
"I'hc Arts Council of England IS a Successor hod`- to The Arts Counci l the Arts Cannicil of Great Britain (A(( ; B), which was established in 1946 . On 1 April 1994, the AC :GB' s of Englan d responsibilities and functic mis werc transferl-cc1 to thre e nciv bodies: The Arts Council of England, The Scottis h 3rd annual report Arts Council and The Arts Council of dales . f"I - hc Art s and accounts Council oftiorthcrn 1rt lane] tivas already established a s a separate hods'. 1

1996197 The Arts C;ollrlcil of En-land operates under a Roya l

Charter .i re mcd 111 1994 In which its Oh14Ct1vc,. .ire statod as, :

! a 1 re p develop and improve the knowledge, understandin g and practice of the arts ;

(b) to increase the accessibility of the :arts to the public ;

(c) to advise and co-operate with dcpartments o f tiovernnlcnt, ]oral authw-itiCs, tic Arts Councils fo r Scotland, Wales and No rtllcrn I reland and other bodies .

The Arts Council of Erigl and, as a publicly accountabl e 1)c3dt ; PublisllCS all annual report and accounts to provid e Parliament and the genCral Public with an owrvie w

f )f the vc,ar 's work .


TEL 071-973 6 5 17

TheDcparmucntgf.Vatioual Herigjc wasvenamcd the Dcpwvncnr ftrr C Ulturc, Mcdia and Spurt in July 199 . . Thos rcpor r uses both names, asappr•vpriatc bi the rmrtert-


4 Chairman's statemen t 5ccrctarv-General's rcpc>rr 10 Gucst essa%• by David 1'utrltam 12 Financial summan; perfr)rmancc indicators , spending by regio n

19 Dcpnr-trrrcritnl repnr7s 20 Combincd Arts 22 Danc e 24 Drama 26 Education and Trainin g 28 Film, Video and Broadcasting 30 1_iterature 32 NILIM c 34 Tinlring 36 Visual Art s

38 National LOrtcn• overvic w 40 National 1_()ttcrN . repol-ts

50 The Art ,, COLHICIl C'()IICCtlO n 52 Regional Arts Board s 56 The C OMICE I 59 tilembcrship Of Ccnineil and staff 61 Advisorv structure

63 Aca nints 1996 91 %

lh National I ottcm st .lten-mit of compliance with pOlic1" and financial direction s 1 ;2 \ems on large print versions and accessiblllt\l Chairman's statemen t

~ Tbr .-Irtt(}uwiilnf 'f(ut~lnord t~lyb 9' The past three and halt years have seal the must prolOund The balance is changing : already spending per head o m changcs since the Arts Council was formed . Fife' years oil , Lotterv projects has rcachcd .C21 . 9 in the Norther n we are a Vrrv ditlcr•cnt boxy from the one conceived in 194 6 Rcgion Compared to L:24-15 in London . And in any cas e tilt Criticisms take IIISLi'iCitnt account of ncc fact that mos t We al-C .1 Council for England alone - the first stage in a of Fn g land's largest cultural ittstirutions i illclttding devolution which seems both inexorable and right . Culture Parliament itself) find therll%ClyC% Ill till national capital -- o r is at once local, national and international . As my tavourit o that, outside this Context of LorldUn the international cin', (and continually-quoted) Auden hraiku has it : I-ondon the region is still somcwhar recessed and in Lotter y terms underprovided . The broadcastcr and journalis t A poet's wish : Trevor Phillips, a new and very welcome Chairman of th e 'lo be like sorrec v a1hy cheese , London ILA 11, is addressing this iS%LIC 1()1•cetillly. Local but prized e1scilhen. . We very much welcome Chris Smith as the new Secretan • The 10 Regional Arts Board ~ IL-\B i Chairmen are ful l of St ati tore ( :ulrllrC, MCdit and -Sport (prCViously Nationa l tllembCr% ofthC Colllalil in dlcir own right . They are, like HeritagC ) . Quite apart from his political career, ht is a other members, appointed by the Secretary of State - bu t figure of auth()ritV and Conlnlitilacrat in Miitr field. At an earl y in tlrcirCase, urtigLIcly, there is formal consultation at loca l meCring with him i suggested that, within a yen- tcw \•ear s level. With devolUtiO11 now tirml l ' on the political agenda , of the millennium, 87% of our population wi11 be withi n ll'C Shc)uld CxptCt to sec a process of orderly chang e travel-to-work, travel-to-play reach ()fall kinds of art s CurltinuC, and I welcome it . facilities: great and small, nrwh• built, retilr•bished o r re-equipped. I said I believed i would be able to send hi m Then there is the transformation ()four cultural landscap e a map of our Lottery :allocations confirming such a by the National Lottery. With shining exception s distribution by nest spring . The speed at which allocation s (Manchester's Bridgewater Hall is one example, th e are drawn drown nl av, however, be affected by the sixt h City of I;irmingh,tnt's SVntph()nV Hall anr)rhrr), new an d Good C:auw rectni1v outlined ill the C,overnment' s dcdicarcd arts facilities have later thin on the ~troLlnd i n Whitt Paper, The l leoplc• '.s Lottciy . recent decades, given public cxpcneliturc pressures on th e grants we distribute . We ,wc1come malt as}xcts of the White Paper. It is right that the Lurtrr' should t-w an organism not a nlonunlcnt . WhOVVer would havC thought that the Arts Council woul d 1 agree tvltll Sir David Purtnam who, in his pithy fore )r I in the I990s ht a major economic tierce in the regeneratio n to this report, worries atxmt tilt quality ol- arrs educario n of cities' ()r rhar jobs related to file arts should bt growingy and the sense that our International{, successful art s so rapidly - and they grew, let it be said, during th e industr-' ntaV br coastira" oil the products of a system n o reccsston now behind Lrs . Areas IIkc Gateshead, Salford , longer in place . Srokc-on Trent and Sheffield arc seeing growth an d o_lcyClohmCnt as a result of the -C80 Fm we have alread y Inc, too, have 1-cn addressing= these concerns . ]lie capita l allo rcatcd to more than 1,500 capital projects . programme, have to he accessible to all : richer and }xx)rcr, older an.] younger. We are volt a body obsessed with Its I AV n

There have bcerr criticisms chat awards arc weighte d 'rLU-f' at the expense of the irltcrcsts it sCr'cs . On the face of too hcavily in favour of London. Ironically it is tilt it, much ot' what is pre)post.{ tor the National Endowmen t national press, located exclusively in London, that is more ti)r Science s 1'echnoiotn' and the Arrs {NFSTAI is IIliar vociferous in its criticism of imbalances than the rcgion .l ! with Our own work. Whether we do it, tile\- do it, or we press, which has given over 90`,+n approval ratings t o both do it in tandem is a lot less important than gettin g our awards . the work done- In my view, the Arts Council and NESTA should work alongside each other to achieve th e Governments objectives for young people .

\r\\ L()rtcn - dircctl(m ; agreed last \-car enabled The I \ cr\ touch \\ clcl rmc the ringing supporr gi\-en im the Prune .Minister. durin(u and after the General Election , Council tll start fundin rg, people aN well a-, :7 thcreb\- using I .+ )ttcn- fundin g for the di\rll lpment 4 th e to rhr li\ in_• arts 1s belt .', valuable in themselves, essentia l ne\\ , talents and nc\\- audiences s11 necessan to the I mg - 111 cducatlOn . and more than earning their keep as part ()t term viabilin- of the arts. We are grateful to the previou s +our cultural industries- Film . an(dicr transt; rrmation for Sccretan• of State, Virginia Bortln111e\_ for the help the ga\ e the Council thr(mu+ the I.()rtcrx. has been supported with

uS in her own dcrcrminaritn tll extend the scope 4 Lottery all his weight b\- the Chancellor. I should like t(1 celebrat e Punt{ing , [11c courage and persistence of the pro ious Prinlc Buster, John Major, in corlcciring the National Lottcn- and our new arts for E vcr\'oile A4 schemes - inch din-, the winninc all-parry suppler[ tilr it Q N Well as rhanking hi m fast track, n.lchin the part; other programmes don`t tiu Ili,, pers(mal kindncSs and accessibility in porting u p reach A4F Express - have pr(Ivcd m-cm hcimingly popular , with 11-ty badgCrin' . with mime than 5,000 awards rorallim,Z2 lm made '211 tAVq ) pil()r phases . A4E: has been heavily o\ crsuhscribcd . Lei shal l The ( ;luulcil recognises the outstanding qualitie s need to hewn() C\ rr more sclectlvc as there will be Marv Allen brwu(ghr to, her \\ l,rk as Sccrct.ln -Gencral . inslrtficient fluids. t(r meet denlantl . WC \\ ish her well in her 11C\\ p()St at t1C IMH . Our recent]\ ' appointed Deputy .Secrct .lu•N. -Ocllcral, Graham Do Iin ,

And I)() \ ()nt ci-. 1L Idle there has inbred been .1 much lar(~er has been dCting in her• plaCC : special TI - ibLltC is duc to hi s ' Than inticlpared fl(m ()fnlone\ frtlm the I .(rttcr\; grant-rn - stC a.,JtastllCNS alit CI1Crg \ IT ,l ;CtlsItl\'e IIIll C . .~l\ actnl`"

ald tr()Ill T11C Irk: 'I' ill•\' Ilas tailed IlV ab(xut .L'2U[n in rea l DCpun C :hairnlan, DaL id RCid, has pro\ ided a rock o f tCl"111S orcr the past blur Vcal's . It is like]\ to tall .again ncx r sense and continuity. Sadl\, we lnsc him as an It-Ul v car. This has left 1 .11' I'DO 111111\• colllpanics NULtgglin g ( :hairman in \larch 1998 . for Sun i\ al rather th .111 at hiCVing the Stlperl,lti\ e . 5orllc ()fthc nlos[ inlp()tta11t are o11 the \ vi-C of h.lnlullptc\ . 11c\\arnll\ \\ . chnnle -I re\ o!_ Phillips, I_W iI)cho, ala i 1 ht' nx1picnr of ( mr I .11-Cst single Imrteny award, the R(wa l MacMillan, Chat-les Dcntlln and 101111 tipcar111a n Orcra I It )Ilse + ROI I ), is one ()f them - a ; its ('llair'nlat l To 1 T11C ( 0011 il . I sh()llld like to thank 1 .( Wd R()1-erS fi l e p(linred out to a I-l( Iuse of G)Illnl()nS StICCt C .olllllllrTCC his outstalldillO ;en ice tl, the (onncil durint, this pe). iod . Ill Jul\ . '1 ributCS to our ad\ is(WV panellists anti the glanr an d 1111p!'cssivC \-olun[arr scCt()1' The arts attracts, as well a s The Sccretarv of State has indicated that he Wonld lik e t( 1 LICLlicarcd A(+- and PIA 8, pr-ofcsSiorualS, 111 .1\ Secn l the AI -ts ('l1LlnCll to take a Strategic appr(mch, a holisti c con ention,ll 'I ' hc\ are kcal-Oclt and pcr.sl,nal TOO .

look at all aspects ()farts flindIntl We \\ Oct mmc this . 0t course anV N[ratC„ic approach WOUld tlepCIld (111 ou r Our fr()Ilt c( wcr celehratt's \),leer\ P,tlssell ,ls a fiviru " abiliTV to 111,111 tiW more than one \-car at a It 111C, WC should CnlhlCnl t'(11- the high lets in F11gl .uld, our hack co\rr shm s also movc is fast as possible I( )wards agreeing with dic :arts tin' I•Xciwomr in practice . It isn ' t a ch( lice : \•ou MUST go Cio\ ernment a hetrct balance bcn\ cell capital and rerenLl C to il" b()th . ( )r1C Callllot 11(m 'ISII wirhmir T11C ( Owr- IlCed ; tilr the arts funding s\'stem as a whole . This wmild require chan`gcs to the existing Lottery Icgislati(m .

The Successes and failure; of tllC present ,-errs C(1Ltnci l will he measured not this Neal ; nor e\rn nc\t, but in th e liVCI111C .Y, ( t the alts anti rht'11- support sVstl:nls dtlrillg th e first VC .u-S ofrhr ne\\ n1111Cnniulll . OLII_ j()b is rl1 bC Shcrpa s in the perpCt1111 aSSalllt (M `I(111111 PaIn,1 ;SL1S .

No )r must we t6nm That the arts are by dctinition L(1rd Gmvri e ('ppositional old omit\, and that talent CrnptS ill LII11ukCI\ ' ( 1ai)'1111771 places at Incom - cii1cm fillies . lc[ it IN talent ofthis kind tha t Arts (,win it a(Enalan d drives the arts contribution To the cultural industries, llm v September 199 - so important to Cal I(TS and jobs in tht- UK ; within th e Department (A ('ulture . Media and Sport unlit alon e tllrno\'Cr Is ab(mt L50 hllholl each \'cat.

h l Lc . t 1rc ('nruuzt of f ugtallr~ l (I4( '~l -

'file grcatcsr challenge for dlc Arts Council in 1996 1'97 was Secretary-General' s how best to 1 managc the combination of feast arid familll c report that no characterises Public arts fielding in this ccruntr .. TrcaSLM' funding, continues to shrink in real terms . We beLgarl the \ 'ea [' With a L5ill cash cut in our buds get, bringin g the real-terms reduction to sonic 17 .5% in three vcars .

Yet the funds availablc from the Lotter' continue d to rise . During the year we made 775 Lottery capita l tyrants (up 50% on dlc previous %Tear) rotall ma063 .6 m {up .C25 .4m) .

The Arcs Council can now make Adore moneN availablc t o the arts than at an N r Pt-CVjOus tin1C. The Lottcry has ClIdbled it to pursue ttrlplrccdentcd dCVCJOPment progranlnleti t[>I' huildirn~s and facilities . 1-1mvevcr, the fabric of art s ( roll ItCil ol organisations supported bY the Treasury grant has continue d Drrck 7c 7)wa - to beconlC MON tragilc, both structurallt' :old tinanclalhv.

Our kcv task, durinll the year were u I grive better support Such cllangc, may rcgLiitc suarcgi, ( n- technical ail\ ice and

to ) organ i,auon, chat are' producinG, tf p-cla„ work but are ,t1ppOtr : diet- will probably be acct €mpanied by t r aining,

financialiv vulnerable : to make better Use of Lottcn- fund , pn)Lp'anlnlcs, and pi )sslbh" by ~,Oioc strengilicning c if til e to provide oppt )rtunitics for the dcyclopment of ncky wor k balance slicer . T ' hc,tabili,atif sn pro`.grammc in ly Provid e and new audiences ; and u) take fullcr advantage: ()f th e any nr all s )f these . opporruni ties arising rhrou`.;h the L,itrery r+, work in a nit sec ,tratrLic and srrucrured way a IS the private weer )r «'c launched a pilot scheme in J,muam 1997 Thi, i s Ill the clrltttral indusirics . providing adyicc and support fol. 1 a or`,ani,ations . chose n tmi 129 applicants- to test rile pro )t4ranhnhc acra „ ti a goo d 1- 11!an rnl ()) cn'iew cr()s ,,,ccru)n (I1 dittcrellr rypes and size, oforganisato n The 1906 (J- Teering "nrdwaid "ati reduce Ao m dinnIght wr dw cuunt-1. Three ,ter consortia, u) a uAW o f L 191 .1n1tfIf1S6 .1m,a1'cart itiwarrcductit)nC,tW z Wri 26 or4'alll,ar)olls are bellctltn`T . real term,. k v judicious mana`„ cnlcnr of oycnccad c(),t, w e wm able tf) maintain l. cash ,randstill tin" art , g ets r01'L'ciYwne : T hi, i, the most fat--rcaching (ifour new

s wpIIisatio[IS . Thi, incans that the grant, u s inowt wgoarlti L mul pry ymnirtwy It a pt art\, `reshot, h u .,p At: pn Qca,

f1IIldtd (W(lanis .ltions have not irlcrcaud for 601-11' \cars - A and is dcdgncd rc s help rwplc in all ~t alks i )t Ittc tr, take par t real teals reducton ,Ines 1993 9449% . which 11111 reac h in art, and Mural activities . It consist ,, Ot rwf) rrlare d O1cr 1 P"i) bN I Q97'98 . scheme,lkirh the same hyc objcctiyc,: to develop nett audience,, increase 1)a1-ticipation, LiCVCk)p skill", suppor t In toed, L 123n1 was wi g cn to arts Or',"allkatir ens dircccl h ~ youth projects sine genci%itc new work . rile art, (:uuncil and Min 11 as down thnwgh the 1 H Rcgit )nal arts Boards c It-Us F . -1 - he arts C:OUncil made The Inain al'rs fur Ekcrkone i a-1E: i progr,uninc make,

I AYN gmnr,, of which -l.l wind t(, ri_'gulait tmidi awards front TWO to x'500,000, It i, open n I a "vier ralh e organisation,, M7 went m Hwd-torn funded or~aili,ati+,n , ,ft)rganisation, iRCILIdin" thoW all-Cad~ ti€ndCd h1 the art s and 1,541 to i ndil idu,11 111-4IjcctS and schcrllcs . Suppol-t Council . Projects 1111,17 ctmerilhutc to bCM Cell three and til t

costs and t )kcnccads absorbed MA m afrcr apportioning f )t the,chelnC 01-lr tlleS, (iependnlg oil the alooLint o f 1'3 .9111 it) the LOrtcrv. tiuuiing sought . By requiring applicanr, 6W nl()I- c ,uhstantial funding tt> meet all ti%c Ohjcrtivc,, ,x4 E ' atiururl L orto-v encmirages arts wrganisatiOns to addl-Cs, their tie\ clOpnlcn t

"]'Ile Ar t ,, Council Ltllnchrd three important lick\ holistically rather th .111 picccnic .ll . It lus been hcavil y

pt'( r~1'ailllnrs lull"Illg rI1C 1'e,ll' : oyerst hscrihcd : 1110 first round attracted 1,000 application s rOtallivlg L?UfHY Ile hest a" ads Acre ans >l n"d i n Stabilis)ltion prn177•11711r)rc : MI )St (I t, tile .let, OggaI I i,atiOn , .1u(11I,t 1997 . ,uplu)rted b1 the arts C :(€1t11til and RAIls h ;l y e faced t-ca l

rc t- ins 1 -educt€ €ns ill funding trO]ll all ,[ )ll1 "ye s over w\ ora l A fist track version (lt thc,cllcnlc, A4E: Expres,, make s succrssiyc vc .ti-s . Eventual, these cutback, eat int o award, Ono E500 a)1'S,Il RY It i, designed p .lrticulary - progranlnong anti markcting hue gem, when thcl do , tOr yoluntlry, .un,ltcur and Snlallcr• protcssiorlal grOUpS . 01-,1ani,atiOns rill : cntcrin`g a ,11',ll of dcchiie in which tic \ ]'rejects 111uSt cont-ibore t,) at 1ta,t one ()ftit five schem e arc incrraSirn~b unable to use their production capacit y ohjcctiyes. AQ Express i, ~elluinell nprnin the d001- t o c Ctcetiych". pcoplC who €lli hr never hake applice ton-al-r-, fundill , and to people \k 111) are just startin" I stir . 117,, 1,11CCC,s ha s The stabilisation pr-( [,gramnlc is dc,ignet.l t o ) break the spira l tXccedcd tycn the nusSt ( )ptiloiStic tXptctations . ' Yhe pilo t

f)I~tiCCl]11C b1" t .l( :lillllt)[' .lll],at1)llti ' tilflll- lllfleti In 111 - .11 - prog,ra:nnte, which was launched in November 1996 , that yield, long ter"Ill hrnclhts, ratlicr thall simply stoppin g ,1111" tcd over 1 2,000 applications oxcr two relines . I n the rot. It is not shout baiIill" Out pof)r in anagcnlcnta) r the first round, over 2,000 awards worth a total ot .L' 8.2in

tilndint; defines : it s-cquires 1-i ~1_2-01-o(IS scrutiny ofthc cntir c Here loadc . operation, idciniiving weaknesses and initiatin g- major Chan ~t here approk natc nv uppurt the dnvlr)pnlcn r II~wkiur7 with tht' i ultuval in dn~rvicsf The Arts Council i s Of a stl,tain.thlr IOn1-teeth .11-ti',TiL [11-0 ,1-11'a In In C . SCCking way, of further deytloping tit relarion,hi p between the sub,idi,td and Cozume l -clal WCtts l- , in tht ;lrrs - The fil€n production ti'arlchising scheme is the first in a I11II11bCr ot'l,lanned illiriatllC, . ]r aims to support th e rcconst"ucrion of the U K film indu,t"y bk,trcn,d1Cnin ; its financial and pr( )duction bast . T) dO this, it 1L AR N

8 -17,r.' .-1 rr. ( 'wo.I i at rfFglllfne)1 t VI)e) y _

franchises for companies with proven ability rte rai x Mcanwhile, the process Of developing policy framework s partnership futuling tour tilltl pt-c ultletiorl and Lli,trihutio n for individual art ttrl - nls continues. in \ovemhcr• 1996 we The franchise, provide Lotter' titnding to part-finance a published policies tier jazz and neyy music in hngland . Both slate of film, approycd by the CoLltlcil . arc structured to slake effective use of tile A4I:and Lotter y capital programmes as well as Treasury grant-in-aid, and Rrohmal .-1 its 13aardls berth were well received . Working relationships between rile Arts Council and th e RABs continue to strengthen . The more integrate d Fdttcation and training; are fundamentally important i n approach developed over the past three,ycars, leas proved shapinol the nati(5n's cultural life ; and the arts stake a particularly valuable in relation to Lotter awards. The Art s significant contribution to the \\hole learning process . Council is nor allowed to,olicit applications, so the ILAB s The Arts Council', Education and - li aiding Department , play a vital rc.rlc in identit -Ing regional priorities and in collstrltatiun With colleagues and interested parties ,

C11Ctrot.lkr ing and assisting appl i cants . p his relaturnsht p worked through 1996,") , to I develop a comprehensive yyitll the R ABS - a benctir which has lit) parallel amonti polio• aillled at ensuring; that the arts play a Full part i n Other Lottcrv distt-ibtttor% --- is enabling the Arts Council t o lifelong lr,trnillr, realising rile t=ill potential ofpeople an d develop a signiticantly nlore,trategic approach t(P Lottery Comnninitic,, and Helping Britain to become a more distribution . competitive and titliiC55tnl Matron .

.-ldm uistratiau Outlnnk The growth in Lotter administramm has inevitabl y The arts Golding climate will remain diflicult Oyer the nex t brow"llr rapid change in statt numbers and structures . tcw \cars . The Arts Council Will t.lce it Intrnuutg pressure t o Staff increased during the `ear front 179 to 23 l in the review and simpliti• its relationship yy ith arts organisations , :art, CtRuncil and ftom 311 to 347 including 18 short-ter m to I-edttce bureaucracy, and to ensure thar Lorter• scheme s

appoiI I tnlerlts in the RABs . These increase, were phased make the fullest possible contribution Without to match the increase in yyorkload .Growing,taff number , compromising addinonality- the principle that Lotter y obliged us to take on additional office space clone to th e Alone\ 1111,114 not substitute tier existing public spendin g Council's existing building. 1Lo caking on a split sire is no t programmes . The Council is commirrcd to making furthe r ideal, and tier the longer- term it will hr necessary to fin d progress in all these areas . some way of l,ringing people hack together under th e same roof. With Lotter' Funding have conic new Opportui 11 ties. The (council is developing integrated tits-areglcs that rncorllpas c Polity do'r1upmol t both income stre .tnl,, promoring schemes to revitalise th e it is critically- important firr ttlc Arts CounciIto develo p Arts and am organisarions, looking ouryard rather tha n .in oycrall strategy fur the use ofboth streams of incorlic inward, and becomin g confidently involved with l growill g so that the\, work together to develop a strong art, secto r range Of other bodies ~M both the public and private sectors . benctititlg the entire county; artistically and ccOnornicalk . While it will still have ro battle against attrition ill it s Progress. towards this goal has been l major hrcus of actIVIrV Ircasur• funding, the arts Council is navy movin g

Ili 1997,111d Will be supported by \rider ettgagCnlent Wit h emphatically unto its front trot . partner hodic,, including caller amide, and Co wl-nnlcnr departments, at local, national and internarional level .

Among; those with \1'1111117 the Council has developed close r links are the neyy Local Goycrimmir Association ; a ran g:e of bodies interested in tanrrisnl, co-ordinated by the 4 Department Corr Cllltllre, kdia and Sport { DC :M 51 ; the

Department tier E.ducarion and Employment, tile [A Olli e Office ; the British Council, Visiting Arts, DCIS , Department of 7 -radc and Industry and Foreign Office o n Mary Mlc n promoring the British arts old cultural industries abroad , .1t'r rrttTil'-(rt'rlrl'a l and various bodies in the European Union and Counci l April 1994--.11aY 199 - of bur ()pe . Arts Cmincil cif F)~glctrrtlr ] hcse arc e\Cirulg times t'(rr the arts . 111 lllllslc. thcatt'c , Towards a new age dance and architecture there i ,~ an asumishinti; 1y widesprea d 4e[lse Of Vitality. The Turner and B(x)kcr prizes. like it,>r of professionalism nrrr, have acquired a media status [I(mll ally ass(matcd wit h maja lr sporting e\ cnt .. British c111011a . llliludin`a .1111111 .10011 . in the art s is cnjiwint, Wc ILN idc critical and c(nlltllerclal succco, . The I .r,I7ct'\' cr il1tl11Lle, r( l hr rid (AH the prrn11CCT [ )1 Map .) F anti fern+~ rllerdklr inirlaw -cs . And the ne\1 Gr11 -cl"r111101 T till()\1 c1-cry c1 idencc 4a %()11"1 and intC1114cnr ccnllmirmen t by David Puttnam to the 111'11-heffl- ()f the arts in Qencral .

10 I7~i : l rr.< { 'uurri r! ,rl F.rrglmrd f U /~ 'u Underpinning rhis oprinlism and energy is the scrisc tha t As Sir Cameron Mackintosh pointed cant in hi s a lon -fought battle to re-position the arts from the introduction to last r'ear' s annual report, the success of margins to the centre of public policy is at last bearing fruit . SO IllUch Of the arts in Britain has depended on a dynami c In the contexr of the national economy ; they- are I)OW ywidel y balance berwcert what the commercial marker can delive r acknowled g ed as engines ofywcalth, cltlployment and civi c and what can onl y be delivered by public subsidy : tllc pride . taking of risk~, the nurturing of new t,llcnts and th e

W11111irl 1,TI Of new audiences. These are all clcnlenrs ()fa ric h All this good news is as undeniable as it is welconic . But , arts enyironllleilt Which the market, left rO itself, is unlikel y Of course, it is oilly part ( )t a much nurrc complex prctLlre . to deliver. Those Lotter• mullions have the poterlrial to de-stabilis e established patterns Of art ,, itlrldin, and, as we are already It is in these areas that the Arts Council has a responsibilit y beginning ro realise, they may generate long-term revenu e In the 111.11 -tUrillty Of a SLICiOStill arts economy. It has to hav e headaches for arts org :ulisations and local authorities u p the contidence r() take risks, which is not at all the san k and down rile A )LIntrV thing as Courting controversy : Great art often shocks, bu r nut all that shucks is remotely great ! The arts have been effectively scjueezed to the fringCS ut ' the national curriculum at both primary and secondar y The Arts Council has to have Elie imagination to reach ou t level . The infrastrLlcturc of stippOrt for quality music an d to r1CW audietlees and, through the Lotten' and its ow n drarlla tcachill, has been all bur wiped out in some part s rc.OUrccs, to deploy a judicious mittul-c of stick and carrot of the country ; and desperately needs to lx re-thought and which StIlIlLllates its client organisations to do the same . rc-built. In :1 number of areas, trainim`, is in something o f a mess, with Inadequate and often blatantly contradict( r -y Perhaps most important ()fall, the arts Council has to funding and assessment policies ()bstructing takrltCLi youn I accept a strategic responsibility to identify and sustain ne w artists, performers, technicians and administrators 6 , 0111 talent, promote nc'w art form ,, and new means of access . aulliirirlg the skills they need . The hu(Tc success ofthe Lottery easih' fee,-] ,, the illusion tha t success is related to new and improved buildings, But th e We remain terrifyingly complacent about the quality O f arts are not essentially abour bulklings . They're ab(nl t the pr(rfesional arts in Britain . Unless GOVC1'1111lent, pl'ivatc people -whether it's the talent of the Individual artist ; the sponsors and arts Orgailisations themselves tackle this issue ability' ()fan administrator to manage a complex capita l With real determination, we will slide inexorably towards I project; or the skills of the great army of craft technician s situation in which income rather than ability become . the Which we need to ensure that the present'N)om' in theatre , deciding factor for anyone choosing a career in The arts . television and film production doesn't disintegrate into (wage-nnffarc'd 'blist, . Last but not lease, there remains :I huge Imbalance in acces s to the arts ti)r ditYcrent cc)Innuu)itics in different parts of the The Sl1CCe.SS f 7f the art,, in Britain rests oil this Infrastructure . CuLlllt'n : An Informed and nationally inclusive audience Car l The arts have established flicinselyes as to() Important t(J b e be the only sure foundation for the vitality- of the sector a s left either ru arbitrary posse subsidy or to arbitrary privat e a whole. The most essential of thOse audiences is, of COUNC , sp(arlsorship -important though these will always be . Th e the school-children oftoday; who - given opporrunin , and arts demand a new professionalism that acknowlcdgcs thei r enthusiasm - will become that engaged and critica l iillportanee in our lives, our economy and our sense o f audience of tomorrow, to the immense Lwnrfit of the arts , idetltiry: They constitute cane of our greatest nationa l %0cien- and themselves . strengths, As we approach a new millennium, we should recognise them as .uCll, and invest In their ftlrlll'C . These arc vital strategic issues that urgently need to b e addressed- It is final]\' becoming accepted that the art s are .11-YME nltldl nlO1'c than jobs, prizes or national prestige . 7 hey go r(-) the heart of what a civilised society is, or hope s to be . I-}ley 111LISt Ch .lllrntit and inspire as well is please and entertain . Must of all, if they arc to he a viral fierce in th e lite Of ncC Ilatiollai COMM Itrlity; they must engage the yyhol c of that community - the children as much as the old people , the minority interests as rln1c11 as the mainstream, th e lllnuy atn'e as well as the Ctr11%clwarivc . Sir David Putnam CBE

1996197 summary of income for organisations regularly funde d by the Arts Council of England and Regional Arts Boards

199697 199596 19949 5

Combined Art s l arncd lt,<

111[ .1 SLIhNCII- lnconic i . 4' ! 4(3_;79

Dance } ., : a '. Iniultlc 19,(122 19_ A11% 1 .094 1t. 1 . K--- i,tlh,ull 24,541 24.010 23,1)2( ) i .II :a1 ALIIIIlrrin llthc[-%tlh,ldv 2,003 2 .34i 2,41 4 01M lhl1lC'd 111k.0111c ;,,3611 4 . 111 (1,(127

1l-t .l,ll[)Nidv^inconic 7 ; a 'U 5n .1 r

Drama and Mime I ..,II- ncd IIICUIIlc -2.104 1 .52 --,? l J ' A( L 1 A BA 11h,1dt 4n,441 44,215 44.247

I .+lcal :~uthl+rite I lthcr .uh,idc l9, I J 2 19,1111 18,012

( -I lnll'111mcd lncollic .2 1 (1 0.001 4, 1 oo

- ]i ~I,II ,uh,icll '}11c11n1c 144,94 i 1411 )9 14-1 .11 1)1 1


I ..arrlcd momic 2,-49 2 .-`1S 2, 4 1( L ]ZAESHh,idl' 1,o2- 1,[192 1,13 9

1 .1 ".-11AkIlh11rlre+lthcr%Uh.Id . 154 131 [3 4 ( +nllrlhntcd IIIC0111C• (101 -20 694

1'11[,11N1111,1dt'111(1y11c 4 .5') 1 4 . - 4a 4,-4 1

Musi c I1111 i .u'ncli 41 IC hh .1193 h ., .4 3) 03,10 X 1- RA 11 IIh,Idl' 4(1,12' 45,5(1 ^ 44 .11,1 LIICA AL1111116ll O(I)CY %VIh%MN -,11115 (1,114 6,49 9 ( nntr111111cd nlt- O11c 12 .2 - 2 13,554 1 ;,52 6

'I}rtal,uIISILk }ncumr 131,497 121,`114 131) . 7

Visual Arts and Photograph y I .rncki 111,:IInlr (1,[100 -.745 ",(19 2 A( [ IZA B ,111)5idr 10,1_4 10,5)() 9,1- 6 111ca1 . urhol'Ir1 ;l11hC1',1111.Id% 3,25(, i,I ;1 2?2 3 ( I111ni11utcd Incunlc 2,193 1,91[1 2 .2-1 2

1~Ital,lYtl,Il}1'rncllnlr 1 2 .2S4 2 11,392 22,{Ili

1'Ica,c nutc that %arnpic diHcr lrrnl l N c .11 ul t'ral' : 412 1Irgani, .mon, in 1990 9 7, i4l I )I ,j~.1[1},,Ltiull, ul 1995 96 and 424 •, ; .1nI%.II I1 1I 1, 111 1994

' 17v .1r7.+'('runeilw 'Enjilaud!44(1V - Combined Arts 1996197 income analysi s Literature 1996197 income analysi s

( :+mn-ibutcd nxnmc• h"4 , (J111t1-1butcd in0nnc l .':

LA;(~ncc r sub"ON . 1 %' [ .A, (ithcr ~uhsid~• a'"k i

Earned income• 41 1:4,

1-. .irnc d itlconic 60"10

subsidy 22%,

AC1-:. suhsi,

Dance 1996197 income analysi s Music 1996197 income analysi s

Gmtributcd income 1000 ContributCd nu:nmc 10%

I.A/o rhe r LA . oche r subsidy 5 1% dd~ subsich- 59 6

hansc d incumc .;,-"„

Earne d income• SIl %

ACE: Rt subsidN AC E suhsi

Drama and Mime 1996!97 Income analysi s Visual Arts and Photography 1996197 income analysis

Contributed income 5N) ( 1)S)n-ibtsred iniio-nle 101% I .A•'othc r subside I3% A49110wh6, an ;c J I .A;'othc r t~„nir 3fi" „ suh1ids W4:

E,u isc d incumc 50%)

ACE ;•LL'1 B suhsid% 32"

A('i' .'RA R ,uh .id% 40'N, 13

New work commissioned in 199619 7

amt uil -, ~„ : .. : L

M Cl1C irt• ( 11 :f 1,11 and thr Kc = it mai ArT1 I'SnardI I ;, !1 if WMACP rl l

,Ct I IUt I11 t11C t .i : , iC IX- 11 Ak PIC 1105' N'4)rk mat Ilr 1r h .l', C !hCC!] 1> 6 WITllCti t r 1r 1rrr,rn reti .r. 1996 9- 191 96 tutai, are shr mt 11- hur tier t,t 1 r rC.ar, arC n+1r dlrecr[N o rniparahlc duc• it, rhi diticrciwe in nce nunii, cr 1 .t rrrganlA,ari,ln,. rhar pro,. Lied uurlrlnatio n

7 1aC 1a1-11C dtW% nut MCILLdc mtirrm.ltiun about 110% work +uppwrcd ht rn ijeCr r )r decclopmcnr funding .

Lot \urlh 1lotltl7 11C .1 Sor •IL1 :. 1 1996 :97 1995?96

Ej terrl Midhnd, ;,mtion Xnrthcrn % C,t S. anthc'rIl IT.l,t tiouth MOIA11d, I111116tT " d, ir h

Arrc Art, Irn :art, .irt, :Ire, :art, Wc,r .err, .11rt, ( 1111 1 : .11 , I T 1t,1ard li. .arnl k1 .an1 Board Boar.i Bo .ird 11,ur f Art, Horan! 1111 .1 ;.1 Lnglan d

F .M;, LMAB I Alt NAB- NtrAB SAli ,l At "WA it :,L%11 FILAR I( F, T,ral 1 1ra l

i ;omhincd ;iris ?; 23 17 -1 ;~ to 9 22 615 - 2 848 ? ; :;

Dalwc - 3 1' - 2 - - 111 I1 2 214 2~9 15 9

1) ; .1171.1 and M1111c 16 1~ 55 14 33 15 - 3 12 I() SI 144 2s -

~1L1ti1C 20 1 1 4 - 2 1 4 3 6 .1 102 111 1

1 .l(CI'a Cll l'C I+ -- 42 ---- 11 4 --k 6 1

Visual Arr s .1ild Phrrrrlt;lalall ~4 20 :;() 43 1 - 25 6 8(1 S 8 111 540 461

Total I2' Q 179 1 - 4 1 1 1 52 l(1 158 -29 40 4 ' .123 1- .10 4

New work by funding body New work by art form


I isLl,,I 1r t Ph1ltuTr

( 11n11)IRr'( + :Iri s 1 11 .131 NAB

l .irrraturc NWAi ;

AIR llus i .A R

14 Pit Ai7J ( 'oli cil o(T wYland 199(1 9

1996197 touring work by organisations regularly funde d by the Arts Council of England and Regional Arts Board s

Fr )r the hasr tun bears the Art, (arumil of 1 11 L.' ! rn,i ;l ,l ,'r, , ., _,'Ilecrlll g dlata on the anuwrit (if murk that is rovircd m I tl_I aI ,d i"I -+c , .unsatiurts regularly funded bl AC.E. or the Rc-tonal Arts III, )Ards .

VIC Column headed -Other" refers to `vork toured Outside England, eithe r in the l[r overseas . `

1110 .lnlottnt of totnr inl' work made Ilt)ssiblc by hrojeit or dct rluhnlcn t funding is lint shown .

Figures ineltteic the number of exhibition dais, p( :rfi[rnt.tnccti, screenings and readings.

I11 addition, in 19()6197 data was coliccted nn The total numllcr o f

hcrlnrniani.cs, exhibition ch at\ cti . This amounted t+1 96,000 d ever the six an 6)rms .

Las[ North Sudnh 11'r.t Y%)rk,1mi: F,istcrn Mid land % London \ori[Wrn Wed( E.am S,nlnccrn Sd utth klnllalult I lumlxrVd C Art, ,'errs Art+ An. Arts An, Art% k cdl Arts Arts Numt m Board 114alydl 11, iardl Einar{ 1hurdl lio .lyd Board Am Riurd litwd or F.All FM Ali . 1 .AII i i\Ali+ cNWABi fSF,AIi I SABr SWAB rWNSAKI fYHABI Ihhcr Teal ursaimarion s

t ontbincd Arts 433 66 231 5 2 - 3 h 1 1,913 219 49 80 4 .097 7 6

Dance 108 96 172 07 1111 63 92 89 102 149 130 1214 3 8

I )vama and Milne -22 362 1,_34 4-6 046 470 -49 1 .{194 391 7 i3 2,021 9,268 11 6

k m.: 111 51 166 49 163 160 428 187 165 90 249 1,822 3 9

1_itcrattrre - - - 18 - - - -- 18 2

V tsnal Arts atld Photography 664 5), 189 509 163 13- 7 15 979 31,10 1 .51 1 2S9 743 10 .709 59

Iot .rl 2 .034 0,47 .; 2 ";0 '. 1,034 I .Ilhf 1, 19 - 2 .33 1) 3,41 1 - i d )1 1300 3,229 2, .ISti 33{}

Touring performances by funding body Touring by art form

1 - :11 . Orhe r

Y E )a[tce

M AI ; WMAli



1 5

The Arts Council of Englan d Grants by art form

1'r„qc~Y Trul l err atli, .lti i ; Crdnts grant, r ON), ~YIIN), LfItH1,

c - .., t .L+, \rt, 14,-4-4 1 .924 W66 8 (n \ -Liischn.lrN rniri.m%c, - I .15" 1 .15 2 1) .1n :c 21,11 1) 1 .16 ?"~ . '_ua DI%i 7.1 x1d lin3c 2 ? .4 - 3 1 .854 . ;5- J Fduca111'11 .111d -fr.1111111u, 184 66 9 Film, Vidco and linra.I~t,tin~ :Ili 3 9; I .iterat-ure -~- 808 1 .~6 ~

Ntmii 41,661 1 .373 43,11,;,;

14 Mn11t rill ;,6 - .5 4 .4.; \"mi .11 Art, a nd Ph oti igrsphy 2,946 I _ ^ 1 ; 4,6(, 1

lItr .11% Iol " - 49 4 .{ h 123 .425

Drama and Mime 22 .1 %

Cross-disciplin e initiatives 0 .9%

Education and Training 0 .7 % Film, Video and Broadcasting 0 .3 % Literature 1 .3 0/6

Combined Arts 13 .5%

Visual Arts and Photogra p

Music 34 .9%

10 Pj, .-117c(_nrarfail+rl ' frie7larrri l rJ rlh U -

1996197 audience/attendance figures for organisations regularl y funded by the Arts Council of England and Regional Arts Board s

71ic,c .arcdoidcdintothreecatr-uric• .,3,Jo -111Pri,c .r,trialhnuu'nt1gurc , The adduional estimated figures cuscr .11111 irce catcgi )ric, .

1 abrhrrtuu r7rrd petfiopmartrr - this includc+ auclicnce!arrrrulancc fir rrCS 1996197 audience/attendance figure s tior exhibitions . pertormanccs, %crccnin-. and readings . llinrksbitp rclarrd Carte - this indudcs attendance figures for workshops , scmu7ars, course,, re+idcncicti, ralks, lectures, participanon- acri7 itics crc . Publisbcd and br•nrrdaw arts - rhis iridmics figures for sales, rentals and loans Publisherl and broadcas t rol ' prrnIarr art c g pcnc•nccs, such as IxKrks, compact cute% . records, tapes . cidcos, liiorkshap rclarcd event s 'I lIc additional cuisnatcd figures itrcludc rclc%-kion and, or radio audiences and therctiorc shoxu large dit1crcnccs from near to year . n Exhibition and pcrlionnancc

1996197 1995196 199419 5 Combined Art s I_- \hibuioonandIrtiorrnancc 2,390,662 2,363, 7 69 ?962,61 4 Wi,rkshop rclatcd c%crrrs 391,356 364,6517 35300" ' Pnblisllcil ,tad broadcast 448,251 460,745 3 .2{15,566 - ta m `[iota1 3 230,269 3,189,1 1 1 6,522,08 7

Additionaiesrimatedattendance 24.420,0-1 3,613 . ; 1) - 4 .508504

Dance - i 377 P.xhib6011 .111lpcrtiormancc 1,162,4;7 1,238,632 1,393,36 1 W( )rkshop related cvent .s 363,531 29U38 138, 7 3 0 1'u1-dished and broadcast 648,011- 1,72-,416 4,475,22 3

Total 2 .1 -4,0215 3?59,246 6 .10',314 6 m Additional esrimarcd attendance 4,8 76,896 823,x) -' 3 6 .901 1

Drama and Mime FAII11111 111,111d PCrlorn,aneC 6,864,145 6,814 .262 7 .'22.5'; Workshop roared e%C'3ats 952,'0- 724.861 272,91 2 Publishcd and broadcast 313,0211 347.309 241,200 5111

Total ~ .129X-2 -JSSO .431 8 .236 .68 5

Additi(mai estimated attendance 26,484,9- 1 1,4715?20 2,05-,64 0

Literature 4ni ExhiNII ' mandpcrt{,rrnancc 9,119 11,648 38,44 8 Workshop rclarcd c•1'cnri 17, 3494 19,040 10,08 6 Published and broadcast 8011,426 905 .-6.4 S-6,62 2

161,11 82 7.939 x)36 .452 925,1 .;6 3 m

Additional e.rimaredattend .m c• 1,046,203 1x,,01, ;_`1111 4= .~511 5

Musi c Exhibition ancf pcrti,rmance 2,63 3,675 2 '58-_ -5 - Workshop rclarcd cents 156,949 13',046 45,4-0 2 m Published and broadcast 399,369 i 13,'!39 1,45(1,611 0

Tura! 3 .1 y ' ) (K),; ;,238 . -42 4 . n2 xo :~ .} ;

Additional estimated attendance 38? 111,2-2 23,9114, 7 2 1 ,0-14-,6-0 I m Visual Arts and Photography 1'.x1,11116 on and pc•rliormaucc 2,436,684 2,28-5,962 3 .1 .'8,;- 1 %%';,I ksh~,p rclarcd csenr, 1 ;8,020 102,180 101,61 9 PnbhsliCti and broadcast 371,365 27 3 .710 138,40 0

Total 2,96(069 2,661 .1 ;2 3,-416,590 O m

atlditinnal cstimatrcl artcndancc -.4;2.14 x1


Arts Council of Englan d per capita spending by region 1996/9 7

ca .hrc PL~r, ., . i ... "s 111rcc n,a : :1 tufldm_ time . - .,nditt ;hc -\1't, ( I atr,c ;, t( jr a r rake l+laCC %%IThsn , !VLj 1n,, 1ltc nlau : ,rant, made t, the Rt: VT , Board, Jur: ;t,! Inc , :ar: and grant, au arJcJ he the Art,(', suncsl . a, Puhli,hin, and rc,carch grant, . w1 .:4) : .iii tT tx atirihuteJ to m„rc Tvciric rcivon+ and ,% h0i are rc' ardcd J, ivnCfitint! -II I ill, cyualh .

; .1'l lc .il .,„ht,n, the amounr allrkatc.i to the national ci mipanics IPUIMI HI in England . This cxIxnthture t, rwr included i n lll .il,'~1, -

1hlc ,I :1,u , the >l,e•ndim, 03the Art, Council thrt'u ;,hr sot Englan d 1111 t(irm „f uranr< t1, rc~ul .u' clients and ,hart term project: ,tithin eac h ut The tcn asca, coccrcd 1,% the Ketgs, oral Anti Boards . The tut .tl value o f grant, a,, .,rdcd during the tear u .1,1 1 k(L5m, of ,%Mich L'64 .9n1 36"o i u a, I%%ardcd to the ii,lhm inr[ natrunal ce,ntl,amc%, the loo, al tihakc ,.l,e .trc ( . .+jmEan,, Royal Opcra Ilou,e, English \ati,mal Opera . Ro,al \atilma l Theatre and the South R .wk Eioani .

]'he regional total ofd' 115 .5m includes Sm lrhicll 1ta%oOi•re d thrlFU~I) tlsc IRcgional Art, Board, and 1'S1i .9m spent dirccth hw th e ('„until in tlu ,c rgJ0 11s .

Norther n £2.89 1996/97 1995196 1994195

16(al 1, :al lhtal lot .1 1 gr,1nt, ,1' .:111, grant` gr ;)nt s 011ION l+crc .Ipita percal,ira per ca l lmi I Yorkshire & Humbersid e / :astern ~_1!X6,048 1 .3 11 1 .41 1 .34 £2.54 Fa4tMidland, 6 .93X .3 1)> 2 .04 2 .23 2 .111 1,4 111d,nl 28_302 .4117 4 .(16 4AH 4 96 8,945 .5 -6 .89 3,211 3 - 11,3 N'orthe'rn 2 North Nnrthl\ 'c•t 16,160 .'13" 2 .411 2 .42 2,49 West tiouthcrn 10 .238.5-8 2 .1 11 2 .26 2 .11 5 £2.49 4r,u111 E:ast ~ 1 --.6-6 1-28 1 .31 1 34 Eas t ti, such Wc r 8, 11,;1,X;5 - .31 2 .3- , 2 9 Midland s WC 11,\lidland, 1€1,01,9240 1,90 1 .95 1 .8 8 £2.0 4 1, srk, my S Ilun,l,crsidt 12 . -40,801 2-54 2 .-0 2 .1 - Wes t !Midland s II~,5Xi,6(I(1 2-3- 2 .43 2 .3 2 £ 1 .90

\arion.tlc„ntl,anic, 64,943,400 133 1 .33 1 . ; 1

'G rals ISIi,a25,llIN1 3 . 7 1 3 76 3,6 - Londo n £4 .0 6 Southern £2 .19 Sout h Eas t Brant. hcnctiring all rcgiorn equally £1 .2 8 Sout h Dircct ,!,ending 11 'ACE on clie:tts in the regio n West £2.3 1 n Main ACE grant t„ RcgitmA Arcs Einar d

18 7 71c Ar rs ('ruv,til ,r 'EnVyland I'A f1' V

Departmenta l reports

?U Combined Art,

22 Dance

24 Drani a

26 Education and Trainin g

28 Film, Video and Broadcastin g

30 E1tCrlrLirc

,32 i'ILISI C

34 Twrin g

36 Vl .SLO art,


A review of cSi,ting pmuranlmc,, the I .ulllch of nc « stratc,.:ic 1nitiin e, and cXtcn,i%c input intrl the cmen'int y -l4E pro , 'rammc, illadc 1996 9 - a kct `'c.ir foi- the 0,mhltlcd .err, Dcparrmcm .

The department relaunched it ,, highly popular Intcrnationa l imriativc, Fund, which,uppolrrcd ova 40 pro icas th e Icngth and hrcadrh (rf the country. The most inenlorahl c included an acclaimed ti%c-cin' tour hr Canada ', La La L a Htsnlan Step,; the epic Lc~ I)auindi; h . the Nationa l - Chcatre of C ;ralova, which vi,ited Birmin,ham, and th e p .u-ticipation ()f thl•CC Voun~L, (aribbClIl c,11t-psorli,lns at the \o>ttim, Hill Carnival IdM iMl a visit m-am wd by th e 1„1 lciarion (rf British Cal .vp,c,nians .

Indeed, carni~ a] tcatrtred ,rrr,n~h in all the cicparrllwilt ' , stratetric miriatiN cs, Mll m them the launch ()fa hi"h h inti lrltlam c database rracin- rile hi,n in ufCarihhca n Carnival in tile L'K .

Thc,eminal \c1\ C~,Ilahoratiun, Fund «a, rcplaccd M . the Cannhincd .art, Project Fund, which welcomed hill s trlnll indi~ iduah ati a cl l a, rr of artist, working i n ll1C art, pCIA IfIllancc art, rllllc-ha,Cd medla and lnrcracrll c multimcdi .l .

20 17ji-Ans (iunrril ul7iurrlmr .f 1996 9 -

lhrr'ing the auturlln, Mstivals across England showcaw d CXpcrIIllcrlt:tl live art, t isu.ll irlstallations and sound wl Irk funded by the department . Events 111CIUdcd Rudc Mcihaui c at F"Cacollsticld's artistdcd space in south London ; a major club night ManrringA Gza 0711cd Gerald and Emollm Millen at tie NO[V Festival in Nottingham; and the Root T-estiral onr amsed by Hull Time Based Arts, oric ()f til e dcpartment's kcy su-atcgic organisations .

Corllbincd Arts q-warheadot research into CXistillg and props}scd art spaces . A long-axyaitcd report oil art s ccntl-cs - The Art o f'Fk%ti bilirv - was published as a prelude to .1 conterencc held in spring 1997 at the Battersea Art s Ccntrc in London .

The South Bank Centre - England's largest arts tmin-c and the department biggest cllcni - 311114 AMCCd plans for a site devc]opnunt programme, subjccrof .l 111 .1'0 1- Luttcry hid . I- he IC :A, mcanwhile, examined tic Masibilin of relocation . Throughout the vear, both org:tllisations delivered diverse , high y1 .1,11M , progranlmcs .

High points in a packed South Bulk Ccntrc calcndar - HICILldcd surluller'safeltdmrrc Series .111d Richard Lavzcll' s Tap, Rut* and Shave in the Royal Fcsrival Hall foycr. The ICNs Live Arts and Visual Arts progranurres continue d to Wild shockwaves throu g h the establishment with serie s such as the deliciously named CmpusDelctti, Maturing Latin American live arrists, and Chapman w orld, Caturing the provocarivc work of votrn-' , U K ar r l ,,ts 171nos and Jakc Chapman .

The department pl avcd a leading rule in supporting digita l ci-canviri : Research took place at national and Europea n Icvcl into new support structures ; and small but strategi c t.;rarlts to supporr critical debate and trlittirlg were rrtl'Cre d to Backspace and Kirklces Media Centre . A grant to Artcc helped bind the inurnational LircArton Line initiative . An innovative fund cstablishcd in partnership with the GUIL--enkian Foundation supported digital creativirv amon g disablcai artists. Anotherdepartnlcrlt client, the Nationa l Disabitin- Arts Forum (N DA F I, initiated a high profil e billboard project that was seen bl' an estimarcd ant peopl e as it travelled round I-ondotl and Ncxvcastlc .

Regularly funded organisations remained closcly invol~r d in advocacv, profcssiunal development and dcyclopin4* ne „ :te)u7_ rd a i work. Locus + in Ncwcastle played a pronlincrlt role in th e Year of Visual Arts in the Northern Arts Huard re,;ion - undoubtediv the biggest success in the Arts 2000 series .

• t1't ACC Li 01 . alt

i1~\i`~~ ti ail\1t~` 1?`L,1~L `! tL11tL\ ~ 0 .l1\"t` ~lICt l ~C~ G ~C\'~~tt atil latitrL ► ``a~le `,111it aLti~i\~`,4 0l,~t tli~ t1~~11_c~ lla~`}'t,•r~ttt~t,ti~y~\`r~jT~~. !` ~l ILL" a~ l it~ ~~ ; Lt `,1~t1`' <,04' .Sl~~ tt It t tt~w ah~i rllll - lt,,~,t1`~``,L,y~tt`4tit4i~L`ij.>>L~t1•` .\``~tt~`~ r` CO;` \tC1tt1 ,i 011Lt ~~tit`i `fie ZCh t``\t~~~r ~ lit~~h1\ !t aCC \' yl`t,``lt l\N. ` '~lll Y 1 c`~ L+ ko} all YN17 ~- -%IS ~\1- ON `1,,t1~`t V k tttil` .t\ttiC Y'~~ 11 Mil t ti nk I plt~ Ltr~`tiLtlt a t [)tt t " `, 4Cti hilt ( \ C kA c`\ l'Intf 1t t ~~\'` , 1 ti1C " C A 1 tilt s% lt,tNi`1 •~1~L ~``- 1~\!, h~t,`,i 1lL`lt4 1ti\t~`.1, , Lr~~`\\ox" ta X% oti~\h,t,`'ia~ 1\ ,l\1tt11~ ,114i tih~, \\ `+ li,\~ 110V~ tCLLr a1 ~ 111~~ ~! ~~ kt -\\'AC1 V . 'L~l ~ta1 tr \a1~~~~~t~, ~ `~l,i~lla ` ~tt~, Ol ty It ~~,tll ;, ,N\x . . \C 11~~R h ~lt~`~,\t • tt (- ':0 L\t tii 1~~l\l>~11Lt 1. t `liltilt~t \ tr y~~ltt,L`rttattt ,tAa1 1\ ~t tit j1,\,LL ^ tttLl~til~ il~tCtttt~ all 11 ate 1t~1~ ~~ 1L1~l` ~1~ Vt,tCto"t1 ~ [i ~`} ' tt~ l`} } h\~t1i ! ~~ ` 11t`` t ~~ L`* O,

l~th`r . `tt itLt h at` ~>>1 t\~ th`i`~al ,1~ tti 1 C tt t`leQ` t~~,`t ld~ a ` R•t~ t?tV:c tt iLlItal . l` O ' ~ 1 .tt~L\1`` N \1tiLi~L`,,Lt''``~Z 1 t\t~~,a 11 ,;111~t 114t h,tt t ~itu`ry,, 1~1,\at~,~wt\~~ tt~1 , ~tt .\-\c Cc Ctr`` ! 4ttltt ~~~`` ` ),,L `` `1~'1 t~~~`i ltt~ t~ ; ~l at `lV `li ,>>t` \AIh'`,ti`i `O %'tt` t~, `i ,,l . . it4'`~11t`l`t~ 1 L1,` lt~t ;nc~ `~ 1 tt~c~i `~ . `l~:v~`` ~ ltzc~ a1 t ttttt>> t' ~ ` 70 t ate` `` l,t 5 ,irt ~11~ th . \t• `~ tt ;atC,` ?.t1a`1t,1 11L;t1Ctt~~c~ t t11 `t}~1,1~a t~ \A ttt ,1„1Ctt 111 A% ai\~,t 1 a •t\~ tl t~`~ .~ - `ti•~ ` `! c,r 1•' `t h~ vt Lit tL , ),\ `%- L- t,\4Li! V,\l \ ~ a\ 4 ll\~~t t t -1L1,Li Lr\``\\ ~,\~1\N\~t lt`tt>> !,r` tt .it\~~at` ~[,1,1t,1~i~1 ``C L t a\tv~\~C ~~ `tk~t~a1 i11 titt\l~1tt~` ,`~'C`ti 0 ` 5t attil.C\,1,l~tC' i,Xrtt11 "Ol t1 \ ttt`~`~ t~,, a`1 `NtCh itt~tt~ ~ ' Lt,

22 T&ArtsCouncil a# 'Egglmut 1996 97 The National Dance Agency Network expanded to eigh t The C'lteshirr Bens Dante Groups 1995 piece ►t eas marls !n 'Trim Roden with the launch of-!Janet Northwest . Over the last three as pm-t (!fa hnvs' m-nt in Cheshivr that year : Phoroen•aph; Brian Slater. Fears, the network has enabled thousands of people to tak e part in dance, providing 38,000 participaton- events an d commissioning 187 new dance works . Dance UX's Fit to llancet study sti ►nulated public awarencss ofdance healt h issues through cxtensivc coverage of dancers' times % progr:tmmcs .

