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W K A m O l PVtraeut of D. S. Weathor B ioaii, B artfert Generally Catr toalgM and Wad* aeodayi probably foDomd by ohow^ o n Wedneaday alytat. ITot mmbk H A L E ’S 4 0 MANOreSTER — A CITY OF VOXACE CHARM diaage in ten^rmtnrea. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1937 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Starts Tuesday, July 13 With Double Green Stsunps Given With Cash i - s ' Demand Longshoremen Quit A. F. L. COURT REVAMP Peoria, 01., July 13—(AP) — SOVIETSOtMEN All Day Tuesday. This Is One Of THE Big Sale Events Of The Year Sherman Watts 30, a sheet metal WAR THREAT GROWS workar, was charged today with attempting to kill his wife with DECISION SEEN Extra Special! Limited Quantity an automobile. SPEHTtOWARD Our Entire Stock of The Famous Police Chief Leo Kamlns said and Dress Coats Watts confessed be Intended to IN S ID H WEEKS IN FAR EAST CRISIS; $1.79 Candlewick Bath i q kill his wife Ruth, 25, when be: S A N r a c i s c o Jigger, Swagger, and Fitted-Models. CJolora: Bbck, Green, LADY PEPPERELL drove his automobile Into the Tka, Royal, Thistle, NaTy. ' Sizes: 14 to 20 only. Cotton Dresses Amies at Grips 15 Mfles rear of si car In which she and Mat and Lid Cover Sets ^ I* * two children, were riding. Wheeler Avers That Oppon Meet Bad Storms at Pole Bat COUNCIL SUMMONED Mrs. Watts, who filed suit for f Regular $25.00 Values Solid color grounds with floral patterns. Blue, gold, green, orchid West of Madrid, Battle- dlrorce a week ago, suffered only ents of Measure Can Win Drastically Reduced SHEETS and and peach. nfmor Injuries. Her mother, Mrs. Have Good Weather Pros H.YUTOSIS RULED OLT Reduced To .. faVMVro' •roto’eta Margaret Tate, was seriously FOB CUSTOMS AIDES ^ ^ li e id an Inferno; Many Injured. Without FQihnster; Bailey Japanese Cabmet Deddet ----------------- s ---------------------- pect; Plane May Arrive New York, July 18—(AP) — Regular $19.75 Values The Highlight of the Sale— 20”x40” Heavy Cannon United States customs officials On Military Measores; .6 9 PILLOW CASES Wr ^ Moors Kflied m Clash. Holds Floor in Opposition. at 4 a. m. Tomorrow. who examine baggage ol Incom Reduced T o ....... oTaTeTir • OTe «T* Our Regular $5.98 Cottons, ing steamship passengers sat $ 4 At Birthday Sale Prices STORM MAY DELAY down to “temperance luncheons” Insorance Rates Go Up, Madrid, July 13.—(AP)—Spanish ■ Washington, July 13 — (AP)— today. Now r*T M • ~e ' • t i n s I T V a Ib lV I eT * r e • ' a 'e T a i TURKISH TOWELS Seattle, July 18.—(AP)—The XJ. A new ruling of William H. Regular $1^75 Values insurgsot and government armies Forecasts of a court bill showdown 81**x99” Sheets, regularly $1.69, 8. Army Signal Corps reported the McReynolds, administrative sec Stock Market Nerrout. wrestled today in the heart of an LEXINGTON SEARCH in ten days or two weeks came to Reduced To ------ raTOTgTe* • eTn «?• Soviet trans-polar plane messaged retary to tba Secretary ol the Reduced To .• r#l a aragrruTe • a'aT#' a faTa* a • inferno of artillery and aerial bom day from some Senators on both Treasury, forbids them to drink $ 1 .3 9 “everything O. K.” at 7:31 a. m„ (e. rrre' eT#"^ bardments on the stark Castilllan sides. Opposition leaders, declaring a glass of beer during their lunch 'nentsin, China, July 1$.—(A P I- $1.98 Dresses Reduced To C e a .----- f®'’ s. t.) today to the Chnadlan signal Reular $10.98 Values $ 1 .7 9 2 9 3 81® plain 15 miles west of Madrid. they had 44 certain votes and a half hour, so that passengers will not Thirteen hundred Japanese 63”x99” Sheets, regularly $1.49, station at Fort Smith. Canada. The be annoyed by "bad broths.” Villanueva del Pardillo, Itself vir If Weather Favors 63 Air dozen others "within reach,” said from the East Hopei and Pengtal Reduced To ............... message said the plane was over Reduced To ................................ Colored borders In black, ted, green, gold, and blua Worth tually leveled by the clash of two there was no need for a qUbuster. railway junction garrisons began $ 1 .1 9 8 for $1.00 In the market today. modern war machines and now Bridges (right), leader of West Coast longshoremen, la shown Great Bear Lake, Latitnde 66, Long $2.98 Dresses Reduced To planes WiD Today Seek “We can win without it,” com meeting In New York with Marwyn Rathbonc, left, president of the day a oonoerted and direct nttack $ 2 .6 9 claimed by the government aa an mented Senator Wheeler (D,,' itude 133. 