
PRSRT STD U.S. Postage Paid Ogden, UT Permit No. 208 2015

April 2015 ISSUE 5 VOLUME 290 SINCE 1946 Artists’ work displayed in Springville Art Show ______tration is on stories, and this piece By Taylor Galusha was inspired by one of her Staff Reporter who was rebuilding this motorcycle ______that he found at his grandparents home. While being proud of the The 43rd annual Springville Art piece, Bennett says she would redo Show features talents of students all the ink on it, and she would like it over Utah. Among the many artists, to be darker and more detailed. several came from Weber High: “I love art, you sort of have to Marguerite Bennett, Sherri Miller, dive into it and feel with your hands. Braden Cook, Chase Dahl and, I love color, and I’m not afraid Matt Shepherd. These artists had of making a mess,” says Bennett. their pieces go through juries and She adds, “Art is an extension of picked for the show. Their pieces myself, to like art is to like me. I ¿UVW FRPSHWHG DJDLQVW  RWKHU will never not do art. I don’t think pieces. From this it was narrowed I could exist; art is a way of life for down to 20, and from those 20, six me and that isn’t something you emerged. just turn off.” Shepherd says getting his  :KHQ¿QGLQJRXWKHUSLHFHKDG piece featured in the show wasn’t been entered, Miller says she was WHS team something he expected, but he feels so shocked, and nothing could have good about it. He also hopes other surprised her more. She also adds people see what he was aiming for she was happy, and it still makes in his piece. her smile every time she thinks their way Shepherd describes his jewelry about it. art as simple but cool. “I’m proud “I am proud of it, but I will admit of the work I did, but honestly, I it’s not my favorite piece,” says to victory didn’t expect it to be entered.” Miller. She also adds she would “I wanted to make a ring that change the ellipses on the top right could mimic her beauty,” says corner “because they are off.” (Top left going clockwise): Junior Saige Shepherd and he tells how his Miller says her inspiration came Johnson is held up by team mates. Help- girlfriend was the inspiration for from when she was working on LQJH[HFXWHDGLI¿FXOWPRYHDUHVRSKR- his piece. He also says there isn’t another water color and her paint more Kiana Stoker and Junior Brooke anything that he would change tray looked cool, so she took a Albrechston. Kiana Stoker shows about the piece. “It looks perfect picture of it and then referenced it the way it is. It has the elegance when she started to paint it. pride. Juniors Aspen Wayment, Ashton I was reaching for while I was Her piece, titled Watercolor, is Fullmer, Brooke Albrechston and Soph- making it.” being featured in the state traveling RPRUH.LDQD6WRNHUVWULNH¿QDOSRVHDW Shepherd likes how art is his art show. competition. chance to show his creativity. “Like I said before, I am still “I’m usually doing sketches and proud of it, but it’s not my favorite Photos by Michelle Meyer lead drawings,” says Shepherd. piece. I feel like my progress as an “It’s my favorite because I love artist has come a long way since how the pencil feels in my hand.” that piece,” she says. Cheerleaders more than supporters of sports; He also says that while he doesn’t Miller wants to continue her art have much time for art outside of passion after high school. “I love class, he wants to continue to take that I have a way to release life develop incredible athletic ability, team work art classes. pressures when I paint. I don’t have Bennett didn’t think that it was to think about anything besides ______true when she found out her piece each brushstroke, and that can be so “There were a few bumps in the misses and we don’t compete, there work and cooperation. You really had been entered, and sometimes helpful to cope with the pressures By Kaitlin Lawler road, but we really came together are no subs. Everyone has to be have to come together and work she still doesn’t believe it. Bennett of life,” says Miller. Miller adds Assistant to the Chief and worked. We really like each on their best at all times. They’ve hard and always do your best. It’s says, “I guess everyone kind of her favorite medium is watercolor. ______other and get along easy.” learned to blame themselves when a big time commitment, and you hopes, but even if I didn’t make it, “I love how expressive I can be Mrs. Grover, one of the coaches, they make a mistake and not oth- KDYH WR ¿QG WLPH IRU \RXU JUDGHV I wouldn’t be any less proud of my with watercolor,” says Miller. She When people think of school agrees and says, “These girls are ers.” and stuff besides cheer.” piece. I love art, and I don’t need to also adds that even though she spirit, cheerleaders usually come to so talented in dance, tumbling and Another asset to the team are two  *URYHUDGGVWKHUHDUHWZRGLI¿- be rewarded for it.” She also says their mind. However, cheerleaders stunting. But I truly believe the additional coaches. Assisting the cult aspects to being a cheerlead- she is excited that her work was Art Show continues are often just thought of as people difference between this team and Warriors are Ben Nagao and Sierra . “First, the toll it takes on your included in the art show. supporting a sport. What some fail others has been their ability to pull Schenck who are cheerleaders from body. Some will argue cheer isn’t a Bennett says her art concen- page 5 to realize is that cheerleading is together and do hard things even Weber State. “They are a huge help sport, but tell that to the girls who its own sport, and they have their when the odds were stacked against to the team. They help with stunt- have pulled muscles, knocked their own competitions like any other them.” ing, tumbling, making routines and teeth loose and come away from team at a school. Weber’s cheer- Head Coach Michelle Meyer putting together our pyramids. Mrs. practice black and blue. Second, leaders have accomplished awards has also been impressed with the *URYHUDQG,GH¿QLWHO\FRXOGQRWGR the time it takes away from family, this year that previous cheer teams team and their many strengths. this without Ben and Sierra. They friends, sleep and studying. These have not. They have competed in ³7KLV\HDULVP\¿UVW\HDUDVKHDG girls practice at 6:30 a.m., two to four competitions this season and coach at Weber. I wasn’t quite sure “I believe the differ- three times a week, often dragging UHFHLYHG¿UVWSODFHLQDOOIRXU what to expect when I started. I themselves out of bed with only a The girls and their coaches have do remember someone doubting ence between this team couple hours of sleep because they been stacking up trophies as they my team’s ability and dedication. and others is the ability had to stay up half the night doing competed in the Cottonwood Com- When this happened it was almost to pull together and do homework after a ball game.” petition, the Roy Region Competi- like a challenge to me. I knew that According to Meyer, “They have tion, the Weber State Invitational, these girls had everything it took to hard things even when this practice schedule all year. They and the USA Open Competition in be a winning team.” the odds were stacked never get a break. Then they attend Riverton. Meyer agrees with Grover that football, girls’ and boys’ basketball, At Cottonwood, there were the girls are talented. She also knew against them.” wrestling, swimming, baseball, six teams competing that Weber nothing would stand in their way. softball, girls’ and boys’ soccer, UHLJQHG ¿UVW RYHU DQG WKHUH ZHUH “As long as they knew I believed in are extremely talented and work track, girls’ and boys’ tennis, boys’ ¿YH FRPSHWLQJ WHDPV DW WKH 5R\ them, along with the other coaches, the girls hard,” says Meyer. and girl’s golf, and cross country. High Region. Their biggest com- they could accomplish anything,” Being a cheerleader isn’t just The time is a huge commitment.” petition was the USA Open where says Meyer. having fun at games; it is a large  7KRXJK WKHUH DUH GLI¿FXOWLHV they were up against Timpview, “Another strength is that these time commitment with a lot of in being a cheerleader, one can’t Davis, Fremont, Pleasant Grove, girls began to realize that we were practice involved. “We practice ev- forget about the fun aspects. “My Syracuse and several other highly like a family, and they had each ery B-day from 6:30 a.m. to the end favorite thing about being a cheer- ranked teams. However, nothing other’s backs,” adds Meyer. “When RI¿IWKSHULRGDQGZHSUDFWLFHIRU leader is the involvement with could stop the Warriors from taking girls genuinely care about each oth- three hours a night on Thursdays. ¿UVWSODFHKRQRUV HUDQGKDYHFRQ¿GHQFHLQHDFKRWK- It’s a lot of practice,” says Celeste Cheerleading continues on “We have had a really great sea- er, then you are successful. Cheer- Tomlinson, sophomore. Wayment Senior Marguerite Bennett, whose work is shown at the page 12 son,” says junior Aspen Wayment. leading is a team sport. One girl agrees and says, “Yeah, it’s lots of 6SULQJYLOOH$UW0XVHXPZRUNVRQDQRWKHUSLHFH Photo by Haily Osmond Meet the Inside this issue •It’s •If you eat a teaspoon of journalism against ƐƵŐĂƌ ĂŌĞƌ ĞĂƟŶŐ ƐŽŵĞ- Odds thing spicy, it will com- staff the law to burp, or pletely neutralize the heat. -Page 3 News - pages 1-5 sneeze in ‘n’ Editorial - page 6 a church in Nebraska. Ends •A snail Productions’ Feature - pages 7-10 ͻůůƉŽůĂƌďĞĂƌƐĂƌĞůĞŌŚĂŶĚĞĚ͘ takes 115 musical huge hit Prom - pages 11-14 days to with Warriors Sports - pages 15-17 •Coca-Cola would be green if coloring travel a -Page 7 weren’t added to it. mile. 2 April 2015 Motivating students to work hard, Keys to Success offers rewards ______Weber’s Achievement, Academic Growth, dents. “I don’t know very many By Elizabeth Josephson &ROOHJHDQG&DUHHU5HDGLQHVV6HU- teenagers who don’t like free food Assistant to the Chief YLFH/HDUQLQJDQG$WWHQGDQFH7DO- and entertainment,” she says. Talented ______bot adds that College and Career Students who earn Key Cards 5HDGLQHVVLVDQHZFDWHJRU\DGGHG are also entered to win even big- To many teenagers, a free car to the list. ger prizes. Talbot explains, “If stu- sounds like an impossible dream. Grover says, “I give out Key dents qualify for the assembly, they ______For Weber High students, this Cards for students who score high have a chance to win an iPad, and dream could become a reality RQ YHU\ GLI¿FXOW WHVWV RU ZULWLQJ the Keys to Success program gives By Emily Eldridge through the Keys to Success. assignments. I also give out Key DZD\¿YHWRVL[FDUVDWWKHHQGRI Feature Editor “Keys to Success is an incentive Cards to students who struggle the year.” The Weber High assem- ______program for students. It involves academically in the beginning of bly will be held on April 6. goal setting and achieving and gen- Everyone knows Weber High eral good work in school,” says As- School is full of talent, but do peo- sistant Principal Mr. Talbot. ple really know those behind that “It is an incentive program for talent? Sherri Miller, senior and teachers to use to award students talented artist, tells about how she Sherri Miller, senior, likes how she can use her artistic tal- who have excelled or improved ended up as the painter she is today. ents to expresses herself. either academically or with their “I kinda just took it on a whim Photos By Jackie Olberding citizenship,” adds English teacher sophomore year, and I ended up re- Although Miller has worked with Miller says, “I don’t plan to go into Mrs. Grover. ally loving it and enjoying it,” she multiple mediums, she says, “I feel it for a career. I want to keep it for The Keys to Success program says. more expressive with watercolor, me, because I love it. I do it for website, ktsutah.com, states that Miller describes the process so I tend to stick with that.” She the sake of painting and the joy it their mission is to “motivate Utah she takes to create a masterpiece. adds she often paints just for the brings me.” elementary and high school stu- “First, you need to kinda know sake of doing it, as well as to ex- Another talented Warrior is se- dents to advance academically by what you’re gonna do,” says Mill- press herself and have fun. nior Jake Kendall, an avid wrestler working with schools to reward er, “and then lose all fear of failure. Of all the forms of art, Miller ZKRSODFHG¿UVWDWWKH/,7 /D\WRQ educational accomplishment.” Tal- Then do it, hope for the best and SUHIHUVVXUUHDOLVP³$W¿UVW,FKRVH Invitational Tournament). Along bot has been in charge of the Keys trust your ability.” surrealism because it’s kinda just ZLWKSODFLQJ¿UVWDWWKH/,7.HQG- to Success program at Weber High how my mind works, but I realized DOODOVRWRRN¿UVWDWWKH5LFKDUGVRQ the past two years. it lets me still be a kid while I was 0HPRULDO -XQLRU9DUVLW\ DQGZRQ He adds the program is suc- growing up… It’s the imagination, ¿IWKLQVWDWHLQDZUHVWOLQJWRXUQD- cessful at Weber, and he gives the the unexpected, the impossible,” ment in ninth grade. WHDFKHUVFUHGLWIRUWKDW³/DVW\HDU says Miller. Kendall has been wrestling since Weber gave out more cards per stu- Keys to Success cards are given to students who can then Miller also adds she draws in- the sixth grade. He says, “I do it to dent than any other school in the spiration from the life around her, be competitive and for fun and it’s state. That is directly attributed to redeem them online for several types of rewards. and anything could inspire her next kind of a family tradition.” our teachers taking hold and using Photo By Jackie Olberding work of art. She feels especially Kendall also mentions he was the program to help students.” a term but then turn things around If all these prizes are not enough, SURXGRIKHUVHOIZKHQVKH¿QLVKHV encouraged by his father to do his Grover likes the program be- and earn a passing grade.” scholarships are also available something without any assistance best at wrestling and, over time, he cause it allows educators to reward Once a student is given a card, through the program. The Keys to or insight from others. grew to love it. their students. “Teachers don’t they can go to the Keys to Suc- Success website reports, “Keys to “When I paint, for that small mo- “Once I hit eighth and ninth have enough money to buy stuff to cess website and pick their prize. Success is partnered with multiple ment I don’t have to think about grade, that’s when I really started reward students for working hard. Talbot says there are tons of prizes universities, post-secondary edu- anything,” says Miller. She adds, “I wanting to do it,” says Kendall. This program allows us to reward available including athletic tickets, cational institutions, and business paint to let go, but also sometimes When it comes to wrestling, them without costing us anything food, games, plays and museums. sponsors to provide students with to remember.” Kendall describes it as a “man to EXWDOLWWOHWLPHWR¿OORXWDIRUP´ “Students should earn Key Cards many scholarship opportunities.” One of the most recent paintings man sport.” He says, “Dominance Keys to Success reaches “most of because they can get lots of free The website also says they have Miller painted is titled “Fragile,” is most of it. Strength, technique… the metro areas in Utah,” says Tal- stuff,” says Grover. “Prizes include offered “over 600 scholarships to DQGLWGHSLFWVDEXWWHUÀ\ZLWKLP- once you understand it, it’s pretty bot. This includes the Ogden, Salt free food, free entertainment… all Utah students, with a total value of Jake Kendall, senior, has ages on the wings of the girls who easy to pick up.” /DNH DQG 3URYR DUHDV DORQJ ZLWK the stuff teenagers love!” she adds. well over half a million dollars” in been a wrestler since sixth passed away over the summer. He adds that while dominance is smaller surrounding schools. The Grover also says her son is “taking the past 10 years. To help with post grade and enjoys the men- Miller says she wanted to paint this a main part of wrestling, that’s not Keys to Success website lists 63 his Prom date to Get-Air with the high school education costs, this tal aspect of the game. He for a purpose, for them. “I wanted all it’s about. “It’s a mental game schools involved in the program. free passes he earned with Keys to year Keys to Success is offering describes the activity as a to say something with my art,” she too,” says Kendall, “and if you Keys to Success cards are giv- Success.” more than 300 scholarships. For says. let it get to your head, it tears you en out for student performance in Grover thinks Keys to Success those interested in the scholarship, “man to man sport.” Although she has excelled in art, down.” RQH RI ¿YH FDWHJRULHV $FDGHPLF cards are good motivation for stu- see the school counselors.

