IJ.S. May Eating One

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IJ.S. May Eating One . ‘ V T ■; .t ' f . : \ /• • if, ' . I'-i » \ WEfeNESDAT, APRlt fO, IfW AvttBge Dally Nat P t8Bb R ob JWiSMTY-FOTm Fbr tha Week Haded iSanrlif^abr lEnntittg T April 18,'1966 T ha W m Umt tad v.B. waatoie] A.aan eroa-hamaMlw traettap. Many af the aton at this 1 1 , 6 4 6 SBMal m AprU IT to Mr. Md [Howiis, Anhwals year’s eUmur hav* thrinad etmw A b o u t T o w n Gncots at 1940B MHS Claaa Rennkm ar ef tha Audit Mra. Harold R m , 106 audiaacaa In Buropa tor auny aaa- ■X Rd. A t Shrine Ciii^ctis aona. -:, ■ » , , I af ClrealaMia MiXtoalghM ww aaarlB. VMiay, Mr. aad Mr*. JvUm FM ta. 108 - 'X Mtatche$Ufr—~A City bfyU lage Charm flair amt wanaar. aaar 78). Sl^octar at., and Mr. and Mra- R. A. TIm ThS OidK* parade ocna* .at. lAurant, 47 Chnard St., wUt b* mlUae wiU maat toaaortoir niglit^ Jugi^ers .afid aerabats, lidW^ed ■ nont tbOM attamUns a diimar at 8:80 at the WaaMagton Gkfb. alaptaanta, ' cleavns and spanglaa— TOL.)LXXYV,NO.m (TWENTY PAGES) on AsrU M nt .whidi CSiaatar .ONdratan Burt Lahmaa han aaked thayll mi ba thsAa at Uw Shrtna ..y) X BiC SPRING SALE MANCHESTER, CONN., TRC^DAY, APRIL 21, 19&5 (CftMfdaa Adwrillhig aa Page li) Boartaa iriU (ira hia flrat pubUc aU'-tjornmittoa raetnbera to attend. FRICE nVE GEN^ ODntMcU«iit refwrt on hia raccnt Circus coming to tha Btata Ar­ teto to Aaia awl Africa. Ftoaiied ~Saul Sttvarataln will apeak .to mory an Broad Bt„ Hartfort,* dur­ . GET READY FOR bgr tba Sacvloe Bureau for — the Manchaater Aaaodai^ for ing tl|s WMk of Aprir36-30. an*a Organiaatlona, tha dinner Childbood Bducatton tocHpmnT af* SPRING AND SUMMER WITH Greek City A real live ielreiu, the sawdust ■.O' Ion B la s t s ba In OHttina: HiU Hall, «M ' ternoon at tha Bowera Sonplk Ba- . at.. Hartford. Dinner raaaTa------- uae of hia wide aad,Mum ex­ spactacla wlU ba tba 33rd aaaual wa aun axallahle and OwfiM be perience both here «$d ahroad, hia event sponaorad by Sphinx Tton- I/eveled by n a ^ through the Service Bureau. U lk promiaea to t ^ a moat inter- pla for chamy. and other Shtiner Given OhxuC. Deiiveiits IJ.S. May eating one. RedW anenU wiU br^ acttvitlas. Tha ctroua will have two Practical■ > Seersucker^ ' aervad a t SdSyinA the program dally performanoes, aftarnoons ra-w-ra'‘ ■ ' 'v' ■ ■' — - will begin a^'tfOi. Anyone Inter- and aveninga, all vTsak. Thera will New Quake Pcrtonal Notices eatod h ototoally incited. ba 3.000 gwMral admission aaata at \P avaiy porfotmanoa. Children under Bedspreads and Drapenes with the arch- -13 wUl ba admitted to any riiow at Athens, Gi«eee, April 21 In'M cnoriun program of religloua vo- the half price of 60 cents. (iP)—A disastrous new quake Sunday, the euchariMtc bour A score of headliha acta will fa«i- RANGE & FUEL OIL Bandunf, ladonesia, Aprilftitot peaceful cocafttaac# between atniek shattered 'V(dc»/today, D p.m. on Sunday, April 84.' tura the- ShriAa Circua, including *>. UB4. 81 (ff) -rJYime Minister SkaUohs ir' .of diffaiMt' ' ayateiha w«w leveling many of the port the Monaxtory of Our Lady of Laa aml-Henri Kinjrts, Payo A Mai, * 9 5 p w n t $ a n d ‘ possible. X ■ Lortna mamoriM nevcr'die, / Grace in North Guilford. tVill be Simni DifO, tba Great Tokayera, John Kotelawida of Ceylon city's ■» rsmair^ng buildings. JuTume go** OB end d«ye ao hr; e a c n p l a i n c o l o r s » r John, who fiad already taken IB ow beiule prccleue munorlea/are offered tor an in jrccae of vociatlons the Three Vl^nlas, Prince El Ki denounced “Communiat colo- the qwtUatht with a propoaal Five-bodies wqre dug frtm and tor helptog grace for etenrona Gordo,'Madiaon*a baby alaphants, The BOLAND OIL CO. nialiBm” at- tbe AsiaB-Afrl- made oirilHde the conference for tbe rubble and officials Of % iBeUiar we loTed andI 'lOM nara^ trying to cooperate with^ God’a the nytog Fraddias. the cycling 1P. Halley Extra fiiw quality aaarsuckar in dainty rosebud and larger floral can conference today. Red CreaUpn-bf an independent Formo­ feared th<g-death toll. would M anchester *Minntemen*'Get O rders by Radio* Tbe HelItJBwr ifamily. caU. ' Whim Kids. Bagtno Rldtog Troupa, sa, told the committee there were nckard's Baals and many others.' TBL llltdM l 3-4320 roae pattern. Oolld ealora in blue, pink, yellow and hunter greoa. C hina’s P ram ier C hou Ehs-lai, run much higher. Honored gueata gt tfa 16 year Extra wide w i ^ ia both full and twin M aixaa. Full. M” width two ,fomw of colonialism aad the Police headquisrters eaid wlt- , c o rd o f ____ rannion dinner dmiea of the dam tor the rsumea are in Jaoat’a Dog and Pony Circus, A obvioualy disturbed, im­ Aftan-African naUons