VICTORIAN WOMEN’S TRUST WOMEN IN THE LIFE OF THE CITY 1 WOMEN IN THE LIFE OF THE CITY VICTORIAN WOMEN’S TRUST Published and distributed by: WOMEN IN THE LIFE Victorian Women’s Trust @VicWomensTrust OF THE CITY a. Level 9, 313 La Trobe Street Melbourne 3000 p. (03) 9642 0422 e.
[email protected] w. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 5 WOMEN & THE PUBLIC RECORD 6 WOMEN’S PROFILES 12 REFERENCES 38 This project was undertaken by Victorian Women’s Trust with research, profile writing and referencing provided by Megan Rosato, 2018. All images contained within are for educational purposes only. Not for reproduction. WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are warned that the following material contains images of deceased persons. PLEASE NOTE: This material is intended for reference only. Permissions to honour these women in public projects will need to be sought on a project to project basis and should include family and community consultation. Women sorting cheques National Bank, Head office, 2 279 Collins Street, Melbourne, 1953 - Wolfgang Sievers 3 VICTORIAN WOMEN’S TRUST Members of the Australian WOMENWomen’s IN THE Army LIFE Service OF THE CITY (AWAS) give “eyes right” as they pass the saluting base during the Service Womens march through Melbourne, 1942. Introduction In late 2017, The City of Melbourne approached the Victorian Women’s Trust with a request for assistance in developing a list of notable women to address the gender bias in street naming. As putting women on the public record is an important touchstone of the Trust as an organisation, we were happy to roll up our sleeves and start researching notable women of Melbourne whose mighty contributions shaped the city, we live and work in.