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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions Of February 3, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E155 for the farming community and works with OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL Patterson, Pat Curran and Greg Maday. Bring- elected officials, government agencies, edu- DEBT ing Sporting KC to Kansas has been great for cators, the media and the public to create an the team and the entire community. environment that allows for the continued HON. MIKE COFFMAN Mr. Speaker, the Sporting Kansas City soc- growth and sustainability of local agriculture. OF COLORADO cer team is the first major league sports team The first formal meeting of the San Diego to win a league championship at home in Kan- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES County Farm Bureau was held on February sas City since 1985. The pride and excitement 20, 1914, at the Speckles Theater in San Monday, February 3, 2014 the entire Kansas City community has with the Diego where 383 family farmers paid $1 in Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January club is great, and we all congratulate Sporting dues to be eligible to vote on creating the or- 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- KC, the players and coaches, the organization ganization. It was here that the San Diego fice, the national debt was staff, and everyone with a role at the park on County Farm Bureau became the third of 53 $10,626,877,048,913.08. their 2013 Major League Soccer Cup Cham- county farm bureaus formed in California. Today, it is $17,293,019,654,983.61. We’ve pionship. You make us proud. Judge W.R. Andrews of Spring Valley was added $6,666,142,606,070.53 to our debt in 5 f elected as its first president and the Bureau’s years. This is over $6.6 trillion in debt our na- TRIBUTE TO THE BENEDICT longevity can be directly attributed to a proud tion, our economy, and our children could COLLEGE HARAMBEE FESTIVAL lineage of 51 presidents and legion of volun- have avoided with a balanced budget amend- teers who have given unselfishly of their time ment. in support of our local farming community. f HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN Mr. Speaker, there is no question that OF SOUTH CAROLINA PERSONAL EXPLANATION America’s agriculture industry is steeped in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tradition and was an integral industry upon Monday, February 3, 2014 which the economy and self-sufficiency of our HON. CAROLYN McCARTHY Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to young nation was built. America’s ‘‘agrarian OF NEW YORK pay tribute to the Benedict College Harambee republic’’ represented the hope of new begin- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Festival, in Columbia, South Carolina, in my nings and many of our founding fathers be- Monday, February 3, 2014 Congressional District. One of the largest col- lieved the character of leadership and nec- lege-sponsored festivals in the nation, the essary virtue would be found in those who Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York. Mr. Speak- Benedict College Harambee Festival will cele- worked the soil, in those who invested their er, I was unavoidably absent during the week brate its twenty-fifth anniversary on February time and effort into the production of their of January 27, 2014. If I were present, I would 22nd. As we observe Black History Month, I crops both for their own existence and that of have voted on the following: believe it is important to highlight this special their community. James Madison extolled the Rollcall No. 24: H.R. 2166—‘‘yea.’’ event for its expression of multiculturalism, in- value of connecting with one’s land and it was Rollcall No. 25: H.R. 3008—‘‘yea.’’ clusion and advocacy of African American Thomas Jefferson who said, ‘‘Agriculture. Rollcall No. 26: Motion on Ordering the Pre- Southern history and culture. is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end vious Question on the Rule—‘‘nay.’’ Rollcall No. 27: H. Res. 465—‘‘nay.’’ In 1988 Benedict College led by Dr. George contribute most to real wealth, good morals A. Devlin, Chair of the Division of Social and and happiness.’’ Rollcall No. 28: Approving the Journal— ‘‘yea.’’ Behavioral Sciences, revived its efforts to cre- While there was an initial debate on the Rollcall No. 29: Motion to Recommit with In- ate a series of events to celebrate and study long-term viability of agriculture’s role in devel- structions on H.R. 7—‘‘yea.’’ Black History Month. Originally called the Afri- oping America’s manufacturing base, our na- Rollcall No. 30: Final passage of H.R. 7— can American Bazaar, the free event was de- tion’s productivity in this industry proved to be ‘‘nay.’’ signed to unite the community. The Harambee an immediate return on investment and indic- Rollcall No. 31: Final passage of H.R. 2642, Festival weathered much adversity in its first ative of the ability of the American people to Farm Bill Conference Report—‘‘yea.’’ few years. Initial attempts in 1989 were thrive in any circumstance. As our nation f ‘‘snowed out.’’ Extreme cold and rain in 1991, grew, so did the importance of agriculture, and again in 1992 greatly affected Festival at- particularly in California. Today, California TRIBUTE TO SPORTING KANSAS tendance records. leads all other states in farm income. With 73 CITY Organizers have likened lessons of African percent of the state’s agricultural revenues de- American history to the Harambee Festival be- rived from over 200 different crops and 27 HON. KEVIN YODER cause it teaches that after struggle, success is percent of revenues generated by livestock OF KANSAS possible. The Festival has prospered and is commodities, California is our nation’s leader IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today one of the biggest college-sponsored in agriculture production. San Diego County festivals in the United States of America with has one of the country’s largest farm econo- Monday, February 3, 2014 an average attendance of over 6,000 people. mies and has more small and organic farms Mr. YODER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to A success story of Benedict College, the than any other county in California. San Diego congratulate the major league soccer team Harambee Festival now includes a bake con- County leads the nation in production of its from my home, the Kansas 3rd Congressional test, fashion show and a number of live per- two major crops, ornamentals and avocados, District—Sporting Kansas City. In early De- formances alongside historical presentations, and is successfully invested in the areas of cember, 2013, Sporting KC squared off as well as community-oriented service activi- nurseries, cut flowers, fruits, vegetables, nuts, against Real Salt Lake in the MLS Cup final ties. field crops, vineyards, livestock, and poultry. match at Sporting Park in Kansas City, Kan- Since 2010, the Harambee Festival Commu- This production and success is not by sas. The victory gave Sporting KC their first nity Choir has performed annually at the Fes- chance, it is a direct result of the hard work of Major League Soccer title in thirteen years, tival, preserving the rich musical tradition of San Diego County’s agriculture community and was only decided after 10 rounds of pen- gospel music. The Choir is composed of mem- and the tireless advocacy of the San Diego alty kicks. When all was final, Sporting KC bers of the Benedict College Gospel Choir as County Farm Bureau on their behalf. While was victorious 7–6 in a shoot-out win, bringing well as great singers from choirs in the Mid- our nation and my home state of California the Philip Anschutz Trophy to Kansas City. lands, the Pee Dee, and other regions of continue to face many economic challenges, Sporting KC head coach Peter Vermes and South Carolina. A number of performers have particularly in the agriculture industry, we the entire roster of players, including MVP de- showcased their talents over the Harambee move forward with full confidence knowing that fender Aurelien Collin, brought so much ex- Festival’s twenty-five year history, including groups like the San Diego County Farm Bu- citement to our community throughout the national recording star Ms. Angie Stone, Mr. reau are leading by example and utilizing a 2013 season. To have the Championship Dwayne Johnson, Jr. from Soul-food Jazz and wealth of experience that will continue to allow match played out in Sporting Park, in front of (former) world champions Double Dutch us to take advantage of our full potential. Con- more than 21,000 loyal fans, only maximized Forces. gratulations again to the San Diego County the energy and atmosphere that night in De- Since its inception, the Harambee Festival Farm Bureau on 100 years of service and I cember and it was simply amazing. has been inclusive in its efforts to bring the look forward to their continued success well We greatly appreciate the investment and community together. A testament of its suc- into the future. leadership of Robb Heineman, Cliff Illig, Neal cess, the Harambee Festival sees people and VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:03 Feb 04, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A03FE8.012 E03FEPT1 tjames on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E156 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 3, 2014 organizations coming back again and again, Madhavan Kumar, of California, to be tain users, S. 1451, to provide for envi- year after year. The hard work and dedication Assistant Secretary of Commerce and ronmental restoration activities and of Benedict College and all participating orga- Director General of the United States forest management activities in the and Foreign Commercial Service; to be nizations, exhibitors and vendors continues to Lake Tahoe Basin, to amend title 18, immediately followed by an oversight United States Code, to prohibit the im- sustain a long-lasting legacy of commemora- hearing to examine financial stability portation or shipment of quagga mus- tion and celebration of Black History Month and data security.
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