contributions £35.00 3220 Wetherby Town Council Minutes – 13th July 2021 Chair’s Initials:_____

14/07/2021 Pension Fund Pension Contributions £1,983.01 TOTAL £37,659.53

3221 Wetherby Town Council Notes – 13th July 2021 Chair’s Initials:_____


Date Payee Purpose Amount 15/06/2021 Opus Energy 26433348, Gas £590.87 15/06/2021 Business Stream Water £85.00 18/06/2021 J Nayler Town Hall image £250.00 22/06/2021 Touch Telecom 180976, Lift Telephone Line £17.40 01/07/2021 Leeds City Council Rates Instalment £34.90 06/07/2021 Opus Energy 70801700, Electricity £36.08 14/07/2021 Alison Waterfield Expenses - Keys Cutting £12.00 14/07/2021 Fire Protection Supplies Ltd Fire Extinguisher Service / Inspection £354.00 14/07/2021 Professional Paper Supplies Ltd 621415, Paper Towels £359.40 TOTAL £813.78

3222 Wetherby Town Council Notes – 13th July 2021 Chair’s Initials:_____


Date: Tuesday 8th June 2021 Time: 6pm Location: Online via Zoom Video Communications https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82477656529?pwd=c2xwZU91MTRCQ3FXajFsKzVlc2VuZz09 Meeting ID: 824 7765 6529 Passcode: 303369

Present: Cllr Norma Harrington (Chair) Councillor Neil O’Byrne (Mayor of Wetherby) Councillor Dawn Payne

In attendance: Iona Taylor, Town Clerk

1. Apologies – Cllr Alan Lamb.

2. Declarations of interests– none.

3. Town Council Payments Authorisation a) Direct debit payments. Supporting information for the following sample of payments made by direct debit was reviewed by Member. i. £11,395.59 – Public Works Loan Board – Town Hall Loan Repayment ii. £6.12 – Opus Energy – 70523381, Old Men’s Parliament Electricity iii. £21.30 – Opus Energy – 70520922, Cemetery Electricity

b) Direct bank payments. Supporting information for the following sample of payments to be made by bank transfer on 9th June 2021 was reviewed by Members. These payments will be authorised on Unity Trust’s internet banking system by two Members of the Budgets & Governance Committee and will be paid if an instruction for the Clerk to do so is issued at the meeting of all Town Councillors later in the day. iv. £3,048.44 – Farm & Land Services – 5886 Grasscutting v. £48.00 – Yorkshire Local Councils Associations – 167-2122, Off to a Flying Start Webinar vi. £90.12 – Marsland Timber & Building Supplies - I0056425, Timber & Nails vii. £9476.52 – Staff Salaries – Wages, June

4. Town Hall Payments Authorisation a) Direct debit payments – none.

b) Direct bank payments. Supporting information for the following sample of payments to be made by bank transfer on 9th June 2021 was reviewed by Members. These payments will be paid if an instruction for the Clerk to do so is issued at the meeting of all Town Councillors later in the day. i. £507.60 - Curti Lifts – 26989, Door Shoes ii. £606.21 – BHIB Insurance Brokers – 40657, Engineering Insurance iii. £57.00 – Securiplex – 1007636, Remote Alarm Assistance

These minutes were recorded and prepared by Iona Taylor, Town Clerk.

3223 Wetherby Town Council Notes – 13th July 2021 Chair’s Initials:_____


Date: Monday 28th June 2021 Time: 4pm Location: Online

Present: Cllr Paul Bradley Cllr Norma Harrington Cllr Victor Hawkins (Chair) Cllr Galan Moss

In attendance: Alison Waterfield, Office Administrator

1. Apologies were received from Cllr H Chapman and Cllr D Payne.

2. Cllr Harrington declared that she is acquainted with the applicant to: a) 21/05034/FU | Single storey extensions to side and rear | 5 North Grove Approach Wetherby LS22 7GA

3. The Committee delegated the Clerk to report to Leeds City Council Planning Department that there are no objections to the following applications subject to the proposals meeting or exceeding the requirements and guidance in the ‘Building for Tomorrow Today, Sustainable Design and Construction SPD to ensure that the highest standards of eco-efficiency are achieved: a) 21/04791/FU | Installation of 1no. 116kw air source heat pumps, upon a gravelled area with enclosure fencing | St James Primary and Infant School Hallfield Lane Wetherby LS22 6JS b) 21/04714/FU | Garage to side of dwelling | 2 Syke Road Wetherby LS22 6LA c) 21/04378/FU | Single storey front extension; replacement conservatory to rear; part roof replacement from pitched to flat; render to dwelling | The Coach House Deighton Road Wetherby LS22 7TE d) 21/04800/FU | Demolition of existing garage and construction of a single storey side/rear extension | 8 Grange View Wetherby LS22 5HD e) 21/04009/FU | Construction of first floor side extension, installation of dormer window to the second-floor front elevation front, installation of three dormer windows to the rear and installation of rooflights. | 82 Aire Road Wetherby LS22 7FJ – RECONSULTATION f) 21/01826/FU | Construction of single storey side extension, single storey rear extension, conversion of garage to form home office and alterations to fenestration. | 52 Glebe Field Drive Wetherby LS22 6WG g) 21/04969/FU | Single storey rear extension; dormer window to rear | 20 Kings Meadow Close Wetherby LS22 7FU h) 21/04663/FU | Single storey rear extension with canopy; demolition of existing garage and construction of double garage and garden room with windows to east elevation; roof lights to front and rear elevations | 52 Westgate Wetherby LS22 6NJ i) 21/04943/FU |37 Glebe Field Drive Wetherby LS22 6WF | Freestanding carport to rear j) 21/05034/FU | Single storey extensions to side and rear | 5 North Grove Approach Wetherby LS22 7GA

3224 Wetherby Town Council Notes – 13th July 2021 Chair’s Initials:_____

4. The Committee delegated the Clerk to report to Leeds City Council Planning Department that there are no objections to the following application: a) 21/04781/FU | Telecomms Site CTIL 11345623 Greenfield Adjacent to A58 Wetherby Road Wetherby LS22 5HE | Removal of the existing column supporting 3No. antennas and the installation of a replacement monopole supporting 6No. antennas; relocated transmission dish; installation of replacement equipment cabinet and ancillary development; GPS module to provide the latest 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G service.

5. The Committee delegated the Clerk to report to Leeds City Council Planning Department that it considers the following applications would lead to over development: a) 21/04794/FU | Part two storey part single storey front, side and rear extension | 3 Northfield Avenue Wetherby LS22 6TD b) 21/04889/FU | Part two storey, part single storey side extension with terrace; single storey front extension; single storey rear extension | 1 Northfield Avenue Wetherby LS22 6TD

6. The Committee delegated the Clerk to report to Leeds City Council Planning Department that it considers there are too few parking spaces for the size of the development: a) 21/04778/FU | Change of use of part ground floor, first floor and second floor to form 6No. residential apartments; Alterations including new door openings and vehicular access; Juliet balcony's; Insertion of roof lights; landscaping and parking arrangements | 21 Market Place Wetherby LS22 6LQ

7. The Committee delegated the Clerk to report to Leeds City Council Planning Department that it has no objections to this application providing there is no alteration to the historical façade. a) 21/04779/LI | Listed Building consent for change of use of part ground floor, first floor and second floor to form 6No. residential apartments; Alterations including new door openings and vehicular access; Juliet balcony's; Insertion of roof lights; landscaping and parking arrangements | 21 Market Place Wetherby LS22 6LQ

8. Consultations on applications for works to protected trees - to consider the following applications and recommend responses for the Clerk to submit in relation to the consultations being carried out by the planning authority: a) 21/05310/TR | T1 Sycamore - Crown lift by 2m also draw back by 2m so not as dominant on the customer’s side. | 7 Linton Avenue Wetherby LS22 6SQ b) 21/05235/TR | T1 Sycamore - Reduce by 3 meters off the sides and 4 meter off the top. | 22 Priest Hill Gardens Wetherby LS22 7UD c) 21/05495/TR | Beech (T1) - Reduce the crown by 4 metres all round and crown lift the canopy by 2 metres. Beech (T2) - Reduce the crown by 4 metres all round and crown lift the canopy by 2 metres. | 6 Raby Park Wetherby LS22 6SA

9. A list of updates and outcomes on applications received from planning authorities was RECEIVED AND NOTED.

10. Items for information: None received.

11. Date of next Planning Committee meeting to be confirmed as being on 19th July 2021.

The meeting closed at 16.26. These minutes were recorded and prepared by Alison Waterfield, Office Administrator.

3225 Wetherby Town Council Notes – 13th July 2021 Chair’s Initials:_____

Internal Audit Report Wetherby Town Council and Wetherby Town Hall Charity Date: June 2021 (End of Year)


Description Page No. Internal Audit : FAQ’s 3 Scope and Remit of the Report 4 Assurance Level Definitions 4 Your Internal Auditor 5 Background to this Report 6 Overall Assurance Level 6 Overall Summary 6 Findings and Recommendations 7 Priority Level Definitions 8 Appendix 1 : 9 Appendix 2 : 22


Internal Audit: FAQ’s

Why does the Council need an Internal Audit?

The Council is required by section 5(1) of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 to 'undertake an effective internal audit to evaluate the effectiveness of its risk management, control and governance processes, taking into account public sector internal auditing standards or guidance'

What is the aim of the Internal Auditor?

To enhance and protect organisational value by providing risk-based and objective assurance, advice and insight.

The Auditor will review and report to the Council on whether its systems of financial and other internal controls over its activities and operating procedures are effective.

What are the important factors in your choice of Internal Auditor?

Your auditor must be independent of the financial management of the authority.

Your auditor must be competent and suitably qualified to carry out the role in a way that meets the business needs of the Council.

Is the Internal Audit linked to the External Audit?

Yes. The annual External Audit return asks the Council to confirm the following:

‘We maintained throughout the year an adequate and effective system of internal audit of the accounting records and control systems’

In order to give an affirmative response to the above statement an internal audit has to have been carried out.

Where can I find out more about Internal Audit?

You can find more detail in the publication called 'Governance and Accountability for Smaller Authorities in England’ (web link below) www.nalc.gov.uk/jpag 3

Scope and Remit of this Report

Angle Community Development Services have been commissioned to undertake Internal Audit services on behalf of Wetherby Town Council and Wetherby Town Hall Charity. The internal audit services commissioned will consist of an annual interim and end of year audit and subsequent report following each audit. This is our 4th audit of Wetherby Town Council. This is the end of year audit report for the 2020/2021 financial year in response to our visit to the Council offices on the 11th May 2021.

It should be noted that whilst I have inspected and considered a broad range of the Councils records, accounts, policies and documentation I do not give any warranties that there are no matters of actual risk or potential harm to the Council.

Assurance Level Definitions

High Substantial Our critical review or assessment on the activity gives us a high level of Our critical review or assessment on the activity gives us a substantial level of confidence on service delivery arrangements, management of risks, and the confidence (assurance) on service delivery arrangements, management of operation of controls and / or performance. risks, and operation of controls and / or performance.

The risk of the activity not achieving its objectives or outcomes is low. Controls There are some improvements needed in the application of controls to manage have been evaluated as adequate, appropriate and are operating effectively. risks. However, the controls have been evaluated as adequate, appropriate and operating sufficiently so that the risk of the activity not achieving its objectives is medium to low.

Limited Low Our critical review or assessment on the activity gives us a limited level of Our critical review or assessment on the activity identified significant concerns confidence on service delivery arrangements, management of risks, and on service delivery arrangements, management of risks, and operation of operation of controls and / or performance. controls and / or performance.

The controls to manage the key risks were found not always to be operating or There are either gaps in the control framework managing the key risks or the are inadequate. Therefore, the controls evaluated are unlikely to give a controls have been evaluated as not adequate, appropriate or are not being reasonable level of confidence (assurance) that the risks are being managed effectively operated. Therefore the risk of the activity not achieving its objectives effectively. It is unlikely that the activity will achieve its objectives. is high.


Your Internal Auditor

Mr. Matthew Gleadell FCILEx

Contact Number: 07961 051079

Email: [email protected]

Matthew is a Charted Legal Executive and holds the Certificate in Local Council Administration. Matthew is the lead consultant for Angle Community Development Services and the business proprietor.

All enquiries in relation to this report should be directed to Matthew.


Background to this Report

To assist in preparing this report, I conducted a visit to the offices of Wetherby Town Council on Tuesday 10th May 2021. This was my 3rd physical visit to Wetherby as part of my Internal Audit function and 4th Audit overall.

I was again ably assisted in conducting my audit processes by Town Clerk Iona and her colleagues and wish to offer my thanks for their kind assistance and support.

Information on the Councils website, documentation inspected during my visit and that provided digitally by the Clerk has all helped to conduct my internal audit process.

Overall Assurance Level:

Wetherby Town Council: High

Overall Summary

The Council continues to maintain its high standards of governance and its high level of organisational accuracy and detail. The Clerk with full support of the members is striving to achieve high standards in all aspects of the Councils operations.

The challenge for the Council in the foreseeable future will be carefully managing its various project ambitions. Our interim report for the 20/21 financial year looked in more detail at the Councils approach to the management of its projects. From an audit perspective what the Council does, provided it is legal, is not something that an auditor need concern themselves with. I would however encourage the Council to be clear on its project priorities, especially where there is presently a funding shortfall. Developing a realistic order of priority for the various projects required will help to ensure that the high standards of governance around the Councils activity continues and will allow the officers to focus clearly on a manageable number of projects rather than be spread too thinly trying to deliver everything at once.


A manageable realistic priority plan for the various projects will help to ensure that Iona and her team can continue to maintain the high levels of organisation and continue to service the various aspects of the Councils operations which do fall under the remit of Internal and External Audit.

Findings and Recommendations

The full findings of the audit can be found in Appendix 1. I have on this occasion opted to provide the Council with an edited version of my full audit checklist in order to serve as a record of the checks undertaken and my findings for each.


Priority Level Definitions

Immediate management attention is required - an internal control or risk issue where there is a high certainty of: substantial loss / non- High compliance with corporate strategies, policies or values / serious reputational damage / adverse regulatory impact and / or material fines (action taken usually within 3 months).

Timely management action is warranted - an internal control or risk Medium issue that could lead to financial loss / reputational damage / adverse regulatory impact, public sanction and / or immaterial fines (action taken usually within 6 to 12 months).


APPENDIX 1 Wetherby Town Council - Internal Audit Checklist 2020/21 Undertaken by: Matthew Gleadell Date: 11 May 2021 Type of Audit: End of Year Date of next Audit: October 2021 Name of Council Wetherby Town Council Name of Clerk Iona Taylor

Key Governance Review Y/N Comments & Recommendations

Y Reviewed and approved without amendment at annual meeting 1 Standing Orders (Tailored and Reviewed) held 4th May 2021. The Clerk may wish to update the copy on the Councils website. The current copy is the copy adopted in February 2019. MEDIUM Y Reviewed and approved without amendment at annual meeting 2 Financial Regulations (Tailored and Reviewed) held 4th May 2021. The Clerk may wish to update the copy on the Councils website. The current copy is the copy adopted in September 2017. MEDIUM Y Reviewed and approved without amendment at annual meeting 3 Terms of Reference (Committees/Working Groups) held 4th May 2021.

Y Updated Code of Conduct adopted at Annual Meeting on 4th 4 Code of Conduct (Elected Members) May 2021.

Y Reviewed and approved without amendment at annual meeting 5 Complaints Procedure (Tailored and Reviewed) held 4th May 2021.