99c/ April 2015 Journalism talents created Controlled chaos: with award winning paper ______who learn how to properly take a “I’m really opinionated, and I like throwing up masks.” By Cameron Clark and Natalie photograph, and how to format the how editorials make me feel like In addition to writing and pho- Andrus photo in Photoshop, so it can be my opinions are important.” tography, journalism also has a de- Staff Reporters printed in the paper. We have artists Savannah Day, feature editor and sign element. Cortney Ballif, senior ______who illustrate and draw cartoons to senior, says feature writing is her and design editor, creates the ads, go with the stories. There are busi- favorite type of article because of and she works on layout of pages. “Writing’s not just something to ness people who make phone calls the interviews. “I like being able She took the class when she was a do; it’s something that you want to to local companies and convince to interview people, hearing fun sophomore and enjoyed it, so she do. You need to have a desire to do them to advertise in the paper. stories and memories. It’s awe- took it again senior year. it, and a passion for getting out the There are designers and typesetters some.” “I’ve learned how to do graphic truth,” says Jack Powell, editorial who work on preparing pages. Last Senior Stephanie Laubacher also design, and I’ve realized I enjoy editor and senior. but not least, we have the writers, enjoys feature writing because she doing it,” says Ballif. She also Many Warriors choose to take PDQ\ZKRDUHZULWLQJIRUWKHLU¿UVW VD\VLWLVHDVLHUWR¿QGSHRSOHWRLQ- says her favorite part of the class journalism because they enjoy time, so it is a challenge, but we terview. Her favorite article she’s is “everyone’s so nice and I have writing; however, creating stories have lots of talent here.” ZULWWHQZDVRQÀLUWLQJEHFDXVHVKH a lot of fun. You can learn lots of isn’t the only talent developed in Montgomery also adds journal- got some very funny interviews for good information you can use for this class. ism is a great way to get English it. She adds, “I like to work on writ- the rest of your life and make good “I have talented students who credit. friends.” love photography, designing on The main reason Powell joined “Being a part of the Business and managing are key Seniors Emily Eldredge and Cameron Clark help prepare computers, editing work and also journalism is because “I have a journalism staff makes parts of the paper. Without the ad- the newspaper for mailing. Photo by Ashton Bindrup some who have an interest in the huge passion for politics, and I felt vertisers, there wouldn’t be a stu- business side of the paper. There that the editorial section would be you feel like you are a dent publication. Ashley Vongban- ways enjoy is editing the paper. learn how to produce a publication, are so many different journalism an asset to my future as well as get- part of something big- dith, junior and a managing editor, “Editing the pages isn’t the staff’s but they get to see their accomplish- aspects that kids can work with ting my opinion out.” has been on the staff for two years. preferred use of the class,” says ments in print.” Stettler also adds, when creating the school newspa- Siera Rose, news editor and a ger; people depend on “As a managing editor, I work with Montgomery, “but Stettler tries to “I hate to see the end of a school per,” says Mrs. Stettler, Warrior sophomore, agrees, and adds she you.” the business students when I am make it rewarding by giving out year because we have become such News advisor. “They also have re- took the class because her dream not writing stories.” She enjoys SUL]HV IRU ¿QGLQJ WKH PLVWDNHV , a united team. Because of all their FHLYHG QDWLRQDO ¿UVW SODFH KRQRUV job has always been a journalist. “I ing objectively.” working with businesses and un- like reading all the stories, and I hard work, dedication and perse- with their talents.” was really excited that I could take Hannah Nelson, managing editor derstands without their support, all IHHO VR DFFRPSOLVKHG ZKHQ , ¿QG verance, they will do great in their “We do lots of things in the something that will prepare me for and a senior has also taken jour- the stories and photos would not be mistakes and I am able to correct futures.” class,” adds Katie Montgomery, se- what I actually want to do with my nalism for three years. A favorite printed in a newspaper. The only them. The added bonus of candy For those thinking about taking nior, editor in chief and a three year life, career-wise.” article she’s written is one about thing she dislikes about working and little alien prizes makes layout the class, Rose says, “Make sure member. “We have photographers Rose also likes writing editorials. Doctor Who. “I like to write stories with The Warrior News, “I don’t one of my favorite parts of the pro- you’re good at time management... about fandoms, nerds and music.” like it when you interview students cess.” deadlines come up a lot faster than Along fandom lines, Day’s fa- and they give you a pathetic and Along with developing better you’d think.” vorite article she’s written is “the inappropriate answer. Seriously, English skills, Dubose feels jour- Laubacher agrees, saying, “It cosplay article. I got to talk to cos- grow up!” nalism has helped her become feels more like a job than a class. players and get the word out about There are also leadership posi- more responsible by making sure There’s work that I’m expected to what cosplay is all about.” tions in journalism. Rachel Du- her work is done by deadline and do, and I’m kind of left alone and Amy Halliday, senior, not only bose, senior and an editor in chief her work is polished. held responsible to do it.” took journalism because she want- who has been on the staff for three Kierstin Pitcher, an editor in Mrs. Stettler is impressed with ed to build reporting skills, “I took years, says, “Instead of being in chief and senior who has been on what the journalism kids accom- journalism because I like to write charge of myself, I am a mentor to the staff for three years, says she plish each year. “There is a lot of and I like photography. This is a other students and help them out has gained much from the class. “It responsibilty involved in the class, class where I can do both.” with their jobs. The editors have made me be more involved with the and I’m so glad I work with such Working with photographers is a big work load in trying to make school. You have to go out and talk amazing kids each day,” she says. assistant to the chief and senior sure the class stays together.” to people you’ve never met before Nelson adds more people should Ashton Bindrup. This is his second Rose’s favorite part of journalism RUWU\DQG¿QGSHRSOHDQGFRQYLQFH take journalism. “Just get through year on the staff, and he believes LV WXUQLQJ LQ ¿QDO GUDIWV EHFDXVH them to be interviewed. It totally WKH¿UVWTXDUWHUDQGWKHUHVWRIWKH photography is important to the “all of the stress is gone.” She also helped me be less shy and more as- year is fantastic. And enjoy it as publication. “We need photography likes putting the paper together be- sertive. Being a part of journalism much as you can because once it’s for the paper; otherwise, you are cause “it makes me feel like people makes you feel you are a part of over you’ll miss it.” just staring at a page of text with are going to see this, and I’ve been something bigger; people depend Dubose agrees and says, “The no pictures and you’re thinking, ‘I part of something.” on you.” ¿UVW TXDUWHU LV D ORW RI ERRNZRUN don’t want to read this; it’s dull.’” Nelson’s favorite part is “the Mrs. Stettler has worked with the while you learn the ropes, and you Bindrup likes capturing people teacher; Mrs. Stettler is my favorite Warrior News for 25 years and she worry it might not end up being a Working on a deadline are (backrow left and then clockwise) sophmore in his photographs and then en- because she’s the best and totally says her job is rewarding because fun class. But it really gets better Taylor Galusha, junior Amanda Dickemore, sophmore Sarah Calvert hancing stories. He adds, “There spoils us even when she’s stressed. she watches the kids get excited after you learn how to do a newspa- and junior Elizabeth Josephson. is something beautiful about peo- I also like the people.” when their work is published. “This per and you are working together. Photo by Jackie Olberding ple acting like themselves and not One thing students may not al- is a class where students not only It’s a great class to join.” 4 EDITORIAL April 2015 Early opportunity must stay, students feel it is properly used

