IJ.S. May Eating One
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. ‘ V T ■; .t ' f . : \ /• • if, ' . I'-i » \ WEfeNESDAT, APRlt fO, IfW AvttBge Dally Nat P t8Bb R ob JWiSMTY-FOTm Fbr tha Week Haded iSanrlif^abr lEnntittg T April 18,'1966 T ha W m Umt tad v.B. waatoie] A.aan eroa-hamaMlw traettap. Many af the aton at this 1 1 , 6 4 6 SBMal m AprU IT to Mr. Md [Howiis, Anhwals year’s eUmur hav* thrinad etmw A b o u t T o w n Gncots at 1940B MHS Claaa Rennkm ar ef tha Audit Mra. Harold R m , 106 audiaacaa In Buropa tor auny aaa- ■X Rd. A t Shrine Ciii^ctis aona. -:, ■ » , , I af ClrealaMia MiXtoalghM ww aaarlB. VMiay, Mr. aad Mr*. JvUm FM ta. 108 - 'X Mtatche$Ufr—~A City bfyU lage Charm flair amt wanaar. aaar 78). Sl^octar at., and Mr. and Mra- R. A. TIm ThS OidK* parade ocna* .at. lAurant, 47 Chnard St., wUt b* mlUae wiU maat toaaortoir niglit^ Jugi^ers .afid aerabats, lidW^ed ■ nont tbOM attamUns a diimar at 8:80 at the WaaMagton Gkfb. alaptaanta, ' cleavns and spanglaa— TOL.)LXXYV,NO.m (TWENTY PAGES) on AsrU M nt .whidi CSiaatar .ONdratan Burt Lahmaa han aaked thayll mi ba thsAa at Uw Shrtna ..y) X BiC SPRING SALE MANCHESTER, CONN., TRC^DAY, APRIL 21, 19&5 (CftMfdaa Adwrillhig aa Page li) Boartaa iriU (ira hia flrat pubUc aU'-tjornmittoa raetnbera to attend. FRICE nVE GEN^ ODntMcU«iit refwrt on hia raccnt Circus coming to tha Btata Ar teto to Aaia awl Africa. Ftoaiied ~Saul Sttvarataln will apeak .to mory an Broad Bt„ Hartfort,* dur . GET READY FOR bgr tba Sacvloe Bureau for — the Manchaater Aaaodai^ for ing tl|s WMk of Aprir36-30. an*a Organiaatlona, tha dinner Childbood Bducatton tocHpmnT af* SPRING AND SUMMER WITH Greek City A real live ielreiu, the sawdust ■.O' Ion B la s t s ba In OHttina: HiU Hall, «M ' ternoon at tha Bowera Sonplk Ba- . at.. Hartford. Dinner raaaTa------- uae of hia wide aad,Mum ex spactacla wlU ba tba 33rd aaaual wa aun axallahle and OwfiM be perience both here «$d ahroad, hia event sponaorad by Sphinx Tton- I/eveled by n a ^ through the Service Bureau. U lk promiaea to t ^ a moat inter- pla for chamy. and other Shtiner Given OhxuC. Deiiveiits IJ.S. May eating one. RedW anenU wiU br^ acttvitlas. Tha ctroua will have two Practical■ > Seersucker^ ' aervad a t SdSyinA the program dally performanoes, aftarnoons ra-w-ra'‘ ■ ' 'v' ■ ■' — - will begin a^'tfOi. Anyone Inter- and aveninga, all vTsak. Thera will New Quake Pcrtonal Notices eatod h ototoally incited. ba 3.000 gwMral admission aaata at \P avaiy porfotmanoa. Children under Bedspreads and Drapenes with the arch- -13 wUl ba admitted to any riiow at Athens, Gi«eee, April 21 In'M cnoriun program of religloua vo- the half price of 60 cents. (iP)—A disastrous new quake Sunday, the euchariMtc bour A score of headliha acta will fa«i- RANGE & FUEL OIL Bandunf, ladonesia, Aprilftitot peaceful cocafttaac# between atniek shattered 'V(dc»/today, D p.m. on Sunday, April 84.' tura the- ShriAa Circua, including *>. UB4. 81 (ff) -rJYime Minister SkaUohs ir' .of diffaiMt' ' ayateiha w«w leveling many of the port the Monaxtory of Our Lady of Laa aml-Henri Kinjrts, Payo A Mai, * 9 5 p w n t $ a n d ‘ possible. X ■ Lortna mamoriM nevcr'die, / Grace in North Guilford. tVill be Simni DifO, tba Great Tokayera, John Kotelawida of Ceylon city's ■» rsmair^ng buildings. JuTume go** OB end d«ye ao hr; e a c n p l a i n c o l o r s » r John, who fiad already taken IB ow beiule prccleue munorlea/are offered tor an in jrccae of vociatlons the Three Vl^nlas, Prince El Ki denounced “Communiat colo- the qwtUatht with a propoaal Five-bodies wqre dug frtm and tor helptog grace for etenrona Gordo,'Madiaon*a baby alaphants, The BOLAND OIL CO. nialiBm” at- tbe AsiaB-Afrl- made oirilHde the conference for tbe rubble and officials Of % iBeUiar we loTed andI 'lOM nara^ trying to cooperate with^ God’a the nytog Fraddias. the cycling 1P. Halley Extra fiiw quality aaarsuckar in dainty rosebud and larger floral can conference today. Red CreaUpn-bf an independent Formo feared th<g-death toll. would M anchester *Minntemen*'Get O rders by Radio* Tbe HelItJBwr ifamily. caU. ' Whim Kids. Bagtno Rldtog Troupa, sa, told the committee there were nckard's Baals and many others.' TBL llltdM l 3-4320 roae pattern. Oolld ealora in blue, pink, yellow and hunter greoa. C hina’s P ram ier C hou Ehs-lai, run much higher. Honored gueata gt tfa 16 year Extra wide w i ^ ia both full and twin M aixaa. Full. M” width two ,fomw of colonialism aad the Police headquisrters eaid wlt- , c o rd o f ____ rannion dinner dmiea of the dam tor the rsumea are in Jaoat’a Dog and Pony Circus, A obvioualy disturbed, im