Irish President Visits UD
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' • '-4. ,.. ~ • - ~ • .. '< ---,... - ........ ,.- , ~ An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner • THE • Rapper Talib K" eli Hens beat JMU 23 to 10, performs at ~Iitchell Hall, C1 Bl , "on-Profit Or~. 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 l s Po... tage Paiu & .:\\ ~ui... DE Tuesday Friday Pnnut ~o 26 FREE Volume 129;LISs0:~ -.12 · · · . · -~ · · {- · . Tuesday, October 15, 2002 Irish president visits UD BY T\RR\ A\ I~ opportunity. re,·ersing a century and a half of and 111 formed her pamh priest that •he wanted to be \J,;,/ \f,,\ out\\'ard migration." a lawyer. The eighth prestdent or Ireland rcCCI\'ed the As she glauced from face to face Ill the audience. "He said to me. ' You •uffer from two uni\·erslt) 's htghest honor Fnday afternoon at ~1cAlcesc said she felt nostalgic. and reminisced impediments. One. you cannot because you are a !\1itchell Hall. about her O\\ n college years. \\·oman. And two. none of your family 1~ in the law.' l\lary J\.lcAlccse was presented With an hunorar) She remtnded the audtence that many ttmes Doctor of Law degree. before more than -l50 -.tudenb lean: college \\ tth more than a degree - Her mother. who consistently taught her children members of the campus communny. they find spouses, too. · to respect the priesthood. thre\\ the priest out of her Lntverslt) Prestdent Da,id P Roselle '>poke of ··l\ty husband and I were student~ together at home and said to the young McAleese. "Ignore the >trong and continuous relatwn-,hip the umvcr\tty Queens Lniverslt) 111 Belfast. a c1ty that began to him.'' has with tr·eland. crumble into 30 year> of violence JU'>t as we, "That was the only piece of advtce my parents He acknowledged the uni \ er-,Hy · s In sh-horn enthralled and cxctted. crossed the umversuy ever gave me," she founder. hanc1s Alison. as well as the current study thre-,hold for the first ttme." she said. Freshman Tom Isherwood said McAleese abroad program in Dublin. lrehilld. "\\'c: were not full] aware of the awesome power provided an inspiring examples for others. "You are be!l1g recognized today for your of human hatred. or of our power as individuals to ·'I am honored to be 111 the presence of someone continuing life's \\Ork of planting and nurturing stop Its toxtc course through human history." who is such a positive force for change,.. he said. ~eed~ of justtce. tolerance and understanding." She said that man) students are not a'mre of the While obtaining her Ia\\ degree in 1969, Roselle said to McAleese. "We \\Ill all benefit from power they ha\'e in front of them. addmg that the McAleese said she was instructed to read books that rhe harvest they yield 110\\ and for g:-nerations to time spent at uni\'er tty i> <ll1 mcomparable po111t 111 were blatantly directed at a male audience. come. one's life. Glanville William's "Learning the Law·· stated, Prior to her Inauguration as president in 1997. ''I'd like to be slllmg 111 yolll seats. quite frankly." "A woman's voice also does not carry as much as a McAleese was a law profes~or at Trinity College 111 she said. "To have a future unscripted. You are mans. Dubhn. a current affairs JOurnali-,t and the first mobtli1ers of the future you want ro shape and a After passing Ireland's bar exam, the judge female Cathohc pro \'ice-chancellor of Queen's future you want to he proud of... presented her with a gift - William' book. The lJniverstt\ Ill Belfast. l\lcAleese satd Ireland saw hm\ its tmtmgrants message to female lawyers was still quite clear. ··1 am ·very proud to be the president nf a small succeeded tn the l'mted States and had hope that the :VtcAleese said. counUJ. which \\tthm lhmg memor:- \\as a Third people of Ireland could do the s<une 111 their country. McAlee e described her presidency as "the best World country whose greatest export was Its ~lcAleese added that studying Ia\\' \\as no stmple four years of my life in a wobbly time for the peace people." she said. I HE Rl \IE\\ tRot> :'-kktt1 accumpllshment in a soc Jet) where only I 0 percent process," and said that the university's irish studies Irish President Man :\IcAleese was awarded an honoran "Today. 