"aul Flanagan, ^fy-J ^ Robert Edward J. D. Colliiu Honored • Howard JotuMoo Awarded flan For Opening Of cturnuiv suuncr For M. L T. ScbokraUp Graduation Exercises New Committees Named Medk«l School Honor Memorial Day Marked cxiKMrrrci Cranford Boys'Camp J. Dtllard Collins, son of Township To Start Next Week A. Jv^unon. me ef Dr A I. Engineer and Mrs. DC. N. Oolllna .has KstimatofVeeds -......„.,.... M.000.00 By School Officials Johnson. Couair Supntntrnoei ByFitiingExercises been selected ar one of the nine stu-' SrnooU'acd iln jbbiuoa Will be «l»d nVWU Start July 5. With CMttrtkatioM dents in the second year of the depart- High School Clas. Night Set Roberts Declines to Serve on uattd taBKKrov.trcm Jrffrrwn Modi. Ajrplnne Mincnvcrs Add New Rate Reduced to $7 P ment of electrical engineering at Mas-: Clubs and Organisations 1,600.37 cai Cit^KS^JenawSriphta. Mr. Jotin er sachusetts Institute ii Technology f Jr; for Next Friday. All School Nofp to Ccrpmoniul Tor W.u Week f6r Any Period. Individuals 2M.80 Any, While Mrs. Strrrett son is onir Bfjint'lnm Ui<- ct»4u» the honors group in raat class-.-Mr>' Commencements Week of Relief SnurprUes- 1.341.00 Refuses Appointment to] clou *t Jtatnm «lu> h»>T bern I Jcrocs List Saturday. Collins was one of the students selected TOUI , : 14.241:07 Icvtrtl a.% tittemrv in the C£4)e£e WUh nUnsbeing completed for UK upon the basts of excellency In schal-1 June 15. ' , Teachers' Committee. Ul lie »!!! sent <>-.«* »»x> i>e»r» Mr arshlp and evidence of the qualities of ! With n nurnde, m whleh wv ei aJJiun opentog of Cranford Boy.' Camp near SipmsiMiirM self-reliance and initiative needful for) 1 dred marrhed, niiiklnij It uni. of Hi Hope. In Warren County. Sunday, July u( and eompuit* a f«ur )var course k the pursuit of Independent Jtudj- during PiipiU in all Cranford Schools are Investigation and super- cummittc,'* lor Hie. bt of rewrit yeii™. cx^irlirs nt lh • 5 offlcuo. ^ the camp are now. rscelr^ceivv- by JeHrrson "uin»CT»w. • junior and senior years. - now preparing for the graduation exer- vision ,,.- ...-. ...... world—Avar Mrnuirtul Tablet tl- i>n' tog tom for the camp season, cises which- will stah next week. The Store room _'...'_; President Jnhii K Clinwl »t the mri'lini * wnch, will run untintil AAugust 30 The corner of Hprtn^nild avenue mm tJiilnn ..,...«_ „ „ ._.„._ "'*" *rhool will have 1U class night Relief Enterprises .. of the nounl. of Etiueatioti Ttiewiuy PROMINENT MEN IN nwnne, -the Vi-teraliv rif TOFeTmi .Wu i rate for the camp this, ye«r hu been Of&ce : niilht In the l;..ird nionvj, nip Bixir of JUNIOR SERVICE LEAGUE next Friday evening, June 12. In th* lUtual for iit'imrlnl roinnides nt l>lr- l on* no reduced to $7 per week, for one week or School.. The baccalaureate Food: '. Ornnt Bchool HORSE SHOW GROUP vle* C*mctrry nnd it tlirilllnir nerlnl hearts aod the enure semaon. Lut yew. the Coal ....,„.......