Y Policy inspected and reviewed as part of audit. All covers 6 Insurance Cover expected are included. Fidelity level has been increased as  Reviewed Annually recommended in a previous audit.  Certificate(s) viewed & valid  Employees Liability Cover  Other


Transparency Y/N Comments & Recommendations

Y Reviewed and approved without amendment at annual meeting 7 Internal Controls (Statement or Review) held 4th May 2021.

Y Internal auditor consulted on its content during the financial 8 Investment Strategy year.

Y Yes updated and approved without amendment at annual 9 Publication Scheme (Reviewed) meeting held 4th May 2021.

Y Updated risk assessment adopted 4th May 2021. Copy 10 Risk Assessment (Statement or Review) inspected and reviewed as part of audit. Copy available from Council website. Y NJC Pay Policy adopted. Increases noted and approved at 11 Pay Policy (Staffing- Reviewed) September Full Council meeting under minute 98 20-21.

Y Direct Debits and Standing Orders for 2021/2022 approved at 12 Spending Authorised the annual meeting held 4th May 2021. Other payments are routinely approved by Council through the course of the year. There is clear evidence of Council governance and authority over spending. Y I have reviewed an example of a procurement exercise 13 Procurement involving the purchase of the Clerks computer. Quotes were obtained and advice sought as to the suitability of certain models. The exercise was conducted in a way that demonstrates the Council seeking best value for the public money involved. Y Exceptionally well organised accounting records. Now held 14 Organisational digitally. Good well defined committee structures.


Yes reviewed and adopted by Council at its annual meeting on 15 Land and Assets (Reviewed) the 4th May. Further work done to identify assets of smaller value. Asset Register is very clear and comprehensive. An up to date copy is available on the Council website. The Council should consider the adoption of a data map to 16 Adequate GDPR policy/procedures in place assess what data it holds and its purpose for retention. In addition a data breach policy would be a sensible document to adopt. We have provided Iona with some example documents for this purpose.


17 Other Nothing for this report.

Accounting Y/N Comments & Recommendations

Y Monthly updates of accounts and reports including cashbook. 18 Cashbook maintained and up to Date

Y Checks undertaken as part of the audit process have found no 19 Arithmetically Correct (checks / balance) anomalies.

Y Yes. Minutes of internal finance checks reviewed. 20 Evidence of Internal Control

Y Yes. The sample transactions tested for July 2020 and 21 VAT  Recorded November 2020 show VAT recorded and reclaimed  Reclaimed appropriately.


Y Yes. Sample transactions tested are fully supported by 22 All Payments Supported by Invoices invoices.

Y Yes. Fully accounted for separately in the accounts under 23 s.137  Recorded separately within accounts account code 8886. Used to pay for 2 poppy wreaths.  Within legal threshold limits  Spend in accordance with legislation

Income Control Y/N Comments & Recommendations

Y A sample of market receipts were assessed during the visit to 24 Income properly recorded and banked promptly the councils offices. Income from those receipts was accurately recorded and almost immediately banked. Y Yes Leeds City Council provide an excel precept calculator 25 Precept demand/calculations document to assist in the calculation process.

Y Yes cash values are relatively small and appropriately insured. 26 Effective security of cash and cash transactions Cash is quickly banked following receipt which helps to minimise the risk of theft.

Petty Cash Y/N Comments & Recommendations

Yes used and authorised and very well managed and 27 Petty Cash Account used/authorised Y accounted for using the accounts software. Receipts in support of payments are kept and reconciled.

28 Petty Cash Spending supported by VAT receipt(s) Y Yes copies of receipts have been viewed and inspected.

Most recent minute at annual meeting held 4th May under 12

29 Petty Cash reported to Council Y reference 10-21-22 e.

30 Petty Cash Float reconciled/reimbursed Y Monthly reconciliations produced and evidenced.

N/A Nothing for this report. 31 Other

Year End Process Y/N Comments & Recommendations

Accounts based on income and expenditure. Total gross 32 Correct Accounting Basis Y income exceeds the limit for a payments and receipts accounting basis. All reconciliation reports inspected are supported by bank 33 Bank statements reconcile to ledger Y statements.

Y Excellent audit trail of paperwork. Annotations added digitally to 34 Robust Audit Trail evident documents to provide greater audit trail evidence.

Y Debt levels are close to none existent but are appropriately 35 Debtors and Creditors Recorded recorded in accounts where necessary.

N/A Nothing for this report. 36 Other

Bank Reconciliation Y/N Comments & Recommendations

Y Yes routine reconciliations are undertaken on a monthly basis 37 Regular bank statement reconciliation and those inspected correspond with bank statements.


Y Yes as and when necessary. 38 Balancing entries (adjustments) explained

Y Not checked as part of this audit. 39 Bank mandate up to date

Budget Y/N Comments & Recommendations

Y Balanced budget prepared and supported by clear written 40 Annual budget in support of precept report and justification for budget set.

Y Evidence of earmarked reserves inspected and reviewed as 41 Earmarked reserves part of the audit. Council reviewed ear marked reserves at its annual meeting under minute reference 11 21 -22. Y Minutes of Budget Committee contain evidence of regular 42 Unexplained budget variances reported to Council reporting of budget variances/unforeseen changes. Virements between budgets routinely undertaken to respond to changes.

Y Yes recorded under minute reference 170-20-21 (B) 43 Precept Demand properly minuted

Asset Control Y/N Comments & Recommendations

Y Yes excellent asset register available on the Councils website 44 Register of Assets and reviewed and adopted on the 4th May at the annual council  Reviewed meeting.  Up to date

Y Yes. ELAS provide H&S support to the Council to help the 45 Assets Inspected and Health & Safety Issues Council ensure it meets the desired standards of H&S


Considered management.

Proper Process / Practice Y/N Comments & Recommendations

Y The Council employs a number of officers with appropriately 46 Employee posts properly recorded. allocated titles.

Y Declaration of Interests forms are available for download from 47 List of Members Interest recorded / displayed on the Councils website. website

Y Yes sample agendas inspected accord with statutory 48 Agenda Documents Correct requirements.

Y Yes minutes are comprehensive. I did however find examples 49 Minutes Correct / Signed of some older committee minutes not uploaded to the website. This has now been rectified.

Y No. The Clerk has assessed the operational need for a 50 Purchase Order System used/correct purchase order system and believes that the internal controls are sufficient to not require a formal purchase order system. Evidence of official orders for larger transactions has been seen as part of previous audits. Y Based on transactions inspected we found no evidence of non- 51 Purchasing Authorised in line with Financial Regs / adherence with financial regulations. Limits

Y There is no evidence of any activity that the Council is acting 52 Council operating within legal powers beyond its powers based on the audit work undertaken.

Y Based on transactions inspected there is no evidence of non- 53 Delegation Limits adherence to delegation limits set out in Financial Regulations. 15

 set out in financial regula- tions  adhered to

Risk Management Y/N Comments & Recommendations

Y There is no evidence of unusual activity. 54 Evidence of unusual activity

Y Yes see item 10. 55 Annual Risk Assessment undertaken (as a minimum)

Yes. Policy has been inspected and reviewed. Cllr age matters 56 Insurance Cover Y have been addressed in response to previous audit work.  Reviewed Annually  Public Liability Cover  Employees Fidelity Guar- antee  Cllrs age reviewed

Y Yes. 57 Financial Controls and procedures documented

Y Yes reporting to Council is undertaken on a routine and regular 58 Regular financial reporting to Council (in line with Fin basis and provides more than due opportunity for Councillors Regs) to examine the Councils financial transactions and associated

finance management. Y Yes bank balances are evidenced as part of reconciliation 59 Reporting of bank balances minuted reports.

Y Yes clearly identified as part of the budget. 16

60 S.137 (& other grants) ratified / minuted

Charities Y/N Comments & Recommendations

Y Yes accounts are very clearly separated from the Council. This 61 Accounted for separately was commented on in the 20/21 interim audit report which good practice in this area identified. Y Undertaken by internal auditor of Council. 62 Independently Audited

Y Currently overdue by 100 days (as at 11.05.2021) 63 Returns filed within legal time limits

Iona has indicated that the Charity Commission is aware of the delay whilst legal work is undertaken.


Payroll & HR Y/N Comments & Recommendations

Y Whilst physical contracts have not been inspected as part of 64 Contracts of employment for all staff this audit there is confidence that all staff have contracts based on input from the Clerk and inspection of a sample of staff contract at previous audits. Y Yes evidenced from payroll information provided to assist the 65 Proper procedures for payroll, PAYE & NI audit.

Y Yes. Payroll records provided and inspected are clear and easy 66 PAYE & NI payments verified to follow.

Yes minuted under reference 98 20-21 as regards NJC 67 Approval of salaries and increments increases for the 20/21 financial year.

Y A discussion with Iona regarding expenses claims highlighted 68 Approval of expense claims the possible need for Iona to add business cover to her car insurance and for the Council to reimburse the cost accordingly. Travel in the job is limited but does happen from time to time. Any other staff that may use their own vehicle for travel on work business should also ensure they have appropriate car insurance cover.

More generally expense claims are very rare but are supported by receipts when they arise.

Y Yes. The Councils pay structure is influenced by the national 69 Minimum wage threshold met NJC Agreement.

Y Yes the Council engaged the services of ELAS to help it ensure 70 HR procedures and policies adopted that its HR arrangements are in appropriate order.

Y Yes. Skills audit for Councillors to be used to help the Council 18

71 Training policy and record for staff and elected organise its committees. Members

N No. Iona plans to undertake her CILCA training at an 72 Qualified Clerk appropriate time.

Y Copy of form of appraisal reviewed as part of audit and 73 Annual appraisal undertaken considered appropriate.

? Job descriptions have not been reviewed as part of this audit. 74 Job description up to date / reviewed

N An occupational health workspace assessment is due to be 75 H&S review of staff workstation & PC equipment undertaken to cover both office and home work spaces. undertaken MEDIUM

General Y/N Comments & Recommendations

Y Yes there is evidence of implementation of previous audit 76 Have previous audit issues been addressed issues (Internal controls, fidelity insurance, cemetery paperwork processing) Y No. Not all qualification criteria is currently met. 77 Eligible for GPC

Y Yes Microsoft 365 utilised which provides a cloud based back 78 Back up of files adequate up system.

N The need for some improved proof storage cabinets has been 79 Storage of files adequate identified.

Y Yes. Public Notice for inspection of accounts is on the Councils 80 Arrangement for inspection of public records website. adequate


Burial Authority Y/N Comments & Recommendations

? Not checked as part of this audit. 81 Income for burials/permits balance

? Not checked as part of this audit. 82 Fees charged in accordance with approved rates

Y Plans have been viewed however a detailed audit of their 83 A legible plan of all burials is evident and maintained accuracy has not been undertaken.

A visit to the cemetery was undertaken during the audit and a sample of memorials was checked to ensure physical graves on the ground corresponded with the paperwork. All graves selected corresponded. Y Records are kept in both paper and digital format. 84 Statutory records kept / stored safely

Y The interments checked during the audit found all necessary 85 All interred ashes have certificates of cremation paperwork present. Iona has in response to previous audits introduced an internal checklist to ensure all paperwork is received and processed. Y Yes. Iona has however indicated a need to obtain some fire 86 Permits properly documented and stored proof storage cabinets to improve the safety of physical documentation held.

Allotment Authority Y/N Comments & Recommendations

N/A 87 Income for allotment rentals balance

N/A 20

88 Fees charged in accordance with approved rates

N/A 89 Up to date occupancy details kept and securely retained

N/A 90 Agreements/licences issued to all plot holders

N/A 91 Other

Market Authority Y/N Comments & Recommendations

Y A single market date was checked during the audit. Receipts 92 Income for stall hire balances corresponded with records of attendees on the date checked and income was promptly banked. ? Not covered as part of this audit. 93 Fees charged in accordance with approved rates

? Not covered as part of this audit. 94 Up to date occupancy details kept and securely retained

? Not covered as part of this audit. 95 Statutory records kept / stored safely

? Not covered as part of this audit. 96 Agreements/licences issued to all stall holders

N Nothing for this report. 97 Other



Wetherby Town Hall Charity: End of Year Internal Audit

Overall Assurance Level:

Wetherby Town Hall Charity: Substantial


The overall assurance level reflects the ongoing work being done to tidy up the constitutional structures of the Charity.

Provided the high levels of governance and management of the Charity continues we anticipate that a High assurance level will be achieved just as soon as the Council has completed the work to re structure the Charity. For the purpose of this audit I have assessed transactions concluded in July 2020 and November 2020 as shown in the screen shots below:


The following statements apply to the sample transactions inspected.

All payments are supported by invoices YES VAT is recorded and reclaimed YES Payments are reported and where necessary approved by trustees YES Charity transactions are clearly separated from Council transactions. YES Where there are shared costs between the Council and the Charity costs are apportioned YES between the 2.



Date: Tuesday 13th July 2021 Time: 6pm Location: Online via Zoom Video Communications https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88169659679?pwd=dGtPK3NMMGd6ZFZQZlVUaUhkUHZHZz09 Meeting ID: 881 6965 9679

Present: Councillor Norma Harrington (Chair) Councillor Alan Lamb Councillor Neil O’Byrne (Mayor of Wetherby) Councillor Dawn Payne

In attendance: Iona Taylor, Town Clerk

1. Apologies – none.

2. Declarations of interests– none.

3. Town Council Payments Authorisation a) Direct debit payments. Supporting information for the following sample payments made by direct debit was reviewed by Members. i. £7.73 – Business Stream – Sandringham Park Water

b) Direct bank payments. Supporting information for the following sample of payments to be made by bank transfer on 14th July 2021 was reviewed by Members. These payments will be authorised on Unity Trust’s internet banking system by two Members of the Budgets & Governance Committee and will be paid if an instruction for the Clerk to do so is issued at the meeting of all Town Councillors later in the day. ii. £15.38 – I. Taylor – Expenses iii. £3,120.00 – Farm & Land Services – 5944, Grasscutting iv. £1,303.20 – Copeland Fencing Ltd – 1582, Raby Park Fencing Works v. £155.52 – Professional Paper Supplies - 621416, Waste Bags vi. £155.52 – Professional Paper Supplies - 620567, Waste Bags vii. £60.00 – Cllr N Harrington - Litter Pickers (Reimbursed) viii. £324.00 – J.M.Kay Electrical Ltd - 2020/914 PAT Testing ix. £495.00 – Angle CDS - ITA0621.2, 20/21 Internal Audit

4. Town Hall Payments Authorisation a) Direct debit payments i. £34.90 – Leeds City Council – Rates Instalment

b) Direct bank payments. Supporting information for the following sample of payments to be made by bank transfer on 14th July 2021 was reviewed by Members. These payments will be paid if an instruction for the Clerk to do so is issued at the meeting of all Town Councillors later in the day. i. £250 – J.Nayler – Town Hall Image ii. £359.40 – Professional Paper Supplies Ltd - 621415, Paper Towels

These minutes were recorded and prepared by Iona Taylor, Town Clerk.


Date: Friday 30th April 2021 Time: 1pm Location: Online via Zoom Video Communications Meeting ID: 820 9464 1704

Present: Cllr Sam Bennett Cllr Paul Bradley Cllr Jo Maltby (Chair)

In attendance: Iona Taylor, Town Clerk

1. Apologies - none.

2. Declarations of interests and request for dispensations – none.

3. Artisan Market a) Legal basis for artisan market. It was RESOLVED that Wetherby Town Council should use Part 111 of the Food Act 1984 for the continued provision of a monthly artisan market in Wetherby.

b) License with Leeds City Council It was RESOLVED that a new license should be signed between Wetherby Town Council and Leeds City Council to enable the Market Place to be used for the monthly artisan market on the second Sunday of each month.

c) Agreement with Little Bird Made. It was RESOLVED that Wetherby Town Council should enter in to an agreement with Little Bird Made for the operation of the monthly Sunday market, with effect from 13th June 2021.