should op- arlah ao aapTaea our haartfelt Urn RJud aUgas and has toqneatod amalt ctrena in ttaelf, ia another at- each aide in ruffled drapes. neeses'telephoned from the strick­ u to tba relatiirea. Bclghbora and '^Wo X-ray Units of 1940B, MGuichaater X High mediately demanded time to priw both equally. en area that nearly evety building ___ «• tor tbe Mairtlnil ftowrra and Bdioel, on-May 14 at tha Rambow that \ all ampa members return . ""X ' ' ____________________________________________ mahe a reply. seu of ktaSwas extended to oa their \ queatioKnairaa to Lennart Waata.,Coalarerm Ended *ntfe elty of 51,000 persons, shout at tba Uma <rf recent bereavement, Proce^s^ 1,000 Club in Bolton win be EdsoR M. Blr John, appearing hafora ,* He demanded that Russia "and 100 miles northwest of Athens, had Bailey, pttoclpal of Manohesttr TbraMwoh, 75 darvla Rd., Ad cloaad aaaaion of tha political cyto- Rad China dissolve tha Oondnform been parUslIy or completely de­ Mra. John A. Pratt,. High Mhopl and Thomas F; Kel­ later tlmR April 33: tailttoa,,demanded that the e e ri^ - as proof of their good-4atoatta^ Mm. John U Pratt. - More than liiduatrial work HEW PRODUCTS stroyed by the latest shock. and Mra. Robert J. Pratt. 1.000 ley, a member of the facility to d t. is vU o impmativa that pay cace daclara itself against all in propoeing the peaceful coexist­ Hit by Tremors Tuesday ara, mainly from Oianey. Brea., whdmlhe SomaAhls yearbo(d( was mant^ tof. resarvatlens ba rscatvad ■ y \ forms of colontaliam, h^ludlng ence program supported by India's have been proceaaed by the two The new tremors came aa Voice dstfeatad by tha c)aas. by R a m \ Runde, gl Walniit Bt, Goaununlat doadnaUaB M aatol- Prime Minister NehrU. inhabitants were struggling to re­ mobile X-ray uhlta In the Brat two^ Tha committoa haa announced by May 7;\ lity atatoo in CSatral yhd aaStem By WABREN BOOERS JB .’^ days of operation In Manchoatar..lt \ A n o tl^ - attack on ooloniaUsra cover from a quake Tuesday which COR0LESS EUCTRONIC HEARING AD) Europe. came from Prime Minlater Saif el .killed one person, injured 49 and ' " r - „ Washington, April 21 (/P)—The United States was yeported waa report^ toilay by Dr. Nf Bcpiy Pae.Temerrew e LOOK A. Marsialo, town haalth ^ lalem el Hassan of Tenwn, who damaged nearly l.OOb • houses. today to have sent a huTiy-up mission to Formosa to tost Dr. Manialo, in ohoaffhor the Driagxtes said Uiat aa Sir John, questioned the right of Britain to Naarly 6,000 were left homeleVby Nationalist sentiment for a cease-fiFe line down tha h fi^ e flaiahad Chou leaped to his feet maintain . her - colony of Aden, iniUal raauIU of the ;c6n>munity Birth Record Set cif M M H f (WIM lY CONTAINED IN that ujUieavai. '• of the embattled Formosa Strait. cheat X-ray aurvay haadad by Dr. and damandad that the Oeylon which adjoins Yemen. The Interior Ministry said t ^ WUUam U Oonlon. aUted that tba nca Premiar't statement be circular­ H4 raised also tbe question of day's quake, felt in Athena, was Another factor credited in top congresaional circles with parcentage of locail induatrial per- Strain on Facilities Serious ised to all driegates of the 39-na- colonlaliam in Africa and hit out nearly aa strong as Tuesdaya influencing the mission was a reported step-up in Russia’a \‘ CONCEALED HEADBAND tioa conference so C9iou could re­ at support givea by thy United aonnal participating and cooparat- ply to It at tomorrow's committee Authorities. rushed medicines deliveries of late type jet planes to Red China. ing m tha aurvay waa much higher •y ft's h e n re , -If etatas and European countries to and supplies to the area. .. MandMster Memorial Hospital’sirfanta and their mothars once a g ^ aeeaion. / eraatioh of Israel. Adm. Arthur W. Ra^ord, chairman of toe Joint Chiefs ef Now yea oaa rharga AD at than ia uaual In auch a program. raiAaikabla baby boom which has increased the attain on facuTtias M tisms Tiw n w noDSAMB s iin ^ A cabinet coordinating council Indicationa ara that the two units In aarUar dataato tha coaimittee Staff and Asat. Secretary of State Walter S. Robertson left your drag aeada a* bean Miattaring recorda left and at tha boiyttai: N oUor D ept. heard Choii . axpraaa thy opinion (Oaatlaaed ea Page Fear) ordered Interior Minuter lohnU will be operaUng at fUU ckpaoity right since iaat November, surged She said there yran aoma 170 R M I H n K l O S Nicolitsas to proceed to Volos at yesterday on a 10-day trip to the Nationalist Chinese capital, throughout thla enUre waek aa they patients In tha hcapttal ySaterday once and take over emergency re­ Taipei.
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