L2C972 "I'hc Arts Council of England IS a Successor hod`- to The Arts Counci l the Arts Cannicil of Great Britain (A(( ; B), which was established in 1946 . On 1 April 1994, the AC :GB' s of Englan d responsibilities and functic mis werc transferl-cc1 to thre e nciv bodies: The Arts Council of England, The Scottis h 3rd annual report Arts Council and The Arts Council of dales . f"I - hc Art s and accounts Council oftiorthcrn 1rt lane] tivas already established a s a separate hods'. 1 1996197 The Arts C;ollrlcil of En-land operates under a Roya l Charter .i re mcd 111 1994 In which its Oh14Ct1vc,. .ire statod as, : ! a 1 re p develop and improve the knowledge, understandin g and practice of the arts ; (b) to increase the accessibility of the :arts to the public ; (c) to advise and co-operate with dcpartments o f tiovernnlcnt, ]oral authw-itiCs, tic Arts Councils fo r Scotland, Wales and No rtllcrn I reland and other bodies . The Arts Council of Erigl and, as a publicly accountabl e 1)c3dt ; PublisllCS all annual report and accounts to provid e Parliament and the genCral Public with an owrvie w f )f the vc,ar 's work . ARTS COUNCIL LIBRARY 14 GREAT PETER EST RES T LONDON 3WI P 3NQ TEL 071-973 6 5 17 TheDcparmucntgf.Vatioual Herigjc wasvenamcd the Dcpwvncnr ftrr C Ulturc, Mcdia and Spurt in July 199 . Thos rcpor r uses both names, asappr•vpriatc bi the rmrtert- Contents 4 Chairman's statemen t 5ccrctarv-General's rcpc>rr 10 Gucst essa%• by David 1'utrltam 12 Financial summan; perfr)rmancc indicators , spending by regio n 19 Dcpnr-trrrcritnl repnr7s 20 Combincd Arts 22 Danc e 24 Drama 26 Education and Trainin g 28 Film, Video and Broadcasting 30 1_iterature 32 NILIM c 34 Tinlring 36 Visual Art s 38 National LOrtcn• overvic w 40 National 1_()ttcrN . repol-ts 50 The Art ,, COLHICIl C'()IICCtlO n 52 Regional Arts Board s 56 The C OMICE I 59 tilembcrship Of Ccnineil and staff 61 Advisorv structure 63 Aca nints 1996 91 % lh National I ottcm st .lten-mit of compliance with pOlic1" and financial direction s 1 ;2 \ems on large print versions and accessiblllt\l Chairman's statemen t ~ Tbr .-Irtt(}uwiilnf 'f(ut~lnord t~lyb 9' The past three and halt years have seal the must prolOund The balance is changing : already spending per head o m changcs since the Arts Council was formed . Fife' years oil , Lotterv projects has rcachcd .C21 . 9 in the Norther n we are a Vrrv ditlcr•cnt boxy from the one conceived in 194 6 Rcgion Compared to L:24-15 in London . And in any cas e tilt Criticisms take IIISLi'iCitnt account of ncc fact that mos t We al-C .1 Council for England alone - the first stage in a of Fn g land's largest cultural ittstirutions i illclttding devolution which seems both inexorable and right . Culture Parliament itself) find therll%ClyC% Ill till national capital -- o r is at once local, national and international . As my tavourit o that, outside this Context of LorldUn the international cin', (and continually-quoted) Auden hraiku has it : I-ondon the region is still somcwhar recessed and in Lotter y terms underprovided . The broadcastcr and journalis t A poet's wish : Trevor Phillips, a new and very welcome Chairman of th e 'lo be like sorrec v a1hy cheese , London ILA 11, is addressing this iS%LIC 1()1•cetillly. Local but prized e1scilhen. We very much welcome Chris Smith as the new Secretan • The 10 Regional Arts Board ~ IL-\B i Chairmen are ful l of St ati tore ( :ulrllrC, MCdit and -Sport (prCViously Nationa l tllembCr% ofthC Colllalil in dlcir own right . They are, like HeritagC ) . Quite apart from his political career, ht is a other members, appointed by the Secretary of State - bu t figure of auth()ritV and Conlnlitilacrat in Miitr field. At an earl y in tlrcirCase, urtigLIcly, there is formal consultation at loca l meCring with him i suggested that, within a yen- tcw \•ear s level. With devolUtiO11 now tirml l ' on the political agenda , of the millennium, 87% of our population wi11 be withi n ll'C Shc)uld CxptCt to sec a process of orderly chang e travel-to-work, travel-to-play reach ()fall kinds of art s CurltinuC, and I welcome it . facilities: great and small, nrwh• built, retilr•bished o r re-equipped. I said I believed i would be able to send hi m Then there is the transformation ()four cultural landscap e a map of our Lottery :allocations confirming such a by the National Lottery. With shining exception s distribution by nest spring . The speed at