"aul Flanagan, ^fy-J ^ Robert Edward

J. D. Colliiu Honored • Howard JotuMoo Awarded flan For Opening Of cturnuiv suuncr For M. L T. ScbokraUp Graduation Exercises New Committees Named Medk«l School Honor Memorial Day Marked cxiKMrrrci Cranford Boys'Camp J. Dtllard Collins, son of Township To Start Next Week A. Jv^unon. me ef Dr A I. Engineer and Mrs. DC. N. Oolllna .has KstimatofVeeds -...... „.,.... M.000.00 By School Officials Johnson. Couair Supntntrnoei ByFitiingExercises been selected ar one of the nine stu-' SrnooU'acd iln jbbiuoa Will be «l»d nVWU Start July 5. With CMttrtkatioM dents in the second year of the depart- High School Clas. Night Set Roberts Declines to Serve on uattd taBKKrov.trcm Jrffrrwn Modi. Ajrplnne Mincnvcrs Add New Rate Reduced to $7 P ment of electrical engineering at Mas-: Clubs and Organisations 1,600.37 cai Cit^KS^JenawSriphta. Mr. Jotin er sachusetts Institute ii Technology f Jr; for Next Friday. All School Nofp to Ccrpmoniul Tor W.u Week f6r Any Period. Individuals 2M.80 Any, While Mrs. Strrrett son is onir Bfjint'lnm Ui<- ct»4u» the honors group in raat class-.-Mr>' Commencements Week of Relief SnurprUes- 1.341.00 Refuses Appointment to] clou *t Jtatnm «lu> h»>T bern I Jcrocs List Saturday. Collins was one of the students selected TOUI , : 14.241:07 Icvtrtl a.% tittemrv in the C£4)e£e WUh nUnsbeing completed for UK upon the basts of excellency In schal-1 June 15. ' , Teachers' Committee. Ul lie »!!! sent <>-.«* »»x> i>e»r» Mr arshlp and evidence of the qualities of ! With n nurnde, m whleh wv ei aJJiun opentog of Cranford Boy.' Camp near SipmsiMiirM self-reliance and initiative needful for) 1 dred marrhed, niiiklnij It uni. of Hi Hope. In Warren County. Sunday, July u( and eompuit* a f«ur )var course k the pursuit of Independent Jtudj- during PiipiU in all Cranford Schools are Investigation and super- cummittc,'* lor Hie. bt of rewrit yeii™. cx^irlirs nt lh • 5 offlcuo. ^ the camp are now. rscelr^ceivv- by JeHrrson "uin»CT»w. • junior and senior years. - now preparing for the graduation exer- vision ,,.- ...-...... world—Avar Mrnuirtul Tablet tl- i>n' tog tom for the camp season, cises which- will stah next week. The Store room _'...'_; President Jnhii K Clinwl »t the mri'lini * wnch, will run untintil AAugust 30 The corner of Hprtn^nild avenue mm tJiilnn ..,...«_ „ „ ._.„._ "'*" *rhool will have 1U class night Relief Enterprises .. of the nounl. of Etiueatioti Ttiewiuy PROMINENT MEN IN nwnne, -the Vi-teraliv rif TOFeTmi .Wu i rate for the camp this, ye«r hu been Of&ce : niilht In the l;..ird nionvj, nip Bixir of JUNIOR SERVICE LEAGUE next Friday evening, June 12. In th* lUtual for iit'imrlnl roinnides nt l>lr- l on* no reduced to $7 per week, for one week or School.. The baccalaureate Food: '. Ornnt Bchool HORSE SHOW GROUP vle* C*mctrry nnd it tlirilllnir nerlnl hearts aod the enure semaon. Lut yew. the Coal ....,„...... „ .,.._ A. Leoiittrd-ltobertii rt'fu:J.'il (o senr nuw do? fennon will be delivered In 1 dl«plav:bi five pian-x, Cninfrird hiiptu charge *u |9 for the first week and Episcopal Church Sunday morning, ;. ^auy cummlttiV.i. He .tlrchirrd hi* run. (Mac riatli«4 r«r Crrat. i l>rintrlj» nbwniil Meni had breli apputiit- ment of- the.Hi»h School will take place Total Ttw ruerri'ea aiarieii Hhiuilv ivtli-r ence will be made up by' the Cranford Tliursday evening. June IB, at •:» by \V. J. Wlllscy, who r'tiiiimsl as B !*rcmirwftl Sfiatr. CounSy lU'i^rJ.BcK.latUcJiloriUuil. a-iuui. Uiwui °H*' -Camp..,A»sqclation...: . .,,. •o'chx* in- non3CTelfScrlota-*~Tne'R«v: pn-stdrrrt-bef<)nr~M Cranford Camp is located on BUver The annual luncheon of the Junior *""":~"''"AokMwleagti Mr. Clouii . li.'nlnl. nmrihlnit In the parade uwitiilMrd In JPlns>l Bittlemtnt. J«fcW»tyfeSfeDl 1 hM 1t"li" row , afternoon at .She ..BaltMsrol Coun- - I.. Jl 00 Ctubjvirw harti .*1U 1afce place mm. . Mayor, lliiiin- C. Aldrlrh ucn-d n > G&P Fronting on the lake.-the camp - - j|S~Cl" knew Mh-Roberto Mould liol soryi* *tlh try Club. A meeting for the election comniencpment address.-. Jun 2T »t. tb* Kensadon Riding Krmid mai-Hhul fur I he puradi'. a'r.nhii.'-if has motuitains in the rear and plenty the reoreanlMd oamnitllrr, ho did nut of officers at the home oft Mrs. Charles .Members pi the High School graduat- in KrnUjvoitEv it was annotino l>y liiuilM J. Arlmlil, rhAinhii'i) i'ir Hi- .. of open country for, all camp activi- hlnk it nece'inary ror liini to atti Francis Hansel will precede the lun- ing r!a& and their courses are as fol- RELIEF GROUP PLANS fd at. the curamutn* swung Monday lltiu (it ninrrh lur' the ^Meiniirlitl ni,n • ^J ties Located oh a slope .In the center he'uwlliitf to which Mr. rtot>rt4 tad cheon. , s: ; nltiht. Amoc* USt-nw*brr* of thi- t'ommltlre. Tlie |nU-*^'. wiijrheiulecl.'i)^ *:-1 > ft/ the camp grouads,the lodge Is head-' ••.•'*! M' * ' , • ^ TO CONTINUE WORK The following niembers were recently lionorv comeuur* air: OmWiwr lf quarten for tne;oIit-,<: department,.- Hl hy "Ciiii r 'taken Into the league' is provisional tfan'i" liiru&i.'Unii&i Snail .luiues K. 1I clal; . Frtetta Marie Btm - als* Wawli n«l llnaiiplsTi* nil Wn1ch makes.it a welcome haven for Hlzabeth Bbe," Mft.' Oharles Pitman liarry Augustus Bohmah. Oeheral; Sid- Ing Sumnur MooUu. roivrii liand ' of V Buckley, Mrs.{Carl H.' Mason, Mrs. n-y Borodowko, Scientific: Charles Mr. CloudV renppolntment. In an- Alilrtch of CrwtlonL Wiitir A J SUM the boys on rainy days.and during .the nouncing the make-up of his commit-. Eugene Tpwler, Mrs. Howard Macy Steven Bosnyak, QenerSJ: Ruth L*Ua nie'lluiiTe iihd"IJruiii Corps' uf Hoice cool nights..: Campers and their lead- Aid for the needy and efforts to find :«•», ll» prciildeiit mated he had hoped Park and Miss Elizabeth Green, and as Brtlllsour, General; Vlsdimir Joaepb Bu- cher uf Cranioed. W Rktunond Trarj- IVial:. Vi'leruiia

Intanadoaul) Scenes and Persons in the Current News Ev. I \ '""A Wesson Utvinov, Soviel _ kar at ruallr. llndi Blbl. InMltata « Cfclcac*.) * C If II, nan »wiw« P«l»« » at Geni LttMon for June 7 y-


'"OOLDEH TEXT—But lit waa woonj OV1 1 lor. our tranaaTsaalons, ha wai S u -rulaad for our Ittlqultlas: tha chas Usamant of our paaca w»a upon blm .'•->} Maxin lot wllh hla atrlpas wa ara haalad. comml LESSON TEXT—Luka «:«»-«. affairs PIIIIIART TOI1C—J.iua* Daalh on *. Ue Croaa. "orita JUNIOR TOPIC—Jt.ua Taking tba Oenev World's OullL • •":- temat INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR - alon i 1O—What Wa Owa to iba Lord Jaaua, . TOUNO PEOPLE AKD ADULT TOP- .Brla IC—Love's Buprama SacrlOca. union 1'" ting, I. The Place of Crucifixion' (v. 83), toundf They led Jesus.away to Calvary, a' at. Lltvlnov ien0II hill north it Jerusalem resembling a uJ^ Crandl and the rest SkulL Calvary Is the Latin wold and •loners by the calm Golgotha Is the Hebrew. This Is a their "capitalistic" go' most significant name for the. place .v :-> ,>' ruining themselves ant where iqsn's redemption was accom- world by selling good: plished. The skuU la an apt picture and cheap abroad—In l_S,,m^ «f -the babies -of tue-lu30 -crop who attended ihe Infant. alumnl_ reunion at the JuxtiankJlosplta) dumping.-—Snd"n"e~tl ^SW^rnra^lie^*au^^oraI5 Ilurbauk, Calif. 2—General view of the parade at the opening of the International Colonial exposition In Parla. —lire and Intelligence (one, leaving calmness denied flatly .Wieorge F. Baker, Jr., who Inherits (00,000,000 from the eatate of his father, -the New York banker who government had been only the dark empt^r cavern which died-recently; - - * - —.-.--.^ ~* — . - — once conTatne*d them.' ~7eaua was not pernicious practice, tl md ^ accus«|d,-of-lt? -Ouasj *auffei wllhouftlft gAfe~Tin:b'""W12K ^hnd done lust a |ljt If.

"•'•*"•"•"' mm '" * , i>

3 3 w rta i= ^ . ^^J" ^ "^ ~ "J^S.- T~^^^^rT ™ ' T—™^,,,," --^-j^J*^ '^ ~^""^J^*" ^tSr'T' *.-s^"SCp^~""^jr fc^v- ^ - *~ > — „- ^-^r .*Jt&5il|P!J|5S~^~ "^h. X^i^^i~>-* T^S|^^fcv-»!;» '"'^^r v ~7 '- ^~ ^ T-^ "^- -^^^.^^^3^ -^—^———J——^jaS*S^->jBjB-jjjgjasSSBSSBSasaj


!WS Plane Craih in Front Yard Kills Two News Review^ of Cunfeiit WU» *.bess sat eahlaet aasrara aa4 lMicliiaes "Hut Are| their wives sad auaj ackar aaiaaB* tiles. Almost Hamtn Events the World Over To* F«st Omce depsrtmeat tatasd a special commesnoratlaa staaaa sa the aaalvarsarr idaJe. .;>>i • Electric Ftoas Utvinov, Soviet CommisMr, Raits Europe** Statesmen EATHS of twj Americana at- . at Geneva—Secretary Doak Denounce* D tracted «ooa)aenhle sltseUaa. ID,yos ever a circus ssT U Tsars, rraace. Brig. Ceo. Robert D trained Seas perform; see them ialming huiatB—beings—m. thetr IT ~ Su6goited Wage Redaction. '~~ H. UoaUp, a distinguished ofneer of the mariae corps, was' killed by t stunts beneath • microscope? laadaUde la a heroic effort to save Science has trained electrU "flees" By EDWARD V. PKKARD the life of a woman. Ralph Bartoa, to do much more. These electric fsBMBS cartooolst and Illustrator, com- "fleas'* are wonderful creatures; they 0VD5T RUSSIA. .wort* whet pnMess »kk» fet, w* sauted suldde In hU New York apart- have been made to put out fires, gourd S ** personified by IndBde. as the swa Isapsnut miasj* taeot. leavlag a nota ihat said be money, tarn on—strwtrllghts and per- Uaxim Ll(Tlnov, lu element, nRaBsstatf •* pn*mea*m la feared be was going insane. form other marvelous tasks. commissar of foreign riportioi coaatrtes. !n£Tfcb»lly sod These "fleas" are cheap, loo. For a affairs, hid the time as a whole, enta • bmtr s4]astsMat OPE PIUS XI, ad- nickel one can buy 2.w.ono,OM).ni>o.ono or, its young life at Utweea supply tad dlspastaioei esa P dressing a group of them snd ihey- are easily put to Geneva where the In- tn effected, sad restrain IJHSS fresa of 8pintsb pilgrims, work, according la Dr. Philips ternational commis- txpsnslon of pndKtSw -ikenaner.* described the bornlng Thomas, research,.engineer or the sion ot Inquiry Into As a eaatarial aid tvnri nUerlBC of churches snd other Westtnghouse Klectrlc and Manufac- . D r i a n d' a European overbordesed jsnrteu McsteiTte Breed religious • edifices la turing company laboratorlea In Pitts- union project was sit every possible anu of nansinpUoe, Spain ss "sacrileges burin. Pa. . ' . ' ting. Lltvlnov as- expansioa aad s*ag«U4 aboUUaa by against God snd holy An ounce of then* "liens" represents as u_i founded Arthur Hen Knropnn Impontax (•stories of their religion," and added: 1011,000 kilowatt hours of rnerity.. You as. utvmov derson,. Brland. Dino protective tariffs, atSUIac irritations •While I recognise the press a button and ittO.OOU.OOO of them Grand! and the rest of the commis- and preferential, price* tor domestic a second pass along the wires of yonr : abnormal situation In sioners by the calm statement that wheat. •'-• Spain, It cannot Justi- electric toaster *t lbs breakfast IsbW , ,- out no their "capitalistic" governments were fy the outrageous each morning. ^hearts and ruining themselves and the rest of the Z now do? HEN the directen of tbe World deeds carried out by Itoctflr Thomas christened them f world by selling goods dear at borne the enemies of Clod Losing control of a monoplans flying above Los Angeles, two men ware killed when the craft crashed ln(s) Jijeaa/^ The»« remarkably Miergetle - hearts or jrad cheap abroad—In other words, bjr WBank f«r iBteraaUoeal SmSe- the front yard of a home. . BJartank _ho»pital In mcnt« m.f In tbaJU.w.»re_..»ot _»m!pre»*td--bX'—tbe. creatures of ai'le-nee are. slunOv elee* dumping^ And~he then with 'equal .Irons, thn "txillillntl blocks of the uni- lal exposition In Paris, calmness denied flatly that the Soviet heard from Cites W. UctUrmh. Its authorities.' ew York banker who president that the ov^niis of tbe In- ijaooaooooopooDDopooooooooa verse.'* They aro all exactly alike SJM! government had been guilty of this The Vat lean,, however, Is promoting .cjjn.be dopeKiJeiJ.MIiQnJn Ui£lrj|CtlRns. 'pernicious practice".: though' generally stitution, bsve ssoeiiutthfttDMOO.- 000 mark. This ima U fir in «OMH ot a-lulley of " Mduie bri Bsnelry ^ Klectrlc "ne»s" inailB their "pnblle nuncio. Tedcschlnl, Jias hod friendly rHalU-Fannet'trJGar -iUl)ut-»U-U»«,«Bwii>i-mi>«njniiTiif-4tii « , ..._hsOane. just.. sZllille,. .ftiendte_et - Kitmrrr-•'K«n.-fl'reil--Olirriti~^ .Amerlvfl.n !n^t.(t,lj.!ij III New York" In porting. ^ . . . j..; ' Frtirunry™iHi>r'^fy^iileii«T~lh's>'''. * ? 1 world -bank Is beoooslac *»methms and expulsion of ltlshop Mujlca of whu llvt*« on a farm near hvre, *Wtnrk| '•'-•'" 'M* .»4fi- P^^^^ff^ oji^lous tbst lo Jnore'.ibiin->a aiere depoKftpry ,f »r tbe Viturla. The nuncio hns expressed 1 fiupsis at dinner, coiintnd them >!»(! ,' »ly nuuia 'lirices cannot"' be* Teiforucd la Indicat- drive, to Oskaionss, 1 central banks of nrioes nations, so sorrow'over what has happened, and be^nti to nilsN. HudiUm^ guhriled'thein frcm a tin *, '. • - ing dumping," be declared. "If, how- that even If the reparations payments It Is Iphderstood In >lndrjd Hint ha limtead of siieukers, j^pnll of mUr«1 . eve^ by dumping is understood » \' ly It atopiiiHl running ntlogetlier.- should txter-fce.pot *B s«B»e -other places uittch ofnhe bintoe for,Hie riot tiurk ronliiii't Ifjuireaui" Jwst wdliio and.-: karnstwii. was ptiire*]: at A . '"' ptflcyof high monopolist prlcea In ths basis.. -or cesse Ing on tbe sttltudeof Ca'rdln ~whnt tht« Imuhle- was. ' io iiond of llm. laiilo. Hinlili- It was ns; 2'e ^ —T y •*ooicj::sun" i " port/tt will oe found"precisely'"that it function. rric eye. - Thin. tA n vitt'iniin' tul.ibn r*- Is tbe capitalistic countries which sre for Heavy . rlrcumatancea hnd'tt hnuled tn the gnrnsje. An seuihllnit aii.elerlrli' Miihl bu|l> aiiil It 1 .' - The.bank.,^.Tr=__CCT.^._r.,_, }rnxmnlimUiin,: dlsvkucU .tlie^fsct: ; iS SUllty Inthlsrespect" • -•'•"•"•--•• (thraigtritie ^^ : ( ir »^«i>"iv«ti'tw-ffinr^t f^»^^ pnttinc the Austria* tut. OvdUaa- protest^^-.--'^-^-' •"--•-••;- ••----. -. • "•^^^"'DefcwifiKbiiisV 'Z'""T '•• that In simin-iminnrr a-imiuss The Soviets, continued.theVcommis- atait. back oo Us f«« bat It »t»s de- Cardinal Secure and Dlahop'MuJIcs the Nlnnara rirer).,afii now in'other iiittnt.. ttilHtjlir .cJiiitiBrN. inilKhl. faster sar, are eager to help In bringing to parts of tbectiuntry.' -hitir-got on ih* bnitcryr - Ilinn thn hiininn eye run txrrelv* cided that the lnIti»Uie mast come got together at l^ourdefc France, and Washington. — Answering criticism The inoiiMi had dint tlieni anil an end the present economic depres- from tbe Lesgae of Natioas committee proceeded to Itbme for sn Indefinite of the Illegality or deportation mvth- "l'hese farts conrern only nne race them. -".: ~ ~ sion,' and on their behalf he offered of alien people and tlio seriousness of Its body lay nrrosa the wires, Dortor Thomas'struck s nmlrh tn tor control ot ABsataB kass. stsy. They will probably be told tlist ods employed by the" United Stalei causing a short, two suggestions for the consideration Dpparinient of Lnhor, Secretary. Wil- Jhe-sltnatlon becomes appartMit when tint- pair iif explosive 'iiiliture. It 'the Vsllcon Intends to drop the quar- It' Is considered that like systems of of the commission.-Tlie first of these reljirith the republic liam II. Doak refers to Canadn ns the oooooooooooooooooooooooooa flaineii. but Jimt as tlm flames tea|tenalve nrn-fiKhtlng apparatus. _ army Is.tq be re> Judicial Illegality" ot arresting aliens nuinlier of amjihlblan automobiles ipproprlately observed) draft of n protocol of such a pact was H convention ^wi're the adoption .of a new S bend, the group would undertake to without warrants^ of ojiy kind Is neo anon Is in mnkn a 1'J.olW miles trade "Itlsnlmoiit huninn," lie snld. **I lie invented In 1855. submitted to the Relegates. It called constitution, .whlcll^jws loto effecton run aliens Illegally Into-the United essary* If Hie linmlumllon authorities lironinllim lour of Europe, and Africa'. got Inn blnsn to tho. flra. while 1'ipert- for. a general customs truce, among was June 1, tlie declaration of the republic States." .. : are. (ojircouipllsh any lucrpnsn In de- Th» iiiitoiiiol,ll.>«. "«r "bont cars," IIK'HIIMK mn'ilnv nnd It siiulrteit all 'r me. I'll awerir I henrii lt:«*huckl*n «ther things,.-, .ii,.._._., i ' *"" la an an- of China, with Ita permanent capital ' Many FAnns Brought In. , portations. , j—>—, i now being liullt by the Itlley ijiimpjuiy. In tlie, first sessions of the. coro- at' Nanking1, and the mandate given li'ort*. nrn iteslitneil t(f criiNs fine de«ti- i. would be opernleil .from celllllitB, Tim ie<l'« nlcVjif a_aop- _jnl»alua.jhe_.aue»U.oii.jof_theiBi:op(|seil., 'Widir nren"'lensr^s rovcrltijt—the—M*MWS~ " Austro-German customs accord, was ,of the manifesto declaring all uneqdaf Tork clly »tid tbe arrest of £0 Finns smuiiKlliiK." said Mr. Iluabaiiil, "Imt "Iirirtfl-Jiojit pFitirff Jiiid nr«..pr"i»peir^iT plaas set forth Include treaties between Clilua and liy ciinoo puddles, 'j'bo ears nrn fitted Thn present sprlnklor syslem nvnt* brought up, and the pact was vigor- ejtendoa of roechsn- wjlthoiit wsrrant,'., .'.,...!..'. It's certainly Just as had. All along .heat, to, turn It on. Tiilsl will need ously and skilfully - defended by-t)rj» •powers-m 'Tlie iinmlgrntlsnaulhqrllies have the border In Cniioda-are tiirmmii with Iriant-wiMiel«im nlrl< ttnl sur- ister, and Johnqn Schober, Austrian Unit ulU-im In tlie United Km Ins for a four lar^o. air linsii nn enrb aldA of RuMai • jrtoy. the rersmplog OR mnny months tlie world has fully 1000 Klnns who (eft Finland face of thn llRlit." ilce .chancellor. The .,British .and ttHialih>rall : : < T 1 F been-reading ahout the first ar- snd entered Cannda «s- Immigrants ^"'Aw"ahfrtln r'iTf iiinn Hfrnilrtir'«f" what MacArthur " ^* r*" I ™ ** plckid up a poor girl In lluffalu «li»i» will enniile Ilift yeliicies io IT'INS any French Insisted that the accord should tbe *nt«JIIQll"O of mored cruiser built hy the German re- are now unlawfully In >ew Vork clly his harnpsMMl eli'rlrJc ''liens" can do. lie submitted to "the World court for pulillc umler the limits Imposed by the water roursout siirh shelter as to macblnn for i lVK.!H-^^l^!L.pe^tiyJllji^ij- nn opinion a» to -whether'ltvlolnteU. r«htanreTTffSt'y.""H wWdeicrlued-sT t* ff hfii mrchhtiU'nl mnti, wlllji nn «|i|il« ois the post-war treaties, and the council to be.attached to army rovps or fleid a wonderful vessel of 10,(W() tons so Americans' Tribute to Thomas Hardy will lie ncciiinpiiiiled 'by -a trailer and tils hi'nd anil ri'-eiinHwl tho William or the I.CIIIIUO of Nations ordered this armies, rather tbaa the Infiotrj. which powerful that it nni called ilio "vest two innt'irryelej. { Tell eplfujdn, •done." The councirhas selected'Arthnr Ovor-forty—llr.HI - . rough country, but In' pener*! the and cltUenry, but the eient wal Una, thnnplAnx, ISjeipected to- bs uiai iyd~by—a -conflict of ordera that travt>llnK for over s. year. Two orfell, llnstus slondjip 'nnil bowed sndl S. UEnETfaa~;beenTxrfatenilUchdtt^ resulted in the ahlp's being loosed to -4hre*e expert Riilcaini'n will assl|t £ttt>- spoko a few"wnriis to hla audience, T cusslon as -Jo whether conditions Tbe mechanlied f»rce at Fort Eoxtla tiilii Maliris In'nn endeavor "t*» roil'' then sat down again',' will be reorganized a reiofvrced cav- slide down the ways* before President In the United States Justified a general IJIndenhurg had a chance .to break the VIIIIM ih* iiwiple n'l.ins countries vis- 'All this was done throuttirjlie. me* **iir In wnfiew, and wh»t the effect of alry_ reslment._Comt

y^fflJ«gca»rg^gjeJ* '- :--t€l^M j' "'^^"iSNs „ 3} p^. * .«rje»»*»:


