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27 i^lMlilMd •^•nr Thurater Mm. K. rnmvmm !• mi ttoe olHt IlM. Ttoe iMUiir fH«MM of liortoert Toeni* 1 Hi WallMr airMt rntm, I Mr. and Mm. iictonulpr held • iw- er were (prleverl to leam of hla death •-•pilwn for their deutohter Munda> which tK*rured at hla home In Aatolay who WM» married In f’anada laoi Bri* Wadnaaday momlns. Ma>- 23. of paau* ifrtTAltT H. FKRRY, KDITOR. day. munla. Pitneral aerrlcea were ivm* The S«»ulh Itiley iw*h . twii: Yi tlreenbttah t'hrlatlan church waa or* of cr«»up. aaed 10 montlw. Funeral m% motmui .... aaiilami May li. UiC.lie, byefibyellev. Klijah Mondaro^^bCIdniwT** In Laualaa aervlcea were conducted by Hev. tiihkk moxthm , Baird, deceaaml, with alaMx charter uwaineea. t'hamberlaln at the Johnaten achtad | Sunday uchcMil will be held In th** h«>uae Wednaaday. Interment In the EilMcatiofuil Priae Contest Payne lemeter^'. at lh« Poatoflk^ at Bt. Jotoaa. t t OUn il lUlllCj&fit ItJ I i Hurt H rfa»a*-|«*a« Mt ^ • ikiA ek muL ka#4etoa k.# •• saw Mr. and Mm. Jamee MtonebitM*k at* Mlchlsan. a« aacond claas mattar. .. .umph.«l.-- 0.-.PI Mr. W.ller IM,r. “I* ’i”; *1,'.^ J".;, jliu" Xur'iS aL -N..™ tended 1.*. It. nuarterly meetina at .Sunilay. 1 ir-v M^THoraaur of i»u «»« »^««0* Mlaa Haael Seymour aa MiVUH OM ffTKAMiiKHM. Sd-!n ■*ili;d .m iinSSa^ •‘^hepler aa Sch«Mi| c|oM*l4»iranaf« of olil in hl» Mrart'h f wek in St. Johna. PnimtoMSty of Baaeball naa vrur.o to stMMitlc pr«** phar had t«i rarry a lantam anmnd in .Mra. t’ella lAveaay waa on the aick 7!»*fi2 lf < It and Ifaphla .May 21 u fjiaiid llapifla. .MIehlaan. hr founil u man that would imumi mun* Herrinton. Wedneaday. May 23. u aott. Hkht milllona of spactmtoia. There < auKhler. Irr. If hr Mtrtick Ht. Johnn. h«tarvrr. The Modjeaka (lull met with .Xlra. are ao many thinva to admlm In the t'lirrie Burk laat Wetineeday. aame -that it la Impooalble tu deecribe •Mis. Hell Hie la x-arlna for Mloa hr t-oulti not rvrn find a ilinhonrrt ITthel Finley thia week. Ml. and .Mrs. We will aive to the iMTatm realdinu !>• <’Union txiuniy. Mlchiican. wh«« man iinirw hr hup|irnr4l to kn«»w Fred .'outer of Klaie vlalted them. It la ulao impoaalble tu deacrlbe **en4la in the xrealeal number *»f Kn*ll»h w«*rdB forme«l fd»m the let* paienta. .\lr. ami .Mrs, J of uaaintanrr. un> f^lSS. <*Htiir to xnd Mtmr old rrai> j Iir. KuKei.c Had iin«l ***n. I>eaiie rett.ediea have failed. If you xxeiii to l>ei.oit TueM. Mia. Ha.: ure nervoua. aleepleaa. have no appe* .Ml itn«l Mra. 4 iwen Parkei toti **f nieeiinrr at ihinK elae xx- !#. rraiilta. Thr rditor rrmrmlwn* thr RESTOMD TO ltE/U.TN. the l!vanK**ll«'.il child*!. Satur*lax iintl letaltlvely correcta allmenta cauaed by < *llil*ll ** 11'^ «la> xxlll Im* •iba«-rxe<| at ISiii, Tlnn- t*t l>eKin will not l»e. ext**n»led. n*ir tulti.m Ininaferieil tfnir whrn hr wan u ntranarr in St. .Sumlay. diaordered alomach. liver or kidneya. the Hia Iple chud h .Sunday niornliii:. tor appetite, nuuaea. bloat< I ie<-<*niiIon day **xed-laea In the iifter- .\n>**»ne havltiK wmptl>. (*tt>. Mrrtina a Iratiina attornr> hr Hr un*l .Mrk IHiv Tuine. aie lien* inillveatlon. dvsftepala. •■•lativeneae, or Mra. J*>a«*plilne Thonipa**n ainl iiinl iin-Pia* th« iiamea and i**rrei-t uei * iminirrd th«* way. Thr man of thr Friends vVere Alarmed— fr*»m m*i***lt 1*1 vialt hi: piiieitia. malaria. Trx* a liottle. dMUKhl**i of tiijiud Itapnla iiinl Mra. -tills in Iheli h**me ttiwnahip xxln* hav* pnaaed tin- «-lKhth xis«l<- Hiinlel Tuinei aii«i xxlt«*. law* hud lira id of thr Mtirrt, hut that Advised Change of Climate. .Mi ylie Mt-4'tilloiiKli .111*1 aoii **f Aahley Pdiper name** max l»e tiaetl luil in* iilil»rex*ialiona wan all h** <*onld nav Thru a dniKiri -t .* K T*»pl* lot next Sun*la> .tl 7 •itten«le«l th** 1. A .s at tin- liMaerneiil .Mall Hat **f w.tdis 1*1 the aiWItea** xiven alHix*e. prepu> iHiatuae In wh o had hrrii In Ininlnmn hrr** for p.iii. Faith, What it It. Wlial It lual xXeek. ftill, lin lo*-** Mtatnp Ho return p«*aiHKe If xioj xvlah n«itlc*- of the it*> aomr llftrrn >rjir« happrnrd alona. hr Mlaa .MiUlrdl Keller, 71- T'.lh *tre«*t, I ka*a. ’ ' la*adei .Ml** Nellie .'ah****!.. .Mim. Kinici .Sli**|M>id .ind child, eii .aiiit 'if tin* «*inieal wann't -urr hut h* thoiiKht it wan N. W., Waahin.;t«>t., I>.xx rttea: H*-it .'••uriti went !*• <.hl** laat Sal ill** vl.-^ltliiK h* I patent** In dreetivllP*. He verx «-ad*fiil to alxi* y**ui nann- diatint tly. xlviiiK full Pt»ai 1 »f* atOTirwiirrr In tin- rantrrn pari of tin- •I can safely re«*omnieinl l***riina for Ui *lax t** vlall xx Ife .tnd «lauKli* II. W DhxPI an*l xxlf*- ai«* vlaliInK til •• itildreM*. Itural Houle 4 If un> t and <-ounty. town Kinalli tin- poMinianlri joitn-d t -I xxh** ill* llie.e i-a.Ii.K f*>r ll•■l ,ii (’niH**n <*ity N.H .s«-x*-ral xxh** hax'«- «-atne<| f*irtiier prixe- iire iniw InthlliiK X'Miil thr Kitiiip. iind aftri •'Oiiir dirM iln«|on .'atarrh. I lia.1 it f»*r x** are and It wouhl an**ltiei wli«i la verx ill .Mr.H ViiiiKelaiin .mil . i**e will .Mr .s Mol l la I.- Ill with pleiid** (H*aiiloiia le-«-jiua«* f treatinei.l,or if it Aid* .Myia Bulk* .Mia Kv,. rnleitain th«* M. K Al*l -*ii p tx Frl- ' Un*-um<*nia. .iinl .Mis I'einhe of Klali* f*0 *iUr t-mp«'ll one da> laat iliiy. Jui.e lal I** If.i, la t-aiillK f**r hei • •an -upplx, iin*l ha-* l*een fm- xeaia. W** iilxxaya aa-lal i'‘onfo*tenl pii* rant .\nd hr wan almoni riaht for il • liuhle*t i>r«»v«*eatlon the trouhi** would XXt-ek. All*, l-^llxit WIlllMi**.* I- Xiallt.lK h* r .VII.* I'll neat 4'ouxla iind alal*-i **r pila I** a**«-ni*- |Hta|i|**ns XX ln*n *x <- .m W*irk f**r this prixe. wan tiv«* F .Si«-lnl». mmh In St J**lin- H**tnledM*n *iille«| **0 .Mia .M**rrla M*»n- It I- nuld that thrr** In a nrw innh- ot>m** hack. Feiloxx Phip ii.e«ilnK n•*xl .Salii.*la> at . .s, h****l ,111 .1*.-. Fridit> xxithappi** ^ *lax A. 5. PARISH. President. oii of KUidItiiC raialiKri-n aild liatlvr-^ wMM in utch m xutte that my ■’ p in. at 1 to* <’hrt?*ilan chin* li. pi t.ii* *-x*-r* I *-- :ii th«- ;ilt*-rn****n. ' H*-nr |{ralniii«l xxh** haa Ihm-ii 111 la tiMi. w hh II < of inn.itlilin: tin friendn were aiarmed about me, and / The l«».lle-' I’hrtatiun .\l«l a.*. It-lx Mij. T II i:d*|> an.I .Mi * «'hurl* - «<*nxHl«-*>« trix I •-! if v.i *;.'• *Y if if if if a i i;.if ^ .J. it ^ if - if. if ... naiin- of rni h tit-'-t on ;< nultald* tah* waa adt'iaed to leave this climate. xxill in*-et w lili .Mr^ K«lnii Palmer on j,,tui-,,f: r lilti ii * ii*' tn «*h»**. .Mii«. Jam*--. .Muns**ri ••f 4 i\ i«| vHll<-«l In. plair oi hoard and phn iin: tt In W***ln«*a«li«X afleino.'ii Jiin** r>lli III I'. lrlM*l*l .M**inlii) iind T*iesiirK* ‘i j hrnllatt- al NinllliliV I tihal oi '• J<>liti l!ii* tixx*>**il xXii' • ' hoiii- oil ' rii'*^* > in* liiix* vxi:|<-ln-il tin 1 in tdiilhtiiaix out tt w oihl aliiniO \« n- ixcller. .Muir Tliur-’*lax nT*ui *l,i = Il •lll•-llitt xii*vxih •*! .S|..rKi.n* ;lin* .1- tuir lit -Ili:»:* a Tha tin 'Itx fnihrl We have .tt lllo many thousand tei*tl* FI**? in •• .Iinl K*liii> l*•• ‘l nf Miili dl- 1 tel .III? Ilin III 1*;*.* .Id- <*11 let lllC IMmlliix l•'l»ll*y*•» lliuicy uim I Tnr. ii.*.x i**nk tnt .xiti i.ik* till, otjiiu Kt^ IS nt Iriini talk tin- 0:.«lt*i o^.i moutal- llk< the ali«>x*e. Wo -an ;riv** n*-«i xxiiti tlnn i;niinlp..i * ni- .Mi •III Foley 6t ' '**.. 4'hi* OKU, orlxlnate*) Great Reduction With th* in !at toi ir^ that Ml l-Mleii •'0*1. Id*ni Tlnn .*l.i . **i tin- XX ••at i<* r*-i: li tin maik s**t f**i *.,*^ T ad* r** <«nlv a slight k'llm|»a4* .if th»* jit l.x It- *1 .*•***•*• **!iil, That tln-x xxlll Honey and Tar aa a throat and !um; Johnn I Ihoiii * to liaxi a*- tini> Inixt .Silt iidl.ix remedy, and on acc- uiit of tile xteat j . .. • TUX' .f un-*»licitc.l -'ndorr*cnii-:ii« . k'«-i III* • I- iiini<>iilii*-|in-allo|| I: h«*xx loiiu It xxlll lak** lh**lt-. merit and popularity of Foley 'a Hon ­ In Prices! St»mr **1 tin- lnk*'ii lnl*i .\ak for It and refuoe any aubatituie. : ill iloiiij^ so will .sell rc;;arf|lt*ss of cost. \Vc arc sel­ Kxrn If x\r don t hax*- tin- tt.iriKri*. Mt ml Ml- Klik *'onr:il i*!* n **-ni ‘-. It F T*-**l - iilltl xxlf*- f*-xx *»»«»n .an thrx .III- .-ihh- !•» la-atl t h«*m - I* -( tip:: .111 ••iilei liiiiinn-nt .11 lln- 1-! Inc ♦•ui**r|»i l»«-H of iiiHtix \iirl*-tP ‘s .in*' iilt* I noon V < hur* h .Sjiiudlax exeiiinu. Juin J. il *1111 ill III** -.ill!** tim** turnish. iit ii itrM..\i. Tin- .'-‘tiu .Vnl n-ix unit*- with 1 In- .Ml iitnl .Mr- .lii**ih H*-lnl«-ii **1 iiiliilmuii) .0-1. paixxet r*ii ih*< Xiirioii .Muai* px Jtdill *iml Lulu 4:)M*d. l*o*>lllt«nlrr ICohlM'il. ."'liii tn .i pit ni< ill iliirtnl L* ilu* clc III* III)**- \x hP h iire le-lnu plaime*! I *• nation. .Viidi**> Bird. I hi- A*-«-k Saiiidli-x V\ .i-hinuioii 'niei xx ** 1* uu*--ts <*i .Mi c;. W. Foutii. Pontmantrr at Ilivrr- .11*1 Mr- -i Hiiuueil <*vei .Suinlax In ill! dld-*iP*n- .*nd xvhP h xvlll ln*-v- ijii**iinalm('' Wlnit wa.- hi* lettrr, xvhivh naya: "For 20 yrars .Mr .iinl .Ml Fiank lt*‘dteiii .md • ni . It the 1*0*1 of the iii-xx • iiplt«d |iull«Hiix ’ Do not send to mail order houses. ;is I will sell any I had > hronic livrr complaint, xvhlch Iktrii to Mr .Iinl .Mi- KuK*'n*' .S|p. — m .M*-riill oi I'xid XXei* m Kiid-ka .sp**kiin*' |»o«*-»---H*4 Ih*- p**<'uHHr .id- HoPerf Bmxxn I**x .lull*- _'4ih. il ilaiiuhl**i Ird to auch a nrx'rrt caar of jaun-* t,:-4| .Ot-k vantiiu*- hax Inu tiHiutarx t«* It i« it. h ijiieatlon- '*Hii- .St .John?* alwax- aftiele that is ot efjual value tor less than they will. dlr<* that rvrn my hnicer naila turned H**il* Itiiiciloit hii- m«*x*-»l hla fiiin- • urn iiliuiiil •••iintry .iml it laixi* min­ l•e••|) th** •••iinty Heat **i i'llnt«*n • *11111- yellow; xvhen my doctor prescribed llx rt*im ili-iiinl la**lK* Into \\ .1 l•lll• iHwlli- l-Yoni .\pprmll« HI-. im; lerril**ry. th** om* imiiiiIiik Int** th*- ty"' If ii**t. xvhen i**m**xe*l t** St. John** Klectri* lllttrra. which currd me ami l<»*-k ' holla** Hecreuae In the aame ratio that the • It'- th** w**allti **f th*- ll«-li!, orchar*! iiml XX hei** wiiH It'*" -4tlenn Haiper. have kept me xvell for eleven wears.'* .Mrs Peter 1 Mixer <»f l«iinainu apent use of Hr. Klnr'a New Life PlUa In and KHrd* ‘n. ami th** <*lh*'r furnlslilnu Alualc— .Mr. ami .Mra. \Vm. Hear*n«lt. C»U oaa ma txmfexwm zrooz Hurr cure for nilliouaneaa. Neuralicia. Frlihix .111*1 HHtiidlax .11 A W o Hv »t'’* creaaea. They aave you from danxer a leadx .mil pr*dlti;Id** inaiket for all 4Jueatlon —-"H*iw many i**untlea liaa Weaknron and all S'omach, Liver, T J Kaatw*H*«| I- vl-IIInu liH ilaii* and brInK uuick and palnleae releaae that can be rnl«et| .Mlehluan ami how many uew counlte** Klflney and Bladder deranirementa. Khl**r .It I lextei from coii»tli>atlon and the Ilia tcrow- Th** *l«-xepipmenl **f th*- Spokun - h** *»raaiilzedItiix Hat per. FIiiIh. ••hhi «*f th** • tt>. ami exiendliiu A wonderful tonic. At Fildew A Mill* Mr ittnl .Mis I'.irl Ho *Ik *‘** •*! AiitH**n Inic out of it. .Strenirth and vl«nr al* Mention -••III*- •>{ III** m**at iMipulai man's. St. Johns; and Otto Bullla. .Mis Al k*-i o| Hath and W .M. Ho«iK*-- xvaya follow- their uae tluaranteetl by itlnio«l t*> Hillhdruni. idith**. has con- uiauaziiieH ol th«- pies**nt tIm** ala** the Maple Ilafdda. druK storra. SO ernta. • if l..iiiialnu pent .Sundax i>i lh«- home Fildew fc .Mlllman. .st.Johna; and into xeM*-*l xx hat xxa- **m *- ii ilreiiix witsi* ** .u* to rnak*- our i**-'*ru** I Jail. Jr I’\KI th*- < Itx In thi- -tieii h of i-.iunirx m* *iliiK'- moi** Inairiii llx** ' Mention Th*- Hti.l*' Aid -•> P-d in*-« I vxiih III.IX Ih- iiiiind th*- ilinerent tllHliici- s**ii)»* **t th*- xx**iik |•■*lnl- SuPJ»*< I AtUBon, Cliarlr*. Cro^o al l^fi l'•Mln«l a Nh-kh* .Mr- 11 H I'oiiiinl Juin* *111 |4**i II lo I I I' HItiei .il'd Alt Silt kn**xxn .1- "I *pp**i I unit P-fi." ihIh i»r- *i|**-ne*| t«- Will. .Shtniier. < ixar Woriii 'niintkiiit;. Ml- Kliii I'd ho! liiaini i::>|*i*l- xxti- um Ikx Mil 24> a »:auuhl*i. • hard- ■' iind 4 ii *.,*nn* 1 es" xvhP h iiii* Fx**rxlMM|x *im*- .md h**li» in* iiiak** Whrn « h.i «*to«*. \xh<» pr*ihah|\ heit .IX *1 .Suiidax Ml .'