

CONSOLIDATED AI'TO COMPANY. Carrying rnited States mail and WOULD DO AWAY - price of beef makes NELATON'S :;.:;::r;COCNTRV express daily trips from ' THE Tonopah to Manhattan and Round Cures Rheumatism EDITOR'S DREAM or Money Refunded WITH ORDINANCE HAS NOW JUMPED Mountian. Cars leave Tonopah daily on arrival of mail and leave Our guarantee goes with each bottle Mrnttan at 2: SO p. m. An Excellent BLOOD PURIFIER and LIVER REGULA- A country scribe lay dreaming OP THREE CENTS AGA1NSTGMIBL1NG and he W. C. HARDING. Agent. TOR. Sold by all druggists or sent postpaid on receipt of one balmy night in May, on office-seek- in a $1.00 per bottle, or three (3) bottles for s2."0. dreamed tearful, way approached him and in- - Remember take no chances for Nelaton's CURES The Bridgeport Chronicle in' its prayerful KANSAS CITY, Aug. 24. An you hUmbl' permission just f Rheumatism last Smk. devotes considerable space hulte crease ,a price Q t St. or money refunded. 10 la'K 10 Mary's , gambling m the town of Bodie l" ta said, to the summer drought, has or aoa-oiaaw- n . NELA TON'S REMED Y A GENCY ,, .h nitan hi,h attPmnte mogul the wnoie fl Academy 616 SO. GRAND AVENUE LOS CALIFORNIA walK- - bam tne mce-e- r rv. ANGELES, t do awav with the games. Editor The wholesale price of the best ,y' "Wllt thou klndly hearken to of beef baa 3 cents in part: . Wirt grades jumped Salt Lake City Nugent says, a J it .l.'ttnn Vint -T The Chronicle would eliminate lne lenuor uue here in the last 60 days. Utah - LAKETAHOEand RETURN FRANK H. WARD and u"ut lu '"u- " Prices are still on the upgrade intoxicating liquors, gambling r f,-- , waveu U1S ,uauKU - Conducted iha fapB of ih. 6"' and F. W. Robinson of the whole- by the Sisters of ,.u.i.H.n nis out: "Go Public ' earth, if it were but brisket ahef' hJ sale beef department of Armour's Holy Cross from Notre Dame On Sale Notary practicable, our Every Day are as old as time and their Pasest raenlaI' wlm 'acQTmaJ. plant, said yesterday that he was Tndiana, Office Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. any - olu "v"- - unable to when advance Return Limit, ten . OFFICE repression has alwavs been a post- tell the This is one of the finest and days $23.00 DAILY BONANZA office-seek- er on ,ive failure and for that reason we The knelt there would stop most te educational es- Return Oct. 31st Brougher Ave., Tonopah wu Limit, . 25.00 Jo not believe iu any hypocrisy over luo tolu aui """" Pork as well as beet Is on tne tablishments in the west. tne rencu mo. ne An Ideal Place to Spend Your the matter. pusner pass mis advancei inferior beef maybe Send for catalogue to Sister anfient l0re: re now at about the same price The men who delve in the earth I bought Vacation Inducement -- 11 1.-- 1 .. -- . -- Lift, rxtl . .. Superior, at St. Mary's Academy Special amus- - 01 11 ,ulus- - uu, (knluc lu,cl VM as 60 ..but tne pacaers suend their money to be . . 1 days ago, Salt Utah. 6000 feet above 1...... 01 Lake sea level To Be d and if it is forbidden by law tne eartn' tne proprietor aesuny, say there la ilght demand for the Sanitary -- 23 miles iw shuttle and deal a deck of cards 1,10 suarulau ul UUI1'"' " cheaper quality. long, that's good and saintly, all on choice The Tonopah Sewer & Drain- - in a saloon they will surely seek you're The average increase the 13 miles that's fine and true, and my little Wittenberg Warehouse & wide, age company will put the sew- - ome ulace. nrobablv less reputable, cut3 0f beef at the packing houses en- - heart Is bustin' full of tender love lg cent3 a Good beef 1800 feet deep. er pipe to your property line to get; rid of their cash and 2y2 pound. I tor - 0ne- - DO0U 1 Transfer without charge to you. From thusiasrn. yu- llttle ak sold at retail at the Armour plant Company your property line to within i"he making of laws impossible of for on mig'y. mighty king: Wilt at 7 and 8 cents June 1. The same All sorts of accommodations three feet of your connection enforcement is "a useless waste of luou Jlu 1,1 lntJ cuuiua wueu 1 iUJ quality now is bringing s cenis a Exclusive for 25 cents per foot, and the time and money, and the saloon office sing?" pound. The retail price 13 Increas- - Agents from it" to some FOR "roughing actual cost of Excavation. businesa. when licensed and con- - Replied the king rudely, nng with the packers' price. luxury. Phone lo Secretary at the ducted decently, is a legitimate one. y t with a regal grace: "We like The droughts which prevailed over Genuine Rock Nevada First National bank, A f rank acknowledgement of the vo,'r nerv8 and likewise the output I the feeding lands all summer has or see face- - Fishing, Hunting, Boating rid the General Manager. innate eussedness of man, his de-- of J'01" Perchano, oh, knightl caused the advance in the price of side to drink and and aot Gallville, thou deems is sailing