DIED PUfOtlD OKSIMtaCf smairrs s>i« u Vt at 'fyftlit UDtawee'"'1*^ Ta^Waaaw! SoldW* fcUrey Appeal ' . Cwrtpnu in Marriage Mrs. Ethel Oarttagum of IS North ..-Jsarsag Uhlfh avenue died early yesterday af • wtt- Oraiujs J«s» .T^ll"-!?^' Several Ibmatim t»n beta adranw) It Is the rule lu tCvreafur * .iwwlx. ktUtU al ChttMCC XI". *. aW. i.tn%. aUaSl n*nnw^aww«- Classified Advertisements stalunl, ana Hag folko to .efeuni for 0* mnitarr poraw to tereocn in Muhfcn&my. Hospital, Plain-. r*i»iUHIilif| SMS. It (a. for salt of wedded WIIIHSO to enter il>e fsinily «( t »T SUU. of the aben •gl»e quarter." tunning to ejssne the na*l I..lamptvat to m dh-ertiNi I ski her BBSbaBd, tfaiHisb In e t*m •-AH* Porn to Easton. P»,«. years, sgp, lbs. V.OU. rr«. ttovth >*m *urA» " Ufa. tt.Twelul Read for Profits: Use Jor Results lendue. la the Uk t «il*rf family. Unniage caunot b*> routrm-U"! conung to Crmnford twelve years sgo. (HAT. TBI phrase to "site telKteii near relirtfrear-—Mtawirjnttv g y r».»IW*ftt il li»at*W Wr, >cd Jl'Sl A- D quararf* artitr fmni an agreement be- ShShe .was a membebr off tthhe MargareMii WHEKt-.r*. tTt? taught by Cuafuclus, lias l«vn «>t> (ftPlu lit* XUU FOR SALS macaujuatooa •V Itatlnsl TIIM. l. th.:«ru! tween I lie Dutch axul Spanish whereby Crerne Guild and the Ladies' BIMe 1 i-AU the followUig Iran ii JAMIW^ »A«rS-. au. Ijkj and uelnt t ttuartfr ..f Ida wages. Tuva, accord.' HKUBOOM. dlnlm-roowr furniture. _ Ulh In Uie County of, fol Trrn« TSFBJ Derjara i pelustJOD of the family, Helen B. Anger and a daughter. Mise Ing to ibis ibforjr, where a captured was furuurly rn-ogiilswl when a inir tools, tlertrle saw. Cluford S-SU3. - .-•••-• autdiir begged for <,aarter he Mtend MarUm Darlington, both of U3 North BtL[\M.\u al a rolnl rlage proved childless. Ttie'inarrliiic FCKMSHED ROOMS TO WMKT of Klliith BoaJ. ulrum his captnr a quarter of sis pajr to Lehlgh avenue. 1-K1VATE sale nsasnd-osild dtolna rants fiunl- of yeuog people Is vsually srrun^nl lure. iKicila. ecrtlooal and straight Unta-asfs, same dshli-lwo |SJ| (r >|uare his llf«; If tbe raptor twsetl The funeral service will take pUc: "S It Ord«ln«J. by ihr Tumt.thl9 fmmiOM rliUis aiul kllcbmware. Bog All, cart of fMUtd \}f the Inlerw tin] by tbelr guardians without regunl lit Illlu and Chronicle I aids of kll.nu llosd »aj tt«wn tbe offer ^he i refused to (rant tbelr wishes, bat there las tmiiknry Daturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock Virginia Hltret: Ul ttim quarter. This 'theory, as tbe Oxford from the. house. The Rev. William R. . 'vJt Uri»g«'j-fMttM f"*« )fe*.ti, Nittth tt rigid amlu lo KUwU to* respect (lie. will of lh« pnrtlei Hi u> Kiv«».4r intvt. in «w Tu»wm» «l ALL Kivtm of Bedding MaaU and ssnll aod dictionary points oat. Is at variance 81oan. paitor of the Presbywiian BLv fu™i.he.i r».io• *•«;>>>* large Krergreena. -Alao frstb TobMawVer- •nd tttcnlr Iso [« Nh Lrhlgh Arenm. (Yanfurd. Karl iuul. aoiittieily 'Iwaild wllli I phrases to five and receive quarter. will be In Pairview Cemetery. U.* ^ ftUnfurd-<»•>"<• •. iVt • ' , .- ' if sis tit) fcrt to a point; ( have prubsbly never bufora sreo euiii light snglta lo Kllsith liu The announcempnt by a m-mbeT of Jilors -qtMrter- Is applied to a place, Tor tic iU.if .i»K«»»«B»rt.L the Board of Education at Uie mreung other. A wedding Is alwgya cundurte^ fr,«u nwni. n«sl to •OK Uanure, well rotled. no aharlnga. Good the flrst luiirse ode huix and tbe tents or barracks, where at tbe bride's home snd'afl.r Ihut ttrr Tilcpl«.n« t lunford Mai-k, rich loom top soU. Qugrsnlssd. lh* ' .fnt and firtjr onc-tundreui: Tuesday night, before the new com-soldiers are lodged are called their ful B.ll.f rrry beat. Lawn sod. rary bawl oualUy. De- to h point un the' Kiislerly i brldegrvom takes herVTBIs Imuw. In llrcred anywhere TTfumaHe Brook's Dtlry thence |U northerly alon mittees were named by Presldrm-Cloud. quarters. It Is more - probable that 1 The -Iwlphlt- OraiiB" was -the. tbe days of the Ko«:«n guverimwiil ilCK tare. ri»an. aul!it4e fur bu»ln»s «.u|ile. rarm. Telephun. UXlonrUla 1-tm . If >rth Koicrthlny.als in that he would not serve en any com- ">-tre quarter" originally referred to prlestesis"kiaown as Pythis who sul up >unl nut tu •**» **** tbv lun tif |.lar« it UglilXMNll. u tbe prescrllied age of iiiarrjuufi f"r i tsuT JUsu smaB rgom, U«rd If oValred. So. l»5lli|-.« KlUjlh Itiu mittee was nol crrdltablr It was tan- (IK- sending of captured troops to ao im a tripod ove.r a crevice In the rocks Kr'aI llnutta luaulton. 11 tlr.hard «r«t HliiNil—-ror ttntr "ror UU:" "Otnf ftt tamount to a declaration ttial although males was IS anil for fetnslss \i. "I ClUfrd «M:-» Rent.- -rurnlahed S«oaW-»ose. mrt Tiirre la due aptiruslmi assigned quarter or place In the camp tbough many males were murrlt-il of Mount I'srnassus. Overpowering Cillsrt snd dLraaldt sac*. - at It Si2 u with interist fr- eleeterf'Bjr the people to perform cer- or furt to be held until liberated, ran- ._ pii' tm Jt-tenBlnrd t*j rrtoliitloii of Uw aud rosta. . ' ' younger. Since II>I5 no msrrlnge *>( va|H>rt, sssuDwd lo be the divine Tinriinlilp Cooimiilf* Tit* form o1 ot-U. r»lf furalslied riioni. all cuiiitnlfnr*:*. wllh rsAXK n. tain duties he would no', work Ttx somed - or condemned to alawer*. breath vf Apollo, were supposud. to In: •A tr.^rr-4 -u,l tUt« of ttMturitjr •hill Kbm to Anwrt'-»n fsnUly. ll'» Nurllr Avenue, IONNOLLT k IUKSTUV. a male under 17 or of. a female under. u Beard of Education nc-di workers not Therefor*, It this theory Is correct, flueuca the prleatens who' gave utter- iar(crmit>r*i by r«»«>iiiUwfl. Tel^lrtdia CiUnfuru 6-oiJWu-M- .. MOVZNO. xsccxwa KDJ(T IS Is legal. Tlie foil'-TTifyt wal>«n UUVI.V0, slorSgs, trucking. Weekly shore mere ptuaengcrt In I s mr.-nbrnhip snd giving a soldier quarter et first meant ance to Apollo's words, tier mutter- stLEITHI ainsle snd duuMe furnlahwl o»«i Irlio. Trunks, baggage, eu. All eaUm»U» a member who will not perform Iiii sending him to the quarters of the lugs were recorded by priests who In .(ktM»'Te«'.KU|,m...U> JfurUl.Aiaiue. »™j. rhccrfulty elreu. We more Sen** Uw ball FrS BAl.t-li, (I, prubtU* d f duty ahouid give way u> someone wlio captors, while to refuse him quarter lerprctw] them li) Verae.. Delphi, the or acruaa tho cuullnait. 1'uooe Austin's Ii- aer B«lwren Piucllty t' wUl M urna. CBanrurd.S-IIK. Office Mt Douth el aia, ciim|it*ltia&ls, and meant to dispatch him without, mercy. Prorisions for Regular lie.i(li|Uarti'r» of the orude, was sn TWO tJrtMnt «i«ii-rvliii« furn»»hed ru»»nis for Avtiiue. llealdenco 21a North srenus, last. l, defendants.', VI. fa. f ~AnotiTern»ry^s«.r*efTH»fiTjQB.-Ofie- — -—-Sessions of Congress nnfirnt town lo-fhochv Oreewr-taHed- f Lth«**"T.»*i,su«ia lit ("rtnfnnt, ' ¥ ' of the meanings of "quarter" Tyflio In Ih« stories of Jlomef. It Is KXI'UKfH trucking sod wtlrig. Spectal trlpn lly il-iue-of Uie-atam> AU signs polm to a slow rental In Bach congress" rovers the period faiias tu me utrecUu.1 sl>a ship, amity, or peace. II has nn tlie suuUiern, slope of Mount I'ar iniJ'Ultil Utri'O tttr Utltr u> atMalntre'and'other summer reaorta. Also bU3.nesg. not all linn Just run prrhai». | from Uie fourth day of the Mareh REAL ESTATE WANTED carting of auy kind.. .Triangle JUpreas, 41 putillc irn.diie,. In Ihu llbl "Iiii tauJT •"" ' ~ 'f"'"""' -•-•-•:-•—••-•- |f| Th»j npt KJVU of Ui* Tuwniblp'of t*r*n-. *«t on the whole a tKrmwt foito#ihirtiirc«ff4;ce»»i«ifr*i iwm rh «>uit?atau'rruulnr4 bjr Swlion 1_! 1 >VKI).VCmi.\V, T1IK S9«!!SC* "•""-" — -ra» yit-* i ilU.tu very «ood incHcttan «• think, b the- ,..__ SlmpU Ar.k Barl^t ^-_ i^Mf)ttad frum cunti -- -.*., — -aagiilne.-~ ' ^ Vurnltun Warehousa. AasudaUnn. lahblnt All Ihe tulb»lll(-lrarl . fact that the tax tale advertised lots' two years. .. . ,• "" : In Algiers I' • liody of a native Is WOBK WANTED—Female * Allison, ire, 111 South Avaaae,' Baal liw'rriiw-tllrfi n* Jh«'lrtt|«T.rj-lio«l l»i««d OO liresnlsea lurrluafler list lie year in Cranford l> less, than (h^t of} According to tlie f'onstllull"n ,'jlNiri usually put In u cheap pine box .tni] cvl'-Tl^l .mcmian »ishi-« part-, l'hou«*CBanroni 0-SI'l. fl uate ^)ltg and Uiutf 111.) t iCfttutit of tii0 Sai 1^1 lutprcawnritL jol, i.1"""ln« "I- •'i''l•sflernouo.-.'ii'a'lll . VV'"'""1 !> Isil year and the iu» u true of Siagl• a Copies Scenra4, ,, grass mull meet In regulor session carried throuirti the sjreets on the if! TliMt lh« Ti)*ntJiip"« atisrir, at th** _ co^t wuod In the Cuunty uf' other munlclpaliuu. Another good ihciulilfm .i>t.frl»?!lsj who ^transport It «••«;. t» IWnnl • " ' .' ,.V| . APARTMENTS FOB UHT ju hvw Jersey. ' - - - , ' 'I_TI.LH—til ,xmr on; the first,ilunduy:of Dwcuilwri iif I J 1 :J l ldl 1 ~ I1E(.I\\|MI-ai a mint (Kn la that taxes for thu year 'are be-' to tlie harying ground." *r»b cemt V«««^*' l» *^ ^"--ll*'*** * *^* ^-''^ tlrr»r«lHs s. I'ASTJuXvr-tar rihT-^BUt rooiaj iod bath. every year, and titfrrlal sessions nmy .-jun porch, all imprOTemeaUi flrat floor, Ing paid more promptly Oian last Thl*, '«»' a «eoerel- rojf. book publishers tprli'S nre.neiir every, tillage.", rriends imnr.itrmrnt Aall ' t»j tin'lutl*d ,ltt tit* k.' .Uilen'llakursa, !« Tiiorfll Arfnue. wratnly Hue of East Htr r be. held—upon. tli>. mil. nf. lint l'n:nl AlHily oKSar^a} Batforis^iyanua. . .u rtf ——- ilrgeet*- sa-ituwai- ayal il form a .IirocMnion, irjii ii r W ^ a I tarns ,,|n, , -;rJ «>slaww?iut.lisi«u»v>.i)y»« Ing libraries for their sates, jn Den- l afurtsaM nurlllerly lluv'u: municipalities and la a sign Uiat beginning In .the iMldnuinhered yimrs. i-arryltiK the ciilMii. l.lllle sbleiimlty Is .,r more. It thai! I* U*Utl for «. 217 rf-aiirrwd APTIIIUV 'franfunl. iuikUiTtii:firif6aiiini nark, publishers..aretskln g more dras- > f i bath. 113. tiaa and eli-culc. Apply 116- feit, Itience-souln tt thgr times, are easier, all of which. Is en-, 1 bceuuse it.tnny. cMitlnuvuntU-'bUfflnVfrii' /r^dbd] : Lc^^and wrtlkl-lu tlif.»(»»« tic tssss, :'.. Ooi.km. W««. M iftV* *t?_ frel lu .the aftiresal- eouragnnrnt for the future } Uflnlslied.' It-unutlly.:«i(ls. thttughr laugh und flrtt'l th« passers-by.. At tin -1: Tim llrd pre-eeot libraries from • lending Its Ipiir.vlliB grnuhinh* conin Is simply put flrt IU flntl '•' \iotw PAINTING AND DECOEATINQ In tfie^Nirly sumnif*rv The session t>^ iulrnl 1>)*-Uw. Una of Willow Ammo nurt books unless they psy double the or- Into the ground wltb practically oo MAN «1»1IM wuH around lmus« ur ilo Kardrli I'AIXTINO, DKcuraUng. rapertunglng. J. ulia raal So Uu'lu Illv IXII There are tome, people »ho appear tinning In Pecemlier of the even «urt W. Z.. litrwuul I', iull.,1 atO. liar dinary price-far them. Here, ss condi- 'H-lrt* Hclunltl, :: Kim Street. Cranford. Phone IIIKMMI Knuwn as No. r.."•" at Townablp Kooma, nn • . WHITE Itrl watilrd fur (trat-rsi iHmatw 11 Kaslman Street.'phone CBasford (-UIS. The aliuve dracrlptlun 1 provide* nmiplole swurlly UKUlnst suf- .Tt'KMlAY.* Jlt.NK- SRD, IWl,-' Light laiimlrr and lwl|> with lat'jv Ten ••' • ' . : ... . S-JJ with Hie survity mailtt-hy Atratlon hy smoke. at Biu uH-luck d'ajrltglil rUdug TUo*-, dotlara a week, sleep mil. Ttlfl'liurw Cltali- ilaltil Oilubcr U< >"*• a time when people who wanted books ALVA.N ft. DISHAN (urd 6-tsu-,, . . IMI.VTlSll AND UEt:oilATI.NU—Seal Mater- llelng the sane prt-nilsis K«w HI.'Orthography TtnraAlp Clerk. ials, high, clasa workmanship, sstlsfsstlou Unsa and Julm II I si support of primary opponents hsd uitually lo buy them. He was the It.IM May -8. 1931. guaranteed.- Let' ua estimate and adriie you Abraham Hilileclir ami K She had donhM-uarkeU her enr In Raman Nam* for Hot Springs FOB KENT _ al our usn -rlimaf . W. J. Slmona, 10S wife recurded Autusl H Washington slreet,. 'When »lie ciime •|lie only hot sj.irlni.-l Ill lireut iPrlt- >vw d list un pags SS out of the downtown store'.In which PHOPOSEO OHDINANCE FIVK ruums. loth. suti|,arU>r. i-urnvr. first i l?S^W *" " ' "" lletiiB kit and Hie sanm I _alu-are-at.lliitli^Jiii;y-»«!re-called h* Hunk l» \ of llnrlgasrs fur attempt to secure the advantages of a sht >niT her friend lmii~i>e«i •hnpplnB AS ORfMNANt*. |>.n>*ldlnc for Iti* couiUurtHm the aiu-li'M "Itnmaus'.\t|une Soils, u' of * Hturtn Waicf #*mtr w North-iehlgl. oit HKNT—Allrai-tUe al>*rtm<-nl. Ilirc^ rounir the London Gulldhsll library, loading a slicker ginned'from the wltiit«lili-lil Afmu* fruin IU«ilkofn« Afcnii* a.n4 Man DRESSMAKING Thrra la iluu apprnxlms primary nomination and refine to abide ••WntiTs of Jhc Sun." ...aad-halh. lirlTalr^-Karalti'. . Adults ulily. -«r nilKBIUIAKl.\u of all kinds, silk dreaa 11 and them onto carls. and taking them "The big hum I" she exclaimed, f.t- Tvrr«t-v lu rniUlillUI Attrnutt. »nd joa WlOMUl Interest from April sHlh I the. result-might. well be. urmed po- Ai'rtiue ftutn i'«it«inl4\l A**nue fu • P°^> i:nkin Aveinic. Xurlh. lip. li'rtntn Ureat Shop. 41 North Arenue. away w road «t his-leisure.r And he roil STRUT HtraoVEttiNTt East, plume. C'ltanford 6-1SZ4. DIUUN I* SOUTIinUI". H litical dlanonest/ It Is timely to speak never returned a single one.' Three pg CrantarS. N. J. ainmt ;•*<. fret *UH*rl;. i. * !or«l tmprvf* FLUUit. four r<«'itis. talli. all liiuirur^Hii-iiu ni»rliL .nrar U'rsl tloltw Slrnl. 131 mmillllr. "IK IIU.IC „_ f of this Just now. llrtmsn who liml tlckptetl IMT enr. H«il«l t'l'ts will tie rerelvetl *>y the Tuwnshtp He it drdiUitfd by lh* Townahlp Cummlltf* years ago' a manuscript belonging to r,,mliilltFe of Hi* Township nf Cranford. >', J.. . raraee I3». |^»uls* H'lfl.*. rrslilrui'i- IIH Crn- FOB SALE OB BENT "I'll net be can't spoil WmhliiKton of Die Tuwh>\lil|t uf Vriufurtt In tlM fouaty of Imnlal Afrtmr. |:lii>nr I'llantoril ti-r>01. If ('OIINKU properly, Ideal locaUon. Uouae, eight this collection was found. It Is the •I Hi,- Tuouslilu Ilinms. al I'nlon and Alo>n 1'iiluu: - , For several months, the National Saf- only survivor.—londnn Mall. street." NlroH, I'fsuruid. N. i. fur Uie fullualiu rooma, all- Improtements; or will rent fur- BIIIlUl-rH BALK- In I lu nntl IIAVIIIK tu- tie submitted In seali-d en Hvt-. I That • tlurm water tcwrr I* con lllll'HK f(ir rt-nl. Krtt-K. ri»ullile miii'Tilfl 1>U>*1 •ttrftn Wwtt-r ell UkwUto/nU A*»- fenuanta 1\ la fur uie uf ' Annue.' Trlepllune I'Dinfiinl <-ISSII. ITotd. •..-...••• a for a word to replace the cumbersome compsnled her on the ilouhh^pnrklnit liutt And M*!>alon Tcrrif* tnd tminim tlienrc lly virtue uf lilt abuie term "motor vehicle fatalities.- After Win Eggs. .Were Cheap tour Inquired how she cntne nut InTlmel .in—..' ". '.'... *ilh .» ililrlf/^'^ifh (3ft"i pipe along Mao i facias to me directed I alia riKKtiAV KVJtMMi.'.Ji'KC ialtii. tell. skin Trrntrtt lit' Norlti Lvhlgh ATMIUC. «ud •.•uu ^tJK Knil-Ki* «n.m» aud t«tli. nun. |>«;rvh,. nlL FLOWER SHOW •X public vnulu. In the lutu considering several hundred - tunes- The fresh egg, that-succulent arti- -"iarafnc eourl. " -.•'• Tin- MI""-M<1! stri'cla III the Tuisiialilp-Or llnulng tlmii'tf «llh.,» ltiLrty-iU Im-h (31"f i>lp« Imnto.m.t-iiU. tirsl ..«H.IV At-I'ly i-wuvr. 3^ IMfurU A*MIIH>. ••" . •; KlIKK YU,\tyr Hhuw. Vlalt bur hardy plant " ^\lh» I'ourl House hi llu Uons, the council adopted "Autoclde.^ cle wblcb frequently graces the break- - "Did he know hmv to upcll NVnuh sunn AinuHi, fr«,m llhrrslji. tlrtie to ttoiitt «l»ng Nortii. L*htih Utrnu« tu Larulliualrl]r 3i,(.i if • 1 ."ii litnnUea licrelnsflrr pailln holtw-aDit "Oratiiags -flttUiga.^ acwunttBC lo Utt : lar appeal of the etmpje word- Tlu- ewil«.v».^TlWr?*!*!.!l!r^i nils News. * . , " , r . . _;_.,.^ IIVK room* and, uale l)llig and being In tl - l'|H>it rr,|Ufal l.tddi'n oliall abtttrr a t|u^a HT.Biiitv f« :."_ OAKAQEB FOB BENT . -In lht-4ouu!y iif Lnlull tocltJe." Many newspapers and maga- rose, contains tills strange Ihiredlent tty Ibe Ti>«ninhl|) Kminrt-r and mm on Die In S1NCI.K rar garage for rent. 30(1 Central Jersey ttultalir nlniwliiif ullafarlory fi|i«f1(nc*. rifer III* (lOicei of UitJ Tunushltt UrrtL slml. 'l* Ti-ut. 27 t^mU. Avenue, zine* are now using It frequently, and In Its fabric. The bridge WRS con ,mta. plniil and flnau<'lal aialtlr lu |tfrfi>rui tli«> Avuiue. Teleiihone. Cllufurd 6-1115 J if UKIilNMNtl al a point I The lUdlom.Ur H*f. IL Tt* Mid Imprntrmrnt »h»!l b«* Wen. CHatiford G-ZVM-1. tf T Uie tuuudary llnea uf tlio It Is eipeclalUf-jrclcornc-to_hfsena« uf inaklng • • ' ' iv dvfriy Uta cvat uf aald Im- foru 6-110S; ' * : . tl , , and other properly of llu I?' gl«ss In which Is a nnHllo sup|Hirt enr III> ftilrli iiUna and lflll * , loinpany from a Imlnl In I • mx ptattltvwhleh generaUy 1« the roo-mrrourrtingcdistrlctJ^:lbe^sceaidilJlbif:; ::: ;: •X 'WliBiJ' tfif rKRutut ...;.,. ..,^..1B. ,„.. ..^,_,.,._,... t~~ UatUan Jlnad a* (Slablllli tbaLirork_ind_Bi!«*d_lnto Vhe mortar^ -ryfi|T''''"oUijrng^fo'urd>sa v^ner«1i« iMrlt Mil fur tarlmia atreela.-Cash-will be re Ht/c. IV; in urdtr lo Umpuratily ftnanr* tal'd IJwm In li FOB KENT—FUBNIBHED tu Ui. Tuwnnhlp uf Iranrut IftrifraT punUc—aUid.wlilchT sijpulfl_be idL l * M l Jbr thereby Increasing lit ieiisclty and as- fei of itit^vmulitir-vf 3MH xldmlDS said road which keenly alert to the rising tide of "au- Tlit> Tu*i»CMHltn( tl6.00f.90. nblch ahall I IS HUlcfeU Aveoue. Cratirard. Viertlns ntdlnnt energy than the othpr »We hw- Uie ties) Inlt'rvals ut Ihe Tiiwiislllo. llrut.. Mi SIuurji*- Afcttue, Elltatftli, S. J., rull rent furnished, tvra large, rooma and Drl- a point In Ihe tasurly a bcidge was completed; tear ,liitir«* at, a rate not vicredtng «% $**. called Lincoln rarkway. s. and this molecules o( residual air tlml it. e. \ aiLLi> annum and abali ni*tur» ta tuit »ur« Ih-vn tit vste l«lh. lluard Snd taraga If desired. ' - ' * Tuwnshln K^ -^iillnlile for tKislneaa ' cuuplv ~Telcphuna bclht north II degrees II It's a muKulhlo tin nil thai rau»l: June Wi. 1MI. . • which thej w-rv iMtittl hat b«n cartltd out IF you want a rrtal call Catlicart flisnroril ll.oiiOS. SOI-ttrsng. Avenu" tf iruille aiming IIW'I'»I|HIIW Itnllnns on CRanford 6-W1I. t,-' erly of ttllllsm Meyers si "Center, of Po»«latlom" The resulting pressure does not lip All vthrr nultrr* In rvttti«ctlun with th*> bwiu- t> she llerUnt Vatelopmeul I Ih» Isthmus of Tfhiiiiiilnigc In Mt'ilco —By-center of population, ss used bj, |^ufj0t LOST north SI aegises IS mlnul "Vou cnngirthere lotlii.v anil Ami sides. as.-»ouuUbo the cnae In air Kvliil>les • »nd iKitipry utes.' •'••-'' ' .'. ••••.""•••••" tlrlte lu Jlssklns Asenue, aa a locX-lmpr tl b M. Uahnktrn, U\ Will** Avenue. trict or country la conceived to bal- mellt. ' -'-> . ir nol^ea&ed bifoft 5tu eeih dad y and Uurveyor, fllid Ul ths while the men are at hume nilnillnn WElld V4&-W. t( .... .».„.. ,, Hufc ceaiorea neror. as tth i Islcrs Offla. \erember t ance. In other words It Is the center WlltlltAH. Or.nao Atenua has been pared pplicati ill U-K. Ihenc. (11 norlh I tbe chllUrwi oiul ruiiiilug triiiiiils,°* frum Kuuth Mnthtiireel to llasalna ArrnueJtr ; 1-4 of gravity of population, assuming " • Welcome Bescam a wldlh nf SH reel and tlie wings or Otaugi ^Th* ror«g«lng wdliianc* wu Introduced it* west '3 SI fert alonf Ills writes Urure Itulilmui. lu Ubcrty that the district Is a plane and that Avvntii* are uulmiiroved; and whereas, the ragulsU m*«Uag'of tha Tawtuhtp CgmnlttM ot Iltrlant Avenue to a point, UagailDe. The palm tree Is always a welcorne TuwnstiliT nf Crsnfurd ta about to continue tli« Townalilp or Cranford, Ntw JtfKj, held to W' drgrees It mtnuUt waat 1< each unit of population has the same sight to a traveler. In the arid plain* said ill fun! imfrnient from South Ninth Bueel May It; IV.11, and will bv troaaldtml for i-' tbenn (4) touU W lisp "If auy clnsliarlmni betwn Mvsl freight 8uppoet aU the people of tbe to Klteraltle Urlre wtlh Ultat. -aid under thentul-pAUts*, «ft*r public baring, it saoUur HOUSES „ SI feet along, lha bouuils of the Bast, for there Is always i«-ccL rtfulu mf-Hlng ot a»ld Towpifalp Vonin.Hi—. Safe- pruneriy herein confeysd • can aulhorliUrlett In tlrance Avenue, from Uasktns Avenue ta RlTer- at 8:3*~*."cloc)i 1'. \L (Daylight Having Time • III I* ai'iwlntrd ror you aa ir you had as- slsa and shape of the United Slates. boiling springs to bo seen, all uullves side Drive, be* paved rrom curb, to curb SOT on Hap of Berlani I aplrltuai njstters rarrlee-uti Ills bust • .U.VA> R. DSN11A.N, S"n2lL" "'!' WJ^fi""** ssd such «*? -wttl <- vtytd October, >>>« by J The center otpopulatlori would be the thvreforn ...... — .. . . :.:^.. . ,: '.".-. LOTS ANP ACREAGE .^.\' » nrade acalni|_you as ihe Judge of Ihe Ori—< • know.-that' water Is to *e -fivundby dlji- HOTjVCourl^iaOTjVCourl^iaUU Ueett^ulttWeTand luslutt - lintoeer and Hurrtyor. wl ness wltb tha women. point where the bltnewvultl' balance - lleH tlrditned-tir the Township CnmnllUe bren nltced on 111. "Xlie women in m.U,_witb_regal car^ glng. ne«r_^o lu root*. \Vherc*er uf ihe Tuwnshlp uf Cranford tn th* County o LIFE .AXb' HRE INS UR ANCE .The said million la filed .by Cranford Trust on a single suport.—rsthfluderJlsxa-- ™M«JL>J!!LUlirrxJt.eJIunter the Mitf I Brine Ihe *an« prenslsc FnWi. . „ . B Dulifo by deed or Uu rlage, doe to tbe practice of carry- -there Is sn oasis In tl\e sandy deserts PR0P05KP ORDINANCE rJne.' •;. -„• '. • . ' ..•-."•., •.-••".•'- IMV. I. That orahtt Atrnu. IK Inprntcd fompsny «f «eu daw. It Ing bubdlea on their heads, and thelf Us presence It made known by thefrom lls.Xlm.A>c»u» to Ktirnlda DrUs *IUr VUKKK.18. • fiMamu Tradtse- t\«i*ni. • a > lanMualy and subject to I oodles are strong. Tho men are rants •t»ll'VfeiJlieri^p»fmX'-wM*h''(ifpm'!s•t»llVfeiJlieri^p»fmXwM*h(ifpm!se « unrr«lr..(iaTTmvlit a'ud.turt«. twtw««tt- ifi* nun former tmnir of "•'trtet cf Und ljln< betw^n *^snd privileges presttllMtl I lint snd Ihb-Sv fuot iMIN, strip of lUTr Sl)tlnrfl«.d Aiktttu* and thf Rabwar Hirer to Bald moruag. belnj ni by comuarlsou. Tin- women are al^rl: Assat -the warjdercr shade, .refreiilini^ht timi •durf • t-iiatlni brtwt^n mtuUi .Ninth HlnvtVd th# Ttiwuihip. or Cranford. plotuo ttw Mm* Thomas MacMeekin 1 hfld by tha Kadlanl Built -the men stupid and sW. _ In (he proper, long'; cxtetiilnl snison. HaaMna ATMIUI , and bttw'wn ttw rurb line and Into lift* «• ahown tin ftcrrUt a map on Ali la rlallon of Aewtrk, An> Ji — _faVJ»a~ aasl w^Bal ny w* wj-si W*™W"W wa? . J T7*-•. f.^^**r* ww^^^ L S. North. AveriacKMt In many prliultlie soclvtle*. woman •aates, the chief food pi fiiif Arahi as. Iha M fw>r>mlrr -airut."ur'paiflnftit abuuUtu lh*t'ti!ot) County RccUivr's O«er. which nip ^uiuSr.rt«% sum nf four thousand It he found (the-delights of living ou -t^llald t>y ivparale urdlnann. (Wtth State aid) !a fiUliK-U -Mlp vfBe-rkuwn Tradlat Compioj, — " Cranford, N. J. — • Inn are made a has been the dominant Mt In all civil -hi* country estate compensated him 'well. :'" . =^-'--- frum. tfuutll Mntll HUCft-tn UUerilde. Urlrt, rtanford. N. J.Vand . " , . Also aubjert to l»3t us >rt«t- »rj-Tlrstnaj»-ilrt f -TBera.Ta ttu.-nyiml« departments of life. "UacTiiriiltTorieir for the tune and troubleocrttlone.1 mntlnnl If pUna and M>*rtScattona nrtiost-4.u arts«s u to whether or not the "Indeed they do, ^'replledJUr;: Mor- Iluatcr. Drt^>*^. -paBs'eea'-lei'-. party-wliere they all Jit At«nuerlo. IUicnJdeI.l>clr«..siid. thla ordlaance rvrordipc or uld nup amout.U W a dulKaatUn PROPOSAL FOR BRIDGE WORK gan . heartily. "Country life payiTilg To Or-ron J. IU*.. 1UU>- Uua..Harry IU HMt\i round a-table..and'behave like ladles itrorklM fur the pavlag of Oniose Areoue tw sof ukl "ittuiatiicil alr«i*''«od-T*nr»h««r Tt Uslts Oaatly. Nr J. Bitxurra BAiavrln_cii dividends In rest and "health. Wt, to width .mwm Mrtl Hda-DT laid renter — -Slbei «. Huntcf ami KHMUIII '^'liwarii: wrT BelwceB Snanul and 'gentlemen .with-, their tea-cups. itriu ao aa lo Make a curb to curb pateaient Hi. virtue «f mtf'ordrr of ttw Vrftutu Court' ant, tad Kebscca Kayroff Joh That Might iiivt these afe -apt, the greatest mien. W11KRKA8. Ihf .Tu*m»blp of Ctaaford t lah saucers and plates. SohitttllUM or uprnnl such S-Iuiilrlg. Mprrlt K*"** . "Really Be Termed Soft I find that the best part of country «vcr '!. Htld l|nproin«e« alutl !• under -Jmtf.-matfe-M-;*lw- ila; ut .Iht dut^ httvut. '!"" "' 'Juaen Freeholders of lUi County, slrert. and It ippeara la UM Township Oxa- Hou e gets the upper bsnd of this artificial Uken a» a local 'Improrvcieftt.' and the * tullM Uut the public hitncn w|U be bentr jrou aod t*ch trf jnu ate rt-.,ufrtU to ni'Mar |.-n''!1 ' 15* ?""' » ' BioMIl N J. of Jnllua H Kaewtr. di Aa.Ufe hecotttes roore coml>l«. new life lies In the people you don't meet," anre A. M.. daylight isilng tin* on Ward, defudanu. It. f, civilisation. A coconut was : once anil vtpenm Incurred In the pruavcutton. and •"•"I bjr releailnt.anjr_|nlerir»l_illiteli_Ult eMafJ unttsust professional ^rn-^crcated ll Ur -Sbsll ha ll TnTifhUi haa In «"--" ."*n"airtil atrttt** thrown to-thetn. and within- a -minute the rrupert; umetittedt lo. nroporilon lo IheTwrlt apace": therefore..' - „, lbs slvjvl erenilght And there Is always - the cage was In a terrific uproar ss bnuSU rsiVlved In Ihe saaaner provided b| lie II Ordained be the. Township CumKlltre " c*tt2«<>. bridge S faet facias to aaa directed I t otss ready to step in aud Oil the pott. Atlas la High Grave law- - - of the Tywnshlls-olCrairfeid-tn-the Coontj-bf -by public, tendu. U Ihe D the monkeyi fought-for-tbe treasure.- hr l He sun of >SS MS M la herrtj tp tht Court Hous. hi the Oil even IT no previous training U avail At Klrkstooe, l'sss. tnglund, Mark Cups and saucers were used as ml* *urh «dtr . s Atkinson; Isndlord of the Klrkttone proprUted tu defray the cost of aald Improve. Section. L That Ibe tiublk richt srlalni Ibe Orphan* Ctmrt Mull drcm able. slles, and everybody fought Indiscrim- etiL oa the dedication or Bllu ot the sup re- " WIDMSDAT. TDI ror laatance. there Is the -proies- Inn. gave Intttuctlons- on bis deathbed See 4. lo urder lo Irtapurarllr finance said ferred lo In the nreamble, hereof, as fc> the The »*td prtitlm. Ij Illfd hy tVarifunl Trust ' nraia A, D inately. Tbe keepers had- to Intervene, Improvenienl and tu mret the cow thereof, tvsa lands Inrlyds) within the area of said '•un- Cifss.tstuir.ttut Hirrr Rra Hunter, (lie ettH'utors •tonal bosplUllty crlljc* One Newthut his. body should be cremated and and. the, tea party came to a sudden porary bunds of Ihe Tuwnahlp or Oao/ord sre named atrert*1 andaaW triangular park space numl to m pa|»*r wrlilne fxtrtivrtlne to IK at on. o'ctoell StSSdard h«rebr authdrlsed- to be unmnt In sa aasuunt Savlcgl Time. iythe aft! lor* hotel has such In official on lu burled la tos highest grave In Kng- at the end. of West Knd liate. -be and the UwXML ffUl »lLTU ^MM KKaiiHiln* AuWfolMirhstracti Und, on top of s mountain WOO feet not tsreedlnt tu.«*ttt, which ahall tear In- use la hereby rettued aad'eitlntulihed. and untitrr. otrt&**wu an- nameti av t-rneflrlsrit-s In reject any or unt BMIbtrlr Oanjndn o ehlned, pressed and shampooed at the culture, which Is an occupation. "1'ro- 8er » Thu ordtnttn ahall lake efhet It nctdar |M«tlaf of fin Towtuhlp CtoutttM aald Last »ill and tram tht enraar formed I boose's expense, provided he reniler* fesSlon'Ms used to denote a learnetl- days after lie dau nf-lu pubilcaUon. afle! T tH* Totnuhlt* pf CtanronL N«w Itnty. hthl SOI r GOIXINS, tht said laatsclr aide M a critical report or wbat takes place. iSU Was AU «igU.. tUuL paaaafie, aa provided hy Jaw. oa May ». IWL moi *ia ** «MkVr», etkt>tynMn«r b calllni,"aicn' M^derygmani' lawyer, or AMI PUMLI*. afur pubic bcttrtaf. at aji ' Sawe 11) iastarlr sad For a rear at least tnr must periodical Two business men met on tbe street doctor, civil engineer, teacher. A craft NtttM ntbrr RtuUr to*ftlnc of MU Totmstitp COM- ^S(!orthf> Hsgrrnl ly play" the part of a guest; with the and exchanged the naual cpmmo&._ _.Xha iancnlnc nrdlnanea was. JnwS»awcmi^Mma aVVTTVawSSSaV JswtaWjiwwaaTAj If i'lrtae which requlna-ipedaf T*lirr regular BMlut nf lha Twwwsh.lt> CnatmUla. o- iue and AMew Stlwrt. nn -UdtON COUNTY ORPHANS' COURT eye Of., one wbo knows hospitality al places. ( each 'as carpenter, - bricklayer and • TowtuhuTof Cranloro. .New Jnmy, held at TUaSDAT. JDNK ITU, 1RI, ta AOuat Dtftntlant ItsiMet By this arrangement the •Well, bow U everything over at r tt. IU1. and wtu he consldand for tt I-It ottock IDaytlgU Savin* Tune) blacksmith. •Craft" and "trade" are I passage, altar PwHIe hearln(..st auothe- AI.VA.t-R. DEMIAN. — botet has flrst ciiH~otniew-Ideas and roor bouser Inquired tbe nrat at>- often used Interch&tigcibty and notln .?~T~S— „, 2,j Tiwn.iito'c.tualll^ To Jane Bar- aerrlcea discovered In tbe profession faWy. . -V ftwiuwU^-ttaft" and "art" are about Be Tlrtue of an order of ire Orphans' Tour* of eating and sleeping." ^ 3UD, IWl. «r lh* County of Inton ta the Slsu™nf New The other stared Innocently at hi* the same. "Business"' la slmost ex Jersey, nude on the day of the da b ABO he probably «eU paid for ttl-friend. -Oh. shea all right," he said. daslvely' need to describe commercial A little'-Claaslfled Ad. In this ptvpef the kutut of lh. hit, .T kltneVSTRa, rused. on prfllon of Cnt«t«rt Truil m at walked daw* the (treat. - will s*U that old fumUore for joa jsu are required la appeal JutJaal-