! H 'ipei I-* -i**-ndlii*: i! :• XX ilnx. in n*» -iluhi d*-ui****. 4** -upplx olll II)e**l ItlK** XX hat I hex shollPi h** rh« >l*-mitndi**n trii* k. xi-ue- ;in*l wh.-tt XI** xx**ul*i hax** lli**m hue th* >arK« t n*ih foi IiIk Ii kiath- Tin W I T F Aill n*»i in* *1 till** diix xxlth In I -l*ii*-r .VIr- J.'im*-- .Vliin- i iKui ••f aiit ilrtlri in .S| Jidiiif- hranl xx»-eK hill in-x* F'I.I., xlih Mr lti'> *l*-il taPP iind .-.III fiiilt llial th*- 1 Itx It- -<••11 ..m am*-- jimi -.xhPh It .ileo *Ha- hat .1 h'liK tillri w.i^ hrltiK I Ml .iiid .Ml •. F H Pan .iml diiuuh- Have you )ialn?* Ih the l>ack. Iiilla- iriailrd foi *.i hr w a.- iialiii allx In* I, lli-P n .111'* .Mr* Frank Wiiid ii. till*iil*-- to th*- rniiiliiu c.imp- Ivinu I** mutlon of any kind, rheumutlain. Ml- 'll H**iniP. .ind lt» rt .smith x I-- th*- north and -oiiili fiotn th*- tiimou- falntlHK aitella. Indluestion or cunati- ».v rrduloU* hr .X.intr*! !•» IfIXr hl« Hll.l:^ unl*»inr|-n tin- hr-t ' litai f•^l th*- h-ant lii *1 ill Vl ht* .Smith s .sun*lii' I'o*-iii *r Vl*-n*- niim to th*- H*-|*iihlP jMitton. Holliater'a Itocky .Mountain iinin*'X In- aoi .1 .ini|>l* imix ot tln- Mr- Ja> .-** -aPin- t- it Id** i** i«P- mlnlnu l•-uion- **ii*. •‘X*ti into lirlil.'h Ten make** you well, keepa you xvell. WatNxxotth Hio« •'hi ••• **iil itkaln .ili*-i a *^eiP»ua lllin--- I ***lumi*iii S.'* cento- 4*. K. Van .si* kle. Thd * •' llli.x ' ** 11111; in n i\*-ii .VIl» I.illP F*.l*-x .if SI Johns p*-ni .sp.ikiin** le III** *H.'IrihutInu p*»lnt f*»r Thr .ainph - .xri. .•liiKht .nnl In- iii.i; I i*-*l v\* • k NN Hit.til) Tp-*ll .Siiinli' .11 ' h*- ln*m* of her iil- ail that l••lril«•r\ i.n**xxii is tin* "liilanil • *rdrir«l ttial 1 '*•»•• to ln*xx tln-x xxii- oi.iiiP . 1*1 .Ml-- \*-llP- .Slim OaiksiBit John Th*-P n iind famll;. vi3it*-d lel* Knipld* " xvhP h **mPiii **•« iiiiu tl ally 'Xoiihl j*h-*«*** III* trail* Th* i*';iilt I’haii*-.-* A M.iilin i** .Mi .Miiix ill lx e - n*-.ii W .-siphalla la-l xx *-*-k tin- Hlu ll'*nd ami Pu Puih * * **.iiu i le-. -ciiji xxondrrtul. .••> ni»*n xxln* hao h»-rn S« hi.i*iii .iinl ii**iiu* l.hl* I** ' x.iiiiiK M1 M 15 F ill *• I- oil I h* -I* k HmI. **\i**iiiHnu li**ii) tin* Internal Ion 11 .'lx\nx h.-rii hiixitiK la . * nl • laar*- -aid iaiix H**it**li \N *- lah ili*-n) hap thrx pi **f»-i I *•*! th* t'hh •*- It Is a a*»'al pin*-.-.- .»n*l pio-|H-in\ iHOiiniar: **11 Hi*- ii**rlh l** iMeu*in ‘m .iiid •*ai Istai lorx miok* a PIi ,1 Irai Kuih‘l*-i - i.....-i| -u.ifi-iiil M H not iHthi ull to relieve blind. the -iiiith Foi xxh*-ai riilaltiu an*! nilv llax.illa Ml irn. lei III oi > h'***i In •llaiiP f N*». I iiinl bleeillllK. Hi lunic or protrudlnu pliee i-d tarmliiu. this ;erill«»rx -tainlti wPh out a rival, and drf It 1 -up* Trx il •*hh** to-*l.ix .iinl on xxlll **n- ha- u**in- f*o it t*-n tx*-*-k ** 011-* al with .ManZan. the icreat pH*- remedy. lox It If X**U Ilk*- il Moa|»ld- It la put up In * oHapauble lube- with plies from .S|Hikane Anyone deHirlnu Studied with Itr. jidiiis Kinp, ot* Cleveland, ancl at further InformatPin alniiit fhiji ***un- Jax <''*ffnian riii-*-*i hi- n*-xx Imuti nozzle and may be Introduced and ap* tll.lVI* t r.NTKIl. trx -hoiilil writ*' l** <’ W .M*iti, i’**! Connolly’s Optical College, Detroit. Member of FrPlax piled at the aeat «»f the iroubla. .stop* Fourth St iiml Mroadxvax, .St. I'iiui. fk ho**l !o«r,| irt^t Krhinx with a 4;* «ou*- F W illiam -“p* ni pari **1 ftain Inaiantly. .'at*•n I- al honn- ;)|». ;' I. -It .X.-*-K. lainalnu. l*mi n* i*hri -tra-nt ino laiilx iintr Kniklii ha** tin- inisfoitiiin- John ill ••*,11 .111*1 'iiiiiti;. ->iM-ni .Sun* •-!i‘-*.x* *l hx all. H'7 men * nd•il*'d. .sir In Ml I'irdiiin e xvtth the pr**- to I**-.* .1 I olt itx Hr Im-iiik trin k hv *1.1* .Mil ^li- Hi**xx)i'- iii«>il)*-r, .Mrs Th*N • I- lo be •» in**eiln». Il Ih*- .'11 tin tiirtii o! l:il*-X l.r.-m- • l.i. • *(klnu neai Fowl*-! liiilPlInu of tin- {HdllP-al paitP— f*»i tin* *itfl* *•- ioamtee In-i sol) v\ it * 't 1 in U Itx lluhtiitiiu ainl xi !M I ill 111* II .iiol iliitiuhl* I .Mil- .on* Willi- xx*-d* h*ini*- ox*-i .Sun«iux • ,f t\ 1*1 l*x insiii . .•«• I h Miin** -.xe? Siiir '.tx \ isltlnu hi- ki ninlparenl^ .Vli ami .Mrs. «-|*-« fe*| hx *-4**'h p**lltP'ul |*art>. il*-|e- kiiaUe ance. .V It HPk- irati*** I** th*- ***untx *-onventPm there- linlN HaiiniiCi -1 •itn-i '!>♦ lit .Moinla* IP \ Ml l•**ld♦•n pd a- hed .i tine aft*-i l*» P* hepl bx -aid |Hdlllcwl party. with .Ml 4,..,i|tf.. .'-h**i irhlu*' iii*-iii* *r la I rm**n Suni»a> niahi Yon :f,d notlln-«l that on the dai*- Weiglits Retail No Excuse N. H H*»xxker 'if .Vshl*-' xna In iiIhiv *- men!P*ne*l the *ine*itpin of n*im- ari MM TH I.I.Il \.\«IN. loxxn M'.ndax **n luiulne — Innilnu * amHiJni*-- for the ottpes of Prices For Catarrh Th*- la-wl- hd*lhi*r»* **1 Hn«l«*-vllle it**x*-rn*»r iinl Ln-ntenant i»i>verii«ii hx YOU .Nil h **la Itain-i xxlll riii*e Ih* ha-*-* Aed In i**xvn .Vl**iiduy en rout*- i** P*iri *||r*i t X**t* hiill Ih* «uPtnllten«la>. • III*.: x ol*-.i iiinHdal**i* of th** |H*HtP'iil thia x PinItx la*i W *-*lin- • «la> on loiai- Hr Hail I** m**vlnK Into th* lioua** paiix linll iii*-«l .n*' -**1 the *ift1-* here­ NAVE TO Kami me carefully. I wHIcall on you ovory wook witli Spocinl neaa iiiu Hxttuici—4timmdii-«'xl i.itep **iiupte*l by Jnmei* P**i. in 4ifi*-i nail’*- •Mia- Lu* X \S«»«*d .*f F*i\xlei vian*-«l Piicooon good tiling* to ont lor yonr ovoryday rhomlng. lix \. i I. Illllll. Th*' a li«**»l l*«*iidl hw** *‘«-»'Ui*-*l Ih»- BoUlPal IVid iMTl.-e ft wt .Mlk«- 4tiMfr’* i* t*-\x iliix^ laat xx»-«-K preaeiil t*-acherH. .Vila- Hla** .S|> .iml F**f*ul*iP .in n**|* In I'onxr** — BREAK 4*hHlie- IMUaott Kinl -dtei . .\linu. Th*-d dNill;, ii'ii Ih* dlKhl*->)t ex- I u-«- for .inxIPan Slat*- .•^niit*ir TNE staples wed- Ih*- mn-'ii' •*! W*- “ttpnMHa frl«n*l~- .III In* r*-.i-* In aalary. In xvltne*- whereof, 1 hav** Thiir-ila:. mnl Frliiax that Hxotnel I •* ,vld«-lx knoxxn iind l^ It* M .\ K .Soaar ...... fl Oil -*t fH^IP ol:-tiilm-*l Th** xxiiral < •»! I nil teleui.iph o|H-iMtoi xxa: ofT* re*l h(*ret*i atTIved mx -lirnalurr and Mia .\H* •- Fox r«*tiitn*-*l hoiin- laat itn Im-i In ealaix at nn*»th*i pla* *• |>H*al) th* 4lreat .s**nl **f the State at 111 llw Ksira ('Supar ...... l4Si W'ednef-il.-* fi*.ni in-Ml .MapI* ItapliN talaiih ar*- «|iiPklx cureil. aimplx Px hd-athlnt; th** d-m**«lv ihioiiirh the hut pi*-f*-r'-- I** dsnain hei*- __ Uinalna thi** 2.’>th day of .May .1 ran* I 'orn ...... the wher* --he haaa Ih-.-ii • hi tiiK r*»r her |HM k*-i Inhaler IIini * **mr'- Ith -ver'. In Ih* xear **f **ur Ie*ril nlne- L* ixaaa Tomalcoa ...... mothei .Ml- KIH*iil Stnilh who haa HI llll.\llI>Kr»»N l*-en hundrei; alv. 7 ham Acme .'viap ...... f.V been •llllte ||| oiiint F* —d In I hi-" vxii> f**i a few' mfnuie- I'HAIILKS S. BKIIBT: 1 tfollno can Apfitra...... ^-Hi* .VIra l{«*kH W ♦•ltx**l ainl ilauichti-i Hi and .Ml *. .Viiatln I'arnPaii and I»eputx .SHi-retatx Ilf .Slat** Kva of Ftiwler xxed- in** UU4--la *11 f«»ui ilm*’- .1 tliix, ev*T> pal til l*- 'if all Somoxa* err m the Urcc asw>rt* .1’ lha .Saara I'rackora ...... 'Jhr that i*-Home|. tli«‘ icr**iiml ••xt’r f**i th*’ 1*** MlP*n a T*i the Kl»*« lor- of 4*Hni*»n •'•*unt> •ock thore it a tb*pa JUST RIGHT druir -‘'••te NotP** la h*****bx ulxen that at for your foot* —and >«.ur aaoct uxm Kvrryliody "oy* M* \la Hrrod MKATS TBKM AI.I W** arr ♦‘icluaira IIKW. Th*- aaP- *11 <*P fM^hPinetl om«-l A ti Hunt wrlll X Hin**. th* nominalPm ^M .uiitHdalc.: In **a*h no unfitly xwemklaB. no bmdint — Fruits and Veicrtobles .Mr- 1*0* tiiill leiurneil .vpiriduy of the |Mdlti<.tl t*alf|e- t**i I h** **fTl. .--i .Mrs F. A. .Smith ami FPirem • t«ll >*»u thill hi:- i»P*A on thlw out .Ilf* lUM the »am» fiartati fartng iSai you Ijirar Kaaev Banaoaa. imr i)**aan lac aad 2 e*ii h (Hdltl* al putlx *l♦•l••- ouocHmnMJw!*. And in odd tion you Th*- folloxxlnu |M-ia*»n* rr*» enter- • l»*mand 1**1 Hy*»mel ha- In* r**aaed a.- l)»t*xn-, larpa iNiorh ...... It- • umlixe |Hiwer- Im»: am*- nn*r*- a Pie* H**d relallv* — here laat w*-ek K.ii* ' I** th*- • ••.mix . **nventlon lh*-re- will have a sbo* xx^wch for maso nak talne*t at th*- h**me of K Smith lea* .\sfamtoP>*. buorbaa ...... Mundav .Mart Ituehlei and famllx **r ix known Mlae Ktta Mud h retutn»-«l V%’.-dn* -- tifl* to ' . he<«i 4 il(i {HdllPal part'. and wofimanahip could not b* boi- Victor. .Mra Annii »’uptt 'if Waahte- | Tin- • •*mpU*t«- ouint. • oUr-tiillnK of a ila!) fr**ni her «*-h*M»| near S4 J*»hn>* Y**u .* n*itM ’ d th t *tn the ilai** larod Ol ANY pnea fia na«t ...... VMw county. Ml nn«l Mr A. IxfTlei -’ -jii i*-*< k*-l Inhaler, a in* *Hi Ine dt**p* ilr* .Miirtha Murman *d l.«anelnk atxiv*- mcnlPmeil. th*- -lueatpin *M n**m- Why not |i«a ui Aa pmatat* of luira** FruiTT Uodiabe-. '2 hnacliea...... and Mart l-efflei of thia pla«-«- l^ei. a fioiip- •*( H>*»nie| *-*i«i' «*nl> 'in*- Mpent Sumlay with her i*,ar-nn VVm In* tina c j*n*lP ’air*- ff*r the **111. »h* *if daasonMraMw Ao ahmmapftx of Aa I'i»rumbor**, aach ...... 4*ueeett and xvife The .Suritlnv *N-h****l • on\entl*»n xvlll • Pdlai. while extra iHittlea .an lie ol»« i.**v*-rn*ti and l,l**uienani 4pivern**r by KING OUAUTY Shoa? Phaas Krrah. Oi-p liTllara. for lb ...... he held nt th*- t bur* h next Siitidax tulned f*>r ’>41 1 ent?^. maklnu H>'«ime| I'realdlnit KIder Helamarler prraih- Mrei-t vote -hall b«- •Ulimltle«l t** the Na«r f 'abbaifa par lb ...... eit fr*im th* M K pulpit Sun*lax m*»rn- enr*»lled v*»lera *if each fHilltIcal |»arl\. with two aeaal**na. on*- at I tn 'nil an- the ni** ‘A *•« on**ml* al. a- well aa th** Tog»*tn*o, tenry, par Ih ...... Inz alaii the iiueaiPm of n«imlnailna Py mher at 7 St* p m. m*nii reliahle meth**d r*»r •urtnit rw* SM».0«.00«allUIO Harmoda Ooiooa. Kanry Tasaa. par lb ...... tarrh 4'.immeni ejuent exerclae- a*. • ui at tllrect v*it»., «Hn«IPIalea *»f th*- ItefuiP- Th*- f*»ll*»wln« |»era**n hail phone- In- larsa I’ocoatrata ...... ■lAllerl In their home- laat vxeek F A. 4 1 Hunt p**-lllx*'l> guarantee- . the M K hur* h Friday nl#ht f**l- Hian party aa folpiwa Ifrpreaentallve Nmlth. K Kyea J Stmmona. M line xvhen Hx**me| l*» uae«| In wii*idl- piwe.l l*x Ih* .MumnI re* eptPm ai the In ^•**n•reaa fur the Klahth Fnnarea- Rurnsa. A, 4} 4’hMdwtck. 4). A. Knapp Mm*e xvlth dlie, tP*na. *m he xxlll re- tj \ il. IimII F*dl**wln« ar* lb* aPmal Hlatrirt. Stale SenaloT f*»r the aed 4* Francto* •• fiin*l th*- pur -haa*- prP'»x. •railuale*! Lillian M Taiwnaenil, 4'iia- Nineteenth Senat«irlal Hlatrirt Itep- The next i-emeierv meetinii xvlll l»e 4’ITY HUKvItlee ♦ "iS- •le N »*oie>. Maiffuerlte K«'Van. Te reoenlatlve In the Stale l^ealalalure hnid with Ket-K th» =’4l Thuis* ••M*»ne> buck If Ibex- fall." la lh»- r eim 4 r\» M. 4’haa Ia»nr*.**n -iml Fiut I 4’**Mnty ofTIrera. day In June Mra iPitx-'a i«»mmlite*- • uaiantee xlth exrrx *a« h**x iif Ml***- Hradlah JiiHN W KKKNKY. •re «»n for w*»rk. Alle membem are na -t**nia* h tablet** n*» m*»r»- Indtae- W \V T*»wnaend w«. In Bel Hna **n SherlfT rM|uea1«M* to brine thelt thlmblee. tlon \ <1. Hun* «ldic«iat. * imainew* Tne*day Ikited .*-'1 John*, via) 2<. I*4*« 42w2