Every Wednesday and Thursday ies that kids don’t get the amount the advisors and the students is what many Warriors look for- of sleep they need, and E.O. on It is important to maintain a bal- ZDUGWRZKHQWU\LQJWR¿QGVRPH- Wednesday helps provide at least a ance between work and play. Many thing positive to get them to the little bit of sleep for them. students, and even some teachers, weekend. The biggest reason for If not sleep, then study! Kids believe there are too many hours ______this is because school starts at 8:17 who need to catch up on home- of instruction given in the public doing it,” said Sarah Dessen, an “Should we try to change peo- a.m.; approximately 37 minutes work or need to visit teachers to school time. With an unbalance in By Natalie Andrus American author. ples’ opinions because they are dif- later than the grueling, usual 7:40 gather assignments use Thursday work/study time, it is more likely News Editor So respect is something that ev- ferent from our own? No. We are a.m. The reason it is this way is for EO for catching up on missing as- for people to develop unhealthy ______eryone deserves until they prove all different and we should simply students to have the opportunity to signments in effort to boost their habits which could, in the long run, otherwise. Until you have a viable just respect that. When respect catch up on some homework or to grades. Others who have a big test cause some traumatic problems af- Much like any other word, re- reason to not give someone respect, is broken, that is where a line is come in to speak to their teachers coming up later that day also use fecting people socially, emotion- spect has more than one dictionary give it to them. After all, we’re all crossed. And respect is often bro- if they missed a day. Some teach- this time wisely such as studying ally and physically. Obviously, the GH¿QLWLRQ:HDOOKDYHDYDJXHLGHD human. But acceptance is what we ken because many people feel as if ers and parents, however, disagree for the criteria and preparing them- school sees the need for instruc- of what this means. We’ve been should strive for, especially when it we are trying to get them to accept with the value of this time. selves for an upcoming exam. tional hours, but they’re missing told to respect our elders. Most of comes to our perspective on others. something and someone that they I’m going to be both blunt and Usually not discussed in this de- the balance aspect of things. our teachers have “respect” some- In Maines’s article it says, “Can do not personally agree with.” says honest. The students need E.O. bate is the time given to groups and (2KDVEHHQEHQH¿FLDOIRUPDQ\ where in their classroom rules. we get all people to accept people of Maine. [Early Oppotunity] hour. Some clubs to meet for extracurricular students and teachers for sev- What is respect, actually? Is it color, gender or a certain religion? Another thing that goes along teachers and parents may not un- activities and other sorts of neces- eral years. Why make the sudden some arbitrary concept that can’t be No. What we can do is get more with acceptance or respect is un- derstand because some students sary meetings. DECA and FBLA FKDQJH" ,W LV QRW FOHDU ZK\ RI¿- GH¿QHG" $FFRUGLQJ WR GLFWLRQDU\ people to understand that they are derstanding In the book To Kill A use this free time to sleep in, espe- use this time to have meetings. FLDOVZDQWWRJHWULGRIWKLVEHQH¿W com, respect is deference to a right, entitled to their thoughts and feel- Mockingbird, Atticus Finch said, cially on Wednesday during teach- Even the Journalism editors come The school should continue to both privilege, privileged position, or ings, but they need to respect that “You never really understand a er meetings. Since when is getting in during E.O. to do some extra keep it and promote it for produc- someone or something considered these are people. These people may person until you see things from more sleep such a bad thing? It al- work towards the production of the tive and educational use. to have certain rights or privileges; be different than them or what they his point of view... Until you climb lows students to relieve themselves next paper. Clubs and other outside courtesy; acknowledgement. believe, but we are still people.” into his skin and walk around in it.” of stress, anxiety and recharge their DFWLYLWLHVXVHWKLVWLPHDQG¿QGLWWR By Dustin Kingsbury Again, according to dictionary. I couldn’t agree more. As a teen- The process should go like this: energy. It is proven through stud- EHH[FHHGLQJO\EHQH¿FLDOIRUERWK WHS Senior com, acceptance is “the act of as- ager who’s spent her whole life in if we don’t understand someone, senting or believing; approval, fa- this community, I’ve seen too many at least respect them. And once we vorable reception.” people who can’t even respect oth- XQGHUVWDQGKRSHIXOO\ZH¶OO¿QGLW Exercise results in more than But according to this same ers, let alone accept them. This in us to accept them. source, acceptance and respect are needs to stop. We’re all people, And I get that there are some synonyms. And they mean simi- each of us needs each other. Why things that we don’t agree with and appearance, boosts self esteem lar things. The difference between don’t we lift others up instead of therefore can’t accept. However, the two is that acceptance is truly tearing them down? we need to at least respect some- How often do we really think agreeing, understanding and ap- Colleen Hoover, New York Times one, especially before they happen about the effects our lifestyles have preciating while respect is just ac- bestselling author, said, “Be ac- to give us a reason to not show re- on us? As teenagers, we all have knowledgement and not going after cepting, of everything. People’s spect. different ways of living. Some whatever the thing is vehemently differences, their similarities, their We should give people respect would rather go home after school or with hate. choices, their personalities. Some- and encourage others to respect us. or work and relax by watching TV, ,Q D +XI¿LQJWRQ 3RVW DUWLFOH times it takes a variety to make a Strive to accept others for who they reading a book all afternoon or Wayne Maine made it pretty simple good collection. The same goes for are, even if they’re unwilling to snacking. Others prefer to go out and clear. “Acceptance is not what people.” do the same to us. And we will re- and run or participate in sports or we should be asking for - respect is %XW WKHUH¶V D ¿QH OLQH EHWZHHQ member the difference between ac- other physical activities. For most what we need from others.” helping people understand and ceptance and respect. We will also of us, though, our lives consist of a “Accepting all the good and bad them feeling threatened by us. remember that those two things little bit of both. about someone. It’s a great thing to Maine touches on how to walk this have the power to tear us apart or However, we need a balance be- aspire to. The hard part is actually line successfully. bring us together. tween relaxation and being active. Teens shouldn’t exhaust them- selves, so it’s okay to take it easy Politicians discuss, stress importance sometimes, but we shouldn’t be so laid-back to the point of laziness ei- WKHU6WD\LQJDFWLYHLVVREHQH¿FLDO for immediate environmental action especially to us while we’re young. Earth Day is probably the most According to the President’s important day when people re- Council on Physical Fitness and member to contribute to the planet Sports, students who are physically and help protect our environment. active have increased health ben- In my opinion, I think every day H¿WV7HHQVZKRDUHDFWLYHDUHOHVV people should contribute some- likely to develop heart disease, be- thing that will help our world, and come obese and develop diabetes. makes a huge difference in the that exercise is a great outlet to they should volunteer at least every Some types of cancer can also be mental health and moods of teens. release some of that stress. Work- month to assist the environment. avoided by those who participate in The study also shows teens who ing out can reduce our anxiety and As I perused through articles on sports and other physical activities. participate in sports or other physi- even some behavioral problems. WKH EHQH¿WV RI D JRRG FOHDQ HFR- It is also recommended that stu- cal activities are less likely to start When we exercise, negative ener- system I stumbled upon an excerpt dents get at least one hour of exer- using drugs, and girls who are gy can be totally gone by the time from an article from Larry West, cise into their daily routines. It can physically active are less likely to we’re done. Have you ever noticed an environmental expert who con- be a little hard to get the motivation get pregnant than those who aren’t. that after going on a run or after a tributes to aboutnews.com. I agree to exercise, but I promise it’s worth Along with all these things, be- practice, your problems seem a lit- with him on the importance of hav- it. ing involved in physical activities tle less hard than before? It totally ing Earth Day. I don’t know about you, but after can have positive social effects on works; staying active can help with “On April 22, 1970, the Environ- I exercise it makes me feel amazing teens, too. By being on a sports that, too. mental Teach-in held a nationwide about myself and great in general. team, students make lots of friends All of these things are just a few day of environmental education It’s not a lie when people say they and can develop better social skills RIWKHPDQ\EHQH¿WVSK\VLFDODFWLY- activism and U.S. Senator Gaylord “look good and feel good.” After as well. Some studies have shown ity can have in our lives. I know Nelson from Wisconsin. Nelson playing sports or running or work- students get better grades as a result how hard it can be to get off the wanted to show other U.S. politi- LQJRXWVRPHRQH¶VFRQ¿GHQFHZLOO of participating in sports. By stay- couch some days, believe me. But cians that there was widespread skyrocket and he/she will just feel ing physically active and especially maybe we should all consider the public support for a political agen- happier. Physical activity releases by being on teams, we can learn good things that can come out of da centered on the environmental endorphins which make us feel how to interact with others, fol- just an hour of exercise. It would issues.” good and healthy. low rules and to win and lose with make a huge difference to become West also tells how Nelson start- The University of Florida re- grace. These skills can be used all more balanced between relaxation ed organizing this event from his leased a study stating girls who throughout our lives. and physical activity. It’ll pay off in 6HQDWH RI¿FH ³+H ZDV DVVLJQLQJ was created within three years after West also shows examples of participated in sports developed a Being physically active can also the end, I promise. two staff members to assist with it, Earth Day 1970,” he says. what happens when one environ- higher self-esteem and healthier help teens reduce stress levels. We but soon more space and more peo- Nelson received honors in 1995, ment is protected. “Researches at body image than girls who were not all know how stressful high school By Abby Wight ple were needed.” John Gardner, and he was given the Presidential the Davey Institute found that ur- SK\VLFDOO\ DFWLYH 6HOIFRQ¿GHQFH can be, and many of us have found WHS Senior founder of Common Cause, do- Medal of Freedom from President ban trees and forests are saving an QDWHGRI¿FHVSDFH1HOVRQVHOHFWHG Bill Clinton for founding Earth average of one life every year per Denis Hayes, a Harvard University Day, West adds Nelson brought city because of the particulates that student, to coordinate Earth Day “awareness of environmental prob- they remove from the air. A study 2015 activities and have him a staff of lems and encouraging and promot- in the Journal of Preventative Med- volunteer college students to help.” ing environmental action.” icine found that people experienced These events were successful, I appreciate what Nelson has more deaths from heart disease and and Earth Day celebrations are done. He has helped bring envior- respiratory disease when they lived APRIL 2015 ISSUE 5 VOLUME 290 SINCE 1946 now held at thousands of colleges, mental awareness, and we have in areas where trees had disap- Editor-in-Chiefs Assistant to the Chief Managing Editor News Editors Feature Editors universities, schools and commu- learned how to take action to pro- peared.” Rachel Dubose Ashton Bindrup Kaitlyn Borgschatz Natalie Andrus Savannah Day nities all across the United States. tect the earth. It is time we take ac- Another way we can celebrate Katie Montgomery Kaitlin Lawler Hannah Nelson Stephanie Laubacher Emily Eldredge “An October 1993 article in Ameri- tion and help our planet. the earth is understanding how Kierstin Pitcher Elizabeth Josephson Ashley Vongbandith Siera Rose Abby Wight can Heritage magazine proclaimed “As Earth Day approaches, I to better our planet. According to April 22, 1970, Earth Day was one hope people will understand what it West, trees are considered the lungs Editorial Editors Sports Editors Photo Editors Design Editors Copy Editors of the most remarkable happenings isn’t a once a year celebration. No of the planet because they produce Megan Henley Sarah Calvert Amber Broderick Cortney Ballif Abby Leake in the history of democracy; 20 matter when you celebrate Earth oxygen for all living things. Plant- Jack Powell Dustin Kingsbury Jackie Olberding Samantha Barnes Sidney Lee million people demonstrated their Day, its message about the personal ing trees will revive the planet. Natalie Wilding Jordan Johnson Emilia Nelson support. American politics and responsibility we all share to think “Burning fossil fuels puts heat- public policy would never be the globally and act locally as environ- trapping carbon dioxide into our at- Business ~ Reporters ~ Artists ~ Photographers ~ Typesetters ~ Design same again,” says West. mental stewards of planet Earth has mosphere, changing our climate in Emma Millus Marguerite Bennett Rebecca Ross Chelsie Ford Joseph Pitman Because of the Earth Day cel- never been more timely and impor- dangerous ways. Planting trees can Amy Halliday Cameron Clark Lily Davis Taylor Galusha Emilee Alder ebration, West says “a widespread tant,” says West. slow down this process. A tree can Haily Osmond Ryan Aldridge Amanda Dickemore Linzee Hall Joe Potter interest began to support envi- West feels earth is in a crisis state absorb as much as 48 burning fos- The Warrior News is printed monthly. The publication is a member of Quill and Scroll, Columbia Press ronmental legislation.” Congress because of overpopulation, and sil fuels puts heat-trapping carbon Association and American Scholastic Press Association. We welcome letters to the editor. Such letters shall passed many important environ- other critical environmental issues. dioxide out, and can sequester one be typed with the writer’s name promiently displayed on the article. The writer’s name may be withheld mental laws, including the Clean He adds everyone “shares responsi- ton of carbon dioxide by the time LIVRUHTXHVWHG1DPHVZLOOEHNHSWRQ¿OH9LHZVZULWWHQLQWKHHGLWRULDOVGRQRWUHSUHVHQWWKHRSLQLRQVRI Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Safe bility to do as much as they can to it reaches 40 years old.” says West. the Warrior News staff. The Warrrior News reserves the right to edit for reasons of space, liability, and Drinking Water Act, as well as laws SUHVHUYH WKH SODQHW¶V ¿QLWH QDWXUDO reserves the right to deny printing articles that are deemed inappropriate. Those interested in advertising to protect wilderness areas. The resources today and for future gen- By Jack Powell in the Warrior News can contact the school at 801-476- 3700. Environmental Protection Agency erations.” WHS Senior April 2015 FEATURE 5 Fun ways Holiday to spend inspires spring pranking vacation ______festivities ______By Ashley Vongbandith Managing Editor By Sarah Calvert ______Sports Editor ______For one week, students get to lay back and take it easy. The cold One morning you wake up and and those who lived in rural areas DQG VWXGHQWV DW :HEHU +LJK ¿QG weather is leaving the area, home- get dressed, content to have a great did not hear about it in time and many ways to fool their friends. work can be put aside for a few day at school. That’s when you run continued to celebrate the new year Meghan Winward, sophomore, days and, it’s time for students to into a Saran-wrapped door, discov- in April while the rest celebrated shares one of her pranks. “One be able to do what they please dur- er that your toothpaste tastes suspi- in January. They were mocked and time I had these brown “e”s, and I ing the break. But some don’t have ciously close to shaving cream and, known as the “April Fools.” This would go up to people and say, ‘Oh a clue what to do with a week off. ORJ RQ WR \RXU ODSWRS WR ¿QG WKDW absurdity evolved into the tradi- my gosh, do you want some brown- Students talk about plans on how Disneyland is just one of the many popular spring break your Google has been changed to tions making others look like fools, ies?’ and they would get so excited. to make spring break a week to re- locations that students enjoy. Photos by Ellie May Kerr some odd language called Klingon. or so the story goes. Then I would pull out a browne’s member and cherish. Just as you’re wondering if you’ve However, National Geographic and say, “here is your brownie,” According to some students, But not everyone has the the best if you’re looking for stuff entered an alternate universe, your also says not many scientists agree and they would be really mad. One money can solve boredom. kind of money to be ventur- out of the house,” says Leckzik. glance falls upon the calendar on with this myth. It is far more likely guy even ate it,” she adds. “He just With money saved for spring ing out for the break. Some may Family vacations, hitting the road your fridge and that’s when you that April Fool’s day began as a smiled, shoved it in his mouth and break, what are the possibilities? like to lay back at home but still with friends, exploring the great UHDOL]HLW¶VWKH¿UVWRI$SULORWKHU- joke to the king. The website ex- walked away.” “Lava Hot Springs is a fun place have some fun while doing so. outdoors…spring break adventures wise known as April Fool’s Day. plains, “As the story goes, jesters Many students also suggest to visit,” says Destanie Setzer, ju- “Just hanging out with friends, can happen anywhere! Many had According to National Geo- successfully petitioned the ruler to simple but funny options, such as nior. “But personally for me, if I had laying around the house with experiences leaving Utah just to graphic, there are several different allow one of their elected members putting Saran Wrap or Pop Rocks money, I would totally go on a road WKHP DQG ZDWFKLQJ 1HWÀL[ ZRXOG enjoy the week at some place new. myths behind this day of jokes. to be king for a day. So, on April on the toilet, prank calls, or switch- trip somewhere for the week,” adds still be something nice to do,” “Jamaica and Florida are my 1RQHKDYHDFWXDOO\EHHQVFLHQWL¿- ¿UVW &RQVWDQWLQH KDQGHG RYHU WKH ing Oreo creme for mint toothpaste. Setzer. “I would travel to Louisiana says Jennus DeSpain, junior. favorite places to go to, because cally proven, and many countries reins of the Roman Empire for one AprilFoolZone.Com has plenty because I know people down there “Picnics, walking around town they’re really warm,” says Olm- and cultures prefer different ver- day to King Kugel, his jester. Kugel of pranking ideas. The site’s most to hang out with and it’ll be really and baking days are so fun to do stead. “It’s a really nice time to go sions of the story. All originate in decreed that the day forever would popular pranks include dipping fun since I’ve never left the state.” with friends,” says Leckzik. down there just because it’s just the Europe, but the most popular myth be a day of absurdity.” powdered donuts in baking soda Senior Laticha Coleman Staying inside is a way to save right temperature.” takes place in France. Those who do not believe in or putting salt on someone’s tooth- agrees, saying road trips are money, but why not get out- But some teens can only dream The myth says France changed either of these myths can simply brush. Many new pranks center the best idea if money is avail- side? There are still cheap places about leaving the state for some its New Year’s celebration around settle for the simplest explanation: around phones. The most popular able to those during the break. to visit for the week to enjoy. peaceful spring break vacation the 1500s so it would match with April Fool’s has evolved from an- prank involves changing the short- “Since there’s a week off, road “Crystal Hot Springs isn’t too time. the Roman calendar. The cel- cient European festivals which cuts for certain words. To do this, trips are probably the best thing to far away, isn’t too expensive, so “I went to Disneyland last year ebration was originally celebrated encouraged hilarity and practical enter a shortcut word (the site sug- do over the break,” says Coleman. , ZRXOG GH¿QLWHO\ JR WKHUH LI \RX for Warriorettes, and I wish I could DURXQG WKH ¿UVW RI $SULO DQG ZDV jokes by wearing masks or painting gests “boop” and “beep”) for com- “I would go anywhere, really… ever get the chance,” says Setzer. go back this year,” says DeSpain. changed to begin in January, as it their faces in bright colors. mon words (such as you, the, and as long as I can leave Utah, it’ll be ³*RLQJ FDPSLQJ DQG ¿VKLQJ LV Whatever choice Warriors make remains today. However, word of This tradition of practical joking that) by going into settings and fun,” she adds. “Visiting an amuse- cheap and you’ll get the chance this spring break, it’ll give them this change traveled very slowly, and pranking has continued today, messing with the keyboards. ment park, like Lagoon, would be to be outside,” says Sharaye Olm- the chance to stay clear of school WKH ¿UVW WKLQJ WR GR IRU PH´ VD\V stead, junior. stress, and they don’t need worry Selin Leckzik, junior. What is there to possibly do in about waking up early for a whole Top ten contagious tips for those Leckzik is a foreign exchange the area? Can’t think of any places week. student from Germany and says that to visit? Students came up with “There’s a lot to do during the VKH¶V³H[FLWHGWR¿QDOO\JRWR/DJ several ideas to relieve boredom break; just do whatever you want contracting infamous senioritis oon with some new friends from We- while staying in Utah. and make it as fun as possible,” ______ber this year during spring break.” “Paintball or trampoline parks are says DeSpain. comes to get something done; stop! EHHQ ¿UHG DW WKLV SRLQW ZKLFK By Marguerite Bennett This task will be easily completed works just as well. Just think! No Art Show continues people judging, so he didn’t get his but, unfortunately, it wasn’t an Staff Reporter in the near future; whenever that is. PRUHÀLSSLQJEXUJHUVQRPRUHDQ- from page 1 hopes up. option because there was a time ______3. Homework is a huge stressor; a gry customers and no more manag- Dahl was also awarded the Juror’s limit on the piece. stressor no longer needed. So just ers yelling. This is true freedom. loves painting, she has no career Honorable Mention. “Honestly, “Art gives me the chance to create You’ve spent the last three years don’t do it, no matter how fun or  %UHDN XS ZLWK \RXU VLJQL¿FDQW plans in art. it was unexpected. The picture I something or capture something of your life meticulously dotting important it seems. Grades might other. Boy and girl friends take Cook is excited about his piece entered was a simple portrait, so that others can enjoy. It’s a great your i’s and crossing your t’s. The suffer, but your stress levels won’t, way too much effort. They are not being entered, because he does not I didn’t expect much to come out sense of accomplishment especially balancing game with grades, work right? worth it! Plus, after one loses their consider himself an artist. “I really of it. It felt good when I found out when it can turn out as you’d like it and relationships has consumed 4. The second biggest stressor is job they don’t have enough money only took the class for art credit so though,” says Dahl. to,” says Dahl. your life. With senior year com- tests. No worries! Scantrons are to take them anywhere. At this to be entered into an art show, that Dahl says his inspiration for the Dahl also says his favorite ing to a close, it’s time to give in pretty much just patterns any- point, senioritis has taken complete is really cool,” says Cook. piece was an assignment done in medium of art is pencil. He also and give up. This transition might way. So one never needs to study. hold. His sculpture is chiseled out enjoys painting, but mixing colors be foreign to all of you, but with Grades should remain mostly un- 9. Now what is needed is a list of of rock in the abstract form of an “Art gives me the takes a very long time and painting practicing these steps it can be changed; mostly. crafty excuses to hide senioritis. interlocking shape. His inspiration LVGLI¿FXOWVLQFHKHLVFRORUEOLQGWR achieved. By doing these tips, you 5. Be late to everything, the party One might get into some tight jams for this piece comes from his best chance to cre- an extent. He also says his favorite will be able to fall into the seniori- starts when you arrive anyways. and need to be prepared to get out. friend Ethan Lund, and how Lund’s ate something or type of subject is people. “I love tis plan. Go to everything in one’s own Create a list of things parents and curly hair interlocks. Cook says he people, and I feel the best, most time, or don’t show up at all. If teachers nag about, and then a list ¿QGVKLVVFXOSWXUHWREHSHUIHFW capture some- relateable subject is people,” says 1. Let it go; let it all go. This is you plan appropriately, attendance of answers for each. Make sure Cook’s favorite type of art is Dahl. the procrastinator motto for every- credit can been stored up enough to the responses are pity evoking and sculpting. “You don’t have to make thing that others Dahl plans on pursuing art in thing. Failed a test? Let it go. miss a couple classes. leave the accuser feeling like one is something that is 3D to 2D; you get college, but he has yet to decide a phone? Let it go. Have no clean 6. Imagine all the sports and ex- ready to change. to keep it 3D,” he says. can enjoy...” if he wants to be a full time artist underwear? Let. It. Go. The more tracurricular activities you do that 10. The last step, prepare your- “I felt happy and accomplished. class from life. The portrait was of or a part time artist. He says that that is let slip, the stronger the on- take effort. They have to go. They selves. Giving up all your hard It felt good to have my work in the Julianne Kidd. Dahl says because no matter what, though, he will be set of senioritis will come. Do not take up too much time and energy work is great, but has a tiny, min- show for people to enjoy,” says the piece was done in class, it was pursuing art. resist it. from the real activities one wants ute consequence. Be ready to live Dahl. He also adds that while he done in the period of two class Dahl was also featured in the /HWWLQJJRLVGLI¿FXOWEXWFDQEH WRGRHDWLQJVOHHSLQJDQG1HWÀL[ in your parents basement or in card had hoped his piece would make periods or three hours. He would Springsville Art show last year as attained by promising that every- bingeing. This might be the most board box… depends on how nice it into the show, art is subjective, have wanted to spend more time on well. He did a family portrait from thing can be done tomorrow. Ev- GLI¿FXOWVWHSEXWLWEULQJVWKHPRVW your parents are. But don’t let that making the decision up to the LW VR LW ZRXOG IHHO PRUH ¿QLVKHG 1969 in colored pencil. erything, even showering can be rewards. scare you; it’s a small price to pay done later. Whenever the thought 7. Quit your job. One might have for the rewards of giving in. Harley & Buck’s Bring in Great American Cuisine One coupon per guest. Off er does this ad and not include alcohol by law and is get 10% off not valid with any other off ers. Name______Phone______your meal! Email______Open For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Breakfast: Mon - Sat, 10 am - 2 pm Lunch: Mon - Sat, 11 am - 4 pm Dinner: Mon. - Th urs. 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. Live music on weekends www. harleyandbucks.com 2432 Washington Blvd. • Ogden, Utah Validated parking north of the restaurant 6 FEATURE April 2015 The show must go on, 7UDGLWLRQV¿OOKROLGD\ crew asset to production ______By Taylor Galusha naked on stage in the dark.” Staff Reporter By Rebecca Ross As far as the responsibilities of ______Staff Reporter crew members, Daniels adds they ______organize props, build various stage While Easter may seem like a weird commercialized holiday for VFHQHV¿QGFRVWXPHVZRUNOLJKWV some, its religious meaning gives the holiday a deeper meaning for Going out to the theater can be a and sound, and they keep the show others. great time. People enjoy watching running smoothly. Senior Taylor Grigg says, “I don’t really care about Easter. It a story come to life on the stage, Depending on the type of show, doesn’t seem as important as say, Christmas. Maybe it comes from but there is so much more to it than the backstage crew can consist of the fact that I just don’t get Easter… since when do bunnies lay eggs just the actors/actresses. There are ¿YHWRSHRSOH,WDOOGHSHQGVRQ or give eggs? They are mammals and as far as my knowledge goes, also people backstage who without how much needs to be done back- that is not how it works. It’s just, well, weird. If they want to celebrate them, the show would be a disaster. stage. “With Addams Family, I feel a mammal that lays eggs, then they should have a Platypus Day.” The backstage crew members or like you would need a larger group Grigg adds from a religious aspect, the holiday has a deeper mean- the tech crew are always there even for the larger scale musical; maybe ing, and the holiday does make sense to him. “My family believes that if people don’t see them. They are LVK´&DOYRVD\V (DVWHUUHSUHVHQWV-HVXV¶UHVXUUHFWLRQDQGWKHVDFUL¿FHWKDWKHPDGH crucial to the show. Their job is to And even though they aren’t in for us,” says Grigg. make sure the show goes off with- the spotlight, the stage crew still “My whole family comes over; we go to a park and have a picnic. out problems. ¿QGVMR\LQWKHLUMRE³,IHHODFFRP- Stage crew spends many hours as they get ready for the Then my older brothers take the eggs and hide them for my nieces According to Ryan Lund, se- plished because we’re kind of like opening of The Addams Family show. and nephews,” says sophomore Sydnee Chugg. nior, “We just keep the show run- the unsung heroes. It feels good to Photo by Amy Halliday Chugg adds that they also dye hard boil eggs certain colors to ning from the technical aspects. know that it [production] went so things are confusing. It’s really Stage crew isn’t just for high represent aspects of Jesus Christ’s life, such as red for his blood. In Like during the bigger shows, we smoothly and everyone enjoyed easy to catch on to things. It’s an school. If the student is truly pas- Chugg’s family, they also believe Jesus Christ is the center of Easter. move all the set pieces on and off. it,”says Lund. He adds, “It’s not aspect of theatre that I have not yet sionate about it, then there are ac- “Easter, along with a lot of holidays, I feel, get their roots from re- We change the lights, keep the mi- necessarily that you did something been able to do,” Calvo says. tual careers for them. ligion or they get taken over by some religious belief in a way,” says crophones running. Any aspects right, but you didn’t do something Lund adds, “Depending on the “Tech students can get scholar- Chugg. that the actors need to have redone wrong. For me it makes me feel VKRZ LW¶V GH¿QLWHO\ ERWK IXQ DQG ships and be set for the rest of their While Chugg says her brothers have all become inactive in her fam- for them, we do it. And for smaller good knowingI was able to make KDUG,¿QGLWUHDOO\IXQDQG,HQMR\ life if they go into it as a career. Ac- ily’s faith, they will still listen to the stories that her parents tell from shows we generally just do lights, everyone on stage look good.” it and so it’s fun for me, but there tors are a dime a dozen, but good scriptures. She also says her brothers want their kids to know their sound and music.” “It’s different because I’m so DUH GH¿QLWHO\ WKH VKRZV WKDW DUH tech kids are far and few between,” family’s beliefs. “We are what makes the shows used to performing, but it’s also really hard. You have to be really Daniels says. In senior Megan Torman’s family, Easter consists of a family din- run. Without us there would be na- kind of like an eye opener to see focused, and it’s hard to make sure So even if they can’t be seen by ner. “Well, it’s more like a feast; there is a lot of food,” says Torman. ked actors on a dark stage with no how much goes into putting a pro- that my attitude is where it should the audience and even though their After they have eaten, the younger kids go on an Easter egg hunt. music. We make the shows come to duction on rather than just learning be to make sure the show is running jobs might not be as so glamorous “It is a little confusing,” she says, “My nephew thinks that bunnies lay life,” Paul Calvo, senior, adds. lines and singing,” Calvo adds. smoothly; make sure that when as being in the spotlight for the eggs, but I think that the Easter Bunny is a tradition because it makes Daniels uses this same philoso- For the crew, their jobs can be something wrong does happen, I ELJ¿QDOHWRWKHPLWGRHVQ¶WPDW- the kids happy.” phy. He says, “I have told my kids both fun and hard. “It’s a lot of fun, don’t just freak out. I have a cool ter. Like Lund said, “they are the Torman also says, “I personally believe the reason for Easter is to that if we don’t have a good stage and it is also challenging. I don’t KHDGDQGIRFXVRQ¿[LQJLWLQVWHDG unsung heroes of theater, and they testify of Jesus and his resurrection. I know that the media tries to crew, the actors would be running have that much experience so some of just, ‘Oh it went wrong.’” love it.” ignore that and focus on how much fun Easter is and all of the candy you get, but Easter is more than that. Easter is special.” Ruth Jackson, sophomore, also tells how in her family Easter is a Things students don’t know religious holiday. “I’m a foursquare Christian, so in my family we Teachers: UHDGWKHVWRU\DERXW-HVXV¶VFUXFL¿[LRQLQWKHELEOH´-DFNVRQDGGV KHUIDPLO\KDVDELJPHDOWRFHOHEUDWHWKDWEHFDXVHRIKLVVDFUL¿FH ______DERXWVWDIIDIWHUVFKRROKRXUV they will be saved. these activities around my house that.” nis. I practice these activities every Willstar.com describes Easter as a Christian holiday, saying Chris- By Chelsie Ford unless I am traveling, and I have a Some people like to relax and day whenever I have the chance to tians all around the world will gather for the holiday to feast, attend Staff Reporter daughter who lives in Florida, so I LPSURYH WKHLU ¿WQHVV $JULFXOWXUH do so.” church services and hunt the ever famous Easter egg. Easter Sunday ______love to go to Disney World. I would teacher Jarvis Pace says, “I usually “For my spare time I manage my DOVRPDUNVWKHHQGRI/HQWWKHGD\SHULRGRIIDVWLQJDQGUHÀHFWLRQ recommend it to anybody just be- take a nap and go to the gym, be- house, spend time with my hus- The biblical background of the holiday starts with Good Friday, the Teachers may seem pretty nor- cause it’s fun and if they like to be cause I have to deal with you cra- band, run and craft,” says Ashley GD\-HVXVZDVFUXFL¿HG(DVWHU6XQGD\LVEHOLHYHGWREHWKHGD\-HVXV mal when they are doing their duty active, then that’s a good thing to zy kids all day, and it helps me un- %ODLVGHOO¿QDQFLDOOLWHUDF\WHDFKHU was resurrected. The story goes that a female follower of his, most of teaching their students, but the do.” wind. I go to Gold’s Gym, usually “It’s just something I enjoy and I Christians believe it to be Mary Magdalene, goes to his tomb and sees question is, “What do they do af- Champi believes most teachers around 5 p.m. after my nap.” Pace would like to live a healthy life- the stone that was at the entrance of the tomb rolled away and Je- ter school?” Some teachers may do live a busy life away from school. also adds, “I would recommend it style. Some of the stuff I do until sus’s body is missing from the tomb. Jesus himself then appears to her the typical things such as cleaning People might cook differently or to anybody because I think they  30 XQWLO P\ KXVEDQG JHWV and some of his other followers before ascending to heaven. Christ’s the house or helping the kids’ with take different classes. “I’m sure would feel good about themselves home from work.” resurrection is important to Christians because it is associated with homework. However, there may be there are people out there that like afterwards. People would probably She also adds that what teachers salvation. teachers who like to mix things up to stay indoors and not learn new do it in their own way, because I do enjoy after school will vary. “Ev- The most common tradition among most people is the Easter Egg when it comes down to the after- things,” she adds. it [exercise] in my own way.” eryone is different, so they might be hunt which originated at Pagan spring festivals that celebrated fertil- hours of school. Math teacher Scott Fronk also Mrs. MacFarlane has her own faster or slower at running or they ity. The egg hunts main attraction is the Easter egg that is hidden by English teacher Nancy Champi has a busy schedule away from ways of keeping herself busy. She may like different crafts. I think a the mystical Easter Bunny. These eggs commonly contain candy or says, “I love to cook, garden, watch school. He says, “I go and pick says, “I ride my bike all over Og- lot of people don’t like running, other prizes. movies with my husband, exer- my kids up from school, go home, den, play with my dog, go for a and I used to not like to run, but Hard boiling eggs and then dying and decorating these eggs are an- cise and read. I believe in life-long cook and get them ready for bed walk just around my house and do now I love it. I like it because it’s other common tradition. This type of Easter egg has to do with Lent, learning; in fact, I’ve taken a class and ready for the next morning. It’s yoga at the Ogden Athletic Club, fun, so if you’re the creative type and how eggs were banned during that time in medieval Europe. on shooting a gun, and I’ve taken required because I have to make because they are fun and they keep of person, then crafting is good for As Easter is once again celebrated, families will enjoy the holiday gardening classes. I just like to sure my kids do what they need to me busy. I also have Young Wom- you, but if you like running a lot, with treats, fun activities and many other traditons. Others will also keep myself busy.” do. I do it in a routine order, and I en’s every Wednesday, and six then you will be better at any of the VHH LW DV D UHOLJLRXV REVHUYDQFH DQG UHÀHFW RQ WKH UHVXUUHFWLRQ RI Champi also says, “I normally do roll with the punches and stuff like months out of the year I coach ten- sports that you play.” Christ. April 2015 FEATURE 7 The Addams Family production cast pleases crowd with their dark side ______Calvo as Lucas Beineke, Tallon Lowry played Morticia so well, By Ashley Vongbandith Romero as Mal Beineke and Rori and she brought that character to Managing Editor Hemming as Alice Beineke. Each life. Lowry made Morticia strong- ______character played their parts very willed, independent and sleek. This well and brought this story about a made her a lovable character. Weber’s Productions Company classic, beloved family to life with Gomez, played by Ross, was also has done it once again! Students in their hard work and skills. incredible. His character will keep the drama department, along with One of my favorite performances you laughing throughout the show, director Mark Daniels, music di- was “Pulled,” a humorous musical and he will also capture your atten- rector Scott Wood and choreogra- number which featured Wednes- tion with his great musical num- pher Lindsey Poll, came together to day and Pugsley. Wednesday sings bers. recreate the musical-comedy, The about how love is changing her and And we certainly cannot for- Addams Family and made it a show taking her to a different direction get Wednesday! Peterson made you wouldn’t want to miss. in her life. In this performance, Pe- Wednesday mischievous and scary The Addams Family musical is terson showed off her strong vocal in the beginning of the play, but lat- from a book written by Marshall abilities while Heywood gave the er became sweet and cute when Lu- Brickman and Rice Elice with mu- audience a good laugh while his cas comes into the picture. Wednes- sic and lyrics by Andrew Lippa. character is tortured by Wednesday. day is an adorable character that I With the exception of their loving patriarch, Gomez, the Addams family stands before The book was based on the clas- Another performance that was loved watching. their audience. sic cartoon by Charles Addams in really entertaining was “Secrets,” And how about the ensem- 1938. ble? Everyone in the ensemble The Addams Family is a pop cul- “Out of the several was on point and were always ture phenomenon that started off as in character no matter what. a cartoon and ended up turning into great fall and spring They all made the show even DWHOHYLVLRQVHULHV¿OPDQG%URDG- productions I’ve more energetic and exciting. way production. The TV shows, Also a shout out to the stage ¿OP DQG PXVLFDO KDG GLIIHUHQW seen at Weber, I can crew for the great set and lighting. stories about the ghoulish family, There wouldn’t be a show without but the musical is about Wednes- easily say that The the lights, props and set. The back- day, falling in love and having her Addams Family is drop was incredibly made and cre- not-so-normal family be “normal” ated the perfect environment for when Wednesday’s love interest, by far my favorite.” the show. How could you not love Lucas, and his parents, come to the huge, amazing set? It was abso- meet the Addams. The Broadway performed by Lowry. “Secrets” is lutely marvelous. production presented over 750 about Morticia informing Alice that Out of the several great fall and shows around the world and has keeping secrets in a marriage is not spring musical productions I’ve been nominated for several awards healthy for the relationship. Morti- seen at Weber, I can easily say that including Tony honors. cia then goes on about how Gomez The Addams Family is by far my  :HEHU LV WKH ¿UVW 8WDK KLJK and she never kept a secret from favorite one the school has put to- school to present the musical. Dan- each other no matter what. Mean- gether. Each and every person in- iels chose The Addams Family and while, Gomez has been keeping volved in this production proved cast William Ross as Gomez Ad- Wednesday’s engagement to Lucas how determined and hardworking dams, Sophia Lowry as Morticia a secret from Morticia throughout the drama department is. This pro- $GGDPV5\DQ/XQGDV8QFOH)HV- the story. duction was charming, entertaining ter, Allie Peterson as Wednesday I loved each character in this and hysterical! As always, the dra- Addams, Trevor Heywood as Pug- show. I was so impressed by their ma department puts on great family sley Addams, Ty Nelson as Lurch, vocal skills and acting abilities. friendly shows. So don’t miss out Alice Beineke, played by senior Rori Hemming, shows her dark side during a family game. Sierra Bruggink as Grandma, Paul One of my favorites was Morticia. on the next production in the fall.

