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Download 1 File I ; . A , h . — . , — — « . THE LOUISVILLE DAILY JOURNAL. CKY, >IOM)AY JAM AltY 81 I 85<J VOlX.ME XXIX LOL’ISVIU.E, KEVn is War Iowa —U . M 17lh m «# Water Tas Collector's Sale. FOR SALE OR REM SAUSAI’AKILJ.A. Uaid fr. mttta Maiiett* ( luwa) Acompio? a«W«t«r Tax Collector fur tbr rear '‘WtlteW^t Tli(tS.S.KKN\El>VAi:!; WILLIAMS' I ere Dbcriet of t..# uf Lotii*et<lo, wiM taw • of niea from (L« o«igbboiiu(( 9 CAU.’iTH i»K Si 1>kath -^Ur. W>noe, in ona town cf MataHaII ( hmfurr tlic Court ll«>ute i|i>er m the eitr «| UieiioeaM*. ja_ F. Vrw<>«n tbr boar* la e*cb>ek, A. andSiyeloeh. P. a. »»itoKKr. of tbe lecturef oo medical jiiriepruderce now in m MiiritbAll couDtv), «DtAr»*t tie pUc« And airmd OEIsTEUAX. hk.mdp:k.mi>. l*4a, the fuMovitin l< etd M , oa Muodajr. I>hr.iar/ iU W Hf M., ia UtmderwD eouDty, ICy.,4 uil**« fro u^D^ progreae in the New York Medical (*.ullege, calUd otr tbr«e promioAot citiz-ns of MAriAttm, wb«> hAd ymru of tiU ead ImprovcRMtai^ to thetaxMeiv H't* tb*- Hty of Heodemun. on Friday, ^Mh day of Sarsaparilla' ttwreon. UHieCber vitli 7S cenii eiMl of adiwttiwu -at ead Syrup altentum of tbe claee to tbe inietake geoerelly r«c«Dtl/ olficiAUd AA Ju<lgAA uf AO AkcikHi to d«cide innuranre —-ftatty J«»urt>al Ftwruarr next, to tbe bisbest taddfr, Compound the ^e*ee miaeni Hwii^'mmae pni4 mr Is Anraiu x FltST IXRIUL OF TDi: SEISOXI _ or #U< H n*d |w»d witliMut fwstnri,ioci»we e e»pwrttirrehi|>, one of the mo«t Abbot ( ictaTia, tli hr 1M. a e e«»r J df A V t U BUk if wmlkad. B*^M pwld la ndvwncs. prevalent ae to ceoaee of sudden death. These were tbe questioa of a cou«<tT WAt fc»r Uia Mud county. ^^'hty desirable Farm* in the comity, and in an excellent neish- fi>r l*ni, aU bf 1^4. m e cer JrM S 9— S Ih rittua tbrv« month*'; C«*«ntn' l>a*lf Tn acre* In state often by medical men, either Arrivod at MAjr^hAll, <»ne uf th« prisAo«rt, Jud|{e Veri J. la 4u BuMefU B* a ysnf or Uh •rhu a berh'^. Tldstana coutainsIcM now btah ueuatly attributed, and .\llcQ A ISi r Swa. a K> . U a Wsokly r . F^twe mailed Ingrains, of cwHivation. well fen«««d: 4S0 acres bottom laud w«U POTASSIUM. I Hem-11 J A. ia6 by 1*». oi 'a, lot C, P>wt -i wntk fa M pcs. the heart, or brain, whereas sudden Sniitb, WA« infuriuAd UuU tbore waa i^rent dan^^r of OF t4> ^ IODIDE disease of To at*py 50 ditfliiod. 