I*' < <1 vi ; • ! hi ^ J . I n< ! t< . 1 «*;ll .*^1: • ill 1 ,1 . i S' I: I A . . . i:-n > .*■ . •• t . ’ It h I 1

• Hi t t. u •

LL .••el- .«

I PM OMM mt Umtm M l in the gwra r a A- ItkMi Mb mUmr mm m tmm m I rich af AIMaa to of Wamt W»U THI It's Tmu I ,ha prsssat aati Ummrm. Qmurm DaalslsDgklblg giaad How* r. and Mra. Vekry Webb mm£m The ochar m ata rathar aa ard <*owgik of Uocrolt apoot___ talaad Mra. Matilda Bmeh of FraIHe Mm KHMMpIr at m sattlad as it Is egpactad to be aatl night uMl Wkdn—dmy with tholr pg* Creek Friday aad Mr. K. F. Ltaa of E saloon leagae day. Wllliametoa Haadty. Bt—cm th« »chliM tNU'k. If II kwps un achins, troubi* ci { Mra. DkrksrwNi of Owooso vlallod Jerry Hprlngateea was la Oraad OVtD RNimTIKH. hor pgronia Mr. gad Mra. Tripp Wod* HapMs a few dayrs laai weak attend- Bbi'kach* la kidney ache. | nesdgy. lag Maaunir graad lodge held la that If you neclect the kidneys' warnlns, K. Dst'amp wag in Imnaing last Mrs. Albort Croos of Owoogo spgat dty. L«nok out fur urinary trouble din* ^ NSW MUVTN SMCNSL wamk Wodnosdgy on bwstnoag. I Wodnsodgy with ______rolgtlvgg. M. T. Woodruff was In Detroit last MVn> week. B. O. MhatUick. of PartlaAd. who Mrs. H. M. Hoys of Battle t*rook Is . ***■' ^ TliU Mt. Johns ctitaen will show i vlaltlog hor paronto Mr. aad Mra. K. J’**ir*^w_* “*" **** r—* **"'^* Mrs. Luclle Urt»ss Is entertalnlag wga admittod to the Hollpaoa oonfar* her cousin. MUm Aille Ward of Lan- ]Fou huw to' go to the reecws. •nc« at Its aaaaion in Naakvtila last Dot'amp for a few Iks. ^Mrs. M. H. IMmogg (m agat Froat at. Mm: Fim .nkh * pciimtmcTK hk* . Mr. Williams will work for Fiwd alng. Mrs. John Flinn. of hlnte March, has hasp gtvaa a paaiorats at Mrs. Horace McCarty la vkatlng hor i^usoy Mias Bessie Hell 4*r Houth Dewitt anirs: “For seven years I IN4I KAPII»1«V trUCAMHD. Mouth Ovid, tha charga also lacludlag (iaughtor Mrs. Harry Citio **( Owoaou ______was a guest of Helen Dllla Tuesday iNth attacks of terrible pain la my | Victor, and left wtth hts family for A great Improvement has been made for s short timo, j War 4wMaal C night. hack. 1 experimented srith doetors his naw work last waak. Tha churchas Mrs. tieorge Williams entertained up«»n the t'ongregationsl parsonage In ha%‘e baan organlaad two yaars aad Mrs Doan who la tho head 4»f the „ ______— aad used medicines, but the relief was the Bha|M> of the pulling out of the old Idlllan Dyon Company Jolnod the troop . Mrs. Frank Mmllh of Detndt and Mrs. HIM»0 TKJrrB---- U4Mil) LAMIKIA. the membarahip Is subatantlal. Fred Hmlth 'if l.ainslng at her home Perhaps aotbiag gues au far to mekear only temporary’, for when 1 stopped badge whU h surrounded It. The “Mr. flliaCtuck commancad svaagal* here from lo not risk yoar baalth by takhw un- you ueglert ao Important a laatterr Wbat become very' dilapidated. The detrl* past ten een Improved (1KNKMMKI-: .%HIMM'IATIf>N. Mrs. Kd. Meehan called In rtt. ______time* a retention existed. My back a hundred |»er cent, by the change. J4.hns last Thursday . » ^ TRIP TO TOPtNARBlC. urday uftern4*«tns of each week on eras so sore 1 wore a bandage all the The work of removing the old build* I.asi Thursday’ lte%. and Mrs. J. F. their *llumond 4ir will visit 4>ther teams Ings from the site where the new’ |>ost Fryer, .Mesduines Wm. Kuliaun, t *. K. hei* h‘*Tme* ‘^tlv Thla (lallghtful summer raaort is 4»n Sundays. F4»r full Information ad ­ spring and 1 waa In tmd shape when Jllls«in. A. Oardner and James Mun ­ unsil it IK* n ^ *0 -outh of Mackinaw dress KImer .Mann. Imnager. Dewitt. ottli-e will be has prog reseed very rap* Illness at the of her*di4.ther Mrs. n,. of I saw I>oan's Kidney Pills advertised. idly. All of the old buildings have son attended the sixteenth annual home my „„ Mackinaw DIvlalon the Michigan. EVEKYBODY IN As they claimed to lie good for such now ’ being remuvetl and the w’urk of meeting of the etioit lust (.eautiful Mullet Lake and by reaaon Pl4»rence of Joliet. Illinois, are vHrtting HIckle's drug store and began to take rietl on. The |M»st een Missionary Mo4 letles which was held Itbrn in j r Ho 1' “* watars. famous as a relatives an4l frlen4ls In l>ewltt ami CENTIAL MJNAN them as directed. They proved to be swung Hi'ountl to the west facing the at lailngsburg lost week Wednesday ’ Itb.n in J lludisms clothing st*»ie. ».ure for Kidney troublee. with Its pine Olive. a wonderful remedy, relieving me of railroad track. and Thursday. A fine iirogrum was .Mrs. .\rihur Morris is making h two tt**oda. fine bathing and boating, John Wo*.d Is entertaining his sls- Part i»f It was reinuveil to a lot in given and a large atlendame was weeks visit with her sister .Mrs. Fun- reasonable hotel rates at Pika's Tavern tei from JH(ks4in. the terrible backache and correcting there. On Wednesday ’ afternoon .Mias nie 4'rouiM* *»f f'levelantl. and splendid camping grounds. Is an .Mrs. Julia <*hapniun of Ht. Johns Knows the '*C. S*" CigBr by the urinary ’ difTIcultles in a remark* the Western part of town which is owned by A. <5. .‘er Mrs. f'ul Titwnseiid and Alnoind Ideal place at which to spend the sum- Is s|ien4linK a few days In l>ewltt vil­ reputation, and a good :hare ably short time. My husband has rant which was ot't upleltl. The last meeting »if the W, (*, T. I', The u< tual work on the new build ­ ami .Mis. Frank 4'airson *»f I>etr4>lt I ------Dr. Wight and fumtiy of l>etr4>li 00 99 cants. Poster*.Mllburn Co.. Huffalo. I was held with .Mrs, J. W. .Mt<»u«ly *»n ing will begin very mmhi under the til* hav*- l>e«*n viMittng at the imrne *»r their ! The tar tlmi Is C4>ntalned tn Bee's m*ivebtalned frt>m have cement walkn t»utlt In fmnt **f the (htiige of .Mrs. K. F. Waldo. The iCemember the name—Doan's and |M»St ttfh. e. r**siden( ‘e **n east Ff*int street l*eb»ng-»lhe pine trees of our own native for- their homeN. take no other. ( 12i program prepare*! was very interest­ Ing t*» .Mrs. Kxru .Mabtnee. ests. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar •Made lly ing and insii active. .V pa|»er u|H>n .Mr. and .Mnt khise- liensinger ofjls the l>est remetly for colds be(’ause "I>r. Thtmius' Klectri* Oil Is the “|ii*torl(-al Montes nf America.'' was tw*i miles north of this village have|lt nets on the bowels —thus expelling iH'st remedy f<*r that often fatal 4liM- C4)n. StepHar. IN OVID’S SOCIETY glxen hy .Mrs. A. 4* fiardner 4*f the moved Into the house bebtnging t***all colds from the system. Bee's is the ease—x-r4»up. li((S l*een used with sui-- 4*res«ent dull. Mrs. Wablo read u pa­ .Mrs. Lixxle Hairington. ;original I..axativ« Honey and Tar. and •-es- In •»ur family for «*lxht y ’ear.,.’’ — .ST. JOHNS. MICH. llet prepareil hy .Mrs, <'huiles I*:al4>it IMlI.M.s <»r Till-: WKKK I.\ v.\- .Vllss Pf*p|»er i*f HIrmIngham wh** Is best for coughs, colds. cr*. l>Hyi4in. 4 ihbi." i«-ucher In the sixth an4l seventh affections. Sohl hy* C. K. Van .'Mckle. It was decide*! at this ntt-etlng to I The .'^•i|diom«-d a pb nb and sup|H*r ntuiiMgers *if the .Slate Fall to have .Mrs. Carl |{ and hei mother Mrs. ?V^;***. ** ‘»“7 ‘* Trip lt**<1. 4-ittlr spent .Haiunlay ’ In 4*w.*s- I." ”'***'**»• ’'*«»«•• Huffal*.. .N. Y.. and (las.- («•••>( the three o'( luck train to ibiuors sold on th«* gioumis. S.I on t)usln(***s '.New- Haven. < i»nn.. via Hran.l Trunk (onstipation Shepardsville where they went to the .Mt- 4» 4;anil>ee was als«i ele<-te«l a Miss Lulu Wald*, i.iurne.l fi..m ...I- F..r particulars re- GOING OUT OF I w•>••d^ the bank of the rivet dl- *l* ‘legute to III** .-iiate convention which l**ge In 4'humltersl.tirg. Pennsvlvanltt. fares, going dates. stop-«ivers. KHtly imrllt of the village. Here will he held In 4’*ihiwat**r from .lun« 4»n*4nlt I*»*al agent *»r w’rlte (leo, muny gant(. w«-re enj«*yed and u fine last .Haiuiday ** “ .*1 to *• H. N. Keys **f Italth* 4’reek spent ! Vaux. .\. I*. Ar T. A.. 4*hlcag.», Nine-tenths of all plcnb a|»|»el >\ah !-e| ved. .Miss Uutit Th** tallies wlsii t«t tiiifiounc** that 4 4»w THE SHOE BUSINESS Hloomltuig a fed «(i« <'fta|*erofi. After Sun*hit with his wife jtt the h*»me ••f fhi- \ (sit (ii th** <'oui*iy Farm will l*e her |»i(r«*nts .Mr. an4l .Mrs K, I>e<’nmp ^ deadly diseases start a very merry time the -lass walked |Histp«ined tr*iitt June !»th to a later CUi:Kk. hoiit*' fioiM the w«mm1s and W(*re a very .Mi*s. ^laliel (Jerry an«l lltlh* 4luugh-i ilat* whbh will lie given next w*o-k. I*-! Klhi *»f l.inslng ur** visiting her Below are a few prices. with constipated bow­ ilre«l. iliMugh nteiry group Ttu- next mi-eilttK will lie held with .Ml' ''hiiiles Able *111 Frhiay, Jun** ir'Lj:. '■•v/rrr.riv ’tn'r,;’!;;. ■■••• •' -■ Hahies .Soft Sole Shoe**, .*»0r kind, an- ... 30c. els. If your bowels 4 lit .Mioiday •■xeiilng the Womans th need help, set them i'r«igi(*ssi\• < Uih met .it th home of ' I I Tuke, spent Halue- ^«»ft .Sole Shoes, •J.’s- kind, are .... lOc. Mr.- SttMMly |*aiMi W..1- given h> t.tMii) wi-rr.K'.s uent . “«• -^‘nuel Tuck- right at once witli .Miss Wheelo, k u|Miit “Kill: Island and wen t*. K..IH*., M*.n4lat i*. visit h r p, village Hfil-ie*i .Mcvcrasir**. 'Jiic kind, are ....I In fonxeltt (hirtleli ' al <«• one Ulsitl 'The Th*- l.llllaii l.>*iit St***'k 4 *n Mi*s I*. D, 4 Irveland i*i\, |j*p|* .... are $1.09. M Iren-Ox Tsblru In s hsndr sio> detiHl* upon th* ornu at all That th*- l*nlt*-«l .^t tt**- Sh<*uld .\*b4pt ••itt i»liiy .(ltd *-M' h *»rt*- wa.- as g*Mid a^: ■M...... I .M,^ H...r> ...... SI. In .in.nn.. an.l Wnil,.inM..n dnjggtaU. or by mail. Tk« Iron ui an KdU'.«t.iit*l K» oimittb T*‘St loi th* **!:.*-i.- Th*- «'**> thi- >*-ar John r|***ni .Motiilay with L <* I’n,... .Sj(tuniat and .Siin4hiv ■siaadr Uo.. Usiroii. Mlcb. Iiiiinigiants. Tit* aftli matlv»’ was Is ii \e*y **ti*tiig .iiul 4*ing<-nla| *»ite. .in*l family .Ml- 4*|uirles lt«>vn«»l«ls in entertain­ Our stock will not last lea.l b;. .Ml NN H Uubp.4Ui a^^-isted Th* pi*0 riled fou* hing p.-iih**- 'ml .Mrs |4*»ilaii*l Hav*-- *if I,;instnx I: ing her unit her. .Mi f*. Lixxle <**»lllns **f by .Miss .'^hultx. th* ii*gatl\* hy .Mrs ...... ulth ♦•«jual ni* * **'■- l•e^dltlg th** w*-.*i. hen .Mina 'It pi**nent. lopk: at the rate the snoods J. W .*5to.».|> Th* nlh- .S|»e(-iul low rates via IdhI*- ho*>l at 1 1 .‘It* as usual. -b* leant ••?! th* ftvbl •llaiii*)nf the fiirmer’- ning the Iteautlful Alaokan coaat pr<»- Petoskey Shoe Store aUnale aad (voaplloated oasea. Perfectly aafe.' The H. Y I* F pnixet *‘»*rvl (» •ut • *\ Id X**t *-t t he|e*M= t It** gam** was St'hinhlt -p*-nt Tu» - iav night an4l 'pies |il rabbam. ^ mmm ■onot eo. uioMfoo, mtii. A. Johns*in. Th*- suhje<-t will l*e. will hav*- t*i practlee up a little m*ire Miss ite.-sp* Davin «»f l,y*jn' s|M*nt W. II. Kniskern. I*. T. M.. C, ^ N. W. 1 “Faith, w hat It 1 . w hnl It *l*»es" hef«*re ih«*t ilefeai fh** Ovid team. last week w ith her par**nis In «»vPI. Ilailway. t’hP ugn.

