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Si Si <1 1 8 9 1 01 0 1 1 2! 0, o! 1 0 27 i^lMlilMd •^•nr Thurater Mm. K. rnmvmm !• mi ttoe olHt IlM. Ttoe iMUiir fH«MM of liortoert Toeni* 1 Hi WallMr airMt rntm, I Mr. and Mm. iictonulpr held • iw- er were (prleverl to leam of hla death •-•pilwn for their deutohter Munda> which tK*rured at hla home In Aatolay who WM» married In f’anada laoi Bri* Wadnaaday momlns. Ma>- 23. of paau* ifrtTAltT H. FKRRY, KDITOR. day. munla. Pitneral aerrlcea were ivm* The S«»ulh Itiley iw*h<M*l will i-loer ductad by Hav. t'hamlierlln at Mid* MBVKNTKKNTH TMAR. In a week for a aiimmer vacation. dieiun Saturday at ld:10 o'clwck. aniveraarx aarvic-a at the t’hri.iiaii M«. and Mm. William Weatmomlaml Klale. the Infant «laushter of Mr. liiMi toy Ma II ‘!!u.^rS.xriJLnTi.y X M* <*»•• *•»<• and Mra. Floyd Wiisht. died May 33 Sunda> . twii: Yi tlreenbttah t'hrlatlan church waa or* of cr«»up. aaed 10 montlw. Funeral m% motmui .... aaiilami May li. UiC.lie, byefibyellev. Klijah Mondaro^^bCIdniwT** In Laualaa aervlcea were conducted by Hev. tiihkk moxthm , Baird, deceaaml, with alaMx charter uwaineea. t'hamberlaln at the Johnaten achtad | Sunday uchcMil will be held In th** h«>uae Wednaaday. Interment In the EilMcatiofuil Priae Contest Payne lemeter^'. at lh« Poatoflk^ at Bt. Jotoaa. t t OUn il lUlllCj&fit ItJ I i Hurt H rfa»a*-|«*a« Mt ^ • ikiA ek muL ka#4etoa k.# •• saw Mr. and Mm. Jamee MtonebitM*k at* Mlchlsan. a« aacond claas mattar. .. .umph.«l.-- 0.-.PI Mr. W.ller IM,r. “I* ’i”; *1,'.^ J".;, jliu" Xur'iS aL -N..™ tended 1.*. It. nuarterly meetina at .Sunilay. 1 ir-v M^THoraaur of i»u «»« »^««0* Mlaa Haael Seymour aa MiVUH OM ffTKAMiiKHM. Sd-!n ■*ili;d .m iinSSa^ •‘^hepler aa Sch«Mi| c|oM*<l laat Fritlay in dia* l.ict N»». 4. The Mranirrr liMiklna for hla tri^nii'n riranlat. iMHUia In rtt. Jiihnu haji mora trtiubir laat Thursday. than l>l4»iranaf« of olil in hl» Mrart'h f<tr Miaa Inaeraull a|M*nt the paat an honaai man. The C1r««k |ihlloau> wek in St. Johna. PnimtoMSty of Baaeball naa vrur.o to stMMitlc pr«** phar had t«i rarry a lantam anmnd in .Mra. t’ella lAveaay waa on the aick 7!»*fi2 l<y«*n Sireat, the daytimr to aid him in hla aaarrh. Hat laat week. portiona withlitc the laat it) yearw, and Ikiin !<• Ml. and Mrs. Karl M« and «*vrn thaii it in not ra«'orda<l that Born to Mr. and Mra. lireubaker of the artentlAc work of the taama de- I'ull.iuah *>f < It and Ifaphla .May 21 u fjiaiid llapifla. .MIehlaan. hr founil u man that would imumi mun* Herrinton. Wedneaday. May 23. u aott. Hkht milllona of spactmtoia. There < auKhler. Irr. If hr Mtrtick Ht. Johnn. h«tarvrr. The Modjeaka (lull met with .Xlra. are ao many thinva to admlm In the t'lirrie Burk laat Wetineeday. aame -that it la Impooalble tu deecribe •Mis. Hell Hie la x-arlna for Mloa hr t-oulti not rvrn find a ilinhonrrt ITthel Finley thia week. Ml. and .Mrs. We will aive to the iMTatm realdinu !