4. Thursday Market. The meeting considered a report from Little Bird Made on the marketing undertaken prior to the reopening of the Thursday market after coronavirus restrictions. The report include feedback on the nature and impact of social media posts, the press releases submitted to local media outlets and also provides resources for the Council’s future use.

5. Next meeting – to be arranged as required.

The meeting closed at 1.26pm. These minutes were recorded and prepared by Iona Taylor, Town Clerk.



Date: Wednesday 14th April 2021 Time: 14.00 Location: Online at Zoom Video Communications Meeting ID: 898 5634 8658

Present: Cllr Paul Bradley Cllr Dean Buckle (until 14.44) Cllr Harry Chapman Cllr Victor Hawkins Cllr Galan Moss Cllr Dawn Payne (Chair)

In attendance: Iona Taylor, Town Clerk Margaret Holmes, Deputy Town Clerk Barry Riley, Project Administrator Richard Maddison, Maddison James Tom Smith, Chair Wetherby Branch Royal British Legion

The Town Clerk explained that this meeting of the Property Committee was for the information of members only. Due to the period of National Mourning following the death of HRH Duke of Edinburgh the formal notice requirements for the meeting had not been met.

The numbers of these notes refer to the original agenda item number.

4. Town Hall a) Heating Report Richard Maddison explained that the existing boiler functions but is not efficient. The report was commissioned to set out the options available for the replacement of the existing boiler.

b) Tender Report for Repair Project and funding options Richard Maddison confirmed that he would be recommending that the Council proceed with the quote submitted by Bullen. They have done conservation work previously at Bowcliffe Hall and Bretton Hall. The quote does just cover the building works. So far as budget is concerned, the Town Clerk reported that the Town Hall has £178,000 set aside but that left a shortfall of just over £85,000. The Project Administrator reported that he still has two or three possible grant sources to approach but he has, so far, not been able to find any grant funding. This item will need to go to Full Council and it may be that another Loan may have to be considered. The problems need to be taken seriously, the Town Hall is an icon in the town and the Council is under a duty to maintain it. CiL is not available as CiL monies cannot be used for repairs.

c) Progression of Project - Deferred d) Verbal report on incident near Town Hall - Deferred

e) Minor roof repairs

The report was received and whilst this matter will be going to the next meeting of Full Council members gave an indication that this might be approved.

5. Jubilee Gardens a) Wall repair The Council is still awaiting consent from LCC because a bat roosting report is required. The Project Administrator has not yet received a response from LCC regarding the ownership of the wall. If it is a Party Wall the costs will be split with the neighbour and we are asking for the costs to be split. The neighbour is aware that they may have to contribute. Again CiL monies cannot be used to fund these repairs. b) Bath House Project Richard Maddison informed the meeting that tenders had been received ranging between £64,000 and £117,000. He will be going through the tenders and checking that everything required has been included within the quotes.

6. War Memorials Tom Smith spoke to the meeting and explained that several RBL members had queried whether the existing War Memorial could be moved to a quieter location. He had made enquiries with LCC and discovered that both and the War Memorial are Grade II Listed and it is therefore very unlikely that permission would be given for the memorial to be moved. An alternative would be to provide an additional memorial that members of the public would be able visit and be more contemplative than is possible at the existing memorial. Possible sites were outside the Town Hall, the Garden of Rest, Raby Park or the Peace Garden at Caxton Street was mentioned. Whilst Millennium Field was mentioned, some thought it might be too remote.

7. Millennium Field The Town Clerk reported that an initial zoom meeting had taken place with a local resident who had attended the Climate Emergency meeting and had indicated a willingness to help the Council. It had been made clear that the Council did not have permission nor any funding in place but he and some colleagues indicated that they may be able to help if the Council wishes to pursue the option of moving the Scaur Bank play area to Millennium Field.

8. The following matters were noted: a) The installation of the new swings at Nidd Approach. b) The planting of a Blue Spruce Tree at the Garden of Rest. c) The additional play bark at Mason Field has been installed.

9. Property Issue Log – Deferred

10. Cemetery - Deferred

11. Ground Maintenance Contract - Deferred

12. Raby Park - Deferred

13. Waste Bins - Deferred

14. Town Hall Pop-up Card – Deferred

15. Items for information only a) Verbal report from Project Administrator regarding Ditch/Culvert at Scaur Bank The Project Administrator reported that he had had discussions with Wetherby Golf Course and Mr Bolton (the owner of the land between the Golf Course and Scaur Bank) with a view to resolving the over-flowing of the Ditch after heavy rain. The bulk of any work would be required on the Golf Course land but it is not yet certain whether any will be undertaken.

b) To receive a verbal report from Deputy Clerk regarding Litter Free Leeds The Deputy Clerk reported that the Litter Free Leeds campaign had been a huge success in Wetherby and the town was looking much better as a result of the efforts of all the volunteers. However, it had resulted in an increase in the amount of litter needing to be moved by the Council’s contractors. Unfortunately, the volunteers are not only leaving the litter they have collected next to Leeds City Council Litter Bins but also next to bins emptied by WTC. Whilst the bags are being removed it has almost doubled the amount of litter the contractor is having to clear.

These notes were recorded and prepared by Margaret Holmes, Deputy Town Clerk.


Present: Cllr R V Hawkins Cllr D Frame Cllr P Bradley Cllr D Payne (Chair)

In Attendance: Iona Taylor (Town Clerk) Margaret Holmes (Deputy Clerk) Barry Riley (Project Administrator) Cllr N Harrington Cllr C Mulhall

1. Declarations of interests and requests for dispensations – None.

2. Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Chapman, Moss, Smith and O’Byrne.

3. Notes of the last meeting The notes of the last meeting of the Property Committee held on 14/04/21 were approved.

4. Matters arising from the minutes – None.

5. Resignation of Councillor Buckle from Property Committee The resignation of Councillor Buckle was noted. Subject to Council approval, Councillor Tom Smith has expressed an interested in joining the Property Committee and this proposal was welcomed by Members.

6. Walton Road Trees Cllr Mulhall spoke to the paper that had been circulated to members. He was looking for provisional support for a tree planting scheme on land owned by Wetherby Town Council on the verge of Walton Road. There would be more consultation regarding the varieties of tree to be planted and on-going maintenance costs. Following discussion IT WAS AGREED: i) That Members support the proposals in principle; ii) The matter to come back to Property Committee for final approval on the variety of trees to be planted and the on-going maintenance costs.

7. Town Hall a) Repair Project The Project Administrator reported that a meeting had been held with the approved contractor who had revisited the work schedule to ensure it was closer to the budget. Planning permission has been granted. When funding has been clarified the matter will be brought back to Property Committee/Full Council prior to proceeding.

b) Utilities The Town Clerk spoke to the paper that had been circulated to members. Opus Energy were the most competitive for the supply of electricity and gas to the Town Hall. IT WAS AGREED that the Town Clerk be authorised to enter into a new, 4 year contract with Opus for the supply of utilities to the Town Hall at the best price available on the day.


8. Jubilee Gardens/Bath House a) Planning application/granting of planning permission Cllr Hawkins read the meeting an email he had received from the Chair of Wetherby in Bloom concerning the delays in repairing the Bath House and the costs that had been expended on consultants with nothing to show. It was repeated that either this Committee or Full Council had unanimously agreed to all stages of the project, including the appointment of a consultant to assist with the preparation of planning/listed building applications which were required before any work could be undertaken.

It was confirmed that planning approval was still awaited but was being chased regularly. There is a back-log in the Planning Office. Advice will be sought as to whether it is possible to separate off the planning application in respect of the windows and the repairs to the wall. Councillor Harrington offered to pursue this with LCC.

The Council is not committed to proceeding with the whole project and a review of which elements of the project to proceed with can be taken after planning permission is received. The repairs to the wall must take priority as it is unsafe and presents a real danger to the public.

b) Bat Survey It was noted that a Bat Survey has been undertaken as this would be required in the event of planning permission being granted and it was hoped that carrying it out as soon as possible could expedite the process. The Council has been notified verbally that there was nothing of concern but the formal report was still awaited.

c) Boundary Wall It was reported that following a site visit with Historic Property Restoration Ltd, subject to Planning approval they would be ready to start works at the beginning of August. Part of the site will need to be fenced off and they will liaise with Wetherby in Bloom regarding the work that will be required that will affect some of the beds and vegetation. The works will take up to 8 weeks. It is not thought the planning approval can be expedited on the basis of health and safety concerns.

9. Millennium Field Project After receiving a verbal update from the Town Clerk and Deputy Clerk there was a clear unanimous indication that an approach be made to LCC to extend the lease. When planning the development of this area, consideration will be given to wildflower areas; grasscutting in the area; possibility of a marked kilometre track. The Project Administrator is already working on possible funding for the work that will be required. It was agreed that if the lease is extended moving the Scaur Bank play area before any further flooding would be a priority – this will cost in the region of £60k.

10. Condition of Electrical Installations in Council Property a) Appointment of contractor for York Road Depot renewals Correspondence with the Landlord regarding the possibility of them contributing to the costs had been unsuccessful. The Clerk had not taken formal legal advice - following an informal review of the lease an independent solicitor had said it was WTC’s responsibility and she had taken the view not to expend costs on a hopeless case. When the lease is next due to be renewed it may be worth seeking independent legal advice prior to signing any extension.

A further five electrical contractors have been contacted and asked to quote but only 1 had responded. The company who had responded had suggested that smoke alarms be fitted and external motion-activated security lights be installed. Their quote, to include the suggested work was £4,600 with an additional cost of £500 to remove asbestos insulation behind the old fuse box that would need to be removed.

The Council’s usual electrical contractor had been asked to update their quote to include the smoke alarms and external security lights but nothing had been received in reply.

IT WAS AGREED that the Clerk be authorise to accept a quote of £4,663 plus £500 for the removal and disposal of the old electrics from SAS Electrical, with the work to commence as soon as possible.

b) Procurement of EICRs on Bath House and Old Men’s Parliament (OMP) SAS Electrical charge £100 less than the Council has previously paid for an EICR report and had therefore been asked to undertake reports on both buildings. The contractor had stopped undertaking the OMP report as the electric load to earth was too high and he reported this to Northern Power on the Council’s behalf. This is the responsibility of Northern Power and when it has been rectified the report will be undertaken. The Bath House had been visited but the report had not yet been received.

11. Cemetery a) Cemetery Fees The Deputy Clerk informed the meeting that there had been no significant difference in the number of interments that had taken place due to the pandemic. Council had taken the decision not to increase Cemetery Fees in 2020, the last increase in fees had taken effect in May 2019. Neighbouring authorities of Harrogate and Leeds had increased their fees during that period. Following discussion IT WAS AGREED: i) That the Cemetery Fees be increased by 5% as indicated in the report; ii) The increase in fees be implemented from 01/09/21.

b) Testing and Inspection of Memorial Headstones Following consideration of the report prepared by the Project Administrator IT WAS AGREED: i) A policy for memorial management be developed with a view to having an independent 5-yearly inspection; ii) Independent Memorial Inspection be appointed at a cost of £3.20 per headstone to undertake a full inspection of memorial headstones in the Cemetery, such an inspection to provide a base-line starting point for the Memorial Management Policy.

12. Boundary Walls a) Millennium Field/Barleyfields Court and Mason Field/Cemetery Lodge A report prepared by Town Clerk outlining the poor condition of walls between Millennium Field and Barleyfields Court (adjacent to access to St Joseph’s Primary School) and Mason Field and Cemetery Lodge (close to the vehicle entrance) was considered.

b) Professional Services It was noted that the Council does not have the in-house technical ability to prepare a specification for the job, review tenders and oversee the work. It is not thought that specialist builders are required for these works. Following consideration: IT WAS UNANIMOUSLY AGREED: i) To appoint Maddison James to provide professional services as outlined in the report at a cost of £2,660; ii) That quotations be obtained for the required works and presented to Property Committee to decide on the contractor to be appointed.

13. Raby Park It was noted that the fencing repairs and installation of the new gates had been completed. It was noted also that a tree that had been giving concern had been made safe but would be inspected again in October.

14. Reinstatement Valuations The report prepared by the Town Clerk, including the quotes obtained for the valuation of Council property. IT WAS AGREED: That BCH be appointed to undertake reinstatement valuations of all the Council’s buildings at a cost of £1315 + VAT.

15. Waste Issues a) New waste bins The report prepared by the Deputy Clerk was considered. There had been a noted increase in the amount of rubbish being generated in the Council’s green space areas. The liners of the current bins needed replacing and it had seemed an appropriate time to review the provision of waste bins generally. It was proposed that the existing bins be replaced with larger capacity bins and that more bins be installed where required. IT WAS AGREED: i) That 1 new dog waste bin and 3 liners be purchased at a cost of £276.93 + VAT; ii) That 20 new Broxap eco-steel bins, including liners and WTC logo be purchased at a cost of £5,140.00 + VAT; iii) The Council’s maintenance contractor be asked to install the bins at an additional cost.

b) Short term maintenance contractor The Town Clerk outlined how the Council had been relying on temporary arrangements for the inspection, maintenance and waste collection in the Council’s green space areas since the departure of the Town Handyman. The job was being undertaken proficiently and had been taken on at short notice, however the work had not been put out to tender. The Clerk now proposed that she prepare the specification for a short-term contract and invite tenders. IT WAS AGREED That the Clerk prepare a short-term contract (to 31/03/22), invite tenders and that quotes be brought back to Property Committee Members for consideration on the contractor to be appointed.

c) Additional signs in Green Space areas The Clerk outlined how some of the signs in the Council’s green space areas were deteriorating. There was a need for consistent signage which gave usage guidelines and the Council’s contact details. IT WAS AGREED That proposals for new signage be brought to the Property Committee for consideration.

16. Maintenance of Green Spaces – This was covered under Item 15b) above.

17. Property Issue Log The Property Issue Log and the range of matters to be dealt with was NOTED.

18. Banner & Signage Policy The new banner and signage policy was considered and APPROVED.

19. Fire Evacuation Plans The Fire Evacuation Plans for the Council’s buildings was NOTED.

20. Town Hall Pop-up Card The request from a card producer that they be allowed to produce a Pop-up Card featuring the Town Hall was considered and APPROVED. The card producer to be asked if the Council would receive any benefit from the card and whether the final image could be approved before production.

21. Items for information only a) Blue Spruce in Garden of Rest It was noted that the Blue Spruce planted in the Garden of Rest had failed. It had been removed and the bed would be planted up with summer bedding plants with the rest of the beds. Wetherby in Bloom proposed that one more attempt be made. They suggest transplanting a pot-grown tree may be more successful. This suggestion was approved, subject to Wetherby in Bloom funding the new tree and it being suitable to take Christmas Lights.

b) Any other items i) Cemetery Electric Box The Town Clerk reported that the door of the electric box in the Cemetery (on the outside of Church on the Corner) had come. It was not possible to reinstate the door and steps were being taken to obtain a cover to secure the box.

The meeting closed at 11.45am. These minutes were recorded and prepared by Margaret Holmes, Deputy Clerk.


