DOI 10.1515/bz-2020-0036 BZ 2020; 113(3): 837–852 Eirini-Sophia Kiapidou Writing lettersand chronography in parallel: the case of Michael Glykas’ letter collection and Biblos Chronike in the 12th century Abstract: This paper focuses on the 12th-century Byzantine scholarMichael Gly- kas and the two main pillars of his multifarious literaryproduction, Biblos Chronike and Letters, thoroughly exploring for the first time the nature of their interconnection. In additiontothe primary goal, i.e. clarifying as far as possible the conditions in which these twoworks were written, taking into account their intertextuality,itextends the discussion to the mixture of features in texts of dif- ferent literarygenre, written in parallel, by the same author,basedonthe same material. By presentingthe evidence drawnfrom the case of Michael Glykas, the paper attemptstostress the need to abandon the strictlyapplied taxonomical logic in approaching Byzantine Literature, as it ultimatelyprevents us from con- stitute the full mark of each author in the history of Byzantine culture. Adresse: Dr.Eirini-Sophia Kiapidou, UniversityofPatras, Department of Philology,Univesity Campus,26504Rio Achaia, Greece;
[email protected] Accordingtothe traditionalmethod of approaching Byzantine Literature,asap- plied – under the influenceofclassical philology – in the fundamental works of Karl Krumbacher,¹ Herbert Hunger² and Hans-Georg Beck³ and indeedrepro- Ι wish to thankProfessor StratisPapaioannou as wellasthe two anonymous readersfor making valuable suggestions on earlier versions of thispaper.All remaining mistakes, of course,are mine. K. Krumbacher,Geschichteder byzantinischen Litteratur vonJustinian bis zum Ende des os- trömischen Reiches (–). München . H. Hunger, Die hochsprachliche profane Literatur der Byzantiner. Handbuch der Altertumwis- senschaft ..,I–II. München . H.-G.