"*A.-'jy.\*ri.'|'rt^J.?,Jr p,gi,lfirrT,a=

zs: ZJ

< ; .«si*-W14vWwi'-l KMI"^. -v .M;.Vi,l j..* » ». _.•(. ^ •_> *« _ ~j-ia-- j


i'th* twirt aUuea la Ike Oar of •Btabtaax X. »..•rraeei' aa ^a^Tai«pe^Ht i aW'tftftaa BJ «£Bn tit THB rWiAKD or rfiOHKN- •war tsatal OtaV Ua. M haaa wo™., atiail f t tiDmuT. na UT RAT at aaWbae giat Her gae filtieraig aaanrtaei' wort- BOMCtrKT AND t VHIN #!.•>•. esV V. !>••, TV. eaaetritrUea' et a fwuwy ttae krutt ta CUilDTKB TAM TISK. botb. "— Tiiri i al wae oVtecK «u»dard (ten e'ei«* Baytlgkt MU OOlil aaei tea* of. • ea. Mai Mtotflk. T" • Ike an.ta t.i«.< tetac tl naaB .<• a twee* tbe email i« ef Ha—eat aa4 Vakul erer (leek ef Bomereet Cuuntv Boai'd: BaMag) TUke. la Ike aflaraeaa et aabt day Oeea tjriiik. eeealed ea Baynned Atenat. be j >L fa. tar «U. rf i mereer aaad. iuae XX. IH*. a» Peaial CHAB M ArrLICK AU Ike Mtowtag Irao'W pave*l ef lead aad MrUagaHa, btaetn a««ia rweaa aaa On of flatawela aad tbe tvereeesk-e* (.1 rt or Cika roui'y Board heteieaher Mrdenhcly ' " ' Juaitl n.latlld Tae brMg* roralau el a Iwo .. Jlaar ead IMag ta IIke Cuy ot BUaa a.iafiaad~r Warn kridge reeaplet. with aad Butt sf Ken Taer. b> a*, ait'lll nil.Ill, la Ike Ouaty ef l*atea etareartwa..- .-.- ., . .. ~ rt.omaAta Fan BIUOCK S'a'i1 V pei'ai'aj' late £aiorl> tMe Teb>r«»ei.»b e - ttattalol t OnnTOn* . «VCD.VC*t>AY. T»K 1ITH DAT 01 ~ Hlala»ealledJ*eToraoa Btreri) \K1IUUU1 A Mlltll. aala HS «V 'TaV Ckua "t- tVnereia, Bce-lcd PTMn^ali will be rei'elietl tu*'tht IX. 1131. » huadred tiur " J IU fu. tea, t-laaa ' B" Cjncma. Bridge Committee ror Mini,-! No. a ur Hi. lard uao .ri-« liq Board- ef t-bnem frweMiioVrT nr th^ n irnry t* 1 ; ja IM) Kiadwal MaeL ' lnH>n at ttie ii,\/t Ilitmr- Klultt'i N J at **!!f*l. I **' '* °" """"OO" * »»ld day. niM A..n«. aw) tb. femaerlr UH ol Jeffereua Ar<«ua aad tnaahtngtoa laow kainn wmmi «AI»—fc> tkuwt w •HIM. naming theata 111 Naeth t» aa Dtcalnaaa) IU/M, lrwe.ee rnaalng aeang tb* tleae aaei apecairatiooa toe Ihe woek may II 3t A. M .UMIcht rath i, (Im.- .n •rlk- M»M1A< IIM I.TII II I ^|— • .j ^| X1ITH Wtt 41X1 nm itpi un Un. ao4 L.» i A«»»ct.t«e» ^ la. I HI e • 7imie~f"l7o»Tni7n i it.»,Tlh.ilVotl buitf uid beJoB.tu ltt« titv of K|U> eea torlfaa mlaulaa eaat tavaty-elgnl till a corpemlbi*. maipliaian, ea4 k r»a- ail af the eeare ea° Ike Ounit (nglaeer, Court r«tt fil cmirite Bid *t~*\ hcaia T paMki tiadin la Ike Dtatrlct Court loom. IU«H Aaae«.»' N«. ll.ldg. ButM rioeaeieUle, ^ Uic Coanlr of, itkxTud Sulc o( \rv f LMir L« WB«W^ ' ^m^mm^ m ^ i n ^m| --— ~ ~- a ibe Cavn HeiHa la Ike City of mtaabeia. fMi alne (ttltaeaea; Uaeaca aoulh aetentj-fi>wr ta IV. ' k rf l .t» <4 bthule toutteen till frkl tnan t>y 'about nrty n, ta e»- X. I. e» at Ikk . Om<-m<- et ththaa Cwatr Knglaeee, BK.I\NlNU»r, r»l«l oi4 ilK-Wntcrlj ,IJ S5| fVl to i |abtt; naialag taaemHI KaetV H 1 degrevaaeceateeamlauum eaat one buadnd and New J^ajy. - lhr,<* (111 fnl lull en (Llrldie Hold aU,ill 1 dunea Can alityfow (Ml ««l e» a aalal rigbleea (lit) hit ae«ea (II Inrltfa; Uuiw. Cee»t eteuaate Ilb. IllaabeUtU V. JV J. (Using roara tiiral- of Klliitli SaaJ. dt^ast soutbtily almu tb DAT. TUB MTU DAT Ot eale ol Burwaated piimma rl ac Of Ukn Are me Tim'iilllp nf willing tbcace (II Hootb II dogma. :• aria ain*tb fourteen drgreea eaet twenty.IATM (H) Ky twttte *i tk* atteic alMeel writ «f Beet •era Ud amM I* nkd by a certl atralgbl booacaaee. •»« dshli-ii.1. (gji |^t ln* uu „;„„ JCMC Ai Jl. ra]|, fMU«l \ijf tbe Ititenot'lltll of Ihe uUl Wrtietlj •lel e Baa( t ftfty-ta>»f aaedi a* t . kaaarcdla fwt four (41 tnchea; thence aonb «.-otr «1> facial' to aM ulrevtew I te«*u .* •««** e*r aeae rawck fef e )•'It**, ot IrW-WelWl , peMedl* 1 »l'«fur4ril,tl»> of roeilK.e HKllmi of Bog All, can la- .1 one o'clock fttenaatcl (taw ocloc* Dartlgbl k shall M li IM thin tin tt BUlt) of kllsrlb Hold BQJ the sonmrrU tUW (h mil'fell lo a total: ruaaJat thence (II aaimii Tkwe, la tba aaaraeaa of aald day. u«gre«a flftr-fiiHr atlauua wtat one hawk*4 h, while jwiiki. la Ik* l««i«l ••<«« pretetil btlda* aliut. 1,-n (IUI reel itian l>r ke. . • • lhaa lit tet M, e>awn to Ib. order I VlrttnU 84rm: Ut Uimce louninc *utb !• degrwa-M mlaetti Wiet Oae aaa All Ike. Mmlog t-act oe Mnrl at laad and Il (link- fn< all If) lacbn M u. MU In Ik. i--u.l Kaaae b» tke tta *r Iml ninety aad forty-oe. hundredth* (1M.I1I •f K#wta tlatretaoa. Oouatr TreaauKr, and Uiiiirrit n,,l r«t i,,nB „, n,,v, t,tl,,anei,i •t fluid amlu lo KHolli UiaJ OM ml recbm beedaafter peJtWUrij denlM. ,f JrOeraon Aream. the place of SB Alrntie atmut I.out rot >m of Illlltlile Aeniui ••to and email tad aud iwmlj l«o (..I »ml nftj- UuitJrcdlk •et te lln Raelerly eata of Third A>«a«o. run ' 'WKU.VKKOAY, TrlJ^lfT BAT V* •ttkeut aay eead-Uecal cvaoneaaent. frtab Totem Ki- n tuosu. tyteg aud balag la the Towaaalp U Tcwnilllti of M|*rlrx I 11 vl I fool (l---^l to I uuiiit; UI«KC« (IS MK-.. (I) North tl •ktrna. II ariaatar from the a)»re , Jl'LT. A. «. IMI. ^ Tke aunwaefal Matter will be"repaired lo * Creenbouaee, 1JT OaBl"d lu the t'aunty nf-Calaa aad - Bttle of au much UtecMif a. waa HMttejr^ by HHtraael 1, HYcnnstruHltm l>( tlcrk nn preernt tvl'lae KHi!l.vfly |>aralld wllli KIU)th ttoad Ililrlj Ji Wrat and along tbe KaaurU aid. \«w J«rae)r, • . . al kee o'lloek IrnliiJ itw* • ri^t rarttak * revtiafl. bond to the lull amount of •alord. Karl iuul. roUTdila. usaurrM. lo the I'm of KUaahrib oo Urlghlwiiod Aret ur tner i.m(>re> ( rmcrut III (U) frrt la • point; (31 tnrnre ravlrrly a ,f Third Ar.iutA'lnue. ftetealy-llrBeteaty-fTie aad tendee aaa Kbewa and deatgaated br ^e" lota numbered aaHngt Tlaee. la tke ar«erw*>e>~*e aeU - . tke iwairit. ti-crrtlUe te Ibe. tWsrdi of Tnan ot Wratlteld. IT ilcht aitclt. lo KllaiUi Itood auil ftaratlfl will br dn-d dated April »l. 1»J» and rrrordrd May II Ike nallewtM Irart w tit** ef laael ai>4 bedlha (IMIJ fe.1 le Ibe potal or place a >weaty-oae hundred aad tvealy-foar .Illlll II. 1»XS. b) Book 1143 of Deede for rnbin riaita and apretflcellKm fuc (hu \.,,rl> lu-iy lh« flrat ioiirM otic huiidryl auil t««itly-j«i jtUai beretaafUr rentoderly 4ean»4. It me aucnaaful bidder skill ratwM or nee- no abating!. Good tad !*»•> we bundrad aad tw«u »r. mtM l\mnly. at page lav' and tberela drecrtoed aa INI i-xainlncd al the itftVti of t',,ii,,i> Knvintx-r, fnl and Oft* oac-tundrruilts or t fool'(li2!>v; TlMRn TBAITt BBUIXNINQ at tike raw Muate. lying 'aed bviat" la tk* TveraeklBi ef ten I* alga Ike agratmeiil and fumlih the Iwnd li. UunuM U» ' •* Woca niuabtr an» lhr»e (51) ea a map ea- Tollow*: Coiul II'UUK. ):IIMl-lh. S j lo a liolnl on th«' «#.l*rljr atik of Kllsyll) Uoad wmed by the lolericctloa of the Boutnerl) ,U«1. -Kealty Tnat Map Number II of UM Cranfned. la Ibe CmuUy of wajafta Ma etaya ef the awarding of the ronuart y beat quality. De- tntDce 14) nortbtrlf alone MU «!d« of KU BKUINMM1 al • point In Ih. eaitortr aid. ,t Keo Jenry, . Kach'lHlnVr mnal eiitnult' Mlth tl,. l>i,t a due of Loemla Blreet aad" the •aalerly tide o >u at Craaford. IJataa Iwoau. N. > . made by : klerkerk afcaB be kild by Ike Cminll,! ot Hum. cirlllli-.te fririn .'Huriiy t,minb Koairililrtr'als (Ml fm to the pobil o rhlril Aeiko* end running Ibeoce (I) Korli. or line af Mm« A>ntii« Hi— rallx! ''"" I. L Bauer, tirll KogbMer. Jua» IJ. IMI. and mm atrert). «hl>h la dtelaal lurUieely alaat «ceel aad Uttlea aa llutfldaled dsmagea for Bitch Buwy CnmtiiMy will 1.1 ...I.I ll» l.n rUla HH1 It |.lar« it UKiiXMNll. U.M.-C >lw kiio.o . "» decree* Eiet .long the tabr southerly aid. Jlcd aa Hap number I1A fa Ihe Fnioa Counly ef tl|Hi'agfl*M Aleau* dtetaai ikerrta ta" ken. No ll>j|-l«< KlUjlh llu.d tha —mr mim hundrnl twealy-luur aad *"«• •ma l.fuaal or ketierl. tiailur Kllli t I> IK n|i , in, aiti.ni Hal..- "Gere*. IW :«mtr-al< buotbedlhe (lli.II) feet tat poiat: Irnthi lilt tl fnx awr. oe leaa from In. rorlnr Tbe OeMr angtaeir may In Mi dleoreilon TtKte ta due .1 proIlmWr |I.a»H and roraml n Ihe InlerHrtloa uf aald eaatetly IU>e huadndlke |||M .leelkenal aWe« Hi Kach'Jild 1111111 w ivi'uinpinlHl «lili . c r aaV—water oare) Tbrre la due apiirollmatcly flX,S?t.SS ant. uaulng ikeuc (II South II dtfreaa, • minute. BIM from IKU.O AeMue wkkk r»*M la IkeallkkeM the tasiiaace nt any mrltncal* or It ft 022 4.. wUn littcrrtat fruui Marrn loin, U31. II uronda Cast, rerty-nlae (It) feet to a point: nil«o anoT tun at and »«•, wllb lawns nf Jtfrerioa Htteet or a«envi. with th. northerly rtetlCeal.. t«r paymeat whither luk,rm*dlafe IIDwl chrra r»r.al 1,'iNt ten per I'cnl. (10%) ."mm April nib, IMI. and ceau. line nr IM. of the ilrer! IHIW known aa IMck* aouthweel .rerner *4 leoe} toeeteely eueiteiwd In of the' atnc.tint-nf tlic I'M, 1,.( not I'll Ihdii and rosla. . • ' -uanltg theaee (1) Boulh II degree! Wett. tail ime Ueorge H rkeni u •» Hit. rtnaeag, ee taal iu Ki.huiiU.ii -Birwt; thenr* 111 running along theac* .WthMit ik-Mt la* Bui lie. *» aeMi CONNOLLY & IUKSTUV. ttal tt . (111) t»tl to Ibe aald Baalerly able et Third lEORO RCUMIKT. JB.. Bol'r. Kit's bunt bi Ih* eeetre Ibw e( Baanai IU»e . * laant. .t'jeltaaT-agalnei the Juh. . Um Iliiiid 11. IUI the -*I*M In re)<iltulta. II nu« uorlh fteteotern drgreva forty-ata minute. iw all blea. er to aalr^ any Imgularttlcs In •'"""'.• m.i. ...1,.INH 1. Weekly then Mil lwwilj.»leilt (U) ft^t nine 111 lachM li ibere'aaU (In* w««*4 bMweKet Ike KeelkBHOl tecooda Wist Forty-alai and forty-few hue- line ol lawr. now *e txeaaclt *t AB«e T. t ear bM V lhar dim II lo thelf iitimlili te' t'liiiiily Kipiin-ff ill All etUmatet SHMlrTB BALB - In Vbtarny ol New aod Ortdthi ltt.44) feet lo tbe point or plaeo ol point thcrVln". thence tl)' aouih aceenty-fou' »o»d. If xlnvbd 1° <~u* IU" •< oaVa Kieee i ote teruta U» ball 8UI!l U'lke Nortb .rcnu«, Seat. ala. d«rLndanla. s VI. fa. for fciU of - Ihe Easterly line of Third Aentue. aald polut .AlberwMbert Stevenwu and Hstti* BteTenBon, his tf behic Tiw-nln.--aad.iturty.fnur . IninilrnlHii y H. JnVr*m A»«ine and lwenly-fl«e II.M^ •double). lly ililu* of Urt-abottf-aUUtl hrlt' r.f tier; rvei"ilUl«ttl Mittrrly at right .anglea thenfrom rtlng. special Wipe IJO.tlt Jeel .Houlherty ttoia Ibe lulfraeeUau raortgagrd prvmlsea . '. ' Heine;- .IMN* lot' belw^a IW 't»a4i ei klH .facias to mo oireoutl.1 *J-»1I v\\w*v f»r ial« I') fatmnl hy the Houlberly aide of Loomla Street MHy-elglit ItRl reel nine* 1*1 . Inchv. Ut a mJMf reaorta. Alto By ililutf or .Ih'e'-'ahore-atated writ of rWI ind -.Wood, tb* rmtr. lln- it Btkway turn outitlc vrndlif, III Van Mbtrkt t'otirl ItitiMn.. ll. Klin the Kaaferly line or Third Arenu.i run int: »nd thenre mirth wieeilr-Bl* iVare<« rianglo JCipreot. 41 rl.t lo m. -directed 1 ahall .xnuae fur Bali ia Uw»IU..KajW» .«iul.liaralj.l..li(li t lt wyet.IWMibfltIbfl M t»t»i|| ftftt ll* ^VaatTprfeefti* ' fUTsaWaent 1% tts1t*-j. ^irtftttfiP '-^«of -.^aaWlBUJUIlfea B r-*-mi — »' «iml. Wrcrt On. liurUni rf«M (111) M» ilaeiitloaa Tai(«ry'"nM"-»-'-alil? "«r til Uie Couil House la the Clly tt Elisabeth, Klrert or Afenue at the pulnj or plar« r. H«U#y. M-Ttti* • rnitttat* *4 *W-M MM ttrM«- UUiMHDAY, TUB WTII BAY OM wiiil; runntuf Ihmc 111 Houlliwlr and al N. J.. on •tmj imi irnr *w f—* °* ***** •»**»•»• T»- Ste^ B m Bmt part *tl>"t»-ta «*ia««(i«rtl>*>» .t*J U vaht .nmaton -fefaiidanf— (two"o1cloc4~iHtTl!ghr- tftwait*"«faiwr,i""'"r ——- ——li --•—--*.;—r- IIIANK K KMM1.NH. I udalkn. lobttu All the tolli,alng-lrarl or parrel nr land anil strril line hundred eight (IM) feel to theFartug) Time, In Ih. afternoon or aald day. Hflni til- MatJje» ptwiMf* ir*k»t»*;«Sl I*. IIM tVUITTEUOKK * MrLKAS. Hul'ra, •lib ant), But. liremlaea turrliiafter |,ailirulnty ih-wrlwil.- sH KIIUTK aid. ot Thlnl Avenue; running lh.net- All Iran or parcl or lands and premleeB. ultl iMirty itf.lh* Hm wl -*t.i* ttt*a«Ui fl uatr. *J.)llig and bring til.the ll'iiotigh of (Jar- III'Northerly along the aaaiirly aide of Third Otter tuate, Irlrig and being In th* Township or t'iHMtrtKtti>a t'u ) by alwnil tlom A. U V—*U*r wood In the Cuutity uf' L'tiloii .ana State 41T Armua Thirly-oue tad aeventy-elgbl. bun- Cranfurd In the Umntjraf Vnbin and 'Hlalo or ikeit Co, a nirpMiibi. >i IN> Utai* *l Srm •oiun """" Jmliln (31.111 ted ta Ibe polnl'or place,ol New Jeraey. .. *^ - ' " HIIKUIV.-'H HAI.K -In Ounwwy of No- Jrrwr tlalnt tnh~*. •'->'• •«*• «**•*< la On HKtllNKIMl. • •"_• : .1 . . " . _ ... nriLIrtel: llfglnnlng at a JHIIIM bi the Jtjrjrj, Kit-cm TI« Itm^olUl Iumitin>- to introduce King's Paint Protluclg'tn lliis vicinity • r room and bam. - ot With* Atrtil* lMtfr«t-*aerl|trworine Noribwesterly are. ol JohoWnr Aiemre 5o« tert umfvftiiy' f Aniifk-a. -N*ftij.1alnMi. an4.wfthcr : Bud* -Iir.-wawl tmenUi flm floor. )( 2 wrateily Hue of Eatt tWt: Ihence north I In, Raitrrljr line of Third Arenue-which point Boutbwest.nly froni Iht eouUiweslerly aide of NoUrt and tltniritr NttUn. hrr hutatmnit L'tmhtjF. 'on , ead'BMfrfKt te tk*lUKfan lloataj ralnt, per (allon . (100 AU "" 'nlnulif ttral Iftll fr-'l ; ttirn,*^ ^.),(|| -KlibitUr ntii ind l«»«lr-t»(T ---.- IJIIm Blrf H III»"'T "" '" HJUtKi »«_ ' ^. * i l '""tl,, tmLHXtUtS&pJgj*. «MIH.im.ieHnwtw|^MM«-lhS ;.^n»"t.w" MlifflWitW J«WfcWAVWl»#Trt **>tW ivI r rT -la~ 1 ^MlMtwIlfcarj^ nv.^rooma and "M» -' ! ' if Widow Aretm. BIT 'ornird by. Ihe Koutllerly aide of Loomla Blreet co«r-or forutfly of thti (JarwutMl Land and By Xrtiie (>f the auohe-auted writ of .fieri mnvti la th* R.hw.y t;i«.e' rarkl. if eel Ivculd Applr 115— feB frtt ill* IMIWI* in UMlUtiway Mitt. ••• .* . ^>g2 line of Willow Arniue, north «t iHtnwa an \t degrees, 4 minutes, ll-aecntda Kail Thirty- lu aaltl atd« »f Johuaun Avenuv; Uiciir* nrtrUt- . TIIK IHT DAY Or rravrTsriotia •nil fr*tfMl>*>v* ^ ilw j utis rail 30 fed* 111 the l.liult aliit itUre of UK on. anil flie-lrnlba (31.51 feit to a point; tun. eaitauljr altutg aald aid* uf Jultnaaii Avvnuw 5* JI'LV. A. I).. 1111. nnw tn fiff*. t'tmUHwl . I* l»*»?^ *«»u tm ••able tui While), prr lallan .-.,,..... - - - x \ lilNMv,. Known as No. 3!3 Wllluw Atenu,', Ing theiifo imoulTi IJ degreea Weal and f«*t to th* ptilnt or |ilar* of HrtInning*. k Kt.nilard (two u'rlnck llayllghl ,>M* 5I»; 3#.>*«» 34a ft**, tat r**+A*m. sit i l.irwiud, Union County. S.w 4er«y. ,.ratlH with Ihe llrsl.course. one. hundred fire fitting lha sauio laud and prtfrnlava aimwii aa Havlngl Time, in Ih. afternoon of aald day. ffirrktfunol' It) aald »V»4 bwh 1121*, %*t** r««r llaav Rpar VantUh, prr gallon a so Bring lula numbers SiS-and !!» In llli«k 1 II0-) feel lu Ihe Kaalerly line ot Third An- li uti "Uai) or pro|»»rty uwnvd and dtvdrd i>> All Ihe fullowliig Iran or. parcel of lint! and &M, tic. Any room papered oil map entlllHl. "Hevtiou Nit. I. |,n,|ierty ilt- nu<: luiiiilng Ihence fit North U degreea. II Ufiujauli. r. Ham and Adol* K, Jolmsutt «t premfiri heri'lnifu-'r pirllcuUrly dewrltml, .11- ralnulii, no seconds Weal, Thtrly i^tMtnM-' r»wr Ilearr ROOT HnWi, ptr latlori .....; A,.,.^'....'. fl 73 rjeiectlen vf. Jersey ' tMilonglng lo -tho New Vprk tJuoutban namilyj eight huudredlhs (J1.T1) fed Uf Ini UefUlw or aald County of Union. point ur plare ot BEUINNINO. ruril In (he dimity or rnbin and Hlat. or Ne* i'».) \>r r*m&n**u#f *«-» tt4 agr**t»*t,t wnikf IIM H«*•»*»• **< .TI.NO— Beat Mater- - Being tho lam. preniliis roneefed to Joefph rBANK B. KUU0N8, Bmjamta K, JUw. and Adds K johtiann" whU-h lnrmel Wt«M* aale and adrbe you Ahraharo rhblecnr anil Boplila P«'hl«.|jr. bla ElUAtC -..'-,•. Union County, aald |ifeiiil-*a b#tn« tt ft^l if It,if,,r,l Atenue: tbence Hi Koulh rurly (lot i«M In Uw Mbl Rtch4i-tt Tv*»a**4Js>*«h»»> W J Simons, 101 wire recorded Auguil I, 1U2K. In DMNI Booh front and rtar by 130 r«tt tn d*fth, . lemma 00 mlntilea Kaat tnd at right angle* itwl KkitifT Carkf HrntAaw, * r*UU-»^ *•**> Kiiig'i PfoducU have been triadejiincc lttl)2 nnd »re fully i. .N J Telephone .Tl-irrt la dua~*i*ffti.mat«i.' (3,871 B3. wllh In Hrlford A»rmie one hnnilrrd lhlrty-n>e 1113) of sa!4 triifl agrmmtat Ui*t r«*w*J «(»»*i. , BALK—In rbaucrry ol New Jer- If IlettiB »U and Hie nanie !itrml»ti.deaerlbrd In iut«r«iLLfroin April 17th, ml, and mala. rnl tn « pulnl { Ihenc* 111 rViulh nrtr ISO) lanwtiuljV h»r«wl.ti .guoranteedby iriBnufacturer nndby us. >.y. Between Opportunity Building and IMan Hook » ^ or Mortgisei lor titloit iTpuiiiy, page FRANK H. KMMONH, Hll«IfT. degreea-00 minute. Weat and parallel \a »,t Tbi-rtv Is UH*:«M*.*I.M4...-»t IUl^-8*:. »Hh •a^Ullon or Kewarlt, N. J,. noatliltlninl, and P fAVW A O'BKIKN, M'ra, fwd Ateniie ntly 1911 feet lo a polnl: th'ni'i itrrHt fn>m Marrh ^Ith, IW1 UNO HiUath (llonlaoo, et als., defeadanl. 11. la. "mere Is ilua apprmlmatcly l».00T,II, with' KDJACO • 131 KorthvliTHy (10) degreea 10 mlnulea Weal . FKANK S KM: la, allk dreaa II aad lor aale ol mortgaged premUea; Intereit from April Ulh.JIUI.'aud coat ln,l liaratlilto the first course of this deeCTlp IK'KH A BIKRH. >*-4*r* _" ^ 41 North Avenue. By Tlrlue of .the abore-alaled writ or fieri linn on. humlrxt dilrlj-tlee IU5) feet lo tl" 8II4UN 1*. NOHTIIBUr. Hol'r. faclaa lo me du-erud I shall eipoei for aale BlltRirr-H HALK — In Chancery of New MAtx - r«« MATZEN COMPANY Hottlheailrrly line of BMIiird Altoite: Ihence liy imbllc rendut, In Ibe BlilrJetCpurlJjoont, aey. Betwien Charloa tr. Jolinavu and Lillian III Blunt 111. Houthelllerlr aide nl Bellon* -• t- r • • In the I'ourt House In the Lily ot Kllaabelh, Johnaon, bla wife, cooplalnanU, and llrorge B BKNT Aremie North tlfly ISO) ilegreee tl minute. IKHIrTM BAI.B ~I»^Cb.ae«» «f Sew JAHN BUILDING Mewniik. el all., di'findanla. n. fa. for .ale Kill fitly (T,0) feel til th* point or place of ration Uouae, eight J.r*t)i. lletwew* PMellly L'.kMi Trwil !'«•• „.._.„ I BALK—In Ihancery of New J«r- "WKDNKXDAY, Till I1TK DAY Or r mortgaged premlara.. . -—-,- , or will rent lur- tuny, a New Jef*el_ rvepweatl». Illnt and being In Ih* Illy <* DIsatMb. itlll ahtefliahte i feet and-any-ala-liunddlha nVfxndanta. H. la." for, Bile or ururlgag*! ami aiiieeu. iw-«mi-m»7-w,»—.,• '••' . — lia.-tuuMlJo|Jl>.l9!tjrid,WiW «f New uawM>l».MT'l>eWg-Wn.VT^<^t»irrord foot•? 111 W.MWMI - lo -a poinpitt i - thenethewe Norlfc -ejid WBBTTBACT! U«alNNINO.t* pol«t-ln e«taei7"":r^-*r~-- r-^-»--=^rr-~-r------V '""^r.^S'E'iU^S^.S'lSn^ Die eaiterly line of Edgar Boad dutanl.onc ersey. '. " " B BENT _ -In ili»-t«untyjt_UtUi)n.JiIlr lite alHure-atated writ of fieri r «Te«rw«nlT-seren-mhrotra-IIsat forty-one teet huhared Tiny-all (W»rreel noohaily'froraThr lp lllSNI!S(f el-a iwto*- UI-IJM» *.mll>e*.el*el.- Prices feclii"ln"-tiie~^llrerle une hundred alalecn and twenty all lerserllon of ..14 I In. »f BueueJI Boad •Mb J the ti,.HI,.ilr 111,, of O*>«U «•«• IU tttft LtJUNO nici.1 Company, the propolly of ••eiuud, Hap Wtut one huiiih-eil and elsleen reel and nily jiundicdtlia IIICUl feel lo a pulnl, thence 111 "' "wi(UNI!m)AY, TIIK IHT 1IAY Of '1 «li hiiodreilllu of a foot (ll«5») to Ihe llne-or aoulh Iwwly three (111 degree! lw«ily.nllie .— JULV-A. U...JMI. Iheru'e rumilna ll) alnw oU l»* •< Iheajaill Bcnmldl. formerly lluijamlu HUrel' thenr. .long llenlamln Blrrrl II) minute, thirty IU) eecoura well ten and t one o'clock Buiiilaril (Iwo u'cbiCk llayllghl H...J mirth 1.1 dvgren i WuwX ' Discount of $1 per Ton ' .tbilUrtlglit.AlUM^IItcjlUKim injln, *uu_»-~«n»...t«MMlwNiih*~ 44atID, (ML. b*... a n^lJ(•"rfieelaiJla«w,.^ 1 1 -.-a*; ratrJHTBI rTTet rl *! jVe. •^rTrffiy It ifHPtfiri f»t * J->f.-eiiiHa «jaty<-.fj\.vi.> -- ttatHA -^^ feet tnd tiny hundreJllis point: which la dlatant one hundred twenty- All the following 4rart iir parrell otl lanldd anitt mttatHA o Ihe point ud plare of Ive (1131 fell northerly from Iba northerly iirrniUHi lierelmfter iiarllrularly d«arrlbe' *-elb.«4'-JW*a FBNISHED lo the Towiwhlp of Iranhircl ,» m* m-- ^-™ — weaflt-tt fr#l; Ihenr* r«nnb*jr tit aowfcjt •lUmlng aald road which taller holnt la north lime and fire hundredUia'ISl K) feel lo the HABUV HIVBUAM, 41017^- IlTon $11,25 •ue. tn careful tan- 61 uegreet it mlnulra eaU OTirWt along HIM of landa nf WUhelmbw Kutchi Ilience (tt TCurnun,irMBndiiy i « o«l» If (DJ4CC north elorn 111) degreea thirty aaeen UD lundrecl and Tlilrtr-iinir 14.11), oo a certain run'ab7i~ll| if^tlr 15 ibteai. i™« lei a ferl th. noVtherly atut »1 aald BarlUn Bond Iron, W the' Boittheasterly-rra*: of HieiBeiit b>*4 aad T(JT. $9*00 a point la the latterly aide nf a Jlew street nilnutra caat and In a direction al right anglea up or plan, of Me called. "Map ,,r 410 I/rfl Stove Ton $13J5 I Buck ir«, jooma and prl- to Clbbona lourl elghly-foor and thirty nine if Ilinkln-I'ark Land Company. Craliford. New the Hnl or pU» nt BKlilXMNO. Kewa •< cslled Lincoln Taraway. said ml named ittliil ,.. HALB-lil ntancrry of New Jer II BiMimll Hoed. KUaabMb. S ) taran If dralred. benVnwth II degreei 11 ittlnulet east 4011) hundredlha (Kill feel lo a point. Ihence (5) Jeraey." ulrreye.1 liy J. U. Bauer, flrll Kn- > Ton $7.50 rouplw.* ~ Telephone sey lletween The Cenual Building and Loan north aeTenlylwo (III degreea flllly llr» (51) lnecr, Noiemlier 10. IM0, and Hied In Union -Th. al«t. iVwrlptlna belag at amaMaarf Nut Ton $13.75 I Rice teeifrom tha boundary line between the prop Auorlallon ol niltbelh, I corp. of N. J. mute Arenue. If irty of ttllllam Meyere and olhtr property of mlnulea weal one hundred furly (HO) feet lo •oiinly : lleirliler'a-«nVe. Marclt II. l»i«. with a aurley mid. by IJtaeaeaaa * Kreh. rriniplslnant. md John. Joaepb Heather, rl alt.e polnl Tn lln eaatarly line ot Bdgar ttiiad: .There"'M'-due approilmalely ll.tlll.14, with Mue.eyora. da led' June 1, l«a.' . ^ Ih. BerUnt Betelopmenl Company. Ilitnce (I) dormdanls Ft. la tor aalt ot mortgaged Coke (Koppera) Ton $12.00 porth in dogrm 10 mlnuKa «)« » 1> leet to thence («> aoulh-thlrty One (31) degreea Ihlrty liilermt rrom April"lilbv.l*ll. and coeu. i_H«lng part of-Uw Bern* peembw* r*er»red. t« L fhVweaterly Hoe ol Beilant */»•»" ralib. 130) mmutea weat along aald eaaurty Una nf •-^|fKANie«-KMMOXBr-l»lieT i— - • - ~m * - - - r » • - at t | tta*afltiel ~ t^~^ - .aa^BtaaBB ok, No 1115. of the ""ny^Irtue of the" abW-itaied writ of fieri Edgar lload eighty (Id) reel lo the place or iiKi) A.. Ai.rniei> A., JB. iVfJtf aUTiJ WrTWWWT - l|ij| %mg * OeJaT I11I11IM1 • Vf ^Beaejeae llalied In the Betlaed Msp 1)1 llerlanl I'ark. Isclaa to ma directed I ahall eipoao tor tale from John./<. riaaouy and wife, .rmreM Tb*M Erfcee SwbjNl to Chsnfo Ojnfotd, -New Jar- •Jertlort 1, ™ J » Acocella. lull Engineer and HICIfARU V.BTKIN, Sol'rB. lUn 1,0 return It to by puUlo randue. In. Uie DlHrlct Court Oooni. •¥iS!!l,"TMCf Which U »»,. -rilj, Hepteraber/ll, lilt. In »«•« I»t o» U™* ea Ind DuiitVor. "led In Ih. l-nlon Cuuitly Beg- In tho Court llouta In Ibt City of ElluMh e page 111. and by deed-tram anda*y W. KU- berrjre ae eih day lilert Offlc. Norember (. 1119, as Map So ulafly laid down, dealgnated and dlsUnguWied n will be made u on a crruln map- enltUed "Map or Ihe New Mge /recorded Noteaber l». UK, ba aV»a ll-K, IheSe (I) north I degreet 50 mlnuteB "* ' V'lDVMDAT. TUI 1IT1I DAT OF HnntlH-K KAIJS«-In Ouncery of New IM lit Meeds oo peg* IM. aad ab. gelt of Ifce <- 1-4 "•I o3°l feet aWth. westerly aide of aald llaniifacturuig Town or Cllaabethport New JUNK. A. D, 1131, Ijriaow en IIU In Ihe BeglaUr-a OOce ot Jersey!. lletween Columbia Building and Loan •ante premier* ronevyrd u. (Mlee a. nrrwee. Brrlant A.enue lo a polnl. ibence tl) «ulh «J tl one o'clock Standard (Iwo o'clock Daylight Aasdciallon.or Kllaabelh; a corporation or NewM deed'trom LauuwB, Laggrea.' wltoevrv- drgreet It mloulei west IM IT feet to a point, the Calmly of ban) aa foUowal tin In person or by Hailngl Tim., la Ihe aflmiooa or tald day BtdlNNlSU it Ihe- corner formed by Ihe In Jeraey, rainplilnmt, and Klrlianl A. Bchulla fnrilfj llctouer 15, ••», la Boett lit. r*a. 1» REEL-STRONG COAL CO. rfor» July 8th ntai •hence (4) aoulb It degrfea 41 mlnutea cut All Iht following tract or parcel of land and et als.. defenitanla. n. fa. lor.sale ol uort. ol Deed.;-tlia tald Ktirare) Brewer hartog 4e - SlTit along, the boundary line between Ih. trracrtkm of the rnoet wealerlr line ot Waali appear aad anawef jncmlecs berelmfter partlrulwly detcrlbtd IngbM Wreet now called Llrlngiton Blreel wllh gaged premlaee. . - *v part«l Ihls III. on slay It. lt». leeeles a property harem conieyed and that of John anil altoatt lying and being In the Illy el Kllaa By rlrltie of ffls^ahoee-tuied writ ot;«erl .III Will and Teetam*M diud January 11 -'- UNION AND-NORTH AVE. an or by guardian Mary McUaugblln- to Uie polnl ind place ol th! moB northerly line ol Creacent Htreeli > limited Buch pro- brih. In lha Count/ of Union tnd "lite or IhearTTinnBig itorUmlr along aald waatarly ladas bt mo'directed I shall aspoeWor sale by IIU: ted I 'CMMi dated ttareealer II, iltll, CRANFORD a guardian ad Hum llnaof aald W.ahltlgton Street'ode hundred pul.llc ienilue, In Uie DHUb-l Court Boom,. In both proUled Juo* f. ItO. aod eerweM la Being gnowa and described at lot number ' lTc('l?MMl at a point In Ihe northerly line (he Court llouw In Uia City of JCIIiaheth, N. J . Book (II. peg* W. ..akerelB he eleilard all as If you had It- SOT onlUp of Berlin! Park. Setter, I, «ir I IMI feelX thence wtalerly tad at right anglea arid auch order -win **• v! Brrood Bu-erl dtount tattnly Ore (III teal !o IIU lail meutloaee) line tiny (Ml feet: hut properly, lactAdlag bM leieeeet la aod te niONB CBAHFOBP <-MM •eyed October. 1M4 by J B Acocella. CM1 WKIlXKHDAY, TIIK.1BTPAY Or. to. Judge ol Ihe Or-i~< westerly Irom the wrturlf line of rranklte thenre aoutHerl> and In a line parallel lo aa|d Ihe premises berelnaboe. iWnlbeeTlir ala wit. •liable and Jmt Htrert ibeBe* wealerly afoot' aald nortltaily ;lna~ot aald\ waahlngUia tttren one Unndred i.^_ ._JULY^ A. n.,.'Jiii; -"..-.-. •.. the Mill Ol|r..B. -Brrwer. . •• _ j -;; . ,__ -by Cranrord Truat l< Ine ol ruwond Blreel elghleeu and Uilrty Bio All thai rartalo Iran or parrel •» lau) aiid l'T,lS'g' lh.™e5l'pr.i4lsct rontey^l lo Hugh (1») feet lu\lhe Bald nortlierly Una of free- It one.oVliMk dundard (iwo.o'clock Daylight ; tinier, the eiecutora liuudRdiha ot a tooLULB polnl; Ihenea north- :etit Btrwt; Ihenc. eaalerly and along aald Baring) .T.lm..:,lli lilt '»totjtmJrftaM dajr. 'emlsee elluau. lylac aad brlag -a* Ike'Oty B Dtitble by-deed or UH Uertant Ketelnprnenl erly anil at right anglea lo the lint of Second 'urportlng to be Ibo .ine of Creireiri HU-eH Btty (Ml feet to Ihe All th« fiiltowlrit Iracl nr, parcel o* land;aTja TJlialVlh. lo Ib* I imill .(I irmartaw male ('omiinyol Men dale, to U recorded almul- rllrm tnd through t center Una ot a parti or aald Kalherhte plan of BICIiVlNO premlBFa TiVrelnsfler tarlhwlarlr deerrltied, alt- nf New' Jer.tr. ' .. '•.,.'. '•'- • • un™ualy tod subject u til restrictions, rights wall tewnly tret JO t point! ihenreeSBlerly . BKIILNNI.NU at a peb>t la tar. avlkwraleely tbe probate of Iha "*tnd1 pSSleget preactllMd la Ibe aforcatkl. deed JirJQg"* lot tit/ (It) feel front and rear by uahr.,lying and.lielhg Ir/U... Borough or (Jar- it.ll ttarailel le the Hoe of Beeend Street rleb. ood, I and Ihe Surrogate Bald mortgag. being; nulijccl lo a mortgage leen ffet and thlltjr lire hundredth, of a fool wood, In llw tVnuily-oM.'nlortily-oM j and Btata of Srer .iefturrtr 130 leet .(reel the -rerikr l*eie*dL'w» oubta arise un tbe hefd byTSe KSlanl Building- and LMU ABO to a point. Jhenca touUiaHy ind II rtatit tnglet VtlS^T^lvSi »ront Street Ibe lniere«HlMi of eabl lla* »t IIUWoV lu»d ed will be rertlOed Vo 61 LWIngeton Wreet, EllaabeUi, N J 'wbwblrl h ai. lalilAwn, dealg'nalrd and die rbuloa of hewtlk. ^e1e Jersey. In Ihe original lo Ihe HIM uf Becoad Street teiMly feet to tha ilngulUicd Ul»n a/certaln'map made Iqr.-Kdajr with the aoulbweeterly Hoe of IUI*ela ria»ie LehighVaUey inly Orphans- Court Th l due apprilhaalelr 1»,1«, with l»- .ITm ol rour thousand fleo hundred dollars il^VoorhlB, Cr r.r, In • Aagual.- 1»»,; and file* and. from- Ihelte* rHaalojr fll -sUeg aakl-lla* wllh In the offlco nf the Beglaler of Colon County, ot Hill.I,). B»ad aoulb » degwa w«» li tn* the proceedings be- <»••?-*»» JUly'!'. J.. entitled, "Heejliin No. I thence running 111 aorlb « • degreeaj' w™ EXCURSION TO „ Lot-th* henefklarlea -ISHSSj-wlU. TII.5I fwt; thence HI uuelli H di«re«a-l» Teatament. erltf— properly sltuau.. -. — — C ADDISON BMirr, Btl'r. Count/ Xew Jeraiy, Ikbmglng lo the Newmlnotea «aal M.tti f«<: Ibeoe* nunlog. Ill !T C AV8T1V, nf?rlh i't detreM w«ot IS feet; tkeare rwaaleg ZDJkCC Teat III II York Hulmban Land Company," aa and by tlor for Petitioner.. HNBABIIBY. DEI-UK « PAUtkB. Ihe numbers. In Block fourteen (HI. kita Iwt (SI north IJ degrwe met » fret: Ibeaee ma SIIEBiri-B BAL« — InXrhancery of N, JEOJACC hundred and lwen(ysl«.iM«). two hundrr* nlnglO aoutb C.degleee;*aal,i5._t»»t .t*.lbe Jefaey. Belwren Mumal\BaTlnga »ond liar- and iwenlyaeeen (11T) and lw,o hundred and norlhweaterly lue of HUlald. bd aod ta* BlIKBirFB BALK—In Chancery ol New SUP monla. a corp. complalnaet. and Mortimer 1. NIAGARA IIDGE WORK polnl or plae* of BIMilSSTNH Xta-e .! He. nnKBirrS BAluV- InChtncery of New Jer. Mt. Between Tb. Building and Lota Aato- tt ut., defendants n fa for aale of. N. J. II imnl**_»oad^K!laabetfc, «I._J M IMwcea slannel Tl~ItaB«l. coMpUti clalton Bintonll. a corponlloa or Iht Bute The elm., deerrtptioei M.| I anriBd«ThSt™tTCOir. indllldually end asot New Jersey, complainant, tnd Joerpb rccelTed by the ,i;tl,1.1)1l a nineeul«e». ma4// a»y lieaiaaaOa a ••«: " Bf Tlrtaa of Ihe abiiraHtBllefl^wrlt'Df flrrl In the Court Hnaa.ln Ihe Cily lir BlubeOi, "work " , Jersey, llelwre.1 Wmlfleld BeaHy AasocUlee, r.5o hrldfe • feet C fadtt to aw directed I thtU tipoat tor aalt at one o'clock Standard (two orb ^••Tiaiber I. HIT., la H~li III *l n«ee)a ea Tldretj feoaVIri COackn Of tleet>ln| Can., D < <>< ttoDm ta Inc., '* ..rorp... (wBrXauisut, and Wo>kmeot page 11.. and an* lelax pert' "» ibe seat. fea-ln jKtih o».r Jb^ble .endue U «»w '«,=L r ii , ' 'fVCPNUIOA aatlul-TIauvla.lhf.aflefDoon of Hullitlag tV.V Inc.- of I'nbm Courtly, a corpor- Sew^ndexgei rottxi MB PHIIBHM cttt/H*. Trl» tie Court Htnaa la |l» ClUr of Bbabeth, M lj JOHB, A. D. ins. . All the tollowlng Uact or parcel lara rontey«il-te Ollee B. Hrrwrr, br 4M< renuo near fay and:' alkiii. et sH. :defrt)ilanta. n. la, foe aale ol Lonlse K- Laexiea. wlibet. ree»rdoi Or premiere kerilnaflrt partu-ularlr a al me oVlodl Standard (Iwo o-cloik payliglil mnrlgaged' premUet. . ~- — 'r~~ VWl CaaaJa aWa (he Interngllvul nHJgil S« ifart ralaracl," ~ " WH.M8DAT. TH11 10THI DAT Or ' Barm) Time. In Ibe afternoon of'said day. alliuu, lying and being In the 1.- - IV Jin. lo «V»k Oil ef !>-eoa >m pair. for thta work mar By rlrtuU nf tho abore-etaled writ of Owl -,-; ihe aaW'Kreeard't Brewer, rtartng OV All Ih. foUewlU Irtrt or ptrcel -» '--•» -"• Crufoed la the County of Union and wblrlpool npedt and ill lite bcauljr of tumnicr. Kn]ur llic 1 '-*•-"•• "oicUKk D..IIH.I facias to ma ulrectod I shall tipote for salt by parud lhb> life on lh.lUki.r-' HIT, IIi.3 ._ ^ #. M a *ha_H k._JI^I>.li puMIc rendue.ln tha DUIrtcl Ourt Borne, lo leaitog'a la«l WOf f4 Wu»« eUCd laa _ltirilliag rid* tfanufb the Curgo and itie ruajijLollH'r aitraclliina. at lha loUTMOfon of - &with* thSe but t nr. lha Court House In the Clly ol Kllaabetb, N, '..u.ry 11. lln, aad a n>ovn deue] Beraabei apanj autlng that tt. 1114. I«U. pr«*ate«VJi«»-*, J»»r»*« ••» _ STXCIAL THAlN-(ITANU*IUiJlMK prorldt the Con- " • V.TiDSBKDAr." THK IBiTlJAY "OT . corded la' Bwk St. ftrrn*. wkirela,a* eV- and bakuj In the Cllr of Blrabet '*Seguialng at a polal la ID* anilhweaterll Uaea eraafora _ „ . _ .. - 1 54 Pi H , Btlurdi* lum and wits such JULY, A,Ml*.' IMI, rlaed all bbvprevAty. hwUallag kK tal«- es y tttt. •pijii^mnng^ VfSim and eUato cer- SS-prca^t A^df1^r.31It|- Baringig)) ' Time.ime.; IIntn Ihet ariartiqon_ofsaldday. to hit wlf., the aaU OU»«\H. Brrwer. lArrht Nlaaara rtllt ,, ~*M ». M. Supiliy Per canL (10%) of All Iho.IolUwlng Iractor.pe.rcel oFBsrW All liw rolUalng Iract or parcel inTaHr JJrtumlog_Haia-Jaf(eT-|iartJcilltttr-daacrl)ied, all ibelajterly aide of Third Aterraa Ihtr.in dU • M V. M, Hiudty. trrlrlng Cranrord nrly llotnlay Morning atlone. uate. lying and Icing la Ihe Townahlp of rraa Courty page 4M [ht to reject any or tut BeaitlMrlrOM Baadnd Ihlnaan till) real thirty feat, Ikeaoe oorlh "fly-twi, _ -^ ford In Uie touBly or I'abn and Male of New irom the^ora* formed by tb. Intension of ont huadVcd s«l to Uw aforeeald BOdthweewrly There la due appreikMlely II.IW. a-»l Tlcknt at Uhlgli Vtller llekrl onV a t^Tld ltacly aide of Third Arcana with aide of Myrtle Street, thence aloog said aid. 13.(1415 tad 111414*4 and I1IJT1. asd I r GOIXINS. _ at Ibe point of lalerterUoB II HI. With interest tree. Mar Ilia. 1*11. tad far IttereiaUet, eta, aeeat Uklik. Vtlley Tlektl 0*M ol Jljttla nertbweoMljt line. «f- Mlla-8ueat-«Uli. UK heaeUfly Una of Zaatman Ptreet; Ibeoci KKMOSB. dlOtOI (CBaUDT, Jl. Bolr. rnir» MM beginning norbeaturlr along Ibe laid BIMON P. KOBTHKirP. B*Tr. LCaENT DUACC uiurlyJla^«f.a>aUian.JJlrr«l t«le kuo,. iat the accoual of nineteen and twenty-four one BimdredUti the but will ud , fULB — In Chtactrr of New (IIIJII feet lo a point In tald line of Mll» (!rtf Hffntf Tfiff TTTT 1 >e Wentwonh, at- Jersey. Bttweea KaUatuJ . BUU Bank of it marked by at. Iron pipe; UUaco aarU>- stated by tha Bar- -•mr"-: N. j.. traalw, ett. complainant, tad —jfly Ih a eourte parallel |o Kaetasan Btreel ro« ma wo«c Ueaatat u the-Or- - ' oefeadtaX TL M. for talf one BtinnTtrl~twtBly-teTta* ml OfljF «ut"atB> mi or Haloa, oa Wed-- ortdlht (ltT.M) feat b> a poUrt marked by as Itrale4 troaottU *VtJ*"2*«* *t aeit. at U A. at^ ri^oTTSrtUte* writ, of ftarl Iron Pipe; Ikaoet eoalkwattrrlr parallel Wllh BM& of Ckoata fraitiriwus ef tketoa le aaa directed I aaaU atpaat- for tale by tba "ret course one hBBdrtd ntteteea tad of Boaaarttl tad I'aUO. rt Ike mtkiUirt SuUcribe for Uw CSdsen aid.Chronicle—92 it Your by, Mail, nadae. la la. DktrKt.Coarl Boota. la iwetrty-feur htdujfedtha (ll».«| fate to a poUl Kooea. Coart Heaee, eaeamrrlBe, It K « - — •>** X _t t i_tJI_*i^ ^ \t i