Date: Monday 19th July 2021 Time: 4pm Location: Online

Present: Cllr Paul Bradley Cllr H Chapman Cllr Galan Moss

Absent: Cllr N Harrington Cllr D Payne

In attendance: 1 member of the public Alison Waterfield, Office Administrator

1. Apologies from Cllr V Hawkins were received and the reasons were accepted.

2. Declarations of interests and requests for dispensations. None.

3. The Committee delegated the Clerk to report to Leeds City Council Planning Department that there are no objections to the following applications subject to the proposals meeting or exceeding the requirements and guidance in the ‘Building for Tomorrow Today, Sustainable Design and Construction SPD to ensure that the highest standards of eco-efficiency are achieved: a) 21/05436/FU | Part single storey part two storey front/side extension | 10 Badger Wood Glade Wetherby LS22 7XR b) 21/05328/FU | Single storey extension with access ramp and detached double garage to rear | 10 Knights Croft Wetherby LS22 7TJ c) 21/05499/FU | Single storey rear to existing detached rear garage | 3 Shaw Barn Croft Wetherby LS22 6GN

4. The Committee delegated the Clerk to report to Leeds City Council Landscape Planning Department that there are no objections to the following applications: a) 21/05725/TR | T1 Field Maple- To reduce lateral branches by 5m to give a clearance from the house. Lift lower branches lifting on the drive side to 5m above ground | 37 Glebe Field Drive Wetherby LS22 6WF b) 21/05722/TR | G1 Stand of Beech - Crown lift 1m reduction over the car park and push back from building along the side of the property. T1 Beech - Minor dead wood and crown lift 1m reduction. T2 Beech - Advise to fell as mitigating works will destroy the structure of the tree. Several large wounds in dominant limbs forming canopy, in addition to a large unhealed wound from prior works. T3 Horse Chestnut - Fell. Poor health due to canker T5 Norway Maple - Crown raise 1.5m to allow access for grass cutting machinery. Low branches over grass T7 Norway Maple - Fell. Poor canopy and Large wound at base T8 Beech and T9 Sycamore - Crown lift to 5.2m over road and 2.3m over pavement. Crown extends over road and pavement T11, T12 and T14 Sycamore - Crown lift to 2.3m off pavement and shrub base. T13 Oak - 2m crown lift off of grass. T19 Ash - Dead wood. G2 Stand of conifers to side of T19 - 3m reduction. Danger of limb failure at current height | West Yorkshire Police Authority Police Station Boston Road Wetherby LS22 5HA.

5. Updates and outcomes on applications received from planning authorities. None received.

6. Items for information: None received.


7. Date of next Planning Committee meeting to be confirmed as being on 9th August 2021.

The meeting closed at 16.15. These minutes were recorded and prepared by Alison Waterfield, Office Administrator.

Iona Taylor Ask for Development Enquiry Centre Wetherby Town Council Direct Line 0113 2224409 The Town Hall EMail [email protected] Market Place Wetherby Date: 22 July 2021 LS22 6NE

Dear Sir/Madam,

Application Number: 21/05225/FU/NE For: Erection of petrol filling station with ancillary shop and food outlet, car wash, electric charge points ,air and water lines, ATM, underground fuel tanks and parking Site At: Land Off Privas Way Wetherby LS22 6RN Grid Ref: 440477447672

A planning application has been received for the above which you can view using this link www.leeds.gov.uk/publicaccess. Please reply by 12 August 2021 or, if you cannot do this let us know when we can expect your response.

Any views must be in writing either to our address above or online using Public Access on our website at www.leeds.gov.uk/publicaccess. You can also use Public Access to monitor the progress of the application.

Any comments you do send us can be seen by anyone including the applicant. We will be displaying any comments received on the internet. We do not consider anonymous comments but you can just print your name instead of signing your comments if you do not want your signature to show on the internet.

Yours faithfully

Local Plan Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 - Regulation 18


The City Council has published, for comment, an early scoping1 document for the Leeds Local Plan Update (LPU). The Leeds Local Plan sets out the authority's approach to planning policy and new development across the district over the next decade and beyond. This will be an 8 week public consultation period starting on Monday 19 July and finishing on Monday 13th September 2021.

The draft Local Plan Update is titled ‘Your Neighbourhood, Your City, Your Planet’. It is not intended to deal with all planning issues, and will focus on ways we can shape planning policy to reduce our city’s impact on the environment and help achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030. The draft plan is based around five topic areas:

• Carbon reduction - changing the way buildings are built, and how we generate renewable energy. • Flood risk - making our communities resilient to the impact of flooding, one of the most direct impacts of climate change that Leeds faces. • Green infrastructure - making the most of our green spaces and natural environment, to help improve the health and well-being of our citizens. • Place-making – guiding new development to places that offer the best opportunities for active travel and public transport, health & well-being and making the best use of communities’ assets to create ’20-minute neighbourhoods’ where people want to live, work and play. • Sustainable infrastructure – integrating low emissions transport and improved digital connectivity, helping reduce journeys by car. The dedicated and accessible website www.leeds.gov.uk/lpu will be home to all the information contained within the draft Local Plan. This includes separate sections for the different topic areas, which are available in long read and “5 min read” formats. A PDF version of the document will also be available on the website.

The consultation will be carried out in accordance with the Interim Statement of Community Involvement. The Council’s consultation activity will be online with all consultation material being made available at www.leeds.gov.uk/lpu

This means people can read the whole draft plan or just the areas that are of interest, and can contribute their views using our online surveys whether they have read the documents in detail or having read a shorter, more summarised version. You will also be able to access consultation material at Libraries and Community Hubs as well as the Council’s Main Office at Merrion House.

Over the coming weeks, members of the Council’s Planning team will also be hosting a series of webinars so people can find out more about the draft Local Plan and its individual topics. The details are available online at www.leeds.gov.uk/lpu

This is an important piece of work, and it is crucial that we hear from everybody that wants to comment on our plan, making sure we gather the views of as many people, businesses and stakeholders as possible so the comments gathered represent varied views from all people across the city.

1 this falls under Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 People can also have their say on the Local Plan update by using the online response form through the website www.leeds.gov.uk/lpu, alternatively emailing [email protected], or by writing to:

Leeds Local Plan Update Consultation, Policy & Plan Group, Merrion House, 9th Floor East, 110 Merrion Way, Leeds, LS2 8BB.

This initial scoping consultation on the draft Local Plan update will run until Monday 13 September, and is the first stage in the process. We will continue to seek people's views as we progress, so that we can develop an updated Local Plan which represents the ambitions of our city as a whole.

The next stage known as “Publication” will set out proposed draft policies which will be subject to public consultation in Spring 2022. Taking account of all comments received the Plan will then be subject to examination in public by an independent Inspector before it can be adopted by the Council.

Unless you specify otherwise, if you make a representation, we will notify you of future stages (including further public consultation).

Please let us know if you have any requirements in terms of alternative formats or languages and we will make arrangements to make sure your views are registered2.

If you are unable to access the consultation material online please contact us on 0113 37 87993 or write to us a: [email protected]

2 Please note that the consultation material is available as html format on our dedicated web-site to enable wider accessibility

Minerals and Waste Joint Plan

Ref: MWJP/MM/July2021 Dear Sir/Madam, Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 Schedule of Main Modifications

You were previously notified about the submission of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan, prepared by North Yorkshire County Council, City of York Council and North York Moors National Park Authority, to the Secretary of State for independent examination. Elizabeth Ord LLB (Hons) LLM MA DipTUS was appointed as the Planning Inspector to undertake the Examination and public hearings were held between 27th February and 13th April 2018, and 24th and 25th January 2019.

Through the Examination several policies and supporting text in the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan have been identified where a Main Modification is required to address concerns identified by the Inspector or other representations to the Joint Plan, or to reflect changes in evidence or national planning policy and a schedule has been prepared for consultation. The Main Modification consultation will start on Wednesday 21st July 2021 and close at 5pm on Wednesday 15th September 2021.

Key documents are available for inspection at www.northyorks.gov.uk/examination Documents which are available to view are;  Schedule of Main Modifications July 2021;  Schedule of Additional Changes July 2021;  Sustainability Appraisal Post Adoption Statement November 2020;  Habitat Regulations Assessment Addendum November 2019;  Appropriate Assessment of additional Joint Plan Sites added following MWJP Hearings November 2020;  SFRA Volume I, Data Review Document June 2018;  SFRA Volume II, Sequential Test Results June 2018;  Policies Map November 2020.

Representations should ONLY refer to the Schedule of Main Modifications, Sustainability Appraisal or the Habitat Regulations Assessment, not the Schedule of Additional Changes. A response form is available on the website for any representations you may have.

All previous documents and evidence reports which underpin the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan can be viewed online at www.northyorks.gov.uk/examination . The Examination is a continuous process running from the date of submission through to the receipt of the appointed Planning Inspector’s Report. The representations provided relating to the Schedule of Main Modifications consultation will be considered by the Inspector while she is writing her report. Any future correspondence regarding the Examination of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan will be provided by the appointed Programme Officer, therefore, any personal contact details held in relation to the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan will be passed to the Programme Officer to enable this to occur. The details will only be used in relation to the Examination of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan. If you do not wish to be informed about the progression of the Examination please contact us at

Minerals and Waste Joint Plan, Planning Services, North Yorkshire County Council, County Hall, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL7 8AH Tel: 01609 780780 Email: [email protected] City of York North York Moors North Yorkshire

Council National Park Authority County Council [email protected] or by post to Minerals and Waste Joint Plan Team, Planning Services, North Yorkshire County Council, County Hall, Racecourse Lane, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 8AH.

Any further information and updates during the Examination process will be published on the website at www.northyorks.gov.uk/examination . Please direct any queries relating directly to the Examination to the Programme Officer [email protected] or by post Programme Officer, c/o Planning Services, North Yorkshire County Council, County Hall, Racecourse Lane, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 8AH .

Yours faithfully

Head of Planning Services North Yorkshire County Council

On behalf of: City of York Council - Alison Cooke - 01904 552255 North York Moors National Park Authority - Clair Shields - 01439 772700 North Yorkshire County Council - Minerals and Waste Policy - 01609 780780


Date: Tuesday 18th May 2021 Time: 7.00 pm Location: Zoom Video Conference Meeting ID: 864 7386 4171 Present: Councillor Connor Mulhall (Chair) Councillor Galan Moss Barry Reid Adrian Balcombe Ingrid Mclaughlin Brian Taylor

1. WELCOME Councillor Connor Mulhall welcomed the attendees to the meeting.

2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Councillor Frame.

3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST FROM TOWN COUNCILLORS There were no declarations from Town Councillors

4. STRUCTURE OF GROUP It was noted the departure of Councillor Payne, Diana Eales, Clare Bradbury and Kim Pengelley.

It was AGREED new members would be sourced.

5. REVIEW OF ACTION PLAN Updates were provided to the group from the subgroup representatives (Copies of action plans with updates can be requested from WTC)

1. 1. Eco – Initiatives 2. 2. Energy Efficiency and Waste 3. 3. Planning and Transport 4. 4. Schools and Education 5. 5. Trees and Planting 6. 6. WTC identified

6. Racecourse Approach

Councillor Mulhall provided a verbal update on the progress of the Racecourse approach planning application. It was noted the Climate action plan had been sent to Taylor Wimpey and the request for an allotment was to be considered.


Eco Fair – It was noted local community groups are underway planning an eco-fair for the town on the weekend of 2nd October. WTC to work in conjunction with the group to provide facilities and funding of the event.


Spring Clean – It was noted WTC annual spring clean was organised for the 28th May at 11am. The Big Riverside Clean-up – It was noted the Big Riverside Clean-up was to be held on the 22nd May on the banks of the river wharfe at the bridge, in Boston Spa.

Green Jumper Day – It was noted Green Jumper Day is 20th November with the aim of turning down the thermostat by one degree.

8. NEXT MEETING It was AGREED the group would meet on the 20th July at 7pm. Venue TBC.


Date: Tuesday 20 July 2021 Time: 7.00 pm Location: Micklethwaite Room, Wetherby Town Hall, Wetherby, LS22 6NE Present: Councillor Connor Mulhall (Chair) Councillor David Frame Councillor Galan Moss Councillor Norma Harrington (Non-Voting) Linda Richards (Leeds City Councillor- Non Voting) Adrian Balcombe Ingrid Mclaughlin Kazia Knight Brian Taylor

FROM 7PM: Adrian Balcombe presented ‘close the loop’ initiative which is being promoted throughout the town . 1. WELCOME Councillor Connor Mulhall welcomed the attendees to the meeting.

2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Councillor Hawkins and Barry Riley.

3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST FROM TOWN COUNCILLORS There were no declarations from Town Councillors

4. STRUCTURE OF GROUP It was AGREED Brian Taylor and Kazia Knight would join the Eco-Initiatives Sub group in the run up to the Eco Fair and would be in contact to organise a subgroup meeting.

It was AGREED the group would continue to search for replacement members (Tree Planting and Education).


Eco Initiatives

It was NOTED work is underway to organise a local Eco fair for the town. The date is 2nd October 2021, 10am – 4pm.

Sub-Group members thanked the Town Council for the grant funding of £250 to support the advertising and Banners for the event.

It was NOTED the organising committee of the fair will be in contact with the local business association for business participation and support.

It was NOTED St James’ Church have sourced a ‘Green Architect’ to help green the town and the church estate. It was AGREED Brian would send the email which outlined the plan for the church.


Waste Management

It was NOTED the subgroup continue to promote the ‘Close the Loop’ Scheme.

It was AGREED businesses would be invited to another presentation at the September Climate Meeting.

It was AGREED Councillor Mulhall and Adrian would contact the Wetherby Business Asscociation to help promote the scheme.

It was AGREED the new Terracycle scheme would be promoted via the Wetherby News. Councillor Mulhall would create and send the article to the Wetherby News.

It was NOTED promotion of recycling and the teracycle scheme had been shared with local schools. Adrian had contacted all local schools, and noted there was a low response rate.

It was AGREED Ingrid and David would send the school contacts to Adrian.

Planning and Development

It was NOTED there was no update in relation to the Swinnow Park Development on Racecourse Approach.

Schools and Education

It was AGREED any schemes and news would be fed to Councillor Frame to pass onto local schools.

Tree Planting

It was NOTED planning permission had been granted by full council for Walton Road tree planting.

It was AGREED Councillor Mulhall would order tree saplings and any spare would be donated to local land owners who are keen to plant trees.

It was NOTED the tubex tree guards would have to be removed between Wetherby and Boston Spa.

It was AGREED Adrian would be in contact with a local firm to organise the trial removal of items.


It was NOTED a provisional date for the next litter pick would be 20th November, which would coincide with the tubex collection scheme. This was to be confirmed at the next meeting.

7. NEXT MEETING It was AGREED the next meeting would be 22nd September, 7.00PM.


Date: Wednesday 30 June 2021 Time: 7pm Location: Online at Zoom Video Communications https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81788350806?pwd=VzBNVkR6VHFvS1RITE0yNjlpVzQvQT09 Meeting ID: 817 8835 0806 Passcode: 544674

Present Cllr Galan Moss Simon Donkin Claire Stubbs Project Administrator; Barry Riley Town Clerk; Iona Taylor

1. Welcome. Simon Donkin and Claire Stubbs were thanked for being in attendance, the Town Council were grateful for their experience and commitment to assist with organising the event. It was noted however that Town Councillor attendance was disappointing despite having had a unanimous vote to take on the organisation of the bonfire and fireworks.

2. Apologies received. Cllr Sam Bennett Cllr Harry Chapman Representative of Wetherby Sports Association

3. To receive any declarations of interests from Town Councillors There were no declarations.

4. To discuss the structure of the group It was agreed that Simon Donkin would Chair the meetings. The Clerk commented that as it was a Working Party, it was able to conduct meetings in a less formal way than Town Council meetings, so it was agreed that the use of Zoom Communication would continue. It was noted that that there were restrictions regarding some decisions the Working Party were able to make, i.e. financial and that such decisions would need to be presented to the Town Council for approval. Following discussion, it was agreed that meetings would take place on the first Monday of the month, the Project Administrator would prepare a draft set of minutes for the Clerk by the Wednesday following, to assist with any decision required from the Town Council. There was an already established contact procedure concerning the provision of services and obtaining permissions for the event, this would continue going forward.

