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CONTENTS Editorial An internet-related rant and a summary of the delights to follow in the rest of the current issue. By David Grundy. [pp.3-4] Listening to Sachiko M 12,000 words (count' em) – a lengthy, and no-doubt futile attempt to get to grips with some of the recordings of empty-sampler player (or, in her own words, 'non-musician'), Sachiko M, including interminable ramblings on such albums as 'Bar Sachiko,' 'Filament 1', and 'Tears'. By David Grundy. [pp.5-26] The Drop at the Foot of the Ladder: Musical Ends and Meanings of Performances I Haven't Been To, Fluxus and Today 11,000 words (count 'em), covering the delicate and indelicate negotiations between music and performance, audience and performer, art and non-art, that take place in the 1960s works of Fluxus and their distant inheritors, Mattin and Taku Unami. By Lutz Eitel. [pp.27-52] Feature: Live in Seattle Two solo takes and a duo relating to Coltrane's 1965 recording, made at the breaking point of his 'Classic Quartet', poised between old and new, music that pushes at the limits and drops back only to push again with furious persistence. By David Grundy and Sean Bonney. [pp.53-74] Interview: The Rent To call The Rent a Steve Lacy 'tribute band' would be to do them an immense disservice, though their repertoire consists mainly of Lacy compositions. Their conversation with Ted Harms covers such topics as inter-disciplinarity, the Lacy legacy, and the notion of jazz repertoire. [pp.75-83] You Tube Watch: Billy Harper A feature devoted this issue to the great Texan tenor Billy Harper.
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