Tired of waiting for a man, Alice, Rori Hemming, shocks Ancestor Jessica Erickson, senior, gets strangled by anoth- Uncle Fester, played by senior Ryan Lund and Lurch, per- er ancestor, Ashton Bindrup, also a senior. formed by senior Tyler Nelson. Gomez, played by senior William Ross, sparks Morticia’s, senior Sophia Lowry, passion by talking of death.

Grandma, played by Sierra Bruggink, shows off her po- tions and herbs to Pugsley, performed by Trevor Heywood. Morticia, Lowry, performs the song Secrets with female an- Uncle Fester, Lund, with the help of male ancestors, ser- cestors. enades his love for the moon. Photos by Amy Halliday, Amber Broderick, Natalie Wilding and Jackie Olberding 8 FEATURE April 2015 Jumping into adulthood, WLSVKHOSZLWK¿QGLQJZRUN ______

By Joseph Pitman Staff Reporter ______

An important factor in becoming part of the adult world is getting a job. This is something that every student knows, and something some HYHQIHDU7KHUHDVRQPDQ\VWXGHQWVZRUU\DERXW¿QGLQJDMRELVEH- Mrs. Bullough (librarian) “Billy Ms. Spires (vice principal) “I liked Mr. Rawlins (computers) “I liked Rachelle Knight (secretary) “I cause many of their activities require some form of payment, and unfor- Joel because it made me feel hap- heavy metal head-banger stuff be- country because I was born in the liked Heavy Metal because it was tunately, mom and dad aren’t going to pay forever. Many teens have to py and he sang what people were cause it is what the best was at the country, and I’m a country person.” what my friends were into.” face the fear of a job interview. thinking.” time.” Poll compiled by Linzee Hall “It takes a lot of luck to actually get the job,” says Becky Butler, a We- ber High counselor. “But a major part of even getting a chance of getting WKHMRELV¿OOLQJRXWDSSOLFDWLRQVDQGEHLQJDEOHWRXVH\RXULQWHUYLHZ 7HDFKHUVUHPLQLVFHRYHUIDYRULWHSDVWDUWLVWV skills.” Trevor Ward, business teacher, explains presentation is a large part of ______getting a job. “You should try to look the part. I mean, obviously a job at those classic hits still play on the out their lives. “Singer/songwriter really brings back memories.” a skate shop, your hair may not matter, but in other jobs a haircut or the By Ashley Vongbandith radio. is my favorite genre, because I Just like Mrs. Phinney, Ms. Lunc- clothes you wear could be important.” Managing Editor “When I was a teenager, I loved think they have a story to tell and eford has some favorite songs that Another issue students face is the lack of experience. Ward explains ______Madonna and Belinda Carlisle,” not because of the money,” says FDXVHKHUWRUHÀHFWRQWHHQGD\V how to handle this issue. “A hard problem with new students is when says English teacher Mrs. Grover. Ms. Lunceford. “It’s who they are “The one song from high school they ask you ‘what experience do you have,’ and they don’t have any- Music continues to evolve dec- “But now, I really like Taylor Swift and I think music can tell stories, that I still, even with people in the thing to say from previous jobs,” says Ward. “So the important thing ade after decade. Students have and Katy Perry.” but I think with singer/songwriter car, crank the radio really loud is is to highlight the things you’re good at and not so much your lack of grown up with many types of There’s plenty of reasons why you get stories that have meaning. ‘Come on Feel the Noise’ by Quiet experience.” music. Teachers have also gone HYHU\ERG\ KDV D VSHFL¿F JHQUH Not all, of course, but it’s a form of Riot,” says Ms. Lunceford. “A lot of times employers will also ask many questions just to see through many stages where they Each genre has a different sound storytelling.” Mr. Adair also has a favorite your personality and to get to know you a little bit better,” Ward says, see music change as, they grow. which makes it all unique in its However, sometimes it’s just too from when he was younger because “They will also sometimes ask hard questions like ‘tell me about your From classic Rock to 80s pop to to- own way. hard to pick an absolute favorite. it had an adventurous feel to it, and weaknesses.’ In this it’s easier to mess up as if you say things such as ‘I day’s mainstream music on popular “My favorite genre would have There’s just so many options. one he still enjoys to this day. am always late’ or ‘I am lazy,’ well, you can say goodbye to getting the radio stations, teachers tell how to be pop, because most of it is up- “I like all kinds of music,” says “‘Midnight Train’ by Journey is job. What you want to do is make your weaknesses sound like a strength music has affected and shaped their beat and positive,” says Mrs. Gro- health teacher Mrs. Powell. “It de- my favorite because when I was such as saying ‘I am passionate,’ or ‘I am so into getting things done the lives. ver. “It’s fun to sing and dance to pends on what kind of mood, and it younger, I wanted to hop on a train way they are supposed to,’ or ‘I am just a perfectionist.” There’s always that one band, while in the car or cleaning. I don’t changes from day to day if there’s and travel the world and go places Weber High also provides services to help students survive an inter- artist and genre people listen to, where no one knew me,” says Mr. view through practices with counselors. “You can come in and we’ll love and tend to play over and over. Adair. help you practice your interview skills which should help you get Those are most likely known as fa- Mrs. Powell tells how she’s al- through the interview and increase your chances of getting the job,” vorites. Back when teachers were ways loved country in high school, says Butler. “Also with resumes, there is a lot of help you can get on in high school, they had a few fa- and she still listens to it often now. the internet, such as UtahFutures.org.” Utah Futures also has a Resume vorites of their own. “I like a lot of Blake Shelton, and I Builder which the counselors will help students use to plan their future “I listened to quite a bit of music can’t really pick a particular favor- resumes for use in job applications. in high school,” says world civili- ite song from him,” says Powell. Utah Futures also has many other tools for resumes and other job zations teacher Ms. Lunceford. “I Music also impacted many peo- planning features. “It has lots of different kinds of resumes that you can JHWDORWRIP\PXVLFDOLQÀXHQFHV ple’s lives in a unique way. “It build. One of these can be for education. If you haven’t had a job in high from my brothers, so my favorites can be an outlet for a lot of feel- school, you can build one based on your education and extracurricular were Queen, Led Zeppelin, Alice ings I wouldn’t normally express, activities, or service hours and such,” says Butler, “but basically it helps Cooper and Styx.” so that’s helpful to me,” says Mrs. when applying for colleges or scholarships.” A few teachers also share the Phinney.  $FWXDOO\¿QGLQJDMREFDQDOVREHDGLI¿FXOWWKLQJIRUVWXGHQWV³,W¶V same love for classic Rock and Mrs. Trimble (secretary) “Classic Mrs. Tanner (secretary) “I liked Music can also take people back important to just keep applying to different places. Interviewing is just Roll. Rock and I liked what was popular anything but Country/Western to a special time in their lives. them searching for what they are looking for, so it’s basically just luck “I really liked Led Zeppelin, but because it was what everyone was and Hard Rock. I love music. “When I was a kid, I liked music ¿QGLQJDMREWKDWZLOOKLUH´VD\V%XWOHU³8QOHVVRIFRXUVH\RXKDYH my all-time favorite band in high listening to and it sounded good.” Music is in my soul.” a lot because it brought friends to- volunteered at the place you’re looking to getting a job at, networking school was Kiss,” says Mrs. Cham- gether,” says Mrs. Nichols, English with the people, talking with different employers... getting your foot in pi, English teacher. like depressing music where I have something different on the radio.” teacher. the door that way. Internships are also a big thing for seniors. Doing “Back in high school, my favor- to think so much about it. I like to Often people hear a song all and “I would dance to my mom’s LQWHUQVKLSVIRUGLIIHUHQWEXVLQHVVHVZLOOGH¿QLWHO\KHOS\RXJHW\RXUIRRW ites were REO Speedwagon, Jour- have fun with it,” says Grover. it captures their attention and be- Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra re- in the door.” ney and Boston,” says sign lan- “I really like alternative rock comes a favorite. cords when I was a little girl,” adds guage teacher Mr. Adair. style because I think they can ex- “My favorite song would be Champi. “I was in choir and the Other teachers have different press ideas that aren’t as common ‘The Twelfth of Never’ by Donny musicals at school, I would learn to tastes. Pop, country, alternative and today, and I think that’s why I like 2VPRQG EHFDXVH LW KDG VLJQL¿- memorize the words to the song. I more were listed as favorites. that style the best,” says Mrs. Phin- cant meaning behind it that brings still sing them in the car or in my “When I was in high school, I ney. a smile to my face no one under- house or even in my classroom!” was really into alternative rock,” Mrs. Champi adds, “Right now stands,” says Mrs. Champi. Music has a way of changing peo- says psychology teacher Mrs. Phin- at this point, I would say country “Right now, my favorite is ple. ney. “I really liked The Goo Goo PXVLF5HDVRQLVEHFDXVHLWUHÀHFWV ‘Name’ by The Goo Goo Dolls,” “I think as we grow and in stages Dolls and All-American Rejects the music I listened to when I was says Mrs. Phinney. “But in high of our lives, we go through change because it was something I grew up in high school.” school, my favorite was ‘Ocean with music, it frames the stages of Soups, Salads,& Sandwiches with.” Songs with stories seem to touch Avenue’ by Yellowcard because it our lives,” says Mrs. Champi. 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801-782-7800 2645 N Washington Blvd. April 2015 FEATURE 9 Student competition brings passion for music, WHATCHAWHATCHA artists share inspiration behind performances