115 »H) acres in mltivatlaii, 70 acree in Ucuuw GreaviUc, by w i, PTW Yora, a uap. b #3. lo up laud; 4 A (Xra rai^ww—lu Ai*Tauc«-— — IN TKSSE3SLE AVUoTUKR SOFTllFItN FTATF.S tunoiky tutwdow. auaertwiadoTer Ifacrt-sia wheat, aud tT POPL'LAKITY are rare, while tho-e his b^iiig lyochcil unleAi he rA-cADVAAMtl tba r^tu^nt Saoio. m oy 1*0, w IL tfein a !doa. 9 pliibt e l>is<»rders, /admuma/roa of fAr ATidaeps, at*d In deaths fruit diseases of the brain ** wdeance. SFPERS, tbe Mdanc-* ao<»d tobacco or c«im Uud. Sn acres of wood- f\fw <caid head, S> HnyW Jehe. ilH by lea, m Ur. Mo A Pr-a I M se7lv AM) lcU* is irt»m Mr . UuUier at«l FINES Iwl »*aiu© Mr. Cu^ntyUiu: and doclarsd After ‘ still mure rare, winning town. Isiid undt-rSMiwth ivady for yrass seed. 3 I>iseai«*s head tW frum affections of the heart alone MarAhAil tba Heiur. eele by lua, Gr, Prr« . ... 7^ li^ .toWiirr I lady or Tii We.*ly H U W cut out, now ^ A wCTthr KtlUNKY. MIS?* et the fD4id ponds, and a nerer-faitinr serfoy. Good staldes, . M. l*d7. Brown j V\ , m liy » a. « e Brock ... itoronMMed Tpafci iu adwmnce at su^M Exirasroisaril) ( hrsii Tor I'aik! tb(*4 from affection* of the heart and lungs are not suiiia further iotimidatioo Judge S. laade ooc tbe It cabins, s«l<^k« ice bouse, daii Brook* ( . ii* lea, • in iuUiur*irT mrsl order, odwTwise will hs oanbatied. oomcritw, nerro house, v, Tetter. 1 was try W by Me. U a b* ».c*q troubled f».r over two advWi to your »tnf<>rtabie iur . aud all the net't'ssary ouGbuildiar*: a c dwsi- it b-i r. from diseases of tbe lunj:^ alone required certiikate, declaring Marehall tbe county Same, 44*4 by IM. w 17, Me a sk e« »iid will 'nr It. I think U.n me l> I li.r, «..r knn.u, UQUiUil, and ihore •ell, ,did» Mr a uw tiufWd^rof tiiiC nittcieiit for a Unce fanii<>’. We will also »ame SeaH>. ecr.w p^n ev** 17 I*, mb*. 4 taih-l Ij^H^ttfull/. M. Roll IKK. a e DURKEE, HEATH, & CO., ewtU*-. sheep, ilhiT mui-dyh..! by far tbe most frequent of aU, Of twcnty«*>i.k •eat. 4 In tbe folluwiog morning a train of wa^un* -eiicr by w ifce aew la. at wf day, all th** stork. coiisieHur of horses, mules, C Josift 117. • 11 Mo A Pre, e leie. If wot pnM, tt mast he is^ ^tt^ 4l®owt4aoa^ , kitchen L.«»tTjtVILLF, An u«i 1K>7. it will be scut aud hoss; fanitinr ImidcaienW, household aud 15, C>*urb> Wa, f?H by 71, n Mwl * i . iwip . 9* •r. at *-ar hmIw. if parts wn**^ cases re(Mirted to tbe Sii«nti5c Omgrv^s at S'raa* loaded with armed nirn, followed by aUHit forty U a fumitare. •*ata, des. Seio*-. Ju b> lea, a Med, 14 17 :*4 Mil. m "niriMmd IrtMrr. at ..arnik com, hay, !