meat, said Mr. Robinson. out-of-do- gamble ing, Tennis and all I - Springs Coal... (cognition of the man who, in good fair, to conduct a family paper Two carloads of beef steers re- pastimes. PROFESSIONAL CAKH8. faith, places his money in the sa-- on J0t zephers and hot air! Hence, ceived at the Kansas City stock swift-llk-o NOTICE TO CREDITORS. loon business, as against the courte- - di'a your jeans and be yards yesterday from Plattsburg, sou and her naraiuour who in most your movements and your pace, and, Mo., brought $8.20 a hundred, TONOPAH AND GOLOFIELD C. L. RICHARDS con-- 1 Notice is hereby given that on the canes, js a crook and in all we'll take a notion to which, according to stock yards I 11th. day of September, 1911, at 10 ISulli-- r Itiiililiiiu iSixmi 8 it 9 a menace to society I sider some your case. flcials, is the highest paid by five o'clock a. at room of office-seek- er - m., the court RAILROAD COMPANY LAWYER Hodic is miutnsr It has! The bowed his head cents reached at any market dur- the First judicial district court of l can.i). 110 or other and sadly wagged hi3 ears, and ing the year. the State o Nevada, in and . for PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS theater s, parks, library in court wheni a man can from hi3 eyes there flowed quite Ormsby County, the bouse, Notary Public places single spend at Carson City, Nevada, said court his idle hours. For the young "ee the salty, blinding tears. You I WILL BUILD MILL will hear Final Account and Re- TONOPAH, - NEVADA the the saloon is better I "cmi ouuuuu nc T. G. as niau open iuuucji iuuui,, at muuijiu. vitii; port of Lockhart, Receiver - neea 1 & BIG BARGAIN than the KKlliglH. district and China- you actually aougn. wouia of The Nye Ormsby County Rank, ' now on file In said court, and will CAMPBELL METS0N & BROWN toWn. have scarce believed it had you The Prince Consolidated Mining E mo consider his resignation as such Re, Gambling, behind closed doorsnt informed so! I thought company In going to build a mill ATTAKNEYS-AT-LA- and said time and Complete Newspaper and Job! was - celver, that at is 11:11 ionized more fully bv young your space worthless,- your at Bullionvillo for the treatment of place Receiver will apply to the I'.i'hk o. m.Mi t)i;m is that in a advertising free, but yet I'll have the tailings dump at that place, and court for an order a'.lowing arid Printing Plant for Sale at a Mali' and TruM Ituililing, public place, said Account and and the croolked eaimbler is ever to humor you Jliuh, money, let which is reputed to contain values approving Report TONOPAH. NEVADA as presented, and discharging h'u. present in sutfli places. me see! in excess of $3,000,000. BARGAIN FOR GASH office-seek- er from said trust. if bviiinsinrn No 1 1 3 has imnroved Then the searched his A few days ago, a Salt Lake All depositors, creditors and per and wrong-sid- e corn- - DR. J. R. MASTERSON the moral status of Rodie (the place clothes turned them mill man and Will Brown, the sons desiring to object to said Ac One cylinder press t,nd two Job a man ' in Mono county at which it was! out, and acted like crazy andlpany's assayer, arrived in camp. On count and Report, or to the dis- presses, with gasoline engine and PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON of said are aimed) tlie betterment is not at all twisted round about. But not a Thursday Manager E. L. Godbe charge Receiver, required all pulleys, shafting and fixture; to file their objections thereto, In ROOM 1, XYCO lUiDG. It' the ordinance accom-e- nt could he locate, .nor bring out! rived at Bullionville to look over for power use. writing, in said court and also to what its title and text in-- into view, then finally admitted the situation. It Is understood that mail a thereof to Van Tonopah ...... Nevada plishel copy Dyck Large number of Job and ad dicate l we ask that It be he was broke square in two. Mr. Godbe will spend the greater Smith & Danforth, attorneys for said should right series, from 6 to 72 At which the of laugh- - of his time the next RapVer, at their office rooms, 309 ranging point enforced but it js a breeder 'of king moguls portion during 3lVlClay Peters Building, Reno point. This type is all the latest crime coinnelling hypocrisy and led a cruel and heartless laugh, andl year between Bullionville and the Nevada. faces and accompanied by plenty Dr. T. A. Musante making a bad matter worse, and into Mr. O. S. plunged this keen Prince mine. 1911. - I Dated August lath, of "sorts." is a dead in so far asland shining gaff: Meanwhile Superintendent Lloyd T. G. LOCKHART, really letter min- - "Election know me I has a dozen men working In the Receiver of The Nye & Ormsby Also large quantUy or leads, ...DENTIST... innirovinc the morals of that passed, you'd I not, thus in you let this soak:! mine on development ana on ore. County Bank. slugs and metal furnlvure. inn camp goes. "VAN DYCK, SMITH & DANFORTH, Right from the time you entered,! Teams are still hauling ore to oth- for Said Receiver. Also large paper cutter and 1 ror mter- - Attorneys NOTICE! . knew that you were broke. For panaca snipment to tne in well - I er tralcles necessary a Hours: life a ruin that IKav nrfii CAnlr ha tl n 1 nnal Rtnpltpr. ureu.se, v equipped printing plant. 