which allocation s (Manchester's Bridgewater Hall is one example, th e are drawn drown nl av, however, be affected by the sixt h City of I;irmingh,tnt's SVntph()nV Hall anr)rhrr), new an d Good C:auw rectni1v outlined ill the C,overnment' s dcdicarcd arts facilities have later thin on the ~troLlnd i n Whitt Paper, The l leoplc• '.s Lottciy . recent decades, given public cxpcneliturc pressures on th e grants we distribute . We ,wc1come malt as}xcts of the White Paper. It is right that the Lurtrr' should t-w an organism not a nlonunlcnt . WhOVVer would havC thought that the Arts Council woul d 1 agree tvltll Sir David Purtnam who, in his pithy fore )r I in the I990s ht a major economic tierce in the regeneratio n to this report, worries atxmt tilt quality ol- arrs educario n of cities' ()r rhar jobs related to file arts should bt growingy and the sense that our International{, successful art s so rapidly - and they grew, let it be said, during th e industr-' ntaV br coastira" oil the products of a system n o reccsston now behind Lrs . Areas IIkc Gateshead, Salford , longer in place . Srokc-on Trent and Sheffield arc seeing growth an d o_lcyClohmCnt as a result of the -C80 Fm we have alread y Inc, too, have 1-cn addressing= these concerns . ]lie capita l allo rcatcd to more than 1,500 capital projects . programme, have to he accessible to all : richer and }xx)rcr, older an.] younger. We are volt a body obsessed with Its I AV n There have bcerr criticisms chat awards arc weighte d 'rLU-f' at the expense of the irltcrcsts it sCr'cs . On the face of too hcavily in favour of London. Ironically it is tilt it, much ot' what is pre)post.{ tor the National Endowmen t national press, located exclusively in London, that is more ti)r Science s 1'echnoiotn' and the Arrs {NFSTAI is IIliar vociferous in its criticism of imbalances than the rcgion .l ! with Our own work. Whether we do it, tile\- do it, or we press, which has given over 90`,+n approval ratings t o both do it in tandem is a lot less important than gettin g our awards . the work done- In my view, the Arts Council and NESTA should work alongside each other to achieve th e Governments objectives for young people . \r\\ L()rtcn - dircctl(m ; agreed last \-car enabled The I \ cr\ touch \\ clcl rmc the ringing supporr gi\-en im the Prune .Minister. durin(u and after the General Election , Council tll start fundin rg, people aN well a-, :7 thcreb\- using I .+ )ttcn- fundin g for the di\rll lpment 4 th e to rhr li\ in_• arts 1s belt .', valuable in themselves, essentia l ne\\ , talents and nc\\- audiences s11 necessan to the I mg - 111 cducatlOn . and more than earning their keep as part ()t term viabilin- of the arts. We are grateful to the previou s +our cultural industries- Film . an(dicr transt; rrmation for Sccretan• of State, Virginia Bortln111e\_ for the help the ga\ e the Council thr(mu+ the I.()rtcrx. has been supported with uS in her own dcrcrminaritn tll extend the scope 4 Lottery all his weight b\- the Chancellor. I should like t(1 celebrat e Punt{ing , [11c courage and persistence of the pro ious Prinlc Buster, John Major, in corlcciring the National Lottcn- and our new arts for E vcr\'oile A4 schemes - inch din-, the winninc all-parry suppler[ tilr it Q N Well as rhanking hi m fast track, n.lchin the part; other programmes don`t tiu Ili,, pers(mal kindncSs and accessibility in porting u p reach A4F Express - have pr(Ivcd m-cm hcimingly popular , with 11-ty badgCrin' . with mime than 5,000 awards rorallim,Z2 lm made '211 tAVq ) pil()r phases . A4E: has been heavily o\ crsuhscribcd . Lei shal l The ( ;luulcil recognises the outstanding qualitie s need to hewn() C\ rr more sclectlvc as there will be Marv Allen brwu(ghr to, her \\ l,rk as Sccrct.ln -Gencral . inslrtficient fluids. t(r meet denlantl . WC \\ ish her well in her 11C\\ p()St at t1C IMH . Our recent]\ ' appointed Deputy .Secrct .lu•N. -Ocllcral, Graham Do Iin , And I)() \ ()nt ci-. 1L Idle there has inbred been .1 much lar(~er has been dCting in her• plaCC : special TI - ibLltC is duc to hi s ' Than inticlpared fl(m ()fnlone\ frtlm the I .(rttcr\; grant-rn - stC a.,JtastllCNS alit CI1Crg \ IT ,l ;CtlsItl\'e IIIll C . .~l\ actnl`" ald tr()Ill T11C Irk: 'I' ill•\' Ilas tailed IlV ab(xut .L'2U[n in rea l DCpun C :hairnlan, DaL id RCid, has pro\ ided a rock o f tCl"111S orcr the past blur Vcal's .
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