SEVEN DAYS SN SaturtUty, Jana 2, and e§oaaa to be M tm Saiarday, Juna S. BARGAIN SALE

WING to the backward season we have got to do the season's business in a short time. jWe have a certain amount of money to raise by June 9th. To do this we know what is necessary. Simply to make prices below all competition, bargains that will O attract undecided buyers to buy now. and come direct to our store. When we say we cut the prices we never disappoint you. We are here with every article we advertise, and right here we say we have the nicest and most up-to-date stock in central Michi­ gan. and every article we offer for sale was bought for this season ’s wear, as we just opened up last September with a brand new stock. So you don ’t have any old shop worn goods to select from. These prices are for Cash: otherwise regular prices will be charged. We do just as we advertise. (.^ur Spring: Suits, Top Coats, Cravenettes, of World’s Best Makes.

(fives ymi a Suit worth ST.d O to J^U.OO. All sizes Cli lice ot Top atui colors in this line. Coats mid Cravcne»:tes, worth $ 12.50 to .SI 6.50, for (hvcs vou a suit worth to All cuts and (i(»od cotton I^.dit^ I .r...... Ch Mce ol any Pop J >ats a id Cravenettes, worth $10 ^ colors in this line. You will hud suits ns jrood as All $1 .iMi 'intl .SI 2'» l*.M4 V...... to $12, for...... otliers will a-^k you Slo for. I'ii-e lliess .ii *i I'.i’j N^n'tnc l * V‘-ii. SHpW Ahito* all the new shafics. You will ('»ives you a suit worth .$12 to $U*). This is second 20 d'»z. 75c Kaiict ^nimiiicr Shirt.^ at...... < find just what you want in hat and cap line... ttfd $9 in>rn; tor stvie and wear. All colons —hlnc black I'.’i •k'X .'All- \%* •rfc N|iirt«...... S7c I, sizes 1 -4* to 10...... and new shades of irrev. We jjive you pure wor- D 4«|4 «at*a« .=*«tx...... Ac Kava — (tirtvm ...... Ac >tcd suits wtyrth $15.00. M-ll i» ...... ____ 1«C sizes 4 to Id. W’e \ g**««l i4»* ||■t|<|k»>rrblrf ...... 3c haven very larjjc line of these and will ;.:ive yon Suits worth $15, $lt> 50 and .$IH. We tiiiiHt •I'ti *-0 •intrr L’a*l#r«rasr ivnrtl. .'•Tr tail** prtc** ...... R$C $ . 2.'* .fu/ .'’<4i4* -^unioirr Fndsrwmr ...... ARc hijt reductions. Suits ...... 12 CO I vert them int ) cash, so let y m take your (iirU' .'’«•»* t*4|*4». In closs »l...... 93c c!i )’cj of this e.xtcnsive line for $12.4'H. ,9

We will not attempt to tell you all the Bargains we are giving during this seven days, but never before were such bargains on such bright new goods. Sale closes June 9th. Every article sold Guaranteed to give Satisfaction. Come to the Bargain Sale of Clothing. Hats. Caps, and Furnishings, at Ovid ’s Up t6-date Clothing store.

Ovkl^s Up-to-date Cltuhier LOU T. STORRER OVID, MICH. la wnuN im Mta. m. B. tain _ B. B. Ji Th* MImm L4»ii« and llaiioa Fli In lai—lne um day tha Aral of Xf- y ^ 'iSSSST'S.'^.Mta, ,m. iha waak. were photoampblng famaere* her-----•e friends la Mapto Raplda. lira L. K. Paitaraon who haa baan hereaboats iaturday. Mr. Floyd Parbs was la 8t. Johaa apandtam tha month of May In thia The fhmmore Aid eaclety msets at Monday on hueAMss. CoiTKtly trasisd,(rowi jcfty will laava tomannow for har aaaa* tt ATHLETIC MOOCa M^ t harlee Mulllfra for snppar Jnne Tba fnnaraj of Mr. Pblllp Kanaeh bcttMt wfoufly tfMlod mar home at Bay Vlaw whara aha will RU HMER CUSH IONS, j?;. Iten.t>si W11.». I. Ill I'T?* teturday at m. MmrT* powt wmm. Iramaln uatll OcCohar and than ratnm -ii SSL # ,w^'®****^ *^* T. B. Krabba ottelat- I to Ut. Johaa t«> maka har horn# In tha *L , »•!. lutarmaat took place la tbe Cath- you triad to care ymm. futura. COOL AND MUIIT ALLOWS FOU MOT xpent Sunday with her naotber, Mrs I olic oenmlery. ruptora? Have you Harry rplaman of Pontiac* waa tha Qitlle raeantly nomh * wlaa manuter- ****^S1- u..^ rk— # 1 ***•• iy®*tealc Rorhon apeat Thars- lauaat of hta mothar, Mra. t'olaman WCATHCR COMPOHT. tttter raoMNoba^ bow tba fannla and . P—• of day wltb frteada la M. Johaa. tried the batt trait? It I Waldron yaatarday. vlatied their grandmcHher, Mrs. Stay Ovary body reported a pood time at loif girl roUa ter ahlrf ■laaara abova ens. Sunday. is never too late to try Mr. and Mra. J. H. (Jag o urt who ha«a bar albofara for frawdoui of moracaaat. the dance held here Friday evening. baan vlaittne In tha aonth part of tha A. B. I ambert of Ovid eras in town nor too late to geta bat* latata fur tha paat month ratornad to Ipattepa. bet mora r*rolMbly tbat ter The gums and resina ohtalnad from Friday on ter truM than the one |thla I'lty Tuaaday for a faw daya' vlalt may raralaa a iiaaoinlne coat of pine treee have long been recogniaad you are with ralatliraa bafora golnc to Bay as highly beneAclal In the traaimant [Vlaw for tha aammer. of backache, kidney and bladder jUldlllonal^Jtravlt^B^m^ggjga^ Tb<* iirwMt ld««M ill numuirr aofa troubles. PIne-ules Is the name of a rUiiblottit !■ to have oii«* or two of baart new medicine, the principal Ingredi­ ents of which come from the pine abapr iwatlua <*n to|i r naaal fruit rrmr tbe four **g‘s.** 'l. FOR MEN The best truss in the aksHcli, tlie ••enter |w eml»nil«l«i*»*d. Tbe r I but wh(u h* 1 x.:mil.| U* u ax a h;-* moilel whii'h lUs* dniwiiiK world, if improperly fit­ is«. • feed and after tlie blnix hrii«* cit(*!i -il' Another Week of Bargains wtiH rtMM‘ 5»ll«ine •|(*<«iini in •ijwicr wlilt#* t(*rr>* than the cheapest and fOd only occsxi •nsliy vtth r-.'in* : t h«‘i*x velvet and wilk. laid down >Mfli a tim* most poorly constructed will relish It and ('.it ft w*.i*'i f‘ -• »• :tp i'n*aiii wilk (*onl and ioia‘ii(*«i iiei*e nud one We can sell you petltes seem xatlxAnl, *!' i * . i* tbere witli elabroalerr In •Mift dauffer of overfe«xtlii:; ••n •• •’l w a tniss from Tlie H4|uare |ti!l«iw «in wiiit*|i it rewK wax of xr**en, tlie wofa In'iiiK ••ovei'ed nlgbl* if Ibe (*oni is g!\< n u >'• \ in a wliadow tlKwii<>. in wlii«-li m-e and Tbe coni will pnximx* Iw-nt ,*• r jrr«*en wen* the |>nn«*i|»al tifiis. In |M*r of tbe bird rather thuii in • These garments are the best of ^|.5| Id P IIIipb. ma smri, fivtiy plain eordeii siik. unilt!(*•*• of dlicti(Ni.~<’sna(iu for. i:e* u«’o* ‘iiiii(*tit. the h(*art •'U»>ti»*tii inuks*- Journal. their kind: no Cheap-John stuff, We (grantee it to be sat­ nn ex«-(*lleiit in*ee»»w ir> to the -M»fa fur A (•aaranieed t.'arr for Piles. GENERAL Il••hing. lillnd. Bleeding. Protruding but eveiy garment thoroughly isfactory. You can wear it 10 Plies. Bruggisis are authorised to re­ days and if you are not satis­ MEDICINE ' v\ \ fund money If PAZO OI.VTMENT falls AND SURGERY (u cure in € to 14 days. 50c. well made, of durable material, fied you can retuir. it and get .Stops ItcliinK Instantly. Cures pilex, your money back. We have i f''■ ■•(I •* xemu. xalt rheum, tetter. Itch, hivei, and will WEAR. had ample experience and know Dneues Md Refraction of hetnes. scabies—l)oan*s Ointment, at j how. Cure is cheap at any any •Irug store. the Eye ■ Specialty' nil: ST.XS foirr awiurtJi. For just one week, beginning price. We give every case our RELIGIOUS THOUGHT. personal attention. Come in Eyes Tested Free. tan. So he n*a*oiied. "Whj* ail that Monday. June 4, we will offer au and ta'k it over, costs nothing, fiixi*?* ’ tind pnNita'ed a wiilxt •tilled the Oems I’rwM the TeusSiluax will help you. life MHver. U'h not m xliirt waiiit. Oh. wf ill irewo(Mlw«ll«Mis Men ’s Jackets at cost prices. OlHce PhMM. I7J tear me. no! ItV a Niilrt. jiint like a Our fii(-x«..**|in-»»H il(»ws from what w»* RcsMeacf Ptene. 2lf inanS m*i;liK'( ‘e ••martm'XK. and •pitte give to < ••si. i.oi from what we take Coupons with every purchmse. redeemable in China- a* iiiiieh •if a iiiiMioiner. It :;oe}« ••n 75 Office oyer Huat'ii Drof Stare. from him. Kev, I»r. Frank f'niiic. Con- 3 ware. Butter and eggs as good as cash, at highest market •iv«»r yinir head. It faxteiii* In front gregatioiiailst. \V«»n*»*xff-r. Mnsx. prices. '' & Sliiley, with tly«*d iitiud and luittous, xlltti'd nepeataMfl>«>. The Coiner rug Store. i»iit h.Hlfwny ll••wn. an aliMunl pati*h \Vh(*ii i( iiitiu xf^^px blaming •x>ii«ll 3 Saist Johns, lichisan. |MH kef ii|Hiii tin* left Hide. 'Flial'x a** tionx aiul tiikcx to liiiiixcir the r(*x|M>tixt C. FELOPMUSGM far a* if •-•ipie- tin* iniinni*«h alTair. for :>illt.v foi what h«* ix uu«l what In* has I tfn* >»I«*«*V(*!». r••a(*him: !•! tie* (•Hkiw onl\. duin* In* h;i- ••l•'•y(xi tin* llrxt wonl ••f tiavo ini tiieki*!! ti|t f•ii uheii •-•iiiAiieii 90 A .M '* •'iTi.a of • * * i:«»v For a mild, easy action of the ln*w • |.^ ii i-.«‘|\ l.n••tl•*•i WiiulMif tie. els. a single dose of lAoan'x Iteguletx um:r»*. .ilal ••!»••* l:j« I lit lit ' «• .• It it* imt •».;!> f<»r huiTiTi** iriiwim that Is enough. Treatment cures haldtuel purple. fli«* ••< or »• . !.::lrti»<* ar * iniw ••f litn.. • ri-i* li’n*n» ••f '.rliiK i»n jiitrj' j.iMlJ. Jlliel U..I1 ••tie • r the hati'x. In*av\ iii;i*n « r.- fte-t ami hand «*«»|••^>• •loinlliaiil III lie- rooiii. ••iP !u W(»V(*n •tittoii .■•H*.|'*. ln*.i(y •*non ’-li to Too Lits to Classifif A Bijz Line of all...... tliU •*:iw«* tin* u.iuirini: uoi.i.i i..i\< t • In* bam; prop»*rl\ w ln*a fti'«]iio.n*d Into diwt>***i' ‘***l with ai ra\«ir nf a tlat wii.iti nlKirt **klrted K|Miriin*.: •‘•lit** Foil H.4I.I-;—120 egg Incubat^ir, nip- QLMOOM, ed i» *ri|er •if the o|H ‘iiw irk Tin* H%%**al(*r lllii-In Tiil j. a in'W af l>er tank: want larger ma<'hine ••! 'Ilie tl»wir ••n*liaiii. ••. '■hipiipl>. ’ aw will (‘Xchang^- for broodier —T\%•• year ••I<1 half H»»I- fiasoUoe Eii|ks and Oils. I In oft«*n rnad«* np with y•»k•*. lN*lt urn' trom pure cream, and served • iwu. |•ttrti••^llarl^ ii- fin* flre-nli* - at eufTk of a •tintraKtiim •■olor *ieln bull, price 3 cents |»er im^uiu I. whleh the ►eeoinl -k»*p4i Kn^iiilre of • •ri-^n Slmi^xon ••ne mile Agent for the J with true fruit syrup. Try a n^^rth of Mnnnixter. 42wlti glass, only 5c. and it will taste LatMf fraalilMn* in ktution^ry. like more tor you will find none Thv l..((**t notion lx t«i put within 111.* S.\|.|* ’- .M(Cormlck mower nenr- HI! WE KNOW HOW AND WE DO. xnvi.*lop**x a Mx-oinl ••olori'd •un*. Iv new. llve-it^otli t ultivnior: team The Best in the World. \V'«'iIIk la witti ail (Mi: iiiiKtii lo better; t one so pure, none as <‘ulttvat i. ood as our 5c nut Sundaes. ThvjM* Iinin;^a ar«* of rtnl ••r a M»ft f'anipi»e||. Bannister. .Mi^Ti. 42w-2p auU •'hara<'tvr. <>l liic ittroUKt'Bt la* xh:i«i^ <»f tur«nit»i-** lilin* or of vli*!**! i! •lIvidtiallK . aiil iixiiullv •!(•. Ibff Tttdawts ustd ObildZteL R. E. GREEN, Th»*n*’x iMi •••#l(*r aiiuiit tin* pa|x*r it 1b RU Yn Nm Alm|i Bb|M Agent for \\ Unk r f I'fiotm of liigli ■]aalitr x(*If. It ix ••nl.v tin* **nv(*l(»|x* which inx-«l !