12 ah persons wowmg office generally fln. Mr; ,reported hav. 9 to a. nu indebted to Central Market for bills ancially somewhat upon the bum." Ing stated that plans are progress-Art- d Hotel All of above is 1 contracted on or before aSturday, Mizpah the practically to 5 p. ITU then the king of moguls called Ing favorably for the building of "a August 19, 19 are requested to A Modern Hotel where ery Reasou tl, a slave to 'tend his jrout. and railroad to the Prince mine. new end in condition call 0:1 Mr. P. J. Wenne at the able Tariff Prevails. Hot and Colt: good a husky printer's devil to throw I Record. Office Rooms: Central Market and settle Water In Each Room building the office-seek- er out. Running For Particulars Address accounts. Rooms with or without their prlvatt 8;and 9 MEAT MARKET. MINERS MAKE SUCCESSFUL or an mite. TONOPAH BONANZA, CENTRAL DANGER IN THE baths, single VINCENT. TESTS OP NEW HELMETS Block. Per AL USE OP GASOLINE COMMERCIAL RATES Tonopah, Nevada Tonopah Gasoline should only be used for the new oxygen helmets lor use washing out of doors and away in time of Are and emergency in from buildings and smokers. When the mines were given a thorough the washing is done the gasoline testing out yesterday afternoon In thouldsbe thrown on loose ground 'this- city and worked to perfection that will drink it up at once. in every detail. A blind tunnel lo- - Commercial Job Severe explosions have come from I cated near the Ward shaft was clos- - Printing. pouring the dirty gasoline down the el up and sulphur burned until hole in the sink. A large number the fumea and smoke were so depse Uf them have also come from pour- - that no person could long survive ing it in the slop bucket where it therein. Four miners from C. & C. of and Most Plants floated and gave oft vapor. including two men from a shift, One the Largest Completely Equipped Puiticg gasoline in the water in Andrew Young, Jr., George Robin a wash boiler is always followed by son, George Williams, H. Nacht, H. and Carries the Stock of in Southern Nevada an explosion. Mawdslejj and Ernest Lamerton Largest Paper Cothing can be cleaned by am donned the helmets and remained monia or white benzine soap without In the dense and suffocating atmo danger. A safe substitute is gela-tine- d sphere for over an hour, and .when TTT) a" are being turned benzine In which 25 per cent they emerged reported no ill ef- kms benzine is added to a mass of white fects from the unusual, experience, AOiyr out'in the Bonanza's soap, water and ammonia. not at any time receiving any of OOLJ'lf&O It can be handled without spill the sulphur fumes and smoke with ing, the amount of vapor given off in the helmets. UP-TO-DA- Is and the amount of inflam John Killilea remained at the TE RULING AND BINDING PLANT slight mable material in it is small. surface in charge of the outside equipment. It Is the first test of We make a of CENTRAL MARKET REOPENS, the kind made since the helmets specialty The Central Market has been re were received in the camp, and; will opened by the new owners under Inspire new confidence in their use, my management. We &hall at all if ever called upon to do so in LOOSE LEAP LEDGERS times keep a complete line of the mines. The- - boys have been meats, poultry, eggs, dairy products, thoroughly drilled in their use and etc., and our constant aim shall be handle the apparatus with the skill and one turned out to cater to the wants of our cus of experts. Virginia City Chronicle. guarantee every tomers and treat them honestly and with courtesy. Thanking the people APPEAL TO BE TAKEN of Tonopah for past favors and FROM RATE DECISION soliciting their continued patronage, I remain, It is learned from an authorita Respectfully yours, tive source that the railroads con- Bonanza AL VINCENT, Manager. cerned in the rate decision Daily recently Tonopah handed down Com- by the Interstate merce commission have decided to NOTICE! appeal to tho Interstate Commerce court. - The undersigned hereby gives pub First Newspaper- and Job Printing House in this Section lic notice that he will not be re In fact, it has been decided to sponsible for any bills or obliga fight the case through to a finish. his Mrs. and if the - tions contracted by wife, findings of the Interstate AVE. - - TONOPAH .NEV. J. L. Brlcra. Commerce court are adverse, the BROUGHER J. L. DRICCA. case will be carried to the ftuprenie court of tho United Statci.