Arts Council trainer artistic producer Brenda Edwards , hased at the Nottingham H .Whouse, enhanced the dchate o%•cr women in dance through the highly successfu l Danci?~q on the C :cilinij conference .

In June, the department used its annual open meeting to launch the Policy jitr!Janet nj'thc F.reglislj Arts Funding CGS' Svorm, and hear feedback on a range of issues including Working conditions firr dancers .

The department supported research into audio-description for dancc and South Asian dance training, and instigate d discussions on career and personal det•clopmcnt options fir , dance administrators .

Lade IklacMillan, fine artist and keen dance supporter , was appointed Chair of the Arts Council's Dance Advisory Panel .

A nc~v gcner .atlE,ll E if altdiciwc,, 1t rlrcr, and pert[ lrnler , hn [u-111r trc,h vitalitV tc, Vrllues up and dt M 11 the a [utltr~ : -] - lie spirit (if 1'E}tfth 1%a, pcr,c,niticd by a ncu wave ()fy()U1l"' play % ri_•hrs a ho s,c ra%k- prc,v(katix c work inspire d altdicrtcc,, critic, - and a «-cltcr o rf hcadlinc, .

At the a ,-, c E 4- 25 . arrin licl)(,nagh nladc ln a„urcd dChUtatthe ILEn,ll( :+Hirtwith Ihelirnw.i-Ut1ernr)t1cc;lrnlc ,

a co>-pr{)ductic u] t1 irh r1 1 1,7 1)Rlid I hCatrC 0 )IIII)ally . f i s ti511„u cd up «ith the C ;-ipph- 111nishlu47r7n, hailed a, at ] E,tlt,t.ulding addiiiE,n rc, the Iri,h thcarrical tradition . Mark Ravcnhill•, ncw rcr,ic,n c,t Pizlrct 6x Acrur, Fc urinLg' ( :ci€11pan,, intrigued audience, can an e5ten,irc vnir, whic h included G .tin,h„r„tt~~lt . I.cicc,trl 3n~! 11',rl~cthanlptc~n . Anorthcr ~rnu1~ w ritcr. O)nclr 1lcphcr,(lt), m-O,I ncc 1997 t:%-cr-AVIiin%orrh Am and Q I b LMw 7 ;•E•c Am" ,. a bcaurifill aild cntcl-tainink,, piece ()t ptirC,t(rry-rcllilit-, at the Bush - rheatrc .

1t I .( )Ild( )11 ', lil(mnl,hur\ hhc .ttn, l cnlthful \ i` it .n l CI,l„tc dr.lllla pl'u~"ld ,l iulllpClll[]~ 11115 I ,, flic Nationa l l4,uth Thearrc celebrated it, 40cll anilil crsarv «ith Horac e

NI,:C'0V , tinidcs, 1 her .Shoot HiwscS, 1)nu 't Vqv?, adapcc d l1v 10 Hcn-lim . .1nc €t}1cr enilurit' fa% E surirc . LMz V II•i1111,' ;714 C'S [1711, t1-an,tCrred 1 '1 -()111 Mall Ileac[", lk()Va l FAoharlgc n[ 1 .o[11dEH1', HaVn1,11'Lt . It, ~prcdEmlirl,ulrl l rurmg out p n a hKi pet,pccti+r c to "11010 "ritin„ an d emphasised the ado,Icsccrlt cnci-gy that oharactrrisc, s( ) []tltch ()C l1 is \N c rt-l: .

Y(711n4" pcnpIC', enthli,ia,nl ctil,r'YC \l a, nlanlled 131' [hei r enrhu,i .1v11 oltl it . ]ndeed, nnC elfthe Ccar ' , M( ),t Itr;lrteitiI I onchynwnt, u-a, the ;grom-ing Iu[pt11,1ritccrfthearrc 1111On ,

~Cl' Y(il.1€1,1 ALIdicncr,. The ~\crrl:,~t ccrnlp,tnics,uch AS }'E, p Up. Luick,iI\ cr and ( )II Cart pn)\ ed a hid aitractic, n anlE ll1-' clIiILlr•en . [11 .1111• bClooll SCIW(,l J"C .

,"u,tainin1 ~crurl pcotplc', interest and ilIWI cnlcrll i n Olt: ncclrre IlaIllrcd hig11 4)111 he department', a"'cIItU ' ][1 1996'97, it tol()k o,1cr rc,pt1i ibilltl fErt' .uhlllrtl,Ee€'111 1 its t1"ail1ee pro,~r .ullnlr, a task CllTiCd MIT il l c„njunctiOn ~~ ith the Arts (uuncil'~ Cdr€Caticto an d 1raini ng I )rpartillcnr . I )rat11a, o c\ oral I tr-a in ing hud~gct recci\cd a \\clcurllc l,c,nst fiollcnt I[)" "rant" frt'ill the Gulbenkian Fntllld,ltiEtl] a1ld tlu' l'.1111CC 1• .lirhair1 1 ( Ilaritable Crust n stalling, '211 .000 each .

Among rile main sl,cakcrs at the official launch of th e dcparttncnr ' s training pro g ramme in December wa s

Diehard Eyre, N hose hugely SIICiitisful term as director o f rile National Thcarre is drawing to an crld . 1?tlr•irnW rile %-car, his notable achievcnicnts at the National induded an intimate stagin g ofKillgLem- at the (_ ;ottesloe and, of cmirse, the phenomenally popular rcvival ot'Gn. 'saud Dolls .

At the Hampstead Theatre in north London, rile fOCLI S shifted from youth to middle age as April do Angelis' s be Positive Hour lampooned rile tllrrapcuric solutions on offer to women in rile throes of a mid-life crisis .

Fast is Fast addr'cssed scrrsitivc issues of a Vert• diftcrcn t Rebecca !b f kind. A collaboration lxnveen Birmingham Rcp anti Y71enl1Y ('r,rrtlr,r' ~~ :ire I ., ..t '.1 , .tit -i•, . .~ i . .. Timasha Theatre Company, rllis production explored rit e dilcnimas tacim, an Anglo-Indian family iominl to term s

with its mixed 11cl-ita9c .

Th .fi n lil t he 26 lbeArts [ ;r,rnr rlnj'firrril~rrLd IQQ6 0 - In a year when Gon'crnmcnt began to place increasin g .Lralnlrag initiatiycs adnlinistered internally by th e emphasis on the role ofthc arts in formal education, th e department also thrived . The Apprenticeship Scheme , Education and Training; Department's profile continued t( . now in its third year, continued to create ne\\- opportunitie s rise. Its staffgrevv from three permanent merllber•s to ten , for arts workers with disabilities . This vcar sa\y the firs t and Professor Christopher Frayling succecdcd M ag;gic award of a technical apprenticeship to a disabled perso n Gullfcbaud as Chairman ofthc Arts COLIncil's Education who use,-1 vyllcelchair, based at Southampton ' s and Training; Advisory Panel . \uflicld "Theatrc . And, in association with Connection s Communications Centre Lrd, the scheme created a n iL111C Sall' publication Ot rhr department's Green Paper, advanced apprenticeship fora media education worker. which provided the basis for discussion at its Public fi)runi A new fiend, the Creativity and Neu'' echnologics Fund later that nu nTh. Delegates focmcd on issues such as th e (CANT) proved highly successful . A shortage of blac k role of arts organisations in the education sector ; the nee d and Asiarl rllanagcrs in the arts sector- highlighted in nc c for artistic development programmes and structured :art s Arts Council's'Irainecship Scheme t vicvv - led to th e management training,; employment and caree r deychymcntelfa new Fello\vshlp Programme . development in rho arts; and the training, demand s generated hv Lottery capital schemes . 'their discussion In association with the Arts Council'% Dance and Dram a helped lrlt017111 the de\'elllPlilCllt 114 the EdLrcatiOn an d Working Partv ; the department Managed another highl y Training; Whitc Paper, Leadiitn 771r'v mrjh Learninij , significant initiative. the Lottcry-ftindcd interim sehc111 c puhlished ill f uh' I997 . to support dance, drama and stage rn .ul.lgcnicnt students .

The department co-llrlilnarcd the publication t1f .C\'cra l The &parnncnt ' s education programmes built on th e key reports into educ.ltican and training; issues . The\- .ichicvenlcnts of previous years, N inc agencies received included rcvie\\'s of the .-Arts Council's Trainecship Scheme research and development grants as part of the art s and Arts Education Agencies, The Hcavr of'the Matter, a Education Agency Initiative . "livenn five organisation s rcporr oil the first year of the Education Research an d participated in round t\yo of the Ilighly succes 111

Development Initiatiyc c popLllarIv known a .,, ERDI) ; an d Fducatiun Research and Developnic tit Initiative . The y the provisionally entitled Disabled Artiste into l,ducatiot . received grants to facilitate and dOCLlrllCnt the furthe r integration Of education \work into their artistic structurc S Mcan\vhilc, a report by the National Foundation fo r and programmes . Educ3t1011 Research - arts OrIjani;atinus and their -

Educatinn Pr'urtr-ammes- revealed that 7x4/v oforg;anisation s surv eyed had an education programme, 63% of them ru n bydcdicatcd officers .

The department continued to monitor the work Of it 's three regularly funded training organisations : Independen t Theatre Council + ITC : I, Arts and Entertainment "Trainin g Council and Arts Training Network . Hvc hundred practitioners from iradcpcndent, small- and nlid-scale art s organisations attended ITC : courses. The Arts Training Nct-work implemented the second year of the Foundation Programme in Arts M.magerllent, which now has 64 graduates. And the Arts and Entertainment -Frairlirl g Council initiated a management rcvic\\ and changed it. name to Metier.

In a v car durirn, «hich firntrc came under discussion . the Film, Vidco and Broadcasting Department continue d to play- an instrumental role in pro ~ducirn, work of the highest calibre. The departmcnt achict cd it, key (l,jective, , buildin-T on ir, parmcr,hip, with artist,, broadcaster, an d independent pre )duccrs .

Film . Vida ) and Iiroadcasuno commissic mcd 17 films an d programmes t()r nct-work telex ision . It also ct)rnmissloncd ninc pilots t'( )r the third series of.Saund on filet N+ ith the 13IW, 6-4)[11 thcsc. six prograntntcs will be conuttissi(ncd

in 199-1. fhirn one non-broadcast tilnis and \ idci )s wcrc fundcd. including culturaI]v diverse and disabilirn-Icd murk ; and ?ft awards were made tint arils a rank of artists ' film and vidco initiativc, im v ulving magazines . -allcn conmtissiuns, murs and (D-IM Ms .

' I~vcnt- v -txk-o art, prowrantmcs s~ cre transmittcd, reachin g a cnntbincd audience ()toter 13m ir~ccrs . Ei,ht artists * film .utd Vidco tt or-ks tier tclct ision .tttraacd ? ant t-iett, cr s alone. Set cral productions drat tt idc,pi-cad pre„ coverage , all Elicnt Tin ; IIchnis and a Stlnl hta fish, un artist Sara h Lucas, Part of MC?' s Tv scrics . Demo fbv rh Camera .3 , part of 1U,CTs ? I imee scrics, snuck a rcumant chord wit h press Mid public alike . The scrics' t-icta-ing figures peaked at L~htt .


28 VjrAits ( 'mini it (ifE t1land 10)(1 u' The dcpartnicrlt mainralned its high inrct - national prc)talc . Fra-ty-seven ()f its arts prom',imnlcs and 00 artisrs' film an d video y% - )rks appeared in festivals worlda idc . At t11c %agrc b Animate )n Festival, the department ws awarded the priz e for the Ivst animation company, in recognition of 1t'. long association with 11111Oyatlyc animation .

Film, \ ' idea and RrI )adcastillg supports r u1h' two regularl y funded ornanisations: the Foundation tOr Art, Creativit y and Technology I FACT), and ncc Film and Video

Umbrella . With stlppol-t ti-om the dCpartnlerat, Liverpoo l John Moores University and \4anchester Metropolitan University, FACT successfully led a Cons(}rtlalnl to hos t [SEA, the I11terM1tio)11 .11 Symposium on Electronic Arts - beating o41 - compc1irion fi•0111 Chicago and Frankfurt .

These achievements came against a backgrmind o f uncertainty over the cdcpartnacnt's €iiturc . During the year, the Artti COLUactl Initiated a public consultation on its rol e in supporting film production . This resulted in the crearl"1 1 ()fa Film I)cpartmcnt within the Arts Council's Lotter• Division. The Arts Council also invited feedbac k on furnrc pClwimon tow 'Its cxlsting F11m, Video and

Broadcasting CHIti-MI . Debate tOCL I ,,cd on wlactllcr it shOLll d externalise its arts broadcast activities and scr up a ncW, independent body to channel hotter- production fundin g . n into arts progmmmes tow tclcvision

At the heart of this debate lay the .argument that the art form had never received adequate funding . hotter\ fund s would triable more practical support to be ()t}c1-Cd t o independent prodLlcers anti hroadc:ast partners ; expansio n into [try's relatively high-cost arras, such as full-lengt h operas fO)r TV ; and development of new collaboration s With rcI"ional broadcasters .

At the end (if the ycar, responsibilin• tow artists ' film and yideci passed to the Arts Council's Vkual Arts Department , and the debate over the department ' s future conrinucd .

29 The climax tel a prolific 12 months came with the award of the British Literature Prize to \lurid Spark in recom-ynitic m of her lifetime of litcrarn' achievement . ']'he L: 30.000 al%and - the biggest literantrc prize in Britain - is nnl\ made onc e eVcn' other 1-car. Its MO prcViuus winncrs are Harold Pinte r and VS \aipaul .

Another award scheme . the Arri Council's Writcrs ' Awards .

enabled 16 htcrarv talents u1 buy %aluable time nt dc%clop Their «rlrk in progcss . This scheme also hoasn a n impressive list of pres ic,us winners, among them AS B1•art , Tcd Hughes and \•S \aipaul .

The "car saw a sig nificant rise in tile c1cparmicilt' s international profile, particularly in trans) im m tt ork . Bernard Scudder received .1 L' a,-00 -rant rowards hi s acclaimed tl-anslaril m Of Ibe .tiwim bv Icelandic autho r

GLA- -cr Bcr`-% mn . ( In behalf ofthc UK 's major litcrar v trganisatutns, the Art ,, C .(]1111111 n(ttlllllated ti,ur 1996'9 7 publicarions firr the presrigious Aristei(n Europca n literature and'I'ranslatic m PI-11C1 : Kcnd1* 1117 i ;l the 0171'k h\ Scamus Deane ; The Spirit Level by Sc,unus Hcancr ; The Emim-ants hl" WG Schald, translated bl Michael Hulsc ;

and Belle der Scian ur ht" Albert C :c then, Translated b y I)al-id 0 M ard. 1)urint; the Fear. S.llnlarl RLhhdIc becam e the first British «inner ()Rile Aristchm I .ircrarurc Pru e with Ibe M mr s Lost S1*1 b .

I t rite Out Land - a 14 mir scheme with I114' Radio Nort h

and the Rcgion,tl :'Iris Boards- continued n1 ptmit. fertil e grcltnld f' tr nlot'C nrt~ talent . In its sccund Year, it otlered 24 Writers file opportlrflitV to hlclls utl \\l•itin" spccificallV fO r radio. In C)cIobcr, BBC : Radio 3 broadcast an aniholo ~' o f work bv several first Vra1' sttldcnts . Five writers ti'om th e class of 1996 1 97 \VCre conlnlissionc .{ to produce pilot radi o pr„ `,;r,trnnles .

'lit cncour:lgC public interest in a \cidC rang of literatur e mwk a Varier of:llttllors +isited ditlirent p,u"ts of tllc cu ► nln"~ . lilurirn^ highli ghts included a v is i t by Finnish Writer', and the 0t1 "capes rour, while the influential poe t

FA 1)orn X isited six tow n ,, . Appcalirn" N) V(MlItty au.iicnccs , ite ratu re nulltinledia teJtllrCd in the American 1'ttets tcnu-, and in tll c intcracti\ c installation \\ hich :lcCoIllpallicd Pulh Boo k author, on their serer-cite roar .

Etli/rts to promote and market the \t"clrk of small , independent presscs continued to hear i "ruit . ll rite) :+ hl thr GRI-de•u prescnted authors such .1s Frances Kin g„ and Blak e

Mctrl•Imm ill `,]orlous bot.1111CA sCllltl`"s. IZradllt s, pcls[c and IC IflCts introduced a profusion of lesser-knmvn Laril l American literature. puhlishc.i here in translation h l smaller presses .

30 The .-tits Council ol "Eal1hud 1996 9 -

Regularly Hauled client,. - including the Poets- 5ocictr - continucd ro makc an im-aluahle coltn-ilnltior ► to literaturc development, and the dcparrmcnr also supported 1 4 litcrarv magazines that provide access to new writing .

In addition, it suplxn•ted research into the aftermath of the Net Book Agrccment's abolirion. Initially, there wcrc widespread tear,. that its demise would damage indepcndcnt hookscllers and Small publishers . )'arly findings indicarc rhat these tears have not been rcalised - <> tar at least .

And fin alb, a word abOut the Lottery. The emphasis o n capiral funding meant rclatn-clc 1cw literature project s

qualified for support during 1996!97 . But that is set to i )tr ;ru' .1 ju :'tc'1 .1~:r~r'i,•, ,t'r :~rr~ ; .r ; ? i r, ... f , . , . ~ ; , change as guidelines dcvclopcd during the year release nc « 1 !lr' :7rflin , Pn'ze . 11711 ~e17J~ fair, r streams of LortcrN• revenue 111t o the sector. . : .1, t1irr1paIII (()) - t <1r inva "i .

Music groups at all ic\-cls nook full ad\antagC of the Lotter \ capital pro*ramme. A much-strenplicned infrastructure. with first-class facilities for musicians and their audiences . Is now cmergul, .

Some of tl1C Iess pubhclsed sleets ,[uric,, .ire worth rcp)rtin,_,. Thcsc include ,rants to tile Br1uhron-based Hanover Band, a period instninmir urchcsrr .l, to tom ert an old market into its new home ; to the York Earle Musi c Foundation to turn a redundant medic\ al church into a national centre for car p music performance studies ; to the Wiltshirc Music Trust to build a nc\\ musi . centre \\ hich Will ,CIA C noun, nulsicians across the count\'. I n addition, dozens of hiss hands rccei\ cd award% torallim, more than , '9111 . `

But nlan\' of the orchCtitrl, and opera c(,mpanics regularl y tilndcd by the Art ,, (council still tact serious financia l problems as succCSNIVe \•Cars of srandstill fUndim, take thei r roll . The ;arts C'otulCil's nC\\ l .otter\--firllded stabilisatio n

programme 111 .1\' otfrr a chance to mo\ c tin-\\ ard . 1'h C Bournemouth Orchestras, Northern Sinti,nia, Londo n Symphony Orchestra and I ;n,,listt \atiomal ( )pera \\ iii tes t the protiranunr's potential duriM' its pilot phaSC . Si,,rlificanth, not all the MUSIC or" .1111i.1t1(MIS 1111'0k Cd in th e pilot are orchcstras or opera conlpanlcs .'1 he :arts C M111CI I cast its net \ridC to attract participants sUCh as MaIlihestCl ' inner Chit\' Music and The Junctl()n Ili Cambridge .

AI1(dier l .()ttcr-v-[[hided scheme, A4F F,vress, `,;1\ c a 11twe boost to `,rassroots nlusii nlakim, . Hundreds o f awards appro\ Cd during 1996 ,'9went to jazz ,roues , youth music groups, choral societies .. amateur orc llestr s and opera[ societies. But sonic areas of aCti\ it\ - and som e parts of the country - 1-michted less than had been hoped . In future . extra ci}in-t will be needed to encoura .; e applications .

For slam' ,ruin),, in .144 application provides their firs t point of contact with the ArtN ( :()until. introdtlcirn, .1 broader ran ge of people and or-.tnisations to the art s titndin,' s\'stcnl is uluioubtCdIV a positi\r dC\'Clopnunt . it is also one \\ 'hick is like]\- to raise tilture C .\pCctations - USiC anti present the :arts Council \\ ith funding challenge s in the \•cars ahead .

Follow in s, Cstensi\ C consultation, the \iusic i)epartnlCn t published its jazz and Ile\\' music pout\ documents . Both nut with a lavourahle response . The nC\\' nulsic poke \ ackIl0%VIcd`ges that crcati\ e \\ ork of high quality is possibl e 77rr .9rrs! i~rirrr'i/njfu4/erred in many diftCivit musical gcnres, and that much n1orc of it /UrUn U -

n`rr •

Il~ ntn~I /nl't)lrf)7f/lIC ~?Pb I III,ftTflr i .SMISInI,

deserves support . Already, A4E tundrllg Is Supple W6111) Mail y new MUSIC and jazz initiatives, and more straicmi use o f existim, tends has assisted nexv jazz festivals in Cheltenha m and Bath .

The vicar Saw a series of important artistic appointments . Christoph von Dotlnam'i became principal conductor of the PhIlhamionia Orchestra, which continues to go fro m strength to strength . Paul Daniel tncanlc music director a t I nglish National Opera, and Jacob Kreizherg took tip his p ost as principal conductor of the Ro)urllemout h Symphony Orchestra .

London's Alincida Opera raised its reputation firr 011tstallding new work . Another notable success staged by Welsh National Opera was Sir Peter Maxwell Davies 's Uvrm-of':Livdj i . Two recordin g s funded in 1996,197 %xere particularly well received : the Don W'der Rig Rand (3 3 Records) and Abdul Tee-Jay { Rogue Productions) .

Must,- fit? . 7"uufh : 1996 SCIP A hvins, Re„ ,t! . 4 l r, r Nall. P1inh,rh,Tj)L : Andy Nr WL.'+ .

()nc of the years most memorable highlights4 was th e The Rc teal Shakcspcare C()mpam' Set out To ) increase acccS S suicess of the Barcl ac's Staff r Partner-S scheme - a join t ,Ind Lxco111e a rru11-11arlonal company with an cyandc d Initiative bcni'ccn ncc department and Barclays . I-aunche d touring prouraninic that included welW) \-iaht an d

in 1993 . IT will. inject r n cr J'2m into the regional theatre A 11idsu J mer \ 117ht S Breen . Northern Sra,-c completed It s network durlm , its three-%var run . tint 11 .117](111,11 roar with .u1 ima pnati%c prodUcti(Al o# Orw ll 5 .- m'Ina1 arm-4 0441'sHnllse- directed b\ Anrom v )urin the first Barcl avs Stat ,c Partners ScaSon, So en Pi , ,c and pr4kfuccd by Thelma Hrfit Limbed . suSraincd consortia cotnprisinLg 32 produci11,; nlanaircnlents and the SL1CCess (firs UK n,1.lr and Hest F11d 171.€11 in New York . theatres toured Hine pla%S of 39 venues, attractin g a n)ra l There, the pre eduction - Orprtally fLmdcd by the .lUd€C11cc of over 230.000 people . ProdLlcno11ti include d department - cr fllccted ti)ur Tony awaRIS . YOLIIII; audiences classicS Such as Ben Travers' Plunder and Stcinbcck' s iollrinlted TO 1.;r+ )tit rhanks to ti•csh- innovative \1 ork such as 01 11iee and .11 11 ; new play% b1 Pam ( .rcmS and Pete r P(flka Theatre Tl~i .11171171]] Raiutbrush . Nichols ; roL1rS by the \laly Drama Theatre of St Petersbur g mid Robcrt Lepa ge's Fx liachina ; and nov production s Suppol-tiny, diVCI_SItl' - culrtn-al anti artistic - rcnlai[le d ot' Shakcspeare ti'Om Eng lish Touring Theatre an d a priorin•. ThC deparrmCnt tUnded foul's Of Trish Cookc's Northern Broadsides . Corllctly (arlp l-iCtl011, tcatffli nil ICto F1, Ruhhic Cite an d Eddie Nestor, ,1nd Ri111,V0H1)' tiom The A iSSC . Mark Barclav ,, timuc Partners also) prm cd a siginficallt Succes s Kal C1111111's C IItI-()vcrsial .tilJrlfrpiun and F}1ih,ii ra, prefdt€ce d otl-static S1.hcrc it inspired the dcAclopmcnr 4nc u b1' Out ) r1. Joint, 1'1Sltcd .1 a lde ran 4k , C +l1. slid-Scale venues . 11,11-TIM-Ship', hCtWCC11 a c(ms0 1- tIL1111 u1. ]llid- to I .11-c-sca1 e tutu-irn" venues . I Ili- SJ,irit of cor1111nf11 pLII'OSC IS hay ins„ International silciCswS included L's DITIMIdes directe d .1 poS1t11 C llllpact tin the tlIMI -C fit 1'C`t 1(f11 .11 thcatl'C . bV Sil\ iu P1.117Ca 1 -CCC, wllicll visited liirnlin h,1m ti n• its orl h F11tilish pCI-fi w€llanccS ; -I , hc.lrcr I -I 11 .11,111%x from MmIlark ; and nvo 111tcr't1,16,11al dance group~ - I .a 1- .1 L l 1111111a n StcpS tionl Canada, '111d rIslu Rno\vn ti•on1 A111cric .l .

\Icatm hilt, Ern„11sh \,ltV al Ballcr iu111111t1Cd IT S 11P rar11111C of ne%v comnlisSiom tier mid-scale \elides .

Most notable anlon" these N\ as iau-isn)phcr I eau ' s first ballet k'no nterc, Sct to music by RILIl Sinum .utd performed to critical acclairll .

The Oper .l ; LISic - I - hcatrc hud trct Supp(rrt0l MLISic - I-hcatr c oaring London S 11at1(n1a1 tour ( f) j a li'171'lata and P011 (ihWal1111 . ' ] ' he C( fnrelllporarv MUSlc Ncn\ ork I (AIN ) funded a N ]SI T by Calitimrnia ' s }-AR Ullit, Whidl play rd venues as diNVrs e as Camhridi,c ' s ( :or11 L: .~chan~ c and the Ncwc.istl c P1achotlu•. Ill lddirioll, the ( MN marked its 25t H .1lmiverSMA' \% ith tours by DJX id \Ill1'1',l v' S USA VK iii „ Rand ,111d the SIC\C ,11-1Luld Band .

The dcpartnlc€lt was InvOk Cd in Srttinq tbC scene, a 11111cSt()tic 1111tiatil'e InC(s11I m , a io mw1imll o f, nine pa t-merS - led by \Icth„d \I.ldncsS- p] 1( )tin`.; the pros ision of .wdio-dcScription to a i I-CLUt of tllid-SC,11C vern1CS . It also SUpported the IirSt 11,117](111,1l ,1nd10-dCSc1'1l)ti1)n conlercnce , or0.ulised bv the Rmal Nammal 111141ttlre tol-The blind a t Nottiil-ham P1 .1% house .

.1(n a17dS the end of ttlc VC,11, Tl Mri n l~ bei,1111C imol\ed II I assessin g applications m the ArtS ("mm il's A4F scheme , 111,1111' of lvhlch - like the dcpartment - place Pal-ticula r cmpha"I" on dct clopint, flew arts audiences . Ft

; ; the Out uf70int!Roval

~'[Jina atiti Fuckin g

, ~ f >

V m

Visual _-art, UK, the highly praised Arts 2000 projc4- t organised hN Northern Sight, irl the north of England ,

presented a wealth ( rf N i,u.il arts events and exhibitions , and attracted unprcccdemcd press co vcr•tgc . Highiights were Bill Viola '% 77mMe icnae l-, shown in Durha m ( - ar}lcdral : and Anti w (Tr ~rlllll`C , I-lcld fin- the British Isles , fr-+)m the Arts C.ounci! ('"ollccrirxl. whidl dre« 2x .()(10 het )plc to a railshcd ill ( .Tatr .,lICA i .

I he dehartmenr funded ma)r,r research c m the cconoml c .rani~ of . isual artists . Commissioned ht ncc Nan, ana l .artists, .-association in collaboration with rile Scorrish , Welsh and \, irthern Irish Arts CoMIcils, this +v()rk reveale d , A serious decline iii artists earnings due To ~ tewcr tcachilig nPPortttllitic, and low tees . ThC department publishe d Comm ssraurur7An Ilbrks to ach ocatc hest practice , particularly adequate hrotession .ll tcc, tirr artists .

Eleven .nv .u-ds were "Wen for hrojret, in\ olVins , arti.t ~ m-Orking in etlucario n . •Iwo oric-year traineesllihs in `al[crv Cdlrcatiorl were c,tahli.,iml -it OXford', \IOM Mid 111 C :Serpentine in London . Both Ikon anti the Serpentine , ?Closed for their LortcrV41.1111ded huildirl psc}jrcrs, ran yrn mg external hrot r ranullcs . Education and training also , lav at the heart ()f the hrl l~ramllle run by 1111 VA, rile Insrintrc ofIlltcrnarilanal Visual :arts. This rangcd from rtcil-attended t~xhihirirrrls addressing art and,port - ()ffiirle r (Manchester. Sunderland s and Rover c Usow,o Walsall) -

to a lon6,'•-tc r '111 eollahi warion XN itll a scomdan . schlurl i n :'Camden, L( )iidon .

Jn ISSOCIM1011 With MiddleSCX U11A .CrSit,; rile dch,lrrmcn r 'latlnched a gi - t nd-h - caking rcporT, 11111171 L11e171["1" Issuo:

ias d D f-bnti s . In partnership with Rcgi„nal Art, 11(ords . iscllollls, 111n,COIlls anti indnstrN; it also initiated a thrcC-vica r media art, in educatiorn project ti) dcvclr ' h vuun„ herl}~lc', &kills in phi rrograhhl- and digital trl7at ;1r1 .

JR111cr 0)"t'. an,_i the lack of pn wr .unmin ,g fund, for visua l

:arts venues created serious t9cn1 .1ntis on ncC dehlrrmcnt ' s small tourirt" exhihirion fund . The 17 rOnrl-ing cs}lihition s suhhorted ra111-10d frorll onc-hcr,on ho\ti s Frank Bowlim i g al Arts and Prum-1117 (`Iorrrlh t() the intcracti,c new redIIIolom shor t SO-1,01/s ( ;arum . The department initiated a report , Cveathw t'.sesat \'err Te•rlr edglu, nr map and analyse curren t activin, ant{ key platers .

3h ITyr .~rt.<{ :urrucil a~ l:r{rl~rrrld 1 yU~ U ,

Electronic media demand new (.Icfirlitioils oftouring an d distribution . Fifteen photography publications, includinty CD-RO Ms, received funding and Autograph produce d finer monographs featuring the work of black British .trrisrs . Rcownisin" that good exhibitions are made by wel l ncrworkcd and informed curators, the departmen t published a T-arel Digest of reports front its travel gran t recipients. Major international shows includcd Dominiqu e Main i Arnolfini) and llfark Dion ( Ikon) ; while the Whircchapel presorted a popular exhibition of work b y worllerl artists, Inside the Im'tSI 'llk, 170Urcd from the USA . Escalating costs, however, have firrced a significant reducrion in ncC number of international shows .

`['he Architecture Foundation, whose London publi c forums attracted over ?,fluff people each, helped raise public awarcness of the w1der social and politica l imtNwrance of design and arclurecrurc Issues . The dcparrmcnr commissioncd a seminal rcport on the Built F'rn ,irrrimentcurl the rational [ noll'admin, and set up a reacher training development post in collaboration wit h the DL-sign M useum and the University of Greenwich .

Looking alicad, a strategic use (&I .()ttcr.\- funds is set to have a significant impact on the deparmicnt's ann to create 19Q,

wider access and cn - m-ment ref the visual arts . z ( ;, Ilr7 ~ . I_orrclrrrr . Beyond infrastructure, towards peopl e

jortur Ncwrt u I )ire for of'tb \"annual Lotren , Dirl'sW :r .

l ounciP'c Lotrem , fmdittrt initiatire y tarok a new direction . National Lottery

By the beginning of the Feat•, the pr-ofixrnd impact of ] .arttery funding On the arts was already plain to sec . Wlicr ) Virginia Rottomley, then Secretary of State for Nationa l HCritagC, Outlined proposals to Cstcnd funding t_WVOn d capital projects, it became clear that the impact was set to

spread into the furthest corners ofour arts landscapc -

The then Gciverriment s new policy directions signalled th e dawn of a new era in which LOttere funding is no longe r 011fincd to bricks, mortar and hardware . Ltstead, we are riow free to shift the ff wus of 1nvice tmcm from inanimat e assets towards the arts community itself.

'1 - he stabilisarion programme, l1LIIIChcd in ScptCmher, sVmbolises this new cmpha " i .s on the human factor . l r represents a welcome departure from the traditiona l approach to addressing problems by imposing short-term , presCriprivC SOIntio ns. Now, the emphasis is on dcvclopirl g long-term sollt6011s alongside the pcOplC most CIOSCI V attached to an orr;anisatiom its staff .

A , t•ou will we from the list oil page 48, the I S organis.tirAns scletted to rake part in the pilot stabilisation scheme represent a broad range cif activitics and areas . Indeed, COnrlnitment to dIVCrsity - gcograpllical an d artistic - is t consistent f~arurc of all the -errs Count s initiatives . It is particularly evident in Lhe .errs for Everyone schemes, which have :attracted applications from a n ,astonishing Cross-section of arts groups -- amateur an d p1'0fC.SSI0na1 - up and dott'n the Countrv. It is significant , cur>, that the higgc.t grams awarded by the main Capita l Programme went to projects outside London .

The seeds of success sown over the `ear bV our film findin g .theme came to splendid fruition in May at Cannes . Here , we took the opportunity to highlight vet another majo r funding initiative: the film franchise sclicnte .

. cf~ 1 1 )111`1 anti l.aurathing each scheme has proved a

_:k ~o m l ~1C~ anti demanding profess . Tc~ make Lhcr n

.1. 11IrCCCSS, We ITCOLY11isc that the Lottcrv Division canno t

.rtford r0 operate 111 ISOIatiDn . SO throughout 1996j9' , we took steps to strengthen our links with the other Lotter ' distributors and to integrate Our attivitics and efti)rts wit h other parts of the Arts Council .

39 Over the learning curve towards along-term view

When the arts (olinCil url\-cilcd its ]-()rter\- capita l attention to planning derail is payin g Ott as the benetits of protgraninic in Nmember 1994, it pl-onlptl\ unlcashc d I .otacrt' funding h<<,in ttl infuse the dcrprst lc\-el ,, crt rile a tldal \\-a%c ()t holding applicatit)ns- a significant ti( )LIntry > arts lntra5r l-LI(:MIC . l-C%1' C()1111111]n1t]CS, IID\\- C1'el- proportion (.)f initial bids c anic from high-prttilc, loll1.1 - remote t)r small, remain untouched bV the irtflLl\. O capital . esrablishcd c,rran i ,,ttP ans \\ hC1'e the 11CCLi tali urgent spira l The quality alld diversity ()f rural pr()1ects i, matched b y IM-Cstnlcnt Co addl-C,s 1111111Cdiate problems had bee n lar`-er-scale develop111cnts ill 111cr1'optlitall ccnrres onsid e ~ ;rrnv in~~ for snmc tilde . 1 .1ridon - Ill()st notably in Walsall, \\ l1Cre The 110u lllll,,Clllll and art "allel-y conlplcs is rr" .lrLicd as a ln)dr1 ()t Its n'pe . File Vo1u111c Ofapplications to the capital prt,gramni c ,h(MS nt,itin ()t ahatiIl . In 1996 9 the scllenlc awardc d grant. totalh n ,, L'363 .(ln1 to ";2 OI,(Tani,ation, . BUT .a nC W lttinide cnlCI-11C .i dUriii- the \-car as u nuicvr -a\c \\ a\ to t r11OI-C rcflccti\'c, l(mg-tc•rnt .tpi~tcrtch .1111c)na applicants

I here xv ,el oral fal[tll. S behind rhtS Shlft. First, the .art, C mIncil's Lottery ( )perati()ns team - \\'Iaich administers th e asscsslracrlt Ofapplicatiolls - haS SLJCCCSSfuI[\-tit .lkci a formidable Icarnirlg cur\ c . SO it can nt\\ offer cleare r oilidancc oil what it takes to assemble a succcssful capira l bid, and ham' the applicants Caul irttcrpret the criteri a `~o\ ernin`~ I .ottcll' .t\\ at-Lis to nlaXinnlnl Cttect . at rile same 6111C, The IaLlnch Of p oll-capiral ftllldin(; ,chenlcs - such is the stabilis .atioll P 1,0 01"1111111C :lnd Arts ti ) r 1 :\er\One - has served to ti)cu, applicants'thillkin" on wl i Elie\' 11 ,0 conlIII ittillty therllsch'c, to a capital asset, and wha t hcllctlrs they htpl it 11- 111 bring t(7 tllc']r conltllllnlty. T(.) , ipp(srr this prowess, their has been :a nim-c rm ard s distl-ibutirn11 .1 high \ OILlnlc ofrelati\Vl\' Snlall ,a111otnttn Of nu)rtCV tcl SLlppOrt concept teasibilit\ ,tudie, .

Heralding a new era in film fundin g

The year saw a series of higlik- signiticarlt do%-cI()prrtcnt', The same ro-icw rccrmlmendcd that the A[T, Cc)unci l in the wav the Arts Ccmi-icil channels Li)ttcr"N- rv ethic t o should establish l dedicated Filrll 1)t•partrncnt Within ir s sttppcu•t Britain 's t1h11 makers. And Camics 199 7 pr()xidcd Lottcn Dl% isioll . This new . 4.1cparrmcrlt is stlppt )rtcd b\- th e the perfect time and place to ~)anal the :art, COUIld's AdN. isort• Pancl ()n Film . chaired b%- ( harles Dcntc)I) - - grow ing role in their success , t~)rnlerl~ head c)f Drama 6n)up at 11M . TV Th e dcparnllcnt', remit is set t+) extend hey and pro )ducti( I n

SIX prt)duCOOlls that recci\cd ] .suer%- tUndi m, fro Im tic Art s funding tt) embrace up,rl-cam and dmx nstrearll aspects 1)t' ( luttnciI dtu•in1' 199697 w-cre screened at Cannes . Three c ) f film making, nc)tahk deg ch )pnlcnt and distribution . It w il l fil m these w erc part c )f the 4 icial sclccti()n : Bent ( C'rit'ics' Week , undertake Ctintr•c inirlativo in cr)nsultati()n with ()thcr winner I It 1'ris do la Jeuncssc ) ; Lore ein d Awt11 nu L nia Ishvi d c)rt~ .ulisaticros . sucl> as the• 111-INS11 HIM Instit'ut'e . r. ,crccncd in L'n ( :crtain Rc and, w lien: It w on nne Ot the new h-inaLffUratcd l'ict•rtlt a%VaI-dS), alld Ul- .`sole the f-antic (',Illne•s alm) pi-()1 idcd tht' Arts ( :c(uncll w'It11 an c)l,pc)MIllit v DII-cctc)rs" Fr,rrni~~ht~ . to announCc which C)mpanies w'c)uld Esc oltcred a fil m franchise . Tllis scheme. 1,lunchcd in ( etc )her 1 e. 9 6) ()tlercd

T I I c AI- TS C1 )n11cil , 1111 O11'elllell£ ill ,llppl11"C111`' 11111 1 up tc) four cc)mnlcrclal tranchlscs and artracnd widesprca d pr()dnction thrl ) u II h IA)t£el'1' rC%'cmle l) e I ',tn N It II the KIMIt:1 ) publicity. It is dcsipied tr) create t me)rr o)hrrent, stable' ofa pile)t fundin g scheme in April 199,-) . 1>\- the end ()t - Brirlsh tills industry in w hich ptodu4crs have the financia l 1 el e 6 `9-• this sihcmc had awarded J`12,849,039 t() 62 res) )urces tc) plan cc)mnu•rcially across a slate O f films. B y prnjccts, F( )III Ak ing all C\tClt,iVe I-000w c It ' dhe lsilut 11 1 December, 176 companies had sinallcei their inrcresr, hN ' 199 --, '96, the Arts G wncil rc% iscd the -uielelincs IFOVel-ninc y Febrllal - , the Alts O)uncil Ilad receiVCd ~- al,plic,ltB)11 s the distribution ofproductic)n field,, and cxtcndcd [h e trc)m pwelltial 11-anchisccs 1 scc)pc (&f'1111di111; tO incluLlc artists' 61111 Alld Video), as NN ell a s films fin- cinema . • ']'he six 1,()ttcI' -supported 111111, screened at ('asse s

1997 w crc I car 1 dircctcd h\ Scan Mathias F, 1111 I'lltillit . directed I 'V Bhar.u \ aUuri ), Love- tilrtl A-wh oil Lmi n labeled i dirccrcd by Richm-d law ictimm ski ),,111 Son the Fwwtir I dircctcei bv L'davan Prasad Nbootiiia Fish (directed b\ Stephen tic11\Varri ~ soul he shlb Ay vs (dircctcei I-) John BVI'11e) .

And the fi-anelliu• w inners al-c ...

l)1~:1 Fi11ns I .imitcd : 1)1,111, 10 films With Lottcrl t'undiI I

TIIc 1= )1111 C( )thc)rt11Jm : plans 3 e11i1111S %it'll IA )MIA- t 'LlIld M O c If C33 .56Ili .

1 1,1thc Pictures : plans 3, 1i1111s with I,()ttcr\' ttl11 1 1i11" (I t 1'33111 . 411~1:A~1~ l~l! 11A :i

~{~':~. ~`;• .

,'4 Striking a chord at a grassroots leve l

.fir thetart of the Near. Gik erntnci-ir annlruneCd plans to 3'CI1X the rLIICti On Lotrert' t1indlng u) include non-cap ta l projects . Its decision was underpinned by three principa l aims: the 111VOlticmC11t (d Muth,' participarimi in the art s and Volurttat-- "roups working-, in the arty .

The ,-arts Council resturnded Immediatcl% ; and set abmi t cic\Clopin~a a fundi€1_; scheme «ith a srrr>ng, emphasis i,€ 1 Youth, access. new work and participation .

11%• \rrt•enlber, it % vas ready to launch a rwO-hart initi,lti%C : Arts fire I vvi-vone i A4F. ) Main, and .14E E\press . Publi c reaction to both has been over\\ 1lclnlingly positi~c ' an d both 11AVC arv-acted umprecedcnted numbers of ena.luirie s and applic .ttions .

This success oWCS much to the breadth and deptll o f grassroaw, consultation that went iIto, leveloping th e initiatIN-CS . Input trom the arts, Cducation and Vouth sectors had a 1" .lrticularls' strong bearing on the final result . Indeed , A4 F. Fyress - .1 pilot Scheme - was launched i11 response to tccdback fr(All small grueps Which 11 .11.1 prC\ iouslV rCCCIN C d na r finding wharm )es, ;r. Aimed I}rimaril~ at youth , Voluntars and s111,11I pea rte',S1 En :11 Organisatia ms, it oflcr- s 'u mw' of )cm , ccn L;SUU and L'a,000 . lit• the end of the 1•C .11- it had artrac[cd over 4UU aphlicatiums . FI•nr11 thou, ot°c r 2,044 projects rcceived a total art more Alan L:Sm . The pilo r scheme \%'I I be CVdIIIatCd during the second half of 1997 ,

The main A4E sc11cnic also struck a resorl,ult chord is ith th e arts public. Designed to comPIC111CII1, not replace, regula r public .11•ts ti111,3in11, it o e l-S `Orarln Of hc[WCCII L ' :-500 an d L';1)0,000 to arts org .misationn - professional and amatcu r ith an established track record . 11v the end otth c financial war, 1,000 or`" .1111"ttions had applied tier :14 4 tending .

Like A4F l:Xpress, the Alain A4F scheme is clearly haritr4 .111 Cnornlous Impact ern the count1_V's 11-ts larldsc.tpe , benetirin : a wide rango: of arts org, MItions," up and dmvr1 the coumtr\ .

Dance and drama students win Lottery support

II I \Larch, the Arts C(mncil ann44111CCd details Of a n Ffcalvrl\ ; the Arts Ca,Uncil scheme - to which trainin g, interim, 6nir-\'car scheme to support II all CC . drama an d establishments apply - \\-ill reduce the financial burden o n .tai. c mina anent students accepted ante l accrcditcd I+A- b\' uSing Lotter' 1110110 ru help them meet the Cost s training courses, The crisis it sets out to address has bee n of dance and drU11a tuition ties. It is, however a tenlporar\ ' dcrpenin' 6)1 , "()file time, and posCS a srrio lls threat to rile nlcasllrc designed to help just rto IIat .lkcs IA StlldCnh an d hlture of fiance and Urania in Britain . to bridge the ,tap until the G AVI- 11111Cnt fllldS .1 I011L!-rerlll u 111tio m .

At its heart lies .1 d1Sit• 11 .111\' bCt\\ Cell tllndlllg ful• dance and drama students and tilnding fi)r students in ()tiler art s The scheme was dr\clopcd by lit .-arts ( :ou11CII «'urkirn; arras such as MUSIC and the Visual arts . The nlal' (wit\' el f parr' - chaired by Give Pricstle\• - in consultatic m \\ ith th e music and \'isllal arts students attend training irlstitHrIOn s ( :n III of Local E.ducatiun .\uthuritIO, the DC[)artnlen t in the public SCCtalt-, su the\' are entitled to 111,11IdatOIT laica l c>f National I Irritatge and rhr I)rpartnlcnt tier EdUcariol l authority funding . BUt the nlajorir of daIICC and drama and Fnlph)ynlrrtt. Adnlinisrered b\ the Arts Gmncl k students attend independrnr Colleges, \\ hich rcCCIVC n u Education and Trainin', hrpartnlent, it will be Pilitl y publiC nu mCy. tundcd by the \atiunal I .WtCrV through the .-arts 0)unciI . and rhr Departnunt tow E:ducatiun and E.nlploynaent, i n tia c unless dance and drama Student ., ha\e indeprndcn t partnership \cirh t raining establishnlcnts and LEAs . nn•ans a)f suppawt. their ()ill\' soLlrlC c)t flllldln`; is thrcauI' h disCretion .u . grants from their local education aUrlvwitie s 1 .1-As) . Ho\\e\'cr, the rclati\cIv high traimng ol%t s invoked mean many I .E:As dc, nut consider dance and drama applications at all . As .1 result, nl .111y talenred VuungSM'S .Ur CXCludrd ti-unl trainin,,: places the\' hav e co mi1mcd so r f1crcel\' to \\'Ill . ry

'Nr R~,~SCO



Joe* ** 1000 0* 0000 *000 0% 0 IDO .NS ,ANGE, GEM~' tA14TA-M atAGE 000 •

Supportin g sustainable change from withi n

In September, rile Arts Council launched irs Lumen-funde d possible vuk, t (urganisatiuns in a di g rrsit O IOiatiOm . pilor stabilisation programme. This is a radical initiative From a sh(rrtlisr Of 36, the Stabilisation COmmitrec dcsignd r0 strengthen arts organisarions creatively, recommended la appliCants to C .1)nnCil . tyhiCh announced it s managerially and financially ht' otTerin g them the final decision towards the end of Jams ire: opp wwnin to put themselves on a more secure an d As the financial year drew ti) a close, particip,ults and thei r sustainablC financial -file licCisinn tcl launch th e advisers began finalisin g, their stabilisation strategies fo r schCn e as a pllia "as entll- Ch' kyVal : it has nc) preceden t submission to the Arts Council . The implemenraGm Ofnc c an%-wherl' in the UK arts filnding s1 - stern . pilot is likely to Continue tilt- around three gars, and presen t estimates put its total Cost at ahuut .CI M . Similar- programmes (ycrarc ClWWhCre, Of course, notabl y in the USA. Bur the Arts Council's scheme - prc)jec t managed hY nlanagenlcllr Consultants fr(nu CAxTc s Pilot admissions IA-brand - is unique in rnvo t1111damenrll rCspccts . Firstly ; i t The t6lit -in s" ors,; . llkations Were alimittCd to the pilo t Otters organisations .1 si„niticantll' hi ;hcr level of potentia l stabilisation scheme : fmdkg than US schemes . SCCOndll ; it is designed w ensw-C that those fields are nut used to reward failure by allcyiatin g I;irnlinghanl Re p the financial synlptOm.s of pour lnanag'Cillent . It Aims , Blackheath Concert Hall s instead, to Cradicatc the root CausCS Of an Organisation' s Botn-nclllouth Orchestra s instahilin'. Bristol On- COnsurtium i nudfink Brkud (Nd NO , Watershed Arts Ttust l This involves high-level . specialist advisers \vorking at th e C :inenla Cain ; Norwic h brace of .ul Organisation to identifl-1vliat hch :lyiou -,I 1=.mhroiderrrs ' Wild changes it must tlnclugo to, achi& sr•)hi% TIC adVisCrs ' English National Oper a rolC is not to i[II]3(),C short-tern) sOlutions, but to hel p I-Ianlpshil-C Count- Council Arts Centers Consortiu m Organisations dC1'ClOp lOrlg tC l - nl sohltiOlls f-Orn \17thill . i Tower arts Centre, Winchester, Ashcroft :arts Centre , Farcharn, West End Centre, Aldcrshi)t ; Participants will then rCceivC the Capital funds needed t o Forest Arts Centre, \etv Milton ; Havant Arts Active ; implement their stabilisation stratcgiCS and, )Wher e Fairfield Arts Centre, Basingstoke) appropriate, reduce their existing liahilitirs . Inner City Music, Mancheste r In all, 139 urganisabm" ansmvwd the call ti)r applications . The Junction, C:anlbridgC Assessors measured bids against a set otCriteri,l designed t o London Symphony Orchestr a ensure that dic stabilisation scheme is tested in the Mcfest VOrthern Sintimi a Sheftirki Museums and Gallrrres CAMS01 - ti)1111 (Sheffield C .1t y Museum and N'lappin Arts Gallery; Bishop ' s I louSL; Abbevdalc Industrial I Ianllm Ruskin Gallen and Ruski n Craft Gallen ; Graves Art" Gallcl- ? Tara Arts Grou p Wee t li)rkshirr 11whcluse Matching quantity with quality

With the authnrln- to distribute National Lotten , revenue conics the legal responsibilin , for ensuring that it i s distributed according to the rules - and in tile PUhli C interest. After all, Lotten, revenue is public looney:

At the Arts Council, this responsibility - Nyhcre capita l projects are concerned - falls to the Lortcn• Projects Department . Established in May 1996 with th e appointment of Lotter' Projects Director Nicole Mill - Symons, the department was up and running by al e auruillrl. Its task is twofold : first, it monitors t i l e Pl-()L'FCS S of capital schemes ; then it CvaltlatCN the111 .

Monitoring forms the core of the team ' s activities . It involves overseeing the payment of grants against agree d schrdulcs, and enSen•i n ,t; that recipients meet the conditirm s of their awards. Givcii the rising volume and conlplcxin_• o f arts-related capital projects now trndcnvay, monitoring is a highly dcmandinL= Business. However, it is underpinned b y clear-rut proccdtu-cs in tyhich Information technology plaV S a key part .

The Government's criteria governing the award of Lotter_ -rants provide an invalu able point of reterence wher e judgint, the merits of particular projects. But where the art s are concerned, making qualitative judgenletrts can never b e an exact science . So post-completion evaluation is hacked by objective checks and balances . Developing these wil l become an increasingly important part or the Lottery Projects Deparrmcnt's work .

Last year, The department oversaw a number of special pilo t studies. 'File Arts Council's Business A .sscssment an d Planning Department carried nut nvo pilots on a selectio n of projects ne:lring completion, to ensure that they had me t the objectives they set out to achieve . AJlcather stud y focused on 0 brass hands, a sector rm which the impac t of Lottery funding his Been dramatic .


The Arts Counci l Collectio n

I Ile :krt, C(tunciI C(tlleCrion was tOUnded in 1946 . the From Scptenlher 1996, members Whe Pulwhasini, same year as the .errs C( tuncil of Higland ti predt:t:cs% ; )r, Committee tycre Marjorie AIIrho trpc-Guytr to Direct, )r , the .arts ('uUnCiI OtGrCaT Brirain . It is nosy the lar'C, t ViSLIal art,,A)Uneil(~I'l:u~;l .utd , tirr,an Fcrlc• z cr 11,164 )11 :11 l( tan rcmmrce r>tpo,t ~yar British :frt . hraedes i Direcror, Hayward G illery ~, Sacha Cradedr tc k

r artist and ON), 5u ,an Daniel c Director o ) ' Orie l

It c+tntain, (A Cr- 3,00(! original paininl`.;s, 5CUlptUrc, an d .}awing" 1000 aim; prins any[ 2,000 ph(m graphs . (A 111Ccriwi and ( ., trnclia Parker ~ artkut . In tntal. th e :k1togaher, it represerlrs (wer 1 .-110 artists including, c()rnmittee im-cstcd just under C1,5,5 .000 in S I \york, , Frank .'Auerbach . Gillian :Wres, Francis Bacon , with prices ranghT benyccn ON and L 1 OHM . Saba Iioycr.7~tnyCra`.,,~, I_ueian Frcued, .wnnwiv(A VIRK I he wirnnikec's purchasing decisions were undcrpimiei Susan f Idler, David Hnckncl; ,-finish Kapoor•, Henry \bore by its (tbli~gation to C11s111-C that the• Arts C(runcil Collcctlr t o and 1drid,,Cr Rilcy. cuntinucs tit seek irtnoyati\ C work that retdect, the diyer,e urtput of artists currCntly trr,rkin`; in Britain . Arru mg its The ('olle:tion forms an integral part ()t'Nariranal T~rtei n 1-.0iblt3on,, a service which t, a drninistCrCld for th e (A wricil of England by the Hayward Gallery in I_ .on~dorl .