Aftan-African naUons should op- arlah ao aapTaea our haartfelt Urn RJud aUgas and has toqneatod amalt ctrena in ttaelf, ia another at- each aide in ruffled drapes. neeses'telephoned from the strick u to tba relatiirea. Bclghbora and '^Wo X-ray Units of 1940B, MGuichaater X High mediately demanded time to priw both equally. en area that nearly evety building ___ «• tor tbe Mairtlnil ftowrra and Bdioel, on-May 14 at tha Rambow that \ all ampa members return . ""X ' ' ____________________________________________ mahe a reply. seu of ktaSwas extended to oa their \ queatioKnairaa to Lennart Waata.,Coalarerm Ended *ntfe elty of 51,000 persons, shout at tba Uma <rf recent bereavement, Proce^s^ 1,000 Club in Bolton win be EdsoR M. Blr John, appearing hafora ,* He demanded that Russia "and 100 miles northwest of Athens, had Bailey, pttoclpal of Manohesttr TbraMwoh, 75 darvla Rd., Ad cloaad aaaaion of tha political cyto- Rad China dissolve tha Oondnform been parUslIy or completely de Mra. John A. Pratt,. High Mhopl and Thomas F; Kel later tlmR April 33: tailttoa,,demanded that the e e ri^ - as proof of their good-4atoatta^ Mm. John U Pratt. - More than liiduatrial work HEW PRODUCTS stroyed by the latest shock. and Mra. Robert J. Pratt. 1.000 ley, a member of the facility to d t. is vU o impmativa that pay cace daclara itself against all in propoeing the peaceful coexist Hit by Tremors Tuesday ara, mainly from Oianey. Brea., whdmlhe SomaAhls yearbo(d( was mant^ tof. resarvatlens ba rscatvad ■ y \ forms of colontaliam, h^ludlng ence program supported by India's have been proceaaed by the two The new tremors came aa Voice dstfeatad by tha c)aas. by R a m \ Runde, gl Walniit Bt, Goaununlat doadnaUaB M aatol- Prime Minister NehrU. inhabitants were struggling to re mobile X-ray uhlta In the Brat two^ Tha committoa haa announced by May 7;\ lity atatoo in CSatral yhd aaStem By WABREN BOOERS JB .’^ days of operation In Manchoatar..lt \ A n o tl^ - attack on ooloniaUsra cover from a quake Tuesday which COR0LESS EUCTRONIC HEARING AD) Europe. came from Prime Minlater Saif el .killed one person, injured 49 and ' " r - „ Washington, April 21 (/P)—The United States was yeported waa report^ toilay by Dr. Nf Bcpiy Pae.Temerrew e LOOK A. Marsialo, town haalth ^ lalem el Hassan of Tenwn, who damaged nearly l.OOb • houses. today to have sent a huTiy-up mission to Formosa to tost Dr. Manialo, in ohoaffhor the Driagxtes said Uiat aa Sir John, questioned the right of Britain to Naarly 6,000 were left homeleVby Nationalist sentiment for a cease-fiFe line down tha h fi^ e flaiahad Chou leaped to his feet maintain . her - colony of Aden, iniUal raauIU of the ;c6n>munity Birth Record Set cif M M H f (WIM lY CONTAINED IN that ujUieavai. '• of the embattled Formosa Strait. cheat X-ray aurvay haadad by Dr. and damandad that the Oeylon which adjoins Yemen. The Interior Ministry said t ^ WUUam U Oonlon. aUted that tba nca Premiar't statement be circular H4 raised also tbe question of day's quake, felt in Athena, was Another factor credited in top congresaional circles with parcentage of locail induatrial per- Strain on Facilities Serious ised to all driegates of the 39-na- colonlaliam in Africa and hit out nearly aa strong as Tuesdaya influencing the mission was a reported step-up in Russia’a \‘ CONCEALED HEADBAND tioa conference so C9iou could re at support givea by thy United aonnal participating and cooparat- ply to It at tomorrow's committee Authorities. rushed medicines deliveries of late type jet planes to Red China. ing m tha aurvay waa much higher •y ft's h e n re , -If etatas and European countries to and supplies to the area. .. MandMster Memorial Hospital’sirfanta and their mothars once a g ^ aeeaion. / eraatioh of Israel. Adm. Arthur W. Ra^ord, chairman of toe Joint Chiefs ef Now yea oaa rharga AD at than ia uaual In auch a program. raiAaikabla baby boom which has increased the attain on facuTtias M tisms Tiw n w noDSAMB s iin ^ A cabinet coordinating council Indicationa ara that the two units In aarUar dataato tha coaimittee Staff and Asat. Secretary of State Walter S. Robertson left your drag aeada a* bean Miattaring recorda left and at tha boiyttai: N oUor D ept. heard Choii . axpraaa thy opinion (Oaatlaaed ea Page Fear) ordered Interior Minuter lohnU will be operaUng at fUU ckpaoity right since iaat November, surged She said there yran aoma 170 R M I H n K l O S Nicolitsas to proceed to Volos at yesterday on a 10-day trip to the Nationalist Chinese capital, throughout thla enUre waek aa they patients In tha hcapttal ySaterday once and take over emergency re Taipei.