>• <’Union txiuniy. Mlchiican. wh«« man iinirw hr hup|irnr4l to kn«»w Fred .'outer of Klaie vlalted them. It la ulao impoaalble tu deacrlbe **en4la in the xrealeal number *»f Kn*ll»h w«*rdB forme«l fd»m the let* paienta. .\lr. ami .Mrs, J<d.n .'ouiei, the wonderful amount of (ood that KImei Finley have returned t*» tirainl arhrr** hr llvrd. And thr iantrrn i lta|*l«la. tera In the Wind 'HALTIMt IKK." ualnit no letter nnue than *m4e In Wouldn't hr||t him rithrr. Kvrn h .Stilidu) . haa l»een done by the telebrated Hoa* thr aanie wtird. Maairhllahl Mould itr unrlrio*. In fact. I Mra. .Mary Voiii.K a|» the tuttei letter'a Stomach Bittern duriny ita &3 ! .Miijel Weale X lalte«l het iCl'und fMii * Tlllll*:i*: .MO.YTIIN’ TI'ITIOW FKKI*: Thr XrwH iouid hardly nuaicmi any- pad <»f laat week witl. iiet It.oliiei, years' experient ’c. People al! over the -nia fdini .Saturtlay until .Sunday. In the Bualneae I lt«H*k k**eplnK I He|uiitm«-nl thlna that would Im> of uaaintanrr. un> f^lSS. <*Htii<tn iliXMin It. Aahley. world have tieeii • ured by it after ' 4 1 <* Hrin-e la palnllna hia h*iua«*. Iran it mtaht l>r to xnd Mtmr old rrai> j Iir. KuKei.c Had iin«l ***n. I>eaiie rett.ediea have failed. If you xxeiii to l>ei.oit TueM<lu>. Mia. Ha.: ure nervoua. aleepleaa. have no appe* .Ml itn«l Mra. 4 iwen Parkei toti **f <lrnt. nrrfrruldy a formrr atrrrt o«»m» MILDRED »w**«*Mi x%t*ie the Kueata of Ml. an«l All Mat.- *t| w'tidla iiiuat I*** |-e< •*ix'ed oil **l l»ef«tie June JA, I!l4flk. minwionrr «»r rx-*«u|*rr\inor and tnkr xxlll r**lurt. xxttl. lliem Thu.a4iay. tile, Itowela coatlve. and feel rundown plainly xxrltlen with Ink oi lvi*ew-rlter. neall) armiixed. anil wurda I Tile prealtili.K elder. Hex. .Ml. Hi.i* the Bittern la needed itt once. Some* xlia. A 4'uirlei FrPlay ex*enlntc an*l him alona for a iruldr. KELLER .saludlay. numl»ei ed. Kvrn ttiin plan uoiilti not inniirr aei. c«m4lucied •luurte. I> nieeiinrr at ihinK elae xx-<in*t do in Ita place. It The w innei the pi txe miiat Itexln **«-lne»l «in **r l»ef*»re Jul> !#. rraiilta. Thr rditor rrmrmlwn* thr RESTOMD TO ltE/U.TN. the l!vanK**ll«'.il child*!. Satur*lax iintl letaltlvely correcta allmenta cauaed by < *llil*ll ** 11'^ «la> xxlll Im* •iba«-rxe<| at ISiii, Tlnn- t*t l>eKin will not l»e. ext**n»led. n*ir tulti.m Ininaferieil tfnir whrn hr wan u ntranarr in St. .Sumlay. diaordered alomach. liver or kidneya. the Hia Iple chud h .Sunday niornliii:. t<t allot hei. J«»hns and wan tryina to rind onr of TNAMK8 TO Pf Rt m ZeliMM Ki.bx la <iulte III xxilh iio-ii* auch ua |N>or appetite, nuuaea. bloat< I ie<-<*niiIon day **xed-laea In the iifter- .