•• ix* iiunh* ••iuhiiu *. an«l I1m*x «* Bnnrs tbs ^mmmmylommim QmmmMmm * (xth^r Iinin;fx .ic*x»mplixh tin* piin**'x<* inuxt MKxx-xxf iill_\. BlgaAtiiru of $ The finest on the matket. Refined by 1 he Grand Rapids ^ v#;r '• Tin* •|uaint«*xt thim; aiM>ut xoinv of J Oil Co. This gasoline is guaranteed to give entire satisfaction, and * Mr thdii I* tin* way tin* luin*r (*nv(*lo|H* J stand 90 per cent test. J Hiipx !U anti out of |ila(x*, while •>lhera Uuv(* th(* linlnt; mad** ufi with the out- Hi(k*. tlie •xilor |•erlul|»x xhowiui; like a Shoes and Oxfords plpinir when* the (xltrex lap. \ little A riaioM • fHUKiiD. afTuut((*ment at ••m* •xirner an ('xten- •iioii of tin* Nume «x»lor mh tlie llniuir — W(*ll xtufTvd "Mil a lUiXtiir** of Itor-i* In for the puriMMM* of t(*arini; the en- hair and doarn t\i*jr«*tMlil** tlowii will •Mrx ('••rwln Siiiigi* nas In Ml. J^ihns For Spring v(*lo|»ex (»|N-n •piickiy. Tut xi|a>. ifor^o IIh* fiuri*o*(* wh(*r»* (•••(•;»«»uiy l*« an N(*w iiioiio'xntmx an* xtualler. the .Mrx \V. H. .Sage is vixitiiig her •lau­ olij(*cti It lx 'lUMt* »*aj»3 t«» makv. %vlth ghter. .Mrx. II Bullard ••f .S|. Jt.hns. uew(*xt. m(txi {•oiiular of all. I•eln:; n an iindvr •tiior of lllll•l(•«(-htNl liiK'ii. .Mrx !{••> Payne an^l -Min Kuxxel are STURilS DRUi COMPANY ln*avy circh* hardly l•lffxrer round than o( or which t"n the other. Iioth of them Hr. I>. 11. .Mat phersoti x|>enl .Sun* Our prices are right, and you can buy good • fid iMnd.tnua mak«*f> an ('.xct'llviit ('(iv(*r •lay and .Mitnday with hix wife anti fe<«»rallon Hay ainl fntm there I went to ((hit* !•• visit friends. PAN—A—CE-A—the l)eat feed tor ynnnA; chicks. county and wish to reduce the same, and in •*uuujd> for tin* mo«t d(*llcatviy fiirnlxli- Hlusluic milky ulaame In cold water F*i ank Betlfern tif Ovid was In Ft«w • i-tl drawliit; room. In It** amall«*»t tirfore waabiui; them in warm pn* ler 'tn huxinesx itne day last week. DR. HESSE’S STOCK FOOD has no e(|ual. Try it. doing so we have marked the shoes down with­ .MInm I^iuisr Krnnetly x|ent Tuex­ retitx them fnitn iooklni; aro(*are(l. day with fiientlx in .si. Jtihnx. you can see results. in reach of all. Remember the place. When iMiuriui; but fruit Into a »;laex .MIsx Nellie Kenne«ly tif binla vislletl dixh place the latter on a wet (*loth. her sister. Miss le*utse Kenned> lust LACOTERET—a half pint will make .**ix old chairs 'riiix pn*ventH any chance of tlie dixh ThurstJay and Friday anti also alientl- e.l her last tlay ••! schtttti exerclxex. look like new ones. ••rackinu. .Mr. anti .Mrs. .Michael tlraff an«l If yon xhiit your Auarer In a d(Nir or fatnll> tlf Ia*i»un. HAMMOCKS—The restful easy kiiul that swin^,: teen lulnutew. Mix- loiunt Hnvtt»n and tlaughter.* T«^ keeft hreod and liutter fre«h and Kiinice aif llehiing. < om«* .Mttntlai !•• away cares. molat. put it In a ••ool place, with a x|*entl several weekx with her father. Ml. Peter .M«M»re. aerrlette or cloth wniUK out of cold Mlxx B•M•ie (lr«.sx and the Mixsex Smoke the (treat water, and many Innira after It will lie t’ai ric anti (tia Hunnel»acke tif latn- aa iiioHit ax when <’iit. xing vl*lled their itarenls. .Mr. tiinl .Mrs. Keefi tbe rwitn of tbe celerr' phiot .Mathiax (low* ami family from Frltlay lint II Sunday. a lasting Joy in a smoke. You are Invited dry. tmite them and mix the iiowdor Several of lh«- yttiing |»e*>p|e ttf thix or aiMinc lixbi . ixi -vt ajvd BTBurr m- with une-thinl ax mti(*h xalt. Keep In vlilnity atlen«le«l the Kt»enlgxknechl- UMOltlBMT. a Iwttle. well •'orked. Tbix Is delicious Thelen wetliling at \Ve«tphalla Tuex- PAINTS AND BRI’SHES—The satisfactory kind, a Id aoupx. irravles. tiasbex, etc. tlay see tHe New l^ine it Ix to a irnmt dexret* rMponaihle for .\li. Ktl Flis|>atrt* k was in druntl paint that looks well and lasts a lon^ time. tlie revhal of tin* okl fnabloned foot- Itapidx ••nc tlay last week on l•UMlnesa. l£tikr;iL'A*iiii’nt Ivifi^.s »lool and veiw* pretty for tbU purpuw* .Mrs laifnyette Hrake Mc«ttm|utnied Ol’ALITV SODA WATF:R AND ICES. Tbe ordinary hradadie. from which h> .MIsx l.ytlia I*rakr spent Fritiav \V(*iMin;,J kill;.*s In a motu with loom* (*oven« of flowered with the fttrmer's liaughter. .Mrs, Kd (bintx I* a art of luluUture floor (ni«li- •o roaoy women suffer, will lie ineatly Ilir' *’fin y (\ Miijv Bt••wn ••! lainxtng. toiia I’orerrd In plain (’blna «ilk. tur- reHerod and In many caaer entirely .Mlwi lleginn FInHs returned .Sun- AIh I K*i'i ?• { kir lo tlie aor traaa, knotting tte bnlr high op on the olstet. Mrs Jtthn S'-hrauber «»f Itlle* STURfilS DRUi COMPANY, Tlir New Stiifly Brjicvk't lond out of tbe way and while leaning Frank ll*>nd 'tf -St. Johns was In rounJIoga. ft*wn Wednesday. ■h Fowler, MichfKan.f. ^ Tin* L'onntejis Nvckliive a baaln pladng a aponge soaked Hr. P. lUnta ••! Wextphalla was in NiT*k OluiiiiM it Lookets amaxiassas roe a SNeli miM. In water aa hot as It can be barne on ttiivn TueiMlay. Pure Drugs. Toilet Articles, Srn|is. and Perfumery A pretty idaa whicli wax adoftted liy tbe iMck of tte Hack. Hepaat^ this .Ml anexorall«»n day with Mr anti Mr- I'harles Martin. Soli’’ ' *» » I r hh Iics from a loai; lllneisi was to fill a liag |*^**** **** tIm atralneUmns- J (h» f’; I'li'iil *1 n s* .iiifl l.,fniics ’ I'ohs wlth little presents ('oatrthnted liy dif* * nerres that bare caused ao ferrtit friends uf> to tlie iiumlier of ™*Mli misery will be felt to relax and sliout twenty. Krery morning tbe liag *™**^ ** tbeioselres out *)iir u '.t l*1i stock is wry con.pictc. Mv rcfniir. ’iiK was timogtat to tbe little eonraleseeot's fre«i>»entlT the pain promiMly ran- jyivrs siitisfuction. lieaslde. and. wltbont leaking, lie was iMiex In conae(|uence. EFSIAIMTIVE mlUM alhnreal to dtp bis hand In and take out one of tbe treasures contained In It. The Ofiftfitl Loxbi Ifo Cough Syrup aod tbe Cfcnulnc and Tir. ___Ao Ito Jeweler ’IhI ’*Ttiey liave sctoie china tlMt baa hean Tbe delight of bis dally sarpiise and p«*oveniem ov«r til Cough, Luog and HroiichUi Remedies. Piraxint to the tMte OBi ^Optici in EUGENE PARKER tbe pleasure of playing with each In I tbe family for years.** e*>Md aiiba for young end old. Prepared by Pioeuie MeUicioc Co.. ChAci90, U.S.A. **Iodeed? ftaren*t they any aerr- turn kept tbe email bay amoaed bj tte inter ixt* * n .! r»-«.-Ur; -

1 hr**- 1 •»1« 1' liihU ;«* ’h* i. I . *1...; ‘

t. > • . . M till - I . 1 \. i' in* 1’ !:. •

1777 H HSJjtt FOR BOTH r Oat diHMt ol tbfauwi in CREAM WANTED niKAIICN MII»DMCT(»5f HA?! IHKII childmi ia scrofulii; in fulalth. PLKAIMNTI.V C l^bNT TNVKMIIAA'. etiHMimptinn. Both have poor mt. AMO MRM. WM. HAOL. Herbert Al. Tt»wner. formerly of thla Wedn esday evening. May 23. about vicinity, (lied laet Thurmlay. May 24, lilfMMi; both need more fnt. 120 gtteaia gathered al the pleasant Any didiynutti who is not entirely b at Aabley, Mr, Towner waa lM*m in riieee dieeawe thrive on leiin- home uf Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hall lo D LaYm! celebrate their fortieth wreddlBNi ao- WaterliMi, JackMin (((unty, Mb'htjtan. February 17, Ik 47. He came to tlra- iit*HH. Fat in the beet nientiH <>f nlveraan*. It being also Mr. Hall's C2d mritfied wkfa the pwBfnt returns from BEFHE YOU BUY A 8 EMBAT0B tl<*l county ’ with hla imrenta In laSl ovt*rcoining them; rotl liver oil bliihday. The evening wna pleaanolly locatinw In North Mhaile where lie liv­ Interspersed with recltallona. muolc rniikee the bMl and bealthivtit and apeeciMH* from the phon(Jcraph hh cows can learn aomeddng to hh ben­ -Nvraij tb«r« is no maio—bU oiong> ...... wko tbiaka ol ed 32 yean He moved to Middleton In iMkk where he lived until he mov«sl fut and of Mr. and Mrs. tleorga Hart. Mr. and b«) ia« a naiiai aMMOlor akoald noi try a DK LAVAL taaebiaa baloaa to Aahley in 1VU4. Mrs. Hall received numerous gifts, efit by fiOing out die following blank and By Miapty laabi^g the raqaaal yon any bava a DK LAVAI. He leavea a wife and live children among which were a handsome idtver ■ncbiae aat op al jimt h- spoon, china cream aakad a favor. We won't axpoet yon to bi^ nnfaao yon ohooao. Pnvtbor- previchlna the funerul aermon. Inter­ set and other gifts. Alonao Webster SCOTT'S ma4le the preeentation of the diahee ment at Payne cemetery. sore, •bould ran wiab to bay a oapamior at ooee bat do not foal abla to In behalf of nelghltors and friends. ■aart* the raaor oa^, yon nay bay a DK LAVAL macbtna opon oaeb Odd Fellows und Itebekaha. In a very' lioaral tamo taat it will earn ita oom while yoo are poytnn for it. In The funeral of the little i hlld of EMULSION happy manner. ILK NLLET dEMKIY C8 ., riaw of tbaaa facta, and nnaaidarinn that the DK LAVAL ia today the Mr. und Mih. Floyii Wriaht who llv** Hiate l-and <*•• ';nlaaioner Iluar. In alandard by which all aaparator roatmfactarrra oau^ the raloe of their s(*ulhwcat of here, wits held iit the behalf of the Hu..t Hunting <*lub. pre- Johnson Mchool house the 23U. Hoy in the enweet and mnet offortivo iwnted the pitcher and goblet. The s-a Si. CMs SL. cBcmiu. taarhioeo,■ ' — itw -w woald-- •am>>m m w# that« eMee every» wv V inteodioft* a# «WO* # • Vniy•over^ of •*a ••eparatorr*"* * eav vef fi* w * iloiOK biioaalf an iujoatioe if be doe* not at leaat a'ak for a free trial of a liotlKc litol ■ harae «»f the funeral. I'nriii of cih I liva u • »f appr«M'lntlon. ^ DK l..\ ^ .\ L Imfure liayiii|{ Hv h • dwtiK he f:aa Inae no’hiiiK. lAod he KUe-Jf ,(| the .\I#-thodlal iHi rs« oia K** on MiiMirnl onli*r of tiiiii^M tfint Among the xuetds from out •»f town p may aave a ijixid deal. A DK (.AVa L citaUnpue, M*at fi’tv* uftoo rrqoeet. .\lay .*4St -iiowH why S’ott’** iitiiiilNioii were Air .'Uid .Mis. Wulls uiid .til**. Kll- help* ti> make acparator •iiffert'nree |>laii) Waite for it today. xulMih Wherry •*! Hay ''liy, .Mr. and How many Cows ore yon mlUiliie lU’HT IIV im.l,. ‘»f HO niiirli vtiliii* ill III! fiiscu i‘E and .'ir .\lberl Walsoti. .Mrs. Itennetl -'•••iifiihi mill f*»iisi!iiipiion. .Nin . i- I i i.-iei ItoM- of latnslnx. Wlillt .Mih. II. Ml .Mlllcn v(as leiurn- and .Mis. Lu ile <'handler ••f I>eindl. What are yon doinewith yonr milk. liiK I torn I'huiib .Hun eveiiliiK in it. iimrt* \\* ’ii2lii, iiioit* iKMiriHli- the duiktic'' ■«n«* .“teppi-d ill a •llt(’li Itan«l<»i|ih «UI .nice po|lc>. IMkhuh \%% \v .\ |.A\4; • A It Driimiti Ht. new voHk; tIA 16 Prtna-eM Street t Have yon a Cream Separator...... SAN PVANCISCU WtNNIPRU i I* w.i- in loMii last urile<| ai the 40f"4I5 PcafI Siraet, York Ne|s,in .X. •'•»pt,»ri died at Ills Inmn' .'''Ulnli. haetl <'• ill\ « MI b*11 .i| I'Mnipeii in Itath .Xiay 21. .XIr, I’oxi.tri xxah dtlAIO t* e •• *• AX name i»: .il.<»ui iTi Inirn In liurtiew. .'■ihlawassee (‘••nniy, .\. Tow III ••inl inisiiiK iinl tiiipio%'- I Hepi(*rnl>ei IV’,7 . XVhen eight year** in hi' hou-< t of .uc»* he < iiiin |,, Math xvltli Ins pa «'hai'b- iinl I* t^^liaiii wc|e In ■ rents and has -Im »♦ Ilxed xxllh his tin- 21. Ing in the ,,bl h'line. In- 4icccpiet| Sute II H«.- . II w.i- III \~|||.- W. d- Th»* |Ht|es ha%’e lie-n filaced for the fiilthtnilx 4ind lernleilx the trust left 11* i i(\ o| I;; : flew telephone lln»* f«» Frank .Hiew- to him ,»f (iirtiik f,,r ih,* age,I iii,*th*'i. Mi li.ii I7 \>mii l•lillln I lo iict aifs. .lames I>e\vlir- 4inil Frank .Xs the xeai's |,assei| b\ hi- health be­ .Answer* in these •|ue*stii ns will put xrti uude-r no (.-hLgaiu n, ht.1 will bring I est advantage r 11 Ox •••< . lo • .,1 ifii .-ie\••nl*'«-ri ttf .Hiiyb- l><'W|ll'« > m dax irieiimn in iln* It.iih .XI K. Th* Hill.- .'^**11 ■•! M i** ...... Ill h . •> ' o, I .lint hur, h It* . XIr XX'ebloii ,f KIsn •I t!.< M* • :iiui S' p .miMik' in. I Utib belt, i :\*ir<,» i I’os* hf» •; II,-w ' oMi laling Th, 1. f* < *. F ol .v hb h I* 1 nilp! o\ III:' III hf, • ;^i| .,41,. ;; fii,'nib(-i. ha,l >haig» ,.l. !i*. I 'll 4 ' 4.1- III .'