By Savannah Day Feature Editor READING? ______Lights go up, the crowd dies By Elizabeth Josephson down, a hush falls over the audi- Assistant to the Chief torium and it’s your moment to ______show what you can do. Weber’s Got Talent and Battle of the Bands Traveling to far off places may sound like a dream, but it is often expen- %2% KHOGRQ)HELVDZD\ sive and out of reach. However, it can happen while reading. According young, aspiring artists can display to sophomore Anna Crookston, “I guess I read because it’s kind of like their talents and gain experience as traveling, but you don’t have to go anywhere.” well as some cool prizes. “I love reading; it’s awesome,” Crookston says, adding she likes any While the Weber’s Got Talent genre of book. “It just depends if it is good.” She especially enjoys the ZLQQHUV UHFHLYH  WKH ZLQ- IDQWDV\VFL¿DQGP\VWHU\JHQUHV ners of B.O.B get to move on to Right now, Crookston is reading Inheritance by Christopher Paolini for a region championship in hopes the second time. She would recommend this book “because it’s fun…ev- of going to state and collecting erybody loves it.” PRUHSUL]HV7KLV\HDUVWXGHQWV Freckles, by Gene Stratton-Porter, is Crookston’s favorite book. “It’s groups competed and only three just kind of one of those good books. It’s heartwarming, and it’s just really SUHYDLOHG3ODFLQJ¿UVW ZDV &KULV- good.” tian Scheller, senior; second was Junior Jason Godfrey is also an avid reader. “I absolutely love reading. It Chandlyr Shupe, junior; and third Escape members junior Josh Fawson, senior Dallin Warner, sophomore Elias Skinner and is one of my hobbies and has been for a long time. There is just something was the band Escape who also took VHQLRU6WHYHQ(QVORZWRRN¿UVWSODFHDW%DWWOHRIWKH%DQGV about reading a book that makes me happy. I especially love to read a book ¿UVWLQ%2%DQGZHUHWKH3HRSOH¶V 3KRWRE\-DFNLH2OEHUGLQJ over a long period of time because I want to savor every page,” he says. Choice recipients. vorite lyric in “Maybe” is, “We are %DWWOHRIWKH%DQGV´VD\V)DZVRQ “Being able to be around people I *RGIUH\HQMR\VPDQ\JHQUHV³,XVHGWREHDMXVW¿FWLRQW\SHRIJX\ Scheller wrote an original song more than we appear to be, we are During this year’s show, they know who are rooting for me makes EXW,¶YHOHDUQHGWRORYHQRQ¿FWLRQMXVWDVPXFK´VD\V*RGIUH\³)DQWDV\ named after a friend he had re- more than life makes us be.” did a cover of “Middle” by Jimmy performing easier,” says Scheller. mystery, historical, you name it, I love them!” cently lost. He wanted to make a Shupe says she knew she wanted Eat World and an original titled, “We warm up, stretch and pray be- Right now, Godfrey is reading Pillar of Light by Gerald Lund. It is the tribute to her. The song titled “Han- to be involved in music in third “Sleepless.” “‘Sleepless’ is about IRUHHYHU\VKRZ´DGGV)DZVRQ ¿UVWERRNLQThe Work and the Glory series. Godfrey says, “It is about the QDK´ ZDV KLV ¿UVW RULJLQDO VRQJ grade after seeing Singing in the the teen angst running away thing, Sometimes nerves aren’t a early Saints in the LDS Church, and is about Joseph Smith and his wife “My favorite lyric was related to Rain. “I listened to ‘Good Morn- which I think many teens can re- problem, like for Shupe. “I enjoy (PPD,W¶VUHDOO\LQWHUHVWLQJDQG,ZRXOGGH¿QLWHO\UHFRPPHQGLWWRDQ\- an old, happy memory of her,” says ing’ and was hooked,” says Shupe. ODWHWR´VD\V)DZVRQ³Follow me, watching people’s reaction to when one because it is very informative and just fun.” Scheller. “Riding down the road to- Escape is an alternative band we’ve got electric footsteps, your ,¿UVWFRPHRQWKHVWDJHWKHQWKH “I have to admit it’s hard to pick a favorite book!” adds Godfrey. He gether on go- karts, everything we WKDW FRQVLVWV RI -RVK )DZVRQ MX- hands are shaking but your toes reaction after and being able to see says a book that he really likes right now is Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a ever did together is forever locked nior, on vocals and guitar; Dallin keep time.” that I surprised them. But overall, Mockingbird because “it teaches so many good lessons and is so easy to in my heart.” Warner, senior, on rhythm guitar; “I like the atmosphere that the the support from the people in the read.” Being able to express himself on Elias Skinner, sophomore, on lead song brings,” he adds. show and audience can make a per- .DWH3RXOVRQVRSKRPRUHDOVRHQMR\VQRQ¿FWLRQ6KHVD\VKHUIDYRULWH stage and get out what he feels is guitar; and Steven Enslow, senior, )DZVRQ¶V IDYRULWH %2% PR- formance that much better.” kinds of books are “SUREDEO\QRQ¿FWLRQDQGELRJUDSKLHVMXVWEHFDXVHLW¶V what Scheller says is the best part on drums. ment was when he blew a kiss to “Battle of the Bands was a huge cool learning about other people’s lives.” of performing. “Dallin and I started off doing the audience before singing the end LQÀXHQFH RQ PH´ VD\V 6FKHOOHU “My favorite book is called Numbers. It is about this girl that can look Shupe also wrote an original our own thing for about a year. chorus to “Middle.” “I felt like I who was a third time Weber’s Got in people’s eyes and see the day when they die, and so she has a hard time song called “Maybe.” She has writ- Then Dallin was friends with Ste- had so much control and I had a lot Talent performer. “If I hadn’t got- getting through life but she ends up saving lots of people’s lives,” she says. ten many original songs and has ven, and Steven and Elias were do- RIIXQ´)DZVRQVD\V ten involved, I wouldn’t have start- Numbers is by Rachel Ward. Poulson likes the book because it is unique. sang them in front of crowds. She ing their own thing as well. We got Getting ready for a performance ed playing guitar and pushing my She says, “It is just cool because I’ve never heard of anything like that, wrote “Maybe” for a fundraiser to together last year, played a little, can either go two ways: It could passion for music into making me where someone can see when other people are going to die.” raise money for transplants. Her fa- and liked it. We then decided to do psych out or pump up a performer. better,” he adds. Many of these Warriors’ favorite books can be found in Weber’s library. WHS’s media specialist Joanne Christensen says there are trends to what books are popular. She says, “The books that are always the most popular are the ones that have been made into movies.” Right now, that means The Fault in Our Stars (John Green), The Giver (Lois Lowry), and Divergent (Veronica Roth) are all common teen choices. ³+LVWRULFDOO\NLGVUHDOO\OLNHDGYHQWXUHERRNVDQGG\VWRSLDQ¿FWLRQLV really popular.” says Ms. Christensen, who adds the Maze Runner (James Dashner), Percy Jackson (Rick Riordan), Unwind (Neal Shusterman), and books by Michael Vey are all popular examples of this genre. Ms. Christensen says she also likes dystopian books, but “my favorite books are always the ones I am reading.” “One thing I have discovered as Weber High’s librarian is there are a ORWRI\RXQJDGXOWQRQ¿FWLRQERRNVWKDWDUHUHDOO\JUHDW´VD\V0V&KULV- tensen. Recently, she has read Bomb by Steve Sheinkin, about the making of the atomic bomb. She says, “I learned so much about that time period.” Also by Steve Sheinkin, Lincoln’s Grave Robbers is another book Ms. Christensen read lately. She says, “I didn’t know someone tried to dig up Lincoln.” Now she is reading Charles and Emma by Deborah Heiligman. Ms. Christensen calls this book a “romantic biography.” 7RKHOSVWXGHQWV¿QGERRNVWRUHDGVWXGHQWVFDQXVH2YHUGULYHDQHZ e-book library. Ms. Christensen says, “Any kid in the school who has a tablet or kindle can download books from Overdrive.” To get books from Overdrive, students can download the Overdrive app and sign up for an account. After adding Weber’s library to their account, &KDQGO\U6KXSHMXQLRUSHUIRUPHGDQRULJLQDOVRQJGXU- $OVRVWULYLQJIRUWRSKRQRUVDWWKHFRPSHWLWRQZDVVRSKR- students log in with the username and password used to log onto school LQJWKH:HEHU¶V*RW7DOHQWFRPSHWLWLRQ PRUH-RDQQH$NXRNR computers. They are then able to check out books from the online library. Photo by Amy Halliday 3KRWRE\-DFNLH2OEHUGLQJ 10 FEATURE April 2015 Ambitious teens battle Hangouts offer settings tryout, audition stress to enjoy school breaks ______different and equally nerve wrack- Some places have been popular By Emily Eldredge ing. Junior Valerie Sorenson, who By Meg Henley Warrior hangouts for years. Kirt’s Feature Editor has been singing in choirs since Staff Reporter is one of them, according to ju- ______elementary school, admits she ______nior Rabecca Fowers. She says, still gets nervous when trying out. “Kirt’s is a chill place to go. It’s Anxiety is tying a knot in the pit “Once I missed an audition time for No matter the season or reason got good food, a fun environment of your stomach. You can feel the choir,” says Sorenson. “I was really to hangout, Warriors have favor- and you get to see a lot of people sweat bead on your upper lip, but worried she wouldn’t let me audi- ite places they like to meet at with there. You also have the choice of you don’t dare wipe it off for fear tion.” When she gets stressed about friends and unwind. going inside the restaurant, or you someone would notice. You try to an audition, she says, “I kind of go Pizza Pie Cafe has become a can stay in your car and just talk regulate your breathing and slowly talk to my friends mostly, they’re popular place for Warriors to go to your friends while you eat and count to 10, but you only get to four really good at calming me down.” because for $5, they can have all- have fun.” She also adds her mom before they’re calling your name. Auditioning for a play or musi- you-can-eat pizza and pasta. Se- went to Kirt’s to hang out with her For those who have ever gone to cal is a pretty similar experience. nior Brigham Mckay says, “Pizza friends in high school. a tryout, this feeling is probably fa- Merick Masters, sophomore, has Pie is a great deal with great food! Art teacher Daren Wilding says miliar. Auditions seem pretty easy, been performing shows since 2011. It’s an awesome restaurant, and it’s when he went to school in Po- but can strike fear into even the When trying out for a musical, he a place to hang with friends after catello, Idaho, the best place to go bravest of souls. When trying out says that “messing up on a song a game win and a good place to was J.B’s Big Boy. He remembers for a sport, the energy level is high or even singing in front of people” At tryouts, sophomores Austin Jones and Isaac Sulluvan, bounce back after a loss.” when he and his friends drove “the and the nerves even higher. is what makes him nervous. “The wrestle and try for a place on the team Another pizza place is the Piz- cruise” in their cars. “We would “My freshman year when I tried YHU\¿UVWDXGLWLRQ,HYHUGLG,ZDV zaria in Ogden. Junior Haley Ar- drive up Yellowstone Avenue then Photo by Angela Washburn out for basketball, I felt like I was in sixth grade, and a few of my rington visits it regularly with her turn around and drive back down to gonna throw up before we started, friends and I signed up to try out for gets nervous auditioning. To over- Johnson also has advice to help friends. “The pizza is more differ- J.B’s Big Boy. We’d just drive! We but when we started getting into the PAL camp. At the time, I thought it come the nerves, he says, “Person- people, “Don’t worry about how ent than at any other place, and the would meet friends on the cruise drills and stuff, it just kind of faded was a joke and was just trying out ally, I drink a lot of water and sing other people are doing, focus on salad is fantastic! I like that you can and girls a lot of the time,” says away,” says Hanna Johnson, junior. because everyone else was too,” the songs over and over.” yourself.” Masters adds, “Don’t be make it casual or dressy…and of Wilding. He also admits to racing She adds that when trying out for says Masters. “We went in and No matter what people are try- afraid, smile a lot, and if you mess FRXUVH,ORYHWKHFRRO¿VKWDQN´ muscle cars while on the cruise. a sport, “I try my hardest, play my there were three judges and 10 of ing out for, Warriors hope these up, keep going. Be happy with the Every Warrior has a favorite Some Warriors have other choic- best, and have fun.” us. They asked us to sing ‘Twinkle, recommendations can help people performance you give.” place to go where they can eat, chat es of places to hang out with their Nate Gordon, junior, has also Twinkle Little Star.’ Well, I made it. overcome tryout stress. Sorenson Mr. Daniels, the Weber High dra- and have a good time. One popular friends. Two examples are from ju- faced the anxieties of trying out for Only two people made it, and I was says to “stay calm and don’t let the ma teacher, works with lots of teens place is Northern Ice, just behind nior Hannah Lagerquist and senior the boys soccer team. “I was pretty one of them. From there on I kept stress get to you because no mat- auditioning for theatre parts and Lee’s Market. “The atmosphere is Savanna Craven. Lagerquist likes nervous,” says Gordon, “but I knew with it because I thought it was fun ter what happens, your self-image understands the stress of audition- just relaxed, and the shaved ice is Noodles and Company. “I love the coaches and they knew me.” and love doing it.” is most important.” Gordon adds, ing. He often tells his performers, delicious!” says Hannah Crowton, the noodles there, plus they have On the other side of the spec- Since then, Masters has been in “Speak up, talk to everyone, and “I would never set you up to fail... junior. Nate Gordon, junior adds, good options for people who are trum, auditioning for a choir is very 13 plays, and admits that he still become friends with the players.” we want you to succeed.” “I like Northern Ice because it is a vegetarians or have food allergies. nice environment where families I also love the décor and the way and friends can hang out with a it’s laid back but still really pretty ______good atmosphere.” inside. And, they have a cool Coke heard the suggestion, “just fake Another place close to WHS is machine that actually works!” says By Kiersten Pitcher an injury,” but junior Sydney Har- McDonald’s. Christian Protzman, Lagerquist. Assistant to the Chief ris believes it works best with a senior, and Courtney Silva, junior, Craven goes with friends to the ______real injury. “I came to class with a say it’s a good place to hang out at, Golden Corral. “I like Golden Cor- bloody nose and told the teacher I and they are both fond of the ice ral because you have so many op-  7RJLYHDQH[FXVHE\GH¿QLWLRQLV fought off a hoard of lethal ninjas cream cones. “It’s inexpensive, and tions to choose from. Also, you to seek or remove blame. Students who were after the school trophies. I like their little sports bar with the don’t have to stress about ordering are often giving excuses to their TOP The teacher told me that I was a T.V’s. It’s where the cool kids hang something. You can just get up and teachers; doing their best to direct hero and to go sit down and start out,” Protzman says. get whatever you want and how- the blame elsewhere. Even though taking notes.” New to North Ogden is Café Rio, ever much you want,” she says. there are many legitimate excuses, 8. Family’s Fault: Some of the right next to Lee’s Market. Junior Every Warrior has a favorite and more often than not the excuses easiest excuses to come up with Ashley Marsh said, “I like Café Rio different hangout, but no matter the are more outrageous than valid. It are ones that direct the fault to because it’s close, it’s really nice, place, the traditions, memories and may be impossible to estimate how 10 other people. Graduate Emily Nel- the food is good and everyone is laughter will live on with each stu- many high school excuses exist in son said she told the teacher, “My there.” dent and their friends. the world, but here are the top 10 at grandmother forgot her pills and Weber High: Eldridge had a bit more success has ever heard is, “A dragon ate hijacked a school bus full of pen- 1. My dog ate it: Though this with this excuse. “I told them my my car keys.” Senior Talon Butler guins. She [the teacher] just looked excuse may be old and well used, grandma died. She did, but I used it added, “I told a teacher that a magi- at me.” :DUULRUV DUH VWLOO ¿QGLQJ ZD\V WR [the excuse] 11 times. Worked ev- cal dragon took me on a journey; 9. Animals: For whatever reason, use it. Senior Madi Steel says, “One ery time.” she laughed.” DQLPDOVVHHPWR¿QGWKHLUZD\LQWR time I told my teacher that my dog 3.Valley Problems: With all the 5. Damaged Homework: There a lot of excuses. “Someone said ate my homework. She really did! students who commute to Weber are many things that can happen they had to milk their cows; the The teacher laughed at me and said, High from the Valley, some of the to homework before it gets turned teacher just laughed. I honestly be- ‘Not like I haven’t heard THAT one most used excuses happen to be in. Mr. Potakar, the video produc- lieved it because they were a cow- before.’ It’s safe to say she didn’t Valley problems. A resident of the tion’s teacher, said, “I had a camera boy,” said senior Taylor Hibbert. believe me.” Valley, Rori Hemming, senior, said GURSSHGLQD¿VKWDQN,TXHVWLRQHG Mrs. Nichols, an English teacher, Weber’s librarian Mrs. Bullough she once told a teacher she was late what he [the student] was doing said, “Last week someone said their says one excuse she’s heard several because she had to take the Canyon ZLWK D ¿VK WDQN EXW KH MXVW NHSW cat died. I don’t think I would’ve times is, “My dog ate my book.” to which the teacher replied, “It’s saying, ‘Really I did, no really I missed school because my cat had But in this case she says she be- been 60 degrees for a week. Go sit did.’ It didn’t make common sense, died, but I didn’t know what to say, lieves them because “the students down.” but you can’t call your student a so I just told them I was sorry.” brought them back all mangled; Graduate Brooke Pierson said, “I liar.” 10. Aliens: When all else fails, puppies eat a lot of books.” was late because I had to stop for a Senior, Makayla Harrison says one can always use this excuse. 2. Death: One would think this herd of cows to cross the road and one of her fellow students told the Though no one has been able to was a pretty good excuse, but War- Coach Ure believed it.” teacher, “The baby puked on my prove the existence of aliens, they riors admit to having used the death Mrs. Knight, Weber’s attendance homework, and my mom threw it haven’t been able to disprove it, ei- of a loved one to get out of class secretary, said the excuse she hears away.” ther. work or class in general. Seniors most often is, “I live in the Valley,”  7UDI¿F&DULVVXHV³0\WUXFN Senior, Kaylee Hunter said, “I Kyle Colquitt and Emily Eldridge but to the disappointment of the ran out of gas, and I had to walk,” was kidding around and said I got have admitted using this excuse. students, she believes this is not a said Senior Dayton Roberts. Se- abducted by aliens.” Hunter adds Colquitt says he once told teachers valid excuse. nior Austin Neilson added, “I told there was no way the teacher be- his mom had died. “They believed 4. Dragons: Yes, this may sound a teacher I got stuck behind a train. lieved her. Even though this may it for a while and then found out it crazy, but one popular excuse is She didn’t care, but she believed not be the most believable excuse, wasn’t true. I got in quite a bit of dragons. Mrs. Knight said one of me and didn’t give me a tardy.” it can be an effective way to get a trouble.” the most outrageous excuses she 7. Injury: Many students have teacher in a good mood.