'Byo tou r ' s launched in \Lur ch 1196 to mark the (AdIcction' s iOth anniycrsary cotltinued throu"huut 1996 9 The first , 'A("! -I r'tc Cnu71cil Celli rtior urrrpttt•chases, travelled trim the I latntn Gallery at the Univer0ty (lt niva,tlc ro th e I laywarod Gallcrv, then to Walsall and Shcttici d . , 1- Il c sC0 tnd, :lntcmy (.tornllcy ' s I-'ielfl furlhi British Isk , 1993, also hewn in the North E,t,t . I Ills rnsr .lllation of 1{l,llUf l

tcrrac(ttta figure~ attracted 111,111C audience ,, to Gatcshca d o to lynesi dc, where its stay wa, extended educ to Publi c demand . ]n the auttulltr, it transferred to the Haywar d ( Merv IN its first I .ondon showing .

!n .April, a new cased show tn)[11 the C :oIICCtioll ticga n

tc Ftrrill11 . 1'r•i71tCV Irrt . tc,iCnrCs recent prints by 25 (rt the lilt,[ important yotrn'L;,11"lists includin" I)anliC1 1 I d ust and RachCI Whitcread . - HIC ,how, \\ hich started i n ()•r tydt in, highliPh t ,. w( irk f r(mi two str i Les (4 'print s a c 4,111 ired by the Collection : theI.uudwt Put•tfolio an d Othei - .1 fc n ' Flnmc•r±, both published by Paragon Pres, . Thc National - lituring Exhibirions progyranune continued wit h 1 )011 1'r•iut:,1'riutr/iur1r Idirar;' and Spt)tlirfht exhibitions al Be-1 1 Niehnluru and ItZiarrr 7irrko ..

II T7~i_fits('rurtriilrrtFtrrlrtudl rlVh

Arts Council Collection Purchases from September 1996 to March 199 7 in order of acquisition :

1990/97 acquisitions by young artists were significant Mariclc `cudcckc r Frlipsr, 19 y4 Niariclc \cudccke r nwrF.at .Sbredded K'heat, 1996 works in video, which has hccrmlc an increasillgh- Exthular - Laura G(KIfrc\ -INaacs Ila'aiiinel'ainttng, 199 6 mcdiunt . Slost notable of these wcre Gillian Wcaring, ' s Joan ]lea ' 1100 (11 p . 1994 ,Sixty Alintrte Sile•ni c, 199(1 and ('trtt Tess all on video, 1994, Jam" Rlclh ' Daddv, I Lose Ton, 199 6 Roddy BuChallail ' % ( ;IJasitttl 1000, 1994, and Alan ('urrall' s Ccal F love r Light, 1994 Jane Simi sc m Balrv Bath (lip sliiTbthv mel trd) , 19 % fmr we wks WriPiwcc•ssitan, jcrsattt, Sulkn, and lrlephon c John Cerplans .SellI llrrtrair i Upside Down \'o. 1), 1992 C'nrrr o-sariotr, I99 .;. Important purchases from longer- Tom . Boar Head Hon^on, 1996 cstahlishcd artists included GttstaVNlct7ger 's installatio n Kcrn .Stc N% .tr 1 7Ins Girl Bends, 199 6 Stephen C :hamlxr s 7Ins is a liimian You Know 11-W, 199 6 Tti e'r•awl into, 1997-97, Leon VilainCOUr's [%Iilltitl~gy Luiia \o4aacira Biuoodar . 1996 Jean Pierre Latz/Jeanne Lartr'iu, 199 1--94,3 and a black an d Cean Perkin s -l7' at 60npb . 1996 whitc photograph, SclfPot7rttit (UpsideDint•tt No .l ), 1992 , hmise I1opki m Snriysbtr t 4 . 1996 Jason ( : crhun t 11r•mring, 1996 t li - John coplans . Graham Ceus.i n Nova l.andfayr-, 199 6 Tracy MaAeiin a Hasor, 1996 Adam Dan t Untitled 2 . 1096 Adam Uan t Untitled -!, 1996 KAI%- Prendergas t T7rr Fnd and rbr Brttirutirirz ll, 1996 Katha Prendergas t Hair lienrnrt. 199 6 Richard Rillingha m Untitled . 1994 Richard Billinghatrt Untitled, 199 .5 Richard liillinghaa n Unritlcd, 1994 Paul { rld+tel l Alv Father's Coat I-I'll, 1996 Ada pt slan t Untitled, 199 7 Grein-ille Davey Fvr, 1996 Joanna I; ir k facqui and Kutha nrc, 1995 Emma Smit h tiruni . 1996 Jane Dix+r n Untitled (tonw, 199 7 Juli,ut OPIC Do von raper think ofme 199 6 Gillian Wcaring sixtvAlirirue .Sdenre, 1996 Gillian Wcaring Confrssallonvideo, IW4 Pamela (d,ldc n Ah-S 6lirtson, ,SUTnor 7irci and &aldi at tax Hospital, 199 ; Pamela Ceolde n from theMIs Matson Amrsthe C:offirsaics, 199; Wile Elliott .-1100-100 (Otifrn7n Wbire, Red . f Trranarrinr 8111c l, 199 6 Ellin 's Williams To for Lipbtbousr No. 1,1 , 1)rrrruGrr,'farrnarr . I gyp, s 1 5 Peter Firnxmorr God Ap livid D) ,? God, 199 6 Peter 1'inncniwc f hr Aforking ol'(1n ist, 1996 I im H ami d Fn wAppravances ( \rrrton .,tlarrar . Cahbie(li r and Hur•ke•1, 199 5 , . :n,m Lrnkc Lost, 145th Curral I jetsam, 199 5 Curral l Srdkv, 199 5 Alan Oirral l Telephone Corrnrrsatian, 199 5 Alan C :urral l llr,rd 1'rnresarra. 1119 ;; Rtkikk BnJ1.ltla n ChasiYT 1000, 1994 ( ( .tire I;ar~lac Untitled r rur-nrd Mo . 199 6 r . ;-~ ltarrla~ C'ntith-d tpole mirb sl arrd-o ffb,risdrs) . 199 4 B .rrdav Untitled (Iearbrr hchnet cap), 1996 ~ ~~~ .irn ~« smit h Pickett, 199 6 (-4Veta+ \tctz,er To Crawl into, 1995-9 7 l)asid Bellirn~hern RiderRaintirrp (blue), 199 4 Ixim Vilaiucr,ur Jean Aemt Lar;: Jeanne l anrin . 1993-94


Regional Arts Board s ? I MarC1 199

F. a:r rr•r : ,4 rt; Berard . i r't_ B, par'd ( hcm Hinron Hal l 13 Sr ( :hc,rer. Eiart, SO23 9ll( ) aprolon,CJ i,rr :, r hank ( .hero Hinton Roa d Win , l m+rid-cCB€ 4DW FclcphF inc- 111962 }3SiO49 v ,Jb 9- %%,l, prlmaril\ a \ c' .lr (iconsohdatl,, n Iclcphonc- 0122321"3S 5 Fax : O1962 861 1$ 6 Call anosed by the leadcrship iii chtefeaenttic c F :t\ 01723'_-1rO -54 Area co%crcd : Berkshire . Iiuckmlzhannhirc LOU MCrll, rile hoard ti ICLISCd on tour kc\ ' Area cmercd : Bcdtitrdshirc. ( amhriduc,hir r Hampchirc, Asir of Wight, ( )';tirrd+hirc• . priorities : ncu partnership, . €lustre„ 3= ssC\ . Hert-fordshirc, Lint)lmhirc . Nomull : \1•ilt,hirc and South Fast ]ArrNe r &%ek ipnent, international links, and ralan~-, and Suffol k Chief Executive : Rolvrt HLtrChi,t M till prolilc otthe regions art, . Chico Executive: Lou Stei n Chairman : David Rei d ( hatrman : Sir David Harrison CB E T,1 support it, r1e,v outlix)k, the }xiard South Fasr Arts Board established rtvo new department, : the F:rr,t ,ZfidltrrrrfsArTs kilned 10 Mi rum Ephrai m Informari, m mid Cumnutrlic- msm ,11( iunrticld, Hnu, c lulthridge 1l'C11 S Ile•partmcnt and the llcparrmcllt tit Epinal Way Dent TN4 8A S Businc%s and Resource, . At the,amc time . Locr,hhorou~ h Tc1c phone : 01892 n 152 1 0 it +trcnplscned link, %kith It real authorttiC % Lcicc,tcr,hirc LE i 1 OLF. Fa \ : 01992 ;49,;8 3 through in Local Government Arts Forum . "Telephone : 01 ~-09 21829 2 Arc,] 74 wurcd : Dell T . SIIrrC 1 . ]rs ti .rrmal .igrecincnr%t+ith the rcginn " c ht\ : 1)1 a()9 20_'21-1• I".aSt SLI„e•\ ,tild 11'e%T Su+'C \ unrtarv and Cnuntx ,Meth()r•1t1C1C(IntlFMC d Area toyc•rcd'. Ilcrbi.- hire , cxiludm , ( hict Exccuticc, Fcli :in' Har\cs t rn opCr1 up ncly Channels o1 communiiaui ul , I1igh Peak Dktritt i, Lciccstershirr ( hairman : Roger Rec c parncularll'tllrtillghanc\e programmc4i f Northampronshirr and Nottinghamshir e Public SrcTnr Partnerships . C ;hict' Exccutivc : luhn BLMt )l l South 111',t .'lrts Chairman : Prrrfc„()r Ra\ ( oarl l liradninch Plai c - These i,roycd in\ ;tluahl : dut'ing rhr run-u p Ciandt Sn'rr t n, the first D Wild of the A4k-. F:\press pillrt ,

Loudon .-]rrs Board \\'ht i the hoard', dedicated Lotter tea m \v„rkcd hand-in-hand \yith local autll„riiic s 1-.1111c I lou% c 'I -clcphonc: 0139-1 219 1 k ; ( 133 Lt rng Atrc Fax'. 013924135i ;4 to disscminatc Informant ill to potentia l (,, n ent Garde n Area coycrt:d : C, ornx all . 1)cyon, D(rr,c t .spplicamN . 1,(m.irto ll'C2E 9A F c\:cpt district} Ot BU ll- IlCI111-tlth . Tclcphonc :0171-2 .11) 1,31 3 (1rist:hurch and 114 it ile), tllou .Cstcr•shire Pi-cparant tit, ti,t' rhr Ycar tit'( )pcra arld MUNiCA l Fa\ 0171-24(143[5( ) and .tiumcrwt ; unitary •ttrtlu>ritics nl Bristo l T hcane, launched in lanu,lr\' 1997, eiominatc d 1[rlplinr :Il171-2-11)-kS- R Bath and North rant Somcr,ct , JIR WCCdiill',h . Working, tlox•h with partnct's - - :Irrt :o\crcd : rhr 32 I .undon Boroti~h s `oa(h Cilonccstcrshirr, Nortli S,)rncrsc t not :thh' the l asrcrn Touring Agenc\' - rhr n Chid Excnlti\c : 6rahant Lon g hoard plavcd a pivotal roll in i,rot;ranulling , .old the City of l-onio . ('lief 17\t ici\c : Sac Rohcrts, in 01,11rman : .\l .t gicGuillchaud markcting and promoring the year +c'\cnrs . Chairman : ('lice Pric-,tlct' ('1 1 ]n all . I h nc\\ \cork, were tomnm%ioncd an d iti'st .)1W1nnds, vts1hord the programme tires\ upon thi: rc,unt'+ mitsic•a l Noi-rho-n A rri Board tit (11-,tn\illc Stree t ,trcntLths- Arlton ,~ the most mrrlwrahl e of - th e 9-10 ( )N homic Terrac e Birmingham Ail 21 . H prod u : tit in% let the iirsr rhrcc months l C',111[,nCi Icleplumc : 01 2 l -(131 31 2 1 Ycar was 11hr( :brld, pcrfi,rrltcd in :atllcdral s Nc,v:axtJC-upon=ll'ru \'I? INz I'-a\ : 0121-6-13 "29 he rile \,ltional Youth \Iasi : FhcaTrc, kit h l'clcl,]wnr 0191-281 0334 I'CA :u\crcd I-IcTCt"0rri & l1'orcc,trr, au,ruscs dr .t\\n Irt,m In :al s: ilia .], . F .1v : 01 1)1-281 .1276 5hroi+vhir :. St ff(irdshIrc, it%.ImIiks}lirr ; 1",)icC mad 24-111ur ntcss.lgc Scrvicc : lllcirup)litan district,(rf liirmingh :nn . The Aldchurgh Fululdation continued it-, 0 191 - 28 1 2 86 0 OA ])odic'\. SaIld\vC11 . Solihull , e\paltstnrl 111t[i 11CW dl'CdS . llotthh• CIAIN C . Area : oyc-red : Cumhr1 .1, Durham , Walsall and Itulyerltanlpto n With the !)oiler Rypi-rss fcstkal dcyclopcd i n Northunlherland; unitar authorities of Chiet - F.xCCn[I y C : Salk' Lunen crillahoranon +\ ith Sutii,lk ll .mcc, rho: rcgin n ' s I1,tt-rICpo(ol„ \Iiddlc,l,rougll, Rcdcararl d Chairman: Bob South,,at c National Damc .Agent\: pro\mg succc•,stitl . ('Ic\cland . .tituckt„n : nu•tropohtan xli .,rricr, o f Sheila („lcitr, Director ( pt the Aldchurd h Ncxtasr1c, Ciatrshcad, North'I'vir •aide , 17rrk.shirr c` Nrr rnber'dd r ,•1 rv c lino rd Fourldatn)n I'or eight \cars . annt itintcd he r Sullkli:l .trisi ,old Si )tllll Ji 11CSi11 C 21 BS,nti STr'C•e t departure• and 1(marhan RCCkiC WAS ,lppoinTr d Ullicl' Exccuti,c : Allllrel5 1)is4tt I )rsyshu n .Is her,ttccC%mi n

( 11 .61-111 .111 : CIlrStella R,d,ilt,on Ilcsr ~orkshire 11 i-13 1 A Fclcph(roc : 1) 1924 4--n .;--l .; 7i\n rr(~anisation,,The lrntction in Canlbridg c .Vm-rb 111

52 7 brr . } r 1-s C urtru'il aJ Er?rTlrrrrrf 19')0 9-

East Afidlands .i its Board Londrin A its Board N ortbent Ar is Ifaard

Undcr in new corporate banner - Makin g The vear ' s activities were sandvwichcd betwee n The Visual Arts UK programme feature d Creative Opporruniries - East Midlands Art s rwti kn• appointments . In April . Sue over 3,000 individual exhibitions, evcrt[s an d ,.corked in otiose partnership with loca l Robertson became chief excrutivc . Twch c commissions. It involved over 550 whoxols i n aurhoritics, artists and arts organisations to months later, the hoard appointed a ne w education prtogranuncs . A Harris sown • develop new streams of arts funding froln Tile Chairman, teleyi%ion journalist Trcvor Phillip s indicated that 86%) of 'rho: region 's population I.otten: the F iropcart Union and othe r were aware of Visual Arts UK events . sources . The hoards relationship with AIiS A Throughout 1996/97, the hoard 's clients - pas t Midlands proved partictrlarl%-fruitful, and le d and present - Continued to produce work o f Major projccts included the 1_indi%farnc to a significant increase in support f or, th e uurStartdingqualiry. At the Ronal Court and Cruspcls at the Laing Art Gallery in Newcastlc- sponsorship pairing scheme . the Theatre Royal, Stratford East, the• -lamaslt a uponTync ; Annnv Gorntlev '%Field fordo Theatre Company presented Ayub Khan Brrtisb Isles at G ateshcad ; Bill Viola's TZie East Midlands' theatres led the wav i n Din's East is East, a play which artractcd th e zlfcssrnger at Durham Cathedral; andLivirt q intro dLICing, innorarive, international work t o ycn first Divcrsc Act ,. award, Adycnnrres i n at Relsav, where uvcr 90 artists displace d the region's audie•rlec%s Sib io Purcarcr e :Motion Picturc% ' celebrated Smau Lake contcmporan crafts in an English Heritage brought his acclaimed -km.pest ru Nottingha m tramterrcd from Sadle r ' % Wells to the West En d property Lanterns in Ulvcrsron, %work create d Piavhousc, cohere Martin Duncan has for a sold-our season, highlighting the crucia l tier the Ramparrs at Berwick and Danucrt } firs t esrahlisiu•d himself as one of the country' s rule that public %uhsidy can play in th e .it the Bowes Muscum all attracted extensiv e Icading dirccrors . Lciccsrer Ilaymarkcr' % commercial success of yew talent . As dies the media coverage . Education packs on sculpture , season was mcnurrablc for Kathrvit Hunter ' s success ofthc Asian Dub Foundation, v+'hos c archirccturc and other art berms reached Kiujr Lea r• while Derby PlaYluouse recorded tote• mush fcarurc•d on at CD Supported by th e thousands of school children . Art on trains , eountry'S accond highest audience tiguns - board, and produced and distribute d trucks, ferries, rivers, flagpoles, shoppin g internationally by Sony . malls, bits stops, beaches and mountain sides Cultural divcr%ity remained a priority . brought the region to national attention . Conlp.ulics such as Sal:unanda `Tandem an d The board contriburcd to a pioneerin g First Movement developed cxpcrinlenra l collaboration between an e%tablislted recordin g The performing arts were equally prolific . progranunes invol ving people with 1C .11-nin g stir, Pl Harvey, and cult choreographer Mar k -Stockton International Riverside 1-cstiva l di% .ubilitic% . Island Burro - the East Midlands ' Bruce . The results drew plaudits tar and wid c attracted audience% of oycr 25f}AN . exchange scheme with Jamaica - brough t and introduced a generation of music lover% t o Folkworks took Second plait• in the Prudentia l RusSCll Watson and S1eh ira Hazard from ril e contemporary choreography. Awards vvith lbeal Chords . ewer 25 brass hands Caribbean, while ICi .-hard Pinner and Chester struck up with new Lotten--funded Morrison visited Jamaica . The British Asiar t For the Notting Hill Carnival '96, the hoar d instruments . Live'T'heatrc closed its doors fo r Theatre pnojett got underway at Leicester's launched its Carnival Development Scheme . .t 1. 1tn Lotter-funded rctirrbishmcnt, bu t Havmarket Theatre ; and carnival art s In addition . a series of talks at the 1C:A and a compensated bs . broadcasting previews of th e workshops enhanced Clariblxan carnivals i n programme W encourage carnival work i n Tuvirr Tzlesof 7i-nrside (in Radio 4. Norther n Leicester and Nottingham . schools helped to raise understanding of thi s Stage rcnrrned home with its acclaime d growing art . International awareness reache d production ofAnitnal Fitrm hcfaorc crnharking The hoard's Lotter\- support ser vice provide d its peak at Wembley; tthere Mahogany Art s on an international tour . applicants with regular surgeries . seminars an d brout ;ltt the Sounds and colourof carnival t o advice, and helped Nottingham Playhouse, th e the Ettro 9h ope•ning ceremony . The Northern Arts Film Pro duction Fund wa s Nottingham Castle Museum and Derbw Danc e launched. Earl incrstntcrlts includcdAril{rCgcl Centre submit successtitl bids for capita l Book Works won the main Prudential Award Passes By by Wildcat Films, which won th e grants. It also helped turn a high prt)portion (i f in rccognitiou ofits contribution to visual arts . Golden Spire Award at the San Francisco Film applications to the A4E pilot into awards . Several authors supporred by the New Londo n Festival . Writer% Awards, includin- Stephen Blanchard , As the Ronal I'll i lharmonic Orchc%tra Maura Doolcy and Kirsty Gunn, publishe d Brazilian foothaller 11uninho launched the 1996 consolidated its resioicncv in Nottingham , books . Writearound Fc%vval in Middlesbrough, and regional orc hc•stra% - notably the East ci f Keith Pattison's photographs of Newcastl e England C )rchcstra - continued to thrive . By value, some 40% of the vcar's successfu l football crowds were nominated for in ABS A Oppoortuul1ic% dcvclopcd by visual art , Lotten• bids came from London-based award . ut•ganiS .ttions .tnel eight galleries produced ewe r ur~anisattons, a fiGure that reflect, th e 100 exhibitions . The most memorable of these concentration of arts venues in the capital . The Northern Arts' C asr for Capital wa s was lan .11cKeeverat Nottingham's Angel Row The rapid development of arts in London - instrumental in the region's overall Lortcn • Gallery. First Cut, a joint scheme Ix-two m the sonic of it 1-ortem-fundcd - highlights th e success . Important grant%\\'cot toward s board and C'enrral'11' to support young fil m need to nurture a pool ofrrained professional s a new art% centre• in Stockton and a theatre makers, went from strength to strength . So di d to support artistic gn)wth . With funding; for Keswick . Northern Print and Freefurm the pionccring .arristsAt 7osrSt-mier support from the South London Training commissioned lcaSrbihty Studies. int o proogramtttc•, part of the board's continuin g Enterprise Crluncil, the hoard has established a establishing artist%' resource centres in Nort h commitment tocducation work . consortium of London arts organisation s Shields . Cher la Public Art projects were otlcring moxicra arts apprenticeships. comrnissioncd. and Alnwick Playhousc an d Phoenix Theatre in Bh-th un veiled new, I .ottcry-funded facilities .


\'u,-ili It i-St .-1 ref Ron rd late rbrm .4 m lfnar•d South East Arrs Nnard

Thrcc a%peer%if Nrrrrh West Arts Board n'ur k Kith the arras At oC noo. chief c\ccLJWC Rl,I,ert 1996 9 - %% is a vearrrt d\ ilamlc ChaPI-T fo r %itHod trtlt during 1996 d - ' urureim, if no % Hutchison, Southern Art% foalstd in Three South Ea%t Am- FCIICir\' Har\•esr \\' .1, funds; %%ork nn do%clclpmenr prmritic, ; an d prulriric ,upport tier relionai PP Hd Llirion ; appuintcc d chief CwCutt%c and imnlcdiarel t increastrig irl%16cmcnT ul 1-4lrtery %theme\ . art% anti %dung people ; arld :1 a1s41lidating Llndert4lt,k .t ,Tarr re,trurturm ,,, This cwrcl% e ,upptlrt ti,r :rrarcgically irnpr,rtao r was dcwmcd tt„rrcrlgnccn the l,1- Lard ' s The hoard t\ a% suet e%sfu1 in securing L 1 .6 -m t triani,anun+ . capac[tt' Too help the rcgital'% m kt benefi t irurll Zile European Regional Development Crum I-r rttcr'% opportuniic% . As \\ cll a, more Fund to create new doh% in the art\ and :ulrura l 111 a r'eg11. Ili %\'1rh mo rrC UniEal -% authorities Luttcr\' posts, rile ne\%organisation has a mdusrncs ot'Grcater Manchcsrer and part% el f titan ant' taher oLlrsidc London, clea r strOlIg . I)UM ard-facin IT managcme•nr ream : Lancashirc and C;hc%hire . Thi, fund a mad e conlmunican, oil with other fundcrk i% e„cnrla l and a rte%\ tier - a,%i,C.mr I If Pi :c•r - to I ctlll .ln :e it l,t,%%-tblc for the N tard to launch a new .41-t of rirmaxuni%ill~ :tI-t,pcrmtoil ind ;nlc,micn t career de%elt,pmenT . Emplnvn,ew %ihc1l t : and an Cspandcd film an d Strarc,ic inltiati\ L- ,. 11L:11 as SH l l", - a Video) pn oduction tilnd . partnership bcmcen Southern Art% anti Tile :hangC in ,Crlt{thee l,ar,lllcicd a %IlidT In th e aorh lh ie%in SnutharrIptt,ll, llarnp,hirc . filch% of t11c• board '% \\'ork l% it corn-Cd clui :klt ' lti,rk (in the l> Lard', Lie%Clopment priorities - the i,le it Wight and P„rt,nl+turh - s%mN)Ilsc from bei n g re%pun%i%C To being, dc%Clupnlclltal . CduCatit 111, %oLlltg pCiplc, pr,%iii\ C a1:611) an d the rcllr\\'cd spirit 4dp.trirlc'r%hip . with an increased cmphasl%toll partncr,hlp . international inltiatis es - Ilai%cd ahead \dill &e CIi1,Itlcllt,pUblicpritile,ul d .l :urnl,rehei%i%C audit 41I ' \' nut11 aft, act IAitt' ; 1 he bc•lu'f Irh I )t partnership \%Crc' evident acr'11% % tcJ\ u:a L .% Thi, 11,1 . hC11,Cd III r .tiSC .n\ arenC, s

the production I,t ' a :ultural cii%cr,irr,rratc*,t' ; ,111 Litt it Will' Al I Iillh't1'\'cunlbc . the,cCC,n d itthc tln .llin' it%\ t,rk pit,dltcc'd in tile rcgi, Ili . anti . \\'1th funding trorll [Ile Pte-Slllllg (04 t Sean Dance %Ca,on pro\cd e%cr% hit a s FtWIld :ltitoll, rile cI -CatiUn11f ' tl,Llr n i,nal art , %U :CC%%tul 1% [hc firs, premiering i\ nc\% Ar (ll\'n,iCl,ournC . the Edu :arioi andTf301-in g 'I ht: rtcx' ler,c\',ieic Art% Spcoa l %cork, . Alcrt .l ( ollitl, :olnplCrcd I,comd %ca r Dc•p,lri11cm prcwilml .lli~prr, a ne%% ;[C% - rcox of :I lll1011pI,I'MA art of Craft ft- )Ill odic to t helped to secure [ 42-000 trail the Art s 16 gaIIcf -iCs . Pic ~i FI' de trrl'J and II i'irr Our Lorl d ('oLtrlcll'%conr j IIgCnc% Lund (L,ofi,et the %chctile% led to nc•\t conlnikcons thr V mi d predicted tcnlporar\ drop ltd box Ilfiice taking% The Nlard 111„k -i more pro o-active approac h radio, drama \%ricer% . In\cards sllpportim,, rile dock opment (11' AnS\n ,t%. the nc\% %isual irt, ccutrc in the Nc%\ ' applicattills to the ] .otter% capital Schvilic ]n a .iditit In, the board supported tliC creation F(trs%r, recci%ed critical ac :lainl tow it, buildin g Ir acmcl% pr(ml)tCd [he A41:: ,Chem% rhruu ;~ h Ida N . iIial lance Agency tiIrOIL- region : c\hihititm% and commi%6)1 u rig programme . public ,errlin .rr's iji d surgrnc, . -l'hi% resulted i n the first North lac%r 1(u% .tl : Iclek ision St lCict y 11, ,u::c„ful applscant tot% ro the hr,t round if

A%%ards ; and .\l .lllchc%tcr'% €'o)4 1-%A l•.\chtinge 'hhe kiCilla11LI1 nttll t' i I ITter\' hall a l,roti Mild the A41, }-aprc%s pilot . 1 .'llcatrC d[IrllIg lt% enluI_A:Cd 111, 1\e 411 tend pora[ C impact in Southern Arts . Statt\%Crc hca\'11 % prcnli%(:%i11[ItmIllg bI p illbdamage to the in\ihCti in pe( l%idntc aLi\ " Ic e' chid infl, l -111atltll l Thi-t oughwIS the \'cal•, S,1LIth 1' . .l%t Art% 1 \' orkld F:\changc huiddiu~+ . to applicant, 411) ad E, capital and othe r ckrsck \clth ducal auch lrlries, adoptirtg,a n pr,hranlme% Their input paid of I ' a% a ad%I,il'1' Illd %LlplNmire talc•- p .irTieularl%%Il i p .irri :ularlt high mlmberutsu :Ccs%fill bid , [,Hirer\-related WILIC, . Guile from rile rcL 4Ili .

54 71ti .-1 rte { uuiei o)1 r,/'F.rrrtlautl 1"No I) -

.Staub 16i'siArt.t lUst,1fid1audsArrsBvarrf Yarki;liirec HumberfideArisBuerd

All the board's work dirougluatt the year wa s 'Making the Difference' was the definin g In a vear dominated by the Lottery, Yorkshire driycn by its mission : 'To raise the quality of theme in a year of positive change and notabl e K Hunthcrsidc :Arts took decisive steps t o the arts rn the South West and make theta achievcmenr across the region's thriving art s ensure that supporting and scrving the region' s available to the snidest possible audience ' . sector. Among the most significan t arts remained the focus of its activities . South Nest Arts secs eluahry and excitin g developments was a series ofkcv sratt work - including new work - as kcy to lnuilding appointments, including that of new chie f To balance• the demands of the Lntten • one audiences for the arts . executive Sall, Luton . C i nder her leadership , against the interests of artists and thei r Wesr Ivfidlaneis Arts contirmcd to strengthe n audiences, the board restructured ins %wren s The hoard playcd a leading role in %yinnin g its links with artists, arts organisations, loca l and budgets. The cliicicttcv of iltc organisation a residency from the Ronal Shakespear e authorities and other regional agencies . was highlighted in the appraisal report tha t Cetrnpany. The region heat offstiff competitio n followed rile Ixyard's Arts Council audit , from over 20 citics across rite UK. It won th e phis spirit of collaboration pnn•ed highl' the first 1t-Ali audit to invoke the Nationa l residency bccausc the PIvmourh Theatr e productive and the grow ing irrengrii ari d Audit Office . Royal has a track-record tier atiracting large r diversirv of ncc West llidland .s arts sector i s audiences than any other regional theatre reflected in the high proportion ofsucccssfu l In 1996;97, 74 successful capital application s company: and hccausc• rf the cas e South 1Ves r Lottery applications front the region . I n received a total ofL30 .3m - a threefol d Arts made for audiences in the South 'West . 1996 97 , the West Midlands .ubniirTcd th e increase on the previous year . Following th e highest number of eligible A4E Expres s launch of ncc ME Express pilot, staff A feature of the vicar was S4Mill WeNr Arts ' applications ; to date, it ha% received more Centdncted over n- 0 seminars otlering advice kcy role in preparing for,-1 Quality utT(gb r capital awards than any region outsid e ro p(irennal applicanrs, I:yclitnalls', the regio n in 51'csr Curntn:ill . '['hie rlrajor contcmPe nary London . suhmittcd 338 first round applications to international visual iris festival opened i n the scheme - the countrv's third Itigltes t Mav 1997. and featured 14 artists Drum the llalor Lortcry-funded dcrclopntcnts include d regional total . UK and abroad . It has demonstrated tha t the Garman Rvan Collection in Walsall, ril e auttentlwrary stork of oat€anal an d Wirwiek Arts Centre and th e The Lv..)ard placed an increasingly important - international dualin ran take plan eve n Stoke C nhnral Quarter. In Birrninghant . arid successful - role in helping art s in the most remote parts of tlic conntr .% . the refurbishment ofycnues such as the Iko n orgamsatioris to rap into alternative source s Gallcn- and the CRSO symbolises the city of funding in the UK and abroad . Aroun d The kc•y to its success ss a% partnership . ccintrc's cultural renaissance . E13.5m has been secured front the Europea n It brought tugctltcr :ut impressive range Regional Development Fund over rise pas t ofpartncrs including arts organisations, The Druni. another new Birnitugham rcnuc three rears as investment inn o nce region's art s the private sector, touri .srn and educationa l which has hccn awarded Lottcry funding , infrastructure . nnnrnrions . will Provide the focus for enhancentcnr ol' rltc• region's Asian, Cariblican and African art s The region's arts organisations continued t o The hoard launched an impressive programm e infrastructure when it opens in 1998 . Nes t raise their international profile•% . Norther n of advocacy; information and advice tier th e Midlands Arts now spends 1691, of its funding Broadsides, Compass Theatre . IOU and new A4F programmc . The response from the on Asian, Caribhcan and African arts, and i n Forced E.ntcrtarmnent all completed forei o n region has becn over%%hclming : there hav e 1996'9; itestahlishcel anumber ofne w tours. The Wcst Yorkshire Playhouse toure d been more applications to the programm e initi .uivcs . These included a blac k The Bcatifirattron uf,9rra Bm• uo Furore an d from the South West than from anv othe r choreographic trainceship; a joint scheme with South Africa . In the summer it Ilostcd a n region outside L.ortdoit . This I-cllccts ril e the RBC to develop black writers ; and a skill s international directurs'sunymer schexal . creativity of the South Best- and the region ' s exchange .cchcme to develop the art o f desperate need lirr more arts funding. Caribt.ean storYielling . With tremendous public support, hrtrh nc e Sheffield Museums and Galterics Consortiu m South Wcst Arts initiares and helps to Other notable policy initiatives during th e and West Yorkshire Playhouse made successfu l Jcvclop new strategically important projects - year i ncluelcd a review of the hoard's strateg y bids to join the Arts Council ' s Lottery-funded an import role in a region a here the art s for arts in rural areas, the launch ofa regiona l pilot srahilis :ition programme• . infrasu•ucrurc is relatively weak . Iniriativc s Disability Arts Forurn, and a new srratcgy ti t included : the re-launch of Public Arts Sout h raise the dualin. ofpublic am Practice . :y qhr Our, produced tier BBC local radio wit h West-. and work on the Imagrn nation project , assistance fnim Yorkshire ti I Iumberside Arts, which is pioneering the a ork of crcarivc artist s Together, these initiatives helped to stimular c won a sib cr M Ard. COT Rest .Arts Programm e in the ncey technologies . an environment in which crcativity can continu e in the Sony Radio Awards . The region to flourish . co-ordintred the first Regional Arts Pages o n the World Wide Well, Tltc site now receive s over 50,000 visits even• month .

And throughout the year. the board supporte d preparations for a forthcoming programme o f major international significance - the Year of Photograph%- and the Elcctronic linage 1998 .


byf rs: or• Briiin Cox ( .'BP. The Counci l ('hvrPul7rr r,t'Norrh 11rsrAr•t~ Board :11 19,1 9 Profess(,r Brian CoN I% rcnrcd Prtitc,sw, (It EM-111111 and I'ro-Vi,:c-ChanccI1i -T a t

_ . S - •~ S €l :Cll tit Matlchcstcr Um%er'sin'. H1s C 'r+llrrtrd Airnrt

-k 1 Apri l tt a, published bt' Carcanct in 1993 H e

A :%- L )'?-+ (S 1rd . hC riKPk founded the Ittcrarn kourn .tl C.rrttcla! Qurir7rrh 1i~ } . and ,t=,11 to ork, on the edtrttnal ream .(It'n1i+Cr . ( -~ 1n„ ec a tn,: thl, , In 1959 . otrbr .-l r:-~ .' .III if ~i .urrr Jt~_ ,is at 31 _lf in:ly 19V - C became .1 fc•Iluti a1~d nit . 1! 1 r : I ll alt i H. was Chair ref the latitmal Curriculu m American literature at Han 1r1j arlJ then a t i":r._li,h 1li6rkln-, Group In 1988-9 . and has Lord Goalie P( - C,halrmal : I. ' :irrers,n Coll",c London . He lefr r+ , rcccntlr edited a ne(,-tohimc colleen( In of Da%iel Reid I)Cput% . Chalrmal : F .i .i and Heath', administration and in 19-4 e„ar>- .3ft'1i r7 t1 lllwo -~ . filr Scribncr,- He is Richard Cork hei ,lmC ( )pptnitlon spoke mall (111 ClU norm [ an I-Honoran FCII(m tit 1\'cstmIn,tcrC :Oilc,c - Pn ifew Pr }Cat Cot+'el l ataln in n cC HuusC of Lunh . [n 1 97 9 h e ( )\ti)rd, and 1•isitin-, Ptvtesu,r at Sheffiel d hrotcs,or Brian ( :ox CB E ,mL!d nccGoccrnmcnr a, a ,Minister of Stat c Hallam L"turersin : Charles [)etltun JIIJ held pll,mil )ns in Emplo\ tncm an d Protc„+ir Christ

1111111 Spearma n delc,ate to the L ' nitcJ Nations Commimc oi l ,Middlctoli's adt i,ori ( ommirtec n n I Liman Kwhis . I Its h(sbht' is res'ictcing hook s 1 = 11111 Finance , (1b,,cr : llencs Iitsds(m ( It l li1T 7he111ilr li'ir,7twph ,

I'ru_ti•crur• Chrismrpho- Fnivilinla C'brrrrgrr n, ( .urrurtl,Irnnrrl !'JV(•. V - ROY' lyd Cork Prt iti2w i t ( liri,rophcr Frat ling I, Recto r I - Iled ROgCS's reslgnCd in December 1996 . Kit hard Cork has been Chic( Art ( this fo r ottee Royal Co11Ckc il ' Art. An hntot'lan . IYct'or \mils ( - Itl': resigned in April 1990 . The fiun•.rsince 1991 . I IC tr .t, the Hcurr critic, tt'rircr .Ind br'()adCastcr, he a% .is educate d l'r+ttc,stIT Rar('uu'c11, Proti•„or 11 rian Cox , Moore• Found,mi m Soitor Fcllm% at th e at Repton School and Churchill (ollt't e . tiir Pat id Harrison CBE, Protcssor Andre a ( nm•tauld In,urutc from 1992 to 1995 . Cislibridgi- u'licrc he ,tudictl hi%(()rv After \{otiun and Roger Recd were appointed II I A Critic . editor, hroadcastcl and hi .rtu'ian , Completing III, Jnctimitc there, lic Icclured .i t April 1996, ( .h,rl'le, I)(nrom ill August 1990 ; Ix has or am%cd m .lnr cshlhitions irtcludin ~- k_rcrcr and Bath Viiircrsitics and became a fil m Lade .M .1t:Milla1I and li,hn Spc .u'man i n shua's in \Iilan, l'ari , " Merlin Alld M tile R( ) VA ] arChit i,t at the lmperi .ll 1\'.tr ,MLIsCUIM II I December 1996. Acadent: T.tte and Hara'•trd t illeric, III 1979- as Protcssnr otCultural Histo rr at Cll r I .(mdi in . Ile has ills() published wverA hi It tk s 14 A, he kimiLicd OIL: I)cp•irrmcm of Cultura l .llenlheiw14,thiAidtir ('ommirtr e iltcluding liwoci m, andAbst+•1tcr,-lrtirl rbrtir~ r I li%mr' and FaCUitcoff hlmanirie, there - David Reid }Chairma n '1117+'11iur

.;0 171e AP-IS Counctl of},1=g1nrrd 1996 4) - .tilaAme• GUillebarul SwDavid Har)iswt CBI-,' Lad y MacMillan Chah-mau ol 'Swith KstAi-rs Board Chai>wwn n~'Easrrrtr Arrc Iioard Detunah MacMillan, widow of Sir Kenneth Maggie Guillchaud WAS educated at 11'ycomb c Sir David Harrison is Mastcr of titlcyy n Ma0vUlan, is an Australian-burn painter wh o Abbey Sch+n+l and graduated in Englis h (,ollCgC, Camhrid~1c and Pr. lice-Cjunccllu r has lived and worked in London since 19 :0 , Front Exeter University. She had a carccr i n of the Universin• ofCambridgc- I le «'a s She has a keen inrerest in dance - which span s education [-tetbre taking up a wide varie r Chairman of the Committee ofVice - the arts form's full range - with practica l of voluntary appoininicnrs . -She has Liven a Chancellors and Principals duruig 1991 to exdxrience in the production and design o f committee member with South West Arts 1993 . Previous appointments have include d dance for stage and television . She was a for man- years and is a former Chairma n icc-C :hanccllur of Exctcr Univcrsir y Trustee of the Royal Opera House for thre Li t e of the English Rc+gional Arts Boards . She tla s 11984- 1993 1 and Chairman of the board vicars, serving on the main Roval Opera Hous e

fornierh on the hoard of Chelrcnllam Festival s Niirthcort Theatre, Excrcr 1 198 .1-1994! . H e Board and Ballet Board, and for the past yea r Ltd. Cbelrenharn International Fcsrival o f lul hccn Chairman of the Board of T istee s slit was Chairman ofthe Friends of C;oyCn t

Music and C.iloucc•stcrshire F.vervman . She i s o'Homcrion Cullegc,Cambridgc since 197 9 Garden . currently Chairman of the Bristol Cultura l Sir David Harrison's academic career is Il l Development Partnership . . lover of music , chemical engineering . He has a wide-ranging theatre and the visual arts, and thunde r interest in the art+ . 1'ruf r's;nr,3 ud rc u' ,llutiurr Chair111311 ofthC Friends ofChcltcnhain Ar t Andrew Motion is a biographer and poet an d Gallery and Musc•un1S . she is aho Director has 1-wen Professor ofC :rearivc• Writing at th e of Bh%to] 2000 . Within the last year she has Garin lit, ndrrwn Universin• of East Anglia since 1995 . He rea d become a Governor of Bath Spa University Gavin I lCnder%on is Principal of " Trinit y English at L'niyc•rsitt• College, Oxford . From Collette and a Trustee of Holbourne I LISCUn i COllegeofMusicandArtistic €lircitor 1970 to 1980 he taught English it the in Bath . of the Dartingtoll International Summe r Universiryuf Hull ; From 1990 to 1982 li e School I Ic tti as tier mane scars Director Of edited the lWn•v Rrvieu% from 1982 tr1 198 9 the Brighton Festival, prior to which lie ra n he was editorial director and potctry editor a t Sir F-rrtrst Hal! ORk M. the South I iill Park Arts Centre at Bracknell , Chatto & Windus . His authorised biograph y Chaimiair f7iuksUire4 Humberside ArtsBoard where lie created the Wilde 1 hcatre . Hie wid e of Philip Larkin, Midip Larkin, A M-iter' Lili• , Ernest Hall went to the Koval Ma lie lies ic r experience of working with orchestras include d published in 1993, won the Whitbread Prii c CollegC ofMusic iu 1947 where he studied a period as C :hi.ef F.XCClltiVC of the for Biography and his hiographt ; The Laruberts , piano and composition . In 1961 he started hi s Philliarnionia . He is Chairman ofthc• British won file So nwrsct \Liu4„ham Award when i t Uw11 hiv incss ttl reviles which lie ran tulri l Arts Fcsriv . lc associanon, Vice-Presiden t was first published in 1986 . Andrew Motion's 1983 x hen he Nmglit the empty Dcan Cloug h of the F:urollean FCStosals Assoirauon and most recent collcctions of poems are Ltna in a \tills in I1a€ifax . For the past 1 .1 years, with hi s President of the National Piers Soviets. He i s !sill? { 1991 i and T be frier of •Erervtbin,q l 19941 . son !creme, Sir Ernest has rransformcd th e a governor of the University• of Brighton an d His new collection ofpoern, Salt Rhter-, was derelict mills intoo a Thriving venire fo r nfChcrhants School, Manchester . He is als o published in March this year and his biograph y bu+incss, ,errs, design and education . I IC 11 .1 s Chairman of Art . Worldwide/World Circui t (if Keats will be published in October. He is a created what lie calls 'a practical Utopia' - a Arts avid of the independent film,tnd WICyision tcdlow of the Royal Socicrv oY Litcratur-C . place where commerce mcers culture . It no" - company Palindrome Productions . houses .100 enterprises and 3,000 workers . I t has five art galleries, the Hcnry Moore Studio , Srepben 11hillips the Viaduct Thcatrc, five resident [hcatre T heirrm Holt CBE Stephen Phillips is a writer, broadcaster acid companies, a collection of over 600 works of After a successful career as an actress, Thelm a prrdducer. In these capacities, he has made conwinporan art and more than 20 residen t Holt founded and ran the Open Spare Thcarre several hundred arts programmes and variou s artists . Sir Erncsr has been Chairman o f the pioneer of fringe theatre in the U1: . Sh e current atlair%documentaries and dramas fo r lilrkshirc & Humbcrsidc Arts since it s strhscyuently spent eight rears as Directao- of television . He is a regular lecturer on arts formation in 1991, and a member of the art s The Round House until its closure, and the n sulijccts tier American and British universirics .

Council since 199fY In 1994, he became a became Head ofTounng and ComlilerC ,1 1 I le ++ac formerly the first arts :orr"[x)ndcn r member of the Design Council . He IN &J-Mry Exploitation it the Royal National Thcatre . for and cditt.lr of its first arts serie s chairman of I:C'RF.KA?, the national nluseutil lie which she received the Laurenc e Selrrtals, administrator of Proslxct Thcatrc for children in Halifax . In November 1996 h e 0liyierrC}bser-rrr .-lnard for Outstanding Company at the Old Vic, a presenter o f wac installed as C:hanccllorelf tic• Universiry Achievement in the Theatre . An independen t Kaleidoscope and critic for the Daily Etpress . of Huddersfield . Sir Ernest is a cicelicatccd producer since 1990, her most recen t He has intermittently been a n,enil)cr of th e musician - a composer and pianist . H e productions in London have [veil The Glass Arts Council 's Advisory Parcel on Touring - ol - performs rcgularh ; .tnd in 1994, '95 recorded ,faregrrie f The 1>onmar Waretiousc which he is nosv Chairman - since 1974, an d the Utree I'tano Conreilus by Bcla Bartok and production i and A Dells House, which in that time he has chaired the Tricycle Theatr e thcListoslairski C :onerria with the Level s transferred to Ncu- Berk in 1997 . She i s and Janct Smith and Dancers . He is a Sinfonia, conducted by David Greed . a member of the Board of Governors o f consulrant to \Meridian Broadcasting; . Middlesex Univcrsin ; who awarded her an honoran doctorate in 1994 .


t. Sher PrsSha)- CK David Reid Rnba77 Nnutll>3elre Clya muwl v- 1~sr .1hdlan ds .41-,s Board Usha Prashar it Chairman of the E'kccun+ c Chairman Ur Sourbern Am Baird d Roberr Southgate is the former Manaizmi i Commirree elf the National Litcrar. Trust anti Da+id Reid is a fomicr Dirccror if IBM Unite aNon- ExccutitcDirectorerfCFlannel 4 Sh e Kinga„in Ltd . Follm ing mam +ears in th e Director of Central ]'.road.astin~ . His carec r is also a part-time Civil Ser icc C:ummi%sione r south of Emdand and the USA, he rCCnrnc d in journahmii included c%(Curl is p(isrs e i n N Shc scr+'cd on the arts G uncil of Great Britai n to i hi, nati : e Sc(srland %% here he headed IBM' , national nC%N spapers bctcirc he juinrd IT as a reporter anti nr :+waster in 1969, H e 1979-51 and +i d, a member ill Greate r acri+ittcs and establi,hcd a reputation fi,r lul London Arts Associatlon 1984-86 , He r c(imrnitment rt) the art, He L+as a membe r was a thunder member of the succcssful TV S

Ecane h franchise application group ?irr South 111 d rccnrd 4 if public sort icc includes terms of office of the Scurtish mlrc Cotrncil, Scottis

kith the Race Relation, Board, the E .ecuti - C Business in the CommunirN and Chairma n Sourh East England in 1982 . and pla%cd a of i Celmmittec i if the Chilli Ilm L:rt+ Actio n of the Scumsh Committee ABSa . Sinc e ma)ur role in ( critral , tra ;whi,c apphF adw Croup . the BBC . f.duCAtiutlat Bma&asring rctuming to Hampshire_ fie has chaired th e in 1991 . He is a Board member of the Or % C allncil anti the Ra+al Com1111,st(111 o n nc++lt'-filrnaed Business in the Am, South . of Birnain=ham 7i,urm ( )pera, anti \'[,:C - (-1111111,11 j ustice . She was Director of the He is also a Trustee of the Arts hmndalvi(in . Chairman of Birmingham Roi al Sailer . Rttnn+mcdC Trll,[ 19""-S4 and Director of the National C OMICIl fur V4duntari' (),tuanisarion, 1996-91 . Her presen t Sre1L1 Rubinson lob u Spe a,ruln2 1 app(>intmcnt, Include membership of the C67rr•7uau ITN vibern Arrc Bard hi11n SpCarman 1, no++ I)ep([t, ( .113i l- 111,111 li t ' L-rd Chancellor's Ad%ice C(ommirrce e ) l Born in 1,ccd,, Stella R(ihinson was educate d Cla%Sic F11 . having bt•CT1 its Chief F%CC[1ti+ Y

Legal EduCatian and the Call[1C1[ (Ifthe at aircburuti4h (irammar School .1114-1 Leed s since in faundation in 1992 . Under his lead . 1 Classic F\t has been instrumental in cirendin g 1 'oliCi Studies [rlsrinttC . C ni+"ersit+'. A ter raking &-i-cc in English sh e ++(Irked in housing in York and Rothcrh,1111 . I n nce traditional audience tin clasmicai nlusit N i

the 1960s sllc i% is a W.lyden of Lodginls tier that currendv oN cr ttm pt :(tple 1 1 1 te11 rCg11larh . ('lire 1'rrr~rlrr f R King ' s Odlc„,c . Nc+cca,tlc-upon =Ji'nc. During lohn Sp%:dl-M .11l is a incinhcr afr1h: Chairman ul'!.(1lrrturr .'31 t( Boar [ this period sIIC jnincd the I IC+( I1.-hrrrric d CSm crmocnt Lead Bodc f Or Design and i s Asa 1.k it scrt' .1nt ~ 19fiU- 19ti ; Clicc 1'ricSt]C%' Rc,i1,nal :errs Assucialialn, later to becom e a Pmrl Ili Dirccr, rr I if the Ronal Institute o f uv,rkcd at [he 1)F.S, tht• ( n 11 tier+ lC c Northern art, [31rard . 1+ 'hide She has chaired British AIihitccrs . I [c is also a Trustcc ofth c Dcp.lrtmenr .1111.1 the Prime .Ministcr's ()Rite . since 1990. She ha, Deco a I .al-iour Councillor WOT-I i Ml 111Lill] t•nt Furni anti a I)irertnr I iftll c

U here hC Was hea1.i of tltC F.ffiCicnce UIIit . Ill Darhngran and ( :chino lhu-hA111 since 19 7 ? South Bulk Folmdatian . In associatioll++it h hl that capaCit+ . he uncurl-Iak the financia l .1 \ ' iiC-( :hair'n1 .1n Ot the North of Englan d Sir Frnesr Hall, lie lCZCd Is all Cdiwrial ad%is( i t scrutinies ( if the Roval 011cra H((uw 111d rho : ( )pcn Air Museum ai Scamtsh- and scr: cs (-1 1 un the Dcpartmcnr oi - Narit)iml Herirage arr s R(>+,tl Shakespeare C,onlp.tni . I is a as inl'itc d rhrCouncilofthe ll,cumsScr+ice.)Ile is .1 police papcr .lrttirxt Me Se'rm , in juh' 1996 . n, to iiil British la Iccam plc as a Di\ isiuri .1 I rcgisrcrcd tliSaFhlcd pCruin )cith partial ,il ht,

Dirccror 1 1983-tiff I . He rrsic\rcd arts fundilig in Narrhern [rcl and tar tlic ClOc'cYnlncnt i n 1992 . itttl ncc pa+ anti status tif(hici Officer s 1'rxTie•rri e .tike~~ ~ of [hc Nanoiml ,lluscumS, Ciallcrics ant i ['rndcTliC SkCRC' s earls' c+pCricrlcC in art s I ihrarics in 1994 . Fie i .,,a Gil\ crtiur ul'the adnlimsti anon inctudcd +cork +ciih Jahn 6al c Rrn al Shakespeare Compair+ : a mcnlbcrofrh r 1'rndLIC6011S . The Ausrralian Eliiahctlia n Council cot'QUMI NLIT- and 1VcstliCld CillClIt'. Thomi-c "Iris,[ and TIts 1C(ndd Flclti,c7- tin e

L niccr,in of Landoll ; .111d (ifthe I (card I & :corked ++ irh [taller Rcunbcrt train 19-ti to ) g TrinircC(~11 I,t of 1fusiC . Landoll.Ok C 19 ft, tint is Admiiikrran w and tIicii .i s l'rirstlcc hci .unc Chairm .m ut I .undun arts E%ccutiicDircctur.I-vi 19S7 To 109(1, and Shard in 1991, cornplctill, his term ofaffic c again in 1992, site was Ezecuti+'c I'radnlrl' in spring 1997 . of the Ellglish SllakespCarC 011111an+'. Shc ha , u orkcd as i Ircclance airs ldministnit(ir tie r Cltcnts inchidingthe Rm- .)l Naticl lal - Fhcairc Ru1Te7'I~eerl and !11 ,111+- 19 9 3, she bcC.lmc Direcror of th e .~ ( .l~arrtrmlr ar:Snfrrl~ f:/rSr,-Irtxliuai arrs Vomidari, nl . Total her appoint me it r n R(rger RCCti is d C11a 1 -[crcti SCCI'era1'1' kit h the arts C'(nlncil she ++'as Presidcnt <)ttli c [hlrre liars ' C\pCriCncc ul illtcr11atiotla l Lhcatric .ll .Manet ;cmcnr as,ociariun an d ~afl, [Ilting e11f~111CC 1' Int; And ThC c()11StrliC[I( i n Chairman and Vice Chainvan Itspecmcl e IntltiStr+', alld 1, a farmer. He spoil siN +'c,lr s of the DaTICC1' S ' RC,ettICillCnt TrLl't and Fnnd . as .1 DirCCtor of A I'r .linin" .111d Emerprist' ( :ouncil .lid is .1 fcllkm (ifthc WaodArd Foundati(wl Ftnm 1980 to 199 - . hC %+as a Irtl,tcc of the Bri,, h[t in FcstiN'al Trust 111 d .11 lire, wr(if[lie Brighton Fcsti+ .11 .Sticicn'. I-1c Chaired the p.m-SIIN,'\ bicl to be I(Cgia n (It I)rani .l [99# 11111.1Cr the Alts 2000 initiati+e. Hr i, alu i Chairman ut the Ai-t, Trust n l Sritihttonand H(i\e,

S`t T'br .°Irts(lurrltilluf7at(Tlnaif 1V9h' y- Membershi p Directors or Heads o f BusinessAssersnuntand Plannhu a Dcpar[nicm., Unit are noted . Pcter Circig of Counci l Staff within dcpartmcnrti!t311i[% ar e (. Head of Business Assessment an d Other\\ ise listed in alpllalxtical orde r Planning ) and staff List (arrrcnt as ar 1 `-Iardl 1997 . Paul Dwinfou r 1)cnagh Hac+. m F1unwo-S Olivia Lace\ Our congratulations to the Enter O'SLIlliVatl following who received honours Janct Robinson during the \Car : Toby Scurt Pcrer Wrxvcr ' Sir Richard Rogers rLifc Peer ) former Council member; Financ e

Pctcr Gtrnurlcr f Lifc Peer) , ICnnifcr ( )aklc w

t6rfl3Cr (-Ixlnc Il nicmlvr, f Financial Controller } David Harrison CBE t Knigh t Chris Austi n Bachelor) . Council :nand cr and ('Ilcr-,•I B :trro%v Chairman, [_astern Arts Board . [an Beckett Sarah Coomc v Lvn C,arllercolc Obitrutrics 1'i\ HCnnigan We record with gnat sorrow Marcus 1 Ten n rile following deaths : Amanda Knelle r Danielle Koorc v Sir William Crawshav I )SO. Shirley [ .:trbi

former member of AC :GI1 arld Rosemarie Lc3vi s Chair'nlarr of rile Welsh Art s Jill Sk~vr s Cowlcil ; Sir 41'illia111 [iro\Sll, lilr-mc r \1avTang

CnUIIC'll member and ('hairnlan of Vancsta Trus% the Scottish Arts Council , Jane Upto n

Infionatien ! Art, Council of gplanedstaff list Annic Thackera v I(Ifornlation )tanager ) mixed term conrn-acr Stephen Chappel l • mcnlhcr Of the Scilin r Elcaitcrr Chcrrv Managcrncnt -Ic .ull Andrew Collyer

+ part-tim e 1011 FC'Idn1am3 + Al-Karim Ji\ , a Serretal-v-Goleral's Office I'hcresc Langford Marv Allen ' Jacqueline Lorna % i Sectcran•-Gcncnab i ~arl]aC ~]aC\fall :3 Iiroida Whitehea d Andrew Witt