||l«>\ i.i ' *•> rx *,l file hurlai , \ i, Tin* Iniernietit 4:miii« - . r' • • '-• • - In'bi I !fii, M*ilb\ b.ivitii: .-’tnllh .S', th- | > a fmi.b* in H .III eiin let x ; St Jobos Business Directory • ’ ^ ■ 'll! "C . i i Ii b . \ . I 4,. I I * I Ifllb, I**i n«- , b: I 11 \ • ’ l:= lib . • iiiin 4i *11 •>• •! . In b b* ill <*• fi * * • f w 1 ti •. I' * In ;•! o?i'i i= Ml ,v Ml .M*-ii lil •*! * »\ id ha* lM-*-n I t'XHB t»F TII.WKs. • '. ». 4. < ‘ 11 < b • • = j o • i r t i, I; • I • i-Minu h, i K,*ii I-:d*\.n*' if itiirton. ' We \ i-h lo thank *>iu tnanx tii, ml I A LI5T OF ReUABLE PLACE5 OF > . It I ' MU* ! J . n> .4M 1 .(p \ \\*-ih»-lb\ I !».i .. .lllillMi fi*i am) in ighbor-. al-*, th*- lo-oiher- I pi • Ill *1 •• • •• I i\ i I b> III*, I i *|OU'4,- the rralertilt> *,f I. • • <* F f,o I in 'll It (,il oiitiu ut.iiliial* .lo- i'*xini; -xnipiilhx ami man-, klmln* BUSINESS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER ii the safest, best, ami most ei o- 1 .'-!i I In I.'. ■1,1 i;«- -ojin* * *1.1 •’■•ii Up .t Mil III— b, .t*la« h* !;jii.- sh**xvn 11-= tluflng rh* b km- . nomiral gotai paint matle. It's I • ■ '• • Ilf lb vin»bl' .iinl l•^•l M < .1 eiitx,-,| hnobaml. . ii .* in ; ■•••I In ( ''•■•' l*i.i-,li ph\'l sTi lp»-. -b .x.-n e. ml brolln-r Itest !>ecausc made from l>est mater- 1. ! 1. ' h iimIm'I I , III v: Hf»i Ml '*.1 .*11 III* b*,\\,l' .isaliboi ’t ,-ui» .X|e-4laine- .Xllnnb* <’osion .x ials—pure leatl, jiurc inc. ami pure • ) .1 <>o*«bM tin* .’*lli I»-,:'l4 lli-uiib'i .of g'-nllx aii«4 *'»ii*- <*0-1,»n. .Xljirbi Falmer. liarilel itj boi*>n^h. Kninia I..*,onil->.. Keiinn * RAY AM) BrS IIXE| ivery When vou want a good linseetl oil. It's salest. i)crau»e these • ■•tl••tip««tb>n .\ I. •nit •liiiKKi-t ‘^•1 . f, ,n iitni .XIr XX’arner **,,-f*,n. at a moderate price go to materials are all careftiUy tested •oiiKi* \hi>h\ II.I.i:. Draying and trucking, promp| for purity i>eiorr i>eing usetl. \<»I{TIIWI SI MIDIM.I'liriCV. t'liriB'H Nirrirs. and careful service, reasonable L PECK’S LIVERY. Ii'- l{u»<\ \N ninitl I pfinlliiK ' .-^ evening. June Jd. Ilex. .Xll. It’s most economical because it covers I* A w,, i. In i»v. ..-.u. tin- yiiexj of b .Xlb-nbaugh xxlll pi.jnh In Iln- Itap- charges. Higbam street west, near Steel Hotel. .Ml .b•hn Y i'IIIIK?* n.,- the KU'-f*! For bus calls or baggage transfers, tele­ most surface to the gallon, and wears : I. \|i> J M Mill i. h h*-! I'-i*'! . M? '^ Wllbui ltlKf,»ri| last • Isl ( hur, h hei,*. !2ail phone 12-2 tings for hack. Mi itlib .Ml VV. .\ l«oUMebuiA .iinl V.OIIIK |n-,ipb—■ meeting xxlll Is h.'ld phone or leave orders at Kenvon's barn. We aim to give you the best serve# longest, ('olor Cards and Color Sug­ ,.-k .It *>..l** as usiliil. Ki .iini* .f iiirlitfi. Au.itini K«'Mb\ -pent •Ml-' Mjir.,*l .•-n\,b'i w.i- the aiiesi of Telephone 2S2 tf osslhk and our rigs are superior to the gestions free. I *n June .’,111 and *,111 the .Shlaxxass,-,* Kilo.r III <*\\o.^* b* I tri.nii,. p.ii, nl' Mi and .Mrs 11. sox! liv'-v. sr (1 oririM ura raaaonable Ml- \\i“ I.>*»ii p»-ni .Hunila\ ni Ht. Sn\,b-i. Iasi \\*-ek. ita|,llsl .X-sttcialloll h,,ld- |i- .iiinuai A. IirKNHA.\i, St. Johns ...... eokon CAMM AT ^ John.** tin* xiieot of .Ml iiiiM .Mt- Mi- .Ml- Ke«|b«*n Oeinil*' \i<*lted at .\be meeting at lln* Miipllsi • hiircli her**. A I t liui .H||\ dfi - I »■■ ♦■nil> Business meetings tluiliig th,* dax iiml T' IVERY A.\D HACK LINE .Ml-: ImIUIii < ••letiiaii and \\* -ervbes at night Is the ••r.ier ,,f the I Telephone iq -2 tings. First class .Ml 4iiid Mr^ I'hi I- .Hintth visited piogrn ni. if. \N inln-l'l \i?^ilf In Ioni ­ • ill .'-I John- Kildax 4in,i lainilx .-^iin •1.*-\ OOK Cut Prices any part ot the city 7 cc EspeclslIgs. SPAULOme a GO. Me-:r- H l«4'land itiid 1-: It Miin- .MI"-= I.a-iia Hrnlih H ••|*endlnif th« sing xxllh her III,*1 her. .Mr- WIbles attention to parties and wedding • II ml In n \l\f p*'ni .•■•at in • la> a#-,*k nllh llei 'l’«l»*l. .Mrs. Wlihui .XIrs I'leandei I'hapnian eniertained on Wood. It S! .l••lllli-. HIXfo|,| iiiid faiiiil.x her sister. .Xll!- Tyler and ,laughter. KAKLE A SON. 'll y: .1 J.ii\lk ••! < *\ bl \l-ll*-d .Ml H KInsex ha > a ph<*n<* in hN ,if I ixvitsso ,»xer .Hunda>. Hard Wuud hy ibe Com. S2.iO 'll - J \\ Ininkel Thill s^^daN h**!!**,* .XIrs XX b'tlb'k .tf f'lilc.igo i.s visit­ SMi WMi by tlK Cord, $2 M achine SHOP. All kinds 'll iiinl MI f* VN H Miik**i ••p^'nl Ml:- I. V;iiil*xne vislle«l her ••Id ing her daughter. .XIrs. Uaix llanis Tin* .X||s«n-s Hatlle ICb har.lsori .iml mt of machine xvork, building .--.1 III tl.i !in.'•>1111*1. •' with .Ml .in«l in lxhl»*,r« 'll an«l Mi ' 1 •'i l|*p' P I PgiMt Plawr 25 poMia fvr Sic 1 4111 !!lla .* Hill* h itiipi ove,;. al I hell r*-sp»',| ix#- h,»nies In this i*la, e. M xvork of every description. v*oili i.iaKin *11**' in tin M K b•-|||'. .ibb- !•» b»* .ii*,iiinl tin* house •Xll 4iml .Xll- XX 111. Hall xerx pleiis- M. S. Hunt . Hicham St., E.. **11 .0 anllx enteiTairied 41 laige numis't ,»f • bin b .*4«iti*bi f\< niiiw • oitni Th»- n<-lahl>* Inn h .•ii,l pbinl* •’ **,iii !••’ .\?,t»x .\in

ii hi"* ,,f •*,xxn guests \xeie. A. XXalson 41ml aundry and drv cleaning. The ' AOON AND BDOiY If • *111 • 11 > • « ; * Ml* f I e lin-ml Iinl - h****l iiiai* ’ \^l»\ Arn**bl uife *,r l.:.iislnk .(inl Merill XXIn-irx EE 4ind vxlf, of l••nla. best equipped steam laundry In making and repairing Veniclae HOW TO SUCCEEO - * ‘ ol f In li Ii *• <1 ' .nid I ••* • nlly. Central Michigan for prompt and' I .... I . f 1 - f ■• John- artth farmer*x and give special .itten»lon to ' promptly attended to. Carriage painting •b. 1;. M* •: i*i\ i .* ‘ Xll .-s^tlJih Teel <,f loitlslng XX IS III orders from the countrv All w'ork in the ‘ •fb ) If. ii Ml- Ftiink MIk ^om I la a and trimming. Horse^holng. W • *'k ''liiii-s.bix **,„ n Fi blax ettv collected and de* vered Phone 48 - X laig, number fr*>m this phi. •• ai- (.YomnOB or HionoM '■If- .''i. IfinNs Stka .v Laundry . A. T Smith Awn aaoam wTarara ANO HOW TO FAIL m'.;i xen- uu«-il- •»! In-r ' *11 K,d,ln'>,,ri s I 11, Its In l..insing last Ttiiiis.lax •-f» 1 'll- I.ii. Il4ix,'» Hiilni.bix Xll- Jennie llavls \xas xeix 111 b*-! NEVER BECO.IE A SPENDTHRIFT ft-- l*oiimin ot Orami Ka|>bl** xxa-- eanui isvrrATiM ih. «m-I I*::; •*! till.,, ^xe♦•k xxlih her 4\e, k. bill Is bel|,-| 4:! pre*n*nt. ^n*llb•■l \ II Whlttiikei an,' xxll,- X\’:!ri*'n •'iishman ami xvlle \x,*r,- In 'll I i.f X •■np^*i I fiiihet '.t .Ml- J loxxii .Hntiirdax AD0RE88E0T0«r0RKIN6 6IRL8 H Iwnnb ha'- l.e.-n verx ill tin pM«i Mis I'eier .XI«*Sonlgal Is -•■rb'Usly XX eek. III. M,*i -,,11. <•♦**, ig«* Fb»xx,*rs 4111,1 xxife Prove Your Manhood by Ttn \\'*»imjn Ml=:-)*,narx nn ‘<‘llni; •»l timl l(ox .XI; I binlgal i .inn- from Ioni ­ MASS Barrowa TaUa How lira. PinlE- tin- lb;pll-t ■ hun h nn-l xxllli Mr- .\ sing .*4aturda>. bam's Advtoa HaApa Workliw iltrla. .loiin- afl.Tinetn .XIrs f'harles liaxis reiurn,*d b, her Faiim^i- liei,- hax»* lhe|i •■••in planl- lioMie in f'hbiig,* Halnrdax. XX lllbini Fainsxx*,rlh Is h.imc fi«,m Character Building:. .•n,l 41 r, pi,«p4iifnK !•• |»lani Im'^iii- (•Iris who work Flint f,*r .1 f**v, tiaxs. are particularly .1 K. HIsex xxllh s,-xeial ieb-ph,,ne In susceptible u* fi— W I sTIMI \l.l \. linemen ',t l-.niig«bing xxet«* In loxxn .-alurtiax male disorders, lliatit llt'iblson all,I .Xliss .Xnna Abram Saver vs. Charles Spender esfiecliiliy tlioee .M.ith Fim-a- •»l l•otTlan•l xxas In ,,f loinsiiig xxet-,* In loxxn Hun- Abram Haver waa nut hla real name, he hu th name that waa who arc obIi|fe **11 bii-iim--- • 'x»*»k W«,,|ne-- • l.'i'. • lax. t n him hi" i-arent*; U’a a aood tmc. l»ui not any l(etter than the U> stand on their ) • ,11 N*»llls .111,1 .X||:'S Fb»\ Nelson of feel fr«*ni mom* .Ml Ji'tinb Tileixxelb'i .jf I'orllamI I^tiislng -le'iil Sninlax xxllh lib* !»1- i.t we him i»ecuuae hi- detiortment and ronduct ha^ merited It. '!'• ndini: .* (exx xx**»'k- .11 h**iin • e« .'■;en.|* r ua;; not hla name either, hla parent* itave him a name; intr until nitrht in t»-! parent- in thl- pla, Ml^*- %liciii«4i ll*•hl .if liiiind Kiipnl- Ileiiix Fr*>gget of Ionising xxa in fca>*- Hint :« t,-n«i«*»m*- one one parted aeveral time* In the middle; It storee or fucio- x.-lllnx In-i iin* l«- Ib-rnaixl it*>hi nea. btxxn Siintlax doe ot »•« tinw- 'i in ho\»e\ei. the name we aave him Juat flta. 'r.,n» -. I.^••■h••l ..f i:!’,!*' ami .Xiixusia Xlbell llelMlI 4111,1 .Xlls « '01 < ,,1-4111 Day in and day Kaiamaxi.o -f"■^l Iasi Thiirri,l*ix All o\er thi^i in.l there are .alia to-day for worthy youna men. 'X, I, mall I, I In HI Jt.hns Tliur’.lax nut the ^*ir. toils, •o'li partm - youna men with ter. youna men wllllna to work; youna men Mr-- ICb-hai,l Tiumbb enleilalm-,1 and she IS often the hread'Uinner of 'l!’-»'- 'binin-. Friim et .iml Jennb- Ml J .*<*niltli ol Ionising last xxeek willlna to be tauaht, youna men who can l»e depended ufK>n. who are the famil\ Whether she is sick or lie.- .»! si .loliii'^ ai** ''fe'inllnk: * honeat, upttaht. manly; |»*»afieaae(i of thoae tralta of ('haracter you ad ­ ■. vx ••• k' Ml b••m•• well, whether It rains or shines, she IIKNf.AI. «'f.>ti:h mire In men For thla ctj - of youna men there I* no trouble what- must get to her place of eivployinent, M in*l Ml- .bihn .* ut; who are always ready Atnong this I'lnss the symptoms of .1 oliii .Mx»'i - .111,1 xxlf,» ,,r lialx'a III- The .XI K Xld s.Mleix xxlll meet and wllllna to start in a bualneax enaaaement at a moderate price; female iliseases are early manifest hy n**t , M»,' visitinv hi.- i»aienls. .Mi an.l xxllh .Xll' J .XI Mb ks .lime 7 411 'me poaiilon and a -’hance to arow helna of more importance to them than weak and aching Imcks. fmin in the Ml- J•••‘♦•ph .Mx,'!' k Th»-re xxlll be ele, l|,,n of ‘.f- the waa' 'h* '. are to re« e|ve. The beat and the moat woiThy >*ouna lower litniis anil Inner part of the Ml .ind Mr- F**r,llnaml ib'lb-i .if 11, ,*r ' rhm mmoAOWA r- vemoomE stoinai'h. In eons«'(|iienee of fre«pient ■".>.1, r.p»-ni lari Thni;:>,1sx xxllh Xll' I*,,XX |••,|M* .4. h*. has Iveeii in I *e- men that - ever knew, never asked al>out the nalary* they were to tloli f,,| III,- pa . Ihiee xxeek- IV*- BROAOXVAV ■nd 4i*t 5-real. NEW VOMK Wetting of the feet, fierliNls Itceome Flank l.•^eh• ■ Iinl xvlf,' receive, but the optMirtunliy to work and laatm; the --hance waa what I orn I,, .Ml .li'* 'Ir- \V,,hl. hefdi liiim’,1 !•• Iiei h,,me In Itlb-x Ih, first BUROFEAN PLAN. ABSOLUTELY FIRE PRUOf-. painful and irregular, and fre4|iiently they wanted, they had faith In themaelvea to do the real. a Imix . May 23 «,f llie XX . ek A PIR8T-CLAM HOTEL AT MODERATE PRICES. We have re< ommended many youna men; the laat one that we there are faint und dixxy sfa'lls. with Ml- Km** lb ,'11 ••f •'hi,4nr,i -fe-nl loss of apfietite, until life is u liurden. StMhwuy Matlofi—Owe BNock. re41th Math Iteb-n .iml Urwid CeBIrwl Matlaw—S Minutes Walk aa soon a; he aave evidence of Character Bulldina: Just aa aoon aa he All these synifttoins |s>int to a de ­ 44 If. Too Woold Give ConsideraUe rangement of the female organism Mt an*rl Famb'l an.l xvlf, ..f F»,xv|ei- roeiiicine liiii for her She writes ; • •■ni last F* 'dii'* .It I.