An act e» U Pa*»»dlo bt tugroutd. eoaHariof the * of aa aay. And better than my Intereet la Itoaanna Again "I nm not a If that1! alt (rmbtn na a to- met* or tot I >u at locked Into m/ r*< hip-hand yna, they pealed Hpearman. 'Shaking Quaker,' ay for la two, aad hale nljrbt again, when wruMy work, me for own 1 had met the Uin on Um cihr ef to Mthor »b« Uiat. 1 L»<1 lfee mean*—iIf I could ouljr make you treat the poor ereature'a aaka, po- Portland, toreeer altera ar I tn«, I heart the bmlhini of the wotnrti MTM what the© rftrans." powers utrfUl »<» In the fliture Of eonrw I «m» lio* officer with » (Ut denial, and bwl declared— 1m Um ateariooof Wharf la Hlewwthj to In- Jlnion anb •TT>i» h all 1 to fhen DM uuUide d —of heirg you Cbt kin my ahowl njiHf recttnlnx •ueorrtrd my «C. to that (he hear *»« too—that "Of the rather of the *Oid ^oetrn. |oarnal bad atnirn the Diamond dMlarad, •Hickory,'or UN when I aa« u Um whaa miif ihn It dorm I matter now. On the n|'I»*1 that you, agrnticin'U, loudly might em* the of tlw Piobote of Wsldo •• rtiuui* put ruoiT wuin »r Mgeaiag ant yaa, maralug •It had I felt 'bo Interact In Koaanna *Uij Jedgt Caff mlmJ tha for the mere }44 Mealing It No. lVtx-lv|« whatever Spearman.' I should th« UM aiann vu nuaed la Um Mm Utal Um diaaMud •« morning, brain bHMt Bi unit Hickory1 stripe, say." retorted iAtti* r—t. toanlboriae bran) Mlaa Rachel, and I had heard Mr. DriUn4|t talk At tlioee word*, mlely deelicned to warn her again* Co., Faraington tillage corpora- E. l* hour, thrr* «m Um- new Bight-guwn—tu «Ur up your man but tho in- Um JT. BUTLER, about your deb*. It *u attempting to pUn my private ear, the had turned lively ; Quaker relapsing tion to aid Um extension of Andraooogfta *1 fM aa ■nfinlfl by Dm fonltah talk among the nuntvr ia |>Urr << the nl|hl-ri«n that I had gut—mad*, your eitraragaaea plain me had taken the Diamond to aril it, or and left tne cautioned of her danger. to his the conversa- mar ted. An id to Kdltor i»nd ok* «M ha and (• -tie*! u the l»un- enough to that you away, plane, usual •T MM. I. k. c. uni. rallraod. Patatd to k Proprietor. —I ■WMMg >n I* Nfiari wrung owl, dried, Iran) narked, In m a* monosyllables, —iMl^ drawer. It, and ao to get Um Booty of which you atood I then believed—eelMootned to detraction, I Brat | Ml I >M «t angry «tlk fw (knnwtajr «• battee it ''ry-wimia ftddad all the other*. *afc In J«f pt«l(e tion to Um Akoo Fertiliser Coapaajr. ami, 1 •••u.i bar* totd vt a nan In Uadiw, know now. Prom that point, 1 hare already traced flapped. inoorponto that he lh» ym Umk In kamiof fc» the Jewel, Ttiere wm ft* tear (If the Horn la Um hmi** wm eiamliwil) Well, ym sooner than wo Co. liw) paJne have advanced a aum on the tii« raoormlon of event* which lad ma to the aetoond Time and expects IltUe so wnall Uuu both m*y neeUe Dill to UifBlmtMo PubUahiag or Priucitto*» Om «opjr, «m yw, ■ml U Of that I u modi u of the urtrna of the iig me. All /our who would r«l large jewel, sped, Two fret, bcorponU by mriliw puttee, kept yiwlblt night gown betnij about It at the la to cam* to our and who would have aaked do awkward qoeattooa lng dlaoovery qotckmml. The retnwpect od conch where wo to After (trend were rrcdrfd relating 1/ la |i(*) or by my»-lf until Ulee la the day, when the ofBcrr fh«n onlerclitliini had hewn renewed when you the la om eartssing hand— petiUona Mail, jO; paW «draa»i. pmr ;mi, either now coaiplata. 1 may leave the mlaereble atory of stopped rrtaiugh*!! eaOM to UM haaaa. hiai—I «n your return home fhm twpi part* have and chanm of horses. Wo border before men ted, the House #>r«U i»<*uth«, Mat tt*+ ut postage Purt didn't I to J didn't I apeak to llneanna Hpearman— to which, even at thla dletance sunper Two tender feci a pan Um untried subjects p Adjourned. *o*ajr Mr. v»tr*>« bifM, h yoa mar W>W. by (rtUnc "The Mtl thing wm Um arrival of Hnroant Cut | and •Why apeak you why hi f of time, 1 eannot rerert without a pang of dlatreea had do/errwl a redistribution of our effects land OUn Ii York oo«it|. a raml nu th* •wn'i Wp«atj and the taan all M- the nrit great Mtr|>rtae wm the amxwnortuent of what you UT life'* mysterious 'I wnralev whether the rlaka and dlfflcuttlea of keeping to augTMt for Itaelfall that la here left luwed turn a,> Malra >'■ a r*«T, la kit"* lb* meaning of the lliuUkht ahowt the MRt-ar on iIm dour. purpoeely till wo should reach this as tho dim nr.com> mjsmmiox. the were aa much aa 1 oould manage, without HDaalU. I may paae from the enlclde on the Mklver- place, as bloasoms jmcoxuMKaa ImiH he had pal apa theta. 