C barrwan 's Offic e John Dowling Office lcmiccs Sophie Byrne Sam Turne r ( Property and Scniccs '* tanager )

I)epnaty .Secr~: tun -Cie'nca a1'{ Office Channa BCgL1I13 Site HovIe' • Slike Fouracre Depun Secrctan-General ) Inhn Gilroy Christine Gordo n 1ee7 -eta -h7 t S[eecn C=uul d [-awrence Mackintosh Pamela Hursr + Hcad of Secretariat ) Ah)rlctlal Kabi r Brenda Carruthers-June s Ron Khodadccn Caroline King +

1'11x'3., and Pubht- Af jixirs Tmv, Patience Suc Rose Eric Pickersgil l (Hcad ofPress and Public Affairs .) Judith Rei n Andre\c Barnett John Ridlev + Carolme Leech William Roachc loc ldeancy , Jean Ste cns + Jane Parle y Alan Wheatle y Marncciv Rose + Rot Wood Jean Stevens + Walter W'oudIcv

Finance and Rtsmn rces Dirisitw Nigci Cu€?clam! '

I Direcror of Finance and Resources ) Nlart;aret Shacklcrun


1 'i'r nrrrtel %1uri Lotter Uperarirm s Man Wrarren Director, I:athn n MkI)cxall' DirectorMoss (-txrpc r MarlttllBum n Rachcli)t,rstim' ,Dlretto ofOpcratl(In s 'slarlclric James Rowan Dtlrcc' Alison .-ltkin

C lorimlic (,c M I arjuric :Wrill lrpe-(eu%trll' I Icarher \lat + 11co-Crln. 61-ittiths Dlr'C'Ctul Malthcl+' Ro"L: + (I .ll'L' 1 . nal Fl ICCII Dal1'+ Xlunrla Tross Diane 11irchch H,llul.rll l)au + BL:IZCdiii P .15lIC ' ji )alllll' ill 1.rltrr'iT 1- Lihn ['Yri t Icancni:Slddall I .lllc D1 toll (alitflC111 . .11111- icrt ' 1Dircitrr l Timothy Ea,tclp+ Alark Dm Ord 1)illmla Paul Glin Ulrskl-i- HCICn Purl(Ing -1nii.1 .St,iplc'toii IDuc'ctln'I-isa 1Llskel+ ;Anna [lai:kcrr Philip licrnav% fk'II HC1 tC111 x1 Sar.lll %J .1i11CC (Am&, Hart TI-Cv11r I 1 1)rm:11111tL1+ rlriancMaddcn ' lurhl71 11 .1V1 WIl .'`1r1 mhh 1 ulg ' t Am& Pcrnl' • 1nIlil1011tsttoll Anrll(im I_II111C V PC1111SLallu7 AlaTCM1 :Diwagjl+ bven , Pnr jCir.+ Parrici .IM .lh(mc\. ' :1hC1a PI%' .1I'n Niclllc Pcim-S1'i11Uns (Dircco,r i ( 1.wv ICnllllCrrm Claire Pl rllock+ \IaICi11111 Alll'i l LvIld .1Ihollipsttll 1 ' iNIC1I11C Rciti .S+ Alc\ Ankra h R~111crt West lcrcnll' Thc(Iphilus James Asko ' I lllarl' Whlrlic .\ Marb ul 11KC n T'dll raf ion and li'ailri.ul7 Richard FLhtard s

Filth, I '1d1'r1r7lld 13r'nr tdlo tilr (1 Mag'gIc SCI1lpIC 1 Direirt)'i Desilltln Ll Patric k Rtldnn %1'ilum 1Dil-Cctlrl lilli .ul Barker 1Ltlnnc RVhins ' l n %1'iil BCII D .IIIICIIL- KCltr' Sciina Kc Air yve s Dal ill Mk I lamicn Robinson , + Kac Tinlnl s Richard L I odcrick PCtcl' Shepherd' S.u'ah %Vick , kw Loll jemiifer Srccr

Judi' I A an' Latror hurrim Uni t Alicia 11aRhC4CS 1 ~!lim. Rr±rrn'rll,7ud 1'larruir?ri tiallc S011[C I I [Cad nfUnir i FiUn,l Pt UrtCOLIS (irah :ull HltchCH rI)I RCit

M1 "I'LtA r•tsCuurtrilaf ' F-i ejrland 10104- Advisory Advisory Panel on Combined Art s Arts and Disability Advisory Advisory Panel on Education U%ha PrWiar CBE (Chairma n and Monitoring Committee and Trainin g structure Derrick Anderson Stella Robinson ((*liatrman ) Professor Christopher Fravling lerrs Braun ALIdrey Barke r (Cltairnian I Maurecn Dutli Joe Bidde r Rov Blatchf'Or d A key element of the C .nutc)I s Ruth Eastryoo d Laura Gnchrl c Eric Bolton C B organisation is its advisory Stella Hal l Mccna Jafare v Mick Farley StfuC[ure of panc[s, committee ., Bush Hartshor n Sharon \lac e Bruce Gil l advisory and monlrorrn g Garin Henderso n Emnia McMulla n Philip Hedle y committees and groups. Thes e Janc Aloonc v Maria Oshod i Madeline Hutchins advise and IS%iSt the Council and Clark Scal y Monist Ren e Dipak Mistry its officers on the formulation an d Sarah Wesso n 4liclulc ' favlo r F.vclvn Murra y intplcmentatiorr of policy . Aaron Williarivo n Azir 7eria Sir David Purrnam CB E Members arc appointed by the Nargis Rashid,XIB E Council from nominations whic h ComhinedArts Projects Conin ittee Jo Shapcort arc open to the public . 'rhev arc Terry Braun (Chairman ) Advisory Panel on Drama Antic Sncigrove generally specialists in the relevan t Paul Bonatrnntr a Thelma Ilolt( :BE rChairman ) JulieTolle v arts discipline: working artists , Cris Chec k Paul Alle n Jo Verrent arts administrators, scholars an d Tim Etchclls David BricrlcyCB E critics . 1-kcd here are the member s Ronald Fraser-Munro Roger Chapma n Obso-vers: ofthe Council's adyisorv bodies a s Stella Hal l Robert Cogo-Fawcett Miles Iiarrison, ItA B at 31 March 1997 . h,atlicrinc Mcyncl l Neil Fountai n lancr Mills, HIM I Andrea Phillip s Bush Hartshor n (Hcr Majcst%"% Inspectorate ) Jerti Wahyi n Judc bell y J,utctMatthcwman . RA 11 Ann Whitchurs t Penny Maws Sant Mcrtdc s Michael Ratclit}e Advisory Panel on Film , Cultural Diversity Advisory lcnny -li,ppcr Video and Broadcastin g and Monitoring Committee Jatinder Verni a Elclcn Bach r Usha Prashar CBF: (C-hainttan i Maggie Woolle y Karen Brow n Derrick Anderson lan Christi c Ferdinand Denni s Obn-t-rerf: Steve Dwoskl n Deirdre Fi~ueircd o Brian Dcbnant, IU B trim Evan s JCUi Johnson Jottc s Hclcn Flach . ILMI Debra Hauc r Gerard l .emo s Simon Gammcl, B C Bill Hilar y Chcryl Marti n 1-1XII observe r Paul. HOM So n Puli Ra i Tcrrv Mnrde n Yinka Shonibar c Drama Projects Coanrnitree Julia Pevton-Jonc s Pannindcr % ' i r fenny Mayes (Chairman ) hreyor Phillip. David Yi p Claire Grose Sinion Punamcl l Bush Hartshor n Gillian Reynold s ('arolvn Luca s Advisory Panel on Danc e Joanna Rci d lady 1lacMillan Chairman ) hull' 1 hlara i Advisory Panel on Literature I'rotesSOr Christopher Bannerma n Charles Washington Protcssor Andrety Motio n Stephen Barn Denise Won g (Chairman ) Deborah Bul l Suc Butterworth Kate Flart Obsrrner: Debjani Chattcric e Jane Hal l Mark'Oulcluccn, RA B John Coldstrea m ,ilerville Jone s Tony Goul d Protcssur Stephanie Jordan hCan•e Writing and 13urSj7)ies Tom- Lace y Ross LlacGibbr m C70111neitte• e Lce Langle y Maric McClu%kcv '*IR E Jenny Tupper (Chairman ) Hcrtnione 1-cc Dr Glyn Pcrri n Gilcs Croft Professor David Lodge Piali Ra y Peter Flannery Nerna Taylo r Alistair Spaldin g 1Vinsome Pinnoc k Marina Warne r MarionTait OBE . Maggic Woollc c Olwen 1Vyniark !lance 17 -velopmentAdricory 1i w u Deborah Barnard Obser•rer.- Sioblian Davies MB E Jane Dawson, Liverpool Playhouse Sanjeeveni Dutt a Manick Govind a Jeaneti r ► can-Charle s lean Johnson Jone s J .tnc Mcttate v Margaret Morri s Gregory Nash


Advisory Panel on Musi c Advisory Panel on Visual Arts Gay :n Hc : ~:cr .~,n ~ C.Si .arm ` r i ( .ork , Chai r DLl%1" liricrleN BE Chairnla .', Richani Akr,xt i'. a -t,+r t i t[ 1 f, ;, ;,i \1e11r1r C'r.atrltl n l Diana Burrel l Alcs Rcan Tom DudlCN -E%an% • n li .nc n S, .,a^ ( chin, R.iclw! Hnr,t()13 E GCraldine Conncr Pctcr Er.i ycr Richard I .-azaruti 11>narhan Hanes - R : :ar,i Rurtnn ( :B E Simi sit Grcnni n Rrlall \lc\1a+Cr r Lilian Hochhau .c r Dr Germaine Grec r Sunni Gupt a 1-1'nda \l1'lc s Itjanna \1 acGre,41 r K .irc Herre n Chem-! Rc\ilold s \Cliham Sic L,.hart Dal 'id Rlchardm)n Rnbcrt H ; ippc r Janis SLMIsin. : Dr laic[ RJ17erma n Profc±sor \lartin Remy FB A I isual .4vrtAdrisi ny ( ;rai d Dharambir Sltlt_T h Dr Divid \1d11,r Robert Hoppcr Chairma n Helen Sprtin 1 .1+a \1i1r41~ • Iwona lilazu ick Advisory Panel on Fil m J,lrlis Sils"Lin d Eric 1'arrl S-Yni .1 Royc e ( ;,..:r c . i)rn[c - : : ('1 ll r Jahn \\;111acc Y- inka Shclnih.lrc Richard Hc!to n \llkc Dib b Camilla \\ hint41rth J .,rle c Ali%oll \\'ildin - Grcgor \lai r 1 .1 P. Cic,lcl~ \ Paul Whirmkc r Pr,)fersor 1-4 11 .1 YOLUI L S,unlra 1'cr6%-l 1 Kcirh Grittith , \1,irk Prnlc m Prcniih H ol m ( bstr-rrr_s : Andrea Schlickc r 1 111 .1rc Kill- Advisory Panel on Tourin g Alan Ha\Lfim . RA B Cohn I .ctcnt11a 1 Clary .\lulhc,11 .1n.1 Stc l, ilCil Plillil l+, 1 ( .ila]1. 111AI l lsobcl Hirchm,ul, A( \\ ' Ann Puiwo n ( hri~topher Barren Aiken \1cE+ov, RA B Srephcn firms 4111, Andrecv N iirnc . SA ( R, vucr Sh mno n i Graham Drcli n Andrea R,)+t•, R ( Alc\ L %born 3 tm' Ducile~ Fsi m Iohrl 1\of ILI N% - 'I r d l Ruth E1SLN%, 0Li A rihItii tIII - C 'IdrisuII. Grip u p National Lottery Advisory Pane \lark Fnle c Richard Burton CBE ? Chairman , PrlIdC1l1c Skrrlr ( 1an'n1,11 1 Film 1 rarr Ins Ririrlr Cominttii Clare Nllllhnlland C hairm,ln l Ruth \1 .1Ckcnzic OA L N1,I1-k (' ,u .in , D :11 'Id hricrlc'1 ('RE. ti 1),i% id Aoki n ii r- i,t r) ,,\1 :A J,l,tc•r C RE. Richard Deaco n Dr Neil C ',ru,, C lilhihna Nltllhcrt l hate Meri n Lad\ Hopkin s ( har!cs DCnrlu l PrtFtZ, i ;r Patrick NuttE~cn n Fric Tarry Ocn L.1inc0B L 6r,111,1m 1 astol l Jtl,ii Richard s Chri Shcple\ ' Ruth .\l .tckt:ii/w ( )li E RunlaliIt: Harr \1 .1i'inn Tai r Isabel \ ;1~u't] r PaddS \1,1x-ticM 011 1 1 '1111 lohn,c, n DAN id Yi p Strph .lnic FFflliant ~ ' rom PCndcr ( liE. lanctWiIkc r Ninta I'

;J CwWlrirtr•r . ( )Ins' r•1 yrs : I IS1101 i"rc 1,11blicatiom) Sir D,ICId l'utrnam C hF !nhn Ruston, RA B Dr DA\'€d MUllnr I (:hairman 1 1 vilcitc RI'1'I c Alike Rakcr, AC\L' ltcnm 131azticic k Scnn,l Rcid, SAC \lark (uutiin ~ 1.rrrti rr :-I r•iGitritrtrr :l drisr,r lilts licirne, RA B Sinll~n Gr.•lina n :nrrrnrtitti' t ~( Sllnil Gul+[ a Lady I Ic,pkin% l C :hainn .ul ] Cf,ntin1w ;-it11, ,slrr~ii '\'rtlrnrk GI- C'nr Aluir Gillian Darlc~ ('r;nInrittr c I- oure l'takc Slcphaslic Fiticllc r ('hcrcl Rc•~'nold s PrntC%h or Adrian GaI C 1)al•id Parlnnrc I C :hail-nt .lI I f PCtCl- Bt It[( )[ I \cr41nira Srktllr ~ 11irkiI I I-la++'ard - foliv Dudle% . Fran , Stephanie W1111am y Simon ]nnC > Salle Grove Dal id ,\1C11o r \111 .151 J .a d Fmwi .-I rt: F .chiLitiaw and Errv w Gr.tham \1,>rrisu n .Mark\1ollklmC1l t CUrimitttc z laic 1'arr l EuL"cric Skcc l Robert Hopper I Ch iinmm v Andre\% \\'alkcr Suti .1n (,nllill ~ Uhern'e F Percr Fnihc r .-!r't.~ f~Fr Ft'rr~niti .-ldrisur-r trvr d D ;i1'1ll Scl Toll, R F H R€, hard I I %-I rol l Sr'!fc'1 f r+71 1 'Ir r! il 1 : rrc P;lrr l Stephen 11 1011 p> J1i ;iirman } Sandra l'crtita l \\•nett M-c\\'+tc r Mark Pintlclt t ShciLl Cokil t Ali'mir Raphae l Richani (ur k Andrea S, hlicke r Annic Dclirt ( har!r> Dcntol l I isrtFtl :-1 rt± l:rlruntir+rrrrl Ti',tiurrr q 1 'r111 C N M 1 l' ChriStnpher 1-ratlint; (, F'f)11p Cia% in Eiclldc•€',f rrl tinr'man lunch ( :h .tirman i - l"heLna Hcslt('111 : Dal iii Allcl t Sit )enkin . VIIICS+ .1 lacks,)€ [ S\ 111 :1 hint; 1(nshini Kcnlpadn n \lark \l .{'111~1 z1 1111 L I- itie Pcikr I ad1 \lay,'Wlla n A11%mir Raphae l ProfcvmwAiiLlrt:\N Motio n \'crolliia Sckulc s L'slta l'rashai' CR E Prolcss,rr bola Yotnl, Pr1ldc•nCC Skcnc

Q - 02 77jt Ar lr ('aritrtil gl'bil tlnmY 1 Q)6

Accounts 199619 7

04 The Arts Council of England Account %

80 The Arts Council of England grants and guarante e ,, awarded 1996/9 7

98 Lottm- distribution accounts

110 Lorterv hard commitments 1996/97


Arts Council of England Account s 1 April 1996-31 March 199 7

Forewor d

rhi var'

1 ° . Clrou^~I _ . . - a rc_s4tcrc.? : :1hrr, ufrhe Arr, C +u1... : . . The ( iinc:il -, printlpal am%m dppt Ir e . To rhl, end it make, _r .ar7t, n 1 an , n .r1 : . nil-lcr 1(136 t)f ncc art+ ^c ! k ( 'Irtcrutl 1 arri l urg.ini,amm, and Regional Arr, Bt larch, 111 d \lcm ~cr Datc' ~ r lpm ~mtillen t en_at~c, in other acricrcicl cm I,chall I>f fil e s_cd h . the art, ,cctrlr. 'llic Secretar\ -General ' , rep )rt and - ,+Ir r i 1 .- . .a l ;r- ;au•, Lard GI )1\ ric PC - ( halmlan • April 1994 departmental reel )rr, In the annual rcl

David Reid +\'ice-C :haimmri I April 197)5 prt,%ide fin-thcr detail, utir, p(,Iicic, -An d I - . ., i .- iir• : 1n :ipa) 4)fticC i , Ric h .ird C+Ir k April 1995 acricinc, . 1* 1. rca, Pt:: -rrccz . 1-rmdnn . S5L - 1P 3N Q Pnrtc•„()r Rat' C kmcl l April 1996 Pro otctst Ir Brian Cn.c ("'BE April 1996 T'nc St.inmentot'Rct:rlmmctldrd Practil- e i NORP for Charitic,. is,ued in 1995 by flic• I I~ ( , Iwwil ratite, _r,ust-in-aid tram th e ]anuan' 199" • I )cpar'tnlcnt ut'\atiunal Heritage and is nne cl! 01a1-Ic, [3rnt1> n :Auu,t 19911 Charitt' ( unlrlli„iuner,, Ilan [-Well adl)Ptcd 1. .1 . !u relics designated t,, dmirihurc fmi%frk o from Pn ofe,„or (',hri,t,)phcr Frax'lin r April 1915 %i hen preparing the aiCUllnr%L The principa l n \.ltiunal Ltlrtcrc he the \atilrn .t[ Lotten \laI _IC GuiIICb,1ud April 1994 effect, t in the accrnlnr, are the disrincrit I [WMC(ll wsrricred and unrc~rnctcti turd, an d ct, ,111 1993 . . ~ \[a1 . 19 9 Sir Ernc,t [ fall ( )BE 1) I April 1994 the rcpt)rrin, I it in\ e,nncnrs a1. market `alo e Grant-in-aid i, distributed 1,\ the ( mind i n Va\ lyQ7 1 rather than histuorii ct),t. It .1 .1%() t'C1lIijrCS the ,ur[,<)rt t)f the girt, irl av:ie)rd .ln:e ul[Il rite Sir Da%id Harristin ( .1117 April 1996 a a1,t Ilidarilm I )f trll,t fun&, . -file .\rts O )MI0 l Iil-lettivcs cr Imr in the RI)%al (charter. FLlnd s \1a% 199 - ha, t ; our trust tiin,i, : )rant t}lc Natilmal [ .I )TICn arc di,rribnrc•d in Ga%ill ! I cilde'r,( in JAI 11C 1994 ar .nrdant:e \cith dircititrn, i„ucd antler rlx• act N1,1% l 99'" ' ("umrrl I Il i ocr c Fund - e,tahlIshcd 1Lrth e h% the Sci rctan I ilSmw ft or N aril )imI Hcritagc . Thelma Ill)ltCBI ' April 199-} purpt ),e t,t,llpllt rrting lire ratt IIV Nla\ 19 9 • Mr, ' I Il, Irntl In 1-111ltl - C,r,1bh,Iled for th e -, ,rul pture The ('I )un\Il \t o Irk., it arm`, length fi rrl l La&\ NLli . HI .Al l Ik',cn)1vr 1996 ru rpO,e I It ,tlrrl )Will : , ca,tl Il I 1 ., - "IllerlmlCIIt .111d ha, the Stant, Id - a n()n- l l rt)f ;c,surandre\r \innrln :April 19)16 • al'r, Ct Illl7e ll TI-LI,t tI . Speci,ll Fun& cicparimcntal Plihiic N Id% AS Such It i, 17C,uLINI i titcphcn Phillip . ,A[a% 1 9)14 c,tahlnhcd ti )r the p11rrnlc• (11 ,uPPnrtill" in accm-d,ulcc with linanoal mem(randa i,sucd \Lac 199- ' the art , l,t the Sccretan nt Srarc and .Henn :%, fur gr.mt- U,ha Pnisha g Cli1-. 111E 1994 • Art,(lulncil'It.Sfl - Rc•nclt)Ie"IltFund- in-ai& anti I Otter%, arc prcp,u'cd SCp,IV .Itc711' i n \tat 149 7 • e'tir.lhll,hzai tI Ir the ptll'pn,c' ui ,llpptlrtin,

Ica trJancc \\ ith accl ounrs direcriutiti . ( ,IT\ k: I II ,iC%rIi:v 1A . yri 11996 6irmcr cmpll leer, ui [he art, Council \\ ht ) RIgo : r Rcc d April 1996 hunk: tact mritercd ti1L1116 .11 dl the ll l ties . Stella Rtrllinsc m April 1994 .\!a% 199 - The ( .I I1111cil :nl7,l&C1., thcC c trlm hllld, n I hc• Pruelcncc Skcn c :\pr-il I Q 9 4 utan iminatCrl .11 IUrllre Intl tIIC1- ilre ha%C II I o r April 1490 ' 0 MSOlic[au& tllc•ltl intrl the .1111111,11 ICI:uunt, . Ruhcr't Southgate April 19'94 ap1'il 1996 ' flit I)cpartment ot ' Natumal IIcritm c prmide d lnhn Spcarnla n DCIXII,rcl' N9 6 ,r,ltlt-in-,I iti t)t L" 186,133m f'I11' ncC rear. a n L(ird Kim, r , 11 .1% 199 . 1 adjustment 1o1"1'ln1,r .11 11 -in-a idomtsrandiii, Treslor \nnnCBF + \1 .i\ 199} a-as made durin,g the pcriu& . - I'lle ICCuunt, 16 r acri%itic, iimcicd 1 1 .1 )111 grallr-ill-aid I Set out t o n page•,6-to)-91,htI%% a,urplu,OI1 ' I? ;-1)11 .

I )are- tit rc-all}i Pill rrneT r - Iirtal grar7t,,lcl ;tl'Iic& during 1996 9-\ccrc Rctir_ncd l)cicnlhcr 199 6 .t 1 SI1 - 535tn . Thew gr .mr%,ire itc•nliscd i n - Resigned April 1996 Schc•duk 1 .

as,crs arc held 1,1 enable ncc CI1111ui1 to I fujiil it s ()hjecti\e, ctlecticc'I% and cilicicillIv all fixed .IS,Ctx Ire St :lred at t~et,t Ic„ LIC I ,i'C6,161Ill . e .\iCr t u'(trk, 11t arr, \\ hic h Ire Smrcci it ct ),t Th e c>timmcd markci %iluc 4 the xlIrks tltart i , J'1-,61) .,- 1(I .in,CNVI17C11r,arr,I .IWJa1111arkc i %aloe• .

Ri-i ml al . l rte 8iorrds The Rcgiolnal arr, ISnards are lrtdcrcndcrt[ lI mlranic,, and,ranrs n I thrill twin] the ;Art y Cl luncil are suhleit to t:olldltitills Se't b\ ril e Council The(I)uncilimido:(spcratirn,,rant,I)i ' 5- .1 ill in the Rc, o iul arts Boar)[, Burin, the : Near, as detailed in No 1:v 4 t)f - thr acctxint, . I n additir W Ake ( 'tlttncil ma& ttiriltCr !;rant, tit [' ! , ] -htn it r Rrgit ulal Arts [1113 1. &1 t;11. .1 :ain't t of trt}tcr acti%iric, . ~These grant, arc itcnliw d in th e rc•Ic\ ant ,c64111, 1 if Sihedlllc l .

64 Tbo, 1rr Cnlumilot'Emiland 1QQn 0- .Srnremrlrte) CAtOrcrl'rand Serr•rtarv-Grlrrrrrl'~ respnltsilulittrs m relation to financi,d statemenrt The COLn1Cil artemprs ro ahide by the CBl's - llic annual report provides information about Under the Royal Charter the Council is require d Prompt Paycn Ct klc, and in particular to pay the Cexutcil 's overall financial positit on . to prepare a statement of accounts for th e hi1Ls in accord .utce with contract . In I 996j9 _ Objective and professional relations are financial period in the form and on the basi s 911%of undkinrted imoiccs seers• paid within a maintained with the National Audit OtLtc c directed by the Secrcran' of State for Nationa l 30•dav prriodr It is the Council's aim to increas e which acts as auditor of both the Arts Council's Heritage, with the consent of the Treasure: The this t195% in 199 .98 . grant-in-aid accounts and its Lottery accounts are to be prepared on an accruals basi s disrriburion accounts . and ru show a tntc and fair %-ic%% of the Counci l ' s The .arts Cuuneil is commirtcd to a }xpli:Yof state of atfalrs at the year end and of its incom e cqualin- of oppomtnin- in its c mltiloymcn r Thc Council has established an Audi t and cxlendittrr and cash flows for the financia l practices . In particular the Council ants to Committee, its terms of reference are i n year. The Council is required to : cnstim that no pincrinai or actual employee accordance with the Code pit Bcsr p ractice fo r receives more or less favourable treatment on th e Board,' lern ers of Public Bodies issued by - Obsenc the Accounts Direction issued by th e grounds of race, colour, ethnic or nationa l Ti Ni - I 'masurv. Secrctarv of Stare', u hi :h sets out accountin g origin, mariral status, age, gender, sexua l and disclosure requirements, and apply suitabl e oricntarion, disabilin- or rcligious belie[~ . accounting policies on a consisrcnr basi s Graham l)es p i n The Cnuntil ensures that there are arrangement, Aerv tr .lrrretarv-Genrral

- Nlake judgements and estimates on a tt 1 pron)OtC CAcCri%C Consultation an d reasonable basis communications se-irh all staff. All dcparnncnt s Lord Ciowric have mgmlar staff meetings at vyhich ntarrer s Cbamnan ofthrAm Cowicil of E'nglaud - State whether applicable accounting standard s relating to the Council ' s acticirics arc diwi sled have Iseen followed, and disclose and explain any and staff are regularh• briefed on the ntutcr s 28 July 199 7 marerial departures in the financial statements discussed at senior managertncnr and Counci l meetings. Alcctings ofall scuff arc hel d - Prepare the financial statements on the goin g periodically. The Council recognises the trad e concern basis, unless it is inappropriate t o union VISE with which it has cstablished .t Presurnc that the Council will continue i n procedural agreement ; rcpm%, cnratiycs o f operation . management and union meet rt:g*ularh :

a copy of which is available f-om th e The Set: rcran'-General, \Tars• Allen, resigne d Accounting Officer, Arts Council of England , in Ma N. 1997, '[lie I)cpun Secrctin-Gcncral , 14 Gear Perc•r Street, London . SW 11' .3NQ . Graham Devlin . is currently a :ting in thi s lxrsitiun . l -he Accounting Officer for the Department o f National Heritage has designated the Sccrctan' - ,~ratewrnt 011 r01~e17'Rrt'`r01't'171RirLC Gcncral .ts Acco unring Officer for the Council . Although the Arts Council of England is nor Thc rclc~ ant resp one ibiliticc as Accountin g required to comply with the Codc of Bes t Officer. including the responsibility for th e Practice Published in Decenalier 1992 by the• proprien and regnlarin- of the finances fo r Cadbury Committee on the Financial A .slsccrs of which the Sccrcran--General is anw erahlc an d Corlxorate Grn ,crnancc, nevertheless rile Counci l firr the keeping of proper recr7rds . arc set out i n believes it should meet the highest standards o f file Non-Dcpartmental Public Bodies ' corporate governance and accordingly complie s Accountim, Officers' Slernorandum, issued by voluntarily with kcy .ispecr ., of ncc :r ode . HM Tmasun v. Mcmlen of the Arts Council arc appoointed by Other nrattrrs the Sccrcran- ofSraw fur National t1c•ritagi: fu r Cotrtts & Co of4 0 Strand, London, specified terms ofofhcc, and arc unpaid . Counci l WC21C 0QS arc the hankers for the Arts Counci l members work within a Code of l'ra :ticc I based ofEngland . on a Treasun- moxlcl for non-departmenta l public bodies} which has been agreed with th e The solicitors of the .Arts Council of England Secretan. of Statc . The Secretan -Gcncral an d are Bird & Bird of 90 Fetter Lane, London , staff also work within such a C ndc orPracticc . EC --IA 1IP. The Council racers in formal session al„rtit te n times each vicar, and it moniton the work rtf - the -]lie Comptroller and Auditor Gcncral of Secretary-Gcncral and staff . ON Crall policy i s l5---19- Buckingham Palace Road, A'iLToria , determined by the Council itself after du e London, SW I W 9SP acts as auditor to the Art s consultation with interested parties, and th e Council, and his report is presentcel on page 66 . Council has a schedule of matters rcwn-cd f Tr it s own decision, including kev points of srratep-, The Council maintains a register of interests Fiolicy. rc_sourcing and staffing . All Counci l of its members, which is available for publi c members have access to the Sccretarv-Gcncra l inspection by appointment at the Council's and senior staff as they require . The Head of Grcat Peter Street address . ticcretariar ensures that ncc Council follows it s established procedures .


The certificate and report of th e Optima l Comptroller and Auditor General t o It-, my 1('tnlon : the Houses of Parliamen t - Pic financial ,ilirRlrnL, gme a m1C .;n,t t .l. r I ccrrth- that I have auduct, "- .. . ;cw of the stale o aif .atr5 of the Art% C,juncll I Ir statemcnrs on pages 67 r o -v l F -1~!and at 31 March 199 - and r1f ir, ulcom-19 slarcrtlenrs hate Ix-ca prcparv, l r--Jr- : :I . Ircrs and app'ticatlon o(rCxlurccs . Incltldln = hilt[ lrlc ct lst coM cntloll and The -IL," ,lli : L'' l ,mc and expeRdirurc, and cash flows, tie r

pI 1 11clcs sct out oil pale 70 . ;hc year thcn ended and have hurl properk f,rcparcd In accordance tl ith the direction mad e Respecrwe rxspmtsihilirir of( 'olrllcil . .Sccrerwn - h~ The Sccretan of Starc tier National Heritage (1010,I11 61IIt1'Rlfa?lreT7?' As de,cribed on pa : es fad and fr y the 0 lunc h - In all material respect+ the exivilcllnlre . and the Sccretan -General of tllc Arts (-'oUlILIl W. ' tncortll: and rculurw, hate hec•n applied Tit th e riii land a, the Accounting O fi ;rr arc purpl,se, intended hl ParllalT]erlt and the resporlsrblc ti)r the preparation of financia l financial rransactions

and To rcP°lrt n :r Opinion To I, ou . John Bour n linsis uOlfr1111oil ('ors f~tro!!tr nuri .a udulrr ( ;tuc'Iri l 1 o Inducted illy audit in acc+ordancc with .3111uh 199 7 auditlll" %tandards I%%UCd bt' the Auditing Pracriccs Bo )ard . An audit includes CN .lnlination , National Audit (Rice

(111 ,1 test hack, I ofrt idc[IcC Iviv%arlt to th e 1,--19h Iiutkin lmm Palace lto .lu i .t11Nhint, and discloGtlrC% .lnd rCtinl .lrin u I' th e LI 1ndl m financial n-ansactiom Mdtldcd in The financia l ,1WIW9S P

,t.ltclllrurN . k 31x1 Il1ChIdCti Ill IYWN%lllellT all rh C ,initicant Csrinlatcs and jnd~, nlrnts nl ldc b l The ( (PLUIC11 arid the ill th e preparation ofthc tinaacial statcIIIVII • and of

1,1 hethCI- The ACC( Rn1t111-; pohcles arc apprt Ipriat c

I, I the Art ( :ouncil elf Etlt land s circumstances . n011%Mcnth applied and IdCtl1I•1rC1N dlsclc I,rd .

I hLlnnCd and PCrtol -II1Cd ;I IN audit snAs t o obtain .11I the intiIrmatio n .111d Czplanation s which I crlnsidered rcccSS,lrl in order to pan id c 11x with Sufficient cl'ILiCtlie TI1 `ivC reax 111,111112 assurance that the financial %tatenlrnrs arc tree from material im,, garcmcnt . whether caused bt '

Crra 1I; or by fraud r Or I lnccr irtegularin and that . III all nl .ttchal Te%j1C

C1' .1lal .ltetl 1110 f 1% CY .lll .tdCtlttacv I if the pwwnrarllltl Irt intFwimittlltt tit the llllancia l ,W I C111C I I1, .

(1t, 7L; :A7Y5 ( "wruril r11.)n ]and IWo rl"

The Arts Council of Englan d Statement of financial activitie s

I . ()r the ycar ended 31 March 199 - 1997 199 6

Unrestricted Restricted Tara! Total bend.% funds fiends h,uds 000 .C000s i:OOUs L&Ws

Income and expenditur e Incoming resource s Pariiamcrusn gr,utt )r) aid A'nrc ? 17{5,133 0 185,133 191,133 Inreresr receivabl e 224 0 224 29 1 (kher inaonic Nntr .3 1,042 51' 1,559 1, 1 7

Total incoming resources 186,399 517 186,916 192 .04 1

Resources expende d Direct charitable expenditur e C~r .u1Ts ;r,, 4 180,185 440 1 K0, 525 182 .71 1 ~u 11polt - 4)Nts ' w ee i 7,289 85) 7,374 .',91 6

187,474 4225 187,899 190,62 ' Other expenditur e 11x1 .rgentel7l and .)dnlinisrrarilm Nott 6 1,703 [R 1,703 3,277

Resources expended before costs apportioned to tottery 189,111 425 189,602 193,904

I .csti casts app(irti4mcd t1i the Lortcrv Note 1 0 3,9141 0 (3,014) (3,1152 )

Total resources expended IX5,263 42 5, 18 :.,688 190,8.,2

Notional costs Note g (,11~r of c .10T .1 1 15121 0 1512 (413 7 lnuuan,: c 101 0 10 9 i

Net incoming resources after notional cost s 614 92 706 1,66 -

Reversal ui rtnrional ci14r % X22 0 i22 42 2

Net incoming/ (outgoing) resources for the yea r 1,136 92 1,228 2.080

Gains on investment assets 6 0 6 4

Net movement in funds Not,- 1 ! 1,142 92 1,234 2,09.3

Balance brought tirrtitard ar 1 April 1996 -.-68 156 7,924 5,795

Pri1)r year adjusnnc m 0 0 0 3 6

Adjusted caluc brought 111rns,u'd Nnrr 1 2 7.,68 156 ',924 .7,83 1

Balance carried forward at 31 March 199 7 ~ .)11) 248 1) .158

There are nn dlscontlnrled acrivirlcs .

6 7

Balance sheet

A, ;r j1 1i IVY - 1997 199 6

Unrestmtcd nd T IT ., ; 7-"a tired rt :nd4 titrhh tr:nri, 00(6 f1O , 001) . U(1( 1

Fixed asset s i .a :' p is .a . .cr . ore 9 962 141 4 .111 ; 3 .W- 49 41) 4 3

4 .1111 141 4 .1 ;3 4 .(1-f o Current asset s 1n,ck . Nor 1 . 3 () 1 O 61 -F Dcbt„r, an t i T rc~a, mrnrs : Grant-in-aid rc'ciVablc \6e1r' 2 10 , 874 0 10,874 11,8 -4 [)t11c r 1,287 0 1,28- L4.3 0 992 l)uc M,rn National ] .ottcn 992 0 1,990 Grams paid inarilanc c 2 95 tl 21 9 Z. , 2 .6- 1 C :ach at bank and in han d l ,656 107 I ,-63 ') -

13 .16 .5 111- 1 8 .2-3 18?SJ

Current liabilitie s Gralrt~ =,ut~tanJin , IO .6I- it ]0.01- Q. 7-.j ( rcdiulr% : .u,lnunts falling 1Inc within nnc fea r 2 ,649 0 3 .649 4.624

13,206 0 1 .1,266 14,3 0

"'S84 `ct ~ W't'Cltr aYWTt 4,399 111- 5.0o6

1i6ra1 atisCt" Icss carvent Iiabiliric y 4,9111 248 9 1 ~R -.024

Represented by unrestricted fund s (icncral 1,un i Nor, ) O (1,63 ., II (7 .(83 5.0 1 ,10 _ 2 ( .ahitalfillid-NcnrksO1 .1rr .\ot, _1 0 »7 11 2 .22 ? U

Represented by restricted funds RCItI I1 it 1Und - lkl wk . , rt dl"r Voti - fl 141 141 14 1 (_)ncur rcNtrictcd timd ., ft M- In- 1 5

ti_ <)lO 343 9 .15 8 X1. 1

6 1-.ah .un 1)c%li n A, 0721, .w'c0'cr7r7-(,'e'710'a1

Lord L10l\ I'i C ( hai»xnrrof 'tbrArts (,'nrrrrtr!ulLru7laud

3S f ilk- 199 7

6K 7 lic7 .9 rt~( :ornii it ul'Eitrilaird 1 <) ,)(,'9'

Cash flow statement bir ncc hcri(KI c'ndcd : 1 March 199 - 1997 1996

. ,OOUs .0000% C(10U~ Operating activities Grants rcccfcnl licrm the Dcptartnic•nt ufNatiarnal Hcritag c 186,133 191,1 .3.3 Uthcr cash rcccipt s 1,674 1,678 ( iranrs paid r, o arts org anisarionti and p other ]xociic s 180,307) (I86,896 1 Ca+h paid u> and t )[I hc'half of cntployce s (3 .873 i ( . ;,6.32 1 Cash payment%on Ixhalfofrhe National Lotter"{nct ) 998 (1,417 1 Other cash payincnts i nor i (3,018) (718)

Net cash inflow from operating activities Note 2 1 1 .60? lap

Returns on investments and servicing of financ e Inter"t recuned Ono hort-term cash dcpx,w , 236

Net cash inflow from returns on investment s 236 29 1

Capital expenditure Puldmw (of tangiNc lived atitict % x355, (539 1 Prnteccls from salt of fixed asset s 8

Net cash out flow from capital expenditur e (532 )

Management of liquid resources and financin g 0 0

Increase (decrease) in cash \'urr 22 1,496 (91 1


i Accounting policie s 1)c'F rc4i !ded or, all tam-,dIle tlrCd

asset, at ra,c- cd ,icLlI itcd z( I % me utl tht' ct 1st It:,,

Ll ._ ai srarenienrs are prepared Lmdcr estimated rcutil:a' '. i!Lle I !f C,

Acts. mid ot the St,ltemcrtts of 'Standard iti di',TX )sal . AccoLIJItlR); Praittce Financial Rcpumn g Stand .lyds 1ssLlcd and adoptcd by the Wf)rks of- ,m arc sht 1wn it historical ct,st . A acct nlnrill~ Sr,indMLk Board . ,1 r tar as thos e designated fund IN maintamcd rt, i iicllriti' A l retlturcn)cnt, arc apprt)priare . gencral expenditure' of a'nti`s tit art i p ir 20, , A ,t'cnnd hind is maintained to idctltiti ad Sell .lrare aCcnunts hale bcelt ri-cpared ti)rth e 1-CstriCtcd cxpcnditurC nn )tt Irks ofarr I Neite 20, . ( rmncil ' , Fottcrt• acticirics, in accord.lncc,cit h the dIl-CCt](111% ISslled bribe Sc•cretan. oFSEatc . ( (msnlidarcci accnunts hacC ii , It been prepare d tits ,:k% are stated it ncc It mcr of cl),I and ne t rcalismblc %alto .

I;i 111co mi rr3w rrs I ~ l , ides All in :unle IS aicOumcd tier nn m rccen ;;blc basi s (~,nsrs li res[u•ct c Ift t}'erating lc.lsi ; arc thltr~;cll except rllraln' income tchich is iccmimcd tier o n To nce inonllc and e .\1)t'ildimic ,u'cnttllt On a a recoiled hash . str'ai,dit lino basis over the life I!f the Ic .%sc .

(=emir-in-,tid ti'nnl 11 It: I )Cpartntcna( ) 1' \annea l (i+ 7ii.yntim i F-Icri[a~c .1111 ]CAWLI Fs I gcner,l purposcs is take n t-hc Art,( (1LIllClIntFn{land is .1 rc,isrcrc d nr the inamlc and cyci-i iirtnr W,:1 hint in th e charm' I \t1 1036733! anti is eligible Unde r vcar to which it relates . 111o )tile mild Ct11'114l'dtlntl I ;twC Act [988 tu,L•Cl< ti-tmt the Irtlalld RC%ellkIC CW11111 it m ti•Um raise s t m iIlo tlnC arisirk, trollI its :11 .11 :(ablc (lbjcctireC ('+ I_tfruflimr, - The Imaid RL - CMLC has ~ranrCLl 11111 cxern[,ttun . SLll,sidr expcnditLlre is inCLlrrcd in the lufnl n i Accordin`;h . Till t.}raticnl Ills hCen llrt,)'iLicLi tea r *rant, which air k Innalh' Iltirrcd to mil l in thcsC aa1)unn .

accepted Iw the c n'`;ani,atil ms tilndcd 1')r the uunCiI . ( ;r,lnt%,1rCihar ;c'd t1I the IIIL-1M1c mi d JOE l ;u~irul s

C\[)C1IdtrUrC .1COMIlt in Lilo fear in )1'Itich hlndcd The Arts 0IurlCil prrn iLICS a defined 11C11ch t

mail irit•S rakC l )IaCC ; ifillis is Hot LICCCrltllllabl e pcn;ini scht•Ittc for il,elrlp[(l 'CC;, rile ilrSts tat tile\' •11c :IlII',ed in rile tear in lcilich aC[il'itic % WlliCll arc t:har,cd to [he 11101itle and hcgin . Ali aninunt% unp .lili 11 .( )111 k,, ran r, at th e CNrCnditurc mccnunt . Pear end are s11111; n in the bal,lncc sheet I N rlydirl Ira mid .till' atlcdiCC pa) ntCits tt! ttlided I' .~ijljnu"flnlli(I op::r r )[•gani}ari()rls ill aliticipation nfgranCS vt b C - l he arts C4MIICil incurs indirc

m :t h,),is consisted[ tN1111 use tit the I-Csnurccs - ~I ;~Uf1lIl1RI1'nSI± .\3 .ulm~,cntcllt anti m llm!nisn•mtinn Ct Isis .trC those Ill akCO rc1ancC Rltll II'C1SIIEP,ItllddncL' . I11 )t]t)11 .1 1 1dillrtCd in elmnCCtinn R-ith the dLlnawetlicnt o f Ct„t, tit C .l[)iral .111. ChAI -INd in the titACIIICTIL OC ' [lie ( ollllcl I S aswl:N . 1 l', .1111 •,1[N,I1,1 l I" lmtlclal Am%1tieN ill mrrll nit! .11 .1 Ile x administ!'ant m and Cf allplTallLc S% Til l inCOnlin, c lui,nin l rem)l1 rcc, ti ;urc l ICSC ar e

it g1Stl[U[U 1n ;li .lEld ,L71 lkIl )1'C IVLIIIitCnlellt, . re L'CrsCLl so thmt nu prol 'i Sion is included nn ril e b,11,inCe Shee r - AS this is 1711C ti rsl ,'Car Such .\ ISt S 11,1l C heCn included, 1110 brit I1. \C ;ir li tires 11 .11 C horn i- C,Gtted .

-0 Fbr .47v ('oil rlril elf'E) rtln/ily 1 1 VO 9 -

2 Grant-in-aid

l , hc PJI'liamCnr.ll-% ,rant-in-aid as sho%vil in [lie statement o I tinanii :51 ACtivitics rcrnnciles with the Cash sum voted by Parliament in 1996 ;97 as follotN 1997 1996

Total fonds lnrrrl fiol rs :000s 1 ,0005

Cash grant-in-aid voted by Parliament and paid in full i n 1996/97 as published in the Parliamcntarv suppl%' estimate s class X I I votc 2 186,13 .3 141,1 .3 3

Less : grant-in-.tid receivabl e 11 .874 11,9_4

174,25 9 1 .9,25 9 Plus : grant-in-aid rcccivablc outsrandki g

AS at 31 NI,irch 199 7 10,874 11,874

Liranr-in-aicl as shon'n in the statement i dfinancial activities 18~- l33 191,13,?

3 Other incom e 1997 1996

Unrestricted Restricted tuna. funds Joral tiwds Moral firru > LOM L :O(y )s J ,000s L:0005

l ir.tn1, tip, II IN

C iranrs and guarantees accrued in past 1, cars no% % nor require d 457 0 4 y 7 4 - 1 Comcnip ,ran- Alusic Nerwork incom e 0 f) 0 ,3 1 Film production incom e 260 (} 260 .386 Sunln irtcamic 27 32 56 CI)rlrl'ihnrloils fi-om other Council s 222 0 222 20 1

1 .042 7 1 .5 ::1) 1 .~1 -

fhc granr s - sponsorship and donaricm c

arc altalescd as Ilkllowl y L f}Ulh COOOS [ 111 M, _ ofh1 ,

London Arts Board f) 128 12K 128 The Scottish Arrs C'uunci I 0 ~? 5 2 GLtlnttess Pic 0 148 148 0 Arts Council ofWalc s fI 31 31 .30 Ca10LLtitc' Citilhenkian Foundatio n 0 28 28 20 L%ni& Fairhairn Charitable Trus t 0 20 20 0 David Cohen Trus t (1 15 I5 1 5 British Counci l o 10 10 0 Othe r 0 0 0 28 South Rank Ccntr c CI U 0 20 The Irish Arts Cunniil O O 0 1

0 432 4 ;2

7 i

A Grants 1997 1996

Grants by art form

{ nihlncd Art , lh,~ 2i yt. l 16-6hti ih,+"h 1 .13 a 1 .12 L~-F 7 2n.158 128 2")S()- 27,41 0 ?'.?}~ 112 2".' . 7 .34 0 } lrn . lldo"Ind iirrl,,d .a,r.r, „ 3y ; 0 3 c1~ "8 0 I .Ircranlrc l . y ~~ 1(I 1 .5O, 1 .454 \husk }3 .[133 Il 43-c13,', 7i .-65 I, wrmn y },}3; U },}~ .; 4,' y, ; hducanon and Traimn-, 8 ;3 [1 K ;3 8-0 l 1,1111 Art, f 4.6171 (I 4 .661 4, -0 -

1 23,0ND ;11 ] _? .42_ ' - z , 14 '-

SIN Schcduk 1 t'()rdcrail .

Grants to Regional Arts Boards

l:a,tcrl7 -art, 1 ;4i,1rd 4 .621 rl 4,021 1 .V' y ' Est Midl .utd, Arr, lio u- d 4 .14- f I 4,147 4, .34 1

I ., II Id( 111 r1rt, lit iAl d 13 .~uti n 13 .511 8 \1lrtltrrn :1n, board North 11'cst AnN R11,1rd -,448 fl -,4-4X ~.-•i. i Southern Arr , ~,3fLi U .1 .3 111 I) S1IUt11 l: .t,t .alt, lit 1,11'd 2 .51 a L,;I~ 2,n4 Sutl[II Wc,t Art , 4,148 4,14 S 1li,t Midlands .art, Bo.1r d 5,418 [I ;,41 8 Ywk,hirc & l lumlkr,idc Art+ Ro.W 6,{8} II h- }ti} 6, -4. 1

f I -- 11111 ~ f,.i(,, y

\ Total grant s 180,185 3411 180 .525 ! -- r' 1

5 Support costs 1997 1996

L'nrc,tricred Re,rncn d tlind, Itlitd, 7u1 .ll lullck Trlral fond` + 1f)l)Ih 'LOOOS 1,0005 POO,

7 ) lilnllleti, ,l„C+,ml'nt .1111.1 r1,11111111L all) 41 S ( (lmiliMcd Art s 455 fl }5, Z;5 I )•lnc c 3 7 ,; 40 6

1)r .lnl•1 460 [I 460 47 1)

l 1110 . Vidru .tnd B ro.ldc.tstlll " [,,; .;4 f l 1, 3 .14 2,04 S l .ucrlnlrc 462 3h -mf) 40 11 MLI, % 434 fl 4,14 4.i(1 II11i Ir[II.Itiol l 65 f l 65 (J Prc+, .tnki Public AjY.lir , 31f1 {} 3111 .31(7 ]h dies : itccoarclt artd P11ns1in g 6Q6 6 -02 -1 1 1 hi wrin g y- 2 [I 9-2 1,2, ; n I-.duc,lntrrl anti li:;inia :,(,ti f) 3623 44 + 1'isu11 Art % 645 f 1 h}ti - 08

( )tllc•I• f IIIJCd .7CtiVICIC, incllklc .1 eery Widc -31)"c 1 .t dillcrcrl t IIIIII tlcr, cl lmhri,in~L,, film production, pronurtu 1n of dl c ('

72 1 be .-I17g Council orb. ,)band 111190, 1) -

6 Total resources expended 1997 1996

~1J!1 .1 ,~Clncfl t Slthi l l!I't Adl ,.l?11' y Siafli is ]Offal funds Dralf nds L000, _ 00(1, 1:000, W005

St-l ff cos[, 2,47,S 1, .395 3,873 3,73 1 Tray ellin~1. . ulbsistcncc arid crotertairinicil t 420 189 609 4.5 8 Rctlt arid rate s 8-3 491 1,364 1,45) 1 FLIel, lighr arid house cxpcnsc r 141 85 226 24 7 Pubhcin and prunulrions i07 Il 507 44 1 Postago: arid [Clepholic 5 .3 17 74 1 » Agency staff costs 248 141 389 29,E Prr,tewonal tics 1,473 329 1402 1?6 9

IrrecOlverable laluc Added 1a-x 0 x 1,220 1 1,2201 743 (dice and sund n 1,431 190 1,621 2,1711 I )epreciatux l 150 86 236 224

7,374 1,-0 .3 9,077 11,193

7 Staff costs 1997 1996

Trlral tulle% 11iralRaul,, L:000> 1,11003

-Sahne, ,uxl wages 3,133 3,01 8 LmpIO rver'% \aril mal Imurarlcc 280 24 1 Art} Council Retirement Plan 11994 1 160 4-?

rota I 3,873 3,73!

The Chairman, Council and Panel 4tembcrs are rxrt paid tier their sen ices . ]n the course of discharging; thei r dories Council mcnAvrs asc,s artistic w(rk . This assessmen t imvulves attending music, dance, drama and (othe r PerfOrmanLes, as we11 as .ltTCrdATlCC at pcoctrly readings, films , exhibitions and galleries, ctc . The cost 1)1 tickers trlr these pertclrnlances and eccnrs Is mcr bV the Arts Council o f England, In 1996.197, the total COST ofrickc•rs Purchased tie r this Purp sc ~s as 18,1115 . The Chairman altin has the tote of a car and driver in r>rder to discharge his duties as chairman .

All aCtlrarial ValuatiOm of ncC Pension fiend takes place ever t three years. The last valuation was ar l April 1996 . Oil advice of the icwan, the cnlpll a-cr's tllntrilstlri, In W .1% se t at 8.8%.

The scheme is financed by pat-mvnrs by The ( :, Iona] and cmplus-ees into it trustee-administered fund mdependcm o f the Council's finanecs . I7tcsc etlntributions arc rn1'ested b t a leading fund management compare . The net market value of schcrnc assets at 31 March 199 7 was L•21,701,277.

The .leeragc u-eckly number ofemployccs during the year was made up Is titllows : 1997 1996

Direct charitable activities 146 92 Alanagcmclu and administratio n 60 i2

Total 166 !44

7 3

8 Notional costs


_ . „~ . . - ~ . ' S `~•( ,Car.

_ . : ... , it in,uraixc i, caltul .atr, . quote, )btaine d

.. .- CVIC'T ad[ 1SCr.

Thi, bcl : ;_ t`tti in 1c .•:r ,u,~!i clot, hale been Included . pri, ' r %c .. . :c , '', r. c ',cc !i rc',tated .

9 Tangible fixed asset s 1997 Equipmen t land iisturc, an d an d bu i [L1111-% fimri P 4(100), x001 0

( -t, at 1 April 199 6 l,ll]U

.'`1t,ICi lClf 1fa,

I,,•,, : di,pn,al,

( „t it ., I March 199 -

[)cprcci,mon it I ,April bill., l ~cpreci,atinn , m di .p . I,al ,

1'1%n iLied tiff' 1996'9 -

1)cprcc1at1f,li at 3l %j .trcfI 199 7

1 \cr hf,l,k 1 iluc .at 1 .April 199 6 _ 1) 2.213 n,99 7

Net 1, lm ik 1',ahlC at 3 I :\l .arrli I OLl" " 2 .30N 4.10 3

The net honk Calve i It' lancl MlL{ htlildinu, rcmtpri,c, : 1997 1996

L:OO 1, ! 0000

Freehol d 340 348 tihl n-t Ica,chi dd imprm ellIcltt , 1 .140 1,1-10

The net hlxrk value a, at 31 ,,hell 199 71 include, ,asset ,

1CiYh .t hi,turic .t] Cu,i ut C lJ jb. l ~~ 11990 - i'Ya,k,lln2 1 , which h .nr been full . dcpr"1,itcd . 1997 The rut hruik value at 31 March 199- rcprc+cnt, fixed asset, Y61 - : L .uui fi~nu'c, 11'nrk, and arni o f kidding, fitring, VCII ric, ,irt 16r .i l 1'000, COUf1, ~'()(H), £0011, 2'(N)( h

1)irccr CILV-ira11112JCTi .itiC , 9S l 1+3 14 2 .368 Othcr mil itic , ;3; tit fl h2 ,

Ii,W I -+ .ill;

Art Collectio n

The ,Art, ('

'Hic purpaa,c of the ('aIllccti,m i, to inc]e,a,c th e un .icr,tanliin~* anti ,tphreciati

hc1d ti w im e,rmcnt I Ir rc>alc .

,4 7711 .1 .751 r,rnrti! rIj ..uHland 1096 Q 7

10 Costs apportioned to the Lottery

`J he Financial DircrncmN issncd be the Sccrrtan c f "tat c require• that indirect costs shared Een1. cen grant-in-atc i funded actic itie% and Lottcn hooded aciivmcs shumd he apl-K)t-6 utcd 1xrS CCcn the two o rn airs crdancc with gc cod accounting praLtirc . OvuliVad CU,t% ha1.C txcn ale Kated to o grant distributing departments in pmpcortion to nccw: dcparrntcttt; own roses. The resulring full costs of gran t distributing departments arc apl,c ortic mcd txtwccn actit itic s to be llmdcd by grant-in-aid and AiTiViriC% to lx fLIMICti b y the LCltter . iil proportion to time spent .