t i 1 V^

• , _J, ,*••

• <4

THURSDAY. JPNE 4, 1931 TOE-OIANFORD CmZEN wmiaa Goc*« — J-Jl u win uai tm. M a M-m-wmr

u l<«4 AMI UBMM- wi bL 1MB 'iamlftam Th» Raid aa>t .V* sweated t» bait rmr^csw* Sri*-1 Polar Oattritard Jobs Catbcsrt »-r< IM Hubert to ltoi>». ia ini nu Itortln Aa*>. i c Bit* IM IT to M tfa MIT.n >n4 IM. ftoa OcL rrut Italtturi ?iiwiai* and think at MuMte «r apa* awn paint. ***•<*»*• Dm. Co. prottrtlod. IOE« Mt K U Ikibfert to lotd AM. «a«MM- VailMMr I 0"" t II •!•••• ud Ul Iraa nine. Fr«J J 'Win M. lll.u HapL Ulh. 1*1* Uvdaat tit 111 ud Udt rrttr Oawiurd Amerlcu UUdeoa S.O Matt, look to JOHT t to Bmar. bad * win ». Michael Juelll _ « » attention K datms. •artleo Aaau toaullmanu til not ret dua »uli|>ct to luul AMt aaouil- SM Ml much ta the footl SM •*•<*> A**V E. |GI1H and Ini from Not tot u> HUM tod IM- " 3M SU-MI your (twtBtat Him. 1131 April till. IIM til Ut N.CI 431 ud bldf. Ptlar SM tll-tll nltnreT Woold •> part II " A wlfr 9M 145 111»« Subjxt to BWHI IM. ailfa _ (Tain and load AaaL) aoc ytt 4w ooimucTo* 1H Oetrrfatrd Boma to Illtli ud tor . add teas II B Ilutalta llth. UM. ^^ HAROLD P. BEKNEK. A wlfa - Ml OaUrfaaJrd Bomo MtUnf -' Is IM4 IHL «• Lau •4 Bldf. — ibajUnl It-M IT. luullMau >M 311 AUTOMOBILE PAWTING la.ltM.II Lawn fumtt art-tkE 8Mtil«ct u Ikwer, Botd * Int. IMm tin 1, itM tnethre ami * •*» 111 II ud H4L b L. L««- nti hnlH ABU laiUllaumu (ore. Much of tt ta nttmaJm Gitnr tehlnt lo b*d Aut tntuM- VuMerl to Boad AaaL amount. C-1IU tMiu Ml >il *J« tauiullu to Ini to tltlM tad tot rrom handled by jour ioc UI I* •nil Int. frua Mm. Itt, Ulh, IMI •*^WB"JTk-rS- HmutOnu M» _ Laihuton Htt. Mth, itu. •Htut -I. «M!W --ULM Hul>J**t Ui Btw«r. llotd A IM "^ Dor 1153 to list Amerleu Oardana A»rtr Imlallwau "Clm. H-J6IUUIM .191*1' .Subject to Boad AaaL at Leu Amartcin tiardana H'« I5J 51 THE McCARTER SOHK)L 14.M It, Inttoflawata nol tremely sen*««Jilif. or ,VSt* W-M. M tad bldf. L. L. lore. III TSl*a"dildV - UttLf grbnps U W tl^Ua)tUa«nUa>tjit dw. Oatanurd Homo He .Mouoltaito 1151 tl wd tai. Bid* Co - Wm. U. Van cna&s Taklttana -Cffaailar* a.>ewi lat. lilt Central Btdf. A I. L. Lota. Co. _ Derford IJJ land, loo IS II A wlfa._ llaa B. Vllal 1" tla tfertlca lull luullnmu ITtiaa and Boad Aaat) aawuutlM to 1IU.I M tadd tut. oat »tt dua aowunlln« 10 and two. ...;.... . : IXU.M and lol. (»• Sol. It! and Udf. laadoit Bafal fraat Hot. Itt. ItM. Hubjoet to Botd Aaat. tmouhl- ill you tnjojr o&* II aad Mdf. L. Ini to I1M tt ud InL from. Ut loll S«>-'UISV1U1- - - ' A" Wlfriia r^oant-J'krfM!oitoraaard Bomt ^Hulrjccl to flower, Uoad A 1 " I5H ". ber dcafars oOm ca ~ ialt H^Trlra Aa.U- In.unmmu Bldf Co. III iMt-uir ud - aubjaemo kMd Jjtf. tmouaU blda- _ • wua 1 lK5!^^I "-nil Tat"ffiW a*w»BU«t •*•" liif to IJ43 13 anil InL front 9« "-lltS to' Mln'"*awlr»a •Mr. »- Wat-JMlraral DDH .od 1.L, bun No', April lib. 1*31 - til UM lo IUI olOEWALK. AMtUMtMTl RnrcnideFlimcrSlwv ITalaa ud Brad Ant) t tt - frtdarl MS lilt to Itlt can. be. instate*! in. t-IM It aad bldt, Wm r. Urot.a „"" ""• « ».n,.l« Eldibora III lTlt-1111 D. Yacomo 4 ITllta ud Botd AtM I A »ira ..- 1 Wm. C Bobtoaon 'posts... • •.._-. renter a> Bailee I IS Butlarl 10 *•«. »«ad A Prl II.SI Andrtw Polewchtk A wlft I» II ud Mdf. Wm. r tlrotaa 4S-4I John rblllp Ina . ll.lt iurr. rartur * Hadao (Tataa tnd Boad Aaal) Itla Hiltlra Aaata. ImUllmnU 11-13 Wm. A. Uabal — 4.13 41 S3 Ida B. Doc* — Bt>TI rwavar At Mtdaa 4 U II aad bldl. Wm. r. llrottt not Jrt dua tmouliiun lo 'ud Udf. John A. PuUlna .. 139 S3 Speakine of post Itlll tnlJIW and Int. Iroai Na' 14-15 I. N. Parktr Co. . 1.31 ISA 31 Baractn Park MlnaU Hollar ..... ITtua ud Botd Aaal I M II C liana A Buulact to Sawar AaaL Intull- Eatltr Co. 131.11 that spoilt tne apt; Dr. I. B. Engle _ la Boad AatL IntUII- MA Donlan Und Imfl. mtnu not rat dua amounllof _ «al rat dat aauuMtof to A. Mtacnaatar . I.M (load ud Print* Barrloa yard rooce thaitTjl VETERINARIAN proremrnl Co . 11 Ii lit lludbldg. Commuulptw Con< to I1HH ud lat from Mot. 11 aad IM torn Ocl. I. IM II and blik Beatrice L Ball _ HIM tral Land Co. .. III It f, list. New ones eotW MM AND CAT •OttrtTAX IM -IMS W. W ttoonat .— 11.14 Bublact to Biwar, Boad A III- ITasea anuV Prltato Bartlet 11-11 . — Wm. t. Htddaa . . Mitt IM MA-tl to II Bait iuobaoa __~I*TI "alt Berrtce Aaau Inaullmwla Conn Aaal 'ud Udf!" naaklna BUp.llh 111.31 (Boad and Prltttt Bank* IM-ll to -H Ban Iuobaoa .... Lit ml ,tt du< tmountlni to I3IS.M mil InL from Not. ill ,11 and Hi* Bmrap - iHi-lllt ~ AmtrRU uudant • It Conn." Aaata.) —— An-.jtM I SUMMIT. It X IM IS to M Kara Jacobaoa _ till trtl Und Co. .,Ill IS 1HS-1MI Amarlcu Otrdana Lit 1SI t Ml II aad bt*. Louie W. I'ntro _ 13111 (TtiM and rliiU Barloa (Sower, Boad and Prlttto Bar- children ts anotoei Til SOmmlt «-O3BJ MS ll-tt and 1 11.14 Conn AmL) 'Sit"**• aanaa ' taiwwAmtrlca ««^H ^«^^—u ^ Otrdtnr —-" t Ity. PUtjnoiioestlM Wd*. f **_ A wlfa -~~ - 1 and, bldf. t. ta koa tad mm* III II aad Bubitct to S«««r ud Boad 911 till tolil t John A. Pulllnt — 1.IS made, U joa want I Robert Theisz & Son Ocaw. Aatt, tofttll- Udg. Bllpa Dalit Barrt . Aaau. IntUdlmenti nnljH dua ||(| SSI IIM-lltl ud SI.U ur.u haTe-one baBt i*l M l MMHIBUIS Ill IA H. A. Bolltmliara BaalUf Co. II It bldf, Joteph A. Btlloum * A. Puu from""^™ 5lh. IIM ITtiaa and Prlttto Banlca Bubtect to Batter AmL imounl- money- Yotfl* rsnn Inf to Milt and InL from .. __ M4I Conn AaaL) you out nete. too. " W3SFL 11 and Udf. Oilier Durham ._ Ill SI 991 lHl'-uin "' "'otapB A. Balloum 1< A (tnce it a* Una Co, _~_ li it Ills ud ITaita and Blorm Bawar AaaL) Bublocl to Bawar AaaL amount- BOUM* Built to Ordkr uut BaaaUa CoeeUuc bids - Joaeph A. w llaa Oa. «M II aud bldf Cora Ut Ptrkar . Ill II ing to Slllt ud taL from _ - l«3.ta and Int. from Dan. llth. pauibiHtj-.lor rtxi entiimta ranavlM Subject to Btwar AatL • Bublarl to llawir. Hold A Prt- ITaita tod Blorm Hanar Aaat) •atrilt CoaatftM- rala B»»lc Aatta. tmounltai iitrch llth, list. m attiactitcness of • Inf to IMM lad lat from IS and Udf. Wm. 0. Uallbtwt . Ill SI SSI IM1 to IHt Chat. Btlloum^^ ^ Ml ui ' Habit L. WaJdroa iMJI « HOIXTWOOP Avm llaaCw. _ Its aUiekltlh, MM. „ lo HUM and IM. from OcL (Tarn ud Storm Bawtr AaaL) . pjft i Bnealle Caaamw- _t«LJMI; . Ml tl Phone Ciunfor* c |M Co. ..„_._ 119 3IS 31 and Udf. I'aler C aabtocl to Btwar Aaat IntlaU- priTacy. and for _.^ IH.SI menu not rot duo amounllnc (Ttut Aid Botd AaaL) Hoehdorffar tt.fl 491 M-SS children "add pe» VuWtahw. ITaiaa and Prlttlt Bartlea to IIM II ud InL from OcL (rtnat,SUm Btwar aid Bold _ Juullmanla Conn AaaL) nth. 1111. (Botd and Prlttto yuuugitm^ aateOT- •ato Hactlca AtaUk lit IU and bldl Albert Btmnaon 191 UM-ltU ud Andoraoa Conn. uttal The mention, *a|4a Bjt mH.I ft^a fawmwa I'mfont- Ul-UU-llSt—'. Micholat datfltl.— 4.1S > IIIH tad Int. PRIVATC URVICt C0NBICTI0B1 ABSTB, Batalaa . IU jJKtoiu ITT Garafo1 on — S9S IIM-lltl MlchoUt Oabrlal . 4.19 on exterior hnpro" tM OK. Id, ItM. u to it Cruford Lot 113 Polar Tartar III 111 I Uaa-Jtba till ii' JowhJ.Iooa.ulo SIB T-* • Alidlla C. Johnaon It II > Jahn BtL _ M.U -wUi bring the am . 113II (Tint, toad ud Prlttli 1IA 0 Zlxnl" —— aubjaet to Bower AaaL Inatall- il-lS. B. Toptnka a,mtonaB»a>tr and load • Bublect. to Boad tnd ITlulo ITaxat and Prime BaCTlct. maoto not rot duo tiaounUni -* iTBurle . TUT of pleasure and »a Batttct Amto.1 ~ l-oun AaaL) to I1M.M ud InL rrom MOT. III IIM «• A. Bhaboon - "tkrTua Aaata. amuintln; lo If Bualnaaa Bubitct to Bldawalk ud Botd 1MB rnmaat ». Ortktr . IM.I ISII.II aod lot. Iron Hatch tin, HSI Aaata. tmountlnf to llM.lt prorcm III Ill-Ill ud laratl LJjtehlU 4 Bull; Co. lttl ML. 45_to AtAnd _ Ask Your bhic, ~~ ' A wlft M» --""- - o «mi»lea^r™ «M 311 (1 A Worklnon-I Bldl. - — andd l lott fr froaa aR Rott .19UV1I 19UV1IMM . market Jiahat sl« bldf. Cllaton Bboamtkar 9191 Tba abota daacrlnUooa aeeordUif to Tax litud Udf. Vlctorto .' - |(A «• Blnnlat 3110 Co, Inc. 11.41 Ml 11-M-tS ud bltba lilt T Htrrj B. Unanu SIS Bf and bldl .Thonui Tarnr Aaaatamtnt Map: wish to Mil- rar Aaat I Jotoph Btlloum _ 14151 Ptimanu muat ba mada btfort tho con- . .Neighbors ^ t »«iJ»r-T»i -v—w^m.«wy,f—-yr^3«-A..»MtUt..Wmil,,m,l,»,rJSli)H. H. cra«oo"oT-tt«-»tf».'by^eM»r'oD»rwl»»' tba- •arVBatd Otia WrllhL Inc. . 141 |1M it and InL from 513 OBO&OB a TBLLBB. they'll tell you of oar Rt 5SaiJff OrL 3d, ItM. - - — - — AdalU Nordalrota Itt II 111 II -A Petal Tartar, ~(T»xi ud le» Ail) Adf. reao-IMt.ll. Bnbjecl- lo-Bewar - ud- Botd Choicer MeatstuxJ pcoanpt OeUrttardrnomt Bubjict lo load tnd Pilttte Alala, amounllnf to till SI John Calhcarl 191.11 Bldl ....««.«.- Hertlco AaaL toalallmanu not and InL float Juno ltd. nil. . Sawar AaaL on I lit IIT-I'u ud Thomaa B. CtnUf Uarfartl at. jet duo tmounUnf to llll.lt service. tilth A wlh .- lit M Bobcrtoon • — CM tll-ni ._, Itcob Kraaoer Bdwtrd U. aud InL from OcL II, ItM. HESS BROS. IU ISS-Slt tnd JIB 101-A and Paler A Tbomu (Tliaa, Sewtr, Bold uuTprl- PHONE YOUR * Wf?fc"*mH Mil IU (] Mm. Mcllirwo — blilt. Tartar „ Sill Plumbing, Heatings Tinnnig IU SSI-Ulud Umborto A> Arcan- tit o Bonlcn a Conn. Aaata.) n-ntt ««d Anna Barria . IIi.t3 Wm. UcMahon ... Jit 111 aud bldl.. ORDER TODAY McaU lurro bldf falo Until — 1M.1I MI , niiii-m Teltpbone CRantonl 8-0314 1 Cnjr.-B»n _-m.i 8uhJtcL-ia-l Ttrtat- Htratrto- 1.13I.I5 J C. W, Buklit . 11.11 tnf It n 111I1!I SI tnd InL from (tana. Sewer, Bold ud Prl- MOUnm 1. Baat . 4141 ul u tot t 10.31 and bldf, rtatni »ld«_ April lid. 1131. ilto Bonlca Conn. AmU.) .Hoiduuj 1-hUlp Brkatta. Jr. Bldf Co. Ml Udf. ~ Tereat Huaano , . 111.11 IT! 11 ud bldf. Lulfl Coluorl (Turn ud Boad AaaL) 111 Itm-nT i V,eap Uldl Co"= I A wlft .. H 31t.ll KEEIN'S Naaqr Tunlaoa -,,- Workmtnl ITtiat tnd Blorm Sewer AaaL) 119-Uf ud P. J. Bindenberger *UKCkr A "wtfa . Bldl Co. Itt 13-11 and Cot Ulbeon 33S I to IS A. bVhnelder, D. B. bldf A wlfo .i.__~. ill i«dotd« n J BKktr. Inc. rrltdmtn A (Tain tnd Blorm Bawtr AaaL) MARKET III -4 Urn. Raatbrant M. A. IVoldberg Itl-B Itt-IU and Painter and Decorator Paal , .. , Lombtrdl BralDr _ bldf. - Nundl Coco tSS.lt 141 I and Udf. Bortct N. Uatcock I «a atorai Bawar Aaal A wife IM.ll CO ...M....H. «... lit ITtiet and Btona Bawar AatL) CHOICE MEATS I ta> Ilt4.lt ud laL III II to II Ulntt Taaarcblu 1K.1I [Tuaa it Arthur B. Lotett WlMStlud Int from BapL tU M9 A wlft MHMM *U 1 , A. Bchnaktor, D. aV L. Lott- » Uaeata ATCBBS CaUNTOBJK . W4I aid. INI. ,_ (Ttiaa. - Sewtr and -1 Orant Ictltj Co. . , Ml I . . '»t.4J K A. Uotdbrrg 1.1*- --1_itatla.) , —- 1 U. Blnftlat i.i, Mt 1 A. Bchntldtr, U. B. 5 til Sll-tlt- Subject ITBowfi . 5W rrledmtn A 131 , Charlaa lual — 411.11 aumti not jet dut toountlnt MI IS O> Jj'talaa (Taut, Blwar * Botd Ami.) to 1SST.M and taL. from NOT. 191 H U. llntt at HI S4S 111 to III Tho Bender Hold. IM S3 til ud StbaUna lalTitli " . \\ 0. Blaftlta S41 .bldf. - - Ittllf Co.— Ul 1 ud Ndf. Ljman L. tort- 341 111 lo 13S -Th« muJWr Hold- tl 0* Slaftlta ^ ^~J1 ' 8ub|Ml to Boad AaaL amounl- Ul I ud Udf. ~ TloU t. Do Vlnnqr 1M.SI Subject to Btwar ud Bpail — |g. \?Q I, _JJ 1| unt to IIM is ud InL rrom Ul I tnd ndf. Uwlt W. OlH - AMI, lultlutanm not «at dua Jult Ulh, III*. A wlft-—— lit ft tmoutlltf to 1451 SI tnd tut 311 111 Hra. Kmmt K. US 1 tnd bldf. Budolph A. Kraut- i.\auA mat Not, 9. ItM. - - —^~ itSA 11 tnd bldl. .JtMUtle Yinnuul Mljtl *. OWlkat SII 5HM3HI AbrahaaS Laiwunii .wald A wife 1U.U ' Bublocl lo Bawar Aaat amoual- •13 T to 11 reratfr A Hadao . 1111 K_ ITiiea ud Blorm Bower AatL) Ini to lilt 44 ud UL rrom 11 lo It VTeraUr A Uadeo . 11.11 "Si 0- Wnttla OcL 11, lilt. • 1 to! raralar A ludtt^ 1I.H JMt it O-llnnlW lit t to 11 rtraltr A HldM . IMS rx llaulta . »I»t and Blorm Sewer AST" -*S-a»4-*Uf;—Oeor-aV-*lak~ ia-inir it roHltt A.Btdat . IMI CnaTard Unar U. lUfalea . A wlta . IU.I1 lit l to « TanterA llaaea~. U.JI Carat. lac __ a IlntMm - (Tuta ud Boad. AaaL) m i to it ranter A Hadee . 1I.U CrutardaUM. 111 Ul ' M. F. Wheeler Sit It Barth Jacobaon _ 11,41 Cara^ton. _. U.t4 ri tt«im " "(Tun and Blotto D«wer AitL) !(Ti.na,_Btwtr. Bot fit » 10 41- -CtmalaHTtuof . 'aal<(Tuea,.Btwert Rartlct Conn. Hold. * and Cn> IM 1 to U - ^ BUrariaa _ M.M OK*., tne, _ rr. Votd you Haw round tt bant »fc«j»Mt»». OrsananlMutr "*"(Ttxtt udBntd AaaLI SM Ml to MS US t U » Btrbtrt Shtplra _ MM TSTDU*. XtglnstnBSapaiinsxB0 9irml-l» UM— John B. Uabbrtt, BtJtl tu-M to II - Bam ettril i_-_i.-»».M w. ltn bldf. « wife • 1 Iw to SM4I4 ud InL mm Til 14-19 :-. ennford Put i U. . naftlanaftlaa MI ISt-tlt tad Ottefiard Homa OcL Ulh. lttl * Baaltr Co. M.H Bubjart ta 8»wt»»wt». Bwd AA UU Udf. Bldf. Co. MH». 4 Ml-Mt Jennlt K. Baamaa; BubjKt to.Sawar ud"Prlralo TOUT bath tab. baste, an*. HaM w»ffl fttaBarileo Aaata. tmaunllmtmaunf Ifain aid ftorm Bower AaaLI SM-A..IM-U1. •arrlct Coon.,Aaau a*rait- BtalJtoorwmbeaatofckaBatmjaraa toMtM MtMl l Wdd U. Ut t tramm Oe Oet t lit n-Sl-Maad Bualnaaa ._ tndbldf.- . B, Marwln ™JM.U Imt lo listm ud bCbom «bjB BdW^ '— • ,_~ "«£: 1 a> Itafllta ™^ 'tLtt - - (t«aa.»nd Bttrat Btwtr AiaLK - Subject to load Aaat. umml- IU «• Oancorordd Fatk ttttjacl to Bawar. Bold ft rrl. lit tMl-U aad Harr H. AMI u tSiet ud InL from Be- ~ Oar.. CoC . S.U Alwajw Rdfir«]iing - Do? wilt rtatnrw It* •»»«* kama »M nuT itta Sanlet Aaau. aaaouotlnf *r. W.. Jr. 19.41 ano\ dos»' tt without aoatrtatas tte OruMdaluM to I3II.U ud IHL Iraat OIL ^., ._ —na Di»i. »» Hit—I —•L.Ni Fttlw Co.. Cor», IM. — load Aaata. Tnalalltwiu no* »T~is-M*- - atarDooier £& lfa .__«« \11 Bodo an alw^yt retntiilrai Bad., BjaaWMtrtaeta. JM urmkae k MOe CrutardMuaf nt dua t—-*'•! to IIILtt M» •W»Sr- SM m t Dn. Co. ~ lt.U - ' uNCJUM l.-J.i-Jo you win flnd them roon Una •SM"'TIW= Bt Ml If MBTTjUud Cjt^r; MI deUdooB, the way w* pnpkn tab Witt (laaot wttt itlanrnaiai, Ka ut own CartviXL. it-n (TOBII icwta . (SUM ud load AmU «u 11-11 and mtaj IUJB water nwtk.- < tMf. BartleiT. TnthlU i M.Sl V. w. .atooaar _ 1M.M Drop tn wt*n you BMd Caovlae. — u s-t Blrcntll _ SMI '•Oanrord-aUnor- , to Baw -B--lWn •«4S llFhnln JUttt. uaoaiuu Htm Mr AaaL ... IS to IS Bifc to BUM u« M. trw oZ 4aT tit lo 191 - rattOald Dar. Co. tut ir-CT Tf* *" iff*,,, ».it Mf- lir*3>tt>ltt * PtMtM^iMV Ctt, ~ 4.U M 11 : in to lit ralrOald'toer. On. US tU tt «U U-M-U Bdward M. ^^ 4.1J IT 11 •_ ' IauIimJSnSii AUtrdaBt »«_ US UL frtat Ort. •aburt to narm Stwar. BaM BftthlC taa* CSS W, ita, * aad rmato Strttot Cota. tSt M —i ' u. auapuaa > Aaeta. imomitlairTa Main I, Babtaet ta Btawr. IMd • Prt- tad Sat. fraat Kor. Mb. Ut*. Ul U-U ». K. Parker