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Hop in for Amazing Pizza & Breadsticks! April 2015 SPORTS 11 Warriorettes unite, develop friendships through dancing ______

By Sarah Calvert Sports Editor ______

As the 2015 school year is near- ing its end, the Weber High drill Baillie Cook (12): “I believe a Michaela Kowalewski (11): “A Brock Mayhew (12): “A sense of WHDPWKH:DUULRUHWWHVDUHUHÀHFW- good quality is positve criticism. good coach is someone who is pas- humor, because it makes the sport ing on their past season. There are They need to help you improve, but sionate about the sport they are fun.” 24 girls on the team this year, and with using positive criticism so that coaching, and care about the suc- Poll compiled by Amber Broderick their head coach is Brandy Chris- they make you want to improve.” cess of their athletes.” tensen. They have created close relationships with their teammates, become even better dancers and Coaches remember being athletes; realized what it means to represent their school. Being on the team has required teach how sports shape good lives them to push beyond their limits ______and work hard. “It takes hard work football as frequently as time per- you to my family.’” and dedication. They are out there By Elizabeth Josephson mits, but it seems like I’m always Hammer agrees. He loves “the practicing every week for more Assistant to the Chief wishing I had more time to play interaction and the impact I can than 20 hours. It really is just like ______than I actually do.” He adds, “I love have on kids.” any other sport,” says Mrs. Ran- to compete. I love having a reason “When I helped coach boys’ bas- dolph, the team’s academic advisor. Warriorettes spend many hours practicing dance routines Touchdown! Goal! Over the to do something, and playing sports ketball last year,” says Lattin, “my Jacy Bennet, junior, says that al- for assemblies and competitions. Photo by Amber Broderick wall! It’s an ace! Sports are excit- gives me the opportunity and rea- favorite part was hanging around though the practices are long, they ing activities that teach life lessons. son to win.” with the basketball players. They DUHEHQH¿FLDOWRWKHWHDP³

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Cheerleading continues Creating a healthy lifestyle, from page 1 Yoga exercises body, mind the school, getting to go to all the ______games and really support. I like you don’t have to use any weights. say what my favorite is, but I like cheering for all our teams, but I al- By Kaitlin Lawler All you just have to learn the differ- those two places,” says James. ways like football because tons of Assistant to the Chief ent yoga positions and make sure “It really gets me energetic, and people come and it’s always really ______you learn them correctly to avoid I’m always in the best mood after I fun,” says Wayment. getting injured.” do it,” says Maldonado. “The thing “I have loved getting to know Breathe in, breathe out.... most There are many different types of about yoga is that you can have the girls on a personal basis. They people think that to get in shape yoga, and different ways you can someone that’s a very beginner to are kind, smart, fun-loving young they have to have a long intense get your stretches in. Maldonado someone that’s very advanced all in women and they brighten my day,” workout, but this isn’t always the says, “I do hot yoga, usually we the same class because you’re all at say Grover. case. Yoga has been proven to be do about 24 basic poses, and then different levels and everyone is on “We have had some bumps in a great way to stay relaxed and we just repeat those poses over and their own level,” says James the road this year, but after these healthy, while getting a lot of the over.” A few other types are Ha- Yoga can be done almost any- things happened, I noticed that EHQH¿WVRIUHJXODUH[HUFLVLQJ tha yoga, Bikram yoga, Vinyasa, where, any time of day, however those bumps just made the girls “I love doing yoga because it Power yoga, and Restorative yoga. some times are better than others. stronger and more willing to work gets me relaxed and it really im- Each serves a different purpose, -DPHVDGYLVHV³0RUQLQJGH¿QLWH- harder,” adds Meyer. “I learned proves my mood,” says senior Jas- whether to strengthen the muscles, ly morning. You could do it [yoga] that you can’t ever doubt a team mine Maldonado. “It’s a great way LQFUHDVHÀH[LELOLW\RUWRMXVWUHOD[ at night but if you do it at night who is determined to be success- WR VWD\ UHOD[HG DQG EHQH¿W \RXU the body. it’s not good to do a power work- ful.” body.” “My favorite place to do yoga is out. You could do a nice soothing Another aspect of coaching that 

Wee Weber teachers reveal secret for keeping children awake: playing with lobsters from “surprise bucket” Missing student found alive in school tunnels

New, healthier Corbridge sells secret lunches cause obesity hair growth formula... makes $$$millions in teens The Warrior INTRUDER  $,#'     #& Principal denies accusations of poor methods, school of horror threatens teenagers, parents ______Students, interviewed in secret as of learning. “We are just trying to RXUEUDLQVLQWRMHOO\EHIRUHORQJ´ By Otto Readmore to avoid the sight of the police of- help,” he says. So with all that has been happen- Staff Bookworm ¿FHUVZKRHQVXUHFRPSOHWHRUGHULQ But the horror stories continue to ing within the school, why haven’t ______the school, have reported piles and rise as students begin to understand parents of the poor students done piles of homework. “They’re trying the true intentions of Weber High. anything to prevent the abuse their  )RURYHU\HDUVWKHGDUNKDOOV WRNLOOPH´VD\VDVWXGHQWZKRLV “The coaches here at Weber are out children have been taking? of Weber High have been hidden too scared to admit her name. She WRJHWXV´VD\VDEDVNHWEDOOSOD\- “When I left Weber, they made by the thick red brick walls that also reveals, “They have made sure er who also wishes to remain un- sure to inform me that if I told the surround the school. The walls also that I haven’t had a single minute named, in fear of the coach’s rage. outside world of the torture they hide the unknown terrors that reside of sleep. They send me home with “We spend hours of hard sweaty LQÀLFWHG XSRQ XV GXULQJ P\ WLPH within; the screams of overworked mounds of homework and threaten evenings practicing and working there, they would surely send me students echo out of the cracks in PHLI,GDUHQRWGRLW´ out, sometimes they even continue piles upon piles of disclosure state- the school foundation. But what are But is homework the only ter- until the next day,” he says. PHQWV WR RYHUORRN DQG VLJQ 7KH the horrors that unfold within the ror they force upon the students?  %XWWKHKRUURUGRHVQ¶WHQGWKHUH KRUURU´VD\V0UV1HOVRQDIRUPHU walls? “They feed us cardboard and rub- After the loss against Hunter High Weber student and now parent of Every student knows the true ber,” says Aziah Andrews, sopho- GXULQJ VWDWH EDVNHWEDOO ¿QDOV KH several students going through the reason behind the windowless PRUH ³,W¶V ÀDYRUOHVV DQG HPSW\ tells of the coach screaming in terror that is brought upon them. Christian Scheller, senior, belts his heart out to Celine Di- walls. Some, from the outside The bread that they feed us is just UDJH³+HPDGHXVGRSXVK- “I only pray the schools don’t go on’s “My Heart Will Go on.” world, would claim that it was sim- cardboard pumped with air. The XSV$QGLIZHIHOOWRWKHJURXQG through with their threat, as I can Photo by Amy Halliday ply made to keep storms and bombs meat is the leftovers from the pre- ZH ZHUH NLFNHG RII WKH WHDP :H think of nothing worse than having from causing internal damage… vious month. They are trying to lost so many good teammates that to spend hours overlooking disclo- but are these facts? Or are they VWDUYHXVWRGHDWK´ dark day.” sures that my poor children have to Mix-up has good results; mere rumors to hide the true terrors But upon meeting the principal Does the agony of the students sign,” she adds. that happen inside? himself, Mr. Wardle adds, “The end there? Nien… “Math class is Some parents have used their lim- true calling soon realized  ³:KHQ , ¿UVW FDPH WR :HEHU , fact is, we are only trying to help the worst of all the classes,” says ited power with the PTA to change was excited to start a high school the students,” he says with a devi- Alie Call. “The series of math- some of the school rules, but in the 7\UD%DQNVJLYHV6FKHOOHULV¿UVWEUHDN life, just like in the movies,” says ous grin. “The outrageous claims ematical equations slowly eat your end the torture house known as ______Chelsie Ford, sophomore, “But af- against our most beautiful school brain, destroying it cell by cell like Weber High School, will continue ter a few weeks, I began to under- are just rumors.” Mr. Wardle con- a toxic cancer,” she says. “And the to melt the minds and weaken the By Simon Nella stand the truth. This was no high tinues to ignore the claims against mountains of homework they give souls of the many students who Staff Chef school drama; this was a horror his foundation and says that the us each night, along with the piles endeavor towards graduating from ______¿OP´ school is not a place of torture but from our many classes, will turn high school.