1 weal wlUt the wt, ba. '1 hart jum to he gulky (aa I hae* wwowl) m*M MgU gown ren- Dimpled and aoft aad pink peae6-tree tpttaewl added In Iheaaf Thla Hand, with IU ilranc« and terrible Influence on of the would haro I daae Irian Um Mr wanted to be than tot uth r rra- having other rlaka and dUBculUea Inie light coach-lamp cans* il had anything tUSrmtl real, twoa«M« 1 ;uu gutlir any h»w to In- In April'* ftipul daya— ft hav* bora the oaaa with arane Wfanen f but my preeect amlmr feture proepecta, dered tho somewhat difficult be- {fergraee >u Um tort <4 man wkn wuakl hart iuaj«l#«l *na And now, the Pergeant had men round hy totally might poeltion process could It ba the caaa with maf In the when I waa a tercet* which concern the living of thla nar- IIow can they walk among Um briery tangles Jaa, 90. Smuts.—A communication from m» ■llrwtljr. We f-unl kin In Mlaa Rert*r« man. lie different way tw lb* aame (ukMm aa mine I And I had daya people fore. thief I ran time* greater rlaka, and found my wa/ out rative, and to which event* were already pavlnjc world'* T Got. of Rhode relative to a eUUoe of 14* aa ke xaMa'l bait a la* af ii'nmia (km and he g»4 tfw dreaa that we* th* uoly proof against you I And fifty Kdglng the roach w»yi the UUtxJ, |^vsreUaoei>tt5. of «I1 Acullka W whlob thla dllAcutty waa mare child'a pUy. my way for the alow and tollaome Jrurncy ftvtn the It was now necessary, however, that it |wuM ta Ike aamar un Um |aiakal ilw, and Mid euwM im( a tiring crwtlure knew It—yowrwK Inclwled! I am Geo. Green, placed in the old hall of the Houae I bad hren aa you may aay, to framla and de darkncea to the light. to at as our roe* (bet the doubtful future «4 mu penla nan kad daae UM ■larklrt, and arui ua all afraid t* 1*11 yow how 1 fcJt when 1 raiM thee* thine# to ap|«entired, should bo attended onoe, jo- These white along of vu and mmkkm aome of them on each a arale, and man- Repreeentativee, prnmlvl d«wn Majn afaia. tniud— would hau ptcmury forertr aArrwanl.' oepihma, (fraud [to be cormrED.) bear a woman'* load i yuu my ami vial had announced Muit able vh Item. An- nft*«t a frutn th* lwt- agrd At thfti place Detteredgv lookod up In the Waa auch a little thing aa the keep- his intention of us at this Ala*' ainoe woman baa the hear le*i burden aa uae ef tke land Inge. by myarU, la a* If I kaJ gal Um newapapera. leaving point. thony, Sumner, and Morrill of Vt, al> a to <« and to 8lawyer turn Heller, ing of night-gown likely weigh my apirita, a oiler And walk* Um hardest road. paint by an/ ckaoec uo my goto. ao Franklin.' nld He till sup- to Gen. Green's achievements, VTILKIK 'S'ot a slimmer of fhr, Mr. att heart linking within me, at the time when I ought proposed postponement lading aufoings, DT COLLIHS, edge, (Um oaly nne af (he waoea with wh<«u 1 «u OB light my A Detective. thn old man, taking offhi* heavy tnrtolae (hell f]>e©- f nomenae to uk the Quaker which ho offered to go and order, and character daring the Revolution. aud MM what I waa about to have apnken to ynu What «|oe»- per, Lort, for awhile, will make Um before them personal friendly tenue) paaaad, and lloeanna oonfemion path actio* or M*»iADiU,H "so Yai UmM ikt atld. The tacloH, paahing bpeanuan't Uen! the thing couldn't be. the with an After which a ooncurrrnt reeulution ni mnlnS Kuwim,' hiui. 'Have cum* to "Nay," urged Quaker, ap- All dainty, amooth aod fair— adopt- WUI.II ft little ft way from jnw any •Where la the uee of dwelling In thla way on my Wo wore two II WBITB," MAITTVJillA," paint -a Htaa Rachel* daae kaa beea dry tor hear*. If my five passenger* In nil; la- and his hand ed. The bill tu then taken up. Nr. eonrluxlon, ilr, In jour own mind, while 1 have been own f The truth la t He. to-abruptness, laying Will coll away the bramble*, letting only or lum," arc. ilr had ut« aat a watch oa «ir t rtuwaa, I Mly plain plain enough, aurely on a proach* Sargrara ?' heart and auul. dies the back seat, middle-aged gen- on "business Iwfore Drake renewal hla that n< reading hind your