„ .,.._ A. Leoiittrd-ltobertii rt'fu:J.'il (o senr nuw do? fennon will be delivered In 1 dl«plav:bi five pian-x, Cninfrird hiiptu charge *u |9 for the first week and Episcopal Church Sunday morning, Clothing ;. ^auy cummlttiV.i. He .tlrchirrd hi* run. (Mac riatli«4 r«r Crrat. i l>rintrlj» nbwniil Meni<irinl ihiy .lasl 'l hearts or »&» for each successive'.week. AsTin Election at Ofnrax Will Precede An. June U, at 11 o'clock, by the rector, had'4iot bten r.Minested In ni.tt'llil a I rmnftri slMisMI Chk at Knu- Naiunlny mornlnir .Ihw WFI.I »" fairly PP* * J*_-&_Mount__cJ]arged5wll&5llll mal Affair at Baltmnl-Coan- tlwr Rev. Bowoe T:*Poust:-• Commence- riwnt ~jiHH*tliiii^ei-Uw- -t**«ti«»'- "wti lanre altendanee. not pay all the expense, but the differ- mltte*. In whlrh tu> had breli apputiit- ment of- the.Hi»h School will take place Total Ttw ruerri'ea aiarieii Hhiuilv ivtli-r ence will be made up by' the Cranford Tliursday evening. June IB, at •:» by \V. J. Wlllscy, who r'tiiiimsl as B !*rcmirwftl Sfiatr. CounSy lU'i^rJ.BcK.latUcJiloriUuil. a-iuui. Uiwui °H*' -Camp..,A»sqclation...: . .,,. •o'chx* in- non3CTelfScrlota-*~Tne'R«v: pn-stdrrrt-bef<)nr~M Cranford Camp is located on BUver The annual luncheon of the Junior *""":~"''"AokMwleagti Mr. Clouii . li.'nlnl. nmrihlnit In the parade uwitiilMrd In JPlns>l Bittlemtnt. J«fcW»tyfeSfeDl 1 hM 1t"li" row , afternoon at .She ..BaltMsrol Coun- - I.. Jl 00 Ctubjvirw harti .*1U 1afce place mm. Mayor, lliiiin- C. Aldrlrh ucn-d n > G&P Fronting on the lake.-the camp - - j|S~Cl" knew Mh-Roberto Mould liol soryi* *tlh try Club. A meeting for the election comniencpment address.-. Jun 2T »t. tb* Kensadon Riding Krmid mai-Hhul fur I he puradi'. a'r.nhii.'-if has motuitains in the rear and plenty the reoreanlMd oamnitllrr, ho did nut of officers at the home oft Mrs. Charles .Members pi the High School graduat- in KrnUjvoitEv it was annotino l>y liiuilM J. Arlmlil, rhAinhii'i) i'ir Hi- .. of open country for, all camp activi- hlnk it nece'inary ror liini to atti Francis Hansel will precede the lun- ing r!a& and their courses are as fol- RELIEF GROUP PLANS fd at. the curamutn* swung Monday lltiu (it ninrrh lur' the ^Meiniirlitl ni,n • ^J ties Located oh a slope .In the center he'uwlliitf to which Mr. rtot>rt4 tad cheon. , s: ; nltiht. Amoc* USt-nw*brr* of thi- t'ommltlre. Tlie |nU-*^'. wiijrheiulecl.'i)^ *:-1 > ft/ the camp grouads,the lodge Is head-' ••.•'*! M' * ' , • ^ TO CONTINUE WORK The following niembers were recently lionorv comeuur* air: OmWiwr lf quarten for tne;<jainpe.r«.- Th^fftnt is Sarah Louise Allen,/. Commercial; Mrs. Martha --H.•:-.• Sterreil;: ronnrr he $>oIit-,<: department,.- Hl hy "Ciiii r 'taken Into the league' is provisional tfan'i" liiru&i.'Unii&i Snail .luiues K. 1I<MH»";..CV und ljerji'i. tlrrl.i screened, to and there is a large flre- Charlotte Elizabeth Bartels, Commer- Centnl ComrolltM Will Function* i-hairniail of Hamliturt P. Knn. arMlnr Alitiur. ] - 1T•- ) ;A-u, y Placg-aTTiqiffSr«firtM> clal; . Frtetta Marie Btm - als* Wawli n«l llnaiiplsTi* nil Wn1ch makes.it a welcome haven for Hlzabeth Bbe," Mft.' Oharles Pitman liarry Augustus Bohmah. Oeheral; Sid- Ing Sumnur MooUu. roivrii liand ' of V Buckley, Mrs.