Weber High is ecstatic to congratulate one of its own for receiving the golden ticket on an actual T.V. show. You may have seen him at one of Honey, I shrunk Warriors Weber’s talent performances; he’s usually the one killing it on stage. Fi- nally, the world will be graced with this senior’s talent. Congratulations Chemical discovered in fountains stunts growth to Christian Scheller. ______His road to his fame was not an easy one. He had been trying to get The students in charge of the ex- on one of America’s beloved shows for the young and talented for a very By Ima Funguy periment released this statement: long time. “I thought I might have given up, but I kept my head up and Staff Comic “We aren’t sure how munchki- kept trying,” Scheller says. So after tape after tape after tape, his 96th time ______nelium got into the water, but we was his lucky shot to fame. don’t think there’s any way it can He put in many audition tapes before with Billboard singles and classic If one were to take a good look be taken out. Students should steer rock anthems but none impressed until he did, what he believed to be, a around Weber, they would notice clear of the fountains for the time gag reel footage. “I thought the idea would be a funny video to show my that many of the students are ac- being.” friends,” states Scheller. tually really short. They would However, not everyone is mad In the video, Scheller is dressed all in white with a green screen in the then probably wonder why this is about the “munchkinelium scan- back that was displaying waves crashing in to a shore on a moonlit eve- so. Recent tests conducted by agri- dal,” and there are many students ning. As he starts singing Celine Dion’s major movie hit, “My Heart Will cultural science students on water who say they will continue drink- Go On,” he realized that this song was made for him. He blares the tune from Weber’s fountains might be ing the water at Weber. “I’m per- with romance and grace and if you dare say, he might have been better able to help people understand why fectly okay with my height; I think than the lady herself. so many students are so short. it’s kind of fun to be short,” sopho- “I connected with the song in ways I didn’t know I could,” says The agricultural science students more Whitney Bowman says. Scheller. “It was easily one of my best performances.” he adds. found a new chemical called mun- Excited would be a more appro- After sending the video and getting a positive response, producers told chikinelium that has only ever been priate term to describe how Con- him to quickly come to L.A. Scheller was so excited about his success, found in the water at Weber. Fur- nor*, junior, feels about the chemi- he raced to the city of angels to become a star. “I piled in all I thought ther research on this new chemical cal in the water. “I have to duck in I’d need into my van and started off,” Scheller says. He took the 12 hour showed that munchkinelium makes order to make sure I don’t hit my drive in the middle of the night with his dog, Buddy, by his side. the bones in students’ legs shrink or head on the doorways around this :KLOHRQWKHORQJGULYHKHZDV¿JKWLQJPLOHDQKRXUZLQGVVOLFN stop growing all together. place, and now I hear that there’s roads and people who don’t know how to properly use a blinker. But after When asked about his knowl- something to make me smaller?” all of Buddy’s potty breaks and Scheller’s cautious driving, he made it edge concerning any of this, Mr. Connor* adds it would be amazing to Los Angeles the city of a performer’s dream. “I waited three hours at Wardle, principal, said, “I had no if he could shrink down to maybe a stop light, I just wanted a Jack in the Box burger, ” said Scheller about idea they were even running tests ¶RUVRPHWKLQJVRWKDWKHGLGQ¶W Taking a risk by sipping contaminated Weber water is ju- KLV¿UVW/$H[SHULHQFH on the water. They didn’t even ask have to be so cautious around the nior Haeli Rich. $IWHUPDNLQJLWWKURXJKDOOWKHWUDI¿FDQG¿QGLQJDGHFHQWKRWHOKHVHW me if they could.” Wardle then said doorways. “I think it would be Photo by Amber Broderick RXWWR¿QGKLVWLFNHWWRVWDUGRP+HIROORZHGWKHDGGUHVV:KDWKHIRXQG he wouldn’t answer any more ques- even cooler if I can get as small as was a beautiful, kind of sketchy, closed down department store with a tions. Assistant Principal Mrs. Spi- a mouse. Then I could just sneak “I think the only safe way to take drinking the water, they can. big red door. “When I walked up to the door, I was completely in awe by ers adds, “I think Wardle put some- around without anyone seeing me,” it out completely would be to shut “From what we know, all drink- everything and grateful for what got me to the point,” exclaims Scheller. thing in the water. Sometimes it’s Connor* says. off the water at the school which ing the water will do is gradu- This could be the beginning of Christian’s future... in modeling? “Wel- fun to look at how short some of Many wondered if there were any would cause a ton of other prob- ally make you shorter, and we can come to America’s Next Top Model” says Tyra Banks. “I was confused at you guys are.” restrictions regarding how much lems,” Wardle says. use shorter people in this world. ¿UVWEHFDXVH,¶YHRQO\UHDOO\EHHQDVLQJHUEXWKRZFRXOGWKH\QRWDFFHSW The conductors of the test then munchkinelium can make one Aquarious adds munchkinelium There’s no chance of death or sick- me on America’ Next Top Model? I mean, look at me,” Scheller says. consulted a water specialist at shrink. The truth is, no one knows has no known deadly side effects, ness, just small legs,” he says. 6FKHOOHU¿QGVRXWDOLWWOHODWHUKRZWKHPL[XSKDSSHQHGDQGKRZKH The Water Plant. “This chemi- yet. “Since this is a new chemical, so if students want to continue *name changed to protect identity sent the tape to “Model” instead of “Idol”. Ms. Banks loved the tape so cal has never been seen before,” we would have to run experiments much she had to have him to be on the show. “He has a very unique but Dr. Aquarious says. “We’ve also to see if there is a point at which one ¿HUFHVW\OHWKDW,EHOLHYHZLOOJRIDURQWKHVKRZ´VD\V%DQNV never heard of any teenagers being would stop shrinking, so as of now, Could Christian Scheller be America’s Next Top Model? I guess War- as short as the students at Weber we don’t know,” Aquarious says. April Fool’s! ULRUVZLOO¿QGRXWLIKLVVFKPRR]LQJLVDVJRRGDVKLVVLQJLQJ:DWFKKLP High School,” he adds. Aquarious The effects of munchkinelium are EVERYTHING in this section of the paper is VWUXWKLVVWXIIZHHNQLJKWVDWSPRQWKHth season. suggests nobody ingest the water seen over a pretty long term, mean- at Weber. “Just bring water from ing that one won’t notice they are ¿FWLRQDO:HPDGHHYHU\WKLQJXSZHDUHMXVW home,” he says. The damage done shrinking immediately after drink- that good. Don’t feel bad, you aren’t the only one by munchkinelium is irreversible ing water at school. “It appears and permanent. that it takes time for any noticeable ZHIRROHG/DXJKLWRII\RXNQRZLWVIXQQ\ Buy a date tonight Weber students thought the news shrinking to occur. Otherwise, this about munchkinelium was a little would have been brought to atten- Joke’s on you! alarming. “I thought I was just tion sooner,” Aquarious says. Meet the girl of your dreams We are better short, but if it’s all because of the Wardle says everything that can tonight. You say what you like, water in the fountains at school… be done about munchkinelium will than all of the I’m a little mad,” sophomore be done, but he isn’t too sure what Awkward fan girl and we will fi nd the best date other dating Ashlee Baird says. that would be. for you. looking for companion sites, even Requirements fan boy Farmers Only If you are packing on too much weight try our new weight loss donut! 7DOOHUWKDQ¿YHIHHW - No facial hair We are only asking for In this donut contains - No hipsters $3 to fi nd you a date. a fat sucking jelly that - Needs in-depth We are the best in the tastes just like sugar: knowledge anime and Doctor Who business. You will like Just eat one every the person that we set - There will be a quiz IRXUWR¿YHKRXUVDQG to prove if you are a you up with. Don’t wait watch your weight dis- true fan boy come try it now. appear. If you believe you are a match made in heaven for 1-800-tonight this girl, give Hannah a call at 801-745-5724. The Warrior INTRUDER  $,#'     #&#' ______By Madame Zeroni Madame Zeroni Staff Astrologer and Psychic ______

For those wondering what may happen in the future, worry no more. Madame Zeroni is here to give you insight on what will hap- pen next in your lives. However, be warned that some of your futures may not be what you are wishing yourself warned, for if you can’t learn to trust more every once in a for. maintain control of your negative ZKLOH /HW JR DQG OLYHD OLWWOH,¶G Aries (Mar. 21- Apr. 19) emotions, this month will be espe- make a promise that you won’t Happy birthday, whether it’s past cially hard for you. Now stop with regret it, but I know better than to or coming up soon. A little piece that self-pitying, Cancer. Keep make a deal with a Scorpio. of advice for this month: embrace your chin up, and you’ll rock this your impulsiveness! You should month. Sagittarius (Nov. 22- Dec. 24) GH¿QLWHO\HDWWKDWVOLFHRIFDNHG\H You are seen as an unemotional your hair that random color and Leo (July 24- Aug. 23) folk, but not for long. This month change your last name to Fleshlin- Hey there, drama queens and \RXU OLIH ZLOO EH ¿OOHG ZLWK PDQ\ NOHÀXUIIHQ NLQJV3HRSOHWHQGWR¿QG/HRVWR emotional ups and downs: great tri- Okay, maybe don’t do any of have ambitious tendencies. This umphs and terrible lows.... lots of those things (unless you want to). month, if you follow those in- happiness but plenty of sadness to But trust your instincts, have some VWLQFWV\RX¶OO¿QG\RXUVHOIUHDSLQJ accompany it. fun, live a little! many rewards. Don’t be afraid or wary of ex- I will leave you with a warning:  0RUH RIWHQ WKDQ QRW /HRV DUH pressing your emotions to those don’t let your short-temper and im- SRUWUD\HG DV FRQ¿GHQW DQG RXWJR- close to you. Independence is Spirits surround Ryan Lund, senior, who plays Uncle Fester in The Addams Family. How- patience ruin any future opportuni- ing. But along with those traits, something Sagittarius strive for, ties for you. Hard as it may be, try cockiness often manifests itself. Be but there really is nothing wrong ever, were these theatre students acting, or are they really the undead? to control your anger. Photo by Amber Broderick careful to not let your vanity and with asking for help sometimes. pride get in the way of the many ac- You may be able to do it all on Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) complishments coming your way. your own, but you don’t have to. Undead takes stage for show, As a Taurus, more often than not, you are stereotyped to be lazy, Virgo (Aug. 24- Sept. 23) Capricorn (Dec. 25- Jan. 19) headstrong and stubborn. While This month is going to start out a Capricorns are stereotyped to true (and it’s so Taurus of you to little rocky for anyone born under have a dominating presence, but strange behavior continues on think it isn’t), this month these the Virgo sign. Sorry. I’m talking this isn’t always true. But no mat- ______characteristics that are normally bad, but don’t fret, my dear Virgos. ter what, Capricorns tend to be very and talk about ‘how it used to be’ Family cast is not the only thing looked down upon as a weakness You can pull through, and the latter strong-willed. Some might claim By Jess Kidnya when they were alive without even that appears to have changed, their will be nothing but a strength. end of this month will be fantastic. this attribute as negative, but they Staff Silly Person WRXFKLQJWKHLUIRRG6R,¿QDOO\MXVW appearances have as well. Mes- This prediction is a little too Almost everyone has at least one couldn’t be more wrong. There are ______worked up the nerve to ask them serly said, “I thought that it was vague for a Taurus’s liking, so pre- dream they’d like to achieve, and some signs that strive to have this why they weren’t eating. All they the make-up that was causing SDUHIRUVRPHUHDOVSHFL¿FSUHGLF- these vary for everyone. Virgos, trait that comes so easily to you. “I assumed the whole undead did was just stare at me and ask, their eyes to look sunken and their tions. April 13 will be a great day rest assured that this month your  ,Q $SULO \RX ZLOO ¿QG SHRSOH thing was a part of their characters, ‘Why would we need to eat?’” faces to look gaunt, but it’s not. for Taurus’s everywhere. I know dream will start to come true, but reaching out to you more than which I thought was cool and ev- Senior Amanda Twitchell has The theater department ran out of that day will be a Monday, but trust you must remember to not rely usual. You may be tempted to turn erything but once the Addams Fam- also noticed a strange change in her ghost make-up months ago! When me. Another quick piece of advice: on fate too much. Go out and try them away, but don’t. You know ily was over, I expected things to go friends who belong to Productions, I asked them about it, they just Watch out for Scorpios that day; it to make it happen, because in the more than you think you do, and back to normal. Now that it hasn’t, “I’ve been friends with a lot of mumbled something about show- won’t be a fun day for them. latter half of April, luck will be on someone out there needs that spe- I’m really worried; things have these kids for a couple years, so, of ing signs of exhaustion from being your side. cial something that only you have. just gotten a little too creepy for course, I noticed when they started over rehearsed. But Mr. Daniels Gemini (May 22- June 21) I guess it just goes to show you /LYHZHOO&DSULFRUQ my taste,” said sophomore Marek acting differently. I just supposed would never do that to his students, With your energetic-ness comes that for every high, there is a low. Messerly, about the questionable they were trying to get into char- he’s too nice. There’s only one logi- restlessness. Impulses come with Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) behavior displayed by cast of The acter, and everyone knows how cal answer: they’re all the undead!” indecision. To every pro, there is a Libra (Sept. 24- Oct. 22) Knowledge. That’s what most Addams Family since the show be- Though it seems as if the student con. Geminis know this because of  /LEUDVDUHDOODERXWEDODQFH