*a*llr affect«‘*l with 'irrW’ula. au 1 liD phv * r uiit- f«i|iue to 4 br ftir- ? beiiir Markrt and Jrflrr.ia. The st-ick will Iw sold on a credit of lumtb*. Terow I< A ii.i.i»k« Drar Mr b’r (»ne by hnart di-tease, {•erioiiA fo-H with on their nhiMildere, en* 97S by TV. a Me-1. le* 17 IN Ltil litVII.I.I U Ma F <>nipot 2Ra< oHp kTitla and lodid* of IWIsms. |t ha* ii»a«lc th* burg, by Dr Trondes, nut was oo luuekcU H 4ATW-MT AliVEKTIilXC TH K rrcuu.nirijdi.'d nir rmir (N,ni|M* 4 l:*o, tsu> la* to suU purrhais-r. him. aitk'ud hanHy M. Iu6 by «| M. lot I7a . AOvruTisEiut. of farm . may made rmv the b»si demedy for S< rofuli 1 liave ev* r kn<>wn le j*r«XAi.F<»« r*a; roo'mot* tbr buAi>o.« brrrtotoir tlduk r.ur ‘ i” ,uud but thirteen < f paluionary coogestton and lour of tered Marietta with tiie intentioQ of carrving «»4f tbe II. WIPt.MAS JoHnFCNK. boy Hocor. aDuiid ond bi«i«y. 1 J t lurk iGm'l 11a b> AjU a **r*. Hereby * Jm «4 M. t»VlS*GT«»\. H i «)»• •• tor. Arr.-! OAr «,iMn. M Uw. •,«?*. .'ondocird br n»r, at Ml Mala 34 P. KtCKlJt fot fh>yk Ml b*l. jebv Hn*, w It, pre S Mnrb- *« price b«jUfa.t) bottles n.'' I '^dJmj li. |) I1A*»< cerebral eong idioii. Of ft»rty ca'es of suddio county records, but thaf were luet at tb.>cMurt .Isn IT Tilbot and Siirion r A Uro. ai i«r ^c., Aid*! dgwtd For «lr I ! C«rr A tbuUab T'k.* u. MS e lee. i Uv. Cb«> 4i | m lA- JA*. mtk. !>' kk Aw death examined b- D.$Vtr,^iti tbe followiiig were the bt*uee by tbe citixena at irieCtA and r«^|HiUed with* >am.*. Su by tOe. w (ire - . Cier Jk Shel. ... m .ii«» M »i ito. hat. i.i«ii ' 3b by lie . Ihialae Je*. Wei, lb . IN-*J Sixth Street Tobacco Depot a u * . Rent. ’ M MUTUAL MFC . For ' l>n. tniir anito* U t. causei out bloodahtd. next d.»y the r->u«t waa u, . t » Ibe bou^ Urakrb;r,«*lbr IM. «Wel,i; «!•« mf .«A pat i« So »— ; g.4j Cask Capstd *1 [>IX;F.IVf D dftR M ' n Mn r.%* ... t Ml IM.M W THE IhiUdiac .No. Ha Main arrrt. brtwrrn 'o- 3emr **4 1. 13 by 4uu. |o A * J *1 twrirr H.oto ..» it »4 brxN Ttoxoirr Tubocon. XU Oajdoaa AH'OpH'Xf 4 guarded by ab«.ut four boodreJ arme^l men, but oo The Ajwured partinisM* . U oocuplod by Ihr t al- u- aoaw',tor’&..4«b:- |«i, a Ibel. |o i« 'Olid fonn*r1r ITS . and Tbira, «lo., wiik i'ousi'»U->u 'i Am ay 13*> do James IttTwr-. (3ucc.-ao>r to E.AW. H. Stokm), Semus | uUUKuaiy . ft' Soiur, *iMU. S, 1* IS litoi Mk toMM kl( tinr Kim«>o Cimpany f^nhir attempt was made to take tbe record*. 94 1<11 b. • J e . -j .MadiwMfd.foM CoiiiC4^»ti«>u ul lb»* braiu and spinal iu»rr->w J i , IN'i' K Tb 4o Jack FaMa*. ' OlMTlNF.NTAL P»«r.4c>n kivrn immedlawlr. f^aal•> J 'ha, 4*» be HM aw eer e |a.
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