11 Net movement in funds for the year 1997 199 6

L OOO.% 1:000.c

Stated after charging : 13) Anditors'rcmuneration 35 '39 (b I C?lx rati rig Icases 1305 1,241

I c) Othcr advice sorb consultanc% , 1 .338 1 .41 9 Idt Council nacittbers tra\cl, subsistence tk hospitaht1. 44 32

fe i F.ml loyces receiving remuneration rncr J-40 .000 NUMFIcr Nwribcr 140.1 00 -149,999 6 4 ICSf1,0U0 - L:.59,999 J ! 160,000 -169,9(19 J 1

i ft The tcotai remuneration of [lie Sccrctar- -Guicral , including taXablc leilefit1. 11.AS COMM S : Salar° 63,800 pension (it 8 .8ub 5,61 5

69,42 1

She was an o.ordinar.% member of the Council's pension snccm c

The Sccrrtan -Gcoeral resigned ut Ma1. 1997 . P;wnicn t

in lieu of no otire 1.1 as agreed at ~' ;,000 a month f 1i tr three mouths), the second and third p•1\nicnt heing suhiccr to he r not taking np rem Ill IC ra tcd cmp]otlnenl in thcasc peri(Ktc . A contrihutinrt of E, SO was also made to her legal costs -

12 Investment s

Oil 31 March 1994 the Arts Cotmcil ofC"rent Britai n

tranctcrrcd immrship to the Arts Council of England of 5,870 C :hariftind Unit-, valued at (41,178 oil that date . 'Iltc historical rust transferred a as /C3,082 . The ill%estmen t has llcctt revalued to current market s'aluc ti)r the 1996 financial \•car. The appropriate prior year adjustment i s rcpresenrcd in ncv accounrs . 1997 1996

4'00[k 1Ooo ,

FAlultics ins•csrmcnt fitnd to tr charitic•: w` 1 1 .

13 Stock 1997 1996

4000, CV00s

Stationer- 17 1 3 Publications 44 32

t,1 45

7 -

14 Grant offers 1997 199 6

!0)00" Jrlfl_ Fcru and 1996 9- rt leV.41 V 199- Sts 169.16.4 :i 199h 99 495 4-1 1999 21.1LIo I U U

Thc,c ti,,urc, rclirc.cm the t4,t .il \aluc of the r .tltt . uticrc, i r the \ c .ar in.licatc 1 ir 31 March 199 7

15 Leases 1997 199 6

At i 1 M,ir,:h 199 - the ( -wnkil h-W .tllnltal CL rtllmimicnt , under lie m-canullahle uhcraun~ lc .l .es a .et (lilt INU11 M I, ui111in,% inIi;b?Io ' tier+)% Uri{h

01-crating lcau% which "pirc : Iii idlin ogle ea r n- 4 inrlu .i+ t {1 fl r/cct' ti+'c \ can

16 Capital commitments 1997 199 6

rook ~_r+!]rl .

A1ltII-irl ell 11111 nc)t 0liltracred 19 fl ( nntraitC d 11 i

l {) i

17 Tax and social security creditor s 1997 199 6

18 South Bank Centre leas e

ChC ( '0utICIl!]\+It+the frcchclld%rIS the \aticin .iI Hilt :

1 hCdt -C, the .Mthcll]II fit the Nit )N ill, 1111 .1" , the 1-[a+\\ .lrk i Gallen . the Queen Elitalicth I Lill, the Purred ltlxlnl aild the Rl cal 1-C'tk .1111 .111, r+hied are IVASC1I n/thc ticouth B .in k t emir . In li ht nt the term` )fthc lciw, nu caluc ha, hce n IdacrJ -al Ihe%c a ..etl u1 tllc acculnlt~ .


'hlic Council i m ns the trcchold ot ' ncc Royal National Tilcatrc, which i% leased and occullicll he the Etc mul Nationa l Thc .urc 11(lard I .imitckl uridet lixnce . ]n light Ii(ncc rermsc,t

I IIC ICa4C .l nil IICC I ICC APk'.117ti4' I I I ellI I . rit) \'al uC hAl lVt:n hi .ICC 1 011 rllr Al Wt y ill the ,1COILIIIIti,

- h l Lrc . Lt, Ceuurrel uj 1{uoland 1996'9- 20 Reconciliation of movements 199 7 in government funds Ne t At I April irtsestmcn t 1996 Income Expendintrc gainslosscs 'lransters At 31 Marc h L'It00 ~ :(i00 XADO J(DflO L000 4000 Unrestricted funds General 1foul 5,696 186,399 1185?63i 6 { 155) 6,68 3 ( . dpi tal fund -- work, of art 2,01- 2 () 0 0 15 .`, 2 .22-

Restricted funds ( apital Illnd - works of art 141 0 1) 0 0 14 1 Restrictcdfiund 1i S17 !425) 0 0 10 7

Total funds 7 , 924 wr .) ] 6 185,6881 6 (} 9,15 8

Description of fund s

Unrestricted fund s

ril I Gate ralliuul : rant-rn-aid is relCi%,4Yl front g e I)cparmicm of National Hcritagc . This is the Council's main st force of incorttc . and is Supplemented tls' Ushe r income. This amount ii applied to grants, running costs and the purchase [,tweaks ofart . li I (capitalfiirttd - rvor•ks ul'art : arts• capital exl,cnditure on u irks of art is transtcrrcd to a separate[ identifiable fond .

Restricted fund s

A) ( :spiral fiord - works of art : donatlnn arc received by the Council for the purpose of obtainini, works of art liar its collccrion . Such donarions aye idcattificd by a separate fiend . 13) Restrirrrd Oind : the Council receives grants, sponsorshi p and doraatinn, frtr specific acrivities, It also participates i n joint funding tor trainceships . Any such income an d assrxiatcd expendinirc is identified scpararely. The balanc e of,C 107,000 represents fiords received From Gt6micss PI C relating to its gram prrigranarttc .

21 Cash flow reconciliation 1997 199 6 Kccnnciharion of opera rirzg surp]11,r(deficit ) to ne•r : .asli inflow from ol-ratiog activities 1 ,00(k _r 'o005

Operating surplus 1,234 ? (19_i ]ntere:r receivable 224 : ,291 1 Depreciation charges 235 224 1-r,f t profit i on disposal of tixrd asses 6 i 1 ncrcasc a in market value of im estmcnrs i 61 r 4 j { Increase i,'ciccrrasc in %rot k, 1W 4 I'Kc rcase ,'(increase) in debtors and prcparmenrs 2, 134 1,320 ) t Increase } in grants paid in advance 1624 ~ r 3 -2 1 ncrcatcr i decrease i in grants outstanding; 842 i429 , (I)ccrcasc)'increasr in creditors 1,974 1 25 2

Net cash inHoav fmm operating aLnvirics 1 .60- l .io

22 Reconciliation of net cash flo w 1997 1996 to movement in fund s 'of)(), 1 oort~

I _ _ ._ c .rra+r in cash in r c ', •_ .i s 1 .496 91 , {1 0

} - iJh 9 1 Change in funds resulting from cash flow s

Funds at 31 March 199 7

23 Analysis of net cas h I April ? I ~l .rr h 19 L)6 ~,il H I (111(1+ ! Iloo, !_11[111 +

(.a, h 26 - 1,49 0 Ch'crJratt + O fl f l

Ucb r ?!, " 1 .49r, 1 .76 ; ( .[I I'i'C EII ,i+SC[ 1Fl, C,rilll'11rb c1 n n

Aura l

7' 11~,'<1 rt' C'urrrri r! uf 'I:nrp!«rr i 1 9Uh 0 -

24 Related partie s

The Department ttf Nat+,tnal I lcraagc is 111t: .Intl dcclarc am• direct mrcrests in gran t sponsoring department for The Arts Council 0 1 applications made to file Connell and England and is regarded as a related harts : comniercial relationships a irh the Cotutcil . Regional Arts Boards are similarly regarded a s Thcv exclude rhemselccs t 'ronj the relevan t related €,artier by e'rr'tuc of the fundin g grant appraisal . discussion and decisio n relationship with the .Arts Council and bi- i i rrue [Irlrcessc•s Within the C :ntntcil . of common membership ofthe Cc+ttncil and r hoards . Daring the t-car the :Ins Council of Conned Inernbcv, list hold rile [N)sirion o f England had variom material transactions wit h Chairman within the Regional Arts Boards . ncc Regional Arts Boards, the British Filt n iii rnm four Council mcmlvrs are als o histitute, the Crafts Council and the Museums This tccsj Govcrnors •'lx )a rd memhcrs of othe r

and tiallcrie% Commission fi Ir t% hunt the hodics to which granrs ha%c [te en made I-) %, th e Department nfNational Heritage is also Arts Council in 1996,9r. Ili no such cast was comiderc•d the spt6nsorirnt department . there ant' Ixnsihilirl-uf•[krsonal financial gai n for Council members . As -I marrerofjxdici . and prtKVdnre . C:onnc[ l nicnih rs, Lorten• Panel ntcnillcrs and staff ' The ferllout ing transactions are considered t o

III aintaiII pitbIichv Ln ailahlc registers of interests be disclosahle related parts' transactions :

Grant Organisation Council member/relation Relationshi p

4,06 3,0()0 English National Ballet Lad% 4IacMiJ1ut Supplier - choreographic rights 12,03 1,850 Royal OllcraHouse Lad, Mac".lrllan Supphcr-- choreographic rights 62,500 Brighton Festival 6,1s in I Iendc•rson Vice-PreSidcnr - no longer acring 8,000 Darrington International Summer School 61 .1s in I lendc'I•snn Artistic Direcu it , 6,000 L'aiccrsin of Easr Anglia i Norwich) Prof. :Andrew !Motion Processor ot' C :reatit•c Writin g 101,680 Anon Foundation Prof . Brian Cox CBE ( :hair 64,9"2 Bix)kTnrsi Prof, Brian Cax ('13E Board rncmhc r 10,000 The Royal Collegc of An Prof. Christopher Frax-ling Rcctor 65,000 Free Form Ara Trust Martin Goodrich Arn,,m: Directo r 10,960 Adviu6n Conimittcc, Europeut .Ani%ts' Pepinicres 1'nrdence Skcne ,Alcmbc r 16,000 Performing ;Arts Labs Prudence Skcne Tntstee 5,000 Theatrical tlanagrmcnr Asst-cation Prudence Skcne Council menihc• r 30.000 C a rntempor.krl ' Arts Socicn' Richard Cork Committee nicrnbc r 13,728,300 South Batik - H avward Callen' Richard Cork C ;onnnittcc mcnille r 12,031,85(1 Royal Opera House- Birmingham Royal Ballet K+.,1trt Southgate Vicc-Cliai r 158,90(1 (:in' of Birmingham •Iintring ( )lira Robert louthgate Board mcnt 58,000 AXIS Sir Ernest Hall OBE IN Pano n 14,000 1luddcrsficld Contcmporan MUSIC 1-rstiVal tiir Ernest Hall OBE DI . Patron 1,235,000 Northern Ballet Thearre Sir Ernest Hall OBE DI . Director - resigned ]une 199' 36,00() Nlrrdwrrl Broadsides Sir Ernest Hall OBE. DI Patro n 4,000 l')rkshirc• Sculpture Park Sir Ernest Hall OBF DI Trusrc c I 11,000 Architecture Foundation I,ord Rogers Chairma n 9,000 Building Expcriencc%Trust Lord Rogers Truste e 13 .'29,300 SO LIth Bank Lord Rogcn Consultan t 120 .000 Adt•c•nnrres in Motion Pictures Thelma Holt CBE Director 226,041 Thelma Holt Ltd Thelma Halt CBE Managing Director 11,532,000 Ros•al National Thc .ure Trcxor Nunn CBE Director K-885,0011 The Royal Shakespeare Conipam Tremor Nurtn C RE Director Emerinr s 26.000 Clean Break TheatreC :ompany Usha PrasllarCBE Patron 1'4,'00 Taira .Arts Croup Lrd Usher Prasliar CBE Advisor to the heard Tara Arts CrrluP Ltd Rckha t'r,ishar Berard mcmlxr


Grants awarded 199619 7 Schedule 1 to the Account s

i - ' I (I 3I N 11 rch Iv( )

Combined Arts L E L L 16.000

ti, C', tt k .wk 1,, ~ .mi 1330 LOA) Asm toation of Two Bath Fc,rnals Tru,E li).of w 13-',30,40) llcaom ,,fickl 13 .01) ) 1 M K ) IZtj,?jold7 ;-lv .fimdcd fnganisanniij jICI:L',l-3LfC Theatre Trust I e117r, Arts 5l AM) Brighton Fv+tnal S oclcr~ 2,5 w Nanon-il D2%allilin Arts ForLLM MIM) Hnu&ordN TAH ) Vfilu nur% Arts Ncr%% i irk ;11M)o Camden Arts ( cnirr-c I WH W 3' 01 0 arts IM ) Chapter Arts C :cltrrc 2,50 0 ( hard Fc%tiNaJ iii ' Wonicii in Mtjsic so)( ) 211) Artan ,,clTrim -5,000 an 1 10) Arts Adminmr .lfiq w 111 .1~r Tllcorl Cultural lodu%rn - D'Ov Lite WAY) ( UpWar d Kirn. .wc -510 Dance CM 5 .11111 ) 10 .00) 0 iiiiii *ri,,,c Based Art% KIM Danct: L ' inhrella I P) o L(tclis -t IRA= Fasla, hitcrtainment 1(1 .0[1 0 Mutl KKai ('I)f1lpalln 28AW) FitfllAMC11LIT11CIlt TA M Second sirs do 188800 Folk%\ ork% Fl -CC1.10111 ATZI 1'l',Tl1 ,11 0,H ) 317,000 Fruirnurkct ( - ,1100 I lCll-tll ' .'IIILll AM M .tl 8 .000 Wital 0) -anes I(i fioldrif wwn ilisation y 14 - 44, x00 1 ILIJ&r'lfidd 0 ill W1111 14 NIU '11c leyric I [ill ' firlic 11,1%cki arts 4JI00 ,J ;,t$ 2000 Ad VA 2DJH11 ) RO M AvTN 2000 V,isr 00,000 lnstiriirc ()I ' ( olimlipwarvAt- T% It", QLICIJ L ' p Nort h joyful Nokc MW Am Mamrk h:i o Kccord N African( iriNv~m-Asilii Arts Nem ()rk 3 .750 lj)rldon Itirci-natii)nal Fe%rkal of - Flicattv - A11 0 Arts llo .ll'd SoUth We l l 170) 1 ., 1116in Musit:1,11IN " Collcaivc g o m F,IsT,\liLIl .IIlLIs Afrikaii-( ariblvaii Artists Nci\k ; irk 3,7111 1 1 iopholc RAT)( ) Equati)r Comilltmik:arlons ( .rotip 7M0 lanclaw 3"1( 1 11601T, 3750 MacR(i1wrt Art, ( :cnli- c h3h ) North WcNi arts B(MI 'd 3g511 Alandiesici Cio Art Gallci-N gjn ) Solith E .Lst Art" Ill laro 3 . l1) ~Jaljjleltej' JIITCIIIAMM .11 Alts 0,00 0 Sourlicru Art, Board 17SO Northcrii Sight, RWKI O Norwich Sclux I ot' Arl & OcNig.1, 10 0 Nork%hirv I, H LIIIIII CINI& Al-T % B 4 I lVkl N1 ITlilll'1713111 11 .1l114)Llsi: 5A1 0 3 ,5f 11) 0,:iol:m- ( ;aHcrt Trust RAU ) C-ult ural diven it) , Off~horc Intanmonal ( ulrunil Pn ljctts 111 .001 1 Asian ArTs -\,:cl"l (ivol -To %.l ha - A)()( ) British Chn1CSC artists :1551 ii .ttiun 22 .001) I'laccTlicatrc RMI( I 7 = 1 FAIIIAl ITC011MILIMCM ItiIIN 5(11) R-w M-ItCT-t .ll IkCkl ] ..ILWCl- . 141CMI-C ( 0111j),111% TM ) 32 .500 solisbur% Fcsti%,fl IRA = ciplital trcbnalqitl I llet -fielti - 1 , 11C .11 I-C, ]rlat 3 " HM I AWN A AQ 1 .000 SInlllkisfitle 5n m Birmingham Com -C For Media arts 1,00[1 soutli Ltwtlim Art Gallct -N 2211 1 Nimanwhki LAM I,()()() I'[ I AI -1%C e ltre SAN M I hill Tint Rased art, IJU) stird]M Alli 3,f 1(11 1 pmnkk McBride IAUI MNOO E NMI-1: 1 .000 WWI I A1111 Whitchur"T 1 ' 000 I 'llu Shim I '(11 ill) ;, 111 1 I'livan-c Itoval i Nonvich ~Trtist "',all ) -MOD VIle n t ("LlIllor" '111 Fcsrikal 80)[ 1 Visloillc,l M O Acta ( r p imminin Theatre 60)(1 Vi6IINWI 5,111 0 4M 0 Al'rit:a ( )vc! 5gm1 V61callo ' I 11cati-C Collip-111% . Alb .111v Theatre 13A11NI 1"M 0NAt Arts 15,1111 0 "JIoO Arn(4fim 6allcri Isjul N Y Z Prk tdoalons

80 Tb"Am IVIA) V - £

Yaa Asanrmas Arts Centrc 2,000 C.1racinc Miller 5,000 lorkshire Dancc• (rnnc• 8,000 Richard Milner 5,000 Zap Art 3,(100 Char4c ,Morrkwv 5,00x) Mort Ron Compaw 20,00 0 514,88() Nc%r Work.4 31 4 Lil•rat-t del*chpturou Non ichGallen- 9,000 Arnolfini Gallen 7,000 C7pen L'nivc•rsin 60 0 Artangel7rust 10,000 I Idol Paris 40 0 Arts Admini4tration 4,000 Graham Parker 41 6 ,Michael Atavar 4,SSO Karrma Parsev 20 0 Back ,,pace 5,00() Pertorming Arts 1.lbs 10,{)0 0 David Bailcv 4 .(X) 0 Platform 5,000 Rachel Baker 300 Simon Poultcr ] 5,000 Iivacrmstieid 25,351 Ali Pretty 4 .x6 7 Anne Bean and Peter Fink 8,050 Rase Material 17,500 Adam 13cnjamin And Dannc Schcinnlarul 1,000 Rcd Earth ;,(100 Rlaek Arts Alliance 12,2 75 Dc•rek Richards 15,500 Robin Rlacklvdac 250 Rnlxrr Paiitti Cofnpart\ 11,72 2 Blast 'l-hcon 5 .000 6 .1m . Robson 4,900 I3luccoat Gallen 10,000 Caro line Rrc• 3,500 lWorna Bro\e -11 I'5 Shlnkallsen 9,565 Budge Sf10 SILx\'c{ :14 3,511( 1 Heath Runtirlg 1 .10 Slade School of Art 3,36 0 Cambridge Darknx)m 15,000 Andre Stitt 36 4 Brian Carling and 7im1" Grisoni 21,300 Strike 9,25 0 NickvChilds 460 F,li7 .llkrh S%Vitt 35 0 Contcmlxlrarv Archives -.500 Third Angel 2,85 0 Crewe 8; :U%al er Factilm I .cali Thorn 20 0 .\I .mchcstc•r .\Ictrolx)litan L'nivcrsin- 2,500 Towering Inferno a,mm Dailv Life 5,000 Catherine L'gsvu 500 Dancc Cite 25 .000 Visual Arts Development Agency 75 0 Darlington Arts Ce•Ilrre 600 Walks (hl Warcr 15,001 1 Digital Diaspora 10,500 Lisa W61ev alld Ehzia Volknlann 5,0170 Nina Edge 5 .000 Beck\' Edmuncls 7 ,000 661,68 1 Mark Eliot 30x) \"nr la Hill Cm-nmal bands Iran' Ellis 400 Balisavc Carnival Club 2,000 Roger El\• 5,000 Ravic Bus1,140 2,000 Fcrcns Art Gallen, Hull 10,000 Bccraahar Sweet Combinarioll 2,0!1 0 Film & Video Umbrella 6,830 lindc PrfklelCtion& 80 0 Forced Enrcrrailuncnt 1°hcatrcC:o npcrali\c 2,000 Rttrrokcct%Cultural Chlb 2,400 Ewan Forster 4,400 (" .11114 lo 40 0 Furnace 700 Caribbean Carnival Club 100 0 FLltnremmic Production% 2 .500 Caribbean Sunset Club 80 0 Great Yamourh Rorough Council 15,000 Chats Palace 2,400 C :iniia Hard( 401 C ocolea 2,4()0 graham Harwood 5,000 C'od'vc Bo\•s International 2,000 Susan Hiller 5,000 Colombian Camival Group 2,400 Houscvvatch 10,000 Dalston Children's Centre 800 Huil Tinlc Bawki AI-ts 18?52 Design In Hind MOO R(kldv Hunter 4.999 Dominica Sisscron Carnival Club 2,000 Instirlrtc ,) Corrrctrllx rrln- Arts 39,759 Dragon, Sfxwting Cultural Club i. UK, 2,000 Ish 5,000 Etx,m• Stcclband Tntst 800 It's Qiecr Up North 20,000 Elimu Mas 2 .400 Stark lctl'rel 5,322 F]amlxn'ul Carnival Club 2,000 11.111COon .3,000 Haminp; Carnival Oub 4,000 Nick Dave 2,027 FIl•mv,i Carnival & Social C,tub 800 Owell l ;rlh' 3,000 (,encsis Carnival Group 4,000 Kirk€ccs Media Centre 1 .000 Kuumba Camival Band 800 Le Shovelle Diplomatiyue 5,000 London Schcx.ll of Samba 2,000 Lcicccrcn;hire Museums & Arts Smite 5,000 \Lih gang Arty 4,M O Da\ id I.illington 145 . -mann e Steel Band 2,M) Locus + 48 .320 Mao-O-lkanla Arts 2,000 L,.x.lpholcCincrim IS,O00 \lasdurrade 2000 Asslhiatc% 4,00 0 Edo in Lung 75 0 \lisn" Carnival Club 4 .00x] Fd\5'111 Lung and Lana Wong 12 .900 Nckv Dilliclisions 80 0 Kalle ,Marthen•s 482 Nosralgia Carnival Club 90 0 Alan Wl .ran a" 75 Pe,lplc s War Carnival Band 2,400 Midlands Arts Centre I (Mm Pcrpctual Braun' Carnival Club 4,000

9 1

L £ £ £

Ph(Rmix Arts 1,20 0 Shadcmakcrs Carnival Chit, 30)(1 c <,? i

S! 1u t h ( :unnccnuns 4,000 Spcktakular 80f) 'Pkinni to 19,x2 1 Sr (1cmcm &tit lames Community Pn)icrt 2,OO D

St Nlan' 1 )r the Angcls 2 .{1(10 f(t rr. i ruPid Stardust alas 2 .011(1 Artarucl Trttss l5 .{1f H I Tabernacle Children's CA)srume Sand 2,118(1 C,)ntcmlklrar\ 1).mccTrust 1(),110 0 1 -htrd Angel 1000 1)ancc Unlhwlla 25 .110 0 Tnnba~ *! Carnl%al Club 4,0011 1)s lnmar Warchl )use 15f),000 Trtlrldad &Tilhap, ( :arni\'al CItlh 2,000 East M 1dland%Art• Board 441 .000 l'aa Asamcwaa arts ( C11CrC 4,000 Easrcrn Am Bl,ard 0,000 I .!)ndrln Aas Board -0 .11(11 ) 9-.{00 North llestArt, B)).lyd 90,001 ) tirrntgTrr initiatives \1,rthcrn Arts B(,ard 1 ;,I IIN I Artang rnlsr 1(1,(11)() Rarnhert hank Cumpally 15,00 0 Circus Shacc 10,000 Sadlcr 's WC11%Il-LM 1 ;,OOf t Allira kaushik 14,000 Srluth Bank Board 20 .0 W 11 .111r,ttt 1,800 Soudlero .•lrrs 1i1,.ird 50,00( 1 South East Arts Bclard I .;O(1 1 hcatrc c,t ncwlcru.l 211,~10~ I 1ti)rld l;ccl grid 20011 20)(1 Wtm JlidLlnds Arts Bntlyd _2 5,00( 1

39,300 7dr,rl -crerreslirad 030 .00 0 11'r,alru in the' avi s Narr„nal AlhanCi o 11' )nlcllsOr$drliti .lt11111% 11,000 Total cross-disciplinary project grants 1 .1 ;1 . 4 2 l l .000

N11111) rt,7 a Artsll r,rk )),0110 Dance if R1th Arts Nee tlrk 9,0(1(1 Naru,Nal n)'rianprafifin s 18 .000 RO YA Ohcra Hi ime 12,02 - 3)(H )

7nral f,rnil ,crgrants 1 . 0 ?hl 12 .027 .00 0 Rcaiflarh filnrlerl ur rtuicarir,u ± Adeidl) I)ancc (oils laor (',80,(11 0 Total Combined Arts 1. 6, W, - 01 higlish National li,lller 3,903,00 0 \1,rthcrn Ballct ' fhcarrc 1 .225.00 0 Ramhcrr 1)ulcc Cu,111anc 1,200,00 0 Cross-disciplinary initiatives J .f)(1s,1)lr, lirr :ues+ .l ri.+'rrtrrrr ~`I'ln7trlll7rP pixrd-lewm f all i -d wyawsi7tlo n Arts .11arketlm, AssliCi.lt1t)il 50 ~CliCt (1 ,)00 Bushes% in the Arts 11,000 . dwirurc•s in t)tu,n Pictures I21),ow ) 1),1mx U111I)rClla 1,2 0 ( :,lnduu) 00,000 ) ltlctirlnCOf(,orite't111 1()ran ' At-T% 1?50 •lhe(he1111)(11IL Os 152,(101 1 -,Ir - I -imdorl 1111 ['I']latlf,n,11 I"csrll'a11)1 1hc .Itri: 1,0011 ( .),ntt'mpiran' 1).mccrrrlst -' ~ .(If10 Dance 4 ~11,000 IOtrrlll wne's.,A sr' .w pit C ` Pla111 ina 11` '30 hankCin. 11)11 .000 17a11re UK oO .()l)0 C orilmat-w-l. f nid Dance Umhrclla 2 .;0 .(14)0 Licerl„H)I Relicruir\' lllCarrl' 1 ;(1 , 11011 1)-ulie\ill .n,`~e 95,(11)0 1 .1, d(w Arts B(1 .u'd 145 .000 h1'8 Nwsica1 , 111Catre 90,011 0 Nortlh Wcsr Arh B,)ard 4I ; .O00 k lumlatt,m lur( .(rnlmlu,ity' I) .11%C -5 '00 0 Shut heal Arrs Bi ),1 rd 42 .(1(111 Green ( :antllc 140,110 0 l(lrkshirc & I lu,nbcrsldc Arts Huard 100,(100 \ahid .Siddiclul and Cnnlranl 44 .(100 Shob,111a Ic•r,lsingh I) .lncc( smtl,,tnY 110 .00 0 7ilrrrl rrnrrirlRrltiv(iratt }\2 , 1111(1 Si))llh,ln 1),I\ics 0,111cc ( :Un1l,anr 226 .00 0 Stttli)lk I)ancc 95 .1)1) 0 l , h .uncsd(mil I) .nl .c Srudi,1 100 .0(11 1

1_ Ill y m 1),111cc ( / 111111.110- 611 .00 0 5 hllruwurr mul V161 74,1001 Ar r[ 130 .1111 ~[)11111 \'%'c%r ?.h-1 YI11a11dc sl .mh I'lle-u'cdanic 8 .1,00 ) )[)rkshlrc Dance' ( c'uri'e I00,)(H ) lJraliuh,n„rtriut, 3 .(,-1 3,1)5-},000 Yulrrr, Hrrerlrrh s :' Plalmrfll t arts Research - .200 I nm! rTra„ts rn %r, ur{er1 nr Tnnisruiuus _' 2, 1 19,111(1 British C(mildl -.000

82 7'lje J r7i ('alurril r,J' F. gghr td IV96 V-

L £

National l )nni e , lnrrseier: Pbliny researc h development and expansion of'rhe nernw-k Clare Ctx opc r 3,-100 :arts Board South We,t 6,0(1() Piali Rae Mahasa c 1,1- 0 North Wc.t National Dance Agency (10,000 Sadler'% W01% Trus t 4,000 South Hass Anti Huard 6.000 8,55 0 .'2,000 .ltratcstii projerrs The Chulnumdelct- s 15,0(x1 Keck data•e development DV8 Ph1 sisal Theatre 4,68 0 Badejo ArT% 1,500 Grec•rltcich Dancc Agrrtit ' 10,0(1( 1 Iris! Dance Theatre 8,500 iridelvildc•nt Thearrr Counci l 10,00 0 Um'x Comultancs 25,000 Nottingham Thcarre Tnist 1,900 Singh VnKluctiun s 498 8 35,000 Siohhan Davwc I)ance O ntpan y 8,000 Dance manasler,tent parnrersliips Union Dancc Compam 14,000 1.aSt Midland%Arts Board 3,000 VZol 20,00 0 }astern Arts Board 2,000 Yolandc 5naithThcatredanc c 3,000 London Arts Board 20,00 0 Noah Hest Arts 134oard 3 .001 1 91,5h 9 Northern Arts Board 2.000 Trainiriq tinuth Easr Arts Board 4,5) 00 Caroline Allen 2 ,00 0 Southern Arts Board 3,(1011 Badejo Arts 10,0 0 0 Wcu Midlands Arts Board 3.000 Bretton l fal l 2,5(1( 1 Yorkshire & 1-1umhenidr Art% Board 5,(11111 C:andoc o C.arnr C arrurher . 12 .100 45),500 Chisenhale Dancc Space 5,00 0 Education Crcatis c Dancc Artists Trus t 2(1,(10 0 BBC F.dtlc,16011 3,000 Dance U K 5,0(1( 1 Bedford Interactive 5,000 DanceXchange 5,01.)11 Dance and the Child International ( K I 5,000 Maxinc Dovle 2,00 0 LUdus Dancc Cump .uls 5,000 Essex Regional Dance Counci l -5) 0 Phox nix Dance Company 3,000 Grcen ich Dancc Agency 2,50 0 Holborn Centre for the Puf onning Art s 2,00 0 21,000 Indclx:ndent'i hearre Counci l 2,50 0 Independentpl yjeets Inrcrnark,nal Workshop Fcstiva l 4,00 0 Akshat•a Dance Theatre C:ompan 2(1,011(1 Michael Joseph 2,00 0 Alctta Collins Dance Company 25,000 Lisa Ullmann Travelling Scholarship Fun d 4.0(1( 1 Arc Dance Company 50,000 Sampad 5,0(1( 1

Badcjl I Arts 50,000 Shinkanscrt 10,1101 1 Bcdlam Dance Company l -,000 Sutiolk Danc c 1 .60 0 Bi Na Dancc Cumpam 30,000 Tha111C%khm n Dance Studi o 2.500 Roseman, Butcher 18,000 Charlotte Vincent 2 ,(Nx ) Nigel Charnock 15 .00 0 Da11ir Clrv 10,00 0 1 13,85 0 Edwards end Walton 24,000 Yourb arts Werici • l lortston 9,000 Adit i 3.00 0 lmlaw 16,000 Candono 5,00 0 Iric! Dancc -Theatre 40,000 The Cholmundclcvs 4,00 0 Javier Dc Fruto. 1-,000 Contrmlxxan- Dance Tntst 4,011 0 Jonathan Burn w% Group 40,000 kada m 3,00 0 Russell Naliphant 17,()()() Ludus Dance CoMP.111%, 3,00 0 Nark Baldwin Dance Cotnpam 30,000 National 1'ourh Ballet 3,000 .Mark Bnicc I)ancc ConTpan 5,000 National Yourh Dance Compa n 15,000 Notionhouu 50,000 Sampad -1,000 I)avid Nassingham 200H0 Unnir i 3,500 Random Dancc Compam 1(1,00(1 \ -T o I 3,(1110 Ricochet Dancc Compare 20,000 Yorkshire Dance Centre 3,()011 RIC Dar1cc ' Thcarrc• 50.00 0 Roseman- Lee Projects 29,00 0 Sankalpam 13,00() Total drlrlopment tlrant s 1,166 .968 Small Bones Dancc Company 25,000 Srishti 18,000 Thamcsdown Dancc Sntdio 10,000 Total Danc e 23.28-,98 4 Woking Dancc Fcsnt'al 25,000 Yorkshire Dance ( .01tre 21,00



Drama \ " 17~ 1 1, .1 ' : 1500 1 (XL1 ( I ~,.catrc .\1USCLlT1] 118% .N~a . ." 'n a ;I :: FAT O R4 P, !I \? ;; V-. : ;T . 1 1 . 1 () -.000 Walk's (ITI Wate r

19j),3 - ' m 10 Natifonal twiliftfl : Intm e R6auhzv~vfisnded ( .r niniorii )n Erb,'11-111 tiTagC ( :r)MP~111\ Y] I ANN) 1 .imd(m Intcrnanona) Xfimc Fesm ~i l Nhmc Aan m Gnmp 30 MH ) 911,()()() I'mi Vik XLrnc -flicarrv 23 . W Fixed-remi flisided oqmmsanoni Ti lid fiv An Willi 2 1 .,}111 ) Anw, ( ObA - Ounpa" Thmm UnWmw WS W Acr-,r, J ; ,urimg Compant i TA)ndi on , 1 .31 ._2 DO 16 - .1 -9 Rath Art, Worksh(lp I N-inira i 'llicarre C4mipiny i 104 .000 -Narional rwaipyv olew w7iri pla Bht:k .\1Lr31C flic .iti-c Company WFOO CLurc 17o11 is 696 2 Bhck Wave E Am operaWc 13 - ' 1011 IQ"NY Ahl M) ou" ) Cheek By lox% I Vicnrc (A,mp .inv 106,708 lb\ id Glass Ne%k \firnc Ensemble MWO 36N6 2 EyAh I m&W Awmrc 450310 Narroffal fou;~Ptw puppcf?Z ' Forklk,irkf Fanrawl " henre CUMPAM WCOO ot Intern .i6imif .-Animated Thcmv . 6A .tcuc 5nuffliolthng,4 B6ghum TUR)o , Welfare State hitcm .trion .fl j Ifunlo wWS6KkvwMrc 24 W ciat'S%N car"hor I I N,WHI p unwC&I Wo 6ton,tTheatre S% If lo Sit n-box Theatre 80 7

IOU p op)() 58 .29 7 Imemm " "I "T F"Oul WHO XCTV PhTtWha l KA-lfx)k11c Priiducric p n, snv)o Aw wi-mon t ,\1cthc)d &M .idnc%N AdsOO [ '()r Children & Mwn-, Po rp1c I I S W (NN WK!"Pm . 843M) Clcii i Rrc .ik Thcmrc niip.inc WjnK i Open I 1 .111ki ' l - 11C .ItTv Comp .1m 1(11),01110 hwn4u wwwrc 2 5 . 1% 5- 6 Oxinrd Stagi: C4mipam. 484J (14) Geew "I lic,ita- Cc niip,my WO O P'1111CN Plou g h 14 -010 (4cc (Itill Perf(wilmnce Compmi% 23 .46 3 10 yk 0 0.1(11) Ly Smwc 15JAN I Pi)p UpThc.irrc 95301) N4 q'I'lic Nani lmd'Theatre 2301 0 Rcki 0 unpam 1317M) Piloz ' Pic,itrc 11 "18 9 1kcd shifi , 11 ,11C.1trc OlIly .1m 114.800 Qo ii id.un Am 1130 6 RIM 01c 9-.000 S,:.,vk:i I licarw 38 .1 21 1 'Shared Expericlicc j 532(11) -1-beaus :Alibi 5511 ) Sphinx t Wi imcli 's ' llic .itri : G1% njpj 112,70() C011111AM I 11,35 .1 K" Am ollup FUN ) ' Mulm ( clitiv 2 --.100 22118 9 Thdkrc JL (A "TIphCO 1317M) .1 fiddle wale rrunirra Theatre'd '" Hicleril .1 iQmckNi1vcrThc,irrcr 114, -Oll Di% id 61,1,% Nc%N Minic FowniNc MmHl o TW%11C lliratrc C,f 111111 .1TIV 11711011 nv1sh TMAT ' 1 wore SJIM ) Mcrhotl SMadncy, 15JHH ) 4,925,400 OV - (IrklSugc Collipam

1311 .01 10 RoTional Black 7 beati-c dcri-lopp oie w N-atwnal BirnimL ji .im RcI lo- T, wv Ilienre - ,301 1 (,11 .1l1d1t: .l Al-ts P1111j,111i CC1111-C B1 .1k:k ' 1 11c 'urc 210 0 Kithi PrtiducriiqiN 1111o I'l-01.111k tioll~ W O Inicni,in(iii,il Am It F(I 31j)m 1 Punjabi 11cam Academy 3p)(I l .citc',tcr ' Iht,1t re FrUNt 25A)1X I 1,1111 .1, Ill I h[ .ltre Cg 11111),111V 3 1,2 -4 Ruth \Li&civic 12 5 "Wrlum I xhr 11waurc Cimilmm , T 0 0 ('let )r"'c '\ Im 11cvl1l ho)( 1 N,)rriogluni Plafli(mw W O

.N:11 tionni lolwl)r11: ift.wbifily thratn' Ondc-i-Tc KoIc 1 .31)4 13 '141i Thc .1rT-C Conill 'Im 230M) Sjujidcr% 1411 .; Sill M [,)Aland, PIL- .mr('0111JIAM 4251 - Rkem Q d 15 ).IN - Tikm -i Picarre ( tinip,mv 12".; 6 .; .5 17 Thcairc K1w .i1Scrid ;lrd L .I .t tho)( ) .1-11tional touriltf): rxpel~mdwral Fi4 OTI 'l Uge)p 962 Alkim Andrew,- 34J)(H) HWA Livu 15 0 1)i:spcl -.1[c ( )rtinii4t4 1? 56 h erred OwnAnmait - Flicalre CoA )pcnimc 40,000 1 3 11 .424

84 Yhe,~rtsCorrrrriln/ 'Euglaud 1114(0'4 -

Sorrell-scale tarsriqtT !),Tame• 1 :*io rT: Collmrts,fwli `uptiwi s Forced Entertainmenr l hearer Co-opcratic'c 10,3 70 :lain lianSprort "I hcatre C mipany (Neil Duffield) 2,000 Bali Thcatrc ( :ctsnpanv 23,483 Action "IranSht rrt "l hc :urc Company (Nick Fisher ) 2,000 Kneehlgh 1 hcam trust 2 .5,000 Actor% Irnurlng Co inpany i Kclmeth McLeish 1 2,000 Mcllt .lb - I-hcatrc I5.76a Arc Thcatrc Enscnthic r Clrt}Lrd Oliycr) 3,000 Quoild :lm Arts 5,904 lilt; Brum TIE Compam' () 2,71,5 -Dt .itrc .San% Frcmticrrs 16,306 Brtl%- Crs , rhcatrc C onlpatly (. Keith Armsrrongr 2,339 Eurrcring Bi1,Cds 22,000 ( .'[car Day Prtoductions (Lm ( :'oghlan1 2,500 Travelling light )'Pi' 7,000 ( . lcveland ' Hicarre Company (Neil Dutficld) 2,000

Yellow harili I ]lcarl'C 20,160 Common Plaverti IC .atl7P lbrnc'rl 2,400 Donmar "archowst: Project% I Jonathan HarvCV1 2,21 5 14n,988 Donn'lar WMhousC Projects f l 2,500 Small rauut devrlapn+(let Ducks and Gecsc ]luatrc Ct mlpany i C ;rCgor\' Mottnn i 2,2 ] 5

BAC : 7, I IEO Eastern Angles Theatre Cortlpany )Ton' Ramsay 1 2,25 0

Blacklriars Arts Ccntrc 9,800 Oracac'Illrarre Company (Trevor I-lord 1 2,00 0 Bream Arts Centre 9,800 1lclltirc• C :lubThcatrc Company I John Harvey 2,25( 1

Cambridge Drama Centre 9,801) 1 iunlherside Theatre in Education I Linda Taylor) 3,001 ) Cnrnwalll'ronlr,rcrs'C ;unsnrtium 10,000 InncrCinI'licarre( :ompany(DayCSimpsrns) 2,090 Dorset I'romoter%' Consortium 10,00O Little Angel J1lariuncitc Thcatrc john Agard i 2,000 Dovccot Arts ( slltre 9,800 1 .i%crl,lxrl I -unchtime Theatre Crony Green : I ' s -8 Drill Hall Arm Centre 7-500 LiverImmil Lunchrimc -I'hcatrc dim M orrio J . ,N71 8

Green RtxOln 9,800 lxm Thcarre in Fducati on 1 Rotwrt Right'i 2,7 .j 0 E 1a% ant :Arts Centrc Conlpally -000 M6 1 hcatrc Company (,Mary C OOFvr) 2,100 KOMCdl,l ProdUctlt,lIS 9,80() Madavs ' MearrcCompany (Steven Dykes1 2,215 Lccds Mcrropohtan Univcrsiry 9,700 MerSCyside )hung People'% Thearre Compan y I .I%c - I -hc .ltre ( mIllanv 9.800 rAndrea Earl) 1,85 0 NorringhamComm- CaxlnCll 10,000 `iloriRotiCAompalnt, {DianeEsgtrerra) 2,000

Oval I lnu%c, Chri%i Church (Ostia } `"l C liourinC "I'hcatre C:ump .my (Ann Coburn 1 2,330 United Clubs 7,000 Out ofJuinr ( .April de ArlgChS} 1,%5 0 PCgasuS T hearrc 9,800 Out of Joint ( SChastian Barry) 2,000 Sourharnpton Communin- Arts Ccntrc Company 9,400 Parallel Existence r Ravi Kalxx,rl 2,(00

Trinin' Ccntrc 8,100 Pcntabus Thcarrc G )mpany (-Therese Collins 1 2,00{)

-Trinity ` [hcatrc and :Anti Asswiarion 9,000 Pic kleherrin0 Tliearre r JCtI 1+xrng) 2,339 T'nin . Theatre 9,800 t)uondamArv% Kim I-irt-gcrild) 2,000

"arwick%hirc Communirv Arts 1(1,0041 Reel Room 1 Aritfit my Ncilson } 2,339 Watermans Art% Ccntrc ",llflO Sound 14avc : Ccntrc lilt Bluth Arty {Bcvcrlcy RosCl 2,940 Shabnxn Shahazi and Grove Projects IClarc Bavlev1 2 .000 200,000 shaker Prcodut bons ( Louise Warren) 2,000 Stratttlit re 11'1 Shakespeare Link (John l .cc, john Wilson ,

Actors Touring Company I London f 1,1100 Suc Bcst and Chyc Nlason) 2,500

Black Thearrc Co-opcrarivc 000 Sphinx )Claire I,ltckhalu 1 2340 David GLlss New Mime Ensemble 4 .500 Tamasha Theatre Company t Harwant Bains) 2,21 5'

Direcrors' Guild of Grear Britain 2,000 'larnasha'Meatrc C ompant (Ay-uh Khan Din 1 2,000 John D oylc -1-50 Theatre Alba t Judith Adams) 2,339

Nati4lal Rlrr- al Ilonring }Film) 1,500 Theatre (11 Theierna I Robin Kingsland) 2,000 SOLIth Ease Art% Board 1,000 Three Lekued Theatre Company (Sara Chtford) 2 .500

Str .lrl7ctma T hcatrc Compam- 2,000 Travelling Light 1 PT (Kcyin Dvcr h 2, 7 1 a5 Tnans.lc { Dchblc Isirt } 2, r 1 13,0x0 Walking FvIloly Production% 11c11 lining) 2,28 1 775ratre w7winIT: Lte mr jes 11:Irrrmanc Lehr'llivarrv C :omparn- t Pen Manr 2,205 Vick Darkc 3,000 Wink Theatre Company i Dcirdrc Srrath 1 2,000 StcyCrl Dykc:s .3,000 1 ' - liluring ( '.Viet )la Bald\r in } 2,063 Richard Holy 1,500 licnlard Kop% 3,000 110,12 5 Pcm Liiv 3,000 771r•atn- Waitint►.• nntinrutlrri-es Demlis Lulntxorg 3 .000 Ann C-c,burn 6,000 Ale\, Mcnilikide% 3 .000 Brendan Murray 3,(HH ) (0410 Chris O'Connell 3,000 Tbearre nuitinrr : nrsidria dramatists Rut Slnih'% 3,000 1-.IlgllshStagcConipan'!MartlnCrimp) 4,00 0 Ant-, Cla ltl l•y C\' 1,500 Nottir7rylt, M Pla% - Ill .ltlSe {(-r'ISpll7 Whirtcll) .} ,{)p Q Hannah Vincent 3,000 Rtincs Plough (Sarah Kane s 8.90 0 .Arnold Wesker 3,000 Srartlorough Theatre Trust I Vanessa Brtx)ks 1 8,00 0 T Bonc Wilson 3,000 Shaker Pmducrions r LouiN Warren) 4,00 0 Rod ix iden 3,000 shctlicld Thcarres'I-rust ( Richard Hurlard) 4,00( 1 St oho-l7catrcCompany 1TanikaGupta) 4,000 42 .000 `r- Touring ( Nicola Baldwin) 9,000


8 ;

L £ L

T lwz, i-r 1rrrrtrrrt: nccarTe translation sil rim Url,n• ,n1. tadni ~~} ,t ~zrrr: rrt:~rn Actors Touring Conlpanti Kenneth McLcis h 1 - ' ~f l \anunal lrsiinnr < t Ault ( r,rltinutr~- EdUCanull 311 .001 )

Gate Tlicattc G Inlpam I Gregon .%lorto n 611f )

(..atc Tllcatrc Compam v 1 I'ctcr Ossct rl .i s 7f1)11 irateTllrarrcCompanl Ar,thtutt - :cis ; x00 i 5tc+e G N k h 3 .(Jo o Trral (rr-Rnri 1.o !irnrir'ri nr 'ri:irl rrarr!nr I^iui, Producrtt,Il y lnl;a-Stin,3 Fw lnk a 1,00 0 Peter ' Fct•c l 3 .00 0 Thl-c" -rea r ~rctr,1.s Da'. Id fmhuwharn 3 .000 Arts Tnuning 5r,uth 4 .10 0 Ckrnltnurun , NIlls IL 5 .001 1 13. yr+{ ) I .CiCCstcr Thcarre - Irust 5 .0[0 t .hil l Traruirirt ttinla - Laurence Boswell 3 .1f ) .N1r .h3Cl Bradk%ell 251 1 I t1 . I (10 Tophrr (' .1mhl.Cl1 12 .1 )00 o-earmin• and nor termer hyies Annie Castledine 50 o Amber i,'6[ M lens l'c•rer ( .trle 10,000 Art House 14 .%4N .0[10 (:olcrtc (_onru,, 10,000 1_21-111thtrllsC Film 311d VI .IcI+ i 1 Gllo Cron 2,; D I .ttnclt)n Llcctrnnlc Arts ]3,11110 LN nd ., Earran 25 0 1'uc tn' Socti[c ; ' 000 Sama 1cha Kcll+ 1(),f1f11 1 yCc'itlg Zile Light 1,5[If ) \Iarccllu 1(akni 2 .; 0 R~alcs 13,SX - Barhar.l \Iarthc,+'s 25 0 Wcs1 `f ,rk,hirc PhNhoow 13,1I[H ) ]rricll'n ]atlc NIcall 10,00 0 li,lks},i1.c IMFILc(cntre 15,0[1 0 Sattt ~lctulcs 2i 0 9,;,69 5 (-3tn, ma Murrav 10 .00 0 Afia \krlunah 3 .90 9 Dr.~rrhilrn• ,teed i dtri1.11';4,1.1. Rttfll . Norris I ojm o Fa,r MIL11 .111Lls 411a11e l ;jl0( ) Muth ,lvr Ntaucr 12,0[1[ 1 8,000 Da nic•n U' Connor ;(H I North W,:,r I)kabilitl• arts Forum 8,000 ti •f o 0 Keith 01 .14,11 2,;0 Shape F ortclt )n ],rrtathan Penccrlsrullc 2 ~-0 Alldl Rc,ldni ' m 1 - 1){)I } .111)'000I Icren,t Suns 231 5 I)isrrhilrty rnrplrn'ru 1 It initiarin Laurie S,uiu,rn 10,0111 1 A( - FA C41111111LIJIM - Theatre 4,200 Rosan,l Silbert 12,000 lit an nrnt4,urh (7rthCSsr,1s 3,1w o Inc Slunsiorn 12,000 (Irene Room 14,00 0 'rim Supple 250 Nuffield'I barer '.00 0 Lawrence Till 250 Rt,VA 1-11't•rINK)l lr hlihartnnmC'SI rcict% 5,0f1 0 1--lrlcna l•rcn 10,[1110 ycllax, E{+unc 15,0110 ]tt 1'Crrc•Ilt ill[ 1 DC11 sc Wo ll, 12-000 Src'hhrn 11 'rentmorc 4 .500 F.dnrarion rrrix Ferrnln t0l . the arts in kh1ca6tm in Berkshire 6.01) 0 16 .1 .001) 1 LII,lri t i arts 5,6[) 0 I,Irrrh Ltlnkltm Acuocmtinrt t 'OrArt and [)csi"n l-,LllKMitrtt 5 .96 0 National Assoiiawin trf ltnrth'1 hearers 24,000 Mid Pominc Art% a .t} FI I \aritmal h>uth ' l'hcatrct,f ' Grc .1t Britain 20 .011 1 Norf+,lk. artists-in-Schotrls agcncl Scn icc 6,011 0 World "Illdvilt lh .u,la !rust 12,00 0 Rnthcrh .lnl .11crruhulitan ht rrt+u Fh ( I mlicil 6 .1)(1( 1 She[lirlcl H3uan11 1 111\C,it, 6 .00f ) :+1.,,f 111 1 Se 10th I-- .1st FAilLL7,lti0ll r:I'MiCit n,- 1 - rake Art' 9,100 1 6,1100 1 r+trt! Co r,~jr'c'rs ~Tr•ents l,l;[3,i6(i C•nnil i

62,21 5 Total Dram a 2" ,3?b,966 l:ditaumnprtyc- rs Ans ' Frainln tCoul-a l 15•ll ~ Birkhcrk Collcgc 2_,5(1[ 1 Education and Trainin g Brtrish :American Arts A6crrci.N4, n 20 .1)01) janct Burk e 1,V4 7 l~e+urlrr+lrlinadrrl ,frnrri rtirrr, Polka ('hLlclrcnVFh: atrc 5,[111 ) g 13 .[1)0 arts and l{ntrrt .,inmcnt 1raimm, (r Krnii l 7+0,11[1[1 't'isual L,carnin , Fo Lmkiawi n ]ndehcll lent r hcavr Counci l 29,000 Ynunu, t'crsun ' s Comxr[ Fr nmchrion

109 .fIfl0 l 12 .7± 0 , 1-t~'crl-t+r•nr ~irrnird 1u'r ►anisrrfrl+rr .r Fen rGir; 7~trrl.+e,'rd rrrrrtiur .errs Training Ncmork d ; 000 Prl Oct Art % 1-1 . - 1 -

45.000 1-I . l

, .. 86 1b 1. --I rrs C *nwleil u1'F,'y1' rnd 1 996 0

lntcJrtatumalprnjeetl Irl"cr hw 11,I11sen 6 .38 6 British American Arts Association 20,000 Stet c I i IMC% . 8,960 Matt Hulse 4,747 2o ' oo0 \iichacl Nlazicrc 15, ;9 5 Rescar'r1J and drlrclopment Rar3ya11 Meter 7,24 3 Arrspacc Bristol 8,0}0 Chris Newby 9,02 0 Asso 6ation o! British Orchestras 27,645 IaSnc Parker 5,89 5 BlackpcKJ GrandThearre 5 .300 Kat'la Parker 4,9KI BlasiTheon 0011 Sarah Pucill 15,02 2 lilucarlt Arts C .Cntrl• 6,850 1 .1s Rhc>llc•s 6,60 0 British Anierlcan Arts Association 1,000 C hri% Sakindcrs 9,00 0 BrlrteIl SFllf(mi .t 5 .488 Gtn Shcnt"trl 5,05 9 8n)a k ln-,n NlcdiaCentre 7,970 Aflua -1Ttct+ 12,{101 1 Girt-,\luuum and Mappin Art Callen• ., 8 Sarall "Iimicr 2,000 D.10Y Litc 4,150 Laura Waddington 16,00 1 English "li iuring ' lltcarrc 6,880 Julian WoroPA 2,9 4 Federation of Worker Wtitcrs 6,609 Hr runs lots• Arts Trust 8,000 150 .45 3 R XI 5,025 National dirrriGtatarn jioids: &vhibitions and i ►utiatn res I .ondon Filmmakers' Co-ol,crativc 8 .000 Barb Fcsrivals Trust 6 .1101 1 Ludlow A %s cmbly Ro o tic ;,900 Cincnova 2,000 \clv Pcrsllcitis•cs Thcatrr C0111pam' 5,950 GIII 12,1}0{ 1 Northern Arts Board 3 .700 Dance• Cits 12,511 0 Northern Sinfi nia Concert Society 7,75{1 Film &- \'idco Umbrella 6 .00 0 Northern Stage ',850 Hull Tinlc Bascd Arts 10,00 1 D K:1 n' Bt Klk So cicts' 4,500 I kon C ; .I I ICI-v 6,565 Ilktn Slkiets' 3,500 In:titutcotContcm11+1raryArts 2,61 5 Salishurv Arts " Fhcarrc 5,953 The Junction 4,500 Sipals ,000 KD Digital 5,011 1 Socierv fir the Promotion of \c%% Music 8,000 London Flcctrrmic Arts 11,500 RoyalOpcra IIottse 4,850 London Filmmakers'Co-4)pcrative 8,500 Tim tier Art ( ;alters 8,000 \Ioviula 19,000 Urban Strau•hern- lunch 4 " 964 Musc•lntl of Modcrn Art [Oxford) 10,500 L\'urcrshccl FIAM 6,800 Palld.l .'nlllllllllll Festiv .ll 3,000 Prcma Arts ( :cntre 6,{)!}0 202,572 Sheffield Hallam I_'nicersm" 2,500 'hwinrrslups The Shotvr+Kan 3,500 Ali Briggs 1,250 Travelling Light 7,000 Richard Dublin 11,000 Ultr .tlaxc PtlblicltionS 6,000 Brooch Edwards 50000 Vertigo UK 5,{i011 Teresa Joseph 9,000 Volcano Pr,rclucrioms 10 .000 Katie \hole Siarsh 9 .00 0 Annal-w] Mitchell 9,000 1,9,68!1 Klan Saunders {J , !}I}{ 1 DeNmih Smith 3,200 Total derelopntrnt~Farrts 310,13 3

54,450 Total Film, Video and Broadcasting 395,133 Taal develop ent arants 6M,829

Total Education and Training 851829

Film, Video and Broadcasting

1'!.1'Ed-it'rYrr ~irrldCll n17Ta7riyritinnF FIIM &-- \ ' idea Umhrclla i8,U0U Mt viola 27,000


lion! anlJrts ro lirndcd oarranuatia ►u 85,000

"ettiorrai dr;FrYlitrtrouJsurds: prndrkrrurr awards Jolla BardSlct 4,000 Ntnki Dcs-i11c 5,000 I'crcr tidal 10 .000

8 '

L £ £ E

Literatur e Irldernident r,, w Apple% & Snikc , 4,1 -f r liiC Word Pervirmance Poctr t Amh: t ( 'lnaill rfSte1ntc11cr, 2.500

An 11 1'rc„ I'-

I-ondlnl Re,'im iml 1it11k ; 2x .11, 4 Lundtni Art, $r : .trd O1 H ) Pamm- 1rd Ri x tk s 84,-711 1 \e trtll 1t'c .r Art, Iil iard ,,001 ) Pi lctrl' R1x,k Se cicn ' 4'),41 6 \trrnconl Arts lit,,ir d ,3 .001 } P11cin tilled 1511?x{ f tilntth KlIlk B11,1yd 10 .201 ) 1L'atiatiri 13 .11111} yen€th East Art, Board 3 .000 Se ruthcrrl Arr, lie lard 3 .1)(m )

n O .600 11c,t .1lilllands Arr. Bmird .3,1104 ) l"urk,lnrc S I l umhcr,itIc Art, N lard .; .of m 7brn1 frinrirr to (inlded illl7snisnlions - 6 .1.1}7 1 41 .390

