Projected Bedrock Water Quality Uranium Probability

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Projected Bedrock Water Quality Uranium Probability G:\Arcgis\Map Documents\Map Series\Potential_Town_UR(P).mxd MAP LEGEND Projected Bedrock Water Quality Reservoir a Local Police Station <Æ Campground Map Location Pond, Lake or Ocean M State Police Station ï Cemetery b FAIRHAVEN Fresh Water Wetlands c County Sheriff Station ? Convention Center Cranberry Bog ¨Ñ Fire Stations ñ Court House Areas mapped as granite and pegmatite are Salt Water Wetlands ñ Town Halls J Field - Playground *located outside of the USGS SIR 2011-5013 Æc Uranium Probability study area. Although no precise uranium Perennial Stream; Shoreline Libraries k Fish Hatchery probability values exist for these bedrock Intermittent Stream n Public School s Golf Course % Probability of Exceeding the units, these types of bedrock generally have n D an increased probability of containing Intermittent Shoreline Private School Industrial Park Public Drinking Water Standard City/Town Statistics naturally occurring radionuclides such as Ditch/Canal n Charter School Qe Lighthouse FAIRHAVEN of 30 micrograms per liter (30 PPB) Acres Percent radium, uranium, or radon in well water at " " Aqueduct n Collaborative Program School n| Marina FALLS WITHIN THE concentrations exceeding public drinking MassDEP SOUTHEAST REGION water limits. Dam n Special Education School 6 Monument <= 1.0% 03 0 Ç Active Rail Lines J $ X Private College ²¸ Museum Ç 1.1% to 4.7% 0 0 Pipeline J $ X Public College Ï Park This map is for illustrative purposes only. 4.8% to 13.0% 0 0 # # Powerline U v® Hospital with ER Î Pier - Wharf It represents the best statewide data Limited Access Highway v® Hospital 1 Places of Worship available at the date of printing. There 13.1% to 25.4% 0 0 Multi-lane Hwy, Not Limited Access Nursing Home I" Post Office are other important natural resources that are not shown on this map because Granite/Pegmatite 6775.3 84.6 Other Numbered Highway Rest Home r Public Pool * V the digital spatial data do not exist. No Data 1230.7 15.4 Major Road, Collector @ Prisons Shopping Center Minor Road, Ramp q® Airports n} Ski Area DATA SOURCES Total 8006 HYDROGRAPHY: USGS/MassGIS, 1:25,000 or less. Hydrography from MA Town Boundary ! MBTA Station ° Sports Facility the USGS National Hydrography Database except within public water ÷ supply watersheds where the resolution is approximately 1:10000. This map is intended to compliment the USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5013, Arsenic and MA Interstate Boundary I6 Seaports Theater TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOURS: MassGIS, 1:5,000. 3 Meter contour elevations generated from digital ortho DTM's. Uranium in Water from Private Wells Completed in Bedrock of East-Central Massachusetts: Concentrations, GIS County Boundaries ?Æ Camp % Tower POLITICAL BOUNDARIES: MassGIS. This political boundary datalayer Correlations with Bedrock Units, and Estimated Probability Maps. That report presents the results of a DEP Region Boundary has been created from latitude and longitude coordinates found in the Massachusetts Department of Mass StatePlane NAD83 Coordinates shown in RED 68 volume Harbor and Lands Commission Town Boundary Atlas statistical study of bedrock water quality based primarily on 478 samples from private wells. This is a Environmental Protection Contour Interval 3 Meters ROADS: Mass Department of Transportation 1:5000. Road centerlines relatively small number of samples for such a large and diverse study area. The confidence intervals Map Scale 1:18000 aligned with 1:5000 OrthoPhotos. Attributes from DOT roads database. around probabilities used here are broad. Users are urged to carefully read the original report. TRAINS AND TRANSLINES: Mass Department of Transportation Trains @ 1:5000, Pipelines and Powerlines @1:25000 The geologic map underlying this work is at a scale of 1:250,000 or about 4 miles per inch. Although 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 Deval Patrick Feet GEOGRAPHIC FEATURES: USGS/MassDEP. USGS Geographic Names presented on a two dimensional map, bedrock geology is a three dimensional phenomenon. Contact Information System(GNIS) features matched to parcel data or orthophoto. Governor Hydrography names taken from NHD features and placed using Maplex. zones almost never go straight down. Because this town map is at a much larger scale than the original, 0 1 2 Richard K. Sullivan Jr. Kilometers WETLANDS: UMass Resource Mapping Project/USGS/MassDEP/MassGIS, the necessity of presenting 3D geology in only two dimensions, and the wide confidence intervals in the Secretary of Energy and Source Scale 1:12,000 to 1:40,000. Wetland information shown on this 0 0.5 1 map consists of several wetlands datasets, including DEP Orthophoto statistical analysis, users should interpret this map as a general indicator of expected water quality. The Environmental Affairs Miles Wetlands (1:12,000) and USGS Hydrology wetlands (1:25,000). only way to be sure of the quality of water in any given well is to have that water tested. 1 inch = 1,500 feet 1 inch = 457 meters Map Created March, 2011 248000 250000 252000 254000 256000 70°55'W 70°54'W 70°53'W 70°52'W 70°51'W 70°50'W 70°49'W S B W S R T R D L G T N H E S R O O I R O A D R I N E A T O O N T R E R N Y A E R R E E W E T A G TH K E M E A E H O E T H I S T Acushnet N P L N E D A S L I D L T R O T R M D Cemetery T E A R O T D I E E A E N O V LA R I AM E A S G D N H C K Russell E O ACUSHNET N A IN OHI ACUSHNET WI E T E D L C N O R N J D ' R T ' Y L T T A I 1 E 1 STRE Memorial POLICE TabJ or CemU etery O POLICE U V O O M 0 S 4 L W E 4 B B ° ° 0 Library H E O DDEEPPTT M 1 A 1 0 N S JJiirreh Swiifftt T R LL M US E V A 4 S E 4 I 0 6 E Acushnet L T L A E Acushnet AACCUUSSHHN NEETT FFIIRREE DDEEPPAARRTTMMEENNTT TI T R B K S S IL E T R 0 2 N T ET A H STRE T E D H E T Y Y S N A 0 8 IL MAIN Town A W P Town Headquarters N L R O T O HeadquR arters R U W IS I T U OAD VEL S A ETT 6 T N E E E N S W R R U HHaallll ROO T E OA D 2 E O E D O E D R T D A E EET WO 8 E T E R TR T T E E V R T Y S E N CEO HILL L R N A A RD P T E I A P O A L R E F E M E E O HA R M E T EET E R P B T T I R H E T 195 C S S S ET V OAD TRE T R W S EE Y A E R § C ¨ T ¦ O HARWI TTE S N CH R GUILO U S T T S O TREET R EE TREE H D R S W O T N N N S SHMA S RO A T CU I E TRU A JE EE N H TR T D 5 ERSOM T D S B E M N G R 9 STRE CU ELSO R 1 O O D N B STREE SL S L O I A T T E A V A T E U E E T EN A E TR AV S N E R L E S L WO E R D V O OD ST P T E T REET T I O A H E A C R R O T T N K E S D E Y I N R LV G S IA D T K T L C D R O E O L R R A E E I T U UE A A STREET E E EA EN T T D I V R RE UT A R V O E O N I ST PR OK I T S BR E EET PEM R S T STR U G D E N N N O I I U R HOWARD EBA R L N WAY P E AVENUE S V A L T A E T Stt JJosseph--Stt T 19 E E S N R Therresse Y H T E R S S U C U N N C I E A A N V M E A L STREET W COVEL 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