72”x99” Sheets, regularly $1.59, other segment of what once was in Radio Telegraphl.sta Union. They were to present Joseph P. Ryan, long on ChlnaM ancient and walled eitjr for Earhart and Noonan. Mont.), at the start of the fourth shoremen's union president, with an ultimatum to abandon the A. F. of The Army Corps here and In TAX DISCOUNT FOR of Peiping. Reg. 29c 20”x40” Solid Color _ surgent territory, was the vortex. day’s attack on the controversial L. and join the C. I. O., or have his organization taken away from Alaska were unable to establish con Reduced To . ......................... $ 1 .2 9 Hot summer winds carried the measure. hlin. The troope drove to the very $3.98 Dresses Reduced To r e g e l e 'e e tact with the Russians sinca they SILK FROCKS stench of death and the cries of the Administration chieftains, on the MACHINE OWNERS shadow of the Baelent oapitaTS wnBn $ 3 -2 9 72’’xl08” Sheets, regularly dying over the shell-torn terrain. Honolulu, July 18.—(AP) — The other hand, stuck by their conten changed tbelr transmission fre- in motor trucks and under the pro Regular $7.95. Reduced To ... Whole villages had been blotted out greatest war air force ever assem tion that they bad enough votes to qneacy at 8:87 a. m., (e. s. L). tection of armored cars and Jspw- TURKISH TOWELS In tha week-old government often- bled for a peace-time mission, 63 pass the compromise bill. It author $1.69, Reduced To . a.-ara a fbTa' slvs and Insurgent counter-thrusts. neae infantrymen, supported by Printed Chiffons and a few Printed $ 1 .3 9 planes, was poised today ready to izes appointment of one additional WARFARE TO WIN GOV. CROSS NAMES San Franclaco, July 13.—(AP)_ Crepes. Ught and Dark Prints. $ 0 - 9 5 The government strength around Supreme {^urt justice each year if After battling a snowstorm and gale Attorney-General Says New light field pieces. 81”xl08” Sheets, regularly Villanueva del Pardillo constituted skim along the mid-pacific equator members over 75 do not retire. crossing the North Pole, three So a serious threat to Insurgent towns In the Navy's last search for Amelia The opposiUoD strategists prC' Tokyo. July 18.—(AP)— Tha dieted approval of a motion to send DOCKERS IS BEGUN STANDARDS GROUP viet airmen In Russla'a second Law Does Not Alter Get A Bathing Suit No w $1.79, Reduced T o ......... $ 1 .4 9 C ea. for along the Ooruna road and the Earhart and Capt. Fred Noonan, trana-Polar flight sped down from Japanese Cabinet waa reportad to 2 7 $ 1.00 eight-month-old siege positions In mlsalng 11 days. If weather condi the bill back to the Judiciary Ckim' the top of the world toward San day to have decided on miUtaiy Our complete stock of Forrest Mills suits going at Casa de Campo and Carsbanchel on tions are favorable the planes will mittee, wifleb would sidetrack It at Franclaco today. Present License Setup. measures to solve the North Chinn Double thread, very absorbent. Green, red, orchid, blue, roea. the western and southwestern zoom from the aircraft carrier Lex least for the remainder of this ses crisis unless ''the Chinese govern sale prices. and gold. sion. The motion probably will be Alaska communications at Seattle Washable Silk Frocks fringes of Madrid. ington to survey an areq of 36.000 A. F. of L Leader of Long Pats Into Effect New Law reported It had received a message ment accepts all Japan's terms. made aa soon aa they have finished PILLOW CASES Threaten Boar Guard square miles centering about bleak from the airmen Indicating they “We are making fullest prepam* Tailored models in colorful prints *tmd PUl _ _ Howland Island. their case. Hartford, July 13.—(AP)—Per 42”x36” Fallow Cases, reg. 41c, Tbs fall of BoadlUa del Monte, Public, Prirato Positions shoremen, Defies Ultima were about 1,000 miles this side erf sons operating 10 or more vending ttons for the emergency," one mom- pleasing pastel shades. Regularly $5.98. fill Regular $3.98 Suits N ow ........... seven miles west of Casa de Campo. It was Howland Island, a dot of to Establish Standards the Pole. ber of the Cabinet said. $ 3 .5 9 18”x36” Cannon land rising but two feet above the Publicly, the llne-up still was 40 Reduced T o .............. ............................... Reduced T o ............... ___-___ In ths path of the government’s against the compromise measure Soaring through snowstorms and machines for the sale of dgarettes The decision to carry out tha gov water, that the avlatrix and her are to be claoalfled aa distributors ernment's original plan to and th* 3 5 c curving aallent, would bring Gen. navigator, Noonan, aimed for when and 39 for It.