111 '191d castt7 :i7 1.ihrett i RIi( ELILI atiun 111 .11() 0 AInlClda'l hc .ln'r S lunlll .tttt ' lirm%li liruadia,tint Cur}selrativn x .5[1 0 \1i rdcrn \truce Thcarrc lrltulle

Ih tit lf } CoAi111tI)?it1, ftoblisbi1117Pr•izes Lin-ralure•derelipment Ir•rii-kei- 1 Grccrnt it: (-uillltlilIIiIv CuIIc c p re ., .3011 ] Arts liu,rd Suurh Wes t 11 .601 ) Ytirk,hirc Arts ( :ilcu5 2,74111 East Mlt lands Art, 134jard 1) .61)1 ) Eastern Art, limn-d `1,601 1 5 . 00 O 1 .011 .1111 A11, Re i,ki d 9,hf4 1 ( )llruraldlrer wl `1 lrth k% 'c%r Arr, lit la I'l l ') .6111 1 Africa Ct7ntrc I,x1 H ) \e,rt}tci-n Art, RI i,lyd 9.60 0 African ReKlk,,COIlcctiic 5171 ) Smith E,t,t Arts R+,,r d 9,6O O ClinlmUnec,lith Ilwitlltc 13,000 titnuhcrn Aft, R0,11'd 11,607 1

111,1I t CITC ()t* ( le 111ie11111 1 ,1',111 AI'r, 4,61)0 Ices \lidlamis An, Board 9 '('0 0 Yoi- ilrc & Hnmhcrsidc Art, Ro.ird U,6111 l 31, 111) 0 1 isrrltilgl'lirlljerts 1 16,1)111 } jot -ill Figticroa 1, 111 ) !Ila tcilie,irnrlu~irirlrt Read) 9,05 0 ( ,ltcmicr 1'res, ! t \ Rcciclc : 3 .00 0 tiun ivor" h ic•Ir\' 111,000 f elltral liexlk , 3 .l i l ) Mctropolit.lil 2,10 0 211, ; U \ilrt h 3,f 101 1 EdIfewil m 1'.u 1 u r :;c 2_SO O National Asx(Kmtiln kw the 1e'idwig VI higllsh 24,000 Prlnrrr, DcCd 3, af )

\aiii roil AW tLi ltlull 111 11 `ritcr, ' Grout„ 2 .5111 1 Itlalta r 4,00 0 \.uilirtal As%( clatieln LdWlitcrs ill lidueatiun 1 1 .{1111 1 Sunk blind 1'uhllshin ; 4,0 H 1 0 ()pen Uniscr,in 2 . y (1O Wraltl L' Wi mctl ? ,,()f) Pushkin Prize 11 :11!,1 .111 . 2,0111 1 Readathun Prunlutitm% 2,007) 3,1 , 251 1 RI-aion al T111mitf \' etwor k 44,000 AI'r, 1 ;1r .ird South Wce ' r 2,U11 O

tiiidef+elidrtrr itlitiflul•e3 Ea,tMidl .ulds An, 111),11-d 2.000 Clea'clarld art s I ,31171 }'.a,tcr11 Art, Iiuarcl 2,111) 0 Fn};li .sh Ccim-c• ut'Intn•rn,ttiunal PE N I ,14171 I ,011th,iI :1r1s li„ard 2,00 0 k-11r1,,'ard l'lIh[ishi n x,f11ItI \e,rrh l1•c• i Arrs Board 2,07)7 1 Flturth «eirld Edtri,lrHttl,il MIL11 \e,tthern Arr, Illrard 2 .014 1 Research A,sl,ciariurl Trus r 1 .3110 S(mih East An, liu :rd ' .001 1 Giles Ill I .a ,V .Ir'e Nlkli,hcr, 3 2 S()tlthcrrl Arts Retard 2,000 Gucthr 111,tirurc 1 . 11dc,l l 1 .1111() W C, t .1lidhIILIS AITS 1103rd 2,O()( ) .e \atit 31.11 I -iii• Sri in ( Illecriu u 3,000 7lrrkshirc & I lunllx•rvidc Art, li(lard 2.000 Picture I'In, lndcl,cndenr h'ilril and Vide , 1 .r 117 1 Sllcictc nl Al.lihur, 16.00) 211,1if) 0 .Spc.lk A hwm Cunt}lctiut m 1 . ;00 S1rlittt lir ecse's Ufmcr,in'111 Readiih , Watch 1 6 . 1)1)0 AM11 l'rr„ RiCUt' ii ' mm .a,sliciatie m (ii l .lrric Presses 2 . - 5 1 ) 44.255 Enirharnum I lr•c„ 6 .11011

xK 77jr .97-r., Conned (il' bLahvid 1996'17 - L £ £ £

I n rel l'reas 1,362 Witers un Radio 'N ILIItI Media C11111n1till lcatif Ills Constlltallt4 7, 00 Gilliall'kllllLltt 200 tiurvik Press 4,801) Arts B0.1rd South %%'c%r 3,500 Pas%%;oni Book-, 250 Itrscphine Balmcr 1,01)0 PasssvordTr:liIli nk 3,-50 Patricia Bishop 2001 Pccpal Free Press 6,[10)0 I .sone Br an 2,16 1 I'txrrv Aie€lu (3,000) c adwrine l1vron 7 ,000 Pulp Books 3,052 Ponullc Clanton 2,000 Reality Start Edim ins 2,600 C ;harlortc• Cory 200 Scrpenr' s Tail 1,3(}0 Linda Coucril) 50() Siall Wilhat114 10,000 Itllia Darling 2,25 0 Steve l)a%i:nptlrt 360 63,364 Janc l)ravcott 200 7ranslntiotls East Midlanth Art4 Board 3,5)00 Absolute Pros} 2,000 Easrcrn arts $card 3,5()0 Agenda & Editions Charitable Trust 4,000 Andros Fusck Perm, 2,()U( ) Angel Btk>ks 1,700 lolu€ Ciall .ls 200 Angela Royal Publishing 4,931 lane Harris 2,00 0 Blotxlaxe lilklks 5,5(111 Fli-ralkrll James 200 ('Ili id -n's Literature Research Centre 2.000 London Arts Board 5,64(" } Culllklllitllll till L .iterarv ' I?andation 5,000 Sinlon Miles 5(1 ) Dcdalus 13,605 Ciraltam Il(lrt 2,18 0 Frcnih Embassy 5,000 `'avu Naidtj 511( 1 GlaS I'ublisher4 UK 9 15(1 North Wcst Arts Board 3,5(1( 1 1 iarv i I I Press 9,201) Northcrn Arts Board 4,21 3 Irides on Censorship 1,200 Ellen I'hcthcon 3,60 4 Kcm COMM Council 1 .700 lomifer Putter 2,62 6 King'4Cullcgr• London 15,260 6racmc Rigby 2,00 0 Loki Book 2 .2-5f} Sottth 1•:,14[ Am Board 3,70 0 London Magazine 2,400 Southern Arts Board 3,50[ 1 Marc's Nest 9,200 CanYlcrl Walton i0 o Middlesex University Press 2,500 % c%t ,tilidl mds arts B0 :1111 3,5(1 O ICrakrion Books 1340 Yorkshire & Humberside Arts Board 4,04 5 Scrpcnr' s Tail 13() franslators Asstlciation 4,2 2S 65,779 Ii diref5 ' r•rsidrrui~s l 19 79 .E Ease Midlands Arts Board 5,00 0 Ii'rito-S'all'anis tiurthc•rn -arts Board 2,00 8 Richard Beard 7,110(1 Olvn Univcrsity S .SO O HICkc Bochmer [100 Universin- of Leeds 41 2 Catherine 13sron 7 .0(10 Univcrsirv of %Vartivick 9,0[1( 1 lulic Darling ,001 1 Maura i)tkrlce 7,(100 2 L91 2 ltim Ti voli 7,000 I'iivenren Kni r Michael Hotlmall J)(Al Mu.mell Hill 131x .)kshlrp 38 0 Mat-Thew Kncale ()(10 Salamander OaGIS 'ICl14t 4,00 0 fturl Maclean 7,00 0 Pralllna Mitcliell 7.000 43180 Margaret M1.1 rihiil 7,00 0 ( : harks C )slxmnr 7,000 hiral pnjjert Rrafrts 8(18,505 Brian Rirten 7.00 0 /-ccba Sad€q 7,00 0 11) Shalx ott 7,(100 Total Literature I , -565,105$ lane Solomon f,I)f}[}

112,000 Music 11''IYfGr.S i:~f77Sd1f,S 1 i,1i I'riuln Ashtvell 5,(10(1 Vir Pwi myanisatiau IEM Prison Bedford -5,OQ(I l .m-hQi National Opcr .l 11,91-15,000 HM Primm Birnim-ham -5,iH1[I RIi1al Olx:ra Honsc -,t394,000 I IM Prison Chanlungs 1Yutld ?iU[} HM Prison Moorland 2 .00(} 19,949,000 HM Prison\txringllam 5,000 R(juliml"-vNinded, p r,7w satiuus 14M Prison Onlev 2,001) African & Carihbean Mt€.sic Circuit 190 .000 11,I Prison Sheptoll iallct SAW Asi .lll .itl.sli CmAllt 195,00 0 14M Prison Shrmsbun- -5,000 Bournemouth Orchestra , 1,659,400 11M Prison W alstun 5,(>fl0 British MLlsic Intimnladi in Cf:ntm'1-ru .t 4(1,(10(} Cin- of Birmingham Svmphonv Orchestra 1,224,00 0

41 .500 City 4 1f Birlingham Touring; Opera 157,900

8 9


Eadv Jlusic CA ntrc - ; , 21111 I-I.Tn11Tn rl, (- re,tcnT l'r„ 1atT ; m, 4 .500 Ln-h -sh T,wring ()l,cra 88 - ,k)III € Frlcrd% Art, and Mu,i, hntcrpmc 4 .0 0 Glt'ndcl Airnc I'rcidu,-mjn .N 71(),1000 Fran~i . Fluter 4 . ;[It I Halle C(intcrtN Srxien 1?; 1 ,000 lull! Cluh 2 .000 Jazi Scn i:c, 1'- 500 Kcda Music 5 .000 Lcmd(in Philharmc in it (-)rchcstra -f}0,00f1 L!)ndim Vicena .lltl%ic Gnntp 200 ) LuM11)n Sl-mph(m% Orchestra 1 .165 .000 Sarnia Malik 4 .000 Nammal Fcdcrantm,Jf M ti,ii SobCICt1C, 26,14111 1larco I'diiii !'rent ticnl, UK 4 .000 Nau, mal Opera Snldiu 1(.01 .00() Mcrcngada 4 . ;0" Nail,iiul Y,wrh Jazz.()rchcsma - .611() \1ultl Asiarl Nns 2,4110 Ntlrthcrit S1nf(mii ( mccrr S-men 650.800 Naad Intcrnarioltal lnSUrIMIlntal . U%ic ALAdCr111 S .t)1l0 Opera tr act+rr% I (.10 .000 Nvgr(kcan .111)0 Opera North 4.834 .00(1 Oriental .art, 3,iI0 I I'll rllt,ullunlia -01),140) Po,itnc Cultural Promuuc)n ; .000 It„1'al I .ncrlltilil I 'll JillarnlimiC S1)tlc t- 1,482 .800 Propaganda jungle Kcndcz-Viit1, Pr(Klucr€tms 1 .1100 Km, fl PhilharmoillL OrChCStr,t 31 11 0 - 0 00 Sal,ti lalsci ille 3,000 Smlimict a PrWLIv;tlfln, 40_ .2(0) S.ika Y Achc 3,IN)f l Strcicn tiirrhel'romcxionrifNe%t ~lu .ic 53,100) Santana \ ullgnlcr,tndl .-C,zaza 5!0111 Sl mii Art, Ncn%t)rk 119 .000 B .llujr Shrn'a,ra% 2-500 Stern lank liimrd 330 .004) Sptnt - falkllhira 4, ;f10 ` clli National Opera 3 .8OI .50 0 Super DhkCII all Star, 4 .5)00 )itnih and 11n,ii 45,1J00 TIT, 3,000 Abdul Rlhcern-lalanun :,004 1 ~1 .3Ir~ .sl)0 (i.til"17u,clyl„un 4,000 RiRtlulrJl (h-ilie :in'rT 5 (~lJalliJl/tr ftcJ!(lA?!T U Ilio v.i Crcanvc PI'udniticnl, 5 - 000 RmA 1 .1%crpti,ll Plulh-irmcmil : Siicicn 80,0[0) Will , WAker 4 .500 World in the Park 2,000 80,000 0

Fixed- 11, 1-711 jimded Allmid,l I hcatrc ( impany ;10,000 ,- rtuts'n-2~c rch rTJlcf Jli rrlnEuuc'JJr tiled IA Cdeill \lerzart PIasCr, a"E1 .1100 Britten Sinf(nia " ,10)( ) Cit1 I,I Llmdun Sinfnnia 58.000 Paul Burwell 3,001 1

01-Chl'Sti',1 ( It ST JI Ihn', SIl)iII1 Sllt1 .11V 25 .0!81) Grah,ull C .1111Pl .cl1 2,000 S1ntIiiila 21 40,000 Gar% Carpenter I .Sol l Sound SCII%C 20,11110 J .lne('hapman 1?00 Women III M isik: 30,000 Cm 14 l,ondun Sintnnia 001 1 MiCI1aCl C(INali 3,00)1 ) 245,[110) (i)mpcjwi-% ' 11c,ktl)p Project ; .flt)0 (lthtrfjoidedaJiTawsarww CIJr1rciltl,IJran I)allicTrust 4, .S 01 Nautinal NIUSiC D .IV 1'C.11ts 40 - 4)(10 Crcmixl' Ja7Mr,hetitra 10 .000 G .tr1 ( ro%hv 3 .1100 +1),0(10 Phillip Eastop I -NO O rscl,n I-irarra 3, ;2 5 Tral Bolded clrtaJlisarinrJS 41,000,500 J .tnc Gat-loner 3, ;00 Adin Grummet 1 .01 ) 11 .t1i; C(111 Crt, S1iLiCn' 8,000 .-1171 aa, Cillifillrim emsi .•Ilian mush' "Ii inn I lat nc, [ ._$Ill y Atrlca Centre _$ill! JI „cpll I-I4 Lie 2,200 Africa[e! 3,11011 )tell Il\ticl' 2,001 ) African,llnsir Agerlc% 1,0101 Mark L,rikcu 1 .-f1 0 AtiicalI Pttm tircr,' Nencork 5101 WiII Mcnrcr 2,_$0 0 Ancc,tral Rirc, 4,1001 MILICIcinc' Mitchcll 1 .5100 Art, 1•r1., .l 4,1)00 Amanda Pin" [ .00 0 :1„1IC 1 .1 elf 111110 IirlTrSh (a15•l,.,nnian, 5,000 Andiv\% Price-11Inc, 3,5111 0 I~r„a li,tnd + .5011 Kc%III Put-cIl 80 0 1iha1'arica 1'id .u lihas'an 3 .000 IAIC\ Skcapuh 2 .1)(0 1 WALk N uicc, 2 - 5141 Veto- Skt1cc I ,~f 11 V TheIiLiAie 972 SnCICtCliil'[hcProtttlitl()ntlfNCt1 Mo%ii ;jm o B("nilllara ;,1180 Gail hhnrllp,rm 2-1111 0 Elena I,n/ ( .aiCCdn 4-0100 KaTluxil'I ICkcII 1 .701 ) Carihhc.in C arni,,tl fstr,tragania ;,1010 t'IVirrprints 2 . ;0) 0 C,l ri hhcan Jazz 0 mvcI lm ill 4 .000 I'Ctl'i" 1ViCgi ll .i 2,00 0 Cltal-d lcsrical (&W(micn in 11u,ir 2,0100 Lrl 11'illoick 25 0 Chmcsc ( ulrural Ccnn'e 431111 RICIMI'd Will um 2,(4)0 1 CUitural C1i-„per.irum 2_;i)0 I:hcVm Stcc•Ihand Iru%T 4,00 0 100,1) E,tm-cr Pori i,%icni I '€•IIiCCt 3,01)1) Be#l d resillem 1 Far Fa,tcni Arts 4 - 000 Pltilharmonia 20.000 Fcdcrati, m of l(cggac Mus k Fish Irish Agcnc% - 211,E1 0,000 0

90 The .417Y ('(11411irl qt Enljhuld 1V9(1 9-

F..arly mus London-leased chamber prebestreai AldchurA-h Foundarirln 3MOO Arnbadle [chamber Orchestra & Enscinhlc -1,50 0 Applehy Jazz 600 Linidorn Festiv .ll Orchestra 7,504 ) Avison BAUKluC Enm:fnbh' I4,400 Landoll \'ILlSiCi 15,0011 ) Bach Fcsnrals Irmt 2,000 Be%CrIC1• l:arh• Music Festival 2,000 30,000 Birnungham Earle Mu .mc Festival 5,750) Music and disabrlirv British Ave,ciati,m filrtlnc Adeancerrlcnto1 Scicricc LAW Drake \lusiC Project 1,07 0 Darringrun Internanonal SummerSchcxll 3,500 Hcarr 'ri Soul 18,90 0 Ex C alllcdr .l (1,2 :11 SimllL1 Semc 8,72 5 Fiore \iltsii.lli 6.500 Stream Record c, 5,0(11 ) Great Elm Music Fcstisal 2,004 ) Winlnun Winter Music Festival 3,000 33,6~)5 Londtln Bach Socirn 3,000 a m4cCoorarurssmns London Handel Se)ctcn• 2,000 - I-hcArchhishop ofC ;ante•rburt•IHrrss .lrLlGfxxlal!) 2,000 LL1fth.Il1S,1 FCStll' .11o liaroqucMLIS1C y,f}{}{J I ;A'"'C FA)uC .ltlrln Trust (Donnlrlli Muld wricy) I,af1 0 Nl,tgcnta MMIL International 4 .0141 Bath 1-csriralsTrust (Lmni, Xenakis) 3,000 MLI%icalOlli•rlus; 4,000 ]lath Festivals Trust (Nikki Yc(6) 2,501 1 Narional I:arh•,'t1LIS1c AWK1,1ncm 200 Birmingham jat.% ( [) .II 'Id MUrraN 2,000 N,itlunal liunh Mmic Theatre 4,000 Black Voices A-IllLlc KappesI 2,50 0 Ncle ChamlxrOpera 4,000 Blackfleath (. .'oncert Halls (Milan Lad1 2,00 0 \orfhik and Nom ich Fcstil'al S- '00 BOLimcnwuth Orrhesrras r David Marthew%) 2,25 0 Sirlf6llvc 1, :;00 Caritcrbun' Fcstival [\la[hCU King) 5,{1(4 1 South Bank Board 10,000 Chcltcnharil International Fcstk al o! Music -3,000 Splralfirid ; Fesrk al 3,200 Cin oft-4 indon Sinfonii c Priti Painttll 2, :50 0 1V.1r11'ick Arrs Sclclcrl 1,000 C:e lma i Dcntlrc Grihhio 1 2,500 Wear Valle•lhstrictCouncil 1 .500 01ma(1looandSkem tong 1,000 Wreii Mu .rii 1,300 C :nLn.l ( Dare Smith) 1,200 Fork Early MUSW 1-CSr11'al 5,(10) C lin.1 (Colin Riley) 2,00 0 Yorksllirr Baroduc SulOiSts 3,0041 Cana (SallvBcamishi 2,500 Cultural C( i-operation (Brian Abrahams) 3,000 109,200 Dangerous Kitchen rtanUAI'Llineri 2 .50 0

F.duratunl and immina IN luhlc Exj-4 )sure I Adam C,orb 4 l ,00[ I A ,,titxlanlln of British Orchestras 3,000 l-mof Fligiand Orchestra i Dave Heath) ;00 Bournemouth Orchestras 5,()00 l ngli .h National 01-omi ( Gal m Barr. : 8,927 London Symphcmt• Orchestra 10,000 Emembic Bash r jallcrAlvarcz) 2,0010 Ft ru rsight Theatre (1c IT Corness 1 2,000

18,(100 Funlre Mknic Rccordl { john I .lovd 1 2,000 Falk music (Tare Graydon-lane ,, (Scan Grcgon•) 501 1 Fo€kworks 20,(441 StCphell Gutman 112 111kCClla11COLIs Lomp)sersl ,600 Halle Concerts SI cicn ( John Ad,Lms 1 4,00 0 20,000 1 fuddcrsficld Contell l>,)ren• Music Fcstir A ImIn riled music rourina I. [annis Xcnakis) 3,000 Appleby Jazz. 3,000 jovtill Noise (jean Toussaint) 2,000 Alison Bentley 2,500 The Kickstart Project 1SCFC ) \tshukulno Bonga 2,700 {Antic Whitehead,C-Varcth Fluor Davies) 5,000 Brorim.Innitt'ilkirutm'FciliKcllcrs 2 .1)(10 Cicor,C 1 .10\'d 1C~tor_gc LlOVd) 2,000 PaLLI ('Ian•is 1,700 London Mozart Pial-cn (RIL11 Barker) 1,649 (' realiFc: Jazz Orchestra 6,000 Lolith in SrmphorlOrchestra I, \ aresh Sultan 2,000 Dean and Chapter of FIN , 5 .(411) \lanalan Festival Tnest (Richard Rlxlner Bennett 1 700 Eccentric Management :5,000 Mckk fans Steel Orchestr a 'hCLI FT11111ctt 5,001{) (Christi is V Papagcoriou) 1,750 Fish Krisll Ageno 4 .000 Niirthern Snforlia Conccrr Society -'any Croshr'% :1111 TrouLe 5,0(7{1 BcncLhL t M asurt) 3,500 Robin Havward 2,700 Opera North (Gilcs Swarrl'C) 7,500 khnker Touring 2,830 Philllarmonia (Michael Nyman I 1 .000 Cimlll)C K raahcl 2,500 Piano ( .IrCLrS (Hu%% Warren) 1,50( 1 Philip \'larks 2,050 Gerard Presencer (Stan IraLv) 2 .210 Nicol% Russcll, Sandcrs,'Stxrthgate 1,360 The Rare \lusi, ( :11,11) (Paul 11u111nall1 2,800 Nod Kno14'Ics Pnxluaions 2,8041 Scaler (Eddie Parker) 3,000 Pand3monium Band 4 .500 Serious i Iain Ballamvi 2,000 Scarier 2 .150 Scriatts (Carla Blec) 3,(100

7i,nn Bancroft Orchestra 1,000 Sinfinia 21 1 jillian Anderson) 2,000 L f lrra Sound 3091 Sinfinia 21 (Rhiatl Samuel) 1 .500

Christian %Vcarcr 2 .200 Sintionictta Pnxiucrions (Thomas ALlcs I 1 .500 Sinfinietta Productions +lllango llatc%i 2,000 68 .990 Silif4micrta Productions Harrison Bimc•iulcl 8,000 Sinfimictta 1'nxlucb ms (Frarxr Trainer ; 2,000 Siohllan Davies Dance ( mlp .mr 1 Mattco Fargion 1 3,00(}

9 1

L f f

ti rurh (20aYtc•t Ninv w. Hmncr,i,n '.000 I(rrnrdlg03 V ;ct„r:a ~,rack, 711x .1 \ILlv'.F.IVC- 1 - Ow 33 Reoirds - DiWcklcr ~ .Srn ) 1, )rnlC Arts \cta „rk Michael Chrkc 2,011() Blt,\c' 7hc Fu+c ~ Dicdrl: ( ;am+nahr a . 9 Nom, Arts \et\\„rk Erik \tikac•I Kirl,xm 2 .000 C"rmpI NIu+ic ~ K+xlr.', Tacks,Ili A] -w FCaldnim 0,01! W N-mL Arts `cn\-+irk F. ch-n Ficarra 2 .00u EMI ( :las,res - - rlomi% Ade, 8 .001 1 S,,m, Art, NCt\ll irk kwtc%Lirnccm-+ 1000 hincr( .It\'Music Andl I%om10,00 0 .11 .1 ;1 k+,Ri : : r',++,•3 SIM .'! , I)cu rr,hcr 1-f I[l(Y Ic"i,h Music Hc•rimpt:•Tn1+T Cimp in S:RCihtrr, 1,0(► ( ) 1 '+,171+,rr,I%%"L1;lrr4 rT, J,imm YardC 4 .800 Jik.i Kcaord, Lucke Kank u t i)i, m. I)ancc Cornl)an1 ILindC i c ,-Cdc Milt in Sm,-rti + .001) 1(, C NtLl,!k Ah3CU+h, 4 .1 II)! } Larch Kcc+rrd, -h)hn \1ct : .il{ 2 .001 1 154 .121 6 \,1f( Kcalrclitl~+ .alc~an .icrC~rxhr 6 .000 r)prr,t urxrit tlrear•c• drrrlupment N NR Kc .urdings ; Mlle+ ll'+,r,d5 8MOU Atmcida ThcarrC ( :nnll,.inl 1 S,~;OO K+ ) `rile Itec+rrds~Alx$il TeOn-]all) rh 4,000 Br(>t )nlhLll TRISr 20,000 Tran+1:u1nIVa1 E xprc++ Aki N m v, 3,000 Bu .kr+,f, ()em EC+ti%, l 20 .1108 World ( irtuit Kecnrd, Naim'WIN:K 9-000 1),trtln-tvm Intcrimn on .0 Summer Sihitol 4 .F~IIl i F .1+tcrn Touring Aacim l9,M)( I (ii+,riaTlicarrc 4,000 iverr'r►frvewin h13,n)ixtr uh ndciio urrlc Productnms (000 Isr Fl mcu'urk 2?oO ( ;+ ri ;m,l ;ta )-%. 14 1(111 A+tit +c i .lri, rn of Brinsh ( )rchCtrr .l+ 400l Hill, 2,000 13-1111 Fr+ti\al+ iru+t ;,Ooo IImidcr+field ( untcmp Ir,1r\ \]u,1c Fesm,31 4,000 ( hcltc•rtham hltcr ) .100nal 1 .3Z/ ECSti\ a[ 10 .001 ) KCIlt ( )pcr .l 25 .1)))(1 Er )Iku c,rks 0,000 I .andim, Stagc• PrnductionN 10,000 (iii Rwhr UK 3,000 I_cc and IblkC% 3,000 Ill[CIn-1TI+)It .tl hlliWrV t+)rNILMC I iklUtuln I,(I()[ 1 11c .k1clll,urIt Opera 15,000 \ .them .)) \LmL Gmilcil 2 .0(11 ) \11 -11Cr11 \]u+iL'HICAt'I'C hru1111C 13,I52 Ol,cr.i N' ,,rih 14,0M } ()hcr .l( :n•cu+ 20,000 Prih+crltlin~KiLlIlf tt)i j Cf% 1 . .00 ( )I,t•ra Faitt w\ l0,f N11I III mill Ea+t :1x1'+ B(t-lrI 5 .01)I I I ll: rtuwill lllI_' .lrt+ I . .1hs 6 .(1[1) 1 1)Imho r ( )pcm 1 5 , [1[11 1 4 - 11 0 itr+inf_ R(r[,r, Cb.intallic•'Fru+t -1,100 ) ;,rrtll am Shl\'a` N I\ .1 6,000 British Ir4,11Jln4 111 „I II IlIl1 ( .hOfi'% 9,000 Tltca,rc K+), ,t1 Strattiad F,t,t , , (100 Bliti+h lrriuh O]tier, 12 .5O O 1 Int\ flw. v S,I)O0 ( .1„nrcr ( )Hera Iur All 0,DO O MJi I\ 10t' 1'+)0x)1 4,011 0 256182 \,m(inal r1„+)4i,itiunnt ' Y(oiahOrillCtitras 2 ,0o I (hl'hi'+rr'a! ntrre'4v Nmit InA Youth Brass Band r d ('.rear Britain 4 .511 0 Eastcrn An, Board 15 .000 \,lm, inal 11111th ( hair ),000 Ni a•th )Pest Art+ Bi mrcl 2(1 .1)0[) \ .Luc imil Knuth .1lusic 'Ilicatrv 12,(H) 0 Niwthcrn Art . Board 1(1,000 \aw111 .ll YIulth Orchestra 25 .0t)( I Nmioii•11 )Iwth Wind Or:hcsrra -,50 O +5 .00 0 Perinrf twr•t,mrrrr r „«,,,r>1<< 51 .50 0 l'llc British I_ibr.in• 0,000 P.arl\ .11u+i : CAMUC i2,6 IN', hitnl di:vcb,pnrC„I rlrriuts I . .' I .-) I 6 .11-Irich Consort mid Pkil cr% 1 \,00 0 Vane)sc•r IUIid 1 8- 0(11 1 tic\\ QLICCn's Hall OrncC+tr,l 22,1 III Total Musi c 4~ .0 ;, - L) I Northern 5int 'Oma ( .nncoi Sclcw• v 2,000 OrrhCUra,)rthC ;1,,C11r'k•:nli~htcnnic•nt 25,On u S .Il1+1)L11"C hesti\ .II 9,OO0 Touring

129°93 1(r,lrrlrir'!i Jt,udrrf prr7 trrrsruirut+ Knell Nmwi .tl - I-hcairC ~r)S .IHII i Itnc .tl Shakcy~Carc C,+nll"am' 4B,000


Inrrrl,Trrtt,t+'tu Ji,t,fird nr~rTlrnicrltrutt s 1 HIM )

.9 „du•v,re' dn•r Inf,turu r ;11110, d,SU e _1rt+ \hrkcRlrg I Iamlti,hin: 2,()1)( 1 Art+ 11 .lrkct)1I : Surrc\ 0,1111 0 :1n+\Im-krtrw W.tr\cick+hire ;,9 221 1 l;ri,r(d,Ii, Kish Arn \larkctim,, Artcim 2,48( 1 ( amhrld-C (c,rn Exdml1'C ),vlYl ) ( :,,111),-1++ "Lhc,atrC 001 1 Lmcm i raring Agency - 5-0

92 7 ll) _-1m Council gf ' b ;Th7wf IQQ0 9-

E £ £

English TI utrririg Thcarrc 1,250 louring Consmium 38,260 Max - Markcring the Arts in Oxfordshire 5,800 liruring Partnership 36,997 \iidlan~ls Art+ 13arkcting 3,210 Tni%vrse Thcatrc 38,040 Nero ork 9,710 lb'resrling School 45,000 Stratcgic Arts 1larkering Initiatiac 4,000 Sussex Ana Marketing 0 .13 2 1,163, 34 1 leans 451 D1;ralnYin prujectr Thearrical Mana,cmc•nt AsSociaticm ;,000 Methrid LC Madness 9,000 Wcst 1nrk.shirc Arts Marketing 8 . 000 Royal National lustltltte for the Blind 4,900

5,647 13,90 0 Courooq oraii, Music ATenvor'k Ed uouiew7 project.; Ah L`m 49,981 Cambridge Arts'l l-icatre 10 0 Birmin g ham Conremporon , Music C,"ri mp 121,4(]0 ,41idlands Arts Ccntrc 50 0 Black€tcarli Concert Halls 54•(140 Queen 's Hall Arts Centre 3,4(1 0 Cambridge Modern Jazz Cluh 3,000 Trinir% Centre 2,41 0 1luddcrsliclcf Comcmporan• Music Festival 3,000 4kest Yorkshire Playhouse 25 0 J or-ful Noise 1 1,8,1 3 Nod Knowles Productions 7,93 4 %-160 Serious 84,146 hire •xatiemal p7'IrlCiis Sinfouia 21 61,241 Brightim Fcstiv,0 Society (10,00 0 Srivc M ;u'rl :tnd Band 30,0()0 ('coin No'. 6,m m Trianglc Crcark c ProdLICti,111s 500 Cultural lndustn v 40 .12 9 London international Festival of Thcatrc 29,80 0 393,`)8 5 Ballet projects 136„32 8 English National BMIct 170,000 Large-and77nWdle-scaleopera to7ui7u7 I, mdtm Cain, Ballet Trust 225,000 Scorrish Opera 250,70( ) Scottish Balict 134,639 250,700 4 24,6 :39 Opera;muir t iran'i derchrfw7cn t 1)a7licprojrctt Cin nfBirminghamTouring Opera 1 .00[ 1 Arc Dance Compant• 31,100 ( :umPaCr OPrra 18,00 0 Arts Ahout M .mchcster 5,900 Cn•stai C:Icar Opcra 25,00 0 The Cholmondelcrs 5,000 Goginagols 3,000 Cultural Indusm' 36,600 Grand Union 15,00 0 Dance ( :its' 11,800 Hub 7,44 0 D .lnci Urnhrclla 1(10,000 Rlusic Thcatrc London 39, l 7 O Fifth Amendnx'nt 26,400 Music Thcatrc WaIcs 20,00 0 (ircen Csndly 24,000 C)Lera and Music Theatre Forum 3,32( 1 Phoenix Dancc comparm 40,000 Opera Circus 2 7.000 RIC Dancc Thom 16,6511 (.)lkra hacton v 20,000 Shohana lccasingh Dance Cannpany 34,00() Pimlico Opcra 25,(1(!0 tiiohhan Dat ics D,tncc ComPAM 2 .800 Su.sscx Arrs \Marketing 600 South Bank Board 25,0(1(1 - licarre Kok-Al, Nvillourln 36,000 1 TI .1 ;0,100 2 ;9, :+3 0 394,350 1hulf a71d pr(mlar7• develop7nc11 f 0rlt7ua pr(jeui Barrow Romugh (14ju it 29,380 Arm.1da PrcAuctions 63,496 Bath Fcstival+Trust 5,000 Birmingham Rcperton- -Pheatre 32442 Binnin-haul Ja'rz 10,0()0 Gans lcnncr ProduCrions 17,400 Birmingham Repertom'I'hcarrr 7,000 (.lcar Day Productioris 41,100 Black]xi, d Grand ilieatre 36,500 English -]curing Theatre 25,000 Brcn'housc Thcatrc & Arts Ccntrc 8,300 Gecstur Proxluctions 40,693 Buxton ( )pera House 8,f)(1 ) I-iP Smicc 29,000 Camhridgc• Arts'Thcatrc 50 0 Lice Theatre Compmy 1,"7 0O Our Dac ProduLtions 92 4 Magnificent Thcatrc Company 49,692 Corn i:xchan,c, Cambridge 6,0() 0 Michael Rose 28,030 Dariiri-tun Civic Theatre 12,00 0 51illstream -Dearre Company 20•(1(1() Eastcm Orchcstral Board 10,00 0 \c•cs Shakespeare• Cotttpam Farnham Maltings Assot iaricm 930 0 Northcrn Broadsides 36,000 Gardner Arts Centre 10,50 0 Northern Stage 37,410 ICirklc•cs Theatre Trust l Lawrence Bade Theatre) 18,31 7 Out of Joint 18,060 Midiand, Arts Centre 21,800 Polka Children's Theatre 51, 2 50 \ is Centre 30,000 line Posse 44,600 N(xl Knuu'Ics Proehictions 10,00 0 Royal ) xcltangc• Thcatrc Company 98,139 \ortingh;mi Counn Council 6,30 0 Snarling Bc .mics Thcatrc Company 43,444 tiortin hann'1 - hcatre'Fnist 30,11 0 Thelma Holt 226 .041 ()ric-ntal Arts 720


{ £ f

Uvf,rd I'lashr lusc 211 .11t 1(7 1 : cri" w -i Architctwn: l ) . II 1 h m ile Arrs Cedric 9. 1M it) Sehasmin I (k% Ouccn^ 111catre 27.1 [It \1ul'Architcits 2 . uiu l ralishurc Fcstn'ai 10- 00() Public .Art( :1,mmissulns Ac=ed« 5,0(11 1 Stir ide -I-hc im: R,90(i RIBA ArchiTc mire C :cnrrc -.30 h -I -Name+dox\ n Dutcc Studio) 5,001) Rol al Institute os Eirlrish :kr,hltcY-, ;,lWo E(IrnlinwharilHippokiromc 23x F%crmeth Ccrttun-S, Icim _ -nn -Irlnin Centre ? - 'Of l 'liinwr Sims ( nnCcrt Hall 5,'0; 1(1_' .74 5 1i ne Thcarre Tutu 311 .000 1, : r r; lr,umu ..

Visual Arts \ariomat Assn )ci,ttiun tier Finn• air l:eluratir m I_(100

22 .41_ i Hr,rlrlnrh 1141rdnit tirfjtvlit itiou .+ Anwhini Gallcn '45,11011 ! )r+'rthilltr rrritiarn cs E rec F. mn Arr, Tnlst 6S .1 100 Ai mi I It )using .Association 5 .4- 5 lk, al Gallen 3 ;KjMI I Art I II arse 9 .00 0 1 1 • ~h31 11111 A 22,000 1 -CS1CC 6dl•C11C 51) 0 Museum of \14idcrii Art (11ah)rd 414.000 111l1mmKirb.k Scriviiiine Gallery 2 7 ti,00 h 11'hitci hapil Arr Gallen 491,000 l!).7i 8 F:r Ic.Iulnrrfnntialivis 2403 .1)00 A:nrrll ly-tce 1 .4 1101 u1 }•:', Alts 5, FS O f I7:eed-towi /imded ogTrtmsarxutc ArtiC l'rr Idu:crs f uhlichill," ( .4111111,111\ 5 .1 Il l Ar:hi[CiR1rc Found .itiorn 11(1- [111(1 I~id\cell Rrkmk Sch(x)I 3 .14 Art" A0,000 11111cc+)ar G,lilerr 4.000' Artii Prnchlcci-, Publishing 4ii'il-san' 32 .44It1 111ighr

94 7hi ,tr7<( :nrtrriilo~t"TTnlfTruf ! r~)1!1 V -

L £ £

Melissa Feldman 2,870 1'lxrtw7traplrv tmiuia{~ T Filet tt Videa Umbrella 2 .90(1 Sceing Fl,c light 23,500 Golasmirhs' College 2,511 UmI crcit 'v of East Anglia 6,000 Hales Gallery 1 .136 Uniycrsit% of Portsmouth 3,15 0 Katie Hill 1 .603 Wc%T Midlands Arts Board 20,0( 0 Instirute of Contempeuan Arts 5,000 John Hansard Gallen• 4,001 0 5 2,61 0 Kent Instirurc of Art ,Ind Design 2-103 Public an irtitiratrnrs Bat hir,Makhoul 5,000 Arts Board SOLith West 1,70 0 Matt' s Gallen 4,9901 Ccntre ti,r Enyirunmcntaf Interpretation 5,001[ 1 Virginia Nimarkoh 4,000 Chaplaincy to the Arts and Recreatil,r t Organisation for Visual Arts 10,000 in North East England 3,000 Phott,arts 2000 3,000 laboraron it the Ruskin Sch(x)l of Photographers' Gallen' 4,991 Drawing & Fine Art 6,26 0 Roman Vasscur and Dcrck -R-ratan 3,990 South Fast Arts Board 4,240 VOI ,1114) Prc,ducrions 4,9 ;50 Visual Arts Detciopmcnr Agenes- 1,500

1011,19( 1 2 .i111, 0 First-tinie publacariYYns Rt ri(juer) gaaIIeiv srliranr ArTcc 5,000 Bradford Art Gallen, 20,000 Camcrawork 3,716 Noninglmm C :astlc .Museum & Art Gallen 15,0001 Chiltern Srulprun: Trust 5 .490 Oldham Muscum & Art Gallen- 24,000 Dinosaur Press 4,000 ' Ii1w ner Art Gallery 15,0010 FII111 & Video Umbrella 4 - 000 Walsall \'ILJWIIIII & Art Gallcrt• 35,00 0 Firctsltc 5,l 15 Wok-crhampton Art Gallcn' 15,00 0 Frith Street Gallen , 6,000 1 kon Ga[Icn' 4,71 5 124 .(100 le,ius + 5, - 00 Rrq[Wlal rV•urae paa7aanships \tatt ' s C;allcn -,40(1 Sourh Fast Arts Board 36,010 0 Queen's Hall Art% C come• 4?61 li,rkshire & Humbeaside Arts Board 27,041 0 Perronilla Silver 3,500 Space F.xplorarinns 0[1( 1 63,000 The Show n um 3,500 Sprcia! premiers (site-,Trcifir marks ) View•lxlint I'hutography Gallen- 6,337 ,14a11chester Cin v Art Gallen• S,UOn Working Press 5,000 Northllmlx :rland Cllllnn• 0 AITICiI 1 [1,ISflf 1 St [yes International 20,000 90,734 .Arafrazines 35,000 Art .Honthh 24-0x10 .Straregic iuitietn'rf , LIdio .•Lrts 18,000 ,Arnoitini Gallen- 3,000 Durian Puhlic .ttinrtt 19,000 Artic Prlx3Llcers Publishing Compam• F,f}fx l Fxcn•thing Magazine 3,0100 Axis 23, .500 K,ila Press 40,000 Chaplaincy to the -Arts and Recreation i n Untitled 4,0100 North Fast England 2 .09 5 Wonlcrt:s Art Libra n' 21,0001 Engage 4,00 0 European Pcpirticrc%61, 10,86 0 )_'9,(1(41 Kala Press 12, ;0 0 ,Ifurkrrta?rr London ( ;e,ntcmpnran Art Fair 7,(101 0 Arts Abo l[ Manchester 11,000 National Gallen- 20,00 0 AfTs Ni .lrkcTll,g Hampshire ,(1 Nonytrh SihlxiI of Art & I)ealgrl 9,3 .5 0 Museums & Gallcric .s C mumssion 5,(10(1 Royal Collc~,e of Art 10,00 0 Nottingham Castlc Mttscurn & Art Gallen' 3,000 ScrlxnrirLc Gallen- 4 .17 3 Sussex Art y Marketing 1,500 Site Gallery l,jn( 1 Yorkshire & I1Llttltx•rside Arts Board 2,500 Sourh Bank Board 3,00(} Statli,rdshire LTrliycrsin' 15? 1 7 24,7501 Triangic Art+Trust 14,000 17)otugrraplrv murinrl Universm of East I-ondon S,IlU O Artc•c 40,000 ) e ntitled 6,00( 1 Artstcork 5,600 Aurograph 10 .00 0 1 _S5,19 5 I mpr csCions Galled' 16,600 ~vinpuluil Lain, Art Gallery 6,600 Arnolfini Gallen 1,61 0 Mutc .\lcramurc 5.000 Association of Art Historians 1,$8 1 C)pcn Eye Gallery 18,000 Center for the Srudy of Sculpture 2,000 Passes OTLI Training 4300 Cubirr Artists 2, :;00 Quarterlight 6,000 Fiat Shorcditch Foro liicnnialc 2,500 Snr Gallen, 15,000 Goldman-Jacob Assl .,ciaw, 2,500 Watcrshed Trust 21,000 Insrinatcof ' Conicmp,rrar'v Arts 2,S0f 1 ;[Arne Gallen 10,000 International .Azss(x:iatiou of Art Critics 2,5(1(} NaTlona€ Ard%tti Asm Klarion 3,000 1 .5 9 .100 9 5


, , .260 ) 1"ictt .11 Ans IZctclirl,tncm A cnet 2 ..; ox 1 Crir,ti( hannel Ph,rtuerlphr~ 11 :++u r 494 Wmchc,rcr Sch+„il i ,t Art 3, ;1111 I)c%% 1 Lcwr+ PL1bl1+htn-- l~tsrian I'uh!icaurrrs . S .'13y _S .`l91 Fe~rcrnlan 3 .1 If H I Truk[ Tole 17!!17 i.vbI17t-I(ar ' Haminhirc )cullrtEtrc BA( 3_40f l Lam FHead Brn,k , 14 .1,4 3 4,110 Batik 11 .901 1 Lrwu~ :. 0 3,971 h Beacoll%field I f 1,1100 Londr,n Art and Artists ' Guid e ! t 1.(101 1 B(s Pk Wi)rk+ ! ondr)u 1 i .11lH I Montage tiallcri. 5 , 00 0 Camden Am Centre 14 .000 ;lute lletamut e 1a .3 ~ t) Canicraw, irk 6 . ;00 Phr,rristraphr \VurW)i,P E .irnhttra h ~,(II1 0 Eddie (:hanA r% 9 .1101 1 I'ublic Art Cummr,NiuncA ,gcnct' ( 11r .cr111a1c Callen l 1 .81(I Public Art I)c%clopti it Trtr+ t 3 .5 - ( 1 Cr)lncc%rerSI)i5tricrVisual Art%Trust 3,fH10 Quccn•ti Hill Arty ( cntr c 3.340 C[ wncrhntru• I -;Sf I Reakti,)l R„rrk : 2L,8 La brirarrin at the Ku%kiu S

101 .119 !lmrl rtrmu c Total Visual Arts 198 ( ;allc n I .Oo 1 An,c l R4 1w hallen- a3_' I_ihht an~n n 301 4 Arne thin ; C ;allc n 900 Art Pr,i1eit \lanagcsncnt hti(, A.pc ,, Vsual Art%'Frim 1. .1101 I Autrn.;raly h llarbir%m An Galle n Br,idi'( rd Arr Gailc•r . 3 .SS ~ Cabntct Galle n 0 .111 ( mncr'au urk 1,14 6 0aw ( umberlidt:c `00 hate hm k. l .l'h C :ra%c% An Ci .tllcr e - I If 1 Anna I lardin , Rim C ;,tllr n 1,2811 InNt'itl eid( -.,)nteinp,ram Art ` I .o II I I .cicc%tcr (ln (;allot• I ,43 5 M,ipllm Art Gallen- L .;M 1 \lutc \Ictannac 1 .50 0

N,monal MIIl •tltll ui ]'0x,15 t r .lpht ; Film \ li•tccisirr n \rw%\ich Sch,s, it,if An ~, l}a'm p I ,~ISI I

OW11 .ull MIAWL1111 .111.1 Art ( ; .lllcr c -0 0 Teter Sctc Galle n I'll ' Tmin, 3000 l,alll l Public Arr( cmunn.unl±Agcnc% ' I .0° h R„t al 1'h„t4)graphic S(K:I n 2 .13 5 I)Ch,il' .th Smit h -5 5 South I iindirn Art Gallen - ..So S(mill,impt, 111 ( in Art Gallcrc - :;0 'Toni Blau Galle n - +4 -y 1 1\'al,all Mi[wimi Art 6 .111er 1 \\'atc'r,htai'Efu, t 1,32 4 Ii,ln Itur \i and Roman \ :hxur I ' m()

35.688 1 rsrrrrl arl:c rttld ftl~rrrrlRrrtpbr jrnhlrr'ntiurrs Ar'TC i -,00f I Atln rLr .tp h 12,00 0 Black l)+iLY, Pull] i%hing -1 .'5 5 lie u,k Wi irk% ILr>rtdrin 1 .1 .361 1

9h "17x,-Arts ('r,urrril u(Iatrflaud 1990 Q -

Map showing all projects awarded Lottery grants since March 1995

• •

t•f j • • •

• • • ' % 4b 0 40 4b % 41 0


• • 40se e 00 0

• •

9 ;

Arts Council of England Lottery distribution account s 1 April 1996-31 March 199 7


4WjrLvTv; .n A, ; : I . :, r 1 of , L 111'..1! :_ : icre' d Fl1C mctnhcrs II the Coun:ll , \ c• - :..; r:n rcgistratv,n rr,Irtr~r' M;6 . S A,j..l,nn - 1'a tici durllt5 the t'C .ir RYrC a - I t .tilli,hcd by Rmal ( har-xr iw I Apri l (In pasC_ I I+1 ly sho w 1 ' r10.1Crt :C lIICCnC , Chairman i . I)a,rd Brlcrlc-, - , oycr those rc,p(ntsibniutes i n accunnsl .c-' ; L96 .34671 it), I ( i~ - D- Neil Gress, . Lady Hrrpkm. . ( .Ic(+ I ..: :ttc - : rc%unt .h ditichargtd by the Arts The G>u cr, a hat IV ,, cl : ( )BF. . Ruth 1Eackcrutc 013F . Paddx' Mawfici d I t Cireat Britain . C(1mntltnICl1r, ( ;t I +suer% fund, is prudent w J ()BF.. 1o,m Pender CBE, Nima 1 1(x)vaxa-Smith. appropriate• In the itMllt ( of past and projecte d Sir ])avid PLfttll.itll C RE, I .x'ncuc Rox'Ic an d

I - ~ d the prutcipal ufti :c i s nnulme tic m, w hldt ha, resultcd Sn an ion Foulds. The matt sers ofthe panel were PLercr Street . London . SWIP3NQ accumulated fitltds detiClt 4130 .300,000 nt nut remunerated for their %CrVjCCS L the current rear. The :arts Council munitl er e I iii (i amcil receives grant-m- .lid frr,nt nci : the lcycl (tf :tsrtttnitntents to cnstu'c thcx art :

11cparnnent r if National I-Icrita IC and is one• o f kept w ithin the c%tahlklicd Ixr :hmarks . ~tnre7l :eut ot ' ( 'Jame d's and Secreram-Gencral 's the N)dics desi,nared t(1 distribute fund, froth rr pwurl„litii in 1•clati(i, t

etc. Act 1993 . year. the fixed assets have incrcawd by 582°( , L(iner] cr, :- Act 1993 . the Comtcil is required tr s W 4:4840)(11 prepare a statement of aicounrs for the financia l Ur,111t-In-aid is distrihurcel by the ( :Dowd] i n pt:6)d in the form and nn the basis directed b y su}lport of the arts in accordance with th e .11embr•,ship of Colrner l the Sccrcran' of Stare fi,r National Heritage, uhjcctiycs set nut in the Rox'al ( :hurter. Fund s The ntcmI)crsofthe Arc, Council durim, rh r with the cnttxnt of tile• Trua%iir+'. The accounts

frorn the Narional Lottcn- arc distributed i n rear were- : arc t1, tk prepared (,n an a : :ruals basis and a ) ac :(ss'daricc with dircctio11s issued undcr the Ar t ,IUtow .l trllc' .till] Carr l're'11' 1,1 the Cf ll.triok state by the Secrctu1' ut State list National I Icrmigc. Member Date ofapp(inntlc m 1f affairs at the year cn .i anti (sf trs in:umC,uld c\pe-ndinne .11t, I cash flutes ti,r the finmoal vicar. '1 -11c C:otulcil xrurks at arm's length fro m I .,,rdGomticPC Chairman) April 199 4 ']'lie Clnmol i, required tcy s?uvcrnrttcnt and has the ,tan g s ofa non - ])acid Reid r Vict:4 hairman l April 199 5 &P11-[mental public body. As such it is re~ulaled l(ichard ( ork April [91) 5 - l )h,er1'C the :\::,xnlts I)ircaion lYRled ht th e in accrrdance with finanCral rnclnnrand .t issue d 1 l rotrsu,r Rax'Cowcll :\hril ] 1) 11 6 .Sc:rc•tan (It Scale . w-hich wrs (Alt acculutrill" by the 1wcrcrarn'ofSrarc and acc(ounts, forgrant- Professor Brian Cox CBI: April 199 6 a11d tflscl(lstlre requirements, and apply suitabl e iii-aid and Lottery Itlndcd activities, arc prepared lamtarv kill' accotultir g. Utilities (111 a :(InSrstellt }"Isis separately ill accordance v%ith aco)llnts llirccti()n s Charles Denton August 199 6 PrntcssorC :hristt,phcrFrading April t 199-5 - Slake judp, cntcllts and estinlates 011 .1 \Iaggu• GIAIIIChaLitt April €99 4 reasonable basi s Rrrrew i)f'fhe vem• ad 199- File Cm,l l : il ' s principal acttviiy is the suppl se t Sir ErnestI lall(JBF.DI - April P)9 4 - Starc w1mlicr applicable ac :ntttttirlit srarb.l•lyd %

of the arts . - 1i s this crtcl it makes Lottery grant s 1997 ' ha%U h:cll i(1lle Nrcd . anti disclose Jild C\plain alt r to am organisatiom . The Sccreran'-General's Sir hand I larrison CBE April 199 6 111 .1101,11 departures in the financial stdtc•rncSlt s report and the \atitsnal Llstierl• annual rcpor r \lac 199- ' }]1'01160 f7IrtI)C1' 1lela114 ()f its puliClc•, and aCM'itics - Gavin I ICnclersoil ]Line 199 4 - Prepare the tiflan :i,tl starelncrtrs on ncc goin g flay 199 ' comcni hasrs, unics, it is inappropriare it ,

1996 97 saw• a llllrtthc•r ofchanges ht the Ait s 7•hc[nta Hr,lt( 11F. April 199 4 presume that file Cuuntil Will :OIIEIIILIC I n Council's Lotter\ ' programme . lirli IJilig Ur l 11ar 199- I opcrati(rn . e .xINcricmcc from nct: first frill year of I, ottcr v Lldv Ma :Millau I)ricmbcr 1911 6 grant-making, the arts Council is rl()I\ .1111c to Professor Andrea Motion April 1911 0 The Acc(Inntilt, Otliccr tt sr nci.7 lhpartrnent of tiller clearer giiidantx ru applicants on wha t Stcphcn Phillips \fay 11114 N .ttiunal Hcrita c has tlc%q;natcd the Se :retarr - to sn,titntC%,t snccessfn[ Caprral hid . Pr( ote : t Mav 199 - ("cneral as A :C(nmtint; ( )tli :cr tier file C,1)uneil . m+atiti)hii, and evalnatitin was,trcngrhenc d C r sha l'vashar C . BF. Eu]v 11)1)+ f 11 c relct'a11t respunsihllities as Accnutltins ; 199- • with dic csrat Ii,hmCnt of a Lotrc•r y Pnsjc:t s ( )fli:cr, including the 1-4:%p4miNli n . tool- the I)c•11.lrtmelit . CMisr 1'ric%tlcr ('13 April 1 1 )11 6 prorricn' and regul .trin of the finances for Ri),,er Reed April 1996 w hich nce Secretarv-(iCIMAI is an5werahi: an d Nctiy Lottery-lltndcd initiatires included, fisrth e Stella Robinson April I99-t fist the kcrpilt,, of limper record,, art: set nut i n first time, schcrllc• ,, providing rcycnLIC fundint4 . \lay 1119- • ncc Non-l)cp;u•uncwal Public B()dics' Arts fr,r I vcnr,ne was aimed it a dircrsc ran k Frudcncc• Skc•ne April 1994 :\c :uunnng Ofiiccrs ' Memorandum . issued by of amateur And pr{ lfessional group,, an d April 11 1 1( • I IM Treasun'. attracted a Iar',c numhcrofaprlicatiuns . Rollert .Sr,urh,aic April 199 4 The pilot ,tabiIisatil)n , :home aims hi dCrcinp April 199(1 ' (1rber utatter x ion,-term solutions to finlelina pr•t,hle•n,s i n lnhn Spearman I) ::cmbcr 199 0 (- 'r setts & Cis of 440 Strand, London , professional arts urgamsaii(sn%, A nc« Fil m Lord Ron{crs • May 199 4 W( ?R OQS arc the hanker, ti,-the .torts Counci l

Unit w As c gatilished in the L trc•rc I) :partmen t Trevor Nllltll CBF + May 1994 r it ' F-11gland . Dire] )pmCnts included the Iattn :h tlfa lihrt rran :hisc scheme . Th: solicitors ofthc Arts Council of F.ngland Date ()f 1'c-apUoinn11Cn r arc Bird & Bird 000 Fetter Lane . London - A connnitnlcnt to t iivcr•sin - geo`praplti :al an d Rc-sicncd December Ic)90 Fd 4A I J h artistic - is a consistent fcalmc 4 .111 All , + Rcsi,ncd April 199(1 ('.onlltil Lottery initiative,

98 Ybt- ArtsC : pur:cilrrl ' b,rtlrn,ri191)e 10- 1 he Comptroller and Auditor Gerieral o f Secretary General anti staff. Ch'era11 PohC%' i s 157-197 Buckingham Palace• Road, Victoria , determined hr they Cocutcil itsc•lfafterdue U ondon, SIV I W c)SP, acts a% auditor to they Arts Consultation %wit interested parries, and the Council, and his report is presented on page 101 ) COLHI it has a .schedule of matters reserved for it s own decision, inrhtding key points ofstrategv, The Council maintains a register of interest s policy, resourcing, and %tatting . All Counci l of its members, which is available for publi c members have aCCCSS to the Secretan'-Genera l inspection ht' appointment at the Council' s and senior staffas the%' reCluirc . The Hc'ad of Grcat Pcter Strcct address . Secretariat ensures that the Council follow,, its established procedures . The Council arrempt% to abide by the ('BI's Prompt Payers GKIc, and in parricular to pa y The annual report provide,, iLlfo rtnation hilis in acconlancC with contract. In 1996/9 7 about the. CnlrnCTS overall financial [x).Sition , 800) of Lnulispured im oicc% were paid within a Objective and professional relations ar e 30-day period. Jr is the Comwil's urn to increas e maintained with the Narional .audit Offic e this to 9,,1% in 199'!98 . which acts as audiror of both the Arts Council' s grant-in-aid CCOLHIts and its I .ottcn' The Arts Council is committed to a polic y distribution ACCOLmtS . r ricdnalln' of opporrunitin its cmplovntenr pracrices. In particular the COLHICil aims to The Council ha.%established an Audi t ensure drat no potential or actual employe r C.oninITUCC, irx terms of refcrtmix are i n rcecives mare or Iess favourable treatment L m aicot-d-mcc with the Code of Rear Practice fo r the grounds crf r'acc, Colour, ethnic or nationa l Bo .u'd 1lc:mhers io(PLIHiC Bodies Issue.4 b y Origin, marital status, agc, gender, sexua l F-IM Trc'asttrv. orientation, disabtlin' or religious behcts-

The Council ensures that there arc arrangement s Graltarrt DcOi n to promote eflectivc consultation an d .-lCtinr7 5en-ctary-f .craera l tontmnnicatinns With all snit}'. Ail LICPartmentc have regular staffmcctings at tyhidi matters Lord Gutyric • relarin(~ to the Council's activities are diSCUSSCd Chaip uarl uftheArty Council ut'E' uplan d and stafl- are regularly briefed on the matter s discussed at scnir rr managenx•nr and Counci l 281uIv 1997 meetings. Nlcetings otall staff arc held periodically. The Council recognises the rrALIC union 41Sk; with which it has established a procedural agreement, repre•serrtative% o f manageneur and Union steer regularly.