11 i., one of the \\·ealthiest natwns on ot law school students were women. program will continue to link Ireland with the de~ree as a Doctor of Law from the unhersit~ Friday. Earth. the biggest e\.porter of computer software and She told the story of \\hen she \\as 16 years old university. a country to \\ htch people now come to seck Tailgating and tent tradition Dover votes • c ntinues at omecommg on zoning bill B\ \SHLE\ L. BREEDI G (Dil\'L'rsc. \ ,, 1?. Semor !.amen Hams said she was at the tents BY lA 1 T. YOUNG De. pit<! Sa•urd.n ' gra) >;- .md 'purts of Ill socialtzc ';;rat{ Rt•porro r~un. horde~ of people trud~ed through the mud "Jiomccommg is all about hanging out wtth Wesley College students have been prole ting an to ho>t luilgatmg parties from the back of thetr my fnends, s.:hool spirit and just having fun." amendment proposed by the Dover city council. which \ehtcle ... t Hemc!cornm!! kickoff 2002 she >aid. plans to restrict off-campus student housing. \hLh~el Hohlren. ma 1at:er of Jntercolle!!Iatc Junior John Ktrk also sa1d he came to have a S111ce the first \ ote in early October, the city Athlctt Pro!!r.1111 .. satd-thcrc \\ere 19~666 !!uod time \I tth fnends. council has moved forward and planned to review and people m, lteJidance at the! foot hal game. B ) - ··Jt means \\ aking up earlier than I do for 10·30 am. the p<.rkmg lob m front of Dela\\are vote again on the amendment during its meeting last classes. having '' shitload of fun and trying to mght. At press time the outcome was not available. 'tad1um \\ere pm p. eked wtth alumnt and '>tUd) for too much on Sunday ... he sat d. 'rudents. rnunlhmg O"l col.! >lib, and guzzhng City counctl member William McGlumphy said \\'htle must said they were content wtth city planners have been developing the new Corona' tailgating condttions. others said they were ordinances for the past few months. and last night the Capt Joel h1'r:- tJ! PuhltL Safety said disappointed. approxtmatel~ 10 unl\crstt) off11.ers \~ere Senwr Brooke Caruso. a member of Alpha nine city council members were set to vote on the a'-compamed h) numcrous :\e\\ ark and Stat..: Chi Omega. satd she was unhappy with the ord1nance. Pull c.: to a stst \\ nh Cr<J\\ d \\ atchtn!!. turnout "This is something that has been on the burner \\ere tore\\ .. rned tnar communi tv Lul!!~llcr "It"' not as fun as 11 used to be ... she said since last ApriL" he said. "It's a well thought out plan tc.: h& . beer b<ll1l!~ and keg~ \\ere prnhJbtted. "They are so man) fraternities and and i modeled after other communille~." he satd sororities off campus that there are not even a McGlumphy said he planned to vote to pass the lvur) satd pum hment fur U'ldcrage drinktng lot of tl!nts. ordinance, even though students of Wesley College v.uuld also he .:nlurced. '·f-reshman year was amazing, but as a semor, and landlords around the city are unhappy with the :'\like Holdren. m;mager of the lntacolkgtate n'sju'>t not as great anymore ... Athletlc<; Program said no grill> or propane new proposed restrictions. Semor Tom Davnorow1cz. a member of the cooking de\ 1ce' \\ere p.:rmllted hccau-,e of the ·'For every bad tenant." he said, "there is a good former Kappa Alpha fraternity. votced a simtlar drou!!ht. tenant to replace them ... complaint \lumnus Rot:cr i\lalatcst.... clas., of 197-l. -.aid The restrictions define homes with three to four "Thcr.: used to be more tents and we weren · t he and hts t.unil) ..:ame to suppurt the football unrelated students a' a "student home" and prohtbit kicked out until after 2 p.m.," he said. tt:.Im. these homes from existing within 500 feet of each Sophomore Tom l\lurgolo said desptte "\\ c'rc tntercstcd 111 comtri! du\\ n and other. pnm ling police and the lack of tents, he was folhm ,ng trc ,c~m .•md HomcLomin!! ts a really They also limit the number of permJtted tenants to fesll\e ttne 'he s~id , • maktng the best of the day and havtng a "'' time four and require each landlord pay a $150 licensing Alumna (arne :\ILGee. \\ ho graduated Ja,t .'\lim) tailgaters raved about school spirit, but fee for each student home. spnng. ':ud she came to rcun te \\ irh old friends. fc\\ said they planned to attend the game Despite the Wesley College fall break. thts past "It means scemg people l ha\ en 't seen 111 a afterward. weekend. representative<, from the college's Student \ear and re It\ tn!! .11 the !!ood mem<mc..; I had Semor Gerald Newell satd he was full\ aware Government Assoctation were prepared to take the here." sh.: q G ' ' ot the events to follow. but opted not to attend floor and appeal the new ordinances. L Ill\ erst!\ student gathered beneath tents. "Tailgatmg seems like the only ratwnal thing \\htch \\ere p•o\ tdeJ b) \art nus >tudent McGiumphy said there is a chance a vote could be I' THE RE'v IE\\/Chn,topher Bunu urg,mtz.