\n>**»ne havltiK w<in a prevpoia prixe. ,ti alieady enr*dle«l, t-aniiot thr print'iiutl irnldrn«r xtirrtn of thr alee. InK. becharhe. Iillloiianeaa. flatulency. n*Hir. enter lhl« *-f*nieat All «ithera XX ho <l4«, ahoiilil initify ua pr*>mptl>. (*tt>. Mrrtina a Iratiina attornr> hr Hr un*l .Mrk IHiv Tuine. aie lien* inillveatlon. dvsftepala. •■•lativeneae, or Mra. J*>a«*plilne Thonipa**n ainl iiinl iin-Pia* th« iiamea and i**rrei-t u<ldreaaea *if three *0 mod* |>ei * iminirrd th«* way. Thr man of thr Friends vVere Alarmed— fr*»m m*i***lt 1*1 vialt hi: piiieitia. malaria. Trx* a liottle. dMUKhl**i of tiijiud Itapnla iiinl Mra. -tills in Iheli h**me ttiwnahip xxln* hav* pnaaed tin- «-lKhth xis«l<- Hiinlel Tuinei aii«i xxlt«*. law* hud lira id of thr Mtirrt, hut that Advised Change of Climate. .Mi ylie Mt-4'tilloiiKli .111*1 aoii **f Aahley Pdiper name** max l»e tiaetl luil in* iilil»rex*ialiona wan all h** <*onld nav Thru a dniKiri -t .* K T*»pl* lot next Sun*la> .tl 7 •itten«le«l th** 1. A .s at tin- liMaerneiil .Mall Hat **f w.tdis 1*1 the aiWItea** xiven alHix*e. prepu> iHiatuae In wh o had hrrii In Ininlnmn hrr** for p.iii. Faith, What it It. Wlial It lual xXeek. ftill, lin lo*-** Mtatnp Ho return p«*aiHKe If xioj xvlah n«itlc*- of the it*> aomr llftrrn >rjir« happrnrd alona. hr Mlaa .MiUlrdl Keller, 71- T'.lh *tre«*t, I ka*a. ’ ' la*adei .Ml** Nellie .'ah****!.. .Mim. Kinici .Sli**|M>id .ind child, eii .aiiit 'if tin* «*inieal wann't -urr hut h* thoiiKht it wan N. W., Waahin.;t«>t., I>.xx rttea: H*-it .'••uriti went !*• <.hl** laat Sal ill** vl.-^ltliiK h* I patent** In dreetivllP*. He verx «-ad*fiil to alxi* y**ui nann- diatint tly. xlviiiK full Pt»ai 1 »f* atOTirwiirrr In tin- rantrrn pari of tin- •I can safely re«*omnieinl l***riina for Ui *lax t** vlall xx Ife .tnd «lauKli* II. W DhxPI an*l xxlf*- ai«* vlaliInK til •• itildreM*. Itural Houle 4 If un> t and <-ounty. town Kinalli tin- poMinianlri joitn-d t -I xxh** ill* llie.e i-a.Ii.K f*>r ll•■l ,ii (’niH**n <*ity N.H .s«-x*-ral xxh** hax'«- «-atne<| f*irtiier prixe- iire iniw InthlliiK X'Miil thr Kitiiip. iind aftri •'Oiiir dirM iln«|on .'atarrh. I lia.1 it f»*r x** are and It wouhl an**ltiei wli«i la verx ill .Mr.H ViiiiKelaiin .mil . i**e will .Mr .s Mol l la I.- Ill with pleiid** (H*aiiloiia le-«-jiua«* <if the eflu(*atlon valtietl ill thia a«*h<io| The demainl h** naid witli nofin- annul atnr that t In- rt*s|Mii.d to 1.0 kiinl t>f treatinei.l,or if it Aid* .Myia Bulk* .Mia Kv,. rnleitain th«* M. K Al*l -*ii p tx Frl- ' Un*-um<*nia.
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