The Scirettn-General, flan' Allen, resigned in Mav 1997 . The 1)epun Secretor%' Cienesal , Graham Devlin, is Currently acting in thi s Nsitinn .

Statement rm Cenporatf ijorr vtance Although the .arts Council of Englao ti is no r rcyuircd to comply with the C'odc of Bes t Practice published in December 19()2 by th e Cadbury Committee on the Financial rlcpeit> of , Corporate Governance, nc%'crthel"', the C'ounCi l believes it should meet the highest standards o f corporate govcrnance and according) complie s voluntarily with key aspects of the cexle .

Member,, of the Arts COLanCII arc appointed b y the Secretary of Starr tar National Heritage ter .Pecificd terms ofoflice, and arc unpaid . Counci l

Memtier% work %ithin a Code of Practice a based on a Treason' modcl for non-departmental Public NxIlics) which has been agreed with the Secretan' of State . The Secrcran-(General attd stat3 also work within such a Code of Practice . The Council meets in formal session abut te n times cach ;car, and it monitors the work of the

gy The certificate and report of th e Opinion Comptroller and Auditor General to the In ma- rapittion - Houses of Parliament - The financial %tatcments give a true and fair I crtlh that I have audited the financial view of the state of affair% (if the arts Counci l srarc•ment%tin page, If .ll r+r 149 under th e of England Lortcr distrihurion acu\ Tres at National Lortrrn' crc . Act 1993 . These financia l 31 March 199- and of the decrease in fund s %ratcnlents ha%c been prepared under th e a%ailable, total rccogniSed gain%and Itr%seS an d historical cant com-en[i m and the accountnL cash flows for the Near then ended and have Ixe n

policic% Net out ten Page 104 . pn rperh- prepared in accordance tt ith the National Lotter\ ctc . Act 1993 and dirccuon± Rrspertire responsibiliries o1 Cauncil. made thereunder he the Sccrctan' of stare tier .SecrrtarY-Gcricral arid aitdirmx National Hertta- c As dcScrilxd on page, 98 and 99 the Counci l and the Sccrctan'-C:eneral as the Accounting - In all material reNpccts the c\,pcndirure and

( )fficer are resp /nsiblc ft it the preparation of income have been applied to the PurPt %C• financial statements and toreen+ttring th e intended by Parliaincnr and the financia l

rcgularin of financial transactions . It is m% • rran%actions contirrnt to the autht irides %chic h responsibilit% tit forrm ill indcpcndcnr opulia al , go%Crn the m ha%Cd ran tall• audit . on Ell( INC Statement% an d on the rc•gularin' of du financial transaction % I have no obSCn ;ttlons to make till the w included in them and to report nl% opinio n flllanclal %tarcitlcllr% .

to %"U .

Rasrs of ?,piulorr f oho 1Bour n 10 1 MAIC17CLI nl% audit in accrlydancc• %% it h ( :oruj,n•allrrmrrl .-ludih„( ;totter ! atldirinl' standards issued l1 the Auditin g .10 fill% 199- Practi,xs lioard . An audit include•, Ccanlination .

on a test hall% . lit- C% idClict: relevant to th e National Aildit (the e .11110 lnu . di%CIUStIre% and rc'nlarin- t rf financia l 15--1 1 )7 )Buckingham Palace Road tra p %acriuns inrludcd in the financial %rarcnlcnt % Londo n

It aht 1 ill( lude% an .t%SC%%Ill e' Ili r rf rIIC NignlhCan r SWIWOS P CsrimatcS .tnd jodgcmcrts made by the Counci l and the leetcrln' Cancral in the preparation o f the financial sratcniciltN . and of a hether th e leeralllting pt illi es arc appropriate R, th e ('ouncil % circumstances, c-oliN stcntlc applied and adeyuatcl% disclosed .

I Planned and PCt•fi mr Cd me audit No as to obtain ail the 111101 .111 .1nt ill and C\plallatl ll%

%chick I considered ncccssan' in order to PRA W C ntC %% irll %utlicienr c%'idcncc ro give rc asonablc a%SLlI'aI1CC that the financial Nt .IICIIICllr% are fl-C C from material nlis%r.ucnlcnt : . %%'hcther t,wNcd b % ern rr, or by traud r i l' a ithe•r irregkI1ArtN and that , ill all material I-CSPCC1S . the C%pendirurc an d income ha%r I)CCIl applied to the pnrPo%C % inrrnded ht' P.lrliamcnt and ncc financia l rr,111%attinll%co111 rlrnl to the authorities %% 'Ric h "CAVrn Them . In t(lrnlin' nl% opinion I ha%c al< o

Ct a l 11ATed the• overa 1 1 adcyua C I It' 111L. Prrscntamm a rt - infternlatirn ill the lin .tncia l

%ta Will C IIt% .

100 Cln .1 its ( :ouui rl ill F.uRla++rl NO(, Q -

The Arts Council of Englan d Lottery distribution accoun t

For the pcri(al l April - 31 -larch 1997 1997 1996

L'000s £OOO ,, J-DOOs COOOr

Share of procccds front the National Lorren Nore ' 240,88 0 244,194 Investment rctnrns on the distribution fund 21,22 9 10,91 0 Commitments written back 107 Interest reccivable 54 1 248 Other incomc Votr•3 45 8

202,80 2

Grant s 344,450 229,918

Total grants Note 9 344,45 0 229,91 8

General expenditure : 5taffcosrs Nott 4 1,03 6 568 Ocher operating costs Nrote 5 9,593 3,21 5 Depreciation Note 6 176 29 Costs apportioned by grant-in-aid ]Vote 3,914 .3,05 2

Total operating cost s 14,71 9 6,864

Total expenditur e 359,16 9 236,782

Net resources expended before notional cost s )96,367 1 18,578

Notional costs .V,ti-S (A )St of capirt l 258 66 In,uranc e 1() ( 268) 9 f 75?

Nct resources expended after notional cost s

Reversal of notional rust s

LtctcaseAdecrease) in Lorton , funds Note 1 0

Accumulated funds brought ti>nvard

Accumulated funds carried tunvard

The Council has no recognised gains or losses other tha n those shown on the income and cxfxndittire statement For the pcrirxi . -Fhere arc no discontinued activities .

10 1

Balance sheet

1997 1996

~Ililll, 10014, tOOOS

Fixed asset s I 1 ;'1-~'hii . .,,rt, ,; r ' 4,K4 '

444 - 1 Current assets ; Dc hrr,r, ai- "1 1 5 •'C 1',i'• Ill Cn t 3+ti 1 Invc,tmcnr% : balance in Ji,trihuttr n 101 . 66 _'(i.i .304 4 .60? ( a,h at hank acid 11 hal m

41 Y 1,284 ?(,h, ot) 1 Current liabilite s

Hm.Ll u~rtuz1imlc¢u~ calling, due within ont liar Notr 9 -1 14 .000 104 , Ai4rual + -98 1 .24-1 992 1 .990 IDilrtll g ram-in-Ai d Sundrv crcditur % [? ] 7 -194

216 .111- JOS.414 No Lurrcnt i-C[ , 1 'N4 .4 7/ 7

Twal aw:r, Ics, liahilitic r 184,961 159,6 -

Represented b y 9.3,011 1, 1 1-j I II Col 1115 I MIC I It 4 111'Cr OIIC VC fI ? 1 n .261 IZC,c i'1Y ~

Cir .1lt,url Do li n

.-l i tl Jl r] ,Sii T1'1r117~- (>c']!e']"R l

1 .r~I'd (rtR5"Il C

('l~rrhnirt~+ of ,thi .-I1 .1v f brnrril uf1'11Ph717 d

28 Jtlh 199 7

102 77)t•Arts ('nuncil of F 7~ ,Wrritd 1096 1) -

Cash flow statement

Fur the tear ended 31 % :Iarrh 1995 1997 1998

£0001, 1:000" .0000 L"000s

Operating activitie s (f und, rccciNcd truth the National Lorterv distribution fund 134,14' 39,82 8 Other cult rcccipts 4 6 Gr.uus paid 1 113,3871 (31,614 ) Cash paid to and on Ix-half ufcntplovices (948) (368) Other cash payments (14,496) (3,210)

Net cash inflow from operating activities - ~r+rr 12 5,320 4,44 2

Returns on investments and servicing of financ e hrtelrst rcecicnl 43 : 13 1

Net cash inflow from returns on investment s and servicing of finance 4,37 13 1

Capital expenditure and financial investment s Puri ha,c(Jtr.tn~,INCliscd .tstCt . 1589) f -31

Net cash outflow from capital expenditure 15891 (53 )

Management of liquid resources and financing 0 0

Increase (decrease) in cash Wrc 1 .3 5,168 4,520 1 Accounting policie s ( i kpreclaruol andj.ved assrrl I kpreci .adon i, provided in all tangible fixe d A Bast: i)f accoutus asset, financed hx Lorren- funds at rate s These financial Statements are prepared unde r calculated to write off the cost less estimate d the lustorical cost com ention Thc account s residual \-aluc of each astir scsternancalh m er it, have been prepared in accordance with di e expected useful life as fi Blows : Ac ounrs Direction issued h\- the Secrctan v 1, f Statc ft st Narwrial F lc'riragc . and then- meet th e F,casehold buildings - over the litc of the Ica,c requirements of the Companies Acts, and (,f th e Equipment . fixture, and fittings - over 4 year s St.atcmrntS ., ' Standard Accounting Practic e Financial Rcp(lning Standards issued an d A till year's depreciation is pro\-ided in the year adopted bi the Accountng Standards Board . (it an assets acquisition . and node in the Year of So far as thou requirements are appmpriatc . its di,p/)Sal ,

Separate accounts havc been prepared for th e D ., Narlonal Lattrn' diS'Mbunon titled acn\-Ities funded front the ?rant-in-aid . i n Balance, held in the National l .ottcn accordance %%iria the Circaions issued hr the distribution tund remain under The stc,y ardshi p Sccrctan of Starc. ( l)llsolidatcd Ica,unt.S of the Secretary of State ti,r National Heritage . ha\-c nut been prepared . F hm ever, the share of these balances attributable to the Arts C(,uncil of England is a s B t Accruals tome irien shoyen in the accuuntS and . at the balance sheet All ineomc and cxpenslinirr is taken mu) account dare . has been notiticd hr the Sccrcr.m of Stat c in the• financial Nv ar to %khich it relatCS - for National Heritage as kcing available fitr distribution h\- the Arts G nincil of Fnglatad i n AS required by the Secretary otState . I respect of curmit and fururc cull mirment , distinction is made in respcct (if Lottery grants I .\' tltr 'i . The amount attrihtir.aNC to) The Art s bcokCCII -11,11-d Conlnlitnuc nts " y+ flerc tll c Council has [cell snared as incoulc• ya ithi n ottaacil has manic a firm odor tit grant %N hic h thcsc accounts . tim-cthcr v%ith appropriate Conditions ) ha s bCCll accCptCd by the rcclpiciit, and ' utYT f ) fr.Cat ol l c+,nmLtmunr, ' • yy here' the ( :(>tinciI has .agrmi i n The ArrN ( wilcil of Fnglan :! is a rc, ntcrc d prit)cipIC to litnd a SCheme .alley made- an o$cr, charts' No l M6 331 and is clil-6111C unde r but the oflcr and asutciated conditions h .a\-e no t hlcomc and Corporation Taxcs Act 19,88 to tick been accepted . from tile Inland Rcccnuc cxcnapuon bona taxe s

1 Ill root 01C Ulsing fro ml itS cllaritablc I IhjccmCS . I I .trd conranitmcnts arc recognised in the The liland Reccnuc has granted this cxealptiun . inc(nllc and cxpcnsliturc account, %%hcrc .ls sof t Accurdllhh : no taxatieln has bCCll pt•ocided to t r unltnlinllcnts arc recognised by N%avof note . n t}use accoulus .

I Lard conunitill clits payable \yithin one yc,11 - [ I P'rwiolls l 1"tllC k .alancC Sheet dare .tic recognised in ncc The Arts ('ouncil proridcS a defined hencti t balance sheet .a%curll•nt liabilities . l 'hOsC p .axahl e pension scheme• tier its cnlploy'ees, the costs tit more than our \-car from the 11 :11:a11eC Shee t vv-hich arc charged n, the illo inlc an d dare arc s114 ,11'il as grallt Comillltlllcnts ove r cxpenditttrC account . (,ile re•.ar. G i ,-lppw-fumed calm .( O ratir commimmits t( )r tuture y'e'ar, ha%c bcci l Thc Arts ( ;ouncil incurs indirect costs whic h entered into, taking account of inconlc iirrcc .uts .tic Shared bCtX%CClI aCti\-iTICS trolled from ~rant - prol ided by the Deparrment ot'Nationa l iii-aid and mi\itics linidcd trolly ncc Nationa l I icritagc . [hose fittec .asts ha\-c keen discounted Lottery. - Cho Cotnacil is rcquircd u, apportio n agpreSsi%Ch' and the (',ournil bCllC\-CS that it ha s indirect costs properlY bety\-ccrl the m () actixi n taken a v cr\- a ntscrcatiy r city\- of tLturc inconl c .areas ill accordance Avirla good acc(turiti n Nc\-crthclcSS, it assunics, as niatn•rs of publi c practicc . puhcy, the continued operation ofthc Nationa l l .ottcn and the nl .iintcnarlce of - the Art s Hi Nr)rirulal axtx ( ouncil's pcrccm a-c of the National Lotte r [n accordance v\-ith Trcasun guidance- notiona l distribution fund IN scr out in uctio,ns 22 and costs of capital are charged in the distributio n

2 ; tit ncc Act . aiiount in arriving at .t net inconlilu; . oLlTgOinl i rcu,urcec figure . - Phone arc rcccrscd s(i that no pi-m ision is included nn the balance sheet . [ ..i% r \Cal % tillurcS hay c been resrated to cnsur c contp.arahilit\-.

104 TheArtsC-omom ufF.nttlnn,d I0 c)(1 O -

2 Share from the National Lottery 1997 1996

r .m)(1s ! :000s

tiharc of procceds from the National Lottcn 240,880 244,382

Adjustment 0 (188 )

240,880 244,194

3 Other income 1997 1996

GOOOs .000Y

Contributions received 37 2 sale of publrCatioIl% 8 6

4--) 8

4 Staff costs 1997 1996

t'OM), LY1UQc

lalarics and wages 918 463 Employcr'sNati(malInsurance 3 6 Arts [ :cnmcil Aetir-emcnr Plan 1 1994) 43 69

Total I .036 i68

These costs relate to the Lortcrv fitncrion and its operation [ "or the vear-

-Ihc Chairmail, Council and 1 .+_ittcn Advisor- Pane l members are ni it paid for their stn ices .

Arl actuarial Valuation of the pension fund takes place even- three vicars . The last valuarion was at I April 1996 . Oil advice 401e aitttart; the cmploycr's contr ibution was set at 8 .84, _

']'he scheme is tinanccd bV pavmcnts bV the Cnttnd and enlplnRres int

The average week), number of employee% ciigagcd directly

on I_ottcn- activities duri ng the vicar WAS made rep as fi~l lo« s : 1997 1996

bitten. management 0 Operational 21 4 Administration 13 6

4II 1";

l{1 3

5 Other operating cost s 1997 199 6

L(111f h

94 3f.1 prorF11 n ;, tn , 436 i~ - C .1'.1%i. reicpht -nc llti ~ - 1_:1112 ,Taft :n,T, 32+ 6 1 I .h26 ; 5 % ji ;lc Added Tax 1 .11121 ?.i ~ ( 1tn'e anti ;undr v 392 I tl I Extcr11a1 .L%,c•„111Ct1t ccnr%


1 llc%c :c 1,t, relate to the Luncrt' TtlItcn. in and 1r, operam in durim! rhr Near .

6 Tangible fixed assets 199 7 E.gtripmCrt t Short tix m: N )Ca,chtlld an d trltpr[ActlICnr, fitting's licta I LUUI1, LYlflll, L1111[1 ,

( i )%z it 1 April 199 6 [I I1(, ll(1 Addition s '"l ;11+ ~ti c r

(o%tar 31 March 19 9 ei-i4 -t i

Dcl+rcn .11i,)u at 1 April 199h II 45 4 ~ Pro\'idcd lilt 199(, 9 lYt 1SK 1' n

Dcprc:iatiun IT 31 .\larch 199 7 l { 2113 22 1

Net ht ktk Value At 1 April 1996 i - 1 7 1

Ncl N ok value at 3 I March I L)9- ~S4

7 Investments liaLmLc, Itcki in dic \aitt0 .11 LotrCl1 di%II'Ihrlti111 titnd EVIIIAtn nrldier the Nre\t ard,hip of the Sccremrv ol ' State tin ' \atitlnal Hrritagc . l funnel : the %hare okbcw halanccs tttrihutahlr rt rhr An, COLITI :il t rt England iS .u dill l\t'll i n rile a:c[xtllI%and . at rhr h,tlanrr N11CCt d.ttC, ha, bCCII Flolifieti he the Sccrctar\ ul'Statc tits' \animal I lc1-kage IN Fein « ac.tilable Eurdi,trihutitll ht rile Art, Cttnn:il c11 1,17'1 .11 l i n rc•%pccr of tairr:9tt and I 'trTt .nV C( Mill ritlCnh .

-hhe fimd, arc irlcc%tc•cl urt [uhalt c&the \ .Ititmal 1 otterv k1kr1'Ibut-itnl trrlld b\' the \,Itinnal D t]m ('ctmmi%,ir,ner, . I Ile At-T S Councih%ciiStrihutiun IS in acctn'ti,ln :c With Section% 22 Ind 2 .,ti1'rltc Varitlnal I nrrcr'\'Ctc, Act 199 3

B Notional costs Nt11111 .11 c- ,% tttt' :al}i1,11i, :alculared . IN 6"atlttheat E:r .3,, c tier a%Set% C111Pi1I\cd h\ nce Arts Council ill rile \ ,Cal-. C\Clttdjllg rhr 11al .tncc in tits di,n'ih11111 M fulnl a1 .i hard pra m cn111 111 1 011Cll h

Ni 1rlonal cc 1%t uttnauraltcc I% calculared using quote % olXailtcd ti-c 1111 311 ezpcrt ath Ism

'1111%heing, rhr tiro vL .arStich :,l,t ., have hem included . pri,ll - r: .n' tigores hair been restated .

i oo Vie A7-IS ( '111me l u(f urrl3 rtrf I We).. V -

9 Soft and hard commitment s 1997 1996

. :.000s L:(1U(L+

tiuftcurmmnmcw% brought fOn%-ar d 110,0 72 U Soft commiments rran%ferred to hard commirments 13,44,450) ( 229,918) Soft dc-commitincims f} f0U 1 tii 1tt u>m m i tments nl,ld c 34 '7,75O 1 .340, 050

Italancc ufsott commitments outstanding carried t'()rwar d 113,372 110 .0'2

Hard comnirmcnEs broughr fonaard 198 337 U Hard conmtitmcnrs met in the last trea r 1113,419, 131,58 1 Hard dc-commitment s 1107 . U Hard commitments made 344,45(1 229,91 8

Balance rnf hart) commitments outstanding carried t'arward -129,261 1vs'

Ageing of hart) cornmitmcniv 1996/9 7 ll 1(J4,726 199-'9,8 214,000 77,81 2 1998"0 9 18 S .S97 7,72 1 1999/200 0 16,420 1,200 200(1/200 1 2,738 7,078 ( )N cr 5 vcar s 7,2()a rt

fetal h.trd commitments 429 ._'61 1~~s',-, , -

10 Decrease in Lottery fund s 1997 1996

.C000s 4x000.,

Stated after charging : i a) Auditors' rcmuncrario o 29 2; b) Statl- travcl, subsistence ltd huspit .tlitV 53 20

(c) lr hr rcmMicration ot'scnior cmPlrn. ccs attributable to the N.itiottal Loner- w s as t[11li)w~ : 1997 It Ital I .t llre n Sal .tries Charge f_ottc n \umber OM 1'000s Prop)rnon

Dim.TOr of tiarional Lottcnr 1 48 48 100% Director of Lottcrv Film l 43 43 101i' a ACE employees c.trning hcnt•ccn 14t) .00(1 49,99 9 2 94 47 56(51 A( ;Eempluyee%carnint lxnsccn15{),(1110- 59,99 9 1 a3 27 50, 4 1 .-\( ;F cmpll jccc-s earnitr4; bent-ccn i:60,00(1 - 69,999 1 h3 32 501!(1

11 Capital commitments

AtI1hori~Cd but nut contracted Contracted

10 7

12 Cash flow 1997 199 6

Rcu n wt lvinon of nei resources cxpcmicd to nct uprra t cashflcxs s

OlvratinLsurplus 'deficit' 96 .3h" 1,4 . .E -~Y lntcresr reccivahle 541 24S

Depreciation charges 1 , 6 V Increase in debtors and prcpayrnc•nT, 1? .951 '15. ;1f1 In :rc .iwincrcdirors '3l),flll3 'fl1 . .~~.;

ctc .tshinflINN- fr+rmopcratingcashflims 1-442

13 Reconciliation to net cash flow to movement 1997 1996 in funds ~:f1[I[I, : ~+rit! :

Incrcau drtre.tu i in cash in the \•car S,169 1 . i2 o (',uh fl, m from manaacnient of hyoid nI ,urccs an d tan .uTrtn, {I U

Change in funds resulting from cash flows 3 .169 4,521l) hlnd, al 1 April 1996 4,602 82

9• --0 4,o0 2 1: 1111d% lit 31 \larch 199 -

14 Analysis of net cas h l ApriI 31 Marcl t

1996 C .ldl flmv I 119 7 C:ooON ('O()lls L:[1[I0 ,

( a,3t 4 .oo2 5, 168 9, 77( )

4 .6d13 16S Q. -- ( )

D61 ll U [ l

(]trrent asset imc,nttcnts l) II f l

) -- f l 1 ,6T .1 1 4 .6112 x .161

15 Movement in Lottery funds 1997 199 6

VIII)[), 1( 000

Loiter% rr,crrcas I Aphl 1996 66•[Ih- 4 -,4,V V TI-.ln,firrcd from the mconic and cXl,cnLhturc aicunirt 196 .36-, 18,5-F

1 .nT[er\' rc ,,crvc,t13I .~1d1[h 1997 ;[1[Ir, o oh

ION Y7A•,-lris Gis iila EugLar+ri I IlyO N - 16 Related parties

I hr Dcpartinent of Nau, mal I icrir .[ c i• the and declare an% direct interests in gran t slxnsoring department 16r The Arts ( :ounci l applications made to the Council and of England and is regarded as a related hart}. couimcrcia4 relationships with the Council . Kcgimial Arts Boards are %inlil :rrlv regarded as Tlict exclude thcrliselvcs from chi : relevant gran t related parties by v'irrue of the fundin g appraisal, discussion and dccisiosl processes relationship with rho Arts Council and by virtu e within the Council . of common membership of ncc Council an d boards. During the %ear the Arts ( :ouncil of (A [noel] mernlers also hold the lx)sition of England had various material transactions wit h Chairman within the Regional Arts Boards. the Regional Arts Boards, the British Fil m Twciin-blur Council mernbers are also Institute, the C ;rafi4 Council and the \luscum 4 'frustccs , 2(-1 n'crnors, Ux)ard mcmhcr%of othe r and Galleries ( :omrnission for whore th e 1„xlies to %which grant% have Ixen made by the Departnicnt of\atiortal Heritage is also :arts Council in 19966'97 . hl no such case wa s considered the sponsoring department . there are possibiIit%' of Persona I financial gai n forCuuncil [nenilxn . As a matter of lx slirc and prmcdurc, Counci l nlcnllxrs, I.u[ter%' Panel members and smfl ' The ledkm ing transactions are c(insidcred to mainrain publish' available regisrers of interests he disclosahle related p .irrv trari% .wtiona:

Grant Organisation Council member/relation Relationshi p

15,282,843 British Film ]nstetutc Charles Dento n Coven H rr 45.000 1'anxhial Church Council of St Barnahas (Church Clivc Pric%rlce C B Anglican , C ;I .izier 417 a(10 Brighton Festival Gavin Hl'[ldcr%o[ 7 Vice-President - no longer acting 5',093 Frec Form ArTs Ti'tut 1{artin 0x)drii h Artistic Directo r 1,291,217 Scluth Bank Richard ('Or k Commirtee member South Bank Lord Roger s C .V r14lIlGlll C 45,1100 Acror% V1g )rksh4 ip ]4nuh'Theatre lrronv 11,11 1 Board mcnllxr 93,338 Univer4irv of Huddersfield 14EC Sir Ernest Hall ()BE DL Clianccllo r 22,500 N(irrhent Ballet Theatre Sir l:rnc4( 1'fall 0 RE Dl . llireetnr - resigned June 199 7 22,752,283 R,i%A AcademyofDramatic Art Sir Ernest Hall 011L DI _ Patron 4 the Appeal Bud% ' Ron'al .-kcadeinv of Drarnarlc Art lllc)[lla Hi )It CB E C suncil mcnllxr 584,0110 Gateshead Metrolxlliwn Borough Council Srclla RiYb]liiUl l Mcniter of Arts Lonen_' Bid Steering Gr


Lottery hard commitments in 199619 7 Schedule 1 to the Accounts

. -

Eastern Arts Board £ £

( aplral47raw . ,taltt7lrr~ti/r11,~Frtrrt s AlLichurgh C- MC la Lni 13,n'11 (incmaC.in' 68,000 Altichlirgh Fl+ull+iati(,n - 5 .111)11 File JLM,tion 6 -.000

lltichur *11 FI Itul .3aril In d ..;cNHI0 I F.dUia[1+117 ] 'rut 481 frrtlrl .TtllrlFr: tti alt 1 aa .000 Kcdie)rd Bmnlu,h Council 5,(100 KcdlrIris &IrOLIVh 0ILI1161 _'5,(100 lirdEen-d Hm,l,iral NIlti'Irutt 81,110 Total Eastern Arts Board grant s 9,036-11 96 Rvdti Ird lnrcracrr+c 06.39; Hcdti Iris Pier: Bated 5 .65"

RtIl,11 1\\ ,1ILI,lefr-u,[ 1 ;1 , 1,362 East Midlands Arts Board (-anlhridtc Drama Centre• 84 .31 5 ( l%IjC Point RTa„ Band 40 .3(14 ( apiral arapir,~ ( co] Ions, 114,11 Schoml 1 -.-t)8 ( xiift SiIvc•r Band I C hc•In sf4lyd St .lr B,lthc•rshop thrnu nn' ( III[, ;-4 .1 1 - ( .zuphk Ukr .immn Folk-Dance( ollllla m (h0 ir\vltl)d Ltd 8.400 old \1u,lc1 .1FI, -,943, ( ' It\'(sf - LincoIn li ;nlii 37.800 1)crhv Cit\-(M1111 it 1 .500

( 'I I1c11 :,rcr \c%% I 'hcarre ' Ii-u,r X00 .000 Derwcnt Bra„ 1 5.13 2 Ucrchain 141%%[1 olulcil 5+ .000 F:a,t mt lul LI VLt Orch :,tra Lid 5,09 4 E,sc\ ( otul". Council F mol l I-isnvl X)d scnl+ tr CitlZal , l.'„i' \ d,IIICc (66,91(1 Ar(, 1 , 011ccr FM C1. 11C1, C 1-''ii,t "Eikc Foundation 1)1,1)011 I mhroiticrcr,'(46ILI 32, ;11 0 l rl~,ll Point Culler\ 59,865 I .Irle Our 66,93 6 Ciain,huroL=,h', linu,c SOiiCIA 6 .4 .200 11 .111,6cld 1)i,rrict Council 40,00( ) 1 Linccld,ol ( olehc,tcr 46,000 \u[(Inglum ( .1,110 Muscum '1lld AlI 6 .111cr1' 1 . 511,1 i1 )I I 11„t:ich G 1-op 1t.lnd 1 ;.435 Noun whanl ( :astlc MLNCIlall and Art l .AICi-v I (0,00 0 Ip%wich0%cr-50,' Kra+, Rand 35.114 Nijain„lane( itv Fram,port Rand 22 -3 a l xadcnha .m \'ilea-c 1 fall 2000 1119 8 -9 \orris

110 1111 :1n. ('ruuli it rl~ 'Fr(14laud I Ugh !J'

L E £

Advcnnires in M5) tTion 1'icrures Lrd 96,283 Oily ('.art Colllpam• 76.50 0 African CarihtvartCentrc 89.750 C}rang,: rceTheatreLtd 314 .31 0 Allegresse 43,057 ( }rc hcstra of the Age of Enlightenment 33,75 0 Alrllcida Thearre G)mpany Ltd 95 .0(1(1 Orpington Organ Club 6,08 5 Ancient 4larincr Pl'ollnitions 23,000 Oul of ]oinr 87,4.19

Artisan Films Ltd 950,000 ON N1 I fotisc/Graeae Thcarre Company 91,61 3 A rftiadn111115rraLOn Lid '3,279 PFN Litcran" F;junclatlrlll 18,56 3 Artsline 49 .582 Paddington Arts 886,62-5 Aspidistra Prlictucrion% Lrd 1,000,00(1 I'.tines Plrilgh 3' 7 Battersea Arts C,cntrc 910,639 Painrins in Hospitals 95 .(101 1 Bcrlesh Institute 99,704 Parochlll Church Council o f licnt PrtldllitlUllS Ltd 50 1,000 St Barnabas C ;111.12-ch, 0111wiCh 45,00 0 Blackheath Con%Cnatnire of R1usiC and the Arts ;0,000 Pearly Oyster Productions Ltd 30,001 1

131uc Florium Developments Ltd 965.000 1 1cggy Su 113eco, t I .td 500,000 1'(1 .(100 Photoftrsion Ltd 7 45340 British Film Institute 5,0011,1100 Piccolo Puppet CUmpa111' 6,89 2 British Film Instintre 10,000,000 Vioncer Thearres Lrd 81),00{ 1 British Film Institute 112,843 Poinegranarc Picture% 27 .501 1 C :arnerawor•k Ltd 325,957 Porcupine Pictures 19,566 Canhun Gardens Bandstand Project 76,392 Project for African Arts and Culture 60,000 Chicken Shcd Theatre Cornpan. 94 .965 R,AG Films InrernatinnaI l .td 160,000 Clncnaya 8 7 _218 Ranllxrt DaI1CC Conlpam 87,30( ) City of London Sinfollia 98,990 Rcdbrid- Drarna C :cinrc 234,000 [.lean BreakTheurc Company 1,049,041. ltcdlees Arts & Crafts Stables 380,430 Craft ('otters .AsslxiatiunofGrcarBritain 11(1,00(1 Regent Brass 35),100 CulturalCo-tilvrati(in 52,900 Royal Academy of Dramatic Art 22,712,29 3 Electric Eel Films Ltd 30.515 Roo al Allicrt Hall 20,200,000 Faction Films Ltd 98,418 Royal British Legion Bobs' Ban d Foundation for Young Musicians 163,35~ C Carps of Dnrms Romford 31,51)0 Four Corners Film Workshop 247,532 Royal National ' I hc.ttrc• Board 31,59f1,0f1I1 Frec Dorm Arts Trust 57,093 Rohl Sooen, Of British Sculptors 81,7) 0 kiruro Theatre Company 42,330 Royal Society lilr the Arts, Gloria 5,()76 Mantltacrurers & Commerce 511(1

Glottis Films 18,000 SPACE Srudio (An Services Grants Ltd 1 20,700 Gr'alld Union \lusiC Theatre 49,623 Sanluc•Ison Productions Lrd I ' S00. 00 Green Candle Dance Company 85,08 '7 Serpentine Gallen. 3,093,000! 6 well prrlllr Films I-rd 1,500,0011 Shoham JeN. asingh Dancc Company 8:3,82 2 (.oraundwork ° I lackno, 79,000 5lobhall Dal"iC5 Dance Colnparly 37,202 Hackney Community College 141 .180 Skcline Films and'1'dc%kion Productions Ltd 750,0(1(1 I lacknev Fmpirr Lrd 1,500,000 Soho Thcatrc C:ompanc 3,432,(100 Hampstead Theatre Lrd 127 346 Son of 7Aphvr Films '750,000 I larringav Club 26,000 Sourll Rank Centre 1)6,217 Iiarrocy Art, Council 29,025 S1H1tll Hank Centre 1,200,000 1 iaveremes Girls' Marching Band 19,000 South Bank Employers' Group 1,0(0,000 Holo,:atm Educational Tnlsr I Wallenlxrt; Appeal1 60,0011 South Bank Empioyers ' Group 950,000 Institute of [ onrcmll, inin . Arts Ltd 344.540 South I ondun Barbc•rshl/p Harmony Club 6,000 Institute of Contemporary Arts Ltd 1)4,25(1 SontfMark 1'laylitmw 97 .3 0 Interchange Studios tThe Hamden Trust 4,8511,000 Spitalficlds Festival I .td 104, 7 1 4 Intrinsic( Films k0 900,0110 Sr.lge One Theatre C 1111pany 6,- Islington Council (Islington Ecologv Ccntre) 90,000 Srokc Newington School 20,600 Kennedy NIcllor 469, 727 Sursivors•I'vern 61,8()2 Libcrtas Charities Group 92,000 ' Iapslm Srecl Films Ltd 2,000,000 London BWXMgh 4Bromlev 592,500 Tapson Steel Films I .td 25,000 London Borough of Bromlel• 91,500 '(cam I'll Lures Ltd 697,742 London Borough of Ixwisham j4,5uO 111e Art in Perperuity Trust 27,000 Londnn Bubble 48,916 The Art of Change 99,-500 London Electronic arts 200,000 IThc Circus Space 86,000 London Electronic Arts 2,802,997 The F,nficld Girls ' Youth Marching Band 26,861 ) London ~iusici.lns' ('nllccticc Ltd -5,591 T1lc European Theatre Compart Ltd 19,34 - Synlphonl' Orchestra Ltd 79,575- 711' Friends of Sr James, Norlands 42,06 7 Long ti)rd Con1111nnity School 48,000 Zile Gnltxr Brothers ( Entrepreneurs) 1_td 980,00 0 1 .vricTllcatrc lianrmer%mith 78O,O()() - file LawmerFoundarion 96,75 2 Nial',l PnxtuCtions, Ltd 8.162 111' Nagle [ .-Ircle 4 3 Slethod &Madness 411,373 The \cxk Pro ducers .Alliancc I\PA1 30,(91) Mondial Television 413.000 117e October Uallerv 32.034 National louthThcatre of Great Britain 1,'58,750 The Other Cinema .tilctiyi Cinemas 22,29 8 New Queens Hall Orchestra 20,000 lit: People Show Ltd 478,33 9 Normal Film ,. 84,000 "111'• Quesrors 'Illearre 667,501 ! Oddsocks Protl uctions 88,983 ' 111c Riverside Trust 70,000



. 4)01 The Sam Collins Thcatrc 2- . 00f i l'rudho Arts Trux ;09 f Tte Srtunccrn African Cultura l RO,chill am Trust I .rd 2 ;6.933 6?i .KVS & Welfare Al N4 kianiIn : .SAC AVA 63 .000 Scala Pr, )ductltlrl, Lid Vic Stan- Night Film G nttpam Lal ~;90 .(10 0 SCdecticId C ommuntrr ( ., dlcgc - 5 .1)00 The Tal,ernacle Trus t 3 , f119 , 45 1 spcnmrn(m)rTr,a;n Rand 50.000 Tlcarre Pur Lid 52-145 Sustrans 90,000 Triccclc Theatre C ornpam Lt d 2,054 .89 1 - Ece,dalc Cult1ma11 tT% Rcururcc, 64,41( ) Turtle Kct .art, Ccntrc 2- '3 - I he Rarracuda, Real Canlia•al Ralld 51 .23; V :lid I)anre ( umpan a 9_,110[ I - I'hc C:urnhna Theatre Trust Lt d Video Engineering & Training Lt d 94 .3 2( I -I-ltc ( cntun' 171catre Lt.d 100,000 Wi-m(rc Hall 135,00 0 The Cumbria Theatre Tns,t Lt d .000 Youn ;: f cr+, in,' Ginccrt E r undati,>n 20-9 .; 1 The Cctatun Theatre Lid 3,01)(I Ttc CU%T(1111, House 61,45 0 7 Total rapwu iT qurs 14;,n S 7 , . .;4 E-hc Grizcdalc Soclen' 391,0[1 ) The Nltrth Eastern IndnSrrics liras, Rand 41.-90 SrainLcatum itrmrr~ 1 'Itc N, jrthcrlt Ajt, kLirkctur, ( :r) . Lrd ;4,SOO Rlackhearh Cttnccrr Hall , 03,f)fif l The St 14thn; Resrorarwn and Dc•,'ckrpmcnt Trust 42,000 L,,ndun Sa-ntph,tm Orchcsrr a 122.000 Thcitrc Sans Fronticrc, Isd 43.370 Tara Arts Group I .t d 66.000I Tudh,w•(nangcSchca)l( .,,nCMBand 49.30 3 1% nc 1, Wcar llct cl, spnlcat Ca lrlu lratiun 9) - (1 .000 Tnral m7bllimt1vrl w-wa c 241 .000 I :k nc & Wcar Huilding, Preserca6 m Trust 100,000 ' linedalC CInsrtCll 011 hchalf lt l The K1c'Ider Rirtncrship 97l .000 Total London Arts Board grant s 145.ti28 ._34 L*ill tr,in , dNeu :a,rlc-ulxm-[i'nc l S,[1f11 1 1'ickc•rs 1'rluth Rr,a,s I (L500 3ti .026 1! 1 t I it s car . L'2 a- ;68,653 w al rranstrrrcd 1:1 r Wanshcck's Ashin tun C,tllicrt liand Nc . . ti .l ilcr 's 11clk Ltd from the Sadlcr's WCHS 1 : 1411fidatiatn . W"r(,unthc•rl,ulcl Choral S,kicr,' S, 1)83, Whlrcllalc1113rass lialld 2,3,45 2 Northern Arts Board Yar,ta & 1)1,trt :r111' .1%%Mimi 61 .)16 5

(',r,vrrrl tnarrr,• Ti+ral capital gmnti 17. 1 AIICnd,11C 1'ilhj Hal l 9,00 0 kr(w li,,, n 11 .111 Tnmcc• s 6,550 `;rab&sirtirrn -arlt, MiK)cla.xc litx)k, I-r d 35 .8(10 Northern SlntOnla 0111:Crt S06c•r1" Ltd 96,00 0 Ruleleut C01Gcr1' liras% $an d 35,[)11 - Bres,•en• Arrs (ic•ntrc l 99-,95 3 Yiitn! ataGiliratnrrr r7+'art t ; 96,(1[ N 1 ( ,lrlWc• [ in ( Itlnci I 60,00 0 ( :atftcciral Church „f St Nichltlas 32 .919) l C nrre for the ('hildren's li l t,t k 27,004) Total Northern Arts Board grants I -.nh0 ~~I 1

Chaphincl t(r,he Arts & 1(rcre.uum Ili the NurTli Fas t 9, ,(111[ 1 (din' i d'Stimicrl .u,d 11 - ihr,tric, and Arts r 9°,(IO[ I

Cnlxland Rl,rentl l1 C'ctunci l 103.259 Nort h West Arts Board (~roitlands Int :mt .' S:huu l 17.40 0 Cnml,ria arts in F:du :ati„ n -k2 .hnr1 < altrrnl ir•arrt r Cumbria C mrirv Counci l k2,11(1(1 liti„n P .ta rn [ ulnntunin' arts Ltci 91,1 - ' Dance C :1r r 52„350 Icti(lll rrt - 111C .11TV 51,`1 5 i D, H cent Arcs ( .cnrrc 0 256,750 Al-I Space MCYseV%1LIC I .td S?, - St 59.96 F.,, , rcnu>nt Tim It Ban d 36.860 an, AN)w Manchcstcr Lttl 4 F-,cr' Rc .ldt Rand -9,300 AsIm i n-th Rras Rand >0,00 0 First Aci Theatre Contham Lrd .19,5()O 1+c,trc Nicrur,ldr Trust I,1,11(If 1 Fishhurn Brass lian d 14 .125 13aldcrsttinc Rrass 11,111d 32, 40 0 Fltrncss A551kiation4)f Brass [land s 13c,sc, ( )'Th'l3arn gland 44.00 1 C p l Gr+,up Rand 1OCHCC• 60,411 Rla: kh, o 0l Or,wd Theme-c 6N I ,110 0 C ;atesli ad .Nricinyolirsn Rwough(,lunci l 5X4,000 liluceuar Arts ( :cnnr 77, 250 1 " 0 GICnIu,Irttc Ibc-urc ( . 1-4 A T 6,5311 ( pads Thcait'c Colttl ,am' 20,00 liigh Spcu 1,hw 1)lamwid, Rappc r ( .h .tpcl cn Ic Frith 1 ;n,i, Rand 3-.476 Sword D.111cc• Tca m 2 .633 ( :hcshirc (100[[4 ('rmn :il 7 .000 I [nrdC11 ( ',011C1P Rin d -0 . 8 [ (,[,1'11('1'111 It1,V I . 1 S .I k Tlotl~ltt, nl lir.t, s 44,000 C)nk, de C ;rACC H1111, 1 2 .500 [r•e,llopchurn I)ianxmd 1u1111re l .ircrar_c InSTITUR• 69,426 Di X ; I)t 61,146 King Gcol-Lw (',,mpi-clicilstcc Schoo l 1(1,1)0(1 FLh C I Till ( )I legc o1' Higher E.dn :ation -1 4,48 9 [ .,tkc District SumnerMusi: Lt d 211 . -9n F.llckrrtcrc 1',rcr and Nc,tun Bnrnngh Cmuml IO,xo o \will F,a,r Theatre Trus t 77,94)(1 k .llessttere I',trr and Nc,hrll I ;rlrott g h ( :uun:il 375,50 4 Northern k'r'eetirrnl Li d 45,039 l:n lis p 1~,nring lhcarre 99,64 0 l'c , ,1C(X)kI 111:},S Ran d 34,195 F1t',t Ritc T}tratrc ill Fdtt:a61 to ollipanr - ,[101 1 Pcnrith \lnsl: C loll ,1 , (11)(1 First lake 1,cIO Ltd 95,69 4 Penrirlt 1'Iacc•rs Theatr e 2 9,4110 Freshmen I)runt attd 1111 , 'IC Corps 23?() 4 1'ir .ull,a I'llulcrs Stccl li ;tn d 32,5113 hrod .shant C.Knmttnitt Asso :iatitat ,; 9, 6, 4 PIi,nl Art, 5,440 ( ;,allcrc Id, ( Anltclttl,r,r.u~ Architecture Y 1)0i„n _'75,100

1 12 1h rl+7c ('n1uriltt1'EnjT1nnd 1 11()6 9 -

L £ £ £

C ;lr,ss, opdale C oninl rnin• College Band ' Irust 32,610 ['egasus -l -heatrc• Hone ofOxford luurh Thcarre l 76,78 5 InVell Scttlptrtrc Trail Partnership 2,316,730 P(xole Arts Centre Association 6,00 0 Knto Sc•rwi Ltd (Kuut Film Club) 14,862 Progress Thearre 153,00 0 Know slrt,lictro,}xoliran Borough Council 10,000 Ricer Films (l-V oodlandcrs) Ltd 1,00{),0[1 0 hrn,nclcr :\Serrnl,nlir,,n RorroUgh Council 367,790 Riccr Films ~ Wo Xhllandcrs} Lrd 400,00 0 Lancaster Cin- Council 68,138 S i lishun- Arts Thearre Ltd 1,476.14 3 1lancltcstet C :in• COL1i61 Iwlj 00 tiololt PcoplcV11hearrc 36,67 7 `lancho:swr Intcrnat,r,nal Arts 13,50() Stcvc Rocs Foundation for the Arts 295,00 0 llersetsidcYoking People's -Il,carreCompany I .td 41,400 Stront•stscldPlas-crs 12,[4 8 Mosslct Amartttr Ot-ocraric & 1)rarnaric Socicn' 64,260 SWMdos, I'eg.tsus Brass Rand Stxicn' 99,98 4 Mosslev Brass Band 27,205 `I'hc Rourncmotrdt and Pcorale College Moston -Mrthodist and Rcstt'ick Band 47,00() of Fu Hier education 1,835,75 6 4lrotiola 37,639 1-hc Mounthartcn School 380,437, Nov Barracks Icfant Managcnieitt Co-i ipcranve Ltd 7,069 The Nordcn Farm Centrt -I nisr Ltd 472,90 0 Octagon'111carrc Trust Ltd 1,684,768 'lltc Old Barh House and Communin• Centre , Oldham Ctrliscum Theatre Ltd 84,500 Wolverton Lrd 151 .934 Open Ear Gallery 99,550 ' lie Portsmouth Platers 181,95 0 Padgatt High Schrx,l 15,930 Trading; Faces {Arts) 50,09 8 Partingron I"Itc•atrc Club 17,1100 - Traditional Arts Projccrs ( ' I"APS) 1-rd 23,27 :; Pilling; Juhiicc Silver Band .33,835 1rustces of the Victoria Rooms 54,01 0 Po}'nron Plavcr.s An,areur I)ran,atic Siwicn! 25,574 Wantag;c Sitter ]sand 64,464 Pr,ann in lcouth Bracy Band 55,800 War rave -l-heatrc Workshop 5,276 Preston Borough Council 4,092,42 Warcrship Brass 43,75 0 Radio Lion, Chcstcr 's Hospital Radio 10,000 'r'v'avendon Allklu%ic flan Ltd 2,723,28 4 Raintirrd Silver Band 70,000 West Lavingron Parish Council 100,70 0 Ro% ,,tl Northern Giliegc of MLisic 84,000 Wilton 8` 1)i,rrict 1 'rutrh Band 43,711 1 Salli,rd Cirv Council 41,000,000 Winchester Thearrc Fund 2,151,75 0 South Ribble Boroo-li COLincil 192 .93 7 Sr Chad's Church, Nei• .Moston 95,606 Trrral capital rlrattrs 13,41 -5,079 St'I'homas More Yourh'I'hcatr-e 13,54 7 Thi liraSShuP4krs 44.852 57abildratinrrgrattts the Urchatra of the Golden Arc 98,725 Bournemouth Orchestras 94,004 1 The Parr Band (St Hclcns~ 25 .936 Hampshire C;lolrnn' Canu7rtiLlm 159,00 0 The Pctdlc HippWrome Thearre Ltd 17,56 0 The Royal Exch ;mge 3,200,000 IntafstnbrksrxranrFgrautc 253,041 0 The Whitworth Vale and Hcalcv Band 47,92 4 -rinnc istle Band 42,29 1 United Nonvesr Co-operarites Total Southern Arts Board grants 13.668,),' 9 Normid 2000 Brass Ranh 36,69 1) I.'nirv 1-heatrc W00 0 Unim Theatre 9537, .374 South East Arts Board Whallet Range :Ill Srars 211, 7 9 153 wan ]611111 j,trz Orchcsrra 85 .931 Capital Ara m I31rchington Silver Band 30,50 0 Brigltnm Borough Council 8645 0 Total North West Arts Board grants ~_8,949 505 Brighton Festival 412,50 0 Brighton -theatre Events 37,92 2 Brinsh Instirurc of Riograplnt 94,00 0 Southern Arts Board Clianncl -Thcarre Trust I..td 49 . 110 1 Cin• Screen Lrd 12(, 7 { apiral~;artts C~,htatThearre Irusr 71,004 1 Ashburton Hand Bcll Ringers 5,004 Cranbn.xok and District Ouirak Slxicn- 5,20 0 Bournemouth University- 70,000 Cranlcigh Arts Centre Lid 1 .0-5 6 .00 0 Chokes Siltcr Band 39,414 Darrford Grammar S:ho of 54),1}1) 0 ( orncliuc iC flutes I'rrxiuitions 28,800 Egham Band 25,00 0 Co-sham Concert Brass Band 20,700 Farnham Makings Association I limited bt• guarantc•ei 57,00 0 D.idadrum Communirt Music Association 26.632 Formic Charitable trust I.td - Friends of }iastlci h Bnrnu-h Council 557.4)(40 St Marv in the C ;atr1c 1,362,26 3 Fasrleigh Borough Marching Youth Band 49,980 Friends of Music in Matficld,,Mat•ficld Festival 20,00 0 Fatvlct Parish 6,800 Fiaslentcrc Iiitt'n Band 44,79 2 1 orest Forge Tltcatrc Contpant 493,7 58 Hcnticid Pillage Hall'Enr;t 42,50 0 Harh„ur Lights Cinema 37.4,213 Hextablc Schtxtl 45,05 0 Ilan Male Voice Choir 8,100 Lighrhousc Arts and Training Ltd 344,83 2 Horndean Campus 50,000 London Okxra Plavcrs 9,21 6 Hrirndean Communitt Assrxiarion 28,588 Mel€wav Little theatre Ltd 2 .1.000 Isle of Wight Vidco Camera Club 7,660 1letrogxAc Arts Centre Tnvst, Folkestone 66,94 1 Mengham Infant Schtx,l 20,160 lfoic Miley Silver Band 3-4,05 8 1lilron Ketnes Pritttmakcrs 27,000 Noma li Platers I .td 911,000 Partnerships Arts Programme 34,488 Rainhain and Wigmore G?n,nttrnity k;sociation 16,972

11 3

L £ €

Ri truer DI,TrIct C+luncil 5- 00.000 \ -- 0C . - Il ()9,--,,66(j

S( LITh Duu' s % ' ido P and Film \takers 9.900 I'e li r"K,, Srrccr ) r .lrc \Iana~erlac s Roars; 563.95 5 SuutlntickC:emTtnuninA,%ociation 113-.0(10 I'rl :dcrlrl ; Ilra,sRand 1 -.550 SLtrrC\ Hrarh RunxlLh (ArLII1CII 08;,531 Plll :,u-cll S6 cr Band 1600 0 Surrt Prot,an,sn Sen'tec 26."'34 P)Vmr,uTh MLIMCalActi\iric-, Clu1+ 15 .53 1 ti LISSCx Brass , Hastiap . 39.429 Poul 1,che>„1 &- Communin- CAIlletar _"_ .51)1 1 Susscx Symph1 m\' ()rchc,rra 3(I .163 Prcma Arts Centrc -4,64( 1 Talking \e\rsk+alxr Associant in of ncc: UK 54,14 - Real Radio and Telcsasion Ltd 49 .1,12 2 The Altri,vm 1l 'ar Memorial Hall Shcrht)rnc Kmsc , Sherhorne, Trust 1995 Isd -`4 .000 'Manaacmcnt Crlnlmirrcc [93.5-5 Shirr Tratnla, WorkshiipS 314,5- 1 The \la-mm Carta Sclvx)l -2 .000 Spacrx 1_tll 19 . ;00 Thc ()ILI Market Trust ,The Kim %-cr Rand Trrtst l-'_1)(111 Svmtmdshun- Arts Villa,-, c Fmcrpri,e The Orphcus Trim 10 13 .625 TcignmuLlth Communin Collc-c 3~,U0( 1 The 0\tcd R .md 31 .149 The Asscmlll\ Roosts of Glasronllun Ltd 5 .201 !