By Lucee Memind During February and March, Staff Neurologist strange occurrences happened ______around Weber High. Objects had been moved or stolen. School fac- While walking to class, many ulty decided it is due to student van- students want to take their time. Of- dalism but all attempts to catch the ten they stay and chat with friends perpetrators have been to no avail. IRU WKH ¿UVW IHZ PLQXWHV DIWHU WKH 6FKRRO RI¿FLDOV ZHUH QRW ZLOOLQJ bell rings. That is, until the music to respond, but an anonymous tip begins to play over the intercom. reported, “The library and certain Many outsiders believe students bathrooms have been trashed. The begin to rush to class while the mu- security cameras were wiped and sic plays because it signals the start 6WXGHQWV PLQGOHVVO\ PDNH WKHLU ZD\ WR FODVV:KDW WKH\ there was no forced entry.” of class being only two minutes GRQ¶WUHDOL]HLVWKH\DUHLQÀXHQFHGE\PXVLFIURPWKHLQ- With further investigation, jani- away, but Weber students know the tors were accused for the strange truth. The music played over the in- tercom. 3KRWRE\1DWDOLH:LOGLQJ events. When questioned, custodian tercom can control minds. control if all the students can get WKLQN,¶PVDIH,¶OO¿QGP\VHOISXOO- Kyle Brunetti answered, “Janitors “Usually I feel the effect of the together and— (Unfortunately this ing out my textbooks and getting are often blamed for stuff like this; music only while it’s playing,” says interview could not be completed my homework done, even when I’d when stuff goes missing or things senior Savannah Moore. Moore due to the fact that the intercom rather be doing anything else.” can’t be explained. It’s because we says she rarely notices herself wan- music began to play, and Moore Some students have tried to have keys to everywhere and we’re GHULQJ WR FODVV XQWLO WKH ¿QDO EHOO was quickly whisked away into the openly resist the music’s pull, but here every day after school. Some rings. “By then it’s too late. I’ve swarm of rushing students.) Laubacher isn’t sure it’s possible. of my co-workers have seen some already taken my seat and there’s “If you ask me, I think the most “I heard a rumor that a kid did it pretty crazy things happening.” $QRWKHUP\VWHULRXV¿JXUHVSRWWHGLQ:HEHUVKDXQWHGWXQ- nothing I can do,” she says. Like LQÀXHQWLDO VRQJ LV GH¿QLWHO\ ³3DU- for a whole week once, but he Brunetti went on to say he doesn’t QHOVE\FXVWRGLDQ.\OH%UXQHWWL,DQ0DQQLQJDQG$QLND many Weber students, Moore can ty in the USA” by Miley Cyrus. came back and said he felt like he think all the events were quite natu- 6RQJHU barely tell when her friends’ con- I mean, there’s a reason it gets KDG WKH ÀX WKH ZKROH WLPH´ /DX- ral. 3KRWRE\1DWDOLH:LOGLQJ versation ends and her trek to her played so often. Miley is an obvi- bacher says. He thinks the mind  ³,GH¿QLWHO\WKLQNWKHUHLVVRPH- hiM, a coward.” We stared at it a Songer looked around. “We are next class begins. ous member of the Illuminati,” says control works with “some kind of thing else going on, and I’m willing while. standing in a summoning circle,” “I think it must be some way to sophomore Anthony Laubacher. voodoo magic.” He worries that to get to the bottom of it,” he says. “It’s a secret message,” said she gasped. keep attendance up. People prob- Laubacher says he once saw a You- the frequent use of mind control on Ian Manning, custodian, agrees Songer. “Look, some of the letters We all looked around and saw ably wouldn’t go to class if it 7XEHYLGHRSURYLQJ&\UXV¶VDI¿OLD- students could permanently make with Brunetti. “I think it’s coming are capitalized.” the stolen objects creating a circle weren’t for the extra push,” Moore tion with this underground society, them responsible and punctual. from the tunnels. Every so often we Manning began to sound it out, and star. “Who would do this?” says. She lists hypnosis and info- and is certain it has something to do “Can you imagine it? The whole have to go down there and lately “Ooossti-” Songer interrupted, asked Brunetti. mercials as other methods of mind with Weber’s mind control. “I’ve world obediently getting where we’ve found missing things like “Ostium….it’s Latin for….door!” Suddenly a growling noise came control. Although Moore believes heard that seniors have an easier they need to be at the time they hall passes, backpacks and sports Brunetti chimed in, “What if it’s a from one of the tunnels. “I think attendance is a good idea, she ad- time resisting it. I’m pretty sure need to be there. It would be com- equipment. That doesn’t make any trap door?” you got your answer,” said Man- mits there may be better options it’s a major cause of senioritis,” he plete chaos!” Laubacher says. “I sense.” We began feeling the sides of the ning. Carefully, the two janitors slid than forcing teens to walk their way says. just don’t want to lose my free will. Weber has two major tunnels wall. Manning felt along the pipes into the tunnel. We heard shouting to class via intercom mind control. Laubacher also believes sopho- I want to be able to keep attendance and a couple sewage passageways. and found a loose one. When it and then three heads emerged from “We hear the music every school mores have the hardest time get- credit on my own terms.” There is a tunnel underneath the gave way, a door swung open re- the dark passage. They were hold- day, sometimes more than once. It ting used to the mind control, but Getting to class on time can be a cafeteria and another under the vealing a dark passageway. LQJ D GUDSHG ¿JXUH WKDW VTXLUPHG has to have some bad side effects. seniors build up some kind of re- challenge to many teens; however, boiler room. “The tunnels are bigger than we and fought. What if it doesn’t wear off after we sistance. “It isn’t just at school that forcing students to rush to class In order to get evidence, Brunetti, thought,” Brunetti stated, shining Manning and Brunetti pulled off graduate?” Moore says. I feel the mind control sending me against their will with the power of Manning, Anika Songer (an expert KLV ÀDVKOLJKW GRZQ WKH XQOLW SDV- his hood to reveal graduated senior “I have a plan, though,” she adds. to class,” Laubacher says. “Some- Miley Cyrus and other artists may on the supernatural and symbols), sage. “It looks like it might connect Mitch Barber. “What are you doing “I think we can get rid of the mind times even when I’m home and not be the best way to go about it. and I (a reporter for Warrior News) to the other tunnel.” here?” exclaimed Songer. decided to check out what’s really He bravely stepped in holding up Barber lowered his eyes, so they lurking below Weber. DÀDVKOLJKW7KHWXQQHOZDVVOLJKW- glowed in the candle light. “While Teachers overcome embarrassment We entered into the boiler room ly taller, but damper. The walls meditating in yoga, I realized my and a gust of air hit us. Manning seemed to be crawling, and we spiritual destiny in the dark arts. I opened the latch to the tunnel. We noticed they were made with mud discovered my purpose,” laughed disclose their abnormal addictions VHFXUHG RXU ÀDVKOLJKWV DQG FDP- and stone. More debris and objects Barber. ______eras, and one by one lowered our- were scattered like a trail. “Whoa, Manning asked, “What would Brother Anderson, seminary love dressing up as certain animals selves into the four foot tunnel. Mr. Anderson’s hall pass? This has that be?” By Carrie A. Tunne teacher, thinks he has the worst ad- and just pretend I am that animal,” The tunnel is completely made of been missing for ages,” said Man- “Anarchy!” yelled Barber. “Here Staff Musician diction. “This may sound a little Murphy says. cement with running wires and ning. I have opened a way to the darkest ______weird, but I like the taste of paper.” Murphy says her favorite ani- pipes along the side. Dim lights are There was a loud sound, and we abyss itself, and Weber is just the He explains that when he was a mals to dress up as are elephants, spaced every couple feet. “It’s cold saw a shadow directly ahead of us. beginning. You’ll never be able to It’s hard for everyone to picture little kid, he use to eat paper all the penguins and dogs. “I don’t just down here,” Songer stated. “Al- “Wait, stop!” yelled Manning. He stop it!” Barber laughed manically their teachers having a life outside time. “It was normal back then,” he dress up as them,” she says. “When most too cold.” pushed past us and ran after the as we escorted him out of the tun- RIWKHFODVVURRP,W¶VDOVRGLI¿FXOW says. “But I think it’s a little weird I’m home alone, I act like them. I We practically had to crawl and mysterious shadow. We carefully, nels. to picture them having addictions for a grown adult to still be in that run around the house and stuff.” saw nothing till we passed around but quickly followed him down the After giving Barber over to the that are really… odd. Just because phase.” She admits she is quite embar- a corner. “What, a desk?” Brunetti dark tunnel. The tunnel curved into authorities, all the strange events teachers are adults and are sup- Anderson says he thinks ev- rassed by this strange love of hers. exclaimed. A trail of items led be- a room that was lit with melting stopped and objects ceased going posed to be someone students can eryone has a strange addiction. “I don’t know what it is… I just hind a desk that was lying on its candles. Manning stood in one of missing. The janitors were cleared look up to, students don’t imagine “Eating paper isn’t my only weird adore doing it.” Murphy adds at side in the middle of the tunnel: the three exits to the room. from the crime and helped remove these professionals to be battling addiction,” he says. “For some rea- ¿UVWLWZDVDOLWWOHZHLUGEXWLWKDV Pens, rulers, and paper scattered “What was it?” Brunetti asked. the debris from the tunnel. “We’ve addictions. What would teachers son, I just love watching stuff about now become a natural aspect of her the entire area. Manning stood there heaving for DWWHPSWHG WR ¿JXUH RXW ZKHUH WKH even be addicted to? To answer that kangaroos. Anything that involves life. “My biggest fear is someone Attempting to get around the de- a second. “It was Mr. Corbridge.” secret passage goes, but we haven’t question, staff members confess kangaroos, hit me up.” walking in on me as I’m drinking bris, we found a chilling message We all shook our heads, “No way.” found an end to it so far,” stated their odd addictions and talk about He also talks about how he’s not out of a dog dish or something,” scrawled out in marker: “That mans Manning stated, “Well, I thought Manning. “Who knows…there how they’re trying to overcome really embarrassed by this addic- she says. is nOt truly brave who iS afraid ei- I saw him; what is this place any- might be something else hiding un- their weaknesses. tion. “I mean, who doesn’t love Murphy also says if anyone else Ther to seem or to be, when It sUits how?” derneath the school.” Mr. Pace, agricultural teacher, kangaroos?” he says. “The paper has an abnormal addiction or strong confesses he has a strange addic- one is a little weird, though. It’s passion for something, they should tion to the , My Lit- probably not good for me.” just go for it. tle Pony. “I’ll admit, I’m a brony,” Mrs. Murphy, computer teacher, “Yes, it may be weird [having Free Exam Skip Card! he says. “I can’t help but love the also loves kangaroos. In fact, she these addictions] for some people. cute little ponies.” Pace adds he got loves all animals. However she I don’t really like people knowing into My Little Pony last year and takes her love for animals a little about my passion, but it is what it Get this skip an exam has never told anyone, except for bit further than most people. “I is.” now. free card by paying... Pace says he doesn’t like people knowing about his love for My $999.99! Little Pony EHFDXVHKH¿QGVLWHP- good for only a week aft er you buy it... barrassing. “It’s something I try to The Witch’s Brew keep to myself,” he says. He also adds he admires the peo- ple who aren’t ashamed of showing Our Daily Specials their love for the show or anything that makes them happy. “I hope I Tuesday: Black Cauldron Coffee can be like that one day,” Pace says. The Zombie Diner Mrs. Carrier, math teacher, isn’t Wednesday: Green Potion Tea into My Little Pony, but absolutely We have delicious meals loves doing math in her spare time. Thursday: Fountain of Youth (our “I know it’s a little typical, a math - Bar-B-que Brain teacher addicted to math,” she says. special water) She adds that doing math calms - Eyeball Soup her, and she loves how there’s al- Friday: Red Chiller Ice Coffee ZD\V D VSHFL¿F DQVZHU ³, GRQ¶W - Finger Fries know what I’d do without it,” says Carrier. And so much more! Carrier also says, “I became a Open: Tuesday-Friday math teacher so I could always be At the corner of Zombie Land Rd and around it.” She does get teased for Hours: 10:00 P.M- 6:00 A.M Walking Dead Ave. liking math so much, but she tries her best to brush it off. The Warrior INTRUDER  $,#'     #&#* Doctor, Chemical found in cologne causes Tardis brain damage to high school teens ______the perfume. Women react differ- agrees with Owens. “It is very spotted in By Iva Pimple ently to the chemical than men do. unfortunate that boys have taken Staff Dermatologist The Erometrine doesn’t secrete a vow of silence until Dr. Aeolus ______the chemicals in our brain like it retracts her claim. They won’t talk hallways does in mens. When Erometrine is to anyone. It is getting a little stu- Walking down the hall way, one sprayed around women, it begins SLG EXW ZH GLG MXVW ¿QG RXW WKDW ______RIWKH¿UVWWKLQJVSHRSOHQRWLFHLV affecting the victim’s brain cells. they were going through horrible the smell of heavily sprayed co- Women start to feel a little foggy brain damage for years. I hope they By Ikan Doit logne wafting through the air. EXW XOWLPDWHO\ WKH EUDLQ ¿JKWV LW´ make medical advancements in go- Staff Super Hero 0RVWJLUOVDQGHYHQVRPHER\V¿QG says Aeolus. Dr. Aeolus’s theory LQJWKURXJKDQG¿[LQJWKHGDPDJH ______this extremely annoying, as stated also goes on that it could be a ge- done.” in the poll taken by Whisilton Post. netic thing and while most males Dr. Aeolus says “There are some He’s a mystery. Not many people Only a few short months after have this trait, there are always ex- who are skeptical of my theory, even know his real name, or that that poll was taken, Dr. Natasha ceptions. and I understand that, but other much about his past. So why are so Senior Hannah Nelson worships her favoite character, Doc- Aeolus discovered that cologne “While I can’t prove this part of scientists have also tested my hy- many people, if given the choice, companies were placing the chemi- my theory, I think it started during pothesis. They have seen that I was willing to run away with him? This tor Who, and she hopes to be the special person to enter the cal Erometrine in the product. Her World War II. Some of the bombs indeed correct.” Aeolus adds her is a question many people have Tardis and travel in time. discoveries have led to uprisings contained small fragments of Ero- hope is for the companies to retract been asking recently at Weber. Photo by Haley Osmond among boys, mainly between the Who is this man? What is with the go with him, but I haven’t yet.” “But since the Tardis is a time ma- ages 11-15, claiming the scientist blue box? And where is he taking He hasn’t been here long, only chine, I was only gone for a few had no idea what she was saying, people? One night he’ll be there, a few weeks, and he is very rarely hours!” Nelson claims. and she was making it up to get maybe his phone box parked in the seen during school hours. But when Derek Heaton, sophomore, tells back at her ex-boyfriend who had PLGGOHRIWKHIRRWEDOO¿HOGWKHQWKH he is, he’s only there for a moment about the time he spoke with the a job in the upper management of next he’ll be hidden in the depths of before he’s gone again. Doctor. “It was a quick talk, but the popular cologne company, Axe. the math hall, waiting. He’s not ma- “I would’ve recognized that bow- that’s more than what most of the These, however, are rumors as nei- licious. He’s the Doctor. And he is tie anywhere,” says Anika Songer, people who have seen him have WKHUSDUW\KDVFRQ¿UPHGWKHLUUHOD- choosing one very special person to senior, “I didn’t see the Tardis but gotten. He came up to me when tionship go with him. he had the jacket and bowtie and I I was out in the hall, heading to “My personal belief is that wom- Very few have seen him, but the just knew.” lunch, and asked me where he en invented Axe spray, so they ones that have sure weren’t afraid Similar to Porter, Songer chased PLJKW¿QGVRPHRQHZKRPLJKWEH would know which men to stay to speak up about their experience. after The Doctor but was not able in need of an adventure. I should’ve away from,” says Aeolus. This be- “He was here!” says senior Sa- to catch up to him before he disap- said myself, but I was so shocked lief started her investigation. She mantha Costello. “I saw him, in peared like the wind. that it was him, the actual Doctor, started the process of running tests the Tardis! It was the most excit- But, only one lucky student was that all I said was “I don’t know!” on different products in her labora- ing thing I have ever seen. He was allowed to talk to him, and go away Though, many people won’t be- tory which was sponsored by WSE climbing into the Tardis at the end with him. Though she wished to lieve the stories any of the witness- :RPHQ¶V 6FLHQWL¿F ([SORUDWLRQ  of the art hall. But he was gone be- stay anonymous, this student has es say, there seems to be an unspo- $IWHU \HDUV RI WHVWLQJ VKH KDV ¿- fore I even realized it was him.” ¿QDOO\GHFLGHGWRVSHDNRIKHUH[- ken agreement between them all. nally retrieved enough evidence to Many fans dream of meeting the perience with The Doctor. When questioned what this ‘agree- support her claim. enchanting Doctor, but why he is “The Tardis was outside, at the ment’ might be, only Liz Jenkins, Aeolus says colognes and hair- here is a mystery to everyone. top of the hill out back,” says senior senior, answered. sprays contain large amounts of the But, Costello isn’t the only one Hannah Nelson. “I thought it was a “It means that no matter what chemical Eromentrine. This chemi- who has seen this man roaming joke, a really good joke. Until I saw people say about us, we will still cal included in the fragrance causes freely around Weber, looking for the door open and he stepped out. believe. The Doctor is real. And he damage to the brain cells. “The something, or someone to take with Of course I went with him, how is here.” fragrance of the cologne and the him on his next adventure. Senior, could I not?” Nelson, meanwhile, says she has chemical mixing together secretes Unsuspecting junior Alana Summerhays sprays perfume Mary Porter has her own theory on Though unbelievable to the av- not seen the man in quite a while, a chemical into your brain. Over why he’s here. erage skeptic, or human for that but she hopes he will return soon time this process begins to speed without knowing about its harmful effects. “He’s lonely. He always has matter, Nelson has many stories to for another grand adventure. up; the rate at which it speeds up is Photo by Natalie Wilding been. I think he’s here so he can tell about her time with the Doctor, “And maybe this time, he’ll let far more that your brain can handle metrine. These were smoke bombs their product and start the process ¿QG D QHZ FRPSDQLRQ´ VKH VD\V claiming that she had been gone for me bring a friend or two along,” and causes damage to the cells in that were used by the Germans, of developing new products that “I’ve tried to catch him, wanting to just little over a year. Nelson adds. your brain,” says Aeolus. Aeolus so their soldiers could slop away don’t cause damage to the brain adds that after this damage is done, through the fog. Most of the sol- cells of their buyers. “I hope that the chemical starts to take over, diers did react to the bomb’s smoke these young boys realize how much Origin of Lunceford’s doll head clouding judgment calls. “It causes and so recorded in old journals, damage has been done to their an addiction to the cologne,” says “When the Germans used these cells, and they will stop with this Aeolus. “Your brain feels like they smoke bombs, my brain would be- ridiculous vow of silence. I also causes much speculation, terror need the Erometrine to survive.” come cloudy and my thought pro- hope and encourage these boys and Sophomore Winter Owens says, cess was weakened.” The soldiers their parents to consider going in ______“It doesn’t really surprise me. I who did not react to the Eromen- and getting their brains examined. mean just last week I was walk- trine were sent to the front lines,” By using the program I have devel- By R. U. Sleepie ing down the hall and this group says Aeolus oped, they will see how much dam- Staff Hypnotist of hooligans sprayed me with their Owens adds, “It’s sad they don’t age has been done to their brains,” ______cologne. I felt a little violated and see what is happening to them. I says Aeolus. my brain felt a little foggy.” wish I could help my friends see Aeolus has saved thousands of All of the incoming sophomores Owens experience goes with WKDW WKLV VFLHQWL¿F DGYDQFHPHQW brain cells and as her theory be- who happen to have Mrs. Lunc- Dr. Aeolus’s theory. “I got curi- isn’t to offend them; it is to help comes more accepted among the eford for the World Civilizations ous and started to test perfume, them.” human population, the world can class may walk into her classroom EXW , FRXOGQ¶W ¿QG DQ\ WUDFHV LQ Sophomore Elizabeth Peterson move on to the path of recovery. and immediately see the plastic baby head, which she named Ger- trude, sitting on her desk. They immediately wonder, “Why is that head on her desk… and just how Tarantula Motel 6 did she manage to receive it?” Stu- dents have their own suspicions concerning Baby Gertrude. Lunceford doesn’t say much - Free Breakfast Rooms starting at about this desk decoration. The (eat at your own risk) students might have wanted to ask $19.99 a night! Lunceford about her baby head, but - Cheap Prices they don’t for fear their own head may also adorn her desk. - Don’t Flush Some students have a few ideas on how she got it. Sophomore - Free pet spiders available to Meghan Winward says, “I per- take home if captured sonally think that she’s actually Ms. Lunceford grins suspiciously while holing the doll head a sorceress, and this baby head is she uses to frighten incoming sophomores. a warning to all incoming sopho- mores. They soon learn what she is Photo by Jackie Olberding really capable of in her witchcraft and it just somehow exploded and found the baby head at the very bot- or voodoo ritual stuff.” She adds, the head is all that was left of it, so tom of the box, so I decided to keep “I also think that she practices mag- she keeps it as a keepsake. One of it and set it on my desk. That’s how ic or whatever at home when no- her friends or her brothers might be I really got it. The health teacher I :$17(' body’s watching her, so she doesn’t the mastermind of the explosion, had managed to receive it from has arouse suspicion.” just like all siblings are,” he says. passed away since that time,” she '($'25$/,9( Another sophomore, who wishes Mrs. Lunceford, however, re- says, reliving her memories. to remain anonymous due to his veals a different “truth” about the Although the story seems inno- fear of Lunceford’s vengeance, doll head. “A long time ago, there cent enough… actually plausible… Amber Broderick says the teacher is in the process of was this health teacher that I knew skeptics still wonder if they have world domination, and the baby is named Cathy Woods, and we were the true story. Could both teachers actually a clone of a perfect student really good friends back then. She had masterminded the plot of world Wanted for stealing she hopes to create. “These stu- was also a student government control? Could they be the real rea- dents will unite with Lunceford and advisor when she worked here so son for the Common Core? Are Mrs. Stettler’s WalMart together they will take over… start- many years ago. She had a load they the ones who deprive Warriors ing with Weber High,” he reveals. of stuff in her classroom, and she IURP IDW¿OOHG YHQGLQJ PDFKLQH special calculator  6RSKRPRUHFODVVRI¿FHU.RQQRU wanted to get rid of it all, so she snacks? Students might have their Gibson has his own ideas about started to clean out her entire class- own little debates about baby Ger- $200,000,000,000,000 Gertrude. “I think she simply re- room to try to get rid of it. And I trude outside of school, and they ceived it from a friend as a birthday had this faculty box that was load- PLJKWQHYHU¿JXUHWKHWUXWKRXWXQ- or Christmas present. Or maybe she ed with stuff that I had gotten from less they are brave enough to ask Reward had a full on baby doll as a child, her. I was going through it when I Ms. Lunceford about it.