‘,iil" \\ . •I*er ’:= I apve ijiorr to hr pnrnanrntly ntHarad ? iliMle Raenw, with Bath him to add monthly to hla «mall aavlna. and at the end of the present Dear Mr*. Pmkhain *— J,,,o ‘|di Mx»'f- ! lurn. ’d h,,nie fi-,im j You hax’T probably tricvl many things for " SEND FOR BOOKLET. year he will iret an Increase uf salary, and will be sure of employment *‘l feel it no •tlltv til tell Jou the gcod -^ili Finn, I:;. *• Iasi .\»>eK \V*Mlnesds> I your Khrumatism without suiweas. from this on. watch him irrow; he will In the end l>erome hla own em­ L>’dia K Plnkbani'a Vcxeiatde <'(aniaaini*l l*urther lia%ed««t»e forme Refors »nl '■• T'.nb ;■- lb»erx* '‘f F,»xx|et atnl e. S. CROWBU.. ZIInfMiKnr. It waa with the irreateat pleasure that we re<'ommended him; we I t(a(k them i wa< ver^ ts i vous. laid ilnll f’llb ,,f Ittnls :i»eni Inst Thur-dav h(VMla<-lw(i. lauiw 111 lao'k, aisl lervala were his Ihel ^|-!,*i Mrs I'eiei HImon. had faith In him knew that he would not fall down; Abram Haver, wilt irragular, I hwl feeti t*> aeveral iks'tors, and ■ If Mini 'll- .Ml hsel •*mmei ,*1 he heard from. tke\ <1111 me no |p"al ’-^fn-lnx aie \lF.|iln : I Xinlrexx H«'h- **\nur meitieine has made me well and f'haiiea Hfiender la still out of employment; still waiting for *‘i*ome- .ebb'f ' the grrat disaolvrr of ITric Acid ? tlna to turn ut*. ” atltl deporttnc himself In a manner that would not atrowx I ean do neat anv kind of work F <• T It Ktehs F,,w|ei st,e||l without eo mpUint. and m\ pert(s4« are all :- \s likst ixe*k xvifh Fi. Mr»»ea- An rxerw of ITric Acid in yonr syMom warrant any bualneee man alvina him a recommend for any poottlon right. it the ('suor of yonr pain; this wn gnamn- TIIK HKUT I’I..XrK Ki>ll ItKKI i>U IIKritK.XTH»M *Ul IlKi’t'l’KIl XTI**N of trust however much they would like to. ”I am hi better bealth iBmui I ever waa, ocr Athlophoma will removr. It boa XT TBIH WK.XHoN IH I know i« due yiair ranualk • 1 .Xlsiut f«*rt\ Milldien ,*f HI. .Xlary**'- Unfortunate younc man, the hand that would be clad to help you and it all to hx>ol re ei\e«| their first • ••mniiinl,*n dour so in thonaoads of caoas aanl will le with-held. be.auae of a lack of faith; he who proves to the world rwxenmend your adviee and nMsIlrtne to all wbi* ■Miller.'' last Thursds). not fail in yours. that he lacks faith In hlmeelf. by false llvinir and false tearhlnc. must f'ail Mexer*i left XVedn»-=»slax f»*i Ht Athlofihoms is not a ** cure all ** hnt a and tav new Klrvprowf not feel alighted If a busy world paaae* him by unotlred. It ia to aneh girls that Mrs Fink- Msrx s h.tspllal at Oeiiolt t,i under- ham hidda out a helping hand aiMl ex­ eo an ••iternllon for apiwndbllls. Twrniv yrars ’ eaprriatBcc wnirairts Watch ('harlae Hpender. and when you become aatlafled that he Is tends a cordial Invitation to oorreapood I *n ac, ,*nnl .if the Imd xveather th»- sutrmrni that wr have the owe rcawdr not the type of man. that 3mu purpose to be In Ufa. will to take the with her. Mhe ia daughter-in-law of entertainment whb h should have gnarantred to ewe thia drend whorome u* secure ttovm. other ' haracter. follow Abram Haver*a footMepa. and start a Havlasa Lydia K IMnkham and for twwnty-fiva ’•(ken place last Hundav will be held Is aauw**tally v«|ulpred to aupHr B»e wants of tl No matter how mvere yonr rl Write for Illnstrated KoUler sari Bales to Account to-morrow and he«tn. as did he. Character Bufldlnc. years haa Iteen adviaing aiak women next Hunday. June i. max* be, or how kMig you Imve free of ehargr. Her lung record of I'onrwd '''n'k and wife i(M>k In the afitetrd. Athlopboeoa will ipnndHT anceess in traatlaMr womnn‘a ilia nMukaa r-\( undon to lainslng last Hunday. you well. her letters of adviee of antoki vnlne to Mian Katie Baker who has been Mt ATBUmKNUlS OO, IBSW IW. XI.WAYH iH»KN i»N TBK lIM.Sl B •vory ailing ’***^****^|jj||j^* <(|iendlng a few months In tirand Thi SM Barii If St Mk Ifra. Plnkham. Lymi. llapids retumeNil to her home laat week. All iTAtCi or A auccessruL fxroilh U Oh I RA^NT IN NEW JESSZV.

Mww an tlsRlneer NuJII s Mlsiievae TRmi( Wmm TonpeA Several ‘ffmee It® GncnBiraiB Ionic ■pleadlAiy. StUlweJl IL, Towiiaeuil. the euj^lueer S suns. Bd SDffTS. wlio waa aaked by tlir iMtanl of fr*** d ions lor the bultlers of l’a|»e May txiunly. N. J., to LACE CDITAVS, CAftPElS aid M)CS« fnocilons. snti lin*t»aru plans for the bulltlluc of u _ 9 aUtiMir TUks 11. i stub* aid road nrnsMi tin* uiMi4iow frotu AMSS GOOK. SUS, WASIGOOK. Ulo DraiitW to Holly Ileat'U. thus tell> KM0II& BELTS* ETC, E POI*rL..\K C'AltTfMANh. j III the Dood Uoa4ls Ma^razlae li<»w tin* H |iuuBda Hulk -1 <*••• l*tMk urw ruail was cunatnicted : Hiarrii...... Haltuon ...... The art of newsps|wr illustration ' Mar«tlDM In ull. J (•ana Ham In Its pr«*aent form Is a development Am Wf liad uo tIsiURbt of elfvatlUR 7 t*ana for...... lV(* storm titles, th** |iru;ulu4.*ut itlra Vrink Ifammar :i«’anaVral have become a mi*st fMtpuIar feature to be kt*|it In view was tb«* use of :ua* Hoda...... laMf...... of up-to-date metro|toiltan dally pa­ JrlIrroa, all (lavora, <»»» lot IMug Tobacco, lters. The unhiue and iat<-hy draw-- lerlaU that would stuiul the wash. The Uor Ar. uarh ...... par pluK ...... WP^W Ina now* apiwarinc dally on the front route to In * fullowetJ b:id l«eeit U-Klli l>rla«l Haaf, ^A^^m ona lot I lb. pat'kacr W fMMce of the <’hli'4Mro Iteccjrd-Herald doiitsl u Imuii tlfteeu yotim. Previous to par iiuuod...... (iranulaUsI Mmoking P ^P“ Is one of the many special features that time It luid Ihhmi iis«h1 for a few VVliola Japan Ulra. ^ ^ ^r- of the irreat |Hi|ier. The Ilet'ord-Her ­ 4 i^unSTfor...... mmm ___ f## ald has been fetrtunate In securlns one years us u lueaus of tnntd to uud fr«uu •» »air* \rina ^jg||^ ***** ***** of the Itest younK artists In the count- IIk ? Five Mlb* Ittnteh. When this wni* Muap...... 10 «'aut twr Mwaat ^Pr^A r>* to carry out Its |M»pular |m>||c>* of 4'anoad <‘urn, ^A^P^ «*l»orolal»...... buiR nltuut out* half of ttie tllstamv presenting ecu. h day a humorous an«l %vas laid iTosswIse with (*eles ati.l . ■•• ... Oparkagaa new's|*a|»er work his succeiui ha.- then A \ery llRht coat of upland soil. ■ • •‘MC* **»)“»*»«* t’urn Mtarrh Iteen as pronounced as It has been of T«>lMir«*u...... Vs u iiuMins of seeuriiiR a fouiidullo.i rapid. He shows all of the icood na- larue Rimi tr«*es. with two o!i]»oslte Hc«nsl*»tta**!?"*** tured humor and the briahter side of everyday i-ommi»n life which has car­ aides ilntteaeil. wen* laid letiRlhwlMe opular suc- One W iiH |ilac«*«l In the center, thi* other i-ess. Ills drawlnas are on all of the twoalKiiit iiuiler tlie wht*td ruts. .Veros- lEMEJANh' Cliaaa A Saobom a Collae l.'’»c, :^k.^ 25c. 34k\ 35c,Mk* !»• .\lwa]ra tha aaina. various subjects of impulai interest. fMilltlcal and «»therw'lse. (’urrent wen* laid iMiles alMiut thn*«* iuciie** events are \ividly portrayetl In a way la diameter ut the HUiaiil eud. the space •It It tkl*ikL' TH) *>• il.fXb 0(41- rtl< £ or nil. • tTXUiULg llO08k.x that pleases, yet often fflvlna just ls»!w»*en the strlnRent lutvIuR lirst Imh*u St. Jobos, Ntcliigtn. Y« Ca*t wiiii our prioa!' You will tiod that wa' ts iKtt nt( - iTiU*«itK ik*rgi: criticism In a way* that d«»es nut of- tilled with lutid. Over the einin of tile EtiaiT like ..o th® !»atD® •|uilitr of ifooU. r.v (tt 00 a faw “laadais" which feml. Throuah his excellent work on |H>i<'H at each side wen* pls4*eil eiirl» the uaixlo^u® p»0|4a will sail h3law oo®t t j ffct you •tartad. eastern maaaxines .Mr. Wilder first attracted universal attention. The plaiikM ‘2 hy <1 IlieiieM Tliewe pluiikn GNMBRUU. MO SAVHIOS J Ket'ord-Herald re«-oKnlzed In him at wen* Meeun*ly fusi4*!i**d. etij:«* up. to Get Away ; once a i artoonist of unusual promise, ''eeen fortunate enouah to enauae Ui4*n«tow* and proj4*<*tliiR four f«*4*t alM»v** him. tin* plniiki*. Them* HStue plaukM w*en ‘ OAPXTAL PAID IV. $110,000 p>ae«*4l eiRhl f4*et from tin* **eiiter Hue. JOHN II. CDlUirr. Vlce-PmOdeni Fnn tk Fact State of Dhlo. City of Tolexlo, ! thus Rivlit;; us a slxit*4.*u f«iot driveway. O. W. MtLXOKK. Prrakimt. Kucaa County. i sa. J. W. FITZliKKALJ). Uaslikw. .\ mud laiuk was ean*fnlly thn>w'n up Frank J. (Cheney makes oath that FKA.XIi L. TflOMF. 'Teller. 'Hiat I am sellinfsr Shoes at my Cut Price Sale for •HI ea<*li side uRaiiist t!ie oiitMide of the Three per cent, interest paid on uer- he Is the senior (tartner of the firm of dt F. J. Cheney A Co., dolna business In planks and thorouRldy (*«>mpNrti* i. Tli** tlflcates of deposit and on savings (•ouii the City of Toledo. County and State nn*adow* ri*:ih«. Rri4w*H throiiRh till** accounts. Drafts Issued, good In any less money than the same can lie bought for any- MPLE RAPPS 0MTKNT aforesaid, tind that the said firm will part of the United .states or (Canada — ^ ^ ^ I»ay the sum of ONK HUNDHKD makluR It iiiun* secun*. .V line of mini an<] in the principal cities of Europe DDLLAHH for each and every* case of .iliout two feet w*itle was plai'tsl oa th<‘ Accounts of farmers, merchants or wlierc in the state of Michigan. The time to buy » t'atarrh that cannot be cured by the iuside of the planks and eompueted. mechanics received on favorabl* use of Hall’s (.Catarrh C7ure. thus iiiakiuR an almost water tiRht terms, and every accommodation ex­ FRANK J. CIIE.NKY. tended consistent with safe banking, ^hoes at these cut prices is limited. Don’t wait too ♦ <’Ihu «I t>wen leaves ’Thursday for troiiRh. ’The munlulUR spaiv l»etwpeii THEIR FIAT STATEPHIT Wynmlotte. .Mlchliran. where he has .Sw'orn to liefore me and suba<'rlbed superior facilities for making coUa*-- secured A fKjsItlon in a druK store. In my presence, this €th day of Dec­ the curb planks was tllbnl with upland ilons of all kinds. long—you may get left on this saving proposition. * Hernard Muller Is w'orklnv for Horr soil to a level with the outside |daiiks Money loaned on approved securl- Th» .Maple Uupids « heeae factory ember. A. D.. 1886. A. W. OLEAHON. Hi other.** In plac«* of Paul .\lexander 'lee. will iaMue Ita flrat atatemenl to Its jm- (Seal.) Notary* Public. Over this *miII w*e use^i oyster Hheils. who Is KulliK to We«|uetotisinK to work Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern ­ thm* bushels to tlie M<|iiare yard. ’JT.* iron- thin week. The patrons will re­ In one of the .summer resort hotels. DIRECTORS: ceive o I enta per hundred pounds for ally*. and acts directly on the blood ■-* — The junior class of the .Maple Ilap- and mucous surfaces of the system. (lUU biislielM III all. Over the shells In * J. H. Curhit. ous Fuller. J0B08, their milk for the past month which Ids hlah school cleared 16.00 from the fon* they w«Te Rruuiul up was spread ^* KltsgeealU. Jesee Salllvau. will net them much more than they S«-nd for testimonials free. sale fif ire cream Saturday evenInK. F. J. (’HENEY 4k CD.. Toledo. O. O. W. MiMffar. F. A. TVavla. siLSL Barry E. Mack, E a 4*oat of ko 4n I irravel. Tills gave us Could hu\e re« elvetl by muklnK but­ O. B. Oorhln. Dm. W. F s. Alexander returned home .Mon- Take Hall’s Family Pills for consti ­ ail elevuiloii of nliout fourte<*ii tiiche** Or. ter, with 1- areat deal less labor. The pation. f»rl* e of butter Is kolnic lower and with rest on account of his health which has been very poor for S«>ld by* all druaalsts. 