The Royal SCIlu411 Of Church Music 1 .15,,{10U The Chuughs lVhcelchair Dance Tram 31 .5(1 0 The Surre\ Insrinm: of At-r \ DcS4-n ?811 .000 Thc Darringu m I Lill Trust 1,616,33 3 Tltc tiurrl r In tlrutc of Art Dcsi-n 60-000 The \arinn .tl li loth CcnTrr tilt th e -I ' hc ' [udclc\' Fcstival &- Tudcie\-Chu1-Ch Pcrformim, Arts NYC1'A i 80 .008 I)isrricr Commirrrc (1,(1(11) The Tacchi-M, -rris Ccntrc 54,00 8 The 1Vindlcsham R"urkln,, \Icn s lnstimtc 149.)i00 Thcatrz Alibi 89,52 9 li'inttc Thcatrc 111d Arts Ccntrc Ltli 4-3.159 Tirrha\' 13ornu,h CoLUlcil 441 .580 L'ckfic'Id Concerr Brass .illmoo Wass 1Cirll Words 54 .00 U W.tln m-, mTh,tmc< Cl lnlmunin Arts ru.t 94,000 1.VC% 110LIth ( tllc:,c 40,00 0 11'crhridl ;c,Maly\wiryChoir 1 7.4WrtrnTrust 87 .35- 1l hirst .INC Bras\ 1 11?5O YCt1\'iI TN I113and 52,00 0 L~'uking 4 . 1utc tia,riere h(,U1YI 1 Y%(innr Arnlud Thc ;lv'c 45,0110 Total South West Arts Board grants 10,0, ..M .,,4 7 4

Total South East Arts Board grants l 2 .4116,11 West Midlands Arts Boar d

South West Arts Board (alwai rrl anu .Arum] 40 .16 1 Cgpiral grant± Alccstcr Vicn1l'ia Rand '4,02 6 C ;h :7ml7agnr` C :urn\\',tll I 1I,u'6crs11o4, Chorusl 8,46 :; Arts \Iarkcrm(, li'.irwckshirc 95,21 9 Art Shape Ltd h1r Ookiccstershirc Awnt)ank F\'c'shx))l llr,tss Rand - 60,20 I Framc%L i wk ( unurrritml 78,500 R :11111x1' Thcan-c 95 .1 S 5 li .lrnsrarlc aild I )isrricr Cha171hcr of Commerce Sti, l ] ; Rxl Lti-adC Thcatre'Crust 04,000 13,1th AlSbcr with Sr I ; mc% Parochial P,cllc V 11C Prillian Nch1 inl 84,601 1 Church Cnllllill 194.9711 IlIrmin"11,1111 ( Cnti-C fur Ars Thcr,lpwt 11000 llishop 5nttun 1'illayc I [all S((,8(N1 Rirnlingllaln ( :in' Council 99,35)8 Ifi-cwhousc I hearIL' Gild HITS CC111CIT l .[d 9") 2,n- (11) Rif"1111T1gl1,1111 ( iT\' ( .01,1111 ll MUSx11n1 S Ili-MOl Hcbrcu' ('oL1,VC111 .Iril)n 46, 706 Auld ArtGallen' f 26,986 Rristnl C)ILI Vic Trust Lrd 06050 Rrrmim,harll Intcrnatlon,ll l .trz FCSIi\al l,W I ( " 08 3 ( hclrcnll,lm Art C4a11cr\ and \luscunn 1 5,280 131rnlingham \Music .Syr\ ire 1f,5 .U00

CSTICr-ti,rd AI - t SllaCL' 111 .59{) Iiirnlingham Rxalkr's ' & Writers' FCS6\-al 15,042

(lircuIIICJi,l 49,5(151 Rirl-I'MI> 0,1111 RCIICITnr\' l hr .ltre f .ni s, -5oo

(_1rl' 1)t Irllru Rl,lss Band n .;,409 RrCN " h11L1%V Art, ( . Cmrv 3014,--, x111'1111'all Arts NCtvv Birk .12{! llrld ,~nl it dl Cl lr1110 - lllt,lnt SChnul 10 .000 rcaycll an lint, bland ( :cntT.cTrust 10 .508 Rrid,niWth Ludt -\\cd Sihnol 0301 ! Iran Clow Scha,u] 1,1100,I100 Kridgttm n ( onccrt Sho\c Rarld 4 ,444 I)rshrool, & District Ault 1"()icc Choir 7,ooo Rrnuksidc C(Amr% Primarv~ Schur ;1 26,QN O 1_sren'cr Cununurlin' Cullc c Esru\cr hut-T,>n Communite Rand 55.100 Pcrc ussic m Prujcci -20 .000 ((WRA - Statli,rd (,arihhcan assunariun ;I1,[10 U I ,u rings 117 nr'ncc l lcnv rri .ll 11 .111 98,00( ! C it\ tit rccn I rd 092,25 0 F)ll, tiuut1111~'st 55,203 C1mlm Sin '-rrs ( he it 5,40 0 Forkhcard l°,II1LdS ' 3[03 .831 1ILI&r\ _\Sctl'ol7ulitan Ili 111,0 Cuuniil 50.55 2 1-1-cmin1T,ton R11 - ish Hall \laEldQl'ITIxIl[ (f11111171fI1' l' ,14 .1 .;4 1)II&C\' \ imc (,l'Ittrc ?I,33ti (,h,llil'Sh'1'S11I1'ti COMM' C011iml 100 .800 H ar Sllll)ul 01 Musty 56.000 6nddliall Arrs C oirrc 324,000 h,\ ( atl7clira 36,;4 1 I-IeMiPlll C l}1151111In1 t'V- Ccmrc :AsSnCiarl()n 1 4-IC(A V 58,6\(1 FIleI1d.S 111 Ru~ls4 \InSlc CCilt t'C 1 47,0(1{) I Iunlhhr\ Da\ \ Schnul 15 .000 l-ricnds of Stokc \urtlt Music Ccnirc lt] _41 3 Jackdaws L-dncarinnal Trust 20,000 C :CrsC `l ,hcatrc Clmpam' -9,7(1 4 kc\'ilshalIl CaC,llll'i'S Y01all \1 :11x0111 Band SS,03ti r ;r,lnll 'I hcatre, WOk cI-hatnpllFll 100,00 0 1x4111 hr'id~e\ilcc' RX Id Sl,hb\ C4rntlncl\s(lrkCowr7R'\' 2UfY,I)fl 8 ICncchi,I) Theam: 45,000 f Tcarthrcak Prmiuctiolls 30-1N 4 \larldollOY`Si17 Lc\1lnardClub 8j) 10 1lel-Ci6rd&1V()rcCSttr( iLIMVC1)nnCll ,358,52 1 Nc\\' Palace{.CnTl'x ,1) .[11)() Ilereturd Cm C1,1111cil 3 , 2(71) IIc\Pllll .l5' R .lild \, 1 I 1-17r;hhLll'1' 11)Carrc' CCllrre I Jd 89 .04'1. Ni,rth Dc\nrl DiStrlct Council 2j)47_, 1J I"l ghlc\' Band 13 .962

114 l'bc,-Ir•ts (;r,uulil of"Flrrtl,Trut IQc)(i'r ) -

L L £ £

Ikon Gallen: 838,047 Campass'Flicatre Company (Actora Cabal Ltd) 36,372 Ironbridge ()pen Air \luscum of 8teei Sculptors 19 . Of) Crofton Silver Banc{ 44,668 Jazz Cotirntn' 4.675 ])arts - Donc .tstcr ' s Communin• Arts Project 1,11 ],170 Juhilcc Arts G=mpanv Ltd 400,004) Fast Riding Ctunt Choir 26,13 9 Lichfield Festival 68 .71 7 hasT Thirsk (ommunin• Association 5,25 7 ] .ion Ballrtxun I .til 115 .976 Eiland Silt'cr Banc] 51,246 Ludlow &- District Conimunin- As-sociarion Lrd 824.500 Fscafeld 111•ass Band 49, :10(1 Siadcles Parish Council 45,000 Eor:ed Entertairurtent 90 .784 \lalvern Festival -lheatrc Trust ] .td 5,087,640 Fruabat'I -hcatrc for Children 19,79 7 ,\idlands Arts Centre 750,000 Gauthorlx lirass'85 45,001 1 ,\406011110usc 48,(!(17 Gen"k hrojecr 316,20 6 Narional A suciari,m of Youth "Ihcarres Co . Ltd 35,34 .1 Gcurgian'Flicatre Roval (Richittond) Trust I .td 3(),00( 1 Ncucasclc MI 01.111 Community Centre 15,300 Gcrbera Films Ltd 21.00 0 cAtcm n Cultural Project l .td, 'lhc Drum 1,800,00(1 Hcnshaw 's Scx-ict' fort]tc Blind 1,8-57?60 Open Theatre Compam 98,576 Hunilxrsidc 'Iheatre in Education Ltd 54.00 0 Patcshall I Tall, Allensmorc 6,2(10 Ilklec Placers 544,61 1 Rhvn Park Schtx,l 520,625 Kippax RJB Band 50,()0O Ridgew(x)d I ligh Sch(x)I 67'.250 Kirklces Art Space Socien , 98,14 1 Rolls-Rowe i ( : wcnm-i Band 66 .1351 Kirklces MCtn)lx)htan Council 112,84 7 Koval Britt0i i .cgion ZVvrr Forest Youth Band 54,365 Kirklccs -Flicarrc TrList 1 .033,83 7 Shire Uak Grant Maintained (,(xnmunin• Schrx,l 27,000 Slajor Road 19,70 0 (Aninry Council 7,000 Mika-mi 77icatre Company Ltd 26,(x1-5 St Alban's Organ Rcstoraritm Appeal 43 .831 Mimika - I'hCarre 26,501 ) Stan ' s Cafe'l-heatre 87,781 NorTh Stars Srccl C)rche•srra 75,75 6 Stokc-on = l-rent-Rcpcrton• ] .td 761,6118 Northern BalletThearre I .rd (NBT) 22,50 0 Stokc•on : FrentCin•Council 14,866,000 Northern 5chcx)l ofConrenifxtntn . I .rose I .eed.s 6-50,00 0 - Famu•orth 'vials \oi :C Choir 10,241 0stnonccrlc\ Village Hall 43,00 0 'I'hc Burton Borough Schcx,l 27,000 PhutoAKTS 2000 104,00 0 The Custard F$Cron' 2$,220 Poppleron Road \ierttorial I Lill 24,52 8 'Fhc• horntsron School 2 .9411,295 Public Arts 5;',500 The Rocal Shakeslnarc C)mpanc 100,000 Red I .aader'I'heatre Carmpam 71,429 Ilie Rocal Shakespeare Company 247.500 Sc;trh0rortgh -FhcatrC I]cti-elopment Trust IAl 98,000 Tflc Hill VVixxl School 250,962 S:arborough'Flteatrc - Frusr Lrd 99,11(1( 1 Vision I Inmes Assr,ciation 67,000 Scarborough Thcatrc Trust Lrd 600,000 Walsall Ntuscurn and Art Gallen , 15, 5(1,01111 5hi'€"€idd Mcdla and Fxhtbiti,?n cmr c Wary%ick Arrs Cenrre 3,143,038 GCOUp of Companies 3 .357.1 0 4\arscickshirc Fire r1; Rescue Sen•ice 37,0(111 Site Gallcrv 1 .310,83 1 Wcm Jubilcc Band 74,700 Skelinanthorpe Brass Band 59,472 Wolverhampton Borough Council 45,000 Skippko Arts 'lleam 7,72 9 Wolvcrhampron Borough Council 67,471 St tian•'s Yooth Thcatrc 7,293 Wolverhan[pton Borough Council 98.900 Srakc 84 - - 17ic YOTiCS11ire Schrx,l of Performing Am 95,000 Women &- Thcatrc 51,109 Stanlec Newmarket C t)Rien_- Band 37,800 Worcester arts (council 13 .810 The Act( in. of i tonv%us 50,-16, VVordslcv Aniarcur Dramatic Society 9 249 'ihc Bradti,rd Callen' 2,837,400 Wrekin Council 96 .5 ;8 The Faceless Company 40,61 1 'Lip Theatre 91,$76 I hC Old I),tir'v Studio% 9932 6 Thurcroff Welfare Band 34,200 Dralu[piraliyvauts 53 .33(081 Unit•crsin of l-luddcrsticld IIhC ; 93,33 8 1Vakcfield \ierrolx)litan Band% 56,14 1 .Srabilisariinr grams L4'ards BrcN%-Cn- (HinIandi liniss Band 33,36 0 Birmingham Reperton•Thearre Ltd 73,000 Wesr Yorkshire Playhontie 88 .00 0 Worker,' Education a] Association - lOtal sA3lJ1IL.fa1[n)l,TYIQ,[r_ 1 . 3 .000 Yorkslltre South Disrri(T 54,07 1 Yorkshire Art Circus 87,96 3 Y()rkshirc Arrspac'C &rcien I .td 120,(100 Total West Midlands Arts Board grants 53,409,881 No&-hir, Evcninq Akfr Band 37,84 1 Yorkshire Women Thcatrc 10,3-5 4

Yorkshire & Humberside Arts Board 7bral spiral r{ranrr 17.395.60 8

( .spiral pr'atlts stabilisation mints A:orn Video (Bradford l I .td 32,850 Shc€field Cin• NIUSCUrn Acrors' Workshop Youth Theatre 45,000 & \lappin Art Gallen, 125,(1(1 0 Arntthorpe Flmfield Band „ 7-9 Arts in Healthcare, Leeds 700,000 7nra? ~t;rrrlis,rtr;=n r?+•rr„r, 1251,000 Bin-lei• Grammar Sch(x)I 25,000 CS1' \irdia i Yorkshire) 3-5,7 5 0 Chapchown Silver Prize Band 32,250 Total Yorkshire & Humberside Arts Board grants 1-,490 .608 Chn•salis Arts 90,000 Cleethorpes Borough Council 286.199

il a The Arts Council must ensure that it does not solici t Statement of particular applications . compliance wit h During 1996 9- . the Arts Council aria the Rc,;i,ma l Arts Boards ItMis workcd ta) cnsurc the wldcst p()ssihlc policy and financia l a« arencss of arts I ortcrt- fundin .; . directions The Art ,., C(nlllcil alonc dealt with ovcr 15,000 enquiries durln,, the vcar, these lcd to 1 .33 1 eo ~mpIcted Lottery applications for the capital pro gramme, Therc Wa s issued under section 26 of th e wide puhlicin, for new initiatives launched in 1990. '97 National Lottery etc . Act 1993 Arts tor ,,'entmc, the pilot stahilisailum pr(} graninic, hlll t franchise ,,, and Hardin-, for dance and drama students . Arts tiar ) \cryonc, ti)r example, attracted ncarly 0,00 0 appl]caril }ris .

All application, are considered on their individual merits against huhliShCd criuria .

2 The Arts Council must ensure that it considers I applicabons across the full range of activities fo r which it has the authority to distribute money.

Arts COLHICil Lottery grants hair howfired all art forms - from drama and Visual arts to mime anal circus . Figure I shows the numhcr of grants any} the amount ofmonc v committed to each art form througgh the capital programm e in 1996/97 .

£120 m





£70 m

£60 m

£50 m

E40 m





A ` 4p NO e; a~° Q le IDA d` S` Xate

410 117 3 The Arts Council must distribute money for project s which promote the public good, including wide r public access . or charitable purposes, and which ar e not intended primarily for private gain .

Asscs>inc.; the public hcncfit 4 .1 proposed proicct 1% one Ofcightcritcria which the Arts Council applics to al l Lottery applications . This criterion underpins the \yhol c assessment process and inyoh-c, con,idcring the cunlulativc impact Ot tllc project .

Every ore. ani,aticm rccciying a Lortcry grant in 1996 9 - had to dcmOnstr :rrc tll .lt it, h1-Op0sa1s \yOuld bcncfit th e public by providing no:\\ or improved op1,<)rrunitics ti) r Pttblic cnjOymcnt Ot ; or p:u•ticip.ltion in, art, activities . Applicants had to produce evidence to show that thei r project \yOuld pry\"IdC I11aXII111.1111 IC Cs%lhlIItV to :11 1 scctlc>Ils Ot sOCicty.

1 he Alts Council place, particularc111phasis on the nccd s Ot'dis.lbled pcOplC . A11 or~ani .atiurn rccciyin" a Lnrtcry "rant had to cil,tu-c nlaXimurll ,14XCS ti )r di,.lhlcd p011,1c - ,is members ot• .ln audience, participants, artist, ul' CllTIOyccs . Applicants wcrc also required to includ e apprOpriatc disability .111d cquality training as part ot ' thc prujccr plan. and, wilcrc relevant, t toll access audit .

Fi„urc 3 dyes example, Ot hU\1' partli1,11 :1 1 . 111-()iC t, Wil l WiLiC11 public acccs, .

~\4h11t 1~ ..,

118 77~i .~ rrr ( ;nunir! n! F.' )r~lnur~ 190 U' 4 The Arts Council must distribute money for capita l expenditure on projects . It can only distribute mone y as endowments or revenue grants wher e

- such costs are associated with a capital project A rcvicxti of the policy on revenue and endowment grant s which has received or expects to receive mone y asu>ciatcd with capital proiccts concluded chat the Arts Council she luld continue not to award Such fund~, other -the project would otherwise not be complete d than in the most exceptional circumstances . :` No such grants because there is no other source of finance . wcre awarded in 1996/07 .

Tic capital programme provides ~rant~ for new buildings As a result of consultations tkgun in 1995/96, the and building inlprotcntetits ; the purchase ofcquiprncrtt , Ihpartment of'National Heritage authorised specifi c musical InStrllnlentF, vchicics, public art and othcr capita l schemes 1111 ' ok . 1' n,: n:\ , crltlc e\pctidir are . Thew were Arts itcnls; and film production . file 1vc1_\'o11e and funding tier dance and drama students (_rcc directions Hand 13 .) . Ill addition, a pilot stabilisation A review of the p lain capital programme, carried out i n prt>gr.unmc was announccd during; 1996/97 {sec direLtion 14) . 1996/97, concluded that the quality and appropriateness of building projects Could he improvo-1 with the introductior l of a three-sragc application process . 'hhc three stages arc : feasibilltV stucix; project dcx-clopmcnr, and building and fit - out costs . New t;uidancc notes an k l application packs wil l be published in Str111111er 1997 .

At the s far app l corn rn 0 not Inv(

GI 6 The Arts Council must consider the viability o f Projects must include a significant element o f projects and, in particular, the need for resource s partnership funding and/or a contribution in kind fro m to be available to meet any running or maintenanc e other sources . costs associated with the project for a reasonabl e period, taking into account the size and nature of th e The govcnimcnt requires all Lr,rrrn applications to in:ludc project . a significant lc\-cl of support from other Sources . As well as makim , Lottcrv monev ur r filrthcr this also helps t o Financial %-iahillt\ and qu .tllrt• of management is one of th e demonstrate that the local communitn and , or other t>t,eilc% eight criteria applied ro all Lotter- applications . Grants «il l arc a,mmirted to a project . not he a1% arded unless projccrs can meet this criterion , satisfying the .-\rts Council that thec have the fln .inclal an d Tlic amount of parmcrship tilnding required varies bctn v ccn management resources to run the project and make die hes t pro`,ranimcs and according to the size of the project . use of it after completion . Organisations applying ttrr more than 1100,000 throu g h the Capital pro l;ranllile nerd at bast 25`?i) partnershi p On r anisations receiving Lottcrv grants in 1996 97 had r o funding. applications for 1100,000 or less need at ]cast demonstrate that funding for their projcct was secure an d I0" i,. The Arts Council xc ill tilnd buildin1 feasibilin- studie s sufficient to last ti,r a reasonable period after coniplction o f to a niaximt(nl of %>`!i, of total Costs . For film production , the project. Applicants \t crc also required to Consider hoer the maximum grant is 509'o . their project could contribute to the organic W )II's long - , , term financial stahilln•, for cxaniplc, h Y reducin g, running .-arts tnr EVen onc require , pre,lCcts to raise Kot\1 cell IWi6 costs or increasing; earned income . Where new hlllldlI hIs arc and I D"ir 1 1,11-trn•rship filndin", drpCndin~ 01) die SizC I rfthc irnoh-ed, the assessment Concentrates on the huildilig" s award. Letts ccn -YN) and 10"1) has to he ill cash . operational iahilin . Partnership fundin g for Lortcry projects conics frOnl a Work started on a t r aining; progralliliie li,r projcc t VaHcn of SO LINCS . For srnallrr projCCts, VolunrarV labou r managers on running a capital projcct . A new manual tie r small-scale fundralslug and ,gifts in kind .ire' often Important . assessors is also undcrwav. I .anycr Projects rcccivc money troll/ centr al and loca l z;c r~ crnmrnt, F.uropCan hodics or ncc pris•atc sectol•.

I - hC :\J-t% Council monitors the progress projects arc making in raising; part icrship tilnding .

;or 14 ,

1211 Vx .- r is Co a cil nrEy~a Rnri 1990 9 -

The Arts Council must obtain the informatio n necessary to make decisions, including independen t

expert advice where required . :c Arts Gm, 1, 11 decides Lotter• grant* u iti rlic lm i .

rdv icc gi%cif I-, flee I-trtterv I'arua Dk161)g 1990, 9 -

In 1996 ,97 the Regional Arts Boards and, through them , ncnfl)crs if the panel wcrc : local authorities, the British Film Institute, the Craft s I', .1L nt:c SkC11C (71,11MIAn l Council, the Arts Council's own specialisr,1cpartments an d C :b* other appropriare agencies gavc expert advice can cs'cn '

application that tell «w ithin their remit. 'Fo l4ethcr, the y completed 2,528 assessment reports .

All applications ON•er ~: 10(),()()O, ,1111 sonic below, arc P.IliliV 11', ticlLi (ll ; l considered by an independent assessor or assessors . "16n+ Pendc•r ( :Bi - Tllc Arts Council received 368 reports from Mdcpendcn t a .NS SSOrs in 1996/97 . Sir DJV1d Purtnanl ("BL. l,VJICtre RIWIr f apprinted Fchruan 199,

Film production projects are assessed h"N• the Productio n

Department of the British Film institute . Hillis with 1 fly I rttcry Panel is scrk-iced 17r the Arts C'otrncl l ' ., Lotter\ budgets a tf.L.500,000 and above arc also assessed by I } . , ,n X11 . v, he ),~c director is Jercmr Newton . At tllc

pre eduction experts and script readers . In 1996/97, projects Al 1996 97, there wcre 25 staff in th e

" . ith a budget of under cS00,000 were considered by ril e t iI1C 7 I 111 C- cnd , 4t rlic year tI1 k'crr 5) y .stall in i

Independent Film Assessment Panel . In future tills (unctio n . • I'1 1~' ;~? .':n .l tl~.~tl SCI'nl ~cHlti" .P, will he carried our I)v tltc Arts and I-ow-Budger Productio n

G.rmmittce, a sub-cornmittec of the AdOsorv panel on Film

As the volurne of Lottery apl Council is using an increasin,, was a series of seminars for a : the Lorter7• Division has car t skills . Largc or complex app l of specialist assessors, looki n

bus111eSS and access 1SPCCtS O

figure 3 provides informatio and Staffing . The Arts Council must not, if so instructed b y The Arts Council must address the needs of project s the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport , related to film and the moving image . distribute money to an organisation over whic h it has material influence or control . 1 1 , 199(-) 9 the arts C :(mncil Zu ardcd alms)-,t .! 4Sm t( , -1 film prc,jccts ; ',11 "f these ~%cre for film productic,n . In 1996 97, the arts C„tinCil did nc,t appr„%e any L„tter ~ Fundcd pr„siucti,ln, Hwhicicd liner_ which lvgan life a s rant to an o nr allisatl()n ()1•Cr which [t had 11111cria l an .APts Cc,uncil-fundcd pla%, anal Pqr i Su .' . I11flUe11CC r,r control . An extensive rcx ic« o ' the pilot funding, progr,lninie ti, r film pr,,~iucti{m. Crutlhletcd in 1996 97, resuIrcd in re\ isc d ,7' lirde 1 , 11es -(ON Crilnik 1110 d ',rrr l )urion nt hr(lLIL1CT1011 funs S .

"1 - 11c re` ie~~ a1u s ICLI ro r the estabhNhmcnt, if .l film Dcparrlllerlt within the 1 . ,ttcr~ DI\ isic,n . 7110 dcpartrlrenr is ulpporrcd h' a separmc Ads isuny Panel on Him, chaire d by Charles Denton . As ~\ ell a" prucluctinn fundin,,, th e

LICpa11111Crtt is c+nlecrrle.i k\ ith project development and disn-ihuti m, It u c rrks cl,,sch - n ith , ether film nr~anisari, nls , such as the British Film Institute and tllc Briri"h ticree n AdViM )IT C(,uncil .

In (ht+)her 1996, the Art" Cntulcil annc,unccd .1 nc\ti 61111 f-anchisin" "chc111c .,,ttcri11 1T Up t„ tuurcumnlrrci .l l franchise" . B1' the hehrllar 199, clc,"irl', dart: there wer c 37aphlicati, nls fi,r the tranchiscs. Kc\- criteria tier the WICitlc,n Of 111111 tranchisees include their ah111tV tl, : prcXltlC C quality film" ; dCI11e,r1stratC Commercial et 1 'CCmC11C"s In Tho r tl"C 4 LWMA 61111!" ; arnl cn"urr public aCCC"s Tc, tllCi r

!!ieJrrs Council ofF.b„tlrr,id I99h U -

10 1 1 The Arts Council must address the need s The Arts Council must aim for the highest standard s of projects related to crafts . of architectural quality and building design in funde d projects . In 19901 97, the ,errs Council awarded 16 Lotrcr• grant s worth lust over .C 5nl to proj' ccts uag crafts . QUAin- of design is one of the eight criteria which th e These Col Bred a diverse range of crafts and 111CILdr : Art,. C' nincil uses to assess Lotter' applications . The Arts COLHICil aims fur the highest .standards of archirecrura l • The Rt-Adt'Ord Gallcrv, a new centre of excellciwo : tin ' yualItV .and building design in Lotten'-fundcd }p rojects . Crafts and applied arts within the Bradford ,uld 1 ]klc\ ' Applicants must dCt11011StratC that, tur- CxanlplC: buildings Community Colic ge . The L'? . tim grant will help ]lrc,ride are well designed, well ccna%rrucred, ofhigh quality, and fi t

facilities for all levels Of%kill, as well as telloss'shi}~% til r tier purpose ; 110V [I LLIM111gs are Cn~ ironmcntall\' fr1111~111 ' s•OLI i; Craft%PC0p1C . and enegp- efficient, there is suitable means ofaccess fo r people with physical or other disabilities . • COBRA - Stafford Caribbcan Association - whic h rcccivcd a grant of-L.30,000 rowards repairs and As w0l as external assessment, the tarts Council use % refurhisliment of a Con1i11ur1in' cultural centre . specialist architeCtural advisers, its Architecture C-tJn1niittC e rc%•ic\s , , all Significant building design proposal" . • Medford Hospital NHS'Ertist, which is using its ~'?i 1,00 0 Lotter' grant to assisr with comilli%sioning archirccrura l glass, textiles and external sCulpnlrC aS part of th e &N-clopnacnt Ufa new maternity and paediatric wing .

1 ' # r'I ~ stfC, :llt~a' I <11 I ' ' ! ... . ? % r' . ~e ' ; :r -, ; 7 : :


12 Notwithstanding 4 above . the Arts Council shoul d Notwithstanding 4 above, the Arts Council shoul d consider the desirability of developing talents, skill s facilitate access to and participation in the arts, in a and creative abilities, particularly amongst youn g way which avoids long-term commitments that coul d people . This must be done in a way which avoid s reduce the amount available for future capital projects . long-term commitments that could limit the amoun t available for future capital projects . A nc%1 I_(lttcrv sc}lcme . Arts tier 1-., crt (It1r . Iaundhcd il l \()1 cnlt,cr 1496 . `rllc scheme 1 Ittrr, (1nc-(1tt rrt cr3ur `==rant ; t( ) ,mall ,remp,, a, well as c,mbli,hcd (,r~ani,atiun,_ tilr a will)[ r rangy <)tncw creativc arts projc :r,. Art, ti)r Ever •

T he arts t+ lr Fx rl -onc M.lin ,chenle (1tlers gr .mts ot'€,etweer l _ ~5 000 and 4,500 ' 000 t(1 pr(1tc„i(nlal :u1d .lmateur .lrr , yy ti~ (1t-,inisatl(ms with ill csrabli,hed rcc :(Ird . Over I MO O

(11-kT1Inisari(1115 had applied tier tiulding by the cnd of the tillall6al 1'e .u" ; t11C 111',t r..',1' .lll[, %Pill hC 11111(1111ILCLi in ,um111cr y d' 'Q 1 Off)" .

1I'[s I' W 1-.1 Cn•onc lapses 11 a, .1 1)11()t Scheme airlled prinl .u il l ,it\-(mth, %()ltintdI_V Mid ,mall p11)1C„ion .11 llr alli,ati~HIS , which may never Hare pl•C\'i(1n,11 I_CCCIVCd ill\ kind of

filndin" . Ir ofirrcd t ranr, (1lhrnl een L5110 alld 1 ;,000 an d attl'actcd n1'cr 4,700 ipplicatlonx . 1 }1c crllpha,ls ()11 1'(11111 } pc(1p1C I•Cflected in the,lpplicari(nl, a hiCh iWillde d teenage r()ck bands, .lrtis[s w(lrkim, with all i,cs (1t,e11(1() i childl-cn .llld lotln c(mtcmp(1rar1 dance groups, the tin t grant,, r() 2,025, pr(ljcct,, ll ere annuunccd in Ma1' 1997 ,

arts 6 )1- 1-:1Crl .onc a .1, de1'el1lpcd 6111m ino widespl- a d cl )nsult .itlmr in sunnier 1996 with the arrs, cduc .3tinn and 1'(luth sector,_ As .-art, t(1r L%crvmic Otter, (1ne-()t•I rclcnu e "milt, there are nn l( mg -tcrlll c(1111117nnicnts iffCC17I1 1 41 the binds aviilahlc tilr c .3piral pr()jecrs . 40 C Ill. March 1997. the Arts ('()uneil .1111)(ulnced derail, (1t a n i~ interim, valor Veal scltemC to the tirlldin" ()t pr(1ics,ion .1 1 training ti 1r dance, drama and ,tic man .i, ,Clnent ,tu(icnts . : 16 'H IC pltl'posc Ot ilic sdwnle Is to redtliC -,tlldent l ' ttlltl(111 C(),ts e. 'l hcc:lose the maj(lrity ( ltdance and drim .i srtrdcnt, artcnd independent r(111c"CS, the arc rcli 'lnt un privAte means (1 t N`W k404 0 supp111-t or distrcril 1r1 :1ry gnmrs . X11 arils 11 ill be made to pril .itc instirtlti(1t1, running accredite d 0 course, and rw() intakes ()f snldent, will benefit . (antra l 0 `lolernrllertt is al,() puttill- nl(1S1C1' 1nt(1 thc,chenle, which 1 , desl-nicd t(1 hridgc the 11ap until the OM'cl-nalrnt find, a 11101 - cquiClhle Ind 1 -er111ancrlt rilC .113, of All,p(lr•tirn" rr,linill" 611 7 O d:lllCc alld dr1111 .1 ,tlldcn[s .


Notwithstanding 4 above, the Arts Council shoul d . :,r 4 : Pil,,r ~tabiliation ati , r rd3 support the development of the long-term financia l and managerial capacity of arts organisations . Thi s ,rlC tCLJ for the pilot stahili.sati[)n should be done through a review of an organisation' s artistic purposes and operations conducted by i t with the aid of an independent person(s) approved by . i'. : r 111ratrc the Arts Council. This must be done in a way whic h t avoids long-term commitments that could reduc e 1", ' t II llc! ~ r the amount available for future capital projects .

A pilot stabilisation programme watt l'aLlilChCLi il l I .'1 ti ~~lJi1[ I September 1990, `l'llis aims to srrcngthen arrs org :ulis .M011 % aaI { )pcr a creativch; nlana}!Cl"tally and fII1 .1ncl.tlh; giving them th e i "1111-1 :arts ( clltrc'• ( nlsc)rtiti m opportunity to put themselves on a more secure financia l .loll, . ,\Lltlchcrc l f(H )ClIl1~ . II . { ,lnlhrld+,-T,L' l .l, 1 lei, .n Inpilcm\ {h-clicstra 'File scheme wor_% by placing high-level, specialist adviser s N,,rrhwm ',mt% nil. a at the heart of in organisation to Idclltlfv tile brh.lviotlra l Ywfncld Siliscuins ind Gi leric .s (,~)ns,irtitii n h cll.ulges neccss :u-y to achieyc stability. 'The advisers' rule .,., - I Arts Cirnu `... •t ,rk ,~hirc PhV110U .St: is to help organisarions develop long-term Sc)IUt Ons frUm within . Participants imly then 1-ccciY"C the iddition .ll fund s li, ti, necessarv to impleincnt their .stabilisation srrarcgic,, mi d I L r~ ;,lr~ [3f bGllC tor \atlonal I-leritagC als[, II+LICI I u reduce existing liabilities . " .11 L ill'cctMll " to the At Council t'C .f ['d 1111; lIti lnrnt, onitr( ol and lLCoLll1Mb11irV ti)r Ltmcry From 129 applications nccArcs Council selected 1 .5 FIC " c LI1rcctlons can be stimmarisrcl undcl ti)u1- organisations for the pilot stahilisancul programme . l•i rttitsircmrnts : Intplenlentation of " the pilot is espectcd to h1st abo u vcars and cost .C 15m . The 15 projects were chose n

so is to enable the .Axts Council t[) test the prograin with dif3crent n-pcs of arts on anisatic)ns, of diflcre r around England .

Figurc 4 lists the organisations s e stabilisation pro g ramme .

15 15 The Arts Council must abide by the Statement of The Arts Council must develop and enforce Financial !Requirements . a policy for dealing with conflicts of interest .

- I'lic Arts Council h a " II, ;dcd !, %I il ': titatcincnt cif Financial The .art. Council -,, Procedural }nL Include " ItegUirements in its ntafia,cnt01t dIld omtrcrl o I_utten - a riurou,l~ cntiirred hrrrccdtirc t:,r irh funding hendin `' ;. It• .t~tcn~. and practicc have been verificd applicati+rn ,. when: a C .uuncii or Panel n1C1?}hCr 11 .1s a n thr{ cstrrtial aucjit% hr dic National .•Vudit Office an d intcrc~t in the project under di~cu,sion . 7 Inc _-art', ( :ounci l the Ihpartmrnt of National Hcritagc . a, wtill a+ ri_. orou s altil I maintalns a mo-,tcr of intci-csts ti it all ,tAf. Panel a]Id internal audit . OIL11101 mcnibers . ti

,* 1 % r' v ]2(1 Ple . t. c :,lrruiit f~l f :nrrl,T~rri ! o'


1 7 18 The Arts Council should institute a system for project The Arts Council must provide a detaile d monitoring and evaluation for capital and revenu e breakdown of its Lottery administration cost s schemes supported with Lottery funds . at the end of the financial year.

In 11 :1\' 1996, the arts ('ouncil r,t blislicd i Lotter\' Projects Department, with resprmsihillry t 'OI• mrmi101*i11t, 1997 iLJ a{:

the progress of capiril schemes, and rhcrl c\-alu.ltin« than , II , T11c department \va, t'uIIy opcmtIomiJ by autim-in 1996 .

~1onitoring aCCI\'It1Cti Ir1C11ldC o1'el"SCC![1t pa1'r7lCrlt of grant, a sinst \greed,chcdulc, and enuring thar project, \\lee r the condition, of their award . Thor i, also furthe r evaluation after compHetion of a project . h The l_r>'tter\- Project. Department Oversa\\ i nunlhc r

Of special pilot srudics . °1 - hcse included r\vo pilot s, on :1 sciccrion of prrljccts ncuing completion, to cn,urc thee- had "I .1 ~nlct their ohjcctivc,, and 3 stud\' o1- a(} ITrass hand, i n i S nxclpr of 1_uttcr\' grant, . E1C',1'~,1"1~ILi,lli NIIiII' I ~Ilrcr~l ~11110 '11)1i 11)1111\(Ipcr1601 )

Award Projec t Appendix 1 Organisation amount value

Eastern Arts Board List of all projects F(>undan„c 11 .30(1 .(100 L ; .~I12 .r, 5 Bcl :,ln%% \Ius1c Tntst 1 .3 13o2 15nu .OIIU awarded grants over E100,000 Cnlchc,terArts(entrc L1 - 8,461 £1 .1-9.0-9 nlclie,tcr\ct, ThearreTnttir 1500 .000 L, 1625,1)00 during 1996/97 ( nnlmuntn .%Iu,tc East l .td L'l ;96?12 4:2 .128 .2831 I .cadcnham Village Hall 2000 L 109,X - 9 t 1 -9.74- New Buckcnhani Pillage hall Trust L294 .14 - L413J6 9 I'etcrlN )n,ut;h Art, (_(luncil L 146?05 1 l')- . 1)51 5 Sl,nah - 1- tics ICLlia (xntri Ltd L 1331 .005 ! l -- .3- ) South Holland DIsrrlet COU1uIl 12-4,000 02 .9 -2,0(1( 1 Southend-on-Sca Bomut;h 0nu11c11 1850 .000 L'-0.-40(1 .11(1( 1 The Bute Street Arc, ,old Media Tru%t I .td L3469.043 t'-4,650,1 -- "File Cambridge Arrs Tllcatrc Tru,t 1-5(1 .01)11 1 .280,-4-4 0 Winl;ticld Arts J711-6.-Ml 11 ?00,00 0

111),-4-43,9(,,4 L4l, 05,44 5

East Midlands Arts Boar d Ilcrl+t ( Its (nWICIi 1 1 .5 -3 .51111 11 .-x'),11(11 1 \l.ul,ticld I mi- Ict C(.tuncll 1'1,63[1,-4 l 12?31 .53 .4 \ltirrat lark Cornmurlitt S :11(101 (INI J 437,798 )_ 583,-3 0 The Enrcntattnn .tl Ybuth I1uu,c Prnlcet 1395 .420 -11421,860

14 .113-, 189 L5 .986, 130

London Arts Boar d 1( AV A L'972,785 1 1 .-482,-8 5 A( \1F. Hou,ill9As,10atnn1 Ltd 11,200,85' L 1 .-13,61 8 Auld,pe I UK Lid 155(l,f)00 1 .4, 100,000 Arti,an Film, I .td 1950 .0011 14 .3112,836 A,pidi,tr,11'I'odnetlolh Ltd L'1,000,000 L2 .70 .000 BFI 1'r,nlucti(m tlici,11n1111thc BI"lush HII11 111,17ItLIR' I L ,64,551 L -21 ) . 103 Bard F.nrcrlallllllclnr l .td 1:1,ow),Oilll I_{ ,~81),11110 13 .trtcrsca Art, Centre 1'810 .638 11,105,604 licnr hi :o luctions Lrd 1561,(1(10 12 .01 1 .000 Bloc Hornon IhVclOpnxCnu Ltd 1565,11110 t'2 .8 10 .000 Brlti,h Film hl,rinlre L'112,8 .43 L'I ;11,-45 - British Film lu,tirutc 15,000 .(W0 C8,994,000 British Film lnstitutc 110,000,O0O 11fLf1011,{(1( I Bronllev Ii,uth ,NlusicTnut 112-,500 1:1-11,080 ( .anlcra,cnrk Ltd L'325 .9 .;- L'+34,-3-4 ( Ic,ul lirc .tk ' l 'ItcatrcCotttp.ult 11,11.49 .11.41 11,398 - 2 1 Cr.tin Cg iuncil L'210,3-9 1280 .8- 9 Elba Filln, Ltd L91)8,000 1'2,1)50 .20 3 En4;li,h St .1ge0onlpanc Ltd 1' 4-- .000 L 1,204 .50 ; First Film Compan y Lid 1-;(1 .0(10 02 .200 .00 0 FomlLL11io,l I(W )1i Slu,iclans 1163,355 1219,02 3 Four CurmCI- l 1•ilnl Wcirk,hop L'2-4-,532 1357,23 6 Graphite Film and Telci ision Ltd 1'800 .000 11,685,00 0 Grccn}>„tnt Filnls Ltd 11,500,0{(1 16,000,00 0 1 Licknci ( :onununln Collego: 114 1 .1SO 1369,69 0 I lackncy Ertyirr IAl 1 I ' S0 1,000 12,218,8 8 1 fampsread'I ' hcatre Ltd 1'12 - ,366 L 18h,18 - 1lolnlr, Asmmares Ltd 1a85 .000 11,396 .19 5 InrcrchangcStudio, (]'tic HanldcnTrtl,U L:4,850 .000 18,-4,;0,00 0 Kenneth' Slcllor t'409, - 2 - 1'820.34 5 London Iloruus;h of Brl,nilcc L592,500 - 9[1.00 0 LnndimRion uughofIlarnlgcv L :2OO,f10[I L'SQ 1,00 0 Lnmtion lirlrotigh of \cif ham 113,744,599 L 18,604,59 1) London Bornu,h of "lilu cr Hamlet, 1940,7110 11 .332 .11" 1 Lontlnn Flcctronic Art, L 2,8()2,99 ' I-mid(n Hcetrunic Art, 1'20001 II) 1-4,14 ; .-1-4 2 LiricThcatrc'11an1mcrsmlth 1,780 .0011 L'I,II40,16 3 \1ct111xl \ \1a .lnc„ 1411,3 -5 L ; ;? . - 511

128 7 7eA2-rr ( 'auniil of ligl nd 1090 : 9 -

Award Project Award Projec t Organisation amount value Organisation amount valu e

London Arts Board (continued) North West Arts Board MonChal16`11+1,lll 1413,000 1829,000 Bire-BackPr-.IduCmm%Ltd 1 541 .820 11,650,95 2 National Yinali 1 he rrc(if [gear Britain 11,7 :18,710 12,341,000 W-ickpool (,rand Ihcatrc L681,000 11,2'(],00 0 Ncw Sadler\1Vclh I-td 125,568,653 1:34,091,53' Chcillarn's School of 'Music 0,;08,()()11 1616,00 0 Orange -Trce"l -licarre Lrd 1314.310 0439,490 Conterhousc CI 178,0'!3 11,543.233 Paddington Arts 1846,625 1•1,19i,i0(I Ellesmere Port and Ne,,ton 1loroul;h (:otrnnl 1'371,1(}4 1'5)110 .6' 3 Parallax Pictures I .td CX)7,075 1:2,803.326 Gallcr% ofContemprlrarr Archirccnirc& Design 1:215),100 1. 377,2(} 0 I'e gs Su(Deco lLni 1Si)O000 11,091,766 HallcConcert%Socic•n 13'6,(1{)11 (437,208 l'horofusiun Lrd 1241,340 1:360,000 Inccll Sculpture Trail Parmcrchlp 12,316,73() 1:4,019,50 0 RAG Films International 10.1 1'16(),01)0 1340,00(] Knowsle,v Merrupuhran Bul•ough G)ttnCil 1367,79(1 1490,39 0 Rakewell Productions I,td L1, 100 .000 C .1,91 7,09 .3 I alwatrerC :my Council 1:917,360 0,733,1116 Redbridge I)rania Centre 1234,000 1312,000 \lanthcttc•r ( :in' Coull ll 1346,000 1:1 .638,98 7 Rc'dlc•e.S Arrs & Cram Stable,, 1340.430 175430 OitagrIii Theatre Tntsr Ltd f 1,684,768 (2,253,98 1 Rovai Acadcnw of Dramatic Art 122,752,283 130,762.283 Presion Borough Council 44,092,42; 1;5),531,394 Ronal NationaI Theatre Board 1:31,19(1,000 1 :42,120,000 South Ribble Borough Council L192,037 1257,25 0 Samuelson ProdUCTiOnl [Ad L:1,50f1,000 15,611(1,0[1(1 The Roval Exchange 13,200,00(} 117,449.000 SCrpenrine Gallen 13,093,000 14,124,000 The Ronal F.Vchangc 12,717,000 1'28,141 .000 SkvIinc hllnitandTclcvision Production,, LFd 11,0011,000 C4 .(i06 .-92 Unin-Thcatre 1'957,3 ;'4 1'1,302,044 Sohn Thcatrc ('ornpane 13,432,0011 18.71 5,000

Son of LephvrFilms E7:iO,000 (2,1 -0,000S C20, .;WX81 ' .'1,25192 2 Snurh KnikCCIMT 1:€,200,000 1:1 .20(1,1((1( 1 South Bank hmplnvers' Group 1:850,000 19,149,00 0 South Rank F inplocers ' Group 1000.()00 L. I fl 99,IH1f1 Southern Arts Boar d SpitalficldsFcttivalLtd 1'1(14 , 04, 7 14 0120,187 CcnrraiStudio 1'8-3,000 11,215,00( 1 5pitalfieldt Market Opera Ltd C .394393 0717,969 Eattlcigh Borough Council 1:557,000 1'2,81 1,00 0 Tapson Steel Films Ltd 12,000,000 1 :9,210,520 Forctt Forge'1"]lcarre Compane 1495,758 1'701,67 4 TOM Pictures I .td 097,7.12 0842,899 Harbour Lights Cinema 1'374,213 11.845 .21 3 The BMW 111astmcnr \iu%ic Workthopj 110 1,000 1101,11() Salisburc Arts Theatre ( .rd 1:1 .476,143 11909 .143 ' lic London Festival Orchestra I .td 1:475,635 1911,635 Stet C Ross Foundation for the Art .` 0295.000 (337,(}00 '111c M .1-ic Circle 1475,013 1:1,75},000 The Bounlctnouth and lOxol c

The People Show Ltd 1478339 1638,339 College of Farther EdUC .1 011 11,83 1,756 1'2,447 .756 The Qitesrors Thcatrc 1 :667 .5)00 1497,50(1 The Nordcn Fans Centre Trust Lrd 0472,900 1'1,818,85(} The Stara Night Film Company Ltd 1890,000 15,211(1,110(} hhe Portsmouth 1'I :1~'era 1141,950 0250,95( 1 The Talsernacle Trust 1:3,019,453 13 .94 .1 .4,53 4iantagc Finlcluai Church Council J, 265,000 1394,000 Tricx-tlcThcatrv Company Ltd 1 :2 .054,491 L' 2 .'39,854 Wavendon All,%lutic I'lan Ltcl 1'2,723,284 13,631 .046 Wigniore Hall 1135,0(10 i 1-9 .650 1Vest Latin* ton Parish Council 1:100 .500 1 135,001 1 Wimbicdon Civic Thcarrc Tr ot r I-td 11984,27(1 12,897,765 Winchester Thearre Fund 12,151 .750 0.2,969,000 7xnith Prxxiuctions Lid 1950,000 1:3,577,207 111 .802,2 .54 120,3;1,63( , ! 1`1 . ;4-.328 181

South East Arts Boar d Northern Arts Board Bruhn n Festicai 1412,500 1:565,150 0 Crapel,tnd B„ro11gil C0111161 1 103 .259 1931,329 ( .,itt' SCFCC•r1 I .td 1 :120,771 0278,30 3 Cumbria ( :05100 Ce,until 1'3 .12,000 1629_198 CranIcigh Arts Cenrre Luc 1:1. .056.000 11,407 .-15 1 1)4Accot Arts (centre 1:6,256,75(1 C79S9 . :;00 Cruildt ;,rd BoroUgh O]Mtirl 1: 210 000 1].000O (_ ; .ireshcad Stcrrrr}x)titan Borough Council 1584,000 1790.700 Lighthoutc Arts and -fr.111MIg, I .td .044.832 0445.78 1 Prudhoc Art,, Tnrst 15)(19,[100 1809,000 Rother [)attract Council 1500.000 1. 1 1,038.070 Roschill Arts Tni%t Ltd 4256,933 1.353,2.17 Sourhx ick C'ommunin' Asso iation L637.000 1'8 .19,00 0 Scala PrWLIC6011N Ltd L7.69,898 1€,569,796 Sr Punstant Parrxhial Church Council 1'234,0110 038,00 0 'I11C CumbriaThearreTrust Ltd Strode Park Foundation for Di%abled Pet iple 0226,079 1:301--17 9 The Ccntun- Thcarre Lid) C3,0(K),000 13,909,456 Surrey Hrath Borough Council 0685 .531 4'1013,53 1 The Old Lawldn Theatre 1'289,99° 1:651 .658 The Alfritton War \lcrnorial Hal l TFnc & Wear Dcvelopmenr Corporation 1950.000 CI,26 7,00() J1 .lnagcmcnr ( :nrnmittce 1143,871 1258 .5(}( 1 T vnc & hear Development Corporation C3,.:;83,788 1:5,833,946 The Old ,Market. Trust 1:3,673,033 1.5,339,72 1 The OICI .Market Trust 1172,000 13,'63,28 3 116,6.13 .625 i 24,639,229 Thc 0rphcut 'I'msr 02,013,625 13.127,30 0 TheRovalSchc>,IIOfChurch%W%ic 11,153,000 11,9,00 0 The Surrc•c ln,,iitutc of Art & Ilctign 12{)(1,000 E4000{1( 1 Illc Wind[cshani Working .Mcn% hi%rirute 1149.400 C 199 .800 Trinirx , Theatre andArt%CentrcI_td 0. 73,159 1:630,97 8

112.4 .59, 2(}9 1'33,93 2,097


Awar d Project Grants under £100,00 0 Organisation amoun t valu e .!)r:rr1! 77f f 4')o U . ;I I .- . r South West Art s an :rr,~, slit'! k~4 ± 11)ll,f)(1f1 u! rr , I)r,!•' f !"u ticilrll ! 1 .lAlfLUfll l t l . ;U[I,fillE l Rr,rt, nt,rl .-! tTt f~+rtttrl c ~ jullr, ;l ~,

al t•i!r,l't iLd I-,r.:I?•', ~ :11 ; , 5 ; 3 L .lt l ;, l l I Regiona l Project valu e C ; r;kkflim11 :1r,( ciltrc L324II00 43 2 . 000 Arts Board Number Awards total 144rth I)r\ ,n Dmiii ( ratn,il I.; L'3 .h- c1 31 3 ~p I ;9 L ; .1 .x(1 . -t ; \4 ,rih I )c\ i III 1)t,rrti I ( .4 ,unti 11 L 99.;.66 0 Eat tern h _ 2 .1 I ` t .3 311 .14;--; PCllll'1-4,kl' STrcct E,t .1n• \iana~erncta E;

E [crct;,rtl ('in' ('4 nnlril 1";{1,[I{ll l 1 .105,4-`L h Ikon l ;,lllcr\ 1 'i;,K,04- t? 2 ? 1,nk- ]uhilci: Art, ( 4111111 .111, I .rd 1400 .000 i 3 ;,000,00 0 I ttdl,41\ & I)l,rr'lir (A .minunit\ Awoci,id(oii Lid .04)0-64 0 1 ] .ad-1,00 0 \1,LI\Ci'll I'c,ri,',ll 11tc,1TrC -II- iI,C 1 .R1 45,(N, 04 0 01,83 -87 9 0 MIL11 .11Id,AI-t,Cctttrc o , f o o Klmi I 'ark .\ch4N,l -'"n-20-02 n L-31,46 1

Sntkr-4,n-lrern ('1n'(4,u11ril 114,tir1h .nll u L 1 1 1,989,llflt l T11c lh 11-111,rnn Si114 t411 :2,940,2 ,6 13,'Y, ,,,- 2 Thu I(4 i\,tl Shakc,Ill,tr[ ('e,m[, .111t' L- 24 7 .-SO D Idle Bill 11"4s4,d Schnul L250 .96 2 44,6 I h 11',11,,111 ,\]u,etlnl and .art ( ;,111cr\ 11a .7;o,I Io O L 34,000 11',lrwI,:k Art% Cillre L'3,143 .0 .1 8 1'4,080 .95 ; 11r4.kin ( cnincrl 41 - 4 .00 0 1230JIII{ 1

(:n- 4,25 7 ,9 70 1123,131 .5-19

Yorkshire & Humberside Arts Board - I .11r, III I lr .,h hc .lr I Ccd , ± - 111I111IE1 11,41II- o Dart, 1)4 nlta,tc r',(unnrunm Art, h -igec i L'1,111 .Fo j_'] .4X .;o O C ;cnc,1, I'rnjri t 0 1ri?(Ih 1 •+21,60 8 I Irt!,h .m `, Sc), Wn fi or thc Blin d L:L'6 -?60 4'1529,1 1 1 llklc \ f544 hl l 1 - 26 .14 8 K13klce, .MCt]'III1-'Iit .11 t ( ' 4-IIIlki t L l l 2,84 7 L 162 .2- N Kii-klcc, Thcatrc l'ru, r L1,033 .85- 1h_;l1f 1 . 1111 0 1665,000 -t 325 .Iit11 ) Utl,i : i [CI'It .I1.;C 1 I d L4- ;IHI_fl00 [I ;,HIISI_000 ~4n711t'I ' 11 Si h4n,1 t,l ~ ( 4nttcn1114tr.ln [)anCC i ccil , L_(15ll.flot) L" .;,200,00 0 1'11x,[4,.11(11 28{11 1 104,000 1 140,00 0 1 ..lri+ n al t h l hc .ur: GLhi I t d 1('00 .000 4 .2, 16s .oo o ShclficLi ( irc mlllci l L'1-5 387 L233,ti ;1 1 5hcllicld .\]cdia sncl 1 .\hihitiun (enirc Gn nli, ,1(('nml, .lnir , Sirc C ; .rllcr\ 'Chc Ilradl ;lni l~,tllc•r\ ' L'2,537,400 L'3,8 14,90 0 VI\ I H1111% Li d 19 - 5 .1100 1 ' -1- 61 -8S 1i,rk E,trh \]uric h nuld,tti4 n i L'I .nIS, - ;I1 L 2M25 .00 0 1rs1'k,ll Lrc Arrsp.i~A %i)k:lit,' Ltd LI?{I,llflfl L' ; . ;hfi -U[lll

13E1 7ImAtTrC :anuiil gT111t1alid 1090 4) -

Appendix 2 : Partnership funding for Arts Council Lo t tery grants over E5 million awarded in 199619 7

Governmen t Other funding departments an d Individuals Non-UK bodies, Total other UK publi c and general Local public sector trusts and Other partnershi p Organisation Companies sector agencie s fundraising authorities funding foundations sources funding

British Film Institut e 1:4,749,000 L4,749 .00 0

Dovecot Arts Centre L200,000 L:530,000 1664,9II0 j,'167 ,8-- C I _:; 6 2, 7 .; [l

Grand Theatre, Wolverhampto n L' I,()()() 1 .203,000 12,00[},{00} 1' 1 U I ,31N1 1.2,305 .300

London Borough of Newha m L Ii,fl[10 E4,025000 .C5 20,000 1',200,000 L'If10 .O(}U .(:4,860,000

Malvern Festival Theatre Trust Ltd 1'400,000 L.1,000,000 1:3 :+0,25(} 1:1,750,25 0

Royal Academy of Dramatic Art L:6,000,000 L1000,000 1:8,{}00,0{)[ 1

Royal National Theatre Boar d £166,000 E.9,91 " ' 000 L860,(H)0 1' 10,943,000

Stoke-on-Trent City Counci l 1220,000 LI00,0110 14,7{)0,000 1'1,0(10,{100 C18O,OIHI 1:6,200,000

Walsall Museum and Art Gallery L58,000 1'4,426,0(}11 1'500,000 14,500,[1110 f9,484,0110

Tota l £493,000 £8,718,000 £21,269,000 £6,720.000 £8,230,000 £1,046,200 £3,378,100 £49,854,3 0

% of partnership funding III w I l : 42 n I?,~ Ir, ; 1 ti lul l

This annual report is availabl e in large print . If you require th e report in additional formats such as audiotape, braille o r computer disk, please contact Jane Cooke, Press and Publi c Affairs Assistant, at the Arts Council of England . Telephone 0171-973 6565 .

C'~u,rf,ln~ut.~ ~uu~rr>rrt;r~ 'I'hc Art, C :(nlnciI ()t E bland is o)mmittcd to beill" (TC11 and accessiblc and wclc))Illc ,, all cimiments ()n it.llcrr k it ano.i the tiCrl iiCti hrOl i&S. C :crt111~laintti .1[1 1 jj'u n ~ 'Is to hall" [hC ( .O111101 ' s SCI-VICC5 MU'llt bC in1P1t)lyd " 110111 4 be 1d131-e5scd to the Ihhutn ScCrc[arV-(-?cncral it th e Address I.)elcsw.

ISBN 07287 () 7 4ti Ll

' 111C ,k]'[N ( ~)1r1111I l ()1 FA1 1,'1 .1111 1 14 Grcat Peter Stree t I. .) )n6 )ii 511' 11' ,;N Q

September 19 9

( :))11\ . 11 ritiuy and pro)I'cct nlan .1"Cilicnt bl I .111s" (aMlnluni01icm " 1)C"i~u and pn 'ducti(ltl bl• 011)11ili c InIacd in F.11,"land 11v Raldins'+ 1,111 " cl l

132 Di , Uis ('uuJtill rif'F.'rrrrlfvjd 1