5. Use of Personal email addresses Due to GDPR (General Data [Protection Regulations), it would be necessary for the Town Council to formally seek the permission of any volunteer (or non-Councillor members), attending the Working Party, so that they could continue to receive and share emails from the Town Councillors and its Officers. Further consideration would be given to establishing a dedicated contact address.


6. Establish work methods/procedures There is an existing Event Management Plan from previous years, it will be forwarded to the Clerk and Project Administrator to be checked for compliance with Town Council procedures such as Contractor Approval questionnaires and supporting documentation.as well as updating named contacts etc.

7. Decision making process (see minute 4.).

8. Initial event proposals / development of event management plan. The aim of the event was to provide family friendly entertainment which was affordable and accessible to all. It was agreed that the event would take place on Saturday 06 November 2021. The use of experienced volunteers to continue to assist with the event would be required. Confirmation would be sought that they would be afforded insurance cover whilst engaged on behalf of the Town Council. It was confirmed that the Town Council did not have a budget for the event, but an assurance had been given by Ward Councillors to underwrite the cost of the first year, comment was made that a donation had been offered towards the cost of the fireworks. The adherence to any Climate Emergency considerations would need to be established, such as the use of recyclable plastic cups and wood products for the bonfire Development of Event Management Plan (see minute 6.).

9. Items for inclusion at the next meeting Ticket prices. Advertising flyers Sponsorship Concessions. Review Event Management Plan. Consider alternative suppliers, Invite the provider of the P.A System to the next meeting.

10. Date of next meeting Following an earlier agreement (see minute 4.), the next meeting would therefore be 02 August 2021 at 7pm.

The meeting concluded at 8.05 pm.


Date: Monday 02 August 2021 Time: 7pm Location: Online at Zoom Video Communications https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85964121455?pwd=YnB3cVJxeCsvTW5WYjU0cnZHcGhHUT09 Meeting ID: 859 6412 1455 Passcode: 314672

Present Simon Donkin (Chair) Cllr Harry Chapman Cllr Victor Hawkins Cllr Galan Moss Cllr Paul Rowden Project Administrator; Barry Riley. Town Clerk; Iona Taylor for part of the meeting. Representative from Tempo FM for part of the meeting.

1. Welcome. Simon Donkin welcomed all in attendance.

2. To receive apologies. Cllr David Frame. Claire Stubbs. Representative of Wetherby Sports Association. Representative of Rotary Club.

3. To receive any declarations of interests from Town Councillors There were no declarations.

4. Leeds CC Parks & Countryside – The Project Administrator had received an update from Claire Stubbs, who was liaising with the Carnival and Events Management at Leeds CC, regarding permission to hold the event. At present there were waiting on Leeds CC Legal Team to confirm what the realities of the Government advise on COVID pass will be and, how it will be determined which events will require it. Further discussion about whether the event would take place or not (the Project Administrator would seek the assistance of the Ward Councillors to ascertain a decision as soon as possible), raised questions concerning the likely attendance, Town Councillors stated that they had received positive feedback about this. Confirmation was sought whether this should be a day or evening event, but it was considered that it should remain an evening event for this year and also continue under previous operating procedures and, given it was under the Management of Wetherby Town Council for the first time

5. Review of Event Management Plan. The Project Administrator informed all present that he and the Town Clerk had reviewed the existing document and had begun preparation on an updated version, progress would be made following the completion of the ‘Question and Answer’ document.

6. Question and Answer session – see correspondence circulated It was agreed that Simon Donkin would need to complete a review of this document in the first instance, which would enable others to then contribute.

7. To discuss and agree the following; Ticket Prices – To remain the same as previous £5.00 to admit 1 Adult / 2 Children. Further discussion could be given to other combinations, but adherence to previous operating WETHERBY TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE BONFIRE WORKING GROUP

procedures (see Minute 4.), was considered relevant. Advertising Flyers - The previous supplier was considered a suitable choice, a discussion concerning adding those sponsoring the event to the flyer, would take place at the next meeting. Publicity/Promotion – Banners would be produced as previous and be placed around the Town; at the Garden of Rest, Bridgefoot Gardens and the Town Hall, if possible, one would be placed on the Walton Road roundabout. Tempo FM would provide information on its ‘Local Events’, web page. Cllr Galan Moss suggested contacting the local Schools to also promote the event. Sponsorship - Claire Stubbs would be asked to make enquiries with previous businesses and Town Councillors were asked to contact any other potential sponsors. Concessions – Having considered the various options detailed in the agenda, the provision of children’s rides and food were a definitive requirement, however only two or three traders would be required, to enable them to trade profitably in the small amount of time the event operated. As the other invited concession provider had not attended, an approach would be made to ‘The Big Red Oven’, concerning this, it was expected that an approximate 20% of revenue from the sales would be received.

8. Provision of the Public Address System Truesounds Ltd of Harrogate were a reputable company who had previously provided this service, following discussion, it was recommended they be used again.

9. Items for inclusion at the next meeting The representative from Tempo FM asked not to be invited to further meetings as he considered there was nothing further for him to contribute (see minute 7 Publicity/Promotion), but asked that he be kept informed by receiving a copy of the minutes.

10. Date of next meeting The next meeting would be held on 06 September 2021 at 7pm.

The meeting concluded at 8.03 pm.


Date(s) Subject Issue Progress Report Raised 09.06.15 HGV Ban HGV’s from the Mercure 12/1/21 – Signs manufactured and waiting to be put up Roundabout all through by contractor. Ward Cllrs to be advised and will let TC the Town know. 9/3/21 – Signage proposals for HGV route to Sandbeck Industrial Estate received at Full Council. 8/6/21 – signage being installed. 12/9/17 Signage to direct Signage required from 9/3/21 – Signage proposals received at Full Council. coaches to drop- A1 / A168. 8/6/21 – signage being installed. off point at Cluster of Nuts car park. 12/6/18 Roundabout – Perception that 8/7/20 – Update from LCC Highways Officer: junction of roundabout design is Aldi have washed their hands of undertaking any Deighton Road dangerous. further works at this location and as such this now sits and Sandbeck with LCC to resolve. Lane. However, we have £10,000 left over from the development contribution, which we will be using to improve the mini roundabout. What we need to do to resolve them and once these have been drawn up we will share them accordingly.. 27/11/20 – meeting with LCC engineer. Principals of scheme agreed for implementation by 31/3/21. 12/1/21 – details of scheme to be brought back to group which met with engineer prior to implementation. 9/2/21 – Advised that plans should be with TC by end of Feb and work done by 31/3/21. 8/6/21 – revised design presented to Working Group. Formal proposals to be brought to Full Council in due course. Pedestrian refuge in the middle which will make cars go round the roundabout. ‘Dot’ will be moved so that it’s central. Mar 2021 30mph Zone Improve 30mph signage 7/4/21 – LCC officer e-mail: Signage at Deighton Gates “this is certainly something that we can facilitate. We entrance to restricted have used yellow backing boards on various traffic zone by installing yellow signs across the city for many years and there is no backing boards around reason why these can’t be introduced in Wetherby. signs. I will look to get one of my team to draw up these works to change the two signs in the image below and issue to our contractors.” 8/6/21 – yellow backs for signs awaited.


Please note that items marked in bold will automatically be discussed at the meeting. Please feel free to ask for information about other items, or to ask for other items to be considered during the meeting. Items marked with an ‘E’ at the start of the reference were received by e-mail and can be forwarded upon request.

Reference: Received from: Description a) Highways Weekly Report - 07/07/2021 b) Highways Weekly Report - 14/07/2021 c) Highways Weekly Report - 21/07/2021 d) Highways Weekly Report - 28/07/2021 e) E1.8.21 Rural Services Network Rural Funding Digest - July 2021 Edition E2.8.21 Community First Yorkshire Funding Bulletin July 2021 E3.8.21 MOP Suggesting erection of a statue of Kalvin Phillips at Walton Rd Roundabout. Referred to LCC Highways. E4.8.21 MOP Seeking a resident’s parking permit, referred to LCC Parking Services. E5.8.21 Rural Services Network Rural Bulletin - 13 July 2021 E6.8.21 LCC Children & Families Statutory Notice – Proposed expansion of St Edward’s Catholic Primary School E7.8.21 MOP Complain about nettles growing into garden from Millennium Field, referred to Deputy Clerk. E8.8.21 LCC Entertainment Licensing Gambling Act 2005: Statement of Licensing Policy - Public Consultation E9.8.21 MOP x 5 Reports of travellers on Ings in July. E10.8.21 Connecting Leeds An update on the Corn Exchange scheme E11.8.21 Channel 4 TV Promoting a new TV programme. E12.8.21 MOP Enquiry about planning policy. E13.8.21 MOP Enquiry about exercise classes in Wetherby. E14.8.21 YLCA White Rose Update 16 July 2021 E15.8.21 MOP Enquiry about noise from adjoining field in , referred to NYCC E16.8.21 Rural Services Network The Rural Bulletin - 20 July 2021 E17.8.21 MOP Complaint about neighbouring HMO to LCC Planning Enforcement cc WTC. E18.8.21 YLCA Remote Conference 17 & 18 September 2021 E19.8.21 LCC Planning Pressures within the Planning Service fwd Planning Committee. E20.8.21 MOP Concerns re change of use application Spofforth Park advised to comment via Planning Portal. E21.8.21 Yorkshire Society July 2021 newsletter and announcements E22.8.21 MOP Enquiry re CCTV following a collision between cyclist and vehicle. E23.8.21 MOP Enquiry about conducting a survey in Wetherby from a PhD Student. E24.8.21 Rural Services Network The Rural Bulletin - 27 July 2021 E25.8.21 Stagecoach Wetherby Asking if Christmas Lights Switch On is taking place in December 2021, referred to Wetherby Business Association E26.8.21 MOP Tree down on Harland Way, referred to LCC PROW.

Guide to Abbreviations: LCC = Leeds City Council YLCA = Yorkshire Local Councils Associations MOP = Member of the public.


E27.8.21 LCC Cleaner Neighbourhood Statistics May to July 2021 Team E28.7.21 YLCA White Rose Update - 30 July 2021 E29.8.21 Yorkshire Society Happy Yorkshire Day E30.8.21 LCC Communities Consultation on the Leeds Local Plan Update 31.8.21 Wetherby in Bloom Summer 21 Newsletter E32.8.21 Rural Services Network The Rural Bulletin - 3 August 2021 E33.8.21 Community First Yorkshire Community First Yorkshire Funding Bulletin August 2021

Guide to Abbreviations: LCC = Leeds City Council YLCA = Yorkshire Local Councils Associations MOP = Member of the public.

04/08/2021 Email - Admin - Outlook

Please see the stats below for Outer North East. (Dates used: 01/05/2020 to 28/07/2020 and the same for 2021).

Outer North East (Alwoodley, Harewood, Wetherby)

Issue May - July 2020 May - July 2021 Fly tpping enforcement (E_FLYT) 10 20 Waste in garden (E_WIG) 6 4 Housing communal area clearance (H_CAM) 7 2 Overgrown vegetaton (H_OVEG) 32 37 Fly tpping removal (S_FLYT) 96 178 Street/Road sweep (S_ROAD) 4 22 Bulky collecton (S_SCBC) 229 256 Total 384 519

Kind regards

Shabaj M Ali (Baz) Team Leader

Cleaner Neighbourhoods Team Communites and Environment

https://outlook.office.com/mail/AAMkADQ1ODU0NzQ5LWU2NjktNGIyZC1iNjJhLTFiYjc4NTk0MTlmYwAuAAAAAADLeWToiMzNRo%2BwZCSD2… 1/1


Reference Category Subtotal LND Land £22.00 BLD Buildings £883,450.00 This Asset Register was prepared by Iona Taylor, Town Clerk. VEH Vehicles £5,249.00 CIV Civic & Ceremonial £6,251.00 Signed: CEM Cemetery £23,184.45 MEQP Maintenance Equipment £5,976.39 Date: 09 July 2021 OEQP Office Equipment £10,280.02 REQP Recreation Equipment £144,571.05 This Asset Register was adopted at the Town Council Meeting held on 10th August 2021: STF Street Furniture £15,243.18 MAR Markets £28,944.00 Signed: (Mayor of Wetherby) Printed: Councillor Neil O'Byrne MISC Miscellaneous £192.00 Total (As Per Box 9 of Annual Return) £1,123,363.09 Date: 10 August 2021

Ref Description of Asset Location / Identification Size / Date Acquired Donor / Vendor Deeds / Storage of Purchase Insurance / Value Notes / Restrictions Address / What 3 Quantity Bonds Deeds Price Replacement Words Ref Value LAND LND1 Cemetery (Old Section) Hallfield Lane Conveyance 14 May 1873 Geroge James Deeds Hart Law? £1.00 Statement of Consecration Wetherby Howard & Burial 1874 LS22 6JT Board LND2 Cemetery (Extension) Hallfield Lane Conveyance Approx. 10 July 1941 George William Deeds Hart Law? £1.00 Wetherby 4 acres Sadler LS22 6JT LND3 Mason Field Hallfield Lane YK1630 1.848 04 April 1955 The Royal Land TC Office £200.00 £1.00 LS22 6JT acres Warehousemen Certificate Clerks & Drapers' Schools LND4Devil's Toenail - Bike Skills West side of WYK155129 09 May 2018 Mr and Mrs R Land Land £1.00 £1.00 Track Quarry Hill Lane, Watson Certificate Registry Wetherby

Land at 20 December 2018 Leeds City Council 25 year lease TC Office £1.00 Harland Way, with LCC. Wetherby LND5 Nidd Approach Nidd Approach Licence 520 sq m 03 September 1982 Rosamond Licence TC Office £10 pa £1.00 LS22 7UJ Evelyn Felicity Gough LND6 Quarry Hill Lane Quarry Hill Lane Conveyance 1.499 12 March 1987 David Ellis ConveyanceTC Office Gift £1.00 (triangle) LS22 6RY acres Hudson LND7 Crossley Park Linton Road Conveyance 1.628 16 May 1946 Personal Repn of Hart Law? £1.00 £1.00 LS22 6SD acres George Henry Crossley Lease 1.628 30 December 1995 Trustees of Lease Hart Law? Peppercorn acres George Henry Crossley Charity to Woodland Trust

Page 1 of 16 Wetherby Town Council - Asset Register Ref Description of Asset Location / Identification Size / Date Acquired Donor / Vendor Deeds / Storage of Purchase Insurance / Value Notes / Restrictions Address / What 3 Quantity Bonds Deeds Price Replacement Words Ref Value LND10 King George's Field Scaur Bank Linton Conveyance 01 December 1926 Constance HartLaw? £1.00 Road Margery Ingham LS22 6SD & Anr Conveyance 5 acres 20 May 1931 Edith Ann HartLaw? £1.00 Crossley & Others Conveyance 4 acres+ 28 February 1938 Edith Ann HartLaw? £1.00 Crossley & Others Deed of Grant 15 October 2004 David Ellis Hudson Deed TC Office £10.00 £1.00 & Gillian Mary Hudson

LND14 Garden of Rest Bank Street Lease 88 sq yd 05 November 1932 County Council Agreement 1s pa £1.00 LS22 6NT of West Riding of Yorkshire LND16 Bridgefoot Ltr of Agreement495 sq yd 03 December 1951 County Council Letter TC Office 1s pa £1.00 C:\scans\1951 12 03 Ltr of of West Riding Agreement.pdf of Yorkshire Bridgefoot South of Market Ltr of Agreement168 sq yd 10 October 1953 County Council Letter TC Office 1s pa £1.00 Place/High Street of West Riding of junction Yorkshire LS22 6LQ LND17 Walton Road Land on South YWE41086 17 April 1972 George Wimpey & Land Hart Law? £1.00 Side of Walton Co Ltd Certificate Road LND 19 Shaw Barn Croft Shaw Barn Croft WYK443809 2 07 June 1989Persimmon Land TC Office £1.00 £1.00 LS22 6GN Homes Certificate (Yorkshire) Limited