1 Uartinntoa Si. r-™^a, cBattti:^":st«.t^i MI uvnt . • t ^^j»$^^ ^^aa|M^a^..^r y ca^gagagggsj^m

13&i£i}Sl^m j-i. ;i.-i- \lUS, '/ill THURSDAY. JUNE 4; 19lj

•—^-* -*-*sl Lawn F WiflBRimtZE-BEAnTlFy YOUR HOME d »o plannd Adds New Charm ««* aupped easily ow New Cupboards «X CM wrj desirable outfit <* »" To Home Setting Recreation BSsn* AsMsT*Hami* Bmm* Srt has an asbeetos-Dnad cupboard tot Add Convenience thVSwi Another comes wtth> a ".iral Btcerpts from sp-eth of tlnbert W. Harden, president New J'r^w —•• - "To Old Kitchens ers AasoclaU.on. before opentntt / V Jr^^ Jaswiajs* •^-•^ JM—IIB *^M^^^ TP«*"»T • la passerby's erSott je. bar raild It I ofotT twenis-thlhtwenij -Thirdl annual romgunon uf classify—nest. —"~ -" ~ WUhen cabtoeu and cup- • u» «11 between the stud. Kew Jeraey Dul'dlm and Lonn League dOTO-rtgtH iB-sqo: - • • — much of Uit buut out from Uu> waU. rhls Is mslit Haddon Hall. Atlantic City: . "I have It on good authority Uial dur- 1 This la. the tlase at-jesr to apt K-uty »nd converoenrT »f the raodenj „,.,„, type u other cupboard unit, are tn? (he 1a.« yesr no. b woman who alreadyha» cruiting Sta'lon Newark, man uta'tej - much to the general aaascuwnws ot I tor NorUiem New Jersey. Two ofot r enmtort. At ony n»:.;. there have a kitthrn cabinet has weal need for ere h 8 tyeri eii'liTly loo many. your dwefflnr Hosj.aboei town fur-j runiilementary. utoraje «P«c fonven- them enlislrt «* " •*"' '"• *" ™" nlttrre? WooJd » owe brre and there, j ,e»t to the cabinet. For thU ate «...listed from the Nftvy Recruiting Sta- '•Without aUf-rotitliw lo »"nt'o whv or perhaps »gnas? at ibesde or rear 1 get two long, narrow cupboard* omtloiTl'oit Office Buildup. Blsabelh. those li««s» failed;-1 venlurn I lie num. ot the noose, add best**- «p pour homel j which U In charge ot O«W F. Oreb- that had the nmna rrmeni t»*i*ii n tor each lide ol the cabtmt that wll enneln,-«hM Kleclrlolan's Mat.. U. a. sfttlnf ..-••• I hnld r-n amaiinK anumnt ot nialerlal. wm.. «,iof KlMlrlolant Mat, tn^om In their eiturts lor the bnnk a% .muled Monday. they were to further"'Ihntr neraonal n(- RnlinU ttmoro working apaee Is rteedsd. thwe T|lfM mcn % tm wmllag are table-high cupboard* that will hold " » l)sllns, from 10l«betli those iMlltullom would be n|> " tot mm Oct L»wn furniture tfrta jwx te more at- j l tractive and serrtoeabBe liisn erw be-1 flourbl!lk«u|>pUe«b\i]li supplies orr iiiflvu"nWiMfe; »»T »yr k'-CL O In many combination* ot drawers .. »v.v» Prtinlc'rml , "Oni (tir> other hand, well ovpr'BPO In- Ma O. fore. Moth oftt to rady-*M2t and is] ntllutlons li)' New" Jersey Imve r.n far aaJ nil ..„ nhclvc. and wllh monel me al. u. 151 Myrtle street. «!*»• now do* handled by yoar local banner dealer. I »lne, porcelain or bokellte tops. They , men enlisted an Al«>ren-1weathered.-ihe sturin nml tl«' ofllcera R8 Other-wings sarh -a* tnSSse* nod ver- I may". nl^S be-obtalned In heUhts thai • m-and w<-r* wnt.lo Ihr ot tlioiw InsMfutums are rtmiylni . ISMI gotes can be tanH '«!• sxaS cost- Per-1 wtnjlU) tinder Uw alnlt,jalU«iu«h this. i. NewiMrt. flhmle IdadooU. •oias»-tfj the/~waj;-rcaa fae rrrs<1q tamely serrfcrabi*- K they *re «re«i veeHabk'cupboard with venrtlaled bins ed, they are deBgfctad pisses lor sen- for • UiB, wff/kfl"'? of ihri? p?rlj!i-

|n«"'meatt''in1S'iaf-«SaM'«a5s-«>r brMfe ,i',lor will also add' VonvcillciicH tcfW Du IK It) ill Him t ui*i t "™ •"*••>< >•/••••••• -- t--- I i iiMili ainsitl ••»• Ill"1 * t liltilf VllHr IlllO

chBH3"a\r*'f; help muse ««*«»*«—••• --.—; • cja'lm.' WiUioiifKVrwi'lnl'iimna^em-nl - - -"-iKr met; - • •Vr F""/ accessories- The* srapan or I*™*™ ,-. < h u broiirri 'closet which-removes from and traveling In "Uw Navy lire 'plcntl- . ,|l»hom-iity, I can .hardly ••«•(• l\m an - '«iy i • r fl ()r // wbtte'orbrtoM'eoBoe* so contrast effec- remalioB reonn are UeaJ J»' •« the pantry or general closet a moat un- in! »* ihete are Otty-flve trades In the (uuKK-inUun enn lull. BMlWOaTL- M.SI (or younr and old. B"» •• • •atoy WOioa — tively with the djufew .gr«B ol grass tidy array of- thing!!, llrooms, oil mopsL Ntt'vv and •there^^: I,t, cShiderabc<«f*.lderabll e tray-y I ..„,,„!,„, nMw inrnpHWon H lu rn 1U.IT the vswiim (leaner, ., dusting "* '' d • " •:- «».--»« ..i«n has I. n,^ | mltimtl'il tlu'omi'lvcM rm IM ASM. and trees. 1 ",**',„„,. ,„,. Navy Bvsry man has uml m¥B n*,tt M* 1st. %o,v, leather lhi«ters, rle-anlng oil and ny 1 ill yoa enjoy hmb. JOB Aodld bv all 1 •• .--.I., be kept '" lu H t mil confident tin "' I' "«>"' »' MM. 1^ ar?_ "ll-Uue- ^.»iHiif ^li'10-tui. JU. ulL Wr m'L"v.h(> (an bn lielter nenni l» i"» I KMKMHgMTm the ami1!*". iw> •1* """ ™»"'" "^ ,ard ship, and" he l» It.Vriuri.'d thrrr ' mnbiilfdliit ami Tofif) f .nmtinm w II rt.it ullow The mitim rule « »'' do thli. posts. day are stripping the basement ot Its bulll-ln U»rd EtH'IMr1 d In tt Iho board In alwn) ! clemi It |«, l-eiiulred lo do twelve weeks ot we shall bn li pniipcr Olhi'iwlw nut ••orklng clothes and dressing it in new adjuitnblo in height, aba- Nttv . BUI training »t Uw »' Training Hlutlmi 1» nut borruw tor leiulmg I«»P" '^ SpeaKne ot posts. tbrre- as rjothing array for family nweatlon and enjoy- lloniiw only I" mirl nii'igmiles IU'- . UI.S1 that spoils the aecraranor of a bac*- ment. Game rooms are becoming the vrrl l» Iho mUiiuil Idea "I i™>»i I" ["" y«rd"more tftsui stabbr riothes posts I rule rather than the exception In newdampness common In bawmentfl L. H. CHAFFEE ,llvl(luuli lor tin- i>ui|)..w '" I1"1;"""11 New ones cost fcule and »in eOect » I homes: cellar dampness, darkness> and effected bj lining wulU. ceiUngs tlirlr homos OW iii»f nil"""" l" nmt improvement m appeiarance dirt ai* giving way to dry, brijhl, Carpenter and Builder 1 Orilrrt Alwayi Popular the IIUII»>IIT ot tin' boriiiwer. li»'k cheery quarters where >"-"« *«™"f» 1 lirH ll111 An. »ttracir.e pSsjtaxae for jror l Jobbing a Specially | Hill. 0 Hil.lHit II"" " •» ' ' him ui> bi'lun- you unnH » l'«» Hiss . 4M.lT L uieir railroad tracks and stack their children ts another barkyud possibil- y saSS I lit - it UK II fonil. tll"V ity Pteyhouoes tbar days come ready- 'building blocks and where adults can Un' lluniiiiiii nil rnivfek 0. Onus. made. If you want tfasi fcnd. or you can I mjoy billiards, ping-pong, bridge, back- Ti y a QlnwIPi'd Ad * wlf. MT.U PrivMc Bwtn have one boat wttho* jpendfflg mod. gammon and what-not without clutter, S=8 money. Your hnribtr dc»Ser oarhelp trig up regular living space on the floors iiuruirnt 1HI» »n =bi! done eay y at small cost "reeling two-by-foum and nailing In- Telephone Cflnnford B-M1 Colors i """A fence ss alwars aa mteresJlng ""Owners of home, already built are d to the side the recree- l also finding *ays and means-of-con- , to the lower ll poaarOBtr-for «*»»*« J^f vertlng buement apac. '°™«»V *".1- ittracUfeneas rf » beese Fences Im Se'noor ioliu On walls, the board- «L into pleasant rooms for family to imlli! an ullraitive bosemenl- room. ii ta rZCZ ^ncspben o» coriness andSreatton A little oarctnl-planning should be nailed to furring strips: ForIf you diclde tn build Mich « room. Iwrc ££*,. ^ for par*- ^ ^hVapendltufe ot a small sum of the floor, irauLUlon board should bo I, the best plan Ui follow Klrsl Jto- children add pewe of nnod . mil cide in a Kfiiirnl »ay what >ou want. 'hen mil « H a -,-- • - con- Una-Jtha M.U will brtw the omera the Umc and money HK'nt In Wu Jihn BH. M.U stmrtlon ** JlSle ^_" "ItTT dnnlk tad load •Uai lo I1M.U , sbouii ox onrr ever! Permanent Home* itloas' seoonani'la Tsz wtshtostU- Be»t lnve»tment

i miil« b»for«itto co»- t a Wi Ml >-J '*"i-t^? * nf f >Tr*iatndiWA>jrar<*v. IU lttb asj of April. MIL The Bre

rtSe^a-ndStSo-riKelVBtrw'ad' rt .'tower liwirance premium

Railway Swimming Pool Be Proud Qf Now Open for Sea»n tbly Payments --he nah.aylwlmmlng pool opened i and Omtul_Wcgki rERH U • b«u.lful home, pure English la ^factory Berrtc* Xl •tyle.ih.t«nNbullt.t» .urprl.lnBly _«* MoJemni •MU / -c6w.Th.tU*oomi It MnulnurtjarejMlylaW. Telephone CRanford frfl508 ~~7fowt — OUNTOBJK A new tuo porch. out Co jive maximum convenience »nd comfort- Mweoors, bulk-in coavenUncei.tll Comela wd toipecTtb- plan andlet ui ihbw ' omd StandardXumEer & Supply Go. cso be built at u» you iom*o£th« other attractive home plan. w. Csll ill on <»r have In our Hb™ry. AU are Ueilgned by Teading IUUMBERFOR ALL ^ " modtraiilacplsns you msy bs»e —oui "irchlteeu »nd can be built »t • low coat. experience rosy SAFETY been reengaged and When building a home be »ure lo protect your SSiSW own Idterett by'iniUting on the use of •'Certified GUARANTEED Grape Arbors, Fences. Etc. - Material!" that «e guaranteed and backed by » national surety ^ompany."Crrt)6eo

iXour^ ftoMbk quUlry-they do. however, ...ure y^u » QutUtyHome. See our Service Department for Savings L; F.M.t«n -•***: »oy bulUlng wlrlce.Thereii^o obligation. f rFai.«ia»adu.l When Your Home Needs Painting Refir«liing No job loo «naB or large for

I then mart than i way mi ff in whan you BMA OlfaaiafenaDsa

, j-. •«- >r-, . J' ' ssfAOTsr T H«DW«B r COAL MM««t*. UtMOJfW* I, fc ' •-1 k.. ' ,,A~ -,. • ••"'J *.r_-';, fj$i& 5-1- i- i>^""Bfia*a*A V.' -Vrt<*'i L ''^i2J5&ma&&Mk THE CRSNFORD OTIZEN AND CHRONICLE. THURSDAY, JUNE 4,

Greater Gar wood Page Garwood

hi June will be at their bast tn Septem- MOTICE or sAit or no property owners tn Willow avenue. Bast ber. Other annuals that «ay be plant- or huckiUn. on the ground that dellv* P.-X-A. H*»C«dP«rty or TAXCS AN of the brook, requested that~"Bie low ed -how or even In early July for Bep- .erics are being nude. In the light of tember bloom are centaureas, corn SeekFollEnforceraen. t , the attorneys optnion. Coundlman Dti-land be filled In. If dirt from the South For Camp Endeavor Pt'BLK NOTICE la brf Dowers, calendulas, and candy tuft All uadcril4ra*i. iahn E Bi avenue pavtnr Job la carted on to the Taiaa, of the Uoruticlt uf- property, Mr. Rocco laid; the property Ui PLAIN of these annuals are easily grown. Oouulir ot t'nlnu Mill at I) i A card party under the aiupicei of Usually young planta produce better Iha Borouih Ball of tlip jn Peddler s Urdiiiance —•*••»- STST-NTS owners would pay for any damage LANGUAGE wiirlli, on the which might result from driving over the P.-T. A. was held Tueiday evening fall bloom than do early-planted ones _ _ —"•... ' pla'» of such action, he moved, and the at the residence of Mrs. W. R. Hlchart. fiom that have already bloomed during the MTH II V\ Ul< 1 K n tt aubs The matter, wu referred to the at ! r M. IDilllilil rra>lm street committee. 730 North Broad 'street, Elizabeth, for tununer. Council Will Attempt to Ap-' T'' 'J^ ^t Uie benefit of Camp Endeavor at liif daarrlt>«l lanila ••• . ,. write lo the firms cited, exiiuunum m*- After receiving notice of hearing be- In sowing these, annuals, be sure to Bald Units «UI br uM I Scotch PJalra. Eight tables of bridge keep the seed bed damp until germin- of amnlilnal Hem .liarcub Ply Regulations to Bakers p ./visions of the peddling ordinance fore the Public Utilities Commiaslon were in play and prizes wen won by on th* flru ££ »*<*«** «>«» * «•* «" ** by thorough watering'or by covering amount from the satil flru Jersey Central Transportation Co: toMm. Myrtle Bradley. Miss Evelyn Pag- itato or ialv ai»l IMU «r i discoloring of the leaves, the result-of the bed with burlap. These late-sown Make "Deliveries." j Actln. Mayor Acker drew, attention operate thirty motor buses' between ans, Mrs. Robert Wolff, Miss Erdean Delphinium Black Spot - Bald lanila «1H br >i,U In —i . .' < * ,to three (asoline pumps, which are he- Phillipsburgh and Rowlle Park, council Phelps, Mrs. Carroll Sellers. Mh» Ruth punctures made by the mites. Indi- planta may be used to replace early- aa will imriUft* Itif Mani-. The BortjU'h'^CDuncirTumday night, moved to (rant local permiasian. The Thorn, Mrs. Jack Walthef, Mi» SaIHe By B. P. While cates a loss of green coloring material, blooming annuals or perennials that tloo at tlir lowivt rulf of or chlorophyll, from'tile, leaves. Con- raae In eirau ot tliflil |i»r decided, after much discussion, |o nwxe' '""ment hearing at Trenton Is for approval of Currle, Mrs. Joseph Shirley. Mrs. V. 1. Airicnltanl Experiment Station have passed their prime. Tha uarnuit lur U» a^lrn an effort toward having Uie ordinanceI local permits, hence this borough wl\l tinued and severe infestations cause the tha eonrliiakin uf the tule v f Charles Bohr, and Miss Daisy Spector. be rtaold. governing peddling In tliis borough' offer no opposition. lower leaves of such plants as phlox -* The consolation prlxe was won by MJss Although black spot of delphinium is Jap Beetle Controllers Aur larLel of real |>r<>im more strictly enforced. The eaat of ^^ " The Onion County Board of Chosen and other perennials and annuals to nort m e u> 1 England. more severe In July and August, earl; ahall-vv- tio othi-r lturt Ims,- baken selling their ware, from door to * * "*? •**•* *° < 5"*, ?* Freeholders reported the new police Infections may now be seen In some become brown, dry, and to drop off Prepare or Season and aold to Ihe llnruucli' a The prties were donated by; Anthony prematurely. • ._.'•-... fur redeinlitlitn at elglit |>< door was of particular interest to the «>P"»«« .secure the permits, but wjth- teletype alarm system of which Oar- gardens. It is-•from.-these early infec- munlrltiatlllet Htiall lidtv 01 uu t ;Dlozee. Mutual Orocery Company. Mr»- ccuncU. In th*ir desire to have the- " •"•"• ,•"•. * ^ ~_1~r °^ wood will be a part, will be In operation tlom thnt the ^fflfteria: responsible for Phlox. dfelp.Mniums. and roses; among ana rldm ai ,lli« linirt tn lliou 1 Prochadty. Mr. Camjiuky. Scher'a Preparatory to the opening of the peddling reiulSlloiRTntorrad, and It P" P? l' •», P~««««« »t <*** July 1. Mrs. Anna Luster, over- blatk spot spr«d to_pther leayes.and other plants, are .especially susceptible rlKht tu Ur ur rtirrtloxe I! —u,aw -u»ru-m—w.-vitnr-m-i>>.-:r---u.«n«i-„——*.—UtQ-—JLBIaand **pC t UnOCE- HfTT—ilffirl—UK Qnll±- Bryg-SteMrMraJl-Volgt-^Bncx season_of-.-Japanese_ beetle activity^ ~ ' !'*» _ i__ the poor, reported six fomornie! . *"• eventuaiiy"cause .thefSlsfisturation arid •t^Uk^f^d^mWsT-So-also-Hret^aUM^ - nance is with. Joseph Mulara, Mrs, William Rlchart WUllam'B. Duryee(. state secretary of The Bale !• maiU> innlir euch of the provWoni of being helped. Fire Chief Thomas Brlt- dcfeliation of the entire delphinium ranny shadsha e trees, pparticularly oaks art of the Leg-Mature ent Borough Attorney Na»h staled the Mrs. Wilbur Healy. Mrs. Robert Wolth agriculture, Monday morning, officially crrillilK unpaid lait-. as* . .,_."... (KS*E««..,nS,.>lt« " foil- on-'bits of infected leaves pend somewhat on Uie available equip- New Jersey this 8ummer. The school schools enjoy,a vacation of two weeks » prnptrty with Ilitf lutirt-al cult to •enforce.' the reiulallowM-fa ni ^^.^ refOT u,e „»,,„ to bencbei for Ihs police sUtlbn. Acting In the woods and hills under the carefi-' and stalk tissue, and'serve as sources of ment. Thorough and frequent syrlng-. is being held at the Japanese^Beetli! up to time of rajrui-iit , . the early injections on the lower leaves.. ^e™' " '152 CB™ l Ty •'"* l"wd)''lhe poUco commltte. with power Mayor Ack»r expresaed-ihe opinion the siipervlslonof the superirilendent. Mi? Ing of RlanCs with strong streams of CJuaran tine Office an White Hone. fl)jKk Lot » Name Theirfore any infected 'leaves found at water often prevents the mites from d«llvcrtni dw." V successful .affair was'composed of Mrs nurseries. tn_th«. state, ore Instructed at" 6 3 Ad !!• •-Vl7Mhe and burned WlVreinoval oi thifiEiKlPe lower. ^aTHaveT compictea"I6U5je. especially i ^ 6 4 Adtlli' 11> 'joint'Trunk Sewer .would be $6,4*».1». Jajferi jr, Miss Ruth Smith and 1 the Japanese beetle. Ai; the begln- « 31 \M\f 111 to the. street committee. The engine) degrees Fahrenheit, gives satisfactory t, Jiuinlh they wUl.begln, 8 2J 34 Atlilk Ik Shirley. . ...,..,,.,.-, ., :.,-,y. control becaUsTthe: dust provtfles' pw-H 4 _th*4oUi was-arrived.at . thr-lr antiiiriipr Brtlvitai y of superintendited- , J SI..SK JLJilk.Jl: Councilman Dn«an opened the dl*' the contract price p*ld by the Joint Jolnt-uunk sower., work, as ctalmedT i ARWOOD -SCHOOL- NOTES tectipn'fdr scveTaT""days7 EverygTeen Ing the. work of-150 men who have II 31 A I. \V the contractor would make'repairs. trees having fairly open foliage "may n it »»»!> ii cuulon by ankliu: If all the regulatlpiu Electing In replacement work else- SCKOOL drenching the soil about, the delphi- been employed to make Inspections and 14 II. 14 JuvMl V of thn peddling ordinance ore twin? where. Although Mr. Cady reported After Councilman Murray reported NemofSIU nium clump with a .solution made at be sprayed with a Ilme-sulfur solution do the scouting work occasioned by the ir io. IT l* J'»vi>ii v upheld. The ordinance "covers a lot thai in making measurements he hadBuilding Inspector Jacob L. Miller is You ihotlld see our penmanship 6ook- <{Uf' rate , of one corrosive sublimate diluted 1 part of lime sulfur tq SO to 60 j ™ " and linllillni •erlously IU, Councuma»^Nead offered parts Tit water. The use of pyrethrum i v^"" 14 111 Jiuil'h V of territory, but I wonder it it's doing' been accompanied by< a representative lets. We feil certain that anyone tablet to om quart of water. Use one rater. The use o. W""J™»l-No highway. Inspections for Japa- 15 I : ArUmr I Rny good", the councilman mid, re- a motion' that Oustav Bley be ap- pint of this solution to each small 8 ha VC t 5 ry . and ImlliUwr, of the Joint sewer 'engineer, who had would be able to write well If he fol- Soap spraspay ^. !j;?p i^ ' ^ Uese beetle^, ar^ e aademad e ^In Ne New JerseyJmey . T pointed as temporary building Inspec- ft 10 Kt.«iK 1 porting he lutd received complaint* agreed" with him, Oouncllman Murray lowed the Instructions given In these dump, or one quart to a large, well- when done thoroughly. The appllca-] wh0,e ,tate „ ceoetMi to 1", II (.lurtlaut from the Busincsn Men's Association, chairman of the street committee, de- tor. The motion carried. Mr. Bley will booklets. • They wllhbe on display at established dump: Do not allow the tlonof-any spray or dust should^be- infested with the Insect 1", 41 Kilnun I1 which was keenlyinlM-estcd In Its en-clared he thought the amount was toocerve until Mr. Miller Is able to return exhibit tune so that everyone may see :oll to dry out following this treatment, directed to the under surfaces of ththee "already° , though the Infestation in the 16 44 Artlmr II to his duties, • . leaves where the mites are most TIU- IS III Alia "ill actment. Borough Clerk Walter B. low. His request that the measurement* them. since slight Injury to the delphinium northern part Is very slight. However, 31 IS 19 Urrcurl" Councilman Dugan suggested that may be the result. Gather- and bum erous. ' :'...-'» •.. • •_ • . and l.ulldlm McXtanu* declared no permits have be referred to 'the street committee the men are needed to examine nursery 31 J> 411 Utuitt 1 been Issued, while acting Mayor Acker for Investigation and report was rati- new fire hydrant be Installed In Locust ••:•- PRANKUN SOH . . all old stalks and leaves ot delphinium Spider mites increase In" numbers stock and fruits and vegetables destined and lnilliltne. avenue, near the Cranford line. There nest fall. • . very rapidly, and a severe Infestation 31 10 I'rtnr Jt raid the police have reported to himfied by the council. Utrs. Wilson's 3B class have,bee\bU5y for shipment from New Jersey to other 31 ^ A 11 II all peddlers dolim-business in the bor- Acting Mayor Acker stated that when are several houses lacking adequate fir makW bird booklets. A «tory about may develop within a week or 10 days. states. Goods found "free ot infesta- ]» 11 r. J I1' ough are covered by veterans' licenses. the money U received from the Joint protection, he said, and some have t the bird Is written first and then a plc\ June-Plant tl Ailu **\ which sells from hoiise to houM here, be sought, with the proviso that local The matter was referred to CouncUmai painted. -The red-headed woodpecker, control measures at frequent Intervals. stock and on* the Japanese beetle Is 43 83 l-rlor * Dugan as chairman of the Ore commit- N. 1. .VtTlrultural Extension Service 40 11 31 l.ula, |.|?i' Councilman Dugnn declared he, andmen be used In doing the Job. He de- robin, cardinal "and the Baltimore orl reviewed at the school under the direc- ' 41 It. -II <.iil* W* members of tho Business Men's AMO- clared this plan Is being followed by tee, for Investigation and report at thi ole are the birds already, finished. tion of George K. Handle, supervisor and bulldUK next meeting. 'line-Is probably the best month" to Still Time to Plant Annual* 69 1 >l«ry A. elatlon, thought' when the ordinance other municipalities. Walter Smallcy has drawn tt robin -m of Japanese • beetle quarantine work 59 t Ilinry 1 1 By A. C. McLean was passed, they would coma wllhln.lts A formal reporp t was r** '^ '""" a piece of wood which he has painted plant dahlias. When planted earlier. In New Jersey, and others engaged In and bulldlnt provisions. After CounclUnajiJLoveland and Michael-WarchoVa picture of-the 4ah!las—tisuully—develop—vigorously at N. J. Agricultural Extension Service SB (I Jl J«.-«! (he Inspector of tb» Public UtUIUes ' BOEOUOll the work. In addition, the-policy of and InilMlm Hult-i expressed the came belief, Councilman Commission who investigated the condl- read-headed woodpecker. first, but arc* later retarded In growth conducting the inspection work to as st l». SO Ki'l">l I Dugan offered u motion that the police tloh of the" Center alreet grade cross- The Hev.. B. W. Tannlcr, pastor-ot by the hot. weather-of summer and at- and bullillni 8t.'Paul's Church, was the speaker a There Is yet nmple tlmc'to sow many to cause a minimum of inconvenience S3 5 J Kllini be ordered to atop the bnkcifl from sell- Ing after complaint bjrtb* councU. The LINCOLN SCHOOL tacks ot Insects. A severe,cutting back and liulldlni . 1 the Memorial Day services Saturday In annuals for late August and September of nurserymen and others, is empha- Ing here at once aiw keep them idle report stated the crossing was In bad The following girls have been award- of the plants will Help to overcome the bloom. • : ,. • ' vu>. sized ln-the classes,,. . - 03 II WAS until they oolWtnieniiltt. ~The-motJpn front of ihe'World W»r tiblot In Wal growth retarding effects of hot .weather,1 .nil btilMlim ,, «hape »nd sliould b* repaired, us noth- ed typewriting '.pins'-and cehincius: Asters, ifue, of the best- of the lall- 03 10. IT V. J ill nut. JtfecL__The_nev!_Pe'tcrJf^Wall. Olga--OlUnick, 40 words per biliiutp, 3 anil thorough spraying; will'keep ln-_ 01 30 31 \lllolilti- bloomlng; annuals, may be planted as Odd Fomlnina Adoromelnt nude. Oouncllman Nead augmented pastor of the akrwood Presbyterian errors; Anna Chuntak, 30 words. 5 er- secto.under control. '' I ,a as June 1 with the expectation of ami biill'llnl and carried. • ' Church gave the Invocation and bene tc ti t Tho Jiiisnl nuineii of Afrlcu )ire very 04 !l. 33 ' W J II At tliia point Borough Attorney Nosh Uie report, staling he had. talked with rors: Barbara Rledcr, 36 woftta. 3 er: June-planted dahlias make.a slow butj u„ ^X^-dishi,,y-oIl.blo6mJa.iate 03 2 IIUKMll "the Inspector on the occasion of his sec- diction. Councilman David J. H s; Marie DePrertas. 34 words, 7 cr iturdy growth' .during.-wann weather^ J :.: ed.. ,teni.-Ubeni»y,:glve; •fully-clothed-hi hides draped-loosely and ACUIUJ Mayor-Acker entered thn Murray placed awrcathron the tablet epU 4eri ft a abont'-'thenC Their, ornamentation Is 65 Unwell discussion with tho delivery kink. The bnd vlilt to Oarwood and he had stated rorsi Ruth Bradshaw, 3a words, 4".er- and a fa-ae,..grov.th Uurliis the"cooler-^,^.plcnty D, room-and^unllght. and lluad A: TJie service'was arranged by the Oar- aiTiistoundlng feature. From ankle to llu VII attorney j?hiJmcd_t.hat_lri other munici- Jhc railroad would be ordered Uunake rors; Mary Wanat, 32 words. 5 errors days, of late September and early Oe- ; 'piuto^ «,em_fxom.'aisease^ . .' C J- OS wbed-Olvfe-BeRMbllcan League. -=—— ; kneer frora.Tvrlut to elbow and -from palities suchi Unkery acrVi™ has tilccea-" permanent Imprewment."~ " -TT^*--- Eluabclh'Boney, 3J words, 7 errors; toh-r."...'. These"" late-lilanled-. Uahllds; ComDleie^^,^0ha-Hfor -,^revcntlng ItllHfltll elliuw to shoulder they are hotfnci 05 T. ! fully opposed ciaislflcatlOli as peddlers, Angelo Roccoof Newark. reprMenllng Acting Mayor and Mrs. Henry W Cora Morgan, 30 words, 4 errors; Alice usiialty-produce-.the best- flowers and.i dtJ,,BBe3 ot ^^len are containecontainedd IInn IU...I A dlsJ BBe3 ot len are rouml arid round with thick wire which OS I) 111 II llasil>: day and week-endTn.mamfOro:,; Conn: . „ , „ R. P. White of the'New Jersey Agrl- 09 14 to 18 IIIIMrll Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morrison il'nd A that dahlias are cssoitlallra tall flower. „•„„„„, Experiment Station. ..Any New 03 19. 20 family motored to Delaware -Water When the Light Dawned JM'lTOM ilwir best diiring sfptOTbcr. Je „•.. s,:-1 'RJu'triaVRailroads lluad A y mayy obtain'-a copy of- Many- tarue Industrial corporations •1 21 llliwll Oiip. to pass Memorial Day. " .- on Obstinate Merchant or early October. ., . , jihl , n ltoad A GRANFORD fEED this publication from his local county build" and operate railroads, as ad- Mr. and Mrs. XW. Severs and Mr."The eilltoriir thn local jwiwr wim •--Thi- best dahlia b'l&Oms are produced 05- si. n lluaMU. agricultural agent, or by writing to the ItUNiell and Mis.-Edward Frowcry spent th on young. strong-Krowing shoots of juncts of ilielr plants. The outstand- 83 34 tt SOUTH unable to Beciiro ailvertlMlns from Mall Clerk, New Jersey Agricultural 104 AVE.rEAiyr ^ holiday week-end at Cranberry Uke. of (he Imsliiess niwi-uf the tnwn, who youiis plants. Tlie gardcuer may plant ing example Is-- tlio . United States 03 Experiment Station, New ,. 03 is! SI) lluuill AMI08T OI-rOMITG It. It. STATION ON UNION TROLLKS LINK "hsscrlcil moully thnt lie hlinwlf pi-vrr roots or gecen plants (rooted cuttings)" Steel cirporiitlriri, which operates 3,600 Mr..and Mrs. Ftwik Wicks of Willow Snapdragons sown now will produce miles ' of rullrottTl,"-"countInK double ltoad A: .rend mis. nnil illilii't believe at'thls'Seo&iif V.I1U tood result*. The 31 to 35 llu.Mll avenue are now residing In-Plalnfleld. good tall bloom, and scablosas planted .track anil sUUngH,. or niore.tbuD ouougb (3 DR1CONURE- HYPER^HUMUS PEATMOSS elso did. .'..."• wilier believes Ercen plants give the lluad A The aarwood Civic Republican Club best results, since vhey dd not tiroduce tnicknge to cross the continent. 30 10 40 Riiaaril Fix Up Vonrt»wrg-nctore-Hot-Dry--Weather-Wshoot&...' .. ' KEANSBV/RG .-" *1 CC Rauai are born every day and 100,000 die. at their summer home in Lavollete. editor, ran,a Jlrip'bf small type. ID an RKU ARROW SI'RAV BLACK ARROW UU8T tibucure corner. It rcatl: Dahlias should be planted 5 to 0 WATER WITCH «?1.JJ - Trla There are no exact statistics and the Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson spenl inches-deep In well prepared soil. The aad aUir Nartk Janay Rntrti estimate of Professor East Is bused on the week-end at their place In. Wai i-'WImt Is Murphy going to tlo about Every Tuesday and Thursday J ROSE BUSHES, 20c EACH dalillu xrovts best on a tight, loose soil, records of countries In which there 07 41 pack Center. •.•'.•• • "^ ur that is vi ell aerated. In Jane and July . are official census data. SI 31 tauter Supreme Claudius Fernet Brtanlut Rapture <9 GS The;businens man, Murphy, hasten Late-nlantcd dahlias may be fertil- Leaie Cran'tanl _ -Z. 7 SI— in.41 A. U It 8.0 CIUnro«,0.OM! C. K. TRUUENBACH AM Oaa Hw Itr Daillaat Sailai Tim. ami building Choir Music Evidently ej to neek out thn cilltor nc\t tla>. IK' ized luunrdlatel) v>lth Rood advantage, Houlla ailniitled that he nan being pestered nelunilm Tlratli liixxl On All Tralna Data Pradictintt; Tamparaluraa. .Open Kvrnhu;» Until 8:0«—Saturdays Until 9:0t .. Had Grated on Pastor since there It not much danger of ex- Two scientists at tho Scrlpps Instl- It IS Kill out of his wlti hr tilt turlous, He cessive growth early in the season Far Datalll noaa CRufoM «U7I ItoarU* Music In purlsli ehiiri'lm >>u agreed ttt staml hy the editor's es|>IAn ttitliiu of Ociniinirsiph} lmvo fouml " ~*.t it - llaal About 1 IOWMBOOU ot fertHtwr contain- ran *—AmnU Boom—Uodtm diutpnanl tlmt by close study of the surface tern-' •Iwuys dlsUiiiiulslinl by -Its rhnruin. atlon In tli« forthcoailng Issue, and • II tl Heal ing S per cent nitrogen. 10 per cent .peraturn, of ocean water off. La Jolla 1 This nnS'jurlljt due to Ihe fact that this' was: nljojphorjfi arW, and ,5 per cent potash, Roaelle It uftwi WHS wrung fVpni «ncu*i th«y_ coulil' twiHct. fairly accurately- 7! 1* Radways "Tested' Grass Seed ".Murphy is foiiig. to. ^dwrlljfi, at b recommended -for each lull. -Thor- NEWJERSEYCENTRAL SOKllff slrlmiuliis vf llitt linttmiuIQm ~ urder course." " <~ Iho averago atmospheric tenuwratures H~ S3 •'LAWNMAKER" IMrmula LAWN grass—SHADY and QUICK QROW oughly mix this fertlUtcr with the soil. over southern California during the mi) bernr* thnt. of course, by Ihe vll Hating once advprtl"'-- Tl !« lira! -Era »«d CHEWHC6 i^CUe a^h^mPOaT^ , J»S«_flilillers jtnd . jiriu«l_n Itb still advertising—^'orrH<« Mngaslne. GTlafe Jill} or enrly August. «hcn the wind iiistrttinrtits. 72 '!'• H I) Amsterdam Is the true capital of 70 1 ltt«ni|ils to have one Installed In his blooms of large size will ha're io remove T« It. 2« - Inters this Influence, fautnstlc terms of all but one of Uie buds as they start Holland, arcorilins to the best authorl-N Hot tsbernncla. He compromtsed by al- speech replaced simple expressions tn 7< SI. 21 lnlrr-( to develop Retain only the one bud ATLANTIC CITY Ues, while The Hague It the court Hoi lowlnt a cornet player to lead the sn'eb a .di^re* that' the whole, move- 5, on top of the shoot and remove all side and return capital. The sovereigns of Holland IS in. 21 Ioler-< singing. On one of his tvangetltlng ment acquired a ridiculous character are crowned in Amsterdam, while The Hoi growth- down about 2 feet. lnter-1 tours he and htt ti - ieljDbor-cannof^lAnildn - alornmg MAliC-H-OIUNK" son la In full snins, lite only six -5 Pott Tho word "cleclrtcitj" was Brst Spider mites or red mites, ot which and return weeks, while fliose born after .the rush used by W. Gilbert, lu his trvutbse "De there are several different kinds, fre- j season have an average of seven NATURE* rfBftsn quently Infest . various ornamental B • StTscI .f B« StlBg*,{ SUNOAV.-JUHE-7 months.- ' " "* ~ —' """ at FT 4 i Uck si staMHirMmftinumma\mi UmsU (The public health wnice tajra that trie" In this sense was^uscd at early plants hi summer. These small mites Uan Dlabath _J »» A.J4 CakM if •person were stung l>» bUl at ITW^BJ C«l«tilge inhlt^Sonss ot have.four pair* of. legs'and. are.usually Srturnljif. leava Hat Iht 1 iiHr. u Uw twelUog* added one-third to bis Om Flxlet," In wfdcU he soya. The found on the under surfaces of the ' "Olaar'tieanliTaa Jaaa II —iCo Era««VM«1S"-'" ^ " normal slx« then iwiuld be no In electric flash that from the melting foliage of Infested plants. '• »M OS* Naur tac.OuBaat Uiiq TIaM -. A splttlnc cobra can shoot Its venom _ crease of wclsbt except In tbc amount «y« darts the font! qiifcsliim or the soft A mottled graylsh..or-tmMrn*b_apv Far Utamsuas Hwaa CKaalart i-un LEHIGH COAAL & SUPPLY GO. ox formic «cld Injected l)y tU* bet replx." In 1SS1 Carl>l* la 'Sartor peannce on the upper surfaces ot ot a person tie remit would be «crl-'' '• "'' - " OF' UNION'COI-.N- J. •tliis*. This would In M llttl* thKtit nesarfus." uld. "Walt a lltfle UU theleaves mar be taken u an Indication oat but not otherwise rule*. It entered' issMOd b* dlsw«tru>uV •nUr* nation Is to an electric stated that spider mites are present. Thlt NEWJERSEYCENTRAL Ui* blood stream throufh an open ^\" wonod. : x. /- • , - 4^-=-"- -*-~- i n *^^» —'-7 -^ • z\ifr***\