73c. uliOx*e the hiuhest meadow |4nss4*d ov«*r the . '•itunK of the hot months It Is ex- 'W'veral weeks. 4^or lor l>e« ted that thehe will be a irrent In- and alNive tides except very fM*vere Nimrod w'us a mifthty hunter, but crea-» tn the patronuae. 1\ town..hip Uiard of review* met northeast stonus. It has l»een topiMNl in l>un-tairs hall Monday had he hunted in the **TemuK«ml” re- Kloii he would have l>een a mlahtler sev«*rnl tlines since It was ixmipleliHl BELIEVXS le ^ < onducted a rol- hy storm tides, but It has xvlthstoo*! t’ll.XKI.I'S \1.1.4»l( l)IL\l>. M »»««■*.' In Dunstair hall • »ne Nimrod hunietl for itlory. hut 24. Heu AI^Afuliiy Tenia»ramlan« hunt for aanie. ’These I'hatles .Vllor who ha.* been sick so them lN*yoiid all ex|H»ctatloiis. MTISTIC KSI8NS M MONWEIITI Arthur llrlaas'of Ki.k. In town I nil lari' who made the first < anoe of One mistake was made in not rDIor li*nif belni: almo^Jt entirely parah-zed on hur.lness .Mondav. ' tilrch hark loni; ako w*ere our art'afest for *i*->«*ral year?* died at ,hls father’s Miss Hlanche Kyker of Normandy iM-nefat tors. The children of the#** the nanl more crown lM»fore the shells Each Cap are the result of ctreful labor and an artistic sense of the hoin** In this \lllu4re Wednesday even- Indians know the canoe, and they were spread. 1 cousbler sliells one of Ina. May 2 4. i^«rvl= es %vere hehl in idlaiia. Is vir.itinR his anind parents •ttki b « a rt (Ml fitness of things. We aim ind succeed in combining these. * • ** “y**^** other know* oh wtfieut s.llAJ sqhsTloa Uie lN*st materials that ('nu U* nmsl on the I’htlrtlan church Saturday after- relatives in town. «‘orr know how to us<> It. and If y*ou Ru to OUR MEMORIAL.S show a distinct INDIVIDUALITY n of iJrand Uedae Temaaami this summer they will pad- yorasto preachliiK the sermon. The remains to blinl them together. Tln*y w-lll thus VTn of Ithaca, and tile yttur ‘ anoe In their own superb Kysh *lnNts4aia. Pneumatic toola for Lettering and Carving. were hurled In the .Sowles cemetery*. way. They* will l>e the l>est gfuldes wlthsiainl tiny amount of wash. He leaves a wife father, mother and Nellie Keed of .Mullken are vlsltlna their Aster. .Mrs. Kd Wrlaht yf»u ever hail, and they* will take you .V year :i-«i last OctolN*r we lN*Ran Not Better. None Ctwpitr.—dMm ot Momncnti. two ulsters. throuah the rivers. lakes, forests and TnsT ’4...l?"r‘ *'**^’ ‘* ’ returned the n'InilidUii: of thi* fle«*s|ey’H I’olnt Me! xV *'>«•• huniina aroun«ls their forefathers OMIOM] Mr. an«l .Mis. II. 11. Jones and chil­ • •nee called home: they* will tell you of ninl 4H-eaii 4’lly turnpike. 1.75 iulU»s dren of Fowler were auest of relatives •'*r . .Martin Klee near t.’rysial OPPOSITE The vlllaire council Is causlna sev­ the l»ears. Iienvers. mo«ise. caribou and across salt meadow. Tln^n* linti lieeii In town Sun»lay. .Mr. Jones returned deer. .\h, the Indians konw. for once THE er.- new i-ement • rosswaikks to be u road olnts in the village twenty years. DnriiiR that time all but MttM AM. Is MB aai mmmuu where they an* must needed. rhb». Saturday. f4»<*l were re|Kib»4l. This was done by i»ri»i*.\iN PATENTS \Vm »' Sl.-kle.*; Is able to l*e out TO ci’iii: .\ cDi.n IX 4».XF i>.%v placliiR six |>lue ln*e strliiRcrs leiiRtb- ntraln .ifter a severe Illness. Take LAXATIVE IIRO.MO guinliie wise ami |Kjles nine fts*t hniR cross M CLARK C. WOOD, Mr .\ithur lirant returned from a H. Hrown is on the sick list. Tablets DruRRDts refund money If vlr-Jt In FoxvIer at H. It. Jones ’ last wise over Hiem. bultiiiR In Hh* luidtlb*. .*M>UeUor of Patcot* sod Co«a- K Finley and wife of (Jrand Hap- It falls to cure. E. W. DROVE’S sIr- srl la latent Cssva Wedn: F.ila\ . ly- an with his father and sister nnture P f»n *H» h l»*»x. 25c. We placisl a de iniprovina. side the entin* lengtli of the nieatlow THE WATER WAY : The president of the Duplaln \V. r. road in tin* followliiR luaiiiier: (*nrh LJAHrSlNC. ieicwic*AW |M4:3t w.ek se. urln»f -uhscrlptlons for TV r. wishes to inform the public .m. .1011XS MAIIKK-TS. BCTWeCN Sl.oaa r.i |m> plated In tht- l>ank tti that the flotxer l»eds In the I'emetery plunks 2 by «i Inches wore platssl eight the . M-«llt e usetl In perfectinic the or- !a.ld to their i>eauty will pleast brlna Wheat. re«l ...... X4 DETROIT ^ BUFFALO Kanization of the proposetl rallroatl. Wheal, while ...... 8 4 curely fasteii4*d to cellar |k »sIm driven Thr* I» .6 B IJnr* Ktrwmr-m iN-inst w.*r*kaA> «» st 5K» p m., Sundays plant, and .**ei them out. thev will he lU 4r*i p in M'natrAi ttmr> ain I from Hudski ‘Urly at &US) p ra «*ast- .Ml ami .Mrs. Kay Kite visited Mr. 5 cared for. 4’orn on ear |*er hu...... 25 41 28 four feel Into th** ohl roadlwsl. Four r-rn timr*) rmchiog thHr ikMUnattoti Ux* next tn>>nuuR. iNrectomnectiao!* anti Ml- .Martin Klee In f'rystal the Corn, "helled ...... 52 feet l»ey«ni*I this ve the (imn*! Trunk milsmx-s bet wren I»etr«»lt nneacon skins...... 35 phiak was tilled with iniMl and thor- F H. Walters and K. H. I*arr were house—the Lest paint money can buy—because the L. A M. Zinc hard­ Heef, dresseii. cw*t ....35.00 4l 36.50 tieleanicr. tti the fSrantI l»dae F. Ac A. Pork, dressetl. cwt ....37.00 O 38.00 ouRlily <'om|Micted by ramming and aft­ M. at Orantl Kaplds last week. ens the L». 4k M. White L«ead and er settling attain tllletl and raintued. makes the L. Ar M. Paint wear like I'alves, dressed ...... 37.00 41 33.00 Mr^ Mar>* Hllzxard was In Ht. Johns Iron. .Mutton, dressed ...... 37.00 O 33.00 Befor** tlie load was finished these mud last Week. Huy L.. Ac M. and don't pay ll.SO a Tallow ...... 3 O 4 banka were t’orered with gravel, thus .Mrn. t'harles .Martin entertained the Potatoes ...... SO and 6 0 aallon for l^inseed Oil. as you do In tusking a sfilendid bicycle [uiUi on each meml>ers of the .Porosis club at her ready-for-use paint, but buy oil fresh Huhliard .S(|uash, per lb ...... 1 htime west of the vlllarire one tlay from the barrel at 60 cents, and mix Apples ...... 31.00 sill**. I’h** space lietw«*en the Inner last week. with the L. Ac M. MEANS. curb was dlled with u|dand soil and WUtn IhAiit •Mr.-j .Mary A. Htxwe Is still ver>' The actual cost of L. Ac M. Is only <’hol(*e hand pickeout 11.20 per aallon. four Incites In the renter sltove tlie lop WortI has l»een received here to Sold by A. O. Hunt, 8t. Johns. picked. the effect that Kdwanl Fuller who la HAY. of the Inner curb planks. These were sick at his home In Hreenvllle with Timothy*, new 35 and 36 set to grade. The roail was then cov- M THE TKATMENT small pox WAS not iretInK alonit very pi:iis<».\AiiiiY rfiNDrmai TripitM LIVESTt »CK. well. <’owa. milch ...... 328 O 340 ere«l with 34J.dU»> bushels of oyster Th«- tienetlclarles of .Mrs. Wm. Ilam- I I 'lilcaaii. I’nton l*nrllli 4k Nortli- <'attle. fatted per cwt ....33 U 34.50 shells, spread when the Imk I was not 0FDI8EAK: Wrsicm Idnc. l»ei have received 11.000 each from Hors , per c wt ...... 35 and 36.1 too soft from rain or any other caus4‘. the Orest Hive of the I.*. O. T. M. M. Twelve exclusive first class person laimbs. per cwt...... 34 O 35 As soon as the shells were spread a Ile*ltosl acisoce is tsakuig such rapitl .^4 J I>unstall has rented hla hall In ally conducted parties will leave Chi .Sheep, iier cwt ...... 33 67 34 strides that it is «li(ficolt for the _ this Mllnae to Harr)* Ornham and Hoy > aau. under the auspic es of the T.tur ('alves, fier cwt ...... 34 9 35 thin coat of Buck 11111 grarel was practitioaer tn keep pace with ite ad­ liHstlnas for one year for 1100 sub- {•it I>epartment of the Chicaau, Union POULTRY LIVE spreail over them. This was followed vances, rspsctally in the trssfswt of Je. t lo the use of EUsiex township. Pacifii Sc North-Western Idne. July Fowls...... 9 4| 10 liy a l.-’iOO (>0110*1 roller. inaRlng the Kev .M( I>. Howsare preached a 7th. July 18th and Auaust 4th. for of chronic and spsoial cnapisinis, sad X’ounR chicks...... 9 4i 10 shells and grnx'el Into one <'oropacteil memorial sermon to the members of i < ' Utah. Yellowstone Nation ­ Hroller. per p»>un«l ...... 20 still more difficult for him to provide hfN- the O .\ K. and W. II. C. In the Chris­ al Park. Portland. Puaet .Sound pointa Deese. fat...... 8 H mass. .Vfter the entire length had asU with the new and very expensive J|>- tian > hur« h Sunday momtnK. The Vosemlle. San Francisco and Dut-ks. fat ...... 9 been covered In this manner it was idinnoss that are detnaiidsd by the IsBsl Ke\ Mcl>. Howsare has received an Southern t'allfornla. All expenses of Turkeys, fat ...... 12 9 13 again gone over with a second coat, of tranisHnt. Some of these ||>- ofT't :rom Versailles. Ohio, Chtrstian the journey are Included In the Initial XV4>ol>4. making In ail ultout five Inches of loose plianoee are so sis borate and expensive chui' b to liex-ome their (uistor ami la • 'tst. All arranaements for hotel ac- Wools. Cnwasheil .Medium ..38 9 29 that th^ ass sonrosly to be found outside unde. id?>d as to whether he will ac- • omodatlons. train schs epf It .»r not. nrr prrivlded for In advance. Write ** ** Detain .... 24 to 25 One Ineti altove the top of the Inner ior Itineraries ami full particulars to One ef ths Bnssi e<|ai|aMnts In hs found •Mr- Flln Mt Farland returned home Ityron Danley buys live poultry* curb (tlaiik was plscfsl a ce«Uir plank HrAunlitx from a week’s visit In North A. Hutchinson, .Msnairer Tourist every week day the year round. Pull is the wesWrn slntee ts that of the Lsm- Hhrd*= I>ef>artment. 212 <'Isik St.. <'hloa«o. value paid at all times. 2 liy d Inches ami fastennl to the top ping FUctro Msdionl laslitMe. Thsir Illinois 41w6 of the iioats Holding the lower eiyit X-Usy sppsfalne is exoallsd bv none want FOWIJHt MAItKI-TTH. Wlien the heavy storm tides sweep ol New Ynrk, sad sU tho iBt ef thsir <'orreried every Thursday by C. over the road scMne of the crown Is In varM and oomplionind scisntiBc spfMrs- I Htunris 4k Sons. ilanger of beirflt carried off. These KMMf M X-Rty II tus is on ths aanM* plans, iadndti Wheat. White ...... 85 sppniuins knowa lo utodent Wheat, rexl 85 planks were placed there as a protec CyMit ■Btsne®. All paitsnu have tito k oats ...... 33 tIOQ to the exposed side and to catdi Keans...... 31.35 a frse X- bay exsntinstioB. TW sucress of the lAnai^ Fdsetro lludieni laslitnie in thn trsniiasnt of ohronir and difficult o wbat might o Nurwlee go entirely off hssa rsRierknble. Thev have scores of teattmontals. indudiag your own nsinbbovs tn St. Johns and othsr parts of Qiaion Flour A C'ARD F1U9M C. K. VAN HIC7M1«C. the road, to far this protecting curb wboiw oa mss will be furaiehed na afpltcaitoo. The Institws makes a efinctsllv of Fsanle DiasBB, AstkM. ('aiarrh aad I I have secured the sifency for Dr. has answered the parpoee. .Skin an*! blood disseses, Coosumpdoo in lU tret slaps. Nervons Disordsts. Hsnrt Troahls. Stomscfi and Bowel Trxmbfe. Colwell ’s K«y*ptlan Pile Cure, tlie most In tralldlag meadow roads where It in fact all ru.mble. chrenic diaonoso ('onsaluiioao and wr—is®dons are free and strictly nnnidBtisU is the best ot all good things that come from the grocer. It certain cure for pilea ever dlacovered. Fits, sa