{Carl H.' Mason, Mrs. n-y Borodowko, Scientific: Charles Mr. CloudV renppolntment. In an- Alilrtch of CrwtlonL Wiitir A J SUM the boys on rainy days.and during .the nouncing the make-up of his commit-. Eugene Tpwler, Mrs. Howard Macy Steven Bosnyak, QenerSJ: Ruth L*Ua nie'lluiiTe iihd"IJruiii Corps' uf Hoice cool nights..: Campers and their lead- Aid for the needy and efforts to find :«•», ll» prciildeiit mated he had hoped Park and Miss Elizabeth Green, and as Brtlllsour, General; Vlsdimir Joaepb Bu- cher uf Cranioed. W Rktunond Trarj- IVial:. Vi'leruiia <it Cuifljtn Wiirn. ers ail sleep Jn tents, with raised wood- work for, the unemployed wlll- be -con- Tor every^rhcinVer to b^ a rlmirmjin of professional members: Miss Irene Muh. r!c, OeneralUJflrts-Blanche Pastor, Gen- uf Summit. wrnrtaiT and 4^iririeier of .Tim. Mi'inorlnl l.)ay iiiii'nt'li! ud.s tin1 en floors which are grouped around the tinued throughout the summer, It was at leaiit one coinmlUre and Hint e; lenbrock, Miss Eleanor Robinson. eral; Helen Margaret Castor, General; the. Union .Coutur Vmtk Oc»nm!s*ion. tlri.t puhllr upiH'itmnr-d nr the .Vctenm lodge. Cots and mattresses are provid- decided at the meeting of the Central would serve on one uc. two others, hilt ed for the boys, but they must supply Besides Mrs. Hansel as president, the Stella Miller Cattanach, College; Maria Belief Committee Monday night in the W. B RuthrauS of Crsnford and Lu inuMrlaiM mill ihey nuuln a splcurllcl UlrxkuOhristlansen. Oeneral; Florence Mr. Roberta' refusiil lu serv.' iiuide this ihrr Ln IU»k« ol PutikM. Ouun (her own blankets. present officers .at the league Include: Township Rooms, With the comliiK of llnprraMon. liiey .Wrrp rlud III blue Mrs. Andrew. B. Hurley and Mrs. Philip Pluxnmcr Cram, College; Dorothy Isa- lltKlSAlblCi ..w - : - Anlumc thcMr who have bf*rn kivltrd n,-white ililrin'miil while drew Excellent Facilities wanner weather, there has been The committees, as announced by Wells Hall, Jr., vice presidents^ Mrs. bella Crcmeiius, -Commercial; Hugo large decrease in the amount-of relief to Judgv nutoqat mnli of uc «how uniform'rain, mtiiwiiig the n>sulU of Every effort Jb. made, camp officials I'reflldent Cloud wen' nn follows: Teu- Marvin Dean Hall, secretaryirMrs. Tay- Francis DiPablo, College: Mesrob Rich- work carried on. At the present time. urn Un J O»ik« of Brooklyn. Who Innit iKTIiid of'drllilng.'the'niiisli point out, to provide the boys with the lor Kennady Heston, treasurer; Mrs. ard Dlradourian, Oeneral; Thomas A. checia-llarry II. Hlssun-uiul.'Vyilllain O wlll icivr the honor* In Ilir hormnaii of Uie eui:|in wni ^xeHlent. 'rim llimlc best of nourishment. Jfcod is selected only fifteen families an on tlie active Mathew Dean Hall, corresponding sec- Downey. General; Ann Sophy Dreyer, list as requiring help. • Sllmiwon. noi-hulnnun.' ilimm'''- His- flilp clau;, »ml Cfauln Harry M Tea Conw or Troop '"1 nl:«> played In the ! -w • and prepared with the greatest care. retary and Mrs. Rlchard_Henry Doyle, Qcncrnl; Edna Emilia Ertckaon, Com- r.-rlmlminh, Mtimp.'mii nnd •-*:.- II neck, Mr. Ktktr mud Itonald - PnkU'li pamde.
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