LND20 Sandringham Park Sandringham Road WYK246338 1 04 January 1982 Land HartLaw? £1.00 Lease with LCC - 14/1/09 LS22 6PG Certificate

LND23 Raby Park Jct of Spofforth Hill Lease 1 19 September 1994David Ellis HudsonLease Hart Law? Peppercorn £1.00 Planning Approval and Crossley 06.02.2007.pdf Street LS22 6RX Tree Plan 2006

LND26 Land at Wharfedale Lawn Wharfedale Lawn, Lease 1 25 April 2002 Leeds City Council Lease Hart Law? Peppercorn £1.00 Wetherby LS22 6PU LND27 Skate Park The Ings Lease 1 23 November 2006 Leeds City Council Lease Hart Law? Peppercorn £1.00 LS22 5FN LND25 Land at Quarry Hill Lane Quarry Hill Lane Lease 6.76 acres 28 February 2002 Leeds City Council Lease Hart Law? Peppercorn £1.00 Hudson Park LS22 6RY SUBTOTAL - LAND £22.00

BUILDINGS BLD1 The Whitaker Memorial Garden of Rest £60,180.00 £50,150.00 Building (Old Men's North Street Parliament) Wetherby LS22 6NN

Page 2 of 16 Wetherby Town Council - Asset Register Ref Description of Asset Location / Identification Size / Date Acquired Donor / Vendor Deeds / Storage of Purchase Insurance / Value Notes / Restrictions Address / What 3 Quantity Bonds Deeds Price Replacement Words Ref Value BLD2 Victorian Bath House & Jubilee Gardens £253,860.00 £211,550.00 Plunge Pool Off West Gate Wetherby LS22 6PU BLD3 Cemetery Chapel & The Cemetery £656,100.00 £546,750.00 Workshop Hallfield Lane Wetherby LS22 4JT BLD4 War Memorial / Cenotaph Bridge over River 1 £90,000.00 £75,000.00 Wharfe SUBTOTAL - BUILDINGS £883,450.00

VEHICLES VEH1 Vauxhall Combo Van Kept at: WV56 XXG 1 05 January 2009 Nidd Vale Motors V5 TC Office £5,249.00 £5,500.00 £5,249.00 2000 CDTI 16V York Road Depot VIN: Deighton Road LS22 7SU WOLOXCF25 Wetherby 73004520 LS22 7DG SUBTOTAL - VEHICLES £5,249.00

CIVIC AND CEREMONIAL CIV1 Mayor's Badge of Office Mayor's Home 1 £5,000.00 £5,000.00 Valued June 2018 CIV2 Badge of Office Mayor's Home 1 £1,250.00 £1,250.00 Valued June 2018 CIV3 Town Crest Image 10 September 2019FDB Design Ltd Invoice £25.00 £1.00 SUBTOTAL - CIVIC AND CEREMONIAL £6,251.00

CEMETERY CEM1 Stihl M5181 16" ChainsawCemetery SN: 1 19 September 2016 Harland Garden Receipt £172.08 £172.08 £172.08Verified 16/3/18 Workshop 505855538 Machinery Ltd Hallfield Lane Wetherby LS22 6JT CEM2 Stihl HS45 Hedgecutter SN: 1 19 September 2016 Harland Garden Receipt £158.00 £158.00 £158.00Verified 16/3/18 809679741 Machinery Ltd CEM3 Stihl FS460 Strimmers SN: 2 19 September 2016 Harland Garden Receipt £515.00 £515.00 £1,030.00 Verified 16/3/18 181114925 & Machinery Ltd 181352851

CEM4 Stihl HL-KM Hedgecutter 1 19 September 2016 Harland Garden Receipt £177.92 £177.92 £177.92Verified 16/3/18 Machinery Ltd CEM5 Stihl BR500 Blower SN: 1 19 September 2016 Harland Garden Receipt £321.00 £321.00 £321.00Verified 16/3/18 505672205 Machinery Ltd CEM6 Stihl KM94 Engine Unit SN: 1 19 September 2016 Harland Garden Receipt £200.00 £200.00 £200.00Verified 16/3/18 509462992 Machinery Ltd CEM7 Stihl HT-KM Pole Pruner 1 19 September 2016 Harland Garden Receipt £128.00 £128.00 £128.00Verified 16/3/18 Machinery Ltd CEM9 Hayterette 18" Push SN: 1 £599.17 £1.00Verified 16/3/18 Lawnmower 11101356761 005G, Man Year: 2012 83 CEM10 DeWalt Hammer Drill & Bits SN: YR46870 1 £275.00 £1.00Verified 16/3/18 CEM11 Loppers 1 19 September 2016 Harland Garden Receipt £55.00 £55.00 £55.00 Verified 16/3/18 Machinery Ltd CEM12 Tape Measure 1 19 September 2016 Harland Garden Receipt £18.50 £18.50 £18.50 Verified 16/3/18 Machinery Ltd

Page 3 of 16 Wetherby Town Council - Asset Register Ref Description of Asset Location / Identification Size / Date Acquired Donor / Vendor Deeds / Storage of Purchase Insurance / Value Notes / Restrictions Address / What 3 Quantity Bonds Deeds Price Replacement Words Ref Value CEM13 Helmet (PPE) 2 19 September 2016 Harland Garden Receipt £24.00 £24.00 £48.00 Verified 16/3/18 Machinery Ltd CEM14 Gloves (PPE) 2 19 September 2016 Harland Garden Receipt £20.50 £20.50 £41.00 Verified 16/3/18 Machinery Ltd CEM15First Aid Kit 1 £30.00Verified 16/3/18 CEM16 Hay Fork 1 £20.00 Verified 16/3/18 CEM17Hand Sycthes 1 £25.00Verified 16/3/18 CEM18 Shuv Hollers 1 £15.00 Verified 16/3/18 CEM19 Junior Spade (Rabbit) 1 £40.00 Verified 16/3/18 CEM20Slashers 2 £20.00Verified 16/3/18 CEM21 Mallet (Heavy Hammer) 1 £50.00Verified 16/3/18 CEM22Tamper 1 £25.00Verified 16/3/18 CEM23 Bulldog No.1 Garden Spade 1 £45.00 Verified 16/3/18 CEM24 Newcastle Drainers 1 £45.00 Verified 16/3/18 CEM25 Crowbar 1 £30.00 Verified 16/3/18 CEM26Pick (Pickaxe) 1 £40.00Verified 16/3/18 CEM27 Mattock 1 £35.00 Verified 16/3/18 CEM28 Garden Rake 1 £35.00 Verified 16/3/18 CEM29Litter Picker 1 £15.00Verified 16/3/18 CEM30 Garden Fork 1 £25.00 Verified 16/3/18 CEM31Bushman Saw 1 £25.00Verified 16/3/18 CEM32Wrecking Bar 1 £20.00Verified 16/3/18 CEM33 Lump Hammer 1 £15.00 Verified 16/3/18 CEM34 Sledge Hammer 1 £20.00 Verified 16/3/18 CEM35 Wheelbarrow 1 £46.47 £35.00 Verified 16/3/18 CEM36 Squirrel Traps 1 £60.00 Verified 16/3/18 CEM37 Snow Scraper Marked 1 £34.95 Verified 16/3/18 WRCC CEM38Tarka Shovel 1 £20.00Verified 16/3/18 CEM39 Wooden Trestle Table 1 £1.00 Verified 16/3/18 CEM40 torso.croutons.fine 6 £6.00Verified 16/3/18 CEM41 Metal Storage Cupboard 1 £1.00 Verified 16/3/18 CEM42 Purpose Built Trolley 1 £1.00 Verified 16/3/18 CEM43Sack Barrow 1 £1.00Verified 16/3/18 CEM44 SCAG V-Ride Stand on SN: N6100813 1 07 October 2019 Russells Receipt £7,950.00 £7,950.00 £7,950.00 Mower (Kirkbymoorside) Model: SVR48V-22FX Ltd CEM45 Heater 1 £1.00 CEM46 Chairs 18 £1.00 CEM47 Qty roof tiles 1 £1.00 CEM48 Qty wood 1 £1.00 CEM49 Fuel cupboard 1 £1.00 CEM50 Bin & Surround Cemetery 1 £1.00 Surveyed 15/7/21 torso.croutons.fine


MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT MEQP1 Trailer York Rd Depot 1 £3,583.00 MEQP2 Two Wheel Trailer York Rd Depot 1 Condemmed due to chasis. Previous value £360

MEQP3 G-Clamp York Rd Depot 1 20 June 2018 Touchwood Receipt £3.99 £3.99Missing - theft June 2020

Page 4 of 16 Wetherby Town Council - Asset Register Ref Description of Asset Location / Identification Size / Date Acquired Donor / Vendor Deeds / Storage of Purchase Insurance / Value Notes / Restrictions Address / What 3 Quantity Bonds Deeds Price Replacement Words Ref Value MEQP4 Plasterer's Trowel York Rd Depot Stainless 1 02 July 2018 J. Marsland & Invoice £24.79 £24.79 Missing - theft June 2020 Steel Sons Ltd. MEQP5 Erbauer Detail Sander York Rd Depot 1 19 September 2018 Screwfix Invoice £29.16 £29.16 Missing - theft June 2020 MEQP6 Draper Heavy Duty 22" Saw York Rd Depot 1 12 February 2019 Touchwood Receipt £15.99 £15.99 Missing - theft June 2020 MEQP7 Bulldozer Broom 24" Big Toe 1 07 November 2019 Screwfix Invoice £14.16 £14.16 MEQP8 Wolf Garten Yard Broom Big Toe 1 18 November 2019 World of Wolf Invoice £19.92 £19.92 31cm Garten MEQP9 Wolf Garten Soil Rake 30cm Big Toe 1 18 November 2019World of Wolf Invoice £19.08 £19.08 Garten MEQP10 4Trade Builders Wheelbarrow York Rd Depot 90l Capacity 2 £100.00 Verified 8/7/20

MEQP11 Short Ladder York Rd Depot 1 £60.00 Missing - theft June 2020 MEQP12 Shovel York Rd Depot 2 £20.00Verified 8/7/20 MEQP13 Brushes York Rd Depot 3 £40.00Verified 8/7/20 MEQP14DeWalt Drill York Rd Depot 1 £76.00Missing - theft June 2020 MEQP15 Multi Drive for Drill Set York Rd Depot 1 £20.00Racks missing from casing - theft June 2020 MEQP16Boots First Aid Kit York Rd Depot 1 £15.00Verified 8/7/20 MEQP17 Hosepipes York Rd Depot 2 £50.00Verified 8/7/20 MEQP18 Personal Protective York Rd Depot £100.00 Present - Screen Visor, high Equipment viz trousers, goggles Missing - harness for strimmer & Stihl mesh visor.

MEQP19 Litter Pickers York Rd Depot 2 £15.00Verified 8/7/20 MEQP20 Trolley York Rd Depot Green 1 £40.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP21 Screw Driver Set York Rd Depot 1 £25.00Verified 8/7/20 MEQP22 Hacksaw York Rd Depot 2 £8.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP23 Woodsaw York Rd Depot 2 £5.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP24 Bowsaw York Rd Depot 2 £7.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP25 Claw Hammer York Rd Depot 1 £8.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP26 Pliers York Rd Depot 1 £5.00 Missing - theft June 2020 MEQP27 Utility Crowbar York Rd Depot 12" 1 £6.00Verified 8/7/20 MEQP28 Grease Gun York Rd Depot 1 £11.00Verified 8/7/20 MEQP29SMTR Tape Measure York Rd Depot 1 £10.00Missing - theft June 2020 MEQP30 Sack Barrow York Rd Depot 1 £100.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP31Torque Set York Rd Depot 1 £15.00Missing - theft June 2020 MEQP32 Hobo Diagonal Pliers (Pin Snips) York Rd Depot Red & Yellow 1 £12.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP33 Powerfix Steel Rasp Set York Rd Depot 1 £15.00Verified 8/7/20 MEQP34 Telescopic Loppers York Rd Depot 1 £15.00Verified 8/7/20 MEQP35 Pruners York Rd Depot 1 £4.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP36 Hand Shears York Rd Depot 1 £7.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP37Edging Shears York Rd Depot 2 £40.00Verified 8/7/20 MEQP38 Trowels York Rd Depot 2 £2.00 Missing - theft June 2020 MEQP39 Stihl Brush Cutter (Strimmer) York Rd Depot SN: 1 £515.00 £500.00Missing - theft June 2020 177773707 MEQP40Pond Pump York Rd Depot 1 £115.00Verified 8/7/20 MEQP41 Blue Bolster Chisel York Rd Depot 1 £9.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP42 Putty Knife York Rd Depot 1 £2.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP43 Lump Hammer York Rd Depot 1 £8.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP44 Adjustable Spanner 200mm York Rd Depot 2 £10.00Verified 8/7/20 (Mole Grips)

Page 5 of 16 Wetherby Town Council - Asset Register Ref Description of Asset Location / Identification Size / Date Acquired Donor / Vendor Deeds / Storage of Purchase Insurance / Value Notes / Restrictions Address / What 3 Quantity Bonds Deeds Price Replacement Words Ref Value MEQP45 Spirit Level York Rd Depot 1ft and 2ft 2 £15.00Verified 8/7/20 MEQP46 Clarke Angle Grinder York Rd Depot Model No: 1 £28.00Verified 8/7/20 CON1050 MEQP47 Stihl Strimmer York Rd Depot 1 £500.00 Duplication of MEQP39 MEQP48 Ring Pump York Rd Depot Tyre Pressure 1 £50.00Missing - theft June 2020 Pump

MEQP49 Junior Spade York Rd Depot 1 £40.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP50 Newcastle Drainer - Fencing York Rd Depot 1 £45.00Verified 8/7/20 Spade MEQP51 Stihl Blower / Vac / Shredder York Rd Depot SN: 4241 1 £210.00 Missing - theft June 2020 SH86C MEQP52 1200W Belt Sander York Rd Depot SN: 1 £110.00Missing - theft June 2020 14W46W0041 7 MEQP53 Extendable Ladders York Rd Depot 12ft 2 £2.00Verified 8/7/20 MEQP54 Snow Shovel York Rd Depot Orange 1 £1.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP55 Pushalong Spreader York Rd Depot 1 £1.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP56 Eclipse Junior Hacksaw York Rd Depot 1 £1.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP57 Draper Worklight York Rd Depot Stock No: 1 £1.00Verified 8/7/20 54552 MEQP58Stanley Fat Max Tool Bag York Rd Depot 1 £1.00Verified 8/7/20 MEQP59 Spear & Jackson Short Woodsaw York Rd Depot 1 £1.00 Verified 8/7/20