"S^pSSfj 7*V^sPiSyfTt


ii>ttiiiiMi.imnM«ininii ••+»» e n i I w 6 rA h P a g e

air beat in 8ept«m- that «ay be punt- NOTICE or IALI Or PKOFErrv FOR HON.' Phoenicians Not MKMOKIU. DAT MAKKXD | N.J.C to Hold Tenth LOCAL NINE BOWS lUlo* ArtuaJ tUs L!»« early July for 8ep- PAVHINT or TAXCS AND ASSESSMENTS the Gullible BY HTTING EXtfcl tSES ' Annual Commencement TO CRANFORD AGAIN Council Accepts Sewer ceniaureas, corn Sun I1IMT*» are lev I in. v I. »• wli «» PUBLIC NOTICE la hrtrlj jlwii Uut tl» (lurbeltn »r.d uppe«r wlun »uttll^lil «i wk tu nuike » . (Continued from p*#* an^\ \ and candy toft. All uadeTKlgkad. John £.- Butlvr.' r»lta*tor <4 1 1 fchiut^i thruugd ii tWu rlouJ «*rj|»as*(l rh«v|» milt If (tp;u*n lied ttwta to th* esrrcUes'at ttt** lab- are easily grown, Taxes, of UM Boruugb uf-Krtillwurlh. In th« KtnllwsrUi New Tbnatetu In Oams- As Competent Job County of I'olon, «U1 acll at |mt>lh- 4iu-tluii at of ice crystala Qodtl;..: In Illy aUiit* let, then to. the «tnH*fy and after-* Approxim»Vr lint"*. wen! rviurnrd th«n tmtnr 1-t Rrhr*. early-planted ones Iliey^uiv the rvault of Ihe rtfrHit'-Jii their Kiru»rim i-uKtonifra In Hal/, ^ .t linal Payment Will Re Made during the : t*TH PAY.Of JfSK. l«l. tnorv tlmn 'i.-'tti >••«•-» ngiu at S P. M., U'lilUhl having Tl l. Ihi- of llie sun** rays by i!-,••*• vrvst;il*. liig dcHTlbc*. l»ntU, ItlnCH or I • til ..a urouiid i».n tiimin MIV A VHK«>, wlihii U nor rt*rfigtit»Mt at. Altliotith the local line-up vm bol- to Contrnctur Nrxt Week be sun to Said latlds »Ut U xottl tu iii caustil by the action Vf im of tfifsv utM-lrtit art furjit-rirs, wm stervd up by outaldt stars; the Kenll- of nuntrtp«t Hena 4'liarcriitilr a I County Seeks Jo 1 \>|> l.rtink lamp until germln- ,or of ctoudor niUt.on thp '*'M H'S rny* i In Mnljft «n«1 for * worth A. A. lust to. the Cranford K. C. 00 th* flr*r HU of l p. These late-sown I'll! the mystery now Is season that Uie locals haye Tared poor- 1 BAld luitla wil^U* tuld iu tVe I IM/. IS I'aul C Arthur 'SM.»I After rr-11'lviliff, tin * nirlnrrr 1 report U Mont^Ulr i» coniine ly mutual the- Crauforck. tqssers. A to replace early- ll h th l) tablet, B llUht et (ivt plann Iroro Io ho had Cimiilttiri flmil umpi'ttloiiK ami br perennials that iion »t the lowtit rnl •ymhol* wtitrh nre Kreainer, former Ctanford Hl«h thai Uie tonlr.iilor lustiui Ai a Lrtntlillou ind w>Id tu (he Itoruugli'uf K.nll*,i!h Ut f classed Wikander scored Ihe first nm t>M on. «. spare or Season Wm. HuyOnr ..,...; t«i.Vt aim \vorkers ln\cerainlcs flrw low over ttw World lor tlic aicrpliiiiiF Um and Uonien- for rcd«n|«tll)«« )UU . liatv tlie wine r.ii t the time thl^\:iM<* was itutiU,.Hhoiit War tablet and droiHWd fl-J»rr». White Vuorrirn Mctnortal Uk, the cotitrnrtors lllnl a nialnUu- * .now do? &e opening of the •nil rlehti' as "tlivr itiirrhsRvr, lmlinini« 1l H. «'•„' mill i:;)-iithin: w'nreV was-In attemoun Dean M»l«-1 8. D. first on a neat Texas leaguer airc b ml for llll 100 tiuuraiitn Ing op- rtjttit Iu lur ur, r\irvclu»o t!iv n^ht <>( rtilutiip May. T. Hfrntuit .-..- hearts or A.. I". 1'iteraoii- ilHnnnii aiiioili! ronnolKseitra of Italy. •111 entrrjaln at a formal receiJtlon im took tecund nn KmtghU bunt and tiatlon »f tlw Kyhlcm Tor otu> >uif on Wesighana double to left 1 toiJeie ' Hill" C»ihjiuiT A'HIUI a 10 (KM) uinulii'i to bi piiitl on -id* t . ^ secretary ol' maite umlir tin pruvtiinni Maj T.- Ilertilii.-H largf sis the rtj^nt ad IWIJKI for. Uie field! The other l»o runs were made >ct of Ihe Lecl9\ature eniitlfil "AH act 1'atk tKiilor cl»s» will the day the tuiitratl lulu ituil luuinitritx-nlH "J only two y morning, officially crflltilK «uptld Uiw. -asm^-uinirtit.* amt which they rrrefwl to drop. by Cranford during a hitting rally In , to bid two Kvatly Co, ; _. at' ilie thi-rr.;;•. Men- ni(ldr ti iiinki II"' ti,""l |iiivniri>t ^^^^ the . mxtlf - ThriwthoM -Kenilwnrtli the Japanese o«-tle fur tha fiilttt-ll lantlrd very near the tablet. • ^i 'witt" tie at I hi-" iiHular iipefliiiftif flu 1111111.il • »*s lucky and «nfurrvnifnt. of .1 Hii'iiliHl the never thveatenrd to score. next Tur»ttii uiulii In ihe jiipan- irk of the state and of 1»1SI. Kliolwtll Bartrl avuton who took |iart Friday mortilna at fluw d*y jT hearts to rte-ofagriculture In - CUT Slur's nil Mr by MLi« Kulitf' Or CUrk of Tlic ncore S two to ths 1 *fcrTnr»j(r rerelt» payui KlliaWIII Halt la Silkmaii »ew: Hobby B^iek. »rll known Wisiwood, »enlor p?e»ldent .At -On. u7fi"Tt?i.ijiiiov lor Ui> aprtToVnV ***"* ummer. The school Ilnilaniiit trickl prnptrty, with the lnt«rost Si-tll. Brnlamlit '••• voatfon-yiir-oW |i:tat irho hold* the) Ivy plaiitlnii »ll<;r tlic exerclso, Mjss A b mid ToiiMrr of Lot ' N Nfltk* llvnjalul Balm of Gilt-ad Priied ; 1 the winter art cn- Ntttk. . llenjainl ncrUl rfjoaa-iiualloroilo Ml»» KlUabeth .Pavilion.- prealdtiit till- iMllon CilllllJ Bliut'i lift- Colll- ne ; work ;ite^arlpus~- Wm. ; for'Hoalinr Qualities ir-*:j>rr.:liuyei--citk» in Uie: Stale I ol Uie Junior, ylass, Benlorlki.il will uUislon, fiu tin's ttlrtih hi' ihtliiuil ,-C..- UV llu- inhlriii4ur Ind iluuiiutil In I1I1 ite, are instiructed.it" A UK' inimrll II 31 A. I.. John 1>. ItobMtis M!Hc^"aloiliVleTe'"Soir^^ci:"acrlia' in~ncliveT3iSr-aiJUfpM j8H;"Ttl»- Ad- U 31 Krmik 11 lire Julm V Kolillnl ""* fertile land of liliead, by raftho iiiiwt 111 pifsontlim llll' bill tin- iin'liuV oT nake Inspections and 14 - i:i. 14 Jospull MaXllk tl I mancuvcni. venture or Ufc in Oijr New Wtortd^TIie . highly favored part of Palestine, then thi' lotinlv t-Miiiiilsiltin tin Inn il the rk occasioned by the II- 10. It. 1* Jiwl'H Vui-al 1 I'rlor II Wllllan • For hU aialslance In anantiln* the xercuea will be preceded by an jrn and bulldlnz Isaac 11. I'urd as now; was i'*it-ei!ied an exceedingly demlc procession of trustees, admlnta loliltattoi had mil co-opi-rulctl In III" air display as a new feature of the 11 14 IV JIMI>|III VIICNI a II. 1*. * J. I'. MlniT

t - -«*< ,->•> -----lv-5±i:


smallpox. A year later an act was I «! * #*> » s-. ».»... r"v . divided Into four parts and used to Youthful !WeSt«r .4 rHajrtt»te cotton- raismr artlie South, tn Washington's Time Smallpox and Requirinp*™»n**«*»i\Shermang School Exhibition Centers Sax culture in Holland, shepherds with to be Hung Out In AJlrirsU Infectej a Red Places.d Cloth" ^j . — - _ , , ___ . flocks and silkworms, in ..Japan. The Tbe practice of surgery during tne r development of darning la shown on a Little Lorraine VueeJejte. nine-year time of Washington was In its early board panel Booklets contamlnc aca- old Juvenile tap and toe

Ms^^^^-^^-^^^^^i^ e*^^^^^>'-*^fi^^^ THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AW> CHRONICLE. THURSDAY. JUNE 4. 1931

mit* recommendin* award of contrart ~Tf«- t**fa««a "of TmSSSSr M" man of naati *« to approve s: Board Of Freeholder i Wood a»«nue and £ _0enrf* avenue payrolls of Uw fln Judicial Courts m • You Remember- _—IT — ig-tow-bldgw WM adapted ABOUT CKANFOUD7, „ , ! Reports of Mitts and Company audl- Resolution by Finn The regular ttxwtiiv <* the Union; tan}H ^ taBlti tr^,*,,,, ^ „„„, proprtating for the purpose of paring a«ent was held at the Court House. Elisabeth, r«*lv.d and cost and ripens* of: 1—WMeOa Im- tttemoraiv. JH« test wu *a*ed e* I CONTRACT JtV*. on Thunoajz May itst. 1*31, at> provement of tnteneeUon of Wood arc or*** r mltl«e recommending the purchsun of JMJfor architectural fee* for proposed gon' . Roll call j rjfiv Bd>r Truck snd *"*"*" ***** te-"*** <"» **»*+-<* ********** addition to Court. House WM ZL **•, P"""* °" Iri"c* '**» ««w««. then mwM Jw {tttta to Of *>>«ACflOAI. AUCnOM SfUDOS*- showed U members present ind a •as adopted. adopted. «* • rftli liberal and ctnclldfvt stttfad*. aids to «> sent. •'-:::. '• '" Report and resolution by Hoapltal There being no further I^M ta to "•»' W"w« o/ tit* oldra days, awl. HHH MI Minutes of the meeting of Mar 7th,. i ComnuttM requesting authority to ad- be considered and -upon motion of , ezplaintd, b» Uutmtlm. that (Mi d H 1U1, were approved as per printed cop- Ivcrtlse fpr tome alterations and addi- Freeholder Ralbfoiter duly seconded, l * y oaf. . ARTICLE No! 30 ies on the members'desks'. tions at Bonnie Burn was dopwd. the Director declared Board adjourned On January 11. WW, ihe'Nrw Jer-jan tanprovHbent In the shape of Uiht Freak bands always are interesting and quite a number bay* tma brought' All hills prcsroted were approved and Road. Commlttr* rirparted Thomas K. until Thursday, June 4th. mi, at I 30 upon roil" call ordered paid. . Journal announced about Cranford former Windon In the roof, for ven- to the writer's atttntwa witbin the past week. The foliowiiigaf i's om of ta* • 1 nrantneld .and Harry Stranbers; had lu Ut>D iatcnstiai: Judge Thompabn unvpts s.11 provl- Irft the employ of the county. . i CHAS. M. that. -one of the pleasantest circum- | » areHfrbt.-- It was. further sions of an act lo regard to full time' Htarts—A.K.9,7,6, 5,2 Hearts—J Resolution by Road Committee su-( ' Clrrk. Judgeshlp. Utoritlng Director and Clerk to execute: ddubsb l BOOC Y tQube—KK. 6, 1,7,1 Is Utt good feeling which exists be- the pastorate of this church, and will Disnuqds—none : A D :i DiamondsDUroonds— K, K.Q,l.lO,9,a,Q T j ConimnrnoHtnn I mm the Sheriff ad- contract for Improvement of tntersec-' • Subscribe for The Cltlsen and Chroo- tween the Episcopalians sod Presby- I enter, upon his duties tomorrojr." Spades—A. K, 9,8,4, 3 : Z : Spade*—none vising of temporary appointment of ion of Wood avenue and St. Oeorte lcl«-«,00 per year by mall:'» terian. The latter have subscribed ' The- following officers wen _ elected Mrs. Laura Steeruinard as female guard avenue upon the approval of the state' liberally towards the building or the j was-referred to Finance Committee-.; | for Che ensuing year: Wardens—Oas. AUCTION BIDDING: show partner not only a good thane*' invhway" Commission'was adopted. L. i. MINNA* ' .C. f- T«« ^•wsttcopvU dmxcftu^ !A. Bogart and Oeorge W. Donaldson. Communication from the sheriff »d-' Resolution by Finance Committee au- No scon, rubber-game. Z dealt and (or game, but also slam possibilities. II vising of the permanent appointment'- And so, on March 7. 1876. one'reads j Vestrymen-Alex P, Purves, Charles 8. pasted. A bid one heart, Y bid twooverbid by partner or opponents, bt thortHng them to purchase necessary I . 'TEL. CR.ANF. «-SMt . . . that. "The new' Episcopal Church in Eaus. John T. Banker, Wm. Mooney, spades and B bid four diamonds. Wtwn should then show the heart suit* * • of Edward J. Pnrnll as JBU juard was equipment for the, several Judicial Robert Hoskln, Wm. P. Robblns, J. O. 2 passed, *A was up. against a most Hen's another example: received and filed. * District Courts was adopted. this place was opened for services for I Communication (rum and, if hit partner helps • court were referred to Fliuuice Com- "THe" Bandar;"'"School»^-af--Trlnltr ~- -fivft-odd-ia diamends.-'&opened aspsdst that suit, hsshouM m* stow the btart ~$XS0O. "The enterprise Is a new'one, and D obtained twb~club discards,'one I Copy of n rrsolutlbn from tln> ElUu-' and Is a credit to the feu churchmen Church and the Presbyterian Church suit. If, however, his partner or oppo* i ">>»cay EO to Ocean Drove on Friday."' on spades and one on hearts* All he had ncntt should overbid, he should then belli Uo&rd of Public Works approving William Priestley ,}r hearts to of tfae place, who have taken hold of - to.luse were: one club end ode diamond •how the heart tuit. Two-miters an: "tricTt"frirft ffl8it inteinrilrg hand-awr rgHrtrawlrthSTTHrtriiej i' ' illustrative of the value of analysis of at the better bid for the combined >«"' tnrk; ' S—I might .know something about '•- - • ' ' . «.' ;• . • ' the biddiuff and the consequent dis- hands and should be bid with ths of approiichi's to bridge wiw refcrntl w' asily mada Again, on April 25,1876, it was stated St, Michael's Church in Cran- tribution of the various suits before purpose of informing partner of tht Elizabeth Drawbrlditc Commit Hiv .! V\Wt <)FF1C« BUILDINO CEANFOgU*. N X that. "The T"T»' Church Is leaving ford. as well. Do you? deciding upon, the final bid. Very few typo of hand arid of requiring hon to 1 Coinmunlcatlon frtim Tovtnshlp nf players could or would have failed to •elect that one of the t»o sues bid that Tjuloii statliui nil rlgliUi "f uity limn bia four Hearts with A's cards and by will offer ths chance for gsme. r sa doiii. »ould have lost (lie game.— been prooirdi and nil iillllt.li» arc In- r. CONTRACT fllDWNG; , - j)t»U«i (»1 VMI.Kliua ruud *u» H. A. KJELDSEN : I to RomJ CIUIIIIIUUL> j CONTRACT: BIDDlNGr—— — This hand |s hartlly strong enough ^WoaUrfsMfatt foratwoitdilTn dohs, althoojih such a jUgui^l irimi Jiid«c Walilinnu for a J; t;lrj[)hone fax_JjU£n^JJiuit_wasje^^ PAINTER AND DECORATOR -AV'ieo. iad-woBld. not, lie Z passes, A should bid five diamonds is the better lid and. ii overbid by fcrrod to IMibiii. Ground* mid DiiililliiiT* 35 NOntll AVENUK KABT, CRANrOHD PIIONK «-»!• CARPENTEK AND BUIE0ER"~~~~ for the same reasons specified in. the partner or onponenti, the dealer should Conunlttvc I 1 Specializing in Building' Fine Hornet to Order Auction bidding. '";'-• make a forcing bid in hearts. Such s Certified lopy of a MWIIIIIOII from} Call Kmerson 3 UIJO or Ginrrsan 1 WM ilere's another freak hand that has bid will indicate, the great strength Towtuhlp of lllllnldo n-qili'Htlnii clirck been sent.to the writer witli the request held and notify partner that there is s '— ^7 Resldtn'ce and OfHee—itM West Grand St., ELIZABKTU. N. J. - F«trM.t«. Cheerfully Gtven on All Work good chance- for game. : for County's sluire of lighting sysUrm that the proper bidding be given i on^ bridge over .Lehlgh Valley ltallroud I fere's a hand that shows the value PAINTS . • ' • VAmnSHKB Efficient Mechanics High Grade Work of clever bidding in obtaining the best , was referred to Ruud Committee. bid for tho combined hands. It is-sr I Conmiunlcatloii from the Civil Her- BLUFF STREET, CBANFORO perfect example of drawing ciuick and tier Commission approvlim of inlnry Tel. CRanford 6-0685-R correct inferences from the bidding: , of Leon V. r»n«born, elevator operator, Hearts—1,6,1 Lawn Mowers Sharpened By Elecirakcen Process Hearts—none • ;. - Clubs — Q, 7,4, 2 „ was received and filed. - • Clubs — A, K, 10, 9,4. J- Diamonds—10, 7 I Copy of a resolution from TowiLililp Dianrauds — Q, 10,1), 7,3,2- '- of Hillside roqueting North Droad GENERAL •- •--' -Spades—A-: ^o-...;..--; .-.-—- slrMl^be"taken"bvef"DV thrj-Coiintr ELECTRICAL 'AUCTION BIDDING:' '. was referred to Road Committee. BLACKSMITH : A D"j I Copy of an ordlnancs from 'l\)wnslup ouiihie No score, rubber game. Z as dealer amcM - dlrtV • - '•'. ' Z ••_ • of Cranford In rrgat-d'to. Inipriivcnipiit. CONTRACTING should bid one dub and, if overbid, hd • either by partner or bfiponents, should Itorts —4' " i ot Centennial avenue win referred^ to B. J. EICHIINGER Let me give you an estimate on show the diamond suit, It is a two- Clubs —A, 3 ' i Committee. • _ . | your wirlnrwark. We will nuke ah l|hune. ClUnfwd t-l'IM rrasons suiter of the strongest tync and 7. 1 >i»momis — A, K, Q, J, 4, 2 and resolution by Houd Com- N. J. T liim to Investigation and suggest changes should not hesitate to bid both suits Spades—K,J,9,7 ( ,,,o,, HTRKr>t Jiistypa without any obligation to you. If tht ODoortunity offers. rclunca AUCTION MIDITING: PROMPT AND EFFICIENT WORK -slromp. CONTRACT DIDD1NG: No srnrc, ruliljcr gunc. 7, cTcalt And I, losing AT RKASOKABUt PUCES Z should bid one club but, if nvcrlml but one iluiiiiDiiil, A one tit.in, und Y , «d «ns by partner or opponents, should show and II p-irecd z^iinw bnl tttu ilumonds, 3 would the diamond suit by bidding one more A tno licirtn, intil flifiin Y antl II t rouM E. FRED SULZER trick than necessary to tncrirjll the |u* KU Z.'UaB now in a poiition when k*L on* Td. CBanford t-HH preceding 1)id/Such a bid i* knonn lie lould iwifcly Ind three flnmontf* hut |u«V SJ • fj Ave. CBANFORO as a forcing bid and 1dl> partner thtt M Itll iif)tli.in(efiir gimcnstns partner) - the bidders hand justifies a try for \, lud refusal to nuiiit Ins liul, 11« Matehle^s economy aa thcrJotc ilcuilul tu kill Uo npiiilcsj ma. knuKiiiK tint if he uirc iloultoi lip Here's another liand of the SJIIIC could bid tlirrc rli.imomls nml that his with Nlx-cyllnder smoothness partner wutild not niwiHt the apjde bid ok to unlrt^i fiu hK| good itpades, It uluays llisrns la ddiij'irous tu ns ibtvn partner's tec- opdiry bid, tint is one nndc on the "Bmitmr thmm HO mll*t to thm tyalf***," "If m9at.ft0r.mttf Uthm .imjuD or tijlgrimrnt rpqnilj pf bid- lonmtt at amm far." ",V#r«r hmv tm •<#«* mU»mtw*m ermmhemmm rWs — A;K,7,'e,5" " " "' ding, without ut lust fuur carus of rhmma»:» "tfro^g trim AUUio Cmtttmrmldmm mr*p*lr mxfmmmm • your Clubs -r none thai suit Diamonds —A, K, 9, 8, 5, 3 Alar /. Inil tuo tpades, A bid three a/ $i.OS. ""It Jmu't rum* mm* rmmm mm* rmm*. •* . . Spadts —A, IU lusiFt»^ti4 Y imiiwrly bnl three spades, et I Ins bid is jimbli.ilile licciitto uf Y's Jtw AUCTION BIDDING:" ntniri^ holding ill the si.ade suit. Ii No score, first game. 7. first thouM then bid four hvirts und /, having bid one diamond and, if overbid, ellli£r_ £MIIII kiKcni \ 's.iBti t, bid fuur sp,ldes sleloia, that many by.partner or.oppoiients, should bid and ull pisbitl. Needless to nay, T / Irt—a big, powerful, owners have gone tlKTS mule fair •juuc'i, b iinu; one btart. hearts,-4t is a very stiong luu suilrr tniootn-ninnlnf sis— 10,000 mile* or rooce and a certain game at the best bid uf < net lull and rincbp idc trick I Ins hand frre the combined hands of .YZ. It is better ind / s Ijidilitiff urc gwd examples tit acliully roats leu lo wltitoul bavlna tbals- l>fs-»p«a,*4-s'«r— suitand therefore offers a l>etterchain.c ••••• w w*u vjimie ^a wa w uaa^i ™ u if^ •• t ^s ^aiieu^** nrriv IUR .it the lirtft buj Of tliecoinbmchl (ITaiiionds, it js on answer llrs 111 0«n ouutaudlng fsetora of good ai an original bid, even though IniuU Biiili .is ihenc (Itnt the exj)crt Mmtmrtmla mtmt used throughoutt thtba the Sorter iutt ii a fiiajur. IMII ji ich a KH.it odvanlj|[e over the Chevrolet ecouomyi —• CbsnrioUt ea»—«osUeUr tuchatuehal ssteel, tansss- average pla>tr. CONTRACT BIDDING: I. KKUImnt Knyln* Omttgn make* Tanadlnm sUels,, chioniortirlnl •teals— to assura trouble-free•free, lotlow-oos/ t serriee ft* t faai imUi a strong luntl that In* IS COMUACr BIDUING: Chevrolet fuel eomuiiiption su low that " justified in 4>iddlag two disiniuiid« to The wing aa fcr Aucliun. tens of Uxmssmts of tj 'Cable break 20 mike to Urn gallon «f gasolliw U nutblug unusual fur a Chevrolet owner. was lea. with IU W flat-nta change ass —14 feet from pole ^427.. / *. Modern Vhtftla Ommlgm—ta ajcntiloa partav U kvelUbU at AUTOMOBILE- nUcmed— br— Chetrolet'e—long—h«ary-" lO^OOOdsi frame, four porulltl - mouiHed ofler Us* prelection of taw - . MILES away at a test and locate the break aprlngs, stul "stnouth-runnbisj liberal mktr'e sarrvlc* pet-' 'ler ever to back • low-prised ear. board, the telephone ~ exactly. FIRE eU-cyllndWr engine—Ineressea the ability of llm ClM-.miet 8U. Kenember— la addition to aO " expert learns instantly Gas, under pressure to run depeu4sbly. dsy after dsy. ofth< break and directs -in cables, is another BURGLARY offers the estra dellere-and- modern metKbd of 3. KMevlUnta ot'Mmmm. repairs. tuttmrm sbw adds tu CberroleL eenUaalTenUg* of ooe at* the low- discovering trouble. PLATE GLASS est dellrercd prices on the nuikat. " _ Disturb the: delicate dcpendabllllr and long llf.. " W hen there is a break CtMrrrolcl pUlorui, far IDSUOCB,, And\ lhl» oast mmy be'spnaet wires in'the cable, and osW • period a/ iruHsjr toMMslfc* -indiesheath the pres-^ TORNADO arc) built.so carrfullr. and held i-tu suetV elose limits) »f pta- sensitive-electric m- _su_re drops at'that-- i stnimentsTTVthe Wire __ poiritTiifd instruments _ AND OTHERS " ~-~ "Chfers~ofnce"indicate at the test board note NEW CHEVIIOLET SIX the point of trouble the change. • within a few feet. - Thus do, sdentific EVERY AUTO Nmm lot mrUmm—ChmroUt pat-n$t.tar price. rsm«« from $ttS loJtU. Truth Cable men sent'to methods help to give ACCIDENT IS ch-tUiHlc—rang,from$lSlta$S90.AUpri*4/.o.b.rUnt.Wch.SiK l««its>a>«M estreu Low dill wdpric—mitd—ry Urwe. . the scene ran a "bug" you increasingly de- 1 AN ARGUMENT Consult the Real (magnetic portable pendable telephone tester) along the cable service at low cost. ,F(OR Estate and

' You can etll 30 milti (or a quarter In INSURANCE Insurarice-Dept^ tt^ MO mkWfor a dollar. URANCE t BUJJNGHAM^CHEVROLET ,rr. 44 • 46 NORTH AVE., E., CRANFORD NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY

I l',_,'.'.. THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE. THURSDAY. JUNE-4. 1931 of *b*ppyehDdb»odiiii-Jthote who behere that oor own children-shal•» . m _l •com * along their -tr"-*"""* days has wKn ift that Trinity Sunday rf reproof and_p~BUte,**t wmya elude our L . They reward -as enoogn. however. •» In the Cranford Churches eats know weQ enough, jmat tmg» Oad_cannot_ b»_« _ that our spirit of adventure U not ««es your children come to you the span of human m*. ™—•• blasted snd we sre teen to live on to altii all the. enthusiasm and discovery within the early years of It Ood e make further coomwst m the realm of . sot te grasped, deacrtted. pa**"*-* almighty Ood. rchlug out the secrets of or Hied away lor future refeieuce. H«ve we an> right to a* not* ot Ofld «ud Si* world, what 4o you do» with n*. at w*. grow. - - Utrtvtag.to»tiT Ytm tauttir know what they are t*Jk we grow alone, for tain even mow of thote-thmf* which low him to give us. Unless by tete-thetrvalM* when nvjed thinking ana dttapaued Wvwe do T>c«i)erish,c* t»Wge Oundfrson and Cuwrow MrTHOwst Krfcuru. CIIUBTH suowjOod the part be la longing to play we possess them, but rather promise us N started from Bear. Mount " Walnut Avenue tn each new situation, we are riding for more truth, more beauty, more Ion , dsy on a canoe trip which Un. Hstelwtl IT. royaler a fair. with which to feed our ever-living- f teminate In Wisconsin' * T*» motoruu of New Jersey oon- prirUegs of drivlnf for minor Offense*. • 30 A *l^-Blble School 11.00 A M The meaning of the Trinity it thesouls? f> I doubt it, but then. I am not asking _Jnbote annually more than tUfiKJtm e W(ik»hlp. 7 00 P.M-Ep.|' prcgretBve. revelation of Ood to every Tonaluka Council. D»U| Revocation*, too, should be confined .. I 'lass you to Uve your Uves based upon, my lt» renal* to th* State treasury. I generally to violation* of the motor worth League. «D0 P. M.--Evttuiw the Church School teacher or the pas-age in term* which they an ante, if . cahOHtos «ill pr^nt a ca Worship tor of the church. Or else, Ood andthey only will, to understand. . doubt* I only plead with'Vou to let Thursday Lveping, June have repeatedly mid that In *.ew ofvehicle and traffic acts. K (earn* to Ciwnu Cmrii Tunmoi thl* fact, they should not be looked me unwise for magistrate* to us* this Christ, redemption and creation Jte, ^tTTnefaet of one Ood. creator Ood show you how much creator Be la yan>' Hall Ojmes win upon M pctenlal criminal*. I feel 8T. UAIK'I A. M. E CllutcM - B*tfqr .,».j AWDI.K _. rat into the tame category as Santa and sustainer of the world and Una you have thought by allowing His p. m. form of punishment for violation* that H High Street" t M Uiat trawl* a Aity-DponThose en- are entirely foreign to th* operation of Frank M. nivHa- r~lm Q,,, „( the rtortt. pleasant fable* to mankind, Ood the father who hath • lioly Spirit to guide you in all that you Bev. J. if. Hartlry think, sty and do. Not only all the • gated in motor vehicle odm'nlslration.' a motor vehicle. Sunday Serrio* Btbt School. » 45; - u, innocence of childhood made me and all the world. These tniitws were el "tang a* ttw motorist makes a decent 10:00 A. Ut-Sunday School. 11:0Oa.- in; preaching II f m. and 7 ljf xluM>e e valley* In your Uf e will be exalted and Cranford Hwoncal Soclei There are, it I* true, always a few A. M.—Publl* Worship. «:M P. K:- 19EI as pculble a, Ood incarnate to show the effort to abide by our law* and show* people who teem unable to learn from p. m ; Ypnng Itcple*' P-1; be- Increasingly, revealing the will of pray that tomorrow might never come? / beneflcjal M_».*ttte_or community a* •:U A. M.—Sunday Bcliool. II 00 A __KPV John M. Nuttrg.. Ai-faunl "Ood to those who are ready to let- .^-.year Tuesday,-June-16,-1 . cjurtety tfcwn Uio,visiting motorjt. It M.-MonUng Woriiilpr "eT4i P. M.-' Sunday Maurs: 7 GO. 1:00; Children's nuen have neglected these things, wt flnd that- sooner W later, life cease* thelr souls and heart* and minds p. m Pupils wUl be adm Is from the person* he meet* more a.'Y.'P. U. t:l»'P.. U.'-Byeninc Scr> Mass, 0:30; High Mail IoUo»rd bj Bt. K. CHURCH kindergarten who will be U^ucdtetlon- 10.2O..«.-m_, ,.-,-.....„.. to expsuk it closes toon.u s and,asnn«^ grow in the knowledge and lave of - -< .—than in.-any other way-ihat the tour> fice. ., ^,^>m:-.f-^.w.-.. Ood. Ood the'.HoUr Onosfr who - Atthe monthly- rwsinrt)!.meeting ,ot "age in September?'-' «-*-»• tot obtains hi* Impression of a town Tiipudiy evtnlng. 7:iS. St. Anne's more object of our- desire* become* Wm. C. Fun PmairTUJAN O '.men ours, until se find, that having every- sanctifies me and all the people of the Epworth League of the M. K. "» or city tn rnlch he finds himself for DevoUxJIls. . Church Monday evening In the chapel, ' . tb: flnt t me, Unlcu their treatment Comer of.. 8pringfleW .;_4,..NQrili..,, •au'ng. me'possess-nothing ~Or It nay OodL_ ^ __,_^_ _ . — , , , Thl- Tlnht Stjlln^ ffiyt y nrooRPonATko Union *Avenut»" • : be more often, that having nothing, we " We" learned the*e thlng*"as a child. It was voted-to«end-£wc*a«et»tarto- j ernoon at the Fire House.: of him It fr.endly, he 1* likely to go " Poiluwlng Is the sermon delivered in the*8ummer Institute at Drew Univer- an ay with Use hope lh«i he will not Bev. Wm. B BlMn lone for .death and seek it. Havo we forgotten them? Wa* their (42 babies present. The I - ( 45 A M.—Cliurch School -11:00 A. Trinity Episcopal Church Isst Sunds>y. meaning exhausted when we glibly re- sity, Madison. Miss Anna Thels- was Imeets every Wednesday afl have to tetutn . f by the.h , rector, the i' RoscpR t T too often, to allow Ood unanimously selected as one of them, Tne pollcrt»ian frequently It the first 0P1KIAN M—Morning Worship: lot >». M- to 5 with a doctor a! Chrlntlan Endeavor. ):: .M'^-rEvfiir Fqiist;' and the_other will probably be Miss charge All mothers;; ar - --person the traveler meet* aV he enter* ing ''! a community. On that poUcemm'* Dorothy Qunderson. ~ • bring their babies and yoi 8q many* are thV ,wa>s in shich s turity fas. jrsjf^ttendance at the TTt?JttUd7nSi3rnjtt£ryli^^ *^*i^e» Jgf JE ^Ww^r'^'^^peH ***F TW ^^"^^W> • ^^ inan may cMueto Know uoo tin*. usable-to ml. As «r«ojmpl«. there < presiMu of tlie whole town, tf the TSIHITY EriscoMt .luicii •'"' "•'•" of us who believe we. knoir'Him-ean wax s young man who believed Sunday mentof the Sunday School at the par- _ officer act* as a friend and shows Corner of North Ave. e... ..i Korest.;Aye. : to-otut ijrolher.-teat he'-will .mrrJr Schools .wen valuable for-chlldren, btt __-tea»nB5lR.aU!mlei»4lsn fc>r,}he iriotor- uonSge' in • Iincoln-avenue- Monday 10 ELIZABETH,K JL And"Hlm~ln~Uie~«elf-**a>e~ .-w*yv~. In- raose- ther-ttught-the- ten~eommand- evening. "Mrs.' Ada -Ftsner-taught-the-- -.TUf-Tl ^ boys of Trlnf ist'sJask of knowledge of the law. the • 00 A, M.-ilol)f O- nunlujj 0.45 deed, If Ood were -so"- compi menu as a tort of rough code of ethical dren and antiquarians Church wil sponsor a card community talus a friend Immediately. A. M,—Church Sclioo 1:00 A.. M- Our Ood Is no picayune schoolmas- lcston. Mrs. James B. TJryden. presi- Parish House Monday eve] that man could with utter behaviour which he believed his child dent of the das* left Cranford hut The violation may be one of pure Mornlng frayer and irmon. Holy point to a book, or an tnstitotion and ter: He is no Jealous monarch: He Is no o'clock Proceeds will stai —thcughtlcinctt and a well-tempered di«h« t to know. But whence thep power Saturday with her family to spend the T Communion on thr fV Sunday In thesay "You will find Ood then." or If he if d 'aibltrary Judge who condemn* us be procure a new grand pU wamlns-ulU terve lh» purpose of to live by this standard, even if we ad summer at the shore. choir room Refreshments' could describe with unfailing mlt It tob e the highest? fore we begin to live by setting up rai- Satisfactory returns were made when venting Is rcpitMwi Budi a course ls ! possible restrictions around us. ed Tickets, at SO cents ei a fool-proof method by which the spirit It is to those who believe there (Continued on last page) dot* r.ct mean -laxity in enforcement, of man could arid its eternal rest In obtained from anyone con but rather a discretion: between a per- notion* new to learn about God, or to! He is love. He is Truth. He Is beau- the choir, or at the door.' son who ha* acted^unthlnklngty and the heart of Ood. «e would be Justified a criminal. It «fll bread a far «mt*r In wondering whether such a Ood respect for law than a bullying attitude great enough to satisfy the deepest de- >»»<->•>»»>»»»»«»>•><->»•»» More than 200 nttende that is entirely unnecessary and In- SUNBEAM sires and longings of our souls. party given by mothers of ; eflecUve.' -Whether we deal with things buman, 80 last Thursday evening. Electric or things divine, th* familiarity which School Proceeds were ac tlAhyM tut magMmtat render effl- comn with possession 4s likely to breed camp fund, which will e ' olent and councils service for which contempt.. Indeed, when there Is Scout of the troop 4o spen( they do not receive cammenturate eora- Toasterand longer any mysteryln our lives, an at Camp Union, at Allaire pentatlon. There ore others who show thing which still seems,to elude odr PUSS FINDS HI8 FORTOME an astcalshlnc lack cf-knowledge of Little Jack Rabbit lections were rendered by M grasp and our complete understanding. ton. Bnll, Johnson and p the law and a dearth of good Judg- Waffle Iron Hie teems to shrivel up and die. Chal Now, let me think for Just ment In handling the .casci that are a minute. : Don't commence, Cranford Glee Club, wja lenge U needed to spur us on to greater nellus ns uccompanlst^/ brought before them. endeavor, but challenge Is never given little artists, to color this plc- I cannot, condemn too strongly the Attachment by what man lias captured tor his o*rn. ture till your Uncle Dave tells Cranford gardeners havi practice ct mint traps and meant of The graceful lines and mirror-like pol- you how Pus* Junior found "baiting'1 motorist* Into violation! of Coloring Contest ivlled to exhibit In the Nl ish of. tb* new automobile do not excite his fortune. Yes, sir. let'* flnt - the law. Stub practices inevitably give our longing and admiration Ions; after v of the Garden Clul raw to suspicion that enforcement offi- It has been housed In our sarage.' The BY_DAVID CORY hear the story and then get which ukes place next cer* are working hi cpUuilon with Jus- manufacturers, know that and brine; out to work with crayons and Parish Hotjse, of the 1 --• Uct* U Urn \*u*. »ha an upon, a lee Color a Picture and Win a Ifrize paints. Well, as puss trotted _1 Church, Wcstneld, _Exhlbl bad*. In order to tharo In the re- off, tho little bear, whom he '- staged before noon ihe day, Bobby Jones, the world's greatest and for the convenience of turnt. had met -last week, began to golfer, has won every amateur title the - nlng to enter, the. parish b -— It seam* to me that the revocation of. fin* worM ;can We Ku]bT the jmly BOYS AND GIBL8-C»t eat t«dty'. -pkinrr. of Uttle Jack Babblfc, scratch hia head. —Why didn't Indading Ihe caapon below H, color It with painU or crayons and then open from 7 td..B..p..OL.--li "~a l*tn»e should be rturted to only as thing left for him to do is to turn to I offer to help that good little punishment fcr what might be contld- saail «r bring your picture to night preceding the show. tlie neglected law, where-untried and kitten? Come to think it over, - -ered the -major motoring crimes, and unexhausted-fields oT conquest ,1 David Cory, the Jack Babbit. Han, I am oppctrd to itc practice of_ms«»- awalthln). after the movies have paid c/« The Cranford CUlscn and Chronicle I will, as jure as myname Is ' Music by members andi ' (rates Indlccrlmlr.stely taking a«ar tr>: Bruin Bllll" and he hurried artists featured the meetln their homage to bis'.bos:office power. PRIZES—Uaele David's beaxtiful Young Mother Goose Books, in fsney 5 i /r- itt *• J • f i VT now'iiiil get in -The transition from motor can and * Dexcs, each* wlth~a set of crayons"with^wnkh'Ci'color thfe-plctures, wUl - after bur- pussy-cat traveler.-- . ^ ^c=-rf iCr -. i~ ^ - - cal MbmrnU Club .Tuesday -Bt golf champions to Ood 'as lie Is un- te given far the best two pictures submitted. One will be for children Trinity Parish "House; " irun for tke price of the tojitcr slone. ••_ thinkingly accepted by a great number wp to eight yean of age and the other for thote over eight years old. "Come wlth-me!" he shouted • were Ruth Rclnhard, pionli ' Chr»; r - The SuBbcsm !( t fsvorite «ith those who lite of people Is great only oh the surface. ALL nCTUBES mint be la by Wednesday noon the week after they a* he drewSflthin hailing dis- r', K. Orf. soprano... Othcrs.wt tance, "If you're bent on find- .In ihe proRram were: p Uuxoi «nJ*ichc«, lot it i« a flat tpaitcr aoJ the Down., beneath we may; discover with- are published. out too much labor that a. siartiingly ing a fortune, follow me," and Dolly HftfJrahim~and Can OSWALD -NIISUiKEaJrJJ saodwich 6lling im't distui.bcJ. Toaiti evenly piano solos; Mabel Robert great number of men and women who he led Puss to a cave In a sni quicklj ami can be sJjuiteJto various thick- are mature in other ways, are religious great rock. It was.dark and solos, accompanied by Mai PAINTER and spiritual infant*. At least, the ertson, "Old Lady and tl c of b bci X ' freshness and novelty of religion aei gloomy within, but the Uttle sketch by Margaret Crane a bear soon found a, candle. ' V DECORATOR if )ou with to divide the purchase into long since to have worn ofl_and the Doig. . '-• common excuse-is thatlhey bad too down and-$|-a month with-your much while young. They believe that 'Now if you an asked a ques- .tlon,_ answer._Qnly._»uajperj[y.._; The Rev Roscoe T. Foui ln'the"cdurse"~or~thetrearljf educUKn 'STrIHlty~EplSHipiit~t3horcb- they learned about Ood and Eds crea- bump!' Don't - forget," and pating-in a conference on " tion Just as they learned about Caesar. with, the help of a key he as tlie wPulflllment of Bell Napoleon and Roosevelt. Cer- opened a small Iron door hi held this week at Washlngti *»»0.l tain facts, described and interpreted, loir the rock. There sat twenty- ,1s being conducted by the made up the life story of these • one dwarfs, at..* table, milng McGregor, professor of Dot rhich Interested them, but. hardly af- small bogs .with gold. ology at Western TtieolbglM [ected them, except as then- imagina- Eianston. IU, and la takli tion and ambition may have been ''What are you doing here?'" College of Preachers fl Cathedral. Twehty-si> Trade in Your* stirred for the moment. they' demanded, all. In one TRY And so with Ood and. Jesus ot Nat- seventeen ;state»i are; voice: - •-,''- Old ElectricCleaner- aiettL_the nerson»7of whom, one learned on Sunday in childhood aiid-routh. In- "Bumpty-bumpi" CRANFORD teresting though perhaps a, bit incrcd- . shouted the. little bear. 'These officers were, elect DAIRY IBIe. A statement of fact about Ufe stallcd at the:"(S«lftte;O.fjC _ _on a New Hoover and creatlonra~me*ns established by .Veal. No. 53, P. B. A. yestt which erring man could be reinstated ^ what are YOU. doing Z. noon: George Rosendale. _ MILK here?"_ Dear me,_for an in- The Hoover nfakca it easy to keep In* the good graces of life, if "be chose Anton KovacirviceS'pmld _and and a vague hope that after thb life. stant Puss almost forgot to --Car.usb..-treasuret;._PeU!r.M the Itouje-cleiTiT-cvcirduTiHii; the:' Opportunity Vtudld he Silvra to leaTn answer "Bumperty bump!" t" tary; John Joseph McNerne know summer when the window* are n.ore about this life of oars. In the Lu^kliy he remembered hi at-arms; delegate, Edward meanwhile, we have learned "Ume, however. With a scowl ternates to State convenUo that open and diut and. dirt blow in. a-b-c's, we can read and- write; and a grumble one of the ' tic City this fall. George Ro The liberal allowance we Mill nuke have learned our numbers, divider add dwarf* banded him a bag of s Harry Craig. .-.Offlcer Ro you're and subtract: we know.kin**, emperors gold. SLpresldent, succeeds Harry 1 in!l_(iai«»i_we_can_te!l J6je_stoiy__ ^Wj^> -Plaint__Hfi_hsld_! V ——getting- *—— ireatlon. or we thought we could up to two >ears ago. - The local ] for a new Hoover. few year*, ago: we know same of the "Bumperty bump!" cried , tlon picture and vaudeJriUe THE PUREST storles-«t the Bibles and aomeor.ta* Pu*V_wlth_» polite_bow,-and-_ MILK Our trade-in offer ap- •trongest tale* about the'lUe of Jesus: followed his little "bear friend - plies to cithor-model—— we remember ajewjrf hi* pointed say- out lnto_the sunlight. BE" HAD ings which we take as comae!* of a Lal» Heated by SI > otjp, balI-bearini' perfection we dont really nope to at- "Now you have a fortune," At t mountain resort 1 Why tain, for a while anyhow, out we pox chuckled the little7 bear. land a'-hi'Mlnft plant hm -throughout at' $79.50, _ them behind us wKh the antiquities ot stalled on the shore of a human history'and-faee tho world with and tho popular prioad - "Tnank you," gratefully an-- itcr from tlie lake flplns an ever-Impatient "What Have TOOT** the huge twlferannn'rotni ; Start '- model at $63*). ^ •weredjpuss, and. set out at— Because we have been led tobeneve , once for his castle. "Bow nice take. _r by people who ought to know better, TODAY? A smart carrying charge U'iin that the story of Ood and Hit creation to be once mare in sight/of " "-™ D*iv|cu~to-'lty poscti when cithcr^moJef it pur- WTp^ -~home,",,he-munnnred*v TeW— during childhood and aiMwenm. It hour* later, gsxmg at the old . One great rttoson why i dreu aboodon thrmselret cliasvi on term* qf dottto'toaertisthechanengieforadatt- NAME- • AOK_ castle on a distant mountain. hoooTwhkh'lihall' elatarour-eager at- silly. sports, and trifle S5 down ^ —top. "And-wlflithli'fortanBT'" "thehMlme insipidly."!*' b« r wifordDairy tention and our best and undrrMed ,can now live like • prince." attenUonTf hktad have found their curiotll Bee. —tocke. gartenw, w. have talksd ,«• sntrttaal CITY .OR TOWN- things In earthly terms and bteaaae «• .C/«2 have measured th» tore of Ooi and the Ute of man by a rote of UnaBksadm . X.Do you know we.spedali. aaiiiiuainMQ |0,oi,,,iepaoi ^ blankets and curtain*? yardstick, we hav* laft Oadlarg«ijr>»»iX tt '. workmanship unexa Cleaner*. Pbcoe -V 'I' - -•#.3


W« CBANTOSD XtTARY CLUB. BI-TKItTIIAL - - At Uv» Ctut luncheon today at ll«f- Mr*. E!£.»'«a> If. :--uir;;n. ot ir, Prof. Rohrer Amcng Enjoy. Gwdeo Pvty asht'a It.ni anncunced that in MayMorth»\cnuf,. VVtaM, !is, announced o/ the Week . - — jpranford Club_had again tnide la)1* UM enngement of lur dau(tittr. Eileen. Private Leaaoita n t d 1 .COkMST CUUUNET c the Bepriboeaa C O»th«'iisai*«IMli»ii^j»ckcrfUMl» »' ™ » ?« ^'»-, to ttllten Kelly, ton of William A Krl- ly of 3] CraU Hlacc. No dale h*> been BAXOraoNK TBOIUONK .last algat. St; Mkb*el» CM, IOBM of Mri K. C. Aldrv* ttw Wed- T** «peak»r of the day was Dr. H.Wi 1 b »i;tet .*h*'iw«dttteg'.-. -i •"''••'• "--•"• - • •-•: j «•*••• U Ihrioei Am. ot the.teama tied tor Sracptaee tn the yesterday. The Ject ni "The League of Nations.". Br L ism ihult rt.eU.-h u< the htt- TSWrge uundfrson and Jack Roberts tory of wars -from ancient times and , started from Bear. Mountain lajt Sun- rtBSONAI. Michael's scored their Ont nm m the and guesu and intro- EFFICIENT ART WORK Mr. and Mrs. Oerard J. Jansen and U» mewhrrt who represented told of the work ot the U*«ue of Ns- -•, day on a canoe trip which they hope to second Innlci, and added two more in Uuns to prevent war. Htj gave the Resolutions, Posters. Slgnr Piurtimeiit Stutdm. Cover Deslgni. Monograms, Wf temlnate. In Wisconsin- family spent the holiday and the third, m which" frame tt»» BefHb- UaecMa'at tile Mention Convrnuon sMbeir summer home at Lake BopaU Mcana gathered their nrst limy. ' Allanue City in April Mrs. R. L League much credit for progress nude ' --- piluumas. Lelirrtng. Uecorstlng \ cong. Und. Mia. A. L Johnesn. Mrs. P. N.durir.j the campajrstlnly few jrara It Flite \V«rk al ReiuonaMe PHi-n."" , . " In.trtKllon fn Art—All Atee Tonaluka Council. Daughters of Po. more for the Republican* in the fourth has functioned. The Mimes MUdred and toeJyn Price tied the score three up and tn the fifth, Crispin and Mrs L. R. BeardOr* (ave •••' KTIISUND* M. H IIAIXRKRT . calHSttas will present a card party- next reporu of the nnntaiyjllng and Inter- A large.number of the members will ArUtl and Crratar at Original l>«lgns Thursday evening, June-if. in Veler- of Walnut avenue and Ruth and Abbie the Republicans scored tan. taking the • mi mvtRsini omvi, citAnroiio. ». j. Turner spent the holiday and week-end lead 5—3, but tn the sixth the dutch srtin* fatun* of the convention Mm attrnd the dinner of the South River yan»' Hall. Games will at 8 JO Itotary Club tonltlilj It being the flrtl p. m. st Bradley Beectt. boy* made four, while the RepaMkana awibler't report being read by Mrs. made only one. ' J. D. TnmHnsnn. suintverHry of that dub. which * and Mrs. Albert Nelson ot Bal- sponsored by Cranford; Why be Stout and Uncomfortable These trustees were elected .by the mlere Parkway spent the holiday week Last Thursday night, the Oncer* With the lovely Ura and winding ATTEND T1UC REDUC1NO CLASSES Cranlord Historical Society at the an- end with Mr. and Mrs. CO. Collier of beat the rupnte'rs is—u, while the path* of the Aldrich traunda formlns nual meeting: Dr. A. L. Johnson. Will- Rockvllle Centre^ L.t. NaOoealt lust w St. Michael's 1 a perTect stage MXting7U>ow attending FOR WOMEN AND YOUNG GIRLS iam F. Hollman. D. C?N. Collins. lisle Friday night, the Wesi End A. a won were further enterulned with a rvclul IT.n I.HiB Mr !!•• M.inli i.'ras l» •"- Mr. and Mrs. Howard.U. Brown of ram Bible Class »—• on forfeit Xwo of raterpntaUve and toe dandni; Klven Irfti-il hy 4 l*c<;i i-I utaiiaMtw- f.*i:il AT CRAlCl'a C1VMNA8IUM. '(recently removed fruriiVCIarwobd), nuw located •B Boardilee and George G. Teller. Craig Place returned last Saturday (Times set for Monday night «eie pu«t- By a few of the Cranford uid Rahs-ay ntil, f> • t!.i-.J,il..r, i.f l>> I'.v ni" ii-.l hi C11AN1»ORD ATO EABTMAN STRKET.' formerly Red Mens Hall from a six weeks' tour through. Swlta- poned due to rain. Of Bmr. the Or-pupils of Mis Harriet E. RUM, of Rah- ,IHk_ III* ii.iiur N n'nl sAiiTall); fcnno.il A son Archie Gregory Bird. Jr. waserland. England and France. ioles' play the repeaters Unlghl and wi», .- . •-..-• until 11 mil i:r:1» ihi\. IU" It. • lu-wii UrV#tT- tilt l*tfi««i| SuM*fVl*t*H *f bora to Officer and Mrs. Archie O. Bird Mrs. Leslie Crump and children. Joan St. Michael's play the CoUettani Tue»- The- flm group number "Sea an-cli" nil M h.*hl!* "f j«.':it i:'t:il fii ii-.tlllllty Illlil of 9 Benjamin street Tuesday morning. and Oalbraith leave tomorrow for Mil- 4»j- night, n the other game this week. ss interpreted by Jane llolilnaon. MRS. MATT1E SCARBROUGH Officer Bird isj wearing a smile that waukee where they will spend two Tuesday night, the. Lehigh A. C. 1 Dorothy Barlirtt, Etearm- NYU, Dora fliwrlal ClnMes In Body lluildlnii for Olrls Sapolio wouldn't remove. weeks visiting Mrs. Crump's fattier. the Nationals 12-2. Rnch. Betty .McLean. CumUnee . lletween the A||e> of 10 and" IS. one M Miss Kathryn F. FarreU of In Por. In the Old Timer*' dirfaOon. the Ap-CTBnan .--r-- ' HOUItli: • (• 11A.M. The kindergarten lif all schools will est avenue was graduated today from plejacks won from the Turtle* 11—• The next number, a tor dann "Fas- . Some riVniMi!|>i* nl-i*. n:uil**r liy IVCNtNO UVM CLASS ' » hearts and T 0V «Pi>niNIMtNI - - * . ** now be open for registration of new kinder- Pratt Institute In Brooklyn. She com- and the Olee Club downed the Blhlr rUttUon" by Roniona Novotny. naturv. umiw h); Cf> ifr:u I, snmo liy n hearts or garten pupils for the coming school pleted a three year course In'Interior Class M-». Eight very young children won the Interi-at, nntl Kiinie. l-y Hunlit,-Jrr -.-year Tuesday,-Jura -10, from 2-to~3 decoration.-^ iraiUuf tlirU audiri ! mtli UH- danrr p.m. Pupils will be admitted Jor the Robert Addoma of I Hampton street , SOrTHALL STANDINGS ot the -Blue Bird*.", Beverly.and Lots kindergarten who will be 4S years of flew with thearmy planes Iri HUM, Kathrrirw Buriey. Vintilua Doss. 'age in September;1^-':":"*-'"'-- -il-'t-t maneuvers: over' this" State" and New "•• . "~ • • '• OWL Hems & Son, . : wa. lucky York last week. He was with the 31st West End A. C J» 3 o" 10BO White; and Oertrude Fltx)iutrtct took i«'ktii». nix Jor one dollarr Aim r hearts to Th<- tvotote p -nvc ccnta -urc*-" ran' - ? hut rhree ernoon at the Fire House.:u-Ttlere were Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Trtpp of S Ber- Repeaters 2 3 O 1.000 mount Cleaners, Phone Cltanford ^ . • mii tj [42 babies present. The Baby. Station keley Place were guests or honor at a' y performed by Virginia Stuulrn. asily made Republican Club ...«•" 3. I .150 A dance "Flame" waa beautifully, 6-0888. lAdv. tf) *j CUANFORO MOTOR VKIIICI.K IIIJRKAU '."'• | teeta every Wednesday afternoon trom family party yesterday afternoon. The Orioles... __3 2 1 Jtn to 5 with a doctor' and nurse In oocasion was their 30th wedding an- interprettd by Ann Castor. 7 Lehigh ,; 4 2 1 J00 charge All mothers.; are.--urgey The hostr»e^ Mrs KC -THK BKHTWORK Church wIlTsponsor a card party in the ~played"Thursdajr."June Parish House Monday evening- at 8:30 Mlsa Virginia Scott of Bloomlngdale St. Michael's n. CoUegians to be Sayer and Mrs. Otlo de Wolff. THE LOWEST rBici:» o'clock. Proceeds will start a fund to avenue has returned from Swotebriar played Tuesday, June t. ' All Work Cluaranlecd a new grand piano for theCollege, Va., bringing as her house procure g p ka Fua Claaa K.»tlmat« fheerfuly (liven choir room. Refreshments'wil' l be serv- guests Mlas Mary Hlgglni and Ml» CMd Constance*.Turner, both of Rochester. Ta* tabiir Intulyvd iu k«<|illii: tin* uv< ed. Tickets, at SO cents each, may be OVRL ' •- vrage haman tacm 'rh'aa HIUUUIIIH tu Applejacks .. .1 10 1X100 Herman B* Konegen obtained from anyone connected with H, r. nning about a pound .uf dirt per year the choir, or at the door.' Miss Ruby Hutchlnson, daughter of alee Club -. ^|. »~ 0 1.000 ce.—Wcuxwb** HuttM* Mr. and Mrs. John C. HuUnson of S Turtle*:..'.- .1 0 1 JOOO More than 200 attended the card Stratford Terrace was graduated Mon- BWe Class .1 O 1 000 party given by mothers of Scout day from the Katharine Qlbbs School 80 last Thursday evening. ")) New York. She completed a secre- _8ehhose given honorable mention. night preceding the show. Mrs. A. Kantner, Miss Emmie Kant-: CHARTERED TRIPS ANYWHERE ner Mrs, A. H. Plummer Miss H. C. TWINBROOK1NN IIIIUIISII ON Plummer Miss Jessie -Robertson.-and Muslc by members and*two guests John W. 8haron. '.. . ' . m0m»m-* ; AW GULFSERVICE STATION artists featured the meeting of. Musi-. The first. discovery of an aiterplil w . • _ cal MtmitJiU,Club .Tuesday-evening.,In - .Hi9«ds hy,;m» t qi'i Trinity Parish "House." The guests E.rly Al.rm CU..U ' Pfasxl.ui JSpl.v •. ; R, SillctrTaii — Motlhew Seleaki 7 ^ i were Ruth Rclnhard. pianist and Elsie Devtc** for telllm time are n* nl.il -.'. Fruits, Vegetables • - A K. Orf. soprano... Othera.who.tookpart 1 aj'Wstory"- Itself."The"- OrwHsTpi'Intr p .in the program were: Doris Wolfe, hlinl< Tlie flnt L'niteil States department aUglnnfr «««to»S Mlddleiown, N. J. Whlntit Avenue-und Raritnn Road " Dolly \ftifJrahsm~and'Can^'McfflSill," out Modern ,MW *« Miignilpe..-had the water dock, tns i Altec* the cal-. bulldlliK erectitl In WmJiirnTun •'"-;-••• "• Crarifdrd.N. J. " • ' piano solos, Mabel Robertson, violin built. 17DIM8OI. on tne. *lt«r.of the solos tucompanled by Margaret Rob- idar iton*. the Saiom of England . ie handle dock, and other peoples present Htate :u:il War hulldinr. It «as ertson, "Old Lady and the Tramp", occupleil by Die State.'"~\Var and ,.' r sketch. b> Margaret Crane and Thomas the hour glaa* and sundial. ' ,. The first alarm clock was devetdjSw^ telephones 64230—64)231 soon' after gunpowder waa Invented: SPECIAL LUNCHEON 12 TO 2 JL M. > sundial was placed over a tUlnh Do you know we have a tree campKor 3?*" The Re* Roscoe T. F6us£ rector ot tor* ton. When the sun came to a packing service for all articles cleaned? Chicken Chow Mein 65c RegularXuhcheon 7Sc~; '•"v" ^Trirati^~EplscopBl~Ctitrrcbr-la-^particl-- TtMamTSWTRianiOiritorsryfrfoTOsed HlTTar^TSrp " ' t pating_in u conference on "Christianity on the fuse port by the burning glass,- no further protection needed, para- FANCY FRUITS AND ~,—as the .Fulfillment of Religion" being Ignited the powder. The chief differ- mount Cleaners. Phone CRanfprd Table d'hote Dinner SerVed - >S held this week at Washington, D C. It ences In the ancient and modern S-0888. • eors ago The local plans a mo- Office JM South Ave-CUONC-CJtANroUO-g.lI, Kaut _ ' llesldeneUe J18 North Jive., Cast ', , tlon picture and vaudeville show in the blindness, . _. ~ - amtroiling' ' wt.. :z> ---- r "Clu>«" L«W Healed by Stun Telephone companies divide dtles ; At a mountain resort in' Swltier- [into section*, each wlU) aercral thou- We Sll'ggCBt i , land a'-hi'MIng plant hns been 'In- sand telephone nbacrttwn. Eacb sec- •tailed on the shore of a small lake, tlon >}« a telephona dty, ha* IU own A PERMANENT FOR A~ —water from the l:il«* flj'lng hooted 1n central omce anoTaluuBe, such a* "Co- the huge hollers nnil" returned to the lumbia" Jir •Potomac," to designate It SWEET/GIRL GRADUATE lake. _T " When a number la called that Is with- in the same telephone dty, the connec- Fertilizers 1 tion- la mad* In the local central. Garden Ho*e , Punta Phone NOW CRanford 64)682 ~Wbeh a nomtxr-ls called ontaldr-tlre- One great rtfison ihy many chil- telephone dty, the local central con- UwiTSpSifcrT^ dren abandon thomselres wholly to nect* with a trunk Una wheh lead* to VENICE BEAUTY STUDIO aJJIj sport*. a»d W"? away all « central office hi the proper telephone 596 INVESTMENT v . IB N.