I loved you with all my the other's arm, Tbe roe** bloe*om there. amendment, providing if lit hare told baa aa aath I deal Irmi what yea he back, pleas- 'Kliimti the letter Orvt, IWtteredR*: there roar there"* no I waa of tleman and a on tho and mw In waa wear aa Mm Befrwe yrur fare, denying it, frightened Quaker middle, for business there is no time like tb« Constitution of Va. should chang- Ulat-I ImM laayMI* u» ftt end of »n*ll ure,' and * ft>aiething to enlighten the It. I of with naa, ihrouded la the rear woe a k«t elrl I and you frigbteoetl making you ftngry frightened on ono Dot when the mother'* watchful eye* are ao aa to of eaual ic. 1 Kntarwl, accord lar to Mt of CWgrw haih|ia a»|*wl qatrtrd her, or to after mvself tho in front. ed, deprive any rights ban a word two to aay yoa that.' of what aay U m*—though had taken the tho I-—7, II tar in A Dbutbua. la tiia Clrrk'* u aaid It all to m« nemtheleee! la ly tho coach," tho gay gentleman suggested, In the darkness treaties with foreign powers. Alao relating to U, that ibe ah<«k Inflict*.! oa im three thla m.enlng.* now am at Will they go stumbling blindly My linfrmlw 'Then, lletUredgu, uhrwIeuiM I rocii madiwaa aa ih'.a t> be aoouut.led f<* t No. There la with tho ladies,toward whom to search. nim»M thiuklaz Mil f*elta< INd aiaar of the ladica ft ap atalra yreterday erenlof and offered go ami (bade* f mail contracta, The Leagus Island completely my the end of my resource* After Mr. llruff and the lie done but to coofeaa and let It be acquaintance Of aorrow'* tearftil known what to aa* It" I aakfl 'I I keard Miaa IUck4 nothing to it, in nis goal to ho rather the immediately adopted. a powvr. 1 ertaialy eould aot hare I ihoofhl I •!••«*% cf creature who can do, overdid, thundered tho navy rard bill waa then taken np. and very * Hem-ant, know atingle •I aak pardon iwiee wore for thla wandering of my "Stop!" Quaker, tighten* Or And the of peaee and beauty, «u a»-out whn lUIUniua af the Ulin nab the imi l*n. There fear ot ita bappeulng again. smiling, his grasp. never fedes! review apeeeh, It »a hli *uti>orily Uitt I Uu*ti«-.l, ar.' Mekift anewerad, wont* iitiKwl Moe ouUWie in# Whose *unllgbt spirited by • A* Urn my lip* peraon at the end now. over his shoulder in a that what im the matter, the I left Mlaa Rachel la M al twelve laat ni|fkt. And I chattering way The man turned una ui Schofield of Peon, intimating Mr. Dawe'a awl. putting nlgfcl'gowa knocked at the door of the room. whodiaturbed me Into the pale struggled Ike waa wilh It Ikeo. The Bret jwraon by caning of of aniblUou's bland bill lnt<» hi* told him U» read lM riddle for hlin- Mlcal dour, aial there nothing wrae* u at his tirao life, arm. In uu instant ono of the Will they go hilling up (uinmlI, to the Lcagu* originated hand*, ll«tUn*l)C« looked »urprt*ed u well annoyed n»>o» waa IVnelonc. bh- had found out my aecret painfully suggestive, release his opposition aelt MStghtolyoa to mantlo thla to Mr. SeefTmee, IVn- rapty Tli« oommon world aboret local Mr. Dawes by the interruption. and abe had dnoa her I wet to bring me to my a ••crickr in the neck. IIo was was at his heart. from predjudieaa. replied. of what waa *aid Mwmb wnUm beach I Kara Hoia V lung ainor, evidently Derringers levelled 'Come in, he called out Irritably, 'whoever yon done it loo. Or In tome nameless rale securely sheltered, of Tenn. the bill The nut the hiiatMt recollection. The Brat la weoch, many Tho must havo Ixwn awfully Some feat there b« which walk life's track unwoundr«l Iilantatlon Judging him hi* flrure and hi* monmeht*, he to etna to an behef now that ha Quaker committee of the whole when a debate arose we r>»«n It ■« Ihr hour I bad In tha wb«4e hy vielt here end. W» my savo his credit long lor uie that I *hall be able to Ikoe It, when have lily hat<|4eat hlui bv hi* com- would by so to both the Which And but way*; haJ wai »till young. Judging Ikce, and won't b* now before he learn the houae imrliamentarian exciUxl forget pleaaant on a to of the re- hM a glaa* of po(. Uy I «a»d to klM the yMktm oo whkh your hrad long completely resolution print e^tra copies him with lW-Uerwlge, he looked Uie elder of all of I had never of to and As trie of his Bom* heart* there be to whieh thla life to Theaeene thin* from the to Better- r