MEQP60Snow Shovel York Rd Depot Red 1 £1.00Verified 8/7/20 MEQP61 Electrical Installation Pliers York Rd Depot 1 £1.00Verified 8/7/20 MEQP62Metal Breaker Bars York Rd Depot 2 £1.00Verified 8/7/20 MEQP63 Allan Keys York Rd Depot 2 Sets £2.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP64 Axe York Rd Depot 12" 1 £1.00Verified 8/7/20 MEQP65 48 piece spanner set York Rd Depot 1 £1.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP66 Garden Rake York Rd Depot 1 £1.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP67 Garden Hoe York Rd Depot 1 £1.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP68 Blue Extension Cable York Rd Depot Approx 20m 1 £1.00 Loose, no reel. Verified 8/7/20 MEQP69 First Aid Kit Van 1 £1.00Verified 8/7/20 MEQP70 Pick Axe York Rd Depot 2 £2.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP71 Sledgehammer York Rd Depot 1 £1.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP72 Hotpoint Iced Diamond Fridge York Rd Depot 1 £1.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP73 Kettle York Rd Depot 1 £1.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP74 Jerry Cans York Rd Depot Red 2 £2.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP75 Henry Hoover York Rd Depot 1 £1.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP76 Rolson Dumpy Hammer York Rd Depot 1 £1.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP77 Mixed Tools York Rd Depot 1 £1.00 Verified 8/7/20 MEQP78 Streetmaster Pro 37in Town Hall Numbered 15 10 June 2021 Helping Hand Invoice £204.30 £204.30 £204.30 Covered by Ward Councillor Litterpickers 1-15 Grant Funding. MEQP79 Grip and Grab Litterpickers Town Hall Numbered 16- 6 29 May 2021 Touchwood Receipt £60.00 £60.00 £60.00 21 Secateurs York Rd Depot 1 Missing - theft June 2020 SUBTOTAL - MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT £5,976.39

OFFICE EQUIPMENT OEQP1 HP Probook 455 G3 Laptop TC Offices SN: 1 12 September 2016 The PC Crew Receipt £349.17 £465.00 Replaced March 2021 5CD6261W5F

Page 6 of 16 Wetherby Town Council - Asset Register Ref Description of Asset Location / Identification Size / Date Acquired Donor / Vendor Deeds / Storage of Purchase Insurance / Value Notes / Restrictions Address / What 3 Quantity Bonds Deeds Price Replacement Words Ref Value OEQP2 24" LCD Monitors TC Offices 2 16 September 2016PC World Receipt £185.70 £92.99 £185.70 Business OEQP3 Desktop Computers TC Offices 3 £1,200.00 £600.00 £3,600.00 OEQP4 CCTV Monitors / Cameras Town Hall £2,528.00 OEQP5 Fellowes Saturn Pouch TC Offices SN: 1 29 May 2018 Yorkshire Receipt Replaced 16/12/20. Laminator CRC57361 Purchasing Previous value £79.99 Organisation OEQP6 Desks TC Offices 3 £189.00 £189.00 £189.00 Q25-5530671 OEQP7 Foot rocker TC Offices 1 Viking £25.49 £34.99 £34.99 Q25-3084088 OEQP8 First Aid Kit TC Offices 1 Viking £22.39 £27.99 £27.99 Q28-4991208 OEQP9 A3 Guillotine TC Offices 1 Viking £53.99 £80.99 £80.99 Q2D-5142402 OEQP10A3 Paper Trimmer TC Offices 1 Viking £26.99 £26.99 £26.99 Q25-5621841 OEQP11Date Stamp TC Offices 2 Viking £9.99 £9.99 £9.99 Q28-ND180828 OEQP12 Town Hall Tick Stamp TC Offices 1 Instamp £9.49 £9.49 £9.4946019 OEQP13Desk Tidy TC Offices 1 Viking £5.49 £2.99 £2.99 Q25-ND180419 OEQP14Desktop Calculator TC Offices 1 Viking £10.99 £10.99 £10.99 G24-5841792 OEQP15 Heavy Duty Stapler TC Offices 2 £47.99 £47.99 Q25-ND587376 OEQP16Letter Opener TC Offices 2 Viking £0.49 £3.29 £3.29 Q28-5619978 OEQP17Mesh Filing Trays TC Offices 3 YPO £6.69 £6.96 £6.96711047 OEQP18Mouse mat TC Offices 3 Viking £16.99 £14.99 £14.99 Q27-4858524 OEQP19 Rotary Index TC Offices 1 Viking £34.49 £34.49 £34.49 Q29-7040539 OEQP20Scissors TC Offices 4 Viking £2.99 £2.99 £2.99 Q25-8062128 OEQP21Wall clock TC Offices 2 Viking £3.79 £3.79 £3.79 Q23-6869106 OEQP22 HP Deskjet 3630 Multifunction TC Offices 1 Viking £24.99 £24.99 £24.99 Amazon Printer OEQP23Wireless Mouse TC Offices 3 Viking £11.99 £11.99 £11.99 Q25-5376987 OEQP24Lever Arch Files TC Offices 60 Viking £2.99 £2.99 £2.99 Q25-4856621 OEQP25Stapler TC Offices 5 Viking £6.99 £6.99 £6.99 G24-5622615 OEQP26 Samsung ML 1865 Laser TC Offices 2 £91.65SL-M2825ND/SEE Printer OEQP27 TP-Link 300Mbps Wireless N TC Offices £22.49 £22.49 Q25-2020511 Router OEQP28Dymo Posting Scale TC Offices 1 £29.99 £29.99Q25-5189877 OEQP294 drawer filing cabinet TC Offices 7 £99.99Q25-5381523 OEQP303 drawer filing cabinet TC Offices 2 £139.00Q25-5491206 OEQP31 3 drawer pedestal TC Offices 3 £119.00 Q25-5491476 OEQP32 Folding display boards TC Offices 2 £159.00 Q25-PSDD-WN OEQP33 Melamine White Shelf - 18 x TC Offices 3 £9.39533809 230 x 1200mm OEQP34 Wooden cabinet TC Offices 1 £234.00 Q25-5630976 OEQP35Fire Safe TC Offices 1 £257.00Q25-2614302 OEQP36 12 Slot Wooden Letter TC Offices 1 £38.30 9401MO OEQP37Petty Cash Tin TC Offices 2 £9.99Q25-CH1688-WE OEQP38Lamp TC Offices 1 Town of Privas £1.00Civic Gift OEQP39Magnetic Whiteboard TC Offices 1 £79.99 Q32-5407263 OEQP40Metal mobile stepstool TC Offices 1 £49.99 £49.99Q25-979150 OEQP41 Halogen 1200 watt heater TC Offices 1 £33.99 £33.99Heaters UK OEQP42 A4 Ringbinder files TC Offices 40 £2.49 £2.49 Q25-5809554 OEQP43 Fujifilm FinePix A820 Digital TC Offices 1 £85.26Amazon Canmeral OEQP44 Hand Tally Counters TC Offices 6 £3.59 £3.59 HT160 OEQP45 Wooden Gavel TC Offices 1 £28.99 £28.99 Turned in Wood OEQP4630 metre measuring tape TC Offices 1 £11.99 £11.997120K OEQP47Foolscap lever arch file TC Offices 1 £2.29 £2.29Q25-4857543

Page 7 of 16 Wetherby Town Council - Asset Register Ref Description of Asset Location / Identification Size / Date Acquired Donor / Vendor Deeds / Storage of Purchase Insurance / Value Notes / Restrictions Address / What 3 Quantity Bonds Deeds Price Replacement Words Ref Value OEQP48 Sony ICD-PX470 Voice TC Offices 1 24 September 2018 Amazon Receipt £46.61 £46.61 £46.61 Recorder & Case Cork Notice Boards TC Offices 5 £40.18 £40.18Boards Direct OEQP49 Rexel Shredder TC Offices PM183230331 1 18 March 2019 Viking Receipt £99.99 £99.99 £99.99 OEQP50 Mobile Projector TC Offices Q71P832 1 01 April 2019Viking Receipt £249.00 £249.00 £249.00 AAAAA CO999 OEQP51 Ergonomic Mouse TC Offices 1 06 November 2019 Amazon Receipt £15.99 £15.99 OEQP52 Ergonomic Mouse TC Offices 1 31 October 2019Amazon Receipt £15.99 £15.99 OEQP53 HP 15.6in Celeron Laptop Deputy Clerk CND00325FV. 1 19 March 2020 Argos Receipt £249.99 £249.99 £249.99 Mauve OEQP54 HP 15.6in Celero Laptop Office CND0032SYV 1 19 March 2020 Argos Receipt £249.99 £249.99 £249.99 Black Administrator OEQP55 Phone Extension Cable Office 1 26 March 2020 Main Core Ltd Receipt £13.32 £13.32 £13.32 Administrator OEQP56 Leitz A3 Laminator TC Offices IL 9 02 03501 1 16 December 2020 Viking Invoice £69.99 £69.99 £69.99 72 A OEQP57 Tables The Whittaker 3 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP58 Stools The Whittaker 3 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP59 Sentick Electric Heater The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP60 Genex Heater The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP61 Mop The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP62 Feather Duster The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP63 Sweeping brush The Whittaker 2 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP64 Dust pan The Whittaker 2 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP65 Panasonic CD player The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP66 Compact Discs The Whittaker 22 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP67 Fixed benches The Whittaker 3 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP68 Lincat electric water heater The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP69 Washing up bowl The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP70 Tea towel The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP71 Framed photos The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP72 Notice board The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP73 Kettle The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP74 Box of plastic drinking The Whittaker 1 £1.00 tumblers Memorial Building

Page 8 of 16 Wetherby Town Council - Asset Register Ref Description of Asset Location / Identification Size / Date Acquired Donor / Vendor Deeds / Storage of Purchase Insurance / Value Notes / Restrictions Address / What 3 Quantity Bonds Deeds Price Replacement Words Ref Value OEQP75 Lamp The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP76 Trophy The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP77 Clock The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP78 Gavel The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP79 Metal jug The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP80 Award plaque The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP81 Bunting The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP82 Tea spoons The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP83 Dinner knives The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP84 Dessert spoons The Whittaker 1 £1.00 Memorial Building OEQP85 Waste bin Cemetery 1 £1.00 workshop OEQP86 Heater Cemetery 1 £1.00 workshop OEQP87 Chairs Cemetery 18 £1.00 workshop OEQP88 Desk Cemetery 1 £1.00 workshop OEQP89 HP Envy 15.6" 2 in 1 Laptop With Clerk Device ID: 1 10 March 2021 Currys PC World Receipt £899.00 £899.00 £899.00 D1E1B011- 53AB-438C- B6AB- B9A25E5A36 BB Minute Books Cemetery Records Office Equipment (non itemised as at 31/3/18 - see sheet 2) SUBTOTAL - OFFICE EQUIPMENT £10,280.02

RECREATION EQUIPMENT REQP1 4 Function Combined System Sandringham Park Model: 1 11 September 2014 Streetscape Invoice £3,675.00 £3,675.00 SDG200 REQP2 Multi Traction Unit Sandringham Park Model: SD260 1 11 September 2014 Streetscape Invoice £970.00 £970.00

REQP3 Hand & Foot Bike Station Sandringham Park Model: 1 11 September 2014 Streetscape Invoice £1,485.00 £1,485.00 SDD346 REQP4 Glockenspiel Music Panel Mason Field Red / Yellow 1 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £795.00 £1,044.70 £795.00 Removed Jan 2021 due to vandalism. REQP5 Grocers Shop Panel Mason Field Red / Yellow 1 28 September 2018Kompan Invoice £185.39 £494.70 £245.00 REQP6 Tic Tac Toe Play Panel Mason Field Red / Yellow 1 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £485.00 £734.70 £485.00 REQP7 Seesaw with Springs Nidd Approach KPL111-0401 1 26 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £877.15 £1,388.80 £980.00 REQP8 Clamber Stack Passo Nidd Approach 1 26 September 2018Kompan Invoice £6,604.13 £8,376.47 £6,604.13 REQP9 Rubber Mulch Surfacing Nidd Approach 92 mtr sq 26 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £6,976.00 £6,976.00 £6,976.00 REQP10 Cableway Mason Field M87212-3817 1 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £3,840.00 £7,600.00 £3,840.00

Page 9 of 16 Wetherby Town Council - Asset Register Ref Description of Asset Location / Identification Size / Date Acquired Donor / Vendor Deeds / Storage of Purchase Insurance / Value Notes / Restrictions Address / What 3 Quantity Bonds Deeds Price Replacement Words Ref Value REQP11 Tenson Tool For Cableway York Rd Depot MI026 1 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £368.00 £460.00 £368.00 REQP12 Cableway Platform Mason Field PCM102300- 1 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £1,512.00 £2,588.00 £1,512.00 0902 REQP13 Spinner Bowl Red Mason Field ELE400024- 1 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £464.00 £673.00 £464.00 3717E REQP14 Spinner Bowl Yellow Mason Field ELE400024- 1 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £464.00 £673.00 £464.00 3717F REQP15 Supernova Mason Field GXY916000- 1 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £2,448.00 £4,428.00 £2,448.00 3417 REQP16 Seesaw 3 Person Mason Field KPL117-0402 1 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £888.00 £1,804.00 £888.00 REQP17 Cosmos Custom Goal Mason Field FCO- 1 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £3,048.00 £5,764.00 £3,048.00 CUSTOM REQP18 Flexus Mason Field GXY919000- 1 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £1,896.00 £2,472.00 £1,896.00 3717 REQP19 Double swing & cradle seats Mason Field KSW90010- 1 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £1,204.00 £2,128.52 £1,204.00 0909 REQP20 Double swing & standard Mason Field KSW90014- 1 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £832.00 £1,665.00 £832.00 seats. 0909 REQP21 Dinoswing Mason Field M98001-3917 1 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £3,144.02 £4,528.00 £3,144.02 REQP22 Two Tower Play Unit with Mason Field KPL201102- 1 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £2,256.00 £3,007.00 £2,256.00 Panel Bridge 0601 REQP23 Kuma Play Unit (Blue) Mason Field GXY903010- 1 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £6,396.00 £8,182.00 £6,396.00 3717 REQP24 Play Bark (Surfacing) Mason Field 22,400l 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £4,121.81 £10,000.00 £4,121.81 REQP25 Rubber Mulch Surfacing Mason Field 10 SQ M 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £910.00 £910.00 REQP26 Timber Edging Mason Field 125m 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £4,025.13 £4,025.13 REQP27 Bowtop Metal Fencing Mason Field 112m 28 September 2018Kompan Invoice £4,648.00 £6,955.80 £4,648.00 REQP28 Prosafe Gate Mason Field GATE SGL 2 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £1,542.42 £1,970.22 £1,542.42 1.2P REQP29 Timber Knee Rail Fencing Mason Field 28 September 2018Kompan Invoice £564.28 £632.08 £564.28 REQP30 Hexagonal Net (Trampoline) Mason Field COR215061- 1 28 September 2018 Kompan Invoice £3,616.54 £6,363.24 £3,616.54 1101 REQP31 Inclusive Boat Seat 1 - Mason Field SRF124 2 28 September 2018Kompan Invoice £1,602.86 £1,747.06 £1,602.86 1 - Scaur Bank

REQP32 Steel Swing with Cradle Seats Scaur Bank KSW90060- 1 31 August 2018 Kompan Quotation & £72,410.97 £2,001.00 £1,180.00 0909 Invoice REQP33 Two Bay Steel Swing with Scaur Bank KSW90045- 1 31 August 2018 Kompan Quotation & £3,658.00 £2,420.00 Birds Nest Seat 0909 Invoice REQP34 Deco Plates for swings. Scaur Bank SW980001-03 4 31 August 2018Kompan Quotation & £230.00 £200.00 Invoice REQP35 Spinner Bowl in Lime Green Scaur Bank ELE400024- 1 31 August 2018 Kompan Quotation & £673.00 £580.00 3717LG Invoice REQP36 Spinner Bowl in Yellow Scaur Bank ELE400024- 1 31 August 2018 Kompan Quotation & £673.00 £580.00 3717F Invoice REQP37 Seesaw with 3 seats Scaur Bank KPL117-0402 1 31 August 2018Kompan Quotation & £1,804.00 £324.00 Invoice REQP38 Spica 2 Scaur Bank GXY801521- 1 31 August 2018 Kompan Quotation & £1,264.00 £1,000.00 3417 Invoice REQP39 Flexus Scaur Bank GXY919000- 1 31 August 2018 Kompan Quotation & £3,736.00 £3,160.00 3717 Invoice REQP40 Supernova Scaur Bank GXY916000- 1 31 August 2008 Kompan Quotation & £4,428.00 £4,080.00 3417 Invoice