-/ - anzEif AND aatomcLE DAINTY EYELET EMBROIDERY FIRST BUDDY POPPY FOR PRESIDENT^ HUM ^asty Desserts Always in Order * IS »ery evident from tfc* tiaawa •f taahlaa, which even a fairy a*a> rd•/ MILLIE MAXWELL* tt occspy this d«r«d jaaterUl»*a»«U *a tyeieted : ; DAINTT dMMrt.ttaeeaUm4.ar the kwt and add tb* **8»oed gaUtla, tio* a pli plaU aoff-aad the flDtt* effects of every descrtntloa ar* enjoy ii- t» '- japiiiaisai ** pr*«eaO»a» ralasv. t sandwich U alwaya atlr until tboroothlr Mixed.- atrala and with a little laaoa lake. Pa* Ingng,, ihmt fMhlan'a follower* know a ssor t lovelyy and a» r •is eooL then fold la tb* atlBy bMten goMTiBIog-whea they ae* 1** .T Th*styiennlnded wn asaijaij aaiaia wbitM of lh* egga. oae-fourth tea- enthusiasm which prevails la regard paying. boasag* ta> tt. n««tga«r* arc •aaalah Cr*am. apoonfnl, of almond-and"oiwhalf t*a- te aheer eyelet-worked cotton* at tha eapedafly keen for smart catxaaw sack Soak tire tahlespoonfols of gelatin apoonful of vanilla. Pour Into molda th* present moment, knows w> bound*. aa danaa Oxford aad fanaa* wane) la four tablespoonfuls of cold nl« and chllL fferre wlih cream orcruhed Designers an doing aome very der- when It coMM te aaakiag a* tcaal* •nUI aoft Heat on* quart of milk In fruit aa Mace. SlJPERSTinOUS = er things with th* lovely new eyeleted aad other sports eaatasMa. Ua- • doubl* botla-'ipiij cook with one-half weave* which an attracting so mocb teriala of tola aort an aaaktac a wMa cupful of sugar)one-fourth teaspoon- CoffM O.litln. , • • • SUE • •'• • • z attention the** day*.—Fer-laataaee, appeal this seaaoa, la that thnaga a ROM the day of hi fnl of Mlt; poor while not, (lowly Dlnolv* two tableipoonfula of gela- 13 years before, t over An bates egg yelks, pat back tin In a tableapoonful of cold water, F school of a- large a Into tha boiler and cook until the mix- add It wben aoftened to one quart of city. Ada Gilbert. 1 ture coati the spoon. Remove from hot coffee and one-half capful ofeugar ned by the-question wt with, a pinch of aalt. Mix and pour assailed her when her ol 11 ii n f ii mi i ii II 11 mi Into mold* or aherbet glaaaea and aerve Tom Cass, suddenly up with plain or whipped cream. It may her classmate, Evelyn Dt -SOME TIMELY be combined with blaln cream before Whatever sf pique and iboldlng, If. preferred, mixing Juat 0* Blight have felt, were ! SUGGESTIONS fore (he gelatin aeta. ' , tbe question,'because sh with the eldest son of thi iiiiin n'lini iniiii •; . _; . Maple Mouaa*. i'. .. eat banker the week N ILI.INO the Icebox with scrape, of v Take three egga, yolka beaten alight- nounced engagement of 1 Ffood Ii a waite .of room and. usu- \y, and put Into a double boiler with one lyn. ally, of food.. Never allow them-to ac- pint of maple alrup. Cook until But for years afterwai cumulate. creamy, remove and cool. Fold In the the Tom Casses had mov •titfly beaten whltra of" the egg*, add. question had flashed sen A steamed pudding should not be one-half cupful of pecan nut mean -variegated days of Ada's coveted tot the flint b»lf-bour at and fold In one-half cupful of whipped What had Tom Oss se -cream,—I'ouMnto-the-tray-of-the^nie^- —Day," who-wasTSie" of TK chaolcal refrigerator or -pack' In Ice nice-enough girls of dust To brown plea and tarta use a iinall and aalt and let atand In a mold for „ allty ajdV.no. achievement pastry brurt to apply-TOttx- lightly tfffc. thm to^nir hour* Sirre In (011111 portion* nVit la very rich. .' Ada used to'descrlbe it, fore putting them ID (he oren To In. particular., iqd- no -gn -»t»i*rphHI tmMb theitt wrth-thw-whtte- of-airegg If JToij wish them to fie a SHE HAS HEAB(3 THAT- or manner, that. In.any i Prune ~and~"Aprlcot "PI* tip to the sparkling distlni shiny brown. Dae the followlng\for a pie filling: If bad Illtl* boya ataal robin'* •S8»— One'can of qprlcota, one-fourth pound Oh grief and angulah . . . .Old Man who had been a dlstln of.atewed priinea, one-fourth cupful of Bad .Luck !* liable to-caua* them to dent at high school, had i Whenjhe fastener has pulled out of tumble and braak thalr lega. ora at college, and from I a glovgy'darn the ho)e and sew aa or- chopned nuta, three tableipoonfula of flour and-fonrtablwponnfulr of augar. u ae*med.. pre-deitlned for "aihary dress sri«p~uear the old fait- tionor and Importance^ - ring till) nril Of'IW.UlJO -nailily" pij)itilCTr, which are placed on aala by the Veterans of Foreign W«r», from jfttle ilia* llniel Viola aense "of"frustration.""A A aubslltute for buttermilk "may tie 0 h .JHuXIliaoa.BiUu«ht«r,.of «.deceased. WurW w«r.*«jr,1»|l!«*£the,}o.' couounder In chief of tha Veteran*, IrssJiitlnrllarottriTenchlWitieTres-™ | Why Boys leave Home , **i and most outstanding ly for two minute*. . Jusf the same, one cou MenUal lapel - \ ' ' (Coprrllhl >—WOT) Banrle* asking, whenever she p r newspaper and read the r . Cass: what did be seetli What did he, who was ia keep AWN i -with me, see In her? Men 9c*^ OOMT Ybu It Is certain that In thi a>a<>a>taa»ta*»a»«*ta»««>aa>*>»»B>. JEAN NEWTON*** llvorce between Ada and I HN and women now alt together go modern, and now the whole: town compelled to alt on one aide of the /tbe conscious thought of M on aunday la a church In a Wd- la buklng In the reflected glory—or chnrch and the women on the other. \Meff imfir 'flare played little "part. : Wactera town. dlagraco-ot baring gone modern I And now they may alt together I At Gtt into Sh*wl.g Ua. of Ey*U» Faaa>.Haiy, farther' from her m la eaaa you are , not aufllelently for forty year* the men h»»« been leaat to anyaJhe dlipatch which car- there are novel little separate certain scientific daretdns or Bener- ..f—~jpt the snug bed sh< thrilled otahocked by that announce- ried theinewa around- the world. And made of eyelet-embroidered batiste be- Islng procee* they have- bcea and* to 5-jfcr herself as the wife si ment, pleats ba Informed that tbla la we rauat believe newa dlapatchea. ing shown,, the-same, to be worn with take on a fine InJter and abma wtdca it' impbrtnaVas well' a)j|' a revolutionary proceeding for th* Tlilnk of the reaponaiblllty. which la a pique ,arid a sheer adds Infinitely to not only their attne- , men In town. But Ac llltl* village. It la tha Brat Urn* la now on the heada of the youthful con- . ._ tlvenes* but to their durability and I without'her host. forty jraaia that auch a thing ba* been tingent that led'and won the battle They are wearing these swanky laundering qualities as well. srPracileiilly out ot a cli countenanced there. • to bring uodn-nlim to that town. If Jackets made of eyeleted batiste over The three-piece suit aa pic- and. of Ada underwei Modern youth, ibey aay, la reapon- anything thould go wrong—If the re- dark crepe frocks, too, or with navy, tured ID the foreground 1* auch as will of establishing real alble for the change. The modern aulta of thla IconoclaiUc cbnnge would brown or black , the blouse com- be chicly worn this summer wben mi- i where divorce laws youth of tho church made tha church not be all that la hoped for—think of pleting the picture, being either lace- lady goes from country dub to coun- r lenient. In order to I the atlgma* on youth, modern youth I • trimmed net or fine handkerchief linen. :, from -her on ground i II i n(i iiiiiiiiinni II try bouse. This stunning nsodel la That la the trouble with estremea. The Idea, of eyelet embroidery for made of pale blue..darenfe oxford. Jb* Thoae who advocate them auume auch the separate blouse Is being worked blouse being of handkerchief linen In wss the most devast : WHEN ONE ISr a terrific rciponalblllty If anything for all It Is worth. The In the the same charming blue. As said be- of har life. A fat goc*| wrong. And In all nullcsl changes foreground In tbe picture stresses the axial world, a pow 1 fore, one of the advantage* of this "widest Influences, the ! BOSSED involving profound comnlc principles, effectheuess ot the, eyelet blouse when .handsome, mercerized oxford weave of - By DOUGLAS DlALLOCH ; therfl;ia'«lwoj|i;ihetcli«nce of .aome-: U-ls worn with a smart afternoon bewildering blow to thing going wrong] whlch-lt-l»-rashloned l»- that It. will lth all her cieverneaa, :ulL An ensemble such as this be- launder to perfection. i h 111111111111111111 I-I-I- 'We have our llngera croaaed. for speaks tbe'daytime mode at its best. he- aHIlty to lay her the church In that little town/ %et ua I For the. clever tennis i to. tb* outstanding diploma UIIUAI'S I had been happier „ Enthusiasm for oclet-batlste carries left In. the picture the^IesigMr cboases the supreme blunder P IIOIM) that thow coungeoua^nmta who so far that Infrequently It Is employed •rv If I hud been each day waged the noble battle, yeura ahead a durened faconne cotton. Its allover her husband's, psychol Content to others to deter oL-thelr-ilme, tp permit. Wen to alt. for both the dress and the bat which patterning standing out in lusterful bad been the plodding, "And let them hate lltotr way. tops it after (he manner ot tbe arrest- There'e nothing n««| about netk- next to women In church, may he vlo- design like, satiny damask. By the man, oho concentrate But t rouat bar* my beads, iny toy, dlcated, Inilped Juatlfled, by the bappy ing-ensemble pictured to the left. way, have you-ever stopped to think business, and bare*.'I •• \vhtTi> I. •»•• hnt tt tots Ing." aaya Frlvolom Flo. "Bv«o In the, JAWI It you are. planning fot midsum- t rural- dl«trlcla. long ijo- run war* rrnulta of ^the ..nDprTeedtnted. and ,that~xh« J^ennh^ Xroik.*.,I*> -ms «Oe» y'olk*6ut«rde. TlKst gi My wooyy dot, my rubber boy, phenomenal experlmont I ' '. mer you may aa well add a charming mumamed aa any type of modern dm the fact that his a Would hare, or have them not heard to'aay 'wall, I wan.'" sunshade of the same eyelet embroi- i<.i-WNU «.r»i^. (A mi. n«n aroi«.V—WNU a«r»u«. ' can be? To be sure tennis frocks ai* precipitated'by a'flnr dery. worn -for tennis, but there are "teoai* another wouianr N'otli Abd huppitr I might hare teen As to the dressmakers' problem as When I waa ojder grown it la he onylngT" oaked the boy. frocks" which play bridge on the coun- had entered into hi "Whenever I talk about my feet they to what to suggest In answer to the was the deliberate cutl If I had always given In "Ijafrt underatgnd a word.1 _— don't work well. I declare I don't try dab porch : whleb smile 'forth And not dealrod my own. man who finds hla mi flfl.^tha_Jogalong gave him a amall know which one comes first. Can't ilcmble. But when men robbnl I took back, The Children's Corner ear trumpet which he picked from a anyone help me?" Or anyway I trlod, Eallleal hy OOROTIV EDMONDS trumpet vine near br. Tbla the boy "I can," aald the Jogalong. "Just thirty-Ore, still ben ten, what I hare or what I lack, placed against hla ear and Inimedlnte- you go over there by the pond and' . Ada fc , At leaat I kept my pride. and_tho_cen||ne!le,'a_ bring^ me^a.^blade— of— graas.' curiously fat a»ay from Jbgal6ng~Talca ^T And happier I now might be, the centipede. -Quiet, ilrt Thla boy The centipede had great confidence -A and importance that had a* the wife of Jicr hustia bhX'iU : _ _ _.'«K*.?Xsm In lbe..jQgalong.and.lnunedlatelynfor. <#»" CHAPTER 4~*~— ~ l^l^l^kir^lh toll jou nhlch leg I use first. It Is got about hla feet as he set about do- ^ ,-.gai^same~laH ofwas no )< If I would let Iho rest boss me, llUT»utlmnli! wai »n\lng hla.23 the Land of Wonders with mo and Would do what I am told. his eye* are quite opened, lie won't this onej. no, this one, no. I think It Ing Ms bidding. He walked away hur- able. Dhested of the pn Tpulra of IVga frantlcnlljr around In Is this one. No, certainly nat-l It lariedly. / tUn and local Importance, But on* old nan 1> atlll uubosted. (lie air, uot tho slInlilMt uso to lilin, •Hep on you." V . Whatever-people say. Whereupon' the cenllncdo became the one on the right, no, that's not "You see," said the Jogalong to the ily a divorcee, living And all the things that I have lost "Let** turn him o\cr," laughed the right. It is tho one on The left. Oh, alimony. boy. "Ho doe* look funny that way." calm and'the Jogalong and the boy, boy, "his feet work all_rlght when he I fought for, anyway. with' iho ald~df~tho twig, helped him how-foolish ot me, I mean It Is the thinks about something else and not f "It «sa then she decided Tim Jogalong pliknl u|; a atrong one behind the Drat one In the rear; aae of the large eastern c -" In si] the years which iht ,_ •/ Hugh Huttcm. "Calm.youraelr. O'Jill, -pld ^cboPur : a : : "Put your trumpet to your cox and 2Mi (Author tt Nuttr Natural lllitorr.) aald the Jggalong, lauslilng.-"If jou'll ftd;';lii»^-^^^'-JI»Ute^— ' *f-' ' 7~ •*that may help, you." follow me." 'tween her' craduatlon "The centipede tried to start walk- school, she had not clapped keep aomo of these "Pray, can you'Cell.iiii "which:foot The boy did aa he was told Imme- you uae Drat In walking-and which Ing. Ills lega became quite Jumbled npon Tom or Evelyn In _*TMI1B animal -la, livid eacred _by_-th» feet »tHl_.*:_* tevolutlonlxlng ' sociologies jl(gtr*urt think It la coming toward It Use Mplanes^to Hunt Deer in Southern iftah %-j:;— were beginning; to have I _when_a,U_the time It la going away. harder. "Ii ne arrala- of V. «fc. i-nnntrr, IfD Ot the « mol" aaked th* -~~ Tom Casa was a household , } * aaecess had never faltered. boy _ of _ the. JpttloHgLJ?I._wsuWn:i hurt him. Can't you It'll him a»r .fjrl. .. . It »as 1nto-hls-townrw| *" eence of retinue, that Ada eager queries--eoniing-from—To-be i^.. jaestlc_cars.Tan^arrived_ wl .Panga and Bang a bridesmoliLCdebuuntes, and members der-»Tercfiffig SrImmed~iuM at fnneV \, Of course, contacts wltl if the forth«|minA graduating class eon tinier which take tea la friendly f Cause* were Immediately as to what W^Bof for the all-Impor- gardens; which being topped off with If **Jj|» Strangely, Evelyn aeem«l i PW« llttlt flrtcrscker* tant frocks, sheer eyelet gives an to. scampish , travel everywhere t* I*' tally glad to *ee her and i Tltd by thalr cms. mediate and happy solution. motor cars. And. of coarse, tennis \ wtt*. promise*,of whst.Tpi Cam* Mr. Pnq.k-. frocks play golf—and >—->rinimiMl ' • i anee was sure to~be upon "H«l-W Mil Tm,.» Competing with the ejelet embroi- Cor the making of men. handsome cob i -tiV- troco Europe. dered batistes In white or natural tone Said flncraekar. ar« any number of eyeleted sheer cot- tonaW the type employed Car the <£ - The Casae* lived In a m I f«ol •» funnyi_^ .jons_whlch.jttake..color-thelr-feature. Illustrated will be found ideal. _. .aeemedJowering. even aanMlhlnfe-.la haimalnc— The color la expressed either In mono- ' *Tt la not only tnt beneld of srwmmTr-jT enstomed eyea of Ada. Th cotton weave* are setting a new klgk- OoaaettMatly, the Jlggemurt haa ner- Imlda ny tummy'." tone effect* for both the perforated" the baronial halls, flacond llttl* 'flreoraokvr. ' patterning and Ita background or tbe racord. The scene of their gnmtest laxt-wlng-anft-apsdoiis nui .'.«r..«»|b.t.oiie ,jetv, Thli picture •. "Wr hta* will Ijurat,^. triumphs.-!* as.oOen. lajhaaanneai caught tb* animal la repoae, after "Third 1UU. aracracker. ~ openwork embroidery may be executed wer*..on a acal*,g*rgai • xteal •* jelly bean*. , Til dl* of thlcU." In a single bright color on a contrast- or on the platform where the preed * youngsters, true to 1 Vounnutl flad • ralher long alnthr ing background, or the design may be graduate Is receiving her dtpksr " '" mentally nor pby peajt'ut forth* head, but th* reat-la_ -rm folaar to touah." carried out la multicolor* worked on In th* wedding procession. Of< s. A nice enough may, tb* bod/ bting a bratll nut, the ' rifth IIUI* araontkur whit* background. the cotton* won at sort i a boy and a glr horn* done, «an popcorn, and th* *r «olaa>4«r Cotton Wsayt* Popular. as sheer and dainty aa I due* then—dotted i " leg* and Mil IMthplcka, with chew- Poor UlU* McekM Cotton no longer a Cinderella among 7 8lx evtaton who anal** blg-gatna hunters have been using airplane* to hunting deer In southern Utah, and the and the (Ike. tatr iroia atttlaf >«9rythlng together, • 0«l tter *!! wtnt. 'poor beast* had small chance of escaping their Wf>pow«i*4 lUtaa. Tb» nsult* at an* hunt an ahown la thla UatUj weaves, haa .merged from Its Baa«l w**t Ik* r humble niche. It haa risen to a batgu ' CBEBIB MGBOLaS,' A IIUI* Wr a plctun ot tk* asta and their ateas) < .--••• r ••• <•-», _ " _~^ MB, UM. US1V0GUE LOVER CONFESSES "WHAT™ trustta, coeaplsuly lostsrleaa. SB* was lea era a fairy •**> *he *es»* evict enlgsta who had MURDER OF GWL well ha- |ii—d (s> saa Ucd her coasnslty by captarlng- the BY STRAMCLING DID IIE SEE gI briDJaat Tost Qua, ~ I r .: Vhea-Shss) rater—a* fress what . om.com: SECTIOM 3 been tbe flying haajneas trip to ham- {• '~rn rlrHglit apaa re mearin*-Ti t». U. g was aU that Evelyn had promised h 36: r* it would be. Here war recreation, f or snsut esttaasi i •y FANNIE HURST rd and i « hew tor, a new delight, a new face, te saaktag a* teaajs •t - Th* years bad dealt, lightly wttb Our Pet Peeve _ Krle, ra.—Breakiac *n enkr «e r snorts esatassea. sja- him, as lire had In general. Be ' Tha Carman* "Black Day" rotnulve truss)Jtatstf a personality among personalities, nrt are asalria* a wMa "August 8,181& was tha -Biota day* Wlrrtorktrenkt. aliea Tas» Prissiy. suied, tnuieadoaaly jovial, magnetic: son, la that thiwagh a BOH the day of her graduation, sf Ihs Herman army la tic history of knows locally s* Testy ih» even beyond what he bad been. Bac- the war." The words are those of cunfnsed rrvmHry Is* gr«in*i 13 years before, from the high eess had Italicised him..- * school of a- large middle western Ludfndorif. Ike German general. And der of lili lmlM.»x«4M F he should know. Although the Allied city. Ada Gilbert had been baf- Curious, th* bantering, lumrt. Mary haoaau •« sbtUwat. r»L, p«r IMP BM*. the question, 'because she bad eloped their, youth, filled wltb awareness of After July 18 l.udenilurlT bad by no th« KUI at sn Eric- sfc*ti»c naA. 4n*we - with the eldest son of the town's larg- each other, tantalising to each other niPMin lout hope of yot winning til* her to a lonely pp»t MI CastM! •>«• est banker the week before the an- and strangely exciting. war. Ittit after August 8 he bad, It nu*. untngitt} b*r wttai a rspr. as>4 nounced engagement of Tom and Eve* During these months th* beauty of mail* nrin Him tha ilist>ond«nt view threw h<* but* latv Lat* Rtw *n«r lyn. Ada seemed to take on a new sheea. that •"I'liu war would hava to .ha attaching • wclcMnt caola •• law Her dolly blue eyes became brighter, etidmr und II led lhe kaiser to say, "I j ;. ; But for years afterward, long after her hair more Jonquil yellow, the nat- •<•* that we must sirlk* s baliinc*. We bid one no the Tom Casses had moved East, that Vvtrran tiftrrtlne. sgttaM el tsw , » hearts and ural jink In her cheeks more surpris- are at the mil of our resources. Tha d»tsO» •( CM a*. a4 '. '• now dof, question had' flashed across the busy, ing. : She was taking the particular war must be endml." 'variegated days of Ada's life. VVUrsorkowskl «!••• Iftg f»t—II gtrt« n hearts or social set In which she was finding Credit for A must 8 belongs to Sir What had Tom_5ass seenjn Evelyn rrpeattd ssMrtlmu ttel a* «** the place -for- herself, chUfly It-is true, PouglHa Mate, (h.- llrlllah o>miii«nd«r, fnthrr of hpr ontwre .tha t thi-y ality and no achievements^.. A- gUt as r poiati-of tie-dry's•gayetyj-'Wot- on! laif "yeir'wutii' 'attiHns ~llisii'Wor'fif"war." r. „...,. Ada used ta'deseriba it, with no face Tom, but the town was agog, with tBm»%»4 « asjudry In. jMttlculaf, iqd.- no gracM.oi. mind Under hla direction the caunitir attack The rvpontil r hearts to •wrDTf'rorwnrii wvfrjns-rroilT-.siir to twoth or manner, that.ln.any waj..matched. ll.m or the «Mr. Ei»ml«ath» ^ i loatthree- tip to the sparkling distinction of Tom, • ••- What - *liilil-ni!ln>-t.h» llrit Uay -and taking 10.000 prlwmc'ra lly th* lima, tb* bmly n( nr»t t«» |» «»• »«fl«» Urns Ibe, «>ncl trickt who had been a distinguished stu- More and more this question began girl was the victim aria a*ly mad* dent at high school, had captured hon- to torment Ada. Why, here within ~oflt>llllvo find rndml an August, 21, arms reach, ..except for this dral there was * -total At •-•l.0ui> Unrrnsn ors at college, and from the start had i'ollr* receltxt thrtr Sn( ~W»- aeemed,predestined lot;j_.career of; woman wlth.no face in partlcnlar, wai prlsiincra and the Ilrlll.h had penr- happiness beyond anything ^Iw ha ,trnte(f.. the' eneirfy-beld tprrltory-. 13 Sirs. Vioc«nt SobiuiU^ nuulUr >4 honor and Importance; -• niunk/rett tin. who MM un ih>a lulling Z'a dreamed. Not the person to err twice. nillps. It lihd Hutlenvii out tb* "niis«" lAaso, y :j, -— -> • aense of frustration. .She became, crowned with success, but It now be- yon •nllcnt, livid ny ilia «ame ecMejit to-Ada that all through even JJuiUuh It 'luul not est and mort'^utstftnitl'pg. mftM*Q"T Ti^t* •the years-«f—her-marrlage-(o- another M||ll' Jus} the same, one could" not help man. her one grand passion had been communtrAtlona, It "nnhlnuptl thif miiid asking, whenever she picked up a for Tom Cass. And here he was, ready und- niiirnl* of the Ocrmnn auprem* newspaper and read the name of Tom except for.the Intolerable Impedimenta conmiamr nnil never amilli did It hnv* Cass: what did be see .In her? of a plain wife and plain children, hope tif ultimate victory, . What did he, who was once In lore ready to inarch himself back Into her The BiicceM\ ot this drlvs wns mail* ft-with me, see in her? heart. posplhln by the, utmost lucrecy which It is certain that in the subsequent Fool, fool, fool that she had been, preri'ilcjl It ami tha element uf mir- llvorc* between Ada and her husband, ever in miscalculate In those years FEATHERHEADS prlsa. lnsteaor..of opening the ball the conscious thought of Tom could back there-^-to^lot for-want-e with s grand salvo of nrtllltrr. tht '•j'Ksve played little-part. Nothing had Imagination, yes, ii had been Just that, Ilrltlsh lot loose a. »warni of tanks, * '•fceen farther from her mind than to the youth with a future, for wh»i more Ilian *'*) In number, and the** dsrenlns or |(«Vsrupt the snag bed she had made seemed to her t/be-theyoutu'wltn" clanking, snorting 'vnglues.of war led 1 ttt herself; as. the wife as one of the his future Jn his hand. the soldiers to vlciory, The secrecy * I one no ey ban- bees ende ts> - Important, is Well on the wealthl- J befor'o it bejiih was an gri:nt th.t' noi liter and sheen which Fool. Foot Foot . men In town. But Ada bad reck-' even tha war cabinet In. London knew n In this not only their attrac- 'ajoed without her host. What does ho see In her?" anytlilim Btxiiil it. •-•—•—.1 . thdr-durability and Of course, .the expected happened. «ltatY- ties as well. out of a clear sky.the There came a time when TomTas if of Ada underwent the Indlg-- AZhad Jacket salt as ple- to announce to the world he was no Wlntiinf tha "Cigar Uahler" d only a of eatibllahlng residence In a igronn^ is soch m* will mow than bnman, began 'to be seen On* uf those ouints whose duties 1 reasons where divorce laws were notorl- Ibis summer when rat- about, more than'WBR discreet In the forbade the privilege 'of whanging ' him to lenient. In order to win his free- his type country Hub to cora- company of the golden grass-widow. bark at tho enemy with bullet or shnll from her on grounds of mental •cuance ls stnnnloc model Is Inevitably there was talk. One or two was th* Drat A. to. r. Unit to win th* trump. ne dam* oxford. Jbe of bis friends even-ventured to remon- French fuurragere, a decoration mar* '' was the most devastating catas- one handkercblef linen la strate. But "Tom was Involved. Tom commonly referred to ss a "cigar •«•**# > would in* bine. As said be- of har life.-A famous beauty was smitten. Every one, with the ex- lighter," This group was originally ^- could e ndTsntaxr* of Orts axial world,- a power, a woman ception of .Evelyn, saw that. Tlajn as Section., Hnnllalre Alnertcolne No. B widest Influences, the action came rlzed oxford weave of : the nose' on your face. Tongues' which later bcchmeH. 8. (MO, U. 8. A. tloned-ls- (hat -It.- will bswildertng Wow tff^hef prld#.f2 waggedgg/ _ ^ A. M.—In plainer Knglish, an ambu- rtlon. Ith all her cleverness! hfr nimble Tragic! Even with ell his security, lance unit, | r tennis frock to thw he- aillltv to lay her trump cards a scandal hurts a man like Cass! Has The -organization was-.k»w*al *M Una appro. bad been the plodding, rather stu- dynamo like Tom; Cass. - Poor. Eve- I MAY NOT CVS. BOVlMa ANV-1 curly duy* «f tho war. ic«. hut ny damask. By the v "Tony cli* SbalJf* Unit '•!•« tfce> fit k*> man, who concentrate" brilliantly lyn. Wonderful wornnn. Such a sense BOSS CQOSSES IJE Appt.ss.Bur IM rvwiMO way Two illation* tr» nire-siuiry before Inlrndcd to obtalo a itlixo a <,dn |,,r »er stopped to think business, and bnfe.'hln neck to .t rcl.i,l of humor, but dumb! - • lb» ' (Jliur llgluer" may bar worm H»t- ' 'It your-' lk*1r-Vnrr tlon No o won the. tlraf nf thi*sa a type of modern dress a lapse In her 0carryin^ g on of the Wlrrsiirkuwakl w fa (an* lure tennis frocks ar* the fact" that bjs artshad not year before wo «nli>rnl thn conrlkt. It ti»ly at onre, HJI WU» imples Ipltated by a flare or^passlon gigantic, household, her duties to her but there are "^teciBlj being awunlH April \ Illlll for eleven trunk II.Kh inalntalavi* tsrj _ 4he no "' another, wouianr S'liihlng orTthnt "children; to hex social pisltlori," to" her: ly bridge on tbe coun- , days' evacuiillcin of" woumlml In a nothing of Mary's itoatht. " "III two " husband. —^— . . -. ^partlctilarlyj hot tons .of the Verduu I offers •rhlcb ffinlle 'forth '»• broke^jp, SHIS* Haw aa was the deliberate cutting looMMtf '"Fnnny-thlnRrsatd Adaraloud to her struitxlii. •action mirror one night- I've a.feeling she Is I fo/Kot all ofxiul llsrj- _ James a man who flnda his marriage ties The second clliitlun, aim tho four- «|ll(;tH of flnallty * A part of th* citation on th)M occa- as the wife of Jier husband. Life In and self-loathing. •ton lain appreciation of heroic s«rv _- 1—ii -—Stranger—tMifr^7; r er worki, wli«r* able. DIvestcd-Tof the "prestige,- posl- sense as he lay with his head In Eve- ! : And It mentions Hint ths award mis ployeiL nmt fnnn tlsa and local Importance, she became lyn s-lap--gnd- -hlirarni8~rTnng_.aBoiif •conferred by III* Frimi'h government J«nt Aio tier knees, that «hr-was laughing at «»« llor tit thiitsttairb«ii to th* j£«lr» t>*4r Mi n«l> merely a divorcee; living on, a goner- for "Ilie richvit w>nne of duty, (t as- as missing. ' • '.-. .-1 • MHwlait •OS stlmony. :•., him. sureit In • minimum, of tlnie, ilcipll* 3H>t (•mi. "No, dnrllng, 1 am not laughing. I'nHiiictliiit of tn* rhaln knftp sjai I* *"*>«• "It *as then she decided to move to great mnterlnl diniriJllei, the liractia- accuMd man's liwt 'nesliipr'it eVaastre, toe of the large eastern cities where It's Just that I am so much wiser than tlon of all the waumlod nf lis dlvtsinn fKur..jt, , you are, sweetheart.' I've been watch- th* ilhtrkt att(irn«y JM HM social horizon was wider, the life over roailj hardly iinictlrnhlo and ur> v«uled detnlls of ttlver * I*, win. ing It happen, praying for how It HNNEY OF THE FORCE Good Intentions, burno Restraint der a violent bombardment." ««ore varied. Dascrisea Ik* C OMJ. would, end—and somehow knowing my MAT WPVS MO MAY JrOnce more It whs the subconscious bod boy to be Just the- youngest mem- A<-ronllng lo th* pnUVs; n «| fmumm must hove settled her choice en ber of this family, feeling so sure J Doi-IM GO th* confmalito. nrbmnrawsthl n'lmstl town In. which dwelt tbe Tom BACK AM 8ta rlEU He Stood on H . . r so sure r- . --I Just-had to ~C6n'slanc referrnco Is mude 7o the SJidCJUtd t v see tbe funny aide ... or go un- effectiveness of llrltlah laws In com- Wlecsurowskl Invltnt Msry I* maw ;" s-" In all the years which Ihtervened be- der." , , - '-c^-tween her' graduation from high "O. II... M.ct.r.j.gwy.y ,„>!„», parison with our-own,-According to an to Erie from MelCron, ffte ssM. %r at **"' school, she bad not clapped eyes either American who served with lhe Ilrltlsh a IWal sKalMg. rUh ss4 _JLi apon Tom or Evelyn. In the Interim army, the "limeys" also knew how 10 uut ClaalKII .av«aoe t» • where he stoppe3"fb* car. ~~7~ ""•>»» hsd become one of the most Net Guilty svold regulations wh*n necessary. Her* h* drew om a rape wMch H ' - tall «l of magnates In the country.. An. A well-known barrister^ had suc- This American had a horror of vac- bad previously pmornz. alnatM tar -'f. ant.re township, devoted to his steel cessfully "defended a man charged with cination, n* heard with delight It was nd then dnw* rapUBy te tae ! .«* tol-istrlea, lay just outside the city picking pockets. After tbe accused, out. compulsory In Knglsnri, not even rrench street docks la Brtc- . Vhire he had built the famous Cast had been acquitted he expressed his la the srmy. Any soldier had th* right mJ Worklng la th* dsrh eai'tsw ~«aVTe. Tils lndtutrlat innovations, Tils (tratltnde-to-the barrister und offered _to_ refuse. " ri _ _ dockdck;; "" Hi» ataaisswi terolutlonlxlng "sociological schemes to take film to London In bis car. an When, vaccination parade formed the on. «aVf"'tn5» h«a>« Inm raadai U - wire beginning; to have their effect offer the other--was not-anxious to American, t»ld lti*,v0)MT be objected to b#r Dody, looped theother easl i'm| .country._If_not the worlds over. _accept being vacdnsled. That Is jour prlv. u.Iran bloelL»>*lchl*«jT umi | H»g«."Tlhs~orn>»r-iaiiirf*r »Htit fait Tom Cats was a household word. His "No, thank you/^he said politely, lonrrrd the body-tnt* ts* hs« ty rk* bad never faltered. "I'm afraid I haven't the time." _ In." Wben the parad* reached tb* bo*. plJIil JuiU the^AmcrlciOLjnfonneiLJhe. rope wltb wblch h* nad saraatgM aar. —_ II was 1nto-hls-town,—wtth-majnlfl- —!01utr'!-P»rsisted-the-manr-"lf~we start now It wont-4ake long. What orderly that'll wss ibis privilege to tettt of retinue, that Ada and her do- refuse vaccination. "Quit* right," said .. Jt«stlc_c«ra.Tan_arrived_ withjaniore.. tlmejs It nowr"_ _ j \ Gunmen Flce'aa Woaaa •fmmed Hal at ib2schku>sn saw* backl giaal ance was sure to be upon his return "" """Ss-Se exposed arm wllh lodln* th* orderly •he hurled th* bowl aseVth* t«* gw wen dtd; rsqeh. bandsoiac esc. - from Europe. Vincent Astor, back from a yachting agreed wltb enery word., Tben cam* wen dtd; e'employed for ths Casses lived In a magnlBcence trip in tbe Mediterranean, was talking tb* doctor. about 8pain. 1 will be fsond Meal. -.wenedJowjtrjng, even ,tftjh«.as-. . ."filr^.prolesUd,the soldier, "I under- SafeSpecmlirtGiVea t be fliSd of sports that -f cBStomed eyes of Ada. Tbe sweeping "" "ThV SpanlardVeat strange "isFtaT stand that vaccination Is optional, and •^ Six Yean in him n or - —s-i t setting a new hlgh the baronial halls, the superb the south." be-said. "In Bollchea, a I wlsb to be exempted." x a*4 #' f-art-wlng-anft-apadons nursery qoar- Malaga Tillage; I saw an old Spaniard Londoa-deurg* Rnefca. •ftr4^ , "tfbn ire.correctly informed,", cor- Is a apeUolist. la sofas. _ - " scar«s«n a stale,gargantuan. Eve- one day-carrying home a devil-fish.— dially rejoined tb* doctor, bully vac- roungsters, true to form, were . "Are derll-ilsh reaily worth eatlngr Sir Brnnt Wlht, riewrser ••OM cinating him. ' - - , Kalley police, tmuu psU hte ihsa mentally not physically re- Lsald to hlnv , - _ •, -And do /oa keow," relates tb* sol- ible. A nice enough-brace of "Well," be said to me, and be gave compliment, bot ebsmesl 'ihag ks- dier who was lbs principal actor hi itesd or Wng with a a boy and a girl who had a Uttle chuckle and shrugged bis this wsr Incident. "I waa so Indignant much of their mother's dustl- shoulders, "well, caballero, devilfish company; Brooks was paU B» F owr tb* wool* affair that I forgot to 'nen who* plannot rvbherlp*. and apparently Uttle of their fa' are pretty nraeh Uke wives. When I past out—a thing I had always don* clamor. they're baM they're awful, and when "!( U hlgbfs 4rsiraMr that t&c sss- before when aayon* got after DM with •Isllsfs acttvllrtf sboafaike-cwtsOpd.'" m benelf had sot changed. In tbey^ good they're only swo." _ a aewlle,"

t 5 - * THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE. THURSDAY. JUNE 4, 1931 \ AT HIE C.WINO M. c. cnrmcH C. E. Imus Honored for At the resent meeting of the stock- Insurance rai« of life .Continued from church page) hcirters the f«41o!titg directors' were , ompaule* are bated »o what ia kaown nut* boxes were opened at tbe mwUng Western Electric Service e'^cted for a. term of three -years: at the expcrieoM table of nwrtallrjr. of th Women's Foreign Missionary 5o- Charles 8 Uueil/Tniliain W. Hum- ri'ty Tuesday ncnlng at the home of A tjtiartrr -f^Trtnry of -continuous WV.Wrn Pltv'rie sr-rvite »»s cotnplrted mer. Robert E Crane^and Frank C. PHONF Mrs Charles Klrlntarn 53 Elizabeth N P V&daaofth- — - v — sfeoae. , .,, »b n Charles E. Imus at li * "The Duckpln"boilers'plafed flve In- CftANFORD CRANFORD f,: Uie sacrament of Holy Coramun- fc.ra'sJofd Ti rim: rcrilitd a goErtWCtf- tirciung- and-eteM-games-, last week.. on'aill 6r adnilnliiered at Uie Sun.ti7 _ Our Specialty ia 6-0444 6-0444 l-*> was high man with ITS, al**hlgb ^ ;•* morning servlre, there will be sermon WMi IJI tlif .'lr.ll , 6-0443 6-0443 Mr linii'* \* -'»n ^ mariltil suueh- average. 1M, Inilowcd by Rose with W. Quality. Courtesy M the evening senlce. the pastor, the x 6-0442> 6-044 Rtv MY. Puyuter wUl prwrh on KKi'il «.'ni,,m Jmi» a 190G Me «avl'wnas with 112. UlUU. 10B: and Service.. k ..jsusfnwnu of the World." This » II iw-li- rM.it nilrf '» January !9M. mer. 106. ind Cree, 103, v \ ht> the last of four s"rmorui err the tsen- Xf..r-i <- rr~i'n™\ iin'il nil, when h» The scores lollow- We~cEenre an i-al^toplc -Tlw June Bride.' Otrur. Xfiine .-.n'tliSxjjid Ujuul man P'uramer W 10* »7_13S—»4 •jrmve been: "Getting Married'. "The A traivlir in IMS plueed Mr. Iinus noie 116 141106 141 113 n ihe pmitioii o( pi'^M work rate Fet- ortunity to K5w illom«"r.•"The Church". Mrs. I<«- Llttell —, 130 « US 109 88 Boi B. Laurlon will render vocal self- ter, imn: uhlcli he advanced to man- Higb.e 89 M prove it. liuiis at-trie wrvlre Sunday evening. utjiciurini: analyst. H« was awlsned Cnr 101 110 87 Ui ninntiracLiiriiiK mptliuils engtiwerlng Children's ' Day exercises will lake - 1 ulare In the church Sunday, June I4, ii v -4. !^-l. and became section ToUli -430 430 418495 382 T what a7*nan does at ioi*4li-a. m-' Children duly presented cliitf in"' Itistiilliitiirti . niifthods within^ trur f*o >i-ir,-. Hi- Kmk lhe stfldenV vn- frttl.ill 77 70 m no 19 J.H.McMAI^ON * when he starts to build. will be baptised, Older meinbers of ttrc 90. 139 17S 126 108 Sunday School und the Boy Hcauts will Klnti'iiiv.'.CGiirrw at Hawthorne in 1922 1 Puna-. 113 12S 09 -130 103 HiglvGnde Grocw participate In a Flag Day service Sun and" i nt.rrrrt Mil rqiuument methods He oaks-/someone else in-nns dcjjart'tnrnl Sepiember 23, Cne 100 118 day eveiiinj. June 14. Phoaai CSaoftrd lMl 1B33 Iff A'.VS traiiiiteniii to' Keamy Hlgljle . 69 7S 73 Mrs. Charles Praru where lie should buy his build- April nr'19'js,.. wlicrc lie aMiimed his elected president or thi Calvary Supper to Mark nrt-scm ciuUrE inline ci«lnrerlhg. Totals . .38() 443 4i9 444 383 ing.materials. And he hears lor Service League at tl Pastor's 2nd Anniversary ing last Friday momlr a lot in favor of selecting this GREATEST OF CIRCUS Other officers chosen I coming year were: M To celebrate lhe second anniversary DAYS HERE SOON Hall, Jr.. first vice presi as his point of purchase. oT Uw M-rvlce b( the Rev. WHllam F old Crooker Sanford Behrais..ir, as pastor of Calvary Lu- Ilinclins linii. and Uamum ii Bailey dent; Mrs. Tjlor k< theran-Church, a.blrthdsy supper will 10 -Odtr