Page 10 of 16 Wetherby Town Council - Asset Register Ref Description of Asset Location / Identification Size / Date Acquired Donor / Vendor Deeds / Storage of Purchase Insurance / Value Notes / Restrictions Address / What 3 Quantity Bonds Deeds Price Replacement Words Ref Value REQP41 Triple Play Tower with Bridge Scaur Bank PCM300500- 1 31 August 2018 Kompan Quotation & £9,949.00 £8,660.00 Custom Invoice 20029218 REQP42 Double Tower with Net Bridge Scaur Bank PCM210401- 1 31 August 2018 Kompan Quotation & £8,594.00 £7,638.00 Custom Invoice 20023776 REQP43 Double Somersault Bars Scaur Bank PCM802-0902 1 31 August 2018 Kompan Quotation & £665.00 £500.00 Invoice REQP44 Bespoke Track Ride Tower Scaur Bank PCM110303- 1 31 August 2018 Kompan Quotation & £5,916.00 £5,459.00 Custom Invoice 20023847 REQP45 Balancing Beam Scaur Bank KPL819-0601 1 31 August 2018 Kompan Quotation & £453.00 £260.00 Invoice REQP46 Manipulative Play Panel Scaur Bank PCM000608- 1 31 August 2018 Kompan Quotation & £1,054.00 £900.00 0603 Invoice REQP47 Bowtop Metal Fencing Scaur Bank 94lm 31 August 2018Kompan Quotation & £3,901.00 £3,901.00 Invoice REQP48 Prosafe Self Closing Gates Scaur Bank 2 31 August 2019Kompan Quotation & £1,542.42 £1,542.00 Invoice REQP49 Pine Play Bark Surface Scaur Bank 31 August 2019 Kompan Quotation & £6,884.86 £6,884.86 Replaced after flooding in Invoice 2019 + 2020. REQP50 Timber Edging Scaur Bank 96lm 31 August 2019Kompan Quotation & £2,304.00 £2,304.00 Invoice REQP51 Tile Slide Butterfly Play Panel Mason Field EN-FAHR 1 14 December 2020 Kompan Invoice £358.00 £397.38 £358.00 Replacement price includes panel & delivery. REQP52 Goal Post Mason Field 1 £1.00 instilled.scorched.c onsoled REQP53 Swing frame, seats & safety Nidd Approach KSW906- 1 22 March 2021Kompan Invoice £10,630.00 £14,465.30 £10,630.00 Replacement price inc. total surface. CUSTOM costs inc. installation.

Skate Park The Ings £10,000.00 Play Equipment Scaur Bank 4 Items -£1.00 Play Equipment Masons Field 2 items £2.00 Original items remaining after refurb. Play Equipment Nidd Approach 3 Items £1.00

Goal Posts Scaur Bank 1 £1.00 SUBTOTAL - RECREATION EQUIPMENT £144,571.05

STREET FURNITURE STF1 Community Public Access Town Hall, Market Serial No: 1 01 May 2018 Yorkshire Letter of £0.00 £1,795.00 £1.00 Defibrillator Place, LS22 6NE M0000000504 Ambulance Donation (Cardiac Science Corporation, 3 Service NHS Trust G5S-02P0) STF2 Community Public Access Town Hall, Market 1 13 June 2018 Yorkshire Email of £0.00 £400.00 £400.00 Defibrillator Cabinet Place, LS22 6NE Ambulance donation Service NHS Trust

STF3 Wrought Iron Archway Garden of Rest 1 18 June 2018 Wetherby in Letter of £0.00 £550.00 £550.00 High Street Bloom Donation LS22 6NT High Street,

Page 11 of 16 Wetherby Town Council - Asset Register Ref Description of Asset Location / Identification Size / Date Acquired Donor / Vendor Deeds / Storage of Purchase Insurance / Value Notes / Restrictions Address / What 3 Quantity Bonds Deeds Price Replacement Words Ref Value STF4 Anchor Cluster of Nuts Car 1 15 June 2018 John Trower Letter of £0.00 £0.00 £1.00 Park Donation STF5 Dog Waste Bin Raby Park 1 £231.28 £231.28 untrained.operation .snap STF6 5ft, Ogilvie Metal Bench Library, Westgate Celebrating 1 14 August 2017 Wetherby in Letter of £0.00 £856.50 £856.50 Based on cost of developed.blacken. Wetherby in Bloom Donation replacement from David frames Bloom's 30th Ogilivie Engineering. anniversary in 2019. STF7 Bridge Lights Bridge over WharfeWhite LED 4 x 51m 23 November 2020 Leeds City Council LCC Order £890.00 £840.00 £840.00 Purchase price includes 15mm (via Grant delivery cost. Ropelight Funding) Replaced 2021 after damage by vehicle. STF8 5ft, Ogilvie Metal Bench Library, Westgate In memorial to 1 £856.50 £856.50 Based on cost of inserting.activates. John Tatterton replacement from David affords Ogilivie Engineering. STF9 +10 Corner Benches Upper Level, 1 £1.00Catalogued 8/7/21 Jubilee Gardens scorching.retrieves. egging STF11 Bench Middle Level, 1 £1.00Catalogued 8/7/21 Jubilee Gardens copycat.disarmed.li mp STF12 Large Corner Bench Lower Level, 1 £1.00Catalogued 8/7/21 Jubilee Gardens importing.surfacing .cheered STF13 6ft Ogilvie, Metal Bench Cluster of Nuts Donated to 1 £0.00 £856.50 £856.50 Based on cost of Coach Park town by local replacement from David clumped.resonates businesses, Ogilivie Engineering. .caps after 2016 Tour de Yorkshire. STF14 3 Sails Memorial Statue Garden of Rest 1 Families of Oliver £0.00 £1.00 High Street Cross, Thomas LS22 6NT Dunn & Michael High Street, Tempest STF15 6ft, Ogilvie Metal Bench Peace Garden RBL Seat in 1 £856.50 £856.50 Catalogued 8/7/21 drips.quietest.farm memory of those were killed during World War I STF16 Pedestrian Access Point Raby Park 1 £596.00 £596.00 Cost based on purchase and Custodial.impaled.t installation of STF18 in July oken 2021. STF17 Metal Field Gate Cooper Road, 12 ft x 1 01 July 2021 Copeland Fencing LtdInvoice £490.00 £490.00 £490.00 Raby Park evidently.caveman. inert STF18 Pedestrian Access Point Raby Park 1 01 July 2021 Copeland Fencing LtdInvoice £596.00 £596.00 £596.00 chops.passively.ext remes

Page 12 of 16 Wetherby Town Council - Asset Register Ref Description of Asset Location / Identification Size / Date Acquired Donor / Vendor Deeds / Storage of Purchase Insurance / Value Notes / Restrictions Address / What 3 Quantity Bonds Deeds Price Replacement Words Ref Value STF19 Benches Upper Level, Scaur Wooden tops, 3 £3.00 Bank concrete hairspray.siesta.or supports. ganic STF20 6ft, Ogilvie Metal Memorial Scaur Bank In memory of 1 £856.50 £856.50 Bench obtain.fellow.lift M.L.Yeadon STF21 6ft, Ogilvie Metal Memorial Scaur Bank In memory of 1 £856.50 £856.50 Bench sobs.mammoths.a Cllr John ura Midgley STF22 6ft, Ogilvie Metal Memorial Scaur Bank In memory of 1 2017 £856.50 £856.50 Bench duplicity.regulates. Margaret Neat sweep STF23 Bench Scaur Bank Wooden seat, 1 £1.00 twinkled.trip.assist metal supports. STF24 Bench Scaur Bank Wooden seat, 1 £1.00 Playground metal nitrogen.peach.aut supports. umn STF25 Bench Scaur Bank Wooden seat 1 £1.00 relay.backswing.ca concret mp supports. STF26 Bench Scaur Bank Wooden seat 1 £1.00 hypocrite.comment concret s.coats supports. STF27 Bench Scaur Bank, Wood 1 £1.00 adjacent to river. materials.bumping. lifters STF28 6ft Ogilvie, Metal Bench Scaur Bank, 1 £856.50 £856.50 adjacent to river. vaulting.started.ups tairs STF29 10ft Wood & Metal Bench Scaur Bank, Wood with 1 £1.00 adjacent to river. metal salaried.such.stewi supports. ng STF30 Dog Waste Bin Scaur Bank, near 1 £231.28 £231.28 bridge. scored.solved.slidi ng STF31 Overhead Barrier Mason Field £1.00 sheds.spun.sugars

STF32 Chillingham 1.8m Bench Devil's Toenail 3 27 May 2019 Evershed Products Invoice £945.00 £945.00 £945.00 Grant funded by Sport Seats Bike Park England. follow.done.prepari ng STF33 Information Sign Little Toe Pump Metal Sign 1 £1.00 Track prepares.makeup.p erfected

Page 13 of 16 Wetherby Town Council - Asset Register Ref Description of Asset Location / Identification Size / Date Acquired Donor / Vendor Deeds / Storage of Purchase Insurance / Value Notes / Restrictions Address / What 3 Quantity Bonds Deeds Price Replacement Words Ref Value STF34 Dog Waste Bin Millennium Field 1 £231.28 £231.28 dates.asterisk.bach elor STF35 Dog Waste Bin Millennium Field 1 £231.28 £231.28 issue.organ.homel ands STF36 6ft Ogilvie, Metal Bench Millennium Field 1 £856.50 £856.50 bitter.overdone.font s STF37 6ft Ogilvie, Metal Bench Millennium Field 1 £856.50 £856.50 humid.aside.digitall y STF38 Dog Waste Bin Millennium Field 1 £231.28 £231.28 tiredness.refutes.c onveying STF39 Dog Waste Bin Sandringham Park 1 £231.28 £231.28 reeling.breed.hous ehold

STF40 6ft Ogilvie, Metal Bench Sandringham Park In memory of 1 2018 £856.50 £856.50 Funds donated by Friends of logs.puddles.dried Norma Sandringham Park and Chambers & family of Norma Chambers. Maureen Stichler SUBTOTAL - STREET FURNITURE £15,243.18

MARKETS MAR1 Market Stalls Fri - Weds: York 30 £21,502.00 Road Depot Thurs: Market Place MAR2 Trailer for Market Stalls York Rd Depot 1 £3,583.00 MAR3 Trailer for Stall Boards York Rd Depot 1 £3,583.00 *Value based on others. MAR4 Market Sheets York Rd Depot 25 £100.00 Transferred from old lists, MAR5 Market Stall Clips York Rd Depot 200 £176.00 need verification. SUBTOTAL - MARKETS £28,944.00

MISCELLANEOUS MISC1 Welcome to Wetherby Banner Town Hall W2W Logo 7ft x 3ft 20 September 2019 Printworks North Invoice £47.50 £47.50

MISC2 Welcome to Wetherby Banner Town Hall W2W Logo 10ft x 2ft 20 September 2019 Printworks North Invoice £47.50 £47.50

MISC3 Welcome to Wetherby Sail Town Hall W2W Logo 2 20 September 2019Printworks North Invoice £96.00 £96.00 Banner MISC4 Welcome to Wetherby Logo Image 06 September 2019 FDB Design Invoice £200.00 £1.00 MISC30Table Bath House 6 £1.00 MISC31Chair Bath House 20 £1.00 MISC32Plastic jug Bath House 1 £1.00 MISC33 Box cups/saucers/side platesBath House 1 £1.00 MISC34 Bench Church on Corner 12 £1.00 MISC35 Electgrical wall heaters Church on Corner 4 £1.00 MISC36 Lectern Church on Corner 1 £1.00 MISC37 Chair Church on Corner 2 £1.00 MISC38 Coffee table Church on Corner 2 £1.00

Page 14 of 16 Wetherby Town Council - Asset Register Ref Description of Asset Location / Identification Size / Date Acquired Donor / Vendor Deeds / Storage of Purchase Insurance / Value Notes / Restrictions Address / What 3 Quantity Bonds Deeds Price Replacement Words Ref Value MISC39 Small pew Church on Corner 2 £1.00 MISC40 Clock Church on Corner 2 £1.00 MISC41 Religious Picture Church on Corner 1 £1.00 MISC42 Noticeboard Church on Corner 1 £1.00 MISC43 Coat Hanger Church on Corner 1 £1.00 MISC44 Pennant Church on Corner 5 £1.00 MISC45 Trestle table Church on Corner 1 £1.00 MISC46 Organ Church on Corner 1 £1.00 MISC47 Victor vacuum cleaner Church on Corner 1 £1.00 MISC48 Russel Hobs vacuum cleanerChurch on Corner 1 £1.00 MISC49 Electrolux vacuum cleaner Church on Corner 1 £1.00 MISC50 Artificial Christmas tree Church on Corner 1 £1.00 MISC51 Brush Church on Corner 2 £1.00 MISC52 Qty Candles Church on Corner 1 £1.00 kitchen MISC53 Qty tea towels Church on Corner 1 £1.00 kitchen MISC54 Fan heater Church on Corner 2 £1.00 kitchen MISC55 Glass vase Church on Corner 1 £1.00 kitchen MISC56 Cross Church on Corner 1 £1.00 kitchen MISC57 Mirror Church on Corner 1 £1.00 kitchen MISC58 Step ladder Church on Corner 1 £1.00 kitchen MISC59 Calor gas heater Church on Corner 1 £1.00 kitchen MISC60 Calor gas butler Church on Corner 1 £1.00 kitchen MISC61 Waste bin Church on Corner 1 £1.00 kitchen MISC62 Trestle table Church on Corner 1 £1.00 kitchen MISC63 Vase Church on Corner 1 £1.00 kitchen MISC64 Teapot Church on Corner 5 £1.00 kitchen MISC65 Plastic jug Church on Corner 2 £1.00 kitchen MISC66 Bucket Church on Corner 1 £1.00 kitchen MISC67 Dustpan Church on Corner 2 £1.00 kitchen MISC68 Brush Church on Corner 2 £1.00 kitchen MISC69 Box drinking glasses Church on Corner 1 £1.00 kitchen MISC70 Cups/saucers Church on Corner 6 £1.00 kitchen MISC71 Dinner plates Church on Corner 6 £1.00 kitchen

Page 15 of 16 Wetherby Town Council - Asset Register Ref Description of Asset Location / Identification Size / Date Acquired Donor / Vendor Deeds / Storage of Purchase Insurance / Value Notes / Restrictions Address / What 3 Quantity Bonds Deeds Price Replacement Words Ref Value MISC72 Tray Church on Corner 4 £1.00 kitchen MISC73 First aid kit Church on Corner 1 £1.00 kitchen MISC74 Co2 Extinguisher Church on Corner 1 £1.00 kitchen MISC75 Foam Extinguisher Church on Corner 1 £1.00 kitchen MISC76 Mugs/cups Church on Corner 8 £1.00 kitchen MISC77 Mop bucket Church on Corner 1 £1.00 kitchen


CHARITABLE ASSETS (VALUE NOT INCLUDED ON ANNUAL RETURN) BLD4 The Town Hall Market Place £2,431,200.00 £2,026,000.00 Wetherby LS22 6NE SUBTOTAL - CHARITABLE ASSETS £2,026,000.00

Page 16 of 16 Wetherby Town Council - Asset Register